Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 23, 1916, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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cjyr"" '""""""""""' ' ' i
lfeltflQ; gjfijjS Wcitger
BSft.,US,J55tSi. VJ . .Mm
iv, est, jdiiri & wifii.": K.."?"r n'p b.
"a. .-,.. .. - . t . - " "" uiicviu B,
V-"""-1" 'I ",. . , .,.,.
Pitoiuai, RbARDi
fcf-i" I,,, ,. ... i ..!""""" . Editor
M- ft-nTm"atnnl P""1"" Manager
' tSNteM ly t rustic I.tpot Hulldlnr
tndepenitehes Bauare. f hili5jtr.,0",,r'
wtAva:" JM.SataM rt.
: tow......:..;. .of :;2.i.."-'"M1"!"
won. ; ;. , ..'..... .aaiT 'KSa"' ...AS i7.e
SJJSS'' ! Oloje-remocrat Itullnlng
!ICA(JO.... ...... 1202 THhuiM Tin I Si
Ke?o& Srshahi n... t....i..
eik BmUB''"".".VsVtt'ii: ." S ?5
f lieiud .T. . .V.V.'.T." KJ' AVK-t'l'iSL"?
S?J,",U, -Marconi IIouV Vtrand
fluftMPotiiMM.tBZ Jluo Louis Is a rami
".l7Hr.. enli per weak,
iE .2M1""". niieaeinnia.
MSI npitaaa la rAMilrprf. nn
ews) on year, .three dollars.
.-y. .....-... t-uio . Buituis.
to accomplish this end and why his ap.
pointees would bo closer to public ntl
went ia not clear. The final suggestion,
that members of the school board Be.
elected direct, needs promptly to bo
snubbedi Demoornoy must be watchful,
but It cannot afford to ImporU its haslq
Institution, the free school, by tho lm
trjsuea and the rivalries of factional
I';;.; " ' r , ; " . 'r - . r- --, ::, , , . . ..;-
Tom Dly'g Column
The mere fact thnt Philadelphia
criticises Itself openly It proof that tho
ohl order U doomed. More ttnent
ate question as to tliei Mrensth of the
creative purpose and the shaping of the
new thin.
Hy mall.
except wtiera
Id mitMft nf r-HIl,
' -T--. - - 1IBUEi)mi UXCK
psb i? required, one month, tnvniv
aii mail
Mn?nJ!rSiIHb?I,7. nln stress changed
fWl BlV olJ will aa pew address, -
TM&rer, all eanxmwiimlhnj to Kren(a
fWVfr, Independence Square. PMladtlcMa.
YXTE do not attack fossils.
T V the
pjnraitn rt tna rmt.wt.puu rosi-crncs n
epcond-cubs uail MAirn.
WJB AvpnAQB NET paip dmlt cm-
?0H AP1HI, WA9 U7.810,
rhUxlMUiTnMilsjr, Msr JJ, J9I6.
'" i MUfgl
Inrf it I laugh at any mortal thing,
TU that I may not Wiop, Byron.
l,.,. . ,,. ;r3 -
"Wiatever the hues of Hughes, not
eno of them Is yellow,
It may cost mora to live In America,
1u.t one. Jives 89 much longer.
Machines cast the votes; why not
machines to count them? I
It noise could make a President,
Mr. Roosevelt would have been reelected
long ago.
Jf the St. Louis convention docs
Hot forget his namo Jt may renominate
tP V)cq President.
Germany's dilemma seems to bo
that she cannot win the war anywhere
accept Qjv tho' western front, and that she
pnot win It there.
While the other nations fight for a
evr Inchea of ground, Russia calmly over
runs more and more territory, and she'll
kP it, too, after tho war Is ovof.
J wouldn't bq quite Philadelphia If
a taxpayer's suit weren't begun against
the. wordings of tho port development, In
eluded n tho recent loan bills, We recall
Vividly the success of the Dallam suit.
Senator Tillman is of tho opinion
thAt a ,fe.w good battleships are far more
Heeded than money for fake river and
harbor Improvements, The first thing ho
knows they'll bo reading him out of tho
Air. Connelly and Mr. Ryan aro in
perloqs disagreement as to the amount
of mpney tho city could have got back
from the graft-grabbers, wherefore a
great many people are lamenting the fact
that Mr. Ryan was not elected to succeed
X never dUcusa what General Fun
ston asks, I only discuss what, I give
him, Secretary of War Baker.
The idea of a Secretary of War
feeing Influenced by a mero general Is top
absurd. As well expect the Secretary of
the Navy to be taking advice from
Tho taxpayer's suit directed against
tho Mayor to prevent violations of tho
civil service law emphasizes the ease with
which it is possible to nullify a good
Statute if the men in charge of its en.
forcemeat are opposed to Jt In spirit. The
lvij service has become more or less a
farce, according to popular belief, since
Jtayor Smith camo into power.
Who is responsible f0r the fantastic;
nd misleading cartoon which has for
many wtjeka adorned the I stations? It is
called "A Dangerous Pet," and represents
"Preparedness," a whelp, in the hands of
frail woman, labeled "Peace." This Jg
an Insert of the main picture, which
.ehowa the whelp grown into a ferocious
. animal, "Militarism," at the throat of
the prostrate woman. The false logic of
the picture is not half so offensive as tho
misrepresentation of Peace as a defense
less weakling. Peace Is not negative.
UQt -weak, and stands with a sword in her
'JIL 3
Queer was the turn of events which
brought the Entente Allies to tho point of
attacking in order to help Italy. When
the Verdun drjva began Italy was still
able to attack, so that no Austrian troops
soma Da transferred to the Mouse. Now,
trily three months later, she finds her soil
Invaded and precious positions taken from
her. Obviously, the nurpos'e of the Aus
trian offensive Is to forestall a, more clan
serous Italian advance precisely the
ttrategy of the attack on Verdun. In the
'Jitter the method Justified Itself, for with
?ma in sight no sign of a '"spring" drive
M "rtsible. unless, indeed, the Allies be
forced into it now to clinch their argu.
fnont for peace.
Wo classify
The fitness of tho dodo ceas,ed to bo a
problem the moment competitors estab.
lishqd the fact that the bjicl could not fly
and was only able to run very slowly,
Thereafter Its survival was dependent
only on thq degree of Ha lndlscstlblty.
uy 1110 samo token, tho moment It bo.
camo a matter of loyal and responsible
public discussion to question the old order
of Philadelphia, Instantly tho survival of
tno old order ceased to bo a problem,
Thero Is no more comfortable city In
tho world than this ono. It la because- of
its many comforts and the comfortable
spirit they havo engendered that It Is
willing to put up with so many discom
forts. So that oven when tho dodna were
spotted, here, and their doom foretold
the pursuit and extinction of them did
not appeal particularly to tho hunt
ers. Did sonio one call for more city
parks? Well, thero was Falrmount Park,
best In tho world. Did some one want
cleaner politics? Well, we were rich,
It Is undoubtedly our rich Colonial
heritage of dignity and proud self-auffl-clency
that produced this air of detach
ment. There wcro so many good things
of past and present to treasure that it
became a matter of Inconsequence to de
fine present evils and future dangers. A
century ago the city was run by its aris
tocracy. It still kowtows to Us aris
tocracy, but that aristocracy has aban-
doned the business of government to a
class of men eager to do dirty work. So
long as tho club windows are comfortable
lounging places, so long as the barber
chairs aro comfortable, why worry, why-
even know about unpleasant things? The
story Is told of a Philadelphia dame of tho
old school, who, when taken for a drive to
League Island, waved her hand airily nt
tho wlrto South Philadelphia meadows. "So
these aro the varcs." she said. "FInw in.
tercatlngl Like the steppes of Russia.
What do they grow on the vares?"
It Is unpalatablo, but It is true, that
this note of indifference struck by the
leisure class Is echoed in the attitude of
other classes. There is an nstoundlng
number of men who work in "well
dressed" vocations, and who, therefore.
try to ape the rich. They, too, see tho
club window as an-Ideal of gentlemanly
aloofness from tho political mass. They
aro content to see things "go on." It is
rather a joke to them that "the gang
won again," and the primary voting hooth
knows them not. Ono concreto example
of their civic sloth Is sufficient. In no
other city is this type of well-educated
young man so little represented In tho
ramt and nie of tho active and powerful
ward and sectional political clubs. Those
clubs arq organized and filled with fol
lowers of ward heelers. They aro top
Intensely partisan In the bad sense of that
word to provide useful centres for ti,
disinterested to visit for information about
candidates, registration, and the host of
details that keep Interest in city move-
menis auvo in the individual,
That thero Is a big change taking place
In spite of this spirit is shown by the suq
ceBS with which theso unorganized young
men havo been drawn to the polls by such
lonely and devoted leaders as Taylor,
whoso loan campaign gavo the dodo a
frightful black eye and chewed off one
of his Impotent wings. But there are
futuro similar victories to be won, and
their realization must not be left to the
haphazard of eleventh-hour heroism.
What If the next successful leader is as
energetic as Taylor and yet at tho same
time unscrupulous? Tho future must h
shaped as well as dreamed of. There must
be tracks for the locomotive as well as
steam to run It. There may be no more
Taylors for a generation or two If you
you do not fit yourself for possible
leadership now,
It is not that anything rcallv cnnri nf
the old Philadelphia and its old order
must ba sacrificed. The quiet streets of
homes, the sense of traditional dignity,
the willingness to give men of education
and inherited culture a hearing, the
wealth all these aro to bjs kept. But it
Is true, as Mr. Wilson never tires of reiter.
ating, that to keep a white post white yqu
can't leave Jt alone you'vq got to keep
painting It.
And to swallow the dodo you have to
keep after him with strong and aggressive
Jaws and an eye alert.
Whenever 1 am playltfa housq (
With any other child
Mi mother attcaya sau to me
In occahtt nccklna mild
"Hcmembor ahcais icat 1 sau
Tfrero's Umc for work and time for
Though thte la splay for ion
You must not think of that alone
Hut when tho time for plan ha
Olcan up when you are through,"
When loi poiscss a house yourself
And aro a lady grown .
&a doubt you will remember then
Your mother's gentle tone
"Itcmember alivays what 1 say
There's time for work and time far
Though this is play for you
You must not think of play alone
Hut when tho Umc for play lias
Clean up when you are through."
So noil) tho City where you dwell
Which Is a Mother too
And has a right to scold her folks
It tells us tohat to do
"Itcmetnber always tohat J 3ay,
There'n time for work and timo for
But now the truth I socak
You must not think of play alone
And now the time for nlau hns
For this is Cleanup It'ceJfc.''
Important Announcement
vy will be open only to versq and com
ment appropriate to the occasion. To the
author of the best bit In it a bunch of
""tenwn uoauty roses will be sent. The
decision will bo mado on Monday nteht;
no contribution received after noon on
Monday will be considered.
Bean Boundaries
Ho! followcltiiens, give earl
And likewise, look WqJ? u here '
Jfto Is actlns: ' Ilere' ,
This bean grows bigger every year
Tbrou6h constantly CcSKci, '
i fir-'. '
MilMi'il "nil II I HI 'ifiiiii.i.i K'S.u-sri' fi'i-t'VT jr SBP CEL JMHP' I
s& toaw mm fflmtl ltMlmfu & k m iS-immmmmmm
...i-.'r .. - . f- .i iniint r-i3FiMi rt iv j.jcize ,i.i'r1i,itw -bt, tin u &ii tx2?K,ni??amm-vTmmm:-tt& mR-mm-jaK-M tmix m
. i: i! :iTr?.i xjrgyW.JMgS;KKg3.wiiiagffsag2tsai'S ! 'fl&fiA. r I
i itPi i il in ' '" ' "IIPm rriilipr illfl ' N I I T i "" pf '" ". ff i I a i
- I ' - " "t- "f 1- J 3',- il 11 JU Al. l. U.1J..1I l1!'
Philadelphia !',....,.,.. v i
Well-being, aSlTSJl?!
"Food Ahvavfl tt-i5?Mh. I
.p with insvffij;,; 4iate
delPhlan Picture And If thl, lh
nee, Whch keens .nl LJfI
apart from the not well Blrn Wf
climcult for even a ihffiS. &
Phlladelnblo i . '".aelPn!at la ki.
Possible does lUenZIr.i
occasional visits and casual . i n "P
Information. , m Pp f
Long pur second largest city a., 5
now our third, Philadelphia l "
leeS. in the strangest 38 S
American a prra, incoBniik i ""f -venlently
sjtuatedV ami yet . ,l ta F
i. "" ,nw u' At makes nn.'T '
uract u,o stranger, it n,Zr, ' '
blitoriQ attractions, it , JJgfc if
ablase, Jt beats no $mZi$
American towns It Is tho' -.!"
ined, ha?alrnos? Sne? fe
tonal eagerness for n,i :l. w W'
criticism; Them I.' Z Z " '" '"""M V
hurrah-bova' hrn. L.,' ' 'T.p " et k m
markH our American ,vo .pu5 ffl
adelphla does not assert th. ...
that Philadelphia exists, always ifj' ! '1
ated and always will exist S.vJ
confused, tumultuous and vntewlSu J
this is one incontrovertible fShr-3
nor dislikes Now Yn..l, .?l!? J
not know that now York cTi8S7r ;
grew iaay wno managed Wth dmmit, 1
to remember tho m-trnnii-.- Ll,ras?'Sf II
where one goes to take the stearai fa?' '1
Europe" was expressing with n. .-I? i
satirical exaggeration the actus ffi M
delphlan feeling. B1 II
Tim Southern Nolo,
105,000,000 Strokes for Barber Born
EVERY so often it comes homo to us
that our colyum makes no appeal to
those whq like statistics. We are unable
to concogt those things ourself, so it
starts us fairly slobbering with Joy to find
ready,made such a gem as this from the
Stroudsburg (ra.) Times;
Frederick W. Dnm. .., ,..!,.. ,
2' f?. ,t,lsorl31 ""st. has rounded out
a full 50 years of service In the rather
prosaic pastime pf shaving stiff, stubl.y
beards and defeating Nature's tendency
to grow hair on men's heads of the
length and fullness of medieval days.
Listen! In his half century of wielding
razor and shears Fred Born has mail
movements of his right arm conimen
hn. trf,dB "Pirating oVer a' "
Demand From a Father. Whose Boy Was Killed Tht Reckless
Automobile Drivers Be Punished A Lukewarm Hughes
Man Now EnthusiasticCoffee Versus
Tea and Toast
This Department U free to all read
ers Who wish to express their opin
ions on subfects of current interest.
It is an open forum and the livening
liedacr assumes no responsibility for
the views of Its correspondents.
ThA nfAnn-A t 1 -.
-- (, uaiuer anaves 60 men
?w VmiJ' .'" eeneray estimated
that fully BOO strokes of the razor are
required to give each person a correct
WIHjtW as a basis for calou
latlon, Mr. Born has given a cutting
force to over 375,000,000 strokes In
v.01. department of the business
hair cuttingthe average per day of
fn1y ,atterU from 6eve ' 'en Male
ing eight the average and 75C finger
movements as the number necojsary to
n!?,??h ,eai pf ha,r- "e has to Vis
edK In his capacity as a hair-cutter
30.000,000 distinct movements. This
makes a total for the two departments!
shaving and halr-cuttlnp. of 485.000,000.
But this takes ntq consideration only
the estimated number of bends and
twists given tho Implements themselves.
Jt does not Include, (he rubbing of wirey
beards prior to shaving, nor does It em
brace the number of hand notions used
In massages after shaving. Nor the
tonic rubs given to the possessors of
hoary heads Inclined to baldness The
total as estimated above Is a half bill.
Ion and more, Just how much more
eyen Mr. Dorn does not conjure over.
m!k,!s me d"y t0 Milk of It," ha
w 11 tell you when tha astounding
totals ara placed before him. 5
A mora efficient system of school
.flffiinistratlon 13 urged for PhlUuJejphta,
lipa, mwaugn me cnoice or the word "ef
clency" la terrUylns, tho thought behind
1 serious and the crltlolsm js valid, The
JWJinitteo system of governing 'public
gools Is naturally faulty, because it re.
WJta In dissipation of energy and disper.
ffca of rwponslblUty, Doctor; Duter j8
f uoted as calling it the yorst of al pog.
ijiblfl systems, despite the fact that fop
many years it did build up the American
ffhoolsi. The Public Education and Child
lbor Association of this city Is respon
srfjl for the recent criticism, and also
tvr th Idea, of withdrawing thg right to
ifpotat members of the school board from
3JM CSoaunon Pleas Judges. The purposs
-ft-tff- maMUut ojwitarsh.lp ior$ respon-
w phh wunff, uuc i(m matho4 S
Bpwuojfe m connetjuon of educa-i
TO mw ooprw or justics was
sy 4k Sealing that that eonnec-
, iPMBst Umd fa )Jnlsatft politlea. Whv
wm&Knr. wkft Jm mm rm teii
twm urn mmm h mm flkIrlesW.
WHAT on earth is happening In Mex.
Ico? News continues to come from
the border, conflicting, vague, unsatlsfac.
iory. una result of all the conferences
has not been published, and no one is In.
a position to say that there has been a
Yesterday reported half of Colonel Sib.
ley's forces turning back to meet an at.
tack of Yaquis on Major Langhorne's
rear guard, so it seems that all of Sib.
ley's men were to have been withdrawn,
General Pershing's force has fallen back
fifteen miles. In Mexico City they are.
protesting against "intervention." It Is,
Clear that the Administration does nqt
want the Idea of intervention to persist,
but la bound to carry its "punitive ex.
pedition" to the appearance of a success,
ful end. If it had to deal with Obregon
!Mlpne that might still be possible, bqt
uarranza ja as incapame or accepting a,
fact a the Administration u unwilling
to enforce its threat. The deadlock Is
maae oy ooiq siaes.
The Americans in Mexico are not likely
to sympathize wth the natives, but the
Administration must preserve the rights
of the former and can do so without
abridging; the privileges of tha otherf,
Thousands of Mexicans, and virtually a)
APWjcan? lp Mexico, are praying or real
JnteryenJiQn, The mere threat pf i mlht
bft enough to persuade Qarransj, But tha
tjbsurd, srch for Vllln ud !hs sudden,
quiettoir of U activities look painfully.
mm fiouuciu aiavB io nuxfi lin
msde by thm,
trmen Mylva
dead. Aula,
Thumb I'rints
alnB,wiffi,m?WJ,?l. SflP'e wth ""imb rnnt,
i.Vi; d..i;;r -a?:i ";
..Mt UyilO,
ueen of HunianU t atai.,
quotation nirnieii a with
.ta llaJliJ V.--.-!. I MIIMtil .ao
MFirjom Thumh ": . "? 7r !'ner 0
Frank iJararoJch .:.;;:. :::;""',t .ow
Count Prima llairri .iura .-a
Tulli Ha tn.l. T'
thlimh nrlnf
Wll'sn .nvsiell. tlnser
Jean da Re.ke, opra etnger 1 1 ! 1 1 ! ; ' ' ' " i'0o
T , , Til, CellVVtorl
Lives of great men all remind us
We may not escape detection,
Puf, densrlbiff. isave behind us
Thumbprints hi tome great collection,
THE editor of "Tho Collector," by the
way, seems to have accumulated more
than ono man's share of antipathy for
-., .,iBi wmiqewp, Mays le
. J the made lmH)v,a p?obhly'If,ei
Lti.i'l,"JlS?. Jl.my Aotlcs lev.ral S.sw'i
nows now cletiQ
sor soma os taa o
ilent I am In some rtipct a2
mortal hai I huVn-''row "aw crownedwltfi Ym,
KqwI -t"i -!," rt .ilV tZSSSN JJ
hnllM ha (A i . T w
There is meat in that last sentence.
Why snort at Brander and his pompous
playmates? They add to the gaiety of
WE HAVE always felt (hat Jf wo had
mora money than we needed we'd
rvn a nwipa.per that wi obsoiuttjy de
nuded of medjeaj 4s., but we Just can't
resist printing thta one. The card rsdaj
it. b. avtsm
4 Bure Cu (or nfieumitUm. Kidney and
I4er Compjainu. "" I11
J4T pouth Ccadwlck StreeC Philadelphia. Ja.
Mrs, a. V, K. ftndi us bak ef ehsncM
en pony, harntss and rt (far lhe bulla"
lag fund of ft Matr M Mricerdtae Hqs.
pUl) and ak us If we tan UJ Aw liew t
lm mj j thu uujney,'- wa could
IK the llrst two syljaWs. flf Misr6wJll I
tlMi'taeiSTttswawwaMuraieW 8MH, here'a I
wwrtfc at (utmttets. 9Hl awA
To Wta Editor of Evening Isdger:
Sir-I read Mrs, Plnkerton's letter In the
Evening Ledger of the 15th Inst, on the
question of motor accidents, entitled "A
Mother's Point of View." From her seoond
sentence I should say t might have been
entitled "A Motorist Mgther's Point of
View." The point which attracted me, how
ever, Is Mrs. Plnkerton's o.Ueston: "Now
will you tell me what knd of a mother
they had to allow such children to play In
the street?" I hardly think the mother re
ferred to was a rare exception, Most chil
dren play In the street at one time or an
other. I think If Mrs. Pinkerton had four
boys Instead of two girls she might prob
ably take a different view.
I would like to state a few facta which
may show why I am especially Interested
... .4,10 i,iti,aiiui,,
Laqt Winter I Was told on tho telenhnno
that one of my boys had Just been killed
under the wheels of a motor truck, while
Sledding, To get home as quickly as pos
sible 1 engaged a taxlcab for part of the
tr p, and during that ride of about three
miles through an outlying section of the
city wo passed, I believe, not less than a
thousand children of all ages that were big
enough to sled, on tho streets, having the
time of their lives, What kind of mothers
must they have had?
After our accident I learned that many
of our nelshbors seriously considered pro-
iiiui""b i'jir vmuiien piaying m the streets,
but after such deliberations, ll of them, I
think, I know of no exceptions, decided that
tha children should continue as before In
this regard, though there was talk nt in.
elating on better protection for them. What
kind of mothers did they have? They had
and have good, chlld.ovlng, energetic, out
door Amerlcnn mothers; the kind of moth.
ers who raised a cry of protest when a
child was killed on a prominent corner,
unprotected by an officer and occupied by a
school, at 1 o'clock on a school day, with
no danger signs to, warn mqtorlsts to drive
carefully; the kind who protest because the
school had rpom for the first five grades for
only half time, the fourth grade of which
Included our boy In Ita membership; the
Iclnd that protest when a motorist runs
over a child and then explains that he
didn't see a man 50 or too feet ahead wav.
Ing and calling to him to look qut. hut Bays
he slowed un at the next corner because
that was a busy street pujeh used by autos.
it has been suggested that a vigilance
league be fprmed for mutual proteqtlon, Its
members to report flagrant violations of tha
law on the part of careless motor drivers,
and each case, if Investigation warrants It,
la be prosecuted apd not ba et off by some
friendly magistrate, who may or may not
ask the lawless one to send In ?3,5Q. Such
an organization should Interest motorists
who do aoiaa ny me law as a protection
against the recklessness of those who do
not, and If Mrs. Pinkerten would assist in
Its formation tuid together, with other
members, would report one-tenth of the fia..
grant violations she witnesses, her ae(lon
would save more Uvea than any other one
thing she Is likely to fo.
Playgrounds? Yes, andmOM playgroupd,,
igpave been tola that In some parts of the
city sections of the main streets are roped
off for children's coasting, I wish the, hMI
Just around the comer from our house hacj
been roped off. However, it is not too jato
for Other8 i W us hope that fOme day jee
osnlsad Improvements will be efilciently ap
nTltd whrve r nd arlas.
Mrs, pinker101 yp npthlng about er
resting reckless drivers, but she does sa.y
''ohlidrn. etnecially.1 should be mads, to
underttand that the itrt Is for vehicles,
ana viy ;htid caught stealing rides should
ba arrested."
Since mothers cannot PiW trained cblr
dren, nor yet bring them to mature dlscrf.
Hon and foresight In four or five years,
belltve we shQUld help, fU'de and, protect
mm in evry wwnrtU way, and arreit
adult law brt ker2-rfekUs. Ineaaable me,
torftta and tW MvwJjYew Jims they
break the law.aad third offense, per,
mfHtly their license as J believe.
UT !I t W & Kuwpo with exoelltnl
-U4MW ..ta.
p ww-r
ovcry applicant for a license should pass
a rigid examination to prove his ability to
handle a machino safely before It is
granted. This would either eliminate a
lot or oheap labor now entrusted with high
speed, death-dealing machines In crowded
streets or teach It a few essentials of hu
manity, I believe If ono wants to help, ho, should
'i, wio cminren and od people npd law
abiding IllOtOrlstfi: tho lnur.hnnbltm .!.
ists seem well able to take care of them,
Women, as a rule, seem to be very careful
drivers. Tha rights of humanity in gen
eral and children especially appeal to them.
I hope and rather believe Mrs. pinkerton is
a credit to her sex in this respect. '
Philadelphia. May 21.
To the Editor of Public Ledger!
sir in ro your timely article "Where
Justice Hughes Stands," I wish to state
that the same has made of me a Hughes en
thusiast, whereas before I was only luke
warm, mainly on the prlnctpiq of "anybody
but T. n" if it was necessary to combine
,, ..cirsuira or nugnes ror tnat purpose.
of the "favorite sops," i would be mostly
jmhoch iu peq yveeKS, ijurtoj!, Sherman.
Crane, McCall, Lodge or P,qot nominated,
my choice in the order given.
But now that I know Hughes' policies.
L ' ..aV0U JV'"9 "W "I- nd seeing
the sent meat that geems to be springing
up for him, nethlng would pleaee mo better
than to sea him nominated. Mv cm.n,i
have always been With, all the standpatters
on the map as our real constructive states
men. If Hughes would only come out with
a platform like this speech of 10Q8 that
would be all that WoqId.be neoessary.
Nothing could stop It then. There Is truth
n the argument that the people do not
know where he stands, as that speech Is
too far back to be remembered by but" few.
EhVft.. ""', " "l remaining
.- .,.-.. UB ,sl umiiu, I,, ma way.
What Do You Know?
Vrltl tfckf
nM?y W0TMld a ,,,s?i8ed t0 sea ''m nomi
nated, for I now UnderstanH 11,. 1V1.
against government ownership; that he. rec
ognises that our Government is based unon
ri'JC,pW IlI'viaKRllen. and not "Son
those of social sm; that we shall- not seek 10
multiply the activities of governAent so as
to bring about Interference wA llbjrty or
to restrict legitimate enterprise that this U
a representative government and not a pure
democracy, which would be unworkable hi
a country of such magnitude; that Vxcent
with regard to fundamental auesUons on
matters comparatively simple s ,mnrao.
tloaple , for the electorate to express ffj
views dlraotly; that in this country1 progress
cannot ba made saye In harmony wth 0?
constitutional system that the Constih.H
In Us entirety pmst ba preserved" and tht
he is not In favor of puWmwtpn0V5R
porations. in tha shana nf nr.V2y 7'lqn W'
ten of the anti-trust laws wVhi A
nl.ea tha burden Is only transferred fo the
PUbllo or born, by tha stockholders tha
Innocent as well as the guilty, thM he be!
He Is in favor of one mn. t., . ...
oommlsslon. This la th 'ni Vi'L'J r l3fl
Queries of general interest wiU ba on
steered in this column. Ten questions, tho
answers fp which every well-infgrmed
person should know, aro qsjeed daily,
M . I ' i '
1. What ore the Italian names for "noma"
and "Naples"?
2. Is there any oqnneetlen between the.
word "presbyter" and th word
8. lVhat are "stormy petrels" and why ore
tliey no called?
4. Where In Philadelphia was "Sherwood
5. M'heq wns the (e)egrnpU Hrst used for
reporting tho proceedings pf u,' pojlt-
t:iii conveqiion
0. What is siliifl made of?
7. Why s salt put on Ice when freezing
Ice cream? "
8. where docs t1P pulf (stream start and
l - ..'"" " ' Renerai direction?
Pttvul warfare did' the Confederate
fltates tntrpdiipf?
?p, What qre tha Pillars of jrer?nles?
Answers to Yesterday's Quiz
1. There are BO knots In a degree of latl.
tude anil 00 knots are the equivalent
of no miles.
2. No mnn ever declined a presidential
nomination after it was made,
3. Gag was first used to lgi( streets (q
the United States In Ualtlmnre In
4. The site of City Hall was at one time
Centre Square. The orlsinal Cy
Water Works once stood there.
o. ioimcco was msde a lfal tender lq
Maryland lq 1733, one pound repre
senting one penny,
a, Vflupt Aconcagua, hou!i AmerlR, mere
than S3.Q00 feet, s the lilgheat moan
tain or the continent.
7. Charles Palmer Is the candidate for
Supreme Court Justice who may have
defeated Justice Walling,
8. A "white elephant" U a poMtsslqn that
Is a liability rather than an asset.
0. Gold was discovered lq Alk In 1887.
after tha United SJateg acquired tho
10. Cadets pre commissioned second 11U
tenants In the army on graduation.
the above with whloh I do not 7thH
tlcally agree. ConolMdnV i m wfeS
I could, be MmptM to belTeveThaTthewrUer
of your article may have made a "anlh
m,Uka and pot hold of a, speech of.h
EQW,Mlm VM T's!PfIrhd,d: JSS
only mfiig of mj
ever see "two peas in a nod" n'J". YW
janathos. principles It Hughes' IrV'Z
Philadelphia, May St, H M-jD
To tho Bdltor of evening Ledger- P
Sir Hushes and Italrhnni,? ';... .
1918, Kindly Blvu m, a cold potatraTd an'
onion. No, J am not buniry Wt J? ,8n
and a little com'W tw.V,J Jg
PlM qf toast. Thapk yeii. Uy. VLtL
cold, dreary day. There Isn't anvh,S2st ?
YM,'tbls is elation day, HwRtei
il i i un. ...
If aeroplaAM actually carried, mere than
nto tons f ftjo4 to Kut.Bw'mara k
almost no CV9WKIJ. IM Siege of a fnr,r
tt tta future will b hard t?mlk.0B!
a fortrMs m like h
Oli MikKr, "?
btrt bjrtni food BtaAJlni -;,Vr."VJPJi
ftMfsw ithiffrnktm wi vm
Tha Chleatiq Calweuin
Editor of "What Ho I'om Knaxo'hCup
you tell me In whatt building the Republican
Natlopal Convention, in Chicago win be heM
and something of Its capacity,' slie and
....!,,, , yt j(
The convention wllj be held n the Coll-'
seum. Three Republican National Conven
tions have been held within its waii '..h
It was there also that the Progressive' party
In J913 held Its first national convention
and, nominated Roosevelt for President. The
?, m?".??? were ,n 19' l08 and
1912. The building was put; up by Charles
B. Ounther on the ste of the old Llbby
Prison War Museum. It Is lot feet me.
170 feet wide and no feet high, and c"lt
nearly IJ.OQO.ooa, For m yearVcqnvem
tlon two, additional balconies wllh Seats for
733 persons have bean bult between the
main floqr and the reculav balflnnv.nn.il
8l,vf 1 h ,totl' eatlne capacity rif W,00, of
lAn'i! H.1 Ta sf pn he """ floor anc)
300Q In the ba'oon,ea, '
m ui , i
The Original "Trilby"
Editor of "What Do You Jfnoto" A
friend of mine argues thaj "Trilby" was a
real, living woman. I contended that she
was a creation of fiction, Which of lis a
P Maurler, In hip studint day In pjfrls,
became acquainted VI a yung woman
who. in nobility. of vharactftV, closely re
semjled the "frllby' ; , his noyel. It is
ITO'JJliSrrf! !!i caIr this
mttor of "Whet OaYeu ffnpui'Wwjl!
you Jlase tell ini who has bn appointed
field marshal o succeed Von .V J.L,.5
among the Turkish ftlllS Qf qermahy?
K. ft A.
yield Narshal -von Maekenitn h?i fcsen
tronifrrd to BaiUrn Turkey t9 msetthe
Ufsipf under Orsnd Bukt Nlchoas. Von
dtr Gait commanded the TurkUh troon.
which mtm m mn&ti wi imbwmK
mm activity of th war In tht tMtttrS
naw sn?srn Mis Dmlirii, Macksen hii
aftar rttfip
ms, wis ts.T;s ?
iSS mAiiJl. "
ornnefiillv nvtnnnri t .,!. . .J"'' S
is denied tq Doston and New vli-lJ
might possibly bo granted to tharrfJi
aristocracy of tho South, Yqu ((JTiv
stlnqtlvely that lovely, proud, fsdedC,.!
Hnlan Charleston is perhaps th,a7i'
American town ivltn which PNfetebnli '
would feel at ease, t jn4ert tki
Southern noto in Phlladelnhla. la i.n?;, ,
takabJo It 8 to bo found in the.sracW 4
loci? or tno old houses and in a certain -41
.....o.w.voo ui ui uiiuaciurai Design In iw
public edifices of Colonial days. 'in&!,'
iiwuii,u iini( tq aumppuous. Tou hTi 'fl
only to comparq Jt wjth Boston's' old
Stato House and its frugal, chastens! "Vl
beauty to realize that PhM.A.t.'u. i. :.MI
by comparison a rich, care-free city ubob v
n fat Rnnthcn nt1 im.1. ' ... ... 3r
to bo found, too, in tho gay chatter of tbf
Phiiadeiphian ladies, and In thf pln't
presence of a well.mannered blk wj
ulatlpn and a generous, fat cuisine, t
Food s always tho fashion In IM t
whu, (io -niaqcipman air i wqr.
where redolent of good living; .era ft?
stranger arriving at tho railway sutm
Instinctively thinks of the nweitigid . ;
restaurant and tho next meal. ,!
Today the proudest hostesses ef Anuria
havo their terrapin brought from
delphla. Even tho metropolis, greedy and
luxurious at tablo, speaks with bated,,,
breath of the feasts of Lucullus erratd .w
by the pqiaware; it la left for Baltimore, J
sitting in tho profusion of tribute ltftlu
her Kreat bav Of Chpsnnpnkn nnllm mtm . Jp
7 ' TV B lilsmB . f.R ' "i,:
her, alone to dispute culinary, pfMist
pence. Tradesmen throughout the coin'
try recommend thejr establishments M f:M
x-miaiieijuna Markets,-' wnue "Vuiaae i4
pnia gmcKens" nnd, "PiniadelBM ip
Qream" aro tfrms useji as a,BUsrntt;f
serious affair where eating Is nrltfrt II
is not so long ago that the tnojt fjlfiit
ivt (H'l'luil'lHV't K'Jtiain.'It'l Wj)IW r
hAAdn nf hnilRAlinlrla fhmAK'la fipfflm. .-H
papled tho market basket on ftsr-iii6pibsg -gj
round. ?
The traditions nf h Phllndelnhls. est-
plpo are not only preserved areuad the
sacred kitchen ranges of the best fsr
jlles, but are kept up by various jsubHe
organizations ostensibly devoted to otfc8r
purposes. There is something mtnVni
of the bapquets of th8 London city Ce'
panics in tho dippers, f9r nmvh i m
Phlladelnhla lnsuranco comoanles, Ao4
pleasant customs have gown UP thlWll 'j
the long phiiadeiphian years; fpe
suranoe company which Is popularly and.
prettily called 'The dreen TfM'1 WI r
dining and dlnlnnr well when the' Ml
come of tho death of Washington, end ,j
to thlg day a toast to his rotmwr
flrunk eaoh month by the assembled tW
Geographical IlestrldleiW.
A fampua and nsrreeabie gxapjpli H J
PhUidolphlanlsm is th? geogrspww to?
Btrictipns. as to the district wh?rs pm.v
life may h 'd, You my 8ren W;
world without finding anything cqbphH
hla tn tha feellna in Philadelphia eSfji
pernlnp the regions north Qt MMW"f5j
street. To the dweller in the perjnnw ;
HMarter of t'Chestnut, Walnut, BjWl
and Pine" streets, tho mm MWP
creatures in that outer darKn?W Mm
Incrediblewith the PU9 fiHrlM'
(ton to Pa notea, mat u yy hj
certain Old Quaker families yoil m? J"
In Avnh atraat. lust ever the fegTST
Otherwise the nprthf rn dlrtrlf JMWJ '
cjesert land, vh?re a polony of ri wr
have built their palatial marbl M
The only thin that mW8j:
.vUtenrA in Phlladelph a 1? FoWt
phla itself if one may venture on Pftf'l
do, Thl, fom pesim'8 rt f !
penlnff m tht tremsnaus w ?.
try homes In the Mt, welgr8?ffll gj
Un, Ths trolley w fw d
narrow ?J4 "treets of tha town mi mm t tt
!. -Un ihn mater arrived Wi I" " -
pick ef time to keep eguntrjf lJg g
i.:7 ' ii.. ...,nu Ufa. Th 8lH M
jsinf rtaiiar " .""... 7 1 . rivtara
twenty IPJUI w ww w,ltVhjilf- '
So, for 4ht time hlni nljwi, II
streets had been etead4 ml !1 3l
pMa suture TJwJiwrWg
na ww res """, ;zi
MantHM fcte vaS-suZifS? n& Pblladeiphta W W Wf
tl.... 3T? t i a