BTgtfTK& tBBKB-HXLABBHlA MIDAY, MAY la.' 181(1. u fTtTfiRARY MYSTERY OF "DAVID "T i r Tttin nir nv nirtYrt i LYSOIN" fcSUXi V Jiii JP x jiA-ivi u UllKAKER ihe widespread Interest iTw thr innounesnient that Ir Tutor l "' araV"0"'" rlrkSun ha trofie after Mr. fa .,, m wlioto story. ' ' ..,.r asked Mr. Bafter at his fcftA itVwos born. It appears. In IflLiiii town m -";"' , liwtiiii ".,, m many serious lkwh'hnecesBltateaw.,,0 P-'S a rather strenuous life. Kr..' . l?i nhvslcally but MvJniBleJcTty and evil of the BV&SEta? conditions of which igira '" ,,. tinker founu reireaii- LBKr. be "?" ' .1 mpet the do- T- MKaine, ---, . ,,, n MK8 he got out his few or ins "-..'.. "7 Mm for "COliy. "" "Z,t neether a lew 01 nis u' 1,? Lave them the tltlo .ir In Contentment." LW " 4 wAfcn?-r P" 1rf "arete 01 i .. .. ESffiSlM Dvld amyson writ- ' . .1 ,,, of his long-kept secret! IPrV-'VBtin In tho omco who ltnew EfZibf ho Idonlty of Davl.i urny B,,.tathr. i PhllUps.- and It wrts many Lirm! even yearn "";" "i 4t Intimate o.l Dqu B,tCOH throiiBh n secret UTlU with David Grayson ana wen JtrfJt81 "DOTH HANDS UP" Hay Stnnnnrd Baker depicts him self surrenderiiiK tho identity of tho author of "Adventures in Contentment" . , ond cdhtract, confirming the David Gray son agreement, Mr. Pago was tho only one of my publishers to know for many years, bur of course, It leaked out Intho Doubloday, Pago & Co, Organization bit by bit. It Is strange, though, how long and how completely tho secret was kept, Isn't It7 Ton years, this year!" filM LIFE ENNOBLED IN "THE ACCOLADE" tfnf the Ingestre Family jfatlnucd by Ethel-Sedg wick Witn success f itory f the Ingestre family, which f FjUSirk "as mm m i" ms.w.w thlch she npparonny mua ' - iiirtTf liunian comedy of English .. invnl nf Interest and 1-l. i n:in Acoo ade." Prom iuon i - A'taM several characters aro rcln- crf,- hut the, protagonist Is Johnny iJn new and fascinating person. WrfuJtlss Sldgwlclt conHnes herself .. - ...ihin with rich nanslon EWfji.t ..Mv credible air of reality. ikj&uii ef. r!t tremondouii popularity. ff'itA .if.niini)lnted superior person WMA tha't, 'slnco renunciation Is not toofcMromlhcr world, sho Is not his Kg. But she Is a good sort, a wonder Mtii wH-nlgh singular creator for nil HW m;m with odd and attractive Taiacttfi hof to uominmo """ ui-niuj. I TEDESCHI D'lTALIA RIVELATI AL POPOLO Un Libro Cho E' Opera di Epurazione nolla Peninsola invaaa dai Todeschi ff) Juhnny'lnifcptro. He likes ono woman, lilts another and falls In love with a 3-, ir la equally brutal and equally BfEct'ta ah three' W l,ean "llfo" "y S He nds life. In this bopk, at least. Em1 refusing to follow fictional tra- mm CMTlr.B 10 nia miaenimo :... fMiotforEaklng her. Rigid and passion 1a ben nota Casa Edltrlca R. Bcmpo rad e Flgllo. .dl Flronie, chc tuttl cono scono per quella moravlgllosa pubbllca .zlono cho o' l'Almanacco Itnliano, ha pubbllcato recontemonto la quarta cdlzlnno dl un" llbro fche ncllo sue precedentl edt r.lonl nvova gla' fatto scalporo In tuttn Itnlln, nollo alto o nolle medio clnssl: Vlnvasione Tedesca In Italia, dl Ezlo M. Gray. l.e rivelazlonl sensazionall che questo llbro altamento patrlottlco nvova portnto a conoacenza degll Itallanl tuttora tltubantl, nello oro drammatlche della neu trallta o degll Intrlghl dl vor) Buelow o dl Giovanni Glollttl dl tutta la sctlera dQl gfirmanoflll itallanl, nvevano fatto Impren slono net mondo politics o nel mondo mltl taro, dondo un personagglo che c' molto vlclno nl Comando Supremo fccrlveva al l'autorc: "II puo llbro cl ha turbatl.' Olio e' che II Gray, sulla Rcorta dl documentl che nessuno nvova potuto op .pugnare, mcttava a mtdo la vergogno del ncutrnlletl itallanl, dall'ex prcaldcnte del Conslgllo, al prlncIpe dl Camporeale, cog nnto dl von Buolow, al senatorl o depulntl cho si raccoRllovnno nel .salotto delta rlnneg.ato flglla dl Marco Mlnghettl, prln cipessa von Buelow, e glu' flno alle flguro losch'e dl Coslanzo ChauVot o dl qualche altro. glornn'l.Ua pronto a vendere In patrla a G5 lire al ulorno e vlnggl pagatl In Germanla. II Gray ha fatto opera epuratrico, c nucsta iiuarta edlzlonc, ventoslmo mlgllalo, Itigrnndlta qd nmpllata, cl da' oltro 200 i: Vris -l-,.- TToattTr, Thtfnnn flMnnnds I wrvT..if n Ai.irfi.nt work ' 1'nglno di storla cho ognl patriota Itallano IromUoersoi In the present worK dovrobb conoscerCi bflrch',0, 0. dovcre d, f'15 SWhHeln Falkland be- ognl itallano tonoscera o tenero Impressl WWI "Mi. inrt lohnnv hlmseU Hcl- ' noml dl c'to che. itallanl dl nomc. klttitf any. and. JOnnny.m.mSe,.l.-rA7' Iinnnn tontntrt HI frn.llr In nn.rln ,11 . - .inii mm inir iioniiriinnv. ...... .v...,.v ,. .. .u..u . ....w., u tw- 1 II1VDLC1 lUUOl Mp v - -rf T 5. tH ilriwswrsl Impulses of grandeur Tho "fttWT chlrwters, English all but not a .Ltetaaogr them, are carofully reallzea. tlsthuijlttthe nub of tno book. aSftW'iun't exact or exciting enough HCU1C JFi. ou iwnuit'wi " iGlWttii! bo bravely willing to renounce, fci something heroic about him. ,111s rtjfctlove for Helena might have been FSPMa Til a IIUIIUICU nnjn, "-" w'",u le'ialt' denying it. For, contrary tfl opinion of Oscar AVIide, thero la we than one way to overcome tempta-fofiJ-Doubt not that renunciation was as W of i. triumph ns anything elso might pMea But If It leavas mo nviuern HJof-vSanlno" and "Tho Doll's House" JjwitenY. it seems t" satlsty the eternal WtiM of Johnny's own character. n't passion of the whole book Is so pow feruiatha beauty of Its working so lm pwsiH that ;Tho Accolade" takes on an iiiortani bevoud the proportions of 1uy more "Berlous" works. Miss Sldg b by no means new. She shows no Hfr.J.ol growing om, -Books Received fiS'BAWLK JIONT318 OF QKOIiaiJ PAU- Ja!e!di4 Co., New York. in, u&KAmu.u uaux. uy yivia unaineiu '?". DufHeM A Co., Now York. PWPLUENCE OK JOY. lly aeorgo Van Jul Pefttwrn. It. uo. Ultle, Brown & Co., 85VJ CLEno AND IlKIt I.OVR AFFAinS. Jjj.-Annf Warner, $1,30. l.Utle. lirown A WflAaVN&MBCll ONG. Ily Leslie W. t.niie, jtrown & uo., uoaion. KISH OltATOHS. Ily Claudo a. )lowrs. iwbtu.jiiirriu Co., Inu ananom. . 'U:.S ANIl 'I'HH f.HW l(v OaorM BfrMtOTHhaw, Vllh "Overruled" anil "hmallon.'' It.OU., Drcntaito'ii, Nw SBHavUNQ POWERS OF HUOQESTION, T -fnn u. urown. S5 ctnia. Tiiomas r. Sraouusissi' on tub' soher ufis. ry uun.,CDrnaro. US centu. Tiuimaa Y. flw jor, mmrcir lKra.B0JJPUt JY Charle. W, Dahllnter, fSjl..9i P. Pulnam'a Bona. New York. iivim UUMINO. lly Conatanca noma. IS, Robert M. MoDrlda 4 Co.. Nw York, tt Sl.Wi0F TIIK pUDDINa i'n ai7.'l"wto f.V. ."ft ivLun. lly Mere Houuhton MKflin T0.MECCA By Florence Irwin. "-"'! V J. -- SlSNTAVlVKa, lly U9 .uu. xiuusn P. Putnam's Sons. Nmr York, , AND VltOCKDUHB OP -TUB lKuS,,.nw?)'1 Alexander, IB VUfa Co.. Voaton. 3EN FIUM TO EXPAND grVhlto Company Purchases a,ior aites lor New Buildings tSr WTVloisWhlto Extracting Company, Bmiiii '" wn a mouern laciory E!.!,W head of rin street, Cam. Ig'W'TvPutchaBed. four acres of addl tlfryW, which will ba utllUed for BgWMrpotaj. The earns company has ;sKHri ft additional five acrea, 'Kit DlWhlrll ftW rtfft.a h.,11j4l., .111 t.& M-. .". "-- .. W.UWW WUI.U.l.k 11.) WW Kf a of srovntd were purchased -r- t. . ...--..,, e Gas" fill : f Iaiff yi tti... mv flaa r Si w"v T i.t,r. i"!" HWsfed InaM. iSir,(- SaTK 5i. fer, 8U. miTl.wJllr P" Hour. ar- m ItU PAOI n KiS1 f wCO'lfyVrV " j wr'j'T rn P-fDU Esittoni! 10 u'O ly?V SiW&klMUO llU?.t CO, i'tsAi fct. mi. derla alia Tilu' grande o plu' glorlosa Oermanin dl Tr$ltschke dl von Bernhardl. ItlSPOSTE A DOMAN'DE. 13. Al.. Cltta'. L'lnscgna auatrlaca for mata dallo lettero A. E. I. O. U. e" Inter prctata In due modi. Preferlsco dlrvl II secondo: Austria Krlt Impcrlo Orbata (L'Austrla sara' prlvata dell'Im perio dapp'ortutto) elb' cho o' unclio un nugurlo. E coal' ala. Conscription Also for SI. P.'s LONDON, May 12. It has been de cided that eligible members of Parlia ment shall be subjected to conscription. U.G.L TESTS 'SKILL . OF CITY HOUSEWIVES All District Ofticea Have Baling Contests in National Gas Range Week A breath of old Jn,pan, caught Up by the United das Improvement Company and set down In tho midst of busy West Philadelphia, Is attracting hundreds of visitors to the omco of tho company In that section. Cjharmlng klmono-costumcd maids (not weaHngNJho kobe, oh I ye swains) pit-a-pat through tho cherry blos soms nnd bamboo, serving fragile cups 6f delightful sakl, which a rudo occi dental clvlllxatlon Insists upon calling "tea." In nil tho United Oas Improvement of fices similar decorations havo this week afTorded an attractive background for tho varied activities In honor of National Qns rtango Week. Hundreds of housekeepers have visited the salesrooms nnd purchased now cabinet ranges, taking advantages of tho npeoial reductions In prlco. The brend-baklug contests hold at tho various ofllces aro creating wldosprcnd In terest, and nt every ofllce crowds surround tho display of handsome prizes which will be awarded for tho best home-made loaf baked In a gas range. Already many on tries have been made, nnd piles of doll clous crusty lonvos hear agreeable witness to tho skill of the olty'n homo cooks; but It Is expected that many, more will bo re ceived before tho closing hour on Saturday afternoon. There Is still tlmo for every woman who can bake to try hor skill, Tho Judges In each district Includo women prominent socially ami In housewifely accomplish ments, while soino of them aro teachers of domestic science In the local high Bchools. SENATE UNFRIENDLY TO BRANDEIS AND RUBLEE Rejection Threatened Because of Resentment Against Administration WASHINGTON'. May 12. Tho long smoldering resentment In the Senato ngntnst the Administration's dcflanco of "Senatorial courtesy" In making appoint ments now threatens to cxpreus Itself In a violent revolt ngalnst confirmation of both Louis D. ISrandels to tho Supremo Court and fleorge R Hubleo to tho Fed eral Trado Commission. Canvass of the situation in tho Senato by Senator James Hamilton Lewis, tho Democratic whip, Ii.ih revealed that If the nomination of either Urandols or Hubleo were brought to a vote now both probably would be rejected. He has so repqrted to tho Whlto House. Nearly every Henator"has acquired a pet grievance against tho Administration through Its recognition of Cabinet mem bers' recommendations In patronage dis tribution. Senator Lewis himself Is one of tha latest recruits In tho malcontents' rnnks. The Democratic whip's recommendation on the Chicago postmnstershlp was turned down by the President to make way for ono of Postmaster General Burleson's friends. Other Democratic Senators who have felt the sting of Cabinet preference In patronage aro Gore, of Oklahoma; Hitch cock, of Nebraska: O'Qorman, of New York; Shcppnrd and Culberson, of Texas; Shields and Lea, of Tennessco ; Hardwlck and Smith, of Georgia; Pitman, of Ne vada; Iteed, of Missouri, and Martlnc, of Now Jersey. None of these has openly voiced his opposition to either Brandels or Rublee, but It Is admitted that a num ber of them aro considering voting against confirmation. $300,000 Fire in Sandusky SANDUSKY, O., May 12, -All city flro apparatus was In action, and help wna asked from Toledo to control a liro start ing In tho Carroll livery barn. In tho heart of the downtown district today. The livery barn, the Schmidt block nnd the Kuntz block were destroyed. The loss is estimated at $300,000. i AHot Dinni UHSI M And a Cool Cook ppfH w I , j i nn .,K i 'i il'il , ' .ijiJi. illWJUP lllSHaiifwl The swelterins: days are cominfj when ft modern rus range ia an ab solute necessity to kitchen comfort. To require any woman to suffer te discomfort of a hot coal range is un necessary cruelty, The logical guar antee of both a cheerful housewife and fuel economy is tho Fortune Gas Range Every possible cooking convenience at tho finger tips. Heat when want ed, where wanted and as wanteds- no more, no less. No waste, no ashea, no dirt. There is positively none .bet- A te than the FORTUNE GAS ItANuEi in eimer matwwi) "in struction or design, Built in .Philadelphia by the la.ryoiir Kinlmra nf nnklncr and Ideating appliances in the world. Demonstrated and sold at very moderate cost at all 'offices of the United Gas Improvement Co. Phone them for Pfice or call for demonstration. Thomas, Roberts, Stevenson Co., Philadelphia, Pa,, ibi.'x.i e. .Li -tb. Police Court Chi'oniclea Most keyholes look alike. Many of therh are stubborn. Even a BObef man frequently hag trouble In exploring their depths. Take an Ordinary normal key hole nnd a drunken man and complica tions are bound to follqw. .loo Dennlg proved this conclusively. Ho started out for a bachelor's dinner In full banquet scenery. In order to get his enthuslnsm nt tha proper pitch ho paused to chat with a few bartenders on tho way to tho banquet hall. The mora he dfanK the more garrulous he became. To say that ho was In argumentative mood, only scratches the surface. t In the course of his stopptng places Joo met another Individual full of argument and tho Ingredients which cause It. Ho nnd Joo chatted Idly over the European war. Of course, they held opposite views. In a short tlmo they reached the map drawing stage. With tho aid of tha cheese and crackers on tho bar Jod showed tho pqsltlon of bno army, while his opponent traced the course of the other with pickles 1U O IF. Sfi and pretzels. Incidentally, they soon had nn Interesting audience. Tlmo flow. At 1 o'clock In tho morning they wcro nowhere neat' half through. They nttempted to finish the argument out on tho street when tho bartender locked up, but ns there were Indications of hostilities right on tho spot far-seeing listeners parted them abruptly. .Too wondered In somewhat dazed fash ion why lie had donned his dross clothes, but couldn't "dopo It out." In a vague wny ho remembered that ha lived near i 1st street- ond Lnncastor avenue. He started In that direction, or at lcnBt thought ho did. A familiar looking door loomed before him nnd Dennis drew his key with an nlr of confldonco nnd a wobbly hand. Ho mado several nttacks on tlo keyhole, but didn't get within a mile of It. A pollccmnn noticed Joo nnd noted that tho houso which he was trying to enter wns for rent. Ho Informed Joo to this effect, but the latter became Indignant. "Nothln' to It," ho replied ; "my people's on za level. Wouldn't play mean trick bo mwln' whilo I wus out, Wouldn' mora anyhow ; zoy own zer house, see. Nothln' to It." Again ha speared for tho keyhole, but It kept dodging out of his wny. Tho cop saw that words wcro useless and took Joo for an Interview before Maglstrato Stovenson. Tho Judgo was glad to see such a woll drcssod prisoner before him. Joe found reason coming back nnd explained that le started for n farewell dinner to a frlond who waB nbout to bo married. Ho ox pressed tho belief, however, that tho friend, wouldn't know whether ha. was really thero or not, ns tho dinner was a thoroughly wot function. After rquch groping through his .head Joe was nblo to nnnounco his address and a policeman guided him to tho correct door, which was opened vory wldo by a determined-looking woman as soon as Joe arrived on tho front step. COAL PROBE WILL TEST TRADE BOARD VALIDITY Federal Commission Will Ask justice Department Aid in Price Investigating WASHINGTON, May ;2. The first test of the law creating the Federal Trado Commission will come In the investiga tion President Wilson has authorized the commission to make Into the Increase of the prlco of anthracite coat. Tho Inquiry will bo mado not ns a practical move In tended to strengthen tho Administration with the masses, but as a test of tho, anti trust law and this law modified by the ona creating the Trndo Commission. Confronted with n demnnd from tho people for cheaper coal, tho Investigation will bo mado as speedily as possible and a. report mndo to tho Attorney General, who will begin legal action If Justified by the facts adduced by tho Inquiry, Annnounccmcnt wns made yesterday at tho o(Tlco of tho Trado Commission that the Investigation will bo undertaken, although the commission Is now orlpplcd by tho lack of an effective organization. The last Con gress failed to tnake an adequate appro prlatldn and the mony o Appropriated was chiefly ahsorbei in tha ealavjea of th commission end. a small ofllce fore. Indications ara that the commission will ask for tha service of tha investigat ing force of the Department of Justice. ORPHAN BABE FINPS A H.0ME Her Al one in Worldj Friend;? off Parents Adopt Hor Mary Esposlto, eight months an orph,att Is happy tod.ay, for she has f.ovnd a foster, father nnd mother nnd A good home. She was adapted yesterday uy Mr, and Mr. Alfred Clprlono, 80s South 8th stmt. When Mary's father died n. year ago mother was 111 ond u,nable to take caro of Mary and her little brother, Pas quale. "Tho boy was placed In St Y'O" cent's H,oma by the Juvenile Co.urt and Mary was placed In tho caro of neigh bors whan hr mother was sent, to the Pennsylvania Hospital. In August, 1915, Mary's mother died and later her death wan followed by that of tho little brother, leaving Maty apna In the world. " The Clprianos and Ksposttos had been friends for many years and several days ago Mrs. Clprtano decided' to adopt the little girl. HP jpr iijif IBP SMiti iRlte Jiihl m lip Ira Jjjj IMPERIAL EXCELSIOR GAS RATJGE Fulfils Your Dreams of a Model Kitchen Pride of possession suroly is justified as you point out tho features of tho new Imperial Excelsior Gas Range. To aec the appreciation of your friends as they noto its pcatlty of design, its jjrnccful curves and handsome fittings Is. added satisfaction from your selection. And tho wisdom of your cholco is backed by tho per formance of tho range itself, Specially dosigned burners that givo utmost heat with least gns.- Twico tho amount of baking usually possible, be cause you can use tho oves bottom and shelves at tho same time. Features such as these are iworf Investigating. Writo today for full particulars. ISAAC A. SHEPPARD COMPANY MANUFACTURERS PHIL7UDELPHIA. inii Mil NEW YORK BALTIMORE jgg Pi iff w fS m fi ?s j GAS RANGE WEEK f8 1 MAY 8th-13th ess s Si You Have Only Until Closing Time Saturday To Save 1 np -5 I " III Vcs)Ml -m- ,-m. ..-r. '"Yrr ''''jiiUk'iiLTTTiniiimiiiinmfMjiiw'iif"" on the price of any Cabinet Gas Ranges, (Usual Easy Term Payments) Prepare for Surtimer. You will want a Gas Range. On Monday, May 15th, regular prices will again prevail. Buy now and save $2. The United Gas Improvement Co. w, Otttoto ""New lemi SM Thl in ''New iGinir &?," 'T proolam!llon Isnuett by aovetndr nMor, nn4 Jprnoymen throughout the State are expressing1 pride Ip. ths Bttd'a hlntory and Industrial, aBrleulturat and educa tional development. Whan the Governor Insuea the call for tho observnnce of the ay h dwelt' at Uwtth. upon tH 4fa.n tages offered by the State. p15IIi and Clieslnut Sls." The Supreme Value of Suits&Top Coats For Men & Young fifen 15 AT is Based on Facts not Mere Statements Gcprges $18 gwmenU are constructed in our own workrooms, cut over the same models as the most expensive garments in the stock, receive the same conscientious aM ef fort in the ptoductien, and are distributed s q e 1 y through our chain of stores in New York, Philadelphia. Boston, Providence ana Buffalo. Georges $15 values arc extraordinary be cause our entire plan is founded on tho elimination of un necessary cost. There is no monster national advertising campaign tp maintain no costly wholesale organization to sup port - no manufac turer's or middle man's profit "to pay -no bad credits to equalize. (ve sell only for cash). ALL THE3ESAVINGS GO DIRECT TO THE GEORGES BUYER. The $15 assortments embrace everything that Is new and nobby In Sack nnd Norfolk Suits and Top Coats. No mat ter what your desire in model, fabric or color, bo assured you'll find it here at chis popu lar price. OEOROES KWW KOIUTOIK With repuUtlon Back Suit (rent mid pleatad back, vrllU either permaaent r Jooia belt. r AB w PHILADELPHIA 15th & Chestnut ALSO STORES AT New York (2) Providence Boston Buffalo SCHOOLS AMD COLLECtES "Summer Term" Call or wnd (or literature; ilve Informa tion on oouraea. Self-Exprtisfan Mind Building Public Speaking Elocution SaUimamhlp Authorship NET COULEGB ' MM Chttnut 81. STRAYFR"! Tn 8t Buslaean Sebool, O I it a IV iJ gni.gAT nbutnut Hiut SWlMMiyO Central Natatorium and Baths r. C. A. 11 JUch Mitt. Uullmlteil u. til yearlrr-ta tMira- id. umiHiutu V'. meaihm RienibtrWo- Teonxtr mo 18, 2U' -a abav tmlea. a unl IB l-S atwva ralo. airwle wTm 1 and S A.r lKl.a Ubsva H (mftmhrir. A&d KUSsls). Sn. i luwa t & 8 lilioiu. 3. ltedstMd nUa la srsuiw, Ehoweis. tltctrtt. hit auj 184W fcitba b4 uaaas t bresurUaaat Kens temi foi., JUt tm iHfilr (I ffl n il m tt? i?-ii i m T. m hi II :