aWj 4 tttkSTjfcS gmt rtuti. will iw ytmA pn rwr ii r w iff, is. ioifi, emnnfe w. tr-MMA (lAe V. iM lin t it-.- -AlbK nt 4m- fiiitl -f i ... ,... .. t rfd RQ08 IrVnwoM iw. S,1-"Vm is. win. MART C.l wife ft . .T.afcrww' in- Fttipatrlck't hei- riip r inj-ltod to attend ttu jitfi residence, aula .wnt Oxford t nrjiuifm mas nt ar i:niabeth' . 1 n m. Interment et Moll- Cros 3n Hav 14. lhtu MAnnAt.t-vn 9L file RtftnffAll -VMaMP Af T.-.M tMU. i year helMlve and friend nre In. ( attend the funeral services, on my, inyi, h j.ytu p, mi, Irom th nm ui iflnrin n. i flrnn. ins - vi Interment private. J. On. May 14. lOtU. OlIttlSTIA-J wWow of Joseph . Lybrand. Sr.. aged 7.1 9. -neiaiivcs nna iri'rnls fire Invited to nt Hrt funeral service, on Wednesday, at 2 i ov.viii? rriMuence 01 nor tiaugnrer, Air. nt Odd Fellow' Cemetery Automobile ft i. JtEtP WANTEDFEMA-E Continued Von. Prtceitfae C6lumlT bliBSSMARfeii want rtrst-ct-. vealst trim mer lain Walnut (. ad Boor EAfi,firi?sr5lrl" eV.f ." lo Ins-pett Whin 5S!S W1 Tfir ncJiSRST1" ruttia Und'r- EVENtNG LBDGBK-.T"HEfcU5B)"jratlA, TUESKAY, STAY 16, j.916. -ill' " ' ' ' " -..- ' ' 'l ' 'i" -- - , . - I- a.,.nWJQ&n'.A1)Y wanted iJLSH'nT factory, muht iiK nxrKHi- my5u 5 r.eiiiTUNiTr . ii. S.On Mav 14, 1010, MART MAR- er or, .itr wen ii .viarMiunn, Ttelatlves and friend are In F. datiahter , ' : . -i years. FOR CAPA- ARKIN fAj) AND ARCH (,1;'!8w minders mm, orudnaU a BON. 2d. above Erie ve O,ifLtlf0nKi,VNr-JlAtj HOUSEWORK In family 2L.L..oi " Inference required. 4(130 Cedar n VPnilf, iJM" lf'fnce. and learner on calendar ftki.0iTr I0.-"lr" nf "! ABPly Wolf A lo. fld noor. lsth and Cafiowhlll "' -n.4v"i "Ice, clean ofki steady SnnTAHeRhenj"'' Am,r!c"n '"" Company, Help wAutbi mai.s CoiHlauof roirt FTcetUng Cetutnn CAn.Ttf.I'AittF.ns AND OAR nUtLUEItS. AI'Pt.r .11. ANI O. KREB LA11UR HU- rtEAu. Mo s. i mi ST. CAnpnNTKIt Flrl clan. Apply Tueaday, T a. m ; brine tool M49 Cbeainut. COOK. Japaneaej auburbai small family. Ii 718, edirer OITIw J J0rSKPlt O DArtl.INOTON, CO , renulro n thornuenly enperlenccil hoftery and tindemeat aaleaman to alt buyer Alao experienced nleman In unhOlntery and decoratlte de. partment Hoth poaltlnni nre permanent, de sirable and Imrrovlnu for nuulllled applicant. Apply by letter onlr to 1I2B-1I2S Chestnut t, to attend the funetal ervlcf on kAt? Al tl . m hmilu w l .a !' eeMene. Qn?l1 V. .Tilda n i. t . .. t at Bhamokin. P l.At the residence of hi brother-ln- ttwnvt k. yur r ii flBi norm i nrnon si . Miy n. 101(1. WII.UAM A . husbitnd of v. fticejiroy tne wnaien), oue notice or funeral will bo given, kilftr n. tmt 11 mill .ttaa txruikl McQOOUH Itelatlte anJ friend arc In- .-u v hiiciiu .ui tunrrni. uti luur'imi, hi i m. from her late, residence, liMR North n n eoiemn iccquiem .Mass at hi. ure. rs unurcn. t .v n m interment n 1 Cro Cemetery Automobile funeril. y, On May 14, 101(1, MICHArtt,. htis. 1 aF llltftheth a MpAtetf. Ilfflnflvpa and ndtf am Invited to attend the funprnl. on 'harsdav. at8:30 a m, from hi late reU ice. aiiK Jiiime avenue. Hoiemn itequiem a at .St. i;il7abeth'9 Church, nt lu a m. rmenr ac ttoiy urosa i.-emetcryi K-uOn M1V 13. Itllll. IM.Atll'VnK CKKU husband of Helen W. Miller, aited ; fears llelatt.e and frlenrl nre Intltetl tn attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, nt I R.rn. precisely, at his late residence 4.10 ffi unnshurat st . asrmantonn. Intorment lrrlvate. laTtmfARTY. On May IB. 1010. THOMAS, In- rant an of Dr. Charles A. and Mary II. Mo- rfarty (ne4 MlnnlclO. Intorment vrltatc. aWH'fctt. At hi fesldence. 40011 ltaverford ne., t May IS. lllio, WILtlAM C i on of Mr, and Mrs. Umanue' P. Moyer. Further notice f the funeral vrll. be Riven. MHT.t.H'ft On May 14. lnlfl. JOIIMT. Pltlr.. l,lTd.. aaed 77 years. Relatives and friends ! pv r L .. t H . IIS Si W HOfSKWOItK BKHKBIta The surrst way to pet In touch with positions In the best Philadelphia fam i'Jf" '' r"URh the -Situation Wanted column of the t-cdter. call on Mr .Mi-nd. mnnnirer of the Iediter's Household lteiry Ilureau. nnu tell hvr nbout your experience and tna kind of n position jou want. She na liml lo jenr' etperlence In em rlojment work nnd enn find the rluht "see for jou. No charRO to I.edirer advertiser, tlet acquainted today with , MIIS. KAl) Ilnu-ehnlrl ItcRlatry Ilureau, Wnshlnaton llulldlns, linn Chestnut St., Hecond floor. COMPOfltTOns. loth t Lashed fifth floor, 147 N. ' InTitd to Attend the funernl. un Uedns Pa. Interment at Medln Cemetery rat MCA aStaOMBnu n. mw u .niit. un.ttitti. ti TlCOIlDS. and 8H years. HoiuUmh and mend are invited to attend tho funeral .srv'ce. on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at loll! Columbia ne. Interment strictly Wrtvate. SWliSKt.XRuddenly. at Salem. N, J on May M. IMil, 1IKN11Y M. HUMS BY. In his 78th ear, llelatlvts and friends arc Invited to at tend the funeral, from his late residence, 411 Market St., Salem, N. J., on Wednesday at 2 p. m,i without further notice. MervKes nt residence. Interment at Presbyterian feme wry, Salem. Trnln leases .Market street ferry. 4-Riiaaeipnin, sl iu'.i lor aaicm. . On May 13. 1U10. HO.SB.uifo of Michael an. iteiatives anil menus, also lllesseil rtlln NmlAllll nf 41 llnhoAl' fhtlrr.h a hi --.-..- ...w . ... ....... v w..v.u... ...w Hivnea 10 niienu tne tunerai, on weuncsuayt at 8 30 a. m.. from her late residence, I1.11J ft. 2d. st. Solemn Itequiem Mass nt St, MtcRaera Church, nt In a. m. precisely. In terment at New Cathedral Cemetery. WAV. On May 14. 1910, CATIIAKINK. widow . at 'James F. loan. Itelatlea nnd friends are Atvtfed to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at ? a. em., from tho N. B. con 3d and Pine st. ftsfeton nenulem Mass at Church of tho Sacred Heart, at 0.30 a. m. Interment at Holy Cros i.C'enrtteiV. XttJAN-On May 13, 1010. MAKY K.. wife of r Jeieph J. Ilyan nnd daushter of John and Wis lato Mary Tralnor. IlclntUes nnd friends ,a Invited to attend the funeral, un Wcdne. fay. at 7:30 a. m., from tne residence ur hur father-in-law, Michael E. Itnn. 143J North Hrt ae. Illch Requiem Mass at St. Mary's Church. Doylestown, Pa., 10'30 a, m. In lerment at St. Mary's Cemetery. Train agaves Columbia Ave. Station nt 8:47 a. m. Wednrsdny. Ooylestoivn and Trenton papers Henew copy. ; MASBSA-t Ia Cruces. New Mexico, on May 14. 1010. CHARLES TURNER SANDS, SI, D., on of the Rev. John S. Sands. D, D., aged ! years. CWnc. pn May 12, 1010. DAVID S.. husband 4 of Alice II, Scott. Relatives nnd friends, uiso 1 Jolo Tribe, No. 377. I. O. It. M.t William Penn Lodm, No. 30. K. of P.: Public Ilulldlnir Relief. Association of City Hall: Philadelphia Loire. No. 2. U. P. O. U.i 17th Ward Exec tiv Committee, County Commissioners nnd u employes, and alt the organization of which he was, a member, are Invited to attend thn tu iierar services, on Wednrada. at 2 p. m reclsely. at- Schuyler's, llrnail nnd Diamond S. Interment at North Cedar HIM Ccm'tery ematna may be lewed on Tuesday, from 8 to 11 p. m. Automobile funeral. BrAXKS. it her residence. South Hlchland ave Merlon, Pa., un May 15, lOlti, MAR '' OARnT C, wlfn of the late Alexander (J. Sparks, In her 07th jcar. Due notice of the ...w.Tmjyin do Riven VAYLOR.-On May 14. 1010. at his late rra. 1. denco. 2014 North 11th St.. OEOROH W.. husband of the lato Mary M. Tnylor, In his 84th year. Due notice will be gU.n. CLASSIFIED RATES In effect April 1, 1916 EVENING LEDGER AGATBJ.INE RATE FOR tJACH INSERTION THIS STYLE TYPE (or like this) One or two times, , ISr Thre time one week......,, 12V4c But time one week , loc Situations Wanted three times one week. 10c -Help nnd Situation Wanted and Lost " ami Found ads are inserted in the Daily IU8Lic Ledger without additional charge. "'Want ads under all other classifications may 'repeated In the Pcnuc LEDoru at combined rtt Ona or two time 23e nre time one week , Mi Six times one week..,., 12 Vic TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) t permitted in all classifications except Help and Situation Wanted. Lost and Found. Per. aerials. Hoarding and Rooms. When ao sped 2j?'J,.i',EIVB -'ENTS PER AGATE LINE TO ANY Of THE A110VE RATES. There is a drug storq near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HOSIERY mender wanted, cxn., for infant' sock Clermanln Ho. Mills,, .Till KensJnRt'n. HOSIERY palters nnd folder. Call Uermanla Hosiery Null. 32U Kensington air. NtRSKIlY GOVERNESS. Protcslanl. speaklnic J.rench, for little Rlrl 7'4 years! suburbs In New Jersey. Addrrrs P HI7. Ledtterpfncej NUItfln, prnrtlcnt, for prl'itte sanitarium In JJermnnJOMn. jeferences, II 717. Lcdter Off, NtritSKltY OOVERNESS. Prentli. Prntealnnl. who ran and look nfler larce children 1 lifst reffrnrfi required. 171, llranch Ledccr, 21st and Pine OPERATORS, experienced on fln ahlrts and nth- K!.1. """lerj'Cftr. Chas. E. Shedaker St Son, loth ami Lombard OPERATORS, lieclnners on fine ehlrtand ath. Ictlo undent our Chus, n Shcdakcr & -Son, liithnnd Lombnrd. PRESIIRViNlI KRtTlT Capabfe omalT"to ork fnr hotel by the day n trulls come Jntiijnarkel. Addiess M 210. Ledger Office. PRESERVING I-HL'IT Capibfe womon to work for hotel by, the day 11a fruits come Into the jnarket Ail.lrees I, 4-ll. I.cdRer Ofllce. SAjA,ilI'A.ll)lf, wanted M. SIIAT-RJIAN ft SONS, If. W, cor (Ith nnd South. , CLTTEItS and llnlnii cutters experlencetl. to take the place of men (in strike: nut of towni transportation furnished. It 340, Lcdaer Central. ERRAND HOY. nanledl salary 10 to start. M, SILVERMAN SONS, N W. cor. flth A South. FOREMAN, capable, anted; man able to or Ranlse llcht machlnw .iop work on a manu facturing basis, combining quantity nnd quality production with minimum costs) ex SS'lfl'.J ennnces for capable, experienced men, M 233, Ledger Office. GARDENER To make hfmseff generally use fill on n gentleman's luuhtry placol slnglel with gooil reference! must be Milling and . ohllRlng. D I in, Lclger Office. INSTRUMENT .MAKERS, first class only, tool makers. $3 24 lo 14.48 per day of N hours: machlnlsl, 13 no to 4,00i nsslstnnt machln W?!..'"f,01J. '-'""I machine operator (male). 12.00 in 12.241 mirhlni hlnrkamllha tnw ,a. dlum sire work, nblo to work to blue print "Sq, familiar with use of steam hammer. a.aJ to IJ.ifl, based on experience and capac ity: skilled laborers, $1.84, for outsldo nnd In side works Clcxclnnd, Drown & Hhnrpe nnd (Irldley nutomntlc turn-l lathe operatot. 13.70: turret lathe hands. 12.88, nnd Potter John ston turret latho hands. I3..12 per day: clti xensi higher compensation when on piece Jjnrkj 3 doj' lene nfter one jear'a erlco. 7 linlllllll nn,t Mnllir.lnt- aPliminn. rf.t.ln. tho summer months, all with full pay. Apply Irankford Arsenal. llrldesburg, Philadel phia, I'a VVVVVVVtiV'tVVVlkVlyV,T Today! Who "iuts off until tomor row what cart be done to day" is on the permanent waiting list for atlvncc nicnt and never arrives at "tomorrow," Each day of Waiting is a day lost. Arc )oii losing time? Carve otitj joiir future TODAY by inserting a Classified ad in the Ledger the publica tion uhich reaches the pros perous business men who can help you make a suc cessful career. TODAY is YOUR day to insert that Want ad. Phone, Write or Call Ledger Office IVnlnut or Main 3000 SITUATIONS WANTEflFEMAlE! Coalfnuttl from Preci&lno Cotwhm COMPETENT WAITRESS, can UVe tmller Plate, beat city reference; i years, 2010 ssn- aom at. FRENCH Oini. wishes, rmfltlon " aTTfJ," maid or waitress speaks Iigllsh 103 N Mth J meet Mrs. Mead IIOUStmOlTnifEOI8TRhY WJIW4AU She keeps a record of eery applicant for domestic work and .rail usually place you In touch quickly with an experienced,, nurse, governess. Cook. chambermaid, waitress nnd girl and women fnr general housework. Till efficient time nnd worry saving aervlco Is free ,lo l-edser. advertiser. Call at Washlnnlon llulldlmr, 001 Chesl.iut st Take elentor to 2d floor, or phono Mrs. Mend, Walnut or .Main 3000. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES TO II RE ?open day anrf ntfh. W",", II pass tourlnit jar wit I robes II -n nr. i Also brAnd-new 7 paM. ,mo"LBfi-fi atx weddlnn funeral Poplar 1017 1713 Oiraru FBI.TOM OAnAOB 01IJ 1-ELTON AND OIRAR1) AVE. ,3"' MlONC I I1ELMONT 1101. ntlY MoiSTKn Portable Oarages Steel Jir stucco: Oii f display 3031 N. Blh. Tioga 5084, SALESWOMEN EXPERIENCED IIOSJERY AN'il - NDERWEAR SILKS. COTTON DRESS GOODS MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS APPLY IN THE MOItNIMI, AT IIUREAU UP EMPLOYMENT STHAWIIRIDGE & CLOTHIER LAllOttERS WHITE AND COLORED. AP- sio'sl'irrll'sT n,KIS ,'A"oa ,,U,JAU' SEAMSTRESS wanted, competent, accurate. In small ttiess shop; regular woilt: good wages, Apply s:.iii to r,. 2:::i s. 4oth st. shnp'E.'1 STEN()OR,PHER. experienced, wanted in law jer's office: permanent position: stalo exp : ret., salary expected 11 .1.-.8, Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER. Protestant, experienced In of fice work, snlnrv Sill, stnto use, rcf. nnd ex perlemc. ,M N"8, Ledacr Central. STENOGRAPHER ill mercantile house experl onced, Protestant; stale nge. reference, salary cxpecttd. Pu.'3, Ledtor Office, TELEPHONE OPERATORS The lleff Telephone Co, offers opportunity for joitnc women be tween 17 ami 22 senrs old to ,ei rn telephone operating; must be bright, energetic and nm lutlous: gnol salary: rupld aihnncement: per manent position nmonc plensnnt surrounding Is assured; salary paid will o learning. Apply In peim.n between h'.m n. m. and B p. m., Ilfll Telephono Co. Hill MarUt st TELEPHONE OPERATORS local and long", dlstanrn: experienced. Appl Kevstone Tele- Phone Co.. I31 S 2d st , Room 403. TELEPHONE OPERATOR, experienced CiilT after 0 a. m., II. D Dougherty & Co., 17th t. and Indlnra ne EXPERIENCED tr.fant'a nurse "(Protestant), must havj reference. 401(1 Wjnnelleld ae. liAllORKRS, iiood, wanted now at T cert-Allen 1 ertlllzer Works, South' Delaware and Wee tacoe nes, (Greenwich Point), steady work tho ear around for right men. See Super intendent, at works. LAIIORERS wnntcd, 20c. per hour. Apply Chas. Kclln A Co., Inc., Pier 42, N. Dela ware ae. below Laurel st LAIJORERS wanted at once. A'pply llccker. Smith & Page, Water and Snjuer nic. LATHE HANDS, experienced on oft metal or wpoil-turnlng for hand nil work; tiiiiinilnK imihnnlcnl leathers: hlgh-et wages for tlrst tlass men. .Mr. Robert Pox, 240 West Somcrsu. LINOTYPE OPERATORS. I.ns'.icr, flftirfloor. 147 N 10th st. AWV F.MPLOYER'S TIME IS SAVED bv Inking adtantsge .of the free erlce to Ledger help wanted, advertisers. Jllss Dean. In the Commercial ReRlstrv Ilureau at l-cdier Central, .has records of oung lady applicants for nil kind of office work and tan usually submit several quali fied appllmnta quickly. 'iell Miss Dan what sou wait. Walnut or Main 3000. , .VtVVVSiSIi-laiV'VVV-V-VM HELP WANTEDMALE Confliiucrt rotn rrccerflai; Column WANTED A few high-grade machinist on fine light work. I'ermnnent positions, with best of working conditions, nnd hlRhest wages nre nfTored tn steady nnd Industrious men In open shops Willi modern equipment. Located nt loungsmwn. O. Trouble over. No war busi ness. Addles, stntlnir experience nnd refer ences, M ."02 ledger Offlce. Wonted MACHINIST by manufacturing rlnir rnnpprn. capable of repairing and adjusting all makes of sewing tunihlnes: state experi ence had and sulary expected. Address M 300, Ledger ofllce. .MACHINIST wanted at once: nrst-class lathe, horltontal, boring mill nnd ihucklng lathe hund. American Engineering Co., Aramlngo uve, and Cumberland at ilACHINlSTS wantrdl those uccustomed to ina- chlne-tnol works preferred. Apply Ilemcnt- Mile Work, 2lt nnil Callow hill. MAN AND WIPE, white." wanted for all work nf house at Ridley Park. Call with reference. .. 210 North American Hulldlng. -MAN AND WIFE (elderly), a "caretaker of !?SuJ!el. J""", to taka caro of lawn. etc. Apply 0713Woodland ave.. West Philadelphia. MARRIED COUPLE. German, wanted for suburbs; wife as cook, man ns houseman. JTiill 1421 Locust st. WANTED -White couple, no children, on private u.,, innic iiriiimiiriii position: rurnisneu hotie foundi man must assist gardener: wife must bonnl 2 men. Apply by letter, stating reference. P. O llox 2.' Devon. Pn WANTED Mnn exp-rlcnccd In and proficient nt cabinet repair working nnd finishing; give referencesi slate wnge and experience: good opportunity. Write Prince Turnlture and Carpet Company. Hnzlcton, JPa. WANTED - Young man for liookkreDer and s(enographer. one having cxperlenco In book K,.Klr"J' Fonl "Penlng, splendid opportunity. M 287. Ledger Office. MISS DEAN Is the one who Places the Right Girl In the Right Place She Is on the stnff of the Public Ledger Company to help ambitious oung ladles to secure cood opportuni ties In the commercial world. Hun dreds of oung women bookkeepers, stenographers, private secretaries, drmonst i atora. clerks and salesladies owe their present success" to Informa tion received from the COMMERCIAL REGISTRY BUREAU ledger Central, Ilroad and Chestnut st. "Tell Miss Dean what ou can do." General I.ADY. nlert. ambitious and educated to assist manager of n large Eastern corporation from in until 4 dallyi salary attractive, with ad. nnce; pnssl. to one qualified: credentials nbsnlutelv necessary; correspondence will bo held lonflJentlal. M 81(1. Ledger Central. TEACHERS WANTED I nave promoted 15.000 teachers, why not you. positions wnltlng I) H COOK. MOR SivN''&tDOTIJA'-,llKn8, AaK!CCY- Worth MEN to help pipefitters wanted at once. iiron. piani. v-oatesvine. NIGHT WATCHMAN wnnted; must understand care of boilers and be able to furnish flrst clnss refs.: oun; man preferred. Address, statjngsajary wanted,K. A., P O. Ilox :I44.I. SALESMAN Wanted, hlgh-crade, resourceful men for the finest efficlenty line on the mar ket: no competition: exclusive territory; re muneration according to ability; give full par ticulars of past experience and also telephone number. Write, Immediately. Suite 04. 108 llroudway. New York city. SALESMAN WANTED Live young manTsrto 311: salarj ; splendid opportunity selling spe- laity lines. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., 2u7 N. Broad st. LAyERS wanted, male or female. Crompton Kpowles looms, for Canadian woolen mill In a city of 2.1,000 population. 80 miles west of Ilurfnln. I-or full particular npplv- the Sllngshv MJg. To.. Ltd.Ilrantford.Ont WE CAN USE several clean-cut. nggresslve voung men In our 'sales department: cnll nnd J," xiC'.. Y,nlker, Pranta Premier Distributing Co., 730 Market st. JEPHtDARLINiTTCItrcbrreq"ulro ST bov 10 eara of nge for stock: permanent posi tion, with opportunity for advancement. Ap ply Superintendent, 1127 Sanson. t. t General C0,?S,,A.0UNTAN'T- "200-J1D00. ROOK KlSTi'i18 '"".ral , moil, , opdilnti, lin. CLERKS General Advertising. 11111. Cost, Shlnnlnir Ledger. Time, Stock JS-Uo up. AD VERTISING ARTIST, must be good man AD VKIVri8l.NO MANAGER HOTEL MANAGER, out of town. 11200. STENOGRAPHERS. Sift DRAUGHTSMEN, beginner. 110-112: others open nt 12.1 SALES JIANAOER. SinoO-118011 gALES MANAGER, steam specialties, l.iooo SALESMAN, bright, energetic oung man to grow Into sale wo-k. (10-112. Other positions nnen for HIGH-GRADE MEN BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY ldlll L.AJSU ilTl.l'J IIMILOINO SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT Comp., cxper., book'p'r desire pos wllh reliable tonccrn It 144, Led Cent AHVEIITISINO MAN, ago 24, 4 enrs" agency experlfnce as assistant space buer, II 3.12, Lodger Central. UOOtiKnEPER, experienced, vvllLnudlt accounts, open close nnd vvrito up hnnksi day or even IngjmcHl term. Hell Phone Woodland 3S.13 M. nivPn-Cnshler, A-l, ngo 3.1: 13 jra. with last vmplojer: best ref ; bond P orL Ledger Ort. HOOKKEEPEIt desires position: experienced In hosiery business II 31(1, Ledger Central IIUTLER.VALHT, Japnuesp, wishes position; flrst clas: hn bert rcrcrence. D 30, Ledger Office CHAUrrr.UR, American, 12 sear' experience nt ahops nnd private work, expert mechonlc on nil makes of enrs, best of reference; 2S jcar oiii, married; will consider cuv ur tountry position; have dons ronsldernhi- tour ing. 1307 Mcl'errnn st Tlogn7127 vV CHAUri'EL'R, colorod. wishes position; good ex perience: reference from last place Address Chauffeur, 210 Greenfield ave., Ardmore, Pa CHAUFFEUR want position, evenings, week ends, holldavs, H years' experience. Phono Race 2t:i.1 Write 11 142. IrfdgerCentral. CHAUFFEUR wishes position; private family, thorough mechanic, honest, sober, obliging. 42 LedgerIlrnnclii21 23 Locust st. CHAUFFEUR, single. Irish, I) yenrs' experi ence, can tnkc full charge: prominent city references O JT40, LeilgerCentral CIIAU1TEUH, lo years' experloncoi can furnish nest oi reierencen, niso mnico own repairs. M H41. Leilger Central. CHAUFFEUll, gen utll., single, wishes posi tion ;cxiellvnt references. G ll."2,ld Cent. CONVEYANCER, "experienced, desires position. D113, Ledger OfOce. COOK Japanese, first class, vvnnt position In private famliv, refs. Matsuo, ,'IOH N. 18th st COOK .lopanesc, want position In private; Inst place 4 jvars; ref Azu, 301 N. 18th st GARDENER, married, olio child; experienced: nlso understands caro of cowa nnd poultry. Address 231.1 Lehlghave.,PhlIn OARDENER, chauffeur, all-around mnn, experi enced, wants position, cood references. D 107, Ledger Office AUTO PAINTING FOREMaTT PAtNTEn recently opened ft hop, '-flly'". th, Primary consideration. Increased thv business until now I have lnwn over the entire building and have Instnllcd nn nlrtlght, dustproof varnish room. .,i With these-facilities at hand, highest grade work Is guaranteed . h Don't deprive vourself of tho Wj;1! prices are a third less than any other hop in Phlla. Tioga 270.'. GEO. PAKVIS, JH. 1321 Airdrle t. road above Erie. AUTO BEPAIBING CYLINDERS REHORED, new piston and ring furnished, weldings nnd braxlng. II. U- Un dervvood A Co., 1023 Hamilton at.. Thlla, ' 7 SPEEDOMETER TROURLE8 ? See HILLY, nt his nw location. BIO NORTH IIROAD ST. AUTO SUPPLIES SLIP COVERS TOPS HE-COVHIIED REUniOLSTEIlINO AND REPAIRING -111 ill SI, .ll iv. iur v.w 40TII AND CltAN"nLLOR BTB. PARTS TIRES 'riULA. AUTO PARTS CO, 823-825 N. 13TH Ke stone phone. Park 1418. I1EARINOS New Departure Servlco Sta. Tho Owllllam Co. 1311 Arch t. Th Walnut SI07. Raca 8002. &tt SALE Conlla,,,-,, TALKING MahSY-h H l 5,u!5'" n"v ioi JJi; Outnt Now txi ino outfits Now 3 low a BO cent wetkly P-. ? hla fof" j once for eomptetd hi.r ti" or wriij ' "ranttn, 'i&Jfedhi iiif.r; M"n iTi;i'irf"""fru.Amr lcn Vt: -!.-- r. "--.'."wve. l-non tr "inur: Ult.hTARU, POO! Douftnis moui, BILLIAnD AND POCKET TAni f bowing nl ryj eav tiJtAnJ!8 tu vicifjsAiKttoarjaip ,a 'iiiiSiL'ALKK.COLLftNtiEK co".' itJtPW' BILLIAnD. pool tabl,,. new, .ece v. i "5t Ing alley; tasy paymenl Bei?P nanil W.7 .t-r. FifP'oof: 0 allthtlr n.-aTT..-?8 sa-3 syijmji -.. "i ".'-'""I ivare an $150.00 TAt.KINO AtACHINp" Will accept nny r,.oS?h:'- .... cooa reaaon for selling. " sl'4 &,( ". .-.. oill BT, . HEATING INSTItUCTIOW "TggSiSpg mftS?i55nrsa AUTO TIBES SOLID TIRES SCHOiBER 334145 MARKET PULLMAN TIRES V Guaranteed 37,00 mile. Compare prices, ORlM'ti, 230 N. Broad t. BUILDERS CLARK A MacINTIRB, architect, engineers and builders, 1037 Brandywlna at. Concrete a specialty. Plans nnd estimate furnHhed, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BECOME n travellrg salesman: hundred of po sitions onen, home study; positions guaran teed; tuition fee partly pajnble from earnings: money back If not satisfied after trial. Cnll or write School of Salesmanship, Baxter Bids . opposite City Hall. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER Young lady: beautiful writer, most reliable: references II 8.14. Ledger Off. BOOKKEEPER, with knowledge of stenography wnu ., lour, cxpgrienre. v nn, V-cmrai. HELP WANTED MALE LOST AND FOUND V Other Lost and Found Ails Set) Pate 1 Mt Xt oud Found td In the dallu Public Ltinrr are repeated i the Eveuina Leilacr t In same dou tolfhoiit exfra charge, WALtET Between 153th and Cedar ave. and MM. and Catharine ta., containing 1721; aams ta wallet. Reward if returned. b.'S -ai7ev8 ziuuaina. FT Largo raward. A large oval black onx , lirtrularly surrounded by diamond set M cold: In, centra a spray of lilies of the witter In diamond set in gold: lost Thurs. jhy. May II Communicate with Mrs. W, K.' Porter. B01 Delaware ave., Wilmington. , jfel.wre. LOBT Saturday, meh baB contalnlnr money u trip ticket, 125 In envelope, two 110 bill; Wwetn Ilroad Street Station or on No 18 car ta- Cedr street Liberal reward If returned to, 3422 S, Somerset at,, Philadelphia, ACCOUNTANT Cost work, oung man. not over 2.1. who understand! modern cost methods ant Is familiar with shop practice; must have a knowledge of general accounting; good oppor tunity for advancement for soune man with Initiative, state ase exixrlenco and reference. M MS. Ledger Central. AUDITOR Young man, not over 2.1 for audit department of large corporation, must be familiar with stock room methods and under stand ierpctual Inventory si sterna, one with bookkeeping experience preferred: splendid op portunity for energetic and nmbltlnni younr man; state age. experience and reference. M mu. Ldgcr Central. BLACKSMITH'S HELPER wanted on hooping fire. Apply E. II. Vare, SI South Broad t. UONE" HUTTONMAKERS nnd lenrners wanted Jlaflelgh &Co., American and Cambria JIOOKKEEPER. juunu man wlthseveral years'i experLnci.: itood opportunity for right man late refs. and aafory. lilSSL LedgerjOrflce. HOY. about 17, wanted to help around factory pood chance for advancement. Apply Llnsk A lines. Metropolitan Building, Ilroad and Wallace, BOY wanted for errands, living tn northeastern HAtlnn ... l,u. -.tin,,, . ...I.-.. . - ,vi" V, i, " i... oM tiiMiiixincm. Ap ply P. V- Hrnwn. 740 Sanson st HOY wanted for Insurance office steady position Marx S. Macr ft Son. 411 Valnut BtT HOY wanted, must be neat: salary 14,So""ier week Call 103 1 Chestnut t FOUR SALESMEN WANTED MANUFACTURER OF NATIONALLY ADVERTISED SPECIALTY, WITH AN UNLIMITED. ALL-YEAR MARKET. OFFERS TO FOUR HIGH-GRADE EX PERIENCED SALESMEN AN OPPOR TUNITY TO ..MAKE A PERMANENT CONNECTION WITH niQ EARNING POWER. AVERAGE SALE, COMMISSION, 80 PER CENT. J150; HOYS 10 YEARS OR OVER for OFFICE POSITIONS with ADVANCEMENT Apply by elf-wrltten letter M 851, LKDQKR CENTRAL PERSONALS W1XX. HOT BE RESPONSIBLE for debt unless jaotracted by myself Albert Lavln, 73-Ki jsaama; gun ave T HER. hava father see page 70, nins pott Important, T- C, Saturday UNCLAIMED TFLEGRAMS TERN UNION TEILURAPH CO. 1501 flBKSTNUT 8T Mr Franel u Daly. Ber- 4T9 cnaniey. irrana: j'araaiao, tza c Raker, a.stnooina nronxe vvotk, 31 r a il, J a. Qtffarrea A 8on,,X C Turner. H. O Etalland- Halo Motor Co.. Oeo. E. llltr. Sendalrn Dennla, Mary Page, Mr Naif ': ir, t v.u.ii., it uoiuniaii jiaoeuna O. Herman Taylor. K Ii- Wilson. n-,K. Jlenar Co , Miss Ruth Olusuhey, K i. J. B. Barker. Mis Hlrdlsr Stein. Curlla mlth. Cliltord M Ludor. -Mr. Robert B. rfw. Mr. C S t'uramtn. Mrs Marie Cha- .jtinu waiugreen, at) aadia field, Eno hs-t. Mr, Jphn & Hippie LI. TELEQHAPII Ctt 14J0 8. PENN LHN Tho. Dale, peo u Kollock. Rutan nasi, uonaianca d. thus, k. k. Uc hlln. Caleb Griffith. Mrs. C II Speaker- air ana ira. nenry uronner. J. A. a. -lohn 1? Murray. Mrs- John J . Breer Mr. Lotil Warfleld. NBfS! UKhr WAMTJSO-njA3iE Winter Ada, .. Keeelted .T Lata for leatiaa mil ua luunu en rate X ISmMAJP... white, competent. Mrantad. j- .uk jui. vv x. a vviimingioiu jm i' 8 NUR9E fur Jenklntpan good waara, etk reaulred. Meet emnlover Room -hia. - fkttlnut at. 11 ta 1 ilonday and Tne lor Jenklutourn, raferenca required. Site I err u-uxu -u4. uwn viinut at , ii tu ay nun r4 ueauvjr -Wsaun for Ilaht houa-iwork and cook. bo fiunUr wast). Call S0t Drexol yoad. AJSpTllAllUFIWAID. arowd. salary ref ' -- " Telephonf Uclroae. 5)8 W i 4T--ta. .i'f. 4 aecoad, eJjrluced . uwl 4MJi' ftt ease. La.Biy J(um,. Mikiflt iTARI. aUUSKAV OK . JH-srtaQnf ivdtrt'jLJ4a - wnnuiii - J ., exn. i BOYS Good opportunity for 3 bright boy over Id, tu tnrt ft career In newspaper work splendid chance for advancement Sea Mr Raleigh. 4th floor, Washington Building ana Chestnut t. BOYS over in year to learn trade: good aaiarr whlhi learning. D 27. Ledaer Office. "1"'T BOYS WANTED, 16 or over, to work In wall Saner factory. Apply at once. Becker, Smith Page, Water and Snyder ave. ' '""n S wanted A, large machine tool company CAKPENTKR wanted for instil work. Call American Engineering Co., Aramlngo ave. and Cumberland at. HOY deslrea traue TO BE CONSIDERED SALESMEN MUST HAVE CLEAR RECORD AND ABLE TO FURNISH SURETY BOND. REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE IN PHILADELPHIA MAY 18 TO 21 TO INTERVIEW APPLICANTS. IN RE PLT GJVE SHORT HISTORY OF SALES EXPERIENCE. AGE. SINGLE OR MARRIED, AND PHONE AND STREET NUMBER. iiuunivutti-Kit una cierK, n cars' cxpe a 1 reference, a mil. Ledger Central COOK, colored, first class; city or shore; refer ence, II 027. Ledger Office- CHAMBERWORK or waiting; good reference: shore or country. Call 10 to 12 a. m Room 205. 008 Chestnut st. GARDENER nnd houseman: enro lawn, chickens etc., best reference, 1113. Ledger Office, OARDENER-COACHMAN single. Prot.; good nil round, best reference.D 112. Ledger Offjcc GARDENER nnd housemnn. Germnn Protestant single, best reference. II 715, Ledger Office JACQUARD weaver would llkp chinco learning loom fixing; stnto wniteD 11, ledger Office. MAN and wife, white, exp.: butlor. housemnn, wlfo good cook:ief. II JI43,LedgerCentral. MECHANICAL" DRAFTSMAN, wide experience, thorough shop training, good dctaller. excellent designer of automatic and npeclnl machinery. llox 4708, Station K. YOUNG MAN. 31, wants position in nny line: M vt-nra' executive business pxnerlenrn In n New- York city real estnto office: also rail road experience: would consider any location. F S It , caro R. Fay, Woolworth Bldg., N. Y YOUNO MAN, 24. high school graduate and four i ears' experlenca In a Inrpe wholesale house, desires position where strict attention to business nssure rnpld advancement; best references II 3.13. Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN deslrea position wltii largo firm; hao had II year' banking experience; can sell bonds nnd commercial paper. D 30. Ledger Office. T A TTi,.NTrri-J Send for our free book, 1 Aliill J.O "Patents and Trade-Marks." Our fees nre reasonable nnd our servlco un surpassed. Wo will help you develop your Invention. Advice free. .FOSTER & WEBSTER SU1TE 631 1011 Cheslnut st. Hell phone Walnut 1504. WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER7 I nm looking fnr n proposition to tnko solo ngency of Phila delphia: havo had 18 yeara' experience In sell- . Ing nnd sales managing for various large nrms; can furnish best of reference. P 018, Ledger utiice. CARED-FOR ORCHARDS PAY INVESTORS Ownership stock In a flno planted property In well-known fruit district fnr sale: cash or on monthly payments. ,G 035, Ledger Cen tral. BOX PLANT for aale: well located In manu facturing district: siding In yard!. early pos session, good terms of payment. II 248, Led ger central. ONLY NEWSPAPER nnd printing office In Penn sylvania town of 2.100 persons for sale: bar gain: printer's chance. M 307, Ledger Ofllce- 15 A MONTH secures Interest In growing or- Cnnrii; Will uo prnuuciiiK iniuro imiu .ur. HARRY DARLINGTON. 1420 Chestnut st. MACHINERY AND Tnnrn CTNETAIVo 4'3BaSS iAJlESJY.qCOM a SON. POWER.PLANT EtIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boiler, .team aJj sine. compressors, "team and oil et, aes, pumns. nlr rntr ANKTOOjllEY. fnc. tat V- ad st CONCRETE 'llosa' livery. .iMSfaiarS... . lirKMe,yfv.e.nSonn,!fi.:i?v.& nvpjA 'nrnri n.T."."i i - and : Kn-led-" nf matif e'" repSlrTd X W . Market 3003. Yearsley Co., all ii as1?, " PVITATIBT .-- ' U ' " " xiiAUST ran and blowers, all sliest w.7Ei3 lai!,ng.7f4,t8nV,5?hm.rmP8- t,elt "um"! H-l 1 't i!rr?,'.e0n2'han'1'-al1 ! Phlla. StenX ' hand Pipe Supply Co.. 1003 N. 7 th. , t. PhSSJ! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LARGE EDISON AMBEROLA, DUm-. Point, with cabinet and. record, flnlined beautiful mahnsam- rn h .,i fti . weekly. An excellent bargain. In good iSi dltlon. Write for eomplete list ofloiTriJSS and special trial offer. HBPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor, Oth It Thompson 8t, MAY VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON BALIS' 1120 CHESTNUT 8T. PICTURE THEATRE $3300 12500 ensh; earns 1100 weekly: trial; 10c. dally: strictly .flrat claa proposition. I. 251. Ledger Central. CIVIL ENGINEER wanted with selling experi ence for treasurer: established company; small Investment. D 120. Ledger Office. AN EXPERIENCED MAN will buy real estate business or go Into partnership with a reliable firm I. 428. Lodger Office. YOUNO MAN, 20. with 10 venrs' experience In bank, desires position with reliable concern; prefer soma outdoor work. D 121, Ledger Office YOUNG MAN, Japanese, doctor's office or prl- vatofnmlly: cltyorcountry. 730 Rncest: FIRST-CLASS CARPENTER nnd cabinetmaker; also familiar with electricity, plumbing, plas tering nnd paving, desires steady position: 0 eara' experience in large olllco nulldlnff, drisa 4(13 North Wilton. West Phlla. Ad- FIRST-CLASS cook nnd butler: best of ref. ; po sition muse tie nrst cms, l' oj.i. Ledger orr. CHAMBERWORK Exper'd oung Irish Prot- eaianw supurp: rer. i-none unestnut Hill 440 CHAMBERWORK and soma sowing; experienced ioung womin: reference. II 720. Ledger Off. CHAMBERWORK or chlldnurse: capable Scotch Protestant: reference. II 710. Ledger Office, CHILDNURSE Young Amerlcnn "Protcstnnt! good reference: will go away for summer. II 700. Ledger OfCce. TOOK Exp. white Protestant wishes position. temporary pr permanent. 11 l. leu. Cent. GOVERNESS, German. 10 yeara' .experience, would like position, 1 or 2 children. D 31. Ledger Office. HOUSEKEEPER, working; refined, middle-aged lady; agreeable; capable of taking full charge of amall male adults' home; reference. Ad- ureas airs utiicy, in rj. Aiiegneny ave. HOUSEKEEPER German lady: good cook; good reference. 1 1 721. Ledger Office. INFANT NURSE, graduate, experienced, good refs : entire care Infnnf. H 344, Ledger Cent. LADY'S MAID French, experienced, references. wishes situation. II 705. Ledger Office NI'RSE. German, experienced: rare of chil dren; 2 years up; can sew. 2000 North Lam bert street- ADDRESS HOTEL. D. R. B ADELPIHA SALESMEN Successful stock and bond sales men will learn of an attractive proposition by calling at 711 Morris. Building;. Prospects well cultivated. Ask for Mr, Henderson, SALESMEN Several flrat-claaa men to sell 4 ' gas range appliances. Call, 8 to 10, 2i S, STENOGRAPHER, experienced, wanted In law yer's office; permanent position: state experi ence, ref,, salary expected. II 337, Led, Cent. NURSERY GOVERNESS Ry refined middle- ukcu .oriii urriiinii, noHimai trained and Kin dergnrten: aewlng; suburbs pref : personal ref aged North German, hospital trained and kin- oergnrien; Rowing; suouros prer ; peri Address H Owen, aye., Lansdowne, Pa ENGLISH BUTLEK desires position, competent to tnko full charge; the very highest refer ences; now Rt liberty. D 115. Ledger Ofllce, CIGAR nnd candy store for salo: well stocked and good trade; reason, health, 2420 W. Montgomery nve, PARTNER wanted; excellent opportunity. Write for particular. P 004, Ledger Office. BUSINESS PERSONALS EVENING LATEST STYLE FULL-DRESS SUITS CLOTHING DELIV. e CALLED FOR FREE CA1.1J Ull 1' 1'Ul'l.All .',10 OPEN EVENINGS TO II inn LEIDNER'S. 10TII & GIRARD AV. S.W.Cor. FULL-DRESS SUITS Cutaway. Tuxedo and Sack Suits To hire nnd made to order. NEUBAUER. THE TAILOR. 1121 Walnut. Bell phone. Walnut 2018, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only perm't way. Eyebrowa arched. MISS SMITH, 402 Keith Theatre Bldg. Miss Hoppe, halrdrrs'r. facial mas'ge, man leur'g, form. Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. NICHOLLS. 1020 Bnlnbrldso st. Have comp. butler, housemen cooks, 130 to 100, Swedish. English. German, Irish Prot and Cnth. wait., parlor, chambermaids; Trench nnd other ladles' maids; nurses, laundresses, etc : vacs for butlers, second men. cooks, 10 to 10; Prot, cook, 150 to 100; Prot. kitchen maid; young German nurse and chambermaids, 17 to $10; houseworkers, etc. Phone, Locust 2130 GERMAN waitress. Irish Protestant chamber maid. Protestant nnd Catholic cooks, laun dresses, butlers, housemen, etc.. wish situa tions, city or country; also wants llrst-clasa chambermaids, laundress girls for downstairs work and cooklnc. Mrs. Kane, ,111 S, 10th st Phone Spruce 340l. MISS .MARY T. xTcCAHTHY. 2107 Christian (Loc. 13113). supplies and want lst-class Prot., Cath , male and female help, all nationalities MRS 5HNZLAFF. 1030 Christian (Dickinson 515), wants jounr cooks, 17 to (10; nurses, housework girl: Swedish and German help. WANTED at Eplscuval Office, 1112 8. 12th at" cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, nurses, kitchen maids. AUTOMOBILES For Sale SCHOOL TEACHER, young woman, wishes em ployment during summer months nt llbrarv worK, ,reiie. vvurn ur rruuer; possesses re- v. u-.., i-euger central fined, pleasant voice STENOGRAPHER will consider an offer from a reliable Arm willing to give desk room In ex- changefor ervlcen O 015,I,edger Central STENOGRAPHER, fcxpert, 7"eara' exp. In bank. Ing and commercial work, capab' In secre tarial duties, testimony and wrt if n con fldentlalnature. Jlg GJlJSLfj; Central STENOGRAPHER-confldentlal clerk, 0 iears'"cx ceptinnal experience: 5 jears as secretary. capable executive. O 050, LcdgerCenirni STENOGRAPHER Capable of doing flrstTeTass work: reference. O nil. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER with 0 months' exp.; neat! ccurt.w, o " T'T "-c ..gmrai. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, desires position capaoie inn wniiiia. vt win, imager central STENOGRAPHER. Hllh 8choolBradiiate. ' 4 yeara r !- r"J-- XM ,lL.gar WOniral STENOGRAPHER. lrlenred In banking and ataUtllworksll 340 JilgerentralT" TYPIST- General office woFk, experienced, good penmanJcapableJ O AUiLedgeiCentral. WOMAN, reflned. edncated. as ,companlonof nuia to eml-lnvalld: reasonable compenaa. tlonjjipJejid,ldrtierenceHJl1i(ijero, WOMAN, middle aged, a nure for Infant; long reference: suburbs or country. Address Nurse. 1H30 Catharine St., Phlla. YOUNG I-ADY dfs're cferlcal position: has knowledge of bookkeeping; 5 years' experlenca: A No. 1 reference. M 852, Ledger Central. YOUNG "LADY, college graduate, desires tutor, ing. secretarial work or teuchlmr of sports .,.- mi. ,,,,,,,.-,. .. .,, iu..r v.envrai. luiNU LADY, reflneraent. good character mi in iranl. bastllon: assist wll preferred. 421 Berkley st., Ildren! rnnnlrv Camden CHASSIS We have a few cheap car of which the chassis would be very suitable for truck or delivery work of any kind Don't fall to come In and look them over If ou want something at a bargain price for delivery purposes. LOCOMOBILE 2314 Market St. Locust J.'.n II. A. JENKS, Mgr. Exchange Car. Dept. Gents' Cast-off Clothing Bought! BRITTON. 123 N, Oth at. Good prices! DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bank referonce Appraisement. 1 per cent. HARRY W. SMITH, 717 8ANSOM ST. 60 CENTS WEEKLY BUYS A VICTR0U.7 .-all ft vr(, f. n,,llnii ... " . IIEPPE'S UPTOWN" STORES, Cor. 0th A Thompson St. 185 CHICKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO HOWAHD VINCENT. 838 N, TOT. ' EDISON DIAMOND POINT PIIONTX.TU.Plt . vM cost 180 new. This outfit Is complete, wltvi records and cabinet, and will be sold tit i 138, payable 75 cents weekly. Call or writ.'1 for complete descriptions and Urge lllmtntii" caiaioBues. IIEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, Cor. Oth ft Thompson Sta, OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, sliver, platinum, plated ware. nM.,a style jewelry, teem piates Douani lor ciia.- Est. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sanion, CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, precious ston.t,! gold, silver, platinum, false teeth, PUH.B Smelling hef. Co.. 129 S. 11th,. f ti PATENT ATT0RNEY8 CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT. Bell Phone Locust 1080. WEST PIIILA. WEST PIIILA, WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAOE CO. 3e PER YARD. 3870-72 LANCASTER AVE. REAL CARPET BEATING: NO TUMBLERS used, Bojer Co.. 8300 N. 12th. Ph. Tioga 5200. KEYSTONE Carpet Cleaning Cleaned abso lutely clean. 3010 N. Nice at. Ph. Tioga 8518. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKINO DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS 1435 GIRARD AVE. POPLAR 0374. DRESSMAKING taught from any pattern; morn, nnd aft. sessions; send for circular. Colum blan Dressmaking School. 1780 Columbia ave. THE MCDOWELL Dressmaking School: easy, modern method; small payments. 307 Denckfa Building. 11th and Market at. FOR SALE CADILLAC. 1013 TOURING. In excellent condi tion, new tire! 11000 fnr lmmpillntA ,.1. CHARLES GRIMNER, 131 W Gravers lane; Telephone Cheatnut Hll 1354 W. J CADILLAC, 1014, touring car, overhauled and repainted: full equipment; price .1850. AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 1 42 N. Broad t. CARTER CAR 1015 touring; fully equipped; elec, lights and starter; newlv painted; tires good; will sacrifice. L 240, Ledger Central. FORDS Several bargains: touring, roadster, v. me rora agent, 122 delivery ; 1175 to 3U0. a. water st HUDSON'S Rebuilt and guar.: phaetons, road sters' and cabriolets; elec. Itshta and starters. . OOMERY-BCI IWARTZ. 253 N. Broad at'.Phlla . PIERCE ARROW. B-48 chassis .....1700 KRIT DELIVERY ! . . . 300 L, II. O'NEAL, 21(1 N. Broad t. 1015 Roadster. In excellent con dltton; thoroughly overhauled; will sell cheap. H 52. Ledger Central, Maxwell Parts SCHOBER 3341-45 MARKET Mea Magnetos 120 SCHOBER 3341.45 MARKET SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS '" JIORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N. BROAD- For Exchange PIERCE-ARItpW 0-48. run 10.000 mile; perfect condition: 7 passenger; will exchange for s" passenger Fierce-Arrow, Address 11 750. Led-, ger Central. CASH REGISTERS bought, sold. leased, ex changed, repaired, repated. Supplies. New and fnitory rebuilt. .New total adder, as low as 130. Call and aee our 1010 model. Registers sold and leased by ua on easy pay ments and fully guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REOISTER CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS.1 COPYRIGHTS ESTABLISHED 1883. J. WALTER DOUGLASS North American Building. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS' LET US ESTISIATE to coat your root tel? guarantee it in years. . m AMERICAN ROOFING CO., 1535 Itlatl sw.! STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAOE WAREHOUSE . 20TII ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT TAf.IfINn. MOVINO. M1IIPPINO 1 E nugs. Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored , d IBell. Locust 1000 Phones Key-, Race 41Hj THERE AP.E ONLY 8 fireproof warehouiM Iti this city. Wo have one of them and our HcMi are no higher than the ordlnary.tori now-! Million dollar concrete building. Clean. lUMij Cll dllir,CM ..,,,, "- ,.-a Shlbe Ball Park. 2033 W- Lehigh, Tioga 7250..; FIDELITY FIREFROOr WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. PENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2180 MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE f moving, pacKing, snipping. "; T. aTiTiiL Ph. Baring 752 for estimate. .MajjgrtjLJWy cCANN'8 STORAGE HOUSE. 1748 N, lit. at.: .moving, packing. both phones I.e auto vaf.'- J38.00 LARGE TALKING MACHINES (Co lumbia) with cabinet for holding machine and 200 records. Thl outfit I finished In a beautiful quartered oak. and cost new 164. Can ba paid for at the rate of 75 cents weekly. This Is an excellent bargain, a It I In first-class condition, equal to new. Write, for complete list of bargains and special 30 das' free trial offer. '""" na IIEPPE'8 UPTOWN STORES. Cor, Oth & Thompson St. DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone booth and office furniture and fixture of every de scription; used, but In fine condition, and very cheap; free delivery anywhere. h5iGb HES. HTH AN ywhi D B UTTONWOOD DESKS. large assortment! also household fur niture) Dullnr Central Second-hand Furnl ture Company. 004-000 014 Callowhlll at. 20. 50 VICTROLA VI and 8-10 In. D. F Records, guaranteed to be In perfect condl tion. An excellent outfit tor one who I look. Ing for a good machine at a reasonable price. Fifty centa weekly accepted. Call or write for complete descriptions and large Illustrated catalogue. IIEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, Car. 6th & Thompson Sta. ,riMMH H-rnrianF lacKing. aniyyiua, . us estimate. auto vans:, bv shinning. LEVIN BROS., STORAGE Moylnr snipping-. LuviH Phone Poplar 0024. 2048 nidis , a STORE AND OFFICE FIXTTJBE8 450 OFFICE PARTITIONS STORE FIXTURES THE BETTER KIND OET OUR ESTIMATE irxii-. WHITE nn CALL rriM WANTED I will pay positively highest calh jprtcts gent' and ladlea' .erded elothla. j hoes, fur, etc.! 1st me call and flv7J Tuxedo au t will call day or IJ".. country. Coll. write, phm.- Bell. Pool ,"' 1 Keystons. Park 6605. Blacker. 1239 jWja, a-J CAST-OFF CLOTH IN" , : ...m. TiinllKM OF ANY Kinu, Dulli"i,i, 4K5i!nR SniCE-H nilAR.. OET OUR E8T, BK'.t"." BELLINOT WRITE. CALL OR '9?" " NUT 6808 HCHlli.Ty,. 241 N. 6rlt --CA8T-OFF CLOTIHNU We ' dress. or i PETEYYes, We'll Have to Keen Him If He L ifts Pianos i pay hlihe.t price for worn clolhliur. fj ... I,,,.,, aniia (n.! wi call any I tm. i;, .iiniiFha. I'nnoer. 024 W.GIrrd Pop ""; 3 CAST-OFF CIXJTHINa Highest pre, pa., K tlemen' suit, overct.; end. po. r l4 SM:.PP& ".ni!..aSJ:..E,Bnn'n.'blek15i. CAST-OFF CLyOTlUNO, ihoea ami hU. bauf j : E3CUU iuaiHi, (iituiiiit - r -- Bji C A. VOIGHT . , ' 4i -- VHAt Do VOO Mcav, v "N - DOV4TCHOO Kvttr Nm O-. DtAB IM I f" HE'S 50 "SIC- AMOSTBfONO AH0 "N 1 M ' f V V I MmiMo, a MtniAMMt?ooK 3T MA-tt The Stem o? en 7 iocKv bvh Thoogm-7 he t Be a ut oy- netp ' e-wBii., B lcts ) - 1SJlM'rCJO KMOWVCR6 OMTuia I OlfAii , au NOW Nou RlN& l ' "TH0UCH7 WG O ARowtlD TMe. HOUSE -StAKIWO- 2 C,Ve Ui A CHAVJCE. . J A I OO-TA VITmTmE MEHlCAMtv g0 K , IM Tins fQOK OW ME An' De Jt "E ( I WA BUftCLAHS AWO tlPTlWC-V I N KwOW PEWAPjV 1 "WW WAVE A VAft WlTU riM?.' ' I Ul. PROBALV W,E COHTOou AIM' 3, S I ) THE PH0 THlMCS A ,-- NtAu POSJIBUVCETUSEO sa si X , . rt I OP r-ANEl.l- 1Vl FlR7 TM ) US V-tK I CTt?c 0i)vDMOO IBcGi Tb him - ' y ' dt ' 1 . .. . . , JB H