VOtTTH OP THE NATION CALLS OR A CLEAN SCREEN ULnt Photoplays Have Stronger Ap. IP0' .i itntiaiinl Ones. Savs p Movie Magnate's Son t EUGENE ZUKOR i tha resident of Fimoui riayers. iH'iri. I am quite certain that I Rr JJ BVerngo Impulsoav tuoUKlitft anil Siittlon of ono jui u. i ui ..: JflT . And Hi exprcsilnf? a plea fttini l believe I nw vi Bill the reprenontat vo Bf.Ci.iM land ol youin. KT ,.- ..iin.1 Id. niter nil. a callery 5 .Mures where throuuh tho medium ZSy of slB"' ttni1 "ccondarllv through Jn:r. "'- ... enoa nnd Injurious Im- BSLlons o 'registered. Every thought. rjfJErf or experience Is Impressed upon Kj Aind in tho form of a picture. It is SfSj obvious that motion pictures, KSilnc a direct line of communication En tho minds of their creators nnd lS of thlr beholders, can become n jMfeyta lbbkr-hiladblpKia, sao?ttrux may in, ioig. iJ.. .,.'' ''""!'" " ". '.' ! i i .n..... ... --- i ,- - . ...-.-.. i " . .. ,? ., ,- , i , ..-v r ,.,, !- ,.., r ,,. ...... .. - n, r. i i - - -- Amm&nent Section STAS OF fiOTii HEMISPHERES OF THE AMUSEMENT WORLD ON THEIR MORE OR LESS LEISURELY OCCASIONS wholesome motion olclng the desire citizens of .the Irtierful asency for ine reconung 01 I Jlesome or evil mental Impressions. tAJmltl mg .-rvieo n rMillnit tho Jr.n 1 ,," .. . ... .r KlSstanda of tho "penny-urenaruis-- nna ISi novels, ntlll they nro sadly at fault KTlonsr as tho ery few film producers, IS! Insist upon putting out disgusting TWfa nr ' rrhnns bid Judgment comes nearer to R!;..,,th. for I hao read statements ny ISkwi men. In which they said that they rM 1 felvlner Ihe Public what it wants. I tern Relieve that tho public does want l?'v rMrt.ilnlv tho younger generations Ki, and I hate to thlnlc that the I mitorltr of peoplo are so morally weak Tmt they onjov bad films mora than iLest clean pictures. The fact that tho ImtTwho aro putting out tho latter ltlnd d filris ire prospering moro than those If, who persist In making disgusting Icictures proves to me that my good SMlnlpn f lne Puo"c ,8 r'K"li '""u t""1 Mrnent l wrong. WOt course, nobody would expect mov f(J..pcturo men to gho up making films IT.. nmflt and pnsnd all their time In- litlflii the yciunir nnd growing gonera j'ttors to Bfnt deeds and lofty alms by nailing out films that merely taught les ifcjis, lf'tne' wpr0 comP"e(1 to do so at it loss tf time nnd money. But It seems la me (hat there are lots of compclle3 and 'jfjnW8 tnnt carry tl10 thought of cour- wif gell-sacrilico uuu uiu umur 1111,11 luuain 'which can bo put Into bcreen form by tLs rncn who now devoto themselves to (Bilking vllo pictures, and that It can bo dtm t a Profu l'y them. pgo-tnero Is no excuse for continuing to Jnike evil films, ecause they admittedly lBVys powerful Influence for bad on the FpUulIUl minu oecuuae ui tut'ir uitcul uij JmiI to Uie oyo : because they are not de manded by tho majority of the people : be ttinst films of the better typo have proved lii k more profitable to tho producers ITtie more quickly thone few misguided fminufacturcrs recognlso these facts and rifevote their time to tho making of the IJjjh-gTido films, the better for them and JIM us. "THE PHOTOPLAY- 1MAN-ABOUT- TOWN Eleni' Salunlav tho I:enino Xdocr's Photoplay Man-About-Town Z'Vlll (bat about the local theatres, ', tteli1 manager tent and the entertain- , Mtt,Utey present. For the complete 'yttlltq the Photoplay Chart in .Won- , doy'lETEVINO lEUOBH. ,4K . Z-Mj't a t treat to visit tho Ixicust, west iff iPpfliWDhla'H classic photoplay theatre, itu ii4 uuuuyy ui (JXLtirmr llliu lltLUiiur una 1W5 Cfon, the topic 6f conversation by Its wrenj. tho large booth ror tne saio or llaetx and the entrance present a fine Mpeiranee. while tho nlush draperies Just balds of tho dooiway Bervo to keep out Ua bright glare from the hundreds of (fcctric lights on the outside. The Imme- 4IW change In temperature Is duo to the tltttrjc fans on tho side walls, the special jcnlUatora, exhaust fans and side doors 3 helping to keep the auditorium per fectly ventilated The soft lighting effect fe'tasy on tho eyes and In keenlni? with utte decorations of buff. Largo hanging tlKtrollers add to this effect. At the roar efjtha foyer is an Ice water fountain with HnJUry cups and a beautiful glass mosaic dome. li. . .. ..j ... ..-- ... wonderful oriran music as well js tho PWtores," which Just about debciibes what p!ndld accompaniment is furnished With ttem. A, new xylophone attachment has len.recently added, making tho reproduc. tton of any instrument now it reality. The seatly dressed ushers tell the waiting pa rons Just where seats are to bo found jjateaa of allowing them to wander down tto aisles, annoying those, seated while looking for vacant seats, as In some thea tres When the ladies leave they find mlr .fw hung in convenient places for their Me, well as small tables with tho fol lowing week's urogram llnnn thnm. Thn i?jt reflnomont about tlie whole place is JW to the personal attention given (tho lixWUby Kugene and lred Felt, man fa and owners IMwlrers of Oeraldlnn Pnrrap whn hnvn ?.iyet witnessed her work In "Temp uoo w(U have an opportunity of doing IvMonday next at the Rlalto Theatre. 1 5l Prlni:es3 Presents Qadys Hansen ft 'The Havoc" next Monday. This play W out three characters. Jt Items almost UnhellnvnhlM that a Kttty !J so on eclipsing her previous perform JfM pn tha screen time after time, but l Crlnd," which is the feature at the 1 i . Z.S.ii". j. IHHU . " 1 t. , f l,TTirwllianHI . ir-T nBJ'i h-vy s j- fc XUIU) t.k HIT ,WJt ' ynfASVTaWM 1 lBii3fFXim ONE SILK STOCKINGER M N if YrSa, OyS W.H JMT takes a stroll down Broad street. - .-irLvAAV "Tlimtiph tlm ArrpR " IH.,rY -ew , - V- ,ia. AWK. TuVKf.O tr -S HK A How a Printing Shop Gave Bert Leslie His Start Bert tieslle, chief comedian nnd stan expert of the latest JHO.uOO musical revue, 'Town Topics," which will be pre sented at tho Lyric Theatf-e tho week of May IS, was once a newspaper printer in Chicago, his home, and he Is proud of It, too. He learned the printing trade In the composing room of the Chicago Dally News, where he began by emptying th "pi box" and making himself generally useful, . Printers, as a rule, do not become ac tors! therefore, It Is interesting to know how Bert began his career. "All the time I was working at th printer's trade I was hankering to be an actor," ho said, recently, 'but my mother and brother thought I was crazv nhd did 4-nll In their power td discourage me. I went to work finally in a shop where books were ruled ana one afternoon I cut work nnd went to a variety show. While I was away an explosion occurred nnd the very spot upon which I usually stood Was blown to pieces. "I didn't know anything about the ac cldent and went home at tho usual time because I did not want my folks to know that I lost an afternoon to go to a show. Things seemed rather restrained when I went into tho house and presently my mother asked me whero I had spent the afternoon. 'At work,' I said as cheerfully as I could. " 'You wouldn't have been .alive now It you had been at .work,' piped up my mother. 'You wouldn't even be alive If you hadn't tho afternoon oft. Tho shop was blown up this afternoon.' NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT! Not even for "Town Topics." This is merely Mary Lavarre, of the Winter Garden, who comes to the Lyric Monday, demonstrat ing her sensible method, of bat tling with Boreas. Ituby Theatre on Monday next, has been pronounced her greatest endeavor. On Monday nnd Tuesday the" Ttegent will present for tho (list time Florence Lawrence In "Uluslvo Isabel," a stoiy by Jacques Futrcllo. In tho cast Biirround Ing Mlsa Lawrence will ho William Welsh, Sydney Bracy and Harry MUlardo. Tho play was produced under tho direction of Stuart Paton. "' """-Its -, iiA MW.jwJjii',M.iMfcffi3fr JaBa L to,6KACS 8UNBAR NILE a, wkia ter p8yl t, "Petticoats." Mrs. Lewis McCord. tho character ioman of tho Lasky Company, will ho scon In support of Victor Mooro nnd Anita King In ' The Itaco" at the Cermantown on Tuesday "The Ilnce" Is founded upon Miss King's recent transcontinental motor trip. Also in support of tho two artists is Horaco B. Carpenter. Bertha Knllch has played speaking parts In alx different languages. Now sho will be a screen star, and It will not mako any difference what language she speaks. The Baltlmoro will show her In "Slander" next Friday. Sydney Mason, leading man for Miss MaVguerlto Couitot In "Fcathertop," tho Mutual masirfrplcce, do luxe edition, at tho Broad Street Casino on Thursday, has tho part of a florist's assistant. Margaret Gibson, a popular little favor ite. Is to bo Been In a number of short length features to be released by tho Mu tual. First of theso will bo Bhown at tho 52d next Tuesday and Is called "Tho Hidden Law." The photoplay adaptation of Hall Calno's novel, "The Bpndman," was made by Louise Kellar for William Fox. The work requlied two months It will bo shown at tho Kuroka on Friday. The Bluebird peoplo have mado what thoy term a "real disco-very" In Maudo George, who will be seen as the Countess Olga ImanI In "Tho Qay Lord-Waring" at tho Overbrook Theatre on Friday, svy,)ott liig J. Warren Kerrigan. MIsi ueorgo was a member of the Durbank Stock Com pany in Los Angeles. Mary Plckford as an Italian boy! The delightful little Japanese Cho-Cho-San In "Madame Butterfly" has shed her nandals and her kimono for tho rough boots and corduroy of tjio Italian peasant. "Poor Little Pepplna " by Kate Jordan, will bo the Paramount attraction at the Sherwood on Wednesday. "The House of Superiority" has been Justly applied to the newly deaarated nnd mademly eoulpned Palm Theatre In Ken sington. Owned by J G GooJsteln and managed by W Jonc3, It promises to be come ono of tho popular places of this section. Every feature In the program for next week at tho Lafayette will bo headed by a woman star. The Iris has a varied bill for next week, composed of stage and screen star? In feature plays. The Leader shows "The Heart of Paula," with Leonora. UI rich In the lead ing role, next Monday and Tuesday. Anna Lohr, star of "Civilisation's Child," at the Frankford on Wednesday, Is a resi dent of Philadelphia, Workmen are Installing the Choralcello at the Tioga. It will bs played for the flrBt time Monday, May 32. Triangle, Paramount, Metro and World and others are the makes of pictures now Bhown at tho Globe, Painters are nnlahlnc the exterior of the Cedar. "The Patronk" an ancient literary so ciety, visited thSVMh ,a8t -vvednosday to see this modern nouse. , Wednesday Is the popular night at the Logan Auditorium, for It is then that the usoful souvenirs aro dlst-lbutcd to tho ladles. The Buccess of the special Satur day matinees for cnlldin Is such as to attract managers or. oiner uraira m watch tho results. "Tho Floorwalker," the flrst of tho nw Mutual Chapllns, will be shown all week iat the Victoria. Tha material which Chaplin gathered in a certain big Nqw York dapartment store wht!o he was In ths East In connection with the slgnlpg of his $670,000 contract fprms the basis of the fun. The script Js from the pen of- Vincent Bryan, who utilises 'the ma terial and Ideas which Chaplin hoards In his mental "trick bag " A new Wild West drama, full of big scenes and Intense suspense, s "Hells Hinges," coming to the, Gr"rt Northern on Monday. There Is a Western town in the story that bears tho title name from the Pld saying of tha frontier, "Hot as the hinges of hell." WJlliam S. Hart Is the luro of the story. ' ALIEN SOULS Yet favorites of the American screen for all that. They aro Sussue Hayakawa and hia wife, Tsuree Aaki, who come to the Stanley next week in "Alien Souls," tho new Lasky-Paramount feature, which deals with the Kipltngcsquc question of "The East is the East and the West is the West-" GUESS WHO! Marvel of marvels! this dapper young camera man is the ono and only Charlie Chaplin. Next week ho will spread his humorous countenance over the screens of tho Palace, Victoria, Locust and Gexman town Theatres in his first Mutual reldase, "The Floorwalker." Ing black and white dresses. Miss Ttncher Is a gifted modiste, nnd designs all of her own wardrobe. Sho Is tho girl who mado famous the black-and-white drcti crea tions that hao been copied so widely by New York coutourlcrs. Mr. Do Wolf Hopper Is In tho loading rolo. The special season of photoplays will be gin noxt Monday at tho Knickerbocker. Wednesday Is Girard, "Surprise Day" at tho 'The Soul Market" will be at tho S.-uoy next Tuesday by request of the patrons. Wednosdny Is "Peg o' tho King" the Market Street Theatre. day at Jack Delmar Is busily seeking noel shows for tho Jefferson, "The Stanley March," creatton of Harry W. Meyer, leader of the Stanley Sym phony Orchestra, and dedicated to fatan ley V, Mastbaum, mannglng director of the Stanley Company, has been so often asked for In printed form by patrons of the theatre that a complete score In miniature has been prepared and will be published on the back page of the pro gram during tho current week. All who attend the theutro this woek will bo able to carry homo a copy of the march and try It out for themselves. , "Diplomacy," In which Mario Doro re peats upon tho screon tho triumph which she scoied upon tho stage In the rolo of Dora. Is the next Famous Playern-Charlos Frohman feature in which this delightful star appears. It la tho Paramount picture at tho Apollo for Tuesday. Dorothy Ghh, who Is playing Mecna In "Little Mcna's Romance," at tho Park on Tuesday, Is rounding out an Interna tional gallery of characters. Sho Has played a little German peasant In "Old Heidelberg." an Hngllsh child In "Jordan 13 n Hard Road," tho Yankee In "Betty of Graystone" and a Dutch girl in "Littlo Mecna's Romance." In fulrlltlnn to Charlie Chanlln'a "The Floorwalker" on Monday, the Locust will 1 show Alice Brady In "Then I'll Come Back to YoU"; whllo on Tuesday another double show Is offered with Chaplin re- , peated and Edwin August In "Tho social Highwayman," Bargain shows are the rule for next week at tho Alhambra. where Lenoro "Ul rica will appear In "The Heait of Paula" and the first South Philadelphia appear ance of Chaplin In "The Floorwalker," his latest comedy, will occur. The last three days will bo devoted to the screening of "Molly Make-Helleo," with Marguerite Clark In the rolo of Molly. Thero will also bo a number of acts of vaudeville. J. M Graver, pioneer photoplay man ager, who opened tho first photoplay par lor In Philadelphia, and who Is now man agor at tho Liberty Theatre, Broad street and Columbia avenue. Is making u won derful success with his select offering of photoplays Tho Falrmount will have a special at- Pff TM'DANCINGWP f : m WAGNER DANCING 17S1) N, llroart 'I'l'one i.i HJS 0 IMV Lrnsmin in af"-r IS noon Usual ?&' Dance i.on, 'tutu, : lour :.v. Shirtwaist Danco Wed. & Sat. Evgs. f)T jFrid l!o (ilampi) lor cample f .r.umrfntinii at s modern dances IOKA CI.UII liANCK Frl Uvtf.. iUy lu Colonial Dance Castle Always Cool and Comfortable SS24 Germantown Ave. Phila.'s Hippodromo Danco Palace Refinement and xorrect dincliiB h KG"1,6 that brlo 7in or more coocl people to our Bat. .v.nlnirVrecePtlon, Open all summer, with Prepare Now for Your Summer Vacation You can quickly learn to dance the latest 6 steps In 6 r Private Lessons 3 Individual Instruction. Orn Day and Evening;, THE CORTISSOZ SCHOOL 1520 Chestnut Ht. I'hono. Locust 3102 ATLANTIC CITY JIRANCH (ISA Iloardnnlk (Opposite Steel Tier) Hell Phone 302a Martel's Academy "roadV Receptions Every WiniNHSlJAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY VVM ROTH'H litNJOIUNc; onctiRsniA MYHriO KKBPENTINK DANCE, OIVKN IIY EMZAHITH COPS! AND JVCK MIKU ra:siY KVBNiNa. may sid Beautiful Danceland Pavilion WILLOW GROVE PARK DANCE THE OLD rrslr,r, OPENS SATURDAY, MAY 20 DANCES TONIGHT . ... - I".L ZZ. T" T. '. :,, TU schoiil nf refitment. Hroart ft Tlosa &" I rlTv;! t?'C """n Theatre Viae., MODKRV DANCES MONDAY ' J-lVlJUiJH tl Where It Is Always Cool & Comfortable ' OLD DAM ! YiliH' WO u n.v. uw. I EfBBIBBBSBfl3EjE3BS5SE!3BmS33KBE3BSBBBBSStt2ttBi SP OILERS 1 he piature that will live for ever Rex Beach a Masterpiece. Ready for Booking in Philadel phia. New Edition in 11 Reels and Prologue. Playing today only at Forrest Theatre at 50c. admission. ItonKed Only Tliroufh Masterpiece Film Attractions ISM Vino Htrrct, I'lilladc!ihl.i 1,1 ON I. NKTTint, .Mcr GXSE3XE9 traction for Monday. It Is "Tho Flghtlnsr Cfermnna," a motion picture showing marching and lighting scenes of tho Aus-tro-Gcrmnn drive through llusslan Poland during tho present Kuropean war. Tho picture bIiows hand-to-hand lighting, war In thu trenches, destruction of big gunB nnd fortresses. Explosion of shells Is viv idly portrayed. ,THE EASY JOB OF WRITING A NOVEL Continued from I'nito One moed beforo your eyes during rehearsal (If It ever comes to that), your protests notwithstanding and when you have suf fered this Indignity you will nc-or write another play; or, If you do, you will dis appear first for homo years whllo you learn how to write ond. Or you may writo books Instcnd. To remember that tho written word and tho word to be spoken aro diametrically opposed Is the playwright's first lesson, nnd his hardest. It concerns the novelist so Infinitely less. Stage dialogue pre eminently must be lifelike and lvld. In a book jou may explain; you may ramble down nttractlvo littlo by-paths. In a play you may not. Tou must stick to the point. You must write words that can bo acted, not read ; you must, bo crisp, sharp, definite and compress your mean ing; you must gle tho actor material. He Is the moitar that cements the bricks In your wall. You cannot and must not bo your own unfettered self; whereas, In your book your fetters are of another quality, and of a more elastic kind, Thus It works out that I, who am tho ldlo sluggard and not tho active Insect, admit the fact gracefully and prefer to come with words set In a delightful pro portion If my talents permit. PHILADELPHIA'S THEATRICAL SEASON Continued from 1'nice One however, and a thing whoso virtues can't bo questioned. It was scenery. Good scen ery, Imaginative scenery, inspiring scenery we had lots of It. "Androclcs and the Ll-n" Bhowed what i:uglund could do for Oranvlllo Darker. 'The Man Who Married a Dumb "Wife" Introduced America's most talented young Btago artist, Hobort E. Jones. "Through the Ages" Is showing ua tho Interesting work of Wltold Gordon, some of which nppears on page 1. Musical comedy did as well with Itobcrt McQulnn's charmingly mannered work In ''Stop I Look II Listen I II" and "Watch Your Stopl" and vlth Joseph Urban's rich and vlld designs for "Around the Map" nnd "The Follies." Tha Boston Opera Com pany bought more of his work. But It was tho Ballet Iluise that outshine all In tha brilliance and pungency of Bakbt. Golovlne and the others who matched tho Russian's stirring music and dancing with settings as exhilarating. And while wo nro at It, we must not for get the contributions of our own Stage Society at the Little Thentre to thin new art of tho theatre. We must also not for get tho high lex-el of plays and perform ances nchlced thero under dlfllcult cir cumstances. It Is to the future of such ventures that tho playgoer must look for relief wh'on the regular theatres de sert him as thoy have this season. When the touring system hrlngs neither Shake speare nor grent moderns to our doors, wo must rely on our own efforts. The sooner we realize It tho better. wvt'vttiyvvtAvtvwivvtv;' GO TO i Madison Square Garden NEW ORK CITY I TODAY S AND SED THE First National Motion S Picture Exposition v uien u ine . S MOTION PICTURK HOARD OF TRADK 01' AMERICA. Ine. S $ ADMISSION 00 CKNTS i Everybody You Ever Knew Will be There 5 Prominent Photoplay Presentations 1 N ioMm Bodm Grmparw MIE followinc theatres obtain their pictures throuth the STANLEY Hooklne mm J ......,. hl.h la n cimrantee of earlr showing- of the flnent Droduc- ttniiK All nlcture reviewed before exhibition. Ask for the theatre In your lotiflty obUlnlni picture, throu.h tho STANLKY HOOICINO COMPANY. LIBERTY DROAD S, i s i it nn 12th. Morris & P ijajrunk Ave. ALHAMBRA iSjrrSffpSefcft. cTS'M? m"1 "The Love Mask" Prominent Photoplay Presentations ARCADIA DSS LILLIAN GISH in "SOLD FOR MARRIAGE' CHESTNUT 1UT11 ADrtl I -, 52D AND THOMPSON ArULLU MATINEE DAILY DOUBLE TRIANOI.E nlLI. Douglas mirbanke "Tho HBtilt of "jJPp'"".8," KeyBtone Comedy "A Bathhouse Blunder Ttni nif"YirT oso above market BELMUlN 1 Mats l :30 & a 'in. joe Em ousn. 8. n-ao. trie Paramount Constnnre Collier In "The Coda of Marcla Gray " Mr nnd Mrs Bldney Drew In "Childhood's Happy Days P.1MAOIWT THEATRE i coLUj;n:t CORA DREW nnd IVAN CHRISTY ilf' "FIT TOR BURNINO" ' CIRAFT NO. 20" Logan Auditorium Tir.. W. S. Hart in "The Aryan2' Keystone Comedy ."His Bread and ButMr." f npl TCT1 B2D AND LOCUST LUUOl Mats. 1:30 .1 3:30, 10a, Ets. Us30. 8. 0;30. IScj HAROLD LOCKWOOD and MAE ALLISON In "THE COME-BACK" Market St. Theatre 333 MA& METRO Presents MAUEL TALIAFERRO In Her Orent Price." Boo Francis Ford A Urac Cunard In "Pes' 'o i Ring" every Wed'day. ootii and . PFDAR CEDAR AVE Jl-'.rs.lV VIRGINIA PEARSON in "THE VITAL QUESTION" FAIRMOUNT 5?S?'J,.Ilfon'rd anJ "Crippled Hand' THE bTRANOE CASE OF MARY PAOE" 28TH AND OIRARD AVE WKBT nilLAnELrillA can & haver- FORD AVE OVERBROOK Blanche Sweet in "The Blacklist" Animated Weekly Others r.nin ore atru. PriVaii auim." 'r; nSwocpj In? entire building. Private lei. ions, day anJ evening. U for IS. Exclusive classes. 12 lessons 3 Phone, Otn. 41'l. GRAND MAY BALL WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY ' 1TTII ICE CREAM FOR EVERY ONE CHAS, J, COLL 38TK AND J1ARKET STREETS Dances Monday and Saturday CLASS TUEBUAY AND FRIPAY t New'Drawing Room 0TI EXHIBITION DANCE WEDNESDAY LiU DANCINO TILL 1" Allen a, Snyder and Walter O, MUtchler have purchaae4 tfie LPKan Theatre; nd are plapjilns many modern "t'i"ls" fr the future. Thalr policy p ehowineT features for two days is meeting wltn Bucctssa and given tftaea unable to attend the prut showing a chance to see ( or the second day. John Barrymore, who appears at the Belmont on Monday hue hadhta mustache cut pft In order to portray a character" Jn 'Justice," a drama lrt fr'ew York. r-A rrA otiIai. nt the Ornh&um. SW Sunshine Dad'Mor nt Moj- ENGAGE ypumrmmWMOU day an Tuesday. 1 gUlch y TJnchjr VtmtUo, , Mw.1g fprKatrfiSow.. us Widow Marrlnwr somej utrlU- tU9Jra, lsalo n4 ts dasotas:. Students Chapter Ibbank s".$Zl BIG DANCE FROLIC pr?"E8 FOX.TROT CONTEST BEFHESHMBNTS. EXHIBITION 34 8 filM Street rU'DAY OtKHUSfRA MOONLIGHT DANCE Monday Night, Dancing Till 12 HICJH b'HOOI, t ASS t'RI AJT . a TO Receptions Monday & Saturday COURSE OV a PRJVATB LESSONS, 5 NOW IS THE TIME PREPARE FOR THE BUMMER SEASON We Wi" TVich You Rljht) Moderate Rates FREDERIC GENSBURG 11)04 OXFORD ST POPLAR 118 The C, ELLWOOD CARPENTER STUDIO OP DANCINQ 1123 Chestnut Street 1123 Dlstlactlon of style a Krooeiul earn MS n fl'tsice la gulalns not ruorely steps Our uaplU lead. Instructors most enmpeteat roo all summsr, day and eventa? Tulephon Filbert 42QI FOWLER'S PRIVATE STUDIO Peruana! Instruction )r haur day or evoilo make apwltilnient. 4(175 Grlm. Kkd. 85'J J BALTIMORE .uiSSouvb. MNE OREY and TULLY MARSHALL In LET KATY DO IT." HAM HERNARD In "THE OREAT PEARL TANOLE " Coming May 50 nnd SI "RATTLE CRY QP PEACE." FUREKA 40TU MAI,KET bTS- HOUiE PETERS in "THE HAND OF PERIL" MIRTH Broad Street Casino BK0IK,!,OW MATINEE J.3H EVENING U:4S, KS1G, 0i30. Grace De Carlton ,a ' MAN IN8.. 'TME HILLS OP GLORY'1 COMEDIES fcr7VCTrsNP' ELEVENTH ST, AND IVlMDlVlNC LEHIOH AVENUE VAUDEVILLE and "IRON CLAW" Pictures 4T11 FRANKFORD AVENUE FRANKFORD MARY PICKFORD in "POOR LITTLE PEPPINA" 56TH ST. Theatre S! Rel Pprwe BliT 7 to 11, nLANCHB SWEET In "THE SOWERS" MR MRS SIDNEY DREW Metro Comedy nuilTON HOLMES TRAVEL PICTURE r?Oj C. 8M ft t iJl. Sninm Mats 2..1.30 So Evk n i'i to 11 10c FLORENCE RFED in T1IE WOMAN'S LAW" GERMANTOWN M0ow1vB: . PARAMOUNT T I I1:nU In "THE HEART Lenore Ulrich of paula- ri -itst: btii LJLl & MARKET 2:lS-T-. tinonn v wnir, OROAN H. B. WARNER in THE RAIDERS' GIRARD AVENUE THEATRE timi tviinnunn avrvue NORMA TALMADOE, SEENA OWEN rrrt Tl'LLY MARSHALL "MARTHA'S VINDICATION" hOUTII OLiYMPIA PA1NDRIDOE STa UOilB Of THE LATEST AND OUST FIIQTQ PJWYS IN SQVTU PHILA.DKLPHU Bertha Kallch in "SLANDER" .tORTIin'ST JEFFERSON SWI $&&$" House Peters "lHB closeoa "SOCIAL PIRATES" i M.ji,o BROAD 8T ERIE Great Northern oermantn aves. W. H, THOMPSON in 'CIYIUZATION'S CHILD" IRIS THEATRE " fBQT0N Triangle DOROTHY GISH in "LITTLE MEENA'S ROMANCE" LAFAYETTE m4 8$$" FLORENCE ROCKWELL in "HE FELL IN LOVE WITU HIS WIFE"' PAnPR FORTY-FIRST AND UAUHIV LANCASTER AVENUE BLANCHE SWEET in "TUB BOWERS' jummmt ORPHPIIM GERMANTOWN AND I'rsnk Krenan anil Mary Bolnnd In 'Ths &tpplne Stone." Chester Conklln In "Buck Ing Society." "GRAFT" 14th Episode, PAT APE" r-u MARKET STREET rvLiMc ,0 A M to n.ls p- MARGUERITE CLARK in "MOLLY MAKE BELIEVE" PARK1 RIDGE AVE. ft DAUPHIN ST, Itt.F. MATINEE 2(15, EVE. 0: PARAMOUNT MARY PICKFORD In "POOR LITTLE TEPPINA" "STRANOE CASE QF MARY PAOE" 41 PRINCESS 1018 MARKET RTllRKT wuiiiju filial wutitv Presents , Bruce McRae '" "T1,E gn RTAI Tfl GERMANTOWN AVE. J7VXAI.I-. 1 J AT TUI.PRHQCKEN ST, PAULINE FREDERICK in "THE SPIDER" RFrFNT 1034 MARKET STREET XJ:,,JC'1 WWJM.V VOICE OROAN KITTY GORDON in "HER MATERNAL RIGHT" RI I R V MARKET STREET - - BELOW TTH STREET OLGA PETROVA in PLAYINO WITH FIRE" SHERWOOD "SflSon. Marie Doro ' Diplomacy" SAVOY ,2 MARKET r Y J l STREET METRO -present! HAROLD LOCKWOOD nnd MAB ALLISON In "THE COME-DACK" ww TIOGA iTT?c ,Np VENANOt z JOHN BAKRYMORE in THE LO.VT tUnflRIK)M" VICTORIA 4S?T Mall Tliiferro to "The, Snow Tlinf Sink Msnn In "HI Pri4 Rutur " Cmtna y IS, 18. IT. Chiplin, "The FioorwitHS" STANLEY ""?? AVB leT coNTiNt'ota Meraldirje farrar in 'SilfV ''MARIA ROSA'1 jLfJHJtjjMltjltlJJllf rM '$
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