?TY, WYNNE TELLS OF ITALIAN iVi -i-ittit-v riT)tciCi nr-Km-nnm t-.t-.-il------.. . KlliU UXIUOO VVXNV-i2i,tVJ. JO JI1J.N HJFJ.T k ...t. -j-. ovirl TTi- Wi'f txrin n-, I rial art Ainouaoauui xu0 hub .,Mi ouuib iu'om ai, LUG lUCUluj;u"vmi WJcm JL.AUUOC ) bourne Penhallow and Mr. William Iluht. aro guests of Mrs, James Aull.r. ETEHtKG LlUDaEB-PHILADJstPaiA, SATTJBDAY, MAY Ifi, 1016. fl "" ' ' ' ' 1 ' " '" f "'" -" '' .-!-" - ' -....-. ., 4a? 0 be given the Metro- rpLENDID concert will "il"- , under the patron- P'T'r iinrlM tho Koyat ! Ambassador and the Countess ,t rnra and tho Royal Con- Kw., .. Mrs. Gaetnno Poccnrdl. Kgnoi' " ., nrlt nnrl mnnV , ttal 0.11 lea oiu - --- !lw'i --nmlnent citizens nre In- OUf nU81 I" .-. nf course, la perfectly KnUnvrthactoftheArnbassa mZL It la not a uaual thing, SOT. eut. and Philadelphia Is ft1'. i.i. visit here. Mrs. Poccardl, WTL ifn of the Itoyal Italian Bfcnnm Interested ES" 6ptcndla work ln cnco1"'' FA begin with, tho over-popular rfnd F MB .,- tuirltone. Pasqualo 0s Jin .in- several arias, tho prln- tCcne to be the Prologue from "I te-.roMhon?us.,,o7n;;vorld. I Xcrs who will appear aro Ita - C Madame Olna Vlafora.-tho well & wpmno, will bo heard In various PfcTnd Luca. Botta. a tenor of sin H f"l,nnR9. also a member of the SZpolltan Opera Company, will sing, , Aurello Glornl, a notett pm..t, will play- , -v. uroi-Jtnl Symphony Orchestra of Eft members', under tho direction of El M"1 J n fnrnlHh tho string tnra Martini, " -" , - Clc. Altogether It bids fair to bo a jbosC brilliant performance. ki number of prominent persona .- . . .nm HIV. nnd Mrs. token boxes, i" ..,. - ------ Makniet Van Rennselaor, Mr. and Mrs. &orrt W. Chllds Drexcl, Mr. and Mrs. res Custls Harrison. Miss A. K. Kafeht, Mr. and Mrs. George Qulntard HorwIU. Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson, Mrs. Benjamin Millcr,chnlrman of tho Ital an Relief CommfUen of tho Emergency hu.Mw. Miller, by the way. will have B&i her guests Judge J. Willis Martin 'uA Mrs. Martin, wr. anu una. w,m Hsnnr. Then the Italian Relief Commit- i-VliI 1- . 4Virn ttikl has taKen no less uiua iuu. u and'inree nuwio '. hv Mr. Francis Rawlo, Mrs. William Ett Greeno and Mrs. Alexander Brlnton tiC . M fi.nct cnflv Intimated rtrs Mr. and Mrs. Vllllam Ellis Scull, Jtfy ana Airs, iijuiicb t. ....B.... rrv Mitchell, Mrs. Julian Story, Mrs. Gardner Cassatt, Mrs. J. Sollors Ban- ift.Mlss Beatrice Wilson, wiss iuuoei Ice. Mr. Joseph G. Rosengarten and SjJIIjj Nina Lea. I don't know what Is to be done about 5jtie'ew York modistes tho way they Sgo on la something scanaaious. ieiei ber last year tho awful moment when llllfri Sullivan ana Mrs. Megargoo SI, Wright met out at Memorial Hall at tho RLmhG of the Americanization exhibit, l&etehtarlng Identical-hats. Well, my TJjJTartr.lwrse tnan inai nappuiieu uui " Ule IVWtemarsh races lately, ror no (ess S three smart women met on that m sward ln Identical frocks. Mrs. Bllllo fothler, who 13. quite one of tho pret tet of our young matrons and one of Hi best dressed as well, was one; Mrs. fftnlman. nf Kmv Tork. another, and Wtou George Willing. JK, tho third. Now Siuld anything make ono feel more dls- Jlpuntled, even wlrh the sweetest aisposi- E&n In tho world, than to see oneself m- various sizes walking about at a mrty, especially after having paid an ynormous sum for a supposedly exclu Rive model gown? E-'I am afraid New Tork couturleres Safe rather un neralnst It ln both cities, yh$ special one anyhow who did this Special thing. To be sure ono was blue, find the others a different hue; but they l5H&ere B0 distinctive In style, with rather mere lines and little capes between the yhoulders. It really quite annoyed me, fa, staple onlooker, and the way these three women behaved about It was more Ithan admirable, for It was trying, you 52111 admit. NANCY WYNNE. Personals f Invitatfonfl wrA ronlvpfl Mr mnrnlnir Sfrom Mr. and Mrs. Thnmna T) Witt Cliv. Jltr'for a small dinner dance to be given 1" Itielr home In TIaverford on Friday, ifJune $. P!Mr. Oeorgs A. Ilulin wilt give a dance jm we Philadelphia Country Club on Tues- j evening, June 6. In honor or Miss BPaullne Denckla and Miss Ethel Huhn. feMf, and Mrs. "Prnnrlsi T. nnwnn have iBie ti) White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.. ,f wy or tnree weeks. Mf(, Samuel lien, nnrt Mian Tlnfh TlBn. US;"fenQlne a sh'rt time at the Wal Mstorla, Kew York. IMr, and Mrs. Ttnhert HpwpII nf Arrt. tHrt, Ryaal, will shortly send out in juns for a dance, to be given at their aM on the evenlnir nf FrMv. .Tun 23 nvdi ',ock' I" honor of their daughter, i- nien sseweii, ana Miss Dorothy Tena. ffnnvl.4.n tr jt -ftr t-i... lJC!l7nRhani RtAvanu r.,.l nn.. .... UP m from tho school set. iten. Henry 8. Orove, of 258 West Tulpo- -en fttreer Darmn..tn.ir ...111 An..nl cinner tonight. fllfr. ,A IV -r . . . '. EStoSh. "a,lno w,n en,erta,n ot iMf. vr. Phmi-A afr..n. tt.. j EriIA iarea lunchcon today at Chea- JmS?LWow the races ot the Mf, and Mrs. Pnritlvnl TT.t.i. T. . rirS?n?Ien wllT Slve an at home "this IBttnoon (jom 4:30 until 6 o'clock. IPMra. 8. Mauiiin n. .in i ffa .t -' --.... pu TTi,t viva Mil CJfc" lAi i lpUon dance ior e members Im n54P 'Jl'3 vening Jn the Rose Gar- ft'"' " "enevue-Htratrord, vm Uri, W, Vorka Rl.v.n.n' li!fS.hion tqdy the Philadelphia Mrk Ml8a 0r8Ce Orlawold' ot Rllss irM!.- t t,... ... . rrldr?an.town' ""- to New Haven l5uStty,wMa? !B- l0 attend the Yale- sp coaii game tne following Ed wi. :t:. "" ? o- ?- PMtj oi h. w .'y ,0Slr- Jr- BS nl Ki.?? er the Week-im,) Thnv nm n r.Ssh., Bt th weddiy today of Si1?'"? Hunter" Davisi to, Mr. .wi"e "'her mrneem of in Party. Mr Paysoi, Dana. Mr. Sher- Mrs. Davenport riumor, of Thrco Tuns, jvlll give a clillilren's party this afternoon n honor ot her small daughter, Miss Caro lino Heberton Plumer. Naval Constructor Rlllot Snow and Mrs Snow wl(l give n tea tlile afternoon at &f l.rJ,,omfl ,n th0 NnvJ' Ynra to meet Miss Whltllngton, pi BoRton. Mr. and Mrs. William Baker Whelcn will have Mr. nnd Mrs. Graham Thompson, of New Haven, as their guests over tho TeoK-enu, Mr. and Mrs. James C. StIUwell, of S22 South 21st ntreet. will entertain at the Plays and Players' Clubrooms, 43 South lftth street, tonight Mr. nnd Mrs. William J. Coano, of the Avondate, 39th nnd Locust streets, an nounce tho engagement of their niece, Miss Elolse Brown, to Mr. Charles Coul ter Benkert. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Varo have Is sued Invitations for a dance In honor of their daughter, Miss Charlotte Vare, on the evening ot Friday, May 10, at their country place at Ambler. Mrs. J. Boss Pilling, of Mermaid ava nue. Chestnut Bill, entertained at bridge yesterdny afternoon, The guests were Miss Dorothy Willing, Mrs. Henry Weekp, Miss Edith nilcy, Mrs, Harris, Miss Holmes, Mrs, William Hesse, Mrs, J. B. Colahan, Mrs. Stockholm, Miss Isabel Ide, Mrs. John Bromley, Mrs. Joseph Boborts, Miss Eleanor Collins, Mrs. Joseph Floltas, Mrs. Perclval Focrdcrer, Mrs. D. English Dallam, Miss Idetln Qrlbbel, Mrs. J. Banckor Qrlbbel, Mrs. C. Clothier Jones, Mrs. Edward Sroore, Miss Margaret Pope, cf Boston. Mass.; Mrs. Bowland Pollock, MIbb Florence Bllcy, Miss Sarah Wilkin son nnd Miss Bessie Wilkinson,) Two large card parties wilt be given this afternoon, ono at the Kltz-Carlton, for the benefit of St. Ignatius' House for Unemployed Men, nt 2111-2113 Vino street, and the other at the Walton, ln aid of tho Mater Mlserlcordlae Hospital. Tho engagement Is announced of Miss Lynda Bennett Mull, of 234 Parkslde ave nue, and Mr. Frank W,.5Sclssf, Jr., of Llan. crch. Along the Main Line OVERBROOIC Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cun ningham, of Sedgwick, have' Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Cunningham, of Overbrobk, as their guests at Chelsea. MEBION' A meeting of tho Philadel phia branch of tho Northdeld, Agnes Irwin and Westminster Leagues, followed by tea, will bo held this aftornoon at the home of Jlra. William H. Wnnamaker, 2d, Mrs. William R. Moody will speak. WYNNEWOOD Mrs. E. L. Kanaga. of Kent road, will give a bridge of four tables on Wednesday afternoon, M 24, in honor of her sister. Miss Emily Ellison, whoso marriage to Mr. WllllnmIngcrsoll will tako place next month. ARDMORE Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ott, of Mill road, aro entertaining over the week-end In honor of their daughter, Mls3 Sylvia Ott, who Is a senior at George School. Their guescs, who are classmates of Miss Ott, Include Miss Bcbecca Borden, Mr. Leroy Eves and Mr, Edward Eirimert. Tonight Mr, and Mrs. Ott and their guests Will attend tho junior dance at the Brooklino Country Club, Mrs. It. M. Hlrsh entertained nt luncheon, followed by bridge, yesterday afternoon. Covers were laid for 12 guests. Along the Reading Miss Sarah M. Brooke, of Enfield, will entertain at bridge and 000 at her home this afternoon. Among tho guests will be Miss Lillian Brooke, Miss Emma C. Comley, Miss Harriot M. Comley, Miss Emma L. Hallowell, Miss Frances Hal lowell, Miss Elizabeth B. Hcndrlckson, Miss Helen Lester. Mrs. Elwood W. Miller. Miss Helen II. Sllfer, Miss Isabel Taggert. Miss Josephine Taggert and Miss Llola B. Thoman. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Butler and their family, of Township line, Jonklntown, have loft for Atlantic City whorfc they will remain until the first of next week. MISS LOUISE JENKINS Miss Louise Jenkins gave a piano re cital to her friends at, the Beechwood School in Jenklntown lost Monday, Mlsr Jenkins had the honor of being the first graduate from the school and won a cash prize of $250. A "500" and bridge party wilt be given Friday afternoon, May 39, at the home of Mrs- Hasty Smith, for the benefit of the Review Club, of Oak Lane. A garden party will be given Tuesday afternoon by the. Logan branch Df the Civic Club at Fairfield, the home of Mrs, Alfred C. Garrett, Old York road and Fishers lane, from until 5 o'clock. Mrs. Edward B. P. Neuhauser will en. tertaln at luncheon on Monday Among the guests will be Mrs. B. G. Hltchner, Mrs. Albert Oee. Mrs, Louis Beneke, Mrs. Albert Hagerroan, Mrs. Albert pudley, MUs LHy Marion ad JJtnl Jolia Bfcick-tck. MRS. WILSON AGAIN mKUSKM GIVES HANDKERCHIEF SBlH BRILLIANT PARASOLS MAKE THEIR DEBUT Most Ornate Sunshades Ever Beheld Are Daily on Boardwalk ATLANTIC CITY, May 13. Parasols carried on the Boardwalk by seashore fashionables aro exceedingly fly, all of which dqos not mean they are. In the form of kites. Sunshades of bright green silk aro nppllqued on the" under side with white silk birds, or If milady's taste requires something more ornate, there aro parasols dotted with circles of bright-colored silks. The patch, once tho sign of poverty, Is now considered a smart adorn ment for hats, wraps and frocks, nnd tho various accessories as well. Tho black beauty patch, hold In such high favor by tho belles of 50 years ago, has also re turned to vogue. Mustard and sulphur hues continue to dominate the fashion parade on tho great First Lady of the Land Sends Hand-made Mouchoir to Charity One of tho most Interesting nrtlcles to bo displayed nt tho Fete Champctro to bo held on tho grounds of tho Merlon Academy, May 2C nnd 27. for tho benollt of the Mater MlacrlcordlaeHospltal, will bo nn exqulslto hand-made handkerchief sent bv Mrs. Woodrow Wilson to Mrs. P. F. Moylnn, who, with Mrs. Frank Hnrd nrt, will have tho novelty booth. The handkerchief which Mrs. Wilson sent with J "best wishes for the succoss of the' ba- zaar" Is Inset with nn artl'tlc filet de sign representing a violin player. Every one loves novelties, and tho young bride, ns well as tho whito-halred grnndmothcr, Is suro to find Just what she Is look ing for at thin attractive booth. Among the nocltles already donated aro exquis ite linnd-pnlntcd chocolate cups, novel em THREE ATTRACTIVE SISTERS Mrs. Victor C. Mather anil her sisters, Mis3 Edith Earlc and Miss Hansel French Enrlc. Mr. and Mrs. Mather will give a dinner dance this evening in honor of Miss Edith Earle, who made her debut this past season. LANSDOWNE CITIZENS TO HOLD A MAMMOTH COUNTRY PAIR Weddings U'nnrlpn wov. Mro .Tuple Spntt. nf Wil mington, who with Mr. Scott Is spending j'brolder&l tablepleces, odd embroidered plt tho month nt the MnrlborouRh-Blcnhelm, lows, old-fashioned oval mahogany picture wore today a sulphur and white checked coat ln cape form, with n brown stiaw hat faced with sulphur silk. Miss Mae Walsh, who recently Joined tho Philadelphia colony at tho shore, was on the walk this afternoon attired In a dark bluo coat suit nnd dark blue straw hat with crown and quill of sulphur silk. Miss Mae Petty, who Is nt Haddon Hall, wore a dark blue worsted coat suit nnd a bluo sports hat faced with silk of a brighter hue. Mrs. Leroy Harvey, of Wilmington, was on the "deck" of Blenheim watching the walk pageant. Mrs. Harvey wore a navy bluo suit with white fox fur and a black quilled, chapeau. Sir John Eaton and Lady Eaton, of Toronto, who havo been horo for several weeks, entertained at brldgo at tho Brighton early In tho week with Mr. nnd Mrs. H. H, Williams, who are also making tho Brighton their seashore home. Gathered around the tea tables nt Had don Hall this afternoon wero Miss Pearlo Townsend, of Scranton ; Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Troup and Mr. C. S. Troup, of Hnrrls burg; Miss H. IC Scott, of Oermantown. and the following Phlladelphlans: Mrs. John Wood, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. R. Elliott, Mrs. II. M. Coale, Mrs. William C. Schutz. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Smith, Mr Robert Whiting Smith nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. J, C. Watson Chestnut Hill Mrs. Jay Gates, of Moreland avenue, has Mrs. Bunn, of Princeton, as her guestg Mrs. Clifford Hawley, of 222 Nippon street, entertained at bridge yesterday afternoon. Germantown Mrs. Clarenco Wyatt Blspham, of 4220 Pine street, gave a short talk yesterday afternoon to the membors of the first aid class, which meets nt the home of Mrs. Carl Williams on Fridays. Mrs. Blspham spoke of plans which are under way .to establish a camp In Pennsylvania similar to that at Chevy Chase, Md. Mr. nnd Mrs, William Bt Tucker, of 125 School House lane, have gone to Lake Mohonk, N. Y for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Collom. of 519 Hansberry street, .will sail their yacht Shark 2d up the ,Schuylklll River this afternoon to watch tho Intercollegiate races. Their guests. Including Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Haines, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Tolbert N. Richard son, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel CiernenH, Mr. George Purvlance and Lieutenant Robert Duncan Catewood, U. S. N., and Mrs. aatewood. will dine afterward at the Co rinthian Yacht Club at Esslngton. West Philadelphia Mr. Albert Hernfer, of H220 Spring Garden street, and Mt M. Crowson. 3206 Daring street, will spend the week-end In Baltimore as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Emerson. Miss Florence Chadwlck. 1237 North 60th street. ha left for Atlantic City. where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Solomon. Mrs. T, Nowatny, 113 North BOh street. Is spending a few days In Trenton as the guest of her son, Mr, Frank Nowatny, Miss" Jeanette Maudy, 16 South 54th street, will entertain on Monday evening In honor of her nephew, Mr. Grant Maudy, who has returned from the South. The guests will be Miss larle Fritz, Miss Elsie Hoer. M'8S Elsie Buckner, Miss Lu cille Dethoff, Miss Gertrude Bayer, Mr, Joseph Buckner, Mr. John Sanford, Mr. L. Adams and Mr. William Snyder, South Philadelphia MUs Rose Salasln. of 2417 South 3d street, entertained this week in honor of Miss Minnie Schwartz, who has Just re turned from Washington, P. C. Among those nresent were Miss Gladys Breit. .jiiss Bose Brest, Miss Sue Weinstein, JMISS oaran juernuwiiz, xui&a n nau, juisa Anna Cohen, Miss Bose Glassman, MUs Adia Glassman. Miss Mollis Freedman, Mr. M. Freed, Mr. W. Sorkln, Mr. J. Krat. low, Mr. H. Cardon, Mr. J, Blldy, Mr, Miller, Mr M. Nathans and Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Eisenateln, The Royal Club will give a banquet In honor of Mr. Nathan Lehman, Jr., at the home of Miss Dorothy Rodansky at 625 Moore street, on May 20. A gold medal will be presented to Mr. Lehman by the members in recognition of the fine work he has done for the club. Mr. and Mrs. If. Glassman, of 422 Jack son street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mtu Rosa Classman, t Mr. M. Fahercant. frames on stands, bridge tnble covers, novel vnses, tea trays. The following young girls will assist Mrs. Moylan and Mrs. Hnrdart: Miss Lydla Fnrrell, Miss Marguerlto McAllister, Mlt,s Agnes Moy lnn, Aftf,p Aff, rv- Tlonla Mlaa Atrntn ttll- lesple, Miss Gertrude Cronln, Miss Helen ' XJ, of every citizen of Limsdowne Is tho Cronln, Mlsi Julia Moylan, Miss Stella i huge country fair which will ho hold pn McShane, Miss Sue Devlin. Miss Mary .... rnnr, nf ,h T1irrpatlon Field, at Every Organization in the Borough Will Take Part x in Raising Funds to Complete the High School Recreation Field AV EVENT that Is engaging tho Interest Hardart, Miss Erma Hnrdart, Miss Helen j Moylan, miss Marie ltocno, miss iicien Carr, Miss Kathcrlne Donnelly, Miss Hilda Douedlng, Miss Florence Hardart, and Mrs. Edward White, Mrs. Mcllhenny and Mrs. Sldel. Another artistic booth will bo the par asol and fan table, where milady will find Highland and Essex avenues, on May 19 and 20. Tho vnrlous tables and tents will bo ln charge of the different civic and so cial organizations of tho borough There will bo amusements ot nil kinds. A hurdy- gurdy wltl furnish music In the afternoon and a full bnnd will play until 12 o'clock Just thq chic sunshade and dainty fan j n the evenings. The S00 punlls of the noeaea to complete ncr picturesque aum- i mgn school, under the direction ot rroi. mer attire. There will bo a wiue selection to choose from, Including exqulslto hand palntcd paraBOls in old rose nnd blue, with novel handles, also hand painted, and fans that are so dainty they look ns If a whiff of sea air could blow them away. Mrs. Daniel G. Murphy, who Is directing this table, has only recently moved to this city from Johnstown, Sho is en thusiastically Interested In the success of raising funds for tho now hospital, and has tpent much tlmo on her table. Sho Is assisted by Mrs. Francis P. Hughes, Jr., Mrs. Le Vln, Mrs. James Kelly, Miss Elljabeth McManus and Miss Olivia Hardy. An original nnd wldo-awako postofflco will bo a special feature, run In con nection with tho parasol table. Four pupils of the Merlon School, Miss Marlon Grant, Miss Kathorlno Thompson, Miss Jeannette Thompson and Miss Helen Casanavo, will act as youthful messengers, with their office ns postmistresses designated by bluo bands marked U. S. P. O. They will go about ninong tho visitors telling first this ono and then that one that a spe cial delivery letter, telegram, cablegram or wireless mo3age is watting at the post offlco for them. But they are messengers of cheer, and the letters handed out from the quaint little postofflco while the ex pectant ono stands Bhaded from the Bun rays by the overhanging canopy will be full of .pleasant surprises for fair maid and man. The letters are written by a wise hand for all ages and both sexes. Roxborough "The Modern Hiawatha," a novel mis sionary pageant, was given on Wednes day night in the First Baptist Church, Mannyunk, under the direction of Mrs. Charles Gauger and Mrs, Harry W. Bray. Tho stage of the lecture auditorium was arranged with Indian tents and the tab leaux represented work among the Amer ican Indians. Longfellow's poem was read by MrB. John Thompson to the piano accompaniment 'of Miss Marian Morris. Mr, Bruce Lord impersonated Hia watha; Miss Saba Green, Sunshine; Mr. Mason Pierce, the Chief; Mr. Georgo Dorwart. Jr., and Mr. Earl Gar diner, the Doctors, and MIbs Mlnta Crawford, the Bible Woman. The braves and Indian women were repre sented uy the young people of the church. Tioga Jtr, and Mrs. Benjamin Booth and their daughter, Mrs. H. C, Brown, Jr have closed ther Tioga home and have taken an apartment at Atlantic City for the summer, , l .. Mr, and Mrs. Dlllwyn Jones Wattls, Jr., havo returned from their wedding Journey nnd are receiving at their home, 3816 North 17th street. Mrs. Wattls was Miss Florence May Hopkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F, Hopkins, of North 23d street, before her recent marriage. North Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Wlnneld S. Allen, of 1B01 Diamond Btreet, will give a dinner to night at their country home at Ogontr for the members of their card club. Includ ing Mr, and Mrs." J, Anderson Boss, Dr. and Mrs. Alfred K, Scholl, Mrs. Thomas P. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. W, Frank Haehnlen, Mr, Louis Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Guy, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Relneke, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Daniel and Mr. and Mrs. Edward A-YVals. Mrs- Elizabeth Daniels, of 1902 Dia mond street, is spending a week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Daniels Irt Blverton, JM, J, Frankford Miss Bessie Lefterts Ilawson, of 8016 DHman street, who will be married on May 19 to Mr, Nathan Ellsworth Row land, will entertain the bridal party Mon day evening. The guests will include Miss Ellen Patterson, whp will be the maid of honor; Miss Viola Martin and Mrs. John Empfield, bridesmaids; Mr Grant Raw son, who will act as best man, and the ushers, Mr. Alvln Rowland, Mr Ralph Rowland, Mr. Horace E. Williams, Mr George W. LeflerU, Jr.. Mr. Russell Eckela and Mr. Robr$ Orton- Waltcr L. Phllllns. are very busily en gaged In Its success, and they will be given a half holiday on Friday to help nrrange their various tables and make eery visi tor fee! at homo at what Is really their party, as tho proceeds will be devoted to the completion of tho recreation Held which was started for thoir health and enjoyment. Among the organizations tak ing part aro Homo nnd School Associa tion, Mr. Guy W. Chlpmnn. chnlrman; Alumni of the High School, Mr. Stewart Dunlap, chairman ; the Lnnsdowno Flro Company, Mr. James McCullough, chair man; tho Republican Club. Mr. Edwin Thompson, chairman; tho Novelty Club, Mrs. Emma Baker, chairman; tho Natural History Club, Mr. Arthur Shrlglcy, chnlr man; the Country Club, Mr. Thomas O. Cooper, chairman; tho Twentieth Century Club, Mrs. Charlos Musser, chairman ; Union Athletic Association, Mr Joseph O'Brien, chairman; Borough Association, Mr. George G. Chambers, chairman; Mothers' Council, Mri. Cnrrol C Llppln cott, chairman; Beta Thcta Club. Mr. Alphonsrus Sproul, chairman; W. C T U., Mrs. Emallne Thompson, clmlrmnn; Boy Scouts and Fellowship Club, J, H. Phillips, chairman. Mr. James T. Stewart Is chairman of all tho committees, and Mr. Robert L. Mc Lean Is chairman of the publicity, whose function It is to bring all Lansdowno to tho country fair for a real borough get together. A delightful affair was given recently by Mr. and Sirs. C. J. Armor to tho mem bers of Mrs. Armor's sewing circle at their home, 6327 Vine street. Tho house was very prettily decorated with flowers and colored lights. Among tho guests were Mr nnd Mrs William Scull. Mr. and Mrs. William Ed mond. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. John Heyl and their two sons, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Zug, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Smith and Mrs. Martha Lemon. Tho hostess wore a smart gown of white linen. Mrs. Scull selected a dross of bluo messallne with lace trippings. Mrs. Ed. mond looked charming In blue satin and lace, while Mrs, Campbell wore black satin. Mrs. Heyl chose a simple frock of whlto organdie nnd Mrs. Zug's gown was of shepherd's plaid. Cadet blue voile was worn by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Lemon appeared In black silk. THE Madonna Catholic Club's seventh tnnual minstrel show and dance was given In Lyric Hall, 928 South 6th street, last evening, A new minstrel show, under the caption of "Muggsy'B Dream." was this year's of fering Mr. Wnlter E. Costello was the author of this new musical playlet. The sketch portrayed the tough's dream while asleep on a bench In tho park. He met a variety of characters, among whom were a cannibal and a queen. Sir. Henry Marta played the part of tho cannibal, while the queen's part was essayed by Mr, Joseph A. Lombard!. Mr. Lapetlna, who has acted the leading roles for the last seven years, was Muggsy D, Tough. The cast included the following well known members of the Madonna Cathollo Club Dramatic Organization: WIlllMn A. S. Lapetlna.,.. MwnrO. Tooth Joaeph A LombarUl Kuttl Nice Frank M'V.., .., ..Prime Minister Edw.ra ""clUllK.,.,.,, .'.Oeneral Blurtut.ky Pachall .Peters I ,,,,, Soldiers of the Iiland Charles Vlsnoia Aiirtu uioria R.nlamln Ttnzl aui d'Anarea.... ...Bamfatto, the Traeedlan PWHp I'tllUrrjnl,,,, .,,.... Sergeant rat louU dt Huntla, .,,,.,..,,. ..Street Character Auiut Waber. ,,,,,,, ..wandering Jew Joteph Cardentl,, ,,,,,, ,,A Man of the Will J'rancU Slderlo... ,.,A Man of the South inui da Marco.,, ...,.....,..-Black .Nymph Henry Warta.. .....,..,, , A Cannibal Samuel Tornatore, ,..,,. -, .. . .Innkeeper A. Bonavolta............ Sheriff of the Iiland Nlcholaa la Fazla,,.,., ....... ....The Tramp Albert Druno..,,.,...,..,...LSeutnnt Inho Domenlc Luce I 'u ,Puk Iran Philip I.andl. ,.,,,,.,. ..Mayor of the I.land Jot- TUcltelll. . ... ,. .MaW Bodnuard. 6-lvatore D. Rlcclardl. stage manager. Klcholaa Marasco, property roan, Frank Calabreaa at the piano. A dance followed the sketch. The Mai donna Cathollo Club Orchestra, under the leadership of Prof. Vlto Maurizio, played the dance mulc A miscellaneous shower will be given by Miss Lillian Sagee and Miss Carrie Enders. at the latter home, 2317 East Cumberland Btreet, tomorrow evening for MUs Alice Watkins, whoso marriage to Mr. Ocorgo Schweitzer will l.i. puco ln June. . A sacred concert will be held In tho Church of tho Most Precious Blood, 28th and Diamond streets, tomorrow evening for tho benefit of tho $20,000 campaign fund for a new rectory under the direc tion of MIsj Nora Foley. Miss Julia Robinson, Miss Catherine Roaonkrantz, Miss Mae Farley, Miss Jen nie McKeown, Mr3. Makln and many vcll-known artlst3 hao volunteered their services for this event. Tho Rodeph Shalom Sisterhood will give an Informal reception to meet their new president, Mrs. Alfred Rosenstcln, at the Benjamin F. Tellor Memorial School house on Tuosday afternoon. May 16, when tho soloist of the occasion will bo Mra. Dorothy Johnstone Uaseler, harpist. Mrs. I. Wewmaii, chairman of tho Hospi tality Committee, will have as her assist ing hostesses Mrs. S.tmuol Jacobs, Mrs. Henry B. Summer, Mrs Adolph Mayer, Mrs Philip Rosonau, Mrs. S. Langbtadlor, Mrs. I. Valentine Lovy, Mrs. L,' Israel, Mrs. Morris B. Mayer. Mrs. L. Walsh, Mrs. J. Burgunder, Mrs. Wlllinm Boskam, Mia. Henry Jacobs, Mrs. David Mandel, Mrs. Simon Garlic, Miss Frances Meyer and JIIss L. Walsh. rill wm WkU Jl p vua ssffimms L WN ijSmSfet J Si M H ! V fe E'ftjg " ri MISS MARIE LOGUE MONDAY evening lu tho Epiphany School Hall, 12th and Jackson streets, an up-to-date musical sketch, the "Qlrl In the Car," will be presented by a com pany of amateurs for the benefit of St Gabriel's Church. Norwood, Pa Tho cast of characters includes; Hob Brown Mr. Martin Klckey Helen (Jordon Mlaa Nan Kurey Stephen Gordon Mr Jamea C'onley llufuii Allen , Mr. Frank Wal.h Jlrrf Burne Mr, William Mcjlrlde Uarothy Whitney Mies Pauline Douzherty lrred Jonea Mr, Daniel llosan Chorueee Mien Hlen I. McSorlcy Mlaa Pr-ncc a. Crowley, MUa Adallne E, Ollllnn-' ham. Mies Isabel I. JfcNelle. Mlaa Mart Loeua. Mlsa Marguerite 11, McSorley. Mr. Drew J. Toland, Mr Joaeph P. Dougherty. Mr. Krancla 11. Carney. Mr. Michael p Devlne. Mr. J. Elmer Connell. Mr. William S Keecan Mies Maria K. Toner. Mlaa Bleanor Crowley. Mlaa EthM N. Waltman. Mlaa Alvlna a. Kim. merle. Mlaa Anna McNeil". Mies Margaret V. Gallashcr, Mlaa Ella M. Conaty. ' A "surprise linen ehowor" was held on Sunday evening, May T, in honor of Mies Bella Kirkel, of 931 North 11th street, whose engagement to Mr, Joseph I, Baker, of Lebanon, was recently announced. Re freshments were served and dancing fol lowed. Several solos were rendered by Dr, I. Binder and Mr, Aaronson, accom panied by Miss Helen Ostrow, Miss Eva Llppman and Mr, Louis Lassen. Tho following were present; Miss Viola Fllegelman, Miss Rose Daroft, Miss Bessie AVinkelman. Miss Ray Malmud, Miss Kate Malmud, Miss Sophia FlleseU man. Miss Fannie Lashman, Miss Anna Lashman, Miss Anna Ilortln, Miss Rhae Bernstein, Miss Gertrude Spiegel, MUs Sarah Speigel. Misa Miriam Fingles, Miss Helen Ostrow, Miss Eva Llppman. Miss Hilda Chalken, Misa Bertha Kirkel. Doc tor Kimmelroan, Dr. I. Binder, Mr. Ben jamin Pious, .Mr Aaronson. Dr. "William M. Lashman, Mr- Aaron Llpschuti, Mr. Louis Lassen, Mr Schmerer, Mr Radnor, Mr- Joseph I Baker Mr Charles Klikel, Doctor nnd Mrs. Goldberg, Mr and Mrs. Albert MUokovsky, Dr. and Mrs. J B. ChalVen, Mrs. M. Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs, S. KlrkeL RdWLEf- DAVIS. One of the most attractive 6f ths early spring weddings took place thli after noon at 4 o'clock In Bt. Peter's Episcopal Church, Oermantown, when Miss Cath arlne Hunter Davis, daughter of Mr1, nnd Mrs. EdWard Davis, of West Hortter street, became the bride of Mr. Charles F. Rowley, eon Of Dr, nnd Mrs. Francis H. Rowley, of Boston. The church was moat artistically dec orated with spring flowers, and the chnn eel was banked with palms nnd ferns. The ceremony was performed by the Bev. Stewart P. Keeling, rector of the church. Tho bride, who was given In marriage by her father, Was gowned in white satin and tulle. A long coilrt train hung In graceful folds from her shoulders. Tho skirt of satin was short and very full, with an overskTrt of tulle, also full and cut ln points nt the horn. The bodice was of tulle, with large rovers of satin embroidered with Reed pearls. The veil was of lace be comingly arranged with orange blossoms nnd caught on the train with n wreath of tho blossoms, A round bouquet of white orchids and lilies of the valley was car rled. The maid of honor was Miss Mar gAret H. Davis, a sister of the bride. The matron of honor was Mrs. Henry D. Booth, Jr., who will be remembered a Miss Leonora Dennlnton, and the brides maids were Miss Caroline Murdock, of Blverton; Miss Kntherlno Potter, Miss Isabel B. Stoughton and Miss Aincy Mnssey Develln, all of Philadelphia, They wore dressed alike In dainty frocks of three shades of tulle white, pink and Nile green; each separate skirt of tullo was edged with a narrow band of pink taffeta and peeping out from tho folds of tulle were several pink rose buds. Tho bodices were nil of the pink and Nile green tulle, finished around the collar In fichu effect Sliver shoes nnd stockings wore worn nnd tho finishing touch wns added by lnrgo leghorn hats with Georgette crepe centres, the crown surrounded by a shirred band of the crepe and with ono pink roBe on the brim. They cnrrlod large bunches of pink hydran geas, and the maid of honor had a large bouquet of bluo hydrangeas. Mr. Rowley had Mr. Payson Dana, of Boston, Mass., as his best man, nnd the ushers- were Mr. James T. Hunter, of North Adams; Mr. Edmond Rowloy, of Boston; Mr. Hntherly Foster, Jr., Mr. Sherburne Pcnhallow, Mr. Will iam Ruhl nnd Mr. George A. Parker. Fol lowing tho ceremony a reception was held nt tho home of tho bride's parents on Hortter street, west of Wayne avenuo. After an extended wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Rowley will be nt homo after Sep tember 1, nt 11 G3 Beacon street, Brook line, Mass, SIMPSON PLOWMAN. A wedding of Interest will take place this evening nt 8:30 o'clock, when Miss Mae I. Flowman, daughter of Mrs. Anna Plowman, of G10G Westminster avenue, will becomo the bride of Mr. Daniel B. Simpson, of 331 North 61st street. Tho coremony will be performed by the Rev. G. Jones In tho Sarah E. Cooper Me morial Church, 63d street and Glrard avenuo. Tho matron of honor will bo Mrs. Hnr rlson Simpson, a sister of tho bride, and Mrs. William Simpson, nnother sister, will be bridesmaid. Miss Edna Plowman, a younger sister, will act as flower girl. Mr. Harrison Simpson nnd Mr. William Simp ton, two brothers of the bridegroom, will act ns ushers. A reception will follow at the homo of the 'brldo's mother.vafter which Mr. nnd Mrs. Simpson will leave for an extendod trip, Including New England and Niagara Falls. Upon their return they will live at C106 Westminster avenue, where they will be at homo after May 21. ) Norristown Miss Katherlne M. Tyson, of 1600 De Knlh street, has Isyued Invitations for a rdnnco on Tuesday evening. May 23, at the Plymouth Country Club In honor or miss Helen Buchanan, of Now York, who will bo her guest Mrs. William C. Wilson, of King of Prussia, will entertain at auction next Thursday, nt her home. Mrs. J. LcBoy Schweyer, of 1334 Powell street, will entertain tit cards next Thurs. day afternoon In honor of Miss Frieda Hartman. of King 'of Prussia, whose mar riage to Mr. J. Mulford Bunting, of Norris town, will bo solemnized in June. Mis: Jeannette Do Haven, of Norris town, who Is recovering from a serious Illness, Is spending a few days with Miss Ireno Eldrldto, of Tioga, before leaving for Asbury Park, where she will remain for tho summer. Mrs. Wlllinm L. Lee, of the Norrls. has gone to Washington. D. C. whero she will be tho guest of her daug'iter, Mrs. Charles SUllman, of Stonelelgh Court Miss Pauline Flint, of Westminster, Vt, has returned home, after spending sev eral weeks as the guest of Miss Mildred Fox, of 909 De Kalb street Camden and Vicinity Mrs. Frank Scull and her daughter. Miss Florence ?cull, of Ventnor, havo been visiting Mrs. Scull's brother and slster-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith, of 6th and Penn streets, and her sister, Mrs. Raymond Warrington, of Haddon Heights.' The final meeting ofthe study section of the Haddonlleld Fortnightly Club was held this week at the Indian Queen. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Bradley, Svho were recently married, are llvlngln Mer chantvllle. Mr. and Sirs. I. Kisslleff. of 228 North 39th street. Pensaukcn township, will cele brate the 20th anniversary of their mar riage today. This evening a dinner will be given in their honor, at which relatives of the family will be present. 1 Northeast Philadelphia The engagement has been announced of MUs Mary Henfy, daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs. Henfy. of 3334 Richmond street, to Mr. Michael L. Bandyk. The wedding will take place on June 28, Dr, and Mrs. J, Vincent Fenerty, of 2217 Est Cumberland street, are re ceiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter on May 8. Mr, and Mrs. A. McCormack. of 2S24 East Lehigh avenue, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Helen McCormack to 'Mr, William Blee. ( Miss Marlon McCauley. of 2332 East Lehigh avenue, will spend the week.end in Barrow Hill. Pa., as the guest gf Mr. and Mrs. Wlllam M, Boennlng. What's Doing Tonight Tranatt raaaa meeting. Academy of Muale. Carnival of Nat lona. Central Y. U. C, A.. 1421 Arch atree'. 8 o'clock. Play. The Private Secretary.1' Chestnut Hill Academy Dramatic Club, gynmaalum of the academy; 8 ocloek. Salvation Army anntyeraary services, 2d and Dalnbridga atreeu. Alpha Sigma, Pbl dinner. BelUvue-Stratford Hotel Phlpps Inatltute dinner, Bellevue-Strattonl Hotel. 'Twelfth Nlnt." Temple University. the Society priaiea in page in will ba KvfUlivi Ai auli uatleea niuet 1m wt It. en one eldr or the paper, ruiut lie Katleea for accepted ami, 1-cdt.cr, but all 4-,i an DM 1,1 .ignrd lu full. Kb full adurc-. and whan nookiuie telephone miuwrniiui i gifen. ben- all 'irli ronuunotratloiu lu "tin, rlet KdUer," Hxcnlut M4cr. COS CMt nut atreet . , Utile lhe requirement nr tarried out, hit thai nrldeatlan tatty ba m.lUe. the a-tk wlU e to puUUbeJ. ' i , AS n vi
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