BENIfa LEDa3B-PHirADBLPHlA, OMTESDAY MAY 0, 1916. )ATI D'FTALIA NON ITIENDONO CHE L'ORA ;ILALmDECISIVA .1 . ls , . T-nn IT ifrannttrA tutistna rKj""" .....- -r , A Til. 1a entre uaaoma imm o rmi Per 1 jnuovi ooisj In Avanti f.LA OIMA Dl LOBBIA noirA, 9 MurbIo. (rlAlont che aono alata ottenute .'Jl.ii mintr nci ram recente ICLf dSle truppe Itftllano confermano le aipn." - . .. giumc auo omra IS-JrA. l'Auslrla atarebbe preparando t&iwnte Jtallana con 'oblettlvo dt iw"..1. jimi deela vl null urr tra !.!" t.nza elft1 alleale e nemich SjKSSSt " ' PrP"" dello fetato li.ha' dODO T.MH1 iiiooi ". "'- " im E-T. hell trlncee, I aoldall Italian! non IP 22!. h dl bittonl col nemlco In F"? .,. n aueato e' 11 dealdorlo dt Ij JK,, arml a dello truppo cha aono In IC 5cS,.. milla Blnea. del fuoco. ... iTSodegllJimclall miperlorl degll Alplnl. Eii ii e' -dlatlnto In parecohle occaalonl t$JL. iirra. eaefruendo audacl apedl- I-5Jl Jlceva leri. quando era Interrogate I , 1.1 jjj pjBO".. ..- . rtka aolllevo oho sara' per tuttl nol nnat- .until at potremo bkiui o . 221 i uomlnl che non doaldatano altro ne' STardtntemcnte che l'occaalona dl mlau jtrl Si nomlco depo Untl meal dl vita 4fUiDeal" ) l OKOSSI CANNONI SUI MONTI. H Mnlatero della duorra pubbllcava iJ er& II aeruenta comunloato ufllclale JJfia altailon alia fronts dt battajtll tuJo-tustrlaca: Nella zona dell'Adamello la nostra irllxllerla, che era aUta traaportata 'mil aommlta' dolla LobblaAWta. ad 'un'Uea dl 3196 metrt (10,l7 tl(dl) dlstrusao nella gloraata dl lorl U dlfeis nemloho del Col Topete. tD poalilonl plu" arretrate t noatrl ..minl dl medio, callbro bombar- ,4iron la Hneo nomlcho nella Vat dl Omot. h tiunfo tutta la fronts del Trentlno ; sell'alto Adlge vl o' una creacente VtMta' dalle artlgllerle aweraarle. m uno avutl vlvacl combattlroentl dl i ftnterla aullo Marmolado, buI Colle dl i'iflnrero e sul aionto Cukla, nella R'Jeonca dl Flezzo. u nemico stato 5 frwplnto dapp'ertutto ed ha loactato J iitUe nostra man! un numcro dl prlcl- onl?rL Nella regiono aei cuxia u femlco ha ancho lasclatao davantt Idle nostre poatzlonl una quantlta' dl Wi! e dl munlzlont. Una luiiv DiutiuiiBiiM ui uviaiuit BRYK MAWR GIRL AT CHEVY CHASE rhotn Uken uclulel)r tor the Etznimci Liixib. Here is 'Miss Esther I. SHlcs lcnrntng tho telegraph code at tho camp for women. She is a graduate nurse of Dryn Mnwr Hospital, class of 1012. She is a sister of Lieut W. C. L. Stiles, U. S. N. FIERCE -FIGHT WITH NEGROES Ax noitrl volo' lerl aulla vallata delfAdlgs V Itecio' cadera numeroae bombe bu . (MitUrello Calllano dovo andavano concentrandeal truppe nemlche. Tuttl flT'sTUtori rltornarono sanza dannl alia loro.feaso nonoatante II fatto che ,eul furono assoggettatl ' ad un vlo lnto peralstente fuoco delle batterle antlawe auitrtache. Una quadrlglla dl avlatorl nemtct Tolo" snlla planura del Basso Ieonzo- I lMClindo cadare , bombe cha non feccro dannl no' vlttlme. llnUnto, mentro vleno confermata la Sottzla della lmmlnento offonslva aua ujn el parla dolla nuova offonslva Hal ting, che pure el dice lmmlnento ed In via II trepiMilono. Non e' lmprobablle cho II fcntrale Cadorna at Drononra dl nrn. ' Win roffenslva autrlaca prendando eglt rniuauTt. vi a' anil chl affermo che fliwnctntramento dl forze autrlacho sul i Jl'faojuo non a' fatto con lo scope dt at llkM la llnee ltallane, ma con quello dt 5plr3l e prcpararsl contro la proaalma peawira itallana. -&",, JUl IU IIIUIIU AJl3AVi Lititii. i-'"Jitn telegramma 'da Atena dice cho Mrtcchl pretendentl al tronoualbane so tatanp facendo un'attiva propaganda. SI ISteiChe 1 pretendentl aono 11 prlnclpo wm at Bulgaria 11 prlnclpo dl Wled. M ria' era Mnret d'Albanla ahn RxiKUto dall'Austrla. Asslf pascla, ed a (tovane turco Basrl bey. LA CONTES3A LAHTA SPIA. A7n telegramma da MUano dies cha in. AnfAMn Tlfavln T .kl t. A x - '"" - uauit, in. -iiuiA csniunie. e Wa arrestata perche' accuaata dl splon tio danno deintalia. Ik COntAWtll. Mflln T.oKIn Ann.n n TUlt fifpala con'Hammersteln. e debuUo nella raen, ottenendo buonl succesal. Essa 11 auo debulto coma cantante non In .JHla ma In Qermanla, sotto l'alto pat t dell'lmperatore Gugllelmo, 11 cut pwreua. per la contessa feco correre al IWlr dellft Vml Mn.nvU.isll .1.. ...- Jl l gtomall europe. Policeman's Head Grazed by Thrown by Combatant An ax grazed the head of Policeman Knox, of.the 2d and Chrlstlantreets sta tion, and pinned his cap to n fence, in a mclco with three negroes, early today In the rear of 611 Lombard street Knox hot one of tho negroes and arrested all three. On complaint of a man, who said he had been robbed, Knox investigated and fqund Robert Whltaker and Ivy Dorhnn, 611 Lombard street, and Archie Itoblnson, 1321 Katcr stroet, shooting crap at Juniper and Cherry streets. The negrooa ran and were cornered In a yard In the rear of 611 Lombard street, where the fight took place. Who threw the ax Is not known. Rob inson, shot In the1 arm, was treated at tho Pennsylvania Hospital. Itoblnsonv. and Whltaker wens sentenced to 30 "days each by Magistrate Imber, and Dorhnn wns dis Identify Victim of Sea ASDUKY PARK, N. J., May 9. The body of a woman found In tho ocean at Relmar yesterday has been Identified as that of Miss Anna McEwan, 50 years old, daughter of Captain William O. Mc Ewan, of Philadelphia, and for many years a resident of Aabury Park. Mlas McEwan had been brooding oor tho death of a sister, who died on the beach at Wlldwood three yeari ago. WOMEN TO COMPETE, N FOR U. G. I. AWARDS FOR GAS-BAKED BREAD Housewives V' Strive for Beautiful Lamps City Di vided Into Several Districts TODAY'S BIARRIAGE LICENSES Frldcrport. Cpnn.. and Henry. M. Mutiwr, Loulno n Kilmer, 431 V. Ilerks st. JajJM F. nurchlll 1130 nrown t.. and Sarah Laniilon, 1130 llroun ut. Orlol ave., and ITALIANA1 rfUONA DA LOBBIA ALTA lizioni Nemiche DistrUtte sul i-oiie di Topete e VaLdi Genova Bombardata i - , ' Telejrmmtr.1 Am r..n .a,. t.. .t ?ufu 7 " avwiiiu. uiwuiiu Clio Bll yNuaai operantl nella iona rivii'AriinnAiin J9 rluicltl a portare la loro artlgllerla cuna della Lobbla Alata da dove C!?i i11"1"0 dlfeae austrlache da J"ill Topete. DIetro questa artlgllerla W"""1' --allani dl groaso callbro hanno PW aperto II fuoco sulle llnaa aiutrUch Val dl Qenova aottoponendola ad Bra Ut """"negHiamenw. m oa a Roma che git auatrlacl con- Eno numerose truppe Buinaonzo a C0.COIentramento al planl dl often ISJiiTJ l!A?t-"la ha preparato cootro fSri cnna,,on ""-ecolta dal prlgi- ISi, 561 eonfennano questa Ipo. lti Htengoho cha VAuatrta al CT" u,(ec eonanto a dlfendera lo sue ulir,v r vro5aI"a oienaiva itftiuna neate aulllaonzo e sulle. AlpU Palntor iVill.,1 , t7.ii itfhai Palntinr & hr... . n IThn5?town' yuTtoY afternoon. i lreeL (11 tram a. lfirl,lL , ,. .i.i.i van ,..,.,..",' --" " "vi 7"T- noQ Aiiieu. Frank. L. Haul, 4118 Lancaster Aiana a. urioi 747 IV llHh et Herbert R. Hmaller, 1B01 Courtlaod at., and Edna E. Jonee, Duahorc, r, Daniel dalUicher. Oermantonn, and Hannah ..Duflfly, aertnantown Mlohaef Oraazela, S48n R Mndloon 'at. and Joaephlm .MuzyKa. JROG B Wtatmorelanct st. Wojclech Fern 320H daul at., and Acata Zawscka, 8280 Oaul si Edward c. rienskofskl. 2120 8 Howard at., and Kllzabeth Mnrel, 3 ICO 8 Howard st. Harry Abrams, 1824 N. .Marshall st , and QlaeltA IlEltt John K. Hoop, rennagri u. vray, B23 N. 32d :ora 03u w. Aaran MrCi u. nuon. L4-1 utiles at, 724 Mutir at. IVnnngrove, N. J,, and Hdna at. 12th at., and Helen Abe B. Uoldlierr 224 Greenwich st., and itose k. Ntior. lu.i a bo at. Oliver H.teyera 1.100 Saltier St., and Nina O. Lancaster. 1725 rf. 27th st. Joseph C. Clcrea. 1012 K.23d at., and Iluth M. Kretz. Itendlnt:, Va. John A. Cox, Ht. Louis, Mo., and Anna E, Smith. 0J4 I'reston st. Ouyler D. Reea, 4051 powelton ae., and , Rdna F. Farmer. 30 N Prcaton st. John .Dowankownkl 2343 Duncan st., and Rovalla Zak. 43JU Dermuda st. John Jones, 5151 Sheldon St., and Emma Saylee, 7 E. Armet st. Jl Oenrice Friedman, a 7th St.. and Sarah Sldkorr, Atlantis City. J7 J. Charles Klrsch. New Vock city, and Dorothy Komlnetsky, 1320 nmnfirldie st. James I). Evans. 2(117 V. Fletcher at., and Helen M. Turner. 164A N. 28th at. Vincent Stefanowlcz, Manayunk, Pa., and Teorlla Dombrowakl. Manayunk. Joseph J. Ilurna, 4443 Oermantown ave . and uenruaa 21 jjumap, ibhu tvooaiana ave. John W. Bull 512 R. 10th at. and Sarah i Andarann. All llalnhrldfre Walter B. KIndon. 8HS nowmon n: at..- arid Jultanna K. Srhnell. 271S Mervlne st Aubyn E. any, (ItJd N, 13th at., and Ethel I. nfirney. 0(13 N 18th at. Genrre M Johnaon lOlu Wood at , and Rosa E. V. Hardy, 1218 Wood st. mm si IMPERIAL EXCELSIOR. GAS RNGE The Pride of the Bride You can understand her pride as she shows her friends the Imperial Excelsior Gas Range. It demonstrates her good taste and sound judgment as she points out - The double capacity oven that enables her to do twice the usual amount of baking in one operation. And the specially designed burners that conserve the heat where it is needed thus cooking perfectly. The Imperial Excelsior Gas Range has many desirable features. It is endorsed and sold by the U. G. I. Write to the manufacturers for full par ticulars. 9 I&AAC A. SHEPPARD COMPANY NEW YORK MANUFACTURERS PHIL9VDELPHIA BALTIMORE li CONCRETE ELPermanence A Milwaukee ' ,! I !, WiWf&W$&w -I'lliii-ti i'"ll l .sum nv&sx,) W i. ri'V( ' "swTiflBiin uffll IM iiT ' cookcasy iilliiTI w Vvl m m l?.j. i'u Win I","!V vA'.U btmi r - T7,-',? 'A ff i l 1 v l.ltiJ..'$l . ! sio-". r L X j. l m F"4 fVi iiLsai1-0'! !l Gas Range Week is Cbo&easy Week! The centre or attraction in every Gas Company showroom in or near.Philadelpnia yesterday was the Cook&QSy and the number sold was astonishing. Its smooth, clean cut, graceful appearance appeals to the eye. Its convenience, adaptability to any needs, and unbreakable quality appeal to the judgment. The price reduction during GalTRane Week appeals to the pocketbook.' Gas Range Week Prices: The Short Cabinet -with, e.nopy u reduced $8.00 The Box Cabinet with hiblielf is reduced $5.00 ' If you weren t in the Coofeasy crowd yester day jom todaV. On sale at any Gas Company showroom in or near . ' Philadelphia, on the usual easy terms Hale and Kilburn Company Philadelphia AVI V1 I mi "!' I fl ZA MS f lP, tn AGED FOLK POISONED; WOMAN ACCUSED Inmate of Home Killed by Ar senic Proprietor Blamed. More Cases Sought i ONLY pNE RULE GOVERNS Can you matte good bread? Well. If you can, you have ft chance to carry oft a. prlie In the brcad-baklnc contests which will be held thla wepk In the various dis trict ofllces of the United Gas Improvement Company, Kftch district haa Ita own prizes, for which the housekeepers within Ita terri tory may compete. Tho first prise In each Is a fashionable mahogany floor lamp, with a choice oT old Bold or old rose silk shades a lamp that sella ream 'larly for SI 9, The second prize la a table lamp of Japanese bronze with choice of silk Bhndcs, and the third, fourth and fifth are tho new "C. C. Z." lights, com plete, with shade and self-lighting; attach ments. Entries will be received all this week until 6 o'clock Saturday afternoon, and tho decision of tho Judges wilt be made on Monday, May IE. The contest rules do not restrict the size or Ingredients of tho loaf. Each house keeper may dse her favorite recipe. The one, condition is that tho loaf must be baked In a Baa range. A royal welcome has been arranged for all housekeepers who visit tho various district ofllces of the company. Every branch olTIco has been transformed Into a charming Japanese bower, with decora tions of cherry blossoma and other flow ers suggestive of tho Island republic In the Far East. Tho attendants will bo In Japanese costume. Japanese maids will ' serve tea and souvenirs will bo distrib uted to housewives. There wilt also bo music. HAnTFOUD, Conn, May 9. Mrs. Mary B. Archer Qlltlgan. proprietor of the Archer Mouse at Windsor, a pay home for elderly persons, was nriAsted by the State police last night, charged with the murder of one of tho Inmates. According to the State police, who have been conducting a secret Investiga tion Into the workings of the Institution for a year, It Is their belief that out Of 4S deaths there within the last Ave years, no fewer than 20 were caused by violence or poison. The motive for these murders, accord ing to the police. Is easily seen In the fact that when a patient Is entered at the home his or her matntalnanco Is paid for In advance for the remainder of his or her life. Tho specific charge on which Mrs. Oil II ran was taken was that she caused the death by poison, May 30, 1914, of Frank lin Andrews, who had been an Inmate several months i.vsrAM. CSGWfiABfMIA Ounmntetrt 'WATER HEATERrrrr a moarn convenience ti I All ff-nnnm!rAl rnnl l heater. Cold water will Tint 7 r IAAfa. TV vm Htat la ha. '' -siltr In lummer for Home Wnhln. Shavlna: rtathlnr. l-lalltd bu iour Plumber. uorden Stove Co, 118-150 No. ttaeond St. A In. Anli Wrltn for Circular " Krmllr BU 314.1 "Good-Bye Gas" til Tank mater 5" hUh, 24' on top. IS' TrUnale S rates. Boiler 1A"x72" nhantied Inalde and out. Capacity of heater. Nil pals, hot water per hour Ilurna any else coal Com plete as per cut reller chareea ei- .R37 SO THE FORTUNE GAS RANGE iii: j.iiiKH r. mood xaw .-.orm 4111 nt. Kit. 1803. I'hone .Mkt. 157 Ii! ! 1 II ill i - R l! II mTuiufeTr Pi Mmm" 1 Five lllll? I T elRl 1 111 I 111 it (Mill 111.11! I "jMSl'u-1" vFTw I "1 1 I 7W-5i-iBirJ8aOBgfflDsCj-V Hi I 5iVin---rwa .wiybwirjMaeii mwMwfwmm 1 Clieaper Than Coal With coal already high and proltiR higher, tho FORTUNE GAS RANGE is an nll-ycar-roirnd economy. Cleaner Than Coal Tho cleanliness of tho FOR TUNE GAS RANGE lifts it be yond tho competition of any other fuel in minimizing labor. Cooler Than Coal l Tho FORTUNE GAS RANGE keops tho heat whero you need it, and means a cool kitchen and a cheerful cook. Vital Reasons Philadelphia Made Tho XUK'X'UlNi UAB' XlAJNliE is built by Philadelphia work men, and deserves tho support of every Philadolphian. Why, You Should Buy It Moderate Priced Although the highest grade of gas range built, tho FORTUNE GAS RANGE is extremely mod erate in prico. Sold by the United Gas Improvement Co. and demonstrated in all their offices. THOMAS, ROBERTS, STEVENSON CO. Philadelphia mBmmmmmmmm ptgJilBaEaSii' :,": Fi'lf-uili !ii.U!!i'.'imn"".' "u ji'ji 'iiuwm 'nw .j-nii'wui"a 11 imwiwi'.b'i. i'!II'Im;i! !lf ,f II lll,l GAS RANGE WEEK jit V4M MAY 8th-13th 2 Less than the regular price of any Cabinet Ga Range if you buy before stores close Saturday. (Usual Easy Term Payments) Special Displays Demonstrations Have you entered the Bread Baking Con test? Valuable prizes. Visit any of our stores or have us send r H 1 i J , M- 4m u tl ftl m A! 4 1 iS -i ti fii 11 I 1 M r-i t, j , S3 a U, , -oucrete Mixer m a represeniauve. The United Gas Improvement Co. for a perfect mix fc-!) THERE' nue r-u .,nu . , .w. run 5-VC.rtJT JVO to Twth With UW H i r THim in Stoflt CHARLES BOND 0, $EJRViCE As si $U Bfc, fu m "i,-fe-'-'-r t If r IIWll MM I 1 wPS9i 1 jj .ii, ii ' ,,!Z,L-rMF5M3B t ibT JH tS!SS!.-.l--i----'! I L ( I 1 111 IIISII