EVEN JUn li. LEDG12R PHTLABBLPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AIAY U, 1916. fcE TRUPPE ITALIANE . EVACUANO PARTE DE ; LA VALLE DI BRENTA ef rtitirano In Buon Ordine da ; j3orgo su la Linea Principalc 5 F di Difcsa, verso il Confine I L-i. BULGARI SULL'ISONZO -7- noMA, 24 Mngglo. . i -....., mmtrlnehe Impcgnate ncH'of- iJ(vft contro 1'Hslla usane cannonl da '". . 1..1 ..iutl elio si conoscano flnora. I. j e taontagno .11 Rninlto che formano tfv I J-triern. Itallana cadono selto t colpl ill ,E podertslsslml moslri d arug icr.a. ma l" BPrlto dc,le rl,ppo ltallnno ''mane ' "Cdo om" avro nvnnsato In terrltorto iwnano In alcunl puntl ad est delta vnlle , ' .', uiiffo, ell nustrlacl hahno ora nmmaa- ' 'l5ft'iBfn ncll scttorc dl Rlvn. alia 4.1. del Irko dl Garda, donde nl nspettano H, a Itacchl contro la fronto llallana delta JSrtl Lcdro 0 ill qttella dl Rto Cameras. "U flettoro delta Val Sugnna 1'nrtlgllerla ;NBfo4o caHbro austrlaca ha obbllgato gll ?.. ninl nd abbnndonnre le lore llnro nan- $ tet ma 11 rlplcgnmcnto fu cseguito in per- fetto online. . ntT,mngai una F --iLn nuantlta" dl artlgtlcrla lungo l'nla I'StrtS dSS lore tronte. Tra II ettore I Si Adamello c miollo " nr css t,anno; N"f cXla. non meno dl 4000 cannonl dl ognl ! aShro I' loro rlservo dl muni onl som-?- Jno ncsaurlblll, n Rludlearo .alia manl- t rn como lo iiprcenno ininnto si sono ' !.-,,(! numerosl combattlmenll norel tra nvl- atorl nvversarll sulle al Alpl. Bli! i rntinrnn anmincla che 1ft Ev Ouppc ltallnno delta Vnl Sugana har.no no-'?-V il..,inato noalzlonl csposto al tirl delle f. V.rtleilcrle nemlchc c si sono rltlrnte In I !i"fira II testo del rapporto del Rcneralo i n-rfnrna nubbltcato Icrl Bera ual Ministero ddift au.cr.rai . .,.. . , ,.,. i..a,ii- , "Tra 11 L.aBo "' """ " -.... I ano nsservatl concentrnmentl dl truppo riemlchc nella zona dl Hlva o si sono nvute .xicognlzlnnl nereo dl avlatorl nemlcl sul Monte Ualdo. "TraJ'Adlsa e l'Astlco si Bono avuto sol tanto dollo rlcoBnlzlonl. "Tra l'Astlco ed It Hrenta o nella Val Rugana, dopo nver rcsplnto gll attachl del ncmleo contro lo nostra poslzlonl avanzate, U nostro truppo si rltlrarono Bradatamcnto Bulla loro tinea prlnclpalo dl itTTea. II movlmcnto fu cseRUlto In perfotto ordine e non notto la presslone del nemlco "NcH'alto Cordcvolo un reparto dl truppo nostro conaulsto' con un assalto una Im- 3 nortante poslzlono nemica sui jiome aier. ffi prendendo clnqunnta prlglonlerl arml e mu- I1 nlzlonl. i "LunRo 11 resto dclla fronto si sono avuto l ! nzfonl' dl nrtlgllcrla che sono stato assal ' Intense nellu valle alta del But, suite atturo s i.nord-ovest dl Gorlzla o nel settoro dl Si 1 Jlonfalcone. h , "Avlatorl nemlcl hanno lasclato cadero l ombo su divers! puntl della planura ve- M neta. Pocho persono rlmasero fcrlte, ma non si ebbo alcun tlanno materlalc." k I BULGAHI SULL'ISON'ZO. Lungo la fronte dell'Isonzo gll ttnlianl hanno fatto prlglonlort alcunl soldatl bul garl, It che dimostra cho I bulgnrl si sono unltl agll austrlacl In questa offenslva con- I tro l'ltalia. Oil austrlacl hanno plu' numerosl can- t nonl dl grosso catlbro rho non abbla l'ltalia. I ' ma cssl non soup rluscltl flnora, con tutta 1 questa superlorlht" dl 305, a scuotero le -beno organizzato difese della fronte -je-orlentnlo. Icrl era l'annlvcrsarto delta dlchlarazlone I euerra dell'Italla all'Austrla. e dap- i'pertiitto nella 'penlsola, nclto cltta' come 4;rol plccoll Vtllaggl, ernno state esposte IjUfandlere e si ebbero comtzli e cortel patriot ic!. A Roma II monumento a re A'lttorlo Emmanuelo II fu Ictteratmente coperto dl Oorl ed II slndaco, prtnclpo Prospero Colonna, pronuncio' un dlscorso nel Campl dbgllo, nel quale. In nomo. dl Roma, rlaf fermo' la promessa cho, .l'ltalia non posera' le arml se lo ultimo' terra Itallane non saranno prima redente. Furgno lnvlntl mlglfala dl dlspaccV al re. ' che e' sempro alia fronte dl battaglla, ed al generate Cadorna, CIO' CUt: SI DICE A PARIGI. Parlgl, 24 'ngglo I crttlcl mllltarl ' Irancesl, csamlnando la Bltuazlone mllltare sulla fronto Itallana, affermano unant- memento cho gll Itallanl hanno ceduto davanti al prtmo urto dell'oftenslva aus- trlaca ma ora stanno rlformando lo loro linea dl dlfesa con grossl rlriforzl. ,Lo operazonl nell' urea centrate si syol- gono a. circa -0 mlglla ad est ed a nord-est dH Lago dl Garda, dove gll Itallanl si spin- Bqvo erso" .Trcnto. Essl erano fortemente Btabllltl nelle lclnanzo dl Rovercto a meno k.dl ventl mlglla da Trento, ma han dovuto rltirarsl a sud davanti alia fortissima presslo no austrlaca ed ora la lore linea si Btende a circa died mlglla a sud dl Ro . vereto. Ivl ell austrlacl occurano poslzlonl elevate sul Col Santo, mentre gll Itallanl etanno sul Pasublo. Circa quIihIIcI mlglla plu' ad est gll austrlacl hanno opera to un'altra avanzata e gll Italian! si sono ritlratl da Monte Magglo o da Monte Panezza. flno a che parte delta nuova linea corro parallela al confine: SI dice che obletttvo denti austrlacl e' Vlcenza dove essl sperann dl separare gll eserclti dell'Isonzo o del Trentlno, m AND BRIDES' DREAMS WILL BE SHATTERED VHEN THEY SCENT FUDGE ON PERFIDIOUS HUSBANDS' "BREATHS gj 'fitom-IO NlGlMS If f CANPfSTORG" "TAfTt PUtuwO TorttWT " Candymakers Will Be Cartooned by the Temperance Papers Presently If Osteopath's Statement That Confections Are Alcoholic Becomes Generally Recognized "Father, Dear Father, Come Home to Us Now" Will Be Sung in Ice Cream Parlors Beware. Madam, test your husband come home under the Influence of caramels. Watch him. Mayhap you will find him go ing to ruin In the nearby candy stores. When he brings you a box of chocolates bo on the alert. The brownish coat of tho supposedly In nocent chocolate hides many a "bracer." Itt lllio other husbands, ho eats most of tho candy he brings home to you, then all Is lost. It Is time to sound the trumpet of prohibition. Lurking under the pretty lid of the dainty candy box is many1 a wholesome "Jag." And so It may como to tho gumdrop cock- tall nnd tho bon-bon fizz or else tho choco late high ball or maybe cocoanut punch. Yes, this Is not Improbable nnd tho prcsi and pulpit may denounce taffy pullt while accounts of a man found wander ing In tho streets under the Influence of pennut brittle may he,qultc ordinary. Picture the humiliation of a husband who In separated from his wife because he cannot control his mnnla for vanilla kisses. Will It not bo mortifying when his little daughter finds him unconscious In the cor ner candy shop and sweet on everything but hla wife? Do you notlco new candy shopi nre crop ping up all around? Think It over. Candy eating Is a form of alcoholic dis sipation nnd there Is such n thing as be coming overstlmulated on candy. This wns declared byj Dr. Charles Mutthart In tho course of nn nddresi at the 17th annual convention of the Pennsylvania Osteopathic Association nt Scranton. He described the process that goes on In the stomach nfter sugar W eaten ns the same process that Is carried on In a dis tillery ' A generous helping of maple syiup on tho morning griddle cakes or tho munching of chocolate Is sulllclcnt bracer for the business man, he said. SI PREPARA L'ATTACCO AL MONTE ALTISSMG Gli Austriaci Tenteranno di Farsi Largo Verso "Verona per la Valle delPAdige Telegramml da Roma dicono cho gll austrlacl trasportano ora la loro vlolenta offenslva ad ovest cd a nord del Lago dl Garda. Ivl sono nndate concentrandosl numerote truppe austrlacho, o si rltlene che esse attaccheranno tra breve le pendlcl sct tentrlonali del Monto Altlsslnio. Dalle poslzlonl dell'Alttsslmo gll Itallanl hanno rcso tmposslbllc, con le loro nrtlgllcrle In azlone, ognl avanzata austrlaca lungo la valle dell'Adlge che e" domlnata anchc dal cannonl Itallanl dl Conl Zugna. I Conl Zugna sono statl attaccatl rlpetutamente dagll austiiacl, ma sono sempre fortemente tenutl dagll Itallanl. Lo truppo Itallane hanno dovuto rltirarsl da Borgo, In Val Sugana, e rlplcgare sulla loro linea prlnclpalo dl dlfesa. Blsogna tener conto, a proposlto dl questo rlplega mento, che Borgo o" stata sempre bombar data dalle batterle austrlache dl Panarotta, o cho II bombardamento Intcnsiflcnto In quest! glornl nascondova un tentatlvo aus trlaco dl avvllupparo quel postl avanzatl. Perclo' 11 rlplegamento era necessarlo o prc-vtdlblte, MINISTER GETS CLEAN BILL Pastor Accused of Lying Acquitted nt Church Trial ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., May 24. By unanimous vote the General Assembly, sit ting as court, acquitted the Rev. Porclval S. Barker, of Noosha, Kan., of charges of lying, for which he was suspended from the Kansas Presbytery In 1913 and deposed a year later. The case was reviewed this morning and the Assembly decided he had not violated the book of discipline. This case has been up on several previous occa sions. Tho Rev. Mr. Barker now has a Reformed church charge. Chester Raises $7700 for Church CHESTER, Pa., May 24. Members of the Providence Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church raised 7700 on tho first night of an eight-day campaign for $25,000 for a new church building. ansGom $ We Roast Daily Our Coffees They're expert blends for supreme flavor. Buffet Blend, 3 lbs. for 50c Commonwealth Blend, 28c Grand Banquet, the King of all Coffees, 3Gc, or a 5-lb. can, $1.70 1232 Market Street " J . cserciu acirisonzo e del Trentlno. -. - main irm h- fi' . P I ' Blll THEREADIHGMNOMIa? 1 i Ibthecommutersroad'B 1 ViMfl n5 BECAUSE THE TRA1H SERVICE IS ARRANGED H r '' mm N7 E5PECIAUY FDR THE CONVENIENCE OF ' HftW THEDAILYAHDrREqUENT RIDER Bfyip our POPULAR Commutation Fres ' HHH,, dect mt to THfniiT Frost Kills Russian Crops BHRLIX, May 24. A crop disaster In Russia Is reported In advices received from Stockholm by the Overseas News Agency. It Is said all the winter crops of the north ern nnd middle governments of Russia have been destroyed by a severe frost. WALLING FILES EXPENSE ITEMS Justico of Supreme Court Spent Less Than ?50 HARRISBURO. May 24. Campaign ex pense accounts filed nt the State Depart ment by candidates at tho primaries show that Henry S. Ackerman. Democrat, dele gate at large, spent $00, and William E. Rice, Republican delegate at large, $77. Kmory A. Walling, Justice of tho Su preme Court, whom politicians thought would bo elected at the primaries and was provented from winning nn election by Charles Palmer, tiled his account, showing he spent less than $50. Others who spent less than $50 were Samuel B. Phllson, Dem ocrat, Stato Treasurer: Thomas A. II. Hay, Washington, alternnto delegate at large; Alba Johnson, Republican, delegate at large, and John W. Ford, Republican alternate del egate at large. OODYEAR Service Sta tion Dealers everywhere have the same purpose. That is to hold your busi ness, by getting your friendship, by giving you service. They will see that you-use tires of proper size, and provide proper in flation. They will test wheel-alignment, and guard you against tire abuses which you may innocently inflict. This chain of Goodyear Service Sta tion Dealers is a part of Goodyear policy. ' It is a time and money-saving advan tage given to you over and above the extra mileage built into Good year Tires, which makes them go farther and last longer, and so cost you less in the end. You will always know a Goodyear Service Station Dealer by the sign below. GOO0 ON JAR T I RE S Goodvear Tirt; Tubts, and "ZXre Saver" AeattoHttan vaV ta gttfrom Coadytar Service Station Dealer KveryuAere aoodyear fo-IIook Tut are fortified (gaiiutl Rim-cuttlnc By oar No- Rim-Cut feature. Blow-out By our On-Air Cure. Loom Tread By our Rubber Rivet. Insecurity By our Multi rile Braided Piano ,Wk . Puncture and Bttddls By our j-vouDie-ll AU-Wcatber Tread, ilea Tukk 'DELiBERAIE FALSIFIER CRY PRIESTS IN DENIAL OF ATTACK ON MITCHEL 4f . Didn't Conspire to Wreck New York Mayor's Administration, They, Say "He's Lost vHis Head" ECHO OF WIRE TAPPING Nnw YORK, May 24. Mayor Mltohel'a charges before the Thompson Leglilatlvo Committee that certain priests "M the Now York Archdiocese had conspired lo wreck his administration met with emphatic de nial todny from leading Catholic officials. He was denounced ns n "deliberate falsi fier" by tho Rev James ,T, Hlgglns, super intendent of the Catholic charities nf Brook lyn. Father William Farrell. the tapping of whoso telephone resulted In the Indictment yesterday of Charities Commissioner John A. Kingsbury and the lattcr's attorney, de clared the Mnyor'n statement before the Thompson Committee a succession of false hoods Mon.slgnor Dunn, chancellor of the nrcli dlocese, said there had been no antagonism to tho Mayor or his administration on the part of churcfi authorities "Mayor Mltchel has comoletetv lost his head," said Knther Hlgglns. "He Is too young to be mayor. He Is simply making use of lclous Insinuations and Innuendoes to conoenl his own nasty actions " Developments in tho charities Investiga tion, culminating In Indictments by the Kings County Grand Jury and Mayor Mltchel's allegations, .iao caused one of tho greatest sensations In tho history of New York. It becafno known today that District At torney Snnnn.'of New York County, -would conduct a John Doe Investigation of chnrges that the police hale tapped 350 wires since January 1, 1015, nnd "listened In" on con versation. That the system of wire tapping was In effect became known only when the charities ln estimation revealed Its use iiHulnst Catholic clergymen. Mayor Mltchel at that time upheld the action of the police. Vlsconnl'a Heir to Wed Acfxess X)NDONV May 21. The Dally Chron icle Is Informed that a marriage has been arranged between the Hon. George St. John Broderlck, eldest son and heir of Vlsoount Mtdleton, and the actress Peggy Rush, who started her career on the London stage In a musical comedy chorus. She recently appeared on' the American stage In II. A Vaehell's comedy, "Qulnney's." "Wat Battf" Jrefcrnttftl Hi CHICAGO. May 24. MM. Oollfe l wood Matter, on trial An charge rf ' Ing a fraudulent heir ta the esUla t. MM husband, collapsed late yesterday arm, M cording to her physician, Is unable io.Kpftmf to" testify. She I at horns, ifhene the" Hw baby," central figure In the .case,hM M seriously 111 for lack of nutrition. Gndski Auto Hits Youth STAMFORD. Conn., May 24. Captain Hans Tauscher, husband of Mms. Oadskl. the opera singer, has been ordered to appear In the Greenwich Borough Court today lti an Inquiry into an accident In which his automobile rnn down Henry Crawford, n mechanic, 20 years old, In Cos Cob mmermani MEN'S 1312 Chestnut St. SHOES 1232 Market St. fcUIlKKT STREET SHOP OrEM EVEM1NOS SPORT OXFORDS for Men Big shipment Cordovan just arrived. All sizes New Wing-Tip, Dark Tan or Calf, White ( or Regular Sole S7.60 White Buekkin Com binations With Black, Tan or Piarl Trim minga 97.80 Dark Cordovan, $7. up Dark Tan or Was Calf, $5 and $6 , -a m j ? 1 I ITIITI III "iitniin ttv inTiTnTffiffi ifTTnTmr nutu i i mr 9T3 7 mmnU'is RIHIMllli PfTTTTnTnTTT (L WLU2 Economy Doesn't economy rule in the purchase of an article of any kind? If so, is it not economy to buy your piano direct from the maker? We know most dealers have their name stenciled on the fall-board and cast in the plate of the pianos they sell, wishing to impress the pur chasers that they are the makers. We are the only piano manufac turers in Philadelphia, with abundance of capital and one of the best equipped piano factories in the United States. We do not now, nor did we ever, produce a cheaply constructed instrument. Our guarantee covers every component part of the piano, without reserve. We have been offering $ 1 0,000 for over a quarter of a century for a better made piano than the Matchless Cunningham, and we are producing today a Cunningham-made Player-Piano for $450. We will ship and deliver to your home any piano or player-piano (with chair, scarf and twelve rolls of music) free within a hundred miles' of Philadelphia, and make delivery in our own trucks inside of thirty miles of our city. We sell our player-pianos for cash, open book account or on terms as low as two dollars ($2.00) per week, and our upright pianos as low' as six dollars ($6.00) a month, f IT PAYS TO THINK TUMT( "fIJL3C CO, llth and CHESTNUT STS. Factory, 50th and Parkside Ave. a-.aa 4&' - . i -: ' j? ev i.v dl Philadelphia Branche 52d and Chestnut Streets 2835 Germantown Avenue tt o - ,? IT :Vk- .XT y jf . oV. a C-f if & TTiff P