m ML? M LA GRANDE ORASUOM ANCHEPERL'ITALIASU i LAFRONTEDELLEALPI Cinquecento Battaglioni Aus- triaci per POffensiva Contro l'ltalia 3300 Cannont sul Lavarorio ATTACCHI ItESPINTI ItOMA, 23 Jtagglo. IX grande ova deli'IUlla o' suonato. ' Questo o' It tcmn H tuttl 1 dlscorsl a M tuttl I commentl Intorno nlln. oftenalva ustrlfica nella reglone trentlna. Ed lnfattt t'ora della granda prova. Dalle notlzle provenlcntl dalla fronts dl kltairlla si rllova che la foria austrlache inno state plu' che raddopplate e cho rnrllirilerla mistrlacn, Bpeclalmcnta quella dl irrosse callbro a dl lunga poTtata, au mVnta ognl gl'orno plu'i E clilaro ora che SLaiiBtrlacl tendono ad Impadronlrsl del "altoplano del Sette Comunl che dornlna r II nlano dl Vtcenia, dondo casl potrobboro mlnacclaro nol II nanco a lo spalle del I'eserclto Itallano dell'Iaonzo. Ij'artlgllerla austrlaca dl ognl callbro, ma ineclalmcnte quella da 30B, ha trasformato tutta la vallo del Brcnta In un vcro Inferno, ma la fanterla austrlaca che vlene lanctata In masse all'assalto b1 speiza centre !a reals tenia della poslzlonl Itallano. t,e truppo Itallano hanno formato ora la loro llnea dl dlfcsa o mantengono fer mamente tuttl I passl ed I plcchl da cul non solo a' stato nrrestato II movlmonto dl avnniata degll austrlacl, ma a' Btato slog glato H nemlco da parecchlo position! jjtrateglcho prcso nol prlmo Impeto del 1'avanzata. VI sono diverse lndlcazlonl che scopo 3lla prcsento oftcnslva austrlaca sarebba auello dl Impedlra che l'ltalia partcclpasse Vila campagna degll nlleatl In .Francla ad lmpedlre cho avvonga 11 congmnglmento delle forze Itallano .dl Valona con quelle degll alleatl da Salonlcco. E stato nuovamento ferlto alia testa 11 tenento Morronc, ngllo del mlnlBtro della Guerra. IL COMUNICATO UFPICrALE. II Mlnlstcro della Guerra ha pubbllcato II soguente rapporto del generate Cadorna drca la Bltuazlono alia fronto Italo-austrl- ca: Nella zona del Tonalo o In quella dell'Adamcllo Vattlvlta' della fanterla porto' a combattimontl favorovoll a nol. Tra II Garda a l'Adlgs si ebbero azlonl dl nrtlgllerla o plccoll acontrl con repartt ncmlcl cho furono dappor tutto resplntl. Sulla rlva. sinistra dell'Adlge un IntenBO bombardamento dcllo nostro poslzlonl nella glornata dl lerl fu segulto da un vlolento attacco cho fu completamento resplnto dalle nostro truppo con perdlto gravl per 11 nemlco. Su resto della fronto dl battagllo, flno alia vallo dcll'Astlco, non Hi sono avutl awenlmentl dl lmportr.nza. Tra la vallo doll'Astlco a la Val Eugana l'attacco nemlco contlnuo' ad lntervalll, nppogglato da numerosa a potento artlgllerla. SI o" avuta attlvlta' generate del Vartlgllerla ncmlca contro le nostro llnee avanzato ad ovest del Torra, Dosso JTagglo o Campelle, nella Carnla sulIlBonzo; partlcolarmento Intensa e' stata nell'alta vallo del But o nella zona dl Monfalconc. Aoroplanl nemlcl hanno fatto cadere bombs nolla val Lagarlna o nolla Carnla. SI cbUero alcuno vmime, una olo Jlevl dannl materlall. Durante un raid bu Portogruaro un ldroplano ne mlco fu abbattute da una nostra squa drlglla dl avtatorl. EB FoilZE' AUSTniACHB.' II Mlnlstero della Guerra pubbllcava pure lerl una altro' comunlcato "utnclale circa le forze cho l'Austrla ha ora nel Trentlno. II comunlcato dice: II 15 Novembre gll austrlacl avevano nella loro prima llnea ventl dlvlslonl, cloe' circa 300 battaglioni. D queste, tro dlvlslonl dlfendovano 11 Trentlno. La scarsezza delle truppo era pero' largamcnte compensata dalla grando quantlta dl artlgllerla a dal valoro delle poslzlonl che 11 nemlco occupava. Dal meae dl novembra pero le forze austrlache comlnclarono ad essere au mentate. II 15 marzo l'arrivo dl nuovo unlta dlvenne plu' frequente e molte furono mandato nel basso Trentlno. II 15 magglo 38 dlvlslonl, cloe circa 500 battaglioni, si potevano contare lungo la fronte austrlaca verso l'ltalia. Gran parte dl questo truppo provenlva dalla a Gallzla, dalla Serbia e dal Monte negro. Sedlcl dlvlslonl furono concen trate nel Trentlno o destlnato ad operaro tra l'Adlgo ed II Brenta ac canto alio truppo vecchlo che furono lasclate- dovo Bl trovavano. tuttl 1 regglmentl dl Kalserjaeger e dl Questo sedlcl dlvlslonl comprendono. EVENING LEDaER-PHILAlELPHIA, TUESDAY MAY 23, 1916. 5 Your trips to the sea shore will be without worry if you entrust your wearing apparel to the safe keeping of BOYLE HANDCRAFT LEATHER LU6CJA3E Every jewel is worthy of its case, and certainly your clothing, hats, etc., deserve adequate protection on your journeys. Boyle Leather Luggage is hand made. It is made from ex tra fine leather, specially tanned. All fittings are stlid brass, heavy and strong. Each article will hold As shape UUU gOOU IOOKB far longer than ordinary lug gage. We make Kit Bags, Club Bags, Suit Gases, Hat Boxes. Auto Trunks, etc. Tradt if ark Ask your dealer to snow you luggage with the BOYLE trademark. ObtalnabU from all dtaUrt in high-grad Uathtr goad, John Boyle & Co., Inc- SOX La portfetlo; moitevXai$. matl baa eta., orf mad fa aecordana ioith tht laid high ttamlant cKaracttrUi'a Oil &QYLU rTOiiuHi fat ff ytan. ManuiaeliirmrM at ulm rataa Bona Avnil? atiif. New1 York ad St. IjwIm Indsehuifirt taene di t7,m ir-ll"" ."." aKonte'rus". Ch P0ter6no ,08,,6ra nume?onre,cl0ldl1!c,,0 8tftbl,lre " sat ..Wft ttir STnnuu" Una 'nesaurlblle rlserva dl PlanodliatT connltl aulPalto- tro M noi iU.8,trla ta- rao9n5o n- atgsffa araaLart IL KAisMPEZI0NERA, LA FRONTE AUSTMACA Si Dice che l'Austria Ha Ritirato 50,000 Uominl dalle Region! Albanesi kaiser nl rcchcra' ad Ispezlonare la fronto austrlaca verso l'ltalia. I dlspaccl cho Riunirono da Roma, mentro non nascondono iimportanxa deU'ollenalva austrlaca non solo per la grande rnaesa dl uominl ma ancho per auella enormo dello artlgllerlo, dlcono che lo autorlta' Itallano hanno plena nducla cho ell austrlacl non rluBelranno a complero 11 loro piano. A questo proposlto neancho a Vienna si nasconde la posslblllta' dl una controffenstva Itatlana. Dlspaccl da Parlgl dlcono che da fonto dlplomatloa neutra si e' npprcso che l'Aus trla ha ritirato gla' 60,000 uominl dall'Al banla, dovo ha lasclato soltanto plccoll dls taccamentl a guardla dello cltta da loro occupate, come Fieri o Herat, oltro a Durazzo. PRESIDENT COMPLETES NOTE ON MAIL SEIZURE Protest to Britain Said to Be Le gal in Character Tells Pago to Act Vigorously WASHINGTON, May 23. 'President Wilson today rompleted his note protesting against mall seizures by Great nrltaln. It waa sent to Secretary Lansing for the tat ter's signature shortly after noon, and was expected to be put on the cablo Im mediately, Largely .legal In character, the communi cation clones with Instructions to Ambas sador Page to renew vigorously the com plaints already made by the United States. The legal discussion relates' to the prac tice followed by tho British patrol cruisers In holding up neutral vessels, carrying United States malts on tho high seaB, tak ing them Into British ports, and there sub jecting the malls to municipal censorship. This practlco tho American note Insists Is onttrely without the palo of International law and contrary to all recognized rules re. spectlng the Inviolability of neutral malls In time of war. Reading Man Accidentally Killed by Gas READING, Pa., May 23. Frank Field. 37 years old, died at tho Reading Hospital here today tho result of accidentally Inhal ing gas at his homo on Monday, PIULADELPIUA ALERT T0"aEAN-UP"WEEK Second Day of Municipal House cleaning Began at Sun-up This Morning Philadelphia began her second day of housecleanlng this morning. After n suc cessful attack on the forces of dirt yester day the city today awoke refreshed and re Bolved to make a finished Job of the cleans ing. Hundreds of tons of accumulated rubbish and dirt were removed from all sections of the city by tho Highway Department yes terday. In every part of tho city tho canvas-covered ash wagon was Been to pn?s along bearing Its load to the remoter sec tions, from which, after It was dumped, the wagon Immediately returned to make fur ther Inroads Into tho accumulated piles that marked the Btrccts. In every part of tho city men, women and children entered Into tho spirit pf "Clean-up" week, and lent a willing hand In searching from Its hiding places the dirt which had boon hibernating there. Tho BtreetB presented a remarkablo sight as, plied with all Imaginable assortments of rubbish, they were visited by the ashmen and other cleaners and restored to their original cleanliness. Even tho Highway Department, with Its careful system of USES BULLET AND NOOSE TO END HIS SORROW Man Shoots, Then Hangs Himself Whito Brooding Over Wife's Death READING, Pa., May 23. Standing on a fence with a noose around his neck and a revolver In his hand, Charles II. sutler, 64 years old, of this city, well-known former hotel landlord, ended hln life today along a country road above Reading by Bhootlng himself In tho head. His body then fell from the fence and hung by the neck to a nearby cherry tree, tho man having made doubly euro to end his life. Constant brood ing over tho death of his wife a year ago la given as the cause. Mrs. Bessie M. Flshor, 32 years old, com mitted BUlclde at her homo at WostWyomls Blng, near hero, today, by hanging herself to one of the rafters In tho attic, using a heavy sash cord for tho purpose. North Wales Plans Memorial Day Fete NORTH WALES, Pa,, May 23. The largest Memorial Day celebration In the North Penn . this year will be at North Wales, when patriotic exercises, a track and field meet, flag-raising and band con cert will bo part of the program. The following Commltteo on Arrangements has been appointed: H. A. Julius, chairman; Harry Danner, secretary: William Fie, financial secretary; Frank II. Leister, treasurer. U tH 1 1 fl BLESSED be the man who can for get the faults of his friends. But blessed is the man whose friends are as faultless as a pipe of VELVET. t m m j ts? iswi ii ijw iw rw$i m m&sM W2 .mz !.' m "vi mm 5B.-v. LiS Wi The Black Diamond Twenty Years Old , ON May 1 8. 1 896. THE BLACK DIAMOND ateamed from its terminal on the initial trip of a journey which, has already passed the seven million mile mark. For two decades it has been the connecting link of comfort, convenience and pleasure between New York, Newark, Philadelphia and Buffalo, Rochester, Ithaca and the other thriving cities along its pathway. For twenty years it has exemplified the highest ideal of sat isfactory service. Satisfactory servias twenty years of it! For a fifth of a century the Black Diamond has glided along the banks of beautiful rivers, gone spinning up the smooth grades of picturesque mountains, speeding among beau tiful hills and by placid lakes. It has acquainted over a million passengers with a wonderful country - "The Switzerland of America." The splendid train has entered on another cycle of its farnpus .daylight run over the matchless Lehigh roadbed, safely guarded by automaticblock signals using the latest word in steel equipment. ,.' J. '- MaJce your trip to Buffalo or the West something to be enjoyed not to be endured. Lehighdley m Railroad. THE ROUTE OF THE BLACK DIAMOND checking, could not do more than estimate the Immense quantity of dirt that ha been taken from the homes In Philadelphia dur ing the first day of tho campaign against dirt The work of cleaning up will bo con tinued until Saturday. All cltlions have been urged by the department to lake ad Vantage of the facilities provided by the city for tho removal of dirt while the oppor tunity Is present Every available cranny, hole and crack that might be a lurking place for microbes should bo cleaned, and gardens nnd other flower spots should be set In order. Shoes to Advance Another $1 The price of shoes will advance another dollar, according to A. C. McOowIn, presi dent of tho National Retail Shoe Dealers' Association. Mr. McOowIn said that Bhoes already had advanced a dollar In price since the wnr, and that another Incrcaso would como before long. A conference of the association will be held In the Cham ber of Commerce next Thursday. TWO MAY0BS TO SPEAK AT KENSINGTON BANQ.UET Quests of Board of Trade Tonight at Manchester Unity Hall Mayor Thomas D. Smith and Frederick W. Donnelly, Mayor of Trenton, N, J., ore to tie. the principal speakers at a banquet to be given tonight In Manchester Unity Hall by the Kensington Board of Trade. Four other members of tho association are to glvo short talks on "The History of tho Organisation," 'The Plans of the Organi sation; Its Projects" and "The Itelatlon of tho Organization to City, State and Na tional Government" Tho banquet ,1s In celebration of a suc cessful membership campaign Just closed, which resulted In the addition of mora than 150 now members. It will also kIvo an op portunity for both new and old members to become better acquainted. Dr. iTcnrlk Grcve Bttnahti J?4 IXWDON May" 2S. -Tho tie! Vt Cftflst lanta ol I)r. ttenrlk Orevo BHmm & Was physician nnd botanist wiih ttM WtttMM polar expedition. i8i-t, it ktimMHMH a Central New,dlpatcli from Cd0aSkrt penhagen. " ' . , ' i,l ."" ftansoom's CATERER $;; Let us estimate oA Wed dings, Receptions, Buta quets, etc. We do It right. OFFICE, 781 MAHKKT BT. JFJ Empire Red Rubber Has Proved Itself Better Tire Material We "discovered" red rubber as a tougher tire material. We made the first red tire. It beat our own gray tires all hollow for bounce and stamina. Now we manufac ture only Empire Reds and despite the rising price of rub ber, Empire prices are practically the same as last year. Empire Red Rubber stays cool under terrific friction tests. It is all new, fresh rubber and will not depreciate prematurely. All of this adds to the phenomenal mileage Empire Reds roll up. u 'mpire m mi ires Wear Longest Not only do Empire Reds give you a longer run for your money, but that classy all red color adds distinction to your car. Empire Red Rubber marks the big gest jump ahead in tire making for years. Empire Reds will always give cheaper service until a suitable synthetic rubber is made. Don't delay equipping your car with Empire Reds. Adjustments are made on the 5,000 mile basis. THE EMPIRE RUBBER & TIRE CO. Philadelphia Branch, 322 N. Broad St Home Offico and Factory, Tronton.N. J. rv ftMi JfiCSfcbrk II Hi Mf m v4 W&Sva xm W9m lk mm m m mm llVi. . V(C' 1 ri ' H iil fl mi i M i IKEA's m zvricTrZ XTfa?Ji i i4"r -- .Uoe A m 2?ZZ&L En " I fclr. . Ti o;' ?'fi ne,1 ?'" w'ai rr ratt.3,tt- . ' 'giiOWSfono IVIIHA.lh Vl -"'wjiuii'aric ye mp from Butte Mom,, via Yellow, stone thn """lertteate way. e ?- OUsti tviug auii? poe trip .,rtO . -rtU OP'ilieTol -5c& IXtUN 4'. KtoSSSXS. UW'' . v .irtO ?&r 4 .-. t 1 SpOlSXre1 l,hore- - .tillTU a "'rit- rest":-reto Stopover' i ma o - Pacific North Coast Select the Pacific North Coast for your vacation this summer. Here there are attractions, as varied, as beautiful, as instructive, as can be found anywhere pn the globe. It is a trip of moderate expense low fares are urenect every day to September dUtu, For the Journey select a route that will place you In the proper frame of mind for enjoying at the end the pleasures that await. Clarice to the left margin of this advertisement; and learn of the comfort, the Interest, the enjoyment provided the traveler on either all-steel train "Tha Olympian" or "Tho Columbian" oyer the premier route between Chicago, Spokane, Seattle and Tacoraa the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Ry. ,m5Z-ri .vnortf-r f -"" SSSCsf -ounoy --ot '.. Anidealolsam Pre r melon trwmmsof w; p13& "ort " I "-. 'V "Ht - If you return through California travel on "The Pacific Limited " provide through servlca to the East Iroro either hos Angela or San vranasco via un? company's central route. Exact fart j qtuta pnJ literature JurnliheJcn ttquut, G, J, Lincoln, General Agent 818 Ckeatnut Sf4