BWo "V WW1 ' " "VTpiVwixojifj Vn" " HWMiff 'W1! m 1 y iti '" Hot! n 'rrm ftrtn niif i t 0$J !! :: i ii i In 4 s le : ait .' 'el oU P MEJAT LOSES MOST OF EARLY ADVANCE (fnins of Vz to 1 Cents During Early Part of Dny Decline Follows Corn Break I fBAlN nKW WKATIIEIt FORECAST. ! riitCAOOi Mar .33. The weather fort for M hours fnllqwm ... , , ., 'MiilAls larl r. f'ondy. .."h local .Jlmn 4," X"" onllit or rrWnri continued ffubiiimri Purtlr cloudr nnd probably fJTthnnder showers tonlsht or IrfihiM ientlnord vrnrm, followed by cooler wrntlier "- iaenlin--unnrnirw ''"'" i r.i itj,"rAMr shower nnd nnrmrr (oniitht i!. "nA.t?l!Si,hnr('n . tnnluht nn.l t.rnh. mi .hfr friMrl warmer l riiiav nortiienM. iltr l"r!' ",,T ","' l01' ."'under v.I-.r Inn (ht or Fridnri continued wnrm, lJIIi Vy cooler west Frliluj . iDllonra nr r'""e, tf.i,i ,,,i ,i, ...n..... - I in- -iX?i!iiiwt not much choline, i" "senlh nnkoto Unsettled nm! cooler In rljhti probably showers eiistt I'rltliiy imrtir '''Jenrsskn (lencrnllr, fair tonlnlil nn.l rrhlaVl cooler east n;1 centrnl. "KansasClenerally ,nlr, tn,,lt "'l !' ji fooler I'rldnr. nml west nml north (onliht- .titr-AOO. Mny 25. Although wHcnt nt cn time today showed mi advance nf t &c. to l?c. fiom Inst nlRht'o cloning, the final Jinres werfl on,y Wc' nct '''h'161' (,,le '" weakness following n Blmrp break In com. "" i number of traders, who had purchased earlier In tho dny, because of the dry weather In the Southwest nnd tho bad re- BorU received from Oklahoma, rushed In tn f JTm an(i while the market was forced down to ttc to Uc. under yesterday's final nuotn "" Uons, thero was a rally Just before tho end. There were some buying orders from tho southwest. Corn was weak throughout the entire sec tion, and at tho end showed declines of 14 to 2ftc, due to heavy liquidation on tn'e 1" prospects for tll cr"P n'l t"0 ' action of tho management of the Iloaid ' of Trade making more stoingc room for ' 0CO.O0O bushels of wheat under emergency rile of the exchange. About tho only imp port that was notlcenble was from specula tort. Oats during the grcnter part of the bob- "no,, acted In sympathy with corn, nlthnugh , ),e decline was not so extensive and theie aa some fairly good scattered suppoit. Final prices were ',4c. higher on May, lie. lower for July and unchanged for September, Leading futures rnnEcd nn follows Open tlleH . t wW Lous . i.in4 l.llk it 1,11'i J.iaS Corn (new delivery-; 71'. Wheat IKS' July I.OSJI, l.0 1.10S Vw',1,1 v' t'losff. rlolA 1 OK 1 OSU l.ln'j l .o;, 1 ll'i tl.IU. my July "Tird- July iept . . KID9 KB ::. Mr ... July Sept. ., 'Bid, a. io'i t7oi, -a', I, 71Te IHIJi IH'Ji 'T-"! iii,h wn no-i litu's -iii'i 42'4 -fj IS,, 42'i 42, 4014 4(l IO'I t40lj 4i, 3Ht5 3u' nv SS'i t3S 12.17 ...1-' JO . .ll'.SO ,...l2.nn ... 12.I7 ..1 80 . . S3 30 . . L'U.X.'i , . . .2. imj fAskori. 12.07 12.70 l'.'.S'J is.ns 1J.H7 1-J..S0 23. SO J' .117 J2.II7 tNnmlniil. 12.nn JlL'.flT tlS 7."i 12.110 12.112 12.75 12.1111 tl2.7ri '12.N7 12.." 12.110 J12.77 12.57 12.11.1 T12.77 12.117 12 7.-1 12. t2 23 no t2M r,:i 22.H2 t23 on -'-.03 '22.70 23.30 22 K7 i7 LONDON STOCK MARKET American Railway Issues Lack Steadi- I. ness nnd Are n Littlo Lower LONDON, May 25. Irregularity was dis played on tho Stock Exchange today nnd Business was quiet. Gilt-edged securities held comparatively steady. There was a moderate Investment buying of homo rails. American railway Issues lacked stead nu and wcro somewhat lower, following ,th actltn of the New York market, with Reading flat. Canadian Pacifies were easier and Irregular changes wcro shown In South American railroads. Mexican shares, how ever, wero firm. Foreign Government commitments had a checkered appearance, with the exception of Japanese Issues, which were at the highest. Hlo TIntos were tlabby. being quoted ut 62. Kaffir securities and French oil shares held eteady, with Hoyal Dutch Issues the leader. Kubbers wero heavy, being affected by the iltuatlon In the staple. h LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAOO. May 23. 1(0(59 Itccelpts. Id.. 000. Market Re. lower. Mixed nnd liutelu-rs, I9.558J10J lend heavy. JII.73 Will US: mush heavy. n.4fi!i.70: lluht. !u.i.1u.t.1; pigs, 18.&obi.2.v, hulk, sn.oaoii.o.v CATTI.13 Ilerelpts, 400O. Mnrkct stronc. Beeves, $S(fP10 7ri: cowk nnd helfirs, J12,"w J 80; Hookers and feeipr. J OS Hi Texuiis, 7.40en.3.'Vi cnUes. 8 7r, 11.7.1. allEET Receipts, POOD. Market 2.V. lower. Ntlve nd Western. r..10U.2S; lninbs. 1S.SD tl!.63. Spelter Market Dull NEW YORK. May 2K. The spelter mar ket continued very dull today, with prices unchanged from Wednesday. June ship . ments prlmo Western brand Is quoted ' 13 14c; July. 13 W 13 '4c. French Rentes Unchanged PAWS, May 25. Threo per cent, rentes it francs 50 centimes, unchanged Kx ehange on London, 28 francs 21V centimes, Unchanged. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, May 25. For KaMern Pennsylvania: Fair tonight nnd Friday; warmer tonight In south portion; gentlo West to southwest winds. Fair weather prevails throughout tho astern half of tho country this morning, with some cloudiness over tho not them States and mostly clear skies in the south. A shower belt extends along tho northern border from Minnesota westward to tho Pacific coast, and snow Is falling at Helena, Montana this morning. The temperatures have continued to rise slowly ut mos.t places east of the Ilochy Mountains except In the upper Lake region, and there is n Blight excess In lrtually all districts. At Phila delphia the temperature Is normal this morning. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at H a. m. Eastern (line. Low 8 last Rain- Veloc , Station. a.m. n't. fall.Wlnrt Ity. Weather Aiianu, ua i on Atlantic City. ..HI M BUmarck. N. D.. 50 40 Boiton, Mass ... US at Buffalo. N. Y. . . M M Charleston. 8. C. 70 nil Cbleato, lit AS 02 Cincinnati, O 72 HJ CUvaland. 0 70 lit t;enver, t'ol H "tiroii, auen... aalvtston, T. . fiarriSDUrff i'H .01 III! (10 711 70 112 M NK W i: w w N S sw BW H i; ki-; w 10 Hatierai, N. C. . M Of ..18 N 42 Illlfai N H .V eiana, Mont . . . s 4 I. in inmanapoiis HW NW Jacksonville. V ... 70 tilt la. 44 63 nnTulIlK n-..n .n .1 Llttt Hul, ..I. Til Til &.2U. . -":. . ". l - ' mei -cs,Ancsies. (Jul. 4H mi sb .. NB . . NK ,. NK .. SW Dear . . tlouily 10 Cloudy 10 Clear riouoy Clear t'loudy i-.nuy . . (Moudy 10 Clear 12 P Cldy 10 Italn .. I'lear , . Cloudy . . Cloudy . . flnaw 10 Claar . . I" Cldy 14 I Cldy i tear Clear .10 SV NW H .. H . . NW .. B .. SW .. NE .. 18 W .. S .82 NR Ht; 14 Clear P Cldy Cloudy P. Cldy i icar . . P Cldy .. Clear . . P Cldy . . PCd Cloudy . . Cloudy 111 Clear 10 Kaln P.CIdlf P Cldy J-os Ancsles. Cul. 4H 40 .. Ki: 10 clear Louisville. Kv... 70 01 .: Calm Clear Monta-omery. Ala. 74 70 . . N Clear Montreal, fan . . 02 .14 .OS W 12 Cloudy iiunviiie, ienn. . i .. aim i-iear Rw linearis. ... 70 72 .. Nl. .. ., York 01 B .. SW 11 jjorioik, va .. 2 on Sklahoma. Okia.. 72 70 SSfha. Neb 72 OS Philadelphia 02 00 IJjoenlx, Arl R4 H2 Plttaburjh. Pa, . . 70 08 Portland. Me 4S 44 Portland, Ore. ... no 80 Quebec. Can BO 4 4 St. Louis, M o. . . 72 70 l-, Pau . Minn .. 6? 00 fait Lake. Utah. 40 SS an Antonio. . 7A tj an Francisco... 41 48 .. SW 10 Clear ui re. n, 31 nil n4 .. .. i lear - 8t Marie,.. BO 44 .. W .. Clear 'crinton. Pa ... 04 00 . . BW . . Cloudy Jampa. Fla...... 70 70 .. NK .. Clear Waihlnston . . . . 03 68 HW . . P.CIdy I.KNOTH OF IJAY, fun rlsast , 4d7 a.m.lMoon rises,. 1:00 a.m. Bunt seta.... 7.18 aoutha. 7,07 a in. DKLAWAKU U1VKK TIME CHANOES. CHESTNUT STtlEBT, w water., 2:88 am.l!aow Water., 324 pan. Ua water.. 8.28 a.m.Ullsh water.. P.OJ p.m. TKJU'EKATURK AT K.VCH HOUR, "TJTiof lifri 11 21 a I 41 5 aS'iil 701 701 Ki I 841 bUI I EVENING LEDaER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, iIAY 25, 1910. 17 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS CHAIN ANtl iff nlr fa'nnlThJr'Cit' e!,12aMnn bu"h-J Trade wna otferlnas. guSati0n1,,f.'l,nrm.un.a"' moderate Mitor No a rt .i l.1rj ",',' In ejport ele No 2 Smithrn ;e.fP"t n5l.Sl?1'' II.I'HWI.IO. 2 red. 1 n?Srn5 .flWJ !i "'earner No Jectid a 11 nVui Sii? T t-"BWl 07i re l.M ' MHl tll'i. rejected II, $1.01 .lerdTS""'.?; iXiM b.- t'f'ees further ino lh. in .rS"1.1"?,1.1." unehanwd. Quotations, per Jtra ht 'V?2'W Win"'.- Hear. 4 tuitt.1 IB. Jo. Kan...' '; "-'Wl fin. do. patent. Ir, m).-,.s,'i, I;?iJl.r.- rlf."r' cotton nrks, 14 10087 do., HiifiS"1, c?"on.fnck. $1 SOWS Ml, On, pat?nt ffl,,,l,lf'1''. .V 0U5 jr.. srirlns first el"? ' fiirfn 2' ,'ht, IS inffBiiii. do., patent mill. V..Vil0 ' 'a'orlte brnndi, in ssfld sii, rltj m S' Cr1.0.,r.T!n,l.f"l",r n?.'.em' IO2.VJ0BO r J ?la ar.0,,ul".r r"Lner Winter, clear. 14 Hil(i in.os!lix lr,rn1, s2'''ni 'lo. patent ai'iXw-rjiPy.'i ."Lni" a,,1(t Bn'1 ."eady. Wc quote at ,itr.j oo ptr bhl , na to Quality. I'KOVISIONS i1.Ti!lnrtm"rte! r',",'.', """'Iv ,lth a fair iobbln anmnd tto quote ns robin. Clly beet, In ;e ;. smokM. nnd n r-drled, 20c : U'e.ten n nvti-, riuoKcn, uc : cltv href kmirkl.M nml "". 'I''1. fniKles nnd tenders, nmokej. 27 o ef-jrf V,?,LlmJ"".. -'"?. Pork, fnmlli. $2.1 Bo .T,im:.' '"V"' M- lL?m'fl- lo". iHWlK'ir , do.. I lis Tii.Jon,'.u ,H,f'""ic i do., .to. smoked 1 ,luiS olh,r hams, emnkrd. rlty rured, vL?.hil,n?..nn,, B.V,r,"K'"- 'sle.: hams smoked. lllJ '.rE...""?'1, ..,HC-.' .'lo- boiled. honeles,, 3 JUf nilc ."hUV,,,,r"' ..." rurecl .,0'"e- 12Mir., i?' 'lln,I,e'l. ta'ic . bellies, in plekle. nrrnni LLK .ii "T'iBP, loose in,.., breakfast linron ?v.,..V.rn'"' ami ,ny race, city nire.r nr . do , nnert"niJur"'-. t,'nRg 'nri1' Western, re flned. tlerees. t4iic . do. do. tubs, 14'4r; .is:: 5S? icn,.i!!rtlRii7r':,,'rrt-,n Uerc"' ,4r-' REFINED SUGARS .mIV? mnr,l;" "'as quiet nnd unrhiuiEed Qun tntlons: Lyra lino urnnulnti'd. 7 .iifi- nr.i- . powdered 7 7HW7 7Bc . ronfei tloners1 A, 7 SlMI i.ooc . soft uriuNs, 0 N.i(il T.r.tir. DAIRY PRODUCTS tlUTTCIl Trade una fair nnd prlies ruled steady ulth iniidernti nfferlnirs. (Juotatliins: uentern solld.pHeked rrenmery. fanry spedals, :?5v;..::? ,ra- 1W!12p., firsts, aillf 8HL, ' . seionils. .'iiUJli'tr . neiirhv irlnis, fanrv, Mr . axeniRe extra d4r . firsts. fl2Wn3e . seconds, snifrair , Kiirlloky prlnti, 2ilW2Sc , joliblnn sales of fnnry prints. ZHr Hi- LOOS HiipiiIIph ere kpt well i leaned UP ut llrm prices fjuotatlnns: In fre" rases, nearby extra. 20r. per doi. ; firsts. per standard ia.e, Pennsylvania current receipts, so. in per ease, other nearby current receipts, JO lid, Western extras, 2.V per doz . Western, extra firsts. J7 0.1 per rnsej firsts. I it Oil WO no per iase; Southern, 10 1.1 wo. 1.1 per rase, fancy selected candled fresh ckki wire Jobblna nt 28w 21in. per doz CIIi:i:si: The mnrkct ruled firm under tight nfferlna. and a fnlr demand, ijuotntlons. Now lork, full cream, fancj, new, 17'. W ISc , "KV'.'Jr- hlKher: do., do , fair to koo.1 held, li'illi'ii'.i do., do., part skims, UiHl.l'ic. POULTRY LIVIJ Clmtrn stock sold fairly nnd ruled Arm under llsht ofTerlnss CJuotatlons: Fowls. 211'W 21c., roosters. i:iW14c ; sprint; i hlckcns, accord Ins tn ju llllx , wrlRhlnx Hf2 lbs. apiece, 3IIW .'Ulc. : White Leghorns, nicnnHna- to quality. 24iiii 28c, ducks, no to sl?n and quality. MIS tile. , Plitions. old per pair. noffi!2r. : do. oun. per pair. 22iH,2rif. nllKSSi:!) The market ruled firm under tluht iifferlnits and n fair demand Quotations. Fresh killed poultrj. ilrv. packed Fowls, 12 to box. dr pliktd, fancy selcct.d, 22'ac: weUhlnir l'-4 ffp.1 lbs. apleie. 22c. W'elghlUR 4 lbs. apiece, 22c; welahlllK It'i lbs. apleLC. 21c; welnhlnK 3 lbs. apiece lK(?i2itc . fowls. In barrels, fancy, dry pliked. wclKhlm; 44 tt B lbs. apiece 214c; ueUhlnK 1 lbs. apiece. 214c , smaller sljres, 17G120c , old roosters, drj-plckcd. 10c; broil ers, Jersey. fHnc. ,1iif?B.1c . do., other nearby, wcUhluK 2ffO lbs. per pair, 4nrrf4.1c ; larcer sizes. XliJSpc ; capons, per lb Welshing HWlil It), apiece. 27f2i . smaller aUes, 231J2ilc; ducks, ne.irbv. sprlntf. 22fit23c . squabH. per doz White. welKhlni! 11 WIS lbs. per doz.. $1.7.1 fi1 10; white. welK-hlntf lifflo lbs. per dor, J4W4.H.1, white welshing K lbs. ier doz., I31P .1.110: do., do, 7 lbs. per doz. S2.misTS 00. do, do . OWi',4 lbs. per doz . I2W2 10: dirk. 11.78 M2.1U, ninall nml No. 2. Buctl. FRESH FRUITS lslrnh1" stuck mt with fair fliil ant! n1u Konrrally rul"'il Hlcmh umlT motlornii" otfer Incw. Quotiitlnnt VnploH. per bhl VlnHp, S:i :.(Kr I. It.iMu In S.lKi 1. (Jn-onlnir. S,' Ml"i;i ."". Itr-n Iivl. fl'li-a. otlii-r rlctlPH. $1 "iiTfL .")): No 2. SI 'J'tft'j, applfi WfHlrrn. rep box. Jl 2." fl 1 7S, oranpfB, Florida, jvr i ratf. I- iMttl I. Krnpfrult. Klorbla. per c rt. II "it' T,u. tenionn. pir box. Si!?.?; plnpiipplPB. per rratc I'orto Uli n. SJ l!rfti J.7!i. straw lMrrlp. per nt Knstrrn Shore and Maryland. HSCl-'c. , North Carolina. 7G10r , Norfolk. .V, 8c VEGETABLES The market wns pcnerally steady under mod erate offtrliiBS and a fair ileniand. quotations: White potatoes, per huali. rennslvnnl.i. Ij-' nj-1.40. New Vork. Jl :iiitl1.3.1. Western. 11.30 M 1 3.1. White potatoes Jersey, per baaket No 1 Itese, 0.1iJ7Bc , No. 1 other valletles, i!1if57.1c; No 2. aoWIOc White potatoes, per bbl No I Florida, $.1 .10(f) B 7.1. N". 2 Florida, llff.1. No 1 South Carolina. J4..i05J,i 2.,. No. 2 youth Carolina. J3 B0l I 2.1 Sweet Potatoes Jersey, per basket No. 1. l.lffOUc .No. 2. J.iV 30c. Sweet potatoes. Jersey, Di'laware. nnd Maol.ind. per hamper No. 1, T.ip.WII, No. -. son) r.iic Sweet potatoes. Vlrslnla. per linl . SI .KIWI. 7.1 Onions. Texas, per ciimnier crnio No. 1. 12112.10, No 2. Jl.SIM Oil. Cob lmge. Norfolk anil Hastern Shorn, per bbl. -crate. J2S'2.10. do.. Nprfo k. wr hhl. It .... ..Irv. Florida. Her rratc. Jl ,.,f2.2.. Water- i ress, per im iiuncnci. i !': '. r,V. --" ,, North Carolina, per basket. Jl 2.1WI.7.I 1Vb. Norfolk, per -bl.l. basket. 4l..1nf2; do., do.. ;."". AI. basket. IL2.iibV.B0. ..I'eppers, Florida, per carrier. 1.7.1(fl'2. LBBplant. e-ior da per crato. 11. SOW 2 no lladUhes. Nor folk per hamper, hoed. II. Squash. Tlorlda. .'..,. il miiI .7.1 Tomatoes. Florida. Per J. ,rr er-FnncV. 13 .1 BO jholce. J2,f3 Hiiiraei. Jersey, per bum h1 alio. 2ll'u'J.,c; prime IB 'H' 20e. : culls, low 13c. jiujhrooms. tier 4-lb. basket, lltlc.11. per 4-lb. basket RAILROAD EARNINGS TKXAS AND 1'ACIFIC. mill Increase. rhlr.1 week llav 1311,1.1133 JII.3H2 f?om jiitf i i - -: : : : : : 17:103.302 mmm IIUNVKU AND 1UO 11IIANPI3. r'imyS.:::::S"l! '"- Noitriu;ii.N I'Ai-irii . li.rll ernsH 10,4.10,000 Aljrll (.rowi jln.'U.llOll Ten months1 Kross -! . . Stf"-" st.' ijiins souTiiwiisTiinN. S"",", J,ay .;::: wW$-n& CHBSAI'llAKIJ AND OHIO. u I ..-e.k Muy .... I040.DB1 .1.132,7112 IV. r. July 1 I2 4B3.12S ATCHISON. April operatlne revenue. Jll.04n.400 &!frr::::1S:TO:Ti3 UNION I'ACiriC. nrll irross I.;7!!'!i-T. Tgnoniw;iroii::::: $$&x Wr.STLItN WAIIYLANU. rrom juij -:,,-..., , ,tla CHICAOO. lNljAKAi-i.m a.ik .,ww. Vll.Lt.. ?ryV!?y::::::: JMt.aS- Vim Condition of U. S. Treasury WASHINOTON. Mny 25. The condition of tho Unlteii Stotea Treasury, occordlnu to n statement Ibsueil toilny. wos as follows: Net lialanro lit eeneral fuml. J127.731.840i otiil receipts, ? 19.4 16.810: total disburse, merits, B3.179.82!; deficit for year. ?30.. 4 oil, 93 1, exclusive of tho 1'anuma Canal and public debt transactions. DIVIDENDS DECLARED consolidated Interstate Callahan Mlnlnir Com nan? reiilir nlarterly of tl.SH per share, pay SbPo June !i(i to stock of record Juno 20. Books l,0,h,Sr.iT -JASTd&V Company. reu,ar .marierly of Ha per lent, on preferred loc;k. lasable Juo IB to stock of record Juna 21. lCmks clota June 1 and reopen June 10. lloston and Albany n-KUlar quarterly of J2.B0 per sharo. pafaW Juno uO to atockholdera of "Submarine Vwnal Company. 3 per cent, (pur 12.1). the same u In December. 11.707.110 imii. 720 II..13.1.1H2 7,hU2.7SB tin nnn 1.133. .122 7.Xlii!o.'iT jl.4U.nso B70.70S 1I,74S,:I70 B.B0L7S0 J2.1R.1.320 1.I23.3MI 13.BMI.OH2 b,i:I.23J 1.IIK2.1U3 Woodf and Water a fino combination, either in fore.t or lumber yard I Help ut hip your atructuraf timber the day we get your order I Edward F.Hensonfi Co. fopUr St. Whams. I'Mla. a8 COTTON PIUCES 11ALLY AgTEK AN UNUSUAL DHOP News of Scllinfr Orders Cnuae Big De cline Jump Came Late NRW Yontf. May 25. At tho opening thil morning the cotton mnrkct wns barely steady nnd prices showed net losses of 8 to 11 points, following poor cobles, which wero depressed by absence of outside sup port Some of the enrly selling wns due to per fect weather over tho eastern belt, but shortly after tho opening a better tone de veloped owing to tho prospect for unsettled weather In the western belt nnd prices ral lied half a dosten points from lowest with some of the spo tlntcrcsts credited with sup porting prices. Now Orleans continued selling hero throughout tho first hour, while there wns a good deal of scattering liquidation nnd local pressure on tho decline, which carried prices nbout 13 to IB points net lower. Humors that tho report of tho Nntlonnl dinners' Association would show a condi tion of SO. 6 and Indicate nn Increase of 12.7 per cent. In ncrengo doubtless contributed to tho decline. Trading nccamc less nctlvo at the do cllne, but prices were within a point or two of the lowest nnd the tone wns still more or less unsettled Inter. Tho market wns unsettled during the non hour. It wns reported that selling orders were reaching hero from both east ern and central belt sections owing to the Improvement In prop conditions, nnd most nf tho nctlvc months made now low ground for the movement, with the general list selling some 20 to 22 points net lower. Tho receipts of cotton nt the ports for the day wcte cstlmnted nt 12.000 bales, com pared with 19,701 hales last week, 4956 bales last year and 10,927 bales In 1914 Yesterday's 11 12 12.30 Yes. close. Open. Ilnm. 12 in. 2 p.m March 13 31 13 17 .May 12 77 ... , , ... July 12 00 J2SI 1211.1 12 12 IB ill October 12(10 12 SI 12 "I 12 Nl 12 Ml December ....13 12 13 00 12 00 13 110 12.11.1 January litis 13 01 13 0.1 1,1 o.l 13.01 Ausust 13.01 .. Liverpool Cotton LIVUItPOOL, May 25. There wait n fair business doing In spot cotton today nnd prices were 3 points higher, on the basis of 8.53d. for mid upland. The sales aggre gated 8000 bales. Including G000 bales American. Tho IniporlH wcro 12,000. all American. The innikct for futures colsed easy at a net decline of 07 points. OPPOSITION IS GROWING TO CUUIt IlKOMJANIZATION Representatives of Several Stock Ex change Houses Against It Ni:V VOniC. May 25. Opposition to reorganization of the New York f'urb. as proposed In tho plan submitted to members nnd approved by a majority of them. Is axRumlng lnrge proportions, nccordlng to Information given out by a member of a Stock Uxplionge firm today It Is stated that nt n meeting held late yesterday afternoon representatives of several Stock lOtchange houses ngiced that the proposed reorganiza tion would be undesirable Although representatives of tho Curb As sociation deplore rumors of friction be tween them and the Stock Kxchnnge. there seems to be little doubt but thnt friction exists. A Stock Exchange representative says he would not be surprised If a number of the most prominent Stock KNcchango houses signified their Intention to Ignore tUo leorganlzed Curb should It come Into being, and continue to do their trading In un listed securities on the present site of the outside market FOREIGN EXCHANGE NRW YORK. May 25. The market for foreign exchange In the llrst hour of busi ness today was dull, but In the main steady. About the only quotable change In rate1? from Wednesday's final figures was In Scan dinavian cNclinngc. Stockholm was quoted nt 30.1030.25. Thero was little feature otherwise. Quotations: Demand sterling, 1.75 ; cables. 4.70 7-10; franc cables, o.92',a i checks, 5.92l : relchsmnrks, 7(5 U-1G ir"fia4 ; lire cables. 0 32-14 ; checks. 0.33; Swiss cables. 5.23 tj; checks, 5.2 Hi: Vien na, 13. lBlf 13.20; pesetas, 19.9019.95; guilders, 41 'Jifi 41 s ; rubles, 3O.B5Ti'30.75. In the nfternoon the market continued very sluggish. Quotations: Demnnd ster ling, 4.75ai, cables, 4.7(i'-i; franc cables, 5.92, checks, 5.92 Vj; lire, 6.31; Stockholm, 30 ii relchsmnrks, 70 "J. RATES FOR MONEY New York . . . Philadelphia . lloston Chicago Call. Time. lV$3tj 2. 3H n 3ai5 3 cm 3 4 & 'i 3".rf4 I (!f4'i RANK CLEARINGS Hank clearlnus today compared with corre sponding dny last two years 1010 ini.1. ini4. .J3R.3llO.7n2 J20.2IIH.I3M J3l,n07.R7 . 32.0SH.071 22.72.1,310 23.127.203 . Bull, B32. 2.111 272.4N3,227 211. Ill", 13.1 . 03.001. IBM BO.O.Il.llllll 10,340,083 TMillada. lloston . . New York Chicago . Reserve Ranks' Discount Rates Tloston New York . Philadelphia. Cleveland . Hlchmond Atlantn ... Chlcnco . . . St. Louis . Minneapolis .. . Kansas City., .lia Dallas Mun l-riinelen. M 10 or Over 10 Over 30 Over 00 less, up to 30. up to 00. up to 00. .3 3a 4 4 .3 I 4 4 a , 34 4 3H 3 '7 :i 4 4 t 1 4 1 4 IH t :i!4 j 4 4 4 4 4 4 rs 4 4 4 4 4 4H 1 - -i Triitle AcrfptMiicptf. Com I .. . (1(1 Ufa n fill .!.. ARrii'ui. 1 nine Acceptances, turn over 1)0. Up to 00, 00 to no, modlty. Hoston .1 3W .'I'i 3 Si New !ll 31a :i Philadelphia... 4ia a :l 3 fle eland .... B 3 ij 4 ltljlmoml .... .1 :mJ 4 a Atlanta .1 3 4 3 4 a ChlcnKo B . St. Louis 6 3 .14 a Minneapolis .. Kmixim City. 1 mil ... San Francisco. .14 3 4 .14 3 4 a 4 3 4 3 4 4H a a 34 3dll I'lllllVlflLU, ,,'a u ., TJ ,,7 Commercial paper. 3 to 0 months, Phllatlel phla. 31". v, percent. Up to .10 days, over 30 to 00, 4 per cent.: over Oil to On. 4 4 per cent., and otr 00, S per cent. Frencli Hank Gains Gold PARIS, May 26 Tho weekly statement of the Hank of Krance shows nn Increase of 861,500 francs In gold and a. decrease of 183,300 francs In silver. $5,972,421 in City Treasury The amount paid Into the city treasury during the week ending last night was Jl. 230,914. 82, and the payments amounted to $363,209.24. This, with the balance on hand from the previous week, not Including the sinking fund account, leaves a balance of $5,972,421.41. Financial Briefs Directors of the Baldwin locomotive Works declared the regular dividend on the preferred stock, but took no action on re suming dividends on the common stock The Listing Committee of tha New York furh Market Association has Approved for temporary quotation nnd trading the 27.500 first preferred shares of tho Acme Tea Com pany, lnc par value $100. to be traded in when, as nnd If Issued. The board has also listed nnd admitted to quotation the 1,000.000 capital shares of the Canada Cop per Company, Ltd , par value $5. M1.A ...... I r.t ..l.f I.. IllanJ..!. ,,c uuti'Uk ul KU1U ill iniuurnitii oui.tii Africa, In April amounted to 80,557 line ounces, valued nt 339,386. The New York Subtrcnsury lost $1,209. 000 to banks yesterday, reducing cash net gain since Friday to $366,000. At the nnnunl meeting of tho stockhold ers of the Standard Oil Company of New York this morning the retiring board of directors was re-elected. No other busi ness wns transacted nt the meeting. It Is nnnotinccd by Hertron, Orlscom & Co. and Hellly, Urock k Co. that the $3,250. 000 New Orleans Hallway nnd Light Com pany's two-yenr 6 per cent, debenture notes, public offering of which was mnde Mondny morning, hns all been sold. The Unnk of Cuba Is sending $500,000 In 1'nlted States gold coin nnd $200,000 In new Cuban gold to Havana from New York. Oross enrnlngs of the Montreal LlgjK". Heat and Power Company for the jear ended April 30 were $6.977, 16S, a gain of $260,062 over the pieeedlng year. Net earn ings Increased $269,402, to $3,315,370. At the hearing of Chicago and Milwaukee Klcctrlc Hallway before .Itlilge Landls II was stated that the rentganlzatlon plan provides for the Issue of $6,000,000 new 5 per cent bonds nnd $100,000 cnpltnl stock Participation coittflcatcs will bo Issued against the stock, and It Is hoped to have tho underlying mortgage Uons accept new bonds In exchange by July I and to sell the remainder to bankers at not less than 90. Net carnlngH for the llrst four months of this yrar of American Coal Products were equal to a year's dividend on the preferred stock and 15 per cent, on tho common. Tills would Indicate earnings for the common nt an annual rate of 4 5 per cent. WAR'S END TO HELP OIL CO. New York Corporation Plans for Great Business in Far East NT.ff YOHK. .May -25, That tho con elusion of the war will not materially In jure the Standard Oil Company of New York, but on the contrary will open up new fields and mnrkets thnt have been closed to tho company Blnco 1914, was the opinion a man familiar with the affairs of the company expressed today. Turkey, (Ireecc nnd, In fact, the entire Lewint. which have been purchasers of the Standard's product, have not received shipments for nearly two years, and, Instead of the de mand, as la generally thought, falling off. It Is expected to be considerably Increased. The Standard's subsidiary, the Stnndatd Transportation Company. Is now building olx large tankers that will bo placed In the FNr East service. Two of these boats will be completed In tho next six ueeks nnd will start currying oil cargoes immediately. The New York company, which has been chiefly handicapped by Its shortage of tonnage, despite the fact that Its ships total an aggregate tonnage of 200,000. will earn far more. It It said by those following tho affairs of the company, than It did In t915, when Its profits nmounted to $16,000,000. The 1915 report compared with the one of 1911 showed a gain of almost 50 per cent., but 1916 was only slightly above the earn ings of 1913. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOI'AH STOCKS. nid. Asked .Tim Butler 04 .Oil MncNAmara 10 .11 Midway 23 .2.1 Mlxpah Extension 2N .20 Montana 32 31 Northern Stnr 17 .10 Tonopah Tlelmont 44 4H Tnnopah Extension OS o1. Ilescue Hula 4S ,40 West Rnd 1.12 1.1.1 GOLDPIULD STOCKS, Atlanta 12 .13 Ulue null 02 .01 liooth 21 .22 Itulldoc 01 .112 C O D "I .!' Combination Fraction ns .10 Dlamondtleld II II 01 .nil Daisy " .0" Kloreneo -' ' Ooliineld Consolldtted I3 .01 Ooldfleld Merper 11 .12 Jumbo Extension nt .113 Kewnnas 13 .14 Oro 01 .0.1 Sand Ken "J .00 Silver rick 07 .00 MISCELLANEOUS, Folrv Aateo 01 ,02 Klmberb, " -01 Nevada Hill -r," 'r- Teiopa Mlnlnp 4 BS Nevada Wonder -Mil -'.2.i ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Land Title Building Philadelphia. , High Grade Pennsylvania Tax Free Railroad Bonds Equipments and Public Utility Bonds rULMIIEItS NKY YOHK AND l'HILADKI.l'IILV STOCK KXCIlANCiKS A C NOTE Tno Years to Itun Lane Kqulty In Preferred am Common Htoeks. Kjrnlnns S Times Note Interest, PniCE TO YIELD Gib MELLOR & PETRY Members N, Y, & 1'hlla. Stork Kichances 838 COMMKKCIAL TItl'ST IIUII.DINtl BEAT. ESTATE FOR BENT hl'IIL'KIIAN REAL ESTATE FOR BENT Srill'ItllAN LATHAM PARK On Old York Rd. at Willows Ave. Above City Line Suburban yet Urban r ifR '2h tirinrirn 5J""t" By Situated on hlstorlo Old York Itoad. Convenient to the rlty by motor, trolley or train, I.utlmm I'ark, with thousands of dollars' north of highest class properties, offers many advantages to the suburban home-seeker, beveral (iolf Clubs convenient to I'ark. Motor out today- and see 11 different kind of a suburb. rai AppVwrl,:mU" Wm.T. B. Roberts & Sons Agent for Estate of William L. Elkint Roberts Bldg., Glenside, Pa. m - i' il. COTTON MERCHANT D1KS Enoch Tnylnr, a well-known Phila delphia!!, died yesterday nt his home, 5118 Hazel nvenuc. ENOCH TAYLOR Retired Cotton Merchant, Former Memphis Resident, Deatl Hunch Tnylnr, n totlreil cotton niprclmnt. illcil yesterday nt Ills homo, MIS Ilnstol nvontie. Ho wns bnrti In this olty on Aiirll 21. 1831. nml wns mm nf tile Into .losopli nml Miiitlw. Taylor, members of the So ciety of I-'rlrmta. At the iik? of 21 Mr. Taylor went West nml eiiRnKCd In the railroad btiilnes. Later he became 11 shipper of cotton nt Memphis nml mnde his home there timing the Plvll War. lie retired from bulnesi 20 years nco. John Philip Ford Announcement wns made today that fu neral services for John Philip Ford. 11 re tired business man. would be held Saturday afternoon from his house. 818 West Berks street Mr h'oid died yesteiday moriiltiK, follow Inn; n short Illness. He Is survived by n widow nnd two sons, the Hev. W II I'Vird, of Knslon. nnd the Itov. L Oscar Kurd, of SprlUKlli'Iil. Muss., mid n daugh ter, Mrs. rinia ('. fllll, of Coatesvlllc. Henry I'feil Henry Pfell. 81, father of fieorcc Pfell, ono of the olllcers of tho WestlnKhotise Klectrlc romp.iny nt Pittsburgh, who died yesterday at the Masonic Home, where he had been nn Inmate for 12 jears, will lie hurled In the Odd 1-Vllown t'emetery. Serv ices will he held tomorrow nt 2:30 o'clock Hosldes the I'ittshurKli t-on, he Is survived by nnother who lives at Hammoiiton, N .!., nnd by several diiUKhters of Philadelphia Mr. Pfell was known at the home as "Doc" having been otiKiiRoil In the patent medicine business before he went to the Institution. MAItltILD I,i; t'ONTi; MinVAIlT. On Wednesday, Max M Itllll Sl'HAN HIllMMim HTllWAllT and IIOIIKKT llltlKH 1.15 rciN'Ti: The niirrlave ser!ce was performed hy Dr John drier Illli hen. president of I'rlni eloti University, n eousln of the Rroom. and only the Immedlnte members of tho fiunll) wen, present. eatijs AnMTItONO. On Mny 21. 101(1. ROSi: M.. b lovt'fl dauchtpr nf John I. tnl M.irn.irrt 11 ArmHlronjT. nuert -1! cnr K.I.iUmh nd frliMirlti nf thr frtmllx nro tnlt'i tn iittnd the funenil on Saturday mnrnlns. t K ati n'llmk, frum her p.ircnlH rpaliIn.o. 2.'.. a N CitrllHtn nt. Koli'mn Hiwjulm Maps nt ur .tn of Merry Church tit 10 n'rlnrk ,rritfiov tutor tnnt at Jloly Cross (.'cuit-tf r Automobile funerHl ni.XCKIirKN. On May 2.1. IIMH. ni.IKAItnTK f lt1A'ttlrilX (nee Campbll). wlfo of John M. Hint khiirn Ilntlea and friend uro in lted to attend tho funeral on Friday, at 8 n in., frum thf runleneu of her mm, J Turner Illnckburn 13 JJ N Stlth Bt , UVst Thlla nlemn Mum of lteiulem nt St. tirejmry'i Church ut U 30 u m. Interment ut Holy Cross cmfterv lIHANAdAN. On Mny 23. lOlR. AMi:iA A. (nee Hamilton), widow of James M Hranu irnn. Hetnllvea nd friends, nlso I.oasu-i of th Hatred Heart f St. Vronlrn8 Churrh. nr Invited to itttend th funeral, on Saturday. nt 830 n m . from her late resldenre, .137 IV. Hrlu ne. Solemn Mabh of Kenulem at St. Veronlea Churrh ut Hi u m. Interment nt Holy Hnpulchrtf Cemetery. COMIV. On Mnv 23. IHH1, ANNR, daughter nf Admiral K 1 and Hannah 1. Comly. In her 17th ear. Hi-liiHves and frlenda nrn Stronger Investments The wonderful prosperity of the United States has so increased the earning capacity and the ,--,. t oi maiij ol the companies 'lose securities we recommend for investment that, while these securities can still lie purchased to yield a most attractive return, they are intrinsically stronger today than they ever have been before. For example, wo Invite requests for rirrular No. L-17T, which describes a strnnir llrst mort K.IC0 lnnd ylolillnc over nvo per cent., tax free In I'enim. A. B. Leach & Co. Investment Securities 115 South Fourth Street I'hlladelphhi few TorW C'hlcaco Ruffalo iloston London, Kns. Baltimore DHATIIS Invited to attend tns.funernl services on Frldar t S i m , at her parents' residence 237 Poplar Mtnue, Woodbury N. J Inter ment private Conveyances will he In wait Ins; at Woodbury Btatlonto meet train leavlmt Market street retry. Philadelphia, nt 1:30 P tn. I'OWDnnY. On May 23, lfttfl, nt his residence, 1720 I)( Lnnrey place, MAMT1N COWDEIIT. fled 7(1 car llelntlves nnd friends are ln vited to nttend the funeral, nn Friday, at IS m from his residence. 1720 D Lancey place. Interment nt Merlon Cemetery. ntVICI. On Maj 2.1. Iln SHinLBV M.. son of James c nnd Mary Bllsabeth Cralit, In his loth ear llelntlves and friends are Imlted lo funeral eerUres on Krldav, nt 2 p m.. nt the residence of his parents, 1731 Moore St. Interment Woodlands Cemetery. IIMVVON. At her residence. 11)11 N. 3d St.. nn May 21. 11)1(1. l.VDIA LKSL1K DAWSON, diunhler of the late Sarah Leslie and John Dawson Due nntleo of the funeral will he. Klten IltrriN. On Mnv 24. Into. MAItT L . widow of John W lilffln Due notice nf the funeral will he Khen. from her late residence, 3611! Wsllnre st IKT1 On May 22. 1010. WILLtAM A.. hiishand nt the late l.nule H. Fetters, aited H3 years Funeril nnd Intermept at the con jenlenee of the family, nt his lain residence. N K mr 3d and llrown sts limil. -Huddenlv on Mny 23. IttrilAitD M. son nf Laura I! nnd the iae Dr. Joseph I) Ford, of New Orleans, Ln.. nited 22 years, funeral serum mi Frldav, at 2 p. tn , at his late risldmre, i727 Addison st Inter ment private roitD. On Mn 21. Illlll. JOHN PHILIP, hus- iinini nr Alan r:ntiieiii i-nr.I, In ins Titn Near Iteiathes and friends, alsn all nrKnnlratlons or hhh he un a member, are tinlted to attend the funeral senlrrs at his late resl d'liie xi rirth sireet Friday evenlne, at i o rim k Interment nt Malvern Cemetery. Pa . Satiirda) InnrnhiK" II 311 o'clnrk rum: -im .iav 21, mm, jiidson niKt: nire,i nn Mirs Itetathes and friends, also lstone l.ndse. No 271. 1. nnd A M : Ma snnlr Veterans. West Plillnlelphla Lodne, No. r.i2. I ( (I V . LlilnRstnn lli-. No III) K of !' end other nraalll7atlfttis of whlill he was a member, nre Imlted tn nttend the funeral serltes nn Hatuniiy al 2 p in pre clseh. at thi resldenre of his nephew, Judson I Vnodes il.11 North HlRhlnnd nve . lUd st nnd Hnerford ale Interment al Mount Mnrlnh Cemeterv Auto service. (lILIir.ltT. At her dmahler's residence, Mrs Itachel Itihls on Ma 21. 1 1) HI. MART M . widow of AlleTt A tlllhert. Due notlte of the funeral later KI1IN VIII On May 2.1 into. At.lltmT KHt NATK, Jr.. son of Albert and Lucy Kelnath (hre llalmor). ned 32 ears IteiatUrs and friends nlso members of the Veteran Corps. Aithe Command 1st Infnnlrv. N. (1 V. aro Invited to attend the funeral services, o'l 1 rldnv, nt 1 p in., nt the Loftati funeral parlors of John C Klmmerle, 4B2I) North llroid st Interment nt Mount Peace Ceme tery. Remains mav be vleweri Thursday, from N to Hi p. in. Automobile funeral KIIM.IIK. tin May 2.1. Illlll CLARA R . widow of Thomas II Kesler. Relatives and friends nr InWtcd tn attend tl'e funeral services, on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock precisely, at Schuvlers. and Diamond Interment private. Automobile funernl. Klli:.(li:it. On Max 2d. lllld. SARAH, widow of Joseph c Kreaicer. aued S7 vears Rela tives arid friends lire Invited tn nttend the fu nernl services, on Friday, nt 2 p. m., pre. rleely, at her late residence, 2.1.14 North Fnlr hill st. Interment nl Mount Poncn Cemetery. I.ISIO.V in, Ma 23. Illlll, JOHN II. LISTON. son of the lale Mb hind and Margaret Listen Relatives and friends nlso Thomas I) Fllllet ter Repulitban Club are Invited tn attend the funeral, on Hiturd.n. at 8 n m. from tho The Guaranteed lortgage THE inherent strength of the company's guarantee, as attested by its past record, the absolute security of its offerings, and the non speculative nature of its loans commend its secur ities to careful investors. Circulnrs on I! (quest Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortgages WHIInm It Nicholson, President (ID Lund Title liiillilliiK, Philadelphia nKATltS residence of his niece, Mrf LloJ-d P. .Lucas, B718 Hroomall vc Solemrt Mass of nequlem at st Joseph's churrh m in n m rreclse t Jnterrpent nl New Cathedral Cemetery Auto mobile rorter .MILt.r.rt. )n My 21. lOlrl, at her Idle rest denee, 11)32 North 2.1th Street. EMMA MIU LKR, widow nf William Miller, In her.fl.1d year. Relatives nnd friends aro Intlted to attend the funernl services, on Saturday aftsr noun, al 2 o'clock precisely, at the Hethady Lutheran Church, southwest corner 2.1lh and Monta-omcrv avenue. Remains may he Viewed In the church only Interment private JIONTAtlli:. On May 23, llilfl, EDWARDS,, husband of Amelia V. Montnirue (nee fjunsnnl. Relatives nnd friends, also I R Jl. Volun tary Relief Dept , emplojea of Philadelphia. Terminal Division, and members of th Holy Name nnd Altar Societies of Ht. Columbfi'n Church, arc Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday t S'.io n. m.. from. his lata resi dence. 283(1 North 2.1th st Solemn Requiem Mass at Ht Columba's chnrch. at lo a m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, PALMLIL On May 23, 11)1(1. BL'SAN, widow nf Thomas Palmer nnd daughter of tha lata Charles and Elizabeth Hone. Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend the funeral serv ices, Thtirsdiv, at 8 p m., nt her Into resi dence ln.M N loth st. Interment private at Jirlstnl Cemetery, nrlslol, Ta., on Friday. Trenton. N. J nnd Bristol paper pleat copy. PI'KII.. On May 23, 1!(1. at the Masonic Home, HENRY A PKEli, nscd HI years. Relatives and friends, also Montgomery !.odRe, No, 10, f nnd A. M . nre Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Frldnv afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the home .13.1.1 North Hroail street, KIWI'S. On .May 21. Illlll. AMANDA 8.. vvddow of Harlow L. Illass Relatives nn friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral services, mi Saturday, nt 2 p. m at tho ret. denee nf her son. John J. Lvahon, 12GB Man tua nve Interment nt Fernwood Cemetery, Ittllir.ltTS. On .May 22. lolft. MART C, widow of Andrew T. Roberts, In her 7Sd eor. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral acnlces. on Friday, at p m.. at her Inle residence, 00 North Devvev st Interment at Ccntro BQUnre, Pa.. on Saturday. SMITH. On Mnv 2.1. 11)1(1, MARV RA11HON. diuahter of the lata John H nnd Mary I. Hinlth Relatives and friends are Invited lo attend the funeral, on Friday, at ln n, m,, from the residence of her brother In-law, Dr, William II Jlult. inns Kalnnount nve. Serv ices at II a. in nt St. Manilas' P E Church, tilth and Wallace sts. Interment private. I CMS. On May 21. Inin, ELLA dauuhter of the late Anthon nnd Marv Tunis Due notice of the funernl will lie Riven from her lati resldcm e, R2S Morris street Desirable Investments We specialize In tho conservative bonds of well established cor porations supplyinR electricity, Kas, transportation and other public services in Rrowlnp; com munities. Many of these bonds Free of Taxes in Pennsylvania A list of those now on hand will be furnished on request. Edward B.Smith 8c Co ESTlBtmiED IS 02. BANKERS Jfrmbera JTcto Vorfc and Philadelphia Block Vxchanocs 1411 Chestnut Stbeet, Pitn.iPKt.rnu 80 Pine Stbeet New Toek Pennsylvania Gasoline Company Vc have just issued a special circular describing this Com pany's business and the possi bilities ot" its shares, which are now selling at par $1.00 per share. Copy will be sent on re quest. L. T. Layton & Go. Members 1'hllii. Stork KxcIiuiiko. Real Estate Trust Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. To Tho Holders of the First Morteaeo 5 Bonds of tho Consolidated Gas Company of the City of Pittsburgh The two Committees which iiad heretofore been formed for the protection of the bondholders of the Consolidated Gas Company of the City of Pittsburgh hereby announce that they have effected a consolidation into one Committee, composed of the undersigned members. Tin's Committee will act tinder the terms and provisions of the Deposit Agreement of the Philadelphia Committee dated February 17, 1916, with sucli amendment as is in cfdcntal to consolidation. The amended agreement has been filed with both the depositaries named below, and the right of withdrawal under the terms of the Agreement expires June 15, 1916. The Committee has now on deposit approximately three million nine hundred thousand par value of bonds (about 809o of the issue), and will receive further deposits of bonds at either of thr depositaries named below, up to and including June 15. 1916. Charles R. W. Packard. Chairman. v-r.-Bnieiu i-ennsyivnma i nmpany for Inn. nn Uvea and Orantlni Annuities). Philadelphia. A, C, Rohlnson, Vice Chairman. (President Hafo Deposit nnd Trust t-o.). Plttsburb. Thnmns S. Antes, (President Philadelphia Trust Co.) Philadelphia. V. S. Paito (Vice President Qlrard Trust Co.), Philadelphia. II. ItovTrll firlsvvold, Jr., (Alex. llrown t Sons), Ilaltlmore. I). Herbert Ilo.tettcr. (President Hosteller Company), Plttsburth. Theodore G. Daub, (John Daub's Sons), Pittsburgh, Committee, The Pennsylvania Company for In surances on Lives and (Irnntlnc Annuities, Philadelphia. Safe Deposit nnd Trust Company. Pittsburgh. DEPOSITARIES firorce Wharton Pepper. Philadelphia. Watson t Freeman, Pittsburgh. COUNSEL R. L. tlrnutlcam. Secretary 51T Chestnut it.. Philadelphia. ON or About JUNE 1st, 1916 Fidelity trus T COMPANY Will Open an Uptown Office IE. Cor. Broad & Chestnut Sts. i i i i