fcR ' HANCY WYNNE GOSSIPS ABOUT NEW FEATURES OP PONY SHOW - Estate of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Clothier to Be Back ground for Many Interesting Events in Connection With the Annual Affair for Charity WELL, my dears, still more have I to tell you nbout the Pony Show out at Uia Billy Clothiers on the 24th of May. you heard nbout the doll show, and 1 warned tho mothers how carefully they would have to bring up their children be fore that day so they would bo sure to , their shoes clean and neat, Now EVENING LBD&ER-PS1XADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1916. XXa U you please, there Ib to be no less than . priia dog: show, and if there won't be a pUppy.ana-parroi-iima i at? not unuw what I am talking about. Mistakes do sometimes happen In tho best of our jct families, so for goodness sake don't tt: nixed botwoop the dogs and dolls, because It would be awful If a doll should get 'lost and wander In among the dog ilea Instead of going to her own place with Miss Ellso Hopkins, Dogs are' very uppish at times, you know, especially If they seo n stylish doll. Have you ever noticed how bristly plaln-halrcd dogs get when they see dogs with rumes In their hair? Only tho other day I saw a wee dachshund got very Indignant just ut the eight of the Hlno Johnsons' fluffy pomeranlan, which la stylish beyond words, but then tho dach is stylish In her wai too, only bIio goes In for tho sports coTtumes, whllo Miss Pom Is a Fluffy Ruffles. But all this Is neither hero nor there when It comes to tho great, largo and big Show for dolls and dogs and ponies. Such prizes as aro to bo given; for thq best dog of any breed, for tho best one shown by a girl and tho best ono shown by a boy. Then Gertrude Heclcschor Is offer ing a prize for tho largest entry. Eleanor Baker will glvo a cup for tho largest dog in the show, and Edith Bally for tha weenlest, whllo, bless my' soul, Julia lewis offers one for tho most venerable, so It will bo perfectly all right to take the gray-haired ones with whiskers and Jong beards. In fact, they really should come, for It Is very nice when ono Is ancient to find there Is still a chanco to win out, especially through that very quality. And, If you please, Main Line dogs aro to compote for a special prize and those not on tho I Main Lino for another. RcUy It Is most exciting, and I hope It will be clear, for It would be a great strain to havo to Walt until tho next day. Isn't It too bad about Gertrude Tower nd Tom Dougherty. I saw them out at the Country Club that night Just be fore they started homo, and it was such fun out there. There were so many poo- pie, and the dancing wa3 great. I hear $iv 'that a number of Gertrude's teeth woro m knocked out and her collarbone is broken, and poor Tom Is very badly hurt, also. No one seems to bo sure Just how It hap pened, and that would not help any, yVji would Hi iiivery ono leeis very mucu 'V j for Mr. and Mrs. Tower. They are so ,,)( divoted to their daughters. The last Mtkr wws says that both young people will recover. I hope they will not havo the irt? .terribly long experience of poor llttlo Catherine uassaru, wno is sun in mo hospital from the burns received the night of tho Bal Masque, March 7, when she was dining out and the spark of a match caught Are to her dress. Yes, she Is still In the hospital and suffers like a little Spartan. I am told she Is not yet able to read even for any length of time. It Is almost Impossible to conceive how soroo members of that dinner party ac tually attended tho ball after that fright ful experience. The only explanation of that sort of thing Is that many persons tin the stress of excitement do seemingly heartless things, and it Is Just possible that no one realized tho extent of tho Injuries that nlghU The Junior Leaguers had a great time last week at their various meetings dur ing tho convention, and girls came from all over the States and Canada. Barbara Boston was a delegato from New York, and was stopping with Margaret Yardley. She Is a very attractive girl, and lives In Orange. A funny story is told of one of the meetings, when each girl had to stand up and give her name and eay from where she came. When It came to our little friend's turn she rose and said, Barbara Boston, that's my name, not Where I come from; I live In Orange." NANCY WYNNE. annoVncedf W""nm hn Jam!son hft8 bcen The Pennllyn Committee of the Youne delphlft, of which Mrs. ttobert Drayton Is chairman, will hold Us annual spring "! In at the Penllyn Holiday House, on Fr, lay afternoon at 2-30 o'clock. Tho tnm. hold tt 0ltrrk " Branch win X i ihUelr mectlnS nl ho Holiday House lunch! f Wl" romaln for l:n' Lieutenant Albert Miller Pcnn and Mrs Penn were guests of L'nslgn Paul A. ste: ITrti ftml "rB-t,stcvens " dinner y night on the u. S. S. Minnesota at the &AU" ,Biand NaVy Ynrtl a,ld lAtSr at! inctlcut ' Rb0ard th0 V- B s' Con- Along the Main Line nAn5V0nK-.Mr nml Mr"' F1":1" X. Dalley have returned frrtm their wedding trip and are living on Walnut avenue. Ard more. Mrs. DnIUy was Miss Theresa Kelley, of Champaign. Ill, r' KAVBnFORD-sIrlTwinthrop Sargent, of Haverford, will glvo a mus'cale at the Merlon Cricket Club, on Wednesday, May 24. In honor of Minn Aline von Barentzen. H03KMONT Members of St. nita's Glilld will hold their first annual euchro and dnnce In tho School Hall at Itosemont next Monday evening, Mny 22. DRYN MAWIt The Patricia Minstrel Troupe, of Norrlstown, will glvo a minstrel show In the Parochial School Hall, Ilryn Mawr, on Thurnday evening. May 25, lor the benefit of the parish reunion. ITHAJf Mrs, Thomas Ncwhall and her two younger sons. Master Daniel S. Ncw hall. 2d, and Master Charles Mercer New hall, of The Old Place, Ithan, aro spending a fortnight at the Traymorc. Atlantic City. WAYNE Tho annual meeting and elec tion will bo held at tho Saturday Club this afternoon. Mrs. Virginia doff Hoar will make an address. Chestnut Hill Miss Anno Lewis and Miss Mary Lewis, daughters of Mr. and Sirs. Francis W. Lowls, of Moroland avenue, havo gone to Chovy Chase to spend two weeks In the Preparedness Camp, Mls3 Mildred Lane, of 51 Ilex avenue, accompanied by Miss Margaret Dennlston, of School House lane, CJermantown, will leavo Thursday, Juno 1, for a trip to Alaska to bo gone until September. MIS3 Lane, who has been In Chicago, Is Interested in tho work of tho Consumers' League. Jfrs. Edgar L. Sheppard, of St. Martin's lane, has uased a cottage In Ventnor for the summer, Mrs. Sheppard and her daugh ter, Miss Mary Sheppard, will leave town today. Germantown Mrs. George A. Cameron, of Greene street and School House lane, will return today from a visit to friends In Connecticut. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Goodfcllow, of 232 West School House lane, entertained at cards on Saturday nlght.i Mrs. Meredith Gardiner and her sister, Mrs. Warren Walker, have gone to Buck Hill Falls for two weeks. Mr. And Mrs. John Seeds and their daugh ter, Miss Iola Seeds, aro occupying their new home on the corner of Wlssahlckon avenue nnd Upsal street. The last of a series of dances arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Itnymond Tunnell Will take place on Friday night of this week at tho Germantown Conservatory of Music, 109 West Cnelten avenue. Miss Dorothy Burgess, of 6306 German town avenue, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lanlng Harvey, of Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T, Haslam, of 5169 Sheldon street, will leave today for Asbury Park, where they will occupy-their cottage for the Bummer. Mrs. Henry H. Doan, of 153 Carpenter street, has returned from New York and Smlthtown, L. I. Photo by Relly War. MRS. SIDNEY F. T. BROCK AND A CHARMING GROUP OF CHILDREN This photograph was taken of Mrs. Brock at a recent tableau given at the Bcllcvuc-Stratfonl. The name of the picture was "Auntie." The children are Virtfinla Brock, Sidney F. T. Brock, Jr., Betty Coles, Walter Coles and Mary Carter. West Philadelphia Personals Among the guests Invited to attend the Wedding of Miss Helen MacQuold. of Hos tile, and Mr, Edward Burd Grubb, son of the late General E. Burd Grubb, who mar ried Miss yiolet Sopwlth. of England, aro the President and Mrs. Wilson, and mem bers of the President's family have also been Invited Mr. and Mrs. Sayre, Mr. and Mrs. McAdoo and Miss Wilson. Miss Mac Quold is the daughter of former Mayor Charles W, MacQuold, of Rosalie. Both are ell known In Philadelphia, the Grubbs especially havlne been womlnent here bo- elally for years. The weddlns will take nlace In St. Luke's Church, Rosalie, on June 2. The Rev. C. 8. Wood, rector of the church, will perform vne ceremony, The Stork and Bowl Fraternity will give their annual banquet on Friday evening M 7 o'clock at the Bar Harbor Tea Room on 17th street near Chestnut. Officers of the fraternity are Miss Mary Clayton, presi dents MIer Mnrv Smith, vlca nresldant : Alias Edth Smith, secretary, and Miss Elizabeth Smith, treasurer. The banquet committee consists of MIbs Ellanor Long treth and Miss Eleanor Verner, About- 40 meats will attend. Mr- and Mrs. Alba B. Johnson have sent out Invitations for a garden party at Cas ana, Rosemont, on Saturday, June 3, from . until 6:30 o'clock, ilr. and Mrs. Angler Buchanan Duke, ho have been Visiting Mr. and Mrs. George ,w Chllds Drexel at their home, Wootton, a Bryn Mawr, hava returned to New Yprk. Mr and Mrs. William J- Clothier, havo "turned from a short stay In New York. Mrs. William Ellis Scull, of Lelghton Place. Overbrook, has issued Invitations for tea on Thursday afternoon ill :30 o'clock to meet the Jurlor Colonial Dames. ur, Perclval Parrtsh. and son, of Mont rose avenue, Rosemont. are spending a short time at the Dennis, Atlantic City. 1 -l, """ Ksttiryn Dempsey has returned to - wmi, jji Baltimore avenue, alter wodln; ten days with Mr and Mrs. WII. "W Harris at Irvlngton-on-the-Hudson. - Jame Wllsoa Jamison, of 414 and p ; w. i entertain t aianer on (! f SP4ny, py SI, la Itenor Along the Reading Miss Dora McKnlght, of Ashbourne, who spent soveral days In Reading, Pa re turned to her homo on Saturday. Friends of Miss Blanche Chauveau. of Washington tane, Jenklntown, will be glad to hear that she Is doing nicely, but will remain nt tho University Hospital several weeks longer, taking the rest cure. Arrangements aro being made to form another First Aid Class to begin work In the fall. This class will be In charge of tho Wyncote Branch of tho Pennsylvania Division for National Preparedness. All applications must be sent In this spring. Mr. and Jlrs.' Isaac Walker, of Wyncote, have their daughter, Jlrs. Frederick Foss, of Boston, as their guest for several weeks. The Women's Guild of St. Martin's Church, will give a musicals at the home of Mrs. Harold Perpall, 6412 North 8th street, thts evening. Arrangements nre being made for the first meeting of the young men along the Read ing over IS years of age to form the com pany under the direction of the Drexel Blddle Bible Class Preparedness movement.' The meeting will be held tonight In the hall of tho Oak Lane Presbyterian Church, Oak Lane avenue and 11th street. These drills will be led by a young man appointed by Mr. Blddle and will be held every Tues day evening. Tho Rev. E. J. Hummeston, rector of tho church, has been elected chap lain of tho company. Seventy of the prominent women of this section will meet this afternoon In Marshall Hall, for the First-Aid Class which was started last week. A garden party will be given by the Logan Branch of the Civic Club at Fair field, the home of Mrs. Albert C. Garrett, York road and Fisher's avenue, this after noon There will be a Shakespearean pageant, folk songs and dances by the pupils of the Slngerly School, directed by MIbs Flora Mager, accompanied by Miss Frances Davis. The proceeds will be for Civic Club work. The Onk Laneennls Club anounces that the courts aro in readiness for the season. A strawberry festival and home made bake will be given by the Women's Aux iliary of Ablngton Fire Company for the benefit of the building fund, at the Are house, York road and Horace avenue, on the"" afternoon and evening of Saturday, June 3. CANES TO BLEND WITH GOWNS OF FAIR DAMES Latest Fad at Shore Is the Long-Handled Walking Stick MR. AND MRS1. LUIGI MARCARELU Miss Clementina Ralnone and Mr. Lulgl Marcarelll were married yesterday, Both the bride and bridegroom are very popular among Italians living In West Philadelphia, and a number "of guests attended their wed ding reception, which took place after the ceremony at the bride's residence, 6231 Hazel ayenue, ' Mrs. M. C. Whitby, of 5244 Spruce street, entertained her bridge club at luncheon yes terday Those present were Mrs. W. A. Bland. Mrs. Wlll'am R. Kreeger. Mrs. Will iam E. Reea, Mrs. Howard Preston. Mrs. William McCaughan, Mrs. 3. E. Gilbert and Mrs, E. W. Seastmgooa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacFarland, of 1200 South Edgewood street, and J4r. and Mrs. GeorgA W- Tpdd. r T25 South Fra iler street, have returned from a weeli's visit at the home of Mr And Mrs. A. R Ktrispairick, of Atlantic. City. w and Mrs. H. Clnnt Whetlwv cf tL Worth Jd !? Juw opepsd tjMjc cotMgTs, North Philadelphia The Semper Fldells Society of Cookman Methodist Episcopal Church, Lehigh ave nue and 11th street, gave a reception last night In the social hall. Mrs. W. II. Brill, the president, received the guests. On Friday night there will be a mass meeting of the young people of the Lehigh Avenue Baptist Church, Lehigh avenue and 12th street, to organize a young peo ple's society. The services will be held In the Bible school auditorium. Among the speakers will ba the Rev. John V. Ellson, the pastor. Miss Frances K, Hazen, of 1708 Mount Vernon street, will leave on June 1 to spend the early summer at Johnsonvllle, Bucks County. Mr. and Mrs. William B, Hackenburg. of 953 North 8th street, have closed their winter home and will spend the summer in Mount Airy. Dr. and Mrs. C. J, Stern, of 1745 Diamond street, have returned from Atlantic City, where they were the guests of Mrs. E. C. Wolf. ' The members of the Women's Association of the Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, 8th and Cumberland streets, will hold their annual "May Festival" on Thursday, May 25, in the hall of the church. Delaware County Cards have been received from JJr. and Mrs. W. H. White, of Drexel Hill, an nouncing their safe arrival at Yokohama. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Barry, of Aldan, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son. The firemen of Sharon Hlll.j assisted by the ladles' auxiliary of the fire department, are making plana for a strawberry festival to be held on May ri. The senior -class of the Darby High School will hold Us graduation exercises on June 29, Lansdowne The Woman's Auxiliary of St John's Church la arranging to hpld a delightful affair In th rose gardens of the, home of Mrs, Mathew Cryer. on South LansdQwno avenu. .jura . Mr, nd Mrs. Lottbt 3, Meyers, of Llndea .3m attended the Xntghta of Columbus; Owslan. tlA VBttM P ATLANTIC CITY, May 1G. It was evident from tho walk turnout Sunday nnd yesterday that the cane Is Just ns necessary an adjunct to tho well dressed woman ns the walking slick Is to the well-groomed man, and the cane, bo It known. Is about the only feminine acces sory that has escaped tho vogue for stripes. All tho modish walking sticks are of plain polished wood, sometimes of bright colors, and are usually topped with a silver or glass knob. Tho cane must, of course, he in harmony with the owner's gown. Red sticks aro carried with dark blue cos tumes nnd dark brown canes with suits of sulphur hues. With white costumes ono often sees white sticks with black tops. This last week-end was quite gay. Thero was a great deal of entertaining both In tlu hotel nnd cottage colony. A number of visitors motored to tho shore. Mrs. John N. Wllkins, Jr., gave a lunch eon of 17 covers at the Hotel Traymore Saturday. In the centre of the table was a miniature sunken garden. The favors were French silk roses. Among the guests were Mrs. William C. Wescott, .Mrs. Walter Nagle, Mrs. Frederick Robins. Mrs. Make speace. Mrs. Cecil Serre. Jlrs. Robert B. Ingersoll, Mrs. William H. Bartlctt. Mrs. Edward Porteous, Mrs. Edwin Frank, Mrs. J. B, Thompson. Mrs. H. Starr Glddlngs, Mrs. E. Gray Pendleton, Mrs. David C. Fltzslmmons and Mrs. Hand. Mrs. Edwnrd Drill entertained at lunch eon at tho Brighton Sunday for Mrs. James A. Connelly and Mrs. Samuel W. Falrchlld, Mr. and Mrs. Rubrecht entertained at trie Marlboroush-Blenhelm Sunday for Dr. and Mrs George Phelps Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles S. Townsend mo tored down to tho Traymore for over Sun day, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William J. Peck, of Ardmore; Mrs. A. M. Porter and Miss Porter, of Texas. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Bruce Ford, who motored from Chestnut Hill, are at the Brighton for over Sunday. Mrs. Frederick Hemsley motored from her home In Radnor to the Brighton, where she will spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Le Malstre and Mr. and Sirs. W. C. Hancock motored from Philadelphia to Bpend the week-end with Mr. and sirs. Is'ewlln Halnoi. Mr. P. L. Gllkey and Miss D. Francis Gil key aro visiting their parents at the St. Charles. South Philadelphia Miss Clara Lultena, of 2003 South Garnet street, and Miss M. Joynes. of 126 Hoff man street, spent the week-end In Atlantic City ns the guests of Mr. Harry Coward. Mrs, E. J. Hnrrlgan and her daughter. Miss Louise Hnrrlgan, of -Point Pleasant, spent the week-end with her mother, Mia. Richard Kearney, of 2111 Lombard street. Tioga Under the auspices of the choir of All Saints' Church nil entertainment will be given on Thursday night In tho parish hall, Cayuga street and Germantown avenue. In addition to the musical program, there will be selections by Mr. Frederick C. Trnppe, ventriloquist and Impersonator. The first annual dog show of the boys and girls of North Philadelphia will be held on Saturday, May it, at the Nice town Boys Club, Hunting Park avenue and 18th street. The show ulll bo hold In the gymnasium, The Young People's Alliance of St. Paul's German Evangelical Church, Oermantown avenue above Butler stieet, will give a mu slcale on Thursday night In tho auditorium of tho Germantown Young Men's Christian Association, . Mr. S. M. Rosenberger, supervising prin cipal, and the faculty of the Kendeiton School, 15th nnd Ontario streets, have Is sued invitations for the nnnual parents' meeting and exhibition of the work of the pupils on Thursday from 1.45 until 4.15 o'clock. Addresses will be mnde by Dr. J. P. Garber. Mr. Edward J. Cattell, Mr. Vin cent Brecht, Mr Milton C Cooper and Mrs. Kate Boutelle Maher. Northeast Philadelphia Miss Agnes O'Connor, of 2648 Memphis street, will give a card party and supper this evening. Those present will be Mies Anna McVey, Miss Anna McGovern, Miss Alice Leahy, JIIss Loretta D Kilty, Mr. Anthony McGnrvey, Mr. John McKenna, Mr. John Weston and Mr. James Dougherty. The L. D. Club has purchased a summer home In Parkland, Pa., and will hold an opening on Sunday, Frankford The Olney Branch of the Civic Club held the last of Us social gatherings for the season last evening at the hpme of Dr. W, W. Bryce,, 170 West Tabor road. The Athletic Association of St. James' Church Is planning to hold a street carnival on Front street, between Tabor road and Fisher's' avenue, on Friday and Saturday evenings, Juno 2 and 3. Miss Mary Felsh Fletcher entertained at dinner last week at her home on Orlscom street. Her guests were Miss Elinor Mc Cormlck, Miss Anna A. Cleary, Miss Celine Bruce, Miss Estella Bruce, Miss Emma Bruce, Mr. J. Charles Qulgley, of Ambler, Pa,; Dr. J. Howard Shepe, Mr, C. Rich ard La Salle, of -Washington, D. C. ; Mr. Charles D. Ualrd, Mr. Edward Christie and Mr, F, X, Murphy, , Mr, and Mrs. Albert Wintber and their family, of Harrison street, have taken one of the Northwood Apartments, on East 25th street, North Wldwood, for the months of June and July. Wilmington WILMINGTON, pel.. May J . General James H. Wilson and Miss Katherlne' WII son entertained at dinner Saturday night In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsha Lee. Their guests Included Governor Charles R. Miller and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsha Lee. Mr. and M.rs. Henry B Thompson, Mr. apd Mrs: John P Nlelds, Mr. Alexis du Pont, and Dr. and Mrs, James A. Draper. Mrs. B. Tatnall Warner entertained at dinner last night In honor of Mrs. Benjamin Harrison and MU Elizabeth Harrison, and Mrs. a 1 Merrlam. Mr and Mrs. Henry Thompson entertained at a small nelwoa Sunday in. Mrs. Harrison bono tfVJJWW 4-M, , 341 . IU1 ictt J 1 .... i.i 1 1 il MR. AND MRS. ABE WEIL Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Well, of 2016 Ontario street, celebrated their 35th wed ding anniversary Sunday at the Hotel Ru dolf, Atlantic City, by a family dinner, attended by their children, Mr. and Mrs. David A. Powdermaker. Mr Joseph L. Kun, Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Kun ; Mr. and Sirs I. W. Isaacs, Mr and Mrs. Bert L. Well, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Well, and their grandchildren. Miss Ruth Powdermaker and Miss Dorothy Powdermaker M ss Ruth Kun and Miss Claire Kun and Master Irving W Isaacs. Jr. Mr. Weil is the senior member of the firm of Weil & Meyers. He Is very prominent in secret societies, being at the present time president of District Griid Lodge, No. 3. Independent Order B'nai B'rith. covering the States of Pennsylvania. New Jersey, Delaware and West Virginia; Is also a member of the Masonic and Royal Arcanum fraternities, and of the City Club and con nected with all the lead'ng Jewish charities of this, city- He U also a governor of the B'nai B'rith Orphanage and Home for Friendless Children, at Erie, Pa. Mrs. Well was the recipient of n beautiful diamond bracelet, presented by the children at the dinner table Notices for the 6'pclctr Pe will b ac cepted sad printed lu the Kienlnc Ledger. but all buca noticee oiuet be written o one Ule or tpe paver, piuet be euaea lu lull. lull ttaoreen, aau uaeii boiuipm la full, with IfltpUOES ud all ttith cuniuiutiloutionj Is "Society Itar." Kteniu l.e-Jitr. 604 Cbentaut etrcet. .Tiitt. tiuate naiilremeut are carrM silt. sstk l) i,ot le (ilM1j;J, tic: are carried eMt. be poMlbJ, tii JUNIOR ORDER UNITED AMERIdAN MECHANICS MARK ANNIVERSARY' Sixty-Third Year of Order's Existence to Be Celebi-nied Tomorrow at the Parkway Building, Broad and Cherry Streets ' , StXTV-THHED years ago, on the 17th of May, 1853, tho Junior Order United American Mechanics was formed In the old historic Concord School In Germantown. At that time Washington Council was organ lied. The council has seen continuous ex istence since then excepting the period of '6U'5, when Its members enlisted to help save tho Union. The anniversary will ho celebrated this year by the Federation of Councils of the Jr. O. If. A. M. In a fitting manner tomorrow In the Parkway Building. Broad and Cherry streets, nt 8s30 o'clock, There will be a banquet, followed by an entertainment and dnnco. The Banquet Committee has been work ing very hard to mnke this anniversary ono to be long remembered by the Juniors of the federation and they hope that their efforts will be rewarded by a very large attendance of the Juniors and their friends. Tho members of the Banquet Committee nre ns follows: From Brldesburg Council, No. 135. Mr. Hut gin, Mr, Chen, Mr. Shoe nnd Mr Eckcrt; from Harry Clay Council, No 7, Mr. Murphy, Sir, Coulter and Mr. Snyder ; from Kensington Council, No. 6, Mr Schrader, Mr Scherer and Dr. H. L. Smith ; from Washington Council, No. 1, Mr Brlnghurst, Mr. Clemens and Mr. O. C. Klein, sccrctnry A rccltnl was glcn on Saturday night at Odd Fellows Hall, Broad and Federal streets, by tho South Philadelphia Trio, composed of Miss Cora Hlgglns, violinist; Mr. Joseph Franzosa, cellist, and Mr. Joseph Schall Lilly, plnnl.it. assisted by Miss Ma tilda Snyder Christie, soprano. Tho program Included' Riumond Overture Thomas Kruhllnozelt Decker Mitl il Snxdr Christie Allegro, Opue 1'.', No. 3 Mnzart Romance Opun .1J Carl Matys Joseph l-'ranzosa Selection from t.urln, Donliettl n Vnltiir 1)1 Mii.i-ttn tLn Dohemel. . .Puccini b Tho Year'n t Rprlnic Hcach c Sly Limit, Mo Comes on tho Skee. .Lelghter Matt da Snider Christie Polonaise In A Wlenawskl Miss Cora Hlxginr. 1'arla! Ardltl Matilda Knxler Christie Hungarian D.inco No. 1'. lirahms Mr. nnd Mrs. John Kceley, of 1815 Jeffer son street, will entertain nt a dance this evening lu honor of their daughter's (Miss Urllla Keeley'n) 19th birthday. Miss Keeley Is the nlcco of Mr, II. B. Kceley. There will be nbout 30 guests. Pink and white roses nnd ferns will form tho decorations. The guests will be Dr Irvln S. Mycrhoff, Miss Gladys Purvcs, MUs lClma Strcln, Miss Beatrice Reed, Miss Marjorle Carlsen, Miss Edna Guckenbuehlcr, SIlss Dorothy Reln oke, SIlss Gladys Sleyerhoff, SIlss Lydla Howell, SIlss Margaret SIcGinnls, Mr. Al bert Smith, Sir. Daniel Gartland, Sir. Frank Wclker, Sir. Frank SIcGinnls, Sir. Albert Conover, Mr. Joseph RlcCormnck, Sir. Jo seph BIcCormack, Sir. Joseph Hartman, Sir. Louis Pope, Sir. Walter Huston, Sir. Slark Slertz, Sir. and Sirs. A. C, Keeley. THE Stnrtha Washington Club enter tained Saturday evening nt SIlss Reba Welsman's house, -110 Dickinson street. The main features of the evening were imper sonations by Sir. Louis Slarcus, together with delightful music. Those present were SIlss Slollle Abrams. Sir. D. A. Alberts. Sir. Jack L. Cohen, SIlss Lena Cohen, SIlss Tillle Cohen, Sir. Slax T. Daney, Sir. Harry B, Dubln, Sir. SI. G. Dwargan. Sir. Teddy Felnmnn, Sir. John Glnsburg, Sir. Herman Goldberg, SIlss Slae Greenus, SIlss Clnra Ourbarg. SIlss Rebecca Jacobson, Mr. Lawrence Kaplan, SIlss Blanche Kauf man, Sir. Harry Kllngsburg, Sir. A. L. Kohn. Sir. Philip Krause, Sir. SI. B. Krow, Miss Elsie Lelbowltz, SIlss Betty Llpman, SIlss Gertrude SInrcus, Sir. Louis Slarcus, .Mr. Slax Slontngue. SIlss Kathryn Norurti, Sir. David Piatt, SIlss Anna Podolln, Sir. Abe Pornes, SIlss Rose Rosen, Sir. Slax Rothsteln, Sir. Herbert Roon, Sir. Paul W. M. Rudsky, SIlss Esther Schwartz, SIlss Roso Schwartz, SIlss Dora Shanger. SIlss Lillian Shecl. SIlss Esther Spain. Sir. Georgo Shultz, SIlss Bessie Smith, Sir. Star tin Stein, SIlss Rose Spotkov, SIlss Mildred Spotkov, Sir. Maurice Taubman, Sir. Theo dore Tevelson, Sir. Louis Tuft, Sir. A. Wachs. Sir. SI. Well, SIlss Anna Welsman, Sir. David Welsman, SIlss Reba Welsman, SIlss Bessie Welsman, Mr, Sllchael PIntt, SIlss Lillian Goldman and Sir. Sam Zuck erman. The Louclla Country Club, composed of lb young men of tho St. Francis Xavler T A. B., of Philadelphia, held Its fourth an nual opening at its new house, Llndenwold, N. J on Saturday and Sunday. The house was neatly arranged and equipped with new sleeping outfits. The bungalow has been filled with all conveniences and latest mod ern Improvements. The ground surrounding the clubhouse is handsomely decorated with flowers and plants, and the front porch Is shaded by rambling roses of four shades. This opening was the largest this club has ever held, all the members being pres ent. Among theso were Sir, William Luntg, president ; Mr. Joseph A. SIcGettlgan. sec retary and treasurer: Sir. Walter Foley, Sir. Frank Foley, Sir. Aloyslus Sloflltt, Sir. Joseph Slotlltt, Sir. John McGettlgan, Sir. Edward Coyle, Sir. Frank Stanton, Sir. Thomas Tcehan. Sir. i dward Wendle, Sir. George Burns, Sir. Frank Fox, Sir. Daniel SIcGlnley and Sir. Cornelius Ryan. The fol lowing girls were Invited and visit ttt club on Sunday under the care of the) isH chaperon, Mrs, A, Moor6! MM WejUtt Smith, Miss Mao Byrnes, Miss Ma 'Mite, Miss Sadie Hartman, Miss Catharine rrteJ, SIlss Marie Retrouvey nnd thts Misses tt man, Miss Byrnes, Miss Hartman, Miss Miller and Miss Retrouvey spent the week-eiW at the new home of the club under the car of Mrs. Stoore. A minstrel show nnd dance will b given by the Downtown Harmony Boys, this eve ning, at Lyrfc Hall, 938 South 6tl street! The minstrels are all well known singers. Sir, Charles Stolfo, from the Ddn Boseo Catholic Club, will be one of the end men. j A sliver loving cup will be given 'to the club having the largest amount of votes at tha door. The reception which was to be given Oil afternoon by tho Sisterhood of the Jtodeph Shalom Congregation to Strs. Alfred Rosen stein, the new president, has been lnderlnltB ly postponed because of tho sudden death of Sir. Samuel Jacobs, secretary of the con gregatlon. Roxborough Sir. nnd Strs. Erwln M. Simpson, of 309 Green lane, have SIlss Harriet Richardson, of Baltimore, SId and SIlss Frances Wil kinson, of York, Pa., as their guests. Sirs. Benjamin F. Hendren, of Rid go ave nue, will entertain at luncheon and cards on Thursday. Her guests will Include Mrs. Wllllnm Ames, Sirs. Elmer Pflster. Mrs. Harry H. Thompson, Sirs. A. L. Adams. Sirs. Elmer Pdatcr, Sirs. Mary Slott, Mrs. William W. Wilson. Sirs. Paxson James, Sirs. George Holland, Sirs. W. R. Haggart and SIlss Edith Rlghter. Sir. John II. S. Putnam, the new pastor of tho Fourth Reformed Church, will be or dained and installed on Thursday, June 1. What's Doing Tonight Fifteenth annual meeting Commodore Barry Commandery. No. B78. Knights of Columbus, Mercantile Hall, 8 o'clock. Pop concert. Academy of Music. 8 o'clock. Salvation Army wedding, 8th Und Vine streets, 8 o'clock. Sleeting of Philadelphia Chapter. American Institute of nanklng. for the purpose of organ izing a battalion trom among their numbers, to 1e attached to the '.'d Iteglment, N. O. P., 027 Chestnut street, 8 o'clock. Iteceptlon and dinner for the Cltlxens' Com mittee nnd campaign organization team of the Templo University million dollar fund move ment, Adelphla Hotel, 0:31) o'clock. Fifty-seventh Street Improvement Associa tion. 00th street and Q I rani avenue, 8 o'clock. Free. Lnncaater Avenue limine" Sfen. 8030 Lan caster avenue. 8 o'clock. Free. Municipal Band concert. Torresdala Park, Cottman street and Torresdale avenue. 8 o'clock. Free. Play. "The Slan Born to Be King." under the auspices of the Drowning Society. Droad Street Trcatre, 8 o'clock. American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Wltherspoon Hall, 8:10 o'clock. Sleeting called by Merlon Civic Association In the interest of ridding .Merlon of telegraph poles, 8 o'clock. Woman's Club Day. Philadelphia Today and Tomorrow exhibit. Commercial Museum. Philadelphia Yearly Sleeting of Friends, Race street above 13th. Annual meeting Engineers' Club, 8!18 o'clock. Annual play.- Browning Society, Broad Street Theatre, 8 o'clock. Graduation Howard1 Hospital Training; School. Acorn Club. Tllghman Camp. Spanish War Veterans, dance. Third Iteglment Armory National Convention of Hosiery and TJnderv near Manufacturers, rirst Iteglment Armory. AMUSEMENTS 100,000 SQUARE FEET OF CIVIC EDUCATION A ast hall filled with Interesting lesion teaching exhibits- VISIT THE PHILADELPHIA TODAY AND TOMORROW CIVIC EXPOSITION Auditorium Building Commercial Museum, 34th Street below Spruce. Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. TODAY WOMEN'S CLUB DAT TOSIOltnOW TEMPERANCE DAT A public school class In session. Concerts bar Philadelphia Police Band. Model Post Office. Cartridge Making, Crest Exhibit of City of Philadelphia. PURE FOOD LECTURES I INDUSTRrAIj 1 Mrs. Caroline B King MOVING Strs. Anna B. Scott PICTURES Between J--.' P. M. DP. SI. ADMISSION 25 CENTS J COME EARLY STAY LATE A , 1 AMUSEMENTS CHESTNUT ST. OPERA 2 TO B AND HOUSE 7 TO 11 P. LAST WEEK Fighting" for Germany Unlike Any War Pictures Ever Seen Crippled Soldiers Working Their Trades ONE OK THE STARTLINU FEATURES Benefit War Widows and Babies POPULAR PRICES 10c. 15c, SSc Globe Theatre "Rna JlJhJKZ YAUUHYIl.Lt: Continuous 11 AM to 11 P.M. 10c, 15c, SSc MUSICAL COMEDY The Beauty Parlor people WiLMER WALTER & COMPANY And Wonderful Surrounding Show 10c 1,214 MARKET SOo 111 A- 31. O II no i. u. Pal are ROBT. WARWICK In "SUDDEN RICHES" and Charlie Chaplin 'SyjJESa,. Thura.. Frl . Sat.. PAULINE FREDERICK In "THE MOMENT BEFORE'1 MARKET ABOVE OTH U A. M. to 11 US P. M. 2 DAYS ONLY UUUHLE BILL CHARLIE CHAPLIN ISoS "The Floorwalker" Lillian dish In "SOLD FOR MARRIAOE'' AT 10;0. 12:30, 5 IB. i. a. T- ndBS0 . -, . CHESTNUT Below lath Arcadia dorothygish A "M nd OWEN MOORE (Husband of Mary Plckford) In SUSAN ROCKS THE BOAT' Added Attraction BILL1E BURKE tn Betond Episode of "Gloria's Romance" Thursday, Friday, Saturday. W. 8. HAUT la 'THE PRIMAL LURE Victoria MARKET ABOVE 10T1I SESSUE HAYAKAWA (Lata Bur 'The Cheat") ' In "Mbn. 8uJ," Stanley T rknTTOTl S2D and LOCUSt STREETS, LUbUQl DOUBLE BILI. CHARLIE CHAPMN to "TIM SloorwdHter. ALICE BRAD IT te "I'U (wt .k HW - -' ' ' ' '" I T1TT MAW WP -" MARKET UT BELMONT 4SSU?SEBS "The Star of Ethiopia" A PAGEANT Portraying the History of the Negro Itac. 1000 ACTORS .V COSTVllU JJ SIUMCAL -VIJBI7RS Convention Hall 'ohent Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday May 16, 18 and 20 ADMISSION 80c j RESERVED SEATS T5o TIP ADELPHll-LAST 7 TIES TONIGHT 8:20. POP. 1 MAT, THUrtlDAV Cyril Harcourt'a Smart Comedy lilt" APAIR OF SILK STOCKINGS "A Play Everyone Should See." Record. YOU HAVE ONLY SEVEN MORE CHANCES TO BEE IT HURRY! LYRIC TONIGHT AT 8;15 1 POPULAR ll.SO MATINEE TOMORROW The Ureat 1180,000 Musical Revue i "TOWN TOPICS" Tha Olantesa of Gayety With BERT LESLIE. SOPHIE TUCKER Cress ft: Josephine. Maria Latarre & 125 Others EXTRA! A $.10,000 FASHION SHQW WITH 40 .MODELB 'Tops' ACADEMY TONIQHT AT SUB- 7 7 Popular Music by the TViilorlnlririio OOnceriS Orchestra LIGHT OPERA NIUHT Soloist: ANNE E. JACKSON. Violinists. Popular Prices iHeppe'a, 11JO Chestnut st. bTITkeith'sthbatIib CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STREETS; AMERICA'S OREATEST DANCER! BESSIE CLAYTON & CO. ALBERT WHELAN "Petticoats"! Tho Bhar rocks, Howard, KibH & Herbert. Other HI Features'. Ttin'RT?TCCiT TWeANexl Week. EvgaTi-jI V UtfiVUO i. MATINBB TOMORROW A H. WOODa Present A NEW FARCE COMEDY IN ? ACTS "HIS BRIDAL NIGHT" WITH THE DOLLY SISTERS Bt Stils l a-t Popular Mat Tomortw( "A7a1vi-nf Evenings No JUgbtr. YVamUX Pep. Mat. Thur... ;tte B(te lie Mt Sat.. SsStafse Popular Mat. Today, 25c & fOe TWIN BEDS Last Eight TimmJ, ftavfifV--NOW XVsbU at S-.16, " Uai rlCK-" uw MAT 1-OMtSOlOR THROUGH THE AGES WHS MME, YORflSA airf JtOBKltT T JUOtta Bt St i at yopalaj- tat, TaaSr - WnnAmHn 5alJH WmmmmSi-