li r law g" " r - r 'II -i in1 it 111 -r 1...1.1... 111 it i ii i -i i JC., V .Mw-wgadk ' yrrZIj .-Vf Oak Lane aaBffilBaiHT1'-1!1!!! ' ' "" '' 'V North WnlM JMfrPr5tgLJLR Notllmood I BEAUTIFUL AND cdNVENlENT RESIDENTIAL LOCATIONS ON THE READING ana via iorK Koaa section teutifcg i-abk elkins jmmc F.LKINS rAnn FOR SALE JHHHmBIBBl Tilts magnificent liomc ofTcrs an excellent opportunity for a pur chaser seeking an exclusive, ideal home near Philadelphia. Five minutes" walk from Elkins Park Station on the Reading Rail Way, with express service to New York. Readily accessible by two trolley lines (5-ccnt fare) or motor. Of Spanish architecture, the handsohicst in this section; of a class rarely offered for sale; on a plot between two and three acres. Contains 18 rooms, 4 baths. Well adapted for extensive enter taining:. The arched colonnades permit the entire first floor, on occa sion, 'to be thrown into one. Interior and exterior decorations arc elaborate and unique. Ample porchci on both stqrics extend in part over elaborate porte cocherc. Model, commodious parage. Drives, old shade, shrubbery and flowers beautify the grounds. The property waS planned, built by me, an expert in the building line, for my own use, and is now offered for sale. For prices, terms and permit to inspect, apply to owner, WM T B ROBERTS OFFICE. GLENSIDE.'mONTGOMERY COUNTY, PENNA. JKNKINTOHN JKNKINTOWN fPiliSiXTr fa i Colonial M Vi i i if ft English m M 80LD Mft I vv.v B rA7ii4if 'W fciis elkins r.vnn 2 hAi tL ,,w- m max Homes of Unusual Character and Quality at the Right Price. Highly Restricted Building Sites, $800 to $5000 Your own Idea of a home', financed and built on a selected lot. RHOADS & PAUL Elkins Park and 13S S. 5th Street 3 Trollejri, G-Ccnt Fnre72 Trains Daily Out Old York Road 9 Cents COLONIAL, $8050 Lot, GOxtiO. -.-.,, ,','!" '-1" -.' ' , Elktna Park Al -fe, 4 Jlik:3 Ilatboro VfaflBS -"-TSSW&3i3e: . yilKSM TJsSr elkins rAim , it.KBinn nrmsiH I rJsSM&isjmli'-'i'ift. I HassHllBsViH -iimfyy:.- i --, cv v&ns lsasssH I f MMKJjwjSeJrivlV? Aj&-. R sMsWs?M&JBSaJCT rKfr-''""t""""," niinuimi.ii. 1 1 "fr , jVEanBBl f "nrJ; fj iS&y'iirawJS IS 1 -ajn. ihi.M'"'TOItt;w'"'-"-'wwiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiL .JBBBIIB Colonial BPSP'"'" l "' " 'i'IB MftllCTffpvl"''''''4MaaWWI)W M sold BataMi' Zr-iIT) SKSif itllitTu irvf-rpraraBHBJM A wiM V6linSif! l.!WU-ni SlflKHSIUMH teBHS9 j wmtmmsMsssSBSmBaEMg KCKMlMEAiAI'3wMWlf v KZ W" ' 1 1 Coomol H ? SOLD t r 1 ;1 1 Jff?d ML J M Elizabethan i M : P English sold J I ui . nit Nine Acres of Valuable Ground and Beautiful Suburban Home at Glenside 18 rooms. 4 flrcDlaccs. 2 baths, porches on 3 ntilfn. TTnt.... , The actual value of thin property Is J30.000, but It will bo aoM Si about half that amount, as It was taken over for n morlnnco . tiio owner must sen; mil nmo cash fcaulrcd. Make an nnnnint ment to examine thla real bargain near Olcnsltlo Station and trolley HOWARD B. WILSON & CO. 2122 OEItJtANTOWN AVE. 2236 W. LEHIGH AVE. ' AMini:n AMiiLim m ;(; ' ' t'ri -r "-a a Lciojc jKoac? Homes Pm 'ir, v ..' rV, iw l-lifll l , ' Pli'll ... r tLfe. In the Beautiful OLD YORK ROAD SECTION Adjoining tlic Golf Links and Cmmtrv Plnl. Corner of Lenox and Meeting House Roads Mairnifippnt TTnmiQ 1? a nlos.' picturesque ace- i i ifc ; i . i, ,. UlnLb t'on of tho OKI York road neighborhood, night ut top of Offontz mil between Elkins Park and Jcnklntown. J.cno.t road Is welt lighted no overhead wires being used. , wm-u TA'SL5 ,nRt)IXa ItAlMVAV TO ELKINS PARK AffiiJi,39IS?8KN rUYOnK HOAD TROLLEYS TO LUXOX ROAD. OPE.V DAILY AND SUNDAY SEK TUr.SU HOlinS AND nh rnvvrvnniV nc mimm wr.n.. w. . . wi-. wr 1I1L.1IL :ILU1I. p JI'.VKIVTIIU'V JKVHIVTniVM Q Q CK "- ji:nkintovn "IVrfjLj WM. G. GLENN "V iX! .11 & At. ji. jw's l'.si( : m?.r i. iaaaw.gaBigByc: a1 grarasasKsssKssssssssi SUPERIOR HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT I Throughout This Beautiful York Road Section-Oak Lane, fckins Park, 1 Jenluntown, Noble, Willow Grove, ntn i J. Walter Ruddach Estate 407 Old York Road Jenklntown. Pa. ywwa 1enscsntvn $ PHIUKLPHIAU1 JT iEJliJf IFiL SUBURB. iiatiioko UATiiono HEALTHIER HAPPIER CHF.APRR LIVE IN HATBORO, PA. A Residential Place With Many Desirable Features lnvXVi F.ur 9hurchM. Public Library, Stores of All Kjnds, Macadamized Streets, Gas and Electric Lights Two Hotels, Graded Schools Photoplay Auditofium and Good Train and Trolley Service "uauorium nn opportunity t the maA w coti?niJiSSer' "atbo .a,so offero maibuko BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION An ideal residential section, situated on high ground, amidst picturesque scenery, and having all the advantages of the city, combined with all the attractions of the country. Jenkintown contains many desirable residences at moderate prices. Its conveniences are many, consisting of Churches, Schools (both Public and Parochial), Public Library, Free Postal Delivery, Banks, Newspaper, Hotels, Country Clubs, Moving Picture Houses and other attractions and con veniences. The transportation facilities are good, consisting of SO grains daily, and three trolley lines pass through here. Beechwood School, known far and wide as one of the country's most successful boarding schools for girls, is located here. It is operated as'an inn during the summer and is truly a most delightful place to spend the hot weather. In a word, Jenkintown is a convenient and pleasant place to live in. Come out and judge for yourself the merits of the place. You will learn more by a personal visit than we could tell you in print. For general information on Jenkintown write JAMES B. COLLIDAY, Chairman Publicity Committee JENKINTOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL pital feu Wrt5 LlBwiilj42i OWNEH IS ANXIOCB TO DISPOSE OF THIS Very Attractive Home Haa S rooms on first floor and largo hall, with open stairway, Second floor: 3 bedrooms and bath. Third floor; 1 room. Lares front and rear porch; electrlo light and gas, hot-water heat, etc. LOT 50x240 Price ana Tcrmi Heasonabla WARREN M. CORNELL JIATIIOHO, PA. i; This Beautiful Home in Elkins Park (Olio Eqiiara from station) Modorn In every detail, 11 rooms, hardwood floors; southern exposure. Largo lot This Is a great bargain at $11,250. Many other high-class propositions In Oak I-anc, Melroso nnd Ijlklns Tark, 8000, $10,000, $12,500 and upward. JOHN H. SHIELDS, York Road and 68th Avenue, Oak Lane tay3lor & son, Reajl Estatje Brokers MOHTGAGES, TNSTJITA3VCJ3 24X26 SOtlTirrORTIETn STHEEt TUIXLADETiPnXA. STONE HARBOR OCEAN PARKWAY Within Sound of the Ocean rrontlnir on ono hundred feet wlilo sea level canal emptying Into -the Inland Stata Waterway. Ten minutes by train or trol ley to Htona llarbor'a inatrhlcM beach and boardwam. U Rhty-me minutes ho Phlli delnhla. Heading trains ut jour door. Midway between Stone Harbor Yacht Cluli and Htono Harbor Country Club, Splendid bathlne. boa tins. Jlahlnt-. Artistic bunci lows well built ljiw prices; easy terms. Tor particulars and free inspection trio write or phone w South Jersey Realty Company INSIIltANri: BVCIIANflK I1I.UO. 3d & Walnut St . 1'hlladelohla aoinu WAtEs NORTH WAIXS Investigate North Wales, Pa. As a Horns Site or a Manufacturing Town Two large and attractive factory sites with largo railroad frontatea. Investisato thee.,IUsat onc f you are looklns tor uburban i locatiort The Highest and Healthiest Town irj the Suburbs Twenty-two miles out on the Reading- Only town with Sanitary Sewer, BjrwUra alpne North Fenrt Railroad. Jow Commutation Ilatei 0 tS Daily Factory Sltea for JJanufacturera. Cheap BulWln LoU for Home COMH AUD SEli POIt VOUnSKU? OH ADDRBS3 t? II b y,. I nrtn, 1 9 1-6;, -' ' Publlc Lodger Company, tJk . ', ' x- , j Independence Square, ' i Philadelphia, Pa, ! Dear Sire: v We take great pleaoure in oonnnpnding "both yThe Morning and Evening Ledger" upon the results we have "been obtaining from our daily Real Estate advertising in 'your columns within the past two or three weeks. Yte think wo oan Bafely say that the number and quality of the answers or inquiries we have received have "been unusual. In fact within thiB space of time we have had at least one inquiry, if not more, every day on the. properties advertised, ( , ' Wishing you continued success, we are, Very' truly yours,' 7 TAYLOR & SOU, By msu -gzJfU J2ay 4'" H. J. DAGER, Inc. IMPROVED COUNTRY SEAT i, ,4?nncri?s! Bethlehem Pllce. nbqvo Sprlnghotiao J fine location, with beaa.' tlfiil 30-mllo vow: Colonial dwelling, 12 rooms: 2 baths; hot-water hui BUHll. etc.. Ii farm Iiousph. r-.irnirn. Iinrn. (ivfo'nolvn i,nll. ,,i.. vr'?!" n. a.Yinii ii?n to nnn r- ... .. - Can divide. ounii, um, . nirm nouses, Garage, onrn, extensive poultry pi house, abundant shado nnd fruit, 4-ucro grove, small lake, J18.000. RR DRNHFTM 'TFRRAPP fft.-. U. ..-! I...t1.1l.. l. I m , iiu iiniu iui ujJiiiiH uuiiuniK huh urrivcu nnu xni3 13 tno time tn naTt your location. Wo call the attention of all prospective homo builders to u?i ties rablo lots at nrdcnholra Terrace. Chestnut Hill, I'a., opposlto ChtsbSil Hill depot, P. R. T.. Roufo 23. Theso are attractive locations nnd v.!i convenient. Be faro Into Philadelphia. Lots nvoraB9 BOxlBO ft" prlc l!S, up. Surroundings established and reasonablo building restrictions Insur.'. high-class neighborhood. If you look the Erdenhelm Terrace Is over flrA' Vnll Will flflVn llrt lrM nnrl mnnatf .nnA,1 1 1.1 .. ta "er UtSZ dwelling, modern, excellent BUrround- 12-room dwelling, modern new tan?" KrAW,th W-acro;?32B0;oronoacre. tenant house, extensive poultVS; 4-00, , P'e houses, silo, etc. Will sacrlflS KXfiKr.I.KNTr 288-AortE FABJI on i0T ono-thlrd loss than actual vain. turnplko: 21 miles Phlla. A fine farm for Quick sale. Easy terms, for stock raising or general farming. ,. . ' -i A snap for S2B.000. Exceptionally 4B-AOniJ TAIWI In Horsham 1m easy terms. Good farm Improvements. 34000 H. J. DAGER, Inc., Knight Bldg., Ambler, Pa! vL-AA At, At, ACrto Atb .ft, 6.AL.i. Aft I7 " : 6 EI.KINS I'AIIK . KM(INS PARK 1 L - ''''"' j STONK HAKKOlt. X. J. OAK I-ANK OAK I.ANE v OFFERS THE FINEST SUBURBAN HOMES Some of the finest se lections of locations on the Reading Railway are still available in Oak Lane Parh. All within 2 to 4 minutes' walk from station. Every modern improve' ment and convenience, j Large lots carefully re- jitricted for the diicritrt'"! inating buyer. One mil- ' lion dollars' worth efi homes sold. - I For maps, Inormatlon or Illustrations a) our homes, call, write or plont C E. Lloyd Jr., 8th & 66th Ave. Oak Lane, Phila. willow onovi: nrnYimrmrr WILLOW citovi: Homes in Willow Grove and VicinityJ Special Mention of Two Very Attractive Propositions AT ROSLYN niecant 10-rootn new house; all city conveniences: lot 150x125: tm old shade; lareo carden; 20 bcarlnir fruit trees; chicken housa and run. etc. CloM to tra n nnd trolley, and overlooklne Sandy Uun Valley. If you really want a home, investigate this posltlts bareain at H300. J.T ,Y,,,,I'0,i' IJBOVIV-Fine 12-room house; lot 75x150; old shade; overlooltli Willow drove Park; near train and trolley. Price for quick sale, J00. LAHOK LIST OF OTHER PROrERTIES. BALK AND RENT W. L. KENTNER, .Old York Road, Willow Grovo j JI HEAL ESTATE POB SALE HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER FOR GOAL A now principle; eon stant supply; 21 to SO Kits., 1c. Heats IUdU- tors. too. Accept no subatitut. There Is nothlnir "Just at i-ood." Send for Vreo IIooUIsl. S.V.REEVES,Mfr. 45 N. Second St. Patented nd Patents pending PENN8YI,VANIA HUIIUUIIAV BALA DESIRABLE PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND RENT AT BALA ANn P.YMWVT Let Us Know Your Requirements SAMUEL C. WAGNER, TR. 'Mil HALA AVE., OTNWYr), ANP CWI JIEHCIAL TRUST llLDO., 1BT AND MARKET ST3. DBTHAYRES ' Country Place of 3 Acres with detached house, 12 rooms, electrleltv etc. There Is also a stable arid Ins-roma stone house (now rented) on the irrounds. UeautUul old trees and floral jiaAien. As ownttr has moved'io New York, we can sell , v. ." ,w ,vw, ova uugioa, WM. H. WILSONS CO. "omua HEAL ESTATE TOP. BENT HKAsiiortn Thl l?RrirW4Tir.P! TlWVTAfj il 1 DOSSlhlA thrnttffh rn.nnrtitlvM nlftll. LI.! ITUD NUMIIER ot desirable nUiI are invited to join, iiuwaiows iwji furnished and electrlo lighted. At tljhlr ueveiupea oeasiao resort vi mwtu from foot of Chestnut or Market Sts. Uoatlrur, bathing-, flshlur, yacht 4 country club. Nothlns like this where. Accommodations limited rU(( ences required. wltlTC QUICK for en tails to falnnr Kr.tiry. I". O. Ba IS0I, Department Si IL. l'hlu.. I'l PKNNfiYLVANIA HUllUUUli, LLANERCH Detached stone restdenoa. attracttv Colonial desln. with 13, rooms. 3 baths, billiard room, will appeal to tho family rMulrlnjr a bedrooms and sleeping ponh ond $oor. wlthlu a few mln. of oath St Trmlnl. uooj stores, school & churches, this housa cannot U duplicated for thu prico asked. """"i 5 "Mta f'HEST.vilT Hi. LLANEKCII Splendid homes along" thiAli more trolley, from BSio St. Terminal. K. Ssesi J M WmS- liln,rc irwf .nrtBfc'T'TJ i n v. DETACUKD HOMB IN VEJ-K088 PABK. lrospe:t, near Sprlns ve'tnJffered for oulTk J.T. JACKSON CO., Oal? Lane Furnished and UnfurniahedJ homes for .rent by year- or. "fl. .; 5"" Lil--H'0 .and a 1 other sr tdivUlon of Ihe lhIU & Ueadln tyn la rice jist of attractive homea (or fm WM. H. WILSON & CO. 1 ffVI A. an .." -t.laMJ1 J I'MHAn-Attractive counirr,. r"-ii MoyJan, Jtoae Vialley. ampU hadMJfJ tyvui u wcrra. iiuue aiuiiua w 1 5 ruori '.raSn'"S ?."vn?. Yf v5,wjj "?, frV U vbiiiuu(ii, uu.'ncirr ! , j etc , chaufteur'i dveUlntf wltb gar?? aijM?"!, runt siuw , urr tt'"'""!-.!. & 1 WMIT&SIDB & MeLANAHAN Wth tj ROSU VALLBT 10 minutes' walk fpt" un Btauoni convenient to ""l". 'JviTt b. Chester : attracllvtt home uas hot f,l and eierv other mod conv llWilrli Dvrmo. Wbltes!da&Mi.Lanalan,lOWj W7NCOTB irouses, oo, O"1,00! eg! JJT 50 and J32 0q 8 and 9 reoju M 4s" environinvnis tn seat . 4 EDWIN TYSON Wypr9t V- DLKNS1DH Modern houars, w'd5, eraciB. near Wain and trouoy "lla "y JiBNNINaBl k JIHNNINCIER, 01 JJ3NKINTOVN A deslr. tI dw ,'f rooms, a liatoa. in, an ; ' .rri a and eood. location, couveuient w lwl" KUlwy. sail per mnis. ., l"SeS .?,Vf,YC-ri AP 'iHJj uw."- LA n i