rp--t. !-'tcff' sar u 14 BVBKING LEDtER-PHILADELPHIA, WI&DNES&AY, MAY 24 1016. '. FINANCIAL NEWS MM EjC.1 if RADERS CONTINUE TO SWTCH FROM ' ' C ONE SIDE OE MARKET TO THE OTHElfc - - - lmm 4 :pst of Ventures on Short Side, in Expectation . That localise Thoy Offer Stocks Down Real Holders Will Let Them Go Still Lower New York Stock Sales Jt,it tlose. High. Low. mt ib) 19 39M 39 22JI 22M 83 81H 09! OS 7JM 73M 00)f BOW Close. Sox 39. 22k 82,1 OS 73)1 00K A , tffoi i'oirtt's m Today's Financial News tr 2$. t0 ihe ttount f (2,000,000 imported from Ottawa, making $10,r r ili '"j"""" 'i; ' v. ",,',0 """' o a per cent, aeciarea on ? Brothers a Co jDnon Power oncf Transmission declared mtlial dividend Hf 2 per cent, on conlmon. Montana Power increased dividend e common. Child Company increased common dividend. Price of bar silver higher tn New York and London. NEW TORIC, JIny 24. The speculative element on the board and the Street does not seem to compre hend the fact that the stock market Is one for Investors and actual buyers only. Tho room traders and uptown operators contlniio to flounder from one side of tho jniirkot to tho other, with most of their ventures on tho short side. In tho cxpecta tlon that because they offer stocks down, real holders will offer them Btlll lower. Where actual business was transacted the market tone was strong today, as In tho case of Saldwln Locomotive, Chandler Motors and a number of other specialties In which thero was some special purpose on which purchases wero bftBed. The buying of Reading was, commented on ns being of the poorest quality seen In that stock for a long period and It was a general remark that a numbor of Issues like Reading, Union Pacific and Erie had been over-bought on tho upturns of tho two preceding days. Where professional speculation has been overdone It Is natural that tho professional buyers should turn to tho selling side on tho shadow of an Incentive. Thero la nothing in this shifting of position by the professional element to lndlcato any change In tho market tone, and with bear holdings liquidated tho situation will become one favorable to the bull side. Thero Is likely to bo restrictive trading In tho general market, however, because of the approaching Republican convention, and as wo come closer to Juno 7th it must bo expected that politics will demand attention of financial Interests nt tho cxpenso, of security dealings. Just now tho general hopo Is that the presidential contest will bo confined to two leading candidates, and If that situation could be assured a brisk upward niovement Is to bo reasonably expected. Tho foreign exchango situation has again taken an unfavorable turn for Europe. Demand sterling sold today at 4.75, showing weakness In spite of tho fact that gold Imports and security sales have been large In volume all through tho last two weeks, but havo done nothing more thai partly balance tho continued outflow of commodities. Relchsmarks wore also weak, checks on Berlin selling down to 76. Just beforo the close thero wns a sudden movement In International Marine preferred which ros from 88 to 93. Reading at the close showed a loss of 4 points. 2,000,000 More Gold From Canada NEW YORK, May 24. Thero was deposited at tho assay office this morning an additional $2,000,000 in gold received from Ottawa. This brings the total amount received on tho present movement up to $16,556,000. Montana Power Increases Dividend NEW YORK, May 241 Tho Montana Power Company has declared a quar terlydlvldend of 1 per cent, on tho common stock, an increase of U of 1 per cent., and a regular quartorly dividend of 1 per cent on tho preferred stock, both payablo July 1 to stock of record Juno 15. Childs Co. Increases Common Dividend NEW YORK. May 21. Tho directors of Childs Company have declared the Usual 1 per cent, quarterly dividend on the preferred stock, and a dividend of 1 per cent, on the common stock, payable June 10 to holders of record at the close of business on June 2. tBooks will bo closed from Juno 3 to June 10 Inclusive. Tho lastpayment on tho common stock was V of 1 per cent. Financial Briefs AUjvjncetlng of directors of York Manu facturing Company, in Boston, Wllmot R. Evans was chosen a director to fill vacancy caused by death of James Lon&ley, and George Wlgglesworth was chosen president. A dividend of S3 per share, payable June 1 to stock of record May 24, was declared. . Tho New York Subtrcasurr lost $413,000 to tho banks on Tuesday, reducing tho cash net gain since Friday to $1,574,000. The 'Chicago Board of Trade will be closed on May 30, Memorial Day; Juno 3 Preparedness Day, and June 5, Judicial Election Day. Gross earnings' of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company during , April were $1,486,638, a decrease of 125.575 as cam pared with the same month last year. The net decreased $53,712 to $598,413. " William Livingston, president of tho Lake Carriers Association, has been Informed by the United States Engineers' Oflico that action Is to be taken to prevent loading of Jake freighters to such a depth that they will incur the risk of stranding In Lake St. Clair channel. The board of directors of the Pennsylva nia Railroad at their regular meeting to day confirmed the appointment 'of Alfred J, Ball as foreign freight agent of the lines east of Pittsburgh and Erie, and Frederick L. Baker as eastern superintendent of the Empire Line, to Buccecd Mr. Ball. These appointments will become effective June 1, 1916,t The Public Service Corporation of New Jersey for April, 1918, reports a gain In gross operating revenues of $369,992, with a balance available for dividends, amortiza tion and surplus of $350,038, an Increase Of $84,323 over April 1915, For tho four months there was a gain of $1,599,235 In gross operating revnu-s, while the balance available for dividends, amortization and profit and loss surplus was $1,582,966, a gain of $387,880. New York Bond Sales 11000 A!lh Valley U juoo Alaska Gold cv n es.10: Hlah. Luw. 0tt 0U NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK. May 24 The coffee market opened unchanged to 5 points lower this morning, but soon developed a steadier tone and values showed comparatively little change fropn the final of yesterday, There raa some scattered selling at the start on overnight, -orders which apparently result ed from yesterday's decline, but leading lopgs were not selling much coffee this morning, and In consequence there was little pressure on the market. Today' close, 8.4UH8.riO M!08.B3 S.ruftK.M H.eitts.a- 8, Hi) ft H.I II 8.71) (M.IO . Sy ...... 14 Auauat . . , fNptambar October , . HoiMnMr X2ecaxnbr . January . . isssrr..: April F1M. Total Today's opnJna. ., x.ru ..8.S5 . . 8 TO ..8,70 i'ii a'. 80 08.sa a.ii B.MH 8.01 1 8,09 .im Mica. 9000 baga, XJV.E STOCK QUOTATIONS 1 CHICAGO. Mar 24. HOGS Kawlpts. I4.O0O. larkst 10. blchar. Mlx4 and buUhara, 1B.7J O.lOt good heavy, 10.83010.10; rouib heavy-; . CATTLE y necalpts. 18 000. Market 10c HL1?yl Ip-ISMIOSO: cows and baiters. U.lbttV.M; siockm end feeders. I&7&US. Tirana. 47 40S0.2S, calrea. t8.TSOU.5Q, eKKI IUclpta. 1700 Market steady, Na live and Western. KtSJ'J.aq. lambs. j:;.(0. ' ' i" " ' r No du Pont Company- for Canada WILMINaTON, Del.. May 24. Officials of tbe.du Pont Powder Company deny the ttory'frojn Montreal yesterday that Ihe company had perfected ijlans for a $10,Q0J,. 990 subsidiary company to, b operated ex clusively In Canada. The. olflcUili'furtbr state that the Canadian Eiploslves-Cwn-sany. Limited, is not connected 'with th Uwl concent NEW YORK BUTTER ANj? EGGS KSW YClJtK. Way 21 BUTTEIV Supply mi j- excMOea ceiiijuq ana vri&a. tuclmad. i( BB4 paiKap g-r swannery ao hiifcsr xooiiaz. SOW Willi Btata ... T EL' , , . -. . ..- .A.1f we . lauuwja Emainmrx. iwi' siKfa 4tfi4H aagrar eaur JMtSB -2,1- S i t4Cecl urtj. ;.j vi. tic iTit HIOOO Anglo French S OSTi 7U00 Amer Tl clt U U2't .SaooOAmer Tel cvt 4. 10T 1000 Amer Writ Pap 3a. . 78 1000 Ann Arbor 4a 05U i"Sn A.rm.?ur Co Via .. . U3 3,.r,on Atchlaon cen is v3 1UOO Atchison res 4a , 7000 Atrhlson artj 4a S.1J 30000 Atchlaon cv 4a 1HU0..10U 3000 Atlan Knox & Cln 4a 86i 1000 Bait 4 Ohio 3Va... ai 7000 Bait i Ohio 4a!..... 1U 71000 Halt & Ohio cv 4Ha 0BU JOOO Bait A O awn 3Wa.. lo2 3000 Halt 4 Ohio 3a. ...100(? W Beth Steel lit 3a... ,101 1000 Beth, Steel rtd Ba ioijl 100(1 Brook Vn Gaa lat .la. 10(14 1000 Buah Term Illdsr 5a.. 87 20()() Hush Term Hide la.. 87(4 4000 C G C sen 4a hoi, U00U Can Oov Sa vr I IOI'S.100 laooo Can Gov na w I 1031.100 i'UOOO Can Oov Sa w I 1D21. DOTi 1-J0OO Cent leather lat 3a..lOL flOOO Cnt Pan lat 4a no 1000 Chill Copper 7a ,...120W 1000 Chea & 6hlo cv 44 a. SZK 100O do -Hi a us i 400O do 3a 103 10000 Chi Ot Wait 4a ... 71H loot) Chi 4 Nwn 3 a ...10.1. lODil c N deb Sa 1021.. 103 74000 C 11 4 Q joint 4a . . 118K 000(1 do Kn 4a 03 10OO G II 4 Q III 4a 113 auuii u M & fit i 3Via 2000 do 1025 4a 2000 do 4a 7000 da cv. 3s .... 3000 da cv 4Ha ... looo do rfd 4Ha .. 1100O CM Itwy Sa ... 11)000 Col Midland 4a 34000 do ct 4a 11000 Cona Ham ru II. I'M 30000 Del 4 Hud cv r.a ...107(4 1(100 Den 4 Rio Or 1H .. Kit 0000 Den 4 nto Or rtd r.a . 71'i looo Detroit United 44a H2I 10000 Dla Secun Corp Sa .. 7.1?I 1000 K Tenn V 4 O con Sa.ln.lS looo Krle conv 4a Ser D.. 77W 1000 Erier prior 4a .... 83 63000 Erie cv 4a 8er D w I 87U (Socio Green Bay 12 S000 (Jen dec deb Sa ...ln.1 SOOU Iludion 4 Man rfd Sa 7oH nooo 111 cent rfd 4a h9H 1000 Intarb Met 4Vaa . .. 73't 3h000 Intarb II T rtf Sa . mS 43000 Inter Mer Mar at 4b a 101 3000 Intaml Paper ct 5a . 73i 2000 Jananea lat 4Ha 8IU OOUU K C Ft B 4 31 Oa: .110 2O00 Kan City So lat 3a... 03 100O Kinca Co Etev Ha 1007 117 7000 lAclia Steel Sa 1023,. I)9H 1000 Laclede Gaa lat Sa. . 103 B00O Ijike Erlo 4 W lat Sa. P8U 12000 Lex 4 A Sa lOO'I 7000 Irlllard Sa , 100'J 2000 Minn at P S 8 M 4a,. I3U nooo Mo Iton T lat 4a... 77ft 2000 do Sa.. ! fllS .1000 Mo Par cv Sa 47'i 200(1 Mont Pow Sa. ...... 07S HrtiMio N Y C 4 II 4a......! 01 SUSOO do Aa... ,,...114Vi IOOO do 3 Via.. 824 iiiiiii ao con 4a 13uu() da GSH 100V4 of 120i 834 iim il 1U.17 Al'O' MS : ssa .Ki.hU .lrnw . II4S . 0(1 1BH 14 1141 114V D2H 03M 10KH 108H lilt; 101H 04. 04H S3 It ?!fe L07V4 Uln 8(1 H6 71! lib 821 82S 7.-.J? 7BS 73V4 Sll, nooo n y chi M 4 I . r 4 117J4 103 OH'i 100 Va mo; 77 4B7?j U7S l V. Ill 82 83 U 04 03 W 100JJ 1024, 10TJ 3 n',4. Hsu 02! l((Lli acme xei sa..,. ....loov opna gen ct 4Ha., I01J1 da en 4Ha iosii ,da 4Vs l2l ..,.,,1014, eo 4 Kaat lt 4s. . 711V S5',J U4 St r. lat '4a. IUK 4000 N Y Cllv 4a Hi.Ml lanli ariuila J a I J liwi.i 'I..aiv 13000 do 4'la lUft3,'..t,)U7(a O00 do 4Vja I9e5...;,;l07-:? WW. N Y Oaa H 4 P 4a.., 83'i 3000 do Sa .1033 2000 N V N II 4 II 8b;...112V siu t nwy aoj qa...... OH1 -iiiui; im x -rel Ken 4j" uu., nor t-ao prior 4a... r.OOQ da sen Sa 4S0OO Or wy 4 N con 4a 02 1K00O-Pacific Tel Ba...,,.,..100 -" -unna aeii cs iy. uuvu 4000 (iniin po IOOO Puhl c airvNl Urn... n.1 21000 Reading- sen 4a..,., . U3U 21000 Uep Ir 4 8 Sa. ..'.,., 08W 30d Klo Qr 4 W clt 4a..! 7S iuoojtoH Island 4a 8j(5 7000 do rfd 4a 74 150000 do sa ....'.,..:.:. o J00O do a ..,..! 101 1000 St L I M 4 8 gen Sa.iOl VIMUi Ma ll Jb tin wuw u ui) - .,..,.,,,, ujs nu nji lSJOOOtI, 4 S P sen, ct... t4 ejVi B4 JSpoO do rtd ct ataA4a... 73 73 73 133000 da In w 1 42?i 4' J'Jti 274000 da A w I I.. 70 3t, OOtt 280000 da adj w 1 I Aoii 7i? n2 180O0 do w I ".'... 1, J 0tf fl 2000 do n w 1 ... 87 M MU JS22 ,' a p ifi ii:: SP St1 St4 3000 da lat 4a 77ff 77f! ?7 4000 Seaboard A t udj Sa. Vl& klii nil! 7000 do fata U ... ... I2 22 27a 7000 do i(J 4a Sq'4 iH SI 2(1000 South Fac cv 4s 12000 do cv Sa 1000 do rfd 4a . . 25000 South Rwy (en 700U South Itwy con 8000 Third Ave adj Sa 101H 10IW 93 S3 U8V4 08W m ii 77 7 101 ; 1014 100 ioo 4a 88i J03 SOH m Sa 1UUU 11 h tmv A..T m, -. IUU4I U 49000 V Toklo H 8 Rubber Sa 8 StMl at Sa. 77 00 U 102 103 ..oou y B Bll ree at SJ..104S 104K 19 Ha)a Pa-r ?' '' W auyu un nwya H 4a Sflli c A c lat Sa . K -" 6000 va 1000 vZ touo wai llSw W&Mli&s 1000 W.ba.h lalSl : u at a 4a tiK rs 4st slU VvVm t lOfS kXU TV m a Una, fm AdTunco Jlomelr Adt numlay pf 39H AiaMta Hold Mlnei 22JJ AI1I0. Mfipf 81H Am Ag Cnemical 00 Am Bntfjuftar ., 7,1)" Am Beet Bttf m nf . . . ... On AmgrakoS&F. ... 100X101 1004 10014 Am Can JO 66U fiOK COM AtaCaJipf.... luK HIM 110M HIM AmCrArMy 01 02M 01 01M Am Coal Product- ..ISO iBR'f ir3f lfi7 Am EtprtM ,..128j 125 123 125 Am Hldo A Leather .... OH 9 0 0 Am IceSccurltlM 2S5i 2SH 28M 2SH AmUneed... ,.. 22J4. 22M 22M 22M Am Unwed pf..,... 49H 49M 49H 40M AmLocflmotlre 7W 7314 714 73M Am Locomatlro pf 10UI 102 101M 102 AmSmolt Iter.., 101 103 100)4 10UM Am Smelt A It pf.l...11.1M 114 114 114 Am Smelt pf A.. ... 04H 04M 91M U4M Am Bleel tToandtlei 62 52)4 62 62 Am Sugar rterininj Half 11254 112H 112M Am Tel & Tel 129M 129M 129 129M Am Toboceo ....200 200M 200M 200M Am Woolen 45 45)j 46H 45H Am Woolen pf.,.,..,.. OSM OSM 08W 08M Am Writing Ppf 1S14J 18M 18M 18M AmZIncLASm 87H SSK 87 88 Anaconda Cop M 83)4 8SM 8.5M 85M AtchTop&aP 100M 100 105J4 105M AtchTopASPpf 101 101 101 101 All Coast Une... H2'f 113 112W 11.1 nald Loco WU 88l I11H 83f 00)4 naid loco wk J pt. , 109 no no DattAOh'o.. m) !tt 92H Halt A Ohio pf 70 76M 70)4 ltatopll.it Mlnlnf.. 2!( 2, S)4 Dethlehfm Steel ,...394 442 442 DrooklTn napTi.., NOJf S7 87 Drown Shoe 60 54 68 Hullo A Superior 95 04J 9-1 Cal Petroleum 22M 23M 22M Cal Petroleum pf 60 63 5US MOTOR STOCKS JUMP . ON NEW YORK CURB United Advances Fast; Saxon and Chevrolet Go to High Records Canadian Pacific ibOM 181M 160 110 92M 70M 2,'f 442 S7 68 IM 22M 62 no 5-lJf Central Leather 64 64M 6tlf Chandler Motor 100M 105 10 14 103)4 ChraAOhlo 03)4 03M 0314 03)4 tmie copper 21)4 21)4 20J Chlno Copper 63)4 64M 6:iH Chlcaso 0 rent West 14lf 14)4 14)4 Chi Great West pf 3M 3M 'M Chi Mil A St Paul 100M 100U 99 Chi M A St Ppf 129)4 120)4 129H CM A Northwestern. ...130)4 130 130 Chi 111 APac 19M 21M 44)4 141 98)4 94)4 8G)i 15)4 2S)4 Col Fuel A Iron 44 Consolidated Qas 140 Continental Can 97 Corn Pro J Hef pf 03 Crucible Steel 83M Denver A Klo Or 15 Deo A Rio Gr pf 2SM Detroit Edison 131 Distill Sec Corp'n 51X Dome Mines 20 Eric JO Krlc 1st pf C4H Gen Chemical 323 Gen Chemical pf 115 General Kelclric 172) j General Motors 515 General Motors pf 11834 US Goodrich 11 V 76)4 70)4 20)4 63M 11)4 : 1)1) 129J, 130 2034 43)( 10H 435 13954 139M 905 08J4 01JS 04)4 84 SOX 14?i 15 2S 28 134)4 134)4 134)4 61!. 51 51 20)4 25)4 20 39)4 38)4 39 54) 54 54 325 320 325 3 117 117 117 173)4 173U 173)4 520 515 520 118- 70 Grccde-Canjnea 47'f 47f 47 Great Norteernpf 122)4 122M 122V G N cfs for ore prorj ... 41 Gulf States Stool 75) i Gulf States S 1st lit 06!i Gulf States S 2d pf 70M Illinois Cent 104 Int Con Co v t csh.... 19 Int'Con Corp'n pf 76 Int Paper 10W Int Paper pf 47 Imp Con Cop 45U Int Nickel v t cfs 43M Int M M cotdep 25)f Int M M pf col dp.... 89)4 Jewel Tea 88 Kan City Southern 20)4 K C FTS A M pf 68 Kelly Spr.nc Tires 723i Kcnnecott Copper 55J Lack Steel Co 71 Lake Erlo A West 14 Lehigh Valley SIM Lee Rubber Tiro 4SM LoriHard P Co pf 110)4 116)4 110)4 116)4 M ackey Cos pf GS ' C8H 6S)S 08)4 Manhat Elv ctd 129)4 120M 129X 129)4 12 73)4 96)4 77 104 18)4 76 l())i 47 45M 40 21M f3)4 89 20)4 70 71 54 55)i 714 IDS bOJ4 6054 11M 754 90)4 rou 118 70 17 122U 42 75)4 90f JOM 103!4 lt3lf 1)4 18)4 0 10)4 47 45W 45)4 24 b8)i 88 20)4 70 71)4 6554 70)5 14 79)4 IS'i 0 10H 47 15)4 45)4 2134 92J4 89 2034 70 7154 65)4 70)4 14 79J4 503-. Manhattan Shirt Co Maxwell Motors , Max Motors 1st pf . .. Max Motors 2d pf .... May DcptStorej May Dept Stores pf . Mexican Petroleum ... Mei Petroleum pf .... 07 8S 90M 59M 07 07M 885X 91 59U C7J4 07 87 OOM 59 07 67)f 87 90) 59 07)4 .107M 107H 107)4 107H .1111)5 112 109M 111 07 oa Minn St P A S 8M ....124)4 122)4 3(5)4 4)4 12 0)4 6Jf 70H Miami Copper 36)5 Mo Kan A Texas 4)4 Mo Kan A T pf 11J4 Missouri Pacific 634 MoPactrcfs 6)4 Montana Power 7934 Montana Power pf 113)4 115 Nat Enam A S Co 23)4 23M Nat Lead Co 07 Nev Coo Cop 17J4 New York Air Brake. .. .133 NY N H &H 62)4 New York Central 107 Norfolk A Western., North American. 96H 122)4 36)4 4)4 12 6t, 6)4 70)5 115 23 M 07M 67)4 07)4 1834 18 18)4 1305f 135 135)4 62 GQV4 61!f 107)4 100)4 100)4 90)4 122)4 30)4 4)4 12 OH 0)5 79H 115 23)4 07)4 125J4 12534 123)4 1253, 69 09)4 09 09)f Northern Pacific 11414 114J4 113)4 113)4 Ontario Silver Mln 9 0 9 u P&clIIc Tel A Tel 34)4 34 33)4 33)4 Pacific T A T pf 07)5 07 97 07 Penn Railroad 5S35 5834 58 68 Philadelphia Co 41)4 40 40 40 PCCAStLpf 03 1)5 95 05 Pitts Coal N J pf 103K 101)4 103)4 103)4 Pressed S Car Co 4(J5 47 465 47 Pressed S Car Co pf .... 1003 i 100)4 100)4 100)5 Pub 8 Corp N J 131 131 131 131 Pullman Co 103 160 105 165)4 Quicksilver 2J4 2)f 2)f 2)4 RySleiSpCo 40)4 42 41H 4134 Ray Con Copper 2334 23)f 23)f 23)4 lleadlns 10834 108 103M 103)4 Reading 2d pf 48 48 48 48 Republic Iron A 8 47H 47J4 474 47X Republic I A 8 pf 11U4 HIM 111)4 111)5 StLASF2dpf 0 6 6 6 Seaboard Air Line 17)4 10)4 10)4 16)4 ShatAruCop 32)4 32)4 32 32 Sloss-Shef S A. I 54 53)4 53)4 63M Southern Paclflo 10034 101)4 100)4 100)5 Southern Ry 23)4 23lf 223 23J4 Southern Rypf 67W 60 60 68 . Studebaker Co 143'f 14434 141H 141X Studebaker Co pf Ul 111K 111)4 111)5 Ttnn Copper 40 40 40 40 Texas Co ..103 101 102)4 104 Teiu Pacific .....1234 1234 12)4 1235 Third Avenue 63 62)4 62)4 62) UndetTypcwj 10534 10434 103 103 Union Bag A Paper 634 5)4 535 5J5 Union Bae A Paper pf . . 30)1 30M 30)4 30J5 United Cigar Stores 07 07)5 90 0H UnlonPacille 141M 141)4 140)4 140)4 USIndAlchol J67H 159)4 167 158 U80IPAP 22)5 21)5 31 21)4 United Ryi Inv Co 034 10 9 0)( Un Ry Inv Co pf 23 31 21 21 United Fruit 157M 159 157)5 169 u a itunoer., 54i U 8 Steel Corp'n 84)4 US Bteei Corp'n pf.,.U7 USb'Dl H AM 75)5 UboHtUpl 62 Utah Copper, Wabash Wabash pf A Wabash pf 11 West Union Tel West E AM Western Maryland ,,.,. Wheel & Lake Erie..,. Wheel ALE lstpf... WheelALE2dpf.... Willys Overland 275 Willys 0 pf a r t p 107 Wisconsin Central 39)4 80)4 15)4 60 28)4 04)4 02 32)4 5)4 15 0)5 85)4 84)5 117 117 7534 75)5 61M 51H 81 81 15)4 15 5034 49)5 20)4 28)5 BOM 04)4 OJ 62)4 32M 31)4 5 5 19)5 15)5 5 5 276)4 271 107 106 30)5 39)5 65 r5 117 7534 61M 81 lfiH 40H 28)5 05M 63 3 IK 6 15)5 6 273 107 39)( DIVIDEND!! OiflCE OJfc TUB O. U. GEIST COMPANY LAND TITUS UUIUlLNO Philadelphia, Pa.. May gSd. 1818. The Directors el Ptwn Oaa L'ampauy have this day declared a regular quarterly dividend ot sua awl one-half per cent, (11.60 per ahara). pa the prefernd atocii of tha Company outatand ln$. payablo June 1, 191B, to taoldera ol record at ! w of bualneaa thlj date. Checks will be mailed. C. jL WEAK" Secretary- THK AUKBIC4N GAS C01IPANY WF ilarkTl St., Camden, Njl. lt. A. auartirly dividend at x. ir share, his been declared on the capful stock of this Company, payable 1aat 1st. liloY tothe atockholdera ot record at 3 o'clock p. m.. lay Itih, lain. Chaeka will U rnalltdT J. B. TOWNBEND. tt Treaaurar. DIllECTOatY OP ArCOl'NTANTS CtWa4 PoWJsJletoanUBta NEW YOfltC, tny 24. There was a con centration of speculative interest on the Curb today In the motor Btocks, partly duo to syndicate operations connected ylth the arrangement for distributing United Motor nharcs. Thnt stock, which had been preesed for ealo constantly slneo itn appearance, re vowed its movement, advancing from 64W to 70 with buying orders scattered among a large number of brokers and with the tuylng accompanied by predictions as to how high this stock -would go before this movement ended. As fnr as could be seen, the advance was simply a change of distributive tactics, the conclusion apparently being arrived, at, that as the stock could not be sold on a declining market, It might bo easier to find buyers by forcing nn nivince. t Thero was a continuation of the record breaking movement In Che.-olet, which roso to the now high record of 24 S. Peerless wns nlso made active and strong and ail vnnccd to 27. Saxon, on which the Initial dividend was dectared only a few days ago, advanced from 79 to tho new high record of 85. Thore wns some reallxlng In Flem Ian-Lynn, partly against arbitrage of tho purchases of Lynn Phonograph last week, but that stock maintained a firm tone in face of this supply and sold at 6U to U Metropolitan Oil reflected the Influence of the denials of recent statements about Its contracts and ranged from 33 H to 23, Pronounced weakness continued In Cuba Cano Sugar In spite of conditions ot largo dividend payments and tho price sustained a further decline from 57H to 55. At lantic Gulf and West Indies was Influenced by the weakness of the Marine Issues on the board and sold down from 424 to 41. Monaton Sliver was the most active of tho mining stocks, selling at 3&- to 2V&. Mldvalo Steel was firm with transactions at Gift to 61. INDUSTRIALS. Sales in Philadelphia Allta Chat loo Am IjOco.. nn Am Dm I in hairl ixtpa 0 104 Hurt A Sua It., AO no Cam Iron. ..... .4.1 SO Com Steel..,,, m 140' Crucible (teel. iBRJS "IT,.:: r. 1" .". 'Mill M Al ! C.. aa fl I C i'-',l 4WU tvrji 7K, i...imtmcm 1.1 n,, o pref 1(1 ffonnn L'nn .... RH 800 I,ake Sup Corp. 10 in kv Pr nrd... 77 I8a lvh Na 77 B3 Nortn ucnt 1041 tlmv Cnnn SRTaiiff'iIiM; an r Rtn.1 (id,. US 100 Phlla Co ..... 40 832 Phlla Electro.. S74 sun iF it i ir ciia..i nun ii.rftni, ..in !.1 no Purine .... 384 Net is L. I SS r.:.. lh ?w nhi 8 . SY., l rc m m h a ion) ioojj t.... nsH ASM ii.- ? InaV. lo: su 2 WABASH REPORTS GOOD EARNliiT ' PENNA. RA1JUKUAD FUEL SHiPMg Reading Breaks Sharply on Profit-Takini? tr nrr "s:.r,wuena n vjuiuinuu QIUCK n 8(0 Ton Bel ...... .' 4,s ,M'Til" 80 Union Ttao ... 4S74 H8Ji 4SH SHU O I ..,,,.. 8S B71 88 H 85.1 US Hlejl ...,8J)4 M M J); 1 do pref 118S 1I? ljOJ -T if 805.1 Stn It H Itnbher , . (in iO Wabaah pr A.. (10 20 Warwick Jr ft 8 Kltt 181 Cramp A- Sont. 8.1 280 Tork Itwy pr.. ao BONDS. Hleh. MOW) Am O A E BS...08., 1 own llald toc lat na.ioi'i .1000 City rrn- 4a '48.102i 4000 Klc Peo Tr 4a ().. SO., 1000 Key Tel lat na., ns't 8't 2000 I.h VI gen 4.. 3 l 1000 L.V en 4H '0.1.100)4 100M 14000 do, Drex rets ., ..., 414a ........ 100J4 1004 0000 Pa Co en lUa.101 lOlH 1000 . do cona 4lia.l01 10S IOOO Puh Srv Cm Jla. D .1 IOOO Fhlla Elca C,.104!4 104H 8.1 HB 6K i ? : so , 4 Net Close, change ??.. T .F S n m i 80 , IJt SHU. 100)$ ... 17000 Heading- sen 4a louu Bern ity prd t 100.S 101 10S ". -At 5 104 ...,. oiH 8.1 ...,. Local Bid and Asked 8" i? 3 41 S'J " (17 8.1 40 8(1S 48 Aetna Explosives AJax Itubber Tire Amerlean-llrltlah MnnutacturfliK. Amerlran Marconi Atlantic Ouir A IV I do pref Canadian Car Co... Can Car Fdy pref Chevrolet Motora uba Cane iinr.vr Ciirlda AeronlAne .............. IrlEta-8eanury i.iu Klsenlohr Toboceo 42 do pref 0 Ilmeraon rhonosraph 12 Flemlnh-I.ynn 'li Haaanll & SarKer Car 8.1 Hendee Manutncturlna 2.1 Inter Merchants Marine 24 da pref N Kathodton Bronzi pref IP .Maxim Munitions 7'i Manhattan Transfer 1U Met Petroleum 23H Mldvale Steel , (11 H Otla Elevator .' no Peerlesa Motora 2 Perlman Itlm 13,1 Pools Enx OS Haxon 84 H H Kreace w I 12 Standard Motora .8 Sinclair Oil 48 Submarine 88. Triangle Film 3U United Profit Sharlns , Ta United Motora (W'i U S 1. & II cam 2H do pref 4, IVhlte Motora fjdU World Film 1 STANDAP.D OH. STOCKS. Illinois .107 Ohio 234 Prairie Plpo 210 Standard Oil of California 240 Standard Oil of New Jersey B13 Standard Oil of New York 210 OTHER OH, STOCKS. Coadcn Oil 28 Chalmra Ou, 4 Inter Petroleum ., lnH Houston Olt 17)? Mtdireat Hef 07. Sapulpa Ref 11U MINING STOCKS. Atlanta 12 nutte- Copper & Zinc 7 Putts & NY 2H Cerro ls Paaco 3.1VJ First National n OoIdHeld Merser 13., Hecla Mining 4H Howe Sound ft Jim Butler 0(1 Jumbo intension .' 90 KeneOck lnc 13K McKlnley-Darrash 02 Xfmrma. CnnrMr .................. IM Miles Co of America 2S Nlplsilnc Mlnea Co 74 ban l oy St Joseph I.ead Weat End Consolidated BONDS, Cerro Oa Chesapeake A Ohio Sa Mldvalft fs Ex dividend. . 1 lDii 1 3-32 .114 . 91 . 08 01 Asked. ik 8.1 72 PI) 248 mitt MS 131 48 UR 12)i (lis 87 2H 2fl ll 21 J? H1J 02 27 137 10(1 8.1 :i; so I 1 70 s4 B$ 160 23(1 218 301 212 28U fa 08 12 13 i5w A (1 I Ww (13 1(1)1 .1 1 S-33 110 r3 oon Buffalo A Susi t c . on prei t c Ilrlll J U llaldwln do pref . . . Cambria Steel ..... Clectrlo Htorare ... tlenernl Aaphalt .... do pref Key Tel .. do t o do pref T.nlio sup Corp Leh Xnv l.eh Valley l.eh Val Tr do pref Pennsylvania Phlln Electric I'hlla Co do (5 per cent. pref. do (I per cent. prof. Phlla It T t c Rearilna Tonopah Bel Tonopah Mln I'nlnn True tr o i U 8 Sleel York rtwy do pf d .i Wm Cramp t c .... TodRJ. Bld,.ABKed. r.8 . . ;ih .. noil . .10i . . 82 . . 03 .. fo .. 11 .. 14 . 0 18-10 10 r2 0(1 71 m m Yealerday. Bid. Asked. nili n; 7n . 21S . 48 . ns . 27 !4 . 40 . an : ? .108'4 . . 43S . 8H . 84T4 . 14 . 3(1 . 82 77U 2 43 BS 27 41 40 42M 18 lain 43ti 83 nn 38 88 1011, s& 32 70 m 08 10 7(1 43 r84 274 41 'I 3D 42J4 17(4 1(1 4 m 87?; 8.1 14 3SH 81 no 40 i!S nt ?? 1 An loVi 11. m 40 ? 08K lnsK K 4 11.10 rtM, fit German Bank Statement BERLIN, .May 24. Tho weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany ahowa; May 23. r10 May 10, '18. Marka. Marks. uom reaerve Commercial paper ana ireaaury nun lis S.010. 000.000 Circulation and . . banktns- notea.. 0,838,000,000 Private depoatts... 1,600,000.000 2.402.000,000 5,031,000,000 6,842.000,000 1,642,000,000 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Borden's Condenaed Milk Company, reruUr quarterly of 1)4 per cent, on preferred stock, payable June IS to holders of record June 1. Frecport Gas Company, regular quarterly of 1V4 per cent, on preferred stock, payable June 1 to stock of record May 23. National Sugar Refining Company of NevJ; Jersey, rcitular quarterly of VA per cent., pay able Juno 3 to stock of record June 7. United States Industrial Alcohol, rexular quarterly of I9i per cent, on preferred stock, payablo July IS to stock ot record June 80. Interstate Electric Corporation, resular quar terly ot l per cent, on preferred stock, pay able Juno 1 to stock ot rocord Muy 24, Oreat Northern Iron Ore properties. 80 cents a share, nayablo June 27 to certificates of In terest ot record June 10. Books close June 10 and reopen June 28. For the last three years there has been but on 50-cent dividend each year declared In October. I Good earnings for April and for the 10 months of th flscnl year are reported by the Wabash Railway, which la a continu ance of the good showing Mn previous months. For April the gross return wS 12,084,860, an Increase of $641,075, while the net Showed nn expansion of $678,030, totaling $876,96$. Tho 10 months' gross earninga were $$8,S1,130, a gain of $4,242,304, nnd net rose ' $4,368,991 to $S,98S,t?5. With the exception of anthracite, the fuel shipments over the Pennsylvania Railroad east of Pittsburgh and Krle during April showed gains ns compared with th same month of the previous year. The toval shipments for tho month were 6,900,212 short tons, a gain of 683,043 tons. Anthra cite shipments felt off 360,160 tons to 766,64ft. From January 1 the shipments total 25,626,249 tons, increase 6,578,822. Arbitrage Issues occupied the greatest In terest on the Philadelphia Stock Kxchange. today. Trading In those Issues was not active; however.e In the homo shares very tn.,. . """ was done, For !,. - , rnovemanta ,.i.: .' " JrioK lower levels. ?Xil'm Being Reading. '"w to Un, an Initial Hi.ElX .Co:IlM.. wZ common stock. Tha aiJt ti Junk IK ..r!,.v-fn alVldsn u .? Early In th.l ?' &? o7 ffl '5S& "sffTWSttfi! trlbuted this decline to iuJ" must be expected "n ?? BJ-1 tho Stock h. ,.'.," J"w 't tit S-Ti Advance. u "" ""POomV Tr1 oral. ...... . . tavSXtsn S?-.' B.1. "'..' t-otnu ?l .,..M rau ana a nw . - ua LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH "STOCKS. . . Bid Jim Butler t .03 MacNamara ..................... .12 Mldvray 34 Mltpah Extension 28 Montana .................1...... .32 Northern Star .18 Tonopah Belmont AMI Tonopah Extension (1U Tonopah Mining . UH Itesrue Eula ,48 West End t...l.l2 OOLDFIELD STOCKS. 1 Ask :sa Atlanta Blue Bull Booth Bulldog; c o u Combination Fraction Dtamondfleld 13 U ... Daisy norenco Goldfleld fiolnfleld Meraep Jumbo Extension Kewanaa . Oro Sand Ken Bllver Pick .03 .20 ,01 .00 :8S 5 Goldfleld Consolidated . .03 .VI Falrv Aztec Klmberly , Nevada Hill Nevada wonder MISCELLANEOUS. i ,11 .80 ..18 .04 .OS .08 .Ot .02 .20 2.10 .13 .28 - .29 .34 .20 4 1140 8! .4 1.1c .13 .04 .23 .02 .05 .10 .08 .00. .47 .05 .12 .02 .14 .08 .06 .09 .03 .08 3.20 100,981 Dales of CotrrT $ ,d during the W,tk ended principal customs district it nil SUte, follows! Oeorala, jiSM setts, 62601 Maryland. ((.(. '.? 7080 i Philadelphia. 943. oSJmS Washington, August Orleans, sa.aso; San J. v,"tf iington. sji .; wlnjjftf. m& st 1 exports were UjT.toj1' Tri GOVERNMENT DONDg 2s reslstered ibso ..... 2s coupon 1080 .....I!:':';"" 8s renlslerert.lnts .....";'"' Si coupon 1018 ...::!!;;.!"" 4s reslstered 1023 , '"" ranama 3s reilatered lsJ'',':."V Panama 2s resistarad i51J ' " J Railroad Stocks Desirable Investments Wo specialize in tho conservative bonds of well established cor porations supplyinp; electricity, gas, transportation and other public services in prowintr com munities. Many of these bonds Free of Taxes in Pennsylvania! A list of those now on hand will be furnished on request Edward B.Smith & Co EsTABLisnno 1802. BANKERS Jemoer Hew York and PMIa&ifpMa Block Exchanges 1411 CnisTNBT STSEor, Fnnasn.rnu 80 pins Eibutt Ncvr Yoxs Last week we predicted a continual advance In rail road stocks. The market vennea our juagment. A careful analysis convinces) us that this advance will continue. Keep Informed by calling our Mr. Knoll, Lombard 1385, Main -1433. Wo buy and sell only In your Interest: we have no favorite stocks. DANBBRS A DBOKEBS '6th & Chestnut Sts., N. E. Cor. Members of r-hlla. Stock Exeltance ' Direct Ttlra to Nr Yotu flOO BONDS An Absolute First fjlotri Mortgage Public UtilitjT Investment Outstnndinc for thirteen ytuu Earning about 2 time 1Mb. terest w Tax rofund in Pennsylvania. Price to Yield 5.40 A Detailed VetciifUo ott ,Mt. RAZaERGi INVESTMENT BANKERS Broad and Sansom Sit. PhiladelphU Wo own and oiler, subject to'lejaSty, $150,000 READING, PA., 4'i Sue Julr. 1821, 1816, 1SJ1 Real Vnltm 188,141.140 Assessed Valuation. (2JS8JU Net Debt mm Net Debt less than .011 Tax Exempt in Pencsyhrmsi Prtc and detail on a;;IlMtln N.W.Halsey.&Caj 1431 Cbeataal St.. rhUiieMU New Tork Chlcaco Stn Atassa vm nm . t? aaasal IbbbT ' IsB J 4-lV Brown Brothers & Co, Fovnni and Chtstnvjt Streets PHILADELPHIA Bonds for Conservative Investment York Hallways -Company First Mortgage Thirty-Year 5 Gold Bonds Dated December 2, 1007 - Due DecamVef-1, 1M?- Free of Pennsylvania State and Normal Federal Income Taxes DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR AND PRICE UPON REQUEST, J.! :Mi nm SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFERING ESTE CONVERTIBLE Preferred at to both Assets and Earnings CARRYING A $76,000.00 Phoifbg Lumber 6 COMPANY CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK Dividends payable semi-annually May ISth and November 15th 50 BONUS OF COMMON STOCK Authorised To be presently Convertible -6 Cumulative Preferred Stock $75,000 S7s!o00 400,000 130,000 CAPITALIZATION Common Stock Of tho total authorized Issue of Common Stock 575,000 Is reserved Stock, and $175,000 for the purchase of additional timber holdings. for the conversion of the Preferred noxMrS16 rPTS1 PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANY has acquired the entire esacts and holding. FREE OF ANY INCUttVf BRANCE, of the London-Arizona Lumber Company and has paid therefor a consideration of $1 12,500 of Common Stock. , annum. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. We Recommend This Investment for the Following Reasons : The Company has NO LIABILITIES of any kind. The Company has a modern saw-mill with full equipment for the manufacture of 10.000.000 feet of lumber p The Company has available for manufacturing purposes a large supply of WHITE PINE. The Company operates under direct supervision of the United States Department pf Agriculture Forest Service. 1 he management or the Company is in the hands of practical men of iinon.Rron.l nV,lliH, nn Jntn'tv. The Company s Charter requires it to maintain net Imntrl ... ., i. t c ....A. - t i..-j l,tmrir. el H both, amounting to not less than $12.00 for each $10.00 share of Profon-,? ?..!, .i.,.A j ...i.i..j:.. .J,. mffatdhx Z absolute security. ' "S rv -j j v nrT- "ejMrnl"i! capacity of the Company, based on present market'prices. J8 over ten (10) times the Prefsrtff Dividend requirements, and assures substantial dtvidends on the Common Stock which is Riven as a bonus with the PttferrtJ Stock. 8, The Preferred Stock is convertible at the option of the holder into an equal amount in par value of Common Stock I0" ltB3l lcLZm? opportunity for a material enhancement in the original investment when A large earning capacity" ot the Common (bonus) Stock has been demonstrated 1 1' TU 8ubs.t,?ntiaI Sinkj"S "?d Provides for the redemption of the Preferred Stock at $ II .00 a ehafe. 0, The entire proceeds of the sale of the Preferred Stock will be used solely for operat njr capital. 1 , The original owners, who have accepted Common Stock in full payment for the property, have underwritten sufficient amount of thd Preferred Stock to assure sufficient capital for immediate operations P6" aVC 12, Ihe present intrinsic value of the Common (Bonus"! Stnrt t V.- . , ... j equipment. nd exclusive of good-will (eiubgcapacUy d Vtump A large portion of the above issue having been AaW fo?1KJlMfil K .1' i? iP lli . rfr sale mi change term at par-lO.OO-a share, CARRYING AB0 10? TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION . Applicatipn will be mad.e to list the Common (Bonus) Stock .. . e. 1 r t. . " uw'' Jiock on one or more of the prominent Stock Exchanges. Send for Descriptive Circular "A" ' " ' Iraqeh Office, 5 WtT Mr ((Street, Chester, P. T, LAYTON ft COMPANY ... or inn rmiasJUahU Veek CxehRa RMU ESTATE TiUtT Wlt,WH. fWlAMLPHWf F