L ifltft? t jit f Ikf m gyp :UBACK GAME BEATS DAVE LANE IN HIS OWN WARD j- - , $ge of Republican Party , Bucks Transit and Loses by Fifteen Votes J1K8T DEFEAT N YEARS 20th Ward Pm Transit Loan ....,, 23GG Against Transit Loan... 2351 Loan Majority IS wan. .. ri ,jft,, . A a, UVBHIG i;BBaER-3?trTABBLPHlA; WEBtfESfrAV, MAY 17, 1916. ,.! J..1r--a. ?,. -. , n,..-.. 3.1 . n . . .. . x -iJ..i....t..- i..-i !. -..-T- .. f .yJ.,J,T f . . I, TiJ - I"M"'""'" ' ' REPUBLICAN VOTE FOR DELEGATES-AT-LARGE tVSri lfF'' ' " " ' ' ' m 1 " ES" $ Till '! l,, ,.. . M ..' ( . r . . h !S!L .!" .......... 232 1 SSK2 "llrw. ! fourth ,,, ,,, si iWih'-:::;::::;-.v.:::::;:;:;:: 15 '"',& ....... i oj TVir ih :. v.v.v.v.'. : : : : ,k: : :;.' :; J? Thirteenth 203 tlttecntn ...... i .. ,i .......... , tiIO siicNHh ....... .,....;.;;;;;:: m-, Seventeenth .,, ,,..,.... ,710 Kehjeentn , , lyjj Nineteenth ortii i wentnun , , . si is. Twenty-Orat ....,..,,..... IrioJ Twemv-secAn.1 .. 2nt3 Twentr-thlrd .. 1037 Twenty-fourth . ,...w ......... . lion Twenty-nfth .. i.... .... 401 Twenlj-stslli Slijl Twenty-seventh 1140 Twpnly-flihtn Ti Tuonly-nlnth nil ThlrtlMh ., 230T Thlrty-seronii 1H34 Thlrty-thlrd iil Thirty-fourth PMO Thirty-fifth 740 Thlrly-aHth 24,.'V! Thlrt3-.dM-.MUIi 7IT Thlrty-flsHth -. . r Inns Thlrtvnlnth t 8113 rortlxlh 23-11 Forty-Orst .730 Forty-second 1310 Forty-third 141H1 Forty-fourth 1231 Porty-rUth 1253 l'artr-Klxth RiWl Ports'-onth 14JO Knrty-FlKhth 203n ToInN niTS3 ; p . w p f ! p i f t 3 s I f . I p , j i S ? I I 3 f g & f i I i t "is H I I I? & I ? f I f I I '? ? I I I w f I f f f I i : I , it O" S ; : . E . . a. i i . : ! ?! i ::::" 5 '; ?:?:?! f : l23i270 263 IgO 228 "' '2825 TiT-2lH 2I2H 1074 282 ITS 50T T Ml 2 2WJ lj J aJ23 ai07 ii$ h?i nil 14?.1! aP? u m m ki un us aiiu 2.7I? ?fl7 .4 ?$ ai ijf- i 5? II .,JK ifSS S? SS I? S, Si 107n ,?1S x3 io ? if ii". iff si 45 J. S 110 8S .183 .100 .ISO 87 14 So S 2io lf3 184 M 62 177 220 .231 St IJ .HS liiV ?? .B8 121 lnb 11183 11)31 A 88 SI It 108J 1021 1B83 il3 85 loJ 1028 l4t NO ,5 iQ? IHJ jil tJS 218 , SOlS 2084 21)33 MS 28 Uf 173 30.12 2071 8044 37(1 J5 2885 2070 2030 10J 13 2W 2g 03 m 77 800 .882 SHI 00 23 llJ BH 801? 082 388 101 Ar 374 381 083 31 31 B3 agSn 07 6B ,7 5334 3587 2338 .81 29 .37 .03 2J01 2438 2600 1ST Vs 2414 288 26J3 , fl Jg ?, 2jJ jjj Ml Uo 1240 14A I2M tl.." Wll laf SI l.ll.l i-j.14 vlJ l.lrt HI Vln-I Ian1! 1415 IOI 208 11IS .5Tn M?' Jra 'ill '5JS .71 11 ."A .2" l8 l"0l 1388 273 210 1B37 1B33 1B8IJ 283 " JJ ' ifgg 1000 2033 .323 300 320 1930 .83 1741 1000 1002 ,200 311 1774 liitll 27'J 3U2 311 1011 214 . af i Idiri 114J 234 244 2.V8 1014 3J uij 1001 SOJ 2443 ZiV-t 1II..I 8 1 2IU8 W ?3 J0 21 jj r4KS VlO 00 iff fti8 fi77 110 mi 80 lis 174 in 10.12 InjT fa 0 I 31 lis" ill! ,S2 21 Hi 1iin ali m 70S SB7 .378 ,8S ,000 74 Bll 040 042 400 87T 044 020 305 .887 ' .408, f.03 77 810 330 3J M li5i 2'n!2 '1W ifl IMS i! JUS iSSI 'JB IAW Ssb SS 'ffil MIS t J 'g M 2730 8824 2183 10H3 3071 8843 720 203O 2.163 3314 1P39 2431 2000 2368 181. 2014 2104 2Sqi w"i "'-y -"J" tYIS P84 118 12l! I"! 3S 2lX 8' ."I" ."'-' 1731 ll 120i 12B7 llflj 1032 "47 1241 303 463 10JI 1.0 1I8 1088 1283 2037 2088 2679 1142 421 .073 1171 2.20 2402 BBS 1383 lino 2102 2088 2637 l02f 235. 2-77 . 1"I 432 B32 28H1 2381 2M7 828 160 478 62.1 3283 8123 2000 200 602 2820 8010 8386 481 331 2B83 J70.1 821 3301 84811 84.1 778 7?3 8IIII3 431 327 8224 3020 050 7811 8l88 30711 883 7111 88J 80ft 2(0 JJS 308 8..0 1003 1101 032 007 .018 1121 247 1033 1082 1587 F70 035 1111 018 BB2 .008 .781 .OfO JOS ,B3 B24 1010 2877 2.V1S 3111 113? l26f 23l.' Ills 2223 2220 268 116& lSHS 2.WII 2120 lOtIO 1174 lj8 JgW JIT 1001 044 J.HJ 550 7tl 1723 1671 160i 000 208 Boll .361 1713 1381 1311 810 1085 1468 80l 082 1834 8VV 631 1330 1606 238(1 2161 018 .704 .704 2313 183 1831 1081 2430 782 .704 2182 II16I 663 710 806 5fl74 416 64.1 610 2100 IHSO 2083 1307 1410 146.' lOOj 412 17ffl 1003 2707 1437 140 2024 1713 1848 1803 1348 1871 407 1807 1266 1730 24311 2300 1032 .0.13 1133 2210 464 2816 2301 2424 1003 1177 2330 2070 038 1037 1031 510 663 881 2288 13S3 1046 2144 10.14 2026 178(1 328 1600 1310 2181 1880 2120 II4S IBOO 1800 1870 2038 S37 733 1713 106(1 1018 786 751 338 28 20 0.13 8 .074 .70S 847 281 2.10 022 676 237 .207 .324 046 0 223 107 703 2883 2032 1410 1278 840 3125 480 220 2361 87 1341 1443 3030 206 1266 1282 1463 2147 B32 1118 111 -48 704 78I 1440 1400 140 ON (86 .068 ,708 1773 1348 14111 843 0.10 12110 133 18B0 ,606 841 1800 1261 077 1750 21211 270 2013 27 1IW 720 1728 1840 3630 231PII 2(10 2IIHII 1703 2.170 2660 28jt UOl 46 J40I 2444 1700 2703 3423 447 360 840 4707 228 8020 2033 2IIB8 430 412 1767 1848 404 .438 404 2780 141 82.1 3IW 8631 2 80 2318 1286 1124 1201 2113 845 1045 2000 2014 1203 1233 2250 IMS 1007 1178 1213 I083 373 1043 IIJ3 J023 707 787 331 281 2B7 870 124 064 072 812 ,200 831 7IU ...i 230 .824 .30 .BS" JJJ 210 243 307 1302 1700 1.108 1308 1468 1641 870 1472 1444 2311 1303 1388 1701 '- tOTM 1875 l40t tSS 638 1260 10 13.14 1807 1082 1030 1B41 1037 1337 889 1388 1J40 1666 1040 1080 1341 1303 1478 1B20 1701 ,1284 1282 1402 1348 1320 llftO 1807 1473 1410 1481 1320 24t 1140 11 Ml 21S7 1894 1432 1333 . i 1J W 1308 1150 818 1201 1283 108 671 BOB 828 897 .821 1827 222 2728 2B8J 380? 208B 21110 8 '01 2160 21,10 2184 2180 JSflJ 1287 2B8 200 1240 2448 8151 1843 2304 2800 8820 004 1247 1201 1290 307 043 1228 1102 270 297 322 1232 43? 1871 1616 2103 ?336 1414 862 7B7 888 ISSS 248 1234 1263 1770 846 871 lall 1170 780 803 877 1147 3. 710 706 1248 2030 2108 Bfl.1 433 489 2028 200 1047 1066 2266 471 480 2022 1008 432 412 474 1870 .70 893 481 2001 38699 P B 3 a 4 I I a- s & ;m 88 1173 2'I 822? 118 601 00 2340 18,11 141 287 IB" 1970 842 10"" ?IM 100 1130 .071 .?81 1404 11U4 8490 4127 380O .820 1199 .481 2748 2633 1132 1383 1160 26011 613 4062 4003 1025 248 148? 1820 B22 2140 880 104 1 1065 .2177 1041 1710 1310 842 301 8044 1423 783 1411 1851 2088 4631 408 2140 1403 887 340 1331 1772 1430 1007 1277 140R 1410 1121 3080 287(1 1839 060 2228 343 B8983 63868 02600 031A7 7IB21 10293 60351 B9B01 D7013 87800 03405 07784 0.1117 BS031 58123 01889 10019 B4224 32403 04035 72918 79817 in 81 114 22 18 14 44 B6 .43 10 42 68 284 40 .00 197 208 287 204 080 33. 862 .08 205 380 280 103 810 340 027 00 f?K B38 148 840 60 833 308 181 87 Bll 169 108 0013 M'NICHOLIliri; iaKWWWvKrtTvI TRANSIT DOWNED HIM s, r fiavo Lane Won't Talk About Transit Triumph Mr. Lane wns interviewed today on the fact that the transit loan Rot n tremendous majority and particular ly on the" fact that his own ward gave it a majority of 15, but he could not bring himself to talk rcstrain edly enough to allow his remarks to bo printed, oxcerrt thut mildest one In which he said it "was pure, un adulterated department store rot." UJ n Davo Lane, Brand old mnn of tho Tie- publican Party, leader of the 20th Ward, David H. Lane, chairman of tho Republi can City Committee, the Sago wh& Has teen boss of "the Twontleth" since the memory of voters runneth not to th con trary, thla Nestor and mentor of tho young politicians was beaten In his own bailiwick yesterday on an Isauo whldh meant more to him personally than any Issue ho ever has fought or probably will light. Davo Lano lost In his effort to defeat the transit loan. Ho was beaten by IB votes. While he fought tho transit loan ho sup ported tho general loa,n. The results were: Transit Loan Tea 2300 No ., 2331 Central Loan ' Te 3B51 Vo '807 '-Mr, Lane's position on transit wa gen, erally known.' but ho had not public- de clared himself. But nil doubt as to his attitude was dissipated by the figures ns chown above. And If that were not enough there 1b the statement made by Senator Vore today, 'wno was asltcd to cxp;aln the voto on tho loans In the 20th Ward, and . 'lie .answered easily; . 'lOh. 'Mr. Lane's 'always been against the transit loans. You remember that at tho vote, on the preliminary $6,000,000 loan for transit he worked against that, too " .Tliat Is what makes today's comparison interesting. For when Daio Lano worked against that first loan he was successful. He beat tho loan In that ward which he always had controlled, and the only ward to vote against the loan then ; he bent It 1178 to 1243, n majority of 633. And to day he loses by 15 votes. "Does It mean the passing of Dave Lane as an Influence, as, a leader?" Senator Vara was asked. "Certainly not," he said, coming quickly to the venerable man's defense. "Well, then, what does It mean 7" 'ffothlng particular," the Senator an swered, "because this was a different project and the agitation of years carried this thing through despite Mr. Lane's personal opposi tion. You see he has always been against transit." "Then tho fact that he bucked your party won't hurt him as far as you're concerned?" "Of course, not! Mr. Lane's all right." So David 11. Lano doesn't lose caste be cause ot nis muuny. uut moso rollowersj wVia Mn1lrt Mm In (Iia -nh hA nAn i.' nuv ... .... ... .... mv..., to uiicn rvuu aid with hushed breath, "He's a fine man." after he said "Howdy-do" In his kindly said rather grand manner on his way Into the. David H. Lane Republican Club in Master Btreet west of t3th, they are today repeating furtively to themselves and then to one another that Dave Lane lost a fight. Ha was beaten in the 20th, his own 20th, think of it I PENROSE SLATE CARRIES STATE Cnntlnnril frnm I'ime One Snider 00,803 Ambler's mnjorlty, 8034. OllNOnnNSMAN-AT-I.AllOK Sent! 97,977 I.nfenn 07,233 Snliel 00,004 Mcl.iiUBhlln 89,103 4t'STici5 or Tin; sopiibme couht Walling i3'i( Palmer ....42,838 in:i.r.(iATi:s-T-i,Auoi: Aiirnii (ItriimlmiiKti) 07,783 Klversnn (l'ennne) 07,013 Wnnnmnlter (Pennine) 70,817 Nmltli (HriiinliniiBli) 72,018 Ilruinliiiiigli (Hriimliniigh) .... 71,821 KemlrleU (Uriitntmimli) 07,734 Penrone (Pennine) 01,380 Slmemnker (llruniliniiKli) 01,033 Alenrn (Ilrumlmimli) 03,808 .Inlinmin (Penrose) 03,408 linker (Penrose) 03,187 Armstrong (Penrose) 02,000 Police figures, at 1 o'clock, said to be complete, give: AiniiTou oi:xr.iiAi. Ambler .JU' Snjder rXlli:SS-AT-LAIt(l C'rngn (Inrlnnd l.nfenn .Mrl.uuKlilln Seott 84,070 boliel 07,018 In Philadelphia the contest between 'the two factions was close. Ambler received a baro majority of 8564. While the VareB. aided by Mayor Smith, and supporting both the transit and port loans, decisively de feated tho Penrose-McN'tchol forces In the ward contests, they were unnble to carry tho Brumbaugh-Ambler ticket through with tho largo majority they had predicted. STANDOFF FOP. DELEGATES HERE. Six Penrose nnd six Brumbaugh deleg- kates.-at-large to tho Republlcnn National Convention carried PhlladelBhla. Penrose ran .behind Governor Brumbaugh, wno re- 00,112 00,343 07,070 03,300 30,000 FIREMAN SET FREE WHEN' ACCUSER FAILS TO APPEAR ' Declares Charge That He Stole Shirts at Fire Was Baseless rJohn Klrschner, a fireman of Truck No. ,'-who was accused of stealing goods from Bernstein's haberdashery at 8QG vine Btreet. hali a further hearing before Magistrate Tracy at the 11th and Winter streets police station today and was discharged. The, fireman was arrested last Thursday. Inspector SIcNulty, of the Fire Insurance -Patrol No. 1, said ha saw Klrschner take ! four slllc shirts and many pairs of silk socks after fha fire 'had been, extinguished at the Bernstein store. McNulty Informed Chief ' JfcMurpby, of the Fire Department. The lat Ijter ordered, the fireman's arrest. Kitsch' iwr was taken before Magistrate Collins, Who held him in J100 ball for the hearing tsdiiy. ' --'" jiiHIIier Chief Hurphy nor Inspector Mc Nulty appeared against the prisoner and tb Magistrate was obliged to discharge jycirschner ald, that his arrest was un warranted. He declared ha did not steal 4KQ goods at the Bernstein place and said . JMr was simply removing boxes of goods i tea place in the store where they would 7 aet be damaged by water- "McNulty hajj been In the business only feuut a, month," said Klrschner. 'And he wanted to make a name for hlratelf. I M not open any boxes. Chief Murphy HI h4 W right, tq order my arrest in the first i jfti;. Aiked why he was not present at, the fting loaay. unier iiurpny satq it was ts a mUyndersiandlns as to the lme li hsarlng, "Klrschner may escape 0rtuitr.il prosecution," he said, "but his M wui not be passed up lightly by the i'trv Buraau. We cannot let tmeb. matters -to W A lighUy Klrschner will be ordersd "WW tJit ttkl board. celved the fifth highest vote -In the city. Mayor Smith running Just nhead of him. William S. Aaron, of Altoona, ran 25,000 vQtos ahead of the cntlro ticket for dele gates at large, duo to the fact that his name was first on the long ballot. Tho Govrenor won eight of the 12 dis trict delegates In Philadelphia. Another delegate. City Solicitor John P. Connelly, might bo counted upon to line up with the vnres, since the Vares won control ot me Republican city organization. The Ilepulillenn illstrlrt delegates eleeted In 1'hllndelplila follow: 1st district, Wil liam S. Tare nnd William MeCoach (both Urumbaiigli) ; 2d district, Jnmes 1. Me N'lchol and Charles Drawn (bath Penrose) I 3d district, John I'. Connelly (neutral) nnd John II. Ilromley (Ilrumbuucli) ! 4th dis trict, William Abrahams (Ilrumbaugli) nnd William Frleliofer (Penrose) 1 Bill dis trict, John J. McKlnley, Jr., and Wllllum R. Knight, Jr. (both llrumbuush). Harmon M. Kephart received the largest vote cast for any candidate In Philadelphia. Virtually unopposed, he polled 117,635 votes. Philander C. Knox received 61,600 In the city. Isador Sobel, ot Krlo, and Joseph Mc Laughlin, of Philadelphia, the two Penrose candidates who opposed Daniel F. Lafean and John R. K. Scott for Congressmen-at-Lnrge, ran close to the two Brumbaugh Vai;e candidates in Philadelphia. Sobel re ceived a big vote In some of the Vare wards. CLOSE RACE FOR SUPREME COURT. The closest fight In Philadelphia was the contest between Charles Palmer and Justice Emory A. Walling for the nonpartisan nomination for Justice of the Supreme Court. There was little Interest In the con test here, nnd tho result was that Walling, with the united support of the factions and of tho bar of the city and State, polled only 43,128 votes ns against 42.838 for Palmer. Governor Brumbaugh, whose name was the only one In the presidential column on the Republican ballot, received 68,837 votes. Henry Ford ran second to him In the city, receiving 3314 votes through the use of "stickers" Roosoielt received 2036, nnd Htmhei BOO In Philadelphia Reports from Hnrrlsburg Indicate that Ford 18 running second to Brumbaugh nil over the State, and It Is estimated that ho will receive 30,000 votes outside of Phila delphia. Governor Brumbnugh showed surprising personal strength throughout the Slate. The extreme tlllTlculty attending tho count of the complicated primary ballots, how ever, delays news of the outcome. Scat terlng returns from Allegheny nnd other metropolitan districts showed Hint the Gov ernor Is running ahead of his ticket nnd will probably be elected a dclegato-nt-large. large. A Mitchell Palmer easily defeatca Michael Llcbel, Jr , of Eric, for Democratic National Committeeman. Tho Reorganiza tion Democratic ticket wns nominated by a substantial majority OERMAN-AMEItrCANS FOR FORD. Tho German-Americans In nil parts of tho Stnto gave Henry Ford a largo vote. Stickers had been goncroitaly distributed, and they wero used by Penrose- followers to express their disapprobation of Governor Brumbaugh The returns Include only a few districts from more than half tho counties of the State, Including many sections whoro the Biumbaugh-Smlth candidacy was admit tedly strong. Tho Penrose forces nro con Jldent that later returns will show. a grow ing majority for nn unlnstructed delega tion For Congrcssman-at-Lnrge, tho fight be tween Joseph M. McLaughlin, of Phila delphia, nnd Isador Sobel, of Erie, tho Penrose candidates, and John R. K. Scott, of Philadelphia, nnd Daniel V. Lafean, of York, the Brumbnugh-Vare candidates, seems to have resulted In victory for tho two former. For State Treasurer Harmon M. Kephart, of Fayette County, had n walkover for the Republican nomination. His opponent, J. V. Clark, of Washington County, did not liavo tho support of either (action and It is not believed that he carried a county In tho Stnto outside of Washington. Thomas S. Crngo, of Grccno County, nnd Mahlon M. Garland, of Allegheny County, wero virtually unopposed for tho other two places on tho G. O. P. ticket for Congress-mnn-nt-large and won handily. Senntor Penrose's friends control tho Re publican State Committee by a safe ma jorlty and he will be chosen chairman of tho State delegation to the G. O. P. Con vcntlon and will also be elected National Committeeman to succeed Henry W. Wesson The Democratic fight through the State was confined to National Committeeman and the nomination for United Stntea Senator. Tho efforts of the "Old Guard" Democrats to unhorso A. Mitchell Palmer as the Democratic leader failed, and ho was elected National Committeeman over Michael Llebel, Jr., of Erie, by a big ma jority. The Penrose ticket for delegatcs-nt-Iarge, nnd which Is elected with but few excep tions, perhnps. Is: DELEGATES-AT-LARGE Joseph G. Armstrong, Pittsburgh. Edward V. Babcock, Pittsburgh. W. Harry Baker, Harrlsburg. James Elverson, Jr., Philadelphia. David L. Gillespie. Pittsburgh. Alba B. Johnson, Montgomery County. Guy W. Moore, Kingston. Luzerne County. George T. Oliver. Pittsburgh. Boles Penrose, Philadelphia, William E. Rice, Warren. George R. Scull, Somerset. John Wanamnker, Philadelphia. ALTERNATES-AT-LA RGE John W. Ford, Philadelphia. Thomas H. Garvin, Delaware County, Henry P. Haas, Pittsburgh. Frank J. Lanahan, Pittsburgh. Charles Matthewa, New Castle. Isaac B. Metzger, Pittsburgh. Gabriel II. Moyer, Lebanon. Joseph W. Paacoe, Easton. Reese A. Phillips, Scranton. William Price, Pittsburgh, Milton P. Schantz, Allentown. Louis T. Schneider. Pltstburgh. Edward II. Swindell. Pittsburgh. George II. White, Philadelphia. Second, J. P. McNIchol, Charles Brown. Third, J. II. Bromley, J. l Conrlelly. Sixth. II D. Bcaston, William Totter. Seventh, Horaco It. 'Benles, William C. Sproul. Eighth, .1. A. Anderson. C. J. Buckman. Ninth, W. W. GrlflBt, II. 13. Sherts. Tenth, E. B. Jcrmyn, L. A. Watros. Twelfth, W. It. Adamson, C. B. Bergcr. Thirteenth, R. G. Bushong, E. M. Young. Fifteenth, C. R. Armstrong, Emerson Collins. .Sixteenth, C. A. Barren. Seventeenth. II. W. Byron, Calvin Greene. Eighteenth, B. Dawson Coleman, A. Car son Stnmm. Nineteenth, John C. Ogdcn. Twentieth, John E. Baker, D. Guy Holl- Ingcr. Twenty-first, Augustln H. Gaffney, Will iam I Swopc. Twenty-third, William E. Crow, Isalnh Good. Twenty-fourth, James A. Cunningham, Joseph A. Hcrron. Twenty-fifth, John J. Carter, Frank Con nell. Twenty-sixth, Robert A. Stotz, Thomas M. Whlldln. Twenty-seventh, John S. Fisher, Harry R. Wilson. Twenty-eighth, Severn P. Kor, Cha-les Miller. Thirty-first, William A. Magee, Alex ander 1. Moore. Thirty-second, John A. Bell, Miles Bryan STATE SENATORIAL VOTE ON THE LOANS Trunslt Oensral nnd Port Improiement Ward. 1.... S. 4. 5. G. 7. 8.. 0., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.. 15.. 1C. 17.. 18.. 10.. 20.. 21.. 23.. 24.. District. 1-H. II. Vnre. 3 J. P. McN'lehol. 6 David Martin. 7 Aub. F. Unix, Jr 0 William C. Hproul. 11 llenrj- U. Klatner. 13 John O. Honulicr. 1". 11. I. Hniaeman. 19. Lawrence rlyre. District. 21 Sterling 11. Catlln. 20 Krnnk 13. Baldwin, 27 W. C. StcConnell. 20 Charles A. Sniler. 81 Franklin Martin. 83 C. V. Heal'S. 43 Charles J. .Mcdee. 40 Casstus L. Alex onder. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL VOTE Martin O. Charles II. TheOdore Ittnry Ward. Brumbaugh. Hughes. Ilooaevelt. Ford. 1 2533 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. i. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 17. J8. 10. 20. 21.. DISTRICT DELEGATES ELECTED Republican district delegates were elected yesterday as follows over the State, two In each Congress district being selected: First. William MeCoach, W. S. Vare. VOTE (REP.) ON CONGRESSMEN-AT-LARGE ' h p r a jj s h j, ? s 0 s r f s t i s i I i I t .ao: s ft u e ..so o." S Z G ... ; :?' , m ; -. . ; . "5! I , . ' ' ii. i " 5 3" ?. B36 182 3732 03 47 238 3000 231S 01 3 '' ill K l ,,Vi ,.27. 3I?J ,U -71 306 8 4 J" -8 iS 22 1559 .I??, 155 0 21 131B 004 1211 14 B '" T if H ,355 ,il2 39s 80 38 4114 00(1 1287 163 II " It li 'I "3 1787 30 J4 18 1713 04 1780 10 t '" It 8 .7 185 ISO 00 U 10 100 113 132 U "" l ?2 1, 1iV!. ,0W ! '-3 1" I02 'I8 87 85 .!" I? ltt 88J 04" 71 13 23 878 77 043 is 03 J? ' H 23 28 2340 254S 281 28 IS 2342 118 238 23 ,i ,S Jl 1281 1288 11 8 J IJBO A? ill S !J:: f i B M W M $ n 4? i i is is hi jffi M . , . r J I J n: i ?i 1 III w P f l4 5 V fl $':: Sr I 3W "?s IS ? h i 2b m 1 ::: 2! Hi p sm m m m m m ll ::. m $ lit m m ite iu m hiv m m lis 5 - ?li t23 m Ia .212 !l "11 '$ 2573 i7?i 270 Il::: ill iS f h ml ? a J J t8 ,8 41 J5? II? J!2 JM 'o t 1?' 8? 114 ? i?5l " 3 ... 523 Bll I 2724 2587 1043 427 38l J8i5 2241 al8 4115 li.r f? js Iff ifi 2if? M m M 4U m M d 8S3 35 1C2 7633. ;iJJ 07.233 8821 W1 UIQ3 7801T S HU " . . "' " " " ' ' ' ," ' fe. ' " ' ' P 23.... 24.... 25..., 26.... 27,... 28 23.... 30.... 31.... 32 33 34.... 35..,. 30... 37 38.... 39.... 40.... 41.... 42.... 43 44.... 45.... 46.... 47.... 48.... 2805 205 185 88 97 259 61 60 86 20 146 238 2088 1?51 135 738 1436 087 3500 1667 2667 1453 1334 635 3524 1141 2505 748 2603 13 2110 2610 1863 ,670' 3448 717 2014 3307 2380 700 1604 1009 1483 1590 3188 1512 2369 1 5 1 2 -5 1 1 34 7 8 1 3 4 8 1 34 13 20 8 "i 0 10 42 88 18 266 "a 138 899 6 67 3 S 12 46 21 14 100 14 76 12 3 24 6 1 19 24 1 12 1 19 14 1 1 46 4 6 0 1 16 263 25 61 27 83 237 73 62 148 30 962 48 39 91 26 41 8 19 85 0 19 28 122 16 SB 26 21 98 14 68 22 120 53 65 71 37 17 261 29 14 19 Totals.. 68837 509 2036 3314 REPUBLICAN VOTE ON STATE TREASURER ... , J- v- " m. Warda. Clark. Kephart. First 137 2520 Second 40 2S4T Third 35 1702 Fourth 65 623 Fifth 44 1800 Sixth 21 254 Seventh 153 3258 Eighth ' 62 1964 Ninth 30 616 Tenth , 47 2597 Twelfth 32 1360 Thirteenth 212 1739 Fourteenth 123 2257 Fifteenth 358 3378 Slxtenth 57 1234 Seventeenth 89 .1051 Eighteenth ., .,,... 358 2382 Nineteenth ,, , 388 4421 Twentieth 305 4164 Twenty-flrst , 573 2361 Twenty-second 895 433 Twenty-third 755 1070 Twenty-fourth 624 3419 Twenty-fifth 270 3788 Twenty-sixth 312 8972 Twentyv-seventh 238 1547 Twenty-eighth 690 3179 Twenty-ninth 362 2298 Thirtieth . ,, 324 3015 Thlrty-flrst .,..,.,,,,.. 380 2714 Thirty-second ..,, 645 3054 Thirty-third ,,,.. 696 2937 Thirty-fourth ,.,.,,,.,. 78I 2952 Thirty-fifth ,,,, 145 869 Thirty-sixth ...,,.,.-,.. 523 4166 Thirty-seventh ,,.,,,,., 291 194 j Thirty-eighth ,.,. )46f 3989 Thirty-ninth ........... 311 $l Fortieth , , 641 2931 Forty-first ., ,,. 219 1005 Forty-second ,,,.,,,,,,. 619 J537 Forty-third ,,, , ... 515" 2879 Forty-fourth ....,,...,, 894 2113 Forty-fifth , 204 1725 Forty-sixth 3381 270$ Forty-seventh ,,,.,,.,,. 353 2078 Forty-eighth 23 jsg Totals 18731 117635 'jlarchand Not Killed LONDON. May" IT The Paris cor respondent of th Exchange Telegraph Com pany, who announced yesterday that Gen eral Marchand, of the French army, had been killed at the front, reported today MM yMM IT mm MW4TyKis, 29.... 30..., 31.... 32.... 33.... 34.... 35.... 33.... 37.... 38 39 40.... 41 42 43 44 45.... 46.... 47.... 43.... Tea. No. Yes. No. 3600 314 3460 296 2803 112 2862 92 376 14C7 391 14B1 1040 280 992 267 1017 688 045 800 645 70 652 80 1634 2072 1479 2001 629 1614 637 1601 662 101 604 189 761 1762 725 1780 907 288 90S 286 1380 99 1373 93 1614 270 1658 268 2505 103 , 2606 172 3495 1010 3038 974 707 640 685 636 1121 142 1099 397 2748 1020 2G74 1113 4805 841 4674 789 2366 2351 3351 867 3083 713 2969 752 6085 120 6328 1268 4221 681 3986 753 3941 1523 3824 1563 2932 1661 2834, 1718 6249 727 6160 855 1841 4fil 1853 471 4365 1001 4238 1040 2643 1533 2608 1498 3163 600 3028 468 3042 705 3002 667 3790 978 3700 988 3822 668 ' 3618 760 4913 1633 4627 1783 1445 174 1335 200 4472 1120 4282 . 1029 2282 691 2195 671 6876 1529. 5691 1663 5549 490 6513 603 3626 912 3600 058 1982 169 1906 199 3657 453 3493 613 3404 745 2106 821 2984 1166 2691 1167 2290 251 2113 266 6682 1707 6386 1850 2367 728 2367 718 2952 449 2910 S3S PENROSE TICKET .WINS IN ALLEGHENY' COUNTY; ARMSTRONG IN LEAD John Wannmakcr Only Few Votes Behind Pittsburgh's Mayor in Vote Polled by Convention Candidates 1 SNYDER RUNS Totals. 140345 41C30 138261 43522 REPUBLICAN VOTE IN CITY AUDITOR GENERAL Wards. First ... Second v. . Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth ,' Nineteenth Twentieth Twenty-first 1447 Twenty-second 2891 Twenty-third 1601 Twenty-fourth, , 1300 Twenty-fifth 638 Twenty-sixth 4203 Twenty-seventh 1368 Charles Charles A. A. Amber. Snyder. ... v2865 ... V2785 196 748 87 104 286 112 70 83 28 121 319 ,.. 2134 ., 1377 100 713 ... 1434 .. 4241 .. 3866 2515 872 2532 2187 2110 2507 1960 842 3181 796 Twenty-eighth Twerjty-nlnth . Thirtieth Thirty-first ... Thirty-second . Thlrty-thlrd .. Thirty-fourth . Thlrty-flfth ..., Thirty-sixth .., Thirty-seventh- Thirty-eighth 2148 Thirty-ninth 4785 Fortioth 2335 Forty-first .,, 971 Forty-second 1814 Forty.thlrd , uoo Forty-fourth , 1487 Forty-fifth .,. 1615 Forty-sixth 3602 Forty-seventh , 1534 Forty-eighth 2291 231 1558 C63 176S 253 3159 1934 690 2570 1276 1280 1649 348 2718 HOC 497 1657 1184 763 1488 2322 133; 2366 3964 900 S74 1-.01 2282 860 1009 1620 1215 2094 277 1708 1433 2037 699 1237 362 1450 1812 1474 616 2280 943 659 STRONG PITTSBURGH. May 17. Tho Penrose slate of candidates for delegate's' to tho Re publican convention won from tho Brunu bnugh ticket at the primaries yesterday, tho 12 candidates lending tho ticket. Mayor Joseph O. Armstrong received tho largest vole, with John Wannmakcr but n few votes behind, Governor Brumbaugh led tho, field for tho Republican nomination for President, receiving 23,226 votes. Henry Ford, tho pence advocate, was Bccond with 4526 yotes. Philander C. Knox, who ran third. had 753 votes, as compared with, 318 re ceived by Theodore Roosevelt. Justice Hughes received 99. To Wilson voto will exceed 3000. Cramer Is lending Phllson for tho Demo cratic nomination for Stnto Treasurer by nearly 1000 votes. Kephart ran fnr ahead of Clark far tho Republican nomination for Slate Trcnsurer, Indications pointing that ho will havo a majority In this county of more thnn 7500 'votes. Snyder, tho Penrose candidate for Audi tor General, outdistanced Ambler, the Brumbaugh-Varo candidate, in Allegheny County, and If he maintains tho samo lead In the remaining districts to bo heard from that he now has, ho will have a majority of nearly 10,000. Morrln, Democrat, has won tho Demo cratic nomination for Auditor General from Lenny, and Is leading him ndw by n major ity of 1600, Indications pointing that this lead will bo maintained in tho hundred scat tering districts to be heard from. At 9 o'clock this morning, with returns from 720 districts out of 791 In tho county, for Congrcssman-at-Iarge on tho Demo cratic ticket, Kinsley and' Boss wero tied Continued on rnrt l'our, Column One SUPREME COURT Warda. First Second Third Fourth ....... Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth .... Fourteenth Fifteenth .... Sixteenth Seventeenth . . Eighteenth . . . Nineteenth . . . Twentieth . , . . Twenty-first . . Twenty-second TWenty-thlrd . Twenty-fourth Twenty-fifth .. Twenty-sixth . Twenty-seventh Twenty-eighth Twenty-ninth . . . Thirtieth Thlrty-flrst Thirty-second ... Thlrty-thlrd .... Thirty-fourth , . Thirty fifth Thirty sixth .... Thirty-seventh . , Thirty-eighth ... Thlrty-nlnth .... Fortieth Forty-flrBt Forty-second , . , Forty-third Forty-fourth . . . . Forty-fifth ...,., Forty-seventh , . Forty-eighth .., '" Charles ralmer. 637 153 42 93 231 100 410 280 193 253 218 209 339 458 1737 253 389 1074 914 704 986 3170 627 2013 1079 1378 678 1917 296 951 787 1338 569 2958 524 1637 1297 2448 912 2264 34Q 1670 1408 1081 399 1194 737 Totala ..,.,,,,,,.,,... 78547 09893 FEARS HIS DIVORCED WIFE IS FLEEING WITH CHILD Contractor Here Seeks to Halt Woman in Journey With Dentist Supreme Court-Justice Hotchklaa, ot New -York, has Issued a writ of habeas corpus to Harry Kuemraerle, a contractor of 1421 Chestnut street, this city, calling upon his former wife Lulu to produce their U-year old son Harry. Kuemraerle alleges that his wife Is in New Yok. address not stated, and Intends to sail today with a dentist on a ship to Peru. The name of the dentist is not stated in the application for the writ- The patUlontr blames a dentist for his marital troubles. He says his wife Insisted upon spending so much tiro In the dentist's company that b divorced hr in Melrosi, Isw Totala ,, 42834 Forty-sixth Ward missing. I3mory A. Walllns-. 2037 2817 448 66 525 148 1305 339 302 1928 1310 123 890 265 1241 201 321 551 1343 1222 360 159? 235 964 1740 2000 993 834 140 1916 625 649 417 944 306 1268 653 1182 2721 846 172 566 603 804 175 609 1408 43426 ASENATOKTOVAl Complete Rcturnn ju, town Leaders Strengthen ;;, i Jr eM ""1V ""' -"cats Contjer DAVID MARTIN NAM1 Penrose Opponont Nominated fe J -..".annate Line-tm. -0 to 2 ' complete retnrns from th a-i . Senatorial district .Ire? '"N1 1 ini (BIcNIehol), tflu, Conner (Vnre). 7795 ' Unix's mnJorltv. am The Vares won a malorllv ' .1 IH llenn candidates for Z S ','' ,',,l The new representation" .1 PhliKftSW? mi unaso win net Vnre. 23 1 tVv". l -a gain of 2 for the Vs" ,"! 3 nominees conld be counted on 10 liw5 with the Vares. The Vnre. 7.i TfJ Senator. Dnvld Mnrtln? I "h?aJSlf , giving them 0 of the B Senator. """ , Augustus F. Dalx, Jr., defeated p., M (Tenner fnr IVin m.i ,., . ." In tho 7th Dlstrlot, which m.j.?S 16th, 28th, 29th, 32d nnd 47th Warf" had tho Bupport of Penroaa and Men'riBl nnd It wna tli In... i .. . w"wW - "-" ",u -., iiiujuniv hkwi; in tho 15th Ward, which f. .1. ?i Ponrose-McNIchol, that won the1 nomlrifiS Dalx received a voto of skm i- ...t M Ward, where Magistrate John F, ConiiJIf 'tho Penroso-McNIchol leader, n. .,. Arl for Conner, His majority over th,vJsB Smith candidate- for tho cntlro ni...3.. X, only 819, nnd Connor carried threeif o5t? vole of 1981 In 1381. v la,rl Tho Vnros gained control of th JSf tie eenl nn frnm Hl,llo,1nll.l. . ln' MKl Inlltrn Tim,, nl...i n. .. ". MfsV! dldntcs, nnd two others. Vogdes In tht lit' Clenry's 3lBt Ward, might "go aloht S ...w -.... ...vMiuui uuiiuuuiea la.incli his vih.'b unu stoning. ,t TWO MoNICHOL SENATCm Tho nomination ot David Martin In lif jui jLiomui ttuuu uuouier senator to n. Vnro contingent In tho upper Howe at rS risburc. Senntor MoNlehnl him..i ... Senator Dalx nro tho only antl-Varsin."f hers of tho Senatorial delegation. ThHtSl lslntlvo nominees aro: ids STATE SENATOnH. First District Edwin II, Vare, iCrwnw Irwin, W.i Hlchard T MeSorley, b. ' TL T!.r.'lP,l",r!.c,-rRm? p- McNlehol. E.jJaJ 'Fifth District David Martin, n.j Mchirlxl r nrlcy. Ij.( w IM' Hoventh Dletrlct Augustus 'F. Pair, Jr T 8TATK HKPnnSENT.VnVES. First District Mat and 30th WsrdjPbliiT ii.i .iienrinir, id i-isner. u.i Hoacn, D. - T-41 Second District C'd Ward) C. C. ABikLW Jr . n.j Inalone. D. , & Third District (3d, 4th and Oth WitliCf. Crosby, It.; Stern. K,; Sandone, D. 2. Fourth District (ttth, 8th and Oth Wd,Cl;. LartiTty, It. : McDermott. D, vafV v utn jjininci t-iiin, iioin nna istn Wkral-.v Cot. It : Mllner. It.; Wells, It.; UleWrton. b Urmest-y. o. ; Hooney. I). Hlxth District (7th Ward! Nfary, n. Hoventh District (30th Ward) McNicktl, 8.! nia-hth District (loth, 13th and MUJWinM rto-rers. D.. R. : Hmlth. D.. It. c Ninth District (11th and 12th WardiMirlef Tenth District (18th Ward) Brady. RRkH arda, R.; Kelly, D.; Walsh. U. , .s -a eleventh District U'tli and ISthvWirdiH vurry, ii. ; -.icijuiiiivu. 17. .i Twelfth District (10th Ward At0ir,il! l-aiterson, ii. ; mcKa. u. , ncanon, u. j-i Thirteenth District (10th and Jiith WrM Arnn. 'R.i SIcArdle. II . Carferty. D.; Wilu. HI i.ourteenin uiscrici t-iat wara-wo(Maj II Xr&rtln Tl km Pifteenth District (22d and 424 Wardsls nett. It.: Houston. It.: Cummins, D.; StUVft? Rlxtcenth District (L'3d. 33th and 41it lui Tli.nn n Itirla Tl ...LiSl Mevpnleentli District' C.Mth. 34th inilUSl Wnrds) Cnmpbsll, II ; lleffernan. Tl.; Vorla,! n Itnvlnn Tl PAwnr. Tl tVal.h Tl fl Klirhteenth District (23th and 43th VirtiP3 l'erry, it. ; unowaen, it., iiannon, u.i rcui hnm. n. j rClntAnnth Tllatrlr-t f-Jftlh nnH aTlh VTltiA. Hecht, It.; Reynolds, It, Larklnai jA, IWj Twentieth Dlatrlct (20th and 47th Wrfi)-3 Drlnkhouse. II.; Jlyers, It,; Doster. D.I Utla-l toh, D. ,.','S Twenty-flrst Dlatrlct (27th, 40th itil MM Wards) Franklin, Jl. ; Walker, K.;Ioro,n;jl Twenty-second District (32d WsrdMdm II.: liransKy, u. ., - Twenty-thlrd Dlatrlct (38th Ward) OiU-j Twenty-fourth District (83d WardF-U-i Twcntye-'nfti District (43d Ward timr,! J? TwcntV-alxth District (31st WardJ-urjSl u ; uroeaman, u. GET OUT, YOU "SONS" ,, ,,i W. J. Daughters of Liberty Won't Let Males Share in Title " ATLANTIC CITY, May 17. Whether they get out or stay, mere men -must not expect to boss tho New Jersey Council, Sons and Daughters of Liberty, In the fu ture. By a decisive ,vqte the State con vention has called upon the national body to eliminate "sons" from the name of the order at the first opportunity, since women constitute 90 per cent, of the membership. Men succeeded in putting their sex in the title of the order a year ego, and tha pre dominating weaker sex does not like tho change at all. Mrs, Mary E. Hayes, of Paterson, Is State, councilor, FARMER HANGS HIMSELF DEMOCRATIC VOTE ON. UNITED STATES SENATOR i e. c. rajy TVrtrri B.onnlwftlL Orrt First 2S2 jjl Second 33 'Hi Third 7 ;1 Fourth 8J Ml T?ifth 23 'f'l sixth 293 ' '' i. Cavnnm 43 - Eighth .".'.'. '3 l Ninth ,,'JJI Tenth -1! Eleventh 1' , iii Twelfth 4 mj Thirteenth :.52 Wmtrlpnlh 82 j"t! Fifteenth 39! I Sixteenth , Seventeenth ,H0 , :;; Eighteenth "5 ' VlnlAnlh .. 326 " iZ"":?::z n -ii livuiuiein .... --- ! . Twenty-first 2" f,JJ Twenty-second , , 9' ,, n...,.n...-.V.I.H 194 Twenty-fourth 355V j" iweniy-min "" . . rr...... l.,V. . . . J03 J" i ..v,,.j.-o.... -- if IK Twenty-sevenin , ,ui Twenty-eighth JJJ ' Twenty-ninth JJJ , ) Thirtieth ., A .1,4 rrT,lrt,firnt 390 "III -...., ...v.. . ,j xnirty-secona j "yn iiiiriy-uiiru .,..,,,. -- 11 Thlrty-fourtn ..,.,,... -; fu imi.jr-il.iil ...,- - .MII Thirty-sixth ' 'H llllUjr D9DI"I ,.,,... --- - c liuriy-c-iuiiiii ;- Bill rniny-ninin 5tm Fortieth ,,, "! i Forty-first .., Jj ij Forty-second .......... j fVlu Forty-third . J" 'it Forty-fourth ,,.,..,... JJJ -tJij Forty-flfth JJ tfill Forty-sixth I HI All Forjy-seventh ,. Jj; MU H Ul (-Vlftlltlt ,,,., t- . oss ' v"lf! uoiais ...J... .,, -r-- v TOO LATE FOB, CLA8SIFICAI!2S 11KLP WANtTED FgHAtg. - . -- , r - -- . IA ltd COOK RxMrianced wniie "., jo, M Tells -Wifa He Is Going to Set a Hen and She Finda Him Dangling Harry Blakely, 35 years old, a farmer living on Port Royal avenue west of Ridge avenuo, Upper Roxborough. committed sui cide yesterday afternoon by hanglnjr him self. About 2 o'clock In the afternoon BJakely told his wife he was, going to the barn tp aet a h'n. When he had not returned to the, house by 4 o'clock his wife went to the barn to look for him. &ht found his body ajjspended-by n, rope, from, , ladder leading to the hayloft. He had tle4 the. rope arpund,h sees aija Jumm down the hu ,t POK KxMrlencea.wniis """"",15a, ( Untie City; 4 In family, wff",mu, Bl Mr. LUUrman, Dauphin Apartm. jA WANTED- Stenosraphert a jl youiiit lady 01 sooa, ,I?"hhiiid.iiibi aupsarance, Is wanted. In .W'Kfi'iji. oflldvala et.el .riant rrsfjf !,, hlsh school education and sood 'JJrtb arid tyuewrltuir. thoush not Jrs pert, must ba able Jo 11"L.IJitttrt- M sb can handle all r""";T, to 'f2 annu anvirnnmnl and II" ?... Is I ,lvo particular, as to art. "X'Vtt Q ral and salartjlaslrsd. H " -A ll-r u WAXTKIJ 3IAIJ5 r- BOOKKEEPEB. youna nn,K0?f,,rBA5i tat. r.f., and aalary D l -TtJrS i&3p?WysgK you no we J toirn kwj iSB Ojtir t'Uiliid Ai a n