i! p! REBELS AIDED JN AMERICA, PROBERS OF OUTBREAK TOLD RL Fcinors Received $80,000 l?1"" ... TT C! QIk TUiiflirmf Nathan Tells Royal Commission ' Authorities surprised LONDON, May IS. iW considerable money was received Critic umtoti amies "r " ""' -iiici.i from " r ., rei,nso of nrms nnd tho tailne of seditious newspapers nml leaf KTVn Ireland uas tho nsscrtlon mndo to i. bv Sir Mnthew Nathan, former Under KLjiry for Ireland, before tho commit) .. .tinted to Innulro Into tho origin IS i wsncnilbllty for tho uprising In Dublin, wii wns tho first olllclal statement show- tc a direct nini."" " .... ... fiw Uned s,nl,s' ." ... .. nl.1 llinr (nrnrtvlnttnM rnfinliarl !tr lianas- .,... . .........--. .. - w. ........ 3' . . lnl nn nttnmtir wna In l,n ilo land arms and nmmunltlon for the l-J.T.h rriie s from a Herman suimarinc. no W ' t0 give this disquisition on tho '?' " .!, "nlttenn nrmv"! I"'!?". ...inninoMi nlnno wero not nronnred . "i mimialgn, Tho majority wore itrtlned and not suniclontly quick for an "Ti.toi. wim iraineu iroons. 11 was ieit Mfr? rada for arms or attempted disarms- ..t liv tho Government would lead to woodshed. i . It was lenrncu tnai nucmpia nouiu no ...,, to land arms from a German sub Serine The police nmt military on tho "... .'.cm Yrdcred to bo on their cuard -formation that Dublin Castlo would be KUICK(U "' " - "- - rt2r.rV frnm the Renornl ultimate futil- H of their conduct, the Insuircctionlstb ';. i n-m.-iier orcunlzntion and ability ,j more mllltnry skill than had been at ..,ktl to them, Tho oluntccra uppeured Rtoha.e acted with Bieat courage, ft- impetus was given to tho national vol- Kf ..... ,rmi-mpnt bv fear that coiibcrlu- tV t.i i.n nimllpil tn Trnlnnd. nnd it trousht numerous men Into the Sinn l-'oln movement. Tho number at tho beginning if tha disturbance was estimated at 16,:!UU, including I-00 ln tho Provinces (outside of Dublin. Tho Dublin corps numbered about 1009. "A paid organizer as sent Into tho MOiinces. Tho pollco estimated betoro tho outbreak of tho Insurrection that tho ol linteers had 188ti illles, pistols and pop pins. 825 rifles In Duolln alone. -Association of tho leaders Ith a for eign enemy was sulllcleut to Justify tho .Jt nf trie chieftains, which wns decided lWn On April il, whllo matteis wore be- f. " .. 1 ... IA..1.II.. nnulln ,.lu,,.l ulir.lu VIM uiscusscu iiu wuwiiii wi i'"u' ww rang out- Tho nonl Irish constabulary ; was considered strong enough to copo with i disorders. A mobile forco of 2U00 men, SOU 'mounted and three machine gum. was nl ' rays la readiness. These, with -500 inou from Cuiragh, were thought capable of : dealing with tho, outbreak' ln Dublin, but, 'contraiy to expectations they wero lnsulll- - tlent" I iEDEKAL TRADE COMMISSION Ft' riil(t.' AKQAII.rn TV SKA.VTK eiUJlkfLdXt ilUUiilW"" . ..... ,V.S. Harris Charged With Mixing in Politics by Senator Newlamls .t WASHIN'fiTON'. May 18. Senator Ncw- f? lands, of Novada, vigorously assailed W. J. llim3, Democratic memuor oi me rcuerui aarfor taking an active p.ut In the Geoigla P-Ctmocratlc Stato convention. it'J'ewlands said the Federal Trade com c.,iAn ...nr, ftnnrlnrl tn tin nnnn!irtis:in .'..J i 1 TT...... ...1,1. 'ImnrnnrlntV In r.Q CUUygu Iliuia t,vi ,iii,.u,.... trying to Influence a convention,'' ' Senator llaidwlck. of Georgia, defended i Harris, declaring ho saw no Impropriety In Phis action, Tills precipitated a discussion, which dragged In tho if.imo of Supiemo Court Justlco Hughes. "I'd like to ask tho Senator If he thinks It Is any worse for u member of tho fed eral Trade Commission to go to a con-, ': ventlon than It Is for n member of tho ' Suriemo Court of tho Unltod SUJes to be a c.ndldato for I'resldert7" asked Senator Iturt;, of Jllssourl. ,"tu like to ask what the S;nator thinks of M..mber of tho Federal Trade Conimls 0'nn who tries to Influence legislation In rth Senate," Senator .pnlllnger, Republican leader, said The debato then ended suddenly by a calj for the regular order of business. EVENltfa LSDOR-PHILABBLPHIA, THUKSBAY, MAT 18, 1916, AUDITOR GENERAL Counties Adams . . . u Allegheny Ambler Snyder 387 Armstrong ..' 18-16 Ei Beaver .."... , tledford sllerka ;BIaIr Bradford i Bucks ;,', Butler ,......-..... 1008 764 1481 780 1183 ;.'... '10 lou4 r Cambria 3025 Cameron .Carbon ., Centre . . . ; Chester ., i Clarion .. t Clinton .. .Columbia 71 845 727 479 31G 790 741 Crawford '. 1203 fCumberlaiul ' 887 .Dauphin 2568 iDelaware . , 713 Et'lk .,.,,,,,, 240 iKrle , " 5i Iforest , " 64 Fulton j55 Preene . , . , , 220 BHuntlngdon 997 Hefferson 104 EJunlata ,,,,, ....-.. 290 llackawanmi 2247 ILsncaster 1511 ELavyrenco 1275 t'banon 0S3 fkhish , ,..,,.,.,.,, 1266 swjicrne ,.,,,, ,.,,, 2917 Sl-ycomlns . 1550 kMcKean .,,, ,,.,, 4,70 lllercer :. 905 SMWUn t... 420 Wjontgomery ,,,,., 6751 jwonroe .,,,,.,.,,,,, 133 t Montour 543 Northampton .a. 840 6 Northumberland ,.,,,,,.. 2419 P? IVM. mm 1 ""' ,,, 7 Philadelphia ., ,.,.,, '85750 'Wka .... 47 MVUer 457 IBchuylklll 1834 ipoyder 400 'Somerset 1215 ibusquehanna ,.,,.,,,..,, 1389 rwoion 417 Venango 941 JWarrcn ,,..,., 8"94 Washington A.. ?... 1868 Wayne . sss gWestmorelanil 57a Vwk grn . ?-- Tlal ...,..;". 6m cos 32573 1325 1447 903 2020 014 1186 1705 1647 4442 64 1424 1319 622 391 786 449 1353 1174 5331 3156 667 67 48' 129 328 770 82 230 3704 6712 1169 1594 247J 4241 717 bi:l 934 329 -.4075 ,191 298 1652 253Q 32 66113 61 471 6245 1781 277 292 856 702 2399 27P 582 210 Up noi3 MAY LOSE ELECTION Latest reports indicate that Judge Walling. 'of Erie, may be beaten for reflection to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, by Charles Palmer, of Delaware County. ALLEGHENY'S VOTE ON DELEGATE CLOSE Penrose Leads Governor Brum baugh by Only 2000 in the County riTTSBUnrm. May 18 A clear ma Jorlty for the 12 1'cnroso unpledged dele-gales-at-largc. Indicated early yesterday on the city rctunm In Allegheny County, wns changed last night When tho boroughs nnl townships came In they eliminated one tinplidgcd candidate from the race, (.forge It. Scull, nf Somerset, nnd endangered two others. Alba 11. Johnson nnd James lllvcr son, Jr., of Philadelphia. State Senator V. J. llurkc. of Allegheny, lias crowded out Scull. Governor Urumbaugh, gaining fast all day, ocouples 13th filaco among tho dele-gatcs-at-large candidates, separated from Johnson, In 12th place, by C8 votes, this with 71 districts out of 791 In the county missing. Auditor General Powell, occupy ing 14th place, has been coming strong all day. Tho missing 'il districts, nil country, nro nearly certain to glo Brumbaugh Pow ell majorities. This county's dclegnte-at-largo vote, 71 out of 791 districts missing, stands: Anron, 16,871; Achoson, 17,579; Alcorn, lii.SO!: Armstrong, 30,269; Uabcock. 28,0flri; IJaker, 23,074 ; Urumbaugh, 20.047 ; Binii baugh, 10.9S3; Burke, 21,354; Clement, III. 323; IXvcrson. 20.223; Gillespie, 27,909; Johnson. 20,105; Kcudrlck, 13,031; Lewis, 13,025; Moore, 21,018; Oliver, 24,319; Pen rose, 22,905; Powell. 19,071; ItoynoUK 13, 914; Bice, 20,618; Scull, 18,923; Shoemaker, 15.083; Smith, 14,550; Wnnamakcr. 21,420; Wclngartner, 87.19. But tho biggest surprise developing Inst night In tho delegate-at-largo returns is that Senator Pcnroso will probably not tunc 2000 of n lend over Governor Urumbaugh, who Is not now among tho flrf 12. Pcn roso has 22,095 otes and Brumbaugh 20, 047 votes. Penroso leads Brumbaugh In the county by 2048 Notes. FOR CONGRESSMEN-AT-LARGE Counties. . LaUKhlln. Sobel. Scott, Ada:n3 820 184 363 323 Allegheny ... 7789 20446 19085 15992 Armstrong .. 1311 S74 1072 1001 leaver 660 901 1069 1063 Bedford 323 482 457 367 Berks 1103 1334 1235 1304 Blair 493 376 267 644 Bradford 637 505 594 800 Bucks 243 161 1690 283 Butler 39 15 31 60 Cameron .... 20 28 31 22 eentro 601 114"3 1137 449 Chester 389 236 145 315 Clniloh 128 251 350 156 Clinton 616 423 555 790 Crawford .,.. 433 9G6 1674 490 Cumbeilnnd .. 914 820 844 768 Dauphin 2039 3062 2817 2162 131k '122 495 534' 146 Hrlo 909 1000 2211 906 Koiest 31 43 50 34 Pulton 131 63 18 115 Greene 97 223 218 114 Huntingdon.. 234 633 577 862 reffcrboii .... 56 56 71 58 Juniata (222 138 103 187 Lackawanna.. 1396 1872 2121 2510 Lancaster ... 1888 566 v169 1849 Lawrence.... 795 1020 1079 867 Lebanon 846 1216 1073 976 Lehigh 867 1816 1840' 1002 Luzeine 1702 1901 1937 4225 Lycoming ... 99 46 65 104 McKcun 237 403 808 367 Mercer 403 59G 1040 464 MHIIln 299 188 175 239 Monroe 51 123 119 91 Montgomery.. 396 980 722 402 Montour 181 83 106 262 Noithampton. 764 1341 1479 704 Northumuerl'a 2700 2421 2171 2601 Terry 16 14 19 9 I'Mlaaelphlu . 67175 59103 57494 82020 Pike " 14 41 29 -25 Potter 192 425 411 316 Schuylkill ... 020 2252 2079 2631 Somerset .... 410 368 362 474 SUbnuelidnua.. 1070 395 491 1122 Union 312 123 159 259 Venango 36 49 61 41 Wren 296 454 858 426 Washington., 38 40 40 60 Wayne 198 144 154 242 Westmoreland 407 480 435 566 Wyoming.... 142 118 142 184 York 4207 500 1128 1834 Totals ....107,852 113976 117592 136351 Hunting Park Ave. NEXT jiiiv 77 and 19lh St. WEEK MAI LL Twee Daily Aft. 2.15, Night 8.15 WW BUFFALO BILL(5r)E 101 RANCH M Itli Slilllury l'ucriint PREPAREDNESS 1I1II I'.VIIADK illl.V. irrif-r .j SeaU ut tlimbel llro,' at Show Ground I'flMS. FORESTERS' PARADE NOTICE 1 Foresters of America located ln Philadelphia and vicinity will meet cm 'tha north ulaia of the City Hall, Broad and Filbert streets, on Satur day eleniug, May 20, at 6.30 o'clock, and proceed to Camden, ? J . to take part In fraternal pjra.de lu that. city. fciilef Marshal, Harry W. Mace. P. S. C B, , Marshals, John J Guerln, p it. C R; John P Ponghue. p O. C. Jt i William If Hurley P O. T.i jQhu J ttiricU. Jr. I" C ft 5 WILSON ASKS WESC0TT TO MAKE NOMINATION Governor Fieldor, Designated by Delegation to Make Speech, May Withdraw WASHINGTON, May 18. In accordance with an agreement reached nt the White House last Monday between President-Wilson nnd Attorney General Wcscolt, or New Jersey, President Wilson today made pub lic a letter he has written to Governor Fielder, nt Trenton, reiterating his desire that Mr. Wescott make the nomlnatlnc speech at Ht. Louis. The President's letter follows: My Denr Governor: I am sorry that ni. tangle should hnve occurred with lcpnid to tho ,nr rnnKements for the nominating speech nt the njipronchliiK National Conven tion. Certnlnly the action of the dele KatM will bo a natuial expression of their confidence nnd admiration, and you may be sure that I should have considered It nn honor to bo put In nomination by you. Hut tho fact li that for weeks post whenever I wnsf asked by nny of my friends who my' personal choice wns, I Invariably re plied, ludse Wcscott. I can never for get the enthus'asm nnd Konero'dtv villi which lib undertook this dttty four cnrs ngo, and It has nfways been my hope, If I should ever bo nominated again, that he should uudeitnko It. Heforo I learned of the notion of tho delegation, I had already written to him expressing this preference nnd begging him to put mo In nomination, I am sure that you will understand nnd will rcnllzo that It Is not a choice of Judge Wcscott lu prefcrenco to yourself, but n long standing choice from which my thought has nover turned. Cordially nnd sincerely yours, ' (Signed) WOODItOW WILSON. It Is now expected that Governor Fielder, who wns designated by tho New Jersey delegates to make the speech, will faorably withdraw. REPUBLICAN VOTE IN CITY AUDITOR GENERAL Chnrtes Clmrlen A. A. Amber. Snyder. WnrdJ. First 2865 Second 2785 Third 196 Fourth 748- Fifth 87 Sixth 104 Seventh 286 nighth 112 Ninth 70 Tenth 83 L'loventh 28 Twelfth 121 Thirteenth 319 Fourteenth 2134 Fifteenth 1377 Sixteenth 100 Seventeenth .. 713 Eighteenth 1434 Nineteenth 4241 Twentieth 3866 Twenty-flist 1417 Twenty-second 2S91 Twenty-third 3501 Twenty-foui th 1300 Twenty-llfth 538 Twenty-sixth 4203 Twenty-seventh 1308 Twenty-eighth 2313 Twenty-ninth 872 Thirtieth 2332 Thhty-flrst 2187 Thirty-second 2110 Thirty-third 2307 Thirty-fourth 1960 Thirty-fifth 842 Thirty-sixth 3181 Thirty-seventh 796 Thirty eighth 2148 Thirty-ninth :.. 4735 Fortieth 2333 Forty-llrst 971 Forty-second 1814 Forty-third 1600 Forty-fouith i... 1487 Forty-fifth '1615 Forty-sixth 3G02 Forty-seventh 1534 Forty-eighth r 291 261 91 1558 563 176S 253 3159 1931 590 2570 1276' 1280 1649 348 2718 1196 497 1657 1181 763 141,3 2322 133) 2666 39(-4 900 &74 .dl 2282 860 1009 1620 1215 2094 277 1708 1433 2037 599 1237 362 1450 1812 1474 616 2280 943 659 Totals 85760 66133 Panama Cops Disarmed; People Angry PANAMA. May 18. Tho disarming of tho Panama pollco nt tho order of tho American authorities has caused great antipathy against Americans. Handbills are being distributed calling on tho Pana mans to resist the disarmament. FOR DELEGATES.AT'LARGE The following table Is made tip of returns received up to 2 o'clock this morning. It Is composed of complete nnd lncomplelo re turni nnd Is not olllclal. Urum-imnth. Counties. Adams ,..,., 391 Allegheny , .. 20047 Armstrong ,., 1781 Heaver 1782 Hcdford 579 Ilerks 1642 Dlnlr ...... 65S llrndford ,.., 724 thicks 373 Hutler 1972 Cmnbrin 3429 Camci on 70 Carbon ...... 1031 Oliver, renrose. Smith, 257 515 24319 1274 1410 G40 15C2 350 697 Centre Chester Clnrlon Clinton Columbia .... Crawford .... Cumberland. 726 213 453 342 7 1077 864 Dauphin 2371 Hlk Crlo Forest . Fulton Grecno Huntingdon.. Jefferson .... Juniata, I.nc1mwnntu., Lancaster . . . Lawrence .... 326 14 53 161 106 1208 101 317 2361 136S 1479 Lebanon 1158 Lehigh L".zcrno Lycoming .... Mclvcuu Mctccr Milllln Monroe Montgomery.. Montour Xoithampton. Northumbcrl'tl Perry Philadelphia . Pike Potter Schuylkill ... Snyder Somerset .... Susquehanna. Union Venango Wairen Washington.. Wayno Wrstmoicl'd . Wjotnlng .... 1032 3833 496 917( 42l' 119 380 25S 902 2072 15 1521 42 2S8 3712 4SI 1217 1379 143 S7 700 2239 331 774 303 2324 40 993 463 207 323 307 2 1302 1029 3121 516 61 05 88 303 676 77 180 739 1606 1113 1263 991 2618 59:, S42 214 165 661 116 848 2511 18 58053 45 470 3319 t 250 iioi 640 178 09 089 2675 1S5 639 163 G07 22905 115S 1190 670 , 1690 ' 333 676 1690 , i . 2235 S2 1117 1319 311 307 377 . 3 1196 " 1007 3769 G20" 04 55 76 320 724 - 71 173 1699 1563 1045 1235 1791 2748 553 S06 247 173 698 124 1419 2648 15 63183 43 493 4092 248 1371 699 ,59S 67 CIS 2543 203 612 158 14559 1208 1006 336 1127 392 916 29. 1093 2257 21 828 47 IS.t 184 216 I C07 634 1612 151 3 34 100 91 920 79 201 1391 1223 808 491 2520 326 402 268 82 346 1S1 785 2487 5 73739 29 270 1835 275 993 1330 231 52 486 1331 260 516 198 Totals .143220 125964 136313 120971 Walling Behind Palmer in Clinton LOCK 1IAVKN. Pa.. May 18. Jtcturns from Clinton County glvo Wnlllng 631 and Palmer 779 otes for tho Supreme Court nomination. WnllinK Has Big Lead in Eric HKIIO, Pa., May 18. Incomplete returns for tho Supreme Court nomination In Hrlo County glc Walling, 7103; Palmer, 821. frags Sf Take the Children SPECIAL ONE-DAY FARES SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS Philadelphia & Reading Ry. CQ THIS IMTHER Davenport SUIT Specially Priced $QC Regular VOO price $55 3 Piecci Davenport, Arm Chair and Rocker. In Mahogany In green or brown; good quality Spaniih leather. One of our many great money-saving opportunities. Splendid quality at unequaled price reductions. Crex Ruet. Velvet, Brustels, Axmin- tter nnd Fibre Rugs ipecjally priced. ATWOOD'S Carpet and Furniture Storo 40 & 42 S. Second St Pet ween Market and Chestnut Sts, iL'hhIi Onlyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lintabllnlicil 1830 I'HSgBv St USUI rwmnrf l!iIZiiiSIi!inHrsUi8i2iiUSUUHI!HU!H!!H!HHHM!H!U!!H!HHH:Hinr:i 3626 Residents of Philadelphia registered at Hotel Astor during the past year. hi 100U Rooms, 700 with Bath. A cuisine which has made the Astor New York's leading Banqueting place. Single Rooms, without bith, 2.00 to 3.00 Doubl TIMES SQUARE 3.00 to 4.00 3.00 to 6.00 . 4.00 to 7.0a Pirlor, Bedroom md bath, fio.oa to 14 00 Single Roonu, with bath, Double if" h At Broadwayth to 45th Street the center of New York's social and business activities. In close proximity to. alt railway terminals. SdPiiinnnnniftiniiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiuiiyniiitiiiiHiiuuiiiiiiulu VI0LENTI ATTACCHI AUSTRIACI RESPINTI DALAZUGNATORTA Lc Truppc Italinne Laaclanoj Altrc Posizioni Avanznte Troppo Eaposte tra il Ter- ragnolo o l'Astico L'OFFENSIVA SI ESTEDE IIO.MA, IS Mnrelo II Mlnlstoro lilln Onerrn pubbllcara lerl Fern II scRtieuto rniparto del Kcnernlo Pn elnrnn elrcn In slttinlono nlln fronte Itnlo- niistrlnrn: N'elln ?onn tint IMsto del Tonnln nlln nlle Oludlenrla el foiio nvntl tluelll til nrtlRllerln. elI!l vnllo rtell'Atllce. Mono una InteiiR.i prepnrn?.lone dl nrtlRllerln, II neinlco Innelo' lerl (innrtedl') elnrjuo l olentl nttncchl contro le peiullcl sotten trlonnll delln ZuRna Tortn. Qitestl nt tncchl ftirono resplntl con penlltc cnor nil per II ncmlco Inllltto dal fimeo inlcldlnlls'slino dello nostrc nrtlRllerlc o delln nostra fucllerln N'uniero,l en dnvcrl dl soldntl niiMtrlncI fmono por tntl ln il.tlle nrtiie dpU'AdlRC. N'clla jsonii tin la vnllo del TerraR nolo 0 l'nlta utile dell'Astlca II neinlco ha concentrnto tin lolentlsilnio tuoco dl cannonl dl oriiI ctllbro stille noitro poslzlonl, slceho' nnl rl tnducemmo a rcttlllraro nncorn la nostra fronte dl nbttnRlla r nd nbbnnilonnre ntcune po slzlonl unti7,ito troppo esposto nl fuoco delln artlRllerlcs ncnilchc. N'et settore dl ArI.iro, dl fronte nl l'nltoplnno ill LaMirone, II nemlco free ticrslitentl tentntlvl ill nttneco tiell.i notte del IS ninRRlo, ma cstendo statu rcsplnto con Rrnvl pcrdlte rlninse In operoso durante II resto delln Rlornata N'clla Vnl SiiRana liella notto del 1 5 nniRRlii c nella Rlornata scRiiento II ncmlco nttneco' con Rrnn vlRoro quclla lozlono delln nostra fionte compresa tra la tcstata del torrento Maggie cd II Monio Colli), 111.1 fil rcsplnto da tin una tro o lRoroso contrattacco o lasclo' nelle nostic maul circa 300 prlRlonlerl comptcsl alciinl ulllclnll. .Sul icsto delln fionte dl battnRlIn si ebbo lerl una pcrslstentc nttlvlta del 1'nrtlRllerln neuilca cd attncchl sior adlcl cite nvonno It carnttere dl diver sion! nella vnllo ill San I'ellcRrlno, utH'iilta valle del Hut, sul Monte Itosso, sul Mrzll Vbr, sullc fnldo scttcntiinnall del motile San Michole, ncl settora ill Suez cd in nucllo ill Monfnlcone. Tuttl quest! nttncchl furono reiplntl con grnv! perdltc per It nemlco e not pren tlemmo un centlnnlo dl prlRlonlerl Avlntorl nemicl hniino fntlo cedere bombo su Cftstcl Teslno, Ospedaletto, Monte Ilellunn o Gemona. SI sono nvutc nlcune Mttlms, ma non itnnnl mntcrlnll Una dellc nostra squnilrlRlio neree ha lasclnto endero bombe su DrlllnCli 0 Kotscbnck, ticlln nlte del Qnlt pro Vovnndo Incemlli, I.ON1J11A, 18 .Mnnnlo I-n sltunzlone sulln fronte itnllann destn pil vl vlsslmo intcresse. nvendo gll nUstrtnct Inlzlnto la loro grnndc orfenslvn di cut si nrlna da met .op mf nif mf mf mf mf Oo hr mf mf tempo IolTcnslvn si mnnlfestn sulutta la tutiRa fronte dl bnttiiRlla, inn rII nttncchl sono Bpcclalmcnto vlolentl nella rotia dclla vnllo iletl'AdtRe, tra questo flumo o la nlto dell'Astlco, n sud-cst ill Itoverto, Su questo settoro delta fronte rII ttntlnnl nmmettono dl ncr dovtito nbbnmlorinra nlcune iosl-' 7.I011I nnnzate peri'lio' tioppo espoite nl fucco dcllo artlRllerle iiemlchc, ma rII nui trlncl Inveco illcono che esil linnuo rlcnc clnto Imltctro rII llnllnnl ed tinnno loro lireso prlRlonlerl ctio ndesso sommnno nd oltro CO0O. Pnlmer Lends Wnllinr in LycomliiK WlIjf.IAMSI'OltT. I'n.. May IS. The vote for tho Supreme Court In l,ycomltiR County rIcs Palmer 1870; WiiIIIiir. 1171. VENEZIABOMBARDATA DI MJ0V0 DALWLT0 6h Italinni Attaccano gli Aui triad a Doberdo' e sullo Dolomiti Dal comuhlcntl Itnltnno cd austrtftco rl sulta etie nil nustrlacl cqntlnunno la ion offensUn sutla fronte del Trentltto o preclsit mentc nel Bettore compreso tra la, vallo dell'AdlRO e quclla flell'Aitlco. Questo set tore e' costltulto quaxt esclualvnmente datla Zugna Tortit c dnl Conl Zugna, ctio Bono statl potentemente fortlfieatl Untla trUppo Itnllnne. 11 Rencrnle Cnclorna nnnuncla di averc evneunto nlcune altre poslzlonl avnnzate nella valle del Tcrragnolo 0 net l'nlta Mtllo dell'Astlco perche" troppo ciposto nl fdoco Incroclnto del fortt nun triad dl Ilovercto e delta Kolgarla. Un eomunlcnto odlerno nustrtaco anntln cln che gll ttallanl hnnnp nttaccato II nemlco sul Cnrso e sulle Dolomiti, ma etie sono stntt rcsplntl, e che ncroplanl nustrlacl tinnno boinbanlalo con rlsultatl dlsastrosl parccchlo stnzlon! fcrrovlnrlo Itatlane, epi clnlmcnte quelle ill Vcnezln, Udlno Mcstre, Clvldale e Cormons. to-) Tender Aching lVft Ji i 'V mhf Mol.l Orren!re J'eet 4 s LfJOy Hnril unil Huft Corn llunlnii nml "Knnli Jiilnt" fii-rf l'rench Heel Cramp V I C'linipiiiinil ('nllniixe Why Suffer Cal-o-cide Gives Instant Relief For All Foot Troubles It nctB through tho pores nnd removes tho caimo by rcstorliiR tho tissues to normal; tho rults aio truly icmarknbtc. Clet n 2Bc pack uro from any diugRht, lio Is nuthorlzcit to icfunil money to any nno not fully satisfied Ilomembor tho n.ime ; get tho Rcuulno article. Ingrown, Null IMMtDlltlMtl iMitHHMiniiiiminiiiiiiiMmiK piii mther Nature and Father Time made 1 J diamonds out of carbon. But pshaw! W Look what their method does with tobacco. p pl Two years of it make VELVET. fy I "7ELVET is matured in f II V Nature's "way. M Nature's way is the expensive way, P the slow way, requiring two Kz-2gcff2S years,' but this is the only way ISl to remove harshness and bite lf from tobacco. 3 Buy VELVET, the Smoothest x f 1 0k&vmBM4m monS Tobacco, today. rS tKj$$Zb. f H i'lHl C lift 1 t 1 J O w lr& "-jS SA rl One Pound Glass Humidors 1 etos