E-VB'Kl-KjB -MblBftrmf APJJL.Pft U? . WJiiraBejPAY, MAY "16. l&li ITALlANO fgRZATOFANA jf& M. D'ALTEZZA Emua Fatta Esplodero dal lima x" tM tub- it Han mBiM" "- , Parte dcllo Trin- c Auatriacho folERlA IN AZIONB noMA. 10 Magglo. Liillno ufflda'8 pubbllcato dal !Ana Ouerrft lerl sera circa la RSSioST Xm two " W111' ,... .... Aha lA fAnrln Ell lapporto del generate Cadorna Rnq " plCC0 deV" T0.f1".a Imii tostltulsea una lmportanle IBM ... ...i A.tiintAtn tifllclale! ell dl artlgilerla contlmiano .' .i .11 hattaitlla. 86b- Ll5'"? '" iorr.lnln nno ad un IS 'foalo dal cattlyo tempo. IWr .I del Monte Tofano. a SKwrtt della tena sdmmltiC, tino BrJSSl rtparl oceupo' un'impor CL Cl.lone, la cosldetta Tofano 3 un'alteMa dl 2835 mctrt "i.. rain n IftdH. W"!"' "iTiltonU Nero alcunl TptabU repartl dlscesero da "-i"r, .... T.enpntn. n Inn- ffiSfl mb stllle poslalonl ncmlche.. m. Slclnanze della chlesa dl San iUcl"' ,, ,ll 7 . 1 nernlco fcco esplodero al- fSfrtlne caueando qualcho danno al Sti immlnamentl che mettono In Eiicailone le trincee o causanao Butt dlstruzlono dl parto della ?? '! trincee. I nostrl repartl M. ;. .i...imnn n. faro osDtodero fi-Biccesso delle mine a uud-ovcst Titia Martlno e la loro opera fu pol tSStati dalla nostra nrtlglleria IJTtl "u,le Ilnce nemlcho un tuoco KLrtmunlc&to ufllclale austrlaco dice )1 . .....u .41 Cm VarHtm ,11 MM aUHiriaWHU Mt. ... ...tw uui ..i. nar mtntohft tnmnn finlrn IP9.!? ..-.. rf.llo nrtlirllrrln llnllnnn R. truppe auatriacho hanno fatto F. ........ .IaIIa frlnpAA ttnltnnn nrl Jlla ehlesa dl quel vlllagglo occu- jouhidl Un piccolo punio ai uppoggio. Jsor ltallanl hanno perduto 3000 Sal! tra cui cinque kuhu.uu, tuiun U1 magglorl o B44 capltanl. it va Intenstflcando e spoclnlmonto S-dHartlgliena o vioieniissima. . L. I AlAarVil Intnnilnnn npji nt- !5fib deBtra f rancese Blacche'. op- .- tfnn a lil n mfi Tsfnltn ftffiipo't tcdeschi contlnuano a bom l.1 u wAnlvlnnl frflnnAnl dAlta OuntA. ra.w'"-""" -- - , LTiiHit-jcorsa notte. II tentatlvo e l tm rcspinio compieiamenio, como jd'sSo comuntcoto ufnclale. aiRobbers Shoot Police Chief ' DFOftb. Mass., May. 10. Chief of iEaw(tro f. Ji.ency, or ine Mieaioro, 'diuirlnient. was shot In the arm jjht eirly today with four'yeggmeh. jM&a'.auompieu to rou me ueaiora iBlefc. The robbers eBcaped SjgfJ. tftjAUord io Work for Loan Bills 'jfeFriuikford Business Jlen's and Tax ttioclatlon at its meeting last f.lraed the loan bills. Copies of MMMlon will be sent to each mem ',WK htm' to cast an afllrmativo Mi'ttttte bring the neighbors out." fawc v Kh fl. OLD SCOR CHURCH OBSERVES BIRTHDAY REV, D. STUART MOORE. D. D. Pastor of Scots Presbyterian Church, Broad street and Castlo avenue, which is celebrating this weok its 150th anniversary. NU0VA S0STA NELLA BATTAGLIADI VERDUN I Tcdeschi Tentano Invano Un Attacco di Sorpresa tra l'Oise e l'Aisne L'ultlmo bollcttlno ufTlclalo pubbllcato a Parlgl dice cho- si ha una nuova sosta nolla battaglla dl Verdun dopo una set tlmana, dl sangulnosl combattlmentt o dl terrlblll bombardamentl, lerl sera non vl fu alcuna izlone dl fanterla nel settore dl Verdun 6 si ebbo anche Un'azlono plut tosto debolo dcllo artlgllcrie. I tcdeschi pero' tcntafono un attacco dl sorpresa nel Bcttoro compreso tra I'Alsno o l'Oise, ma l'attacco fu rcsplnto. II Mlnlstero della Guerra ltallano ha annunciato cho lo truppo operantl nella zona del gruppo delto Tofane hanno con qulstato una Importanto poelzlono Bulla Tofana Torza, o 2835 metrl dl altczzo. La Tofana Terza, detta nnche Tofana dl Fuorl. ragglunrre Taltezza dl 3232 metrl, cd o' Importanto percho domlna' buona parto dolla bassa vallo del Travenanzes, a nord-ovest dl Cortina d'Ampezzo, scor clatota della grndo strada delle Dolomltl, alia qualo si unlsco a Falzarego ed a Fonto Alto, nella vallo del Bolte. IIIIIIIHUIMUIJ- "-1MII ATTRACTIVE NEW PATTERNS in Spring Clothes . To Mea3ureTfor dJOrf Particular Men from and up NEUBAUER 1121 WALNUT STREET Established 1890. THEfcT the Goodyear Ser vice Station Dealer talks to you about .Goodyear Tire Accessories, credit him with trying to render a real service. He will show you that the Goodyear Tire baver Kit contains materials for making road repairs when accidents occur. He will test your wheel alignment; he will suggest an , Inside Protector if such can add to the mileage of an old tire: he will recommend Goodyear Tire Putty to fill tread cuts and prevent damage . from dirt and water. He sells tiro satisfaction hi addition to tires; he is not content until you are fully and finally pleased. ( tOODTEAR TIRE ACCESSORIES f 160th Anniversary Celebrations Held This Weekj-Presby- tery Service T&iight The Scots Presbyterian Church, Broad street and Castle avenue of which the Rev. Dr. t. Stuart Moore la pastor, Is celebrating Its 160th anniversary this week. The ministers and churches of ftH denominations of South Philadelphia are Invited, and the meetings, which will be distinctly of an historical character, will bo addressed by prominent clergymen. There Is perhaps -no church In tho city which has more of historic" Interest than Scots Church. It was founded In 1766, under the Church of Scotland,.by the BoV. David Telfair, of Edinburgh University, The documents which were necessary for Its founding were signed by John Penn, grandson df William P.enn, and counter signed by his secretary, Joseph Shlppen. It Is the third oldest church organization. In tho Presbytery of Philadelphia. Tho church, was first located at 4 th and Baln brldge streets, and later on Spruce Btreet above 3d. Tho removal of Scots ChuVch from Spruce street to Its present location was effected In 1884. Faith Mission of the Tenth Presbyterian Church was estab. llshed at Broad street and Castle avenue. In 1877. The mission purchasod a framo structure UBed as a pftllce barracks at the Centennial Exposition In Kalrmount Park and, under .the ministry of the Itev. Dr. John C. Thompson, was 6rganlzed Into tho South Broad Street Presbyterian Church. In 1814, the "Old Scots" board of trustees agreed to unite with the South Broad Street Presbyterian Church and the union was effected In tho Bamo year. The pres ent church building was erected In 1886, Historical night- will bo observed to night, and tho Itev. Dr. D. Stuart Mooro, the pastor ; W. Morris Woodley and' the Rev. Dr. George Handy Wallcs will speak. Thursday will bo Young People's night, and addresses will be delivered by ltlchard II. Wallace, vice moderator of tho Pres bytery; the Rev. Dr. U. Franklin Smiley, of West Presbyterian Church, Wilming ton, Del., and Walter McIIonry, cx-prcsl-dent of the Philadelphia Christian En deavor Union. DfetrilwtJHg: N J. RMtrend Tax TRENTON, May id.--State Treasurer Read has begun tha distribution of $2,160,00S.7, which t-eprsnt8 the tax as sessed against second-class railroad prop' erty for 1015. Of this nrr.ount tho city of Camden will receive $63, M 3. 4 6 and the combined municipalities In Camden Coun ty $67,141.62. Vare Men Win Club Election In n contest over officers last night be tween Penrose and Vare members of the Cameron Club, 710 South 19th street, the Vare supporters won by electing Robert Jj. Irwin, a Municipal Court employe, pres ident of the club, over William II. Wilson. ARREST OF H.C. HOOD DUE TO POLICE ERROR Case Against West Philadelphia Man Dropped and Magis trate Discharges Him ! SfSSfSlS 'j May 1, accused of obtaining money Under false jjretehses because he 86!d an auto mobile, tfhlch later proved to hav been stolen, to Clarence 'Gallagher, of 68U Washington avenue. The auto had been stolen from Norman Craig, a salesman, of 1060 South Frailer street, and had been sold to Hood when he ftdverO5 for a WmjHI. fM wmOm on the- engine had keen Mta &y mrttt ful wrTc and; It wan not until ts ,-NfMt was erved that Hood knew Mis.Mta had beeh stolen. Gallagher" returned tha ma chine to Craig J Hood returned tho pur chase money to Gallagher, and Magiatrata Harris discharged Hood, Hood Is1 $236 out The charges which caused the arrest of Henry C. Hood, proprietor of a garage at 56th and Oxford streets, have been with drawn and the case settled, The police wefe In error. Hood was arrested on HALLAHAN'S Exquisite Footwear Fashion has harked back to Colonial days for her inspiration, nnd the smart est footwear reflects the same period. The Buckle Purnp Colonial Model will delight the most fastidious. Beautifully designed, perfect in fit and made in white, black kid and calf, gray, bronze and patent 919-21 Market Si. 450 & 5'00 40M-8 Lancaittr At. MO4-0S Oennamtonn Av. SOO Clieatnut Stf. 8746-48 Qtrnuntonn Are. Branch Blorf 0p Evtrt Burning 1 V blJUT Put Them Gxdytar TTrw, TVSmmJ 7r4 Sawr" AcciMrua art uy to rrtVMt Gvod Vr Srmcf BVUUm DuU ff EturjfwKtrt. gtjuAjW iir nfMmmmmmmmm igtek I LOCOMOBILE Ljl 1917 in I ! I " I THE new models j, are now on exhibi- 1 I tion at bur Showrooms. 1 J rT1 1 M ik iney invite cne atten- m !m 1 . ' tin f those interested 1 'stib&m 1 in expensive cars. m MimWWsiiW THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY f - . t.-j-.i. - t" mj i i imw im. mi.i 111 iTujwwm imi ii wnjmiaKKMr-njmrim .mnwripcwc'ipiWlWHsMft h y s suwrz&si. mt siiKv h in rar m yii.':.::i. fiiiiiB uiiiiBa vBSBHBH-aaibtiBBncH-nik h rs.uiuyzs m-is. fl-ssw v ---& BSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSH mmm H II Iiiili sAt&r j i&-',t-','-3XA liiiiH lp,R -un , - mf. -. ------- isiH mBhlQ w 8HHPKTllVJs::: I mHv festo 44,000,000 words nm -. " rm st nnd frd A th 1I11S X . JT: 1 1 Mr 1 H t. JbK. v i MKBWescnd IS all "n" s Cf 1 && volumes ' V,i (complete) and prove their value to you appoint you judge ! your family the jury The "Handy Volume" Issue of the 11th Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica th youliave to do You have J weeks to use and judge them If you are not rauy satisfied return thcm(and your money refunded) 5 But it costs only about 10c a day to keep them (In small monthly pay ment!, a short time) The Remarkable New Issue FOR 148 years the Encyclopaedia Britannica has been not merely the standard encyclopaedia in the English language, but the foremost work of its kind in all the world. The new Eleventh Edition cost more to produce than any other set of books ever issued more than a million and a half dollars for the editorial preparation alone. Of this new edition, issued by the Cambridge University i Press, more than 75,000 sets have- already been sold. At a total exceeding fourteen million dollars. '' This issue, costing from $150 to $250 per set, was beyond the reach of a large number of people to whom the Encyclopaedia Britannica is a keener need than to many who -could afford it at this price. To meet the demand for a popular Issue at a popular price the publishers prepared for us a "Handy Volume" Issue page for page the same, with the single difference of a smaller page. This new issue is absolutely unabridged, every one of its 30,000 pages unchanged. Yet by arranging for a huge printing It was possible to cut the cost to you to one-third that of the larger sized Cambridge University issue. ' And we send you the entire 29 volumes, in any binding, upon a first payment of a SINGLE DOLLAR. , This new issue is a miracle or compactness and convenience. It takes up only 32 Inches of shelf space, or sits conveniently on any library table. It brings the whole world's knowledge within your Instant reach. The two issues are on view at the stores shown below, where they may be compare volume by volume, and orders placed.' If it is more convenient, send at once for the handsome 130-page book described op posite, which tells you all about it. Now at the. Cost of theLarfier Sized Cam iidgei University Issue ' But Not Much Longer The remii Vi'ula bargain we pre offering can lut only a little while longer, Tbe contract for the, " llindy Volume" luuewere made betorethe war ben. T'je u.-jUc Increase In the coat of raw materlala males it lmposilble to re new iiiem. Paper baa advanced over CO per cent leather more than 60 per centf-i-blnder' boards, 49 per cent., etc Tba publishers notify us that after Uu seta now on hand are exhausted (hay cannot supply any mors at th preaent low prices. (See sets and leave orders at Giinb! Brothers 'eighth and ninth BM4W Read This Unconditional Guarantee 1Tti rftitrtrrtitfpi tnat tno "Han(Jy Volume" Issue is authorized by the publishers UU UUUlUUU't 0f tno new Encyclopaedia Britannica; that its contents are iden tical, page for page (including every map and illustration), with the Cambridge University issue now selling at three times the price; that it is manufactured by the same printers and binders as the more expensive book; that it is printed on the same quality of India paper, from newly made plates j and that, because it is smaller, it is easier to handle than the Cambridge issuo. 1Tti fttttrtmtfi! complete and entire satisfaction with the contents of the Ency XIU IDUuruiUta dopaedia Britannica and with the form of our "Handy Volume" Issue. To anyone who, for any reason, is not satisfied and returns the set within three weeks, we guarantee to return all he has paid (including shipping charges). A 130-PageDOok Free The publishers of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA have prepared a richly Illustrated book of 130 pages to tell you all about this great work and the new "Handy Volume" Issue, and its usefulness to you. It is full of interesting stories, clever dialogues, beautiful pictures a book packed from cover to cover. Some of its contents include: 100 interesting bits of knowledge revealing the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA from a hundred different points of view. A little history of the BRITANNICA from the days of King George III, with TO portraits of the noted men who have made it the greatest work of its kind. , Twenty pages or interesting .dialogue telling of the unexpected interest of the BRITANNICA for women. A clever story about the way children get interested In it. Portraits of the Nobel Prize winners and other famous contributors. Nearly two hundred half-tone illustra tions, color plates, specimen pages, etc, Whether you are interested in the BRI- -TANNICA or not, you and every member of your family will thoroughly enjoy read ing this book, as big as a magazine. name promptly MAIL TODAY We suggest you send your nami while the present printing lasts. CUT OUT THIS COUPON ; Sears, Roebuck and Co. Cfclcata ,' Pletse send me a cony of 'A Book of 100 Vroadtra. ae'-AA. . -.3 ia m m M mi