EVB&1M3 LKDami-PHlliADELPHIA, MOHDAY MAX 15, 193.6, ,-., ,,T. . ,t ,,,,. . 1, , ,.., 1 f , ,f fri.i. ,. , . 11 ..I, 11 . 1 1 1 , .1,11. I J, 1, ,, n...i 1 ' " ' ' ' 1 ' '"'"V ren.ADKI.PHlA WOMEN. WHO WILL BE&iN TWO WEEK'S TRAILING AT CHEVY CHASE CAMP BglS WBE& F& tA S IP' r"'" " - ni,..i.ivi1.tif.i t, mmiufci ,h rf'jj.'"! 11 mn i i7 1 jlJJL JM -- afimmmm 4Ammm 1 " , ,1, ,!," 1 ' 1 1 miAiiH i H 11M1 ft n iw m 11 ' "y jE iLLLP vs.jsSf I 3j JPCb "-"vi. tbbB bbbbbBLbbbbbbbbbLbb m Sk&ft1 jJbbbbbbbbWVJM S F v -ii!Vk Br bt. ,4 'AW.v cvzca .xbSLIbHbHbs. I 'X'." I' won. ot.antrta.reoY i 'JBHMbIbHSmI B. . v ;) ?v V rI I IbbbbbLHbk' 5, 9BI I .bbbbbbbbbbbbbLbbbV v LS Hffi9l9IHH ;; st TvrtvP WiWfKI'i wHr BHMKMMIlBWBBEjrc7 Z. yy IbHPWbbbbW wKvM iwvsssiMBfsmzL&azzzmns h& s - .'m lTTvV HiHadiBlhvHBXV JtaftA : vy III iumuhui fl V ' TOjSMiMiHHiBK a: " ooGe7ms3B'& tlliTi r If a ill ill arrr scott J7i(HH III" "SIM 1 1 HpPHlMMHv thcntro has not been revealed. Ho In thought 5S' ?- -C. II VH $p' wP II to l"1" left her nt tho street corner "iie:ir cSv' 7?ji':Jituc. II BR lHI.! II 1,cr ,lomc- 'r'10 shiycr'B fntlier In mnklnir jS'yfS. W JSis. II Hi 1&Hi$3ar II nrrangetnents to bo fo IiIh Bon In l'ltts- S' y w i 'l SslPpy' burgh ' today. Hlfl mother cxpresHctl nil l rj JSnSw j '' ''i!SW II ardent deal re to go alone, but her condition M9BK I fu' waitmam yjXJBi sf 1 'V&mMA, Is said to bo too critical. B M M I Iff M N" .ii """ TVfiQO ATnfinn. Rnrrliali Wnmnti Tliann- H 9 sVi fV A 7lmI pears in. Now York w JjV 1 dey jewel $tr 23 0 ?0R TWO Cl(AWXlte8 Gcrinfctt P. B. Home ntftl Crippled Child' rth Bfeneflt !n Will 6f Helcnb MPoth tieautits W $8000 to the aerman Prot8lnnt nplcopal Itome. """jf;, $1000 to the Home of the Mtrclful I Saviour for Crippled Children are Included In the will 6f Helene M. Poth, Who died nt At lantlo City. April 17. The testatrix, who was largely Interested In the P. A, Poth & Sons Brewing Company, left properly valued at more than $100,000 to her chil dren. ,. , , Other wills probated were mose 01 Anna 8, Harris, 166 School lane, Germantown, which In pirate bequests disposes of prop erty valued rtt $43,000! Albert Barnes, 42 (School lane, Germantown, $15,700; Jane B. Hewson, 1912 Pine street, $1400; Mafiala McCallum, 664S Germantown avenue, $13, 000! Taube ItclBel, 722 Norrls street, $12, 00; John Comly, 1529 North Grata rtreet, $10,000; Charles G. Dydt, who died In SL Petorsbum, Fla., $6000; Henry G. Arbuckl", 2018 Master slrecl, $4600; Samuel Borer, 4911 Aspert street, $4000; John It. Fisher, 3520 North Mnscher street $3700; Ada I. LanBClbartcl, 1660 North Wamock street, $3000! K. "William Secmullcr, 2322 Brown street, $2324, nnd Henry Robinson, 2415 North 18th Rtreet, $2300. Tho personalty of tho estate of, Kmma Stewart haa been appraised at $29,954.44; Ann Waters, $2913.27, and Sophie Schafcr, $2305.09. MlfcADIMmAta t A4iiiu Ficllt Atrnlnsf O.f nnu l . xjLy$) PITTSBUnair, May lt .. , States District rw?7J.T"tn .ih tnl.j rtnswer to the application of ih.K60rf Trost Company, trustee under iS?1?'1' 1 Company. JM'SHI i L. .J"? ? be ordii .,' ' several months." r"ture, Tr itlf Th Court wilt lafo- ......... the master to so ahead wth,v1,1id dlfe?M will br.nB about the reowan .,, .T8 nnuer ana Mefeen appeared n V...' A, ! thd BankersV Trutt Company fln1Ml i tlntermerer for the TValla Coml4,..8! C. Cannon represented Jh?aS?2nii 'Wi Company, of New fork, hiSatlTJT"t recivera- certmcates. "u,us Wis The court granted a reauMi tt. . upset nrlce bo reduced fmm .: Jnt th Inalty named, but the lowered irVrlil bo determined later, amoun' uH i'M " Qk 0 vii,?r .niic ",7 Hetttrij IHWMN. THEWitJiiI nu AncH STUEKT WOMEN ROOKIES & CITY TO LEAVE :for camp today '-Wenty-four Philadelphia Fl, Ponfiiifcf fn Waka TTrv ! CHievv Chase Work "VETERANS" QUIT . DU a Btnff Carreivonitenl -ctwnrr citAsn. nr.i . iv in nm nr tift,' weeks -of thd Chevy .Chase Mllltflrr ff-v.yj7-..i. -i- .. . iv - . . .. . . . . Mff Mnv iot womcn, mo nrsi oi us mini in hwibb onu f nisiory, wyi coma 10 a cinoc LW5?A-"" . - Tnororw mornlnjr women from many intakes will begin ttf nssetnblo for tho sec- (mij two weeks of. the tamp; Philadelphia 1 tohavo a muclr larger delegation during Jth Beyond two weeks lhan.t iliJ.durlim- the , 'first' session. Thero'wero nvo tho first half - lt the nionth. whlla. 2i .lmv'otmld nti fob ttm COmlnB two weeks, -and are expected here within thfi nxt 24 hours. , a 4UUU11K l"U VUIUi;it 1LU1U X'UII.LUCIillll.l WI1U , wa-expected here today to take u) the work ln tlwcamp for tho coming twa weeks are: tfMfas uedrgono G. Butler, B.ydal ; Miss Caro- ' illii'lL,D. Balrd.-Vfeat Chester! Mrs. Otar- eno Wyat Blaphahi,.4C20 Pine street; MIsb sAmey, Dovelln. Qvc,rbrook 'JItsa BbbekaK r'WatifiElllot, 614S Harel avenue fMlns.Caro- SBntf Kngllsh. 2i08"Spruce Btroet ; Mls'a Kath- $KTln4!yr, Field, 1818 Spruco street; MIsb JHarlpn D. Grant, St. Jarnes place; Miss fJosejjhlne Hayden, 6958 AVoodblne avenue; Mrss A. B. Hubard. Jenklntown; MIsb EmlUfl O. Hpff, 2027- Upland Way; Miss Catherine- M. Lennlsr. 2304 Stfrucu street: Miss JAlJco Logan, West Chester ; Miss Anno Lewis, "Moreland 'avenue, Chestnut Hill; Jtlsa-ElleWNowbold. 2221 St. James nlacc: iMlss Sophlo B. Norrls, 2104 Locust street; MlnsiDorOthv OberteufTcr. Hnvcrfnrd AUn jsOSaraff 0. Parks, West Chester; Miss ICllza- 'tfcMh'gmucker. Overbroolc; Miss Marion Ifarry Ernst, 55 years old, of 171F North Marshall street, for some reason nrosii ear lier than usual today and went to a n-arby store to purchase a newspaper. Ht put It In his pocket, strolled back to tho rouse and started to read tho latest news vhlle awaiting his wife's call for breakfast, '.'he first thing that caught his eye In the papr was the fact that his 24-year-old son, Wil liam II. Hrnst. Is under arrest In Pitts burgh, accused of killing "his attractive joung wife. The father hnrdly could believe his eyes at first Ho almost collapsed nnd hardly 5-rM Ofc.mi... m,.;.i ir.Vii .;. """ "w worn uie nrni shock wnen zlZitiSfFnZ. &?.' yi ll'nryJW' the door be" ranK nnd a telegram from vFJrhl'.,?. J. u,1nnen..V'??; ''Ittsburgh with details of the tragedy was West Chester; Miss Elizabeth Scott. 201 hnmfert him ltu ,if ,.ii...i ., CAiith ni .A. i i- , -..... . :: . ' .". --" ' -v.... -cm m uiiuu School House lane and Greene street, Ger-fitantown. YOUNG WOMAN SHOT BY HUSBAND; DIES IN ARMS OF MOTHER Pittsburgh Man Kills Wife Her Return From Theatre, Whither She Had Gone With Friend - FOLLOWED HER HOME Father of Slayer Reads'News of Trag edy in fylorning Paper , Hero S7S3 Gt&x&jpyve- ?. Birt?e a new They i WHAT THEY HAVE LEAIl.NKD. i Today 200 sunburned feminine rookies ),xror15 States are packing their belongings (LDi going back to their homes. They have SnlsKed. their two weeks' course. They have . .-'oUarn-ed to knit and learned tlm first m,it. til"1 6t wlg-wagglng and telegraphy and K- Jwirrfesa. They havo learned tho principles f XZTi 1 ? ' '" nt-,,tiu iiiey liue 'iiLrZ. l uunuugo anu many other things that they never thought they could tosplbly learn to do In two weeks. ', One pretty little blonde, wlm tun !., " had the time of her young life trying to J learn how to manage a knitting needle to .make a surgical sponge. Is jubilant today because she has "actually learned" to do many, things which she neer felt herself 4 capable of doing. ...9?.f.14ionly' one or many., and all feel ,;Uiat4he two weeks have been fraught with a deep significance for them Tliev hae 'learned to know that clothes do not 'make une woman. Tney have acquired .respect for the Woman who tniia 'asMiva a aeeoer reeiini? nr ihvm nrt.i pAu..An. ., ifor the-wonderful big nation, of which thxv we part r ' PLANS SIMILAU CAMPS. J Expression from the varlnna mnUiiG n . -xthey left tho camp todav bound fnr iiiir tpoctlyo homes showed without n doubt 'J hit J camp was worth -,it. A.iajr mi cuLiiuaiusiic auout tne ex- icua at camp ute. Tney say they are fJKJlng home to tell their friends about the camp? and tho things thev haia Ir.nrnnl Chevy Chase, and they declare they are Zmaa& in rfn nil In .ViaIk n...nH .... ..,. 45 vt I'unvi lu num Bull llr eamw In their homo towns. Theirlrla who am arriving nnw n i.A .Mcorid two weeks of camp are In marked (BontrMt to. those who have been here for rtt Sut tWo weeks. Those who are leav- twiwuiy nave wen-tanned Bklns and they Jwc.'wltn a swing, which shows they have MWtn khaki uniforms and have become 1 ' w mo uv ueein fctuireu in camp, 4 Hf tho now "rookies" Btill have snow. sr ' iiwa. necics ana lianas. Their manicured -. navo not lost their lustre and they Ml taKe a mincing step caused to a certain trtartn bv ihA filcH IiaaIh n .t.ll. i.... .;, bvd been accustomed during their years of UiOBg, CWES FIGHT; STARTS PANIC p-jreq Clnsh Ovr Theatre Seatr Yell f t Mistaken for "Fire" JffiW VOIUC. May IS When two women if N Lucky Star Theatre, a moving-picture I Jktua at 5th street and 1st nvann ,-nt liteta ihi argument over the possession pf a t last nignt some careless person In , studience yelled "Fight1" bay la tho audlenco mUtook the rrv tnr rytrfl'' and scores rushed for the exits. Manager of the house. Josenh Kanfmnn rwtore4 ordart but not before most of his (lairon? nao nea. Qno on reaching the .street rang a fire lr.n, and in a. few minutes fire annaratn Mttred up Jo tho door. LvwoRg uje BJtpuement Mrs. Pora,MasUk. kftf-idl East l?m street, was arrested on am or AAfpuiy BftertH Joseph Arnold of the women Bald to hate been en In the. seat controversy, she was on on a charire of iHuM.riu nr.nI (.-wt, that something was wrong She beenmo hysterical nnd Is now under tho care of neighbors Her condition Is critical "Can It be true?" she wailed pitifully. "Willie did have a bad temper, and I heard only recently that ho and his wife had been separated, but I cannot belleo that he Would do anything like that. They say even that he shot her five times while Bho was In her mother's arms." This is the second seore shock Mrs. Ernst has had In the past few years; her youngest son died of convulsions In Now York on the street, only a ear or so ago. After the first news of the Pittsburgh tragedy a steady stream of Information, con tinued to arrive. WAITED AT THEATRE Young Ernst was employed as a freight conductor on the Pennsylvania Italtroad. His father works at the Heading coal piers In this city While accounts of the shoot ing are not definite as yet, Mr. Ernst bo llees that his Mn was driven Insano by the thoughf that his wife had gone to the theatre with another man He bought a revolver. It is bald, and awaited the couple at the theatre exit, but missed them In the crowd. He then went to the home of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Emelia Walsh. 811 Estella street, Pittsburgh, and awaited his wife there. Young Mrs. Ernst had been living with hor mother since leaving her husband some months ago. As soon as he Baw hiB wife coming up the steps, Ernst drew the revolver, one re. port says, and shot her five times as she was rushing Into her mother's arms. He then tried to turn the weapon on himself, but his mother-in-law had grappled with him, and the weapon fell to the floor during tho Btruggle. The police arrived almost Immediately nnd placed him under arrest. HIh wife died In t few minutes. MAUItlED SHOUT TIME. The young wlfo Is described as tall, viva clous and extremely attractive. Mrs. Harry Ernst, In this city, said Hho saw her only once, when they visited their parents at North Marshall street, last Christmas. Her son, Mrs. Ernst says, had a jealous dis position. The ftouplo evidently had not been happy together. They had been married only a - short time, but separated some; months ngo. " ' ' One of the pathetic Incidents of the trag edy Is the fact that young Ernst nnd his wife, before separation, had adopted a little girl baby. Mrs 'Ernst. In this city, had welcomed the news by mall last March A llttlo later. She said, her daughter-in-law had written her that "Willie-' was not well and had been unemployed tar some time Only recontly, however, Itobi rt Wilson, c plumber, of 7th street nnd Columbia ave nue, a friend of tho Ernst faml y. went to Pittsburgh with tho Stonemen. Wilson said he met "Willie" on tho street and that he had walked part of the way with the pa raders. "Willie" looked fit as a fiddle, he said, was well dressed and sent back glow ing messages to his parents In this city. Young Ernst's -wife, before hfcr marriage, was Miss Cora Wal.sh. Snc was 21 years old. Tho Identity of her escort to the NEW YORK, May 15. Now- York suf fragists arc considering asking tho pollco to Rend out a general nlarm for Miss Kitty Morion, tho English BUffrnglst, who disap peared May 8. Miss Marlon left her apart ments, 221 West 42d street, without luggage or announcing her plans According to Miss Florcnco Harmon, or ganizer for the Political Equality Associa tion, 15 East 41st 'street. Miss Marlon seemed to bo depressed tho day before her disappearance. Slio is about five, feet ten' Inches tall, weighs 18,0 pounds,. and has blonde hair. She Is 37 years old. yi:ar (10LD riLI.KI) Continuous Music nt "The Garden on the Roof Cosy and Comfortable In AnyJVcather Hotel Adelphia Perfect Cuisine and Service Refined Environment D A N S A N T 300 feet above the street Wilmington Gets $1800 for Home WILMINGTON, Del., May 16. It was announced last night that tho "Pousse Cafe," the most pretentious production ever given by Wilmington society people, would total a net profit of J1800. Tho production was given for tho benefit of tho Homo of Merciful Itest. Prizes for tho most popular wirMr.nants wern awarded tn thn mirqna nml lnnl, rhnriiH nnrf hn ''ihiIq" nhnma The popularity cup went t the fox trotters' chorus. Hanfliifoir, Elgin, Walthem Watches It till.PH tin ltraiifintAti to Hell iinrlimlr a vrorld'N ntimilnril 17-Jeurl watch of rxtiikllMiril $38 value nnd kooiI 3ft value nt flml for SIS). 78. Ho, no nrcunttnt Nhaulil Iia npr- rHttur). I.tt us Hay, how- nrr. mill nun m n unti hj:i;k upecim onir. no ir 9oii wmit one loto no time In making your ne Iprlfnn. ViiIiiph llkn thhM lime innttft I. Vrrn & Sons the blcgest watch seillnc orrnnliatlort In the State. ppssfsomj t w Jiisrs c mm l15 Value $28 Removes Stubborn Spots and Stains TRY it where other cleaners have failed. It is not only efficient and speedy, but it contains no grit or acid and cannot scratch or injure the finest finish. Uneqnaled for cleaning furniture, woodwork', floors, and other finely finished wood and enamel surfaces. Particularly good for ink spots. JilMSill PRE gives a hard, glass-like polish which protects all furniture against finger-prints, dust, scratches and the "like. Keep a. can always on hand for polishing your Floors Linoleum Woodwork Piano i Furniture Leather Goods Rifles. Golf Clubs Automobiles Johnson's Cleaner and Johnson's Prepared Wax are sold by leading Drug-, Hardware, House-furnishing and Paint Stores and Garages Pyharaite Storehouse Burned mpllMlTVlUtB. May. 15 Fire last t troyod the warehouse of the J a m Hardware Company un than iuund of dynaioUe wa stored n the f. uui Hffjiwn camea put the ex tHiforo the, flames reafc.id jt, foe prea4 to Ui barii ot Charles WA itf m Mttyai Sna loss naiad at fSftSfl' " 'W."iis S 9- i Open from noon ABflB jfWYfm till lam fiH4STn M i I i m Desks! I Chairs! t V Filing Cabinets! JJoe01vou7fll;Uirjnin5ISj5 urug. Hardware, House-furnSshins and Faint Stores and Garages JK ri'',: ' :(.?.. JlfV &'&&. f SimK nm,kf wKShSSS 'iftH j&l . X VVs Guarantee To be more than a mere scraprof paper," a guarantee must be absolute-and backed by a concern able and willing to make it good. The General's guarantee is not only, absolute; it is backed by a business operating the world's largest roofing mills, and making one-third of all the roll roofing made in America. That's the guarantee behind ASSORTMENT the largest; QUALITY the highest; SERVICE the quickest PRICES RIGHT Globe-Wernicke office equipment increases efficiency and gives an impressive appear ance to your office, 5be 81olermekc ?o. - 1012 Chestnut Street V- Certain-teed The guarantee is for 5, 10 or 15 years,, according to piy t, 4orj;, mere is no evasion aoour. it no at - tempt to substitute a high-sounding something "just as good." There is no substitute for a real guarantee. You get an absolute guarantee on CERTAIN-TEED because the General knows that no better roofing can be made. Its raw materials and method of manufac ture are both certified by the General's board of grad uate chemists, and Jie knows he's taking no chance in guaranteeing them to you. That's what "CERTAIN TEED" means-7 certified 'and guaranteed, Experience has proven that the guarantee is conservative, and that Roofing " - i CERTAIN-TEED will outlast the period of guarantee. The roofing felt, as it comes bone dry from the rollers, IS 21Yen a thoroiirrh KflrnmrJnr. nt o cnnli klor.,1 nt cr.fr asphalts, the formula of the General's board of expert chemists. It is then given a harder coating of another blend of asphalts. This kevns th innr ..A;nn enfr. and prevents the drying-out process sq destructive to ordinary roofing. Roofing is impervipus to the ele- ral?lU" as tKe asphalt saturation lasts' CERTAIN-TEED retains its soft saturation, and is in good condition for years after the harder, drier kinds have become useless, CERTAIN-TEED h nude in rolljt ilio In lUte-coyered thuurlei. Tnere ! a tvDe of CERTAIN TF-wn t. 1 1 j , .. - . , ,V.J..U. W.V.. iiirj mv J1- JTkre SP n - - .. ;-m " I ' 4vHw.i.. wi wu-utu4yiiiK ui over yr mono, leawnaoie pnee. investigate It before yon decide pn my type of roof. GENERAL ROOFING MANUFACTURING COMPANY World' Larmt Manufacturer at Raati J B-il.ts n WrVkCltjr CUcm. PtIUA.h.Ua StLerf. Boib. CL..U3..4 t.ti. n.. P . LlfAatb Hi4D.S4 KutMOa- Soldi klbiS. ' iL" H'U?'i J?vmiH HH, "rrllfrf-Tytrifinli:' ji C T V rt i MbUS KuuMCity 3UU ladUwuMlu ' jKuST. wyidk.55? "?J,W! oclan.d Hi'Orkut .1- vwwwWIH muaB jwnaaii 4 i 1 ff
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers