Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 25, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    EVfiMEKQ IMm&BVmiAi)ELVEI& THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1010.
felta of Early Morning Bad Weather, the Two n,if.
Era Affairs Yesterday Proved Extremely Success-tful-Funny
Times at Girls' Camp in Chevy ch
riU the ponies ponied and the dolls
filled and t" UUB ""-- -
I doneu .u ,. invelv and a
P8r r.trdav. At drat, you know, we
PS worried pink for fear It would
&S and the dqlls would mi uu., .,
KiV of the animate; and. my dears,
Skin in ,-,., i by 8:30
Wt "morn nB and kept up tilt noont
IJZr. Isn't this Weather wretched?
fiLwu heard whether they a.c going
ff!8Z it,, nonv show, and what about
Awards party! anything doing
&, bn it went. Then Mrs. wooa
Hgi)led and said, rain or Bhlne, things
IS. i. ti, weather made It necessary,
iffif!. . r,in., rinfhler nhc
SatoMed there, because much of the
SmY.Vi!-.. ,-milrl be dono lnsldo the
&. u.. wMither made It
then Billy Clothier phoned from his
that all was to go on as usual out
Fwnnewood. So our mintu were set
'4:.a . nut on our second best frocks
S liits and shoes nnd topped them all
Sh rain coats and top coats and sports
ffiL, ..,nors nnd off We went. And
SXerowds at both places-well, as I havo
"(,irto and once again remarKeu, wnero
Mr alt come from and where they get
?!(,. money from Is a puzzle Jto mo; but
fsfi. io and It gets, so what I remark
f the matter Is neither heio nor there,
jjfoflce' It to say, both affairs were a
fkt success. The only pity was that
$y chose the same day.
fpw'and then ono hears echoes of the
DinSJ in "Catsburg," where some of our
tees and damsels aio disporting them
Igvea In tents nt tho camp fnr women
TTChm' Chase, jusi ouisiue ui wubiuhk-
in and, Deiieve mc i " ".. ..... ..
J -rookies" are getting very mannish,
JndeVen have borrowed some of biothei's
Stftes, from what a wee bird told mo,
:fcf certain It Is that Tom's pajamas weio
'Sned to bister, uno smun iuuiuu
fjctnalty threatens to ask leave to go to
Country Clulj, una iano a teai oain
'Mk real tub with hot water, for she sol
'fely asserts she may get over her expo
Office In "those showers," but "she'll
JS. be tho same, absltively." I hate to
;jj3nlcof What tho 'dear things havo suf-
1rei for their country. An enterprising
ijrai orcned a sweots stand opposite
fcamp entrances nnci win prooauiy
M a great amount of money, so
Smorous are the pang3 of natuie which
rani satisfaction fiom tlie hungry
WLj.. - nlt.lat.na i-lm rlnuh nmns tlin
$tti3 and cat and cat.
si large meeting will bo held this eve
fein Ihe parish loom of Holy Trinity
'torch, on 20th street near Walnut, by
ftombers of the Silver Bay Alumni Asso
ciation. Recent views of Silver Bay will
fishhown by Mr. James K. Quay, of the
JBjtI Presbyterian Board of Foreign
address on the benefits to bo derived
.Snthe conference will be delivered by
it Pff Rev. William It. Turner, and there
trill be responses from a number of the
ij;le;ate$ who attended the conference 111
s-ti.fi fWier years. It appears the I'liuaueipmu
legation carried off tho banner last year
hr having been tho largest one. Many
jromwent people auenu uicse uiinuui uun-
Terences up at Sliver Bay, which is off
like George, In Now York. Last year
w t8Min(!nr d and
tPAn,?lm?a,n2I!etw"? 'ven at the nit-
M iI,,iMSai?e.dlck0' M, O. Browning
b' Or'esnaber, Mm A Ircdale. Mm v
S ockborger SIr R CnSey. M?.T Ptlw.
nir8Mr f"rnC "nye8' Mr' A. A. Tur!
ner, jir. j. m. Durccss. Mr w Qni,a. .
ge 0?' Se'uvlendt. S LwX' S
George Hogan, Jr.. president of tho club
was also toastmastor of the evening
Along the Main Line
nlsciub wll? -T"e, J,Unlor Frle""s Ten
nis Club will give an Informal dance at ili
Sarenla"' BpooW,Be- " ' tt
Miss Catharine, P. Casnct, of 93B2 Drexel
rnante?11? "'I1!10 Wembers ot the Alpha
nhyaatCd,0netIa?ttt,ar S'Bma "
qhnIVl3nF?I!?-T,,0 M,lln Ll"e Slower
of nmvlTS1.'11 ,n ,u.'" slvo nn exhibition
vnl W ll0,1,0rlMI Crlckct Club to
day, nlso Wednesday, June 14.
nnY.v MAwn Mr. i f t?t. ,,
wiL ,f rclurnoI from Honey brook, Pn.,
m e ey, Tro the Ruests of Mr. and
Mrs Samuel J. Im for several days.
Miss Dorothy i-'ogarty, of 312 Uryn Mnwr
?Wtto Troy,ex.r Yd ,IOma nftr a mon,n'a
..nJ!1; An'lr,cw; Wright Crawford, who Is
flMnftS y ?n t!!e Art Af,soelatl"n of I'lilla
delr hla, w II give nn Illustrated lecture on
,.,,.. aB ..,m"rovomcnt '" America and
S"V"!Tf"l"l! '" immunity Centre
Hall, rhe nffalr Is under tho auspices of
tho Main Line Citizens' Association. '
?ADiN',?U, Mr nn1 Mrs- A. J. Drexel
Paul, of Ttadnor, are spending n few days In
rvew York.
Mr. and .Mrs. Finnli Tracy Grlswold en
tertained at dinner Tuesday evening nt
Ilotthorpe, their homo In Itadnor. Among
tho guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Now
hall, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clin -Ion Yarnnll, Mr.
and Mrs. James Wlllenx. M t,'roi, ti.
kins. Dr. nnd Mrs. John C-lbbon, Mr. and
.Mrs. Krancls V. Lloyd and Mr. and Mrs.
George Wharton Pepper.
ST. DAVID'S Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
W. Heath and Miss Elizabeth Heath, who
have taken a house at St. David's for the
.summer, are spending a couplo of weeks nt
The Traymore. In Atlantic City.
air. B. P. Uatcs, of Midland avenue, has
returned from Hot Springs, Vn., where ho
was attending a golf association tournament.
- - i ........ .. . . . ii.
1KSV""-V,N -'!J1 ' ' ' Pi
f Mi's. ,s re. WOTSffiMS
.- Jf " V fi' " n.
lZSS. ..
Preparations for Large Affair
at Merion Go on
Sally Ashhurst came up fiom Cuba
iWlook he" small nieces to tho confer
,nce. Jlarion Toulmin usually goes also,
?Sl the Elilston Perots and Perot Blssell
,ln! dpzens of others. There Is so much
ji?oo Desmes talcing tne classes inai many
.Hone, younger girls enjoy going lm
Etnsllv. Tho countrv Is lovely, the
... .... . .
iKsnery wonaenui, and an is conciucivo
'M.t. good time.
P Personals
jr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Custls Harrison.
fcTof Chuckswood, Vlllanova, will give a
totr on Tuebday. June 13. In honor of
Wa nilzabeth Wllmor Grimth, whoso on-
JJfment to Mr Udward Croser Puge was
wtounced recently.
Mrj. William Ellis Scull, of Lelchton
Uce, Overbrook. iravo ii tea at her homo
.Way, Jllsa Marcot Ellis Scull. Miss Helen
Sill and Miss Aimee Hutchinson nreslded
Rttllw tea table,
Xaptaln William Leo Russell. U S. N..
omiandant of the yard, and Mrs. Russell
SUMay afternoon, nt their hnme In tho
MTV Yard. (?nvpra will I,, lnl.l fni- nlinur
Mf!, James D. Wln.snr. .Tt. nf TlnKninnnt.
11 entertain nn WadnaoHa,. Vnw ?t 1 In
Jj Charles M. Lea's box at the Horse
T. &nH ATf a Tnaanli T)adb nvtrl XT Ida
L-iSefjdOra. TlfttHJ nf Wlc,ctf,t,lnl,n ni.At.ua nurl
m Upsal street, will give an Informal
Iff1" Party on Saturday afternoon from
P "", o C10CK.
Vlnl r, . .- . . .. ,-
S; T v """irucior uuy a. uisseii, u, s.
p W4 Mrs. nissett entertained Informally
Tning at a small dinner party at
a home, B19 South 21st street.
if. Bnd Mod rAn.A t... a in...
ir- ' -""- -. ucuiga .ounuu mm iistj
gtaret Burton, 2015 Spruce street, are
jwpylnjr Hurricane Hall, their Devon
W1 Aney wl" sPend the summer at Nar-
in rier, as usual,
"Ira, Horaca TtrnnlrA Tlnrfr hod ntnc.il 1.a
ffVnent' 22 West Rlttenbouse square,
KSJ T Vpplnf wi'h her daughter. Mrs.
,rjr Drinker Hiley at Strafford.
iPt 1L A. "nmruov nf JJ1I Ttl.-
S!i! nnounca the enffasement of hts
iassnter. Mian rnro-aH n.mnD. -.
0'aj Alien. .,., - ..
Sfir!;E4wa,''i lungerieh Smith will leave
ifi iT?8 May totla, t occupy her cottage
W tha summer.
IwLm ""'liBdon , Valley Country Club
Egt asm us annual spring tonnls tourna-
S1 m Saturday till Wednesday. A
tef.7i"ler dance wl" be Biven on Satur,
Jd Mrs. Prod Perry Powers, of
i jwrvey gtreet, Oermantown, hae very
dWOtrry festival tr. h. I.ian o...........
ffiwn and evening:, June 3. by the mem.
llftL"" -nnian KuUeavor Society of
M .,, r8byterlan Church. Cakes and
Vk1 Ior Bal8- Tho Proceed
m5tf f.lcY alSQ or ne wrk of be
t .g,u, , oanuago, Chill.
keUi2fainuai Juno fete- " b e'vn
Wim r,i.l ". i?3 t-'Oapin Memorial
UlM i MAe4 BUnd- vll b held gn
B'n( the hniiin B7t9 wmm. -..-
Pfi SSS .SJA.fE"! A w.
A quiet wedding will talio place tonight
at o'clock In the Church of St. Francis
de Sales, when Miss Helen Thomas Patter
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bouvler
Patterson, of 327 South -16th street, will be
como tho hrldo of Mr. Wells Tcto von
Albade. Tho bride, who will be given In
marriage by her father, will wear a gown
of silver cloth with an overdress of white
silk net. Tho train falls from the waist
line In two long points and Is embroidered
In silver. Her tullo veil will be caught
with orange blossoms and sho will carry it
shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of
the valley. Mrs. James Frederick Warren
will attend Miss Patterson as matron of
honor, and will wear a pink embroidered net
frock trimmed with pink ribbons. Her hat
will bo a picturesque black ono trimmed with
a pink silk poppy nnd blue nnd pink
sti earners. Sho will carry an old-fnsh-loned
bouquet of sweetheart loses arid forget-me-nots.
Mr. Clarence U Morrison, of
derniantown. will bo best man, and the
ushers will Include Mr. Richard Patterson,
Mr. James Frederick Warren, Mr. Michael
B. Patterson and Mr. Harold Butler Mont
gomery, of Atlantic City. A small recep
tion will follow for the two families and
tho bridal party.
..4FVns ,'..
Miss Hardy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hardy, of 415
Preston street. She is ono of those who are interested in the lnrpre
pardon fete which will be Riven tomorrow and Saturday at the Merion
Convent of Mercy for the benefit of tho Mater Misoricordiae Hospital.
Along the Reading
A quilt social and entertainment will be
given by tho Salem Baptist Sunday school
tomorrow ccnlng. A quilt containing about
200 names, all embroidered, will be given
to tho person who disposes of the highest
number of tickets.
A lawn party will ho given by Inde
pendent Klro Company No. 2, McKInley, at
tho firo house. Ogontz, Jenklntown, Tuesdny
afternoon and "evening. May 30.
Mr. and Mrs. AlcCnrtney, of West Phil
adelphia, have opened their summer homo
on Park avenue. Willow Grove.
Mrs. J. II. Hoover, accompanied by her
dnughter, Mrs. K. Stewart, havo gone to
Atlantic City for tho summer. Their home
on Ashbourne rond will be occupied by
Mr. G. W. Hill until the fall.
Tho next meeting of tho Horsham Farm
ers' Club will bo held June 10, nt Oak
Knoll, tho homo of tho dlsses Gocntncr.
? f . . U i.
Mr. nnd Mis. John A. Seeds, of Upsal
street and Wlssahlckon avenue, have Issued
cards for the marriage of their daughter.
Miss lola Merlo Seeds, to Mr Edward
Gordon M. Mno Gannon, of Montreal, on
Wednesday. Juno 17, in Cahary Prot
estant Episcopal Church at fi.30 o'clock. A
lcceptlon will follow the ceremony.
Miss Ruth Elsenhower, of Upsal street,
west of Wayno avenue, will leave today for
Wllllamstown. Mnss., where sho will attend
a house party to be given by the Williams
College students.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith of 6920
Walnut Iane. gave a bridal dinner at their
home on Sunday, In honor of Mr. nnd Mis.
S. Kantor of New York.
Covers were laid for ten nnd the table
was elaborately decorated with (lowers
Mrs. Kantor was Mlbs Gussle Kofs before
her marlage to Mr. Kantor on Saturday,
Every Day a New Fad Is Taken
Up by Milady at the Seashore
4tasong uta feature pt tha enter. Mr. FMUp Carrot
Tho wedding of Miss Florence Ida Hitch
Ins, of 10 South B9th street, to Charles B.
McCall, Jr., of 213S Wharton street, will
take place this evening at the parsonage,
180S Christian Btreet, The Rev. Willis B.
Skitlman, pastor of thq Tabor Presbyterian
Church, will officiate. Only a fow members
of tho Immediate family will bo present.
Miss Illtchlns is the daughter of Mrs.
Elizabeth Hitchins, widow of the late Rob
ert J. Illtchlns i a granddaughter of Mis.
James Wallace and of the late James
Wallace, and youngest granddaughter of
the late James and Laura Hitchins, of At
lantic City. Mr. McCall Is the son of
Charles B. McCall, a contractor and build
er, and of the late Anna McCall. The
young couple will be home to their friends
after May 30. ,
The wedding of Miss Frances Saffron and
Mr Harry Weiner took place on Sunday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam S. Saffron, 429 Mllltiu street, The home
was beautifully decorated for the occasion.
Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
William S. Saffron, Mr, Martin Saffron, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Sultanoff, Mr. Charles Sultan
off Mr. Samuel SultanotT, Miss Rebecca
Sultanoff, Mr. and Mrs. I. Sultanoff, Mr.
and Mrs- Harry Saffron, Mr. and Mrs.
Lavlnsky. of New York; Mr. an Mrs.
Osborn, of New York city; Mr. and, Mrs,
Fisher, Miss Ida Llbman, Mr. und Mrs.
j Llbman, Mr. P- Llbman. Mrs. Saffron,
Miss Clara Saffron, Miss Ida Saffron. Mr.
and Mrs. Row. Mrs. MeUel, Mr. M. Meizel,
Mrs, Saser, Mr. Sager, Mrs. Cohen and
family. MI3 tena Bernstein, Me. B. Wein
er Mr- Barauel Weiner, Mrs. Eva. Weiner.
of' Chicago, 111-1 Mr Maxwell Saffron, Mr.
,i oiknw Miss Sadie Sulckler, Mr. and
Mrs. Kirsbnwr. Mr. Hon-js Smolensky and
West Philadelphia
Mrs. Roslna M. Kelly, of 5S4S Snruce
street. Is entertaining a number of her
friends, at her summer home, Bed Qables,
Ocean Gate, N. J. Tho guests Include Miss
Edith M. Taylor Miss Blanche G. Jones and
Miss Klsye G. Gutekunst. Miss Florence M.
Keys, Miss Lydln B. Sheppard and Miss
Sarah J. Heddlngtori;
Tho Semper Fldelis Class, of the Geth
semane Lutheran Church. 60th and Callow
hill streets, will present a "Vision of
Angels" and a tableaux of tho church year
this evening.
A strawberry festival for the benefit of
tho Hebron Baptist Church, 56th and Vine
streets, will be held tonight on the church
grounds. i
Mr. and Mrs. William Glllnllen. of 58th
and Summer streets, will leave for Lans
dale, to bo the week-end guests of Mr. GUI
Allen's brother and slster-ln-Uw. Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Olllflllen,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kvan V. Kimble, of the
Marlyn have returned from a short stay at
the Marlborough-BIenhelm and are now
spending a fortnight at tho New V Ulard,
Washington. i
At the wedding of Miss Lovlna Billing
ton Wesley to Mr. Perclval Garrett Mad
dock which will ,occur on June t, at seven
o'clock In the West Walnut Street church
with a receptloil at the Phllomuslan Club,
,, mnimn nf ftionor will bo Mrs. Fred-
erla Harvey, thi bridesmaids will be Miss
Adelaide Spencer. Mrs. Norman W Harker,
Miss Helen Breltenbnugh. Miss Helen
Glase. Mr Henry Maddock will be best
man, and usnors inciuae air wonaiu noun,
Mr. Robert Plerspolnt. Mr. Joseph Bond,
Wlllam Woodruff. Rlchafd Naylor. William
Rudd. At home cards are enclosed for The
Plnehurst, 45th and Pine, on the second
and third Fridays' In Octobsr
Miss Helen Glase entertained at lunch
eon on Saturday In honor of the bride.
On Tuesday Miss Breltenbaugh enter
tained at luncheon and bridge Yesterday
Mrs. Harvey entertained at a theatre party
followed by tea at the Bellevue-Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W, Maddock enter
tained the entire bridal party at bridge and
supper the same day. Miss Spencer will
entertain at luncheon tomorrow.
Mrs, Arthur'' Hanauer, of New York, who
has been visiting in the West is spending
a couple of weeks with Miss Kitty Bressler.
at the Brantwood Apartments,
Short shoulder capes, corded and shirred
with long stole ends and high collars. Intro
duced a now noto In summer wraps today
nnd promise to supersede furs, which wcro
worn so Indiscriminately last season without
the slightest regard to the temperature.
But don't think that tho Boardwalk maid
Is going to pay any more attention to the
climatic conditions this season where Dame
Fashion Is concerned, for these new silk
wraps aro worn with pctlto corded and
shirred silken muffs lined with fluffy plalt
Ings of chiffon. Think of carrying per-f-plrlng
hands in chiffon and silk muffs In
August I On chill lato spring days the
silken scarfs or shoulder capes with muffs
are rather fetching.
uicnuei Francis Doyle and Miss A. M.
Doyle, who havo been at the Traymore for
a short rest, left Tuesday afternoon for
Washington, D. C. Mr. Doyle will sail for
Ireland Saturday to defend Sir Roger Case
ment. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wilson nre enter
taining a party of Philadelphia friends at
Haddon Hall for a few days. KnloylnK
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson's hospitality arc the
Rev. J. L. Scott, Mrs. Scott. Mr. and Mrs.
John Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. William
A family party at tho Strand includes
Mr. and .Mrs. N D. Moore. Miss Edith M
Moore, Mrs. L. W. Bean, .Miss Sophia Bal
lenger. Mrs. M. R. Troth and Miss Storer have
joined friends at the Chalfonte. Mr and
Mrs. Charles II. Davis nre spending a week
nt tho tamo hotel, where Mrs James A
Bayard and Miss Mabel Bayard aro also
making their seashore home.
A family party of Phlladelphlans at the
Runnymede Includes Mrs. Mary Mclntyre,
Mrs. Martha Mitchell, Miss E. T. Weagle!
Miss Jane D. Mclntyre, Miss Frances Mc
lntyre and Mrs. S. S. Rawllnir. Miss Sallla
II. Greene and Miss Dorothy Marshall, of
Germantown. are nt tho same hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ashby have Joined
the Philadelphia colony at tho Brighton.
Mrs. II. T. Adams camo down from Ger
mantown to attend the general assembly,
and Is at the Dennis with Miss Shaw, of Bal
timore. Mrs. Somors and Miss M. R, Somers ar
rived at tho Marlborough-BIenhelm on Tues
day and will remain for a fortnight.
Mrs. Robert Ferguson, of Wyncote, has
Joined Mrs. Sydney Carpenter at the Traymore.
South Philadelphia
A very pretty wedding took place Sunday
evening at 7 o'clock at the Casino Hall
when Miss Rose Segal, daughter of Sir. and
Mrs, II. Segal, of 638 Reed street, became
the bride of Mr. L. Freldman, of Pottstown,
A reception followed tho ceremony, after
which Mr. and Mrs. Freldman left for At
lantic City On their return they will make
their home In Pottstown
, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hackett, of 2321
East Cumberland street, have gone to Am
bler, Pa-, for the summer.
Mrs, Lemuel J. McCauley, of 2149 East
Cumberland street, has left for an extended
(rip through California, and on her return
will go to her summer home In Island
The second annual field day of Class 6
of the Union Tabernacla Church will be
held la LaDsdowno, Pa., on Saturday,
June 19.
If It rains tomorrow nnd Saturday the
large Fete Chnmpetre to be given nt Merlon
for the benefit of the Mater Mlserlcordlae
Hospital will bo changed from a rustic
fcto Into a delightful Indoor affair. The
spacious porch of the convent will be lintis
formed Into nn old-fashioned market day
fair, while tho school dining room will be
used as a dainty restaurant, with flower
decked tables, nnd tho wide corridors nnd
parlors transformed Into delightful llttlo
shops, where all sorts of beautiful things
will bo displayed.
Even If the camel nnd monkey will not
bo allowed within the conent wnlls, the
amusement Centre will ho held In n largo
room on the main floor. The gipsy tent,
wherein Mis-) Roberta Browning nnd Miss
Charlotte Mulccy will rend palm nnd tell
all sorts of delightful things to their visi
tors, will nlso be set up "Inside," and tho
gipsy maids will give a royal welcome to
any one who comes their way.
But the committee nnd other prominent
women In charge of tho nffalr nro hoping
for clear skies nnd real May weather, and
with tho beautiful school grounds for a
setting It would Indeed bo a shame to hold
the fete Indoors.
In order that no one will mlsi the show,
tnxles will meet trains nt the Merlon sta
tion, nnd 62d street trolley line at tho
Bala terminus, when for a nominal charge
visitors will bo carried direct to the con
vent gates.
Archbishop Prendergnst nnd other prom
inent ccclcslnstlcs will visit the fete during
the dnys, tho Archbishop expecting to motor
out on Friday.
An interesting announcement was made
nt this week's meeting nt Merion when Miss
Katherlno A. G. Scnnnelt, one of the most
active nldes at the Market day booth, In
formed those present thnt sho had per
sonally cnlled upon tho Archlbphop, Bishop
McCort, Monslgnor Gerald Coghlnn, the Ilov.
Father Davey, S. J., rector of tho Gcsu,
nnd President of St Joseph's College, anil
secured from each tho order for their Satur
day's marketing. Orders will be received
for marketing even after tho fete closes.
Orders will nlso be lecelved for dellclom
homemade bread, biscuits, cakes nnd can
dles. Mrs. Leonard A. Hlckley, Mrs. Jo
seph F. Gallagher and Mrs. M. P. Qulnn
nre In charge of the cake nnd candy booth
nnd will be assisted by n bevy of young
At tho clgnr nnd cigarette booth, Mis.
J. J. Bannon will be nsslstcd by Mrs Wln
fleld Scharpe, Mrs. Herman Votterllcn, Mrs.
George H. Gilchrist, Mrs. Thomas Brady,
Miss Marie Qulnn, Miss Margaret Bannon,
Miss Oenevlevo Harrison, Miss Dorothy
Rumbarger and Miss Mario Ratlgan.
Navy Yard News
Miss Eugenia Ryan, dnughter of Paymas
ter Eugene D. Ryan, V. S. N., and Mrs
Ryan, will entertain Informally on Saturday
afternoon from 3 to C nt her homo In the
Navy yard. Her guests, 24 In number, will
Include Miss Frances Hnmmond, Miss Eliza
beth Lawrence, Miss Anna Lucas, Miss Lucy
Morse, Miss Marjory Morse, Miss Marian
Itussell, Miss Nnncy Little. Miss Barbara
Clayton. Miss Ellen Whitman, Miss Ellse
Merkel, Mlbs Helen Michell, Miss Mary Mil
ler, Miss Josephine Knight, Miss Helen Hill,
Miss Bessie Labrd. Miss Peggy Deal, Miss
Ethel Butler, Miss Laura Halford, Miss
Dorothy Dicrer, Miss Janet Sullivan, Miss
Eleanor Sullivan nnd Miss Edith Roberts
Mrs. Alexander E. Williams, wife of Cap
tain Williams, U. S. M. C, of 2322 South
21st street, will have as her guest Mrs.
Tarleton H. Bean, who Is on her way to
Annapolis, Md Mrs. Bean will stay a week
North Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. D. Nast havo closed their
home at 2953 North 25th street and have
opened their summer cottage at 106 South
Massachusetts avenue, Atlantic City, where
they will stay for the summer months.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Schembs and family havn
closed their new homo on North 21st street
and have motored to Atlantic City, where
they will occupy their cottngo until the
Mr. B. T. Gllroy, of 1403 North 24th
street, will spend tho week-end at Beth
lehem. Miss Rosa Reager. of 2317 North Cleve
land avenue, entertained at cards, followed
by a buffet supper last Sunday evening
Miss Reager will spend the week-end nt
the Hotel Dayton, Wlldwood,
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Lustman, of 115 North
54th street, are .entertaining Mr. Plncus
Weiss, of Scranton, for a few days.
Miss Rae Friedman, of 2132 Wallace
-street, has returned home from a lslt to
her brother, Mr. Bernard Friedman, of
Mrs. May Myers, of North 20th street,
will spend the week-end at the Hotel
Breevoort, Atlantic City.
Mrs. J. Aarons, of 2317 North Cleveland
avenue, will spend the summer at tho Hotel
Dayton, Wlldwood,
Mls3 Maude B. Isaacs, of 1846 North
17th street, a member of the Fellowship of
Students of tho Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts, attended the Fellowship Ball
Lo Bal Du Dernier Cr( last night. Her
costume was "The Prince of 1016."
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Klein, of 2232 North
Broad street, have returned from New York,
where they were the guests of their son-in-law
nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
G. Teweles.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Irving aibbon and their
son. Mr. James I. Gibbon, of 2143 North
15th street, will leave early In June to
spend the summer months In Cape May,
N. J.
t the annual May dance given by St
Rita's Club last week Miss Katbryn Hoban
was presented with a diamond ring, In ap
preciation of her earnest efforts in making
tho affair one of the most brilliant suc
cesses the club has erer known.
The annual exhibition of photographs, the
work of tho members of the Frankford
Camera Club, will be held in the club's
rooms until Saturday, from 8 until 10.
Mr and Mrs. If. P. Camden, of Fox
Chase, are entertaining friends from Cali
fornia. They spent last week-end at At
lantic City.
Dr and Mrs. Emll S. Schneider, of 3017
Frankford avenue, will be guests of honor
tomorrow evening at a supper glen by
Mr and Mrs. Philip Goll, of Montgomery
avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George Ochse will
be among the guests present.
Samaritan Hospital to Benefit by Large Fair to Be
Given in Nurses' Home for Children's
New Roof Garden
. hon
THE Auxiliary of the children's ward nt
the Samaritan Hospital will hold n very
attractive baiaar tomorrow afternoon and
evening, from 2 to 10 o'clock. In the nurses'
home, Broad and Ontario streets, in aid of
the fund for tho roof gardert which will
bo built next month for the cripple chil
dren In the hospital. Lemonade, cakes
nnd candles will bo for sale. The affair Is
In charge of Miss Mary E. Stone, president
of the Auxiliary,: Mrs. Laura M. Southwlck,
vice president; Mrs. John R. Young, Jr.,
secretnry; Mrs lrvln L. Rnlthel, treasurer!
Miss Eleanor Bernstein. Miss Marian Berto
let. Miss Anna free. Mrs. W. Gerhab, Miss
Eleanor Gill. Mrs. Frederick Herbert, Miss
Hnrrlct O'Hnrn, Miss Mary O'Hara, Mrs.
J. Talln Spruance. Dr. Laura II. Carnell,
Mrs Roiter II Horton. Mrs. M. L Stone,
Miss Lillian K Pontius. Miss Lydla Mitch
ell, Mrs. n. R Moore. Jr, MrB. F. H.
Oraser. Miss Mario Bureau, Mrs Wllllnm
lloucll. Miss Florence M Stong, Miss Edna
A. Stong and Miss Elennor T. Mangan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campbell enter
tained a small house party at their bunga
low at Bridgewatcr on Saturday and Sun
day of last week In honor of their daughter.
Miss Wllberta Campbell's birthday. Tho
guests were entertained with dancing.
Among those present were Miss Chnrlotte
Walker. Miss Anna Foster, Miss Lillian
Scott, Miss Lllllnn Laip, Miss Alda Pollard,
Miss Anna Wilson, Miss Alice Carberry,
Miss Lillian Gross, Miss Grnce Smith, Miss
Clara Ethel Wlnward, Mr. Pengelly, Mr.
Clausen, Mr Welsh, Mr. Arber, Mr. Dough
erty. Mr. Thorp. Mr. Lamb, Mr. Groves,
Mr Carson. Mr. Mncaulley, Mr. Hunter, Mr.
nnd Mrs Edward II. Bratton and Mr. nnd
Mrs. Fred Smith
PARTY was given Sunday evening in
nor of Mrs. S. Sklaroff, Jr., at tho
home of Miss Henrietta Sherman, 2130
North 32d street. Among those present wcro
Miss Roso Rlchter, Miss Fannie Bank, of
Ilnmmonton, N J. j Miss Fannie Click, of
Frnnkllnvlllo ; Miss Rnchcl and Miss Reba
Wlnderman. Miss Goldle Makarrow, Mr.
Jnck Wlnderman. Mr. Samuel Schwartz,
Mr Harry Trabln, Mr. Henry Oshlfer, Mr.
Flsdcll, Mr. Herman Sherman and Mr.
Maurice Sherman. Mrs. Sklaroff wll bo re
membered ns Miss Reba Makarrow.
The Wynnefleld Komedy Klub will re
produce Its show, "Spilled Beans," for
tho benefit of St. Columba's new church
tomorrow evening In tho auditorium, 23d
street nnd Lehigh avenue.
The Phlladelphos Club will camp at Wil
son's Inn, Clcmenton, this summer. The
following will entertain on May JO: Mr.
Ell H. Singer, Mr. Maxwell Barnctt, Mr.
William Grass, Mr. A. Benn, Mr. N. H.
Bergcr, Mr. D. Bcrsteln, Mr. L. Neft and
Mr. J. Huruvltz.
THE committee of tho Friends of the
Lebanon Hospital has made final
nrrangements for a dnnce to be given to
night at the Parkway Building, Broad nnd
Cherry streets. This affair will take place
Instead of ono which was planned for Sun
day. May 21. It Is hoped that the friends
who nre Interested will attend and make
the nffnlr a huge success. There will bo
exhibition dancing, and prizes will bo
awnrded for tho best danceis. Proceeds
will be used for the maintenance of the
The officers of the Friends of the Hos
pltal aio Dr. Binder, president; Mr.
Abrahams, vlco piesldcnt; Mr. Wollman,
hecrctary ; Miss Eva Llppman, treasurer.
liBHv ; .jit HH
rii ur 111
,r- -
lngton Miss Maria Fradcanl, a singer s the
Hawaiian Trio, composed of Mr. K. It
Reach, Mr, William L. Dixon, Jr., And Mr,
H. Allen Uricoln! Mr. P. Rlccl, tenor
Miss May Croeson, Mr. T. Talluccf, Mr.
Arthur Talt and Mr. James E. Coghlan.
Miss Mildred G. Coghlarr Is also one of,
those active In planning the details of the
function. ,
The Julelo Boelal will give Its first pic
nic at Chamounlx June 4. The members
are Mr. L. Schwerlner, president; Miss B.
Flngeroth, vice president: Miss M. Reich,
secretary) Miss A. Kohl, treasurer! also
Miss F. Lustlg, Miss R. RablnowlU,' Miss
. Rlckman, Miss F. Sllberberg, Miss B.
Cohen, Miss A. Fleishman, Miss F. Wein
man, Miss A. Rosenberg, Mr. S. Gctls. Mr.
A. Meyers, Mr. St. Schwelner, Mr. M. Freed
and Mr. t Guggenheim.
THE I-Tak'em Club held Its regular meet
ing on Sunday evening nt 1817 South
6th street. After the meeting a supper -wan
given by the members to celebrate the first
year of tho club's existence. ' Mr. John
Gllckman, tho well-known comedian, was
there. There were vocal and violin solos.
Mr, Edward Shacker, of New York, gave
several violin selections. The following
were present: Mr. Daniel Budln. Mr. Mar
tin Casper, Mr. Herbert Ciampman, Mr,
Julius Cooper, Mr. Jack Gllckman, Mr. Saul
Hofkln. Mr. Samuel Fuhrman, Mr. Benja
min Rosenfcld, Mr. Maurice Sherby, Mr.
Edward Shacker, Miss Maria Blanc, Miss
Minerva Gilbert, Miss Clarice Gilbert, Miss
Paulino Leslie, Miss Minerva Lefsky. Miss
Cecil Morgcnsteln, Miss Reba Gold, Miss
Anneta Whitman and Miss Roso Whitman.
Plans nre Under way for a picnic to be
given on Sunday, Juno 4, at Clcmenton.
The South Atlantic Sowing Circle will
glvo Its semiannual theatre party and din
ner this evening. Tho members who will
attend nre Mrs. Samuel Brown, Mrs. George
Dean, Mrs. John Ford, Mrs, Thomas F.
Lovett, Mrs. Francis McCarron, Mrs. James
Michaels, Mrs, C, W. Reppcnhngcn, Mrs.
Francis Uphoff.
The Walla Walla Club closed a very
successful senson by giving a danco at the
Bcltleld Country Club last Friday evening.
Competitive dancing took place and the
prize was won by Mr. John Palrman, vlco
president of the club, and Miss Alice
Chllds, a member of tho "16" Club of West"
Philadelphia High School. The committee
In charge included Mr. John Palrman, Mr.
Harry North, Mr. Warren Walker, Mr.
Ellwood File, Mr. Stanton Shclton, chair
man. Tho club will resume its activities at
Wlldwood In the rarly part of tho summer.
A LINEN SHOWER was given In
honor of Miss Reba Jacobs, at ths
home of Mrs. E. A. Thomas, 1733 Be,rks
Among the guests present we're Miss Reba
Jncobs, Miss Reba Rosenberg, Miss Yotta
Steinberg, Miss Josephine Jacobson, 'Miss
Anna Plone, Miss Miriam Rosenberg, Miss
Anna Altman, Miss Etta Ackcrman, Miss
Elsie Norrls, Miss Lillian Levin, Miss Mary
Matthias, Miss Jennie Hawthorne, Miss
Rosen, Miss Hawthorne, Mrs. Starr, Mrs.
E. A. Thomas, Mrs. Jacobs and I'rs. Joseph
Miss Ruth H. Blllettcr. of 3036 German
town avenue, gave a delightful surprise
party on Thursday evening of last week
In honor of Miss Madeline Arata, of 3027
North 10th street.
As a means of helping In the raising of
the $2(7,000 Campaign Rectory Fund for
the Roman Catholic Church of the Most
Precious Blood, a card party, under the
direction of Mrs. James J. Cassldy, 1708"" "
North 28th street, will bo given next Mon
day evening In Mingo Hall, 2825 Fletcher
street. Considerable Interest Is being taken
in the affair, and both enchre and 500 will
be played, and there will be an Informal
dance afterward.
What's Doing Tonight
Municipal Hand concert, Fotterall Square. 11th
and York tret.
Philadelphia County OaUopathlc Society an
nual meelfnc., Adelphla Hotel.
Pennsylvania Museum and Sthool of Indus
trial Art lommeniemtnt, Uroad street Theatre.
United Business Men's Association meetlnc.
Dlntjtiam Hotel,
Symphony Society of Frankford concert.
FranlttorU HUn Sthool,
Tlosa Business Men's Association entertain
ment. 33 Germantown avnue, g o'clock.
Cedar Aenue Improvement Association. 47th
street and Cedar avenue, a o clock. Free.
Flfty-sevond and Lancaster Avenue Suslnesi
lien. S3d street and l.aiwdowna avenue. 8
o'clock. Free,
Leitura on "Mexico." by I-ouls O. Boserro:
Central Branch Y M. C. A.i 8 o'clock, '
J ot Ices for the Society pace will be ac
feutcd, and printed la the Ktcolni Lcdfsr.
but all ucn noticed uiust b urlttco uu oue
side of the paper, must be klxned In full, with
full address, and when passible telephone
number must o liven.
titad all such roumiunlratloiis to "Society
Editor," J'venlujt Ledger. 60 a Chestnut Mreei.
tJnleM tliMg reaulreintats. are carried out.
so that. vMlneatlon .mw b Doulble. Us
notice will pot M published.
ELABORATE plans are under way for
n musical and dance to be given at
tho Hotel Majestic this evening In aid of
the building fund of the Catholic Church
of St. Donato. C5th and Vine Btreets, In
order to meet the needs of a constantly
de eloping bectlou the congregation Is seek
ing more adequate accommodations, and
to that end several social functions have
been arranged, tonight's musical being one
of the most noteworthy.
Tho 'event Is being planned under the per
sonal supervision of James E. Coghlan, of
624 North 48.th street, and assisting him
will be several musicians who will take
part In the musical program Among them
are Miss Mario Belt, pianist, and her
sister. Miss Helen Belt, violinist, of Wash-
fllriViP Theatie juniper sts.
VJlvJ UC YAUDKVILLE Continuous 11
A M to 11 I M 10c. ISc. i'5c.
c Millionaire Son S
Werner-Amoros Troupe
And Other Well-Known Yaudevllllani
In First Presentation of Pald Belasco'a
Added Attractions Charlie Chaplin In "Police."
Cioldtxrs'a Animated Cartoon. "Leap Year"
View a HUtenhouse Square Flower Market
VlPT.OTla 0 A. M. to 11:16 P, M.
VlULUHd Edmund Breese
Added Wm. Collier In "NO-GOOD GUY"
Northeast Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Stuart Phlle art.
spending their honeymoon at Niagara Falls
and Canada, and will be at home after
June 1. Mrs. Phlle before her marriags
on Saturday, May 13, was Miss Lydla
Kneble, of 1722 Memphis street.
Plans are under way for a Red Rambler
Festival to bo held In Norrls Square on
June 15 and 16 for the benefit of the Ken
sington Dispensary for the Treatment of
Civic Exposition
Auditorium Building l
Commercial Museum
34th Street Below Sprues
Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M.
Restaurant, Lectures, Moving Pictures
100,000 Square Feet of Exhibits
Today Good Roads Day and City Club sjr
Tomorrow Walnut fcftrwt Business Asaocla.-'
tlon Day and Red Cross Day.
X-WXViVijQX MAY 29th
Biggest 'Event of the Year!
Friars' All-Star Frolics
A Multitude of Merrymakers
In a Stupendous Program
10c Oa
10 A. M. to
lltla f. u.
Dustin Farnum ln "David Garrick'
AT 10.40. 12.30. 3:15. . 6. 7:S and 0:30.
Arcadia Bessie Barriscale
and William Desmond
ti-r-is-nmt I POPULAJL. MUSIC
Soloist! John K Wltiemann, Violinist
Benefit of the Entertainment Fund ot The
Philadelphia Home for the Indigent.
Popular Prlcea. Heppea. lljO Chestnut BU
Todayat S.JOaJt 60c. Tonight at 8. S8q to L
With an All-Btar Cast, Includlnr BERT LESLIE!.
ADELFHI Beg, Next.Mon. Evg.
Forrest Last 3 Evgs. &
His Bridal Night
wthth Dolly Sisters
Best fares
ln itars.".
WALNUT Tday 25 & soc
"OTHELLO" a- SjjSft-.
Woodside S&&S3g2;