EVENING XjEBGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1916 & JINANCIALJjRWg 1ALWES AND REACTIONS FREQUENT I THROUGHOUT DATS STOCK TRADING W . .. j mi Paw Recover oome 01 xneir uonnclence and Make Drives r, at Active issues ueuerai motors Advances 65 Points I) Chandler to Get Eight Per Cent. Hinh Points in Todays FLnmtrtni 7vt... Temporary injunction restraining sale of Pennsylvania Sttel to nthL 'uti'ditwUted in court and permanent injunction denied " Fn.ll, nfe' iEt of International Mercantile Marine pans exvicted htZZJl"mncet flSbbir Company stockholders voted tawriblj oXrLetXZT.I M $7,000,000 to $25,000,000. Gold to th, i amount o ' tfoooonl ?iti0 B bttatea.. Price of bar silver higher in New York t Ld London sZilln 'fflitfaeturinff Company declared ettra monthly dividend of 10 per cent mt : h.- ,rfcnt was without ft decided fr.nr1i.nm, ,a.. ..... ' M.ay 23' tc- juo .. -- - -j wnf, mines nnu reactions Imlnn- tjntgttrt. "Hh Bt ot ,th0 movementa reflecting tho constant shifting of position he trading element on the rtoor. Some of tho bear operators, who were l. asrclieo ay -- ... .s, recovered a part of their confUlenco I 0 taA fcqtiont drives at tho active Issuer after corly advances. Tho .- ,iiUTt.'n,anl on mo noor xoiiowea tho lead of theso bear operators in n. n I liUnl. offering stoclu1 afl concessions whenover thev fmimi n ini, j . : ' lai UwJ tho market, nt times, seem heavy. . ' Beadinff continued to show a disposition to repress a speculative following wJatte opening up more than 1 point, later selling at tho new high record nf .. tho nrlrn flncEPd to below IDS. hit, n Hint fi...'ii ., " "" ,,,, ..... ,---- ----- - - -- - "- "' mo accumulation was re- .j-i Tho Tlnndlnir secret, whnfovnp It la , v.i ..-. . " misriK " - i ii8 uu Kepi so rar as ofllclnl mm 10 concerned. Of course, tho hanking Interests that havo been accumulating t&ttock since early last March are fully Informed of tho Intentions of tho man. .,. hut thev are not diffusing ithplr imnviiui.,. .i. ... " I B.ru.". -- ... . " . -.u w IIIU OUIB1UC public. All ' that the outsider can do la to watch and wait. Meanwhile, the floating sunnlv i ftfat tcadily Into bankers hands without much regard to tho price. wiumoit. .." ...y ...uU IUH,JO8a 10 mo attention attracted to Its holdings I Of HwW common with an advance to 04, and Union Pacific, In which n atronc h pool to row at work, made a further substantial gain. Tho strength In these l-'mtntia rat1 a sympathetic Influence for a tlmn nn b. rn,.t ...... c.. ... .. ... I Thn motor Stocks moved Without rno-nrrl tr, ., .... -. .. . ' . (I funeral Motor advancing 65 points to G15, and Chandler advancing moro" than 3 I polnW to above 100. Ijj It Is Understood that tho dividend ;, ins unueramuu i.iut uie aivmcnu on Chandler Motors will bo lncrr.nKf.,l n ftf cent at tho directors meotlng on Saturday. Marino preferred was weak In , v .,,.-. o ""T."' ""'"UL.uiiui uunKing circles that tho Kncllsh rw. 18J-M:wD'Dent J""1 mterposoa objections to carrying out tho uronosed ror.rni,n.i r- JrHr nUn. , ; I Third Extra Monthly Scovillc Dividend Declared NEW YORK. May 23. Tho Senvilln Mnn. .,. ..i ,-. . . . w. , ... ,, ,, . ,. """"" v-uinpany nas declared an ftra monthly dividend of 10 per cent., payable Juno 1 to stock of record May "5 EtWb Is the some rate as was den1nrrrl In Anni t- r .. . . J lilvldend was paid, In addition to tho regular quarterly of 2 per cent.1 "" ' Ooodycnr Tire Increases Capital WCW Tnnif Mnv !3 Tho nn,l,... mi . .. i&V- lA , C -" iu ana KUDDer Company stockholders tave voted to Increase tho amount of preferred stock from $7,000,000 to $25,000,000. ! er. Ml 'rfi IfLEMISH-LYNN HAS FIRST PLACE AGAIN ST SNew Phonograph Stock Is Curb . ' Leader Motors Are Strong ? Also r. Annv vnTJir urn., o ami..a .,.inM ,Tas confined to a few Issues on tho Broad a i:a . .t. .. . . ,T9ieu iu mo now r iemisn-iynn siock, which mado a further ndvnnpA to Rii. In Utiu afternoon. Tho buying of tho common itoclc has a reasonable foundation in the cwwieago oi me proauctivo capacity ot the company of 2000 machines a day. Soma ' ftf ihfi mnlnl' ntrtnla vnn nl.n In Vk11p a I ;Vttal, with Saxon moving up 34 to 77. Jgyttalted Motors, tho now consolidation, e'i MlnHnil.rl tn ..linn, ..M...... . .3(.l .. aifocks to those who received It as partlcl- .jpaiom in us organization, and declined liore than 2 points to 63. Pcrlman Mm jwas another weak feature, falling 4 14 points to 127. Peerless advanced more thai 4 points, eclling at 25, and Chevrolet ad- The general market was heavy, with a good deal of disappointment shown over the action of Cuba Cane Sugar, which, ac cording to current reports. Is making huge .VrofltS. but thpflA rnnnrta hnirrh, ,A . tnnnA In thA BknnA .....( .. . m ... n.u(,a wi uuymif una moaeraie gulling forced it down from 59 i to 57 t,. 3 . 8ome ot ha mining stocks were in good mand, with Manaton Silver the most S prominent feature of this group, selling at - nu iii. mere was an advance of 1 ;. points in Acme Tea to 61. m Price movements in other Issues were generally to lower levels and Indifference as generally shown to bullish efforts in the usually active stocks. INDIISTnTAT.S , Aetna Emloslvea lgit ir t- Am Drlt Mfr is "5 f.An Marconi I I!!! I!;!;:! a S f AUtntle oUf & yy I 1 . "ftj 42 I Barnrit Oil .... ..:.... .'':'''' 5 4 New York Bond Sales 4i'noo ffiar?olWB B..i"-?h' iSSs 4nl0-French bb on inSRS 4mr Tcl Ct -IS UlHi innnn avi- f-i ... n -xs 77 3H 1(3 .;:r VI LIL II fiOOO Amer Writ PapTsa. 5222 Armour Co 4Hs .. VftXn '-j'uii Kii tn . - vmiouii K.CI1 tn . . . ir.i ?"' Atchison adj 4a 83ft I.mv. 102 lo:i toy 01! i 77J 03J 02J ?VVx r.nnn a.i.XU -. vii .J: ininnn A.'SKi: .v. 1? JXSii' -iili .XXX ..'''."wit' r is lutHi. . iim; iu..". fnnX ViFnl"?.n CV 0a 1M7.. 10l4 101?. iSSo A,ln.Cof',no ?" 4a.. 8(l'J Hllii lll'i Can Oov ng w I 10(1 0ll?J Can Oov 5a w I 1031.. 1O0H Can Gov 5s w 1 1021. ooti Cent, Lathor let Oa..lol? i'ac lot la DO A Ohio 44s.. .. IH'i 75 . 13', 4 .113 .l.'l 1)11 , IIKI 5 04i 101 101H 0!) IHPji loojl loui 00 120V4 85 111!, 105 71 DHtf oM 5 70 04U 024 II-' 108 101JJ 75 J 1S. hi; nit 124 lnni inni .U)T& 107K .1(1(1 l.m 75 Ti K5 Sll H.I 75j( 75?a t3 M N2W 75 ' 1 4a 74i 74J, iv 4 Ser 0... 71J4 714 lor 4a fail 85I iv 4a Ser D wl BH S7I i. V.MHU A1n fin.. A T KT"Sr" ."-. - 1 ru -r pay prer... J. moM Motora ....: t CnrtUa Aeroplane .... It, 6fU-Seab Flemllh Lvnn . utenlohr Tob ,...,,.. 72 88 SB4 57 48 130 OK . AH I . 9ft ' OT I kIaI'1 ikBa",'"r Oar , 85 I ft.?!'?,1"., -r 25 r ,utr Aiir AlnrlnM . . o. " ci,70llon. Uronie pfd "0 pfeiSSSf?:::1 ::::::::: In giiaEievator !:.",;.;;:;::.: Si reerleis Jloiora ...I.i! 4U E&S3.W r::::::::::::::::: !8 J I 3 Kreiie S ttud Motors sinrine ...... 1T1AI1Ia G'IIm. . ivr.ii-" ," :::::::::: 3u t f ! BMa'or ::;::".w nnu f USLi'lf Sharing ,'............ 18-16 F WA .H corn ., , 2i fi. wtlla Motora " J "w xuni lllfcoU so 1 BTANDAnD OIL STOCKS. ,,180 I; II- Sff"" 180 i f&ii:::::::i:::::i:i i!i ! New .Terser :: '! ::" 111 I m m jjw York . , , ; , . , ; , , ; ; , ; , ; ; oTyun oil STOCKS ,51a !09 t4en on ffii"H..a r ui. y m fyuiion nn MMMft a mi,s iyj, .........;..;.;; 1? MINnwn Tnfirn VApwa-aa:::::::: in Ifo'-.v.-.v.v.:::::: slt 8f J K 3i VB fiU 'I a too B IgH a 8 s-sS-e;;;; w? souni':: m.Uutler " " .Etension .:::.: :::::::. s riTaciK Z nn " r "" ' tai fe?S feiiii-iiiiii : ' ,1 ,? w sad:::iii;iii:::::;i: ! " fJS C a wnu". Banit rr.KAnTvr.s f ufii larinat today compared with corre MWnHn, day Ust two VW?' .... ktriTT " t'w.woo.wMU ia,Hui,uui faS.i2'?i!5 gPfU 8l.82fl.(.5 T25.S52.120 2l,77,l)83 4,ue,Tii -i.40S,HTa U.UU..13B ,002.6l!d 11 320 403 11 220,2l 63,723.233 4SJ174.432 C0.i02.103 RATES FOR 5IONEY FISBBfi- ::::::: tt cfflf? ' 5.. .. ClUcasa :: 3V4 04 Tiros. Money In London f-ON'DON' Mav S3. Hf.i.tov 10IU tier fc 2t J ount rte, short bjlla i i per H , Thrjeo swath' bllla, ift,. nnhh i ;.V"tV"u,V '" ?'lit ,7000 Mat ft Ohio 4a... nii! 128000 Halt & Ohio cv 4Ua.. 011(5 ?000 II iOPI, EftW 4a 8S 01000 Halt & Ohio 5s 10054 1000 Uruns & Wn 4a I14W .1,S221!r,kn ntt" Tr na 1U18.101 2000 Ilrkn Un Klv 1st 00..101W 11000 Cal Oas ft Eleo 5... Olitj 77nnn in tin., r.a ... 1 mini miir luouu can 440011 Can 1000 Cent. Leather 1st 5; 2000 Cento Pae 1st la DO 410OO Chea 400d.Chea A 1 1000 Ches 4 Ohio 5a 105 uuimi sn ui west 4s...... 71 8000 Ch 11 k Q loint la... U8W 2000 Ch 11 & Q 5b 4s.... 084 ioooch n & a 111 4s..., niW 6000 Ch W Irtd 4s....... 78 3000 Ch J! A Ht P rfd 4fe a lllfl 4000 Ch Mil t St P gen 4s 024 1000 Chi- Mil ft St P dlv 4s 112 4101)0 Ch Mil & Ht P cv 5S.KIHH 187001) Ch M & St P ov 4Ha.l0jiJ 27000 Chi Mil & St P 4s 11)23 D4Ji -uuu 101 inausiriai ds,... 0000 Col Midland ct 4s... 21000 Col & South 4Ws... 11000 Col A Midland ct 4s. 1300 Cona'Qna cv (Is 5000 Cumberland Tel 5a.. loooo Del A Hurt conv 4s.. 5000 Del A Hud 4a 101U.. 7000 Pen A Ohio Or 4s... 4000 Den A Wo Or 5s... 0000 do 4V4s , ,. 13000 Detroit United 4',4a. ""v j.110 oecur worp mm, r.rio sen -is luuu r.rie conv loooo Erla prior 321600 do conv 3000 Fla A Hast Co 4bs.. 03 U0OO Oreen Hay 12 uiioi) uen Klec deb 6s.... 4000 Oen Elec 3V4 a 10000 Hud A Man rfd 5s. 1000 III Western Lines 4s 5000 111 Cent 4a '53, .... 18000 Interb Met 4 ',4 a ., 8000 Interb II T rof 5s . 13000 Interb M M ct 4V4S..10 3(1(10 Kan City Tor 1st 4a. BS 23000 I.acka HI eel 6a 1023. 00 2000 Lacka Steel 5a 1050. 02 1000 Lk Sh fleb 4 sl931.. 04 2000 Lorlllard 7a "t 1000 Manhattan Sta 4s . . IIJU 2000 M 8t P 8 S M 4HS.103H auuu jio ivan 1 st -is... ti 1000 do 3s t)0i 1000 do 6s 1D20 80 2000 Mont Power 5a 0T 6000 Nat Tube 5s lot 8000 N Y C A II conv 4a... 85 uuouu 00 US, ,,..,.,, . 5000 do SVia 40000 do 4Hs., 0000 do reK 3Hs. ... 1000 N Y City 4s 1037. 10000 da 4Us 10(10... 1000 do 4Ms 1063 107S 107H 10000 do 4Hs Nov 10D7..107i 107U iuuu 14 y uai 11 r os...iuo iuo 8000 N Y N II A II OS 112ft 11000 N Y llwy adj 5a 38'i 10000 N Y Tel yen 4H.,.. 08li 2000 Norf A West cvt 4 Vis. 125 41500 Nor Pac gen 3s (U& ouo ure Mnort 1, rer -ia. . vi-. 1000 Ore Ky A N con 4a. . 02i! 171'iMi 1'acina iei ds. ...... iu 6000 Penna 6a ..,.,.... ...103 5000 do sen ct 4Vis..,.101 5000 Tea A Cast 1st 4a... 70 3000 Phlla Co cv 1022 01 01 1000 Pub Serv N J 5 03 . 03 15000 Reading gen 4a,,,,., IHtt 04H 2000 Itep Ir A S 3. ..... 08 , I)SC Island rfd 4a,, 74 4 74(4 Island 5a ml i fi(t(i I.mn 11.1 T m, L C K 1 rtn L 1 inl illll.l Dl 14 4 au SC(, uo,, .11173 17000 StL A SF rfd ct sta 4a 72 10000 do (en ct , ('3 61000 do adj w I,,.,,.,, 70., 12000O do a w 1 ,,..,,,,, (Wi 10300 do In. w.l .-..... 42 8000 San A A Ar P 1st 4s 65 6000 stand Qaa Its,, 102., 2000(1 Saab A I, adi 5s,,,. 071 15000 do Sta 4a ........ 82,. 35000 So I'ac cv 4s, ...... HSU IfianOO An ev 6a . .10.1T4 12000 do rfd 4a ..,..,,., 00 Close. 102 03. io..7; 100 IU; 107J. 7'5? 03 03 854 1005I 10(11 mi;. K(1U 02J4 111 I 1111 8H looH 04 (I 101 101V4 01) 00J4 100 00 llUTi 00 1205, 85 onj 111.1 71 OS 08' 1)3 711 loij; 04 75I 13J 8iy 113 121. KIKj. 107H 100 811 03 l" 10IJ 10IV4 JVi h."4 70 110 85 71 08' 87J 03 82'! (4 Dlljl DOW 74 8.1S H574 73 H 74 Vj 08 0HV4 102 102S H 88U 8S'i H lll)ti lll)4 02K 02 (4 ll(i! 04(4 K lL'llU 12(1(4 103H 10 t'J 77 77 00U (10'i jtl; jtii 8 B0 804 07 07U (I 101U 101i R.I R.I U4K 114H 1141, 82 82 IH'i 04 8254 82V, 100 100 10?H 102 nyj ioo AH WHY, 1H 1011 Or! 70S 1000 Rock 24000 Rock 1000 Rock 100V5 is 3 HO 102., 117 K 81 on J03J4 uofj 3o5o South llwy.aen Ba,,,, 7lV .71 8000- do con 6s ....IOItI 101H 00OO South Rwy St L 4s,, 82 82 T0 I'M1! .Sll itmi, lexus iu w us. .,.'- 74 1000 Third Ave adj Ob.... TOVi OO60 Toklo 5s .,...,. .,,,,..I7?t .UH .77 14000 tl S Steel sf 8s. ..,,,101(5 Ijj 103 4000 Union Pap 1st Js,,,, OJK 07 J 7 500OO do cv -is ,,,4,,,,, 0.1 vj 015 1)3 2000 do rfd 4a ......... 00 8B 80 6000 Va.I C&C 1st 8s,., 67V, Mil 5J 1000 Va Hwy 5s ...,,,.,, 08 DS 08 p! Wabash lit 'Si,,' ...103U 1M 13 IBOO AVest Md 1st 4s.,.,.. .73 73V, .73 1VI0 Went E&M CV OS W1..123ti Ji'l'.J 41 la wl. .1 8000 West Union 4Vis.,..9? .?? ?000 do 6s ........ ...,iut jdi id .000 Wheel A L E Ji.." 70 70 70 1000 wPsVcW nen'l..:.. 83VJ 83H 83S NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. May 28. .BUTTER declined Vic. all grades creamery on large offerings. Receipts.. 18.434 packages. Eitra creamery. SoVi OSOVic, hlfher scoring, aofcwalHr. Sta dairy. SOOaOhc.) Imitation creamery. 37 0; .., .An...i n.nri.. BBi,r n. i i olor. More Oil Companies to Merge NEW YORK, Way 3J. So successful has been the merging of several companies into the Sinclair OJ1 and Refining Corpora tion that at least two other, c-jmolnatlona are In the process of being formed Bank, ing Interests are now showing more willing ness to co-operate with oil companies than ever before in the history of the Industry and, with this help, oil compantes. It la prophesied, will soon reach their highest plane New TorH $toch Sales Last cloxe. ltltth. HO 8, 22!( 27 74 SOU 1UM 01 . , tUBBl Kill" Adams Emrvsi 133 iaie j Gold M.. .... 0 AaskaQoM Mines .... 2254 Allls-Chalmbers Mfg..., 28H ra tlect Sucat 7.W Am Can.. , so;, Am Can pf .,,.,.111 Am Jif ft V,v niK Am Coal Products 167,'t 167H Am Hide A Loalh(f. .... ou nu Am Icoecutlllea.. ...... 28 28U Am Unseed. ,. 23 22 Am Unsosd pf,, ., 49 49) Am U)comoUe.. .,,,,,, 7ijf 72 Am Smelt &nef.. ...... nou 102U Am Bmelt & 11 pf.,.,,.,113J H3J Am Steel Foundtlps.,,,. 62V 62 Am Sugar neflnlngi,...,li2H iI2t Am I! Xcl .''"120M, 120H Am Tel A Cable. , ...... 00 07 AmTobocco. .........202M 200 "m )).?. cn pf 03 OSH AB Vi'lllyg P Pf , 18H 18H AmZlncL&Sm , 8SJJ P8) Anaconda CopM 80). 80H A fh Top AS F pf 100J, 101 At Coa I. no no 114 "Wlte..., 89 89 OaltAOho., l)2! D4l Bait A Ohio pf 70 70) Hatopilas Mlnlnu ' 25 2)j Hethlehem Steel 445 439JJ llothlchem Sleol pf 135 135 Brooklyn ItapTr 87f 80J Butte A Superlot 04vj 05 Cal rcttolcum.. ,.'...,.,, 23 2211 Canadian racifla 181 182J Central Leather 64)4 64l4 Central Leather pf ni)f m'jf Chandler Motot 07 100( Ches A Ohio 04 04) Chile Copper 21) 21H Chlno Copper 64!( 54) Chi Great West pf...... 3S5f 38M CM Mil & St raul 100 10M ChIM AStPpf 120K 129H oco&stLpr ,. 81 si: Chi A Northncstcrn ....130W 131 Chllll&rnc 10H 10H Col I'ucl A Iron 43JJ 441? Col A South pf 64 61 Col A South 2d pf 46H 45 Consolidated Oas H0) 141H Continental Can OoM 0'iH Corn Produco Ilof lOVi 195f Corn Prod Ilcf pf oiVf O.'i Cruelblo Steel 8-IJJ iSJi Cruciblo Steel pr 117H 118 Decro A Co pf 89 89 Delanaro A Hudson 151 155M Bel Lack A West 220 227 Denver A Illo Or 15 15 Den A Klo Gr pf 28!f 29 Distill Sec Corp'n fl5 61Ji Domo Mines 27f 27 Klec Stotago Bat 05 04 pile 40Jf 40h' r-'lo 1st pf 55 55H Erie 2d of 47W .I7lf sFed Mln A Sm pf 42 38 ucncral Eclctrlc 172Jf 172H General Motors 400 515 General Motors pf 117 USH Goodrich II 1' -fi j 70 Goodrich D F pf 115J, 1151i Greede-Cananea 48 48 Great Norteern pr 123!f 123M G N cfs for ore prop ... 41H 41M Gulf States Sleel 75$ 75j( Oulf States S 2d pf .... 77 70Vj Illinois Cent 105 100 Int Agricultural pf 50 6054 Int Con Co v t c sh.. 18J 10 Int Con Corp'n pf 70 76f Int Paper pf 405i 47 lnsp Con Cop 45Jj 405j Int Nickel v t cfs 40 40Vf IntMMcofdep 25 25) Int MM pf c of dp . .. . Ul)i 91a JeelTea 8854 88 Kan City Southern 27f 27M Kan City South pf 015f 015j Kelly Spr.ng Tires 735a 73li Kennccott Copper 505S 505i LackSteelCo 7054 71 Lehigh Valley 825i 82Jf Leo nuDDcr Tire 48 4S!f 29 30 1295. 1315, 855, H54 .12955 CO!' 1205 07 88 00)4 5054 0754 1085J 110J4 3054 30)4 1245 454 1154 754 755 73U 2454 07 18 0354 Long Island... Louis AXash , Mackcy Cos Manhat Klvgtd Manhattan Shirt Co Maxell Motors 8554 Max Motors 1st pf 00 Max Motors 2d pf 58 May DeptStoros 075f Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper ..... Minn St PAS SM....121 Mo Kan & Texas 454 Mo Kan A T pf ll)f Missouri Pacific 0!f Mo Pac tr cfs 054 Nat Cloak A Suit 74J4 Nat Enam A S Co 21 Nat Lead Co 07 Nov Con Cop 17J4 N YN II A II 03 New York Central 107)4 10354 NYO&W 28)f 28)4 Norfolk A Western 120l 12054 Northern Pacific 11554 115)f Ontario Silver Mln 05 9 Penn Itallroad 5S 58)5 Peoria A Eastern 11)4 1154 Philadelphia Co 41)4 41)4 Pitts Coal Co N J 285f 2854 Pittsburgh Steel pf 0754 07 Tilts O 0 A St L 82 ' 83 Pressed S Car Co 47 4054 Pub S Corp N J 13154 131 Pullman Co loajf 101154 Quicksilver 3 2J4 Hay Con Copper 2354 23!f Reading 109)4 1105X Heading 1st pf 43 44)f Heading 2d pf... 40 -48 Hepubllc Iron AS 4854 48 Republic I A S pf 111)4 1115f Ht L Southwest pf 4254 4254 Seaboard Air Line 1754 1754 Seaboard A L pf 3954 40 SbatAnz Cop 325f 3254 Bloss-Shef S A I 55) 4 5454 southern Pacific .,.., Southern Ry Southern Rypf 0754 Standard Milling pr 93 Studebaker Co 138 Studebaker Co pf Ill Texas Co 10354 193 Texas Pacific 12)f 12)4 Third Avenue 0354 0254 TolStLAWest 0)4 7 TolSt h A Wpfcdp.. 10 11 under Typewr 10454 100 Union Bag A Paper pf . . 31 30W 95J4 07JS 14254 143)4 Union Paclflo pf 8254 8254 U H Ind Alcnol 15754 United Hyslny Co,.,., 1054 United Fruit..... 158 US Rubber 54)4 U S Steel Corp'n 8554 U B Sleel Corp'n pf 117 U 8 Km R AM 7054 US Express ,.. 3154 Utah Copper ,' 8154 Utah Securities 17 Va-Caro Chem 43 Valron Coal A O 48 .100J4 101)4 . 235 24 0754 14254 111 United Cigar Stores,... Union Pacific Wabash 15)4 Wabash pf A 51)4 WabasnpfB 2954 West. Union Tel 0454 West E A M , 0254 Western Maryland 325 Wheel A Lake Erie.,,,, 5 Wheel A L E 1st pf .... 1554 Wheel A L E 2d pf 054 Willys Overland 270 Willys 0 pf srf p ,107 WUionsin central 40 WoolworthFW., .,...., 135 Quoted ex dividend. 158 1054 15754 MM 8554 11054 7054 32 Hl)i 17 43 50 15)5 51 20J,' 05 03 33. 554 15 654 27054 107 39M 135 Low. 143 814 2254 27 , 7354 60 111 01 165 0)4 2854 22!f 4954 71 0954 11354 62 112)1. 129 07 , 203!f 9854 1854 80(4 85)4 105J4 101 112' 8854 0254 70 254 435 133 80J4 94 2254 18054 64)4 1104 9754 0354 2154 6354 3854 0954 12954 8U4 130)4 10 ' 43 51 45 140 9554 1954 95 83)4 117 89 165 25 U!4 28 5054 25f 04 40 5454 4754 3S 17254 405 11754 70 11554 47)1 12254 4014 7555 7054 103)4 51 1854 70 47 4554 45)4 21 87)4 88 20)4 0154 72 5554 70J4 8054 48 2954 130)4 c45i 12954 07 85)4 9 59 07 10754 30)4 1245f 454 1154 0!' 0)4 73'4 235' 07 17)4 0254 10054 28 125)4 11454 0 58 1154 4154 2S 97 83 4054 131 103 2J4 2354 107)5 44 48 48 11154 42 ' 17 39 32Ji 54 10054 2355 0754 03 137)4 111 103 1254 02 7 11 105 30)X 9054 14154 82)4 150 054 15754 5454 8454 11055 7554 32 81 17 43 50 1555 4955 2i54 9154 0254 3255 5 15 SH 270 107 3954 13154 Close. 140 ?J4 2255 27 7354 50 11154 01 165 054 2855 2254 4954 7154 101 11355 62 ,112 129)4 07 200 08)4 18)4 8754 85)4 10054 101 11254 8854 9354 7054 254 439'4 133 8054 01 224 160)4 04), 111)4 10054 03)4 21)5 63J4 3854 10054 129J4 81)4 13054 1054 4454 61 45 140 07 1054 05 8354 117)5 t9 15555 227 , 16 28)4 60!4 20 04 40 51)4 4754 3S 17255 515 118X 70)5 115)5 47)4 12255 41)4 75)4 7054 104 5-1)4 19 70 47 4554 4554 2554 8954 88 20)4 015i 72)4 55)4 71 S0J4 48)4 2954 13P4 8454 12955 07 88 9055 6954 0754 11054 306 121)4 454 1154 0)4 0)4 73'4 23)4 07 17)' 0255 10754 2855 12554 11154 0 58)4 1154 4155 28 07 83 40)4 131 1G3 254 23)4 108) 41!' 48 48 111)4 ' 42 17 30 32)4 54 1005' 2355 0755 93 139 1113 10J 1255 02 7 11 105)4 305' 07 14154 82H 157)5 9)4 157)4 5455 8155 11015 75)5 1 32 81 17 43 50 1554 50 2854 9454 0254 3255 554 15 015 275)4 107 3954 13454 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPA1I STOCKS, Bid. .07 Htenston ,,,..,., gft 8K iV.'?:::::::;::::::::: , 1.18 JSI Jim Butler M4CtHttUI4 . ,...,,,,,,,,,,,, . mm Midway .....,..,,.,., ,,,. ,21 MUpah Extension .,,..,,,..,,,.. .2s Northern Star .................. .18 Tonopah lielmont Tonopan r.xieni Tonopah Mlolns jteacue cuia West Bnu UW44U4 4E.4.U DiUUMI, Atlanta 7. , 12 Blue Bull .' ...,. .03 Booth ,.... -2? IlulldoB- ,,..,, u c u u Combination Fcaotlon Uiumoadfield B II TtalaV Florence ,,....,.... .4t GbldAell Consolidated ,.. ,83 uaianeia Merger , Jumbo Extension Kewanas MISCELLANEOUS. i'airv Axteo -..- -Ot Ktmberly , P? 3vJ?.a,.,l jw .28 as .20 4"w I .03 .04 11 :?t Hrtxia. lkfla Na.da. Wonder '.si 2' i .03 a .08 .40 .83 :ll :oi .23 IS 2.23 WHEAT PRICES RALLY AFTER WEAK START Free Profit-taking by Shorts, and Bad Crop Reports Helps Market GRAIN riELT WEATHER FORECAST , CIIICAOO. Mitj- M. The Vfeathef forecast for SB hours follows! . ... 4 ... . Illinois rnrllr rloudj- Innlsht and Wed. netnari epoler extreme northeast. , MJourl rnrllj e loudr and rrohnhlr on fdletl (onlsht and Hednesdnyi not miitli chnnae In temperatures. .... , tt l.ron.ln rnrtlr eloudr tonight nml Hedneddiiri somenhat cooler Wednesdnr tremo enot. ... .. Sllnnefoln rartlr elondr tonight nml Mennesdnrt rooler Wedneadnr northent. lona rnrllr clandr tonight and Hednes Joti not murh change In temiierntures. .North Knkoln rortlr floydr and prob. abtr. nnsrttlrd. tonight and Mtrinesdnri not murh ehnnae In Irmperntnrc. . . South Dnkotn 1'artlr elondr tonight nml uennedar, probably shoners westi not rnurh rhnnge In lemperntures. Nebrnskit Unsettled tonight nnd Mrdnen. da, wllh showers Wednesdas . nnd west tonight) warmer tn.southwet tonight, rnoler wet tomorrow . Ivnnns Unsettled tonight nnd AVei!nr day. nrtihublr showerai not much chnnse In leniperntiires. CHICAGO, May 23, Freo proflLtnltlng by Bhorta nnd buylnp; by some Important Onus milled tho wheat market today nftor It had shown further weakness, under the lend of May, earlier. Tho recovery was helped by n bullish statement on tho yield of Kansas by B. W. Snow, reports of Hessian fly In southern Illinois nnd of a crop disaster In Itussla caused by a heavy frost. Tho lnttcr was circulated by tho Over seas N'ews Aconcy, of Berlin. May closed slightly below Inst night's final price, but July nnd September, ended higher. Mr. Snow said that the latest KansaB Department of Agriculture report, putting the production of tho Stato nt 108,000,000 bushels, probably fairly represented tho ap parent situation ten days ago, when the data were gathered, but that ho believed that present prospects wero for an outturn of less than 100,000,000 bushels. He ex pressed tho opinion that this would bo con firmed by tho next Government report. Tho market nt Liverpool was weak ou free arrivals. The present world's supply is tho greatest ever known at this time. The visible supply In tho United States nnd Canada, according to Uradstreet's, Is 63,400.000 bushels, a decrease of B26.000 bushels for tho week and compares! with 24,900,000 bushols 11 year ago; In Canada It Is 61,178,000 bushels, n decrcaso of 2, 171,000 bushels for tho week, nnd cornpares With 14,709,000 bushels last year; in Ku ropo (Continental stocks omitted) tt 1b 94, 800,000 bushels, an Increase of 1,900,000 bushels for tho week, and compares with 73,400,000 bushels lost year. Lcadlnc futures rangod as follows: Yesterday's Wheat Open, High. Low. Close, close. May I.01IW l.us l.UK 1.07H tl.7 July MISS l.onji l.()7 l.nuti l.osji September .. !.()(, l.luVa 1.0S1 1.0'J's I.U'JH t;orn (new nempryi May 72J 73'i July 71 J 72, September .. do's 70V4 uais May July September l.ard May . 1... July September Itlbn Mny July Septembyr May . 77. . July September 11 . as, .12.7.-1 .12.77 .12.82 43U 40S :i84 7i; 7n 70S 17li Oil 70H 8i (ini 43'i 38" 12.77 12.B7 .12.80 .12.70 12 7.-. .12.77 12.83 .23.70 .23.10 23.10 22.7.1 22 H.I 42f 41)JS 38H 112.73 112.H2 12.(1.-. 112.72 12.77 12.77 '12.80 12 87 tt2.7.-. 12.73 12.07 tl2.72 112.72 12.75 12.77 T12.77 Bid. tAsked. (Nominal. 22.80 :.,"!) 23.B0 a.i.n.i 22.1)0 123.2(1 22,77 22.85 COTTON PRICES UP A LITTLE AT OPENING; DROP FOLLOWS Spot Houses and Southern Interests Buy From Wall Street NEW YORK, May 23. Overnight selling orders to commission, houses held tho cot ton market In check this morning: Tho early tono was about steady, with prices 2 points higher to 4 points lower. Spot houses and some southern interests wero buyers, while room traders nnd Wall Street sold Liverpool was a moderate purchaser of March. Weather conditions In the South wero Ideal from tho crop standpoint. It being clear in tho" west with good precipitation cast of tho Mlsisslppl River. Temperatures were generally somefvhat higher. The early declino carried tho active months about 9 to 13 points net lower. Liverpool broke sharply after tho local opening and there was considerable scat tering liquidation hero on the favorable view ot the weather man. Trading, how ever, was not active enough to indicate any material chango in tho spot situation, and nt 12.98 for October tho market mot more support. Prices rallied sovcral points In consequence, but met renewed realizing or local selling on tho bulges nnd was still more or less unsettled toward mid-day. The rally of flvo or six points from tho early low level met Increased offerings toward midday and prices cased oft again in a comparatively narrow market. Tomorrow will bo the last day of trading In contracts for May delivery. Tho receipts of cotton at tho ports for the day wero estimated nt 22,000 bales, compared with 18,120 bales last week, 16,835 bales last year and 11,695 bales in 1914 Yea'day'a 11:00 12:00 2.00 rinse. Open a. m. m. p. m, March 13.311 13.3(1 May 12.03 12.02 July 1 '"I l'"-W l-''"s 1"0, '-'-"I October 13.08 13.0H 1S.01 13.03 12.1)2 I)ecember ..- 13,22 13.18 13 14 13.17 13.0(1 JanuSVy .::. 13.23 ..... 13.10 13.22 18.11 August 13.12 13.15 Liverpool Cotton LIVEItrOOI,. May 23. There was4 a fair business doing In spot cotton today, and prices were 3 points lower, on tho basis of g.Old. for mid-upland. The sales aggro gated 10,000 bales, including 8000 bales American. The imports wero 25,000 bales, Including 22,000 bales American. The mar ket for futures closed easy at a net de cline of 26 points. ALLOWS PENNA. STEEL CO. TO SELL TO BETHLEHEM Injunction Restraining Sale Dismissed. Permanent One Denied NIIWAUK, May 23. Judge Itcllstab, In the Newark branch of the United States District Court, dismissed tho temporary In junction restraining the Pennsylvania Steel Company of New Jersey from .selling out to the Bethlehem Steel Company for J31, 941.030. At the same time the court denied the application for a pdrmanent stay. Counsel for tho complainant, C. H, Venner, of New York, minority stockholder, gave notice of appeal. The Pennsylvania Company's side of the case was presented by John R. Harding, who argued that the dissolution was not in viola tion of the Federal or State trust laws and that more than two-thirds of the preferred stockholders and 99 per cent, of tho com mon stockholders favored the sale., Mr, Harding, on behalf of the company, volunteered to place with the Court Indem nity for any amount to secure Mr, Van ner, The Court directed defendant to Hie bond of JIO.OOO for this purpose. Mr. Venner holds Si shares of common stock, which, according to the defendants' counsel, was acquired April 14 last after notice of dissolution had been sent out. Mr. McCarter said an appeal would be token. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. May 23. HOQS Receipts, 16.000 Market steady. Mixed and butcners, JS).B5t lO.OSuttood heavy, ID.TWU M: rouh heavy. tD.4QtlS.TO. light, lO.soinO: yiss, J8.0QtfU.4u. bUcA,rri.E-Re'lpts. 3500. Market steady. Beeves, 810.0: cows and heifers, J4.15& 0 (SO: stocker and lAV.' e8.O0 : Teifans, 7!B0e25: calvesv tStfll- SHKEP Receipts, T 15.000. Market strong. Native and Western. 10.2589.00. lambs, tSti 12.80. Bar Silyer Advances LONDON. .May S3 Bar silver was quotsd at 34Vid. today, an advanca of Htt In Now York qotnaterelal J bar alher wai quoted today t HH&. sn!" Hie. T Sales in Philadelphia 15 h 20O 30 Boo n,1 33 nl 10 23 40 310 2 4 100 t 1173 2 4 10 12 375 220 . 2400 1180 2lO 51 121 21X3 10 mis 100 tiooo 2P0O 1100 1000 1000 loo 13000 7000 300 1000 11000 3000 AlllsncO Ins . Am Itwys pref Halt ft Ohio . Cam Iron. ... Col P. Ir ., Eiee stor 11111. If I. 40 1 0 n it : w. Close. Net ehire. Me ,..,,. 40H 40' Int M SI pfd te 80J4 88j .;" "".-.-- ' r'- r uenne vop .... ou .nae .hup t-orp hi .h Nnv . 7nti Lh Vai 22 .It fthnvlklll . n4 Mlnehlll .. tmt Nor I'ac ...n.llSH Nov Cons ..... 1SA I'enna n, n,.,.,09H ra Ban writ.. 100 I'enna meet pr. 0 I'hlln Co .... 1I0 cum pref tlila T.-lf... n i t r. . nt.ll. T.... . 4rtl Heading .. . . .'..lloS 4 11' 4 04 1H 43 Ml.k .4P. .! 8!'!(l .- 4 j. 27H is Ileadlnir .... TrinnitAh llt Tonopah Mln iinon irac U U I ., 17 8 Steei . . . AVelsbnrh Co . wnrwicK Cramp & & Ions BONDS. 83", 43J4 104 ttJ niih. Am O tllec tin 1)21, Hold t, 1st As.tOI Klec ft I Tr 4s H1H I. N com 1H H12M . O'.i? '? WW Vt 71 8 3 22 22 , . . . , M ilk fit" 18 18 ..... (18. nil, H i loot l(")t H P8J KS'i H V 41V 41i 4- ( 42U 43 H S7tt 27H ..... 17H IS "4 70 7(1 . .... nW n't -s.ln 81 83, H 43$ 43W ..... l(Hj 10. k 83 83 Is Net Close, clice. 02 SI 104 do o 4ta 'n:l i.n vi Tr ns. Pa Co gn 4 Via. PWill t o 4s. I'hlla Klec 4. do 3s Headline un 4s. Span-Am I Us. H 'Z HUH ntiu 81 lniu .1H 102 Low. 11)4 .80.H tlW lOllJi 0!I. l5tH .1)44 103 KIU O-IU 100 4 i 02C J, lOIJi . 0'l 81 1 lOlU , .tt4. , 102 V Local Bid and Asked Ilaldwln do pref Hurt ft Bus t c do pref Ilrlll J II r.lec KtoraRO Uen Asp do pref Key Tel Today Bid. Asked. . KS NO .11)11 . cut . r.8 . 38 . 02H . it. . 70 Corp dn t dn prrf Lake 8up Lehlah Nnv l.eh Volley . . . I.oh Val Tr ... do pref .... Penna rhlla Kleo I'hlla Co do 3 p e pr . do II p c pr . Phlla P. T t o . Iteadtni; , Ton liel Tonopah Mln . . . Union Trao I! O I t' H Hleel York Hwy do pfd Wm Crump t c 110 D2 00 411 114 33 71 14U 14t 14U 14K . on no . 10 lo'i "". 11.. . 80' 81 H , 8I 22 , 43 4314 ; 88 i . 3D 40 , 42 U 421, . 171.4 17 U .108. 10HH 4li 4" 431, 88 85M 14 an 83 Yesterday Bid. Asked. 80 BOH 1011 . 11(1 nv, 43 87 i 8S 14 .-mi 81 INI 4 Ti3 n7' no 38 40 (13 01 32 33., 71 7lH 14U 14ji 14U 144 08 (II) 10 lll'l 73,'li 77 82 V 83 43 iS'i r.7S 08 311 40 42 'I 4214 174 18 100 100J4 4 4. 4 4!it4 874 88 8.11 8.-.U 14 14 :?,K ,111 IMPORTANT MARINE PLANS ARE CAREFULLY GUARDED Announcement Is Expected Soon by Well-informed Circles NEW YORK, May 23. Tho strictest secrecy Is hclns maintained to those who have been actively Identified with nffalrs of tho International Mercantile Marine Com pany with respect to tho plans which nre under consideration, although expectations In well-informed circles are that an an nouncement will bo forthcoming nt an early date. It Is understood that plans now being discussed, if fully carried to completion, would prove tho most Important nnd far reaching that havo been mado public In the financial district In recent months. It is pointed out tho American Interna tional Corporation will provo an Important element. It Is officially stated that the Com mon Stockholders' Committee has not yet agreed to tho terms provided In tho tentntlvo plan prepared by tho Preferred Stockhold ers' Committee, although this phase of the situation is not causing much anxiety to the latter. FOREIGN EXCHANGE N'lTW YORK, Mny 23. Tho market for foreign exchango in tho first hour ot busi ness today was tiulet, without notable change In rates or character. Quotations: Demand sterling, 1.75 13-16; cables, 470 9-IG. Franc cables, 5.914 ; checks, 5.92W. Ilolchsmarks, 774077 3-1G; lire cables, G.30Vj1 checks, 6.31. Swiss cables, 5.2314; cables, 5.24V4. Vienna, 13.55 13.40; Stockholm. 30.4030.50 ; pesetas, 19.85(8)19.90; guilder cables, 41H ; checks, 41. IlutJlos, 3O.G930.70. Around midday the market continued very dull. With tho exception of a very slight shading In French cables and an easier turn In Swiss exchange quotations wero unnltered from the earlier figures. No explanation was available for tho re cession In Swiss which developed on Monday. There wero fairly large offerings reported for Swiss checks, while the demand was moderate. Quotations; Demand sterling, 4.75 13-16; cables, 4.76 S-16; frano cables, 5.92; checks, 6.92 ; Swiss cables, 5.23U,; checks, 5,24i,4 ; rolchsmarks. 77V477 3-16; lire calbles, 6.30; checks, 6.31. Financial Briefs Joseph II. Straub has been nominated for chairman of the Philadelphia fV.ock Ex change to succeed George W. Palmer, deceased, The election occurs June 1. The nominations closed yesterday and the only nomination was that of Mr. Straub. Mr. Straub Is at present vice chairman. The New York Subtreasury gained J593, 000 from banks on Monday, making a cash net gain since Friday of 1.987,000, It is understood hero that the American Car and Foundry Company expects to get a large shell contract running two years. It is now Uttlng up its Detroit forge and rolling mills, which have been Idle tor the last five years, for this work. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, May 23. The local coffee market opened barely steady this morning, with prices 2 to 3 points below the final of yesterday. There was considerable liquida tion at the start, but commission houses were fair buyers and during the forenoon a slightly steadier tone developed and prices regained a point or two. Buyers were ln cllned to be cautious, however, and while bullish views were entertained In somo quarters there seemed to be a disposition to await further developments in Brazil, where the new coffee crop will be moving in tho near future. too ay a May Juno July Aus-uat . . . September October , November December 1 January . February , March ..,1 Bid. opening. . . H.3 ..'B.ilH .. 8.70 , 8.1)2 .8.1(3 .11.00 ,'U.IO Yesterday'a close. 8.1IIIMW.H2 8.113 n 8.84 8.(1319 8.011 8.72W8.73 b,7U8.80 8. 84 it 8. 85 8.8UO8.0U u,04i H.UU4 u.uf 0,08 '0,11.1 '0.00 ll.03 l,10 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Eastern Bhore Oas and Klectrlc Company, rate that has been dclarcd tor the past year. I.r.OAI. ADVKBTISKMENTS NOTICE IS 1IEKEUY GIVEN THAI by Ida H. Oetter. Robert f. Irwin, Jr . and simuel J. Ferguson, uodertha Act of Assembly "An Act to provide for tho Incorporation and ...ulatlon ot certain corporations," appro u4 April 20, 1874, and the supplement thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be railed Philadelphia Tea Company, tho character and object of which la to, manufacture, purchase and sell, vend and deal In, at stores to be conducted by the said corporation, food products, groceries, extracts, confections, saucea, spices, teas, coffees and all artlclea usually handled by a nrst-ilas grocery store, and for these purpose to have and posses and enjoy all the rights, benefit and privilege of the said Act of Assem bly .and It supplements. SAMUBI, M. CLEMENT Jr.. tiullcltor. -- NOTICE IS 1IEKEUY GIVEN THAI c? application wilt be made to the Uoternor of the State of Pennsylvania on June 8. 1818. D1KECTOUY OJf ACCOUNTANTS t'jtUe VuUU Acco-urtasu UCWRgNCB B. BROWN ACO. tS BtiXlj.BSTA.Ta TBV8T BUUJjBK .niaijru.-HTwrWi GOLD IMPORTS RAISE QUESTION, IS FOREIGN LIQtflDATION OVMt Financial District Seems to Think That It Is Good Indi cator That Such Is Case Reading Advances to Another New High Mark Continued Imports of gold raise the question ns to whether tho Benin of Euro pean.hetd American securities has run Its course. The general opinion In the.flnanclal district Is that this Is a good Indicator that such Is the case. Today J. P. Morghn & Co. received nn additional $2,400,000 In gold from Ottawa, making $11,666,000 received on this movement. Sterling cxehnnge, for a long time how, has been maintained around tho new "par," 4.76, nnd Just ns soon ns signs were nvl dent that It would go below that figure, gold began flowing Into the United States. The fnct that gold is coming Into the coun try at this lmo Is very Unusual, ns here tofore It has generally been the custom to export nt this time of year. American securities, first stocks and then bonds, wero sacrificed so that exchange could bo hold at one level that Is, tho now "par," nnd this liquidation has been very large, largo blocks, of securities having come over. It Is doubtful, howovor, It nil of the stocks which havo been received on this side have been sold In tho open market. That they have not Is tho general .opinion In tho Street. Many blocks, it Is thought, have been sold hero for European holders have gone Into stronsr boxts and stilt the Is a large amount of rridney about for1 in vestment In good-pnylng seeufltles. , Most of the trading on the, Philadelphia Slock Exchange today wa In th6 hrbltrMe Issues, Heading and Pennsylvania, tteltiK prominent In this group, The latter reached n new top mark, crossing HOW, for n. g!H'' of more than 1,J plonst, ail eomarped with the close of yesterday. The upward move niont In the stock, or the cause for It, com tlnued to be the same Mystery an hereto fore. Opinions on tho stock or the reasons for tho advance Vary In the Street In the afternoon Iteadlng lost most of IU advance-. No definite Information can be obtained. And one rumor Is Just ns good n another; In one quarter today It was said that some thing may be given ollt on the Company's nffalrs In this city In the next few days. In another quarter It was said that -when something does coma out It will probably be In New York. Philadelphia Ilapld Transit' trust certifi cates dropped buck a halt point early In the first hour, but recovered half of. this loss. 'Electric Storage Battery lost a full point, but later regained the toss. Lehigh Valley made an early gain of a quarter point, but later sold unchanged. M PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND .FLOUIt WtlliAT ftecelpts. 2.11.704 hush.. The mar ket enl( nmi further decline,! lc. under a light demand. Quotations: Car lota, In export eleator Nn. ' red. spot nnd May, l,ii8ti 1. in No. 2 Hnutlierp red. gi.OHcrl.tiii steamer No. 2 red. ai.oVSi.n,- Nn. M red l.iVM,''? " Jccted A, t1.02ViOI.04H I rejected 'B, $1.01(1? 1.0S. . C'OttN ttecelpts. t:i 070 hnh Ths rto-l-et was He. lower, wllh demand light and offerings ample. Quotations) Car lots for Ireal trade, as to location No, "J yellow, S'iWBJ Hc.i. steamer ifllow, tiH)HIHr,i No. ,6 yellow. .78 ejincli No. 4 yellow. iBdf.Oc.l cob, per iO lbs.. 8111 82c. . OATS tlecelots. 17.0"! bush. Prices declined He, with demand light. Quotations) No. . white, ROM so He. I standard white, (imn,i.i Nn. li uhlte. 1iV1(i48 r 1 No, 4 wMt. 4nW 47c. 1 sample oats. 42043c; purified oats, grn'ieil 1. it4Hc. , FLOtm Ttecelpts. 818 bbls. and 1.B29.604 lbs. In sacks. There wns llttlo tradlnir and values wero weak and unsettled. Quotations, per 100 sua, sti ninnit lilies , ticuii i,vfi t . uu, straight. Si.'.'.1n10; do., patent. if.n(;s.H.'! Kansas, clear, cutton sacks. H.JOWG.SO; do., furniKiu. cniion snras, srt.joipo.uu; 00., patent, cotlnn ancks, (B.d.MrtUH); sprlnu. first clear, jr. r, .10; do.. Btralaht, I.1.4l)r.n0: do,, patent. S.0ili do., raorll brands, il.u.ton.nni city mills, choice and fancy patent. lO.'jaOfl.AO; cltv mills, remilnr (trades Winter, clear, tt.DOt) 0 111 rto... straight. J5,S53,80i do., patent, IB.nnitPu.K:!. ItYl! KLOUIl Mold slowly and showed no Im portant clmnirc. We quota at J83.no per bid., an to quality. , PROVISIONS . The market ruled firm with n fair lobblnc demand. Wo quote ns follows: City beef. In sets, smoked and nlr-drled, 20c. : Western, In ,seta. smoked. 20c: city beef, knuckles and (onders, smoked nnd nlr-drled. 27u2Sc. s West orn beof, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked, 27 EJ 2Hc; beef hams. $28030: pork, family, I25.H0 020; hams. H. P. cured, loose. 18(U18HC. : do., skinned, loose. lRSHSHc.; do., do., smoked. lDGMDHc.: other hams, smoked, city cured, ns to brand nnd average, 18Hc. : hams, smoked. Western cured, 18Hc. ; do., boiled, boneless, ."too. : picnic shoulders, H. P, cured, loose, 12Hc; do., smoked. 13Hc, t bollles. In pickle. accord Ins; to average loose, lilc. ; breakfast bacon, nn to brand and nvernce, city cured, inc. : do.. Western cured, lHWIHHc. , lard, western. , ro nned, tierces. 14Hc.: do., do., tubs. 14Hc. ; do., pure city, kettle rendered, In tierces. 14 He. ; do., do., In tubs. 1414 c. REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet but steady. Quota tions: Ejtra nne granulated. 7,00O7.(i1c : powdered. 7.7007.73c; confectioners' A, 7. BOO T.BBc; soft trades. 0.8r,W7.50c. DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTKR Receipts wero light and the mar ket ruled firm under a fairly active demand. Quotations: Western solld-pncked creamery, fancy specials. 33c ; extra. 31u3.'c. ; firsts. 3()P "OHc; seconds. 2li2iHc. . nearby Pr''i; fancy, 35c; average extra. S4c; firsts, 82 U 33c; seconds. 2iiitf31c: BurhcKy pru.ia. -un 28c lobblnc sales of fancy prints, ilNtClIc. l-ri,IU r..n.nn,l wu. pnml unit VUlllUH WCfft well sustained under light' offerings. Quotations; In rrco cases, neamy extra, -uc. per .; n..n t7 li". ,.n- .Innilnnl l-ane'. Pennsylvania current 'icelpts, 111.7.1 per case: other nearby current receipts, 911. uu; esLorn uu., -w. doa : Western extra nrsts, J7.03 Per case; nrsts, III UOWfl.OO per case; Southern. I0.1BO 0.43 per case; fancy selected candled fresh eggs wero Johblnft at 28029c. per doi. CHEKSK Demand was fairly nctlvo and the market ruled nrm and a shade higher under light offerings. Quotations: New ork. ful cream, fancy, new, 17 018c specials, higher; do., do., fair to good. held. 17017HC: do., do., part aklms,''llloHc. POULTRY LIVE Fowls wero scarco and He. higher, while spring chickens wero more. foBroa and weaker. Quotations: Fowls. 1UH02oHc.; roosters, 12013c: spring chickens, according to .luallty. weighing 102 lbs. apiece, JIM c,i White Leghorns, according; to quality. 280311c; ducks, its to size nnd quality. inMlrtc; geese, uriAUl.. , nlnnnnn. old. D,r Dalr. 28uJ0C.: dO.. young, per pair 20022c ... ,.,. . DltCSSCD The market ruled firm with aH , t . V m A- AS--. S4-.tal.VM AS Haitlt-nhlA arAnl mana equal to ui uncnim. u. ,.... --""; Following aro tho quotations: Fresh-Killed poultry, dry-racked rowls, 12 to box. dry. Picked, fancy selected. 22Hc: weighing 4H05 lbs. apiece, 22c; weighing 4 lbs. ap ecc, 22c.; weighing 3H lbs. apece. 21c; weighing 3 lbs. apiece. ISCtuoci fowls. In barrels, fancy, dry picked, weighing 4H03 lbs, apiece. 21Hc; weighing I lbs. apiece, 21Hc; smaller sizes. 17020c; old roosters, dryplcked. 10o.; broil ers, Jersey, fancy. BuOBSc; do., other nearby. Stronger Investments The wonderful prosperity of the United States has so increased the earning capacity and the ,tss' is, ot many of the companies i"hoie "securities we recommend for investment that, while these securities cap still be purchased to yield a most attractive return, they are intrinsically stronger today than they ever have been before. For example, wo Invito requests lor circular ,iu. u-..,. it...,.., describes a strong first mort- nvo I'enna, gace bond yielding over per cent., tax free In le A. B. Leach & Co. Investment Securities 115 South Fourth Street Philadelphia New York Chicago Buffalo llotlon London. Cog, Baltimore ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Land Title Building Philadelphia ,, High Grade Pennsylvania Tax Free Railroad Bonds Equipments and Public Utility Bonds MEMUERS NKW VOUK AND l'lIILADELl'IIIA STOCK KXCIIAKGKS 4O048o.l ,l;rcer ducks, nearby, spring. 2eS8e.i aquabs,.Mr dot. White, weighing llOlSTba. Ber dot.. 4'75 RAilU; white-, welshing 0lO lbs, per doij. S4n'4,noi ivuue, iveigning o ion. per uos.i ov .0(11 do.,, do , 7 lbs. per dot.. 42.80p2.u0! do.. .In.. 0(1(114 lhfl. Jf2.10; small am ne (Ins.. 12 1 d NO. 3, tiOC.I 2.10, Pll, dark, 11,73 FRESH FRUITS Choice stock wss tn fair request and gen. crnliy steady, as follows! Apples, per bbl. wine sap, S3.S0U4; Ilaldwln, 304j Greening. 12.50 3.no; lien avis, IU03; other varieties. il.BO0 2.501 No. 2, 11.2302. Apples, Western, per box, 1,23C1.7G. Oranges, Florida, per crate, 12.50 M4. Urapefrult, Florida, per crate, 1. 7003.00. lemons, per box. I2(J3. Pineapples, por crate, I'orto nico, $2,2002.75. Strawberries, per qt.e 12nstern Hhore. JSOISe.t North Carolina, 7fl lie; Mississippi, 7V12o.S Tennessee, 7O110.I Norfolk, 0012c. VEGETABLES Demand was only modcrato and the market i.1W7r,c. ; No. 1 other varieties. 03O7Ro.; No. 2, 3i)W4()c, White potatoesi per bbl. No. 1 Flor ida. $ft.25ej3.75; No. 2 Florida, J40.1i pfo. 1 Houth Carolina. J4.30a.2r.; No. 2 South Caro lina, J3.riOW4.23. Hwcct totatoes, Jersey, per l,askt No. 1. 48WIUIC : No. 2 2Sanc. Sweet potatoes, Jersey. Delawara nnd Maryland, per hamper No. 1, 75o.Jll No. 2. npOOOc. Sweet potatoes. Vlrglnln, per bbl., Jl.e0Ol.7B. Onions, per 100-lb. bag, J102, Onions, Texas, per cum mer crate No. I. II. 0301.73! No. 2. 11.40) 1.80, CabbagOj Norfolk, per bbl. crate. I1.80W 1.73. Celery, Florida, per crate, 11.78 Q2.2S. W tercress, per 100 bunches, Jl, 5002,60. Lettuce, North Carolina, per basket, J1O2.80. Deans. Florida, per basket, Jl.2501.75. Peaa. iorth Carolina, per H-bbl. basket, J202.23! do., do., per l-3-bbl. basket, Jl 1.50:' do., Norfolk, per H-bW. basket, J1.50O2. I'eppers.i Florida, per carrier, J1.7302. Kggplant, Florida, per orate, J1.50O2.50. Iladlshesi Norfolk, per hampor, Boo. OJ1. Squash, Florida, per crate, J1.50O1.7S. Tomatoes, Florida, per carrier Fancy, $308.80; ciioico, JM.i. Asparagus, Jersey, per bunch Fancy, 20025c.; prime. 1502i)c; culls, 10015c. Mushrooms, per 4Mb. basket. OOc.OJl. Many Favor Curb Reorganization " NEW YOnK, Mny 23. Tho result to dato of tho Informal poll conducted by the members of tho Now York Curb Market AsBoclatlon shows that 161 voted In favor of tho proposed reorganization of tho Curb, while 0 voted against tho proposition. The total membership of tho Curb is about 335. French Routes Higher PAItlS, May 23, Rentes' 02 franca 50 centimes, up 35 centimes; oxemtnge on Lon don, 28 francs, 24 M centimes, unchanged. The Colorado PowerCo. First Mortgage 5 Gold Bonds Due May I, 1953 These bonds are a first lien on tho property of the Com pany. There is no other funded debt outstanding. ' Cash largejy in excess of the bonds has been expended on the property. Net earnings over 2',i times the total annual bond inter est charges. The Company is fundamen tally stronger today than it has ever been in its history. Price to yield about 5.30 Send for Circular No. 388 William P. Bonbright & Co., Inc. SIOUIUS VtiBTAU BIIIUJJIJ, Jr. ' Manager 437 Chestnut, St., Philadelphia New York Boston Detroit J-ondon Tarls William I'. Ilonbrlght ft Co. Ponbrleht ft Co. Desirable Investments We specialize in the conservative bonds of well established cor porations supplying electricity, pas, transportation and other public services In growing conv nvunities. Many of these bonds Free of Taxes In Pennsylvania A list of those now on hand will be furnished on request. Edward B.Smith 8c Co EITISLISIICO 1802. BANKERS ilimbtrs Hew York ant PMIadelenfa Block Exchanges nil Chmt.ndt enter, Pwustxrnu to Pins Bisttr , Nw yosx Darnell Oil Gas Go. HOUUUT ,0LD QUOTED Write for j)Uol otreuior No, . E,H. CLARKE IiiTe'truent Securities ST William m. Xivr York Cltt We own and offer, tubject to prior tale . $150,000 HEW YOUIC CENTRAL LINES EQUIPMENT TRUST CERTIFICATES JIaturlag 18J 1CJS Price to nst 4.40 GHAS. G. MRHISON, JR., GO. BANKERS FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STS, PHILADELPHIA Mtuiers Hilladilpbla sad Nw York BUek KvcLaoj-ts