Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 24, 1916, Night Extra, Image 1

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VOti. II.-HO. 217
f Get-mans Make Advances on
Both Banks o$ Meuse
Kaiser's Troops Fail, however,
1' . in Tlecanture Dounu-
mont Line
High Lights in-Great
Battle on Verdun Front
February 21 Verdun drive be
gan. '' '.
February 22 . ,Q,c r m a n s took
French positions' two miles deep on
a 10-milo front.
February 24 Germans captured
Champnouvillc, Qote do Tnlu, Nor
mont, Beaumont, Chambrcttes and
7000 .prisoners.
February 2G Germans captured
Fort Douaumoht.
February 29 Germans captured
Mnnheullcs, Champion, Dieppe,
Abaucourt and Blanzce.
March 5-6 Germans 'opened, at
tack west of Meuse, capturing
Forges and advancing three" miles.
March 17 -.Germans claimed cap
ture of Dead Man's Hill. (Denied by
French.) .
March 30 Germans captured
April 5 Germans captured Hnu-
April 8 rFrcnch evacuated Bcth
incourt and connected positions.
May 1 French recaptured Ger
man positions, on a wide front both
west and cast of the Meuse.
May 5 French evacuated
trenches on the slopes of Hill 304.
May 7 Germans" announced cap
ture of summit of Hill 304.
May 22 French recaptured near
ly all of Fort Douaumont and one
and one-fourth miles of German
May ,24 Germans gained ground
on both banks of Meuse and pene
trated Cumi:rcs. Faijcd in attempt
to' recapture Douaumont lines. t
CortmmiT, 1910, i tn Pceua Lrton CnurtMt.
theAnJo iifw iZ4,77F,r.om.n sourco which ship news reporters declnre
merit that Mn U?d rclab'e there came. today the remarkable nnnouncc
German III ,i & W .dnys Ncw York would witness the nrral of a
fiBffiSWXin8fi&: pnsscnBcr-mn" nnd frolght scrvicc
uto'ljteijf A-ffsr mcn by thcir lnformnnt' who
Germm, Sub.m?nino now bound ,for America is 450 feet long and carries
onf2f Am 'Jnmssc,1ts ,A n E0-ton cargo" of valuable freight. It is
of the seas? h wlU cndenvor to thwnrt Great Britain's mastery
stuir's."hC cnrg0C8 com!nB from Germany will, consist of chemicals and clyc-
reriT?LlVCcia tnf. tho cfblcs coTrbld a dispatch which announced that
Ti,im?y0 w.a9.comPling the building of n supcr-U-bdat of nn advanced type.
I J, H u Prc?1 Gcr,man commerce in the Atlnntic sea lanes
ffif,?oif t0 hc Hnltc(' ,S nlc?i Il wns Scribed as of remarkable speed,
stalwart construction nnd terrific potentiality for destruction.
Teutons' Heavy Cannon Bat
tering Asiago Defenses
to Pieces
'V ' PA fllH Mnv 11
,fl Important, grflas for Uio Germans' were
Vrtmt(tr1 hv the FVenc'h War Office fodnv.
French trenches, on both aides of the
Meuse River, In the yordun,,sector, were
capturetrbylh'erGermans In another series
of great Infantry assaults last night..
The Germans have penetrated tho village
f 'Cumleres, on thb. left' bank of the river.
Hundreds of big suns hurled tons of steel
aialnst tho French positions beforo tlie
German Infantry were sent forward.
The bombardment of Ee Mort Homme
(Dead Jinn's Hill) was 'particularly violent.
The Germans extended tholr attacking
operations northwest of Verdun, assaulting
the French positions, cast .of Dead Man's
Hill. These onsets 'carried the Crown
Prince's soldiers into vtho village of Cu
mleres, on tho left bank of the Meuse, and
also "put the Germans In possession of a
However, they paid i dearly for these
fains. The official communique stated that
the' German losses were enormous.
To the east of the Meuso the Germans
drove vigorously against the French posi
tions at Haudromont forest and at Douau
mont, sustaining heavy sacrifices of life.
West of Douaumont a few French
trenches were stormed, - but all attacks
against that section of Fort Douoamont
held by the French were repulsed.
These counter-aUacks were made with
heavy forces of troops and with utter dis
regard of life.
In the Intervals of Infantry, actions the
big guns on both sides were flnmlng
throughout the night, their thunder rever
berating up and down tho Meuse valley.
For 72 hours, by day and by night, the
Germans have been hurling huge forces
against the French' positions. However,
the French forces of1 General Nlvelle stood
like a stone wall, meeting shock upon shock
with the most conspicuous bravery.
Dawn found the great battle of Verdun
till raging with the utmost Intensity..
Xhe text of the official communique fol
lows: In Champagne, with the help of an
outburst of gas, the Germans attempted
to reach our lines In the region west
ofjfavarln farms. Our curtain of Ore
threw the enemy back Into his own
trenches. ,
Qu the left bank of the Meuse the
Germans launched a powerful offensive
action during .the' night east of Le
Mort Hom'meA- After a hand-to-hand
battle the 'enemy penetrated, at the
cost of heavy) losses, the village of
Cumleres 'and one- jo( our trenches Im
mediately to the west. New reinforce
ments having arrived. ' Jt Is, apparent
that the effective farces employed by
the enemy In the -region of Le Mort'
Homme since May 21 number 'more
than three divisions (60,000 men).
On the right bank artillery, prepara
tion and infantry attacks followed each
other with equal violence In -the region
of Haudromont and Douaumont, De
plte the fury of his attack the enemy,
who had rt regard for'human life, .
succeeded In gaining a foothold only In
some trench elements east of the fort
(Douaumont). All his efforts against
our positions' to tho.rv.cat and nc-Hlnst
the fort IJselt were, shattered by our
VIENNA, May 24.
Italian reinforcements have failed to
stein tho ndvanco of the Austro-Hungarlan
troops In southern Tyrol. In spite of the
terrific obstacles afforded by tho mountnins,
big guns are being rolled forward behind
tho armies nnd n continuous bombardment
Is being kept up by the Teuton 'roops,
which Is particularly severe between the
Adlgc nnd Plave Rivers.
Fortifications defending tho Italian town,
of Asiago are being battered to pieces under
tho shelling of the big guns.
(Asiago Is flanked by the Astico and
Brenta Vnlleys. It Is eight miles from tho
border nnd has been used by tho Italians
ns a base nnd conccrtratlon point.
Italian prisoners state that King Victor
Emmanuel went to tho Italian front In
hope that his presence would inspire the
troops to extremo efforts In tho attempt to
check the Austrian advance.
So fnr nil the fighting has been In moun
tain districts, which gives the defenders the
ndvnntage. The Austrlans, despite their
gnlns have from six to nine miles to go In
the Astico sector beforo thev rench the
edge of the Venetian ills I Thin plain Is
traversed by two lateral es of railways
that supply tho Italian arrries'on the Isonzo
front. The northern lino passes through
Verona, nnd Vlccnza: the southern lino runs
through,. R.oyfgo .and Padova. The opinion
has been expressed by many military
critics that the real objectlvo of the Aus
trlans Is tHe Verona-Vlcenza line, v
Followers Pass Word
Congress That Jurist
Will Land Plum
ROME, May 24. Austro-Hungarlan
troops, in their offensive against the Italians
between Lake flnrda and the Lavarono
plateau, are using 42-centimotro guns, tho
most powerful nrtlllery known.
The granlte-wnllcd mountain barriers ot
tho Italians are crumbling under the pound
ing of these monster guns, but the spirit
of the Italian troops remains unbroken.
Having advanced to Italian territory at
some points east of the Adlge Valley, tho
Austro-Hungarlans ha,ve now massed strong
forces In the sector of Rlva at tho upper
end of Lake Gnrda, nnd military critics
now look for n series of assaults against
the Italian front In that region.
In tho sector of the Sugana Valley tho
heavy aftlllery Are or the Austrlans com
pelled a withdrawal of the advanced lines
of the Italians, but tho retirement wns car
ried out In good order.
Tho Austrlans have massed nn enormous
amount of artillery along the right wing of
their front. Between tho Adamcllo sector
and Borgo, they are believed to have 4000
guns of various calibre. Tholr ammunition
supply seems Inexhaustible, Judging by the
heavy waste of shells.
Chicago Police Aid Vice, Is Charge
CHICAGO. May 24, Pollco collusion
with vice Is given as the reason for the
existence of social evils In Chicago; In the
report "of "tho Committee of Fifteen," pub
lished today. The committee, organized
three years ago for the correction of muni
cipal Ills at a social nature, Includes In
Its active membership Julius Rosenwald,
Abram W. Harris, David R. Forgan and
Miss Jane Addams.
WASHINGTON, May 24 "Hughes on
tho second ballot t" .
That wns tho word passed through Re
publican political circles In Congress todny
by tho followers of the Associate Justice,
who believe that ho will carry oft the
presidential plum of tho Republican National
Convention. t
Tho basis for tho report was nn .analysis
of the status of the convention delegates,
made by a close friend of Colonel Roosevelt,
who talked with him yesterday, which con
ceded that Justice Hughes would have fully
277 votes on tho Initial ballot nt Chicago,
and privately nnd confidentially circulated.
Accepting these figures ns authentic and
many Republican Senators and Representa
tives admitted that they believed them ac-'
curate, although naturally they would not
say so for publication It was conceded
that there would bd a lnndslldo to Hughe:)
so soon as tho result of the first ballot was
Ncw England likely will have a solid
ballot for the Justice on tho second bal
lot. Serious efforts which have been mnd
for a wlthdrawol of the candidacy of Sen
ator Weeks in that section, aro bearing
fruit, although It Is likely that on tho (tat
ballot' the strength of tho Weeks move,
meat, product of weeks of agitation, must
be recorded. Likewise It .npw.njems prob
able that Pennsylvanla"vbte -wjii""ue, re
corded almost solidly for Justice HughoH
on tho first ballot and thatiliere will be de
sertions front other favored sons so soon as
the delegates have n'n opportunity to confer
at Chicago.
Just how serious the "ground drift" of
tho instructed delegates toward Justice
Hughes really Is was shown by the fact
that for the first time today. Senators and
Representatives from States that havo can
didates were willing to discuss second
placo on the ticket. While In every In?
stance It was made emphatically plain that
tho discussion was "contingent," yet there
were few boom managers or lieutenants on
tho ground who were not willing to explain
how, if the political exigencies warranted,
their man would V the best selection to
name In second place should tho line-up
show that Now York's former Governor
was certain to annex all of the chief
honors. -
$25,000 LOSS IN FIRE
Entire Stock in Whoesale Grocery
Store Ruined by Tons
of Water
The entire stock, valued nt $25,000, In
the wholesale grocery store of Wilson &
Richards, Glrard avenue and iTrn..n.-,t
street, was ruined by water today as tho
result of a slight flro In an innccesslblo
corner of the fourth floor. The fire Itself
caused virtually no damage, but tho fire
men were compelled to pour tons of water
Into the building before It could bo con
trolled. The owners of the store have no Idea how
the Are started. The building Is owned by
Pearl & Turtz. Main street, Manayunk, and
Is valued at S12.000. Xnnn nf tho .in
'employes was Injured.
In the, Wpevre- -region there was a
pombardment'In the sectors of Elx and
Moulalnvll(e.. t
.' BfeRMN, May 84.
Capture of the village of Cumleres, nine
ntlea northwest pf Verdun, was announced
by the War Office this afternoon. The Ger
mans took 30S prisoners.
In vloleiU ngjitlns oh the east bank of the
Meuse theOermana recaptured loat ground
hear Douaumoht. taking fiOO prisoners-
For Philadelphia ajid vicinity Fair
fontght and Thursday; slightly warmer
Ihunday; gottle shifting winds.
t or details see paga 15
Ceiling in Process of Replnster-
ing Falls, . Injuring
Twelve Others
fSrrff1 SI Sur- njli wtre-htrd fo
iff.,lS2lAl Sb .riJ t u. B.
"Pit 1f KSt U8mon4 rta. )im of 4 cat.
4 &ik j uiM Ad yf ,,, n. a a4 w
READING, Pa.. May 24, David W,
c.-in. nn vpiii-h old. of Shamokln, I'a.,
was kllfed here this morning, and 12 other
workmen were injureu wii" in "
celling under which they were working on
a scaffold while making alterations to (he
Palace Motion Picture Theatre gave way
and fell upon them.
The men were applying a second .coat of
plaster. ' They were- burled underneath the
debrht Searing was taken out dead. T.hree
others' were rushed to the Homeopathic
Hospital. Of these, James .Swlgert, 22 years
ih f thin rltv. la the most seriously hurt.
Ills' body Is covered with cuts and. bruises
and he is injureu iwt"j' " ". " ";
of 309 West Pine street, Shamokln, and
Frank Yarnell, of Rosedale. near herv were
able to leave the hospital after having their
iniurles dressed. Others more slightly hurt
vere taken to their homes.
DUtrtet Attorney Rothermel and Deputy
Coroner smttn are ipvcauBuuus - "
cause of the accident.
Jeweler's Window Robbed
Thieves working under the glare of liun.
dreds of aro lights within a few feet of City
Hall early today broke .open a show case
In front of I. Press & Sons and stole fount
an , Mtut and penknives valued at 60. The
robbery was committed some time between
midnight and 8 o'clock this morning. The
loot Incited 69 fountain pens and 60
knives- The police believe the robbery was
committed by a band of boys-
Street Corner Fight Vktita Dies
A street corner fight resulted In the death
today of Jatnes p. Smith . 8 yeara old. of
4V9 vine Btreet. In the Philadelphia Hos
nftal Smith walked Into the hospital ft
ek Hgo with a fractured Jaw ana asked
Wbaflxed W-" Pneumpnja developed.
Ttaffpollc.itr laotag tor hi assailant.
Bull Moose National Committee
Discusses Convention
NEW VOniC, May 24. The Executive
Committee of the Progressive National
Committee met In ull-dav session hom n
work, out Bome'plan-of seating nearly 2000
delegates and alternates to the Chicago con
vention In a hall where there are only about
1100 seats on the main floor.
It will also name a temporary chairman
and keynoter for the convention.
Oscar King Davis, secretary of the Na
tional Committee, brought back from Chi
cago the detailed plans for the Progressive
conclave and the Executive Committee will
go over and approve these.
All signs pointed to the selection of
Oscar S. Straus, now Public Service Com
missioner In Ne. York, formerly Ambassa
dor ta Turkey, ps temporary chairman.
Others whose names have been mentioned
as possibilities are Governor Hiram John
son, of California, and Raymond S, Robblns.
of Illinois.
Colonel Roosevelt will receive another
batch ot pilgrims on Saturday at Oyster.
uay. Avwruiut; iu announcement the
group as yet of undetermined else will
tell' Colonel Roosevelt "we wapt him tor
Those behind the pilgrimage are the Rev.
J. U Belford, Brooklyn: Charles J. Bona
parte, former Attorney General; Frank S.
Butterworth, New Haven 1 Hugh Chalmers.
Detroit; Hamlin Garland, author; William
W. Hoffman, New Yorki Henry S. Hooker,
New York ; Henry B. Joy, Detroit; Langdon
p. Marvin, New York; Reymond B. Price,
Oht04 Henry Reuterflahl. author and artUt j
Oscar S. Strauss, former Secretary of Com
merce and labor; William Roscoe Thayer,
Boston; K. J. Williams, General I.uke K.
Wright, former Secretary of War under
Taft. and Richard M. Hurd, New York.
This committee Is Mklng a representative
BTotijj -of Democrats ah4 Republican te ,
accompany them oa a, trip to tester Bay,
Confirmation of Nominee to
Supreme Court lleo
Favorable Action by Sennte Ex
pected, but Fight Is
WASHINOTON, May 24. Tho Senate
Judiciary Committee today recommended
the confirmation of Louis D. llrnndcls ns
Supremo Court Justice.
The vole was 10 to 8 on straight party
Senator Shields, of Tennessee, who nr
rived at tlio Inst moirlcnt, voted with tho
other IicmarrntR In favor nf continuation.
Tho volleall showed the committee mem
bers voting ns follows:
Kor llrnndcls:
Cull'TRon Aahurst
Overm.tn llf'il
llnkr .smith Wnlnh
HIiMila i-hllton
O'Oormnn Fletcher
(Murk NVlnon
Itornh HrnmlrRcn
f'ummlnft DlllliiRhiim
Works Sutherland
Senator Chlltrin. of West Vlrglnln. chair
limn of the Riilicoii'inlttpe which Investigated
llrnndcls' record, was selected to iniiko tho
committee's rpport. Chilton will mako a
report to the Sennte todny.
Members (of the coiiimltteo favornblo to
Ilramlels were Juhllnnt. They held the party
vote In committee forecasts n similar di
vision on the Senate' floor. This would mako
Urnndcifl a winner by an easy margin.
Senator Cummins wns not present, but he
wns nllowcd to havo his voto counted
ngnlnst Ilramlels.
Tho matter will now go to the full Semite,
where a protracted fight Is In prospect.
Ilramlels' unmo now has been under con
sideration by the Sennto nearly foiir months.
A subcommittee of three Democrats and
two Republicans split on strict party lines
In favor of HrnndelM, after hcnrlngs In
which more than a score of witnesses wcro
On tho calendar of appointments beforo
the Senate there aro very few names ahead
of Brnndels, and these are mostly for post
mnstershiim or other minor olllcers. It
seems likely this nanio will bo reached on
tho calendar within a week or so, but a
long-drawn-out debate, with a possible fili
buster. Is expected.
The rejection of Oeorgo B. Rublcc ns
member of tho Fedornl Trade Commission
is believed to have reacted In, Brnndels'
favor. Tho refusal of the Setiato to con
firm Rublce stirred Administration lendors
to vigorous activity during the past few
days and resulted In rallying many doubtful
votes to Jlrandels', 'support; J. '
Today's decisive action of the Judlcfary
Committee was accomplished In less than
15 minutes.
Board of Judges Names Elec
tions Superintendent to Suc
ceed the Late David S. Scott.
Called a Vare Victory
- SBI'' -f I! sifl!
Harry 'Kuenzel, Superintendent of Elec
tions In the County Commissioners' ofllce,
today was appointed County Commissioner
by the Board of Judges to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of David S. Scott, Vart
member of tho board, The appointment
of Mr. Kuenzel Is considered a Vate victory
In political circles, for the new Commissioner
Is a political lieutenant of David Martin
of tho ISth Ward, who is now politically
allied with tho Vares.
The Board of Judges met In executive
session In Room E, second floor City Hall,
and was In session only half an hour.
Whether or not the election of Mr. Kuenzel
was unanimous could not be learned, bu(
the fact that the session was short was
taken to indicate that there had been no
opposition at the meeting. .
The hoard also announced the following
appointments after the meeting:
Walter Reorge Smith appointed a
member of the Hoard of Public Educa
tion to succeed General Edward deV.
Morrell. who resigned.
Frederick T- Chandler appointed a
member of the Fulrmount Park Coin
mlsaionera to succeed the late Dr. J.
William White.
Charlemagne Tower, former Ambas
sador to Germany, appointed director
of the Board of City Trusts to succeed
the late George W- Kendrick.
Mr Kuenzel has. been In the County Com
missioners' oiHce far 26 years, all of that
time he has been politically affiliated with
David Martiu. U is rumored that Maurice
Itoisch, warrant clerk In the Commissioners'
NEW YORK, Mny 24. A woman of German birth, whose namo
he would not divulge, has revealed details of it plot to blow up a
Cunard liner leaving New York next Saturday, Assistant District At
torney Battle announced this nftcrnoon, Detectives have been ncut
to investigate the story nnd make arrests.
WASHINGTON, May 24. Tho bill designed to recover for the
Government the unsold 3,200,000 acres in Oregon and California of
the original 4,000,000-acre grant to the Southern Pacific Haihvpj
Uompany was taken up today in the House under a rule providing
only three hours' general debate It was believed It would bo passed
beforea djournment tonight. The bill 'provldqs for payment to tho
railroad for the unsold land nt the rate of $2.00 nn ncic.
ROME, May 24. Italian wnrshlps shot down nn Austrian
ncroplane in the upper Adriatic Monday night,- it was officially an
nounced today.
First race, 3-year-olds and up, selling, S400, 0 furlongs Rae D.,
05, McCahey, 13 to 0, even nnd 1 to 2, won; Agon, TH7, J. McTng
gart, 2 to 1, 7 to 10 and 1 to 3, second; Ash Can, 1Q5,- Lykc, 12 to 1,
5 to 1 nudS to 1, third. Time, 1:13 8-5. s
LONDON, May LM. The Greek steamship Istros has been sunk by a submarine.
Her captain declared tho same submarlno sank three sallinc; ships. (Tho Istros dis
placed 1891 tons and was registered at Ithaca.)
ROMB, Slay 24. Monalnnor. Jeremiah J.'Harty, Archbishop of Manila, today
was appointed Bishop of Omaha,(Neb. Bishop Harty Is a hatlve of St- Louis, Mo
Yhcro.hown8boln' on NbVembef 1, 1853. lier "Was madd'ArchBlBlioVbf'ManllaTn
1!)03', belnc; tho first priest elevated to that rank by Popo-Pius X.
ZURICH, Switzerland, May 24. Five French aeroplanes bombarded a German
troop train at Sedan on Monday, killing and wounding 120 soldiers. Six coaches
were destroyed by the bombs.
Announcement Is made that 45C0 Phlladelphians have Joined the Roosevelt Non
partisan League, during tho few days that headquarters havo been open at 1333
Walnut Htieet.
NEW YORK, May 24. Following; n meeting ot preferred stockholders of tho
International Mercantile Marino Company and a series of bankers' conferences at
tho oftlces of J. p. Morgan & Co., It has becomo known that the British .Govern
ment has Intervened In the reorganization of the International Mercantile Marine
Company. This $101,000,000 American corporation does three-fourths ot its busi
ness under the British flag. As the result of the demands of tho British Govern
ment, reorganization plans considered virtually sottlcd 10 days ago have been thrown
into disorder. It Is possible the courts may bo called upon to decide questions at
issue between the various Interests in tho company. '
New York Body Warned
Not ..to Admit Doubters
to pulpit
Genornl Assembly Accepts Re
port Framed by Parties to
Quarrel Over Doctrines
How Heresy Fight Ended
in Reiteration of Rules
The General Assembly went back
to n delivcranco uttered in 1910, re
itcrntitiR the sentiments contained
in thnt.
Thi3 dcllvcrnnco declared thnt "It
is nn essential doctrine of tho word
of God nnd our standards that our
Lord Jrsus Christ was born of the
Virgin Mnry." '
,No punishment was meted out to
tho Ntw Yor't Presbytery, but the
prcsbyt'rlcs were "hereby enjoined
not to He use nor 1 rdnin any candi
dnte for the ministry whose vlowa
arc not in accordance with this de
livernne of 1910."
The Gtntrnl Assembly directed
that "win n n enndidate appears vyhp
is not cl' nr nnd positive on any one.
of thr fu-.'dnmentnls of our faith his
licensure be deferred until such timo
ns in the judgment of the presbytery
he has becomo so."
CvuUeiml ea I't Tbrw, Column Thb
, PARIS, May 24, The Entente Allies have occupied the railroad station at
Fiorina, 18 miles Bouth of Monastlr, according to a Salonlca dispatch. The Germans,
says an Athens dispatch, have bombarded the village of Potheles, south of Dolran.
LONDON, May 24. The Central Board of the German National Liberal party,
the third strongest In tho Reichstag, held a meeting in Berlin Sunday to consider
tho question of submarine warfare. A Central Nows 'dispatch from Amsterdam
says tho board adopted a resolution referring to "the great value of submarine
nnriaro against hmgianas supremacy on the sea." and called upon the National
Liberal party In tho Reichstag to urge unlimited use of the submarine weapon In
event that tho United States does, not t"yleld to tho conditions set forth In the last
uariuun noie, ins party was pledged as ono man, the dispatch says, to stand
tirmly behind the Government which strives for the fulfilment of theso conditions.
Employes of tho Viscose Company will hereafter receive bonuses of 10 per
cent, for faithful service, It wus announced today at the offices of the plant at
-Marcus Hook. Tho grant is a result of Increasing business and" came from the
company without solicitation.
LIVERPOOL, May 24. A provisional agreement for the amalgamation of the
Cunard and the Commonwealth ar.d Dominion Steamship Lines was officially an.
nuunccd last, night. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line, Ltd., of London, owns
and operates a fleet of 24 freight atenmshlps of from 4000 to 10,000 tons, known chiefly
In the Australian and East Indian trade. Twelve of tho vessels, of which the
Hawkes Bay, 10,841 tons, Is the largest, are twin screw vessels. Some of them are
the Port Albany, Port Augusta, Port Curtis, Port Hunter, Port Kemble, Port Lincoln,
rort Macquarie, Port Phillip. Star of Australia, Star of England. Star of India, Star
of Scotland, Star of Victoria and others.
;i'?iifii0 I.ulocr staff Corrttpondent
ATLANTIC C1TV. May 24,-i-This General
Assembly of tho I'rcsbytcr'.an Church went
back to 1910 today to rind a solution of the
serious problem thnt confronted It as a re
null of overtures for the ouster of the New
York JPresbytery for alleged countenancing
of heresy.
Seemingly, the matter Is once again and
for all time disposed of. Tho disposition
can be Interpreted to pleaRO both sides, but
tho New York Presbytery, as hail been so
tonlldently expected over since the defeat
of the Rev. W. L. McEwan for moderator,
en me out pretty clean on the whole.
In a word, "the Presbytery gpes unpun
ished, but It Is forbidden' over again 'to.
license or ordain for tho ministry any can-,
dldsite "whose vlews",aro not In. accordance,
with the deliverance otJOlO.!; - 1
"ln that' year the General Assembly de
rOnvnri vr .lnOnltnlv Hint Ihrt P)!-lhvtrtan
Church believed. In "th& Virgin birth, ArirfSr1
was tho challenging of that doctrine jr
three young New York students to whupi
ministers' licenses were given by the New
York Presbytery, that caused the trouble.
Ono may call if a victory for NeiV York,
though thnt won Is distasteful to the ma
jority of commissioners here, even those
from New York. But the fact remains no
punishment of any sort is meted aut to It
and all that can be construed as cerisure is
thq prohibition In the future of the thing
that brought down the wrath of the Test-i
em Presbyterians this year.
Dr. J, Ross Stevenson, presenting the re- '
port of the Bills nnd. Overtures Committee,
stressed the fact that the report represented
the unanimous opinion of the committee
Its sentiments seemed unanimously ap
proved by the convention.
The report was signed by William Mo
Klbben. president ot Lane Seminary, Cincin
nati': the Rev. II. B. Mendcnhall, Moderator
of the New York Presbytery; the Rev.
Frank H. Stevenson, of Cincinnati, and
H. Llmouze, chairman of the New York
Continued on Pate Two, ColumnTivp
Former Chancellor to Succeed
Bernstorff, Exchange Tele
graph Learns on Good
PBKIN. May 24. The conference assembled at Nanking, consisting of one
delegate from each of the ten loyal provinces of China, has decided that Yuan Shlh-kal
must remain President of the republic until a properly elected Parliament chooses
his successor. The province of Xhen-sl, a western frontier province of China, has
declared its independence. A Jupaneso firm has lent China 3,000,000 yen (approxi
mately 11,500,000) on security of Iron mines In Hunan province.
RIO JANEIRO, May 24. Duorcters have broken out at Victoria, capita! of the
State of Esplrlto Santo, according to advices received by Dr. Wenceslau Brai, Presi
dent ot the Republic. The question of the transmission ot the executive power to.
one or the other of the two cam'tciatea fpr the Presidency of the State Is responsible
for the disturbances, and mutual causations are being made by the partisans of the
respective candidates. Both slde- have asked for intervention by the Federal Govern
COPENHAGEN, May Sf The German Government, according to the Berlin
Vosslsche JSeltung, early in Juae will propose a hill for a new war loanTof 10,000,000,096
marks ($3,500,000,000).
LONDON. May 21,
The Exchange Telegraph stated this
afternoon that It has learned on good au
thority that Prince von Buelow. former
Chancellor of the German Empire, is to
become the German Ambassador at Wash
ington. A rearrangement of the German
diplomatic corps Is to be effected, the Ex
change Telegraph stated.
The statement of the English news agency
la thus far uncorroborated from any other
source, though It has been rumored several
times that Ambassador von Bernstorff
might be called home to an Important post.
Diplomats here said that If the report
Is true tho sending of von Buelow to Wash
Ington Is another Indication of Germany's
plans to move for an early peace. Von
Buelow's name has been frequently con
nected with peace moves, especially durlnff
his long stay recently In Switzerland.
Prince von Buelow was sent to Rme. aa
Ambassador and assigned the task of
preventing Italy from oinlttg the AJUesr
When Italy declared war on Austria a year
ago he was recalled to Berlin, but shortly
afterward weot to Switierland, where- be
spent Beveral months.
Swiss reports said that von Buelow. at
the Kaiser's request, had purposely hel4
aloof from active participation In Govern
mental affairs In order that he might bet
ter serve CJermany In peace negotiations. A.
man of great personal charm, he has, a,
ways been considered one of the best diplo
mats In Europe. So far as l known.
Prince von buelow lias made but one ad
dress on the subject of peace since the- war
began. Speaking at Hamburg more than
a, year ago, he declared that Qerraany
would make a conqueror's peace.
WASHINOTON, May 34. German Bn.
baasy official today refused ta discus the
Exchange Telegrai h report rom ln.Juti
regarding a diplomatic chape that would
replace Count von flernstqrff here v?0
prlucevon Buelow Officials, merely- t!tt&4
"they had beard nothing of such, a report.
Slate Department officials also professed,
ignorance of any such, report. ,alvti
Ujeir said. Uiy did not s Jut vtkl tmn