;.' in iT"' mfflSWa IiEB0BK-PHILA'DBLPHlA MONDAY, MAT 1B, 1916 r If HAN6Y WYNNE FINDS NEW FEATURE IN FETE PES FLEURS NEXT "MONTH Group of Artists Will Paint Hats and. Do Various Kinds , of Decorative Work at Large Affair to Be Held at the Fales Bakers' Place June 9 and 10 W i gjy. TtBADED by Henry Wttonburg, a H number of well-known artists will tke part In the Feto des Fleurs to be liven In the sedond weok of Juno at the hafldsomo country place of the George 1 Bakers at Uosomont. Mr. Hitter,. i,Trr and his associates will paint garden tnnd do all sorts and kinds of dec "Live work to help the causes for which th fete and country fair Is being given, the Southern Home for Destitute Chit Ann and the Lincoln Educational Insti tute A prizo competition on posters was Lid and the first award given to W. G. Thayer, a pupil of tho School of Indus trial Art. Students from tho School of industrial Art and tho Philadelphia school of Design for Women were en tered In tho contest. This poster will bo toscd t ndverttso the fete. A bazaar for children and all sorts of amusements will be among the big fea tures. Mrs. Q. Hamilton Colket Is head of the committee In charge and her as sistants are Mrs. Alvln Penlngton and Mrs. Joseph Dlmond. A group of girls, geveral of whom were debutantes of the last season, will act as aides In tho chil dren's section. They Will Include Sarah Penroso, Rachel Fitter, Josophlno Foster, Christine Stockton, Catherine French, Mary Colket, Helen Somple, Amelia Tower Putnam, Uytendalo Ualrtl, Eliza beth Adams, Anna Gilpin and Mildred Lee. ' This feto will differ from tho preceding affairs In that It will last into the lato evening, for a cabaret supper and cafe teria servlco also Will be planned and dancing will take up tho time. It seems as If thero were nothing but entertainments for charity wherever one turns; Tonight at Manhelm thero will be a muslcalo and dance under tho aus pices of tho Manhelm Branch of tho French "Wounded Fund for Its benelU. Mrs. Bill Newhall, who started tho branch in the fall; has a young brother who has been serving In Franco as an ambulance driver in tho field servlco corps of tho Paris American Ambulance. She la greatly encouraged to contlnuo tho good work, and tho branch now boasts of 160 members. Every one In Germantown Is interested, you may bo sure, and tho sue ,cess of tho dance Is virtually assured. Still a third affair for "Sweet Charity" looms up in tho near future. This time It Is a muslcalo and dansant to bo held at tho homo of Miss Mary Converse In Roaemont on Saturday afternoon, May ,27,' for tho benefit of tho Baldwin Day Kursory. The program includes an ex hibition of feature dancing following the conclusion of tho mustcale. The patron ages for this affair Include Mrs. Alba Johnson, Mrs. William Austin, Mrs. Wil liam J. Balrd, Mrs. Edward W. Bok, Mrs. Vrilllam F. Dreer, Mrs. Thomas S. Fen iton, Mrs. Harold A. Freeman, Mrs. L. Vfebstor Fox, Mrs. Bobert G. Gamble, ,jtrs. Walter C. Janney, Mrs. Horatio Gates Lloyd, Mrs. Fredorlck W. Morris, Mrs. William A. Patton, Mrs. Charles Slnnlckson, Mrs. John B. Thayer, Mrs. Bldnoy Thayer, Mrs. Honry C. Thomp son, Mrs. Samuel G. Vauclaln, Miss Eliz abeth Wallace and Mrs. James D. Wln eor, Jr. In connection with tho RIttenhouse Square Flower Market three prizes have been offered to all artists under 30 years of age for the best studies made of the market on that day. Fifty dollars are offered for tho first prize, $25 for the second and $10 for the third. Tho com mittee offering tin prizes Includes Har rison Morris, 'Richard Wfcln Mears and Thomas Robins. The studies may bo In any medium and must be left at the McClees Gallery boforo noon on Saturday. The jury on awards consists of tho com mittee with Henry McCarter and George Hart. Tho studies will be put on ex hibition at tho galleries from Monday, May 22, until Saturday, the 27th, In clusive, NANCY WYNNE. TrhM "turn lo her home In Port- v.Ji -rF?,18hMty of vrford.-. Mrs. tlnH J '. H."f hStly h4 turned- home from trench Lick Springs. a M.t -."'! Mrs- ata A. bunnlntr. of is South 21st street.have moved lo their sum mer home In. West .Chester. Mrs. Dunning who is a member of tho National Executive Council of the Woman Suffrage Party, has Just returned from Karri eburg. t Mrs. Mifflin Raisin 'and Mrs. Edward Starr spent1 Saturday In Atlantic City. ' Miss j:isle Morris Ilrlntort Is spending severnl days at Fort Totten, N, T., as the 5uf"i ot her cousins, Captain Louis Gas's Br nton, U", S. A., and 'Mrs. Brlnton. Miss Dtinton wilt return In time to sing- the role of Lndy Jane lr. the'Savoy Opera Companyfs production of "Patience" fan Thursday, Fri day and Saturday 'nights of this week. . Mr. and Mrs. Bash Harris, of St. Mar tin's, havrr Issued Invitations for a dance at the Philadelphia Country Club on Thurs day to meet Miss Anna T, Dempsejv Miss Bralcy, principal of the Holman School, 2204 Walnut street, entertained the atumtiae pf the school at lUncheon Satur day. A large number of, tho alumnae .were prenem, .hiss umnie linaor (sorrs enter tained the guests after luncheon with In teresting Impersonations. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Irwin, of 22 g North Lansdowne avenue, Lansdowne, have Issued cards, for tho marriage of their daughter. Miss Marlon Irwin, to Mr, Wil liam Wallace Roberts on Saturday, June 3, In tho Presbyterian Church. ' A reception will follow at the home of the bride's pnrents. Mrs. Edward Moore, Jr., of Pelham Court, Germantown, has 'her sister, Miss Margaret Pope, of Concord, Mass., as her guest for several dayH. Mrs1. Mooro, Miss Pope and Miss Edith-Riley, of Harvey street, German town, have Just returned home from k visit of several days In Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Wlldrlck. of 569 13th avenue, Norwood, have left for a visit to Mrs. WIIdrlck'B former home In Birmingham, Ala,, and other points In the South. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beach, Jr.,- who have been spending some time with, Mrs. Beach's parents, Mr, and Mrs. George If. Long, of Elklns Park, left for Chicago on Tuesday, where they will make .their home. Mrs. Beach will be remembered as Miss Eleanor Long before her marriage several weeks ago. Personals The marriage of MIsj Elizabeth Wllmer Carpenter, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John T. Carpenter, and Mr. Freeman W. Bowley, U, S. A., was quietly solemnized this after noon at 2 o'clock In Christ Church. The Rev. Louis C. Washburn, rector of the church, officiated. Only the Immediate families were present. The bride, who was tlven In marriage by her father, was un attended. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M, Clark, of Cedron, Indian Queen lane, Germantown, entertained yesterday at their home. In hon or of their guests, Mrs. Cyrus Dolph and Miss Hazel Dolph, of Portland, Ore. Mrs. Barry sill and Mrs. Edward Mellor pre sided at the tea table, Among the guests were Mr, and Mrs. J, Bertram Llpplncott, Mrs. Edward T, Stotesbury, Mr, James Cromwell, Mr, and Mrs. Hoxie Harrison Bmlth. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Madeira. Mr. and Mrs; Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Wallace, of Plttsfleld, Mass. ; Mr. and. Mrs. Lincoln Fassmore, Mr. Allen Passm'ore, Mr, and Mrs. William Preer, Dr, Charles Car rey, Miss Frances Stoughton, Miss Isabel Etoughton, Mr. Frederick Ballard, Sir. Jo seph Shoemaker, Mr. Charles Weiss, Mr. James Monroe.i Mr. Warden McLean, -Mr, Robert McLean, Mr, William McLean, Miss McLean, Mrs, Edward Dennlston, Mrs. Henry D. Booth, of Huntingdon'; Pa. ; Miss Lewis, Mr. Howard McCall, Mrs. Frederick Taylor. Miss Elizabeth Taylor. Mr, Robert Taylor. Mr. Kempton Taylor, Mr, and Mrs. George Cook and Mr, and Mrs. .John P, Hutchinson, of Bordentown, N. J, Mr, and Mrs, George Horace Lorimer ' gave a luncheon of 16 covers today at the Btllevue-Stratford In honor of Mr. Henry Morgenthau, former Ambassador of the Bnlted States to Turkey, and Mrs. Morgen thau. Mr, Slgourney Mellor, of East 74th Street, New York, formerly of Ardmore, en tertained members of the 4th Street Cub at dinner on Saturday evening, followed by supper party. The guests Included Mr. Riuh Allen, Mr. Rowland Fisher Mellor, Mr, Richard Dey, Mr. Frederick Gardner, Ur. William Gardner and Mr. Henry Kurt. Mr. William H. Donner'and his daughter, Miss Katherlna Donner, Joined Mrs. Donner at the Chelsea, Atlantic City, for the week end. Mrs. Cuahman Newhall, of MoreUm! ave me. Chestnut Hll, will entertain at lunch eon today at the Philadelphia Cricket Club. Mrs. William B, Churchman, Jr., of Mor. rtytawn, n. J-, has returned home, after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Laussat qeyelin, at Hajdwlcke, yiHanc-va. Mr- Emlle C Oeyelln in visiting a!s sister for a few days. Mis, Wait'w Btabsiu formerly of Bryn Along the Main Line BRY.V MAWn-The RcV. Edmund S. ItouKinnntoro. dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, Boston, spoke last night to the' students of Bryn Mnwr College. Mrs. Samuel E. Ewlng, of Montgomery avenue, entertained at auction bridge Fri day afternoon In honor of Mrs. William Walter Phillips, of Scranton, who Is visiting Mrs. Wnlter d. Phillips, of Summit Grove avenue, RADS'OR Mr and Mrs. Honry Augustus Bcrwlnd, Miss Margaret Berwlnd and Mas ter Henry A. Berwlnd, Jr., have moved out to Welrwood for the spring and summer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward .Holllngworth, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J, S. C. Harvey, of Radnor, will sail for their home In England this week. ST. DAVIDS Mr. anil Mrs. Warren Htnes Turner and their family, ' of Pem broke avenue, are spending Borne time In Chelsea. , Mrs. Ashhurst and her' family, of Bryn Mawr, have leased the property of tho late Mr. and Mrs. Theodora A. Wledershelm. ot St. Davids, for tho summer. ' Mr. Frederick A. Radcllfte, Jr.. of Mid land avenue, Is on a fishing trip In Monroe County, Pa. WAYNE Mr. Frederick A. de Canlzares and Mr. A. A. H. de Canlzares have re turned home from a fishing trip at Toby hanna Creek, Monroe County, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Dougherty and Miss Gertrude Dougherty are spending some time at tho Waynewood. Mrs. Charles B, Palmer gave a large card party at her home, 316 West Lancaster avenue, on, Friday. - .,.,. . ., I I I . MM. - , I J 1 Wi HBHRBHMi v ,-'i'li '' ';. s".'' tSm I lit m iHK,-C?Srf ? :.- t'aiL SMIL .V.' :-,f1.7 - '. i&mhx&ii??j&Yijz?r.A-:i OLTTS yfftm A W& DAY WILL m OBSERVED TOMORROW AT W&0&VWMM Luncheon at 1 o'Clock Will Be Followed by toM9r1t!$fr at Which Mr, MacFarland Will Speak Mrs. Edw4 Biddle to Preside Sbrority Dance at Ndrmahdte Germantown . IJtr. and Mrs. Harold F. Cade, of 8020 Greene street, win entertain at dinner at the Philadelphia Cricket Club on Satur day before the regular club 'dance. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ketcham, of 239 Harvey street, have Issued cards for. a dinner on Friday, June 2, at their home In honor of the 25th anniversary of their wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Carey, of 3105 West Coulter street, gave a dance at their home on Saturday' night In honor of Mrs. Carey's sister, Miss , Alice Heyser, of Chamberaburg, who Is their guest. Miss Lucy Ulner. of 600 East Washing ton, lape, gave a small. dance at ber home on Saturday nighty Mrs. Frederick Havey, of Queen Lane Manor, spent the week-end In New York. Lieutenant C. S. McDowell, U. S. N., and Mrs. McDowell have taken Mr, and Mrs. James Denegre'a house, 466 Brlnghurst street, for the summer, The U. S. S. Columbia will be stationed at the Navy Yard during that time, Mr. and Mrs. Mc Dowell have been' .living 'In Pensacola, Fla, Miss Catherine Jones, of 416 West School House Lane, Is the guest ot ner oromer-In-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Corkran, of Baltlmore.f . Miss , Jones en gagement to Mr. William Waterman was recently announced. , Tioga M m TOMORROWt the second day bf the Philadelphia Today and Tomorrow Ex position, has been set apart as. "Club Worn nn's Day." The main feature will be a mass-meeting at 2!30 o'clock, at . which Mr. J. l!6race MacFnrland, president bf the American Civic Association1.' w'H he the speaker. A cortference on civic work In women's clubs will folio-", conducted by Mrs. Edward Hlddle, president of the Civic Club. Music has been arranged by' the Matinee Musical Club; ' Club women from this city and thin section of the State are urged to come In the' mornlng'ahd see .the exposition. A luncheon tolll b served at 1 o'clock. The Phi Delta Sorority, of which Miss Jean Rider, of 3312 North 15th street,, Is president, gave n dnnce Saturday .night, nt the Normandle. Assisting Miss Rider In re celvlng were Miss Mary Taylor, Miss Bea trice He'nkels, Miss Helen Boyd. Miss Net tle Green. Miss Virginia Thompson, Miss Irene Robblns, Miss Alma Cope, Miss Scho field, Miss Esther Schofleld, Miss Alice IlUlst, Miss Marian McMaster, Miss Mae Garman, Miss Bernlce Shearer, Miss Mar garet Hoffman and Miss Ruth Button. A subscription dance, In aid of St. Agatha's Convent fund, will be given at the Walton, by Mrs. Eugene C. Bonnlwell, Miss Marie O. McManus and Miss Mar garet Sullivan this evening at 8:30 o'clock. The patroness's of the affair Include Miss Margaret Berry. Miss Margaret Coch ran, Mrs. John P. Connelly, Mrs. Nicholas Griffin, Jr.. Mrs. Frank J. Johann. Mrs. John A. Kelly. Mrs, Richard McAllister. Mrs, John McDeramtt, Mrs. Patrlclus Mc- MaAua, Mrs. David Smyth" and tht. .JU- ward. Scully. A SURPRISE party was given .in 'fy of Miss FlorArice Aftrorison-' on 'W birthday iast Friday,- at her horrtV t North Marvin's st're'et. Amohg" tho' pres ent were Mrs, Aaro'nson, Mrs.- BdorW) JtM C. Boet'lgen Atlss A. rielbel. Miss M, With am, Miss E. Roberts, Miss J. Hansen m Smith, Miss . .Aironsort, Miss S DlCkAin " and Miss E. Dickson. Mr. Ilarrls iudermah, of Sl'2'Carpem' street, who has Just returned frofti ft Hrlji , which Jasted about IbTee months, gavej. ' tea; party last" week. Those present were- Mr, Edward Ltnsky, Miss Annette Engef -bach, Mr. and Mr, saxe, Miss Mary LeryV a Miss Sarah Riser. Mr. Charles Llnskyi Mis Sperling, Miss Cecilia Sail, Miss Sarah Fader, Miss Bertha Strelb, Ilss ReWsi . Goldberg, Mr, Bourse" Allen, Mr, Frank Fo- lock, Mr. SAmUel Barieh, Mr, Herman Bralsky. . Mr. Samuel Krepow Mt. d-i - u-at-H l.lnUkr Mr. MnrrU Citntt. Mr, Br- - nett, Rosenberg. Mr. Isadoi'e SchmUckie and Mr. Abel Hockfield, who has also Jutt returned from a trip to the Carollmts. . Bt. Edward's Holy Name Dramatic J&: Roclatldn will present "A Mart of Leisure" on Wednesday evening at 8S1B o'clock Irt St. Edward's Auditorium, 7th and York streets. The Misses Hayes are In charge- The Ladles Auxiliary of. the E. B. JL will give a dance on the evening of Sunday, May 28, for the berteflt ,of the Jewish War Sufferers' Fund, at Metropolitan Hall, 717 Falrmoiint avenue. The Regis Club, of South Fhiiadelph,!, will give Its first Informal dance this eve ning at McCreA's Castle de Luxe. Weddings s&4&&3&& CLARENCE W. MRS. CLARENCE W. FISHER t0 w rnoio-craiien. Mrs. Fisher, before her marriage on Friday of Inst week, was Miss Josephine J. Cooke. After a wedding wip mr, ana- jurs. e isner win uvu in rtinuiti. Along the Reading The Committee of Management of the Young Men'H Christian Association of Abington Is composed of Mr. William A. Craven, chairman; Mr. George W. Elklns, Jr., vlco chairman; Mr. I. T. Porter, secre tary.; Mr. II. C. Williams, treasurer; Mr. John Grlbbel, Mr. Robert McTammany, Mr. Ocorgo W. Qulgley. Mr.. Frank D. Williams, Mr. N. E. Bodlne, Mr. Charles F. Kindt, Mr. N. E. Paisley. Mr. John Gilbert, Mr. Clifford Fcnton, Mr. Harry C. Roberts. Mr. Randolph Miller, Mr. Hallowell Morgan. Mr. MarmaduUe Tllden. Jr. and Mr. Theo dore Glentworth. , .1 'Ll "-' .I,IU' . The Wyncoto. . Branclv.'Of "the Plant. Flower and Fruit Guild startcdilte summer work laBt Tuesday, The- secondeetlng of the guild will take placo In. the Parish House of All Haljows Churdi. '.tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock.- Tho -baskets of flowers, fruits and vegetables are; sent Into Philadelphia nnd distributed! Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Duncan, of North Broad street, Logan, have returned from Atlantic City, where they spent tho last week with Mrs. Duncan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ott. at their apartments at tho San Jose, '132 St. James place. Miss Emily Norrls, of Oak Lane road, will act as hostess to the members of her card club tomorrow nfternoon. Her guests will Include Miss Vera Walnut. Miss Anna Brown, Miss Delia Holcombe, Miss Flor ence Dean, Miss Alice Morris, Miss Marlon Tyler, Miss Reba Talley,. Miss Harriet Wallace, Miss Josephine Cully, Miss Helen McKlnley and Miss Helen Dutton. Miss Marlon Tyre, of 6716 North 8th street. Oak Lane, has as her guest for a few days, Mrs. Clifford Merrltt, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Saxe. of. Lansdale, have started on an outomoblle trip through the Virginias. Miss Ethel Wlndle. Parkesburg, Pa.. Is the guest of Miss Ruth Mentzer, of Lans dale'. 'Miss Jessie Watson, of Jersey City, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harvey, of BeltersvlUe. Miss Anna Moyer, Mr. and Mrs. Gran ville Moyer and Mr. Abraham Moyer are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob G. Moyer, of- Perkasle. MEMORIAL DAY PLANS OF SHORE YACHT CLUB The Daflsant Will Bo Held in Afternoon at Clubhouse MISS LORETTA MAMS NOLAN The engagement fit Mlsf kU Marie Koian to Mr. John Charles Morlock has ranounUdfy !wr Ut.r . Mte Florence Nolan, of 3.6 North 22d street. The Tioga "Improvement League will give a m" tadTW strawberry teat) val tonight at the North Fhltadj PW Port' piuh and Community Bouse, ltn atreet Mid Hunting Park vnu. , . , North Philadelphia The annual meeting of the Woman's Bap tlst Home Mission Society will be held on Thursday afternoon; In the Eleventh Bap tlst Church, 18th and Diamond streets. In addition to the regular business In connec tion with the annual meotlng. there wl.ll be Interesting addresses by Miss Dorothy Paull, bf Germantown; Miss Snagg, of Ca'mden, and Miss A. Conversano, of Ellis Island. 'The Christian Endeavor Society of the AAn Carmlchael Memorial Presbyterian Church will give a poverty social and en tertalnment on Friday night In the social hall of the church. Miss Estelle Bledenthal, of 2J65 North 29th' street, spent the week-end at Atlantic City, Mrs. Charles Snyder, Jr., will entertain the members of ,her sewing club -tonight. Her guests will. Include Miss Helen Tabram. Miss Alice Tabram. Mrs. Harry Blapck, Miss Helen HMston, Miss Helen Van Ronk. Mrs. Charles T, Oughton, Miss Anna Hlmango and Miss Neva Hartzell. Mtsa Claire Eckert will spend a week or ten days In Trenton. N, J., where she will be extensively- entertained. Mr and Mrs- Frank Wills' and their daughters, of 1608 Diamond street, are oc cupying their . po.uPjT -PlaFa at Owynedd Valley for the summer. Mr and Mrs Frederick Kline have re turned from their wedding Journey and are receiving at their home. 3114 Berks street. The bride was formerly Miss Estelle Flelsh TOan. alster bf Mr. LouU S. Fleishman, of I82T Butler atreet. Mrs. B. A. Baer, of 17J? North S3d street, la entertaining her alster, Mra. M. Silver. ete4n, of' San Francisco. Cat. ' Mrs. J. Sterling Holllnshead, of 14JT x5-V,h lith Rtrect. aa the week-end guest ohw'daughtw. Mrs- Wimara H. obV ot Cambridge Mass- ATLANTIC. CITY, May 15. The social program for the late spring nnd tho- early summer season has Just been formulated by the Atlantic City Yacht Club. Contrary to the usual custom, the club will not hold open house on, Memorial Day. There will be a dance in the after noon, from 0:30 until 6:30 o'clock, and thero will also .be a scries of aquatic events. A largo card party will bq given this after noon for the members and their guests. Mrs. Walter T. Reed will be hostess for tho occasion and Mrs. Allen B. Endlcott will assist. Commodore Allen K. White and Mrs., White have Issued Invitations' for their annual dance on Friday evening. May 26. Tho first of the series of summer card parties will bo held on Tuesday after noon, June 6, The committee has decided to hold two card parties a, month, on the first nnd third Tuesdays. Mrs. E. Gray Pendleton will give a luncheon and bridge at the Chelsea on Thursday afternoon, May 25. Mrs. Albert II. Darnell will entertain nt bridge on Wednesday afternoon, May 24, at tho Holmhuret. Mrs. Frank Smathcrs nnd Mrs. Allen B. Endfcott, Jr., will entertain at bridge on Friday afternoon at the cottage of Mrs. Endlcott. Suffolk and Ventnor avenues. Dr. and Mrs, Walter Rahte are occupy ing their summer home, 109 South Iowa avenue. Mr. and Mrs, Mahlon Paxon, of Ger mantown, are prolonging their stay at the Brighton. Mrs. H. L. Dlehl and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Slngmaster nnd their son, who have been nt the St. Charles for a week, re turned to Philadelphia on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. J. nird Moyer are attend ing the dental convention at the Tray more. Mrs. Horace Yardley and her daughter, Mrs. M. T. Klrkbrlde, have arrived at the Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Ellhu C. Irvln will arrive on May 25 to Bpend the summer at 109 Amherst avenue, Ventnor, which they have leased' for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Irvln spent last summer here also. Mrs. Edmund Green, of Wynnewood, Is at the Seaside with Miss Alice Taylor. Miss Edith Taylor, of Ardmore, and Miss Eliza beth HeUer. ot Wynnewood. Frankford Miss Frances Cartlcdge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Cartledge, of 1609 Har rison street, spent the week-end at Elkton, M'd., as the guest of Miss Alexander. She attended the May Hop given by the Dela ware State College on Friday night. A euchre and May Hop will be given at Scheldlecht'a Hall on Wednesday eve ning for the benefit of St. Leo's Council, K. of- C. Mr. James Brophy will be In charge. Mrs. William Carroll, of 2608 Rhawn street, will entertain at dinner and cards AVednesday evening, The guests will In clude Mr. and Mrs. George W. Walker. Mr. and MrB. Horace Dennett. Mr. ,and Mrs. Alfred Dean, Miss Llll.lan Wallace, Miss Caroline Wallace, Miss Marguerite Clark, Miss Mary Conway. Miss Josephine Dunlap, Miss Fanny Griffiths, Miss Marlon Waller, Mr. Albert Dunlap. Mr. John Dun lap. Mr, Frederick Hawkins. Mr, John Bates, Mr. Philip Conway, Mr, George Mansfield and Mr, William Curry, Mrs. Carroll had Miss Emily Watklns and Miss Martha Alloway, of Atlantic City, as her guests for the week-end. Miss Helen White, of Rhawn street, has .issued Invitations for a "500' and dance on May 27 In honor or her cousin, miss Emm Wallace, of Los Angeles, Cal. What's Doing Tonight Philadelphia, Today and Tomprrpw Kxpoil tlon opena, Commercial Muaeum, Shakeapeare play. "Comedy of Errors," Globe Theatre, Uttlvereitr pf I'enowlvanla. Temple L'olveraty dinner. Adlpbla. Hotel. Kalian Bed Croaa concert. Metropolitan Opera Heme. Mapofactyrtra" Club lec officers, vpou" concert. Academy ot Music. Municipal tsaiui. nejDuin rr. r. West Philadelphia , Mra Anna Louise Hayward.ot 762 South B2d street, announces tho engagement of her" daughter, Miss Victoria Hayward, to Mr. Edward ,T. Marshall, ot Colllngswood, .V. J. The wedding will take placo early In June. . Miss Doris Ramsey, of S28 South 42d street, entertained Saturday afternoon In honor of Miss Helen Franklin, of 5726 Thomas avenue, whose engagement to Mr. John M. Langcnberger was announced In December. The guests were Miss Phyllis Ramsey, Miss Elizabeth Roberts, Miss Mar garet Musselmen and Mls3 Marie Nolfe. Mrs. Charles McGlrr, of 6325 Vine street, will 'ohtcrtatn the" members of the Prlscllla sewing circle tomorrow . evening. Her guests will Include Mrs. Clyde Bower, Mrs. William. Pennell,. M's Anna Noble, Miss Frances Noble, Mrs. George Barlow, Mrs. L. Stanley Dobson nnd Mrs. Jacob Stull. The regular monthly meeting of the Pro fessional Women's Club was held at the h&rne of Mrs. Mary Cnrnelt MacEuen, 3731 Spruoo street; on Thursday evening. An Interesting program was given. A number of young girls from the city were members of a house party given over the week-end In Atlantic City. Among them were Miss Augusta Graham, Miss Eleanor Bonsall, Miss Mildred Singer. Miss Enid Singer, Miss Dorothy Wagner, Miss Helen Murray, Miss Marjorle Bassett, Miss Phoebo Dnssett, Miss Tillto ttassett, Miss Mary Eastwlck, Miss Claire Robinson, Miss Elsie Peterson and Mrs. Albert G. Saylor, They' will return today. Mr. and, Mrs. John E. Culln. of 858 South Alden street. Sherwood, are receiving con gratulations upon the blith of a son, John Ellis 'Culln. on May 3. Mrs. Culln will be remembered as Miss Martha Pinner. Millbourne Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Dtlley nnd family, of Millbourne, will leave the latter part of the month, to spend the summer at Ocean City, N'vJ' South Philadelphia WimsmWmmifi FEICHTWANGER SIMON. A wedding of Interest In this city and Pittsburgh will take place tonlfiht In the Bellevue-Stratford, when Miss Florence K, Simon, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. David E. Simon, ot 1616 Diamond strert, will become the bride of Mr. Abraham Fclchtwanger, of Pittsburgh. Tho coromony will be per formed by the Rev. Br. Joseph Krauskopf. of tho Keneseth Israel Temple, and will be followed by a dinner-dance. A gown of white Ratln. with trimmings of tulle and net, embroidered with pearls, and a veil of tulle arranged with pearls nnd orange blossoms, will be worn by the bride, who will be attended by Mrs. A. Cass Sunsteln. of Pittsburgh, as matron of honor: Miss Flora Orlnsfeldcr. of Baltimore. Md., as mild nt hnnnr: Miss Fanchon Weltienkorn. of Wllkes-Barre : Miss Mnthllda II. Loeb. Miss Ruth Lclpr.lger and Miss Margaret Mnyor ns bridesmaids. Mrs. Sunsteln and Miss Orlnsfeldcr will be attired In pink taffeta frocks, nnd the bridesmaids In robes of whlte-cmbroldcred net draped over pink taffeta. The bridegroom will havo Mr. A. Cass Sunsteln ns best man, and his vushers will be Mr. Elmer Simon.. Mr. Mahlon Simon, of this city, nnd Mr. Richard Blnswangcr, Mr. Harold Well. Mr. Alexander Speyer and t- t,',i...h naiih of Plttsbunsh. Mr. and Mrs. Felchtwangcr will leave on an extend ed wedding Journey.' and upon their return will live nt 2002 Wendover street. East End, Pittsburgh. KILLMURRAY McKENNA. Mr. Edward McKennn. of 2531 South Broad street, has announced the marriage of his daughter, Miss Kathryn Marie Mc-Kenna,- to Mr. Michael S. Klllmurray on Wednesday, May 10, In the ChUrch of the Epiphany at 9 o'clock. .,.,., The bride was attended by Miss Katharine D. Bible as maid of honor and Mr. John J. Colltnsacted as best man. The ushers were Mr. Thomas MGorry and Br- Harr' Sen" som. Camden and Vicinity Mr. Samuel Gass, formerly of .4th and Penn streets, who'has been 'living In Had donfleld for several years, wMI build 4 new home this summer' at- Colonial Ridge. Mrs. Ethel Grey Roderick and her son,, of Montana, have' been visiting relatives In ( Haddonfleld. Mrs, John Dialogue. Mies Mary Dia- . loguo ond Miss Marie Dialogue wilt go to Qulncy. Mass., about the middle, of Jino", t where they will Join Mr. Dialogue and -make their future home. Their Ca'mden home,, ' at 406 Cooper street, has been purchased by Dr. 1, L. .Mahaffky. ' ' Miss Ruth- Orm'e, daughter of Mrs. Milton W. Orme, of Poplar avenue, has left to maKe a monui a visu in .uosiun. , 41 ,.$ AMUSEMENTS -a AMUSEMENTS President Wilson by Wireless Opens Today PHILADELPHIA TODAY AND TOMORROW , CIVIC EXPOSITION 100,000 SQUARE FEET OF CIVIC EDUCATION What Philadelphia is and what it hopes to be. AUDITORIUM BUILDING. COMMERCIAJj MUSEUM. 34TH hTHBET BELOW SPRUCE. COHCtrti by .Philadelphia Police Band. TODAY ALL BLIND ADMITTED FREE TOMORROW WOMAN'S CLUB DAT. OPEN 10 A. M. to JO P. M. Admission 25 cents Forrest-Tonight," lT.t A. II. WOODS Presents A NEW PARCE COMEDr IN 3 ACTS "HIS BRIDAL NIGHT" WITH THE DOLLY SISTERS I3et Seats II at Topular Wednesday Malne. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE BESSIE CLAYTON & CO.. "PETTICOATS" Altxrt Wlwlan; Howard. 'Klbel Hsrbort: The Sharrocks. Other, Features. . '. .:-"'' . ka. Lr. .:. .jfe ifyjn.j'.M, MISS MARIE K. TONER Among the young peopJe of this section of the city who will take part In the musical comedy, 'The Qlrl In the Car," to be given tonight la Epiphany School Hall, will be Miss Marie K. Toner, Miss Helen McDevltt. of E37 South Bam brey street, will entertain the members of her sewing circle at cards today. Her guests will be Miss Helen McLaughlin, Miss, Mary Lafferty,, Miss Marie Nulty, Miss Alice Kleley, Mlsa Sarah McLaughlin. Miss Gertrude Catholic Miss Sarah Dough erty agd Miss Cjlara Hereer. A party was given by Mr. James Coyje T-v t 10c 12H MARKET SOo I-'q ICJ PP io a. m. to hub p. m.- JTctlcH-C RQBT WARWICK In "SUDDEN RICHES" and Charlie Chaplin 'iSSilIISSw. Thur...1KrUHa..l0PAUL,NEEpKREDER.CK XT' J ' MARKET AROVB OTH 1irnPlQ A. M. to 11:18 Pi M. VlCLOIIci 3 DAYS ONLY DOUBLE BILL CHARLIE CHAPLIN &owa "The Floorwalker" Ulllan Gih In "SOLD FOR MARRIAGE'' WAT "NTTTT Ma Tomor., 25c, 50c VV XXi-ilN - Evgs. 23e to II, no, blher. TWIN BEDS Last Nine Tunes! ? 'M .- '4 : .'.'- ' ''I LiTZl" i .$ LYRIC "ISFSir TONIGHTS THE GREAT 1160,000 MUSICAL IlEVUB" "TOWN TOPICS" THE GIANTESS OF, HUGE OAIETT v, With the Champion All-Etiar Cast ot thi World, Including BERT LESLIE, SOPHIE TUCKER . CROSS & JOSEPHINE MARIE LAVARRE nnd 125 Others. Mmrlns: nnd DancJna- Sh the SS0.0OQ. Fashion Show WltW HERE'S THE SHOW THAT WILL. ADD A ZEST TO SPRINGTIME GO SEE rnrNXTTnTirp AND BB . IT 1U111U111 GLAD f CHESTNUT ST. . J5 5 OPERA HOUSE 7 TO lT"P. it LAST WEEK Fighting- for Germany Unlike Any .War Pictures Ever Seen Crippled Soldiers Working Their Trades ONE PF THE STARTLING FEATURES; Benefit War Widows and Babies POPULAR PRICES ...', 10c, ISc, 33e s, lncludtnr tho Host Proficient -: i '.a lancing Chorus Ever. Assembled, ' L Fashion Show With' 40, Models. 1 J ACADEMY TONIGHT AT 8:15. tlis ffpy.,;, Popular Music by tK -ropb phiia(jeiphia UOnCertS Orchestra WAGNER-TSCHAIKOWSK3T PROGUAM Soloist: Clifford Vauchan, .Pianist Popular Prices- Heppo'a, 1110 Chestnut fit. Globe Xh,?atre ""KSsirm v-,iv-"JC VAUDEVILLE Continuous It A. M. to 11 P. M. 10c, 18c, ?Sa, MUSICAL QOMEDT The Beauty Parlor 22 PEOPLE WILMER WALTER & COMPANY And1 Wonderful Surroundlne Show AT. I0:0, 1J:30, 2:15. A. B. 7:45 and 0.-SO a 1 . CHESTNUT Below .18th Arcadia, dorothygish and OWEN MOORS (Husband of Mary PlckfordV la "SUSAN ROCKS THE BOAT" Added Attraction DILLIE BURKS' In Second Episode of "Gloria's Romance.' Thursday. Friday, Saturday. W. S. HAltT In "TIJB: PRIMAL LURE" V.S LOCUST fi?D "Do&BniiS11" ACLgLBRACDnL.,i"cragSf',Yofu:.. BELMONT MDiSrSSSS' 'Tha Lost Bridegroom" METROPOLITAN Tonight at'8,130. Paennnln An,nU Italian. Red J. nouuoic .TXluaLU rrn.. r- . "Til rSES. . Wit-P4fiJ!:ffii..AWilo 4 rlan.). Permission pf Local No. TT, A. F, oFj Stats $2 to BO cts. H0Q Chestnut, fit, ADELPHT TONIGHT XT 8:20. ALUUmi Last Pop. 1 Mat. Thtlrtday. POSITIVELY TUB LA8T WEEK "A Pair of Silk StockiiW' 'H Tou Will HaVe to Hurry If You Want la fie M the Best Comedy E;er Offered In' Philadelphia. -p( Stanley (Lata SUr 'l.-l MARKET ABOVE 16TH SESSUE HAYAKAWA The Cheat") In . "Allen Soula," Garrick-Now &S 2g5, MM. THROUGH THE AGES Vlth MMB. YORSKA Jid HOBERT T. HAINES Best 6eis II at Popular Wednesday Slatlntft. Pooinn "Defense or Tribute UdblHU Cant. Jack ni-flwfnr TWICB UAJI.T 2:1a ana a oj anJ 550, Xrr,Icir1a PhUad'Iphla.'a Forenwat Pir W OOUSme Fre tp Park Trolley PatrenJ, ; fVl.b, A,1W , ,1 n,.i in. ti,,,. h.nmi.r. Continental Hotel. I at hia residence,. 1523 South 27tb street, .BitaJl urocert" Aojauon. uourse. 1 pavuru4y enums ' v""v. ahwik uu 1 Dniil Bfddla Blbla" Class, reunion! twrad erqtsts 'wers Ml(f Sadlfl Woii .tui Sir. I TROUBLES OF THE STOREKEEPEI AND HOW TO STOP THEM An unusual feature film brought here by Philadelphia Retail Grocers' Abso ciation. This film made a big hit before National Association of Retail Grocers in. New Orleans, Tonight onlyr-rBourse Assembly Boom, 8 o'clock; All members of the Philadelphia Association, $nvit4 Don't miss it J
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