nirsptii"iui f -fg X J. KVBKlKd LTEIXEtt-PHlDADBLPHTA SAflUBDAY, MAY , 13, 1916. FINANCIAL NEWS PREPAREDNESS PARADE ABSORBS . INTEREST AND STOCK TRADING LAGS m..mhi. .,.ii. ... I i mii, -ii. .. .Wall Street Intent on Making Success of Event, and It Demands Sole Attention Natural Strength Cannot Be Repressed, However, and Many Issues Advance High Points in Today's Financial News Average loans of New York banks decreased- $1,007,000 in week and average reserve fell (2.588,570. Actual loans increased fS0t575,000 and actudl reserves dtdppcd f7,tU,910 in week. Sals of Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad Scheduled for June 8. Essex Company declared extra dividend of $5 a share in addition to Semiannual of (3. Netv financing Jylan announced for United Coal Company. Price of bart silver slightly ower in New York and London, Another gain reported m weekly bank clearings. Cotton consumption in April larger than same month in previous year. New York Stock Sales NEW YOUK, May IS. It was hard for Uio brokerd to listen to'bldn and offem on the door of tho Stock Exchange nnd for (heir customers to pay much attention to stock markot operations today whllo tho streets were filled with marching hosts, because tho .blare of trumpets and beating of drums drowned out all other sounds. All Wall street district was intent on malting a success of tho preparedness parado, and that ovent demanded tho solo attention of tho most Important financial Interests. Tho natural strength of tho markot, howover, could not bo represses by this devotion of Interests to outsldo affairs. Many stocks made vtolont gains, but It was natural that activity should bo confined to a great extent to specialties. Willys-Overland moved up 10 points to 270 In tho first hour. Studeba'ker roso moro than 6 points, and gains of around 2 to moro than 3 points wcro mado in other motor issues, including Maxwell common and first preferred. Western Union was forced Into prominence, being unusually active and strong, and the electric stocks wero also in brisk domand, with scant supply. In tho railroad list Heading and New Haven wero tho most prominent Issues, both these stocks advancing about 1 point. United States Stcol common, Ana conda and similar standard industrials wero inactive. Tho market sentiment was far stronger than tho trading In tho leading Issues would indicate. Thero were few offerings around recently prevailing quo tations, but under tho market there was a broad demand which did not come into actlvo evidence, becauso of tho attention demanded ly the parade. New Financing Plan for United Coal Company NEW YOIIK, May 13. Tho creditors' committeo of tho United Coal Com pany of Pittsburgh hjs abandoned its plan of April 22, 1915, and has adoptod a now plan providing for a now company with $3,736,900 preferred 5 per cont. cumulative stock, $5,847,01)6 common stock and $25,000 purchase money mort gages. On tho basis of exchange of now for old securities, holders of tho old notes will recclvo 62 W per cent, in new stock and 81 V4 per cent, now common stock, being equivalent to 50 per cent, of preferred and 65 per cent, of tho com mon stock on tho amount of bonds securing tho notes. Holders of tho old bonds will receive 50 per cent, preferred stock and 05 per cent, common stock for their present holdings, and unsecured claims above $400 will receive 25 per cont. pre ferred and 75 per cent, common. All claims under $400 will be paid In cash. No Let Up in Demand for Copper NEW YORK, May 18. Thero Is no lot-up In tho demand from domestic consumers for copper and the business being done by tho producers and dealers continues good. Foreign inquiries are also In tho market, with reports that a largo transaction for European account has been arranged, covering a long tlmo into tho future. August deliveries continue to demand 28540. a pound, with 29Vic. for September and 29 cents for tho last quarter of this year. On deliveries over tho first four months of 1917 ono small Interest la quoting 28c. for January, 28',&c. for February, 2S&a for March and 28c. for April. Sale of Wheeling and Lake Erie Scheduled for June 8 CLEVELAND, May 13. The adjourned sale of the property of the Wheeling and Lako.Erlo Railroad Company has been scheduled for June 8. Tho upset price remains at $18,500,000. Essex Company Declares Extra Dividend of $3 BOSTON, May 13. Tho Essex Company has declared a semiannual dividend of $3 and an extra dividend of $5 a share, payable June 1 to stock of record May 11. 1 LIQUIDATION MAKES WHEAT PRICES DROP Better Seeding Reports and Ad ditional Rains in Winter Belt Cause Selling New York Bond Sales CHAIN I1KLT WRATH Kit I'ORKCAHT CHICAGO, Mnr 13. The weather fore cant tor 30 hours follows! Illinois Showers tonight and probably Sunday, not much cliunte la tempera-tare-. Missouri Showers tonight nnd prob ablr riunday, not much cbanro In tem perature. Wisconsin. Minnesota, Ioirn. North and Pouth Dakota Miowera tonight and Bun day, continued cool. Nebraska shower tonight and prob ably Sunday, continued cool. Ivnnaa Shower tonlshti Sunday partly cluudy with warmer weather north. CHICAGO, May 13. Further easiness was In evidence In the wheat market this morning because of liquidation duo to additional rains In tho winter wheat belt and better reports with regard to seeding in the. Northwest. Itay opened at $1.15 and sold down to $1.15 before tho end of the first half hour, against $1.15 at tho close yester day. July ranged from $1.161.16, and -receded to $1.15 91, compared with $1.16 at tho end yesterday. Septem ber started at 1,1B1.15 and worked off to Sl.15, contrasted with $1.16, yesterday's last price, y It was believed that the technical posi tion of the market had been weakened. Dealings at Liverpool were light, but the tone there was steady. Indications of lib eral exports from the United States for the week had some effect, but In the main shipments from Importing countries are not up to expectations. Tonnage remains scarce. The receipts at Minneapolis an.d Du luth today were 349 cars, against 201 cars; at Winnipeg. 683 -cars, compared with US cars: at Chicago, 65 cars, con. trusted with 63 cars. A slight decline occurred in corn. It was believed that the area would not be affetced by the wet weather. The receipts her today were 248 cars. The market at Liverpool was dull but firmer. Clearances from the United States were consid ered to be disappointing In the United Kingdom. A small recession also occurred In oats. About 500,000 bushels have been sold f$r export within the last 34 hours, and there is an urgent demand for this grain In Argentina. Receipts here today were 373 cars; Leading future ranged as followsi Testera ffiJT : rf M fclkTHHM 88 Corn (new deliver . . . T Slay HJ I? juiy .... Bot Oils May .... July ot May ju tartf " t ueuv 81 43H 80 74 U UK si 4TH 40 V July ... ajt. . ... iuta 11 W m iin ;p as:w i5:t iv.rn U:8I 12.03 13.00 12.00 lllW 12.80 May M2.0T .... ,. ., t1?.2 t2.f fiU .:::: li: M tf:?J tl!:H fa DIVIDENDS DECLARED Fairbanks, liars It Co.. 1 car cent mi pre (erred stock, payable yon I Hooka ides May 31 and mown Juno 8. Tue company announce ibt hereatter dividends 0j m por nnt. W b raid quarterly. . , Porta Ktcan-Anurlean Tobacco Company, iiftiUr quarterly vf A payabla June 1 to tcck of record May 15. Hooka clot May it o4 reopen June 8 Standard Oil Company it ritftraika. regular 4mtannual e( lo per cart . payabla Jun 0 rvuinntal Oil Company, regular Quarterly to atock laf fitment of it Mr com i mi ii in i ui NteW YORK BIJTTEK AND EGGS HG1V YORK. May 11. BUTi'EB SusolWa attfkt. wi'b. price Arm w too aradM. He- ,iClS tiuifl aria, llu esattiuud uwynuat to Umic. , Wwajvl. 30.'V Mflusca. Quo- UUSa Bsonasaiu. llleh i. aa . OS?. . 03 .107U 03H Low. Close. 83 82 V )3H ..2 107 '4 S3M B1H D5H 0OH o; 03 107 H 03 OIS 03 U 00 H 100 H 100 H ?Th J2000 Adams Express 4a 701300 Anclo-Pr B 1000 Amor Tel clt 4a.. 33000 do cvt 4Mb , 8000 Armour Co 44s.. 3000 Atlan Coant I. 1t 4 mu 1000 Halt & Ohio cv 4 Ma 1)3 H 2000 ,Dalt & O 8n 3Ma 00 S0U0 Halt & Ohio is.... loot: -vuu ucui aieei let 3a. .10371 10.171 103'i 2000 Can So B 103 103 103K 42000 Can Govt Ba wi 1020 00 90 00 M 83000 do 1031 007. 90 007, 30000 do 1031 00 09 80H ouuu ueni unin ist oa.. 10171 3000 Cent Pac let 4 80 1000 Chea & Ohio 4 a... 80 1000 Chi & East III ct Ba. 81 7000 Chi II & o joint 4o.. 88 2000 CM U 4 0 rec 4- . 077l 1000 C M i Bt P ) 1025 04 juuu uni nwy 3s 0(1 mi 4uqo Del & Ilud conv 41..1U7 107 12000 Dla Eecur Corn to.. 7n'4 7aU 111(10(1 Krla o 1. uJi i" iJi iSi t)000 Urle cv 4a 8er D wl. snii S0OO Oreat Falla Pow 6a..l00 luooo 111 Cent 4a 10.12;... 98 13000 ICC1S1L NO Bi 100 10000 Interb Met 4M..... 7S lumi Interb n T ret si . 0S 13J poo lnt Her Mar ct 4a 1U2? nooq Internl Paper Ba..7 00 7u0 Jap new -f'.la m4 1000 do 0s llllU 3000 Kan City Ho lt 3a 8 i3H ancl!r Tr let 4i SS 14000 Lncka Steel Ba 1023 00"! 1888 "Wv a.?.?: i?''4 S8S8 S Si1..0'.18" Sf il'oou do ct ata 4v::;:; 45 1000 Mont Power Ba... ." 07 3)00 Nat Tube 3a...... loi 2(1000 N Y C & H 0i .... ,.1U booo n y c 4 Hud 4; ;;; ui 2000 do 4a ": ; u3ij 2000 N Y Chi SI i.Vi iii' 100(1 N Y City 4 a 100! 21000 do 454a IJT05...." ,i00 N Yllwy ret 4a . 14000 do adj Ba...,,,.; 2300 N y Tel sen 4 W a. 1(100 Norf & We.t 4. . 1000 Nor Puc prior 4a... ltJSOU do sen 3a ...'.. 2000 Fenna sen ct 4 a . .mss n("cn4Hi i .....: 62000 neadlnr Oen 4a.... S00O Hep Cuba 5a 1014 , ?xur ixvP lr dno a o 1U 000 Hark Tilant rfA 2m 100000 do 5l ......7...1 K000 Stl. & HV rt nt mt J. in lllm QeKf,..! A r nJi at- n ,M " tJSajayv - it UJ U U il'Ulf UU 1111 S0O0 South Hell Ba 77 olid 100 08 100 73 08 102 00 84 78 110 ssg 88 3B W 07 U7 101 101 114 114 111 01 03 03 l 04 84 !S7. ,u 107 107 T7 B7 ii:i(! .V Job I85 03 l)J!i S HA 55 US lj Ba or .82.. 11000 South Pac cv4".:.'.8H 87'j Mlj UMllO do CV Ba ...... 104 lfti 104 Bouth Kwy con Bo.. 101 101 101 gfisra!tesf.tei!iii mli WMrm sg hi 6000 Weat Union 4 Ma.... 03 ! 03 2 93 8 Total aalea, 13,131.000, compared with tl.S74.000 lait Saturday! thla weeV.Ml.6J7." 00O laat week, 17,4,0OO. ' ' "' Did. 03 SS SU on 12 10051 $100 BONDS P.C. Year. Alberta, Praylnca of,,. 4 1821 Anglo-French 5 1820 Argentine Government , a 1043 City of llaltlmore 4 lOil'J City o( Chi liar Con .. 4 1817 uuy or n uneana imp iux oi Vancouver nr xorg do Ala Vlcka let con ... 5 Kan lit .. B Cen Vermont By lit rear 4 Chi n t o Pen Ext ... 4 O M 8t cen rtd con. 5 do conv, . . Col & BolTef Krta (len con aer D .... 4 N Y Cen con deb S N Y i Qrn II (Erie) III. B n it at ii Offer. 84S 0354 91 04 107 103 8 rAlL if Vancouver .... 4 18 -'3 8254 fork City re ,,,, 4 18BJ J03 4 19H0 103 mi cuu , ,, a ivil utl Can lit .. B 1830 8854 ily lit rei 4 120 oa n Ext ... 4 1822 DO n rfd eon. S 2014 loou 107 4H 1813 lOOC 101 t ert ,,. 4 1833 82 84 High, AUsttA Juneau.. t Alaska Old Mines 30,4, Altts Chalmers. . itv, do pref ...... Am Ag Chem... 70f do pref 00 Am n Sugar.. ,. ts Am Can s)H Am Car A Fdy. . 81V4 Am Coal Prod.. 185 do pref 117 Am Cotton Oil., tisv. yAm Linseed . . . 2nii uu ijicl .,. ouya Am Loco it,.., 701,4 Am Malt 874 do pref ...,,. 377(i Am Smelting . ,. 98Vi do pref 11 1H do pref A . .. 94 Vi Am zinc ....... oa Am Susnr 118V Am Meet Fdy... 53V4 Am Tel A Tel... 1844 Am Tobacco Am Woolen Net edge. H ' law. C!o, OH ' OK BSH SH 2 S8H MH H 8H 0J4 09 00 7 IVY 37 B754 son 01 1S5 183 lit 117 6SH 83i)4 2H 23 40)4) 50 70 70 38H STSk 08 98'i 111 111 194 OlVi 01 ..... o oay V. 112 112 rsy 3u ..... 128t4 128 M, 207H 07H X07H H ... 4JH 45 45 -t- ii H V 1 V. v HIM Vt v V LONDON MARKET IS AGAIN ACTIVE; NO LOAN IN VIEW Purchases of American Se curities Probably to Be Increased v ASQUITH IN IRELAND Agreement Thought PossiUle Between Jojin Redmond nnd Sir Edward Carson Anaconda Con., 83 B4tt 8474 Atchison ...... .103 103 103 do cref 101 Dftld Loco i tu, 80 Halt & Ohio.... 88 llotll Steel 440 Brookn It T . . . 80 llutto & Sup .. 08 Drown Shoe . . . 00 California Pot . . 20 Can Pao ...... 170 Chandler Motor.. 04 Cont Leather ... 54 Chea A Ohio . . 02 Chill Cop 21 Chi no Copper . . 84 Chi Ot W pr A. 87 C & St P 03 do pref 128 C C C & St L .. 62 do pref 80 Cluett Pcabody. . 74 Cont Can 87 Chi H4P 20 Col Firel & Iron 44 Col & South 30 do 1st pref.... 62 Cructblo Steel... 83 do pref 116 Del & Hud 152 Detroit United., lir, Domo Mines ... 38 Distill Sccur ... 63 Dul 3 S A 0 do pref 13 Krlo 37 do 1st pref . . . 62 Gen Elcc 108 Cenerul Motor. ..400 do pref f 118 Oroen Cana .... 48 Goodrich Co ... 78 do- pref 115 Or Nor pref . . .120 Gt Nor Oro ctfs 41 101 88 88 440 B0 02 00 23 175 03 83 02 21 64 37 05 101 80 88 440 80 03 00 28 170 04 2 54 1 2 73 1 80 10 43 20 1 52 82 116 162 116 28 63 0 13 37 53 aidf st sti 111 Central lnt Agr Corp do pref . . . Int Har Corp. pre TOi .101 . 18 . 53 . 74 Int Har Cor N J.1I2 Intcrboro 'Con... 17 do pref 75 Internl Paper pfd 40 Inspiration Con. 45 100 103 100 Int Nickel 40 Int Mcr Mar ... 20 do pref 0294 Jewel Tea 02 Kcnno Cop 50 do pref OR Kelly Spring ... 74 Lncka Steel .... 71 Laclede Gas Lehieh Val .... 71) Loo Rubber .... 50 May Dept Store. 04 Max Motors 80 do 1st pref. . .. 00 do 3d pref. .... co Minn & St Louis. 0 Mos Pctro 107 Mo Kan & Tex.. 4 I Miami Copper. ... 80 30 Missouri Pacific. 7 0 do t c G 3 Nat Dlscult 121 121 Nat Clk & Suit.. 73 73H Natl Enameling. 21 Nat Lead C0T& N V Air Brake.. 135 8 21 64- 37 05 128 128 02 52 78 80 73 80 10 43 28 82 81 115 162 115 28 52 0 13 37 52 107 108 400 4110 117 118 48 48 77 77 115 116 120 120 41 41 74 74 101 101 16 16 62 74 112 17 73 40 45 40 20 01.. 02 , 50 08 74 9f, 70 1 0 t 52 72 112 17 75 40 45 40 25 01 02 85 OS 74 70 1 4 '' By FRANCIS W. HIRST Special CoMe to the Evening Ledger. LdNDON, May 13. Premier ABqullh's visit to Dublin is Interpreted here as an effort to bring nbout n compromise by reconciling tho Irish Nationalists with the Orangemen. The desirability ot on Immediate settlement Is not contested: Its possibility through nn agreoment between John Redmond, leader of tho National ists, and Sir Edward Carson Is perhaps greater now than ever before A moro hopoful outlook la mirrored In tho stock market, which Is compara tively actlvo nnd cheerful, Purchnscs of American securities here will probably bo Increased In tho near future. Tho re moval of minimum prices from moro hbmo railroads last Monday wa3 wel come. No new loan, I think. Is necessary at present, but oxchoquer bonds ato favored rather than Treasury bills. American exchango Is likely to recover. Tho slight fall Is attributed to German wlthdrnwats of money from New York. Silver fluctuations cxcltb continued In terest, but tho reported prohibition of bullion exports by the Government of Mexico Is hardly credited here. Tho unopposed passago of tho House of Lords' resolution consurlng the Gov ernment's Irish administration, after only two days of debate, signifies milch. Meanwhile, peace signals from Germany and Austria-Hungary continue to multi ply. In connection with tho Trlbuno's Washington "kite," there Is moro dis cussion in Great Britain of tho possible termi which tho contestants can afford to mako. r Sales In Philadelphia how. Close. 11.. i 02ft Ket che. . . i ft (13 VI SVVii lh Kb P on PCor i0 O'ji. I"t. ".i fe: w m l::at; I Mot.. 80., 80 80, JJ r,n so, MORE COTTON CONSUMED r. i a i. tt i n. . t -i. ! export elovator: No. 2 rod. uruuiur jviuuuhw uauu .uumiB iuioc Ji;i71.30: No. 2 Southern red )llh. J5 Am a.,...,12t., 10 Am Zlne B2H 12 cim iron.,.. 45 Boo Ool P Iron. 44 81 Klee stor. .. . oo 3SO DIHt.HM 8354 lo am Vvph ir.. 7!i, 20 I M ft M rrto 02H 800 I.ftkn Sun Cor 10., It KiJaT 23 MavwMl Inn Ma Palflf. .. 7 8117 rennit ....... 80S 73 Pa .Steel pr. , 0854 8 Phils Co pr. 3f , 7B1 Phlia Klec ... 27?4 6no P It T tr ctfs 18 83 rhlln Trao it 70,, 405 Headline ..... 0014 j oo no uwy mj.i 270 Ton Del i mi. AK Tn 1ln . . . . . Al TTn Trnn .... 4ft 8(1 U O I . .... 87H 1(103 u h steel rr 844 100 Wabash pr A 4854 50 Weat Elee , . OS Total lei,,28 alinren, f"mpnred 10,010 Ahnrn lout Hatiirdari tm wmki 801 hnrcl laat ireek, 80,181 aliarea.. BONDS. Utah' 2000 sinsn ns.ini 1000 Un.nwy In 6 70 10000 Weluli Co 5a, 08 2000 W N Y ft Fa let 5 81 i W P $.1 80H -. 4 n Vrt ! 87 4 8W V'L 03 63 ,i with 00,- Ixjw, Close, 10254 102 nntL 1ft US n. ijw, I'd Net Ml in 84 81 Total aharn, $15,000, eomnnred nl.lh 2t,455 ln.t Mutunlu)!. tills wttU, (382,0001 last nttk, (50,182. 1 Local Bid and Asked hurt a Run t o r,o5i tin preierrea , nrlll. J Oi...., Clectrlo Hfornaa aencral Asphalt jtjt rln nrefer rnii . .".. Keystono Tot io t o do old Lake Sun Corn wrv 1-hlnli Val .. Irfshlgh Val Tr do pfd . . . . I'enna ., I'hlla Klcc . . . I'hlln f-n.. oo r. per cent pref ;IH , .do 0 per cent pref. . 42 H Phlia It T t c if ft neadlnir UOji TonopTh Kelmont ... 4 f. Ton Mln flti Union Trno 42)4 Today. . r,ld..Alted. Yesterday. Hid. Asked. sH 80 61 00 It O I U H Steel .... Yorlt llwy .... do prof .... Wm Cramp t o HTIIA 5154 5054 nn v ua HOW '" f'Oji ( 3254 83 02 33 1i t 711 71 h un a is ..;.:;.... ns o?.. n 10., 1051 I" 74H 76 74 75 78ft 7 7814 71 .. 42 43 42S 43 M n 5?H m il 42 41 4'J 3ii n. an 43 42 54 43.. 18 'i 1H. IHji fl 4 4 88 8751 87 8454 83i 83 18U 18J4 13 80 3r.4 3(1 8(54 83 85 83ti 134 ar,M 83 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WlinAT llecelota. 21(1.010 bushela. The market ruled atoady under moderuto offerlnns nnd a fair demand. Quotntlonsll car Iota, In bpoc and Aiay, i 41. i I tvi.-ui ixu, j. ooi.iiiern tl-u. ,..idvi,iai MH. tl A,-i 101K atoamer No. 2 red. 11.14ra1.iTi no. .3 red, """'" i.iu.i niuu, xuxu '. J1.14rji.i7: relected A, J1.1154 1.1454 WASHINGTON'. May 13. Tho cen.TJS r cieu u. ii.iuwi.ij, report today showed cotton, excluslvo ot re- 70 50 03 84 88 OS' 0V4 70 50 03 81 89-M,- 69V4 0'4 , 1 '.s 2 100 ft 100 J4 Va 4 30 IV. 0 i V. N YI U9 I 1(33 5 1831 113 1940 OS rt; Nor i 'tr Vat 1st con ... Sub Air I. lit ii en So Pao S Fran term lit. V'lrslnlin Uwy lit. Am Aar Ch con deb . . Am II? Sec dab AmTTcj)iltrctfa... do conv Bota Stl 1st A ref . . . Ont Leatb lit rC . . . . Clt 8r con not Com I Ily U con. Turner O 4 B lit . .. Bleo deb at West I coa CU . . . IacIc Steel 1st coa lactate Uaa lit ....... 14 & Wcy deb itt (lU . . . ......... P UitiKard db rtar . . . Karcf"6ll ion'dib" '."'.'. Mon Power lit 4 rfd.. N X Ab lit con WUElUcMM...... en db cf .' 854 165(1 71 1S4S 111 S 4 6 4 6 5 a 4 nM s 5 s 5 5 T 5 0 8d Joo5 ijjj 1005! 8(1 U 01154 60 1V33 I US Inr W !98 tottt iSli iol 1R4B 00 142 82 125 08 10.10 03 tmo 10051 lt44 124 lost 1005; ia sau 1045 eSi 1030 83 1002 0854 1024 S854 1925 84 102U t DO'i 1023 lot 102 103 100 0554 125K 125 101 83 08 103 Nevada Cons . N Y N H & II. N T Central . N Y G & St Ii. Norf & West. . Nor American Ont Silver . . . Pao Tel & Tel. Penna II R . . . People's Gas . Pittsburgh Coal 17 03 Hi 24 OflTa 135 17 02M. 103 103V4 40i 404 .124 . 00 . 10 V. . 31 50 .101 27 123 00 10 34 56 101 27 00 Pitts Steel pref. 00 Pub Sv Corp N.I.130 130 llwy Steel Spr.. 43 42 Hay Cons 33 22 Heading 00 80 00 do 1st pref.... 42 42 42 Repub Ir and St 48 48 48 do pref 100 109 100 Seaboard A L... 17 17 17 Sears Roebuck.. ISO 185 183 Southern Pac .. 03 08 08 Southern Ry ... 22 21 22 do pref 03 02 08 Standard Mill... 103 10.1 '103 do pref 01 01 01 Studebaker 141 135 141 Tenn cop 40 Texas Co 102 Texas Tac H R.. 11 131 1 73 24 00 183 03 1 103 40 04 123 00 10 34 2 80 'J 101 27 00 130 1 42 2 Tol St L & W... 5 Under Typo ... 08 United Clff St.. 07 Un Pao 13.1 do pref 82 U S Undl Alco, United Fruit.. U S C I P.& F, Un Rwy Inv. . , U S Rubber 55 U 8 Steel 84 do pref 110 40 102 11 5 08 01 40 102 11 5 08 07 2 1 ' 1 7 3 V. 135 135 82 82 151 150 160 181 100 100 0 20 20 10 10 05 35 8S 83 110 110 70 76 80 80 10 U S Smelt 70 Utah Copper ... 80 Va Car Chm ... 44 43 44 Va Coal Ir & Ck 52 52 52 Wabash 15 14 14 do pref A ... 48 48 48 do pref B ... 28 28 28 Western Unlont. 05 02 os Wh & V E 1st pr 13 13 13 do 2d pr ... 4 4 4 Westnghse Eleo, 03 02 02 Wis Cent 30 38 30 Woolworth 130 138 136 Willys Overld.,,270 20S 204 do pref Total aalea, .107 100 107 H-l ' 3 4 t 274.800 shnres. rommifNl with anA ... . ...-A fc .. . - - - . ....... DDiitiuu ilium lust nniiirui.71 iota WcCK. 3,331,000 shares I last week, 3.075,700 shares, LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. May 13. HCX1S Hecelpta. 8000, Markets, atrons; to 10a htitner. mixed and butcheri'. I0.ll0010.13: rood heavy. 10.80 10.10; -onsth heavy. JU.E0WU.70: pigs. J8.S5U 0.40!UUllc, IO.UOWl5.10. CA'irrLK-Recefptlf. 100 Markets ateady. Deevea, 17.85010.25. cows and helfera. it 00.30; Texana, I7.50O 0.23. 8HKEP Recelpfa. 500. Tdurktis iteady. Natlvs and Wtstern. IOWU.50; Umbi, SS.S0O 12.15. BAIt SILVER In Irfinrton bar silver wis quoted at 86 15-16 pence today, a decline ot 1-11 pence. .Commontal bar 'liter tva a quoted In New York yesterday at 7754c. ott He. Spelter Business Small NEW YORK, May .--.Du!nes3, char acterized the spelter market today. Busi ness was small, but quotations -were about unchanged at IB71C a pound for May shipment of prime Western brand, IS to jtjHo for June and 14 Ho tor July, All prices are Bast St Louis, Wills Probated by Register Among the wills probated today were those of Edward M. -Cres-ar, 720J Boyer street, which. In private bequests, dis poses of property valued a 19600; Wil, Ham T Collins. 24 Jforth 50th street, 13500; Rebecca Tryon, 4924 North Broad street. $3890; Annie U. McLaughlin, 919 South 13th street, $2500. and Ida IX packer, who died In the Samaritan Hos pital, (2000. The personal effect of the estate of Henry Barges has been appraised at im.S-0i Jon Kelley, U,4,07 SJ; Abra JUia Etnner. 39T3.14; Thomaa & San son. IZS19.53, and Kate A. Albert, 37.t)I. llnters, .-consumed durlnir April, 531,770 running bales, compnrcd with B1 1,009 In 1015, of which 298,180 bales were con sumed In cotton-Browlnp; States In 1916, and '276,918 In 191D. Llnters consumed during April, 71,230 bales In 1916 nnd 38,645 In 1916. Cotton held In consuming; establishments on April 30, 2,006,612 bales In 1910 and 1,830,979 In 1915. In public stornp;e nnd nt compresses, 2,814,897 bales In 1916 and 2,848,692 In 1915. Imports wcro 67,478 bales In 1916 and 64.479 In 1916. Exports. Including lln ters, 616,815 running; bales In 1918 and 672,035 In 1915. Cotton spindles active durlnir April, 32, 113,841 In 1916 and 30,093,509 In 1916. Financial Briefs Commerce and Industry . contlnuo to move along to tho now familiar tune of prosperity says Bradstrect's weekly re port. Trade Is actlvo, manufacturers nrc busy, collections are satisfactory, money Is easy. R. G. Dun & Co. say. "Nothinj; has developed to prevent continuance of the remarkablo activities and unprece dented achievements In tho business world. International uncertainties still causo hesitancy In the securities markets, but productive enterprise remains unaf fected nnd labor troubles aro less dla turbine" ' ' Colnago purchases, silver authorities hero assert, continue to bo mado on a large scale, and this has resulted In holding tho market firm. Some of tho largest In terests In tho trade hero dcclaro that thero Is no reason to look for anything but con tinually advancing levels, with possibly temporary reactions nt a tlmo when tho metal arrives from ths country In London. Mitsui & Co., Ltd., the Japaneso hank ing and trading agents, aro said to bo ne gotiating a contract with tho Smith Davis Company, of Pasadena, Cal., for J1.000, 000 of gasollno motors for Japanese aero planes. Tho South Dakota Central Railway will be offered at foreclosure sale on June 12. The upset price Is $500,000, -of which about $100,000 must bo applied to the payment of underlying obligations. Commercial failures this week In tho United States wero 336, against 332 last week, 336 the preceding week and 412 In tho corresponding week laBt year. Fail ures In Canada number 34, against 30 last week, 26 In the preceding week and 02 last year. The Standard Qas nnd Electrla Com pnny. through the Philadelphia Trust Company, Is asking for tenders until May 26 of sufficient of Its convertible 6 per cent, gold bonds to exhaust the sum of $2,016,000 now available for retirement of these bonds. June 1, the company also will pay off the remaining $1,478,000 'of the three-year 6 per cent, notes. Issued L three years ago. Tho New York Subtreasury lost $1,628, 000 to banks on Friday, Thirty-six railroads during ' the fourth week In April had gross earnings of $17, 252,276, an Increase of $2,914,284 over the corresponding period last year. Gross earnings of the Boston and Al bany Railroad during tho three months ending March 31 wero $4,319,245, an In crease of $1,116,653 over the tamo months last year, The Bank of England reports, tho amount of qurency notes outstanding as 107,782,403, against 108,379,565 last week. The amount of gold held for the redemption of such notes remains at 23,-500,000. JfEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK. May 13 The coffee market opened quiet and unchanged this mornjng with sales of only 1260 bags on the opening call. May ,. June , July .. Aurust Neptember. October..., November, Today's opening. 8. 2308.32 8'.43 also '8. 66 fcT.7iffi8.78 Teeterday'a Today's close. Mn I.80O8.32 olio 8.00 December January. February Marcb. . . "Total ' aaleil 7250 ba-7 8.5908. 00 O.OIQjPH.ail 8.3HA8.30 8.48rVg.40 8.5208.64 S.r.ilWB OS 8. 01) 8.111 H.HiftK.Oll H.nsfts.ttn !8 8 8.74 8.78 8.75 .80 RAJLRjOAD EARNINGS OltAND TRUNK SYSTEM. Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. March sroas Net .., Thrw month' Pet sroas. lulil 720,004 182,000 3,051.430 4Ua,T?0 Grand Trunk Western, 1145.000 30.700 430.150 Increase 03. quo 13.100 280.650 107.050 20,230 f8,850 g. 200 60.75U March sroas Thru months' aroaa fei ......... l 4iv. . oa Marcn sroas ... 130.V.1O (12,150 Nst , sou Tb res months' grois . 145't5JJ v " " Detroit and Mack'lnaa, Jlrat week My. . .. 121.427 from July 1 04&7ST eDacre). R.67Q $3.50.1 I5.T5Q 6Ml CORN Rccelnts. 30.001 bushels. Trade was quiet, hut vnluea wero steadily held under moderate offr-rlnKS. Quotations, enr lots for loral trade, as tu location: No. 2 yellow. 8t MMc. s steamer yellow, H2j83c. : No. 3 yel low, 7981c: No. 4 ellow. 70077c; cob. per 70 lbs.. 82c. OATH Receipts. 81,180, bushols. The mar ket ruled sternly, but ttrern wan llttlo tradlne. Quotations; No. 2 white, DIM WB-'c. ; standard wlilto. 51(ff31'ic.i No. 3 white, 40M5UC.: No. 4 white. 47'i ( 18Wc: namplo oats. 43',i 0 44Vic. ; purined oats, graded, 49 W Oil Vic. FLOUR Receipts. 010 bbls. and 213.031 lbs, In sticks. Trade was slow nnd values wero Inrecly nominal. Quotations per 100 lbs. In wood: Winter, clear. 51lur..10; do., Btralght, S3.4UG5.tlO; do., patent. 55.7DMII; Knnnas, clenr, coton saclca, S 1.0000.30: do., straight, cotton sacks. 15.4006.70: do., patent, cotton sacks, I5.HO0O; sprlnu. llrst clear.; do., atraisiit. .min.j; uo. r.nN.qTTMTCRS IN EUROPE AlTTttp MORE THAN 250,000 TONS STE Export Demand Far From Satisfied Domestic Mnw Quiet-Trading Quiet on Local Stock Exchan . With Irregular Changes 8 ' t?!Jith,0 requirements of the r.i l?17 havo been far frU t.lKfs ! Although some ot tho lending steel manufacturers report the market quiet with regard to domestic demand, there Aro others who say the Inquiries from abroad aro of sufllclent proportions to keep things "humming" tor somo time, European consumers are after moro than 250,000 tons of various products, it l. stated, and theso orders aro likely to be closed soon, with Indications that tho ox port demnnd Is far from satisfied. Domestic users of Bteel have apparent ly taken care of their requirements for somo time ahead, and It Is not likely that a resumption of buying will bo witnessed Until the various manufacturing concern? which buy steel receive orders from their customers for articles which contain steel or Iron. Soveral steel-makers atlrlbuto tho smaller demand hero to tho fact that the railroads especially havo been rather out of the market. Steel rail, locomotive, car and track material purchases within tho last week or 10 days havo fallen off, tneretoro a belief prevail, thTi ih'fV J portatlon companies will remnli J"l In the near future. reum bu Ono steel authority, dl9eu.i.t Ion. Mdi "Prices are su&if'H to assure i record-breaking profit n? N months to come, and severa i0raO are willing to wait fo? a SLT Thero will h t, t.-. . "w demaM. comparatively long tlm." 5 ffiFLM mainly because all the mills X &1 . " "'"" inm wo can alt v,Ttr, wnlt with comfort.' lt ba Trading on the ... , l LiS .vveS.rt d?"p tTtS slight gains or losses, the VutjS&SW Hat was unchanged from the iMtw'' close. Tonopah Mining susta ned a loss, ns did United Om imjfwvSmiM activity was. centred In the T,bl J, sues, somo of which showed falril!"! COTTON BUSINESS IS SMALL; DROUGHT STILL HURTS CROP Low Temperature In West Also Against Big Yield NEW YORK, May 13. Smaller con sumption figures for April -than had been oxpected prevented a full response to Liverpool's strength on tho Cotton Ex chnngo this morning. Tho opening tona wns Btoady, howover, with prlcos 4 to 9 points higher. Business was on a com paratively small scalo on tho call, with tho buying by Liverpool of tho late options practically tho only feature. Later, however, Wall street liquidation and a resumption of tho bear attack took prices down 2 to 0 points from the stnrt. Thero has been no relief from the drought In tho cotton belt, nnd, although temperatures wcro higher In some sec tions, they wero still too low In the West. Liverpool camo to 2 points higher, as against losses of 6 to G', points ex pected. v l Tho early selling from Wall street and commission house sources carried prices down to nbout tho final levols of yester day, when tho appearance of trade de mand nnd covering by local shorts prompt ed a rally of a half-dozen points. Busi ness, as a wholo, was not active, and the operations suggested no change In senti ment regarding tho ultimate courso of the market, Tho ofhclal forecasts Indicated a con tinuation of clear, warm weather for tho entire belt during tho next 3G hours. Tho receipts of cotton at tho ports for the day were estimated at 21,000 bales, compared with 11,807 bales last week and 27,553 bales last year. Yoa'day'a Close. Open. High. Low. Close. March .... l:l.4.'l 13.48 13.51 1.1.48 1:1.48 May 111.84 12.80 l'-'.Ol) l'.84 18.85 July ...v. 12.01 10.01 13.01 lL'.M) IL',113 October ... 13.00, 13.15 1:1.05 1:1.10 December . 13.23 13.20 13.20 1:1.111 13.27 January .. 13.28 13.34 13.33 13.27 13,83 Spot 13.04 13.0J patent, t5.00ll.25: do., favorite brands. 511. rill ftU.7.V, city mllla, cholco and fancy patent, tti. 500)0.75; city mills, regular srndes win ter, clear, J5.106..'10: do., stralitht, J3.40(B 5.U0; do,, patent, 5.75G'tl. IlYE FLOUP Tho market was quiet but steady under small supplies. We quote at 35&5.30 per bbl., as to quality. PROVISIONS The market ruled Arm, but thero was lit tle tradtns. Quotations: City beef. In sets, smoked und alr-drled, ,20c: Western beef. In sots, smoked, 20c. s city beef, linuckies nnd tenders, smoked and ulr-drled. 27u28c.; Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 274028c.; trcof hams, J2847'30. pork, fumlly, J25.rpOW2fl: hams. a. P. cured, loooo. 17V4 & 18c: do., skinned, loose. 17H W18c. : do., do., smoked ,18' gf lDc,; other bams, amoked, city cured, aa to brand and averasro, lBttu. , hams, smoked, Western cured. lS'ic; do., boiled, boneless. .10c, ; picnic shoulders. S. V. cured, loose. 12Wc. : do., smoked. lSVic. ; bellies. In pickle, according to uverage, loose, 10c. ; breakfast bacon, as to brand and average. Ity cund, 10c, do.. Western cured, l.VsP 18c; lard. Western rellned, tierces. 14Hc. ; do., do., tubs, 14V4c: do., puro city, kettls rendered, In tierces, 14',4c: do., do.. In 'tubs, 14V&C REFINEDSUGAItS The market wait qulot, but firm. Quotations: Extra, One. granulated, 7.tt07.U5c.j pow dered. 7.7007.73c; confectioners' A, 7.50(0 7.53c.-. toft crudes. O.83W7.30C. DAIRY PRODUCTS UiirJ-.-atj i ii-siu nua iiiim uuuiiii,, uui offer. mra wcru Uisht nnd tho market ruled firm. to irood held. lafaUBttc.; do., do., part eklma. II W l. , . , , , m ..... Iiu 1 iti -mo inarnet ruieu nnn unaer iiKni r-y nrintn. 37 51141)0. luuh (j no ICO fano: Quotations; New York, full cream, funcy, held, luU'U,Hc.; spcclala. higher, do., do., fulr recolpta, but wholesale trade as usual on sat urdav was aulet. Uuotntlons: Western, eolid packed creamery, fancy Bpeclals. 3-c ; extrn. liKiac.. tlrats, 3UV30c; seconds, 2)& 119 Vic: nearby prints, fancy, 34c ; average ex tra. 33a; firsts, 3lft3i'o.; seconds, JV(u30c.l raritCKy prims. -u'-m;. , juuuins suics oi 'iUC. frenh csaa wero In cood request and llrm with supplies well cleaned up. Quotations: In free cases, nearby ex tm 5rtn. nor ilnz.. tlrats. S7.U.'i tier Htundard case: nearby current receipts. $0.uuitju.7&; Western extras, l!3c. per doz.; Western extra firsts, 17.03 per caue. llrsts, $U,80pi.OO per case; Uouthern. Ju. 150.45 per easel fancy salected candled fresh eggs were Jobblna; at i!8&Uc, per doz. POULTRY LIVE Tho market ruled llrm with demand equal to the nRerlnaa ot desirable stock. Quo tations; Fowls. 10t?20c.; roostert 12lUc; sprlnff chickens, according to qurMKr weigh ing 1S02 lbs. apiece. SIMHSc. : whU ..eehorna. according to nuallty. 3oiU32c ; duoks. ,s to Blza nnd duality, KlUlHc.: geese. UtolOc; Pigeons, old lr pair. 2av3Up.; do., young, per pair, 201022c, DltUSSED Tha market ruled firm under light receipts and a fair demand for desirable stock. Wa quote: Fresh-killed poultry, dry paLked Fowls, 12 to box, dry-picked, fancy ; weisnins 1'U3 ids. apiece, selected. 22'. c. 22c: welching 4 lbs. aDlece. 22c: welahlnir H lbs, apiece. 21c; weighing 0 lbs. apiece. lbW 20c: fowls, in barrels, fancy, 'dry-plckeu. welching 4V4 5 lbs. apiece, 21 tic,; weighing 4 lbs. apiece, 21ttc. ; smaller sizes. 17fr20c; old roosters, qry-plcked, Uc: brollera, Jersey, funcy, 50&55c; do,, other nearby, weighing 23 lbs, per pair. 404245c.: larger atzes. 35W38c; capons, por lb. Weighing 81H Iba. apiece, 27vp2Sa.i smaller sizes, 23(j2Uc; ducks, nearby, spring, 20Q28ct squabs, per doz. White, weighing 11W12 lbs. per doi., 15W5 "5: white, weighing 0O10 lbs. per doz., t-l.80SP4.0ll; white, weighing 8 lbs. per doz., S3.50O3.85; dp., do., 7 lbs. per doz., $2.754j)3; do., do.. BWOH lbs. per doz.. 4202,25; dark, 1202.25; small and No. 2, JlOl.13. FRESH FRUITS Offering! were only moderate and values rnrallv ruled steady, with trade fair. Onn. tatlona: Anptea. per doi. winesa Kaldwln. vs ouvii.iai ureemn navia, iLoottf: otner yariei l.QU. Al'Mte. Inesap. 1303.7.1: ir. K9S.69 Hen lea. l.nil'' nn. :...' . iiKtZ. .n . , , .J . '.T ' mq. .lJI-jv.'"". M "7 "vern. per BOX, 1 1.25 0 1.75, Oranges. Florida, per crate, 12. Si e?4. Orapefrult. Florida, per orate. 11.750 ,l,i)U, J JCII1W4101 y li f4rV cratePorto llfco. $2.25 2 ?ei a rin,annl n te l'orto lllco. 12.20 2 75. mruwuerries. at, norm ..viuu,, Mississippi. 15; Tlnncssee,"12l5. VEGETABLES The general market win quiet and with out Important change. Quotations; White potatoes, per bushel. Pennsylvania. 11,160 1.20: do.', do.. New York. l 0001,10; do., do.. Western. $1.0501.10; do.. Jersey, per baiket. No.' 1 Rose, 0573o.; do., do.. No. 1 other varieties. 6575o'.; do., do.. No. 2, sneoc.! do., Flotlda. per barrel. No. 1. $3.250tf; do!, do.! No. 2, I40B, ..Sweet potatoes, Jersey, per basket. No. 1, 45O00ci .do., do' No. 2. 25030c; do., Jersey, Delaware and llaryland, per hamper. No. I. 75c. Oil; do., do,, No. 2. 50000c: do.. Virginia, per barrel. 11.50 1.75, Onions, per 100-lb. bag, U02. do.. Texas, per cummer crato, No. 1, ll.50Ol.00; do., do,. Nc 8. jl.S501.S5. Cabbage, Danish, per ton, -12.1050; do., South Carolina, per Sit.! l4.a0O3.M. Cffery. Florida. p crate? 11.7502 35. Spinach. Norfolk, per barrel! $102. Watercress, per 100 bunches. $1,600 4,60. Lettuce. North Carolina, per basket: 5Oo.0$2.tO. Beans, Florida, per basket" $2 Hi n. Peas. North Carolina, oer hair.hnV: rel basket. $1.B02. do., do., per one-third. ' ".afta"" crate. V 2502.75, Badlshe,. Norfolk, 502.71 eOll. , Hn Ejan. ... "M4 w. .wwr. florid Eggplant. Florida. Mr Radlshia. Nnffiit' S?C hamper. 5Oc0$l. Squash. Florida. p,r brat,; 12 O 2 60. Tomatoes, Florida, per carrier KiXy. $202,75; choice,. $1 752. AsoiTalSl per crate. South Carolina, $1 6002.75; do" So.. CalUornU. $203; da, Jersey, per buncK langy -,M."'-ll.rri sv v,m.. 40V2Uc.i do., do., culls, baik.t. $l(il 1Q015C. 9. nrooina, per 4.D' Cotton Statistics NK1V YORK. llay.lS. Tha tBtlail.i --, rv&itig&jB. v&t&Js Si,ur'- Total vlalbU supply 4.763.03s St5.m4 A( wt,U.h American..., 8,549,030 3.150 5S Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL. May 13. Spot cotton waB dull today nnd !i points higher on tho basis of 8.40d. for mid-upland. Tho sales were 4000 bales. Including 2500 bales American and 500 bales for speculation nnd export. Receipts wcro 15,000 bales, Including 14,400 bales American. Tho markot for futures closed very steady at a net advance of ',S03 points. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Average Loans Fall and Actual In crease in Week NEW YORK. May 13. Tho Now York bank stntemont Bhowed a decrease of $1, 007,000 In average loans for the week and an Increase of $30,575,000 In actual loans. Avorago reserves declined $2,598,570 nnd actual, $7,114,910, Ijoans Demand deposits Tlmo deposits . . . neiervea . . T.nanfl . . . . Net demand deposits Time deposits Reserves Increase, llAtJU. r DC I SI, 007.0(11) '. ".ii n.lri nnn 10,040,(100 2,508,570 30,575,000 24,100,000 '182,000 7,114,010 ACTUAL,. LOCAL CLEARINGS LEAD Gain This Week Over Last Year is 64.0 Per Cent. Philadelphia bank clearings continue large. For tho week ending today they were $187,837,000, an Increane of 54.0 per cent, over the corresponding week last year. This was by far the biggest gain In the United States. Baltimore was sec ond with a gain ot 28.2 por cent. Quota tions follow: ADVANCES ON P.ttpd DESPITE PARADE Preparedness Marchers Inters fere With Traders-Chevro. let and Midvale Advance ) - ? NEW YORK. Mav laTOl Broad Btrect Curb should have trtosufrfl ments today for tho great Prepared.3 parade. While brokers ther wer entail oritur to xccuto orders the crowd, w,,fl continually brokn by tho frem,..,. ... iM tlon of tho divisions In the demonEtr,iJ "'" "luiutiiiiB ot mrgo sections htaJT uy nomy uanus. , U,,M0um not be "Peeled, with thM condltlnnn nrnvnllln. ii... . ' "Hf, nmoUIlt of r,A,',l,l t.. .., ft at tho same tlmo tho bullish' lirnnnnnrn.l fVrnf ,.,.. i .Z. ."HMI Wero mado. " It was surprising to note thit 15 tk shares of Chevrolet wero traded In. tklt stock advnnclng from 214 to tho newnS record of 223. .. . ,." Ity also In Mldvalo Steel, which advaS Cuban Cnno Sugar had about its an!,.' est. uay since it appeared on tho cuts' market, only a fow sales belnj nad C1U to CO'i. ' i Metropolitan Petroleum Buffered 'u most from tho repression of buslnesi' ........ ,v o in Auu- uuinana, wun trtdine lit 24 V. In 9ili mirsautf Sinclair OU'rangcd from 48K to 4IU ..w .....M4. .,), iium xe-j 10 i;h( INDUSTRIALS Aetna UxplnsUcs Klacnlohr Tobacco lllsenlohr Tobacco preforrcd AJax Rubber Amsrlcan-Urltlsh Manufacturing-, . Bl.Aihil a Jit Atlantic Uulf and WI Au do preferred na8 Canadian Car Co , 73 U IHKk ........... Chevrolet Motors .... Cuba Cane Sucnr ... Curtt Aeroplane . . . . urlffga-Seabury Kmerson 1'honoffraph jmsncii oc uuraer 64 f0O ... 01 ...48 ...130 ... 12 , 35 OH STOCKS. Uendco Mfc ".T!"""; 27 Kathodlon Uronze pref 2u Maxim Munitions jk Manhattan Transit JC Otis Elevator ,, 50 1'ecrless .Motors' sju roolo.Eneineerlnir 55 S s KresK 1J Standard Motors gu Submarine 86H Trlanslo rilm . ,. 4 United .Proflt.ShnrinT " US Light and Heat 3 do pref 4 ' White Motors soif world nim ".!;:; V STANDARD OIL. OTHIJR Cnsden OH Chalmera Oil 4 Inter Iet 10 J Houston Oil 17V Met l'et 23t Midwest Ret 07 .Sapulpa Oil m Sinclair Oil 48' MININO STOCKS. nu Atlanta 11 llutto Copper & Zinc 7i Ilutte New-York 2 Cerro do. I'asco 87 First National 6 GoldHeld Merger 11, Herla Minlns 4TI mllowo Sound 5 Jim Ilutler 1-3: Jumbo Uxt S KeneOck 2Mnc 14 McKlnloy-DnrroBh W. Masma Copper 10; Mlnea Co of America 2Ji Nipislne St. ....... .7 San Toy 1. St. Joseph eLad 1W. Weat Und Cons 100 Ml 3 m m la Mil 4 loin. 1015. New York.$2.134,H82.127 $1,754,533,135 lGtl,50!t.U85 lK7,837,(l0n a3,4U3,r,3.i 312,402,860 8t,70K,373 23,870,442 ret. -1.1 144,1(11,1131 --11. 3 121,070,000 -.51.11 J0.107.421 .." :70,KKO.()7 --15.3 - 2U..1 Iloston Phllada, . . llaltlmore. Chicago .. St. Louis. N. Orleans Seven cities 5 days.. $2,034,000,022 $2,401,375,027 4-22.2 Other cities 5 days .. 710.418,042 580,012,401 22.5 07,078,010 ,u, ,., ,w,o 15.0 Total all cities 5 days ..13.045,310,801 $2,081,410,088 22.3 All cities ' ' 1 day... 715,084,273 615,007,734 30.0 Total all cities lor week.$4, 351, 304,137 , 400,513.812 24.7 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, May 13. The market for foreign exchango In the first hour of bus!. nes3 today was quiet. Sterling Improved a slight shade, but relchBmarks, lire, Vi enna and pesetas declined slightly. Strength was apparent In guilders and rubles were a little better. Quotations; Demand sterling, 4.75 11. 16, cables, 6.31 ; checks, 6.32; Swiss cables, checks, 5.94W; relchsmarks, 77U7T, against 77 077 on Friday, Llru cables, 6,31, checks, 6.32 Swiss cables, 5.19; checks, 5.20; Vienna, 13.35e13.40; decline of about 25 points; Stockholm, 31G3P,i; pesetas, 19.65019.70; guilders. U042; rubles, 3031. BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with corre sponds day last two years: 1010. 1013. 1014. 1'l.lla $41,21,532 $25.7liO,U7 $28. 1120 050 IJoston ... 33.813,288 20,003,107 41.880 883 New York.442,140,380 8U0.02U.UJ0 372 u4 uuu New York l'nlladelphli lioston , , CblcaKO , RATES FOR MONEY ';!... Time. " -i n' wait G4H (Tall. itt av O a 3tt4 9314 m Reserve Ranks' Discount Rates ver 10 10 3A Boston . . New York.., Pntladelphli. Cleveland . , , , lllchmond... Atlanta,..,.. CblcaEO, , . . , St. LouU. .,, MlnneaDOlls. . Kansas City 11 10 or less. . 3 5 S Over 1 up 1 Over 80 Over 00 up to 00, up to 00. 4 4 4 nullaa San Fran. ii rtnaton New York. Rlcl ... 8 AktIcuU Over 00 ibtladelpbla. Cleveland . . enmo Atlanta. aond Cblcaso St. IJIMi. Minneapolis s h 5tt anaaa City. Pallaa Han VniL Conitnjrclal paper. 8 to S month over eo to 0, t vr sat and oi so, 5 4 4 ! 3tt 4 ov 10 V m 3?? 8 tt fitt itt 8tt 4 a sit Trada acceptances up to do, itt Com. 0. modify. ? VbUadsT Cerro 0a Chea Ohio 5s Mldvalo 5a BONDS. : m i LONDON STOCK MARKET SB Americans Firm With Feeling Che2 fx Grand Trunks Drop t rtTT-rM ir,... 11 CAsiteltt fit th tiUelUUlll iliu; itfi kjsi.uiii. -- -'--jp-j Stock Exchango were steady in tfa? wJI loaay, iuo anoiuiuiiuo ui wu$vi. .rM ugni, ana canniuons cusiuiuij . -ena or tno weeic wero in oviue. a Trio TTnma mllurnv irrniin WAS itFORf' It was estimated that all domeatjo enloj atnnlru iiiniilrl Vio 1-orl 11 ri1 tn Q StI Pl -., ..UU t-aola ft tha tVrVtnVal fit t&tl minimum prrs. Involving decllnea i or JJi 10 20 points. llioy ura uii-vt- '.jr loss of 159 stocks In the oaisnco - of banks and Insurance companies , The feeling with regard to American" was cheerful, and they were nrru w lowing me roarnet nv iij , v - h Pacifies vrare buoyant, arand TfHf dropped again. Gilt-edged Invesimeni sues were colorless, 3 Kates tor money wero wi 17.,wB Increased talcs of treasury bills. "eneoK nn Pooolan hrtnn Wm fitrOnfT. B ""SeM Ing descriptions were hard. s There was another spurt In PnlI,,f and Oriental Navigations. In sTnifW with the staple, rubbers Vere easMF nnircn-MMVNT TlflND3 2s registered 1080 ..,, iiS 'jsj 2a coupon 1030 '""lOIH W1 8-::::::::::::::Q!i5 3s coupon I?l8ij.'ti..",,,iyo3 4a reslstered 1025 """"jii 4s coupon 1025 ....... ji;i sail Panama 2a -re steredf 1030 Panama 2s rejistere.7 JB88,,.... Panama 3a registered 1001..,.. .192 Panama 3s coupon', ,,. ......n'UJ Taha., In T nnnnn London. May 13. r Money. trUl discount, short bills. ii P" J Three months' bins, ifttomt " -- Charles J. Bender & Co. INVESTMENT BONDS Members Phllad.lphU Stock EfM' NORTH AMERICAN uluu- lilX'IIilTN'nS xuu wfiasKWa - rmuofi zZr.' A -e AtMmT The Board oJR!W.W.W.lhi ArOi a Semiannual imiiucuu hi ",!.-,- fj 8tw !e?'BbooiUCuS.i& & SOtb to Way Matj bverinq, TtttW DIKKCTOUY Of COTNTASW. , CsrtlneJ I'ubile Aerauntaat" j Ml.f & iS&SB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers