is. JFVc'lW , . m-pmLADELHlA, n-VS SiT v" -. ; m nGJt, MAT 20; ' 1016. FINANCIAL NEWS MANtf BROKERS ATTEND ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT AND STOCK TRADING LAGS f , 1 Accumulation in Reading Rehewed Buyers Wait for Stock to Fall Into Brokers' Hands Talk of Larger Dividend for Kennecott New York Stock Sales High Points in Today's Financial News . New York bank statement showed increase in average loans of $S2,6S9,000 and a falling off in reserves of S5,976,9i0. Actual loans expanded $9,616,000 And actual reserves decreased $11,830,970. War orders of Westinghouse in tyar (90,527,000, ($,000,000 more gold brought in from Ottawa, Price of rivets advanced. Southern liailway sold $1,700,000 i IS pef cent, trust certificates, Bank clearings for week showed increase of i7.7 per cent, as compared with same period last year, Pennsylvania Lighting Company in creased dividend, Price of bar silver slightly lower in New York and London, NEW YOniC, May 20. Thero wero two sides to tho stock market situation today, one being tho quiet Bess of. many stoiks favored by the speculative element because of tho fact that nearly all tho largo traders, as well as tho younger element on tho door, deserted tho room to attend tho annual Stock Exchaiiffo tournament at Knollwood. Moro ihart 100 members were entered for this tournament, and, with tho largo gallery watching tho players, tho attendance drew largely from tho acttvo clcmbnt In tho market, tfhls element followed tho rule, that If "business Interferes with pleasure, drop business." Outsldo of this absenteeism and Its result on tho valuo of trading tho market presented many Important features. Accumulation of Heading was renewed, but asldo from a scramblo of shorts" at tho oponlng this buying pursued the regular courso of waiting for stocks to fall Into brokers' hands.' Somo realizing usual at tho-end of tho wcok caused a recession of moro than 2 points from tho opening, but this Bupply was quickly absorbed and in tho later trading tho markot reflected tho renewed accumulation. Nothing has yet been ascertained about, tho definite scopo of tho Heading plans, but today Philadelphia lepresontatlves hero were closo followers of tho Now York banking lead and wero among thoso who looked for materially higher prices for tho Heading Issues. There was a good deal of manipulation In Kennecott Copper, with somo of tho largest houses offering net stocks In blocks, but after other equally Important douses bought nt slight concessions tho largo selling orders woro quickly with drawn. Thoso who know tho most about tho property stato poslttvoly that tho dividend rate will bo increased to S per cent, on Juno 1. Tho war-ordor stocks continued neglected nnd thero was tho same wide swing In Industrial Alcohol that has been noted dally for a long time past. United States Bteel mado a moderato gain, nnd thero was a hotter tono to tho trading In Ana conda, It Is posslblo that tho copper group may bo brought Into greater promi nence during tho coming week. Thero was somo Investment buying In tho dlvl-dend-payirig milroads, llko Great Northern preferred. Southern Pacific and Union Pacific, but this buying was not extensive enough to bo reflected In any Important prlco movements. Just beforo tho closi thero was hurried buying on a largo scalo of Canadian Pacific, which crossed 181 for tho first tlmo slnco last January, making a gain of 8 points. This Is one of(tho stocks In which thero Is a huga outstanding short Interest, with some of tho bear accounts put out nt below 140 during 1915. More Canadian Gold Deposited in New York NEW YORK, May 20. J. P. Morgan & Co. havo deposited an additional $2,000,000 in gold bars at the Assay Offlce. imported from Canada. This makes a total of $12,456,000 brought down on the present movement, and Is approximately tho full amount said to havo been released by tho Bank of England In this operation. Prices of Hivets Advanced PITTSBURGH, May 20. Manufacturers of rivets in this district have ad vanced prices to 4.25c. and 4.35c. for structural and boiler rivets, respectively. Theso figures are $10 a ton above prices prevailing for shipment before October 1 nnd. $5 a ton nbovo prices previously quoted for delivery In fourth quarter of this year. Nuts and bolts havo been advanced nbout 56c. Tho demand for all threo products Is decidedly heavy and new business Is being discouraged. Somo wiro mills aro asking $2.70 per keg. Pittsburgh, for nails, or $4 a ton nbovo tho prlco adopted May 1 by tho American Steel nnd Wlro Company. Drexel & Co. Buy Southern Railway Trust Certificates NEW YORK. May 20. The Southern Railway has sold to Drexel & Co an Issue of $4,700,000 4 per cent, equipment trust certificates, series "T" dated May 1. 1916, duo $235,000 semiannually. They will bo secured by new equipment esti mated to cost $5,633,000. Tho bankers aro offering tho unsold portion of the Issuo on-a -4.45 per cent, basis. WHEAT IS IRREGULAR AND BUSINESS QUIET While Some Operators Predict x Rally, Heavy Supplies of Old Help Bear Side GRAIN IJKLT WEATHER FORECAST. CIIICARQ. .May SO. The weather tore Cast far 38 bourn follow: Illinois Shourr tonight and Sunday) not mnrh chanice In temperature. MUsoarl Showers tonight and Sunday) cooler Sunday south. iiconiin una lovra noTm tanignt and Sunduri not much change In temperutnres. junneaoin pnourr tonight and cooler nunuay went nnd south. cd. Nebraska 8hm.eru tnnlche nml Knndnrt not mueh change In temperature. North nnd Mouth Dakota and Knnaas Showers tonight nnd hundari cooler Nundar. CHICAGO, May 20. Irregularity char acterized tho trading In the wheat market this morning. Business was quiet. May opened at $1.10 to $1.10, against (1.11 at the end yesterday, but rallied to $1,11 before tho end of the first half hour. July started at $1.1214 to $1.11. against $1,12 H at tho closo yesterday, but im proved to $1,12. September ranged from $1.12 to $1.12 & at the outset com pared with $1.12V5 at tho close yesterday, but moved up to $1.13. There wero some recessions from the nigh points. Sentiment was divided. Somo operators predicted a rally for technical reasons, but there appeared to be more disposition to take Into consideration the bearish significance of the heavy supplies of old wheat In the United States. The market at Liverpool was quiet and easier on expectations of large shipments to Liverpool. Offerings were free an- the demand was poor. Continued weakness was noted at Buenos Aires. The drought In Australia remains unbroken over a wide area. Exports from that country for the week were estimated at 1,000,000 bushels. mostly to the United Kingdom. The receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth today were 205 cars, against 25E cars a year ago; at Winnipeg, 740 cars, compared with 259 cars; at Chicago, 93 cars, contrast ed with 45 cars. Corn held well on covering, notwith standing better weather and easier at Liver pool, where Plate offers were free. Spot there was Id cheaper and parcels were off 3d. Consumption In the United Kingdom has been reduced by higher temperatures. The receipts hero today were 91 cars. Luadlns future ranted as follow; I New York Bond Sales IIlKh... HU liwK Wheat Open. High. Low. iiay. July ' .pt..., 1.1UK l.lSli torn mew umyery May. juiy, ... Sept Data r Hay Juli... &- iopi.'!;'. r Tub-. Slay.. ., July.. . SSB;::: "Mild, l.llii 1 lli l.tuK 1.13CI JiH 42 33 12.0 13,10 i-i'.&b 12,07 Sa.r.s , 2J.20 tAaked. Kit n J8H itKor 13.10 HM 12.03 iS'.lvs VM.30 Noon. 1.11 Hi 72U IS "4 1.12K 1 30& ii'.is :S6 'laloo 12.8T tia.00 13.13 lp.87 12.00 tis.o? Test. , Close, fl.ll km 72ii !i t42 SOW jilts ii'.iso fetico SX 1Q :y.20 23.37 FOREIGN EXCHANGE WW YORK. May tO. Tha market for foreign, exchange in the first hour of business today showed extreme dulness, but in the main the tone was steady, There Ws little feature. Quotations: Demand sterling; 47$; cables, 1.73. "llrlB; francs, cables, 5.91 , . checks. 5.92 ti; relchs marks, T7 l-l87His lire cables, . Sly.; t'htckj, .33; Swtw cables, 5-21; checks, fatj Vienna. IMS 1J.4S, Stockholm, te.US, 30.70. pesetas, Jtt.78a9.8CK guilders. --a&&U 9-16; rubles, 30.SF30H ??.JX;R Adams Express Aa 10000 Alaska Gold cv tin u?wo Anglo Tr 3 ..oil nTiSta raenune as 1)J 3i',m. Amw- Tel Ft -Is J'i JSKJ! Atchison n 4 .... 113 JOOO ilo cv ft lf)00.....10.'S rj!!i Allan Co Line clt 4a.. 8H'4 3i " Uai & Ohio 3Hs.. U2t. ,000 do pv 4.u . iwt -"vw i fl; u 2- i. EJLWV 4s 1000 Halt & Ohio Swn 9t,s nooo Halt .t Ohio ,1s...": HOOO (Tnnn.l.i .C!n .1- 1iu -8SJS ul c!f & El ,0s... IIH't nuooo do 1113 1 loo 'I 1NOOO do 1U21 ,.".. UU'J SiKJJ Cent leather 1st 5s. .101. 300O Ches & Ohio cv -Hii. hM 0000 Chl Ot West 4a.?..., 71 000 Chl Nwn iren Ba... 0.14 100O do deb 3s lOUl.,.. 10314 0000 Chl lis Q joint is ... Stl 1000O do cv r.s ....107W 400O do cv 4Vi tr.lOOi? 4000 chi nwy bs " nns 122!!!! S0' Industrial Ba 73 B0OO Col Midland 4a....... lj ;2RK c.l outh 1st 4s.. 1U 0300 Cons Gnu rv lis ll'S I'OOO Den & lllo Or 4s 1HK "" "o rra as 2000 Detroit Oas 3s P?0 JJftrolt United -lUs.. 1U00 Ills Hecur Corp Bs... J0O Krla gen 4 SS2RR d. "inv 4s Her 11.. 78M JOOO Oon Klec deb Bs 10.1 : KSi 'ndlana Steel B ki.ij? 7pO Jnwa Central ret 4s.. 8.1 II !H2. !" Cent rM 4s 1033.. 8il 4000 Interli Met 4St,7.. 74ft 30000 lnterb It T ref Bs Q&tt ,0?,'if!S 'nter JlJfJr ct 4 "s. -1022 IO00 Inter. Arit 5s 77U 3000 Kantaty So 1st si 70" ffl Lake Shore Ken Bhia K5I; vi)9Q . M" itui oC 1000 Ll Jl T 5s...:.. 102 v " JSS'J lnt '"ond.rfd 4s.. NDJi 1000 Manhattan 4s ..... 01 BOOH Mo Kan & T 1st 4s.: 7tl"J P' J Kan 4 Kaa 1st ii 7H! UOOO Mo Pac 4s 47U '"! JJo gae col B, inn JP 1000 Mo Pac ct Sta 4..:. 4811 moimi Mo I'aclHc et 4s", 47r ljnoo Nat Tube 3s.., lm' "SSU N Y Canal Imp 4(i. lli UOfflJ NYC H con 4s,: "Sit 11000 NYC!! ...". IhliC 1000 N Y C ft 11 aWi : H2& I8S2 s J ?. iud j;:: sja Low. 82 H 10J 113' 112 4 10-s 03 105 80 M IK! iooi 10014 Close. 10.1 in 112 u 107 K u.i 103 R0H 02; Oil 87 ' Wi 100 i 104 08 '4 0'J 100 00 V. ion; 80S 85 03 1 103J4 103 ? I07 lOOJI 0I) 7BS II "4 3!4 Hi OIJi 3 122 'I 8 7MfJ 0 tint. tji ini! 10154 1J4 8l 814 11M 7il 7il' 4 74 74(1 oak 021 107 100i 0IIJ4 7Bi 1 iu 71 78 88 10311 103 53 71 88 10.111 ,n , 1! lJ 7B JU.1'1 5.1(1 B.llJ Kil H so '4 T4I 74 1! nwI null 711 8.1t! a a 08 S 08 ' 1 ' .0 851! 01 K 302 80 'j inu 7IIW 781 5 in .'4 iti 105 8UU 111' 7(114 4.1U lol3 115. Hi.. 106 I 4S.... 71 71 11 r N J Ba.,,,, 82i 02 02 5 4s 04J4 U1J4 04jJ a Bs 18 118 08 ct Bs 1st ata 55i B3 B3i lm DHtS 02 B 101 103 71 47 101 11.1 iMVi 4000 N Y Chl ft Ht" I . W.-.1 KJ 8i 1IMMI N Y Cltv 4s 11150. inn" ii," T,'XH Ji X Cllr 414a 10114. :i02i4 jieTi j,,4 innn Sr l ,"' ee.n ..i. l'8'i im( 5"00 do cen 3 , ,, 6flH fliifi 2?0o P'jna sen ct'm; " 10tJ-lul8 nnn n. j. . -? si . "' 7n.,X itr, ."' ",,,, II., 71 t;a ww "?rv j oa iwu iteaainir sen 210D0 itep 1 ft a a Anna """.."i ct B" Ut 'a 55- 4&00O rfd 4s 75 Ti ti 8000 do sa ..:::::: Js lis 1000 nwy Stl 8pn 1021 BallooH 1008 llJnnS S5 !'M4, K, B." 100?! lBo3 U?n22 8' L4a rfd ct ata 4 702 762 83000 do Inv w ! ... DOnOi) dj adl w t . . . 88000 do Aw I . .I nooo St I, awn Ba , 2000 do con 4 uooo standard Gas lis ....loi HSS SabPrl - h 8la 4:. 07 2000 South 1111 S .. ..uto 1BOOO outh 1-ao cv 4 .....'us 87500 dq cv 5s , ,.1113' 4000 do rfd 4 !....! 00' 400O Texa & Pac 1st 5a. 81 ii if .twin Thini 1.: ..11 S. "' Zk- 2' 1000 Toklo 3s ,"....: - ?T1 1000 Trlclty 5 . . , . r. iAA 10OOO tl H Rubber na . lSt 20000 V 8 Pteet sf Bi.r... lOSIl 2200O IF B L II & M G, ..' JlSij 1000 jTnfon Pac 1st 4s . .OrtJ 1PJSJ I!n Pv St L la... BuK KK2 X $! "wn Bros... 50 1-000 Va Car Them a 101 7000 Wabash Sd 5Y., 084 S&MX) 1vb-P T 1st ci 4sp. 30 JOOO West Rlectrlci;. p ii" 2299 JX' .. u 6s wl 12i BXOT wst Union 5 . , in I 1100O Wheellhsr & L E it.. TO DUK SOU , , sou 8i4 .. 7B 74 ., 68 88H ..63 S3 B2U Bli 102 (4 67U no 88 10.1 Ql)i innvj jnotj 7j T7 loo" 101 103 112 nov ?.S lm 01 H 83 102 125 101 70 Tola I sales, 82.X43.0OO. compared with i . Irfi BATES FOR MONEY CalL TlBja. m ' sh A 4'.i 4 " r LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS . ClIICAqa May SO. 11008 RecelDts. anon Market atrontr. allied, and butchers.' ts:73(l KU J0.2O .food heavy, t.eo10.0. rougla biivy t8S3Q8.83. lUht. tl.&30iU13, Jin iFsaH OATTI.B JUcslgs, 1000. Market study. J7,ioMJ.23, caltea. .ol . SHAi:7--llptii. XMQ, Ura-wsl WeUn; ;lw: tiad: is.uui SSas.'A"0' Texan. MsfKex auOjp f. n4 $T501D,8S. cows n4 beiera, 3.UotP D Alt .iMll.r. a.fl I...I.,. 9 A W SAt. FM . I-"TArT2?" . 5"JE' VifVI. Net , . , . ltlah. Isnvr. Close. cbe. Advance Rumely. 184 . 184 ?i do nrcf. 30 394 89 AlA9ka Junenu.... 9 9 9 - Vt Aliutka OoM Mines tti, ttM JJVi i Allls Chnlmers.... X7H 'Vi Uft H do pref. .1 82 82 81 H Am Ak Cliem.M H o "H Am It Sugnr...... 74 78H 78 Am Can 87 ftfl 88 Am Cnr ft Kdy. ... fldtt 60Vi 80 y Am Coal Prod.,.. 1877 lM?fc 18T V Am Cotton Oil.... 84 Am It ft pr. 30 Am Ice ........ S8 Am Linseed ..... 23 do pref ... 407h Am Loco ........ 71V4 Am Smelting ,,,,100 do pref ....... ItSTs Am Zinc mini 88 Am Sugar ,Mi Am- Tel & Tel ... 129 Am Tet & Cable.. 87 Am Tobacco ....200 do pref ...... ..107 Am Woolen .40U Anaconda Copper. 8di Atchison Daldwln Loco , . Balto & Ohio .... do pref Ilotopltas Mln . . . Ilrook Hap Tran. . Itutto & Superior,. Col retro pref 84 80 28 225i 40 70 90 84 80 28 23 494 70 08H 1 129 07 200 107 46 8ST6 10SH 1047a 87 80M, llStf, llSft 8874, 81 113 118 02 73 2 87 03 H 01 73 2V4 87 M, 02 120 67 200 107 -46V4 86 103 87 02 78 87 1 LONDON FEELS . END OF WAR IS NOT FAR AWAY 1 Sir Edward Grey's Interview Makes Approaches Easier Than Some Time Ago Sales iH Philadelphia ... ... lllftli. Low lira Am, Mil ina" , , 7 10 liald lfo pfi .109 .so nun: su t e. na'4 100 Halt Ohio... 01H .50 Dlst 6M 63 123 i:in fllne A 830 Kris ..,..,,.., 404 1... zni Net Clo. thanrs 1 no B2t( 10 Ins Pi N A BO Lk Slip Corp.., 10 10 Tihlffh Mav 11 40 I,hljh Val .... 8 Hi .... 1774 s. 140 100 Nov Cona ant i-cnna ....,... MEDIATION POSSIBLE Weakness of Rubles Due to Ex cessive Issue of Paper Money, Says London Economist Ya Chandler Motor... 07 Central Leather... StVi Ches & Ohio 64 Chlno Copper 84 Chlo Great VT,,.. 14H do pref A 39 Chlo Mil ft St P. . 07 C C C ft St Louis. 82 do pref, 82 Chlo St P M ft O.. 12214 Cont Can 03V4 Chl ft North W . . 120 Chl K I & Pac .. lOTfe Col Fuel ft Iron.. 43 Corn Products ... I9V4 do pref ....... 04 ostt 182 17014 182 3T 08 34 03 84 14 38 0714 82 82 07 H 84H M, 03 .U 84 14 3874 07 32 R2 12214 122V4 04 1294 19V4 43 104 04 8814 0114 129 14 low 43 14 M 1 14 h 14 14 14 1014 14 04 84V4 Y 11014 H014 V 1414 1414 14 20 27 1 8114 0174 14 12H 124 14 40 4014 BSV6 8514 14 4714 4714 313 813 1 17214 172 114 11014 11014 14 47 47 73 70 114 Crucible Steel ... 8414 do pref 11014 Don & nio Or.... 1414 do pfd 27 Distillers Secur .. 0174 Dul S S A pfd.... 12 Erlo 40 do 1st pfd 83 do 2d pfd 4714 Gen Cliem ..., .315 Gen Kleo 172 do pfd 110 Grun-Can Cop ... 48 Goodrich Co .... 70 do pfd 11814 11314 11514 Great North pfd.. 122 122 122 Great Nor Ore ctfs 41 T4 41 41 Gulf State Steel.. 75 73 78 III Central 104 104 104 Int Ag-r Corp ... 17 17 17 do pref 53 3474 84T4 Int Harv Corp .. 81 81 81 Interboro Con ... 10 18 1R74 Intnat Paper pr.. 49 40 40 Inspiration Con... 40 4ST4 40 Int Nickel 40 40 40 Int M M t c .... 25 25 25 do pref t c ... 02 01 0174 Jewel Tea 88 88 88 .. Kenne Cop 80 5574 60 Kan City Southern 27 20 27 do pref 01 01 61 Laclede Gas 100 100 ion Lehigh Valley.... 81 80 81 Lee Rubber 48 47 48 Mackay Co 83 85 85 Manhattan Shirt.. 0(1 00 00 May Dept Store.. 08 6474 00 Max Motors 80 84 80 M St P ft S S M.123 121 Mcx Petrol 100 107 109 uo pref 97 Miami Copper ... 80 Missouri Pacific .. 6 do pref t o ... 014 Nash Clk ft St pf.100 N Y Air Brake... 133 Nevada Con 17 N Y N H ft H.... 0274 N Y Central.... Norfolk & "West.. .126 North Pac 114 Nnn Mex 2d pfd 7 Ont Silver 0 Pacific Mall 28 Pac Tel & Tel.... 34 Penna It It 6774 Peoria & East... 11 28 47 14 ' 1 123 2 , 14 li 0 Oli 07 36 100 133 17 62 -3 07 36 0 6 100 133 17 02 107 100 106 125 123? 114 114V 7 7, 0 0V 28 235 34 34 37 37 11 11 38 28 40 40 131 131 131 07 07 97 23 23 101 103 .. . 48 40 1 48 48 111 111 17 17 40 40 Vi By FRANCIS-W. HIRST Editor The Economist, London. Special Cable to Evening I.tdoer LONDON, Moy 20. Financial circles are talking moro nbout pence than over. This may menn much or nothing. For some reason or other, perhaps mero Instinct, men feel that tho end Is not only chrono logically but logically much nearer than It was six months ago. ' Sir Edward Grey's Chicago Intervlow makes approaches easier because ho dts missed as preposterous the German state ment "that England Is trying to smash Ger man unity or to prevent honorable peace. Nor did ho reject neutral mediation, pro vided It brought forward a real basis of set tlement which would glvg security ngalnst futuro aggression. Tho French Premier's speech on tho vote of censuro suggests sensational develop ments. Meanwhile good stocks of tho second rnnk nro being bought, but war costs nnd bor rowings aro too heavy to permit much moro than firmness for Government securities. The imperial $15,000,000 C per cent, wnr loan has Just been oversubscribed In tho Malay States, mainly by local Chtncso mer chants. This helps Eastern exchanges and affords eloquent testimony of tho prosperous loyalty of our rubbor and tin protectorates. My friend, Professor lMlllukoff, Is very cneeriui nDout iiussia, but In the flnanclnl district thero Is somo uneasiness over Itus Blan finance. The weakness of tho ruble Is duo to excessive Issues of papor. Kopek notes, equivalent to a farthing, havo been printed. Small papers nro a great mistake, but I am not awaro that paper notes havo ever before gone below tho half frano in France, whero thero nre Issues for local consumption In many towns. ?0 rhlla Co cum pr 4214 10 i- II t ..,.,,, is oo ir ctrs ,, isn 1580 si mil 1368 ltondlnic ...... l03'4 101'4 Trao 180 An Int nrr 030 Ton Ilol ...... 4 13 Ton Mln ...... 0' 81 tin Trim .. 41 .54 U O I ..,.,., B7'l in.i IJ H WMt ., ,, ,v 100 IV Y N & Pa, 12 Kill Warivk Ir & Bt 10 HS W J Hflf. ,. 411 I no 8 8itt?: 52 62 , 1 23 23 H 10 10 II lh - o$ 1 ::.:: 42H 42'i ...i 18 , 18 H 1814 18V4 . 7(1 ii... Ins ..... 4ai -an ' . 71 8"J? ?it .7 (1 12U 124 1 ii 1AH 1014 too Cramp A Bong, 83?4 83T4 83'4 100 York nwy pr.. 30M 80(4 80(4 mIr, 0808 ahnre-, tomparfd .ij''! 81" ant Hatnrdari this week, 83,312 -harm k, 60,801 share. -fatal rharea Ii ant weel BONDa. Ill-h. Low. 2.100 Am O A n Ba , 08 98 4000 RI'S A 1' Tr 4a, 80 794 0000 Key Tl lit 6a, 984 9814 4001) I, N cons 4l4a,102 102 zoooo Lrn urcx rci- 4Hs .1004 100 N't ClOi. CtlR. OS,, !4 V$ T 7 08 H 102 H u innu 10014 ..... 2000 L V Tr 1st Oa. 914 S1T4 .9114 H ill vi ....,,. ni 2000 Ia RI--1 5a ..!tnoU tfloit nnmi ta r',1 ,i-n AILm irf in'l in' 1000 Phil El-C 4a . 824 8-i 82. 8000" Un rty Inv Oa , 70H 7014 70V4 Total -ill--. 817,500, -omnarrd with 16,000 lnt Hnlnrdari Ihl- week, 8301,7001 lait week, 8382.000. Local Bid and Asked STEEL BUSINESS HAS FALLEN 0 ttfr. LARGEST DECLINE IN DOMESTICORD Many Inquiries Are Still in Market for Export-.? J Transit; Issues Strong on Pnvm.oio tri. . ln Company's Co-operative Plan 6 ilHl.1l . eventually slariebuX" M rnl roads havo not rtS (Hi their requirements, and ' believe that purchase, Sff ! 3 etc."" " m,er ,0 tak olt;M tracyite'Sllot'1 th?? 1 ;;.; ,,... A" icti0 ; "384 "votes r "eeUVnhv,.C.hi fl-cant;aVtot,rn,5 versy between th a.?"" 6K and tho company. """naa Aj-oj -...unbiiuui mo local llfl 0tnr"f!aPward nor active. "luX 1 Despite the fact that some steel trade authorities stato that the demand continues quite good, thero aro others who maintain that tho falling off recently lias been con Idcrabto when compared with past months. Domestic Inquiries and orders show tho largest decline, although foreign business also Is not up to that taken, within tho last eight or nine month.- Howover, there are still many Inquiries for export In the mar ket, and a large proportion of tho domestic demand Is the result of orders from abroad placed with manufacturers In this country. Shell steel Is wanted in substantial amounts, but still the total Is said to bo considerably below what was ordered Here, on other occasions. There lins been a drop In the business from the railroads nnd this Is felt perhaps most keenly. Steel Interests, however, expected such n courso by the car riers following tho largo orders placed Up to two or three wcoks ngo. , Tho ndvnnco In tho prlco of steel rails naturally held off buying temporarily, but this Is believed to be duo moro to tho fact that deliveries cannot bo made until about a year from this tlmo than to nny other rntinlri-rntlnn. Tho transportation corooanles have been tho last hour, ments wero generally Upw" d "H? WS gains were not lar -Hi,?: ottS rTMir tlonally. Electric Sloraca nl,,ntA m 1 .K, .' "ualo and Susoo.m wn fl n-, Iltiff A Bus t a. tin pfd to,. .1 O iirlll Dnldwln ilo Tltll MARKET MOVEMENTS ARE MIXED ON CURB Denials of Sun Refining Com pany Checks Bullish Operations in Metropolitan Petroleum Pittsburgh Coal.. Pressed Steel Car Pub S C N J .. Ily Stl Sps pref Ray Cons .... Heading do 2d pref . Itepub Ir & Stl do pref 111 Seaboard Air Lino 1714 do pref 4091 Sears-Roebuck... 182 182 182 1 Stl. & SF 2d pref 0 a 0 St It & Southwest 20 20 20 Shat Copper 33 82 82Ji 01 S P n Sugar 205H 203 203ift u, 23 .101 40 40H J do pref Southern Pao. . . . Southern Rwy. . . do pref Studebaker Texas Co Texas Pac n It. Third Ave Twin City It T.. U Bag & Pap pf. Unit Cigar Stores Union Pacific... do pref U S Und Alcohol U S C I P&F... United Fruit.... Un Rwy Inv do pref U S Rubber U S Steel do pref United Cigar Mfg S814 U S Smelters ... 70 14 do pref sii4 Utah Copper 8 114 Utah Sec 17 Va Car Chem ... 4Z Va Coal Ir & Coke 48 Wabash 1514 do pref A .... 48H do pref B . ... 28 Wheeling 4 t, E pr 15H Westinghouse Elec 02 West Maryland.,, 33 Wells Fargo ...,12s Wisconsin Cent .. 3014 woolworth do pref 123 Willys Overland.. 200 lion 11014 H0V4 14 100 0010016 21 2314 21 67 07 07 13714 1334 13714 194 IDS 102 102 1 1214 1216 12H li 8214 0214 024 Y OS 08 08 V4 30 3014 30 00 04 03 1 180T4 13814 13076 1 ' 1 8Ii 82"i 185 157 2 22 22 Xt, 1B0H 137 -74 10 10 22 22 83 8514 11076 150H v 10 14 Vt, 83 32 63 8314 11094 11076 8814 584 1 14 16 14 70 I 1 Mt 8114 14 " V 4276 Va 48 1516 4814 75 81 80 17 4274 48 13 48 2776 1414 1514 01 82 32 32 17414 125 30 SOU ..1S4T4 1374 13174 16 153 1S5 ... 33014 300 5 1 114 V, 14 14 romoared . 4,411 with Total aalti. 323.100 aharca sj-i.ovu anarea laai naiurilari llila hm 100 ahareai lat wck, 3,334.000 ahurea NEW YORK DANK STATEMENT Average Loans Increase, While Re serves Fall NEW YORK, May 20. The weekly statement of the members of the New York Clearing House Association shows an In crease In the average loans of $22,639,000 and an expansion of 79,046,000 In the actu al. Details follow; AVERAGE. uecrcaaa. Loans ......... Demand depoalta Tlma depoalta . lUaervea ,,,... ,...,. tO , ,,. . fl. ...(,, a,..,..,,,.,,,, ACTUAL,. Iiana ...., Net demand depoalta Time dtpoalta lleaervaa Increaae. ..-. .,122,830,000 .- SU,O.OOIl . 14,070,000 , 5,073.040 Dacreaaa. . ?o:m 0.000 , 14,544,000 ,, 18,614,000 ,. U, 830.810 ilrn-k Jawfci. 'MffJEBK' More Goods in "Warehouses NEW Tronic, May 20. There was 58, 997,4(9 worth of merchandise Jn bonded warehouses at the port of New York on May 1. according to figures- complied by the Bureau of Statistics H( the Custom House. This compares with 152,252,138 held In the warehouses the previous month. On May 1 the stocks of cane sugar ag gregated 186,979,607 pounds, valued at 16,. 00?,&7g. as compared with" $2,665,(30 pounds, valued at S3.744.135.- on April 1. BAR SILVER Bur aUyr was quoted at 804. In London to 4r, off 71a. NEW YORK. May 20. Market move ments on tho Curb wero mixed, with pres sure of many stocks which havo recently been taken by frlondly subscribers tho most Important feature. United Motors earlier In tho week reflected tho overdoing of these new suDscrlptlon oflerlngs. Today the stock of tho Gaston, Williams & Wlgmoro Corporalton sustained a further loss, falling from 51 to 48',$, a new low rec ord, but found support at this level and rallied to B2. Chevrolet halted Its record breaking movement, but was active and fluctuated from 128 to 132. Mldvnle Steel pursued Its usual courso of receding and advancing without Important net change nt tho end. The denials mado by tho Sun Refining Company had an lnfluenco in checking bullish operations In Metropolitan Petro leum, but that stock held fairly good and did not recede to any greater extent than It probably would havo dono if no such state ment had been made. Ofllclals of the Metro politan Company Insist that they havo the contracts In hand nnd Insist that the denials nre technical. Vnrlous statements In regard to theso contracts, however, aro of little Importance. Petroleum nnd Its products havo a world market, and cither the crude oil or tho re fined results do not need nny special bu) era to make the operations of such piano profitable. In fact, no market importanco should havo boen attached to the stories of the Sun Refining contracts. Changes In the goneral list during the half day outsldo thoso referred to wero without Importance, the market generally being of a waiting character and its tone governed by the liquidating efforts In somo of the special Issues. INDUSTRIALS. - Aetna Exnloaliea 78 AJax Itubber Tire III! i Am Hrlt Mfe 13 Am Marconi 3 Atlantic Oulf & W I 43 do pret 52 I Canadian Car Co ...., ...72 ' Can Car A Fdy pref SH Chevrolet Motnra 220 21 Cuba Cano Suaar 60 1 Curtlas Aeroplane ... 48 I DrlBsa-Seahury 132 l: Kmerson Phonograph.. l'ji; Haakrll 6 llurker Co., miV4 : llendee Manufacturing ,, 23 ! Int Merchant Marine 23 : Inter Merchnnt Marine pref 01 I iiamoaion iironze prei 2i ; Maxim Munttlona 7 Manhattan Trans y. .Mldvalo meel fllta ( Otla Elevator 50 I Peerlesa Motora noU : Tools Knir 08 1! Perlman Rim ...130 l; S B Kreag-e vr I li Htand Motora 8 Submarine 35 . Trlansle Film 3U United Profit Sharing 15-10 U 8 U & II com 2H do pref , ,, 4 United Motora ; , 03i ( White Motora 51 II World Film l STANDARD OIL STOCKS. Illinois 184 1! Ohio 240 24 I'ralrle Pipe 214 21 H O of California 248 '; 8 o of New Jereey 513 51 8 O of New York 201) 21 57 38 87 1ii3: Klec Storage 114 Urnernl ,iphalt 82 uo pro 71 Key Tel 14'i do t o. I4t . do pref us Lake Hup Corp 10 Leh. Nav . , ,. ini Lehigh .Valley 80i Leh Valley Tr 24 uo nroi ............ a 1'ennayivama i'lllia Phlln rin ft Tier rent. nrf. . . An -J!? .P?I cent- '' 42't Phlln II T t c 18U Reading 10211 Ton llnl 44 Ton Mln ,. ll4 Union Trao ., 48H u o i mi U H Sleel fl.-,i York Rwy , , 14 do pref nu'l Wm Cramp t 0 83 PerniBylvanla 574 87 Pli a Klectrlo 27 27K Phlln Co 414 42 Today Yesterday ttld Asked Hid Ajked 51 Mi 63 51 68 4 61) 5n 01 40 SH 40,, Hio iosH lon!f 1414 IU. 03 83 324 33., 714 71. 71J4 14'4 14 14 14f4 14t 144 sn ns no., loll 10 10U 77 7n;i 7j 81 8014 81 ? ?1S 5S.I 41 42 u rfl, i . 42J1 42 424 IBS 18 I8I4 103., 103., 10314 4H 44 4 ol ii. S 0 14 43H 44 87J4 871 88., 85H 85 834 14W 14 14U 3014 BOH 3)114 81 82 83 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WIIUAT Receipts. 02,305 bush. v.There-was nn ndvnnco of lc. early In the day, but with lower outsldo advices the Improvement was slnco lost and tho mnrket cloRcd quiet. Quota tions: Car Iota. In export elnvntor No. 2 red, spot nnd May, ll.12Ml.14: No. 2 Southern red, S1.10f1.12; atcamer No. 2 red, H.imyl.ll; No. .3 red. rejected A. tl.00',4 G 1.08'4 : rejected II. tl.or.Wl.07. CdllN Iterelpta, 17,410 bush. Tho market ruled firm, with demand equal to the moderate offcrlnes. Quotations! Car lots for local trade, na to location. No, 2 yellow, 83(28314 c. : atenmer jellow, 8114 8214 c.j No. 8 yellow. 7IW 80c. : No. 4 yellow. 7077c: cob, per 70 lbs., 82 W 83c. OATS Receipts. 13.488 bush. Trade was nulet and tho market declined l&c. Quotations: No. 2 white. filOAllie.: atnndard white. 60V4 SJSlc.i No. 3 white. 484 W4I)14c.i No. 4 white. 47W48C.: anmple oats, 43fi44c; purified oats, grnded. 48V4 30c. FLOUR Receipts, 1375 bbls. and 7D7.417 lbs. In sacks. Trade waa slow nnd values were largely nominal. Quotntlons. per 100 lbs. In wood: Wntor, clear. t4.00n3.15: do., straight, t:.25u,50: do., patent, Sr.II05,83i Kansas, clear, cotton sacks, 14.7005.20: do., straight, cotton snckB. 13.2503.00; do., patent, cotton siieks, I3.0305.iio. spring, (lrst clear, 15.20 SSi l?v. straight. t3.305.75: do., patent. tp.S.iOO.lfii do., fnvorlte brands. 111.250(1.50; c ty mills, choice nnd fancy patent, 10,2500.00; city mills, regular grades Winter, clear, 14.00 S3(.(15: do., straight. 13.2505,60: do., patent. hVK FLOUR win quiet but steady under light pITerlnpa. Wo qvNte at 1506.50 per bbl.. as to quality. PROVISIONS PROVISIONS The market ruled firm, but thero was little trading. Wo quote as folio wo: City beef. In sets, amoked and alr-drled, 20c; Western, In eels, smoked, 20c; city beef, knuckles nnd tenders, amoked nnd alr-drled. 27 028e.i Vtestorn beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 272Rc: beef name. 12880: norlc JSS'.'Kli'-0'?02?! hnms- a- I'- .cured.' loose. 1801814c.; do., skinned, loose. 1818V4c: do.! dp., smoked. 1001014 c.: other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and acrage, 1814c.: , : ., j' ""."u. ,.rii tureu, ,nc; an., 1 boiled, boneless. 30c: picnic shoulders. 8. P. curca. looBe. I2c: do., amoked. 1314 c: bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose, 18c: breakfaat bacon, as to brand and nverage, city cured, 10c: do.. Western cured. 1801814c.: lard. WESTINGHOUSE WAIl ORDERS LAST YEAR WAS $90,527,000 Company's Report to Stockholders Gives InformnHon on Big Trndo War munition orders, booked by tho Westlnnhouso Klectrlo nnd Manufacturing Company, the Westlnghouso Machlno Com pany nnd other proprietary companies of tho former corporation, amount to approxi mately $96,627,000. Announcement to this effect was mado to stockholders of tho com pany today In tho report for tho year end ing March 31, Continuing, tho report says: i'Thcso ordors Include firm orders, orders subject to cancellation for undelivered goods upon tho payment of nn ngreed profit, also orders subject to cancellation upon threo months' notlco to stop work. "It Is Impracticable to report moro defi nitely on theso special contracts, because tho deliveries under many of them will de pond upon tho volume of output and tho duration of the European wnr. "Your company owns tho entlro outstand ing capital stock of this company, which was organized for tho purpose of carrying out contracts for tho manufacture of 1,800, 000 army rifles. No shipments havo yet been made, and no Income has been re ceived from this source, nor are Its assets or liabilities Included herein. "Tho ndvanco cash payments received on account of tho contracts for rifles have been .' 1 over to tho New England Westing- r.n;se Company nnd nro not shown In tho balanco sheet of your company. The amount advanced on theso contracts wob $12,037, B00, and has been Invested by tho Now England Company vln properties and plants, Inventories and organization expenses, for tho purpose of cnrrylng out the rlflo con tracts." The rcDort shows gross sales of $50,- 269,239, as against $33,671,435 tho previous year and $43,733,040 In 191C. Tho manufacturing profltB for tho year wero $0,429,885, while the year previous they wero only $2,562,411. COTTON MARKET SAGSAj ""J UMMAflD IS 8ATI81W strong Cables Prom Liverpool Am by Only Partial Respond NEW YOniC. May 20,-OnlT response was made to slfo"' l,"1 cables at tho opening of the 1 coiieT nt' ths morning. Tho tono wWrt2?tt! prices 2 to 7 points higher; VmftJ ceptlon of January, which .l , l,M j a largo extent by Llrpoolahl SSJlfi scattered, lint nt ,.uL;., " '""aflak1 houses led tho buying wUh a 3?V! in from commission and M nouses, aomo of tho purchaiiniriJyi sldcred to bo calling bV iSSSS "? After tho early demand had bten Mk2 tho market sagged. Selllne eS,!"3 bo quite liberal, and bStow'tiW Jtj i.rat ten minutes of trading nrC(i ZMi' near months wero down 3 to KfiW mto options held comparatively tttaSrSm Tho spot markot wan firm, prices aa.'-CiBi gains of in to 24 wlnti'SKfCTW wero due to come 1 to 1U MrnWiJi?ml wero duo to buying by tho Continent -J Tho setback after the openlnr eaeiSfl Tho prices steadied at this lev?!. ttrSWS. owing to somo uncertainty . Z. z?7Zimt conditions In tho Kmid,,,.-.. . ""! A good deal of business was In Ui.'SSi of swltchlnir between n. ,. M to which thero was cvenlng-up for omfi week-end, and tho market later In ihlZS. Ing was rather Irregular. A promS New Orleans map reader tras j&ld toT prcdtctlng another cold wet tn.11 1.. m..t nnd tho omcial forecast was for rtln. iSt cooler In most sections of the WtiUrn kTJf' Thero was a little selling of July krf was saiu to do ror Southern spot lnttreaaii Yesterday's Financial Briefs 1454 c: l4c: western, refined, tierces. 14Uc: do., do., tubs. do., pure city, kettle rendered. In tierces, do., do.. In tubs, 14 Vic. REFINED SUGARS IlEFINED SUOArtS The market was quiet nut ntpatlv. Oiintatlnn. P.I.. flna n..i... T nnmi a'.. . .... tnxxm mm .miluiairu, tlonera' A, 7,00O7,S5c, ),ouc 7.707.T5c: con fee- aoii graaea, u.spw OTHER OIL STOCKS. ftaaden Oil Chalmers Oil Inter Petrol ..,.., Houston Oil Mldweat Her Uapulpa ltel M1NINO 8T0CK8. Atlanta Hutta Copper and Zlna llutte, N.OT Cerro de Pasco , .,,., First National Uoldneld Merger , Ileclo, Mining Howe Sound Jim llutler ....."! Jumbo Extension Kenetlck Ina , SlcKlnley Uarrah , ,, Maama Copper ,...,,... Mlnea Company o( America ,..,, Nlplaslns San Toy ,....,.,.. ftt Joaenh l.ead . Wilt lind Consolidated Crro da Pasco Oa IION'DS. ..Ill US LESS FREIGHT DAMAGED Big Decrease in Payments Made by 112 Railroads in 1015 NEW YORK. May 20. Reports from 113 railroads of the United States for the cab endar year 1915 show a decrease of $7,626 51$ in freight loss and damage claim pay. ments. compared with 1914, according to a compilation reported by the American Rail, way Association. The total of these payments In 19H was $31,916,543, and only $34,290,0!! In 1915; a decrease of almost 24 per pent. This de crease, It Is pointed out, was made during a period In which a substantial Increase was shown In the volume of freight handled. That the Improvement along this line has been a gradual one Is shown by the reports for the (lrst six and nine months. State, ments from 9 roads for the. first halt year show payments aggregating $13,466,088 for 1915 s a decrease, of $3,513,036. Figures supplied by pne hundred roads for the period of nine manths show payments qmountinar to $17,350,06, made In 1915. or $4411,(70 lew than In 1914 during the like pwtod1' - - - DAIRY PRODUCTS ClIEnSE OITcrlnrs were llnht and the market ruled firm, but trade was quiet. Quotations: New J.urts, 1111 creum, jnncy. new, l)tt WIYNc: spe- ao.. fair to eood. held. 10W 0 part aklms. 118inU "w UlITTEIl Receipts wero llaht nnd the market ruled firm, but as usual on Saturday there waa nine wnoieaaie traaine. c.nfni nna. v.B.. Dui,u'.a, ncu iicamri, innr. clals. higher: do., lis c: do . do., ceptlonal lotB hlRhe 3H specials. aa. extra. ittvx?i. . Armtm unit?, seconds. 2DO02OUC I nenrhv nrln. nn.u n- . ..--- !-.- ..'.-.- "w. onds, 203Ic: garlicky prints, SilO-6c: Job bing sales ot fancy prints, 38041c. EOOS The market was In cood ahape and firm, with suppllea of desirable stock well under control. Quotatlnna: In free cases, nearby eitra 2c per doz.i llrsls, J7.0.1 per standard caso: Pennsylvania current receipts. 0.7fi per case: other nearby current receipts. 111.00; Western extras. 23c. per doa. 1 1 Western extra nrata. 17.05 K.SI,niJJ"J'! Kl-IOWOUO Per case; Southern, 10. 15 0.45 per case: fancy selected candled fresh eges were 28020c, per doz. POULTRY I.IVE The market ruled Arm with demand absorbing the offerings ot desirable stock. Quo tations; Fowls, 10U20c, ; roosters, IL'OlBc -aprlng. chtckena, according to quality, welahlnir 102 Iba. apiece, a403Rc: While Leghorns, ic? cording to quants-. S0(tP32c,i ducks, as to size old, iwr pair, 28ac. : do., "onrje. UHICHHED Demand was sufficient to keeD the limited offerings. of desirable stock well cleaned up nt Arm prices. Kollowlncr are quo latlons: Fresh-killed poultry. dry-packed Fowls, li to box. dry-picked, fancy selected. 22V4c: weighing 4M ri lbs. apiece, 22c; welahtng 4 lbs. apiece. 22c: weighing 8?4 lU. apiece. 21c: weighing a lbs. apiece, 18020c.; fowls. In barrels, fancy, dry-picked, weighing 4H 5 lbs, apiece. 21Wc: weighing 4 lbs. apljce. -'lHc: smaller afzes 17 20c.; old rooiters dry-plckod. lc.: broilers, Jersey, fancy. 60 85c; dpr; other nearby, weighing 24ja ba. per pair, 404Bc; larger slzea. a538c.: capons, per lb. Weigh ng HOlu lba arileca 27W28c.iamaller slzea. sarjsae. duck, .,,?: spring, 2UWi;c. ; aquaba, per doz. -White weighing . ll12 lba. per doz.7 1565.23: wnite. weignmg iu ma. per doz.. M.30W4.00 white, weighing 8 lbs. per doz.. la.BOtfea s nr rtnT 11 TRffAq. .,' j HUlOc: pigeons. joung, per pair. do., do. T f.7flfflfl." !.. eo'4 lbs., per doz.. S2Q3.S3: dark.' 12&2 2si 7 lba. i. nr t small and No. S. II 01,15, FRESH FRUITS Choice stock met with fair sals, and values generally were well austalned under moderate om-rlnga. Quotatlona: Applea. per 'bar? wineaap, lii.DUlM: llamwln, 1384: flr.inina- tjs.pu: lien uavla. 128: other viri.n..' ?g! Nn;.V. ,'SA?.?J Wsrn. .Per. bo-;: 4. UraDefrult. Florida, nir r, V. "iS-.V." lemons, per box. $2 US. I'lraapolea: bir eFi.i' Hico. .-..3l2.70. Strawberries. " J Commercial failures this week wero 348, against 335 last week and 430 tho corre sponding week last year. The Bank of England reports tho amount of currency notes outstanding; ns 108,021, 607. airalnst fl07.782.403 last week. The amount of gold held for tho redemption of such notes remains at 28,560,000. Rock Island's cash bnlanco on hand March 1 was $2,381,804. March receipts were $8,874,965; disbursements, $9,664,641; balanco April 1, $1,592,128, not Including $897,424 special deposits In Eastern banks, making total cash of $2,489,552. The annual meeting of Standard Oil Company of New York will be held May 25. Gross earnings of 37 railroads during tho first week In May were $13,608,168, an In crease of $3,009,261 over tho corresponding week of last year. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, May 20. The coffee market was firmer again this morning, and flrst wero one to threo points above last night's finals on quite nctlve covering and buying by commission houses. Sales on the call were 16,250 bags. Some new high records were established as the session progressed In tho coffee mar ket this morning. On the ndvanco thero was sufficient profit-taking to check the upward movement, and the trade at large was rather Inclined to take a more bearish view of the technical position, while, at the same time, recognizing the Im portance of Btrength In Brazil, where prices are much above a parity with local quotation. closo. Open. March 1.1.53 1R.54 Stay 13,04 13.00 July 13.17 13.10 October 1.1.21 ia.2.1 December . ...ln.n.'i 13,38 January ,...13.80 13.11 AugUBt 18.23 13.20 Spot 18.30 iMr k'T.'O-i i" tin timtL !?08 lit) ItJfJ 1-1.20 1103 iliJ 13 28 1S0II 1H a.ov UZ3 iff, 18 its- n.3i Today's Today's Yea'day'a opening. close. close. May 8.U5O8.A0 June 8.0D8.71 July 8.75 8.7208.78 8.78B8.74 August H.71) 8.70W8.80 September .. 8.87 8.8108.85 H.838.87 October ..... H.U1 H.tiUWH.01 November ... S.U.I 8.03ti8.li3 December ... 0.01 8.9808.00 R.DSSDS.OO, January .... 0.05 D.USftli.O.V February ... '0.10, March &,10 0.1100,12 0.130.14 April .... 0.1700. 10 Hid. Total sales, 83.000 bags. Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, May 19. Spot cotton to.' nay was quiot ana uncnangca on thi tmi) of 8.74d for mid upland. The saiu iw." gated 5000 bales, Including 4000 balciAim lean. The Imports were nil. The mrtt A, for futures closed steady at a net tlntm J of 13 points. .k; -,, . ,slettf, ' inrAi. iTVATJiMnc ihmwIk! . vuU,..,iuu """"a, ' tfl , V .1 I Total for Week $202,078,907, a Gala oif B3.3 Pnr Cent. Philadelphia bank clearings fcr-'liet week ending today total $!02,(7I,I91,m1 against $131,786,937 for tho corrtaptmihff week of last year, or a gain of 11 1 'ptt cent. New York banks alone letd,lWs city, their gain for the week btbj; His ner cent, over Inst venr. "isS Comparisons follow: 1010. 1915. . .C New York . 12.454. Din.281 11.539.401.109- Ilostnn .... 1711.431,041 124,337,104 Philadelphia 202.078.007 13I.788.MT Italtlmors . 33.081.351 23.18I.8U- Chicago . . . 333,402,8611 2St.6SS.101 - St. Ixjuls . . 82.207,812 e,M3,01 N. Orleans . 22.015,807 13.619,t!I rjVCU LUICDi -..- iac 5 days .,$3,303,037,128 2.1M,l!,6M.fUj s'day""6.8: 003.407.043 Ha.lN.TU T - " " j m.l)l .11 1. "G d?ya '..4,001.174.77U2.7e6J.MJlHl A,daytle..'.J 718.470.232 4IH8I4.MI)"rM) r'oV a,.leCkU!V4.722.0S4,033 ,3,108.m.OM NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGHJ NEW VORK. May 20. llUTTER-kwVjl tone Btendy. hocelpts. 8009 packares. J.QWM tlona uncnangea. ....a. EOOH Fair trading. Tone ateaj Itecelpts, i'll.iiau cases. "yrf;. color, 23024ftc; storaga packed, ! 024UC. ft u h n, RAIROAD EARNINGS ALAIIAMA GREAT SOUTHERN. 1010. Increase. Second week May .... 1108,401 113,482 From July 1 4,780,007 (138,310 CINCINNATI, NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS Second week May $214,180 From July 1 ,.,,,.,,, 0,403,085 $20,338 l.-'HU, B3 winesap, i2.508.5 1.50 2,6 1.2301.7 I'orto nico. I2.2302.75. Strawberries vicyvNi'-aW7 iie-- T"n' VEGETABLES , Tha general market waa quiet and without Important change. Quotatlona: White potatoes rer bush. tennaylranla. $l.litOl.1St Naw YS' 1.03O1.10? Western. ILOSWlfld: iS!. WtZS' per basketNo. 1 Rose. 05ft75c.: No 1 nih.i varieties, 0375cl No. 2. ao&4l t do Florid.' per bbl. No. 1. $3.2308: Nil 2? J40S. Sweet potatoes. Jjraaj-, per basket No. K is Boo?' So. 2, 25030c: do.. Jersey, Delaware and liJ: and, flue. I Onlona. per lOO-fb. bag, per hampers-No. ,,n I'lrirlnla i 'VI?!.',r?.,"", Mary. ,-. !fti do Texas. cumm.r crata No. I. ll.aaOl.TBi'W" e.7S 12 5003.23 Celery, l .a. opinacn. na 1 1740 crate, Florida n ...r .r-J-?( oMkv-r"i,bi:"itWvw Watercress, per 100 bunchea, 11.6002 50 li.' tuca. North Carolina, wr basket iib-.1 Ca pa W-CaJiifA-ii SS IUdUti: oqua choice. FturiaiiK. nr tinpn... " Inrtda. nr rrafa li ri.2lV-V ria."'v ;;r.T: "" io. 12 f8. Aspararua, 1'aill 2.BU Oil ., W, V...V. II Ultll TR n. JV.U. V, carrier .Fancy. na.,. Jtmnamr... . - ,,w.,wi CaTollna. I1.S062.75 jersey, uc. ket, tornla cfaty -houii, jwai uo . f' 4-Jb. Ua- ey. per bunch Fancy, 20023c! :s8cVf5,$i1.u'"0' f- BANK CLEARINGS Banic clearing today compared with ...,. poodlrur day last two yar: "" eorra- iMi Phi lad Nw York loin , ,aaa,m 7Jt mm 1E15. 42a III m,im 120.058 020,300 1221.023 5,830,042 MOI1ILE AND OHIO. Second week May ,,,.. 1230.714 From July 1 10,201.110 SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Second week May ,.,.. $1,830,410 From July 1 ,,...,..,, 110,038,031 VIROINIA AND SOUTHWESTERN. Second week May $33,808 $4,231 From July 1 1,000,023 107,020 CHICAOO GREAT WESTERN, Second week May , .... 1822,033 $23,030 From JulyVl 13,183,481 001,470 TOLEDO. PEORIA AND WESTERN, Second week May , .... $31,014 $8,233 From July 1 ,,, 1,185,030 32,028 i " Grant Increased Coal Rate WASHINGTON, May 20. An Increase of 8 per cent. In rates on bituminous coal over the S. Louis, Iron Mountain anT Southern Ilallroad from points In Illinois to points In Missouri was permitted by the Inter state Commerce Commission today. The commission refused to compel railroads In Canada to effect Joint rates with -roads In the United States In shipping explosives from Aetna, Jnd., through the Dominion pf Canada to Concord Junction, Mass. Sugar Market Inactive and Dull NEW YORK, May 20. Sugar futures opened dull this morning, with near posi tions being 10 to 15 points lower, with late months being unchanged to an advance of 3 points. Sales on the call were 4C0 tons. The market appeared to be heavy with trading. Inactive after the openlpg, due probably to the dulness In actual sugar. Penna,, Lighting Increases Dividend The Pennsylvania Lighting Company ha declared a semiannual dividend of VA per May 24. This U an Increaaa nt 14 nf 1 1 Kf. ?"- 'aVttJly. wliteh places tho rte. lt 3 n,r nui ner annum r to .' k-Afaao.: nm .fm Stronger Investments Tt.. ......!..-'.. 1 ..rnenerttv o! IB United States has so Jnctesit the earning capacity ana i' assets of many of the coropawr whose securities we recpinmenli for investment that, while securities can still be purchiW to yield a most attractive retora.? they are intrinsically stroi today than they ever have tt$ uetore. ,, For example, we Invite wqm for Circular No. L-177. wU describes a siron nrai "- j Eage bond yielding over fil 4 per cent., tax free io real A.B.Leach&Co4 Investment Securitfe US South Fourth Street 11I.II.Ja,lnhls iUlWUvlJ""- ..-W V 1 I New York Uoston Chlcaio London. Has Charles J. Bender & C INVESTMENT BONUS . .......1.1.1. Hicwit EX orVhamnblI IHVIDWOIS TK AMEBICAN Jif"11? Val M.rkat St.. t'anidta. N. , ...... ....,..-,. f tt,. tr rWjl !iss aAwq SkcSholder. 'Srfecpfd .at .3 o'ca -ejn I.KQAL AUVEUTISEJlENji. T...u k. ui.i uanday. May i A" -" ba Sled by atnne i- (Sli-ned r Mra E J P DIBECTOKV or aCcqviS!SL fnlUtrd t'ublle " ,'ui:inx. . i-flfV!?; liiaSAJiriTAati iyr-'