TJJ" fl tGY WYNNE IS INTERESTED IN . .vlrtfe. besides th6 pony Bhow this L ,.m Is Kolng to be a real true 3Sk arid that Will bo so nice, you rWuae while only a few of us Sfonitf Pet fnMl of" haye SlMthefo It Is, wo can all Join In P The children thcmsolvea are tete Uio Judges, hilnd you, so I bo it will f& , splondld affair. And K-j tse to. ha awarded to the btssept LSAnd the Very smallest doll, and then L? rtttlcst one, and would you believe Rh oltot one; and do not think tho E&ai will be neglected; not at all, for kit-dressed doll will also bo given V-.ndlforous prize. But tho grand 3tcl"r,wlH be that given for the best IHj doll. The dollies aro to arrive TV o'clock and to bo Judged at 6, bo It kW necessary for tho woo Mammas ffltlng their children up proporly until momentous day, so they won't spill Scream on their frocks nor get their S& sticky with peppermint sticks and 3olate Jayor cako In those hours from frfis MUa Cllso Hopkins has tho & to charge, so yqu must lot her 3. At her homo In Chestnut Hill If fwant to enter tho show before tho 'ntteth of tho month. Ifnother affair of Interest on tho Main UaJ Is the dinner danco which Mr. and JfiJ Archibald Barkllo will glvo this JJlng at their homo Inver House, ffSni In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ham 3& Wilkes Cary, of Now York, who Jf'thelr guests for sovcrol days. Tho Rensselaers aro giving Mr. and &t Cary a luncheon tomorrow, tho -UUam Townsend "Wrights a dinner In jSfevenlnB and on Sunday night tho sTrcW Warburtons will entertain in sJS? honor. On Monday dcorgo Mc 43len will glvo a dinner, and on Tues jdjTthe Charlie Wrights will bo their it, Certainly when tho Carys re Jnf to ftew York they will havo no Sa Mea of Philadelphia's hospitality. ffSther Main Lino party to bo glvon ifcht U the dlnner-danco for Eliza ftlf Griffith and Noddy Pago, at which hafRobtrt Lesleys and Mrs. Lesley's rether and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. sines M". Wlllcox, Will bo tho hosts. -3guests will include Lisa Norrls, itfrjbt Scull, .Eugenia. Cassatt, Sarah wbse, Theodora Llllio, Edith Earle, vfSs Kennedy, Eleanor Cuylor, jjjiaiia. tGowen, Agne3 Brocklo, Har teTFrozIer, Mary AHco Clay, Almeo lutchlnson, Dorothy L. Norrls and lolfr Thayer, and I hear that arao'B jSJout-oMown men will bo George loan, Bhelton Farr and Joseph "Walker wiNew Yorlc fspkklag of Mrs. Lesley reminds mo jftta iansant which St. Vincent's Aid tjembera will glvo tomorrow aftornoon .aSSEaUroom of tho Rltz-Carlton. Mrs. taaley was made prosldont of that assoj SSoa this year, and bo sho Is Inter 35 la the various charltlea which tho srje number of women on tho board m constantly getting up for tho sup frfot tho Institution. Thoy4ako care (jibe little foundlings of tho city, and fa really a wonderful work. The in itutlon Js run by tho Sisters of Charity 'i an aid association, Tho llttlo ones kept at the institution until they ara, xut S yeais of age, and ar then trans rred to the orphan asylums. The Junior Aid mombors go out to tho ims on different days of tho week and iy with the flmall tots, who look for ir4 to their visits with delight. I was ' amused one day whllo visiting there. hey gave us an Impromptu ilro drill, id all thebabloa from 3 years of age up sro sent down tho Are chute to tumble ulna grass at our feet. And you may Uevo they loved It. It seemed to me wfas Idea to get them used to the iuta and really to enjoy it as a slide ice in a while; then if there over is al need to use It the llttlo ones can bo tten out without fear of a panic. Other patronesses of tho dansant to orrow at the Rttz aro Mrs. Joseph E. jnott, Mrs. Nicholas "Thouron, Mrs, rchjbala Barklle and Mr3. William of the committee In charge of affair are Miss Florence "Walsh, airman; Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss VT uivinus. Miss Marjory Willcox !diMlM Dorothy Hoban. NANCY "WYNNE. " Personals Vti H. Brinton Buckwalter, of "West "Mr, announces the engagement of her 4ter. Miss Ethel B. Buckwalter, to rSMptt Shallcross "Webb, of Caswal. Wat Chester. Miss Buckwalter is tho r of the late Mr, Henry Brinton tr, a. widely known Chester man, and a sister of Mr, Brinton , of New York, while Mr, "Webb J o of Dr. and Mrs. "Walter Webb. r many years lived In Sharon Hill. , ... nd Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury will Z musicals and supper tonight at me, ims Walnut street. Jfc and Mrs. Wirt L. Thompson, of liirwu road Jenklntown, will en- dinner this evening at their vt a honor of Miss Kate FUrness .jrno9 engagement to Mr. Hare .rT?4 recently announced. Among ipfff W'H b Mlsa Dorothea Wood. iim ?. EUJo ur. Falrman Furnesa Mr. AUea Butler. fe "nce M, Clark. . of Cedron, ai.5?!S lAne Qermantown. has is 'jMptaUona for a tea on Sunday, May $&. uJ2m tlS0 o'clock. Jn honor of ii'SB.pjslpb, and her daughtew Mlsa 2.W 4 Do.lph' Portland, Ore. Tho S"'0' Edward Clark, 3d, flhvLvpll,WM recently announced. SgJMph and -mtse Dolph wUI coma vJul'nd the weekend as the guests " Md Mm Clark. They will aUo te an uw?dta of Mlaa Catherlna. iS am .rV Chat,e Rowley, of Boston, U o-gJ- -P140 on Saturday, May ttfr"? Ur-paries Churchman, of LHV.JfPktatown, have Mr. ln Wfr Mr Jane Arnold ii Boon-Jaa.. as their gueat Sul?,t,aW formal enter al i-f111 rtvtfltn honor of Mrs. Smarts hex Wti,J , 4 Mi caHWacta Bos. Pi VARIOUS MAIN LINE AFFAIRS mhxvX Pony Show Will Be Held at the Homo of $c$Mf s. William J Clothier on May 24Manv iiasl TPonhiroQ tfnr Thin Yoni TConl Qt,... man. of 2048 Locust street, will give a small dance this evening at the Philadel phia Country Club for their daughter. Miss Esther Jean Bochman. The gueBts will be chiefly from tho debutante set A dance will be given tonight by tho ouloera on tho battleship Connecticut Mr. George "Wharton Pepper will ad dress the meeting of tho Northfleld Con ference this afternoon at the homo of Mrs Paul Thompson, 1818 De Lancey place. Tea will follow. .Mfrs Alfred Mll'er Watts, of Narberth. will give a llnon shower today In honor of Miss Francos Manning Leach, whose engagement to Mr. C. Harold Tiers was announced recently. Mrs. H. M. White, of 1806 Chestnut street, entertained at bridge and BOO at her homo Wednesday. Mrs. C. Heed Cary, of 1 Lehman lane, Oormantown, entertained at luncheon last Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Mears, of New York. Mrs. Frederick Payne, of tho Philadel phia Navy Yard, entertained at tea yes terday afternoon In honor of Mrs. John A. Logan. Tho Pennsylvania Society of tho Co lonial Dames of America has Issued ln ltatloru to tho members of tho society for a lecture to be glen by Mr. Frederick II, Shclton. Illustrated with a series of lantorn Slides of Delaware County, his toric and picturesque, to bo held at tho Now Century Club on Monday. A Library Committee tea will bo given at tho Stcn tnii Hnuso on tho nfternoon of Thursday, May 11, at 3 o'clock, beforo which an rr. hltiitton of Bllhouettes will bo held for tho members of the soclctj On Krldny ( morning. May 12, In the Historical Socl- ' cty, 1300 Locust street, a moetlng of tho I Supplemental Claims Commlttco 111 bo held. On Thursday, May 25, at 2 o'clock at Stenton Mansion there will bo nil cxecu- ' tlvo meeting, followed by a garden tea at 3 o'clock, to which all tho members aro Invited. Mrs. Robert C. Ledlg, with her two Bons, Mnster Frnncls Itichtcr Ledlg and Master lUchard O. Ledlg, 2d, has left for Hartford, Conn , to bo tho guest of her sister, Mrs, P. Frederic Genther, for tho month of May. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Cdopcr, of 23d and Do Lancoy streets, havo Issued cards for a dance on Thursday, May 18, In honor of their daughter, Miss Margaret Cooper. Mrs. John Sparhawk, Jr., will be at homo on Saturdays In May after 4 o'clock at her homo on Montgomery avenuo, Haverford. No cards hao been sent out. Miss Katherlno Brcgy will bo hostess at a Shakespeare tea to bo given today by the Catholic Historical Society, 7th and Spruco streets. Thcro will bo readings by Miss Emlllo Krlder Norrls nnd songs by Mrs. John Lelgo, contralto. Mrs. Jerome A. Suydam, of Huntingdon, L. I.f has returned to her home after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph O. Moore, of Moore. North Philadelphia MISS ELSIE M. GRAESSLE Mr. and Mrs. Emit Oraesslt, of 714 North 24th street have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Elate M. Qraesslo, to Mr. August A. Graeve. . Miss Catherine Keating, 765 North 28th street, will entertain tomorrow evening In honor of her sister, Miss May Keating, Among the guests will be Miss Catherine Sweeney, Miss Tluth Williams. Miss Flor ence Conn. Miss Elizabeth Williams, Mr. Charles Qaudlo, Sir. Jesse Dusalllo, Mr. Andrew Keating and Mr, Alfred Williams. Miss Sara Corwln. of 2314 North 18th steet, will entertain at luncheon and cards tomorrow. Her guests will In clude MIbs Helen Boggs, Miss Corlnne Kain, Miss Helen Anders, Miss Margaret Croft, Miss Helen Chamberlain, Miss Bea trice Graham, Miss Lucy Cannon, Miss Muriel Shea and Miss Florence Getz. Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCloskey, of 1007 North 6th street, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Irene Marie McCloskey, to Mr. Joseph A. Cun ningham. Along the Reading Mrs. B, C. Vlele and her daughters, Miss Katherlno Vlela and Miss Mary Vlele, who havp been spending some time as the guests of Mrs. Vlele's parents. Judge and Mrs. Campbell, of Greenwood avenuo, Wyncote, left yesterday for New York, where they will spend several weeks at their apartment, 230 West 73th street Miss Marjorla Kent, of Bent road. Wyn cote, will leave next Wednesday to be the guest of Mrs- Vlele. Miss Kent will re main over tne wees-eno. reiurmnu iu Wyncote on Monday, May 15. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Barney, of EUdon, Spring avenue, OgonU, returned to their home Wednesday from Atlantic City, where they have been spending sev eral weeks. Their daughter, Mrs. Joseph Bunting, of Summit avenue, Jenkintown. and her sons. Mr. Geoffrey Bunting an Mr. Sidney Bunting, spent the week end at tho anore. Final arrangements for the large tennis tournament to be held at the Huntingdon Yalley Country Club the end of May are now being made. Many noted players WlU come on from New York and Balti more. A dance will be given by tho dub In honor of the visitors during their stay & bH will aol fco puMWist Kotlcu for th, SoeJctx p "J" . iccesUd aud urlattd .la (be. Kvenlf Ledjtr. but all m'1! noUe iniwl " ten on Oie im of tb pacer, mtul m JltwJ Tin Trull' wTltb full sa&MrWjwn DOMlbla ttletfbiue vtunber ,mut m flT,,?A jMttT alT uiX tmnjuaJciio5 U '8o- fiTOIK LtiD&flB PHlftADffLPMA, FftlPAY, MAY 5, "11 -J."" ' I M . . , , , "I ll. - I'lslwasH Wa" ' HIW MIHeM I . I I ,,,, flHa& MISS ETHEL BUCKWALTER Miss Buckwaltcr's engagement to Mr. Joseph Shallcross Webb is announced today. . Germantown A party Including Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Kcndcrdlne. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Shlploy, Mr. nnd Mrs, ndward Wlonert Mr. nnd Mrs. Ely Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smyth, Mr. and Mrs John Lear and Mr. nnd Mrs Itaymond Tunnell, will dlno to gether beforo the governors ball tomorrow night nt tho Germantown Cricket Club. Dr. Conrad Bqrcns. Jr, son of Mrs Conrad Bcrcns, of 4901 Pulaski avenue, will be married on Thursday, Juno 15, to Miss Catherine Simpson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Storrs, of Orange, N. J. Doctor Bcrens Is practicing In Now York. Miss Nancy Smyth, Miss Emlyn Ship ley, Miss McKay and Miss Elizabeth Van Duson havo returned from a house party at Lehigh University. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. CofUn, of Hnnaberry street, will give a dinner tomorrow eve ning nt the Germantown Cricket Club. The guests will tncludo Mr, nnd Mrs. Bur ton Ethcrlngton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. W W Alexander. Mr. and Mrs Pyrnm Gllkov, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Swartlcy, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald J. Do Rousse, Mr. and Mrs Robert II New born, Dr. and Mrs. William Stafford, Dr. and Mrs. James Nichols and Mr. W. Llewellyn. Cards havo been Issued for a lecturo on Monday evening at the homo of Mrs. T. A. North, 117 West Cholten avenue, bv tho Rev. Honrl Anet, B. D LL. D.. of Brussels, who will speak on "Tho Ger man Occupation of Belgium." Mr. Anet Is a member of tho Franco-Belgian Com mittee. Mr. John D. Mcllhenny is chair man of tho Germantown commlttco. The ladles' committee! Includes Mrs William L. McLean, Mrs. Frederick II. Straw bridge, Mrs. Bayard Henry, Sirs. John D. Mcllhenny, Mrs. Francis A North, Mrs. Calvin Pardee, Mrs. Edward J. Moore, Mrs. W. S. Pilling, Mrs. Molvln H. Harrington, Mrs. Frederick Perry Powers, Mrs. William M. Longstroet, Mrs. James S. McCracken, Mrs. W. Beat ty Jennings. Mrs. Edward Hutchinson. Jr., Miss Esther Roberts Howell, Miss Charlesanna Huston, Mrs. William B. Gurley, Mrs. Benjamin Miller, Mrs, How ard Ketcham, Mrs. William Sldebottom, Mrs. James S. Williams. Mrs Norman Jones, Mrs. Thomas, II. Carmlchael, Mrs. William H. George, Mrs. T. B. H Sten house, Mrs. Henry S. Grove, Mrs. William R. Noble. Mrs. Isaao M. Stmonln, Mrs. W. Beaumont Whitney and Mrs. A. R. Wright Tioga Mr. and Mrs. William G. Torchlana and their family, of 15th street and Alle gheny avenue, will leave next week for their summer home in Atlantic City. Mrs. Clifford Ely, of West Tioga street, and Mrs. William Goll, of Allegheny ave nue, left on, Tuesday for a short visit to Reading, Pa making the trip by motor. Mr. and Mrs. Franz Ehrllch, Jr., and their family, of 233S West Venango street, will leave shortly to occupy their cottage In Atlantla City. Mr, George J, Hanagan, of 1539 Butler street, has returned from a tour of Colo rado and New Mexico, which covered a period of six months CHORUS IN PIRATES OF PENZANCE TOMORROW NIGHT Photo by Gray Studio. Back row, Jeit to right Miss Alice McLaughlin, Miss Marlon Bardsley, Miss Emma Kester. Miss Ger trude Myers, Miss Helen Myers. Mls3 Eleanor tforden. Miss Georgtna Sklrvintr and Miss Beatrice Ansty Second row Miss Rorothy Magill, Miss Janet Swan, Miss Edna GJoeckner. Miss Kathenne Bailey, Miss Emma JUtrfneder Miss Nan Myers and Miss May Hunter, front row Mus Helene S. Oloeckner, Miss . EteetJb, AjwUrgpft Mi Ml33 Ps,cilla, Mi Along the Main Line AltDMORC Mr. and Mrs. Howard Butcher, Jr., will entertain nt dinner to night. In honor of Miss Jean Nelson Long nnd Mr. William Trcdwell Ketcham, whoso marrlngo will take plnco tomor row. Tho guests will bo tho members of tho bridal party. Mrs. J, H. Chandtco, of Baltimore. Is tho guest of her Bister, Mrs. Arnold Ger stell, of Church road, for two wcclts. HAVERFORD Promlnont nmong Main Lino Society ovents this week Is tho Junior day at Haverford College, which Is being eolcbrated today. An at tractive program has been arranged, which will start early In the nfternoon and contlnua until midnight Tho cam pus has been decorated with Japanese lantern and bunting Tho principal event Is tho-play, "All of a Sudden, Peggy," a three-net comedy, by Mr. Ernest Denny, to bo presented this evening by the Cap and Bells Club, which has Just returned from a tour, Including Moorcstown, Baltimore nnd Wilmington. Thoso In tho cast 'aro Mr, Lorlng Van Dam, who took tho leading pirt In the play last year; Mr II. I Jones, Mr James S. Ellison, Mr. J Stewart Huston, Mr. Konnoth Oliver. Mr. H I Schcnk, Mr. J. Gordon Maxwell. Mr. Stephen Cur tis, Mr. E F. Lukcus and Mr. Do Witt C. Clomont Tho membors of tho Junior class, who aro tho hosts of tho affair, havo arranged for a reception of tor the play. Mrs. Wright, of tno Wright School, en tertained the seniors of the school Wednes day night by giving a dinner In their honor. Her guests Included Miss Alice Bradly, Miss Alice Forbes, Miss Margaret Roborts, Miss Elizabeth Williams,. Miss Dorthcla Clark. Miss Clara Hires, Miss Ruth Abernethy, Miss Sophie Acheson. Miss Anno Forstall, Miss Dorothy Steel. Miss Frances Welmer and Miss Catharlno Platter. Roxborough At the "measuring party" given last night In the soolal hall of the Falls of Schuylkill Baptist Church, tho humor ous sketch. "Whiskers," was presented by Miss Flora Molyneaux, Mrs John Moorehead, Mrs. Harry Balrstowe, Miss Margaret B, Seasholes, Miss Jessie Moly neaux, Miss Ren Grundy, -Miss Florence Ladley, Mr. II. B. Blnkln, Mr. Hamilton Moorehead and Mr. Harold Moorehead. Tho party was given by Miss Uretta E. Johnson, assisted by Mrs. William Ash ton, Mrs. II. B. Cole, Mrs. Martha Blrk mire, Mrs. Louis Dlehlman, Mrs. Lydla Hallowell. Miss E. W Hannes, Mrs J. W. Harrison. Miss Anna Hutchinson, Miss M. E. nutchlnson, Mrs. Horrocks, Mrs lenworthy. Miss Elsie Kllpatrlck, Mrs Kirk, Miss Edith Laughlln, Miss Amy Lee, Mrs. Charles Masson, Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. Robert Moorehead, Mrs. Anna Morlson, Mrs. Frank Noll, Mrs. Sallla Fetres, Mrs. Merab Pickles, Mrs. Ar thur Rans. Miss Laura Scott, Mrs. Skll ton. Miss Helen Swartz and Mrs, Wood. Mr. and Mrs. J C. Donle, of 168 Green lane, announce the engagement of their 'daughter. Miss Myrtle Donle. to Mr. Wil liam J. Boyle, Jr.( of Roxborough. Delaware County Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Brant, of Ridley Park, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Stout, of Lock Haven. TERCENTENARY CLUB FORMED YESTERDAY Members of Catholic Theatre Movement Inaugurate Dra matic Association ? An enthusiastic little gathering of men and women, members of tho Catholic Theatre Movement, met last night In the Walton Hotel to Inaugurate and found a dramatic association under the auspices of the Theatre Movement The name chosen for the now organltatlon Is the Tercentenary Club, nnd the purpose Is to bring together nmateur plnyers and play wrights for study and production of plays on different occasions throughout tho year. Membors of the movement having been nsked to Join In tho Shakespearean ter centenary and to produce ono of the Im mortal author's plays, decided to form a permanent orgnnbatlon nmong Catholics nnd as tho tercentenary was the Inspira tion of the Idea, it was decided to call tho club by that name, though the plays to be produced will bo by no means confined to ShnkCBpoaro. Officers wcro elected and several com mittees formed. Dr. S1 ester Dcchan was mado president, Mr. James Skelly, vleo president; Mr John Ferrlck, secre tary, and the llov John f. Wheeler, treas urer. The bosrd of governors Indues tho llev. S. U Dover, D D , Mr. EUgene Hnlno, Mr. Theodore Earle Jennings, Mrs Edward Bcechcr Finck, Mr. P A Kinsley, Miss Ada Dcerlnir. Miss Virginia Martin, Miss Emily Carpenter. Mr Michael Francis Doyle and Miss Katherlno Hregy A membership committee, piny nnd cast commlttco nnd publicity committee were also nominated nnd elected Tho next meeting of the club will bo held on Thursday evening, May 11, nt tin Hotel Walton. Weddinga ICEER MOFFCTT. A pretty wedding took plnco In tho First United Prcsbytorlan Church, Satur day last at 7 o'clock, when Miss Edith Hazclctto Moftctt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Robert 11 Moffot, of Ycndon, bo enmc tho bride of Mr Frederick O Kcer. of this city. Tho ceremony wns performed by Dr. Robert R MolTott. of Havro de Grace, Md., brother nf tho bride. Tho brlilo wns attended by Miss Mary Mul holland ns nmld of honor, Tho brides maids wero Miss Mnry V Moffett, Miss rt'i! it Moffett and Miss Elizabeth a. Moftett Tho bridegroom was attended by Mr. Gregor MncFarlatul. of this city, ns best man, and tho ushers wero Mr William Lee. Mr. J. Blair Moffett, Mr. Augustus Heyncy nnd Mr James Stnman After a reception at tho homo of the bride, which was attended by many out-of-town guests, Mr. and Mrs. Keer left for their wedding trip. GLYNN CARROLL A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday afternoon nt tho homo of Mr. John P. Carroll. 135 Mldvnlo avenue. Falls of Schylklll, when his sister, Miss Mnry G Carroll, becamo tho bride of Mr. John J. Flynn, of 3607 North 16th street. Tho ceremony wns performed nt 4 o'clock by tho -Rov. Doctor Leahy, of St. Brldgofa Church. The bride, who was given In marriage by her brothor, was attended by her sister. Miss Johanna Carroll, ns maid of honor Mr William H. Flynn attended his brother ns best man. In tho evening a reception wa3 hold at the future homo of the bridegroom and bride, 3843 North Park avenue. Upon their re turn from a short trip Mr nnd Mrs. Flynn will bo at homo nfter May 15. NUDLEMAN-YUMPLES An Interesting wedding took placo on Wednesday evening at tho home of Mr. and Mrs Ranles, I12G Mantua avenue, when their cousin. Miss 5fao Yumples, be camo tho bride of Mr. Nathaniel Nudle man, of New York. Mrs. Anna Yumples, mother of the bride, gavo hor In marrlago and tho ceremony was performed by the llov Mr. Grossman nt 9 o'clock. Miss Tnnnlo Nudloman was maid of honor nnd Mls9 Frances Stalbcrg bridesmaid. Mr. Maurice II. Rtalberg acted as best man After an extended wedding trip, Mr. nnd Mrs. Nudleman will llvo In West Phila delphia. Lansdowne The "Neighborhood Plnyers" will glvo a progressive dinner-dance tomorrow evening. Miss Vernon Greenwood will servo the first course, Miss Adelaide Brccn the second, Miss Florence Conway the third, Miss Edith Tarrcl the fourth and Miss Dorothy McEwen the fifth Dancing will follow tho fifth course, and will bo held at Miss McEwen's home. The men of tho party, who aro also members of the club, nre Mr. Georgo IC Hooper, Mr. Thomas Hnnnum, Mr. Rnlph Donoghy, Mr. Richard Forrest, Sir Frank Forrest, Mr. John Alrey and Mr. Maurice Hoomer The alumni of the high school will glvo a danco in tho school gymnasium on May 13. Mrs. Frank E Sagenilorph. of South Lansdowne avenue, villi entertain her luncheon nnd brldgo club this nfternoon The members of the club nre Mrs. Robert D Taylor, Mrs. Norrls Scott, sirs, iirooue Evans, Mrs. Vernon Philips, Mrs. J. J. Keenan. Jr., Mrs Harry I Henry, Mrs. Ralph Hays. Miss Louisa Vanzandt, Mrs Harold Ogden. Mrs. E. II. Plummer and Mrs. Bayard Dickinson. Frankford Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Matlack are oc cupying their new homo at 5005 Cottage street. Mrs. Matlack was Miss Clara Zimmerman before her marriage, April 22. Miss Loretta McCann, of 7010 Tulip street, will spend the coming week-end at Easton with her sister, Mlns Agues Mc Cann. 1010. wUltHWl II I SEASIDE HOME AT CAPE MAY TO BENEFIT BY SPENSER'S OPERA "Princess Bonnie" to Be Presented in Bellevue-Stratford Tonight Under Auspices of Women's Auxiliary to Summer Home Children's Hospital Affair w ILLARD SPENSER'S tuneful opera. Princess Bonnie," will be revived to night nt the Bellevue-Stratford under the auspices of tho women's nuxtllary of the Seaside Home at Cape May, where mothers nnd children aro sent during the summer. The members Include Mrs. Will iam King, Mrs. R. A. Hunter nnd Miss Fanny De Silver. It will bo given under the direction of Miss Estclle Heyslnger. Miss Elma Carey VIII sing tho tltlo role and other members of tho cast are Miss Rebeknh Conway, Miss Mildred It Love, Mr. Wilbur Horwlg, Mr. Horace Todd, Mr. Edward A. Davles. Mr. Robert Mar tin, Mr. Joseph Watt and Mr. Armln T. Fellows. In the ballet will be MIbs Kathleen Love, Miss Blnnche Hubbard. Mlsa Mar garet Hogman, Miss Dorothy Johnston, Miss Joan Colemnn, Miss Clara Meyer, MIbs Sylvia Meyer, Miss Mae McKeeley, Miss Dorothy Oute and Miss Elizabeth Fnbor. A danoe for tho benefit of the Children's Homeopathic Hospital will bo held this ovenlng at tho Rltz-Carlton by a commlttco consisting of Miss Estello Lauber, chair man! Miss Dorothy Zurn. Miss Lorralno Sherwood Stahl, Mlsa Marian Wolhen mayor. Miss Ruth Dlbert, Miss Marl-in Park, Miss Jane Glinilan, Miss Lconette Rehfuss, Miss Anna Svkcs and Miss Ell L. Brunot A DRAMATIC entertainment entitled . "Home, Sweet Home," will be pre sented tonight In tho Lutu Temple at Brpad and Spring Garden streets for tho benefit of tho Orphanage of the P. O. S. of A. under tho ausplcea of Camp 481, P. O. S. of A. Thoso who will apponr In tho cast will bo Mr. Henry Clavier, Jr Mr. W. E. Tln noy, Mr. Edwin R. Wnldow, Mr. C F. Iluppcmthal, MI3 Ethel M Ackerman, Miss Edna M Bush, Mies Anna S. Henry, Miss llcsele Parks and Miss Ethel M. Kay. Mr. John C. Bush will be stage manager. During tho Intermissions Mr. Georgo H Wells, Jr. and Miss Atvlrlda A. Guy will sing An nddrcss will be mado by Mr Emmctt B Bcrgcr, president of tho Homo Corpora tion of tho P O. S of A. This ovenlng nt 8 o'clock, at tho Frankford High School auditorium, thcro will bo given a Shakespearean fcstlvn! by tho students under tho auspices of tho Fathers' Association. Mr. C. Grant Lucas Is chairman of the committee, and Mr. R. r. Simmers secretary. Elaborato preparations have been made for tho eventp. which will Include Bcenes from Shakespeare's plajs, folk dances nnd the rendition of Shakespearean lyrics, which havo been set to music. MISS FRANCES D. NARRENS MISS EVELYN KAMER These" young girls have been very active working for lio success of the concert and dance to be given by tho senior auxiliary of the Jewish Sheltering Home on Sunday night at tho Parkway Building, Broad and Cherry streets. Miss Rose Jncobson, of 4037 Market street, gave a surprise linen shower in honor of her sister. Miss Anna Jacob son, and her fiance, Mr. Edward Bayuk, Sunday afternoon. In tho evening a reception was given. The houso waB decorated with lilacs and the tables arranged with lavender Bweet peas and . nt-p.-inflrs to match tho llowers. There were a number of out-of-town iw.xiig whom were Mr and Mrs. liayul. and Mrs. W. Levin, of Norma, Miss ; Helen Jacobs, of Baltimore, Md. ; libs Sarah Oaken and Miss Rose dinger, of Newark THD students of the E. IC Peall Con servatory of Music and Art will glvo a concert nnd dance at the Columbia Club, Broad and Oxford streets, on Monday evening. A comedy In one act, entitled 'The Marble Arch." will be presented by the members, and there will also be vocal solos, quartet and chorus work, mono logues, piano and violin soloa and selec tions by the string orchestra, Tho Young Zionist Culture Club held Its first annual musicals and dance at Apollo Hall, ma North Broad street on Saturday evening. The affair proved to be a great success. The program In cluded ; 1. Remarks by the president, Mr. Max well M. Farber. 2. Piano solo. Mlsa Ruth Nathanson. Two sketches by Mendelssohn. 3. Vocal solo. Miss Molllo Golove. (a) "I Hear You Calling Me." (b) Elegy, Jules Massenet 4. Grecian Dance, Miss Edith Neff. 5. Violin solo, David P Sattnsky. (a) AMUSEMENTS B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE ;httnut A Twelfth Bta. X Great Comedy Show 1 MISS IRENE FRANKLIN Mr, Burton Green at the PUno. Franklin Ardell Co. In "Tha Wife Ssver." Johnny Doolty Ic Yvett Rugel; Schooler k Pfcklneon; Itorer Gray & Co.; NtchoUe-Kel-eon Troup. Other. Palace 10c 1311 MARKET 20a 10 A. U. to 11 11 P it, LAST 2 DAYS MARY PICKFORD IK AN APPEAUNQ DRAMA 'THE ETERNAL GRIND" ViirhrYria 10c Market as. Oth too .iuuax a avuiuuHOW IVUUillV HAROLD IOCKWOOD ana uai al,mJM la "THE COME-BACK" Comedy "FATTT AND MABEL ADHIfT" LITTLE THEATRE 17th A V Lancey LaciutSMl THEATRE FRANCA1S U'AMEKIQUB TON1GUT LA PETITE CHOCALATIERE Mat Eat, BLANCH BITS Sat. Klsat. "Araena Lupin" TXr'nlwii- pop- M1 T" nl Tliar W&inUU.S5c IU Re Mat Saturday g,iKV Vv V e. uv juuvf XWIN BEDS BEATS NOW TOS "Satterella." Paplnl. (b) "Caprlcletto." Mendelssohn. Acompanled by Harry Kati. Mr. Maurice Golove, the leader of th club, presided Dancing followed tha hiUBlcale. THE Wakefield Young Men's Club, of Germantown, whtoh gavo Gilbert and Sullivan's opera, "Pirates of renahce,",at Association Hall, ESI 9 Germantown avo nuo, last week, will repeat It at the sama plaoo tomorrow night The Germantown Boys' Club, which Is seeking to raise a fund of 119,000 this week, will be one of the beneficiaries. Last week's performance was surpris ingly good and pronounced ono of tho beet ever given in Germantown. The cast Is as followsi "Rlehard," , plrato king, Dr. Albert P. Steele : "Frederic," Mr. Hubert P. Boyle : "Major General Stanley," Mr. Ernest T. Frcaa; "Sergeant of Pollc," Mr. Samuel Sutter j "Samuel," Mr. Benjamin Gessle- SJ?n.?. ,'.'arnSel'" JI8S n,heI Nlcthammer: "Iluth," Miss Margaret Hock! "Kate." Miss Edna Glocckner "Edith." Miss Em ma Altonder, and "Isabel," Miss Prlscllla Holt. Mr. and Mrs McGinn entertained at' their home, 235 North 54th street, on April 24 Tho gueits wero Mr. Bernard Ma gulre, Mr. John Caldwett, Mr. John Duffy, Jr., Mr. John Drogan, Mr. Thomas Uro gan, Mr. William Horan, Mr. John Horan, Mr. Percy Buck. Mr. Robert Motherwell, Mr Jnmcs Carlln, Mr. Herbert Hefferman, Miss Ella Daublor. Mlsa Margaret Galla gher, Miss Mary Montgomery, Miss Wlt tln. Miss Katherlno Ilowan, MIbs Anna Duffy, and Miss Knthorine McDermont Norristown Mr. V. Perry Gresh ana Miss Sara Gresh. of the Hamilton, havo Usued In vitations for n large reception on Thurs day ovenlng, May 18, at tho Erslno Club house, to meot Mr nnd Mrs. William Koosor Gresh. The cards of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnklln Loch Wright aro onolosed. Mr. and Mrs William Gresh were mar-" rled on April 27. In Detroit, Mich., and are at present on their wedding trip South, upon their return they will live at 213 East Fornanco street, Norristown, Pa., where they will bo nt homo after June 16. Tho bride was formerly Miss M. Mercedes Mulkey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wynno Mulkey, of Detroit, Mich. What's Doing Tonight ford'1""' l Senalor penroo, Bellevue-Btrat- iJ'1",?T,i'iLon Sf ?"'". Baptlet Tounir Peo ple s Union, Rojtboroujh Baptist Church, 8 O OJOCX riPh1i'In?.,?ror L.1ke.I,-r ?hlleoion Dramatic Club, 4103 Chestnut street. 8 o'clock. Ht,i!!0,'.l!;?i IHDVAT'' William Pena lilh fj,hool. 16th and Mt. Vernon itreets, 8 o'clock. .i.Annua.l bnll. Federation of Trlsh County So cieties. Mercantile Hall, 8 o'clock. rL,1R.D Jear Shirtwaist Ball, under aueplcee ?.i0ConJ'CT'il0,n Unl" 'or Women But- . .fPtK"!Sir.V.'c.,n,,t "?' brftnch Annual piny nnd dance. Deuticher Veraln JcToSk. Un,v"1,tJ'' Nw century CluNS iranlVo'efocSl!1 P0lIce conrt- Convention 8 o'ciwh?11'"1 Soclet' 10 South 6th atreet. 8 frHockf" fMtlvl11' frankford I"rh School. Cnllff nt ni.nt.1.-. tpHi. a .i ,. uo. '2d and Ludlow -w.-, u u ..i.itn. atrert"IC Tcach"' A.soclatlon. 1714 Chestnut Institute atrocta. of Bankln'r. 13th and Chestnut Medical Collen, banquet. Colon- Jefferson nade Hotel Cpllcge Club, annual meetlnr. Philadelphia Orchestra, Academy of Music popular concert, dinner. Itoformed Church Social Union Bcllovue-8tratford Hotel. unlon- !.?&& K3.. riaphTcaio! Wyalualns- avenue, west ot 80th street. AMUSEMENTS Garrick Last 2 Evgs. ' Mb- . Tomorrow thB "fiZFMEonxa IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE SSSsriAV.' May 9 Seats Now The Supreme Sensation of Europo THROUGH THE AGES The Struggle of the Soul Against the Body W1"i Mme. Yorska Rob't T. Haines And a Powerful Company of 00 At 10.10, 12 JO. Arcadia 2:lB, 4, 0. 7:43. DS0 CHESTNUT Below 18th LAST 2 DATS EDNA MAY In "SALVATION JOAN" Beginning; Monday next, and every Monday. Tuesday and Wodnesday thereafter for twenty tplsodes (ONE EVEHY WEEK). """"r B1Lt&riBU-0ng .'filSiStjg SaTc ftlohp Theatre MjAuuN1STS A. M. to 11 V, M. 10c. 16c. Soo. prt.n2!fB Lonesome Lassies Martini & Fabrini DASiwY OTHEB MKIUTOMOUS ACTS Broad Last 2 Evgs. 0 MR. CYRIL MAUDE ..arpr. NEXT WEEK SEATS NOW A NEW AND POWERFUL, DRAMA THE DEVIL'S INVENTION T "STRIP TONIGHT AT 816 U J. X,X.J Regular Matinee Tomorrow "'Z'A&SS?' "Alone atLast" Music and Mirth That Charm and Delight. GREATEST SINOlNO CA8T EVER ASSEMBLED FOR UQUT OPERA POSITIVELY LAST 3 WEEKS I HURRY t ATI F.T.PITT TONIOUT AT 8:1B IXUVJUr ni Regular Matmea Tomorrow Cyril llarcourt's Joy-Infusing Comedy "A Pair of Silk Stockings" "Very Clr and Exceedingly Topping." Evening Iiedgsr. ACADEMY Seats at Heppo's, Hj Chestnut Philadelphia I Tonight at 8;15 Orchestra "POPS" SOLOIST! VIOLA BtlODBECK, Soprano, Conductor ................. Daniel MaQuarra PFloe, S30, B0c 7Bo. Table, and Box 8aU, 41 Stanley MARKET ABOVE ICTfl 11:15 A.M. to 1U15PM. Dustin Farnum IN ''DAVID aARRICK" Added AttractionViews IntucoUetfaU Ath letic Carnival Franklin Field April SU ALL NEXT WEEK GERALDLNB FAHRAR AND WALIvaCB RE1D IN "MARIA ROSA" T rrTTOT1 MO 4 .LOCUST 8TB. LiU VjUbi CASD OF MARY PA9E Mmo. Petrovs, "PLAYING WITH Fl FIRS?' BELMONT "ftSSMSSSP la "BEN BLAUl" Forrest Last 2 Evgs. POSITIVELY LAST CHANCES TO SBif "TTnHpr FirA" WIU "tt Ceurtea UI1UCJ. AUG gaj company l 10a, Knickerbocker 4w?A!fRw Uiu, xuc Tdui s.. Bit, yjix x. riiu m