Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 25, 1916, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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Jlll. nHflrfTnHMgil ) "ll '
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ft A i
BcGHiurs Team First in History of National
league to iurn a pick, Washington Having
A rt-tvn1ia1iprl T?frif. in Amontnnvi 1 mm
' i '
tm (tin New York Rlntils Won the
f..i eamo of the Western trip from
7, Cincinnati Jlcdg yesterday, McQraw s
fit' brot(0 R National Lcbkuo record by
83L every game played In tlio West
iTDis 4lyenr history 01 mu uuumu
glrti no pastern team haa boon nblo to
5 rety contest played In the West, nor
S a Western tenm been nblo to mnko n
L .ween of four scries In tlio East. Tlio
Hints, by winning yesterday, completed a
htt of 13 consecutive victories, nil of
Mi wcro won In tho West.
V.r Kimes were won In Pittsburgh, two
IP'Vrlraeo. four In St Lotll" nml threo In
Ilt...!i wiion one consldcis that the
ClKinn''"' , , f .. . ..
IlitAt vm -- .. . :
n lAicil nt homo ami In other rcastern
I'. - ink rnrMii II in iiii iiii iiiisu i uiiuii i-
Fm This feat has been accomplished only
Imrt In the American League, WnsliltiBton
hen It won 10
estern tenuis
in;. hid lost 13 out of
?"..n iMCitnthon
tifleJ, '
-Me T
iSn the trick In 1012, u
KLmitlve names ngalnst Wi
tftho West, while the nearest any other
StlonM Lcnftue teams hnvo como to the
..tliffas tho Cants' 10 victories out of 11
It Straight and 11 out of 12, In 1900.
fftaslilnBton's sensntlounl streak was
Lfiewhat similar to that of tho Giants
rU Senators had boon trnlllnp; along nt the
Wl-end of th" American T.eaguo atnndlng
ihtn1 they suddenly struck their stride.
'.. Wash ncton winning strcalc was
jMght lo nn end In this city, when, with
Tom Hughes holding n 1 to 0 lead over
Edfll i'iani iinvi nw (iiun uuiu, in iwu
llnUi Inning, Frank Ilakor tied the scoro
lth a terrlllc homo-run drlva over tho
ihll-fltkl fence Tho Slacknien won out
It h 10th Inning, nml also took tho second
tmkti doulilo-hcndor luring been sehed
H and made It four out of flvo In tho
Kin 1906, when the White Box compiled
tsJlt American League record of 1!) con
lecuUVs lctorlca, they won 11 straight
tames .at home, nnd took tho IlrBt eight
Swl In the East, finally falling boforo the
Bid Soi, when Manager Stack had the
(Mious nubo Waddcll primed to break tho
k tho following uny.
Cfsnts Lead in Records
The Giants nlwnyB havo been n grent
eub for consccutlvo winning Btrcaks, hav
ki passed an oven dozen flvo times In 41
W& tho feat having been accomplished
nlr 13 times In tho history of tho league
fjtlis fnajority of tho winning streaks of tho
'flimta havo been staged lato In the season.
'ind threo of them woro rosponslblo for
fi9 winning of tho pennant.
JfcMcOraw's team Is still seven games bo
jlliiI tho major leaguo record of 20, mado
Jlf Provldenco In 188 J, and na tho Giants
Jaw scheduled to play their next six games
Wtfatnst Boston nnd tho Phtlllcn In Boston
tnd In this city, thero appears to bo little
;hiuce for Mcuraw s team to equal that
joM-'fndlng record.
!Th9 Fhlillcs ana urooKlyn nro the lead
ins teams of the league, and havo been
"jlaTlnff splendid ball. If tho Dodgers should
Jill to stop tno uiants. flinnagor juoran
(tllevcs that Alexander tho Great, who baa
ttiten the Giants three times this sca-
1 will ho ablo to turn tlio trick In this
sjnexi Tuesaay.
e record for consecutive victories made
tit. team In an organized lcaguo.ls hold
ffths Corslcana team, of tho Texas League,
111 1902. 21 KlrnlM. !..- .. I ...'. .
l1ltv,eB "y O orno
Leldy, n Phi adelphlnn The CharlMto team
? ih Cnro11"1 Association, won 2B B2
nt tl0Bn"10 80n,n- Several years later
Charlotte won 22 In n row This team wan
composed almost entirely of Phladefnlilnn"
n'onf '" being Maurice Oa h laor ot
!.' l; ;yh ?l,cs- ftn White, "Sparrow" Sharpo
rilin- y n,ul .Lo.w O'I'alloran, whllo
nrsklnq Mnycr, of the Phillies, nnd Jim
Thorpe nlso wcro with this t'harlotto team
wen "tn w?,TCaT,tCar,y1 ln he " "ml
lill J ' yl0"-?aln. lil Position event-
n?h'eUcClnRg. h"n l 'S ",S "matcur
Jersey Pity, of the International Lcnguo.
won 24 straight In 1003. They were
,nl'l.l,.BC,, ,,y "I"1' J,urrny- who handled the
Phillies several yearn later. Other nottililo
ninq of consccutlvo victories were made by
Wllltcs-nnrro, of tho Now York State, 25 In
1J1E; by Austin of tho Texas League, 22
In 1011 : and this 18 straight by tho Now
York Giants In 1606.
Tho world's record for consecutlvo de
feats Is 2G, made by tho Loul.ivllln i,,,
of tho old American Association In 1889 ;
whllo Pittsburgh's 2S defeats ln 1890 and
noiton'a 20 straight In 1900 nro tho Na
tional nnd American Leaguo marks
Phils Home Tomorrow
Tho Phillies' return to thta city tomorrow
nfter n great road trip which probably
would be tho talk of tho major leaguo
circuits had I. not been tho unusual work
of tho Giants. Tho National League cham
pions havo been nway from homo since
April 28, having played 21 games In Hos
ton, Brooklyn, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Pitts
burgh and Chicago. Twelve of tho games
were won, 10 of tho victories being gained
In the West out of 14 played, which Is an
unusual mark.
When ono considers thnt tho Phillies lost
tlio flnnl gnmo In Boston, threo utrnlght
to Brooklyn and tho first two gnmes to
St. Louis, tho record Is really remarkable,
as a team seldom comes back so strong,
nfter a slump, on tho road. On tho trip the
Phillies had ono string of six consccutlvo
dofeats, which was followed by a winning
streak of tho samo number of games.
Lack of iJttlng caused tho slump, but In
the Inst liait of tho trip tho sluggbrs hao
gotten Into their strldo nnd with a long
home stnnd, where morning batting prac
tice can bo had, tho Natlonnl League cham
pions should bo ablo to overhaul tho Dodg
ers. Tho splendid work of the pitching
staff was easily tho fcaturo of tho trip.
Alexander, Domarco, Rlxoy nnd Bender nil
Bhowcd consistent form, tho lattor's work
being particularly Imprcssho.
Bender hai not been used to start games,
but hla relief work, which, nfter nil, wns
what Sloran signed him for, has been won
derful. Tho famous hurler has been rushed
into four gnmes within tho last two weeks
with tho Phillies leading by a run or tho
scoro tied, and each tlmo ho has pulled the
team out n winner.
Brooklyn will bo tho first attraction here,
with tho Giants following. Thcso two
sorics will decido the temporary possession
of first placo, as it is reasonably certain
that none of tho Western teams will be
able to dlslodgo tho Eastern team which Is
leading when tho East vs. West schcdulo
Is completed. Brooklyn enjoys n two-gamo
lead over tho Phillies at tho present time,
but It is possible for Moran's team to go
into flrbt placo beforo starting tho series
with tho Giants on Tuesday.
Kirs. Munson, Club Member,
Beats Champion, 3 and 2,
in Semifinals
IWHITEMAnSIT. Pn . M.iv 9fi Mrs.
Sonald II, Barlow, Philadelphia champion,
wja eliminated in tho championship tour
Sey now In nrncrrpHs nt tho Whltnmnrflh
Country Club, when Mrs. Georgo S. Jlun
wn, of Merlon, a clubmato, defeated ten
tiarapkm in tho semillnal round, 3 up and 2
to play.
Bill the nthpr mnfr.li Iti lir cnmlflnnlo Ittau
Striked Caverly, Philadelphia Cricket Club,
Wetted SIIss Ethel Campbell, of tho tamo
gub, J up and 2 to play.
Mrs-Munson nnd Miss Caverly will meet
atne final round for tho title tomorrow
Renna. state league in
yknager Ramsey and Threo Players
Join Atlantic Circuit
IjlEAriTVff Ti r nm rrst. ti.i
iimo, of, the Pennsylvania Stato League,
SHW hero today without playing a
u wuuuu ucuuer in 4.,aiicaHier. iiunit
iumsey, the manager, and three of his
l S i'nea, tne Hearting Atlantic League
u, jwunsey Deing inaue playing manager.
iBJffM local State league team had been In
;nranclal .stress ever since the opening of
mn season, but thero were hopes of weath
WWS the storm until Mmnnrinl nnv.
Bpotly Contested Match, 8-6, G-3
RSK-TOItK. Jlay 23. Wlllla Davis. Call-
BSi. ."J ehamplon und holder of the Phlla
B. indoor title, who Is maklns his Sletro
ffirt'""!'" debut ln tha third annual lnvita-
SVjwed tha third round of the event jester-
ttffL00?!4 t,ia the fixture ha produced
i f?4t S"" .hlsJ victory In atrleht sets, but
LiSSe.nt t0 deuce and was hotly contested.
wr" winmnB aner n Barnes, in tne
ESS r?S , gained tho honors at C-3.
!BKi?fc -fhrockmorton was another to come
3 nvir,8600". rou'id. hla 'victory belnit
SS,r Se5n, W, The others who ad.
tHr5"? CedrlO X. llajor. 11. Man. Jr.. Klnu.
1tTa..i?,i,;?ni?e.rbllt ward, the latter two gain;
StChSih - """' because' of defaults. Oeorae
mvaaj-, "sressed to the third round In the
Lamb Eeats Cermnntnwn
SW?Sn Academy defaulted their tennis
iiirt.milnn '-narter, yesterday, closing the
SI?rnrSlfK,e''.?.0e' Tha match bad been post
WSuichea U K' a" ,ha Quake had th
M8techr tTsl,m,,;?0.n'.Penn Charter, defeat-
fc?Hf6d1jjHlesTa''','n' Central Jllgli Fresh..
E$lt Jacobs, Tenn Charter, 1-S. O-l, O-u.
fegwood Tennis Stars Trim Harvard
iUBRIDaB. Mass.. May 25. The Harvard
K8t riS . wf defeated bV tha Lonawood
K5S r.u,buy"tt:rd?y T matches to 3. The only
Ha ffi?ithwo.?1 b the Crimson was thst In
stVf Vi'i Norrls Williams. 2d. defeated
M tfiitlS' 8'iv u"4- J ha doubles Williams
Lafavette ItpntH Hnrgrihnlnra
IlKyHMORB. May 28. Tha Lafayette Col.
I!r.,;i!''?'"n won Its dual meat with Swarth
lIU?ltKd)' bjr 'I9 "co" S to II. McFall,
ItpraS f ?a.Lba two-mlle runln the mosf
M l4aJ?. "J.1", afternoon In 10 minutes
KgHecoads. ThU broka tbs Lafayette College
Northeast Cricketers Win
P) iaJi TUlsh School defeated Havsrford
Ktti MrfiiAeW1'ol"uo Cricket Leatue earns
paT( HSVTSJ'ir" llu0 yesterday by u, war
?tfS t i""' t Norttsast who took eight
ffijefttwk U for U. was tha feature.
New Director of Athletics Is
Thoroughly Familiar With
Duties of New Office
Under tha new athletic regime ot the
University of Pennsylvania, students nnd
the alumni anticipate a much brighter fu
ture athletically for Penn and In the ap
pointment of Major Maylln Pickering as
graduate manager of athletics to succeed
llobertson Lea Perot, most of the burden
will fall upon the shoulders of the man
who has been so successful and active In
the management of tho Military Athletic
Major Pickering never was very promi
nent as an athlete, but his thorough knowl
edge of sports makes him an ideal man for
tho position, Byron Dickson .was tha
choice of tha undergraduates and many
were of the Impression that the Board of
Directors of tho Athletic Association erred
In making this appointment. It now la
believed, however, that Major Pickering
will prove, to ba a real live wire and tha
man to handle this Important position.
Major Pickering lsa graduate of tho
University Law School, Is a former captain
In Company II, of the 2d Regiment, and
(tow liolds a commission of major, He was
private secretary to Oeorge D. Porter when
tha latter was Director of Public. Safety,
- '- - II SMI I I - I . I..
- - . .. - i .''!JM!1 L JZZ2
it . M
,5 . . .1.. . f .-
These two boys are Edward Caa
sard, Episcopal Academy, junior
tennis champion of Philadelphia,
nnd Rodney Beck, of Gcrmnntown
Academy, whose remarkable rec
ord this year marks him as a
coming star. They hnvo met twice
before tills year and each won a
f- 4 "
'tm m
".a-. . . ' t . .
f?:?i"X . . x
W n"t
Ted Thinks Winner of -Collegiate
880 Must Do Bet
ter Than 1:52 1-5
Move for National Games
CLEVELAND. May 23 Mayor Jfarry L.
Davis, ho, several weeks ago. launched a move.
Stent to obtain the I U20 Olympic fames for
Clevclaad. stated yesterday that he had appointed
a commission to try to establish a new system
of American athletic aames. to b wunrhed at
a great national meet In this city In 1U1H, as a
Sreliminary to the 120 Olympio contests. The
iUyor sail today. "It Is time that this country
should ba holding national games to determine
the American champtonships Jn various branches:
of athletics."
Stanford Agrees House Is Ineligible
BOSTON. May 28. Captain F. S. Murray, of
the Leland Stanford. Jr. University track teams
saldlasl nUht that no attempt "ouldbe made at
tha mfetls of the Executive Committee of tha
Intercollegiate Associaiion wy Vr.J.,
KSSr the commute, declare Mered th House
S&wSteffii&t at thTUarvaTda-uaium jBT
feyd Saturday, Vapuin Murray W J.
?v? .2ys2fap um
IHQ COK4MfcUtvWU V .--Tn-rr
Pennsylvania's track team left this
morning for Boston nnd tho men will stny
at tho Hotel Lenox during the lntercollo
glates on Friday and Saturday. Tho Tcnn
team Is mado up of 18 athletes, which Is tho
least number the Red and Blue has sent
to this meet In many years.
We aro going with the hope of finishing
third nnd expect to total nt least 20 points.
How we will get thcso points It Is bard to
tell, but with the luck breaking even with
us, we should not get less than this
Kaufman will bo our only representative
In the 100-yard dash, and with Tommy
Lonnon also will run tho 220 yards and
It Is In this event that ho stands the most
chance. Kaufman Is not a poor prospect
In the 100 yards, however, for ho lins been
going good nil year over tho century. When
ho tied with Van Wlnklo, of Cornell, In 10
flat ho wns running in good shape nnd hag
become much steadier oft his mark since
Lawson llobertson expects Lennon to do
something In tho 220. Ho has seen Lennon
run for tho past four years around New
York and saya Jio Is cnpablo of doing 22
seconds if In good bhape, and did better
thar that two years ngo ln tho Metropoli
tan Championships when ho ran a dead
heatiWlth Alvah Meyer In 21 1-5 seconds.
I will bo our only entry In tho 410, but
will have Dorsey and Scuddcr with mo In
tho half-mile.
Humphreys Is our only man in the mile;
Colton and De Korn will run the two mile:
Warren both hurdles; Crane, Thlbault and
Turner In the high Juinp; Ilertolct and
Buchholz In the broad Jump; Mathews and
Dorlzas In tho weights, nnd Xewstettcr and
Sewell will be our vaultcrs.
Scuddcr Should Place
Out of these men we can only feel sure
of a few placing, but tho whole bunch have
a chance according to their past perform
ances. Scudder should place some where
In the hnlf-mllo as lie lias been running
well all year. Ills trouble Is In his Inexperi
ence, and If he runs himself all out and
uses good Judgment he should run under
1.D6 and this will placo. Ho Is a strong
fellow who does not know his own ability
and the only way for him to get to bo a
good, dependable runner Is by a lot ot
competition. Dorsoy ran under 1.56 In tho
Cornell-Fenn dual race nnd bhould bo bet
ter now than at that time
Colton Hurely will bo well up In the two
mile race, Ho has Improved about 20 sec
onds this year and I figure him to finish
Should tho high Jump bo a little off form,
I think Crane and Thlbault will step In
and help divide the points for tha last two
places, '
Bertolet Is ono of our best possibilities
of tho men who are dark horses. He has
been going well all year, and with the new
form llobertson has given him I believe ho
will ba in tha scoring. He has beaten
WordeD, of Dartmouth, and Culbertson, of
Cornell, this year, nnd both of theso men
have Bcored In previous years,
Mathews, In tho hammer, should placo
this year. He has been Improving steadily
and now la throwing It KB feet ln practice.
The fact that lie always Improves his
throws from two to Ave feet In competition
makes roe believe wa can exnect something
from htm on Saturday.
Dorizaa Dependable
Dorlzaa la another good man In competi
tion and can be depended upon to do bet
ter when the excitement of competition
cornea along, Here la a place wo have not
counted, and should he come through our
stock will' go up considerably.
Mewstotter Burely will place In tho pole
vaut. I have picked him for second, but
have a feeling that he will catch his form
perfectly, and either tlo Foss or beat him.
Newstetter never haa. been aa good aa he
waa at the relays In 1D15. when he tied
with Fosa at 13 feet 10 inches, but he haa
been working hard for this meet with one
object In view, and that la to beat his Cor
nell rival, and I would not be a bit sur
prised should he do this. Sewell Is a pos
sible point for us ; he lias been going better
thla year than laBt and should do 12 feet,
judging from his vaulting ot the last two
All the men are In good shape and will
stand up under the competition aa well as
any of the teams, I feel sure. It always
has been true of a Pennsylvania track
team that It goes better In the Intercolle
glatea than Is expected. We fell down In
the last two yeara on this, duo to acci
dents to our sprinters, but I think you
will find thla year's bunch up to the mark
as competitors, which waa set, by Mike Mur
phy's pupils of ,a few years ago.
t am In as good shape aa I could hope to
ba. I hope to win both the quarter and
half, but think tho fields ln both events are,
much better thU year than ever before.
mj rxr.sm
A'v JVStb f M i St& ItiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiHI
jafv, - - - -- Wx-h y ix ! aiH
SSS$ poovy Be WSJ' .' ?tH
Penn Charter Youngsters
and Germantown Academy
in Final Match Today
Today will sco the climax ot tho closest
race nny tennis league over has seen In
this city. In the Junior Intcrncadcmlc
League, organized this season and playing
a schedule corresponding to tho Intcrnca
dcmlc Leaguo Itself, Germantown Academy
and Penn Charter nro tie, with only tho
last meeting of theso two schools yet to
bo played.
The Junior Intcrncadcmlc Leaguo haa
met with tho approval of tho wholo tennis
world of Philadelphia. It waB Indorsed at
tho last meeting ot tho Philadelphia nnd
District Lawn Tennis Association. This
bodv. which Is boosting Junior tennis around
Kho city In every possible way, considers
tho league as a most important step in
tho right direction of opening competitive
play to young boys.
Kplscopal, Penn Charter nnd German
town deserve pralso for their work, but It
is to Friends' Central that the greatest
credit should go. This school, with un
failing good sportsmanship, has played all
its matches and laid n foundation for Its
next year's team that should result ln put
ting this school very near the top at tho
close of 1017 season.
The boys show prospects of developing
quickly and, with the volley board in tho
gymnasium next winter and under tho
coaching of Professor Moore and Mr. Hex,
assisted at times by Mr. Gibbons nnd Mr.
Tllden, tho boy should make rapid strides.
The individual stnrs "of tho leaguo this
season are Pennock. Myers nnd Sherrard, of
Penn Charter; Harper. Wiener and Kolb.
of Kplscopal, nnd Beard, Smith Beck and
Jcllett of Germantown. Thebo boys all havo
played good tennis and consistently showed
development. .
The Individual Junior League tournament
will start Juno 3 (Saturday) at Manholm.
Kach school may enter four boys who havo
played at least one-halt tho season's
matches. The tournament will bo played
on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, Juno
3, 5 and G. All matches 2 out of 3 except
tho finals, which will be 3 out of 5 Bets.
Won. Last,
Cleteluml 2- 1
Washington ?L Jr.
I Nov York 15 13
lloslo , It 13
t'hlniKU 1 J"
Athletic 1
Detroit 1 10
ht. Louis 11 IB
. I3K
Misses Ogden and Lillie Defeat
Misses Reath and Kennedy
in Three Sets
Several exciting matches wcro played
jesterday In tho annual tournament for tho
tennis championship of tho Merlon Cricket
Club In women's singles nnd doubles and
mixed doubles. In tho first round of the
double? Miss Kathcrlno Ogden and Miss
Theodora Lllllo furnished nn upset by win
ning a hard three-set match from MIsh Klsa
Itoath nnd Miss Emily Kennedy, 8-0, 3-0,
0-3. Another Interesting match In doubles
was staged between Miss Marion Toulmln
nnd Mls.s E. C. Henscl nnd Miss Sarah
Nellson and Miss Agnes Kennedy, the for
mer team earning tho honors. 8-G, 7-5. In
tha second round Mrs. Valentino Bleg,
daughtor of Mrs. II. H. Barlow, tho Phila
delphia golf champion, partnered by Miss
Hvolyn Bunk, defeated Miss Jacqueline
Green nnd Miss Frances Crawford, 9-7,
3-6, G-l.
Bnn stored hy nil tmms of Amtrlriin nnd
rfatlflnnl fnruri from Thnriday, Mur IB,
io irnncnny, ,nnr z, incinftiTe. unir rii
that flsnre. In official nrfrnrt are Inclnn,
r. H. 8. M. T. W. T'l
I 8 : ' : bit"
6 1! 0 4 IB
J A $ n so
rtlTloIni ntrnri nt 1nlititsi.
Ustnt-skBI ni I nsmsvt nl Atss at nil list sramksl skSk hnl
ronnted, hut the nrorn of. sjntnrs nf-flre In
nlngi or more nrr Inrlndrd In the table.
... T. r. H. 8. M. T. V
iiinieitcs , . , a
llnton ... 1
( hlrnrn .... I
f'ttffttlrt 4
Detroit ...... I I .01
ew York o K a a id in
St. I,nil!. 7 5 1 5 151
Uashlntlon I 18 4 2 123
T. K. H. S. M T. W, T'l
notion 2 I i ? 0 410
llrooklyn ... 3 4 S 0 3 U
( iltno .... 4 5 2 3 8 0 W
f'incinnnll ..8 3 6 .1 S 117
New York. . . 8 fl 4 11 4 93
Phillies , ... ft 1 5 I ft .1 (1 20
rlll.hnrill .. O 4 1 O 27
St. Mills. ..041052 17
Did not play.
Three Varsity Men Sent to
Second Boat in Yester
day's Work-out
That Coach Wright Is far from satisfied
with the line-up of tho varsity crew, was
demonstrated yesterday, when he sent threo
of tho oarsmen to tho Junior olght and
shifted tho remaining ones to other Beats.
AVrlght has been experimenting with va
rious combinations slnco tho Henley race,
und ns yet has not gotten together tho ono
which Is entirely satisfactory to him.
Littleton, Qlanz and Mcdelra were sent to
the second crew, while Gotham, who has not
been feeling very well for the last week,
will bo given several dnys' rest In which to
recuperate. Chlckerlng, Boss and Pepper
were switched to other seats In tho boat.
Captain Chlckerlng Went back to tho bow
position, while Wlrkman was advnnccd to
his placo In tho No. 7 seat. Boss, tho ntroko,
was put Into tho No. 2 position, his placo
being taken by Drayton, stroke ot tho
Juniors. Pepper, tho No. 8 man, took tho
No. 4 scat. Tlhlen, of tho Juniors, took
Gotham's placo at No. 3, Gucnther was
sent to No. 0 to fill tho vacancy caused by
In the Junior boat Littleton waB placed
at stroke. Littleton Btroked tho varsity
several years ago ln several of the races,
,i. that ho has hnd a llttlo experience nt
tho position. Wright took all threo, crews
up tho river, giving them Instructions to
uso n 2G stroke. Tho new varsity com
bination seemed to work fairly well to
gether, but ln all probability tho seating
arrangement Is still far from settled. The
varsity rowed as follows; Bow, Chlcker
lng; 2, rtoss; 3, Tllden; 4, Pepper; 5,
Woll ; 6, Gucnther ; 7. Wlrkman ; stroke,
Drayton ; coxswain, Foster. Tho Juniors
lined up as follows: Bow, C. Gels; 2, Brelt
Inger; 3, F. Gels; 4, Jerauld; 5, Duryea;
G, Madeira; 7 GInnz; stroke, Littleton;
coxswain, Welrlck.
Takes Second in Qualifying
Round at Bala and Will
Compete in Tourney
Aronlmlnk finally hns broken lnlo the
"400 ' of golf experts nnd today Is rejoicing
over tho fact that a. team of 10 men from
the club will have a chance nt tho team
Intorclub championships in July, when play
will bo for tha Philadelphia cup. Flvo ot
tho best golf learns In tho city yesterday
competed In the qualification rouhd at tho
Country Club, Main, when the four teams
with the seven lowest nggrcgnta scores for
36 holes became eligible to competo later
on In match play for tha tltto.
Aronlmlnk wns nosed out ln 'the matter
of strokes by Huntingdon , Valley, present
champions. Huntingdon Valley, It might ba
added, has been champion with distressing
regularity to the other club with fow
breaks ever since tho title hns been on fllo.
The golfers from Noble did not break
their necks yesterday to get tha medat,
seeming satisfied to shoot In the neighbor
hood of 85 nnd qualify.
Aronlmlnk, which failed to qualify last
year, was "out for blood" this year, and
sent 20 men lnlo the frny lit Its efforts to
place. Tho team wns led by Walter II.
Reynolds, ono of tho best golfers ln tho
city. Itcynolds had parcels of hard luck
both In tho morning and afternoon, but
camo within a ntroko of winning the medal
nevertheless. Spencer D. Wright, Jr., was
tied for low score In tho morning round, but
needed 11 more In the afternoon for n 33.
Tho Philadelphia Country Club led tho
others homo, seven of her team breaking
170 over the home course. Such nn expert
as Georgo A, Crump Just managed to squeeze
Into tho points with his 169. Merlon had
no troublo about sliding Into second placo,
the Mnln Liners being tho other team to
The Philadelphia Cricket Club was Unable
to put all Its stars In tho field nnd ns a
result wns beaten rathor badly for a place
by a total of 88 strokes. Tho team made a
frantic and game effort to get In tho run
ning, when tho disastrous morning round
was cut down by 35 strokes.
Tho qualifying round was ono of the
most Interesting in years, and onthuslasm
,ls now nt high pitch In oxpoctatlon of close
match play In July for tho cup. Tha odds
favor Huntingdon Valley nnd tho Country
Club for the finals. If tho latter team main
tains Its speed of yesterday It will havo a
good chance to worst tho present champions.
The matoXv will bo played at Bala.
Bob Mohr Knocked Out
DAYTON, O . Slay 25 After being; floored
for the count of olght In the second round. Ted
I.ewlf ranio hack strong lant night and knocked
out Hob Mohr In tho 18th. The battle waB n.
slam-bnng affair from start to finish.
Kilbanc in Draw
MONTREAL. May 25. Johnny Kllhane. feath
erweight chnmpion. nnd Kddle Wallace, of
Hrnoklyn, fought a fast 10-round draw hers last
Southern Association
Atlanta, 0, Nashville. 0, Second game: Nash
ville. 1: Atlanta, 0.
lilrmlngham, 6: Chattanooga, 8.
New Orleans. 0; Memphis, S.
Mobile. 8; I.lttlo Hock. 2.
In the House
Reduced from IS (25 and J20.
See Our 7 Bit Window
B. E. Cor. Oth and Arcb Sts.
Mar 30, 31, toe 1, 2
Won. Lout.
17 U
Win. I.
.480 .437
I'lilllles 1H
Huston W
New York IB
(hlcngo 10
St. l.uuU JO
Cincinnati Io
l'lttxburgh j....... 12
ot scneuuiru.
St. Louis at New York cloudy,
Detroit ut llonton; cloudy.
Chicago at Washington clear.
Cleveland at l'hlladeluhla cleur.
Ilrooklyn nt I'lltsbursh cloudy.
Chicago nt Cincinnati lear.
Only games today,
l'rotldehre at Toronto cloudy.
Richmond at Montreal -clear,
llultiinore at lluffulo clear.
Only games today,
Cleveland, oi Athletics. 4.
New York. 10 1 bt, Louis, 1,
Chlrago, 4 Washington, 1.
Boston, 4) Detroit. 1,
I'lilllles. Cl Chicago. 8.
Ilrooklyn. 3l 1'IIUburgh. S 10 Innings),
New York. Oi llnclnimtl, 1.
tit. Luuli, 6 Boston, 4.
Penn State Leaguo
York ....,.,.,, 00OO0130 x 8
Mt. Carmel., lOOOpopOO os
Jlarrlsburg , O 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1
League Standing
W. l. i.c, w. l. p.c.
Heading..,. 8 3 .800 Ilarrlsburg, 3 6 ,433
llncaster., 4 4 .500 fchamogln. .' 4 0 .'400
York....... 3 8 ,600 Mt. Carmel. 4i T .361
Atlantic League
Eastern rhllllpsburg.,,,,, 00010002 x 3
Patterson ,, QQ00000O 23
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