SuT.S-w k r-jw i,K p I ) .. stips .1$, iM Letters to tlie Editor r- , : Opinions of Evening Ledger Readers on Matters of Interest in the Amusement World HARRISON FISHER'S NEWEST HERO to the Pholoptav Hilton 8lr Ir recenaorshlp editorial, I chn.1 Wnee th Pennsylvania censors to answer the following. Questions to the satisfaction b tlilnltlnB'peoplai 1) If photoplays are bo bad as tho censors want to maka us think, -why are Hot all the theatregoers in censorless Btfttea nil In Jrtll? (3) What Is an Immornl plctUre7 CS It picture, scenes Incite crime, are thfljr lit for our loving censors to boo? (4) Why are not the companies repre sented on tho board? (6) Why must a company pny to have Ita property destroyed? (6) Finally, why Is free Bpeech for bidden? Tho six greatest comedians are J Men D Charlie Chaplin, (2) Douglas Fair banks, (8) Jphh Barrymore, (-1) Itoscoo Arbuckte, (6) Harry McCoy, (fl) Hank Mann. Women (1) Polly Moran, (2) Loulso Faienda, (3) Mary Plckfpnl, (4) Mab6I Normand, (6) Mlnta Durfee, (6) Anna iAtther. J, c. juhnsuin. To the Photoptau Editor: Blr Being an ardent admirer of tho late Arthur V. Johnson .as a film star, I would be glad (o have n bit of film of his last production as per your offer, and -would also, appreciate It very much If you could tell me tho dato of his death and where and If ho did not mako his homo on Spring Garden street at one time. Thanking you In advance THOMAS I'EtUtY. Philadelphia, Pa., May 1. 1916. Arthur V. Johnson died January 17, 1(16. He lived at 1711 Spring Garden street 30 tho Photoptav Editor: Sir Please mall mo a bit of moving picture film, as offered In (Saturday's Amusement Section, and, If possible, lot me know where I can obtain a sample cenarlo. JULIUS WISLIN. Philadelphia, April 30, 131C. Tho following list of "film companies and addresses Is from the' Photoplay Mnga aUne, The first Is tho business office; () indicates proper office to Bend manuscript i (a) Indicates n studio; at times all three may be at ono address: American film Manufacturing Company, 227 Uroadway, Chicago l)( Santa Barbara, Cal. () (a). Balboa Amusement Producing Company. laaz ttoach. Cal. (.) (a). moirraph Company. SOT East lTBth atreet. Talleyrand AWnu. Jacksonville. Fla'. (); fcten oale, Cal. a). Oore Ktelne, S03 fet lTBth atreet. New rora city (, Lajky Featnre Play Company, 485 Bin ave nue. New Ynrtr ltv, nQCtl n.lm, k.n,1 Ttritlv j wood. Cal. () (a). Lubln ManuMcturtnir Company, 20th and Indiana. Philadelphia .)!. Broad and . Olen wood. Philadelphia (a)i Coronado, Cal. (a) Jacksonville, Ma, (a). Oliver .Morocco Thotoplay Company, 225 Went d street. New Tork cltyi 201 North Oc cidental Boulevard, Los Angeles () (a). , Mutual Film , Corporation, Jl West 28d street, New Torlt city. Metro PlMi4ra rVrvwMtlAn filth Ttpfaarlwnv. New York city, (). (All manuscripts for the 1(3108 following stud Metro's Broadway New Tork city () (s): Oorcla and Olrard. XAJ9 AI eembr. VJ' (s)i players Eaat June to De- Callfnrntn T T fT ftnn TInfit!. Pnl. fO ). ; Thomas A. Edison. Inc., 2820 Decatur ave nue, New York city () (a): Orange, N. J. (Advertising and publicity.) Equltnblo Motion Pictures Corporation. 130 West nth street. New York city. () Fort Lee, N. J. (s). . Essanay Film Manufacturing Company. 1333 Argyla street. Chicago () (s). Nlles. Cal. () (): 031 Falrvlew street, Los Angeles ). Famous Flayers Film Company, 607 Sth ave nue. New York city (). Paramount Pictures Corporation, 110 West auth street, New York city. Patho Kxchange, 'M West 43th street, New York city () (s). Sella" Polyscope Company, Garland Building, Chicago (): Western nnd Irving Park Boule vard, Chicago (a); Mission road. Los Angeles s). , Signal Film Corporation. Los Angeles, Cal. . () ). Thanhouser Film Corporation. New Ilochelle, N. Y. () (a). , Triangle Film Corporation. 71 TYeat 23d trect. New York city; Fine Arts Studio (Grif fith), 4S0O Bunset Boulevard. Hollywood. Cal. ) Is); Keystone Studio (Scmiett), 1712 AI lesandro street. Los Angeles (), (s): Incevllle Studio (Inco). Santa Monica. Cal. () (a). Universal Film Manufacturing Company. 1C00 Broadway. New York city: 073 11th ave nue, New, York city ) (s): Universal City. Cal. () (s). Vltagraph Company of America, TCaat 15th nnd. Locust avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. () (s); Hollywood. Cal. (( s). V-L-S-E, Inc., 1800 Broadway, New York city. Wharton. Inc. Ithaca,, N. Y. () (a). World Film Corporation. 130 West 46th street. Now York city (): Fort Bee, "N. J. .(a;. For Film Corporation. 130 West 40th street. New, York city (); Los Angeles (). Oautnont Company. 110 West 40th street. Neiv York city (); Flushing. N. Y. Ci); Jack- unvjne, r la. . David Horsley Studio. Main and Washing ton, Los Angeles () (s). Kalem Company, 235 West 23d street. New Tork city (); 231 West 10th street, New York city (s): 708 Palisade avenue. Cllffslde, N. J. (a); 1123 Fleming street. Hollywood, Cal. (s)j (A address.)! nolfe Photoplay Company, and Co lumnia flexures lorpornnon, a wesi uisi street, New York city i(s)l Popular mm and Players, Fort Ie, N, J. ()! quality rictures Corporation, Metro nfncei Federal latura Film Corporation, Rocky Glen, Pa. Pallas Pictures. 22ft, Went 42d street, New Tork city: 2)13 North Occidental Boulevard, Los Angeles () (s). To tho Photoplay Editor: Six actors Hobart Bosworth. TV. J. Johnston, William Karnum, Tully Mar shall, Jack Barrymore nnd William J. Hart Six actresses Bertha Kallcli, Paulino Frederick, Clara It Young, Mary Plck ford, Marguerite Clark nnd Cleo Illdgely, E. S. CAUTEB. Llancrch, Pa April 19, 1916. To the Photoptau Kdtlor: Tho following Is my list of tho greatest photoplays and players: Six greatest photoplays "The Birth of a Nation," "Cablrla," "Passion Play," "A Foot There Wns." "The Battle Crtf of Peace," "Carmon." Six' greatest actresses Mary Plckford, Clara It Young, Theda Bara, Lillian Glsh, Mabel Normand, Besslo Barrlscalo. Six greatest actors William Fnrnum, Dustln Fnrnum, Charles Chaplin, Edward J. Connelly, Francis X. Bushman, O. M. Andnrson. EDWARD J. CAHLIN. Philadelphia, April 27, 1916. To the Dramatic Editor: Sir Will you kindly reply through the columns of tho Evening Lbdobu to the following questions? Did Sol Smith Busscll over play tho leading part In Sheridan's "Itlvals"? If ho did, was it a special performance or for nn entire season and what year? Thanking you In advance for tho abovo Information. F. TV. FABBEN. Philadelphia, April 20, 1016. We cannot say. Ho did not, naturally, appear aa Bob Acres (tho star's part) In any of tho Jefferson rovlvals. In tho great Jefferson revival, 20 odd years ago, the cast was : Bob Acres, Joseph Jefferson ; Lucius O'Trlgger, TV. J. Florence; Mrs. Malaprop, Mm. Drew; Lydla Lcngurah, Julia Marlowe; Anthony Absolute, Hobert Taber (Julia Marlowe's first husband) Alien Souls of Our Japanese Actors MfMfMlifssssssssssssssssssaiaH fe'?,W-2&aisssss Ini .XS:- mtSKk Wmt m - ':- ' ; , JkMpmMm Mercy on us! it's George M. Cohan! It must bo said for the man who discovered .the nasal passages ns parts of speech, that tho popular star thus cmolatcd himself on tho altar of art for the benefit of tho Friars' Frolic, which reaches Philadelphia May 29 BBBBBBBE. tiSBBaSSBBBBBBBBBBB ; Followers of tho movies may havo been attracted by a clever Japanese actor who Is often seen In tho photoplays from tho Laaky studios. He Is Sesaue Haynkawa. Hayakawa was born In Toklo 27 years ago. His family planned that ho should be educated for a high position In the Japanesa navy and with this In mind Gent him to tho Japancso naval school. Hayakawa's undo was a celebrated Ja panese actor, Otto Kawaklmt, and as the young man was fascinated by the stage, ho entered his uncle's company, in which tho great Jnpaneso actress. Madam Yacco, was playing. Hayakawa appeared In the support of this distinguished artiste In the Shlntoml Za and tho Telkoku Za, two leading theatres In Japan. When Madam Yacco and her company started on their International tour, young Hayakawa accompanied them to this country. Ho realized that ho would have to have a wider education, as he planned to Introduce the American drama In Japan, bo he studied English drama and literature at the University of Chicago for ono year and translated a number of the English classics Into Japanese. Re turning to Japan, he appeared In the Japanese version of Ibsen's dramas and In Shakespeare, making a great success of Othello. He returned again to this country and studied and played all along the Pacific coast at the head of the Japanese organization. In Madam Yacco's company when he first Joined It wns a little eight-year-old actress, Tsuree Aakl, who was eventually to become his wife. Musical Jottings Monday evening. Mny 15. tho concert for the benefit 'of tho Italian Bed Cross will be at the Metopolltan Opora House. Tbo soloists Include Pasquale Amato, Lucca Botta, Glna C. Vlafora and Aurcllo Glornl. For the first time this season Mascngnl'a ever-popular opera, "Cavnllerla Rustlcnna," will bo presented In tho Metropolitan Opera House, on Thursday evening, .May -0. by the Behrens Opera Club, with the following cast: Santuzza Miss Ztpporhh Itosonlrars Mamma Lucia Mrs. Kthel Stono Fox I,ola Mrs. Max Itoseman Turrldu Mr. Howard W. Poland Alflo Mr. Russell Spruanco Miss Edna FInestone will be heard In piano recital at tho Orpheus Club rooms on Wednes day evening. Slay 17. The choir of BO voices of tho Welsh Presby terian Church, Ulst street and Falrmount ave nue, under the direction of Kdlth Myfanwy Morgan, will glvo Its spring concert In the cnurcn on 'iuesuay evening. .Muy lm, wun u program which will have as special features lj Inrcely mndo un of employes of tho Curtis v.uui,iuiiy, niia uurncicu consiaeraujc nucmiuu this season. At this concert tho soloist will bo tho concertmelster of tho orchestra. Walter It. Burdsloy. who will play the Svendsen Bo manct) for violin and orchestra, i Itnliin Devi, whose (lrst recital In Phlla delnhla of classic ragas and Knshmlrl folk pongs will bo given on Wednesday evening. May 17, at the Little Theatre, brings to us Vi" ,v2'eo of India. Aelde from India, Mndnm Devi has been heard only In Iondon. where sho was a musical sensntlon, nnd recently In Now York. ..Such critics as Tagore. Bernard Shaw. and ivreliljlel pronounce her work ns so much of an art that It Is nn Inspiration. Accompanying herself on tho tnmhoura, a SUZANNE MORGAN With "Twin Beds" in its last week at the Walnut. Hunting Park Ave. Com.yivoo and 19th St. Mon.r"Af 1 TWICE DAILY AFTERNOONS 2.15 NIGHTS 8.15 (HIMSELF) AND THE E 5'aafAl 101 Ranch SHOWS COMBINED AND MILITARY PAGEANT In Co-Operation With the U, S. War Dept, Bid MILITARY PARADE MONDAY Ueoervcd seats; ut Glmbel Bros, at jsanfft prfee aa oq the grounds, POINT'BRfB PARK OPENS TODAY J NKW lUUGIITBHiJKZY FIREWOBKS TONIGHT HutcUl Pregnioi Tiuuorrow TfCOLjLKV uilCJJ DJBEC1 TO 1MBK 11? J-?J- PhttiMleJpJBla,' Fur8HriMfc ! . i" t Park i rojtey Pattest PHILADELPHIA'S FOREMOST TARK FREE TO PARK TROLLEY PATRONS Greatest Success in Years KRYL S BID Great Musical Features Famous Soloists Special Prorrams High-Class Family Resort Equipped With Up-to-Date Deyices of AMUSEMENT Fireworks Every Friday Night heth Porter, violinists: Oladys Mlnton. viola, aiiu Jicwi oiunger. ceuo. The third and final concert of the season of the Curtis Orchestra will be held on tho evening, of Thursday. May -JS. In the Curtis Audljorlum. Tho work of tho orchestra, which flARRTPK Motlnee Tonight UKlVlVrw TodayatJilS at 8:15 Jf?xt Second Wpclr Ev'- ' ailB Week Jewjnu YVeeit Mats. Wed. & Bat. 'SHOULD BE SEEN BV EVEnV ONE IN. TERESTED IN THE AUTISTIC ADVANCE. MENT OP THE TIIEATnE." Publjo Ledjer. "THROUGH THE AGES 'f By JEBZT ZULAWSKI with MME. YOnSICA ROBERT T. HAINES AND l-OVVERFUl. SUI'OHTINO CO. OP Evenings and Saturday Matinee 00c to 11.50 Popular 'VVednesda.y Matinee Bes( Beats fl cAMDEn Civic Celebration Exposition of INDUSTRIES May 18 to 27 10 Jfoyotu Day. Within the Palace of Industries Third Regiment Armory Afternoons at 2 Evenings at 8 Admission 25c JS2 PARCINATINO. KIWCATIOVAT EXHIBITS OFMMDKN INnUffnilES Grand Opening Night Thursday, May 18th, 8 P. M. Mayor Kills pushes bntton that starts entire rzpmltlon morlng. wis Do. tie's Band. Mae Sutton, noted Now York exposition soloist. r. "Sn?. Jte b' S!' Officials and ..u ut iiam nposHion committees. aionaay, .'lay :3, b I. M. Chamber commerce Night FORREST Last Mat. & Evg. M4t. Today, lfto ft 85c, Tonight, IBc, 25c. BOo STx-ST" "The Spoilers" 313 NEXT WEEK ""&-, aa, A. . WOODS Presents A New Farca Comedy By Lawrence Rising "HIS BRIDAL NIGHT" wra tub DOLLY SISTERS pest BeaU II l Popular Wed. Matin BROAD Last Mat & Evxr. THE; DEVIL'S INYENTiOrf1' Thursday, May 23, m . ai. ureas up Night." con ducted by prom inent ladles Band Concert Miss Vera Kalghn of Pittsburgh, soloist. Friday. May g. 8 1. M. United Singing" Society Band Concert. Saturday. May 87, S I". 31. Urand tlnal Concert and special attractions. Every Afternoon at t Hand Concerts and Special Soloist Camdtn in a Blaze of ' Glory tor III Uayt North and South Jersey Hand Concert and Ma Sutton, soloist. Tuesday. May 33, S P. M, notary Night. Visitation from all notary Clubs Special Program. Wednesday, May M. 8 r. St. Victor Night, with spe cial Victor Pro. gram. a rand Ante. ratrtant Thursday, May 18 IH, II. J Q rand Fraternal Paarant' Saturday, May to IP. M. a org-eons Clvlo Pageant Bat.. May ST. P. M. TUammoth Special Sal In 00 Camden Stores May ;3-tt-t,S BE SURE AND COME TO CAMDEN MAY 18 to 27 i - si vt&wt'tiiuj'-r Q -nzm MARKETcVJUNIPER STS. In the Heart of the Shopuliie District CONTINUOUS II A. M. TO 11 P. M. PUICnM 10c. lft. 23c Nevt Week FRANK CAMKIXO Presents pallyo Inatrument, Madam Devi and hc hus band. Iiortor Coomaraawnmy, the distinguished hast Indian writer, who makes explanatory comments, plvo a proitnim of classic Indian rugas and Kashmiri folk songs. A Tabloid Version of Billy Allen's Popular Musical Comedy EXTItA ADDKD ATTRACTION Wilmer Walter & Co. IN COMEDY SKETCH, ENTITLED "THE LATE VAN CAMP" A WONDERFUL BCRUOUNHINO HIIMr St rx TIIE.VTRK Market below 00th street Mat. Dally,. 2:30 I Evenings, 7 & 0 llent Km), 10c I 10,.. )H, to,. Next Week FRE!DI,NDKU, Inc.. Offers The Musical Cmnrdy, THE WMhwWmm COMPANY OF 22 ARTISTS f'"?t?'WfaiK tr CKkN tmm COMPANY OF 22 ARTISTS With Frank Ellin. Howard iJingdon, Cecil Summers OTHER ACTS VOUTH W1HI.E Best Show of the Season WALNUT Dcst Scats No Higher Pop. Mats. Tucs. & Thurs., 25c, 50c Regular Matinee Saturday Beginning Monday Night LAST WEEK ! ! TO ENJOY Selivyn Co.'s Laugh Fentlvnl by Salisbury ritlil nnd Margaret Mayo It's a Long, Lingering Laugh 1. O. O. F. Manchester Unity Week! f3rwWl IlItOAll AM) .MIINTCinil'lEV F. O. Nlxon-Nlrdllncer lien. Mgr. Dally Milts,, lllr. i:K., 7 & 0, too A (lo EMMETT WELQH nnd Ills MINSTRELS Funny End-Men, Sweet Singers. Delight ful SongN, finer Stories, Heau- tlfulSrenery G BIG ACTS and PICTURES Metropolitan Opera House Monday Evening, at 8:30 Italian Red Crbss Concert Pasquale Amato Baritone., Metropolitan Opera Company VUdX BOTTA, Tenor, Metropolitan Opera Co. aiHA CIAPARELM.VIAPOUA, Soprano, formerly o Metropolitan Opera, Co, AUHEWO QIORNI, Pianist MAHTINI SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 1 Ettora Martini, Conductor 75 Musicians By permUslon of ImcslI 11, A. V. ot id, SeU n ate. 110 CTieatnW t. Wc9 J3 tJ? fo Qtp. m LIK1W TUB JN 1 A. O N MNII MAKKKT 8TKKKTS Uliere the Show U Always Hood Dally at 2;1B ft 7 & 0 r. M. Sharp The Un-ts-tlie-Mlnnte Hklt THE EVIL HOUR WILKINS & WILKINS . IIUDLIN,STEIN&PHILIPS ROSAR'S" COMEDY CANINES " VIKOIMA PEARSON The Orltinnl Vunmlre of a Fool There Wns Ir BLAZING LOVE Why Will the War Cripples in Germany Not Become Public Charges? See the "Deutschwehrfilms" AND TfOUXli OBT YOUR ANSWEH Chestnut St. Opera House 2 to B and T to 11 p, M. Dally For the Benefit of War Widows and Oruhana Mats, and Etna. fflcts, 10c. 18c and i'oo ACADEMY OF MUSIC Etenlngs at 8.15 WEEKS OF MAY 15th & 22d Dir.' I lPuIar Music FOpS the rnuaaeipiiia Orchestra BKFBE.SI1M10T8 BKBVt and HMOKINO PBulir rrCeaUepoo's, 1119 Caritnit Bf, Concerts Globe Theatre f two ma musical combov yEAvUuBi "On Top of the World" "IN JINQLHUAW pggg Tkeatiieal: -Baedeket - "Town Topics'! Opens at. Lyric and "His Briri J Night" at Forrest New Fea- i '' :"'-? '-jVMV flats LYniO ''Town Tot)ld8,,, vith Cert 'Lcstlo, Sophlo Tucker, Lois j0.Bnt, 1 Wellington Cross. . A TVlnlor Oordert musical rovuo of ihe Birv. typo. " FORlttiBT "Ilia Bridal M&ht," with nozslka nnd Tanscl Dolly i. ,J nnd Frnntr Thomni. A farce Comedy In threo nets, bv !!..' J. , r 18 Plil tells tit a. youtm man wnd on his bridal night cannot tell his wirl , whm sister. Ho doesn't oven know ir no married tho right one Bvl "A Br'i'Bro0m." with jtU Sff.t- -V'?""- and -Thn'SM tirsM iKLa of ih.. tpwUndS- i,V"gS SaSWV,raS?,taJ VAUDEVILLE. Klbel nnd Herbert ai S. ,JolTf43 International fJIn," HeE","! OtlAHD Rmmt i,,-.-. nnd lloryl Orny, ? : LM Tnr-r0!ann, Farmer. OLODE Nelll Sisters."' s M n4,3 ttul OtdBK-i-,'The Comedy of Errors." A revival of Shakespeare's play bv ii, t, 4 mnthean Society of tho tfnlverslty of Pennsylvania In a renrodii i "1 Slmkespearo'a own thrjatre nt the Dotnnlcal Gardens of tho college "J OONTINVtNG PLAY8 OA nmdtt "Through the Ages," with Madame Yorska nnd Hobert T. Haines. A drama by Dr. Jdrzy Zulnwskl, de pleting the struggle of the body nplnst th'o soul. The seven acts show Bcven eras In the World's history, Staged by nichnrd Ordynskl, Good scenery. ADELPM"A Pair of Silk Stockings," with Snm Sothern nnd Evn Leonard Boyno. An Englleh farce-comedy full of good lines nnd. Idta of English slnng. WALUUT "Twin Dads," return engage ment of the popular fnrco by Salisbury Field nnd Margaret Mayo. First popu lar price engagement. PHOTOPLAYS. BTAlfLEY All week, "Allen Souls," with Scssuo IlayaknWn. "The 13ast Is tho East nnd tho West is tho West" Is tho themo of this photoplay. AtlCADIA Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, "Suzan Rocks tho Uoat," with Dorothy Glsh und Owen Moore. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "Tho Primal Lure," with William S. Hart. PALACE Monday, Tuesday arid Wcdnes nesday, "Sudden Riches." with Robert Warwick, and "Tho Floor Walker," with Charllo Chnplln. Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, "Tho Moment Be fore," with Pauline Frederick. VICTOMA Monday, Tuesda'y nnd Wednesday, "Sold for Marriage," with Lillian Glsh, and "Tho Flqor Walker," with Charllo Chaplin. Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, "A Million n Min ute," with Frances Bushman and Bev erly Boyne. LOCUST Mondny, "Then I'll Come Back to You," with Alice Brady, and "Tho Floor Walker." with Charllo Chap lin. Tuesday, "Tho Social Highway man," with Edwin August, nnd "Tho Floor Walker." Wednesday and Thurs day, "Her Maternal Right," with Kitty Gordon. Friday and Saturday, "Tho ' Snowbird," with Mabel Tallnferro. KNICKERBOCKER -- Theatre, -tOlh nnd Alarket Slg. JLV Commencing Monitor Afternoon SUMMER POLICY FEATURE PHOTOPLAYS AND SURPRISE NIGHTS CHANGE OF BILL EVUIIY DAY MATINKI5 I1AII.Y AT S KVENINOS CONTINUOUS 7 TO 11 Stanley MARKET ABOVE I0T1I OEnALDINE FARRAR nnd WALLACE nEID In "MARIA ROSA" N't Wk Seasuo Hayakawa in "Allen Houls" WZtT7J?My Parlor," WnC.I ax::,:. .y...KOutMy, m a skew, .xr-a Fernr" 4.ur' i ?'' Uf a Howard nnd iioss" Wayne Sirtwtl Girls, Helen Jacklev V and wnwJ mS&i&s&'7& b onlas second, half the week 'li Millionaire's Son," Harry Cult... N M and Benjamin. y utIer' U BURLESQUE. Dtntrnwmia -. .. .;""'" "umonrs Minstrels. In -m ". anu on matters of current InterHtffl B. R Keith's Theatre CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STS, ,,.- , ,?-:"'vs lAtI.Y-a """ mat.. 3 r. ji. niohts. g'r. a, NEXT WKi'Al The American Premiere Danscuse BESSIE CLAYTON; Dances of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow "PETTICOATS" A Delightful One-Art CotnedV ALBERT WHELAN The Versatile Anstrnllan Entertainer Howard, ICibel & Herberf A Trio d Rlnxlnc Funsters The Sharrocks; Al Herman; Mn sical Johnsons; the International Girl; Hess & Hyde, Selig Tribune Pictures. . May 22r-Georgc Nnsh & Co. LYRIC BEGINNING MONDAY NIGHT A OI.OItlOlJH SPRINO.TI.ME FKTE The Orent New York S1S0.0OO .Musical Revue TnE GIANTESS OF (1A1ETY HrECTACUI.AR EXTRA VAOANZA UK LUXE A OINOERY. OIRLY OAI.XY OF I1E I.IUHTH DIVERTING THE TREAT OF ALL TREATS SEE THE 530.000 fashion Niimr WITH 40 MODELS AND THE CHORUS or ioo champion 1IUAUTIES SO Elnhnrnte Scene 200 Fettlilnc Gaivni 3000 I.nushH Ter Hour mfit A W0BLD.IIE.TINQ CAST INCLUDINQ Bert Leslie Sophie Tucker! Wellington Cross! Lois Josephine MARIE LAYARRE I'ETEIt PAGE MAltr.t, ELAINE ARTIE .MEIII.INOER FANNY K1DSTON JOHN JOIIN.SON CARHUI-V 1IK0S, JI.M.MY FOX GILI1ERT (ITIKOORX pml h FAMOUS CREOLE BAND MONDAY NIGHT IS, THE BIG NIGHT Pop. $1.50 Matinee Wednesday Regular Mat. Sat. m FA RSPfl? iSririi lit $ " ' ' ' -. , - ,. .,.-.. .. i '-,. m m Zf ''M 11 21 fi 1 tiriii r MAIIKET AllOVK trTH A M. to 11. IS 1'. JI. TTntn a nn m..t Hm. 10e. see IDeaiiKr'i Snohoy Orthtttri Crril MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY DOUIlI,K UII.L CHARLIE CHAPLIN ??1t.. '.IITHF CI nnDUIAI KfRnHLr cretenution or -wwi -- ivnfv' .ii.Lja matt in -bui.u jtok aiahhiauc THURSDAY. FRIDAY nd SATURDAY1 . FRANCIS X. .BUSHMAN And irEVKRLY IlAYNE In "A MILLION A MINUTE" OOArEDY TtiMter Conklln In ''IHICKINn 80CI!?n imrtfi m m r?i t The Philadelphia Shakespeare Tercentenary Committee Presents "COMEDY OF ERRORS"; IN SHAKESPEARE'S OWKT THPATRH THE GLOBE AS IT STOOD W LONDON IN 1699 Played by the Students of the J, of P. f Botanical Gardens, 37th and Woodland Avenue f During the Week of May 15th ,e Evenings at 8:15 Saturday Matinee, 2JW Vlt SU, BOoaniJ 11.00. Bo.ea, 1.W Mj .oo. Children'. Matjneea. WedoeihW Tfu,U,. IS S?1.??i.s1 eT TliieMrordVred at School. A Uv tx - ' a4ulu 11. BU and 12.00. IICJJKTa At OJMDELS O IOUTON CLUB. V. O I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers