' $jjj;,sp u o.rf it - H' s t i J Kl 1 p; H J1 $' - tf rf - T t l( ;" u ra f A. r ..? j i t ht r 4 Ti rr lammtij JJSTO z1 ffeftjer FRIDAY May 12, 1916 kK GRAPHIC NOTES AND COMMENT ON THE VARIED NEWS OF THE DAY AS RECORDED BY THE CAMB M I W&WS vM':tMmmBtSM0&U. MmKm'&KMk the Massachusetts institution. "" Photo t Underwood & Underwood ''.(iWt wMM- fwMWu maMSSmH'' -MwmBk PB French soldiers produce play while under fire hm &$0& 'MwSMtBBHHJfWmBmm ' ' HB ' To wW1 awav the tedium of long waits behind thc lines as reserves, these true sons Wk WWWm 'HBHHBraHMfiHI 1 PK of France, improvised a stage in thc middle of a mined village. As can be seen, they !V$E PP f wmBBUfWfwSmMlmBamM PBf arc fully aTmed nnd ready to answer, 'a call at a moment's notice. ifl , PASSAGE OF THE LOAN BILLS. WILL CHANGE THIS CONDIXION This1 is a. scene inside the Philadelphia General Hospital (Blockley), where lock of accommodations forces patients to lie in corridors. The general improvement loan aims to euro this state oSj affairs. GIRLS OF HAWTHORNE snnnriT. TTOTn ,A' ritattp.qpwapp'AW puvbt." The dramatist's tercentenary and the advent of May have set pupils of the city's schools a-dancing and celebrating everywhere. This was a scene yesterday - at the institution at 12th and Fitzwater streets. ' ' SIGNS OF EXPANSION ON THE WATERFRONT POINTED OUT BY THE MAYOR YESTERDAY AH Pnnnw nw n-uw xtman r nmc uAoainr. r , , L " -..- t .... TJ; .,... .. , ,.VVVMV AfWWj, W Aill A EiFiIJ FUUi 11IU J. AUUAUi I 17' in Pi "-fC a FUWI'I' A Mil Tinn 1 rt A . n -w TJ FfnWhi Sugar JUfiawy appears, yowbas out iaoke with a volume It hai not jBanlfMtwi for 2fi years. At tfa extrema Jeft h the municipal pier, nointad out as th forwunner of othirs thai ,m. MM- . n - . . . L J - l l a iUai f fiaWjOCO for portlpymt katIM in fte low VlSSiA TrtTSftS 5 nrt ?Tufi, WM tt ""W" standing rs S M