Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 08, 1916, Night Extra, Image 11

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A Remarkable -Stop)
CHAI'TEK X Continued
YOU blink nround curiously In the brief
periods of half-Illumination when the
operator In tho projection room nt tho
back of tho theatre In loading his twin
niachlnes with fresh magazines of film.
A better chance for observation cornea at
the end of the big picture, when the enter
Ulnmcnt reverts to vaudeville, and small
Umo artists enframe our nttontlon with
rme and danco. .The stucco walls are
most ornate; deep, rich reds, with wide
borders of gilt. Tho effect Is medieval.
A warning "HIss-s-s 3" comes from the
projection room. A new picture Is ready.
Down rolls tho creat white screen. Tho
(lBe i dnikened, and tho side lights of
the auditorium fade. Tho shades ot night
are around yon. Tho atmosphere Is mys
tic flat-tat-tnt go tho drums of the or
chestra ci the titles erf the picture, now an
animated weekly review of current events,
ro blaroncd forth In light on tho screen.
We read'
A long lino of roller chairs, overflowing
with stunningly appareled women and
'faultlessly clad men, nro passing upon tho
screens such toilettes, such diamonds and
pearls, euch opulence. It Is n long-shot of
a section of tho Boardwalk, between tho
Marlborough aid tho Now Traymoro. n
photographic panorama taken at some dis
tance from tho pnrade. Now conies tho
close-up, a near view of the same show of
fashion Languishing In a smart chair
we note the sorft, radiant beauty of a
well shaped foiolgn-looklng woman In
fthlto fox furs, slyly revealing a daring
decollete, who peeps down nt us from tho
dickering picture, archly, nppeallngly,
naughtily, merrily.
"Holy Christmas! That woman! Do
you seo her' Do you see her?" suddenly
bursts out a strong masculine cry from
the body of tho auditorium; words which
only must have sprung Into sound from
the effects erf it genuine surprise.
It was the resonant voice of Monto
Crlspen, who, with the Secret Servloo
ogsi't, had accidentally dropped Into "Tho
Oem" out of idle curiosity.
"Sh-h-h," admonished his companion In
j a low tone. "Hood lookor, yes. But this Is
no place to ofpanizo a harom."
More whispers wcro exchanged. Then
tho two men arose and Indicated their
Immedla'e going. When thry had Jostled
their way to tho main aisle, and finally
reached the foyer, bo great was his ex
! clUmcnt Monto fairly sputtered.
"That woman In tho last roller chair,"
ho said "She sho she "
' "Say, young fellow, hadn't you better
! havo a drlnk7" Interrupted Agent K.
"Don't take on so."
"Sho Is tho Countess' Zcda," Monto
gasped. "It'B a cluo ti smasher of a
clue. That woman Is the sho who warned
me tho steel works wore doomed; who got
tho J5000 I pnid for tho cryptic cross; who
..owns 'tho discarded pair of dancing slip
pers your partner found In tho ash heap
at, the West Philadelphia house. Sho Is
the tlren of thu Slgvay Gang. We know
noiv sho Is In Atlantic City. Great luck, 1
"Aro you Joking?"
"I was never more In earnest In my
life "
Tho clang of flro engines took their
attention ; tho engines stopped In the
street before tho theatre. Firemen with
lines of hoso from tho chemical wagons
Dear Children Can you realize what it means to havo a lot of boys
and girls all working together, doing little kindnesses and spreading sun
shine and making life really worth while?
In our pot of gold there is happiness and we nre always seeking it, for
it is the aim and object of lifo to bo happy. There are many things which
keep us from being happy, and it is our duty to get rid of those things as
fast as we can.
If we aro busy wo have not time to think of our worries and troubles.
No one who is busy working in the right direction ever gets into what we
commonly call "trouble."
One of the objects of our club is to teach you efficiency. This is the new
word which has just como into use recently.
In order to make this word understood by you in as simple a manner
, as possible, let me say that efficiency -means getting the most and best out
of yourself. The first person in the world to make happy is yourself, be-
cause it would be foolish to try to make a person smile when you have a
scowl on your face. If some one has your book, you want to get it back,
and if some one has stolen your happiness from you see that you get it back.
Do not say that it is impossible for you to make some ono happy or to
spread a little sunshine in this world of ours, because you can always strive
to make some one happy and do a little kindness each day to yourselves and
f ' ipread a little sunshine along your own
Good-night, with love and kisses
Our PostoOlce Box
Time was when "VElsIo Knecht" was
IWt a name to U3. "Then frequent letters
Wade us know oho was a very dear little
jfi r girl. Nov a, picture
cecands this Knowl
edge and crowns a
friendship that we
hope may grow and
grow! Our friend
ship with Gertrude
Reinhard, of Had
donfleld, and Mary
Louise Treacy Is
Jast in the second
stage, and we hope
that very soon the
postman will make
It spring to the
thirH. Tn nfhAi-
Elsie knight ,-,,, in,u 0-11
I please send ypur pictures. Bettlna Avella'
Miners, so watch to see Just how Bet
r tlna looks I
ir Sherman has been 111, and every
"gnt mother hrlno-H h TfcvWM.Wr T.vnnmn
. t her bedside and reads the cub news to
fier Pearl sends In a riddle for Rainbows
suess. -what trunk never needs a,
n A young fady, J3 years old. thinks
POO IS tnn nlil n 4Aln .l. I..W 1.... ..I...
ItjjKea to read about it. Just tho same. We
Z knw Per name; to us she Is Just
- Boom or u. h. a." in general and
f'tuen. of Ashbourne, Pa.. In particular,
fiajse. please, old lady of 13 summers,
wjset your Weighty years and do please
W, us,?h' that reminds us i one boy, Clifton
KiF.nr ot Holto.stre.4t (we Jsnow he must
J-Jinking , but we'll print hla. Joke Just for
I VrJ w?nt to know if there aro girls in
-w juo i Shall we scold him. Rainbow
.SJfc cr Just la,n teu n 'to read, the
We wkh Hv 4. i.i. -i i
RU r llU,e not8 rom Mar'' BaUm'
Fl, "! I'layton, Lansdale; Pa. : Anna
Iff W,Illam Rosen, East Monmouth
lIKS i Jans Fwraan, South 60th street j
iiSLi '" Atlantic qity. JW J. ; pari
BiarS J?- V"S??ft St J. i?-w,a. K?te?'
f l l(. rM-,-r, Tmab -KT-.W (OJ
, ti vit y, Aivii vi
w if jnsll iinan ataaf anA
4 Cucwit?. Dickiiwoa street.
of tke Millionaire-Hero's Adventures in Kensington
were seen runh ng up the outside stairs to
the balcony. Lights were flashed on In tho
thcatriyutd the picture on the screen flut
tered, THrnmcd. and went out A rush
m?riCd i'.V"Vhe f.ear sentBl Th0 'Wer
filled with struggling men, women and
Monte saw a young panic developing.
He roughly plowed his way to tho plush
covered rail that encircled the back of tho
lower floor. Agent K. followed and
gavo.hlm a lift. Astride tho rail Monto
commanded the Attention of tho fxolted
audience. Forming his hands Into a cup
around his mouth, he megaphoned again
and again:
"Keep your Beats, thero Is no danger,"
every human emotion Is electric, and
responds Instantly to that which stands
above It In tho tables of Intellect. For
bearance melts anger like water dis
solves wood hope evaporates despair llko
air atomizes water. So wo find that
courage liquefies fear, and Its, expansion
In a crisis of events Is as catching as
tho measles No sooner did tho orchestra
leader hear an Intrepid voice of command
at tha back of the theatre than he rallied
his flock of musicians, and the band burst
lorm wnn me stirring strains of the
Wnchtparado march.
Tho dash for the doors waB halted. At
taches collected their ecattered vlts and
pulled back tho Iron bolts of the emerg
ency exits. The outward rush became nn
"orderly tread.
When the theatro had been nearly
emptied, 0110 woman, a frail, white-faced
creature dressed In black, lay stretched
on tho balcony stairs, tho sole victim
of tho flro scare, As for the flre.i It had
long slnco been put out; It was tho old
story of a careless operator, a lighted
cigarette and an Inflammable film.
"Who Is she?" asked a doctor who had
been attending her.
"I know her," said the Secret Service
man In a subdued voleo to Monte. "So
do you. Look! Now do you know her?"
Crlspon, down from his perch on the rail,
advnnced toward tho balcony stairs
"Well, I am flabbergasted," whispered
the young heir. "Jim Kocrncr's widow
from Crlspon, Pa. This Is Identity night,
all right."
"Surprises usually do come In bunches,"
commented Agent IC "Know a Bate placo
to send her to?
"Yes. My room at the Marleya. Three
blocks away."
"Wo can use her now thnt we havo that
bruto 68 over In tho Tombs. Sho may be
ablo to connect him with the delivery of
tho wireless apparatus to her dead hus
band. She left Crlspon two months ago,
no ono know where to."
A pompous little manager bustled up.
He thanked Monto for his presence of
"Whenever nro you moving plcturo guys
going to get wise 7" said Agent K.
hotly. "You should seat your audlenco
facing the front of tho house, with tho
chief source of danger, the picture ma
chine, on tho stage behind tho asbestos
curtain. Pitch tho floor down from tho
back Instead of down from tho front."
"Not a bad Idea," retorted tho manaser
blandly. "You see this business Is still In
1(3 Infancy "
A policeman Interrupted with his mem
orandum book to get tho flro particulars.
Including tho namo of the woman, whom
tho doctor said was suffering principally
from shock, and would recover under
proper care.
"Her namo Is Jones Mary Jones," said
Agent IC loudly, not wishing hor real
namo to get Into the newspapers. "Fac
tory hand. Ambulance here? Oood. My
friend here nnd I will take caro of Jher.
(x x x x'x x). Your friend,
Children's Editor, Evening Ledgeh.
Special Notice I
Thli Is to remind you that the
Mothers' Day Number of the club news
will appear Saturday, Hay IS. The
belt stories and drawlnss about "moth
ers" arrlylnc In the Bulnbovr ofllce not
later than Wednesday will bs printed
In that number. All drawiors must
be In black Ink, and all stories writ
ten on one side of the pace.
The Question Box
Dear Farmer Smith What are the
colors of the rainbow?
Gilbert, Fa.
The colors of the rainbow are seven
red, orange, yellow, ereen, blue, indigo
and violet. ,
Dear Farmer Smith Some pne wroto
me a letter and said In it. 'I would of
gone," When people are talking, this ex
pression sounds all right, but In writing it
looks funny. What should It be?
South 6th street.
"When people 'are talking" they aro
saying; or should bo saying, "I would
have gone." Oftentimes words are slid
over and their exact sound is lost. "I
would of gone" makes no grammatical
sense. '
Things to Know and Do
1. Solve this diamond puzzle (sent In
by Francis Brandt, of Bulst avenue). I
, -ti . ""-.i.-s. ,- ,. - I
'My first la a consonant, My second U
part : the head. My third la sharp. My
fourth is the break of dayi My fifth Is a.
religious book. My sixth Is a part of a
flsh. My seventh is a consonant, Cen
tral downwards spell something you all
love. ,
2. What time does Mister Sun get up
these mornings? (For Itttl. folks.)
Yes, we know her. Lives up In Halsey
street." '
And that was how Jim Koemer's widow
camo to bo a lodger with the Marlcys,
Twentieth Century Chivalry,
TON'T' they resemble her?" asked
XJ Agent IC a few days later, handing
Monto Crlspen a half-dozen photpgraphs
Bhowlng tho Countess Zeda In a boardwalk
rolling chair.
"They are rather dim," was the evaslvo
"Enlargements usually lose the sharp
ness of originals. Moreover, these prints
wero copied from tiny, narrow strip ex
posures of a movlng-plcture film that was
taken at a Bpocd of 40 views a second."
'Thought tho film was burned In tho
flro at tho Kensington theatre."
"That particular celluloid film was de
stroyed. But I went to the production
company that made It and got the 100 feet
of Easter Day parade. A local photog
rapher did tho rest."
Tho Sccrot Service man wns elated and
enthusiastic. He felt tho trail to tho Slg
vay Oang waxing torrid. Monto walked
to the window of tho study In his Walnut
street homo nnd glanced keenly at each
of tho pictures.
Somehow he did not feel especially over
Joyed nt tho enterprise of Agent K., now
that he faced Its fruits. Ha did not blame
tho professional Investigator for his zeal,
really most commendable. Yet something
within him revolted at tho Idea of wag
ing warfare against a woman, any kind
of a woman.
As long as chivalry lives In man, no
woman needs a protector. Encore It. If
sho bo a beautiful woman
"Como now, Mr. Crlspon," Insisted Agent
IC "Is eho or la sho not the woman wo
are aftor7 There must bo no mistake,
for I want to turn these pictures over to
tho Atlantic City police and let them
locate her."
Monto still hesitated. Ho recalled how
tho Countess Zeda had warned him of
tho plot against tho steel works. Sho
must have run a big risk when sho did
that. As for tho $6000 ho paid for tho
cryptic cross; It was a mere bagatelle.
Ho was thinking rapidly.
Ono of the enlarged prints In an upper
corner held tho partial profile of the chair
boy who was wheeling tho Countess.
Monto decided that If he found that chair
boy ho could locate tho Countess hlmsolf,
and spare her tho notoriety of being
dragged Into an International situation.
Ho mentally opined thero was at least
that much coming to her for what sho
had tried to do for him on tho roof of
the Bellalre-Blltz.
"You say wo must bo absolutely sure?"
he remarked, almost languidly.
"Well, rather," answered IC "A mis
take of Identity would bo serious, most
"Then suppose I drop In nt another tho
atro where this same film Is running and
havo another look at tho picture ns It
appears on tho screen," ho suggested.
Ho was playing for time; tho wonder
ful black eyes of tho Countess had won.
"As you say," said tho Secret Service
man a bit ruefully. "But I advise against
too much delay."
"I will keep one of tho enlargements,
this ono," remarked Monte with apparent
Tho pictures he returned to Agent IC
did not Include the one that showed tho
chair boy,
"Too bad wo landed that ICoerner
woman as lato as wo did," commented
Billy Bumpus Thinks He's Brave
"Well," began Billy Bumpus, thought
fully, "I'm going to war. I believe In
being prepared."
"Oh. my husband! How proud I am
of you! Whon are you going to war7"
"At once I My country calls me 1"
"toxx mean Qoatvllle calls you. my
brave one," said Mrs. Goat.
"I can seo myself now at the front
of my frc'ops "
"How do you know you are going to
be an officer? Only officers are in the
front, and they get killed first," Missus
Goat looked fondly, yet doubtfully, at her
brave Billy.
"Never mind about that. Just listen how
I will lead my charge. Look at my
beautiful horns! They will sweep all
before me. On, on I Oh, I can Just see
the enemy falling as I go charging up
the hill. I know you will mles me, but
then you must think of me on the battle
"What if you should be killed?"
"Never fear, I am too brave for that,
and brave men never get killed." Billy was
striding up and down the room by this
"I always thought It was the brave men
that get killed the cowards run away,"
"Me run away? I guess not Just watch
me charge." And with that Blly made
straight for the kitchen table.
Missus Goat stood breathlessly waiting.
Just then tho telephone bell rang and
Missus doat answered.
"Yes, yes. Mister Angora Goat. I know
Billy will be glad to come over to help
you look for the burglar,"
But when Missus Goat turned around
Mister Goat was nowhere to be seen)
Branch Clnb News
Yesterday's mall brought us a pleasing
report of the West Berlin Rainbows.
The members, who are as follows; M. Ra.
vettl, Lillian Boddls. Leona Yaecker, Lll
Han Huber, Mary Hicks, Frances Foster.
Amelia Errico, Lucy Fannatto, Hazel
Nordman, Hazel Walker and Jennie Clll.
butl, attend their meetings, faithfully and
feel that each week's "party" Is bringing
them into closer friendship.
Jennie Cillbutl was the organizer of
this branch club and we feel very much
indebted to her for bringing such a splen
did band of girls into the light of tho
Farmer Smith's Rainbow Club.
liar. Il'bows 111O010O 03
a i
Oram. Sch. Jrs. 00010101 03 5 3
Manager ekk uarcer Rainbows. Uaurlce
Webster A. C.. 1100231 1 1 10 14 a
Taney A. C, 01000UOO- S 8 7
Ualterlea Murphy and Onem-si Cainly and
Henry, ilanasers Carre and Jonea.
Osr'tn Rainbows
Indian JunlciWM"
10004100 06 10 8
.n JuaU-WK-"s,,".". 1 0 0 35 11 6
Batteries Hanvtlls and Cordcaux; Clark
and Cohen, Captain. Jformna and Carter.
Eveninq Lboobr:
1 wish to become a member of your
Rainbow Club. Please send me a beau
tiful Rainbow Button free. I agree
Name ...........,,,,..,..,,., ,
Age . .t . ...9--v.t-"tf-School
j attend .,. 5.tie9
- - - - -
I tKink I'll tt-Ua rry
little mirvdl
And step out boldly
If I x.ct oncorviemad
1 rrYTy
3reo.k vp berVind ts.
soma pineal
Agent K. "As you have kept away from
your friends, the Marleys, since the night
of the fire, I might tell you that their
new lodgtr turned out to te an operative
In tho Big Four knitting: factory. Odd,
was It not?"
"Oh I No," responded Monte, welcoming
the drift of conversation away from tho
Countes-i Zcda. "She worked In a knit
ting mill before she married Koerner! a
simple rovcrslon to type. Why do you'
eay our finding hor was too lato?"
"Bccauso since her recovery she has
given '68' nn honcst-to-goodtiess namej
recognized tho big rascal yesterday when
I took her to the Tombs In New York as
Anton Wuftllng, a man .often with Jim
Koerner, sho said, before the Iron works
explosion Sho Is going to stay with tho
Marlcys, who havo offered her n homo.
Her testimony would havo connected
Wuftllng directly with that crlmo "
Wuftllng. alias "68," had already been
tried, convicted and sentenced to two
years' Imprisonment In tho Atlanta Fed
eral prison for violation of American neu
trality laws. Tho forged passport In his
possession had been sufllclent to make such
a case ngalnst him
Monte knew something of tho machinery
of law : how tho prisons frequently got
short-termers who ought to bo lifers : men
mado to pay tho penalties of minor of
fonscs In tho absence of sufficient evidence
to link them with their major wrong
doings. Wuftllng never once quailed when faced
with tho JCoerner woman. Ho was tho
samo impjbslvo, thick-skulled enigma, tho
Govornment agent said, as when his hugo
framo was measured under tho Bortlllon
system and his finger-prints taken months
before. Owing to tho war confusion
rampant In tho European capitals, noth
ing had been heard from these personal
Identification marks sent abroad.
"My partner. Agent W says Wuftllng
Is arr escaped convict, .probably from a
Belgium prison," continued Agent K. "W.
spent days watching him through a holo
In his cell; claims the man has the hnblts
of a confirmed Jailbird. Anyhow, '68' loft
this morning for Atlanta with a regular
namo; so much has been gained."
"After all, lmprlsonmont can only ho
measured In terms of a man's capacity
for mental pain," said Monto. "Wo aro
drawing our Iron ring closer1 around tho
Slgvay Gang every day. Come Into my
dark room I havo somo broken bits of
conversation from my recordophone that
may Interest. If '68' Is Wuftllng, then
'35' Is Brlccono. Wo are slowly but surely
climbing Into their nest."
Monto led tho way Into a small, sound
proof room, which he had rigged up di
rectly off his study. It waB equipped with
several chairs, and a small table on which
was n pad of paper, sharpened pencils and
a green-shnded electric lamp such ns one
finds over the operating. table In a hos
pital. Sholveu alpng tho walls held rows of
wax cylinders and several piles of discs,
being master records; tho past perform
ances of the recordophone. Monto found
that some of tho conversations reproduced
better from discs than tho original cylin
ders which gathered In tho sound waves,
and an expert from a great record factory
In Camden, N. J., had assisted him in
raising the most obscure Indentations to
the plane of human hearing.
In tho centre of the room stood tho re
production maehlno, specially built for the
recordophone. It combined tha widely
known features of tho gramaphone and
the vlctrola, raised to the nth power,
' Tom Daly to Speak at Dinner
Tom Daly, of tho Eveninq Ledcieh, will
bo the main speaker at tho annual Unl
erslty of Pennsylvania Interpubllcatlons
dinner at the Hotel Adelphla tonight.
Other speakers will be Fullerton L. Waldo,
of tho Public Lodger, and D C. Brown,
former editor-ln-chlof of tho Punch Bowl.
The banquet will be attended chiefly by
those connected with the three University
publications, the Red and Blue, the Punch
Bowl and the Pennsylvanlan.
Library Club to Elect Officers
Officers for the ensuing year will be
elected this afternoon at a meeting of
the Pennsylvania Library Club, to be
held In the Taylor Hall, Bryn Mawr Col
lege. The nominations follow: John Ash
hurst for president. John F. Lewis for
vice president, Lois Reed for second vice
president. Jean E. Graffen for secretary
and Bertha Seldl Wetzell for treasurer.
An address will be delivered by Dean
Marlon Rellly. Following the meeting a
reception and tea will be held by the
Rich millc,mlted grain extract.tn powder,
Forlnfants, Invalids and growing children.
Invigorates nursing- mother- and tai.J.
The Food-Drink for a!! Ages
Moro nutritious than tea, coffee, etc
Subjtitutej cort YOU' Samo Price
in every -lb tin
there are sixty
cups of
Nota the Srijsht red
color, superior flav
or, delightful aroma.
Your grocer sells it
I Trals liar.
mi )
1M liny - .nsososoHf Vi . . -J
6m,2i "i?.-'.-TB &
Tiny Bags and Wardrobe Trunks AJike Fitted With
Exquisite Appointments to Catch the
Traveler's Eye
THE annual summer exodus Is close at
hand. Summer homes are Undergoing
a process of regeneration and summer
wardrobes are growing under the busy
fingers of deft dressmakers, Tho prob
lem of packing tho summer outfit after
It Is complete, of choosing Just enough
luggage to accommodate ono'a togs
whether they aro Paris creations or tho
result of local talent Is one that every
woman nas to solve.
Luggage was never so conveniently
graduated In size and weight as It Is this
season. Everyklnd of bag nnd trunk
hat trunks, shoo trunks, overnight bags,
suit casos nnd Just plain bnga for all oc
casions aro to be seen .in all the shops.
Thero are wardrobe trunks for tho woman
with 50 gowns and n hat trunk for six
hats, nnd there are tiny 13-Inch hand
bags for the bachelor girt who goes vaca
tioning "In n suitcase."
For the two weeks' vacation a good
steamer trunk Is small and light as well
as Inexpensive. A serviceable ona may
be bought for as low aa $6. If tho dressy
hat Is a large, floppy affair, It may be
secured to tho tray of the trunk by means
of push pins, with no damago to tho
If a suitcase Is preferred, there aro
practical models with aluminum frames,
which are light enough for any girl to
carry. These may be had In good, roomy
models, quite large enough for bIx or eight
good blouses, lingerie, toilet articles and
one or two afternoon frocks. This, of
com bo, depends largely upon the packer's
experience In "squeezing," for packing Is
an art,
Tho bride, of course, prefers a ward
robe trunk, for who would want all tho
Mother-in-Law Learns of Riding Ac
cident Through Doctors
NEW YORK, May 8. Despite tho se
rious condition of Mrs. Eugenia Kelly
Davis, who suffers from a fracturo of the
baso of the skull, her mother, Mrs. Helen
M. Kelly, has not been Informed of the
accident by her son-in-law, Al Davis.
Mrs. Davis has not fully recovered con
sciousness since slo was thrown to tho
roadway from her horse early yesterday
Mrs. Kelly said last night sho had
repeatodly tried to learn whether her
daughter had asked for her, but to no
nvall. "I havo no way of telllogr," sho
said, "what Is going on down there. Of
course, the doctors havo reported to me
after ray calling them on tho telephono
many times, and have promised to notify
mo In caso there is n sudden turn for
tho worse, but that Is not enough to allay
the feelings of a mother whose child lies
suffering from a serious Injury."
Mrs. Kellysald sho had not as yet do
elded to go 'to her daughter. She In
timated, however, that thero was a pos
sibility of hor going today..
Doctors Malcomo, Lanchart and Lambcr
examined Mrs. Davis' Injury yesterday
afternoon, and after a consultation, de
cided that an Immediate operation was
not necessary.
Mrs. G. D. Morgnn Injured
PARIS, May S. Mrs. Yukl Kato Mor
gan, widow of George D. Morgan, a
nephew of the late J. P. Morgan, was
Injured In a collision between a tramcar
nnd a taxlcab In which she wa3 going
to the station to take a train for Nice.
Mrs. Morgan's upper jaw was Injured. Mrs.
Morgan Is a member of an Illustrious
samurai family and has been known ns
a Japanese beauty. Sho says sho will
suo tho taxlcab company for .5,000 francs
($5000), and has retained Charles G. Locb
to tnko caro of her Interests.
Lower Morion Suffragists Give Seeds
Lower Merlon suffragists havo given
packets of seeds of yellow flowers to
school children who havo their own gar
dons. The suffrago color Is yellow, and the
Lower Merlon women want the peoplo
along the Main Lino to be continually re
minded of tho movement.
m There, is a Place
in Every Home for
"Eagle Brand"
Milk fi one of the neceuitiei of
life. You should mike sure that
Byou have the purett, the richeit.
U ..r... . I . :.: nr.
., ii auu iuum uwuiiamug luut
you can buy.
me OKiuiitM.
Iiai been ! in thouuedb cf hsmca for
wsrly tixty ytinbolh a pure, uia
p-br ood and a rich mil. for cooking.
I i? a debute richr.eu ol fl.vor la
dune you have cooled a hundred tunes.
In toying Milk Product!
aluiayt siA for
a&stavxigi jg-1-.ava.v sju at
Irl Jtrt-HLIL -'.M,F3w-j
Suit Specials for
(Juiclc Selling '" "
Remarkabla values la new sprlrut
and summer suits. Better make voux
selections , early Monday, aa the-'
values wljl not last Ions! ...
Special bull at , ......115
gaits of Xa-Tiu.s and -Wi-i. 2?.1J
guts or xa-rttus and Vvt
11 wW HO j-Vl." ' cut" iq
S30 fsffeta Suit, cut t
. .s.ft.73
Full Una of
street dresses
afternoon cowna.
Zs41s Tailor and Importer
253 outfj l3t&St,
filmy frocks nnd lingerie In the trousseau
ruined bofore they have even been worn?
Tha modern wardrobe trunk Is the last
word In luxury. They can be bought for
ns llttlo as $16 for a plain one and for as
much ns $100 for one which accommodates
boots, neckwear, hats and about 35 gowns
ana blouses.
Somo wardrobe trunks even afford n
placo for soiled linen. The lower part of
tho trunk Is fitted out with a soft bag, to
bo drawn up with cords. Aholher drawer
opens out, disclosing sections for Jewelry,
neckwear, belts, veils and nil tho llttlo
accessories upon which tho effectiveness
of a costume depends.
Then there are tho hat cases. Ono
smart-looking box of dull green fibre,
with polished braBS clasps, had elaborate
accommodations for flvo hats.
Then thero Is tho automobile tire trunk,
a round leather arrangement that fits In
side of tho auto tire. It has space for
creams, veils, powder, flask, first-aid caso
and all the things tho motorist needs.
Vachctte thnt shiny, smooth black
leather Is fashionable, particularly for
small bags. They aro made In nn odd
triangular way, rather long and ex
tremely thin, They arc very smart nnd
mako a charming graduation gift for tho
gin wno woek-onus In tho country. They
nro Just largo enough to hold a nightie
nnd toilet nrtlcles. Some of tho more ex
pensive styles havo a soap cup, comb,
brush, mirror, powder box and nail file
In Imitation or real tortoise, Instead of
the moro usual ivory fittings.
Dark shades In tho heavier silk aro
profcrrcd for linings. Delft blue, purple,
tan nnd mauvo molro aro seon, as well
ns a few striped effects
Monograms on high-priced trunks are
Inclosed in diamond-shaped designs or
have clroles about them
Volunteers When Now York Man's
Caso Seems Hopeless
NEW YORK, May 8. With death ap
parently less than 12 hours away, Joseph
Silver, a salesman, of 39 West 112th
street, received a quart of blood In his
right arm, offered by a young woman
nurse, nnd Inst night his doctors an
nounced that ho would bo well and ablo
to return to his work within threo or four
Silver had suffered for somo tlmo from
hemorrhages of the Btomach, and Friday
his condition becamo bo serious he was
Bent to a sanitarium.
Tho doctors decided that blood trans
fusion wns Silver's only hope, .nnd looked
about for volunteers. Meanwhile, Miss
''--- ---.?: : : . ROBINSON & CRAWFORD ?-:.:r.-..-r?y;
"Li "' ' nn i rii) i
are two of the most substantial and important everyday foods, and
great care should be used in their selection. Bread is known as "The
staff of life," and when you spread our "Gold Seal" butter on our
"Gold Seal" bread you have a most substantial staff to lean on.
The highest grade of freshly churned butter made "Gold Seal"
is the butter used by the most particular people.
Hy-Lo Butter, Ib- 35c
Superior in quality to most of the
higher priced "Best butters sold in
many stores. ,
The "Best" and largest loaf of Bread sold in Philadelphia for 5c.
That's "Gold Seal." s
Our Pan Bread, Loaf 5c
Close textured and wholesome;
just like "the best" homemade
R. & C Best Oleine Soap; cake 4c
Fels Naptha Soap; cake...... 4c
P. & G. Naphtha Soap; cake... 4c
Gold Seal Borax Soap; cake... 6c
Young's Scouring Soap; cake.. 4c
Fels Soap Powder; pkg 4c
Snow Boy Wash. Powder; pkg.. 4c
Gold Dust Wash. Powder; pkg. 4c
Old Dutch Cleanser; can 8c
Recently opened Stores, N. E. Cor. Rosewood and Porter Sts.:
S. E. Cor. 18th and Ingersoll Sts. Other stores' will be opened as soon
as we can find suitable buildings in desirable locations.
Whether you live in the City or in the Country, if you appreciate
S",3!'-3-"? re?snable Pnces IT WILL PAY YOU to come to OUR
STORES for ALL your groceries.
obioson & Crawford
Grocery Stores for Particular People
v an -raen
ruiuu. liiiigtttn.ifc.ihun
-TfcTirtlA Ifftfi fr Mt-A nf fHA niiv-.irwt
Reglijtory, S(J 'West 104IA street, m.Kt
ta attond Mia patient
The blood of tJio-rirst two peredftl frha
effofed it Was found unsatisfactory- &a
urday Silver wns almost pulseless and th
physicians decided that without new bleed
he would not live until night. Miss Kt
volunteered nnd, nfter n quart of her
blood had been Injected into his right arnl,
ha showed Immediate Improvement.
Ban Swearing nt Y. M. C Ai
BAYONNE, tf. J., May 8. "No SWear
Ing Allowed" Is a sign that the directors
of the Bayonno Y M. C. A. are planning
to have strung throughout tha building
unless the membors deotdo to be mora
con8crvatlvo In their speech Numerous
complaints havo reached tho fcfilcers of
tho association and If there is no Improve
ment In tho conduct of the members th
signs will bo put up.
Help Your Grocer to
Sell You Better Sugar
Always ask him for
Franklin Granulated Sugar
in cartons or cottoh hags.
It is clean, smooth, dry,
easy-running cane sugar.
is sold in 2 and 5 pound
cartons, and in 2, 5, 10,
25 and 50 pound cotton
bags which guarantee full
There is a Franfcll
for every need
or cotton bag
Co-Ro Butter, lb- 33c
Absolutely Pure Butter of good
quality, and, like all our Butters,
a bargain at its price.
Raisin Bread, -Loaf, 5C
Exceptionally good everything
in it to make it "the best" of its
20-Mulc-Team Borax; pk., 4c-8c-10c
Peterman's Discovery; can 10c
Peterman's Roach Food, can 8c
Insectine (for insects); can.... 8c
Chloride of Lime; can 5c-9c
Good, Strong Ammonia; bct. .. 4c
Scrub Brushes; each, 5c-8c-10c-12c
Dust Brushes; eaeh....l0c-25c-30c
Brooms ; each ,25c-30c-35c
Throughout the City and Suburbs
mu r;;:- j.i-iii;ir.-rj-muBsj .imrcnww
Let us show you what stylish
shapeliness there, is in the
Van Orden
Hero are the new models display
ing wonderfully smart lints and
the exact silhouette Dame. Fashion
is now demandin g. Our Expert cor
setieres will help you in selecting
tho special model that will most
enhance your figure. From $5 up.
pnop cuhmt s