BVEHlHIfbM-PHlLABBLPHIA", fiATOKDAY, KAY ' , lOlfc Rm 3S 3. WAHTEDr Active NlMinWfl ONLY if ' Ne;ws aW Views ? Farmer Smitlx g Rambow Club f95 W World I Rainbow Ml . IT'S EASt WHEN YOU KNOW HOW ; Once upon q time there was n Hfttc boy (Mister Printer: I like to begin a JJwy Mke this, but if It docs not pleaso you, leave it 6ut). X Oftc tlpon a time there was a little boy and the little boy 16vcd to fish, he " M rid after school and on Saturdays ho used to go td n little pool just tho other" tfeto f Jutnlh1 Moses (Mister Printers Jumpin' Mosos is a place oh the Holston - Wwr, Which runs into the Tennessee, i' fell in ono winter's day at Colli Spring Jmft'this side, of Jumpin' Moses, but you needn't put this in). Let's see, whore Is the little bov now? Oh. ves He's rraimr fislilnir. Well, the little boy used to take a bent pin and some worms which ho got t tm under the Rtones, back of the barn (Mister Printers You can buy worms r Jl the sporting goods stores, but they arc not so good). I . The little boy is now fishing with his bent pin. Along comes a man with Mgh rubber boots and a beautiful fishing line. ' Zip I The small boy pulls out a wonderful trout and the man's eyes get as big as , wiucera. The little boy puts another worm on the bent pin and ZIP I Another trout wwes out of tho water in a few minutes. The man with tho high boots and tho wonderful fishing line looks at the boy iwiA says' "HoWdo you do it?" Tho little boy has a far-away look in his oyc. Above, tho clouds float over the river and away toward tho Smoky Mountains. The water in the pool Orgies, twists and twines. Toward tho small boy and tho man tho notes of the turtle dove float on the summer air. 'Tho Httlo boy sighs. A strango-look comes in his oyo as he looks up at the wan and answers: ' "IT'S EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW." FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor, Evening Ledger. JIMMY MONKEY AND THE BABY BABOON THtt CAMERA GOES "A-HIKING" By Farmer Smith Jimmy Monkey came out on tho front torch and pecked this way and tint. Then he laughed. Next door tho Daby Bnboon was looking tat of his window. He took a pin and throw It rlftht at Jimmy Monkey and It tilt Jimmy right on tho ear and fell at his feet "Cood luck to find a pin with the point pointing toward you?" said Jimmy, think tng )iow smart ho was. "I'll bet a burnt eooky that, Baby Baboon Is up to mis chief," Jimmy sat down on tho porch to read tho livening- Junglctown News. "I wonder how tho war Is getting on," ho was think ing. Then ho read: "A terrific lire was kept Up from tho siege guns and the nolso was something awful, A huge bomb ex ploded right nt " v "Bang!" Jimmy jumped up so high he forgot to put his little leg") down, niut h"ii he fell ho lilt the porch so hard It stunned him. Just .then a cocoanut rolled off tho porch. "I'll bet another burnt cooky that Baby Baboon wis trvlng to lilt me. But how did ho know I was reading nbout tho war?" Jimmy wai thinking hard. By and by along enmo the Baby Baboon. "Good morning," ho said to Jimmy. "I refuse to speak to you," nnswered Jimmy. "Didn't you just.say something?" nsked the little fellow. "No !" "You did!" "I didn't!" Then Jimmy added! "Who put gold on that cocoanut you threw at me?" "There wasn't any gold on It," nnswered tho B.tby Baboon, without thinking. ".Vow I know who threw It," said Jimmy. "Clever !" said the Baby Baboon. "Walt until I catch you reading war news," replied Jimmy, as he scampered away. SOME FARMERS AND SOME FUN CZ L CLWl) 3 ir 5l & LjteSegi 10 ve Fwrner""'NSnVtJ Flp iff )e. WW-Q. fRBU fc dEIV &AR I ivtt 4 i Lucille WatsonTand Her Carbolics-Acid Parts Lucille Watson, now at the Forrest, Is a refutation of the popular notion that the only successful actress is a typo actress. Miss Watson has been associated with many roles of varying character and has attained considerable reputation in nil of them. After leaving dramatic school she began her stage career as "Maggie," a scorplon tongued serpent in Mrs.-' Robert Haines" play, "Hearts .Aflame." Clyde Fitch saw her in this and wrote a ljke part for her In "Glad of It." Miss Watson became well flsed -as a type actress on account of pos sessing a wasph tongue. Her next part was that of MrsT Brown In 'The Dictator," with William Collier. Mr. Collier, having seen her in "Glad of It" with a red wig. Insisted thafshS wear It in 'The TVctator." .(though she pleaded with him to spare her the Mrs. Carter appendage. This Mrs. .Brown was a bride with a barbed-wire tongue. Then she played with Margaret Atiglln, in "Zlra." the role of a heartless, devillah-mlnded female. By this time Miss Watson decided that he had had enough of this sort of thing, and so she, was cast by Clyde Fitch for a sweet, delightful little person In Ethel Bar rymore's revival of "High Jinks." Then, haying demonstrated that she could do something else than use carbolic languages, he accepted the role of a scheming vll lalneoa In "Her Sister." In "Vera, the Medium" she had another tartar, so when Clyde Fitch cast her for tho part of Teas, In "The City," a selfish, easy-going society woman, she begged to bo allowed to reform In the last act; and that Is how she got 1 fh Inrflh mnrtnntltnt Inn nt h nrwl nrhn I she had two sweetly sympathetic roles m tho "Best People" and "The Point of View." In "Under Coer" she entirely es caped nitric acid rhetoric and played a sweet, charming, humorous chaiacter. Her present role In "His Bridal Night" Is nn altogether sympathetic and engaging one. STANLEY8 u - MARKET ah KITH II tin A M. TO lliir. P. M. SESSUE HAYAKAWA I (Late Star of "THE CHEAT") In J "ALIEN SOULS" 1 Next Weelrs Program ' Monday Tuesday and Wednesday GEORGE BEBAN in "Pasquale" Thurs., rri . aat.HAE MURRAY In FIRST 8 HOW 1 NO OP DAVID BELASCO'S i5WEET KITTY BELLAIRS" ADDED ATTRACTIONS ALL WEEK FIRST BHQWJNG Charlie Charjlin in "Police" Vlewa RlUenhouse Squara Flnwrr Market Tha Stanly la the only theatre In Philadelphia that wUI ahonr thus attractions during the week of May 23. NOW! LISTEN IP YOU WANT TO RE IN GOOD HUMOR OVER SL'NDAY SEE CHARLIE CHAPLIN lOUAx TIMES IN PALACE "THE FLOORWALKER" AT TUB 1214 Market Jfejtt Mon., Tuea.. Wad . MARIE DORO la "THE HEART OP NORA FLTNN" AppED ATTRACTION PJRST KPISOPB HtlUe Burke in 'Gloria's Romance Chestnut Street Opera House i VDAILT 3 TO 5 AND T TO II V II ' , TUB ABTONISHINCI L.fcSt Deutachwehr Films "a.... Crippled Soldiers Werklca; Their LfSLV Trade With Artiftclal Hands. Arm and I.ImbK BEKEF1T WAR WIDOWS AND OItPHA.S Popular Prlcji, 10c. Ifa. 2Sa Globe Themtrep tt A. II t 11 P. M, 10c. lie. i'3c. uuimcai. cojinnx -r- Around the World" wi M BR ft COilPAXT 63D AUOCST STRnBTS ilAUEL, TAI.IAKWIHO -JM&i DUV-U'W LOCUST ttVI 14JrtiyTr KD SJABKi3T ST - IM I II B. F.Keith's Theatre CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STS. 5IAT. 2 V. M. XIC1HT. 8 I'. SI. 3 SHOWS DAILY i Flrkt XKXTHKKU Appeurnnre la Ynnileillle GEORGE NASH Siiiiporlrd.hy JUI.IA HAY A CO. In n One-art Cmnrilv. "Tim I'neTwtlnl" The Jlot Import int I)ob In the World JASPER Late. Hlar of "oung America" . .ST. IIKNIH I'resents ' VANDA HOFF & CO. In "NIZAM'K rOURT DAXCKH" MISSES CAMPBELL In n Ilrnwlnr Room Hpeelalty. At Home" VAN & SCHENCK The 1'ennnnt Winning l'"IterrfSnnaland Ben Ryan & Harriette Lee Ivelly & Wilder; Frank Mullane; LeIIoen & Dupreccc; Selig Tribune Pictures. ' May 29 CAROLINA" VLlTE Advance Subscriptions Close One Week from Monday for OPEN-AIR PERFORMANCE Venfi's "Aida" FRANKLIN FIELD TUES. EVE., JUNE 6 AL'SI'ICIW ov University of Pennsylvania with jisies, KArrqfii, jfHTZK.vur.R. 3UI. ZCNOVIEFr, t'AMI'ANABI. MAU. IXJMCM. KOTIUKR and Other. CHORUS , 500 ORCHESTRA , 1G5 BALLET .,., , 50 FROM SIKTKOI'OMTAN. BOSTON. CIII CAUO Ol'tlt COHI'ANIKS SEATS $3, $2.50, 32, $1.50 Iletluftkm of SOe on each aeat to Sub rrluera be'ara nubile ail May t'J. Ufn,riler' Olllit. L'nlter.llV at repm, Forrest Monday Evg.f May 29 FRIARS SATR FROLIC Seats Next Mon.$S n Culltry. ,00 GARRICK Lat Mat. and Ev. THROUGH THE AGES With MMK, YpRSKA ROBERT T HAINES BROAD Tonight UsfTime The Svoy Co. in "PaU'ence" TUB UAPTI&T TKHPI.B, Drcaa & Brlt SU CARNIVAL AND "STORM" 4$ p. if, mm turn last tm$ ' Sj7s So-:.- VtNfAl PK" Vaiaaaaaaaaeti4 I mEJHi aaaflaalaaaaaaai ffj2SJL.flirimmm'iViMyUiW.mimMiE'ji v trt3li-t.mi.T-',m i iBMaaaaaafemGaaaaMaMaamafiamK!iy Jrt-S aLlaaalJlaaaaaaaaaaalaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaft t&4h A3W UtiflKBm 'rUAjfrl T. t "taBBBBai KBHSmSBwBSStrrMVmf3BBt HBBVanKBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBmLSa' ''K ' JVaBWlBBBBBBWBBnaWBBIBBBHPiLilWaBraiBBBBBm l?9abiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW ASS. J JaaffrfaBBWKiyBBaBfaaBBeaaSBBS WAate&SBBHH'HWwPBSB' ?; I ViWKffTTSmKSlIJt'' W a9rEMPTV -mmu,a,mmmmmmm ! t..M..,.aBBi.B.- a !, nll I J VjMm' j JMAtaaws who w&vr ivm rrc- cwww NS. aBBBMfkBBBBBBVrB'fBEW vkBBlBBlaaBBVBBBBBBBXBBBBBBSBBBBBSBBBBBBVBBBBBl X. V !SIWaBBBBBBKV IaBBBV Vb SMBBBBBBfnE?iaKHBaBB!BaaBBBBBBBmaBHBBBBBBaBV V '.aa ey.y .eaBBBBawBeT.BBaBaaBfxtTiea;eMBiaeMjga.j.3r.aBiarBaBaaBHiaBaBBBBBBBaaaaaaeaBBBBi - o "iiii Ti lWnTlnWntiiMS7iiT TOaroiQnTiWWiii Ii lllTWBM S 5 i -& rrlBBalBBWBBg1TrilBBBrBB1ilii... 11 m -"" Ml IT MWUHI III IHlBBBBBll rx, t5"" i T'vii5lBPHHH0KrBs5-BiH T-lJ'.NBBBBBBBBBBBBSeffekHBSaBXaBtt ?7T7BPM2lSflWBSai(KBa . , i i -,-i-r-. -. i tvtn nTflTJTTTT.TCJ Am nn a t.. In which a little country girl frotn Prnf.,1 tf, vtl,JUii' ley, ill., spends her first night at Miss StWs-on- - thc-HUdson and Is lmzcd by her fellow boarders tho - , ' leader of the baaing party being May Belle Idelle Smith, a newiy maao nciress, wno scornfully .formed Mercy Anne's acquaintance on her train Irin!! "Mfiare couuwr ejeme Plrtureii enacpeil by Joseph Slrwnytln. Joseph Vnlirhn(ti. D.lMd ami IkiuIs Uoldsteln The Question Box Dear Farmer Smith Will you pleuso tell me how to mnkc a Fcrnp-book? J. ALDHRT CUAPP,' W. Louden st. Happily nnd gladly do wo comply with your request. Regular large, stiff-backed Bcrap-books may be purchnscd In stationery or depart ment stores, but'lf you do not caro to spend much money on your book, a blank book such as you use In school will do nicely. These, as you know, rnngo In prjees from D cents up. Now, you must decide what sort of a scrap-book you would llko to have. First, thero Is tho memory-book kind, Into which Is pasted souvenirs of everything Interest ing that ever happened to you. Here aro some of the things that would be found In a book of this sort: written lnlntlons to parties, particularly good sclioorrcports, the part of tho Rainbow Cl'ib News with your name In It, letters that you like very much, lace mats, boxes of candy that have been HONOR ROLL CONTEST The prize for Hie beet nner to III puzilea nnd nuextlons of "Tlilnp; to Know nnd Do" for the neek emllne Miiy 13 were won by the follow Inc children: .InmeH Cormlck, Humburir. l'n $1. Marlon Itlcknrdt, Kant Moynmeniilng avenue, 50 rent. . Margnret Miller, Cilenwooil nvenue, 35 cente. Itelierca Ollek (plenae send your nd ilrenn), ZS centx. Dominic Cemiro, Vltzirer'nltl street, 23 cents. Wilfred Webb, 3d street pike, 25 cents. given to you, and, In fact, anything that has over pleased you that y6u would llko to save. Then there Is tho "picture scrap-book." This Is made up of pictures from magazines, old books, etc They arc tho pictures that appeal to you p.utlculnrly, and that you can cut out and paste neatly In your book. Ono Httlo boy I know had lvis of fun mak ing a "story-book scrap-book." He cut out pictures that would Illustrate tho llfo of a little boy from tho time ho was a small baby until the time ho was ready to go to college. The "scrap-book" Httlo boy went to school, played baseball, spoke In prize debates, worked for his mother, went on bont'nnd train trips and had a very excit ing life. This Inst kind of a scrnp-book would be n very Interesting ono to send to a hospital child. Robin Redbreast By nSTHEH MILLER, Shura Lane. A Rohln Redbreast sweet Came cheerily to greet Me. every morning early. He was so dear to see And not afraid of me, Pretty Robin Redbreast! One day I heard a sound Of chirping all around. Little Robin Redbreasts! FARMER SMITH. KVKNINO LEDQEn: I wish to becomo a member of your Rainbow Club. Pleaso send mo a beau tiful Rainbow Button tree. I agree to DO A LITTLE KIND.VKSS EACH AND KVERY DAY SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONG THE WAY. Name Address , Ago School I attend Things to Know and Do 1. A circus owner wanted some animals, si he sent a telegram to his partner saying: "Come hither, mine frlcndf" said the Monk, eyeing him kindly. "Bo a very good boy; step through tho furze bravely and seek the lost riches." Tho telegraph operator discovered tho word "monkey'" hlQden In the above. Can you find four other names of animals? , 2. A little boy sent tho following to his mother. What did ho mean? "It lingers only very early, yet others Unite." "Sh-sh." "Sh, yourself; you're making moro noise with your shfshlng than I Am with my talking." If was Jerry Fattoti mat spoice to May Helle. It was after half-past 10 and they had just put the last finishing touches to tho "ghost." Yellow eyes shone gruesornely out from a weird white head just as though they were not pocket flash lights, packed securely by mean's of old hair ribbons nnd wash cloths Into a pil low case. A long, lean lody stretched awe somely upward Just 'as though It wasn't a mop handle covered with a sheet. A creaky step sounded In the hnll. It grew further and further away, then a last faint squeak told the girls that Miss Jones tho night chaperon, had made her final round "of Inspection for the night. Jerry opened tho door cautiously nnd pecked up nnd down the long empty hall, "Come on." she whjspcrcd, nnd out they crept, May Belled Jerry, Kathleen, Jane Cox, Mnry and tho pver-lngglng Tubby. Up the fire tower they stole, moccasins and woolly slippers deadening tcll-tnlo cautious footsteps, then down the third floor corridor they proceeded until finally they came to tho small hall that led to the door of Merpy Anho's room. Tho privacy of this Inner hall protected them from danger of discov ery. 0er tho door was a huge transom. May Belle, Rtcalthlly visiting tho room earlier In the evening, had based licr plans largely on this transom. She had the fore thought to put a chair carelessly and con veniently nearby In order that It might bo on hand to assist in the night's plans. Now she placed It securely at the door. "Aro you ready?" sho whispered In oh soft a tone ns her high-pitched volco could com mand. "Yes," returned Jerry, who had been ap pointed chief ghost bearer. "Begin flien," continued May Belle, turn ing to Tubby, nnd with that Tubby began to tap softly on tho wall. "This movement was at onco to slowly awaken Mercy Anno nnd to nrouse In her country girl heart feelings of fear and apprehension.' Tubby ceased a faint sound ns of a restless Bleop cr en mo from within, "Sho's waking up." snickered May Belle. "Keep It Up, Tub." Moro restless, uncertain uoIbcs floated through tho keyhole. "Now'a the time," tragically announced May Belle. "Olmmo the ghost ; I'll hoist It." Up on the chair she stepped, and up with her went tho ghost. The faco of It peered grue sornely through, tho transom, just as they had planned, Oh, tho hazing party was Indeed a success 1 Ono bound from wiyiln announced the upheaval of Morqy Anne's bedclothes. "Sho's scared to death," chuckled May Belle, nnd May Belle wasn't the only glggler. Jerry and Tubby nnd tho rest wcro quite enjoying tho thought of Mercy Anne's fright. All was qolot within. I'll bet she's under the bed," called down May Belle from tho heights of the chair, and at tho thought sho went Into such silent hysterics that It was all she could do to hold up tho ghost. "I'll bet" May Bello stopped short. A dueer clanking sound seemed to come from the direction of the main corridor. "What is that?" whispered 'Kathleen. "It's It's npthlng," came back Jerry In a volco that she .tried hard to keep the tremble out of ; "It's a shutter banging or maybe a "OO-OO," a low siren wall from the hall In- train lripfirSt. terruptcd her. ami l,f. . . even to scream there appearL "J! -v ". seconds that .,,, I ; wi h.heu?reBCSl and down she iaJWSSS& And right nt that . .. the hall dropped I St; came-Mercy Anno JnuST?..! wcro speechless, not a soul stlrVtdt "' It Would mini .. (- .. nVrWXM ilkeofVirichsheToftendh.0,,' pumpkin head at her own hom,?hSlN had draped herself In a sheet, TrawlM ! fully out of her window onin . r.-'J?."-! climbed in the window of an SW and thus gotten Into the hal" SStel nrcclselv wtinr hn ,11,1 j.i ""lUUIiJ ..." :Y.ft-S-t.!UJ va 4 SIcy Anne lh,lwfj inu micuue. mo next lime." sh L.iVr'ii her slow, even voice. thrtJZ&Vi gray eyes looked, "you have a ghoit 21 ..o auro to as an me ghosts. You'd CM go Into my room now. because somlS'" como hero now to nnri m,f ..- "' "'""rn And, wonderful to relate, six Sm '! ures stole hurriedly Into the llttls .J ! Another episode In "Mercy Ann.1.- L will appear In-next Saturday's "ClnoNwl Baseball Challenges 'd Charles. Brasas: " I', Sir We havo seen vonr rhalt..!. .- .. -SI Evenino Lbdokb, and would like to .ccSJI It. We, tho Cedar Boys' Club. wmmTXSK to play your team May 30, at 3 -t Pleaso send us word If you can d!m S that date, and If not mention a datdifcj. you can play. Please send particular. 11 BRADLEY. Manager. Address 1 1 ncart'J I Farmer Smith, Evenino LBDdtit. - Charles Brasas: Sir Seeing your challenge In the Ev ino LEOQBn stating that the mkv Juniors would llko to play U-H-yearoU . teems, I would llko to arrange, a cia4 .. hij team, i-icuno icii 4nio wtat tow open date is. Write as soon as posslbli Is' Mr. MILLER. Address in careM Sanwr Smith, Evenino Ledger. Dodgeball Scores ' E. M. STANTON SCHOOL Thursday's came: Room 3 ... 4 rolnti Room 14 .' ,. so poiau e Junior Baseball Scores I ' Qn Qtn. Rainbows. ... 00000820 04 10 1 3 A-l Juniors .'OQ1OO110O Ilj( xmuenes iianviiioi,orueRur; Muraay.RIS.. kin. Wnnarers Forsythe-McCIearr. vt -1 .... KHt?j a n:ouiol 17 it f Winners 3 n 0 0 0 0 J 0 I 4 . Webster-Nelson: D0Mihr-Jimt.T ". Dlamondeers Hpruco st. natterleft Manacers Smlth-Sulllvan, Roseto Rnlnbows , . Roseto school, Orntles 4 nnu 5. Ratteries Polllcelll nnd Donalelllt Comoh' Hnd 1'errcttl Managers Flnelll and Josh. Roseto Ralnboua -,......i,f,--!I West Bancroft Juniors ,...( ......),. 11 ' Roseto batten Polllcelll and Dooitdll. ',..4,11 h . EVERYBODY GOES Something Doing Every Minute PHILADELPHIA TODAY AND TO-MORROW CIVIC EXPOSITION Auditorium Building, Commercial Museum, 34th St. below Spruce Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Daily Except Sunday ADMISSION 25 CENTS The Wonderful $1,000,000 Panama - Pacific Government Exhibits. Cartridge Making. Flag Embroidery. Working Postoffice. 600 School Children at Work. 15,000 square feet of City of Philadelphia Exhibits. CONCERTS BY PHILADEL PHIA POLICE BAND' Hundred Charitable, Civic, Religious and Educational Ex hibits. RESTAURANT special days next week; Monday Young People's Society Day Tuesday Stoneman's Day, State Editors' and Publishers' Day, Wednesday Suffrage Day. Thurs day Good Roads Day. Friday Walnut Street Business Association Day, Red Cross Day. Saturday Preparedness Day. Come Early Stay Late SIATINEK TODAY, SlIS FORREST 35S Final Wefk aw- flf 4 8aU .. w-!W.(?P.D?. w"u HIS BRIDAL NIGHT WITH TIIK DOLLY SISTERS A BiuirkH"! Vurre f'omtdr In 3 Acts bj Idorenre Itlalne, wltli i DINC1NO IIV T11K IM1I.I.V filSTEBS "ONE OF THE BEST FARCES PHILADELPHIA HAS SEEN IN RECENT YEAHS.".orth American Bet heata (1 at l'oimlar Wed. Slallnee. ATIFT PHI st MAT- today " Cyril HarcouU's Siprt Comedy Hit A PAIR OF SILK STOCKINGS "A Wjr.BYrOiM Should Be." Record Your Uut Clianf to gee It, Hurry' " "The Star of jEthippia,r A PAGEANT I It HI 4-i-TQUH m tU4 cuts ' if MV81QAL XVUBBJiS Convention Hall JSSo Tuqdy, Thursday and Saturly May 16. IS uai 20 iStUlMBlOH tei WSfEIiYSD SEATS 1$$ UF Bethlehem BACH FESTIVAL May 264 P. M. and 8 P. M. Christmas Oratorio May 272 P. M. and 5 P. M. Mass in B Minor LEHIGH UNIVERSITY South Bethlehem, Pa. PHILADELPHIA'S FOHEJIOST I'ABK FREE TO PARK TROLLEY PATRONS THE TALK OF THE TOWN I KRVL'S BAND C6NTIXDEI1 8UCCK83 I(ryl, the World's Orratcst Cornetlst jinuame iieiene laiarriu JIunr Kmlnent Nolotsts Free Concert Afternoon and Kvenlnr HEAR" IIHIII I'LASS FAMILY HKHIIItT KQUirPKB WITH UI'.TO-UATE 1JEVICKJI OF AMUSEMENT FIREWORKS KTJIV FRIDAY NIGHT S3J M II 1 IT s MARKETS JUNIPER STS. In the Heart of the Shopplnc District CONTINUOUS 11 A. M. i'nic:s TO 11 r. M. 10c. ISc. 25c W. II. FRIEDLANDER,. Inc., I'resents the Successful Tabloid Musical Comedy Cast of Ilroadwar Favorites. THE CARLOAD rU'hlUAl, SCKN'KRV MILLIONAIRE 22 PEOPLE SON 22 PEOPLE TRKTENTIOUS AND Sl'ECTACULAR SrECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION Werner-Amoros Troupe World's Mosbt, ersntlle Ferformers SeeyWonderful Impersonation of "CHARLIE CHAI7.IN" OTHER-STANDARD ACTS SXll THEATRE ?H THEATRE Market belatr 00th Street Mat. Dally .... 3:80 1 Eien nts . ..7 4 Hest Heats ..... mc me. ioc. sue 3ION., TUES7T WF.D, ETHEL WHITESIDE l'rnents a Goreeous .Scenic Musical Comedy Around the World In F.Uht Hcenea RepresentlnK All l'arts of Euroue TIIUKH., FRI SATT An MlnuteFeatura The bhaLekueiirean Traety. lth Music Miss Hamlet A Slde-rinllttlnr Comedy Full of -rp-' EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION " F A T I M A " The Orlilnal Escaped Ileauty from tho Sultan's Harem ACADEMY Tonight at 8:15 Soloist: Lillian Stradllnr, Contralto ' Popular Muiic by the Philadelphia Orchestra Popular Prices Heppe'a, 1110 Chestnut Street "Pops" Concerts FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By CLARENCE C. EATON, C. S. B. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, Tha First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. ORPHEUM THEATRE CHELTEN & CJERMANTOWK AVES. SUNDAY, MAY 21st, 1010. at 3:30 P. M Doors open 2 :4S. Public Cordially Invited. ' i . I TTT I M.ih.aB 1 1M i tm nrtOAn and MONTnrnipiiv i, F. O. Nlxon-Nlrdllnser ,.,Br. Dally Mats., 10c, V.un., 1 & 9.1MIN SDIiHffl PALACE The IlIrjtFst Uci In fawn. . 6 BIG ACTS AND PICXdRES TINY MAY'S CIRCUS Elephant. Pony, JJOEH. : n.x,i..r.-rrz::- . ,-, -i m XATA1A Philadelphia Fortmcit, M M tt vwu7Au Free to ParR Trww"uw KRYL AND HIS BAND LYRIC MATINEE TODAy, 2:15 POPULAR $1.50 MAT. WEDNESDAY A ROLLICKINQ, FHOI.ICHIN'a SntlNOTIME TREAT The $150,000 Musical Revue That Looks Like a Million Dollars WWfWWW0 "The Llve" K-MkSMt-M-fil- fllitlll Spectacular S0!iim m Show of the Season; Wins Favor," -rhe Press. A CHAMPION CAST, l.NCl.L'HlSq BERT LESLIE, SOPHIE TlCKpR, CROSS AND JOSEPHINE Mario LaYarro. I'eler Ice. Artie Mehlluxer, Mabet Elaine. Jloimlo Fo. Carbrer Urth, Joha Johu.toa. the Famous Creole Hand ' """r, rim 1V0NPURKUL. 59,0O0 FASHION SHQty WITH FORTV MODELS IT'S ALL SINGING. DANCING, LAUGHTER AND GORGEOUSNES ACCLAIMED A HOWLINU SUCCESS OV ALL CB1TICS WliaB ADELPHI-SoSWaIve. MAY 29 SEAT SALE OPENS MONDAY GRACE.GEORGE AND MEB XXY X08K PLAYHOUSE COHFANV, IN UKl'EUTORV JftS" "TE NEW YORK IDEA" Jellwa br Shaw' "MAQ aiEBAJA" and f'CAPTAIN UltASSDOU.ND'S CONVEB810N" iOAaEMKNT I'OWTIf tlf WM4TW1 TO WO VEKU AH Week ftsS Mon. May 22! At 19th & Hunting: Park Ave. Twice Daily 2:15 & 8:15 MlLUERSARUNGTOHWlUaWESTSHOWCalNC 'l . 7. "I -f u mr? lyinanAmwroMRAlTW .raEPil.itB13E$S and the nrtirannTnn awifm& ccv . - - - . las Ufa lllll . II .. I K- llaaltWJl A WI US.CAVAIJIY& FIELO ARTILLERY is rtfkYENNBCkAMPl0HCQii-BOmmfl3 fe.M CHtEFS OPYHB 'PlNOlAfi TfVBBS LEO 6 jr- 8" WXT-'i, a. w-Mijm SrLuBal iypiTfiWj. Big- Military Parnde 9 o'Clock Monday MorW r&"Shi&:: 80UTE Hwtlaz Park A, t Brsai Stwc HESKX'1J gKAT(f AT OU1B ;