Wf$ sgs: 3--g- - -,: ;L i ...-:; , , ,-... T - CLASSIFIED HATES I-' hi effect Aprit J, 1016 EVENING LEDGER , AOATE LINE RATE FOR HACK INSERTION THIS BTYLB TtrE (of tike, this) fn ef lw times . . , le lire times on week ....... livie I times one week ...t.l,. 10 BltuStlons Wanted three, limes one nk. lOe i jrdp and Situation Wanted and Lost and Found ads arc inserted in the Daily Public Ledger without ad ditional charge. Want sds under all other classification mar M repeated In th Pcblio Linoitn al combined ratal One or two time , v ... 2Sle Threa tlmea on week.. ..t ..... Ida Biz tlmia ons week . 12V4A TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) la permitted In alt classification encept Help and Situation Wanted, Lost and Kound, Per sonals, Hoarding and Rooms. When so speci fied, add FIVE CENTS PER AOATG LINK TO ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES. There is a druj? storo near your homo that will accept Ledger want ads at ofllce rates. EVElSfiy& IiET3iGEfiPHti;ApBLPElA THURSDAY, MAY ' M' - HELP WAITED FMMALB Continued from rrmdig Column TVANTED English, Scotch or Canadian pre ferred for eharobefwork and.waltlnr. where English cook la kept) small famllyi per manent place, auburn, state and ware, willing to train young alrl It 023, Ledger Office. .... TOUNO LADY to tak charge of filing, card Indexing systems and gemral office work! must ,b eperlenced; 135 to $40 monthly, O 448, Ledger Central. General WOMAN, fair education, refined, 'who. value her services at at least II? per week,.may be appointed to responsible position If sh ran now that he I worthy) give telephone. O (Hit. Ledger Central TEACHERS WANTED t ha promoted lfl.OOO teachers! whJ not you? Positions waiting D. It. COOKY MOR. national teachers' aoenoy. 337 perry iildo. LADY to supply regular.customers with guar anteed hosiery at mill prices; all prepare, times steady Income. rarker Co.. 2737 N.12th. HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED-MALE Continued from frteedlif-g Column rnirPERB. RO,. wanted, on wrappers, bthneri and-fillers T. A o. Co.. 1147-UM N. 4th at 1 ' T - - TAILOR HANDS In all branches; edge ntstera. ranvs Misters, lining toaster and finish and nil prrcwrra. nicnay worm rnance lor av Apply Klrschbaum, Uroad and Carpenter TINSMITH wanted, accustomed to dairy work. Apply A. It. Reld s Co., 00th and Haver forrt Af., W Phlla. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Continued rem rrecttlno Column SEAMSTRESS and chambermaid White, girl wishes posltlont good seweri reference from present employer Apply Hemllton Ct Art. A 202. 89th Chestnut at rhone- Tre. 4889. aTENOaRAPIIER SECRETARY, thoroughly experienced; banker and broker preferred. P 840, ledger Central. 8f ENOdttApHER, bookkeeper; 7 year' bank ing experience; capable Tt 8lJ. Led. cent. STENOORAPHER, expert.' offhe asst , desire position; light work O -449, Ledger Central. TUGBOAT ENGINEERS LtCENflBD. fcw OO O RTA- LtCENflBD. FOR OUT OF TOWNl-tl PAVi free noAnri aMii TriANHPrlr TlnNlOl 'EN-SHOP CONDITIONS: ATT'-Y' SIhaVd AvI ALL bA' ,22S U:ST UPHOLSTERER, general hand, Huston, 1800 Ellsworth at. ASSISTANT lumber yard foreman; experienced; middle-aeert, married, sober. Address P 534, Ledger ornce. PERSONALS 1 AM NOT responsible for any debt which are not contracted by myself. N. Axroch, 2130 Warnock at. LOST AND FOUND XII Lost and Found Ada In the ilalli Pubfte Ledger are repeated tn the iivenino Ledger tn namejlav without extra charge For Other Ixnt nnd Found Ad See Pate 1 ;-j Iki h s H, i f BRACELET Iit. on tho night of Sat., My 0, In the neighborhood of 03d and Overbrook, . . plain gold bracelet. Initials I.. S. II. to C, M. H. Reward. Address L. S. Hart, 110 B. loth st CERTIFICATE Lost, certificate No.. 843. Is aucd by the National Bank of the Northern Llbertle for on sham of their stock. In tho nam of Anna M. Marbourg. All persona are warned against negotiating this stock, and the finder will please communicate with the Bank of N. America. 307 Cheitnuksi.. Phlla. CERTIFICATE lost or mlelld for six (0) ahares capital atock the United Oas Improve ment Co., No. 104010, In name of Solomon Sickles, dated 3-17-10. Application made for new stock. HLACKSMITHB wanted at once Flrst-clas men. capable of reading drawing nn ma rilum'Sltrd machine forglngs. American En glneerlng Co.. Aramlngo eve. Cumberland ROT, about 10 or 17, wanted In law'olXIcfi errands and office work; spare time for study If desired. Addre In own handwriting, stating wagea expected. CI CM. Ledger t.ent HOT, HI, wanted for paper, house, chance for bright, eneractle boy Collins Co.. 140 N Oth st. biff :ood ROY. . bright, wanted Clothing Co, Arnlv Snellenbnr' Droad and Wnllace. 4th floor DOT wanted In Rnsowlg' Music Store. 133 8 litn st. nuoe vainui. Mlaood chance for advancement. Apply factories l'n lane . nesier IIOVS wanted! must be lfli steady or! Lester Piano Co.. Lester, Short Line trolley. .WANTED TOOLMAKERS Flrat-clasa tonlmaker. with experience on Jig and fixture. Apply between 10 and 1 iJAVETTr; n. pi.It.mii. inc., tucker ANDMAME8 8T8., FRANKFOR0. 8TBNOORATHER, generAI offlcelerkt S yrs,' exp.; thoroughly compt. U Sit, Led. Cent. STENOORAPHER S jeara' exp.. 1 year high school, thor. comp, O 443, Ledger Central EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES, CoaHfHfif rem rrecedljo Colnnfi HIRR NtCHOLLS, tl28 Dalnfefldge ft.. J1" Mftmp. chiuffVuS'. bytler., ftnn. ", : cook, waitresses Eng. Pryt. and oOitt Chambermaid, nurse, several excel. J French and other ladle maids, etc. Wanted, add. Jlt!Ei- llEEejtlM Phone Locust 2130. , MISS MARY T.JfcCARTHr. I.Chtn L',XtnrSaf.'lft"YPmr. le'nationaluie,: RANTED, at Eplscdpnt Office, 312 8. 12th- Cooks, waif. chm'd, nurses, house girs. AUTOMOBILES For Sal STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly xp.J capable of doing flrst-clas work. (I 244, Led. Central. STENOORAPHER. cxrt.. desires no. I under stand filing n1 billing. F 047, Led. Central, TELEPHONE OPKRATOR. cterk. S yr.' exp., rdealrea position; capable. V 731, Led. Ctnt. TELEPHONE OPERATOR mor. comp. reference. L jcen, office clerkl F 847, Led. Central. WAITRESS Neat Oermn glrll hotel workl Atlantic uuy prer. ii n32. ini dger Office. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MACHINISTS Must have considerable experience; no others need npnly. Call between to nnd II PAYETTE R. Pt.UMIl. INC.. TUCKER AND JAMES STS , KRANKPORD. WANTED A .young man of good character nnd 'hnblta for a junior position In n bank whro the chance for learning .the bus. ties nnd becoming efficient nre rood Ad dress ulth reference nnd particulars. O r,4.i Ledger Central. UNCLAIMED TELEQKAMS "WESTERN MNioN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. 1301 CHESTNUT ST. Ch. S. Toeman, Christopher I.. Ward. 11. F. Orant. Mrs, Arthur Carson, Alexander Shllllday, D. II. Daly, Mrs. E. W. Manderson, Mis Kathe Tine McKernan, Mr. II, Rreeding. Sugnr Reflnrle Co , Chas. Into. P, II. Miller, F. W. Ilacon, Yeadon Ready, Economy Fuse Co. Joe Armstrong. .,., TOSTAL TELEORAPH CO.. 1420 S. TENN SQUARE Thoa. ilerry, Telew. HELP WANTED FEMALE i- y T V Help Wanted Ad Received Too Late for Classification Will bo Found on rate 2 DANDERS wanted. North 4th st. T. A O. Co.. 1147-1153 BILLING CLERK, on accustomed iS operat ing Smith-Premier machlnel ref. to ability and character. D. F. Dewees. 1122 Chestnut. BOOKKEEPER to work on sales ledger; must he quick and accurate and experienced In ledger work; salary 110. O D48. Ledger Central. CHAMI1ERMAID A waitress, experienced whit Ctrl for Main Line. Rest of reference re quired. Call Wednesday morning. 0 to 11, at 4012 Locust at. ft,1 - f tit CHAMBERMAID and waitress, white; wages. 16: 4 In family; reference. 8316 Seminole ae. Chectnut Mill 433. Call 8 to 1. CKAMBERWORK and waiting Young white elrl: no washing; ref. Phone Oln. 2397 W. - CLERKS, with typist ability: high school grad uates preferred: good opportunity for ad vancement: pleasant surroundings; state age, eal. dar, and bus. ref, U ,T5, !.ed. Central, HOYS for delivery service; must be in year old and good appearance; reference reriulrcd, good aalnry Perry A Co , Kith & Chestnut. HOYS, over HI years; wage $7 per week, In side work. Applv to valrhmnn. Electric Storago llaltery. lnth and Allegheny. ROYS WANTED (COtX)REDI AT TI E SAMARITAN HOSPITAL. DROAD AND ONTARIO STS BUTCHER Flrt-clas butcher to go mil jf town; good chance for right man. O 457, Ledger Central. OAlltVETMAKERU wanted; steady position: good wage, Applv factories Lester Piano Co . Lester. Ta. Tnke Chester Short Lino trolley. CABINETMAKERS WANTED. A SON. 1010 CHESTNUT ST. WEYMANN WANTED Young man for bookkeeper and stenographer, one having experience In nook preferred, aond nnenlnir. Rntendld on. portunltj M 2J7. Ledger Office. WANTED Laboring men. Apply to the Ex position, pare Mr. Rea, Commercial Museum. 34th below Spruce at 2fi cents per hour WRAPPER for laco curtain. Apply John Hromley A Hon. Lehigh ae., below Front WAITRESS and chamherworkj best reference. Call Mary Monllln. 1S12 8. 20th st, WOMAN wishes cooking temporarily! best ref erence. 2034 Fltxwater st. MEET MRS. MEAD Manager of tb HOUSEHOLD REGISTRY BUREAU She keeps a record of every applicant for domestic work and can usually Place you In touch nutckly with an experienced nure. governess, cook, chambermaid, waltres anil girl and women for general housework, This efficient time nnd worry saving servlc Is free'to Ledger advertisers. Call at Washington Building, , (108 Chestnut si. Tnke elevator to 2d floor. or phone Mr. Mend. Walnut or Main 8000. CHASSIS We have a few cheap car of wh ch the chal would be very aultable for truck or delivery work of any kind, Hon t fall to come In nnd look them over, if you warn omelhlng at n, bargain price for delivery VX"Pttf- LOCOMOBILE. , ,. rt4l4 t.l,i TukitAt .frill. H. A. JENK8, Mgr, Exchange Car Dent, FOR EXCHANGE 2003 Potter-M. EOn BALE. TALKING MACHINES H-PRtCB. ttoo tiutnt Now UUIUIH l"tT Outfit Now tlOO k CADILLAC, 1014, touring ear, overhauled and repainted: full equipment: price $330. AUTO BALKS tiqilPOItATION. 142 N.Rrod aL. COLE, 101(1 Demonstrator: splendid condition. I(. R. BOWERS CO. rf, i. iironu IIUDSONS Rebuilt and guaranteed! Phaetons and cabriolets: electric llghr and starter. OOMERY-8CHWARTZ, JJJlSjJIIroad.. MARMON. inTs Town"car!A 1 condition. $"jn OVF.RLAND Delivery , .. '-400 U. HO'NEAL.jSlfl N.nroadat. STUDniiAKEn7"inT(ir"(l-ey)lndsr, ,7-passenger. Touring Car, drlen only 700 mllesl will sell reasonable. I, 141), ldjcr Central. STUDERAKER. ntpnssengr..good eondlllonl TMil ne.eoiq ceapiADPiy;l-.i,-,',,' - FIVK-PASSENOEn CAR In good condition: good tire; Weattnghnuse shock absorber! will demonstrate. M 743, Ledger Central, YOUNG MAN. American, of good address, with references ns to honesty, for clerical posi tion in hardware store In seashore town. fine npportunltj' to learn good bualnes and lend a pleasant summer at tho shore Bee Str Shaffner. Ledger Central, at once. YOPNO MAN, between 18. and 20 years, as slenogrnplier: must be fast nnd arcurate with Initiative to tnke advantage of oppor tunity; stnte ikilnrv desired. Address JI M., I'ostofflce Hox 3,'no. YOUNG MAN wanted 10 to 18, for office work; good opportunities for ndancement. -BJ.03, Ledger Branch. 11th n'nd lluttonwood CAR REPAIRERa. CAR nUILDERJ, WHITF. AND COLORED LABOR ERS. APPLY B. A O. FrtEE LABOR BUREAU. 010 8. 11TH ST. CHAIR PACKERS or joung men to learn. Ap ply Mr. Meyers. 241 S. 6th at. CHAUFFEUR, white. Cadillac, experienced: prlate: North Philadelphia; state wages. 33. Ledger Rranch, 3701 Germantown. CIOARMAKERS wanted on fine handwork. T. A O. Co.. 1147-1133 N. 4th. CUTTERS and lining cutters, experienced, to take the place of men on strike: out of town; transportation furnished O 330, Led. Cent. DRAUGHTSMAN WANTED. GOOD. ON rOW KR INSTALLATION APPLY NAIIOHTOV A WEIMAR. WESTMORELAND AND JAfT- PER STS. DRAUGHTSMAN, mechanlcul, nrst class; state age, exp. and sal. desired D 2, Led. Off. DRIVERS for drop-bottom wagon. J. Lee. 8427 Palcthorp at. Apply W. FREIGHT HANDLERS" wanted at Chestnut St. Station. Tier 8. South Wharves. COOK and second maid to go to Chelsea for summer: must have first-class references. Meet employer, 3 p. m.. Room 203, 008 Chestnut st. COOK and downstairs work: small family; whltel reference. 3422 Powelton axe. GIRL wanted for general housework: must be reliable and a good plain cook; no laun dry work. 413 West llortter st. Phone Germantown 1207 W. OTRLS wanted, over 1(3; Increased facilities have made openings In our plant for refined. Intelligent girls for sealing, Inbellng and packing medical supplies; light, pleasant work; clean, healthy surroundings; 32-hour week: salary. SO to beginner, with rnpld ad vancement to good workera; 12 minutes from Darbnon trollevr 20 minutes from Broad St. Statlcnpn train. Apply In person or by let- ' to ii. iv. aiui,fUHU GARDENERSt wanted for Jobbing work; good wages. 3113 Regent st HOUSEMAN, colored, for cooking and down stairs work; reference required. Call at 0339 Greene at., Germantown. ter I CO.. Olenolden, Pa, ( GIRLS, about 10 years. In lace curtain finish ing department. Apply John Hromley A Sons, Lehigh avo. below Front. GIRLS, small, to learn winding. Apply 1008 East Westmoreland st. HOUSEKEEPER (working), middle-aged Prot etnt! family A adults: reference required. Call OlSS.lUdfleld St., West Phlla. HOUSEWORK, general, on farm near Down lngtown. Pa,: -would take middle-aged womanr good wage. Meet employer Friday, 10 a. m.. Room 205. 008 Chestnut st. ti If" HOT'HWORK WlUInc to ako mother nd small child: moderate salary. Call flr..l5 Stenton ave.i Grmantown, after 0:30 p, m. ...,.. ,,-,-... . . .,. .A... HOITSBWORIC (general)- Vhlt woman want ed, no wash In?: family 2 ndults. Powelton Apartment (J I). 3Qth and Powlton ave. HOUSCWORK (general) Capable, experienced woman: no laundry work; reference required. 03 Midland avo.. Wayne. Fa, IRONERS, exp.. on men'a nalneook or mus lin underwear: rood pay; steady work. Apply Hoi ford Knitting Co., Randolph & Jefferson. LADIES An educational Institution desires the services of 3 educated ladles to expUln home study courses to proapecttve students. U m0, .Ledger Central. MENDERS Experienced hands on fancy men's w-nr worsted- Apply Shackamaxon Mills, Allegheny ave, and Hancock st. i! OFFICE CLERK, stenographer, typist, with some fir. Insurance experience; salary lu. Apply In writing. P 601, Ledger Office. OPERATORS Those having any experience on Singer machines. Apply Klrchbaum's. Ilroad and Carpenter, OPERATOR wanted, familiar with Elllcott Ftsber billing machine; arcurate at (Inures: permanent position. P 630, Ledger Office. OPERATORS wanted on Singer sewing ma chines, J. Linker. 835 Cherry st., 3d floor. STRIPPERS (60) wanted on wrappers, bind. era and fillers. T. A O. Co.. 1147-1103 N. iihttt. TEACHERS We have an opening for two teachers with selling ability, on an educa tional service for parents; must be able to earn 125 per week: .give full particulars. V 743, Ledger Central. m TELEPHONE OPERATORS Th. Dell Tele phone Co. offers opportunity for young worn en between IT and 32 years old to learn telephone operating; must be bright, energetlo and ambitious; good salary; rapid advance, rnent; permanent positions among pleasant surroundings are assured: salary paid while learning. Apply tn person between 830 a. in. and a p. m, Dell Tlep, Co., 408 Market, INSTRUMENT MAKERS, first class only; tool makera, 13. J4 to J 1.48 per day of 8 hours; machinist, 13 to 14: assistant machinists. $2 tn S2.G0; machine operators (male). 12 to 12 24: machine blacksmith for medlum slie work, able to work to blue print nnd familiar with use of ateam hammer, ?3.S2 tn 3 7fl. based on e-tperlence nnd capacity; skilled laborers. 11.84, for outside and In side work; Cleveland, nrown A Shnrpe and Orldley automatic turret lathe operators. 13.70; turret lathe hands. J2.8R. nnd Potter A Johnston turret lathe hands, J.t.r,.' per day; citizens; higher compensation when on piece work; lfl daja leave after one jear'a Service. nouaaya llliu omuruity nurriiuuna during the summer months, all with full Fay. Apply Frankford Arsenal, Rrldesburg, htladelphla. Pa. YOl'NCI HUN about lh enra of age, to help In hosler mill Call Germnnla Hosiery Mill. .1211 Kensington ave TOUNO M.Ef who have had some experience ns salesman In drug store. Apply George II. Kvnns. 1 lOil Chestnut.. TOUNO MEN (Catholic) learn to be salesmen; paid while learning. No 314, 021) Chestnut. A L T. R T SALESMEN WANTED bv n large manufacturer, established throughout the world, with 40 branch estab lishments, exceptional opportunity for men of nbllltv nge 2" to 30: lary and ex penses; must be men who nro looking for greater opportunity, give detail hlstorv of business experience and Bend photograph with application. Address M 740, Ledger Central. EMPLOYER'S TIME IS SAVED by taking advantage of the free service to Ledger help wanted advertiser. Miss Dean. In the Commercial Reglstrv Rureau at ledger Central, has records of joung lady nppllcanl for all kind of office work nd can usually nubmlt several quali fied applicants nulokly. Tell Miss Dean what you want. Walnut or Main 3000. ' SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT-ROOKUEPER 12 yr ' exp corres., rol, credit and eollee., desire pos. with progrea concern: ref C 220. Led Off. AUDITOR-ACCOUNTANT of 2.1 years' ex perience, familiar with corporation and hotel work want a permnnent position, In or out of clly C 320. Ledger Office. DOOKKEEPER. D. E,, comp., corresp't, cred its, collec. desire pos, G 341, Led, Cent. Fcorlcs3 Parts BUICK PARTS scnotiKR. .I.ltl-t.-i MARKET aciionnR. 3.1I1-4S MARKET. Bergdoll Parts JJM9S st. SEND FOR .KREU ntfLLETUT flORSQN AUTO RXCIIANOll '.'TI N. WROAD PARTS 8'"HlltlF.R .1111 MARKET STREET m. rusn.iin Sle of slightly used Edljen si h&v&xbvs& Cl" or ' "IcTfclhffipso?9" Ia 00 LAROB TALKIKO MACHINES (cSiumMa) with Cabinet for holding machine and "00 record, Th a outfit I finished In s tea" tiff I quartered oak. .and cost new IR4T Can be paid for al the rats of J3 cen weVk y. Thl Is an excellent bargain, It la in flrst-class, condition, equal to new Write for complete list of bargains Snd .peclal 30 days' free trial offer. HEPPE'8 UPTOWN STORES, s Ccr. Oth & Thompson Sts, CASH REGISTERS bought, sold. tja.M; changed, repa red, replatei. Supplle. New nnd factory rebuilt. New total ,! Tow s I3i'. Call Pd cf our lOWmodj els. Register Bold and leased by us on easy payments nd. fully guaranteed. Tlffc NATIONAL CA81I REOrsTER CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET. DESKS, filing cabinet, safes, telephone booths and office furniture and futures of every de scription! used, but In fine condition, and "liuallES: ATI! AND' RUTTONWOOP, "". 1 . -if.. k.....t,el4 fs ATJTO LIVERY AND GARAQE3 TO HIRE (open day and night), brand-new 0-pass. touring car. wlh robes, II. 2ft hr.: also brand-new 7-pass. limousine, $1.(10 hr.: weddings, funerals. Poplar, 1017. 1718 Olrard pr.i.TOM nAnAnn TEUTON AND OIRARD AVE. PHONE REL.MONT 1101. RUT MOISTER Portnhle Oarages Steel or stucco. Ort display 31)31 N ftth. Tioga 2!)84 AUTO PAINTING ROOKKEEPER or ledger clerk C H. wishes pos.; sal, tl per wk. P 535, Led S , Off. Hl'Tt.ER and houseman, colored: experienced nnd capable! ref. II 018, Ledger Ofllce. CHAUFFEUR, white; fi jeara' exp.: do minor repnlrs; care lawn, heaters and drives; flrst class ref ! willing and obliging; country, all-yenr-arpund place. 038 S. BOth St., West Philadelphia. COLLEGE men to gather data Alumni of Great Universities In Philadelphia: good re muneratlon. Jo hn S. Wllley. Hotel Walton General INCREASE TOUR INCOME RV PREPARING TO ACCEPT A POSITION OF RESPONSIHILITY In these das of the country's unprecedented rrosperlty. Railroads nnd Industrial estah Ishment are In urgent need of Traffic Man agers who ro efficiently trained and have enjoyed a PRACTICAL COURSE OF IN STRUCTION. Wo are accepting a limited membership for next term, beginning May 10 Call, write or phone NATIONAL TRAFFIC SERVICE RUREAU N K. Cor. 13th Pairing Garden sts. Philadelphia. CHAUFFEUR, colored, wishes position: good exp.. ref. from last place. Addres Chauf feur. 210 Greenfield ave., Ardmore, Pa CHAUFFEUR, married, flrat-class mechanic; cap any car:. Simplex. Pierce or Packard pref. ; 7 seara' exp. G B42. Ledger Cent. CHAUFFEUR want position for evenings, Saturdays, Sundays, holldavn; 8 ycafa' ex perience. G 840, Ledger Central. CHAUFrEUR. colored, desires position: Ave years' experience: city or country. Address 131 Raven st. CHAUFFEUR. 30. mar., prao. shop and road exp., (leslres alt. Phono Dickinson 306.) W. CHAUFrEUR. colored, desires position: good exp.; ref Chauffeur, 4042 Sansom t., Phlla. BOOKKEEPERS Some very attractive open ings. 113 up; nslstant office manager, 120; clerks, general, order, bill, shipping, cbst, typewriting, stock, etc., S10 up: stenogra phers, several. l"-20; master mechanics, two. J18O0 nnd J240O: must bo big men and capable ot handling men, draughtsmen, sev eral mechanical, other positions open for HIGH-GRADE MEN. BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY. 1301 I.AND TITLE BUILDING. ACTOS10RILK8.J- Mechanical night echool now open. CoTvBroad & Spring Garden sts. LABORERS 23 centa per hour. Day or night work. RAUGH SONS CO. Foot of Morris St.. Delaware River. LABORERS, good, wanted now at Tygert-Alln Fertilizer Works, South Delaware and Wic cacoe ave, (Greenwich Point); steady work , the year rounil for right men. See Super intendent, at works. LABORERS wanted for both outside and In side work. Apply factories Lester Piano Co.. Lester. Pa. Take Chester Short Line trolley. LABORERS wanted; steady work; 20c. rer hour: 0-hour day. Apply at once. Barrett Company. 8(lth and Gray's Ferry ave. LABORERS WANTED. WHITE. APPLY 401 S. WATER 8T LATHE, Glsholt. Jones and Lamson, Dullard and milling machine opera tors: steady work; can only use flrst class mechanics. See Mr. Coleman, Windsor Hotel, Thursday. LITHOGRAPHIC SALESMAN Creative man, who controls business. Write complete de tails of experience, M 1137, Ledger Central. MACHINISTS WANTED, experienced engine lathe hands. Apply WM. F. RUWELL, 710 NOBLE ST. MAN AND WIFE for family of twb In Cheat nut lttlt: woman as cook, man for houseman and general work: reference desired. Apply Monday. Room 2UJ. U. O. I. Building, Uroad and Arch sts. MECHANICAL FOREMAN, engineer, experi enced tn construction and repairs of paper mill machinery. Including ateam power plant state age and experience. Address D S, Ledger Office, MEN wanted; familiar with handling horses ma novs, ilden. Pa, t 1IHItVVI, ll"IOTI and hoas. Apply li, K. Mulford Co., Glen- oi MEN and boys wsnted at the Spreckels Coop erage, Reed and Swanson sts, PAINTERS, five: must be first class, BINN8. Germantown ave. and Gorges, SALESMAN wanted, acquainted with plumbers and Jobbers from St. Louis to Boston, to sell castlron enameled ware. Address P. o. Box 278, Blalrsvlle, Pa. SHIPPER In hosiery mill nn nn rib machines. slery Mills, 3211 Kensington ave. with mm mm.L enca on rib machines. Call Qermanla ilo- 8PEED LATHE hands: experienced men on hand tool work on soft metal or wood per manent position. Mr. R, Fox, 240 West Somerset at. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, typist: 2 years' exp., willing, capable. O 1B8, Ledger Cent BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, capable of tak ing chnrge of office or nctlng ns secretary; Al reference. O 442, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, thor exp.: banking and fire Insurance, ref. G 242. Ledger Central. CHAMBERWORK or lady'a maid, colored; ex perienced hair dresser, etc. 11 020, Led, Off. CHAMBERWORK or plain cooking: small fam ily, good ref. II U31. Ledger Office. CH1LDNURSE. joung Po'lsh girl; city or suburbs II 033, ledger Office. CLERK. D eHra exper In gen. office work; assistant bookkeeper. P 019. Ledger Central. COOK, chambermaid and waitress 2 frlen wish positions together. Call Thurs. after noon nnd Krl. morning, 1014 N Hutchinson. COOK nnd chambermaid want places together. Call Thursday morning at 4320 Laird at. Good references. COOK, good, experienced, no dining room work, ready to start at once. 1727 Carlton street. COOK, colored, first class; city or shore; refer ence. H 07, Ledser Office. COOK or housekeeper, first class; best refer ence Mm .vlcioit st. GIRL wishes position as chambermaid, willing tn help with children, will go to Atlantic City or country, reference. Call 4214 Osage ave., Ran 332 W , - " GOVERNESS desires position; assist needle work, housekeeping. V 334, Ledger Office. HOUSEKEEPER (vlnltlng) Position by lady a visiting liousrkeei t1, lapaliie of taking charge of all bulng. paslng bills and bal ancing up ihecklKok If desired, highest refer ences G 23U. Ledger Central. HOUSEKEEPER, working: English Protestant gentleman's fumlly: adulta: good reference; city preferred. H 1125. ledger Office. LADY wlahea to read for Invalids; 40 cents per hour. II 2il. Ledger Office. LADY'S MAID; neat, understands sewing; go away for summeix 2 tears' city reference. H ml. Ledger Office. LADY'S MAID, lompanlon: Prot. : good sewer: city preferred H 1124, J.edjer Office. LAUNDRESS, tlrst class, One yurd. wishes day's work or at home. 1731 N 22d. MOTHER'S HELPER Middle-aged American Prot.; 3 cars' ref H U2D. Ledger Office. NURSE, practical, wishes care of one or two children; mountains or seashore; best ref erences, Add "D II. N-." 131 N. 18th st. NURSE Graduate American Protestant want position car Invalid or Invalid child; good reference, H 1130. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, single, wishes position: 10 tears' exp.- ref. Box 180. Haverford, Pa CHAUFFEUR desires position, private: exp., temperate; beat ref. 1714 N. Newklrk at. FOREMAN PAINTER recently opened a fully equipped shop on the side. Quality being the primary consideration, haa established a successful business, which now requires mv entire time, Don't deprive yourself of the best when my prices for Painting or Revarnlahlng Car are a third less than any other shop In Phlla. Highest grade work guaranteed. Phone Tioga 2702: Kev stone. North 40. GEO. W PARV1S, JR. 1321 Alrdrlo st niond above Erie. AUTO KEPAIRINa CYLINDERS REHORED. new pistons and rings furnished, weldings and brnzlng, H. B. Underwood Co . 1023 Hamilton at.. Phlla. 7 SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES 7 See RILI.Y. at his new location, fllfl NORTH BROAfD ST. TIRES AUTO SUPPLIES PHILA. AUTO TARTS CO," 823-825 N. 13TH Keyetnne phone. Park 1418. , SLIP COVERS TOPS 'RECOVERED REUPHOLSTERINO .V.ND REPAlRINO. 40TH ST. AUTO TOP CO., 40TII AND CHANCELLOR STB. ' HEARINGS New Departure Service sta. Th Gwllllam Co. 1314 Arch st. Ph. Walnut 3107. Race 3082. DESKS, large assortment: also household fur niture. Dullng Central Second-hand rurnl- turo Company, pim-ihiii-wm i-aiinwnm ei, IRISH DOCUMENT, elaborately engrossed and engraved, the l.-t peech of Robert Emmett, Kn Snt in. 1801 (executed by tho British Sept. 20 1803)i elab. memorial engrav. at the lop. design. W-Ilarralct and eng. by Sey. mour, size 22x17 Jn.t a rnro and spten. mem. for hall ppaJHjhsBclljih;, rop. 4018 J. OIL TANK for sale: will hold 1800 gallons. Dr. J. Russell. 37 8, 18th st. 29.50 VICTROLA VI and 8-10 In. D. F. Records, guaranteed to be In perfect condi tion An excellent outfit for one who Is looking for n good mnchlne at a reasonable price. Fifty cents weekly accepted. Call or writ for complete descriptions and large Illustrated catalogues. HErPE'S UPTOWN STOnES, Cor. Oth & Thompson Sts. A. R. O SHOWCASES NONE BETTER: PROMPT DBLIVERT A. nrcurmiiifli t;n.. Liityf. ,m BILLIARD. TOOL, combination, second-hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repairing; supplies Lafe Keafer, American mnnufac turer, 320 Olrard ave. Phone Kens. 2318. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES -Also howling alleys: easy pavments. BRUN8-WICK-RALKE-eOLLENDER CO., 1002 Arch BILLIARD, pool tables: new, second-hand bowl ing nll;s; easy payments. Rosntto-Barry-Street Co.. 222 3. 8th at.: phone. Wat. 2284. Fireproof: 00 slightly used; all sizes SAFES nnd make; big bargains, 210 N. Fourth at . between Race and. Vine. FACTORY price on high-grade perlod'furnl ture: cash transact,: ref. O 3o0. Led. Cent. HEATING GARDENER. PLORIST. married! able to take charge of florlet's or gentleman place; state particulars. Gardener, 328 N. filth st. GARDENER, single, Al alt hranches: highest rets Florist, gen. delivery. Wilmington. Del. HOTEL ROO.M CLERIC wishes position In city; o senrs' experience. O 833. Ledger Central MAN. colored, wants situation waiter, private family; ref. Dutier. 1803 Lombard at, MAN. whltei exp.. vvlshe position on farm; good reference. D 1, Ledger Office, , MAN AND WIFE Cook and butie- nb"'Iaun dry; reference, II 028, Ledger Office. MECHANICAL ENGINEER wishes position: understands nnd has had practical experience with hydraulic, cistern, all kinds of mill work-, pipe worn. A. c. iv-current and re frigerating machines- 18 tear' experience; furnish referemc. G 341, Ledger Central. Machines- 18 tear' ene. Q 341. Ledger MECHANICAL DETA1LER and tracer; 3 years- experience 4 v. .M. u. A., Youngs town, Ohio. 11. M Buckles. MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN. 8 i perlence 022 Y. M. C. A., You unio. ti. u. ,miaon. ears ex- ounsstovvn. OFFICE Efficient and credit man desires po sltlon with rellnhle concern appreciating re sults. O 40. Ledger Central TRAFFIC MANAOER experienced in all branches uf tiafflc man agement desires to connect with mnnufo. luring enmnam . familiar with freight rates In all territories, classifications, route and Interstnta. commerce laws; claim handled to n-nmpt ofl1tment nnd cnnahle of organ izing department that will show results; excellent reasons for leaving present position, best references In regard to character, abil ity nnd Integrity, ready to start June I or such tlm sb fair to all concerned; will ar range personal Interview. Addres II, s. Watson. 121 N. 4th ave.. Highland Park. New Rrunswlck, N. J. AUTO TIRES Tires. Tubes Schober SECOND HAND 33 II - IS MARKET MAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better nnd cheaper than team or hot-water.. Pure fresh nlr with , normal moisture. MAKIN KELSEY. 0 NISth St.. Phlla. MACHINERY AND T00L9 Pfl.l.MAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Comnare prices. GRIM'S 230 N. Rro.-rWit. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PATRNTR kt us send you our free book ". " "Patents & Trade-Marks." Don't pay exorbitant fees. Our service Is of the highest type, nnd our fees nre reasonable. FOSTER & WEBSTER Sulte 31 1011 Chestnut st Rell phone. Walnut 1804. WE HAVE up-to-date factory experience and established business manufacturing staples In dally demand: require additional working capital and help tn manngo Increasing bust loess: profitable O 233, Ledger Central, AUTHORIZED, morning newspaper route. West Pblln . can arrange to suit any person; with or without services: gilt-edge Investment. Look Into It, O ,140. Ledger Central. 13 A MONTH secures Interest, In growing or chard; will he producing before paid for. HARRY DARLINGTON. 1420 Chestnut st. PENROSE MOTOR"STOCK" for sale: cheap to tiulrk buier: 10.0U0 shares, Mrs. Arnold, 80.13 Springfield nvc. PICTURE THEATRE Partner with 12500 wanted: 10c. ndmlsslon dally; refined patron age: earns J100-J180 week. L ISO. Led. Cent. CIVIL ENGINEER wanted with selling expe rience for treasurer; established company; small Investment. C 310. Ledger Office. CAPABLE office man of Integrity will Invest S10.000 with services In established paying business; state line, a 88. Ledger Central. HOTEL PITMAN Large summer business: es tablished, furn., enuln.. readv for bus.; good traln servke. Apply, H. B. Goff.Pltmnn. N. J. PARTNER wanted; excellent opportunity. Wrlto for particular. P l. 01. Ledger Office. BUSINESS PERSONALS EVENING WATCHMAN, steady, sober and reliable, wishes work with a business house em iu at present; good references. E, C. .. Box 87. Willow arove, YOUNG MAN, 20, with 10 ears' experience In bank, desires position with reliable concern; prefer some outdoor work. C 333, Ledger Office. YIV'NO MAN desire to learn wholesale fish or produce business; now emploted U Ju, Ledger Central, .EMPLOYMENT wanted with wholesale gro cery or hardware Arm by young man de sirous ot working Into position of traveling salesman, good personality, nbtllty to meet men and preparatory school and college edu cation, can furnish best of references as tn itei, anility and willingness to work; havxt traveled and Know in general way all Middle Atlantic States, would lucent any reitsntiable salary to start. U 314, Ledger Central, JAPANESE, flrst-class cook, wants position: reference. Malsuo, 308 N. 18th, ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. KANE. 811 S. 10th St.. wants positions for flrst-class Protestant rooks; 10 years last employer; several flrst-class laundresses, willing to do shirts; English butlers; also French butlers; best of ref.; wants tomorrow morning English butler and valet, housemen, girls for downstairs work and looking: Prot. rhambermalds: references required. Spruce 34U1. COOKS, chambds., chlldnurses, housework girls wanted; cook wants place with family, go to seashore, Rose Dougherty, 1313 W, Olrard. LATEST STYLE FULL.-OHESM SUITS CLOTHES DEL1V. ft CALLED FOR FREE CALL OR PHONE POPLAR 235 TO OPEN EVENINGS HIRE LLlUNER'S. 10T1I & QIRARD AV S.W.Cor. FULL DltESS SUITS Cutaways. Tuxedos and Sack Suits ' To hire and made to order. NEUBAUERTHE TAILOR. 1121 .Walnut. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolv. sis, the only nerm't way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Illdg. Miss Hnppe, halrdres'r. facial miia'ge, manl. cur'g, form. Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. Gents'Cast-ofT Glothinpf Bought! RRITTON. 125 N 0thst. Good prices! DIAMONDS RO'JUIIT Bank reference. Appraisement. 1 per cent. HARRY W. SMITH. 717 SANSOM ST. CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE SOTH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT. Bell Phone. Locust 1000. WEST PHILA. WE8TPHII.A. WEST 1'1ULAU MONARCH STORAGE CO. 3e PER YAItn J870-72LANCA8TER AVE. REAL CARPET BEATINQ. NO TtlMDLERS usea. uoyer co., douu pt. i-ui, I'n.Tlogao.'iMi, DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKiNU DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS 143yyiRARD AVE. POPLAR H374 . THE MCDOWELL Dressmaking School; easy. modern methods; smalt payments. 307 Dnckla Building, Uthjind Market sts. DRESSMAKING taught , from any pattern; morn, and nft. sessions; send for clr. Colum. blsn Dressmaking SchoolJ738 Columbia ave SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS nnd YOCOM HANGERS and PILLOW BLOCKS, with finished ball and socket bearing nre the best for nil shafting purpose. SHAFTING AND MACHINE WORKS.i 148 North Second. JAMES YOCOM fc BON. If If a. CONCRETE MIXER, then It's a MIL WAUKEE. Ak tho man that use one; he knows. CHARLES BOND COMPANY, 520 Arch street DYNAMOS, motors nnd machinery bought, sold .and rented: armatures repaired. ..Main 01. Market 3005, Yearaley Co.. 224 N, 3d t. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT ,. "Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gine, pumpHj air rolfipressorn " FlfANJC TOOURYl Inc.. 127 N. 3d t. EXHAUST, fannrublowers all sizes venti lating fans, steam pumps, belt pumps. Nut tall. 1748 N. Oth st. MOTORS and generators; standard makes: reaa'blt prices; tested out electrically and mech'ly. L F. Seyfert's Sons, 437 N. 3d. PIPEi scond-hanft. all slzet. Phlla. Second hand Pipe SupplsCo.. 303 N.'th st. Phones. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LARGE EDISON AMBEROLA. Diamond Point, with cabinet and records, finished In beautiful Mahogany. Can be paid 11.00 weekly. An excellent bargain. In good con dition. Write for complete list of bargains and special trial offer. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor. 0th ft Thompson Sta. MAY VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON SALE HELI.AK 1120 CHESTNUT ST.. B0 CENTS WEEKLY BUYS A VICTROLA. Call or write for particulars. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor. Oth & Thompson Sts. 85 CHICKER1NO UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 833 N. OTH. T EDISON DIAMOVD TOINT PHONOGRAPH, cost This outfit is complete with remrds and cabinet, and will be sold for J38. paytfUa 75 cent weekly. Call or write for complete descriptions and large Illus trated catalogues. y HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, Cor, Sth & Thompson Sts. UPRIGHT PIANO. Rrewster; splendid condl tloni owner leaving city and will sacrifice for 103. 110 8. 54lh st. LEONARDrHYF.R. allgntly used: terms to sutt. F. A. NORTH. 3241 Kensington ave. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum. nlatri win nlri. V. style jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Lsi. IbiU. J. L. Clark refiner, SOI Sansom. CASH' PAID FOR DIAMONDS, precious stones, gold, silver, platinum, false. teeth. Phlla. Smelling ft Ref. Co.. 128 8. 11th. ROOFING AND .IRON AWNINGS LET US ESTIMATE to coat your root and guarantee It 10 years. AMERICAN nOOKJNQ CO., 1533 Ridge ave. PATENTS PATENTS, TRADEliAl ESTATlLlSHEn i..? ,T. TirTtntlti wl North American ; 8T0if,A.(jg ..-C.OJfr!iffiNTAI. TACKINO. MOVINO "??&"" -1 Rum carpet cleaned iEfm Bell, Locust 10lo-.Phi..'..,cV?rW,. ,. 1,.q PENN STORAGE AND VANrw"3 2188 MARKET UT. "1 "mFm&se ATLAS STORAGE WARKHnitai. T moving, packing. shiii.KuIKSt Ph.B.rlng Wa-f-orJgHrywt ,1. st. t moving, .packing. hiprtnV,' llA both phones. Let u MiimlH1"'! "V,1 F,SJS?IOOK- Mothproof. ConcrTtTB--800O Room. 11. nn ' i:ncSWr N, Phlla. 8tora.r enK.yS'tnsl . ...- . STORAGE Moving by ante . . tUi pgnPopt.f rTo! V'-NJ STORE AM T nTTPTrm . I - -"& JflXTln OFFICE PARTITIONS THE RETTER KtMn - llFTT'nim K-a-rt,t. M Weiss Manufacturinr f$l 450 N. 12th St. Phone P, i.. .V'l , ---- i ivsrai WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, ucua, urDKen Deo, oroke bought. 73S IRNITURE. false teelk"T t lew ry. gold. tiiJiiS, .Wlnut.vyintitJnT' ?' BROKEN JEWELRY, fatsTteeth W...T Coin books.wlth prices 1 pay miffi'ffi" Hob (Peon W Bt'or.). g(tr? 'Ti'.'i"1 m J CAST-OFF CLOTHING WAtfTEfl i w ''" mv you snouiq salt ir , carded cjolhes to us: ' '" I ,., ..o mi in. largest oealeri la lu.. any other . " "l 1 1 2d, reddlers and others sell In h.M clothes thev h tl. 'il" . 8d, Established over 11 years '. i! thousand vof atlsned ciiatemM ! Phnna ttr ni, 1,.. LVi" vum' 1' We ned m.n'i T .,mm.."-ij1,0 U I and wearing apparel. Also l.iVs5 i "irroro .tun 'ICIIIIIH HOvTrlS. 1 WHITE CAI.I. nil nil(vr( fiVK-'Il-'B ...... w call anywhere, any flnir SAML, SELIGSOflN. th. larViKi 8. W. cor. Sth and 8pring Oaroen'lffl'J ' , CAST-OFF CLOTHINO We are In great need of cit-e"Cc(, nuu ..... vm, ci,u. luuu PriCeS IQT I men's cast-off clothing, shoes, etc TV anywhere promptly. Call, writ, er ' COOPER, 1010 Olrard are. Bell phone Poplar 6343. Mttl Ma nn.llllvlu V,IW.., .l ... -V. gentlemen's and ladles' discarded ,disjf gentlemen b hiiu lames aiscarueu cloist hats, shoes, furs, etc. Let roe cilflnJ vn.t nn ..llm.1, 1?l,a hl.V. . 7 i dress and Tuxedo suits. Will ctll W evening, cuy or country. c;au write t. Bell. Pop. 0771; Key., Park 66QJ, Bl 1230 Poplar. ? CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Highest srlel gentlemen's suits, overcoats; send miu call; orders promptly attepded, dar, t. civy, CQunur riiramnn tiros., till' st. x'none uicKinson hioo. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO WANTBOlS Jllgnrsc prices paiu tor gents ; get orc a nnd be convinced. Call, writ n.i Walnut 8083. DAVE, southwest eonnri irnd Arch sts. Room 12. ' -fa FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRinU Desks, office furniture, all kinds tin etc. n11. Walnut 18(14. Key.. IUr bZ THD PATTEN CO.. I1S7 Arch tt FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antlqaei; or Dart houses boutrht for emhi nn n how lance. J. nrnteln. 1334 R1jmJ NKWSPAPERS. majrazlnes. raj, rntt mntala; out-of-town ship, solicited; vhjj If I ILCBi ami')11!! " rvt ivriits buu isuisJA t-aWM Wnn Papr Co.. 5U1 Rare St., Phlla. $ kjijV uuuu i-sn tiiiiu tor oia soia. antique clock: will rail. Bell phoai. h 1210. ROOCR3. 2T 8. 17th at, i HAVING opened a new i WE Pennsxrove. N. J.. w KPat need of men's . TJRFn rlnthtnr nnd will bi prices than ever In order.i TOUR these roous. iiaAure to,u our utivpr Deiora qixdoi our street and evenlrtx 1 Vrlt. full or nhnnn WALNUT 680J,: CAST-OFF CLOTHINO SCHULTZ, 211 N. Bth sL BOOMS FOR BENT rrltRKT.VIlT. ''003 Attractive rooms. lb en suite; private bath, running, yilrgj CHESTNUT. 2007 ELIKUKNig KUtlSiai I'KliaiAiMK.TIi OH iKAOiig rf iK'nmv on- noo pnrtl rnnmal'd refined' surroundings. rfi LOCUST. 1503 LAROE, AIRY R00M9, I OLE OR EN SUITE. LOCUST MP'Li Sl'nuuc, iOJl ouiira., wiw ".' rooms: ornces: steam neat; ciec.; WALNUT tbetween 40th and run.! poarqg. ; tennis court. i-nmi. . ivrtt M 1fl07 MiriRT.V FlfRN. I A LL CONVH. J ELEC.LIGRT:REi: 1TT1I. N.. Joai -J cneeriui. iHro". rooms, near bath: private family; W 2"50"S. 17TH Superior acrommoditliiej! tvomen of refinement: board ontlenilyf TJI ST.. S. 1002 Large 2d-sty. frotin turn., fac. Park: near Sath. llaring Wlfl BOTH ST., N.. 38 Two furn. rooms , women; prlv. fam.: conv. to KdSJjiJ an M lOT (l.ntl.min ean hlYt 0 ful. clean 'furnished room reasonable; optional; private family. -; 'o.a r TnKT oniTATtn. Deelralde. vacancies, refined gcntlwfaj mvNia will rent bachelor apt.. 2 IfTtss rooms, bath. 2022 Spruce. Locust i Furnished . . .... ,...- na SUITE. NEWLY FURN.S GOOD WCAB REF8, EXCHANOED. TELE. 1830 Q rtlRNISHED 0-room housekeeping sw 45: porch; refined loc. rhone W4 NEW JERSEY 8EASH0BK ATLANTIC CITY Large, sunny rooms frl vaia conage near Deacn. ,,r.:;i Moore. 27 S. Iloston ae.. AtlantlaWJ 1 BOARDING CHESTNUT ST.. cor. 20th IThe MW rBnur,rtla nrm nr transient; sup-n . fct.W.M. I.".. .... -" ' T. SPRUCE. 1028;302d;floor suits; rrlr l.n m t.h . hnunt Walnut Via ll SPRUCE 1220 Large airy fW09'$jfl furnished; good taTle.VatojrtJn5 SPRUCE I 4-ii rurnisncu .-j V.ii,., ,l,i hnTH. Walnut 7171 , SPRUCE. 1230 Two attractive M '"J rooms: single and doubhn. WALNUT, OUi. 1CCI " " i nlent to 'vj1'jm"""1 lapi.i " UB.taDCQn.-AfirM front wtll I pains, porcut sw u.w. --. sunuitiiAN THE 8H1PPEN. Wayne and 1";nrr.7l? LIHBI1 III ttppmn.sllsTIII.- NEW JERSEY 8E.RII05 VENTNOR. N. J. .Vscanclss for selert Fg Cottste. B North New iisvsu. PETEYCome to Think of It, You'd Never See One on Pop ByC.A.VOIGm m x 3ft? I- ... - ! . ll zr-' ' i . . ' I I I ,, ' ' t II ' ' ' j? I msu ve f x CAV4T ) 7 I Think " ( o ) TVhwk K' qu sugcgsTe-p L f -,-.. , ?f knew jusi ) icliuic rtB T A half Ooiew V-7 ue',l Vuce. P te Jhem ) T ) - Y T" T - 1 W V" j'l 1 1 'i i TMHPJBMMBMMiBBaijBMMMBBBJiwaaBBMMfc " 'mB aJCMJMBBIiBBSSSSsfcffiftii-'- " - !-A. JMB&-; SaaiaMcS. 'J,..C JfiWlfa,' 'mmMSia.i- ' - - . - '-h.Mlli'i'li J..UJimBtBiVlMtsSSBISiHtttM-- , jlsBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSK- i.n. - SHM