X if BILL RIDES ; CONQUERING HERO AT HEAD OF HOST Qmif nnrl Plninamnfi ,' Central Figure in Spectacular dutcui, Pageant j . ' SbOADS LEAD TO SHOW . .. tnirxnlte Phltadetnhlans this W?i KuuU personal acquaintance with "" nilt while other thousands not aulte SMle' availed themselves of the op I'K'.rl n. meeting that conjured up Kiwmorls of their own boyhood. As -down i Broad street at tho head of GaAlned Wild West shows bearing his "?.-:- mil -or-li-rd an ovation that .jw nl the United States might envy, 7E inA he bowed acltnowledsment to in "" ' : . ..-. ........, ,.,.. fitJiti tht camo iivh w u iuujr , Vnflttr Cltliens lo wnum umii luimy ff.noa existed only In their favorl' m tore. SSire wtre others accompanying the vet- SLrttice rrtlBht havo excited enthusiasm ....a nhn witnessed tho narado thla -11 . ..- M..IV..1K TlMt-1ft1 111. .isr-hitk fl J i a Tioutand plainsman whose Individual ISr-tice rrtlBht havo excited enthusiasm ie WHO wlincHHCii uiu ii.iruuo ini3 !"!!.-.- l.nv. I.. IrtinUI .An,-. Si medals that botokoncd feats of IRWi Sam's nrmy. There were Indian mtiiiu squaws nnd papooses. Including the lbrated Iron Tall, who participated In tho IMtM of the Llltle BlK IIorn- nna whoso fwwlls i6rns the "buffalo" nickel. There Sj dtadShot champions of tho Far West, ftldnNMiie cowgins, wno roao ineir Dron jj,su though those fiery llttlo steeds were BStlind ponicn ; tnero were meBo ana more, M calculated to stir tho red blood of tho "Jeutiful spectator nnd causo outburst of olioennciii. un. ......... ....w... k.-m from thoso throngs on tho sldo- ?jlkj shouts and applause wcrp frequent -XOdl-n0 unu cuhuuj'b. touiuiera mm rnncil- Ma rod by I" a" tn0 Panoply of their Werit callings. But upon Buffalo Bill Maself thd popular enthusiasm found Its Mtt vent As ho rode from tho camp mmhnis at 10th stroet and Hunting Park iTtnte to Broad street and then to Wash ington avenue and back again, his passage , icompanlcd by cheers that almost "" . .. .. ... . Slltacecl ine cowuoy Dana inai ncramea Jbi appearance. Sy TMs welcomo continued nlong the route tot Qcrmamown avenue aim oacK to the liinr grounds, where tho veteran scout and tti.Mlow paraders rested un beside their Wplre for the opening performance this I'stumoon. S.la the meanwnuo, tnoso juvenile spec titors, their appetites whotted by the turn wt they had Just witnessed, awaited Im--wtlenOy the hour for tho ticket offices to -ftn. They were eager to see Chief Iron IjII and his band of Sioux warriors Ultts MtO'thi attack on the now hlstnrln "nrnl. 'ri schooners," tho realistic capture and Min1hmnt nt ihn linran till. nftnr 4I.A Inmanary codo of tho early West; tho hold- Iv or me ".ueaawoou uoacn-; the pony tup-en, the buffalo hunt, of which thrilling 4,'BMures 01 mo snow inoy naa loretasto $a this morning's parade, L Those buffaloes, too, wero to bo hunted pj "cowboys In truo frontier stylo and to l".lUIked as of old by tho wily redskins j 1!km long-horned cattle we're to bo rounded ;p, thrown and branded by expert wlclders ittliit lariat There ,jvero to bo exhibitions it rough-riding, broncho-busting and .other fets of skill by tho men nnd womenwho ;had passed In review before them... Thoso gbdlitts were to show In tho truo costumo Ii. uu uiAuucr uiu Dim, reen corn, gnost nna j:,wr dAnces that had como down to them uwm picuiaiuiiu uays. , Furthtr, thoso businesslike soldiers In ,; ths nrlous branches of tho service were . p aempllfy "Preparedness" in a pructl- 'jBil.'tblectlvo lesson that would provide jRlaW- Instruction for young nnd old. No , Htff t fSVA4'l llfrlAHAAii AMtM.-K atrsf "bti'. p iuuwolujil vci Ultimo was fJ'.Cft.Vi to Btlmulato tho major portion of . thoso -who witnessed tho narade thik mnm. Ing. i Ji ) I 1 tHJYJb3I( LHiOUi5.ii ifMlLAOii.JLFHXA, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1916. 1 WORKING FOR TEMPLE Misses Beulnh Spilsbury (above) nnd Ella J. Day arc taking an nc. vo E? in tno campaign to raise $250,000 for Temple Uni versity. MAYOR SMITH GIVES HEARTY INDORSEMENT TO TEMPLE CAMPAIGN Regards University as One of City's Greatest Assets and Urges Liberal Contributions GREAT DAY IS EXPECTED jTODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSKS ifrllllara J, IJrown, 1S37 Porter t., and Dnle- i,va"t, Mi iry, i3i a. waits s. Irlt"w"Vi,ro'VfeS:y4..Indlana eve- and Alice f-t. Wood. 1387 W. S-ltzer t. I "KfR "."l.-70i Esrp . init Anclollna Buo iri cein, on Kimball Rt. WMmia Pro... KTn Vn.t. I... . . t. T. Kiwi . " U M'y ""."' Btrry Denkln. 818 Wilder at., nnd if.tu Pnrr.. rennti. 018 Wilder nt. ?"of.C2SS5n0,n1-o;v!3rda,m0n '- and Gla ft p.ffi.trSSSf,raVr N- ut" ' nnd Jnn .'Sr"!..DTJ,a'r. 10. Fen-aalo t., and Helena ,!;..:. 1- "oiDoroun at. ' r-L 1 'rinreI?aS' "a7-,- uu,h et- " Alice :in.J- .li?"": ,!f.'-'nS?'own. ft "hode... iai2 N.'BSth si "SSi, iP- Auchy. Tacony, Pa., and Anna M. ' -j tut i-1 11 it h inrii ; zte'i0,2--;7, ?"''?wood ' "d An- ;Wiael Karalnakl, 2U48 "nirhmond at., nnd rr. r&rk"'mow.Ka. M3JI Webb at. Eftwuala Pace. Hill s inth -V a m..y. reowna, 709 South at. """"" and Ellen t., and Lillian Mayor Smith today urged Philadelphia to Bupport tho Templo campaign fund for the first J250.000 toward tho Jl, 000,000 en dowment fund for '. nple University, nnd praised tho Institution ns "one of tho city's greatest assets." The 30 teams at work slnco Inst Wednesday began a now week today with n balance of $81,568 to their credit. The campaign will close Friday night with a banquet at the Hotel Adclphla, whero the headquarters aro located, Of tho campaign, Mayor Smith said: "I tako groat pleasure In offering my congratulations and best wishes to tho group of prominent Phlta'delphlans who havo undertaken the task of raising 1, 000,000 for tho wonderful Temple Univer sity. Tho good peoplo of this great City of Brotherly Love will not fall to respond to their appeal If they feel toward Temple University the way 1 feel. "I look upon Templo as ono of tho city's greatest nsscts and most useful Institutions, for It offers opportunities to tho ambitious working boy nnd girl that nono other offers: It occupies n unique nnd distinctly essential nlcho in our great scheme, qf education. "What I Ilka about Temple University Is thnt Its students earn their living expenses. Such a policy eliminates the college 'sets' and cliques wo hoar so much about. In Temple, from what I understand, every student Is on an equality with every other student. There Is no aristocracy, and that makes for better college spirit. "Tho two hospitals nllled with Temple University fill gaps In their respcctlvo com munities that would be hard to duplicate. The Samaritan Hospital has tho confidence of tho folk In Tioga and Logan, and tho Gnrretson Hospital is held high In the re gard of the workers in that busy Industrial centre around 18th and Buttonwood streets. "I would bo extremely glad to see Phila delphia people lend their aid In tho cam paign for this worthy Institution." Before the day closes It Is expected the heaviest total ever reported at any of the campaign meetings will have been turned In. Though Saturday Is usually regarded as "light," the amount reported Saturday, $3M!0, was the largest day's work accom plished. Tho" second ticket for an ascension In the balloon Greater Philadelphia II will be auc tioned off this afternoon. Two tickets for rides wero donated by the Philadelphia Aeronautical Recreation Society. Members of the society sell tickets for $50 and some times more. The first ticket went to Percy M. Chandler for $60 at tho .luncheon on Saturday. Ills ticket Is for a trip June 8. -1 r" L'OFfENSlVASUTUnil LEFRONTIPREPARATA INAIUTODELLTTALIA II Generale Cadorna Annuncia Che Attacchi Nemici Sono Stati Respinti da Coni Zugna o Verso it Brenta IL COMANDO TRANQUILLO Dopo tin lungo conslglla dl mlnlstrl tenutosl lerl, II generate Paolo Morrone, mlnlstro delta Ouerra, pubbtlco' un commu nlcato ufflclale nel quale e' detto che, per quanto rlguardn l'offenslva austrlaca, "II supremo comando Itallano e' e rlmano per fettamente tranqulllo." Katuralmente non e' posslblle illvulgare I plant dollo Stato' Maggtore Itallano, ma st puo' dlro cho tutte Ie mlsure sono state prese per far fronte a qualunque sltuazlono dovesao dellnearsl nulla fronte Itnlo-aus-triad. Inoltre accanto titrations dlretta Itnllann, In forma dl una vlgorosa controf tcnslva, si aepettn un'offenslva slmulUnca dl tuttl gll nllentl dell'Intesa contro lo po tenze contrail, apeclatmento nolla Fenlsota Halcanlca o dalla Russia, ed nnche dalla fronte francess. Quentl crltlcl mllttarl. compreeo II gen erale Morrone, contlgllano dl rldurro la fronte ltnllana abbandonando poetzlont troppo avanzato alio bcopo dl poter medio sostenero l'urto degll nustrlacl, se earn contlnuato. Oil austrlacl rlpetono la manovra che escgulrono pl'u' dl cento nnnl fa quando attaccarono I'cterclto napoleonlco dat Trentlno, mentro questo si faceva largo sull'Isonzo. SI erode che lo Htato Maggloro austrlaco spera dl Invaders t'ltalla dalla vallo dell'Adlge o forzara Mosl' II generale Cadorna ad abbandonnre la sua offenslva sulla fronto orientate. Per questo attacco l'Austrla aveva gla' 10 divlsloni, a cul tie ha agglunto pol dodlci che tolse Sol Italia fronte runsa a sel dalla Sorbin.. Oil attacchi dogll austrlacl Inlanto con tlnunno con frrando vlgore speclnlmento tra 1'Adlge cd li Brenta, Ola' da tre mcsl ('Austria -uV.ava prcparandost per questa offenslvn. "OH austrlacl hanno dapprlma guadagnato vantaggl, ma pol sono stntl arrcstatl. Dice II comunlcato del generate Morrono: II ncmlco Initio' t'offenBlva con cguale Intonalta' In sotto settorl, ma dapper tutto dove Ie Ilneo Itallano erano state fortlflcato t'offonslVa e' falllta. In sos tanza essa ha avuto auccesso ad un solo pun to. Nel suol bollottlnl It nemtco si vnnta del rlsultatl ottenutl o II chlama rl sultatl declslvl quclll che Invcce non sono che 1 rlsultatl dl un prlmo slanclo offenslvn. La storla dl ognl altra of fenslva In questa guerra dlmostrla che lo prime faclll avanzato sono scgulto da tungho pause cho csaurlscono quando l'attaccanto si trova davnntl. a ben dlfcso o fortlficato poslzionlo si lascla Indtetro la sua artlgllorla pesanto,' Ognl orfenslva ha due fnsl: la crlsl lnlzlale, favorevolo all'attaccante cd II rlstablllmento deU'equlllbrto. favorevolo alia dlfesa. Not posslamo svolglmento con nssoluta flducla to svolglmento dello operazlonl con cul II nemlco ccrca dt llbornrst tlatl'attcggtamento stret tamente dlfcnslvo che not gll Imponcm- mo un anno fa o dl dlsturbaro I planl V degll alleatl, II Mlnlstero della Guorra pubbllcava pol lerl sera 11 scgucnto raporto del generale Cadorna circa la sltuazlone alia fronte: Dallo Stelvlo nll'Adlge la sltuazlone o' Immutata. Kella Val Lagarlna l'artlglierta DREER5 Expert Advice Do not hesitate to bring your gar dening troubles to us. Ask our ex perts In person or by letter anything nbout which you nre in doubt the most satisfactory varieties of vege tables for your locality; the sort of flowers that will do best on your grounds; tho proper mixtures of lawn grass seeds for your soil and exposure; tho proper kinds of fertilizer; the best remedies for plant diseases and Insects and how to npply them; or any other gardening probUm that may bo puzzling you, -Get a copy of our Special Catalogue which tells you How and When to Spray, also showing a complete line of spraying materials, spray Dumps and accessories. Free at the store, or by mall upon request. Our Garden Book contains easy cultural directions writ ten by experts about practically every dependable flower or vegetable grown. Free at the Slore, or By Mail Upon Request TT SoerJa, Planti, Tools Ureer 714-16 chestnut aWi MaMMSn - WM.U. m ' jrI wH. H h FOUNDED IN 1865 ADOPTED ONE-PRICE SYSTEM IN 1881 C. J. Heppe & Son HI 7-1 1 19 Chestnut Street 6th and Thompson Streets A genuine Pianola for only $3 Weekly STROUD PIANOLA $550 WftSiMM The Stroud Pianola &l-JP4 -with Metrostyle and 4UC4UMMUM' It is true that you can purchase a player-piano for even as low as $2 weekly. s But for $3 weekly you can secure an instrument made by the great Aeolian Companymade with all of the patented Aeolian features, including the Metro style and Themodist. For $3 weekly you can obtain a player-piano -in -the Stroud Pianola that has a positive guarantee. We offer, any time within 30 days, to return to ypu every dollar you pay us if you can find any instrument in any other store that can even compare with this instrument for value. Understand, we do not merely make this statement, but we offer to return your money if you yourself can find Abetter instrument. Surely no guar antee of value could be stronger. A vjsit to our store will prove to you why w&jplace such confidence in this instrument, which costs only ?3 weekly. The Aeolian Family of the player-piano world" is on sale at Heppe'a At Factory Prices as follows: Steinway Pianola... $1250 I Wheelock Pianola........... .S750 Weber Pianola $1000 I Stroud Pianola...., $550 Francesca-IIeppe Player-Pianos , , f 45Q Aeolian Player-Pianos , , ., $395 Terms Cash, or charge account, or rental-payment plan. All Tent applies to purchase. ( nomlca bombardo' durante tutta Ift (flornata, dl lert to nostra posUIont del , Cont Zugna. Tardl nella sera II rlcrtlco attacco' con tro crnndl masso JI fan terla, cne, dopo un dlsperato oornbat tlmento, furono rcsplnte con" gravl perdlto. VI e' stala una Intensa nzlone della artlgllerle nemtche contro lo nostra llneo dal Monte Pasublo alia valla del Terragnolo, nzlono a cul rlsposero cm cacemento le nostra battcrlc. Tra la vallo del Terragnolo o l'nlta valle dell'Astlco st e' avutn una mod erata atllvlta' dclle artlgllcrlo da nmbe te parti. Conllnuano lo opera ilonl dl'rlnforzo delle llnce dl nppogglo occupale da nol, mentro II nemlco va rlnforzando to sue poslzlonl dal Monto Mngglo alia Spltzonezza. Tra l'Astlco cd It Ilrenta fu contlnunto II vlolcnto bombardatnento dello nostra zllneo. Net pomerlgglo csso fu segulto da violent! attacchi dl fanterla che furono sostenutl con grnnde reslstenza dalle nostra truppe cho lnfllssero gravl perdlte nl nemlco. Alcunt plccoll fortt cho II nemtco nveva gla' prcso con nssaltl furono rlconqulstatl do nol con vlgorosl contrnttnecht o combattlmentl corpo a corpo. Nol" nbblamo fatta un centlnalo dl prlglonlerl, Nella Val Sugana It nemlco si lnnclo ancora contro 1 nostrl postl avanzatl che prima resplnsero t'nttacco o pol lentamente rlpegarono sullo Joro tinea d'appogglo. Lungo It resto della fronto vl o' stata attlvlta' delta artlgllerlo nemtche In varll puntl. La nostra nrtlgllerla dls. trusse dlfeso nemtche nelt'nlto But d dlsperso gruppt dl operal mllttarl 'sul Calvnrlo. Un piccolo attacco nemlco sul Sabotlno ed un altro a Monfalcone furono facllmento respinti. IAUSTRIA HA PERDUTO MORA 40,000 U0MINI II Generale Cadorna Ammassa Grand! Forzo ed Inlzia la Controffensiva Telcgramml da Borna dlcono che gll nustrlacl nel prlml tre glornl della loro of fenslva sulla fronto ltnllana del Trentlno hanno perdutd 20.000 uomlnl o che nttret rantl no hanno pcrduto nel seguentl glornl. Sarebbero dunguo 40.000 uomlnl tra mortl, ferltl e prlglonlerl, che gll nustrlacl nvrcu bero perduto flnora sulla fronto Italians. Notlzle da Vienna dlcono cho nella glor nata dl sabato II comando Itallano ha Ian elato grand forzo dl fanterla o dl nlplnl nd un contrattacco che o' Btalo spcclalmente Vloiento nella valle dell'Astlco. E' evldcnte oncho cho ll gencrnte Cadorna eta ammas Bando grandl forzo sulla fronto del Tren tlno. Da Itoma st iia che II Comnndo supremo Itallano o' perfottnmento tranqulllo 6lrca 1'offcnslva austrlaca, o che gll alleatl st preparano ad una controffensiva slmultnnea dalla Francla, dalla Itussla e dalla renlsola Ilnlcanlca. Dal rapporto del generale Cadorna rtsulta In sostanzn cho la vlolcnza dell'offenslva austrlaca e' stata arrestata davantl alto Unco d'nppogglo Itallano, (Leggere In 4a paglna altro c plu' det tagllate notlzlo sulla guerra, In Itallano.) Proscenium Club in Musical Comedy The annual musical entertainment of tha Proscenium Club will bo presented tonight nt the Broad Street Theatre The play will ba 'fho King of tleartu, an original m.us!cat comedy In two acts written by ofla of tho club members. Many prominent Jewish matrons will act ft patronesses. Bitten 32 Times by Dog J Dead P1TTSBUROH. May 2.. Bitten sev eral day ago by n bulldog, William Jenk Inson, n grocer. Is dead here. Jcnklrtson en tered the homo of a customer whero the bulldog attneked htm, biting him 32 times. Divorces Granted Court of Common Nets Ko. 8 today granted the following dlvorc-: k . lAvlit W. Lh from Emma V?. Lalh. Carl nianke from lUrla.niank. Amelia. WehrwdW from Otto- Whrw-In. Charles Slmmona, otherwuo known Charles or Caalmlo Slmonavlch, from . Ellablh, or Llllle, Csepleatkla Blmrnon. otherwlie known nlltabetti Ciepleatkla Slmonavlch. Laurel Mar Unit from William Llnd. Joaeph O. Fleming from Ethel I. Flemln. Iab-I M. Crothera from William Orothers, Jr. KIKabeth II. Ulunt from Lottie Blunt. Francea O. lalti from Benjamin MAltz. Satnuel Bmlth from Ifla flmlth. t:arrlr B. Flaher from aeor II. Flaher. Mary Ellen Kennedy from William Kennedy. Matilda Weber, from Wllltam K. Weber. ' Helen cl. lllddte from Charlea A. Diddle. Kdlth M. Miller from Joaepr M. Miller, Katie Waver from Ivula Mayer. Auduata remberton Keller from Harry Ell wood. Keller. MltUn M. Tarry from Thomas O. Tarry. . Illadya aoodrlch Delknap from Charles Bel- Mary Florenco Henlamln VanSycket from Will lam Hamilton VanSyekel. Horry S, Parka from Itebecca L. Itoiton Iroy I.tei-ellrn from Minnie Llewellyn. Iona A. Calf from Rdward A. Call. Ida Corblll from William J. Corbttt. Hamuel Bteln from Paulino Stein. 13. Violet Millard from Abraham L. Millard. Mary K. Kuta from nobert Parker Kut. Frank X. Ilrodcra. Jr., from Helen 11. Drodera, Catherine Donnelly from Jamea F. Donnelly. Marenret K. Bchlffler from I.oul Schlffler. Florence L. nurl; from William F. Durk, Mario 8. Rlaha from Jnaepti ni)ha. May II. Cathcart from Oeorgo w. Cathcart. Anna lllrsh from Charles Hlrah. J- Two Phi!s4e)VliiMM CkHffhi SpNfer Two PhlfadeliJTitos wt-i amornr h h dozen hu(omobtllt who 'vera caufht vw terdfly In a 'speed trari" set by tha astKa---Itle on N'6th Broadway, at Pitman, N, jt whero D.year-old Martin Bands was klltwl. They are Edward O'Cohlior and tr' Iubllcker, Rddresses not given. Tha- trj; a quartnr-mlle long, was guarded by police men armed with flags nnd top watches. Justice of the Peace Haines, holding road side court, administered fines of 111.55. I "The Pittsburgher" New Train TO " Pittsburgh Beginning May 28 rarjor Cars, IUitaurant Car an Coaches Leave Ilroad Street Station SI 10 F.K. Btnpplnjr nt Coate-tlile, Lancaiter, Ifnrrlaborg, Huntingdon, Altoona, Jolmitorrn. nnd nrlnelnal atatlnna. arriving Plltibarsh 1211S A. M. Pennsylvania R.R. mBZ 1C mr 1 i. SSSMSli &zki Ear orevsliineton Bought T1 1 luni h WL W W gV yBl ! ances in a lottery for a set of the Encyclopaedia Britannica f Use the ax I George did, and LOST! George Washington was a thrifty and forehanded man; he died, it is said, the richest man in the new world America's first millionaire. He had a weakness for getting things cheap; and like a large number of people in his day, he often played the lotteries. One adventure he records laconically in his diary under date of Oct. 14, 1788 (three months before he was chosen the first President of the new Republic): "By profit and loss, in two chances in raffling for encyclopaedia Britannica, which I did not win, 14." This great work, already famous, was deeply coveted in Washington's day. And such rafflings were many. The custom still prevails. A few weeks ago, at a charity fair in New York City, a set of the new Eleventh Edition of the Britannica was offered in a raffle and 1800 tickets were sold. The sum of $450 was realized from the sale of a single set of this work. It is doubtful if any other set of new books in any language could bring such a sum. The people of today are as eager to own this famous work as in Washing ton's time, as is evidenced by the fact that more than 70,000 people have already paid more than $16,000,000 for the new Eleventh Edition. The reason is clear enough. In Washington's day, as in our own, the Encyclopaedia Britannica represented'the finest digest of the world's knowl edge which could be obtained. It is this fact which has made it for 148 years the standard in the English language, and incomparably the greatest work of reference in any language. U ;u- m :- -Ar - M Yp"" i Tim" " ,jTr Uae the ax I George did. a Of Perennial Value Like a fino watch, like beautiful furniture, like precious Jewels, tho value does not rapidly decrease. A,few days ago, at on auction in New York City, the sum of $137.50 was paid for a secondhand set of the "Cambridge University" issue of tho new Eleventh Edition. For his copy the owner had paid something like $160 nearly two years ago ; and bad the use of the books in the meantime. This splendid work you may now obtain for a little more than one third this figure a brand-new, complete and unabridged copy of the Eleventh Edition, guaranteed by the publishers both as to its contents nnd as to the quality of the binding, paper and printing, not in tho large-sized "Cambridge University" issue; that would be absurd; but in a new "Handy Volume" Issue of the same work which the publishers have made for us ; every one of its 29 volumes and 80,000 pages and 15,000 illustrations, identically tho same ns the larger and higher-priced work, except in size. Not Much Longer But this chance can last for only a little while longer. We arranged with the publishers for an enormous printing. This alone made possible the phenomenallylowpricontwhich wo are nble to offeryou these books. Now the publishers advise us that on account of the rising costs everywhere they cannot possibly supply us with any more seta at these prices, when the present contract is out. When you purchase a set of tho new "Handy Volume" Issue you have the assurance that you have paid for It the lowe-t price at which It will be sold that it will not depreciate rapidly In value, and that It will be worth for a long time very nearly what you paid for It. A 180-PAGE BOOK FREE The publishers of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA have pre pared a richly illustrated book of 130 paces to tell you all about this great work and the new "Handy Volume" Issue, and its usefulness to you. It is full of interesting stories, clever dialogues, beautiful pictures a book packed from cover to cover. Some of Its contents include: 100 interesting bits of knowledge revealing the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA from a hundred different points of view. A little history of the BRITANNICA from the days of King George III. with 70 portraits of the noted men who have made it the greatest work of its kind. Twenty pages of interesting dialogue telling of the unexpected In terest of the BRITANNICA for women. A clever story about the way children get interested in it. Portraits of the Nobel Prize winners and other famous contributors to the new Eleventh Edition. Nearly two hundred half-tone illustrations, color plates, specimen pages and the like. Whether you are interested in the BRITANNJCA or not, you and every member of your family will thorouglily enjoy reading this book, as big as a magazine, Sets may be seen and orders left at GIMBEL BROTHERS MARKET : CHESTNUT . EIGHTH AND NINTH wmmmMmmmmmmtmmmmmmmMmmmtmmmmmmmmmHmmmmmamHmmmamam Our Unconditional Guarantee In selling this book we give you with every set the publishers' guar antee that itis absolutely complete and unabridged; and to this guarantee we add our own. But you need not take our word for it. Go and sco for yourself ! Sets of the two issues, in different styles of binding, have been placed on sale in tho stores shown below. If it is convenient, go and compare the volumes, page by page, until you are entirely convinced. If this is not convenient, simply send us a single dollar and we will then send you the complete set, the entire 29 volumes, in any stylo of binding you desire with this guarantee: You keep the books three week- and If at the end of that time, for any reason whatsoever, you aro not wholly aaUsOed with your bargain and eafiar to retain ,tno books, you may return them to u end we will refund every penny you have paid both the dollar you hove sent and ahlpplnfl charges both ways. You take no risk whatever. We take it all. If you keep them, you have then to nay for them In easy monthly in stallments for a limited period. You havo the use of the books you and all your family while you are paying for them n little at a time. We wait. You don't. You get the entire work when you have paid your dollar. it out 03 AF Sears. Roebuck and Co. Chlcafo Please Bend me free of charge your "Book of loo Wonders,1 describinc the Encv- clopaedia Britannica, Name Post Office , Street and Number.. f