T. '"' Mi ' I '1 t $fl i !! ft1. l . III' K.! . t ! fer HI II tf I I hi turn itmiiifc fRENCH REPULSE ATTACKS AGAINST DEAD MAN'S HILL , t i ' Attempt by German Troops , to Regain Lost Ground Fails HEAVY FIRING IN WOEVRB BERLIN, May 12. German troopa havo stormed and captured several English- lines southeast of Hohcnzel lern redoubt, Bald an official state ment from the War Offico this after noon. PAtUS, May 12. German troops last night renewed their attacks west of the Mouse Itlver In efforts to recapture positions taken by tho French at Dead Man's Hill on May 10, but ,tho assaults failed, tho War Ofllco an nounced this afternoon. Tho Teutons were Unable to dislodge the French. Tho text of tho official communique follows: On the left bank of tho Memo there was Intonsd artillery nctlvlty 1 In the sector of Avocourt wood. At Xk) Mort Homme, the Germans at tempted during1 tho night, In Miln, to dlslodee us from tho nosltlona which we captured on May 10 on tho west slope. Two successive attacks were repulsed by our fire. On the right bank' thero was a bombardment of the region of Douau mont and Vaux. Tho night was comparatively calm ' on tho rest of tho front. - ' -3i - -- - i I, -. i i-i -- r inT iwi lull i.'ii-iKiif.iiiinrw i 1 1 1 Mtfi-fi ii ii- ii '-il,j;1 ' '" l i i i '""'"' "' , r "" -r,' -- 200,000 TURKS STIFFEN DEFENSE OF ERZINGAN Petrograd Advices Say Enemy It Attacking Fiercely, but Suffers Heavy Losses FJTTROCHtAD, May 12. Turkish troops defending Errlngan havo been heavily reinforced, according to dis patches from Tlflls, and aro offering dos perato resistance to the army of Grand Duko Nicholas. Ono dispatch states that at least 80,000 Ottoman soldiers, ofllcercd by Germans, havo reached tho Urzlngan front within the last week, Increasing to 200,000 tho total of Turkish forces in that region. Turkish prisoners hao Informed Russian officers that Field Marshal on Mackenien tho Turco-German armies In Asia Minor. The reinforcements nro believed to bo o portion of tho Ottoman army rel!eed for field service by tho surrender of the British army at Kut-el-Amara. Tho Turks are assailing the advancing Russians fiercely, but are suffering heavy Ioshcs from the machine gunfire of the Grand Duke's troops. Following Is the official report Issued last night by tho War Ofllco hero In tho Caucasus wo progressed south and southwest of Platana. West of Ashkulln the Turks surrounded our detachment of reservists Ied by their noncommissioned officers, tho reservists attacked, vanquished and captured their escort In tho direction of Erzlngan tho Turks wera repulsed. DOOft OF BLESSING TO tEDlOATEJ ITS NEW HOME THIS AFTERNOON I Open to Women Who Hve completed Jail Sentences and Desire to Begin Life Under Better Conditions Planned in Accordance . ' With the Views of Its Founder, Mrs. Mignon ette Violett Whelen The Door of Messing tho first Insti tution to open Its doors to tho woman who had served a prison sentonce will dedi cate Its new and pormancnt home at 3011 Daring street, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Tho homo will bo dedicated to the memory of the friend who from tho In ception of the homo to the time of her death served ns president, Mrs. Mignon ette Violett Whelen. Fifteen years ago n. group of Philadel phia women saw the Immediate need of a homo where the woman released from prison mlghf find temporary Rheltcr At tho tlmo thero was no simllnr Institution in tho city The slight opposition which was brought to bear toward this new venturo wus grndually overcome Mut somo dlfllculty was encountered In the electing of a pres ident willing to shoulder tho responsibil ity of tho now organization When Mis. Charles Whelen ncicptcd tho presidency ner coworkers were assured Its success was certain. The plhn of tho founders of tho Door of lllesslng got Its first financial backing from tho proceeds of a Icitura by Winston Spencer Churchill, who mado his first publlo appearance In Philadelphia to lee turo at tho Academy of Music on his ex periences in ,the Uoer Wnr Many ot tho board of managers and tho nd Isory board have been associated with tho Door of Messing slnco tho day of Its Inception Miss A. M Dupree, the sponsor of tho plan for tho dedication of thu homo to tho memory or Its first president, spoke of tho homo nnd Its purpose "Any woman who wants to try again Is wel come. Hvory Inmato comes of hor own freo will and is rrco to go when sho wishes. Our doors aro open to tho woman of any creed or faith who has Just com pleted her sentence Miss Gcri-tido Brown, tho houso mother, distributes our cards at Moyamenslng, Eastern Peniten tiary, House of Correction nnd county prisons Thero aro so many women who havo no place to go but back to tho con dltlons that brought them to tho prison. Ammmm : ! K&i6SS&A I UNALINEADIHilEfi PRESADAGLI ITALIAN. NELBACIN0DIPLEZZ0 Gli Alpini Attaccnno Vigorosa- mcnle lo Linee Nemicho e vi Preiidono Prigionieri, Armi e Munizioni TOLMINO BOMBARDATA MRS. CHARLES C. WHELEN To whoso memory tho Mignonette Viollctt Whelen Homo on Hnring street is to be dedicated. To theso women tho Door ot Blessing Is a necessity ' During tho lost jonr tho Door of Bless ing hns housed 03 women Sometimes thero has been only ono Inmate, at other times up, to IB 1'ach guest of tho houso takes her share of housovwirk, necdlowork, the family mending and tho making of carpet rags Few restrictions nro mado for tho women, nnd there Is no restraint upon them to stny. Hach ono Is taught a trade thoroughly, nnd before lcnvlng a position Is usually found for the girl Tho prcserit ofllcers nnd board Includo Mrs Catharine Berry, honorary presi dent. Mrs William C Bullitt, president; Mrs T Hudson Rich, lco president, Mrs, Goorgo W Hansel, ttensurcr and secre tary The secrotary for the memorial fund la George Wharton Pepper. At tho dedlcitlon ceremonies tho Ilov. Floyd W. Tomklns, D D, will deliver tho dedicatory address ROMA, 18 Magglo 11 Mlnlstcro della Guerra pubbllcavn lerl sera It seguente rapporto del generate Cndorna circa la Bltuaslono alia fronto Hallo austrlaca: St Bono nvuto Intenslsalmo nzlonl dl nrtlgllerla nelia, valle delt'Assa e dell'atto But, dove ll fuoco accurato della noBtre battorle tm-sconvolto la dlfeso nen)lrhe. Nol pomerlggto dl lerl una batteTla nemlcn aprl' 11 fuoco 'Rill tuoghl nhltatl delta conca dl Drozencn, mill'alto Isonso, o per rap prcsaglla lo uostro batterlo bom bardarono dl nuovo Tolmlno. Nelia conca dl 1'lczzo, dopo un'effl coco azlono dl nrtlgllerla, 1 nostrl rcpartl nlplnt opcrnrono un vlgoroso assalto e conqulstarono una forte llnea dl trlnceramcntl nemlct o dl rldotta Bulla sommlta' del Monte Culka Sullo faldo orlcntall dol Monte Rombon nol nbblimo fntto prlglonlerl auattro ufTiclall o 119 soldatl nustrlncl MAMANOVRATEDESCA CHE SI SC0PRE DA SE' TEUTON SHIP SUNK WITHOUT WARNING Berlin Reports Attack on Vessel by Submarine In Adriatic Sea BERLIN-, May 12 The Austro-Hungarlan passenger btcam shlp Dubrovnik has been torpedoed and sunk by u hostile submarine In tho Adri atic Sea, It was announced today Tho official roport of tho vessel's destruction stated that tho steamship was unarmed and that It was torpedoed without warn ing. Maritime records list two Austro-Hungarlan steamships named Dubrovnik, but tho foregoing dispatch refers probably to tho one of 1481 tons hailing from Ita gusa. The larger vessel of the same name. Is recorded as being at Constantinople Ilocent reports from Paris and Homo have Indicated that Trench submarines wero active In the Adriatic lean citizens were on ljunrd tho torpedoed Austrian passenger liner Dubrovnik, re ported torpedoed without wiimlng by an enemy submarino In tho Adriatic, this Government wilt not protest agnlnst tho attack This was the view of olllclnls to Jay Tho attack on tho Dubrovnik, even If proved to lie Illegal, would be placed In the category of such cases as the V.is.ika Mam and tho Csmric, Jupnncso and Brit ish ships, rcspectlvilj, which wtro tor pedoed without warning, but on whldi there were no Amorlcnu citizens Would your skin stand this test? The hriglit lights of an evening gathering show up mercilessly tho defects of a poor complexion. Cut the regular use of Rpsinol Soap Buy Farm for Golf Course NOimiSTOWiV. Pa , May 12. Wealthy men of the Main Lino havo purchased Walnut Grove farm, of lis acres, In Up per Merlon, near Gulf Mills, for 360,000 from executors of tho estate of Benjamin B. Hughes It will bo used by tho St, David's Golf Club An 18 holo course will bo laid out Tho tract has been In tho Hughes family slnco tho tlmo of Wil liam Penn makes ft as easy to have a natur ally beautiful skin as to covcr'up ,-t poor one with cosmetics. It lessens the tendency to pimples, redness and roughness, and in a very short time the complexion usually be comes clear, fresh and velvety. . Intcvtre or itiibbom am, Htilnol Soa;) tliould be aided by a lllllc Kciinol Ointment, All drucclitj xll tlicm. For trial free, writ? In Dept. Jl-P. Klitnol, Baltimore. Mi. PANAMAS RESTORED to their orlclnnl freshness and beauty. Iiadlea' and Kentlemen's rnnamns cleaned and blocked Into the newest shapes No Injurious acids used. A. E. BELDNER 00Vtk"'ett U. S. Vienna Dice Che Un Piroscafo Passeggeri Austriaco E' Stato Silurato senza Awiso tin comunlcato ufllclale emanato s, Vi enna oggl dice che 11 piroscafo passeggerl Dubrovnik e' stato slurato ed affondato nell'Adrlatlco da un sottomarlno nemlco senza alcun prcawlso. In altro parole alia manlera del gottomarlnl tedeschl, Ora a' notaro cho un comunlcato ufnclale tta llano dlceva lerl che un sottomarlno frnn oeso avQva silurato nel basso Adrlatlco, dnvantl alia costa albaneso, non un piro scafo passeggerl, ma un trasporto mllltaro, 11 cul equlpagglo si credeva perduto Con un trasporto mllltaro non v'e blsogno dl preawlso. Ma o' strano come, a quanto pretendo Vienna, l'Austrla che non si aszarda a fare usclre le sua nav I da guerra dal loro alcurl baluardl dell'Istrla o delta Ialmazla, faccla vlagglare piroscatt pas-eeggeri- II fatto e" tnvece che Berllno e Vienna, cho hanno qualcho canto da, re solare con I paesl neutrl e speclalmente con VAmerlca, per raffondamento dt plro scafl passeggerl senza alcun prcawlso, vogllano dlmastrare cho anchu gll alle atl fanno la etessa cosa che esse fanno, che hanno fatto con 11 Lusltanla, con l'Ancona, con 11 Sussex, ecc (Leggero In 9a paglua le note blbllo graflcho su llbrl dl attuallta pubbllcatl In Italia.) WILL NOT PROTEST ATTACK OX DUBIIOVXIK Washington Will Act Only if Amer icans Were on Board WASHINGTON, May 12 Unless Amer- , Up Rockingchair ; Union Suits GIVE YOU THESE THREE ADVANTAGES: First! Absolute freedom and comfort, because tho natural blouse Is confined above the waist line always. Second) Comfortable seat In one piece, just like your trousers. Thlrdt Buttons that do not easily pull off because the opening Is on tho outer side of leg. $1 and $1.50 GEORGE W. JACOBY 620 Chestnut St. wms "- ?i -i g rr-l"f yT.Tt;ifcttfTyji;a.jij;PQ.i m IfsN-S' LOCOMOBILE T our Showrooms is . v- M IW an exhibition of the models, notable for A1 new their individuality, and re finement, and so well built that their cost places them vithinrreach of only a few. THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY if America 2314 Muket Street -, J ii- S ffillifB m Music is the Soul of the Home It develops the finer sensibilities. It creates an atmos phere of refinement and good morals. It hinds parents and children into a firm, happy, loving union. It is rest ful. It is inspiring. It is entertaining. JLESTEH PLAYER-PIANOS Bring the world's best music into every home and every member of the family can play the selections he likes best just as he feels them. POINTS of SUPERIORITY Easiest to pedal and control Easiest to accent and give individuality Fewer levers, avoiding confusion Never sound mechanical Air channels more direct Finer tonal results Perfection of construction Tone and action last Don't be fooled into- buying one of the nondescript players now flooding the market. We make the LESTER and sell it direct from the factory to you without "in between" profits to jobber or agent F. A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Gentlemen Please send me booklet and complete ECTipuou vl jruut; de- Lester Player-Pftmo also details of easy-payment plan without Interest or extras. Name Address,..,...,.,.....,,.., ....,..,...,. Id.E-e.ie r m 3 i , i f S j WEST PlULA. CAMDEN BELVDRfd ' ! -. . 103 Huul.li Otil bul (20 Uroadwar 15 KarTft Stfa Strut ' 1 ?' KENSINGTON TBENTON 0BISTOVN .i g : FIUIE8-BABBE, 170 Booth lUta Strut Jj jjs . 0 cd ftbblnmo pre6 M nelnlco ouatfro mltrngllftlflcl d Una quahtlta' m arral, dl muntilonl e dl nltro materials da guerra. t riccoll flttaecnl dl ftttlerla contro lo nostra poslzlonl sulla ctsta del rodgorn o sulle, folde stttentrlonal del Monte S4n Martlno sono stall prpntnmenfe resplnll dalle nostra" tnlppe. Un avlatoro nemlco lanclo bombe' nelle vlclnanie della stailone dl Os pedaletto, hello Va.1 Rugana, ucclden do nlctlnl caalll I nostrl "avlatorl hAnno bombardalo n staxlone dl San Plctro dl Oorlzla ed I dlr(tornl dl Ahsovlrza Un dlspacclo da Atone dice che com- battlmentl dl Importansa Bono In corso hella reglonrf a nord dl Vftlonn, che come si sa o occupata cd e' Btata fortlllcatn dallo forzo llallane. 81 dice nelia capltale prcca cho qucstl combattlmentl non sbno cho l'lnlzlo della luniramento attesa ofen l austrlaca. contro II Lampo trlricorato dl Valona. A proposlto dl nuesta ottensUa, o pretesa oftcnslvn austrlaca Contro Va lona, o' da notaro che II comandanto della plazra, cho dlpende dlrettamentc dal com andanto In capo dello forie Italians dl terra, generate Ctftdorna, ha da iJjreccM mest orato ft tldurro la cftift lahd dl Valona uU forml dablle eampd rincerato GH Uftllanl f jrtad. tempo rronti o sostenero l'urtp dn fdrw austrfache obulKare, o si Mw ctf I'offenaKa sarebbe sta a P"9."1' mente presto, parecchl . dopo eho esse aveVano occunato, dope i che ne partlrono lo forre ltallane, la cltttf dl li)urazto Oil Itntlnnl erano rlmaBtl ft Durano non per dlfcndere la cltta1. ma scmplleemen U per provedcre all'lmbarco dl tutto le forto Verba che. battute dagll austro tedeschl o dal buigarl e rlcacclate nm II mare, si rovesclaano su nuf"0 " speranza dl Imbarcarvls . Mmbarco fU lnfftttl esegulto comptetamente o non prima che fosso compluto poterbno le forze austrlncho entraro nelia cltta dl Durazro 1 cul nccessl erano battull dalle aitlBllerlo dl terra o navall ltallane a pro tcrlone delja brleata che si trovava cola' o dello forze e del rlfuBlatf serbl. 11 Hesto dal Carllno annuncla cho II colonncllo avlaloro I'astlnl o' stato ucclao ncllo vlclnanze dl Oorlzla, doo II auo tllrlRll'lle endde o rlmaso dlstrutto rltor nando da Un raid su cltta' austrlachc. II colonfiello FnJtlnl i. w. ' " BUadaitnrUo zS "'1 dl nallnm in.il..' 'r? rmto i -...aeilMU Onc-Ycar Sentence for V Ayantlo Itennlc0" t '-ihl I year In the House M rvS1 Miri.Mii ft-,e.OI.correclln. .treats" pol'rf''hVnil TBrahcy. The charee i I llpr oii..i.., . neo thnt-J and cauVo frn.W,'lnA,ni f tinrrols of erud. mi r"S,n!0f Ih . i,uuia navel irousensi Vox, ASpedalWkJyJ U16Walnuf& ii BBiiHt aiari arm MwarTBi'K't an mm:mw m rem Hira'atniiinnaTmaimn inanKmaBiiiinBiEBii iiviiivEiinn.. 4Pjece Jacobean Pining Suit! Term, $1.50 a W W H laSM &-- gSzZ!l&&mti Z5$n vSxmm tMWSBjrfflsxiiptMii iii)TSiSraBrSrsSSg7rrW Y$ beauty a specimen of We arc getting a tremendous reputation for astounding valueraS noHnrl fnvnifnro nnrl ftiin ntTor tnHnv ia ntio nf tVio Vpsf. flinf iim ti... ..'-J been able to make. Think of it. four dining room pieces of mimnsa.iir buffet, a dining table, a serving tab'le and a china closet constituting a gorgcofil f the Jacobean period in handsome quartered oak, for only $98.50. sA B litlBUi0lKBKPVSKss Trrnis $3 oo B SrsirsiCKaKwMirBsslMitrkVHJfliBH Wtek m mm """' 3 "j inf. a miBUMf BUO BCIIHilBIBIIIIIflDII Si I J Tin: ROOM T" De LUXE Outfit SiOc A ROOM t BRIDAL Outfit $ion Terrn S'J.BO a HCtK OPEN SATURDAY EVENING A ROOM COLONIAL Outfit $ Trrma S3. 00 a Week mm 3$ ArARTMB uutntsit Tcrm;ilCC.4jl su r.ll a Wtt $Lf$k &gmA 250 712-714 b MARKET S r.Aitai:sT home runNisnmts in amkhica n;;IB;i!ilH!M3M:il3BT3K T Phiiadelpfoimms Knowll That within the limits of Philadelphia is the most 'beautiful Park .Cemetery in the country. zmmtiim. V 35 JJ.&!."' 'V '''it -BJUW'ti.'U "m!.,"r"J"i"?' ""'I'"'".' vjr "'' "Jin' W'i"v'.""it'" '.1.' V'PfV'VXJTV ' V'-aJ'Jv. tl "IJI.WWI 4,000 Lots $fi in Philcitklpbia's Most Beautiful Park Cemetery WlV Dt.. rk flfHftfi Jll UAlUpkMfMl The Pact that of tlio hundred! of people who have visited tha cemetery within the laet few weeks, nln out often have purchased lots proves conclusively that our lots are right and our cemetery l rl(M. TT FAMILY, no lodr;e, no association nor congregation should rnlu J J this great opportunity. Tho Iota ore 100 square feet, or four gravel, 3 uu win uc sum ut ine aoove price only during tneir consirucwmj. - Youshould take advantage of this offerand record yournamenor,thenvhUtho J cemetery at our expense, and select a lot after you have inspected the ground!. 1 ppepai zv uay uner s&fi&i ino crratiilD'. nlnMfntr. niirvovinn Mrllnr nnA nC ni..ii . vlis mull an niul upkeep cost. Theso lots nro in Philadelphia's most beautiful, newest Park Cemetery, ByberryRoad ani ReadingRailroad Near Somertop . m (NonSectariari) iuuny nuiiucj nro iguna uopreparea wnen ine nour or cadness arrives. It Is your duty to be prepared wntu i that tlmo comes. Select a family Jot 'now when yrtt can chooao leisurely, Send tho coupon at once. We wUl Bend you full Information and catalog of tho beautiful Forest Ilills Cemetery without anv obligation. wbateTtr. t tho list, entitling you to ono or two lots on this special hy offer should. Forest Hills jrou ; dec do, atter Inspection to take advantage of it. Names will bo recorded la the order received, and lots will h r1latvft.fi.Ml In tidal ... .1.11. 4t.m I..I 1 Ik . l. .1 . Li ... ..... Vo will alio record your name on be distributed In this orderjrnllo they last, Don't miss this big opportunity. Act right now, ,, ,jsusMHnr",l")"fS y Htmoflil Parks. w r ? J ..i.i.rr. r nf PhUti f liillilelphla,..T name. Send This Coupon i J a. it.. - f )ltllaitll uo.ng so aocs noi oDiigate you, and reserves a nglt to get these beau- f w..,n.,n; further obllg tiful loU on our special 80-day offer. Send the coupon today now, oa me I herewith regbUM Upmni-ial Pai-lfC nnrl Uaticnfaiim Pn nt Ddillnlnl. ' .............. . . u rnuHuiyNMi JU. ui UliauciUIJICI J Capital $300,000:00 j mrswng ana uomrolli? -feral IliU Vtmitny Company Cltr OOjei It Soutu lroarf Btraet Spruce Ills ... Cemetery onkei ltyhri.v Hosil and Keadlof Itallrod Ilustleton 60 JC rM. It lyou k(j v!rii th Ctrntttnnou. you can mate orTOi(7e7Mn to so. at g trams sattta Uailv bach and forth. f '"t. - .f Send eousaa tun ftr cUssmb let iuX fef "" r "" 11lrl I'Hf ,y ska'tiW!, msMTfparkt. jtftMgiiM' flame. U at our viae.