tf ANCY WYNNE IS INTERESTED IN PYTHIAN GAMES ON JUNE 3 I Splendid Festival of Apollo, to Be Given on the (hounds of tne jjuvBinig x iciv,c uu wab scnool House Lane in Germantown in the First Week of June EVENING LftDG$R.--PITILADBLl)HIA, WDAY, MAY 19, 1910- t$ I . TMsT.mHTFUl. festival will be given r' l xji"- . t. i l 6t th8 IvOVOnnp l-llico un Meat rchooi House lano, Germnntown, on Satifr- rj,y afternoon, juhb o. v i"-i"v" .i .m.ih9 and maidens Will assist the i'fcfleala and priestesses of Apollo, and P . ... .. f Pnrnpnhnnft" will be lire- ' tented by the children of tho SouthWark ' Neighborhood House, uesimy uu vino, uiu ...ii .nntpsls will be tinder tho dlreo- " itiximot Dorlzas. The contests will I; insist of running and wrestling matches nd throwing mo oibcub aim juv-u.i. -..ij.- l,ts. the DelDhlc Oracle will erophesy tho future. Tho festival Is to b given for tho' boncnt of tho South, mirk Neighborhood IIouso tnel South wftrk Day Nursery. In case of rain, as t nf these out-oMoor affairs, the r mirtv will bo held, not In this case, on tho 1 P1"" .. . .... .. ,!, al,,..,1nif frit. day ronowins, ""- u" " " " lowing, namely, Juno 10. The committeo In charge of tho wholo ffalr Includes Mrs. Samuel B. Jartten, .(.-if.n! Miss Marguerite Lautenbach, , iecretaryi Mrs. II. Marshall Trultt, treas- urer' Mrs. Ji. "u,i,'i " uuBcinimo Fox,' Miss Marlon Grant, Miss Kosnmond Hoy't, Mrs. Edward Hacker, Mrs. Walter 1 fj, Hancock, Mrs, Edward Fnrnlim Lavell, Mrs.- James F. Len, Mrs. James Monn- ghan. Mrs. E. J. Alomar, .Mrs. noucrc ist JfcCracken, Mrs. J. Howard Hebcr, Mrs. W. O. Hlioaus, airs. enucu ncnei , Mrs.' Fredorlck Hart Shelton, Mm Mar thal'l E. Smith, Miss Wuanlta Smith, Mrs. Carroll K, AVIIlIams mill Mrs. Thomas , Wlstar, Jr. Besides all tho out-of-door games and Athletics there will bo a music contest of flutes and harps, nrianged by Johnn Grollc, of tho Settlement Music School. Then thcro will bo a poetry contest and reading of tho prize poem, which Is to k. written on any Greek subject. Greek 1 maidens will sell nectar, alias lemonade it ' a . tn Ih n,t.n. ..m1(i Inn rM'nnm. gnu amoruam, it uniti w..o, ... . Altogether It will bo decidedly unique and tremendously Interesting. Best of all It Will be a bit different from tho thousand and one charity affairs that all do tho tame thing year In nnd year out. Tho "Masque of Persephone," given by the wee kiddles of the settlement, will bo especial ly Interesting. Mrs. Lavell hns been work ing on this for weeks, and certainly tlioso of us win. have seen her act In the vari ous amateur things which she used to be In so much before sho married, may anticipate an enjoyable perfprmunce, for she not only can act, but can impart her knowlcdgo to others. My dears, tho very cutest Junior Musi cal Club has been organized out on tho Main Lino by Mrs. Carroll Hotlgo and Mrs. Burton Chance. Tho end in vl.ow is to arouse tho children's Interest in things musical. They really aro working In earnest on tho subject, and they intend ll wl..A nlimi, Itivan mnalrvi lna Jl VPnr ,U (Jl O UUUUh W.-w .... w... ., 1 I In the spring, fall and wlntor and, mind 'it imi? thov will tnko un a different school .j; -- . E5 wch time. Tho spring muslcalo was given i very recently ai ueepuum, in oimiimu, the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward F. Beale, the parents of Mrs. Chance. Thcro were about CO in tho nudlonce, and tho concert was wildly applauded. Tho pio gram included Russian music only. Tho little artists who took part were Mnislo 'and Helen Chanco. Dorothy and Muiial Hart, Alice and Robert Benedict, Polly Thayer and that small lamb, Jack "Wheel " er. The club boasts a quartet and trio, besides Individual soloists nlrcady. i NANCY WYNNE. Personals An engagement ,ot Interest to personsMn this city and Washington nnnounced this morning Is that of Miss Marguerite Bnr bour. daughter of tho late Mr. James P. Barbour, and Mrs. Barbour, of Washington, and Mr. Gcorgo Lewis Mayer, of this city. Miss Barbour comes of tho well-known Washington family of that name nnd Is a direct descendant of Captain Richard Town send, mentioned In the ar.chives of Virginia as sitting In tho Council Boaid of the Col' ony from 1G33 to 1015. Her father. Mr. James A. Barbour, died In Maich of thra year, Mr Mayer Is tho t-on of Mrs. Henry C. Mayer, and Is related to" tho leading Lewis families of this city. Ho lives at 108 South 21st HtrecJ, is a grndunto of tho University of Pennsylvania, inamber of tho Philadelphia CIub,Racijuct Club and Mor Ipn Cricket Club, Mr, and Mrs, Ferree nrlnton. of "Windy brow," St, Dnvld's.avo a box party last evening at the Savry 'Opera Company's pro duction, afterward taklifg their guests to .supper at tho Bellevue-Stratford. Among the guests were Mrs. Alferd Ives. Miss Caroline Dulles and Mr. Joseph Hen t ley Dulles, Mies Anna Uinney Brlnton nnd Mr. Lyman W Lisle. Miss Caroline F. Brlnton took part in the opera. Friends of Sirs. Edward F. Beale. of Deepdale, Strafford, will bo glad to bear that she Is recovering ftom'her recent Ill ness. Mrs, Robert Sayre Brodhead nnd her daughter. Miss Frances Clyde Montgomery Brodhead, left yesterday for Annapolis, lMd Where thpv will anem! tlin wepk-pnri. p-yrhey will attend the Hop tomorrow night tp- ni i iqe -vavai Acauemy, Mrs. Kamnpl Phnti, nnri f.iinllir mwwl ntlt i?t Vanor, their home In Radnor, on ipursaay. The wedding of Miss Mary Evelyn. Chew and Lieutenant Lowry Boyd Stephenson will take place at Vanor about the middle of June. Mr. anrl Afra lamaa Tvnimta 3I!liai L Jve been entertaining Baron Ungarn, of . te ImDerlal TtllRRlnn T.-,,Vi'jhiw a Wnahlnir. P. tn. at The Woods, their Radnor home. lar. T . -w n ... ... . , , -. t,5ia u. QUiuvan leit on xuesuay zr W epend tho remainder of the week U- ' miss jvorma McAdoo, daughter of tne secretary of the Treasury. A number of ainners will be iven in her honor during r stay there. The senior class of tho WU School. 1808 bpruce street, will give Us class dinner en Friday evening, May 38. Mrs. ltnh-tf r TT Tn,.V nn.l lit.. UTa-u I Pmo, of ilaybrook, Wynnewood, enter I V,i H,at lnmar last night in honor of Miss s Ai)c O. Brock and Mr. Henry a. Brock. 3Ir8. JoSPnh MI ntarlr nf ITIchlnhrt IV1. f. &Ue. Will ntanl A l....Mn n. In noor t)t MlS8 Hazel Dolph. of Portland, pi t. engagement to Mr. tdwara v. y.rk. H. was recently announced, Covers w"l be laid for SO guests. Mrs, Bruce Ford, of Leuvenlgh. 25 um ?,: aYnue, has Issued cards for a tea on Saturday. May 27 wHA"1 Mrs Haaelton Mfrkil, Miss Mary b-W, Mr William, I Mirkll. Mr Hazelton ! Jr and Mis Elolse Mlrkll have 4 thnfr. .., ... R C.h t.& W JC"6, an"l awvpylijg thtlr eouotry on, Bpt ftd, Wyts, for wly I the'v JnV W for lhe Bh'r,' August "e" ,h0 monU,!, o Jul- nlul town'wlin.- f,1,"'0"90"' 3d, of .lenkln-, whwo hi Jm yc, ll!'? TPk for Atlanta, Oa., gone for nl i',,3,01" ',,a.fn,nlly, who have been m ml m.U1 'l tortn,'!ht- Mr- Stevenson will make his homo at Atlanta In tho future. RnUirdfTl''!.'' Jr" wl" ,)0 "I '"""0 homl nn l.May ntttr 4 0'clocl " No card, iV?ll,50,nery nVcnuc' "-iverford, -o cards imve been sent out. n.1M,n1,?.tMrB' W- " C,mBe' ot Ovcrbrook, a "ounce the engagement of their daughter I, , SIn,rJrl0 Viola Clinse. to Mr Join Zlegler Hinds, of Oarmantovvn. Jlr. and Mrs, Clarence II Fox, of 471 State road, Cynwyd. have Issue." cards for a garden party on Saturday, May 27. Mrs. Elliott Snow. vL of chief Naval' Constructor Elliott Snuw. U q v i.. Miss Withlngton. 0f Bos-onpsor guest J' JIrf- s"' Ktvo an InWnl danco' on Wednesday evening. "" ChestnubHill , !tl,"lnm.Y; A,inms' of vahoe ave n,ue and Merma d lane, has her mother. Mrs. Sha tuck, and her sister: Mrs. Allen, both ot Boston, as her guests, Mrs. A. Hurley Pnncnast, of 168 Wot Allen Inn o, 1ms Mrs. Fie.lerlck Arnold Aus tin, of L,ast Cirnnge, ns her guest. Miss Klennnr Harv'cy Wood, of Mount Alrv, Phapcronod by her mother, Mrs. Will lam Albert Wood, will go to Annapolis. .Mil., to attend tho spring hop on Satunlav evening at tho United States Naval Acad ciny. Mrs. Samuel n. Matlark, of 32S Kast Mt. Airy nvrtuii.. will Iiavo "Miss Eleanor (.artloy and MIhs Ruth Oarttcy. of Iloti-,-lulu, who iup htudeiits at .Stamford, Conn, ris her guests for Bevoral days cnrlv In June. Miss Matgarrt Matlut'l;. who "is a student at (louelier College, in Baltimore, win return to her home the llrst week In June. Mrs. C. Rockwell Stephens, of 7213 Cres- iicini roan, will give n dlnner-danco tonight at tho Sedglpy Cliil Members of the henlor class f Chestnut Hill Aendpiny will glvp a dance tonight In the gymnasium, which will bo decorated with dogwood and other spring lowers Among tho rhnppioiia will be Mrs. (Ipoige Woodward, Mrs. Joseph Wear. Mrs. Samuel R Houston, Mrs. RndclllTp Chcston. Mis. Edgar Ilalid, Mrs. Edgar 'd. Farles, Mrs. Francis A. Lewis, Mi. Waller 1,. Ross, .Mrs. J. W. Stewart, .Mrs. Clarence M. Clark, Mrs. I lent y Wharton and Mrs. E. C. Durfco. Along the Main Line MISS RUTH R. ABERNETHY BRYN MAWR. Miss Ruth Richards Abernethy. who is a senior at Miss Wright's School, will give a dansant at her homo on Gulf road this afternoon. In honor of tho members of her class. Her guests will be Miss Dorothy Steel, Miss Frances Welmer. Miss Dorothea Clark, Miss Elizabeth Rob erts, Miss Allc? Forbes, Miss Allco Bradley, Miss Clara Hires, Miss Catharine Platter, Miss Sophie Achcson. Miss Kllzabeth Will iams. Miss Jano Wight, Miss Louise Taylor, Mr. Henry Pool, Mr. Donald Knovvlton, Mr. Lawrence Jones, Mr. Thomas Ryan, Mr. Morris Myers. Mr. Charles Kcrwood, Mr. Hnny Vincy, Mr. Julian Barnard, Mr. Francis Koch, Mr. James Dcrhain, Mr. Thomas Cams, Mr. Frederic): Abernethy and Mr. Do Witt Clements. Tho ladles of St. Luko's Methodist Episcopal Church aro planning to hold their annual strawberry festival this jear on the lawn of the chutch, Montgomery ave nue and Pcnn ttreet, on Friday afternoon and" evening Juno 10. ' Germantown Mr. nnd Mrs. Clark Dlllenbeck, formerly of Willow Orovo avenue, Chestnut Hill, ure occupying their new homo on West TJpyal street. Miss Alico Dlllenbeck will be ono of next year's debutantes Invitations have been Issued for tho com mencement exercised of the Stevens School, v,v ch vid tako place o" Friday inorn..m, 2, mI the Oermantown Crlsket Club The Rev. Hush Black will be the speaker. A class In llrst aid meets at the school 221 West Chelten avenue on Friday after noons at 4:46 o'clock and Is taught by Dr. Hwlthiu Chandler. Among the members are MUs Dorothy Calvert CJreen, Miss Mar guerite Pattou, Miss Jessie Willing, Miss Agnes Allen and Miss Catherine Krenshaw. West Philadelphia Mlbs Helen Mae.Vumara, of 1239 North ETth street, nnd Mrs, John L. Corcoran, of 1241 North 57th street, loft for Ventnor to day, to be the week-end guests of Mrs, Corcoran's sister, Mrs. Charles Elsela. Mr. and Mis. H. D. Bootman, of G221 Ijaverford avenue, aro jecelving congratula tions on the birth of a daughter, Mildred Eleanor Bootman, Before hor marriage Mrs. Bootman was Miss Katherlne Eleanor Tttlow, North Philadelphia Mrs- E.' C. Seabrease, 2J32 Wallace street, has returned home after visiting Mr. R- Holtman, qf Baltimore. MIsa Kathryn Meoiiey, 1513 North Mar ylne street, entertained at dinner Wed nesday evening In, honor of Misa Rosj Reager. Mr. William Dr?nnan. 1240 Cabot street, has returned home after being a guest of Mr. M. Ollroy, of AHent,own. :'.' '.; ,s?.f Kr. if ," ,f , "- ill uf b notice nut b rUWO u una uuvcr, juur b kleuf M, m lull, wltu una nfitii vv44. ww rillf but all -ucu .Id of ,jie m lull ".- ,"- ,. "l .- "SJSSf.'lT VuSS fiJIJuWctl. to Soltr VwKin tht-w rwjjUeiiWBtK, re ourrM out. v'.'r - -a j... 1 1.. ii vjf Fut uikiimn B8i3 rSiTahffi-eir HI. 3 KING OF HEARTS TO BE GIVEN AT BROAD .Proscenium Club to Give Elab orate Performance for ' Charity A two-act musical comedy, "The King of Hearts," will bo presented for charity Mon day night In-the new Broad Street Thcntro by tho Proscenium Club, an amateur theat rical organization formed three years ago for tho purpose of giving musical plays for charity. This Is the fltst tlmo the club hns presented an original play. "Tim King of Hearts" was "written by two of Its members. Dr. David S. Stem, who vvroto the hook, nlid Mr. SlilriU F. Louch helm, composer of the musIdJlt will bo pre sented on n lavish scale, Wlm it cast of 17 and chorus of fin. Ulahoratp scehery has been built for eacii of the two acts, and special costumes linvo been designed under tho personal supervision of Mrs. Joseph N. Sncllcnburg, who Is it member of the pro duction committee, other members ot this committee are Mr. Stanley H. Goldsmith. Mr. Stuart F. , I.ouchhplm, Mr. David S. Stem nnd Mr. Irun j,. stone, president of tho Proscenium Club. Mr. Morton J. Mcycis is business manager. ,' Many, prominent men nnd women have lent n hand to the success of the perform ance. Mrs. Ellis A. Olinlicl heads a long list of iMttoneWs and tho following nio patrons: Mr. Justin P. Allmnn. Mr. Sidney A. Aloe. Mr. PIHMp Arnold,, 'Mr. Frank If. Bnchman, Mr. Harry S. llehal. Mr. Simon L. llloch, Mr. Alexander W. Danncnbaum, Mr. Edwin M. Daimetibaum, Mr. Fred F. l.'spen. Mr. Arthur A. Flelsher, Mr. David T. Flelsher, Mr. William II. Langfeld, Mr. Jacob Loch Lnngsdnrf, Mr. Jacob D. Lit, Sir. Samuel I Lit. Mr. Horaco Loch, Mr. Jcromo II. LmiPhhelin Mr. Joseph A. Louch. helm, Mr. Julen K Mnstunuiii, Mr. Chillies Meyprs. Mr. Frank. I,. Newlmrger, Mr. Simon Itusennu. Mr. Samuel S. Flelsher, Mr. Charles Edwin Fox. Mr.- Louis Hcrstley, Mr. Charles fllmncl. Mr, t:nin A. Clmbel, Mr. Horace Ilauo, Mr., Mlltini llerold. Mr. Joseph II. Hliilelu. Mr. Unity U. Hlrsli, Mr. Isaac Kntzenbcrg, Mr. Irving ICohii, Mr. Jacob L, Kintiss, Mr. Jcromo J. Rothschild, Mr. Ely K. Sellg. Mr. I. II. Silverman. Mr. Jacob Singer, Mr Joseph N. Sncllenbuig, Mr. Morton 12. Nneilcnburg. Mr. ICdwnrd Stern, Mr. Benjamin J. Wnssorr tn, Mr. Albert Wolf, Mr. Benjamin Wolf, Mr. Ed ward Woir, Mr. Louis Wolf. A heavy advance salo reported from Ryan's tlcl-et otllce Indicates that tho financial le.sult.s will be large. Tho per formance, too. will have a distinct Social side. Dinners will bo given beforo tho show nnd at its conclusion many of tho pel formers and spectators will go to the lilt!! Cat lion, "where icservntloii.s hnvo been made. It will bo "King of Hearts" n'iglit at tlio Rltz. Tho young women who will net as Ushers at the theatre are Miss Benttlcc Silverman and MIsm Margaret Wiibsermnn. who will bo chief aides, assisted by Miss Hazel Anton, Miss III Bacbman, Miss L. Bnmbergcr, Miss Josephine Becker, Miss Dorothy Iteig, Miss Kcrutce llloch. Miss Fclelco Elhlii, Miss Hope (icrson, .Miss Ruth (lohllierger, .Miss Aline (Jreensfelder, Miss Dorothy Lovvcu giund, Miss Ilena Rosentlm.1, Miss Ruth Samter, Miss Dorothy Well, Miss Emily Well, Miss Harriett Wolf. Mrs. Helen Pulaski limes, musical di rector ot .the Proscenium Club, will con duct. Mr. Edward S. Grant Is htago dl lector, and Mr. Walter O. Wroo Is, director of tho dancing. Tho cast Is as follows: Mr Stanley II. Ooldsnilth, Mrs. Stanley H. Goldsmith. Mrs. Milton Wiener, Mr. Maurice W. Aaron. Mr. Walter I). Dalsl mer, Mis. David Klrschbaum, Mr. Stuait F. Louohhelm, Mr. Thcroit M. Bamberger, Mrs. Walter D. Dalslmer. Dr. David S. Stern. Mr. Alvln E. Wolf, Mr.' Horaco Ken neth Homer. Mr. Charles S. Kaufman, Mr. Hhur Schoenberg, Mr. Max 13. lleilto wltz, Mr. Edwin Stuart Mejers, Mr. Oscar T Fleisiter. Following are tho ehorU3 groups: Lovo subjects Miss Floienco D. Bacha lach, Miss Rosallo Daiinenbaum, Miss Charlotte L. Feustman, Miss Berllin Lee Hlrshberg, Miss (!lnils 11. Livingston, Miss Ccclle F. Louchhelm, Miss Mildred Singer, Elizabeth C. Soils, Miss IMn.i B. Steppacher, Miss Ruth S. Steppacher. Mia. Jano Wolf Stern, Miss Helen B. Wino land. Favorite wives Mrs. Emma C. Borkci wltz, Miss Ruth S. Oerstley. Miss Bl.incho L. Hlrsh. Miss Mildred H. Mayer, Mrs. Fannettu Meyers. Miss Marlon L. Itose, Mrs. Edith Katzenbcrg Stern, Miss Ada M. Ktroiisc, Miss Helen V. Stiouse, Miss Ada H. Walter. Miss Loulso S. WcLsch, MLss Beatrice Wilson. Typewriter girls Miss Ruth S. Oerstley, Miss Eva Gross. Mao Gross, Miss Caroliuo E. Langstadter, Miss Rose F. Lnngstadter, Miss Maile Leopold, Miss Evelyn S. Mayor, Miss Mildred H. Mayer, Miss Mai Ion L. Rose, Miss Helen V. Strouse, Miss Ada II. Walter. .Miss Louise S. Wolsch. Bald heads Mr. Mjron Aloe, Mr. Morton J. BnUm. Mr. Julian II. Bachaiach, 'Mr. Charles 1C Feustman. Mr. Mason lllrscb, Mr. Manfred R. KrausUopf, Mr. Dolt L. Lovy, Mr. Leon D. Relnhelmcr, Mr. H. Leonard Rothschild, Mr. J. Leonard Sessler, Mr. Lowls Silverman, Mr. Geoigo Solomon, Mr. Milton M. Staub, Mr. Lester (1. Step pacher, Mr. Milton S. Wltsenhauso'n. Mr. Julius S. Lam. Specialty danceist-Miss Florence D. Bachnrnclr, Miss Charlotto L. Feustman, MUs Mildred F. Singer, Miss Elizabeth C. Soils. Mr. Henrv Lang, Mr. J. Leonard Sessler, Mr. Walter Rossbach, Mr. Lewis Silverman. South Philadelphia Announcement has been made by Mrs. Bessie Rublnstone of the betrothal ot her daughter. Miss Pearl Rublnstone, of 727 Morris street, to Mr. Louis Rubin, of Datby, t a A MISS CHARLOTTE EDNA VAKE ''"nto by Mareenu Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin II. Vsirc will tfivo n dance this cvcniiiR at their country place, Abondruh, in Ambler, in honor of their daughter, Miss Charlotte Vnrc, who will make her debut next season. SAVOY COMPANY GIVES "PATIENCE" WITH GUSTO Revival of Gilbert and Sullivan Satiric Operetta Marked by Fine Chorus Work The Shvoy Company gave Its 17th pro duction of Gilbert and Sullivan's opera last night, pipsentlng "Patience" for tho third 'time. Tim presentation took place, accord ing to long traditions of the clever organi zation, whose motif for existence Is the per petuation of G. and S. at tho Broad Street Theatre, where it will bo repeated tills evening anil tomorrow night. Tho benefi ciary of tho triple perfoi mnnco liitho Chll ('n's Hnxxltnl. which is collecting a fund for a much-needed now building. Last iilgnt's' production of tho famously funny satire on cstheticlsm, by tho two great collaborators, was excellent from every point of view. Tho cast was far superior, on the whole, to the average ns somblage of amateurs, the chorus vvoi k was splendid In precision of movement and fluency of singing, and the orchestra ac companiment was better than usual, ns Ca mllle'Zeckwer, who conducted, drew spe cially lino effects from Ills band. Tho east was as, follows: I'nlnncl Ciilverlpy RMiJamln P Monior Major .Muruiurnjil Wm. llalrcl Keefer, !!d Lieut., the Duko uf Dumtnl.le V l'hlllr. 'Warren Cooko t Officers of Drnsonn (luards, UcRlnnkl lUintlioim-. a IV3h'y pwt v C. I'lantou Mlililieton ArchlbiM Grosvcnor, an Ulylltn poet , Charles Trawls War,! Jlr. TiuMhnrne'H Solicitor. . .Alfrcl ("lurk Aruolil Tlio Ijidy Anirnilna. ...ll3 Jtllilrcil VV. Hhutturlc Tho Ijjily Huphlr M'k 1'Vuni.eii Weat Ii.illy The I.mly 1311a .' Miss lJIUnht'th Harrison Tlio Ijily Jane 511ns niI Morris nrlnton Itupturous slulitens. Patience, a datry,l. . . .MIhs Helen ltuchanan None ot thoso who participated in the Initial revival of "Patlonco" In 1003 was concerned in lust evcuing'o presentation, but ot tho 1!)10 cast Miss Elslo Morris Brlnton repeated her capitally comic, ljuly Jano nnd Mr. (!. Plantou Mlddlcton changed fiom tho lolo of Lieutenant tho Duko of Iuihtntilo to that of Reginald Iluuthorne, tlio etithoto and fnklr. Miss Iluchaiian, known from her work with the Philadelphia Operatic Society, her choir singing at Flist Baptist Chuich and her conceit appeatnncus, made a sightly nnd sprightly Patience. Sho was charm ingly deiuuru us the dairymaid and sang with facility nnd flexibility. She was pnr tlculaijy delightful In tho air, "I Cannot Toll What Tills Lovo May Be." and In her sliaro of tho "Willow, Willow Willy" duet with lirosvcnor, which part Mr. Charles Fiaucis Waul made, as' melancholy and languishing ns might bo denied. Plantou Mlddlcton was an admirable Uuiitliorne. both histrionically nnd vocally. Ho was in excellent voice, and his "busi ness," wbllo maintaining tho "traditions," was not without delicious Individual touches. Miss Brlnton'M Lady Jnuo was a genuinely humorous nemesis to tho HesJily poet, and one of tho boj,t things uf tho evening was her lovelorn and woeful rendi tion ot "Sad Is That Woman's Lot," which sho hnd to repent. Philip Warren Cooke lent his beautiful tenor to fine effect to tho rolo of Lieutenant tho Duko of Dunstable, and was graceful In his stugo 'presence. The large audience wan in transports of mirthful enjoyment at tlio many funny lines of the librettist and tho witty lyrics s.,enid as perennial as tho (lowers that Bunthorno carried. S.ttlilc or sardonic, they have lost none of their power to sting with Irony. Joseph Craig Fox was tho stage manager, nnd his work was done so illlciently that thoro was not a single lapse or sllp-up In tho presentation of one of tlio raiost pieces of musical humor extant. Weddings ROWLAND RAWSON. The wedding of Miss Besslo Lefterts Rawson, daughter of Mrs. Wnrren Rawson, of 801C Dltmnn street, to Mr. Nathan nils worth Rowland will tako place this evening at 7:30 o'clock In the HolmeKburg Baptist Church. Tho Rev. Oeorge S. Young will perforin the ceremony and will be assisted by tho Rev. lleoigo Swift. The hrldo, who will bo given In mar riage by her uncle," Mr. Ueorgo W. Lefferts, will wear a dicss of whlto duchess satin nnd white net. Her tulle veil will fall to tiicV.foot of the couit train from a cap of bfiissols lace, and sho will carry a huge bouquet of white roses nnd lilies of tho valley. MIsa Hilen Pnttoison will attend nn maid of honor, wearing a gown of blue chnrmcuso and a large bluo picture- hat.n Sho will carry pink loses. Miss Viola Martin and Mis. John Rmpllcld will be the bridesmaids and they will bo attired in gowns of lavender and pink and carry pink and whlto loses. Mr. Orant Rawson will net ps best man, and the ushers Include Mr. Alvln Rowland, Mr. Ralph Rowland, Mr. Horace 13. Will lams, Mr. Oeorgo W. Lefferts, Jr.. Mr. Rus sell I3ckela nnd Mr. Robert Orton. After tho reception, which will follow tlio ceremony at the bride's home, tho bridal pair will leave for an extended wedding journey, and will be at homo after October 1 nt !iG Rliavvii street. -PRAROIS S.M IT1 II3MAN. A pretty homo wedding will tako place this ovoniiig. when Miss Anna Smltheman will become tho bride of Mr. Robeit Mor ris Pearco. Tlio ceremony will bo held at tho homo of tho bridegroom's parents, 'i'.'O South Mclvlllo street. Tlio Rev. M. H. Nichols, of St. Andrew's Methodist Kplsco pal Church, will nlllclate. Tho hrldu will bo given In inaulage by her futhor, Mr. 13.1 waid Wright Smithcmnn, and will bo at tended by her sister. Mrs. Alion Baldwin, of Kllzabeth,. ns matron of honor and Miss Dotty Baldwin as iluvvcr girl. Mr. Charles Wtldeimutli will bo best man. and Mr. A. Russell McClelland and. Mr. Read Rocnp will net as ushers. Tho house will bo deco rated with smllax and pink roses. A recep tion will follow immediately after the cere mony. Mr. Pearco is a graduate of tlio Wharton Cchoul of tho University of Permsylvaiiia and a member of tlio Pi Delta L'psllou Fraternity. Miss Smltheman Is a grad uate of tho r-Iilladclphia High and Normal Schools and a mqmbcr of tho Phi PI Alpha Soroi ity. i.n.i! nff. Car i if. , SPRING FESTIVALS FOR CHURCH HOMES ORDER OF THIS SOCIAL DAT Annual Affair of the Baptist Home Will Take Place oil the Grounds on May 23 Music and Refreshments AMATEURS TO TAKE PART IN PLAY GIVEN MONDAY i Top rowMr Max E. Berkowltz, Mr Theron M. Bamberger, Mr Horace Kenneth Horner, Mr Edwin S. Meyers, Mr. AMn E- 'Wolf, M. Oscar T Fleisher Middle row - Mr Maurice W. Aaron, Mrs. Walter U. Daismwr, aottora row- Mr btuart '. Mrs. Stanley II CioWuraith, Mrs- David KimbMum, M Waittr D Ualsimir Louchijewa and JDr David S- Stern, THI3 annual curing festlvnl of the Baptist Homo will lio held on Tuesday on the grounds of the home, Norrls and 17th streets. At tho afternoon concert all Inter esting program Wilt Include selections by Miss Oenevlevo White, soprnno; Miss Grace McCartney, pianist Mr. Dudley Ilntwlth, violinist, and Miss Margaret Upsnl, reader nnd Impersonator Tlio Schumann Qlee Club, under the direction ot Mr. Frederick A. Leonard, will give nil nttrncllvo muslcalo In tho evening. Tho fete Is In chnrge of Mrs. Waller T. Lee, president of the board of managers i Mrs. Charles N. Sels", Mrs. Henrv A. Weland. Mrs. Richard H. Rus sell, vice president : Miss Anna . lush'"" corresponding secrctnryi Mrs. .1. O. Walker, recording secretary; Mrs Charles H. Panes, treasurer; Mrs .1. 1 Ferguson. Mrs. John Weaver. Mrs. K. D. Sclioley. Mrs. L. II. Denis, Mls nitzobelh Kvims, Miss Snra Perry. Mis. S. Clovcngcr, Miss l.llllo M Flss, Mrs. 11. H. Russell. Mrs M. ,1. O Con nor, Mrs. Rutgcr Dox, Mrs. 1-3 R. Tourlson. Mrs. H. H. Hnys. Mrs. II F. Kerbaugh. Mrs. C. 13. Mvcrs, Mrs. K. It. Dungan, Mrs. .1. R Hntbawny, Mis Robert Mackay, Mrs .1. IT. .loncs. Mrs. Louis W. Stubnns, Miss Hlnncho Uallcs, Mrs W. H. Fisher Sirs W. II. Ruildlinan, Mrs. Annlo -Williams, Mrs. J. H. 13vnns. Mrs. CI. II. llovven, Mrs. P, F. Wells, Mrs 13. L. Flss, Mrs. l.corgn L. I3stabrook. Mrs. Samuel Ilolton, Mrs. John Harrows. Mrs W. K. Ilrondholt. Mrs, II. M. Slner, Mrs. Joseph A. Morris, Mr William Sclscr, Mrs. Waller French. Mrs J. 11. Mitchell. Mrs. llnrry Ruck, Miss Alice P. Jennings. Mrs. Lydln Jones, Mrs. O . Hales, .Mrs. William 11. Hammer, Mrs. Will lam J. Gait. Jr., Mrs. Samuel Howell. Mrs. John Thorpe, Mrs. It. 13. Kennedy. " U. Foerlng. Mrs. A. Parsons, Miss Carrie Nock. Mrs. William Wells. Mrs. A.'Merklce and Mrs. F. L. Ford. Mrs. William Lg gins. .Mrs. John Doves, Mrs. J. 11. Hatha way Miss L. Archambault, Miss Ucssle tliecne. Mrs. J. W. Levering. Miss Irene Hunt nnd Mrs. S. P. Minimus. MISS FRANCES J. OGDKN nnd Miss Lydln Stone Rocap. of West Phila delphia, will glvo a spring novelty danco at tho Twentieth Century Club at Lansdownc on Saturday evening, May 20. Among those attending will be Miss Susan Aldermus, Miss Laura Ilarger. Miss Mae R. Ilyrnes, Miss Sarah Campbell, Miss 13thel Denny, Miss Virginia Farce, Miss Hazel Foulkc. Miss Harbara Kroneb.vck, Miss Elizabeth Kinsley. Miss Catharine Kohlas. Marie Logue, Miss Anna Loguc, Miss Anna Lolrhmau. Miss HesMe Lle.eyn Miss line Null. Miss Kdnn Null, Miss Jnius Null. Miss Anna Hocap. Miss blorenco Ogden, Miss Amelia Ogden, Miss Lthel Stalker. Miss Blanche Wilson. Miss Carola Welnsberg. -Mr. Walter H. Hrooks. Mr. Walter llalrd. Mr. George Barnby, Mr, Win ter Hrinkimui, Mr. Horaco Case, Mr. Walter Duncum, Mr. Edwnrd Dalrymplc, Mr. Jo seph Donnlcy, Mr. Jolin Dohcrty, Mr. 1-rnnk Foley. Mr. Frank Fulton, Mr. Carl Good win, Mr. Richard Grlillth, Mr. William Cll llan. Mr. Albert Garrett. Mr. Harry He bank, Mr. Robert Holmes. Mr. John Grlttlth, Mr. Harry Grlillth, Mr. Robert Haney, Mr. .1 L Hoyd, Mr. Clirford Jones, Mr. Herbert Jones, Mr. John Kelly, Mr. William Ivron back, Mr. Karl Kellar. 'Mr. Stephen Mauley, Mr A Rusell McClelland, Mr. Rembrandt McNaul, Mr. Jesse Otley, Mr. Edwnid Ono inls. Mr. Grant l'iluger, Mr. George I'lun kett, Mr. Edward Qulmby. Mr. Harold Rail dull, Mr. John Rich, Mr. Corson Rboades, Mr. Rend Hocap, Mr. Howard Stctler, Mr. Charles Wlldemutb. Mr. W. Dcvvees Yeager, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterhon. Mr. and Mrs. William Feloro, Mr. and Mrs. P. Lehr nnd Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sloan. The following bavo consented to net ns pfltronessos: Mis. Jero Ogden, Mrs. Charles R. Drowcs, Mrs. Clydo J. Waterman, Mrs. J. C. Driscoli nnd Mrs. Walter G. Mac Mullen, Tho Thursday Afternoon "500" Club ended Its season with a luncheon and theatro party on May 17. Tho members aro Mrs. Frank Kelly, Miss Kthel Qulnn, Miss Florence Gotshnll, Miss Marguerite Ilubley, Miss Lthel Slietzllno, Miss Beatrice Myers, Mrs. Louis Ehrmann, Miss Lllllo Morrison, Miss Besslo Matthews, Miss Fran ces Kliuges. Miss Sara Hlncken, Miss Ethel Claiko nnd Miss Louln Soulas. St. Kdwnrd'3 Holy ;? mo Dramntlo Asso ciation gave "A Man Lolsuro," a four-act comedy-drama, on Wednesday ovening In St. Edward's Auditorium, 7th and York streets, Tho proceeds were for the J20.000 campaign rectory fund of tho Church of tho Most Picclous Blood, 28th and Diamond streets. The Misses Hayes were in charge. Tlio cast of characters included Mr. Frank i AMUSEMENTS STANLEY "13 AHKI3T nb. 10TH . M. TO 3 P. II. LAST 2 DAYS SESSUE HAYAKAWA lLate Star of "TJII3 CyCAT") In "ALIEN SOULS"' Next Week's Program Momlay, Tuesday and Wednesday GEORGE BEBAN in "Pasquale" Thurs., Prl . Sat MA13 MUIUtAY In riltST SHOWINO Ol DAVID BELASCO'S "SWEET KITTY BELLAIRS" AUDUD ATTHACTIONS ALL WI3CIC ,X''1ST HIlOWJNtl Charlie Chaplin in "Police" Views nittennouse Square Plotter Market The Stunley Is tlio unly theatre In Philadelphia that Hill show these attractions during the im'k oC May -- Chestnut Street Opera House lu u Jiu I ;u li . au THE BTARTLIKa Deutschwehr Films Crippled 8oIdlers Working Tbelr Trades With Artltlclal Hands, Arms and l.lmbs JENKPIT WAIl WIDOWS AND ORPHANS Popular Prices, HKs, Jt5c, 25c ' DA1LV Last 2 Days Tk i 10c 1214 Market 20c Jrala,Ce 10 A. M. to 11:15 P. M. TOMonnow Pauline Frederick TOMUimuw MOMENT nEPOHE TOMOHItUW ONLY ADDED ATTUACTION Charlie Chaplin in "The Floorwalker" Nett Mon.. Tumi. Wd MAm DOIIO In "TUB HEAHT OP NOltA FI.VNN" Added Attraction first Episode of DIHIa IturkV in -UWIMA'g ItOMANCp- lIlUtlLlU JUNIl'BnSTS. YA-UDEYIMtB Continuous ll A M. to 11 V. M. lOe. JBc. 25c. Globe MUS1CAU COMEDV "Around the Wold', WJLMER WALTER & COMPANY And 'Wonderful Surroundios Show , MARKET ABOVE OTH T71to'i---iir 0 A. M. to 11:13 P. it Vmi'XlOYlcL DOUULE DILL f0 b,-'J-lf Francia X. Bushman nd Bwnly Ban. In "Million a Minute" 4 cSlflln in 'JJuUtin 6ocltl; Arcadia w. s. hart In "THE PRIMAL LURE" T rvlTTCJT, MD LOCE8T STREtTS LiUVjUpJ- MABEL TALiAFEKRO Avvt- okow -ataxy BELMONT 521 Att MAItKET ST UX.El. DAWN TU SALKSLAP" A. Jfnhoilnnd, Jlr. lUwnrrl I. Coonsy, Id. Ilobcrt Troulanel, Sr., Mr. Walter J, Blnns, Jlr, T).lnl6l Slilelrla nnd Mr. Joseph McColm Kim, Mis llulh BlnckhurBt, MIsa MarptierlU ronvery, Miss ncRine Whinna nnd MIs Mary Morris, Thr6 were specialties be tween tlio nets liy Jlr. Albert Huston, tn Frederick J. Becker, Jlr. Max Pfellmftfar nnd Mr. llnrry Ontrnnder. MISS SAtlAH 11HONBT, Of 2S14 Soith. Knlrhlll Btreet, gave a party on Sun day, JIny 14. Mr. Joseph Bernstein nix Mr. Max Ehrllch gnvo an entertainment nnd Miss S. lllioney and Mr. Herman Stein berg' danced. Amonc the Ruests were Miss Sarah Sfeln. Miss line Crnyder, Miss Sadie Spikier. Mies Kllzabeth Stelnberir. iMles Esther Elsert brock, Mr. Max Ehrllch, Mr. Paul, Mr. Hal perl. Jlr, Benjamin SnrznrotT. Mr. Joseph Dubln, Mr. Clinrles Lazarorr, Mr. OllUfe. mnn, Jlr. Herman Stelnbertr, Mr. SamUef Elirllcli, Mr. Welnstcln, Mr. Morris Ilhoney, Mr. and Mrs. Handleman and Mr. and Mrs. lllioney. Jtlss P. Toof, whoso marriage to Mr. David Knsnnsky took place yesterday, wan Riven a surprise kitchen shower recently by a number of friends nt the homo of Mls IX Silverstoln, 301G Pago utrect. Amontf those present vvero JIIss M. JIalley, Miss S. SllvcrMeln, Miss A. Clnrk. Mrs. M. Miller, MIri S. Savnor, Mrs. Hart, Miss U OerdeN man, JIIss 11. Toof, Jtlss H. Cramer, MIsa 1) I"i reman, JIIss Iv. Jtorrls, JIIss M. Joffee, JIIss K. Orconbnum, Jlr. nnd Jim, Sllver steiii. Mr. Jl. Uttlcman, Jlr. S. KasanBky, .Mr. n Kasansky, Jtr. h. Alvery, Jlr. II. Toof, Jlr. S. Toof and JIIs3 lloso Farber. ASrilPHISH party was given to Jtr. Charles IVackcr In honor of his 60th birthday on Wednesday evening. The Phil adelphia Quartet Club gave sovcral seleo tloiii, nnd Jlr. Wncker wna presented with many beautiful flower's. Among tho guests were Jlr. unit Jlrs. Lewis Hanscll, Mr. nnd. Jlrs. Conrad Wncker. Jlr. and Jlrs. D. Uaiin. Jlr. nnd Jlrs. P. Ott, Mr. and Mrs. I'. Ernst. Jlr. nnd Jlrs. William Schwltzer, Mr. nnd Jlrs. W. Frolllck, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ehrmann. Jlr. nnd Jlrs. O. Schwlnn, Mr. nnd Jlrs. II. Klrspcln, Jlr. and ' Mrs. C Wngiier, Jlrs. J. Jlodll. Jlrs. Frnnk Jtlller. Jlr. nnd Jlrs. J. Jrctzle, Jlr. and Mrs P. Quirk. Jlrs. John Elmer, Jlr. William Boss. Jlr. nnd Jlrs. Q. Jlorloy, Jlr. and Mrs. Charles Lnwrenco, Jlr. nnd Jlrs. William Knoere, Jlr. John Gcrhardt, Jlr. William Heck and Jlr. and Jlrs. Joseph Soldlne. What's Doing Tonight "Church Day" at Philadelphia Today and To morrow Exposition, Commercial Museum. Municipal Hand concert, B7th street and Balti more avenue. I'Vankford Illdh School Alumni meetlne. Fennavlvnnln State. Bankers' Association meet ing. Ilcllevue-Htratford. National Association of Hosiery and Under wear Manufacturers' exhibit. 1st Regiment Ar mory. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting ot Friends, lSth and Unco streets. Philadelphia Telephone Society banquet, Belle-vue-yiratfonl. McetliiB nt alumnae William Penn High School, auditorium, 8 o'clock. Graduation exercises Central Educational In stitute, Central Branch. Y. M. C. A., 1421 Arch street, 8 o'clork. Banquet Philadelphia Telephone. Boclety. BellevuQ.Strntford. 7 o'clock. Twentieth annual reunton Class of 1800. Law, University of Pennsylvania, Adelphla Hotel. Musical comedy, "Ye Wayside Inn." slven by and for the benefit of tho Stetson Field Corps, Stetson Hall, 1713 Oermantown avenue, S o'clock. AMUSEMENTS JOIN THE CROWD AND VISIT THE PHILADELPHIA TODAY AND' TOMORROW Civic Exposition AUDITORIUM BUILDING COMMERCIAL MUSEUM aiUi Street, Below Spruce Open 10 A. M to 10 P. M. TODAY CHURCH DAY PBOOBAM 4 P. M "THE CHURCH AND THE COM MUNITY." I Addresses by Rev. Joseph M. Corrlgan, D. D., Itev, Henry Berkowltz and Itev. nussell H. C'onwelt. 8 P. M. Muslo by the FOURTH FLOOR CHORUS. CAMPBELL PUBLIC SCHOOL, 8th and Fllzwater etrt'ts. Tomorrow BOY SCOUTS' DAY, 3 P. M. Recreation Play and Games. OrI Pla ft round. 100,000 SQUARE FEET OF EXHIBITS Concerts, Phlla. Police Band, ADMISSION 55 CENTS "The Star of Ethiopia" A PAGEANT Portraying the History of tho Negro Roe. 1001? ACTORS 7.V COSTUME 11 MUSICAL HUilBBlia Convention Hall Vlhent Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday May 10, 18 and 20 ADMISSION COfli RESERVED SEATS 7So OTP LYRIC TONIGHT AT 8il5 Matinee Tomorrow The Great J150.000 Musical Revue "TOWN TOPICS" The Giantess of Gayety , With JIBUT LESLIE. SOPHIE TUCKER. J CROSS k. JOSEPHINE. MARIE LAVAnilH AND 123 OTHERS EXTRA! A $30,000 FASHION SHOW WITH 40 MODELS ACADEMY Tonight at 8:15 tSTD.yr, Popular Music by the JTOpb Philadelphia Concerts Orchestra Soloist: Charles T. Tlttman. Baritone Popular Prices Heppe'e, 1110 Chestnut Stret B. F! KEITH'S THEATRE CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STREETS BESSIE CLAYTON & CO. ALBERT WHELAN 'PETTICOATS'-. THE SHARROCK8, Alt HERMAN. OTHER BIG FEATURES NEXT WEEK GEORGE NASH & CO. Adelphi Last 3 ?mes W 1 LAST MAh TOMORROW Cyril Harcourt's Smart Comedy HH A PAIR OF SILK STOCKINGS "A Play Every Ona Should He."-Tjleeorl, YOU HAVE ONLY S MORb CHANCES TO SEE IT. HURRY I Walnut Mat Tomor., 25, 50, 7iSe TWIN BEDS Last 3 Times Efc W'k, "Othello" 2gt Pnt-Qcf TbU NwU Wek' Ev- 8 JlOiresV Matinee Tomorrow 2. 15 BtFrp,iD, ins BRIDAL NIGHT Year. wA.h THE D0LLY sisxERS SEATS NOW BELLING FOR NEXT WBEK Garrick 8t 2 Evgs. gJ THROUGH THE AGES WltU MME YOB3KA an4 ItOBERT T- HAINB9 BROAD-Tonight & "'g The Savoy Co. jq "Patience1 KBTJ. ASO BIS BAND