Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 12, 1916, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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    L DAlJB UP HI A; .
" . . -. i .flrt-VT-lTV
f ILL Mi uuiwiiy
Qhn Clark Sims Perfects
New system u. w.
I Army Interested
IcaVor to start things
"htight Signals
When Ad Mm Parade
Thousands of marchers, who will
iietnate In the great parnde of
part cipaw ' .,,., uv .h. mr-nth.
Snl be directed nnd controlled by
lK Jttrchllghta stationed on the
5i i of the Mftieutic notci ana
Light rays will play over the
AMnlle course of the parade,
SA battalions and divisions
into line on Broad street. Band
Srikra will be told when to play
ft'what to play by light ray mes-
"ft will bo tho first time that light
M have controlled a largo force
ment at Washington is interested
to. the experiment. Army experts
SI come- to Philadelphia to watch
the wonunK u v .,..
ixi.1 art i.
" Fing(r-lll rayB from gigantic Bcarch
fht statlonM on tho roors or tno majes-
IhTIaUt. BrORtl Street Rim uiruru ..venue,
tlad the V. O. I. skyscraper at Broad and
Urch Btreots. will direct and control tho
L)vementa of the big parndo o tho As
!lUd 'Advertising Clubs of the World.
la tbia city on tho oventntj of Monday,
Uon s-
ItVllI be tho first timo in tno nistory
' n'f the woria that light rnya havo con-
Ltrplled ne movemonts of a great body of
Psurchers. The syBtem or ngni-ray cot
&trol haa beon perfected by John Clark
Situs', chief marshal of tho parade, after
STmort than seven years of experlmonta-
Th Idea that cavalry forces might be
fonoro efflclcntly directed by light rays
Snuui by mounted messengers was con-
S""celvd by Mr Sims when ho was a mem-
i-'ter of the First uity Troop, jur. aims
F'lMin a series of quiet experiments which
leovtrtd a period of several years. Tho
i orid will witness tho reault of theso cx
r'parlnlents on tho night' of thetblg parade.
Tno war jepu. u.iuut. u.i w.ibiuukiu.i
Jj awaiting tho outcomo of tho flret public
4unonatratIon of light-ray control with
5"cvMlierabIo Interest. Army experts will
U oft hand to note tho workings of the
fitem. which may revolutionize tho slg-
JaillnK methods of tho armies of tho clvl
f Hied world.
lUe ligiit rays will direct and control
''tie various units of the parade, even be-
(ore the big procession starts from Broad
K'ttA Olrard avenue. Tho searchlight mar-
iMon the roof of the Majestic will have
bwe )' ' a map, showing tho location
5 i 4. Itfflivnl nl, Vdnn . ilnal.na
raSVV Mto UUlW.Hk U...W. ...IK,. ..VI UbO.tWd
tf i battalion of BOO or 1000 men to swing"
l'lsto line he will direct d horlzonal bar of
f Uttt upon .nut, unit, lhq ugni rays wm
turch all along the parado course, brlng-
y Ktt thousands of men Into lino In their
,,( rjror order. Band leaders will be told
JV ,i ,h(a (o play and what to play by ray
,,, Ufluu; in tne samo manner divisions;
jjuijmw ana sections win Know when to
ran ineaa. ana wnen to stop, aii tne
tta,U.e thousands of Ad men are march
's?' over tho course of nearly three miles
air movement wm do controlled oy ugnt
lhen Mayor Smith on tho reviewing
and at City Hall gives tho order for the
farade to start, the order will be tele-
Official Forecast
WARHTWOTnM llfnv 10
" Vop rRRffrn PmntvlAntn t tnln
Taltht, with probably light frost in north
SDOrtlon ! Hatnrrlnv f(r- mnila.aU ..
pwest to north winds.
V increasing barometric pressure, follow-
Hcg the fltatllrhnnc a tVinf m.a.ln,. V,t. A.
Unljq States yesterday morning, has
rS? northeastern portion of tho country.
.Th pressure is relatively high through-
kjhi. ,mo jiormorn Doruer states, attended
iy uraeasonaoiy low temperatures and
iBwinl. Thara ,aHA llv, .1 1 ' T.,t
K,' ' . -v e,j i.isiib niiuwcia 111 nii
HltlAla lM..ni..l ir a... . ..
Sa-STT'. """'' """". ieorasKa, sou III
ffWDiKnta, Wyoming and Montana, and In
Ki7, . . ' uP'ois oi iNortn carol 11a and
Vtrglnla, '
IL U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Oijaervatlons taken at 8 a. m.. Eastern time.
StaUon. a.m. n't. rail. Wind. Ity.Wsaiher
phontd to the operator ot the eearchllefit
on thd rpof 6f tha U. d. I. bullllnR ThU
operator will flash the Slsmat to tn'mt
ator of the light on the tort M ?wSe
illlliShi VZ MaJrtte tel operatw
will direct light rays on every division
of tho parado nnd tho procession Uiil
SiSa ,",et?foro M ParadeThave bTen
U lActed by ihountcd horsemen and con"
slderab e confuslbn has always resuUed.
A telephone system will bo rigged ifn
along the route of tho parade h" f aux
iliary to the llght-ray system. Th"swni
bo In .charge of R, C. Mason and E J
Thlvaw-.l?Vhe "i6',1 fWephone Company
They will bo assisted by w. H. Cohlek
passenger car distributer of the Vennsyl
XA1 ;r- Cohlek will I" Bfi.
tloned on the roof of the Majestic and
ho will handle lite units of thi, parade the
samo as ho handes passenger cars in the'
Pennsyvnla yards. Ho will have before
lilm a train dispatcher's board and tho
location of each unit will be recorded on
the board.
Mr. Nathan will bo In charge of a tele
phone switchboard on the roof of the Ma
jestic. Through this board wilt come the
lines of 10 telephones along the route of
tho parade. Five of these telephone Bta
V?na i Dlaced t Intersecting streets,
abovo Qlrard avenue. On elation will
be located at the receiving stand at City
IIb.II and tho remaining four will be lo
c? fi on ,Souln Brpt! Btreet, At each
Btnllon will be a signal man who will
convey telephono messages to the heads
of the various units, and a motorcycle
s-itljnta. Oa
f fiUntle city
lb sua
72 8
A'l P.tl
..-,. ..7: ..
Rgoon. "Maa., Ba oa
ICttrlwtQn .... 74 Ti
fftcasA Til i ia
IffCJaclnnatI, O.. GO 64
ky"nit. O,,, 48 4U
r, uwvton
ItrH Brill rir
ciri :i:r-M v ?
(?!.." a-
(niti, w. a
f-riVMW aUII
Koroa, B.'D.
a fuaonvllla
gyuit Rocic'
38 8ll
HI) 4rt
74 74
A4 (14
fiK 4'J
30 .10
48 42
1.4 B2
T4 70
04 S3
NW 10
NW 20
NW 14
a ' ..
NB . .
NK ..
NW ..
H 11
NW 18
13 111 Cloudy
NW SO P.cldy.
i Antelei ., as
Vv Ait
llfnmini ri
t"al. Cin! 48
SYlUa ..,.'68 B
! oriwu ., 78 73
5ir..fi,r,'.':sr' " sa
'ifiVKS:. Z.v. "5 "5
SM,1. o s '.,
tKiSTlt' '"' ui ia ,,
yna. mm.. 4 4a ,,
.:.:" 2S s
fiPKrA"4.?" 99 1
IS Laa. city 84 84
is;., iac'eo. BO bo
nv juiriR. till
(ton, p,,,. 4tt
RcmittanccB Satisfactory, Except to
Cigar Men, Says Dun's Review
Business conditions In virtually all lines
are genornlly good, and with tho excep
tion of the cigar manufacturers, collec
tions are satisfactory or Improving, ac
cording to the weekly trade review of n.
G. Dun & Co.
Tho report. In part, says:
Conditions In tho local cotton yarn trndo
arc reported as bolng satlafnptory In every
respect; prices nro firm and stendy nnd a
number t houses report that they have
more orders on hand than they can take
care. of. The wool market Is still quiet, ns
earlier 'In the scaRon most of tho mills
bought heavily nnd are still continuing to
draw on theso supplies before replen
ishing. The local textile mills appear to bo run
ning to their full capacity, with plenty of
orders ahead at good prices. Business Is
generally quiet among cloak and suit
maaufacturers. They arc looking for
ward, however, to a good fait business,
Manufacturers of men's nnd boyB cloth
ing says that, notwithstanding tho diffi
culties they have had with labor and ob
taining, certain grades of merchandise,
they hive had quite a fair season; some
are now booking good orders for next fall.
Hardware men. contlnuo to report a
large volume of business, with collections
as fair.
The Iron and steel market presents no
special features and continues to offer
great activity. Tho demand for prompt
deliveries of orders on hand continues vig
orous, but new business Is reported to
havo somowhnt quieted down.
Dealers In electrical goods report a sat
isfactory volume of business In household
specialties and considerable Inquiry In
connection with building operation work.
The leather market Is strong and prices
continue high, with stocks on hand low.
Glazed kid dealers report trade n little less
active, although skins are hard to get nnd
prices remain high for skins and finished
leather. Shoe dealers report sales moder
ate, although the volume of business 1b
greater than several previous seasons.
No change is noted In the lumber situa
tion here nnd the freight situation contin
ues to have a depressing effect on the
The building trade Is quite active and
the volume of new business is still Increas
ing. Competition in bidding is keen and
soma work under course of construction Is
believed to be taken on small margin of
profit. The high cost and still advancing
prices on iron, steel, hardware and lum
ber adds materially to the total cost of
building operations, and In some lines
V bor Is a decided factor.
The paper market shows some Improve
ment; manufacturers and Jobbers report
an Increase In volume of sales, but some
mills aro experiencing difficulty in filling
orders, owing to tho shortage in raw mate
rial. Prices have advanced somewhat.
Paint manufacturers, dealers In paints
nnd painters' supplies report steady In
crease In this lino of business.
Tho trado in domestic leaf tobacco has
been a little quiet during tho last week
and moderate Inquiries being made for
good grades of Pennsylvania, Connecticut
and Ohio, and prices nte understood to be
high, Sumatra and Havana continue to bo
sold In small quantities for Immediate
yaes. The large cigar manufacturers re
port a fair business from out of the city
and local trade Is fair. Collections con
tfiiuo slow.
Wholesale grocers report conditions as
moving along satisfactorily, business,
however, has a draggy tendency. Condi
tions, however, at this time of year are
nominally quiet. Collections aro satisfactory.
WHEAT nscelDt, aiB.Bf bushel. De
mand was fair and the market ruled, stfady
at the late decline. Quotations! Car lot;. In
IWJt elevator No. a. red, upot .and May,
Jt.17Ol.20i No. 2 Southern red. II 1801.18;
(;mer No. a red. II.HWl.n: No 8 rd,
1.141. 17. rejected A. ft.llW 1.14H i re
jected n. il. 1001,18.
COnN ncelot, 14.071 bimhela. The mar
ket was nulet, but steady under moderate offer
ings. Quotations! Car lots for local trada,
as to location No 2 yellow. Hl084Vai
steamer yellow. 820Mc: No. 3 yellow. 7flO
gift! No. 4 yellow, 10O77e.: cob, per 70 lbs,,
0VC ,
OATS Itecelnts. 7,nl bushels. The mar
ket! ruled steady under moderate offerlna, but
there wan little trading. Quotations! No. 2
white B1Hta82c.t standard white. MOBlHe..
No 3 whltft.ivesoci No. 4 white, 47M ,
48V4C.I sample outs. 48H041Mo.t purified
oats, arnded. 49Bno',4e.
Pt-OUn necelpts. (ITS Mils, and .188.844
lbs. In sacks. Demand waa Jlijht and values
wero largely nominal. Quotations per."."
lbs. In .wood: winter, clear, JB.IOOB.SO:
dn., stralcht, 15.4005 00; do., patent, 19.78
WOi Kansas, clear, cotton sacks, 14.00O0.80!
do., stralcht, cotton sacks, J8.40O8.70; do.,
patent, cotton sacks, $8.8000; spring, flret
clear, 15.30Q8 00; do., ntralaht, fB.00OB.R5;
'22't. "a'". a.BO0O.2B: rto., favorite brands,
J0.B0Ofl.7B! city mills, choice and fancy pat
ent, 10.8000.78! city mills, regular grades
winter, clear, 1B.10OS.S0: do., straight, 18.10
5.00s do., patent, 1B.7BO0.
nvc Fl.qun was nulet and unchsnged, We
quote at 1803,50 per bbl., na to quality.
The mnrket was steady, with a fair Job
bing demand. Quotations: City beef, in sets,
smoked and alr-drled, 20c. t Western beef,
In sets, smoked. 20c.: cltr beef, knuckles
nnd tenders, smoked and air-dried. 27023e,s
smoked, lHtiWlOc. i other hams, smoked, etty
cured, as to brand and average, lHHe. I hams,
smoked. UVHern cured, lSVtc. ; do., boiled,
boneless. 30c i picnic shoulders, B. 1 cured,
loose, ISM c.t do., smoked, la'ici bellies,
In pickle, according to averagu, loose, 18c. j
breakfast bacon, as to brand and average,
city cured. 10c. i do.. Western cured, 17'4 O
18c; lard. Western refined, tierces. 14Wc;
do., do., tubs, 14Hc.s do., puro city, kettle
rendered, In tierces, llVic; do,, do., In tubs.
.The market ruled firm but quiet. Quotations!
Kxtra, One, granulated, 7.00OT.U.1C. ; pow
ilcred, 7.707.78c. 1 confectioners' A, 7,800
7.3jc. : soft grades, 0.8307.80c.
dairV products
CllCnail Tho market ruled firm under
light crterlnga and a. fair demand. Quotations!
Nw York, lull cream, fancy, held, moillc:
specUls, blithers do., do., fair to good held,
lattiayc., do., do., part sklrnn, limine.
llUTTHIt Itecelpts were light nnd the mar
ket ruled steady, with demand readily absorb
ing all offerings. Quotations! Western, solid
packed creamery, fancy specials. 3Jr, 5 extra.
IllO.IW., (lrsta. aaoSoWc , seconds. 2UW
-'Oic. . nearby prints, fancy, 84c nverago ex.
tr. njc.s firsts, at8'Jcs seconds, 20O30c.i
garlicky prints, 272tc : Jobbing sales of
fancy prints, :17040c.
l-Stias) Demand was fairly actho nnd tho
market ruled firm, with supplies well under
control. Quotations: In free cases, nearby ex
trn, 2(lc. per Uoi. firsts, 17.05 per standard
rase, nearby current receipts, lfl.00Ofl.75;
Western extras, 28c. per do. 1 Western extra
firsts, 17.05 per rases Orsts, ID.OOOO.OO per
case, Southern, Ifl.lBOU 15 per case: fancy
solected candled fresh eggs were Jobbing at
28.020c. per dot.
LIVE Desirable stock sold fairly and ruled
steady under moderate offerings. Quotations:
Fowls. 10020c, roosters. 1201,1c. ; spring
chickens, according to quality, weighing 102
lbs. aplecr, .HWSSc. : whtto Leghorns, accord
ing to quality. 3032o. ; durks. as to size nnd
quality, WWlSc. , geese. 14010c ; pigeons, old
per pair, 28030c. ; do., young, per pair, 20O
UltEfSED The market ruled Arm under
light offerings and a fulr demand for desira
ble stock. Wo quote: Fresh-killed poultry, dry
packed Fowls. 12 to box, dry-picked, fancy
selected, 2'iVic.i weighing 4Vi OS lbs. apiece,
22c s weighing 4 lbs. apiece. 22c. s weighing 34
lbs. apiece. 21c; weighing .1 lbs. apiece, 1HW
20c: fowls. In barrels, fancy, dry-picked,
welghtng 4'A05 lbs. upleco, 214c. ; weighing
4 lbs. apiece, 21tic.; smaller atzes. 17020c;
old roosters, dry-picked, lllc: broilers, Jersey,
fancy, OOOBBc. ; do., other nearby, weighing
208 lbs. per pair. 40048c: larger aires.
35038c: capons, per lb. Weighing 8O10 lbs.
apiece. 27bT26c; smaller sizes. 23020c:
ducks, nearby, spring, 20028c: squabs, per
doz. White, weighing 114S12 lbs. per doz.,
I5W8.2S: white, weighing 0O10 lbB. per doz.,
f4.30W4.nn, white, weighing S lbs. per doz..
3.B08'3.8.'i; dp., do,, 7 lbs. per doz., 12.7803;
do., do., OOOfi lbs. per doz, 1202.23; dark,
1202.20; small and No. 2, SlOl.lB.
Choice stock was In fair request and gen
erally steady, as follows: Apples, per bbl.
Wlnesap, J803.7S: Bnldvln. 12.50O3.7S:
Greening, $202.80: lien Davis. II. BOOS: other
varieties, II .BOO 2 BO; No. 2. 11,2.101 50. Ap
ples. Western, per hot, ll.250l.7S Oranges,
Florida, per crate, 12J0O4. Urnpefrult, Flor
ida, per crate. I1.7B03.BU, lemons, per box.
1203. rineapptes. per crate Porto Hlco, $2.25
02.75. Strawberries, per qt North Carolina.
1201BC.: Mississippi, 13018c; Tennessee. 12
The market ruled Bteady under moderate
offerings and a fair demand. Quotations:
White potatoes, per bushel, Pennsylvania. 11.15
01.20: do., do.. New York. H.OSOI.10: do
do.. Western. tl.03Ql.10. do., Jersey, per
haekvt. No. 1 Itose. 0.175c: do., do.. No.
1, other varieties, il37.1c.: do,, do., No. 2.
30040c.! do., Florida, per barrel, No. 1. 15.25
Ofl, do., do., No. 2. 140.1. Sweet potatoes,
Jersey, per basket, No, 1, 45000c; do., do,.
No. 2, 25030c; do., Jersey, Delawnre nnd
Maryland per hamper,- Np. 1. 75c. Oil; do.,
do., No. 2. 60000c: do., Virginia, per bar
rel, 11.5001. 78. Onions, per 100-lb. bag, $1
2: do.. Texas, per cummer crate. No. 1, $1.80
fJU.OO: do., do.. No. 2 $1.2501.38. Cabbage.
Danish, per ton, I25O30: do., South Caro
lina, per crate. $2.5003.25. Celery. Florida,
per crate. $1. 7002.25. Spinach. Norfolk, per
barrel, 11 02. Kale, Norfolk, per barrel. 75c.
Ol. Watercress. ier 100 bunches, $l.B0O
2. BO. Lettuce. North Carolina, per basket.
S103.no. Ueans, Florida, per basket. 1203.
l'eus. North Carolina nnd South Carolina, per
-bbl. basket, ll.BuO2.80; do., do., per 1-3
bbl. basket. $1.2302. Peppers, Florida, per
carrier. $23. j:ggplanl, Florida, per crnto,
$2.2502.78. Radishes, Norfolk, per hamper.
BOc. 0$1. Squash, Florida, per crate, 120
2.80. Tomatoes, Florida, per carrier, fancy.
;22.5U; do., do., choice, 11. 3001.75. As
paragus, per crate. South Carolina, 11. BOO
2.75: do., do., California, I203; do., Jersey,
per bunch, prime. 20030c; do., do., culls.
10W 15c. Mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, $10
1.25. '
H 12 P.cldy.
NW 18
iatt"U. Can, S3 82
76 70
02 80
, ac . a J-.clCJy.
NW ,, Cloudy
HW ,. Pcldy,
HW ., Clear
H .. clear
W . . c ear
NW 19 clear
NH .. Clear
NW 18 I'.cldy.
. . Cloudy
im 2u" j!Jl?-n,Mdgn aet... 1:45 a.m.
m ' !SP-m..M.Mn souths! SloOplm.
"H-aWAKE RIVEH tiiik niravnw
IM. .... """TOUT STnEBT.
KwJIurt iSiiS,,,.'.w. water., 4:83 a.m.
I' sa.aai. 1 iiiiw waias ij. :-r b hi
IT J 'mi. ... " v uukf
11 T " .. . ' Ui
,), Haf 'AM1
l 1VA'.V tffi
mmwm wimimmn
Daily and Sunday Citjil
City of Philadelphia
City of Wilmington
Tor I'ennsgrove, N. J. Connec
tion on Wilmington Wharf.
r.eat leave Chestnut St. Wharf
oiul Wilmington dally and Sunday
7:3.0. axio. iiiau a, iu.. .,
ISIO, 3K10, 4:18, 0 and 7 P,
Saturdays and Sundays
extra boats. 813(1 and U:S0'
P. M.
30-day excursion tick
ets, good rlaturdiiy.
Sundays and bolldais
City of Cheater
Another new steam
er. Cltr of Camden,
will b ready about
May IStli.
yf 1 ILJaMafWslMMH
r Km mmmB ., Tv! J-
i sMk vh "
u n x tmmmA. .,. iif-iTj., i .'-..H
irmnamwiaB t-.Kraas-,vjE-iMau-4ijir-
;jrf ,ONI.TMttWp.t!..
'f, W1?. "' -
CUlM 3F0R $l,5(K),0fl0
Commerce Board Rules in Favor of
Railroads on California Complaints
WARtttNOTON, May 12. Fruit grow
ers In California, members of tho Arlington
Heights Fruit Exchnnge, lost their claim
against the'Southern Pacific nnd 260 other
railroads for damages aggregating (1,600,.
000 when the Interstate Commerce Com
mission today dented their claim for rep
aration, , '
Freight charges on shipments of pre
cooled and pre-lced oranges from Cali
fornia to various points In the United
'States and Canada were declared to bo
unreasonable hy the commission In ISOti.
Immediately after this decision was an
nounced reparation fbr excess was claimed
by the shippers. .
The commission, however, disallowed
the claim because bf tho Increased min
imum weight fixed 'for a carload.
Providing for Distant Wnnts Held Up
by International Situation
NEW YOIttC. May 12. In Its weekly
rovlrw the Dry Onods Economist says:
"Thero nro Indications that retailers
are more Inclined than of lato to ro slow
In providing for their distant wants. Such
n policy Is dictated by the lntrrnn.tlon.tl
situation, ns well ns by prudence, from n
merchandising atnndpolnt.
' "While no one can say that the end of
the war Is In sight, the persistent rumors
ns to efforts on one side. ,nt leant, In tho
direction of peace shoultt not bo over
looked. Nor ought buyers to bo unduly
Influenced by the continued price advances
In certnln lines of merchandise. Such
ndvnnces arc based largely on tho higher
wages now being paid to operatives.
Whether tho supply of labor In this coun
try will bo largely Increased at the close
of tho war Is n subject of diversified
views. The matter Is worth considering,
howover, when an effort Is being mndo to
forecast the duration of tho present up
ward tendency In merchandise uuotatlons.
"In splto of the wage advances, tower
(notations on nit UlniTs of sill, fabrics
from stock may bo looked for within tho
next 30 to 00 days from auch manufac
turers: ns have been taking advantage of
the Bhortngo of such goods to brIj excep
tionally high prices." e
To Remove Minimum Prices on
Domestic Stocks Mondny
LONDON, May 12. Business In securi
ties on tho Stock nxchango wus nulct to
day nnd on the wholo tho markets wero
Irregular. Many Issues wero ox dividetid.
Tho homo railway group was Arm. Min
imum prices will bo removed on nil do
mestic prior chargo stocks next Monday,
leaving only mixed quotations for Indian
and a few homo government descriptions.
Although not active, tho Amerlcnn de
partment was tinner. .Canadian r.iclllcs
displayed strength and Grand Trunks wero
steadier. South American rails lacked
Tho gllt-cdged section hesitated. Allied
bonds were firm, but Spanish wero weak,
following Paris.
Further Dutch purchases caused addi
tion buoyancy In Peruvians. Sentiment
In Mines was cheerful.
There was a spurt In Pon Insular and
Oriental Navigation on rumors that tho
shares would be split.
Jim Tlutler
Mlzpah Extenlon
Northern Star
Tonopah Belmont
lonopsn extension ..
nid. Asked.
l.nl l.ml
.la .11
.W .Ml
.:-! .m
:;" -
tl l.WU 7
Tonopah Mlnlnic IIH l.
Rescue Bula 47 ,ts
West nnd , 1.0.1 l.nd
Atlanta 1.1 .It
lllue Bull 'l ,IH
llooth II) .-.in
Hulldn 01 .():
COD .04 . .Oil
Combination Frartlon OU .lit
Dlamondtleld II II nil .07
Daisy 01 .on
Klorenco no ,r,u
(loldfleld Consolidated l.tm l.nn
Ooldlleld Merger 1.1 .14
Jumbo Extension 8! .in
Kcwanas 1.', . lit
Oro , (14 .0.1
Hnnd Ken ml .08
Sliver Pick 00 .10
Kalr.v Aztec 01 .02
Klmperly . - S .(W
Nevada Hill 18 .2
Nevada Wonder 2.37 2.42
Chicago nnd Northwestern Railroad
President Began asKc Man
BOSTON, May 12. W. A. Oatclncr.
president of the Chicago and Nortlrwesl
ctn Itallroad Company, died last night at
Wranno, Mast. s
Mr. Gardner was born In 186!) and be
gan rollroad work ns n telegraph operator
at Lamont, III., In 1872. He entered the
service of the Chicago nnd Northwestern
many years )go. Ho held various posi
tions and became president In 1910.
PULASKI, Va May 12 John W. Kck-
man, president of tho Pulaski National
Hank nnd general manager ami director
for 27 years of the Pulaski Iron Com
pany, died suddenly hero yesterday
of heart disease. He was 74 years old.
For many years Mr Kekman was deeply
Interested In politics. He was n staunch
Republican nnd represented this district nt
national Conventions .several time. He
enmo hero 30 years ngo from Lancaster
County, Pa. Ho leaves a wife, who was
n sister of tho late W. If. Itctisel, nt one
time Attorney General of Pennsylvania.
Two brothers survive Ono of them, Kd
ward II. .'"ckmati, lives at Columbia. Pa.
Mr. lackman will bo burled on Sunday
nt QuorryIIIe, Pa, In tho Hcnsel family
plot, where the ashes of bis lately de
ceased brother-in-law, Hurry II. Hcnsel,
wore Interred.
IN . Mt.MIIUV .of our beloved father, MAX
KHIKD.MANN. who dlcd.JIay h. lliill. May
his soul rest In rencc. HIS CfllLDHli.V
These Noticei Are Printed In th
Evening Ledger Free of Charge.
IinVr.RIIHli:. On May 10, 101(1. MAUT K..
widow of thn llov Thomns H. llevorldse.
Ilelathes nnd friends Bre InMted to attend
the funeral services, on Saturday afternoon
nt 2 o'clock at her late residence, 013U An
Bnra Torrace Interment private.
CAUI.I.H. On Mnv 11, ttilfl. ai.'OROH P..
husband of l.lllle Cnrels (nee Kuebter) and
son of the late Charles II and Amanda
C.irels. Kelntles nnd friends, also llellanca
Council, No. "H7, Order nf Independent
Americans, anil nnploves of (Irnv's Kerry
roundhouso of the lVnnsvlvanla Itallroad, are
Invlled to attend tho funeral service, on
.Monday, nt 2 p m . nt his lato resilience,
4H1H ilreemvuy axe. Interment nt Mount
Morlali Cemtrxy. llama Ins may ld lowed
Sunday o.cnlna.
CARI.I.V. On May U, 1111(1, MARIA, dauch
ter of Daniel und Catherine Cnrlln (neo
Ueelle). nsed 1 ear 11 months. RelatlvcB
and friends nte Invited to Jittend the funeral
services, nn Saturday nt 2 p. m.. from her
p.irenla" resldemo, 13.12 I'rnnltford me. In
terment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
Cllltl.l.V. On May 11. 1010 ANNUS M.,
daughter of the late John and Mary Curley.
need 41) cars. llolatlves and friends aro
Invited In attend the funeral, on Saturday,
at 7.I10 a m., from her late residence. .1.128
I.uillow st. Requiem Mass at St. James'
Church, nt I) n. m. Interment at IP ly
('roii Cemetery.
IMINTIIY. On May n, into. DLlZARETir.
wlfo of John Dcntry. Relatives and friends
are lnlied to nttend the funeral services
on Satunlov Hfternonn. at .1 o'clock, nt th
resldenco of hor son. James 11. Dentry, Ard
mnre nve., ort West Chester pike. Highland
Park. Pa. Interment nt Montrose Cemetery.
DlIVITl'. On .May 1). 11)1(1. HAIlUAllA
i:i.li.Alli:Tlt. widow of John Devltt Rolu
(Ues and friends arc Invlled lo attend the
funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock,
from her Lite residence, 801 H 2d st, Serv
ices nt Gloria Del (Oid Swedes') Church, at
:i o'clock Interment private.
nniVKI'.N. On Muy 11. 11)10, HARRIET,
widow of Isaiah 11. Dewens. Relatives and
frlcmli are Invited to nttend the funeral
services, on Saturday, at 1:45 p. m.. at her
late resldenco, U042 Musurave St., German
town, interment private
III'IIMN. On May In, 1010, THOMAS, hus
hand of tho late Mary Durnln. Relatives and
friends, also tho Holy Name Society of St.
Acathn's Church and tno employes of the
Pennsylvania'- Railroad, are Invited to at
tend the funeral, on Saturday, nt 8:30 a. m..
from his lata resldenco. aS3't Poison. St..
West l'hll.idelphl.i. Solemn Requiem Mass nt
St. AiMtha'a Church at 10 a. m. Interment
at St. Dcn'H' Cemetery Auto funeral.
r.tni'l.l,. Suddenly, on May 11, 11)10, GUS
Mi; I.IIIi:i,I., wife of Prank l.lbell and
unuBhter of Anna M. nnd tho late J. Morti
mer Dutton. aed 30 years. Relatives and
friends aio Invited to attend the funeral
services. m Sundiy. at 7:30 p. m. precisely,
nt her late residence, 2140 South Opal st.
Interment at Chester Rural Cemetery, on
Monday, nt S a m. Automobile funeral.
Chester papers lueat-o copy.
KI.I.I.KMAN. Oil May 11, 101(1, LKHMAN.
huiband of Pauline Hllerman, In tils 71)th
ear. Relntlves and friends, also William
C Hamilton Lndse. No BOO, V. and A, M..
and Joshua Lodge, No 23, 1. O. 11. It., uro
Invited to attend tho funeral, on Sundnv. at
2 p. m.. from his lato residence, 11)4(1 Mirth
l'r.inklln st Interment at Ml. Slnol Ceme
tery. niKKHAN. On May 10. 1010, LOUISA, wife
of Henry S. Freeman. Relatives and friends
are Invited to view the remains at her late
residence. 228 North 01st street, on Friday
evening from 7 to 0 o'clock. Services at
Wentr's Reformed Church. Worcester. Pa.,
at 1:30 Saturday. Last trolley leaves Nor-
fletentn at 14 -SO i. m, Iatrrant Id aoieln
tai cemetery.
ooktti,kman. on Mr ,10. I4i. ,T?T-;rt-
husbsnd of Mary Ooetteiman. .heTattveit
and friends are Invited to attend the funeral
services, Saturday afternoon, at 1 0 cIocR
precisely, at. hie 1st r eldet.ee. J02T
Vennniro .street. Interment prlrate. at Wfst
Iaurel Illli Cemetery.
IIARDrASTI.K. On May 11. .101(1. FRANK
N., husband of Anna I., llsrdeestle (nn En
nls) The relatives and friends are. Invited
to attend the funeral services, on Monday,
nt 2 p. m.. at the residence of his nleee,
Lydla kllllon. 2.111. Klmbsll et. Interment
at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Remains may
be viewed Sunday, after 7-80 p. m,
lIKr.rrKNlTKlN. On My 10. Jfllo. In Nor
rtstown. Ta., MATILDA KARLE, widow of
Albert HejtTensteln. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral from her
late residence, 73. Chain st , on Saturday,
Mnv 13, at 2 p m. Interment private,
ltr.WITT, Suddenly, on Trtday morning. May
Due notice of the funeral will be alven.
IDI.RR. On May D. 1018, WILLIAM , IDLER,
Jr., husband of Augusta Idler and eon of the
lato William -nd floseanna K. Idler. Rela
tives and friends, also America Lodge, No,
IS. shield of Honor, and Philadelphia Freight
Inspectors, are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Saturday, at 2 o'ctock, at his
lato residence, Ivlns and Oak aves., Oak
Lane. Interment at Woodlands. Train
leaves needing Terminal at 1:43. Friends
may call Friday evening. 8 to 10 o'clock.
JKNKtNn. On May 10. 101(1. MAHLON P.
JENKINS, of ,1ft 18 Arch st. Funeral .pri
vate, from Oliver II. Dale tiuildlnc, 1820
Chestnut st.
KELLY. On May 10, 1010, AL11ERT.thus.
band of Sophia Jf. V. Kelly (nee Kohier),
need 30 years. Relatives and friends, also
members of American Transport Co. nene
Metal Union, are lnvltd to attend the funer
nl, on Monday, at 8:30 a, m., from hl late
residence, inn Federal St. High Mass at the
Church of St. Philip de Nerl at 10 a, in.
Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
KNOTT. On May B, 1010. EDWARD, husband
of Martha Knott, aged 02 years. Relatives
nnd friends also Henry W, Williams I.odge,
No. 034, K. nnd . St. , Phtla. Consistory,
Lit Lit Temrlei Fnjrmount Lodge, No, Ilia,
K. of P. and Adult lllble Class of Market
?our Church, are Invited to attend the
uncral serlres. on Saturday, at S,p. m..
at his. late residence, 801 U. Washington
lane, Oennnntown. Interment at Northwood
(Vmetery i
LA.VDr.MllmtlKR. 6n May 10, 1010,
HENRY A., husband of Marie A. Landen
berger. Relatives and friends, also Stephen
Olrard Lodge. No. 450, F and A. M., are
Invited to attend the funeral services, on
Saturday afternoon, precisely at .2:80
o clock, nt his late residence, 1030 North
tilth st. Interment at South Laurel Itlll
Cemetery. Auto service.
LISA. On May 12. 1010, at the Aldlne Hotel.
JOSEPH TATNALI, LEA, In his 77th year.
Funeral services will be held nt St. Peter's
Church, 3d and Pino sis., Sunday after
noon, at 1 o'clock. Interment private.
LYND. On May 12. 1010, nt the residence
of his lirottivr-In-law, Jachb C. Ilauer, 744
East Oontnrln St.. THOMAS A., beloved son
of Julia and the late John Lynd. Due
notlco of the funeral will be given.
MAlt.HIIAI.1,. On May 10, 1010. ANNIE M..
widow of Henry J Marshall, aged 71 years.
Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend
tho funeral services, on Saturday, at 11
a, m. precisely, at the residence of her
brothcr-In-lnw, Charles II. Gardner. 8200
Clifford st. Interment private.
MeCANN. On May 10, 1010. JAMES, son of
Mary and tho fate John McCnnn. late of
Oranegham. County Derry. trelnnd. Rela
tives and friends nrn Invited to attend the
funeral, on Saturday, nt 8:30 a, m., from
the residence of his cousin. Mrs. James Mc
Closkey, 2020 North Woodstock st. Solemn
Requiem Mass at St. Ellzabeth'ri Church, at
HI a, m. Interment at Holy Cross Ceme
tery. Mctill.LIA.V. Suddenly, on May 10. 1010,
JOHN l. eon of Margaret and Poter Mc
Gillian, In his 7th sear. Relatives and
friends aro Invlled to attend the funeral, on
Saturday, nt I) a. m., from his parents'
residence, 2317 North Douvlor st. Inter
ment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
MILLER. On May 11, 1010. JOSEPH D.
MII.LKR. aged (10 years. Relatives and
mentis, also Skorrett Lodge, No. 343, P. and
A M., of Cochrunvllle. Pa., and Modern
Woodmen of America, are tnvlted to nttend
funernl services, on Friday, jit 8 p, m., nt
lain resldenco. 710 Madison St., Chester, Pa.
Services and Interment nt Heulah Church.
Russellvtllo, Pa., Saturday, 10 a. m. Car
riages meet 0:10 train at Lincoln Univer
sity, NKAI,. O.i May 11, 101(1, ELSIE MAY NEAT.,
daughter of Josenh D. and Anna W. Nenl.
Relatives and friends aro Invited to nttend
tho funeral services on Monday, at 10 a.
nt her late resident.. 1012 North 12th st.
interment private.
NORTON On Mny 10, 1010. HENRY, hus
band of the late Margaret Norton. Reln
tlves and friends aro Invited to attend the
funeral. Saturday, nt 8 a. m , from the
resldenco of his daughter, Mrs. George
Kenvvn, 184.1 Slgel st. Requiem Mass at St.
Thomas Aquinas' Church ut 0:30 n, m. In
terment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
OKIE. At his residence. 30.1 South 40th St..
nn .May 11. 101(1, FREDERICK E. OKIE.
Due notlco of tho funeral will be given.
PRATT. On May 11. 1910, at 545 Hamilton
st.. Norrlstown, Pa.. VIRGIL LEONARD
PRATT. Relatives and friends, also Nor
rlstown Lodge. No. 020. F. and A. M.i
Norrlstown Maennerchor. aro invited to view
tho remains from 7 to 0 p. m. Sunday. May
14. Funvral services and Interment at Can
ton, tlradforrt County. Pa., on Tuesday,
May 10, 101(1.
l'KESSEY. At Llgao, P. I., on May 10. 1010,
of Uphold fever, FREDERICK WILLIAM.
youngest son of Arthur and Ella 3, Pressey.
ROllll. On May 10. 1010. JOHN, son of Ed
wurd and Nellie Robb, aged 2 years. Rela
tives and friends aro Invited to attend the
funernl. on Saturday, at 1 . m.. from his
Farents' residence, rear 012 South Front st.
ntcrment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery.
HCILVLDT. On May 11. 1910. CLARA F..
widow of Albert E. Schmidt. Relatives and
friends are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Monday, at 10 a, m.. at the
parlors of Sechler & Magulre, 1640 North
20th st. Interment private,
SCHULTZ. On May 10, 1010, RUTH W..
wife, of .William W. Schultz and daughter
of Charlea and Metta D. Wahl, aged 23
years. Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend tha funeral services, on Saturday, at
IK m. precisely. U I'M resltera at he
parents, xviv west uoga ai, interment pri
vate '
SCOTT, 8udd-nl. nrt Ma 12, 1M8, at his
late residence, 1442 North Iwrence: t (
DAVID S , husband of Alice . Scott. DM
notice of the funeral will lb atven,
TRAVftRS of diphtheria, on May It. ,191a.
RUTH ANNA, beloved daughter of Erie and
Anna R Travers. aged 4 rears Funeral and
Interment private, at Montrose Cemetery.
TUCKER. On My 10. 1018, CHARljES IS.,
husband of Annie P, Tucker, aged 8.1 years.
Relative and friends are Invited to attend
the funeral, services, on Saturday afternoon,
at .2 o'clock, at his late residence, 753 D
Kalb st. Interment private
WF.OM.IN. On Mar II, llo, ELI7.A11ETJI
A., wife of Louis Wegleln. Jr . and daughter
of Katharine and the late Otto Hunt, Rela
tives and friends are Invited to attend tha
funeral services, Monday, at 2 p, ra , at her
late residence, ftsod Glrard are. Interment
private at Westminster Cemetery. Remain
may be viewed Sunday, from 7 to 0 P. m
WinilKttl.P.V. On Mny 10, lDlfl, MARY P.,
daughter of Thomns A. and Margaret B,
Wlbberley. , Relatives and friends are in
vited to attend the funeral, on .Monday, at
2 p. nt.. from her parents' residence, 0918
Paschall nve., .West Philadelphia. Inter
ment, at Ml. Moriah Cemetery, Remain
rray be viewed on Sunday evening.
WILMS. At Fall River. Mass., on May 10,
of I.. Stanford Wllls. Relatives and. friends
are Invited to attend the fhneral services, en
Saturday, at 2 p. m., nt the Oliver H. flair
Iliilldlng, 1820 Chestnut at., Philadelphia.
Interment private, at Mount Xlorlalt Ceme
tery. WILSON. On. May 11, 1010, ANNIE (nee
Waldron) wife of Robert Wilson. Relatives
and friends, also Rltssed Virgin Mary So
dality, are Invited to attend the funeral, on
Tuesday, morning, at 8 o'clock, from her
lata resldenco, 802 Wotf st Solemn RcquhMn
Mass at the Church of Our Lady nf Mount
Carmel, at 0:30 o'ctock, Interment at Old
Cathedral Cemetery,
YEAHER'. Suddenly, at Wlldwood, N. J., on
May 10, 1010. SAMUEL M,, husband of
Elisabeth C. Yeagcr. In his 48th year. Ilela.
tlves and friends, also employes of the Penn.
aylvanla Railroad paint shops, are tnvlted In
nttend tho funernl services, Saturday, at 3
p. m nt the Oliver It. Ilslr Dulldlng, 1820
Chestnut st,, Philadelphia. Interment at
Fernwood Cemetery. Remains may be
viewed Friday evening.
In effect April J, 101C
THIS STYLE TYPE (or llko this)
One or two times , ., IRr
Three times one week ....,,..,. I11.I
Six times one week lOo
Situations Wanted three times one week, loe
Help and Situation Wanted and
Lost and Found ads aro inserted in
the Daily Punuc Ledger without ad
ditional charge.
Want ads under all other classifications may
he repeated In tho PI'BLIO Luuuin at combined
One or two times ..... 23c
Three times one week 10c
Six times ono week 12lo
TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this)
Is permitted In' all classifications except Help
and Sltuntton Wanted, Lost and Found, Per
sonals, Hoarding and Rooms. When so speci
There is a drup; store near your
homo that will accopt Ledger want
ads at office rates.
and broken gold, silver, platinum, etc.
Write, coll, Phone Park 4533 D. Herman.
828 N. Frnnklln.
I AM NOT responsible for any debts which are,
not contracted by myself. N. ATROCII.
2130 Wnrnock st.
CHESTNUT ST. Mrs. Cox. Mrs. E. W.
Southard. Wm. Dlnckburn. E. J. Frelda,
Lieutenant N. It. Vanderson. Clarence J.,
Griffin. J. H. M. Claggett. Will Lefnngvvell.
John Fox A Co., II. C. Jones. A. tl. Peters,
Snm. Mllllnger, Jack Golf. Frank Feeso. Mr.
Roy U. Metcalf. Allen Cady, F. J. Llmrdth.
Capt. Welles. SI. J. Jones. Miller Bros. A
Co.. J. C. Arbagast, Mrs. Hetty Martin
SQUARE Colonial Lbr. Co., Miss Florence
Armstrong, Win. 0. McClure.
Help Wanted Ads Received Too Lnte for
Classification Will be Pound on Page 2
RILLING 'CLERK, one accustomed to operat
ing Smith Premier machine; rnf. for ability
and character. II, F. Dewees, 1122 Chestnut.
BILLING CLERIC on department store chares
ledger bills: rapid worker: referenco for
ability required. B.F. Dewees,1122 Chestnut.
CHAMOERMAID-Waltress Colored; referenoei
small fum : Sherman und Pnll-r.lleiu ats..
Gtn. Take Wayne ave. car on 13th st.
COOK, chambermaid and waitress, two white
Protestants: Ocean City In summer; refer
ence. II 034, Ledger Office.
GIRLS, experienced and learners, om calendar
work: over 10 years of age. Apply Wolf s,
Co., third floor, 12th and Callowhill,
OIRLS about 10 years n lace curtain finishing
department. Apply John Bromley & Son,
Lehigh ave. below Front,
GIRLS with experience at labeling and wrap.
Sing small articles. Tho Leothersmlth
hops, 1033 Race st.
GIRL, attractive, for magazine Illustration.
Call Call Saturday. 3 p. m.. 4028 Chestnut.
cover yaur wheels,
gears and belts ant
reducoyour compen
sation insurance rates.
wfed BleUl. Wire or Sheet Metal
-Market loss KW..,.,r.i.. ....
Se Johnson Sons Co,
't,J . CAniur nfrwr HttfFI OF THE WORLD
ATT.iTjTii: i:rri.n,tii
-a,a,ral.lO aJAAlACCMKMT. . i
V. ,., '--""- --B,aM'k-. I
Tha modern hotel, of this famous resort.
Capacity 4U0. Sea water In all baths. New
haa, ..a wtaauv.. aau uilll. -.u.v. uuwufi
tennis, etc. a&rage. Booklet and auto map
TiiaTiiel ei nfilepaM,
TuUrTffi i,i.,.,r!iasJ
the manhasset
Booklet, II. R0S3 TURNER. Prou.
Jub It r.H eiursuH.
Ocean Ctty" Famous Beach Front Hotel
Social Ufa canlrAj mlvout Its snactoua eorrl.
dora and breese-awept verandas. Convenient
location, all modern, comfort, golentltd culilna
and servfca. Write lor booklet. Make reaerva
Usas, jwv jtB. eoor. Fre.
Sequel to All the Tarzan Stories
a' new Tarzan tale the sequel to all
Tarzan stories previously published. The vivid
narrative power of Burroughs was never
displayed to better advantage than in this
the sequel to his former triumphs. The one
hundred thousand readers who have followed
the deeds of Tartan in the Evening Ledger
during the last year will find in "The Son of
'Tarzan" a worthy successor, and one which
will more than fulfill their expectations. The
story starts in
HOUSEKEEPER (working), middle-aged Prot.
estant; family 4 adults: reference required.
Call 8J38 Hadneld St., -yVest Phlla. """""'
HOUSEWORK Splendid opening In suburbs
for experienced trirl for general' housework,
no family wash. For particulars. Interview,
I call on Mrs. Mead, manager Household ne.
Istry Bureau, 2d floor, Washington Iildg.,
60S Chestnut at.
HOUSEWORK Girl or woman for general
housework; small family. Call '.'H Rutgers
nve., Swarthmore, or telephone Mrs. Hills,
Rell 60 M, Swarthmore.
HOUSEWORK Prot. i 2 In family: no wash.
Call Chestnut Hill OUT. Friday morning.
HOUSEWORK Enper. woman, good cook. In
apt. West Phlla.: ref. : sleep out. Ret. la
and 2. Frl.. call Room 20a. 608 Chestnut at.
HOUSEWORK, general: comp. gr for"Catholio
CV. , l. muncu, a utiu. JaCUaiOr UUIC1.
HOUSEWORK German girl to work In apart
ment: small family, Meet employer. Room
203, S08 Chestnut st.. 12 o'clock. Friday,
HOUSEWORK Neat, n tiling girl: gen. house
work; plain cooking. 1210 W. Allegheny ave,
HOUSEWORK and cooking; good reference;
family two. Phono 70S J, Germantown.
m mR&ger ;
aaaVaaa?aaataaa'aV.yaaVaVkVa.VVa,Y"t, -1 aga aa -"' t ?," !" "' " V 1
HOUSEWORK Colored woman wanted in prl-
vate family: references. 1S28 Arch st.
IRONERS. exp., on men's nainsook or mux
lln underwei r: good pay: steady work. Apply
Rox ford Knitting Co., Randolph & Jefferann.
llENfJEKS Experienced hands on fancy men's
wear worsted. Apply Shackamaxon Mills,
Allegheny ave. and Hanrock st.
OPERATORS, learners, on all parts of ladles'
lianey, Kuttner iUab, 1820-31 Vine.
OPERATORS, collar setters, exn.. ladles'
shirtwaists. Haney, Kuttner & Jlaab, iqua
OPERATOR8 Those, having any experience on
Singer machines, Apply Klrchbaum's, liroad
and Carpenter. .
OPERATORS, aleevemakersrexp,. ladles' ahTrH
waists. Hansy, Kuttner llaab, J3:'0 Vine.
OPERATORS learners token; paid whlla
jearning.OlimplaMllla.21th & Ellsworth.
OPErXtORS, experienced: dteady work. Olym
. Mllls2JUh andJKIIsworth.
WANTED Operatur" familiar with ElllcatT
Fisher billing machines accurate at figures.
permanent poslllon. P B3il. l.eilger Offleg.
WOMAN, fair education, refined, who values
her services at at least 118 per weak, may
be appointed to a. responsible position If all
can now that she U worthy, give telephone,
q Sill, ledger Central,
LADY to supply regular customers with guar
anteed hosiery at mill prices, all or apara
time: steady Income. Parker Ou..273I N,12th.
APPRENTICE BOV8,.to learn plumbing trade.
IT years of age. HOT Chestnut st.
in.ACKBMJTU wanted at once, liulast tool
dreassr. accustomed to oign-speed ttl.
American bnginearing ui.. Araminto and
11UACKSMITH3 wanted at once Flret-claaa
men, capaoie ox reaoing arawinga on medium-ailed
machlna fofglnss! American Bri
gtneerlng Co.. Aramlnto am. A CiimbtrLind.
BOT for work in newnpawr otttce;
roust b 10 years old: salary
11.00. Apply third floor l'l'Sl.io
Usixita. UouJ chance (or rtslit
OU.tr CUmUU4 Ads op ut Vats
' f
' 'I