ML- :Y ir rr ; BfBTHa- MDGEK-PnftiADELPHJAV TTJESBAY, MAY 9, 1916. $WHS INVENTION" 1 AT THE BROAD STREET Hew Dtama Handles Skilfully Rather Meagre Material MANY ACTS OF QUALITY APPEAR AT KEITH'S -E Frerb and, ill wU. Mnajctmftni. sott iris uompanr. tON." A drama by tram rceity ,Moier urroa mreet xneaire lies iJnaorhlil.. ,,...,.,.,, Violet 6n Wccorl' i ui Sato. r. Kdwln IlaJe... !n Hale ,. uernert Kranrms William B. Mack Tary Bartlett.. mini.... irr CNall... flm Jerkii Manraret Pnnne . isueen van uipne Guitar TnnRcyfTertlte . KMtwIne Emm't ... , Fulton Iluaaell ......... .jonpn urcnnan . A JL llrlnr room In Dr. Hale'e house, XIayl H IT. IIP. llNlA'a lahAMlnFV. ftti.n ilnlft Int., Act 111. n bung-alow in the Mains woods. AU' fcf tiut. Adelaide and Hughes, Artistic Dancers, Head Entertain ing Show There are Just twt points to "The Dev il's Invention" on which a patent mlriht be leaned. One Is the loneliness which comcB to the wife of a young doctor-sclentltt who has his head set on succes-j Instead of ills heart on love. Tha other Is the situation that arises -when a middle-need surgeon must operate on a beloved young colleague who has taken bichloride of mercury under the delusion that this lone liness (which Is the devil's Invention) has diverted his wlfo's affections to the elder man. These two points aro developed simply, sincerely. They a$e not overstated, oer sentlmentallzed or pushed to emotional extremes. The first act puts the people concerned cjearly before us. Thoy aro not people set apart from others of the theatre by any large amount of indh lduallzatlon, but within their types they havo a ory plausible existence As a consequence, they receive our respect and attention, and when the young husband chances upon a bit of platonto sentiment which he misconstrues, ho wins our ready sym pathy for his nervous, desperate exit, us well as our surprise and our thankfulness for neglecting a chance for the customary frenzied vituperations. The second act shows the husband two days later, poisoned, back nt his labora tory, ready for death as a lcarlous Judg ment on the unfaithful. The Intercessions of a friend, tho wife, and finally the other doctor are well handled to create tenso emotion without melodrama. It may be questioned whether tho customary an nouncement of an approaching child Is what "A Pair of Silk Stockings" would call quits cricket In a 20th contury play, but It is handled with the same restraint that dlstlnqulshes tho other scenes of "Tho Devil's Invention," and It makes a good moment out of the young man's refusal to let himself, be saved by the man whom he thinks tho father of tho child i:en a little mora emphasis on this point might bo well to build up tho power of the elder physician's curtaln-stde decision to operate. The third act, outsldo somo comic and sentimental relief from threo minor char acters, docs little moro than allow tho elder man to heal the spiritual wounds, as well as the physical, by telling of tho reason for tho Platonic sentiment tho dis covery that tho girl's mother was tho woman ho left to loneliness, and another, that he, too, might follow the path of fame. The faults of "The Devll'B Invention," as well as Its patentable virtues, aro two. It Is short winded as well as restrained. Tho excellent self-possession of Messrs. Freybo and Moderwell Is not employed, as It de serves, upon a theme, a plot, a dramatic structure, of stzo and power The simple postulate of loneliness and mistaken In fidelity takes only 35 or 40 minutes to state. Tho Bceno of the husband's re turn, leading up to the operation, runs to SO minutes. Tho rcconcllatlon. Including 10 minutes of ex post facto comic relief, takes no moro. Now the American stage has never had a. place for the short play and that is the second count against 'The Devil's Inven tion. It isn't in the ordinary theatrical sonaa of the word an evening's money's worth. In Franco it might be Cut still moro to the bone, Jt m.lsht pass for n bit of Grand Gulgnolerle with a happy ondlng. Or with tho comic compromises removed. It might serve as a respected and Interesting study of ona vital moment In three ptoplo's lives, an hour and a half's drama to spilt a bUL But America, unfortunately, perhaps, wants a few more "punches" for Its nickel Mr, Von Seyffertltz has given tho play at uo uroaa one or. nis usual careful and Intelligent productions. It Is unpretenti ous, unflnlcky. Tho settings suggest good taste rather than a fat pocketboolc The cast is aa skilfully gqt together Mr von Seyffertltz himself plays the elder physi cian with a plausible distinction. Richie Line. Katherine Emmet, Fulton Russell and Joseph Brcnnon make the most of small parts. Eileen van Blene, as the wife. Is as charming as ever and adds a simple share of emotion to her natural talents. There Is a fascinating child personality in Violet da Blccerl. Finally, William B. Made, after a long series of addictions to various sorts of dope, finds bichloride poi soning as easy a medium as any for loos ing the curious and powerful type of emo tion of which he is master. Unfortunately, ho Is hardly convincing or interesting in tha sober everyday of the first and last acts. And there la where "The Devil's In vention" itself stands most in need of help. But perhaps it is the dramatist, not the actor, who must supply it. IC M. If yovi flare seen an net before, keep the fact to yourself when nt a vaudeville show. At least do not announce what Is coming next for Hie benefit of those around ou As a rule, most acts explain themselves without advance agents In the nuellcnco. It Is too bad that somo sort of an an nouncement like this cannot bo printed on theatre programs to silence tho pests, male and female, who believe that end lcrs gabble Is essential to tho welfare of nil theatrical performances. There were two such creatures nt Keith's last night, who marred the enjoy ment of many around them Mho came to witness tho show unaided. The bill wns Up to the high-water mark Iri vaudeville and there were many good things for varied taste. Adclaldo and Hughes, who might justly bo called peers of the poetry or motion, Introduced a novel pantomime, called "Tho Cat and tho Canary " Mlsi Adcltlde mnde rnther a bewitch ing bird nnd Mr Itughe wan an agile nnd decidedly graceful cat They cn nctcd a slmplo little tragedy, In which tho canary, nftcr p'nylng vvlth tho cat, suddenly falls dead Tho cat is heart broken He carries the llttlo canary Into Its mire nnd tries to rovlvo It When convinced that tho bird fs dead tho poor cat dies of grief. Prior to tho pantomime, tho dancers presented several artistic numbers Thoy were rewarded with prolonged applauso Miss Anna Wheatan. a dainty girl with a winning smile, offered a number of ex clusive songs with tho assistance of Harry Carroll, who presided at tho piano Mr.. Carroll Is tho author of many song hits Ho sprinkled tho net with many of them last night, and offered soma new ones which sounded as though they might bo as successful as their predecessors Ho and Miss "Wheaton make a decidedly formidable vaudeville pair Tho fact that they "stopped the show" with ap plauso Indicates that they may soon shino In tho Incandcscents. And then there was N'onette It Is doubtful If there Is a better single act In vaudeville Hxcellent violinist, very good singer, very nlcaslng .irsonillty If ou only give her thlrty-tn. e and a third per cent for each of these auBcts sho is a hundred per cent good oven then A story with a now Idea Is unfolded by Dorothy Rcgel and company In ' Tho Girl at the Cigar Stand" Tho sketch q very much better than tho title and has those quick surprises which thrill nnd pleaso at tho same time It also has an excellent moral Supporting Miss Rcgel Is a capa ble cast. Including John Dougherty, Arthur do Ford, Murjorlo Campbell and Ralph Llngley. The I'rlmroBo Four lived up to past per formances. Their 1000 pounds of har mony, dispensed by rotund singers, was well distributed Allan Dlnetmrt and company presented a truo-to-llfo Bketch, In which Miss Mary Louise Dyer gavo excellent support. Other good aits Included the Six Tumb ling Demons, Emerson and Baldwin In Juggling and comedy and Klrby & Rome, eccentric dancers RUM-DRINKING BEAST PUZZLES REILLY; "CALL T. R," SAYS HE Mil Ill - ' .iSSg&'V' . Mysterious Visitor Enters Saloon, Eats Limburger and Flies Into 'Rage May Be-Capybara, Capromys or Agouti, Scientist Opines MORE WAR MOVIES; MORE "SPOILERS" Deutzschvvehr Pictures at Chestnut Expanded "Spoil ers" at Forrest Polor F. Rellly, who keeps a saloon nt 2lst and Morris streets, was wishing today that Colonel Roosevelt would drop In "He could do mo a favor," said Rellly, "by telling mo what kind of trcaturo I've got here," and he pointed to a cago where a snarling llttlo bcust about an big as a fox terrier, with n rat's face and it bc.avur's mouth and legs nnd a gre shedding coat, stood .licking tho remains of Ills meal, ttcllly said ho wns afraid to even gtfpss what kind of animal l( was on account of tho strange palate" It lias Limburger cheese, eggj and flve-cont whisky are tho things it likes best, Tho animal camo to tho saloonkeeper's attention In tho dark liours this morning. It was scratching nt tber door nnd Hellly let It In Then when Its temper got bad It was hustled Into a eago,r r - David ,McCaddon, taxldermtst.nt the Acadeniv .of Natural Sciences, .said. It looked like n capylmm Uj him but, ho had to form his estimate from -n Picture He did tiqt see tho nnlmnl The. capybnra, It should bo explained, ls.raSoutlv Ameri can rodent, nnd wquld lui e: to, lie "brought to, Rhlladotplija , ft, couldn't Just' happen" hero. Mr. McCaddqn Uuvtight the, animal probably escaped from some "p'et" .shop There wn's ti ,pbssblllty,'rio snlq, that It rrjlght bo a Uiproniys or Cuban rat, or nti agouti which cimes "front Cdntral America, but Ho fnv6red "thh 'Vnnvhara nbovo thoso two, ' Police Court Chronicles Circumstantial evidence is often a long distance from tho fntls. ' A cop of tho 11 th and Wlntpr streets station saw Joe- Ferry loaning ng-vlnst a. limp post neir 10th rind Vine stieetH Ho was laughing heartily Joes Hat wns lying on the ground near him A few feet awny Jllke Green In, hidlRiiJut mood Mlko had a black iVe and other damages, and ho declared that Joe was the donor .Toe denied the accusation, but his sat isfaction at Mlko'iJ despair and tho fact that his lint waH Ijlng on the ground caused the cop to make deductions Ho deduced quickly apd tpok Joo to the 11 th and Winter streets station. Mlko was or- dorod to camo along tp give testimony. "This man jstruck mo and Jumped on my fni.c," Bi,ld Mike, "because I re- I-heatrical Baedeker- OAHUICK-" rJirtnfrrli tfiA Arw tullh 1 BW bf tho bodi Kulht fho until Tho ulw ph i iijj fused to glvo htm tho prica of a drink Then ho hit mo over tho head vvth a bottlo " Tho pictures show bevcral events at tho recent rtlay games at Penn, Uncle Sam's soldiers In Mexico and some intimate Views of President Wilson J, G, C J Cycleland Cross Keys Odd vehicles of many lands wore Bhown by Charles Ahenrn and company In their wheeling tabloid, which heads tho bill at tho Cross Kes. Tho act served to show that tho cntlro world could ride on wheels if It wero so disposed Brown nnd Morris In their comedy skit. "A School for Aviation" ; Delmoro and Moore, In "Behind tho Footlights," and Edith Ward and tho Sldonlas wero also on tho bill Considerable news of interest was shown in the pictures. MABGARET KEAN'S RECITAL Program Notable for Novel Arrange ment Margaret Kean, the soprano, has ex tended the custom of recital giving, and Instead of the usual one appearance of the alnglfrartlst concert giver displays her Yolc and art in two programs. Her fall recital waa one of the interesting and suc cessful avents of the early season, and last ntsHt she gave her spring program beforo a very largo and exceedingly ap preciative audience assembled in Griffith Hall. Miss Kean'a program had structural novelty tor on thing apd was exceedingly varied as to moods, composers and lan guagea for another, Tho custom is to place the now conventional group of songs In JSngllsh at the end of the pro gram. Consequently, very often, tho songs which an average audience would be likely to understand best of all. at least o far as the text Is concerned, since them i Is no Intervention of tha barrier of an alien speech, close an Avmtno. nhi,.. has exhaaated the voice and reduced spon- I tarmttr ' and unit-it .,.,.. , .. I - --- ------ ,. uu,,j wiwiicea. SIU3 Bxaa brought alj her fmbnes3 and Vlor to a capital rendition of works in the vernacular. Top of the World Globe "On Top the World," a cool refreshing tabloid for this time of year, heads the bill nt the Globe It has n. plentiful supply of pretty girls nnd clover comedians A number of catchy songs aro offered In the course of the proceedings Among other good nets In tho Bhow aro Kelly and Suavaln, Eddie Clark, Alf Rlppon, the Frederick Trio, Carlisle's Circus, George C Davis, Sheldon Sisters and Helen Jackley The pictures are In keeping with tho show Musical Gormans Nixon Grand The most exacting vaudeville patron could not fall to bo pleased by the bill offered nt the Nixon Grand It Is headed by tho Three Musical Gormans, who ren dered selections of tho past and present with exceptional skill They were well received,' I,ew Hawkins told funny stories In which philosophy played an Im portant part The bill also Included George Earle and company in 'The Trout," Mermaid and Bubbles, the Lander Brothers, Raymond Wllbert, hoop expert. Tha pictures are up to the minute. Tho bluccoat prided himself that tho testimony bore out his suspicion in tho case Joe declared It vvns n He but had noth ing trr prove that he didn't .mack Mike Things wero looking blue for tho prisoner, when Rodney MiGuik an lv.d Ho but ted Into the hearing without Invitation Rodney said he was watching Joe and Mlko from his bedroom window. "Joe was trying to take Mlko home," ho .said, "and Mlko didn't want to go He broke away from Joe, but in running awa he fell against the lamp post and then struck the curb Instead of naving Joe pinched, he ought to thank him for being a good fellow." Maglstrato Tracy was of the Fame opin ion, and he gave Mike flvo days In Jail ' i 111 St. David's 201 Years Old Old St Divld's Church, In Radnor town ship. Is 5Q1 years old today On May 0, 171B; several clergymen rode out Into tho woods from Philadelphia and, aided by a few settlers, Jald its cornerstone Tho building still stands In a beautiful site, and Is surrounded 1 historic graves and monuments. The Rev Dr James H. Lamb is the present rector, and tho congrega tion numbers many prominent men and women on tho Main Line. - with Mud- aramn ruir- nnK. Ik .1, ,1 .. kl.l.i Mt&Jdl ly UliJiaril Cfritvnsk ",.l(.! I'M -.';ficvjr Invention" A drama by inroni k MortcrWfH and Onrl rrpjle, toll ins up a cimflicr wtweca twe doctors, ono the old pclmol ptDHlekin, tlio olhT a younir ni-iri luit rjilOff to rroiAlhcnep Tho trangla hltfiatloti vuilfli Inedlcsl twist AIiI.T.fin A l'alr nf silk .Stocktnits.'t with fninholhnrn nnd Leonard lluvne An hngjlsh farcf-comcdjr-ruU of irood lines nnd lots of IJnallili nlan? L1UC Alonn nt Lnni,' with Hny Atwell, Harry Conor, lltv Y&rfco and John Charlci Thomas An operetta with the book adapted by Smith on J Herbert rnlitle'liy Kranz Lo rar. An ambitious Viennese Importation of UiO "Jlorrj Widow" BCho,ol , WALNUT Twin TJqiI" return ensaijemcnt at tho popular farco 1,Sallburj- 1 icid and .uarEuxi i, .nnjo, ursv popular prico cn KHKCiix;r!L , I'llbTOt'LAA'S HTANI.I3V All week "Maria Hosa." with Cirrnlrtlne 1 arrar. A 111m version of tho pi iv liy (Juldo Mttrtmry, with Tarrar as a Spanish ptasant I omsnsT -"Tho Bpollers " with William r.irnum ICo'hljti Williams Thomas Houthl nnd Ursxto Pyton. Hells. J-red adaptation ot Hot lleach a novel Alt&UHA Tuesday, and W"i!iicsda . "Tho No Oond (ins with William Collier. Thursday 1 rlday and Saturday, "Sold for JIarrlaso ' with Lillian (3Mi l'ALACt: TutHtlay and Wednesday, "Her Maternal itltht." with Kitty Gordon. 1hursdi frrlday nnd Saturday. "Jlolly Mnkf llclloe." with iliiruuerlte Clark. VICTORIA Tuesday. "At 'Midnight " with Norma lutinadw Wednrada) and Thurs day "1h OOod Had Man," wllh Douclaa TalrlankH I'rlday nnd Saturday, "Snow hlrd ' with Malwl Taliaferro Iini.MONr Tmsdav. "For tho Dflffnse " Willi Fnnnlc Ward Wednesd iy and "lhurs daj. llrl of tho Colden West." with Mabel Van liuren House Peters nnd Theodora Huberts I rlday and Saturday, ' Tho Coda of Marcla Ore," with Constanco Collier LOCUST Tuesday. "Salvation Joan " with lMn-V May Wednesday nnd Thursday, 'lho I'iast of Llfo with Clara Kimball Vounj; I rlday and Saturday, ' anowblrd," with Mabel lallafcrro VAUDEVILLE KClTH'h Adelnldo nnd Hushes. Anna W'hca- lan uinenau ana rnmnam None tte . t4 Actors' Fund Ball Canceled The ball planned to take place this eve ning In Horticultural Hall In aid of tho Actors' Fund of America, will not be held, owing to lack of Interest In the project. Killed Under -Tree By Lightning ALTOONA, Pa. May 9 During a heavy thunderstorm here, John Dugan, n laborer at Allegheny Furnace took refuge under a tree A bolt of lightning struck the tree ran down the trunk and killed him Instantly Oorothv Itegel and com- f'any. Prlmroie I our. blx Tumbllnff uemons, Clrby and llohm Lmerson and Ilaldwln, Hells Trlbuno plcturts OLOriH "On Top of tho World." K. W Wolf IMdlo Clark and his two Hoses, Kelly and Snnvame Alf Hlpon. tho 1'rodcrlcks Trio. Carlisle Circus tl C Davis, Sheldon Bisters Htlen Jackley GH VND Tho Musical Gormans Low Haw kins, Oeorgl i Hirlo und company. Trout, Mermaid and Hubbies, tho Landor Brothers. Kaymond Wllbert CHOSS KH1S rirst half of the: week Charles Ahtirn. in "Cycleland". Hrownlng nnd Morris Ih nvll Hour", Dolmora and Moore. Edith Ward the Sldonlas beennd hilf of tho week Wllmer Walter, In "Tho Lnto Van Camp", tho Hvo Musical Hodges, Davis and Mafford. Do Llslo und Dupont, Ann, tho I'rentHa Trio STOCK. KNICKERBOCKER "On Trial " Tho last ' week of tho season of the Knickerbocker placers shows them in Itelzensteln'n uieto , drama. BUHLESQUn. DUMONT'S Dumont's Minstrels. In satlrs und un matters of current Interest. By the Photoplay Editor The German war movies, which came to the Chestnut Street Opera House yes terday afternoon under the title "Deutsch wchr Pictures," nro In somo ways re lated to the expanded edition of "Tho Spollors," which turnod Up nt the For rest Inter In the evening. They are fa- miliar ana iney aro mure t,uw. .. Whether that Is nltogether an advantage Is nnother matter. Tho bulk of tho war pictures belle the word "new," though they have manifestly not been shown hero beforo. They havo been seen, however and that Is the Im portant point In tho doieni of pictures of marching armies nnd herded prisoners, guns firing and towns destroyed, generals and knlscrs and gooso steps at Inspection, which havo becrr flung on tho screens of tho city since tho war began. They nre all Interesting enough to the average play goer, bht they aro not In the real senso novel. They nro, In tho present case, moro elaborate. T,he marching armies aro longer, tho Inspections more thorough, the prlsonors moro numerous ono sign, nt lenst, that tho war Is well under way and running smoothly. But nil this neglects one unique nnd nbBorblng part of the new war fllmB their views of crippled German soldiers going about their ordinary antebellum Jobs with tho nld of n wooden arm or falso legs and going about them vvlth amazing skllfulncss 'Tho Spoilers" Is hero ngaln. Accord ing to tho sign outsldo tho Forrest The atrc. It Is n new edition. In truth It Is merely tho original version, replacing tho cuts made by tho Sellg Company when It released tho, film a few years ago In nlno reels Tho present edition la In 12, but for all that there Is not a single necessary addition or really vital detail shown In tho extra three reels They nro mainly used up by Introducing tho cast nt tho opening, a few added details of sovcral Bcenes between Cherry Malotto nnd Roy Glenlster and a longer Journey on tho boat on tho way to Nome Tho film Is not tho least Improved by the ad ditions, nor Is It any tho worse. It Is still a thrilling melodramatic movie on a very big scale Any cast that Includes William Far num, Thomas Santskl, Besslo Ejton, Kathlyn Williams and Will Oakmnn In sures remarkably flno acting, for the pho toplay presented, "Tho Spoilers," was, Is and will contlnuo to bo one of "tho six greatest photoplays." Tho Stanloy Is shewing "Maria Rosa," with Geinldlno Fnrrer, nil this week. It was favorably reviewed in yesterday's Evening L-nDciEn. Tho Arcadia opens with tho "No-Good Guy," vvlth William Collier, which was favorably reviewed In estcrday's.VEN mo Lnnann. Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, "Sold for Marriage," with Lillian Glsh, will bo featured. Tho Palaco opens with "Her Maternal Right," with Kitty Gordon. This picture wns favorably reviewed In yesterday's Evenivq Ledger. Thursday, Friday and Saturday "Molly Make-Belleve." vvlth Marguerlto Clark, will bo featured. Tho Victoria starts tho week with ". Midnight," with Norma We.W; riesday And Thursday "The Good Bad Man," with Douglas Fairbanks, will bo screened Friday and Saturday "The Snowbird," with Mabel Taliaferro, will be the feature. . Tho Belmont begins the week with "For the Defense," with FAhnle Wft,rd; On Wednesday and Thursday "The Girl of the Golden West," with House Peters and Theodore Roberts, will bo shown. Friday and Saturday "The Code of Mar cla Grey," with Constance Collier, will bo screened. The locust opens with "Salvation Joan," with Edna May. Wednesday and Thursday "The Teast of Life," with Clara Kimball Young, will be featured. Friday and 8alurday "Tho Snowbird," with Ma bel TaUaferro, will be screened. Lore Notes Send Boy tt) Hospital NEW YORK. May 0 Because ho has sent love letters arid postcards to a 13-year-old girl, Louis J. Maazuto, 16 years qld, of 468 Concord avenue, Bronx, has been sent to Bellevuo Hbspltal for mentnl observation. Tho letters were sent to Dolly Hoffman, of 629 Trinity avenue. Mazzulo said ho was studying to bo a detective, nnd shadowed the llttlo girl. "BOVBANDirilOLDgtJl?! Youthful Criminal ttnfrl. n- With Gun, Captured Aft' ,. vjimso A "boy bandlV looking a, v, Just stepped out of a YeiWt.... .?!! n.iA -,,....,.. , .. . ""rea tvn8 ,uni.u u, tovvtver in rnft Tar ,. - . "HH -i.. ........ " "l ClotMlSa Lpproveri f..i... ,"J ' -"OU1Q1 TOO Suits nnA . was captured after a ch. clerk, roned him in ., .. . a hustled1 away with thn ,u. ". .ail ptured after a rtaat ' squares and held without ball fA. Ci by Magistrate Imber. of tha mI Christian Btreets stntlon. toitnZ j me prisoner, whff Is 6 feet l. M scribed himself as Vernon wrT 1 years old, of Shcepshead Bay. 5 vM told tha police ho had served iV !L1U "J a Now York prison. ""nuinj Wagner walked Into the clothln uJl of Jacob Eoinit. nr 1nit, .Ti 2 W ! Btreets last night, and after SKM several suits of clothes, drew A ji and pushed Nathan Smith, the clViSl u uua, no ueu omitn to the'cMi.S! to a table, and after lobbing hlro Tin Si daughter Violet. Policeman CUrk JSI chase nnd Lcaught him at Smitv, .1, .Wl streets. 'tPm ( uil have to take yourtai off to tkese Clothes. Narberth to BorrpvV1 $30,000 Narbcrth 'Borough''' Council, last night p isscd an ordinance for a $30,00Q Issue of highway bonds, , 1aa,,, Mi' fir ' 1 SMIr w fi f n KvvJsfllB inAjiMitSffSt r x'-mmm.mKnm 'W$MM Sllop i w99 don't i Iffl mm KtUrf bHHH season. Yi sKmsBJ IsBBsMsB i imwm t KflKi sssHH I BsHjfls V !tHH sHK;M WC! at i ' I I i i ) m 1 :r mi i arounau you wm but decide until you nave eeen what wc can give in Spring Glotncs. Mc nave never had to many tell ua that "Y'ou have U to concede it to Recdd. they certainly have the clothes tins tm: Ready for Men 1 lonts an for Service Stiitjj seasonable- m a ta Dries ' Fifteen Dollars and Upwards nr JACOB REED'S SONS 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET -3626 Recital at Bellevuc Shakespeare and Beethoven, outstand ing figures In two or the seven arts, wero represented on the program given es terday at the Bellevue-Stratford by Es telle Neuhaus, pianist, assisted by J Howe Clifford, who read very sonorously three of the most poetic scenes from 'The Merchant of Venice " Miss Neuhaus is an accomplished pianist of proficient technique apd resourceful Interpretation Sho is adroit In translating values Into tone and securing definite effects. "We Are Working for Your Interest" Ninth and Locust Sts. anil UP M To'Voar Measure BILLY MORAN, the tailor 1103 ARCH STItKIIT residents of Philadel phiaregisteredatHotel Astor during the past year. Singl Room, without bttb, Jfi.oo to Double i.oo to ft.oo Single Roomj, with bttJi, 3.00 to (6.00 Double 4.00 to fyjoa Parlor, Bedroom and bith, (10.00 to 14.00 TIMES SQUARE At Broadway, 44th to 4jth Scttect thacentrr of New York social ind business actividej. In clou proximity to all railwi terminal. imiiHKHiiHHUimuimmumiiw v, -"-' -iy' :' t Al sl Jl Prominent Photoplay Presentational yji''H"vrwKgsgigiywy CTfTPTP7f' 5: Lotoeat Ratea in This City Burglar-proof Protection FIDELITY LOAN CO. K.I3D. IMS. Diamond Brokrrt ami Monrj Landers Unredeemed JMamonds, Ic, for iaU IO MAINTAIN style itbog f Jt fort is the great problem in bkikjos- for hot-weather wear. will not consi4 siua ess a1 " Jjousc HUGHES & MULLER trrrtS 3' ?Ct , , 1&!Z-p t V v i- , 11 ,Ti J ,t 'J j .. 11 . . il.,1,.uli j. 1 - . til ii i&aff SZ 41. nclH sdhr m JnlifH II llK II ? If! jyfsU I aiasisi,-ii . HewTowc m SI is . miJIfUBELSmf tJuexmt IJSSsJk I i rjt-"--n 11) n 1 1 nr 1 1 1 rTrtrn-i rjrTirirt Mnirwi ' m n ifi n in m n i i n iif ijj njimny i ijiii - iTrruj yiSjjijfe.; 7j y iiwilnlji umiiyiaurr iTprimil 1 1 tIiiiHiii 11 m fii itiiafcjaMBfiaajlPrtWWplfLLWBWBILiLMMSiK, -tVVWVVt,VWVtA GO TO Madison Square Garden HEW vomc cui , TODAY AND SRK THE First National Motion Picture Exposition Olren by the 4 MOTION riCTCKE llOAHD OV J TKADE OP A.VlKniCA. Inc. 5 ADMISSION so nRVTH S Everybody You Ever Knew VUI be There .umiiumtiiminni I B3k mtiimum mimiiiuiiiiiiliiiiilll I Bovima Gmwcmiii IS . . v 1 f. -J TriK followlnc theatre obUIn their plrturen tlirouih tha STANLEV llooklm , Cloni. All picture re Tie we J before exhibition. Auk for the theatre In yoef P rlxmHT obtaining pictures turoufo xue tAr,LKV UUOKIXJ LOJU'.VWX. cj T Y V- Vk i nni-kn Am 'I J- I a Jt. K 1 Y """"' "coi . . . mmnn 12th, Morria & Paayunk Ave ATHAMRRA M xyit 2. evu.ud ttUlmllUim vaudellle i'Pararo t Pictures Mary Pickford '" "T"EaISNAI' A RC A D I A biiixjw 10TH. 9 WILLI Ar COLLIEH In tub o-cooD auy BILI.1H TltmKE In "ai-OnlA'S ROMANCE" APOLLO Paramount- In SiO AND THOMPSON MATINEE DAILY -BLANCHE SWEET TIIE ,DLAC1itlST" Prominent Photoplay Presentations WE3T PIIILAlJEXriIIA OVERBROOK C3P lXVE HOBART BOSWORTH in "DR. NEIGHBOR'' "TIIE LEAP." OTHERS. BALTIMORE baltSSrve. TRIAHaLB PINE ABTS WILLIAM S. HART and CLARA WILLIAMB to "HELL'S IUNQES" "WIPE AND AUTO TROUBLES' UT71 nOiM'T'621' AnVE mArket JtSHiLilVlVjlN 1 MsU 1:10 & 3 :30.10c. Evita H 10, H 0 30. IRC FANNIE WAltD In "FOR THE DEFENSE" "ROMANCE AND RIOT" 00TH AND TFriAR PAR.MIOVHT CEDAR AVE &UI THEATRE MAE MURRAY In TO HAVE AND TO HOLD' COEC CLARA KIMBALL YOUNCTi "THE FEAST OF LIFE" Logan Auditorium "SSiuS? iv a tl. IT.irilnna Pnmi. . Ilia -tV'1IR?'3 MTSTlAKl B2D AND LOCUST1 Wl Mats. 1 .10 & 3 SO. WJ Rmtm (1 Ml) 8. V.3V. . vitaurapn-uuKA siat m yB "SAt.VJTmK .TOAN" LOCUST 7SALVATION JOAN" Market St. Theatre M Rlueblra Preaent ELLA HALL In TJi O' pled Hand " See Frannla Ford ana urJj Cunard in "Pee 'o tha Hlnsr every Ytttnt&K fjfd FAIRMOUNT avs Marie Doro and Elliott Dexter in "DIPLOMACY" FRANKFORD PRA0EnNDti AVEMUB Marie Doro "Diplomacy" MATINEE Dallv, 3:30 56TH ST. Theatre t Bel Spruce Ere 7 to l Harry Wataon "The Mlahapa of Muaty Suffer" K9A Sr 82d Sanaom Mats :-3;30 Bo Evga 0:80 to 11 10a BABY MARIE OSBORNE la "LITTLE MARY SUNSHINE" Broad Street Casino BROI?l0w MATINEE 2!30. EVENING T and U, VIVIAN RICH in 'TUB -WAYFARERS" OTHERS ' NOBTn IfFVTONF ELEVENTH ST AND VAUDEVIL& andLEmI,AVEN 'IRON CLAW" PICTURES SOUTH OLYfWvIA BAINBRIDOB STS. uoub of tarn latest AtfD BBarpaovo 1A4Y IW SOI7Ti PUtLJLDBLPmA "SOCIAL PIRATEa"M TStl THHKg urit&tt tKJOU gHATUK: -""'U ; Ii ' FFERSON "ti&.a GERMANTOWN B50To&iv Paramount BLANCHE SWEET la 'Till? SOBERS" ORPHEUM 0J$&?$A LILLIAN QISH In "SOLD TOR MARHC . Added Attraction , ROSCOE ARBUCKLE In 'The Other, 1 PAI ArP 12H MARKET STnEET,! rALAtt. to a. m to litis ?J KITTY GORDON in "HER MATERNAL niaHT" - a awj mnnw ivp a. nATTPHIfTC rAKfV MATINEE 2:18. EVE. Ij TRUNOLB BILL. rtrtTTnT.AQ i?ATnTiAVTTfl In THE HABIT OF HAPPIfi P.RINCESS 10,!tWe ?SS?S."5f' MARY FU1 In 'TUB STRENGTH OF THE WEAK RIALTO xT-&feq TYRONE POWER in JOHN NEEDHAM'S DOUBLE C, ORF vnl MARKET 2I15.T-9 ValVJOE I1B.COQ KIMBALL OR.OAN MARY PICKFORD in 'POOR LITTLE PEPPINA" f II? ATin AVENUE THEATRE IXlIVrVJVL TTll Ajjp QIRARD AVENUE - - JACKIE SAUNDERS in THE TWIN TBIANqLE" Hroar Nnrrrirn BROAn sr erie ureal rtoruiern obbmantk aves DUSTIN FARNUM in Tins CALL OF THE COMOEKLANDS" IRIS THEATRE 3,w jPJSpnw ParamountANNA HELD in J ya"l ia t-MfcaipBHTB;' LAFAYETTE 8S!gFw M980& HAYAKAWA in MHtt YI100JP "l YjiOOKJ' I W 41W vmat4nas "a" JT'nwfi -ji'PAfr m l-vwrog I REGENT FvSPaIFvoIoS i ni iicc f rwrvi V in y THB -QILDED gPipER" RiiR Y market street - Mae Murray and Wallace Rfj "TO HAVE AND TO HOW SHERWOOD"1, MARGUERITE CLARK in "OUT PF THE DRIFTS- R A V fi V U MARKET -1 ESSANAY Preutnta Gladys Hansiai in "Tfie H TIOGA 1TTU AND vENAaa i CONSTANCE COLUERJp THE CODJS OP MABCIA OBAI" VICTORIA & Arbucl jn 'The Otner Han." OstJ in. i h cBfM! in "rn iwrf" STAIUI i?V MABK13T AWJVW SiS gw Vs&EM "imms? ililAr "MAMA