& V p33Tl ledger TUESDAY May 16, 1916 GkAPHIC NOTES AND COMMENT ON THE VARIED NEWS OF THE DAY AS RECORDED BY THE CAMER, iiri. BHr-T , ? ; Fhoto by International Film Service. 'Ce A FLOCK OP AMERICAN U-BOATS TAKE PART IN A "PREPAREDNESS" DEMONSTRATION rteioAtT,lCaMSUbmxirine3vha3 J"0!1 Pwsons had ever seen together at one time fathered at the Charlcstown, Mass., Navy Yard last Saturday as part of a naval exhibition. Lying side by side they look like a peculiarly deadly set of surgical instruments. Photo by International Film Serrtce. "" ' WHY NOT ONE OP THE KIND ON THE JERSEY SHORE? j 2 is?, Ylc.w s.om of ,tll? .Pnrticipantsknnd some of the many thousands who attended irfi. at the "Bathing Suit Parade" just held at Venice, Cal., where the latest novelties and ffi .v..i.wvU , "iuk'v- ijjjuw wu uisjjiuyuu ua uvjuk inutluiS. x . VV: JL .. . taCTB . j ' .v vj" -"v j:- j v " . . . . k . i.aB A CONVICT'S HANDIWORK AT THE CIVIC EXPOSITION LUMBERING MOTORBUS IS HAILED AS SAVIOR OP VERDUN Bl 1 This model of the Eastern Penitentiary, made by an inmate, is one of the exhibits at the Philadelphia Today and Tomorrow show now in prowess at the Commer- Th1 ta.xicab saved Paris when it brought up reinforcements at the Marne. The ll ' . cial Museum, 34th street below Spruce. motorbus had its day when it became the solo means of transporting- men and JM supplies to tho fortress on the Mquse. jK HV Piuto by ynOerwocu) & UnJrwoo4, LEADB OP FRANCE'S FAMOUS 4LPINEERS Gmwsl 'Aijiaiiii Fidraguia w Ihe nun crd- M wilk bactafe irtmi the miu in the yW H) isfafldi bid an iuemy akiOi that W af wfctt i. w rir. 4 The rtb MANZAC" CAVALRY COLUMN SETS OUT Annnss Tirm Ttw.qmRT rn Tinr.HTRn mumTaxr nnmmu v. T " --" -w,... ui lU0HiunB yW Tiifi BUK1S OANAL ' colonial troops rom Australia and Vw Zwland arft the aewt iwa U Britaia, whre ttsy are lauded for the battles they Lav jt up for ta uat ir. v- ,f a bad '' .lit GalUpoll. 1 -