"- - s"t teff "-f nx? f T- EVENING EEBgEB PHILADELPHIA, WEDKESDAY MAY 3, 1916. 8 fflfflCOSLOGGIATO WILD DEER AND ROE TO A COVERT MUST FLEE; OR RATHER ARE EXILED PROM PARK BY DEGREE BUCKLEY BLESSES ELOPEBS Former Editor Opens Homo to Brick layer Sonin-Law NEW YORK, May 3. The Rev. Br. James M. Buckley, former editor of the Christian Advocate and one of the best known ministers in tho country, whoso daughter was secretly wedded, April 1, to Ernest Plgnone, an Italian bricklayer, announced Inst night that ho had given his blessing to tho couplo nnd they will make their homo with him nt Morris town, N. J, Doctor Buckley Is having announce monts printed and will send them to tho friends of tho brldo, who Is socially promi nent In Morrlstown. Plgnone announced that he would con tinue to work as a bricklayer until he finishes a course in cement engineering. The Italians In Morrlstown look upon Plgnone as a hero. Recently ho met An drew Samorc, a Greek, In a wrestling match, and although tho bout was de cided a draw, Plgnone's followers still In sist he wns tho better man. SERBIA STARTS TO GET NAVT I PAL L'ALTE VEDETTE Buys Destroyer to Escort Troops io Mainland From Corfu ROME, May 3. The Berblftn Oorern ment has purchased the destroyer Vetlka to escort transports from the island of Corfu, where the Serbian army has been refitted after Its retreat through Serbia to Salonlca. It Is said that each of the allied Qorern ments will present King Peter with two more destroyers before the end of the war, Serbia, being- an Inland country, has never before possessed a navy. W MONTE ADAMELLU ktWPosizioni di Alta Montagna MpUflriMiMw.( Baseball Player Sent to Asylum SHAMOKKV, Pa., May 3 Whjlam Yordy, a fielder for tho Springfield -club, this place, who became Insane, has been Truppe Aipjuo Italinne ORECIA NELL'EPIRO KOMA, 3 Magglo. commuted to mo unnvmo Asylum. Ho was formerly one of tho best known pitch er's In tho anthracite fields. h. ..i.(rri della Ouerra pubbllcava fftf ..nil eegucnto rnpporto del gencrnio Sorn "'" ,(l Bllun2lono n,la fronto lSSiS5?trf0wi! dell'Adamello sabato le " ,hn A'P'IS """iv"V .," profomlo Pn. i.n. Thhla Fumo etl un profot ,..-- . dcl ,ji11cso ,vnl a, JilKi ed altaccarono II ncmlco nul cm PS liTlosI dl Crozzon ill I'argorlda ed ISpf n.un del Cavcnto. IKXdue glornl di nccanlto combattl. U J daedal dell'Adamello. nol I'lf ilniadronlmmo dello Bcguontl poslzlonl: I'-SJr.M rnrgorlda. cho o' nd un'nltexw 3364 o jfl melrl: Crozzon dl I.nres, a 33 ilJri rSsVc i dl Lares, a 3265 mctrl, -.-Durante nuesto operazlonl nol nbblamo . . 1 nemlco 103 prlglonlerl, tra cul "JicotI ifflSSl. duo mltrngllatricl, fuclll kllmala ill Icrl l'nrtlgllcrla o' ?.(( ittllvlsslma lungo tutta la fronto, ma IKmcnte nell'alta valla del Cordova lo -. rnntro la testa ill pome in vai uacco m Nolabblamoresplnto plccoll attncchl fitl nemlco contro lo nostro poslzlonl sulla I fto.ata. nella cone dl Plozzo, ml BmiMirii c nd est ill oeir, T&mml da Herllne dlcono cho II VJinm Breco lia Istltulto l'nmmlnls. 'SSons civile In tutto 1'Eplro BCttciitrl ''Ble che esso nveva occupato mllltnr- 5 rlcorda, nsscgnava alio Btnto albanese. SI dice cho II govcrno Breco ha gla' Utltulte I dlstrettl ill Korltza o ell Arglro- Mjiro. E' nolo cho contro I'occupazlono aell'Epfro scttcntr'Ionalo da parte della GrecW prolesto' a suo tempo l'ltalla o lo lltr potenze, ma II Bovorno groco nsBl- :caro' allora cho si trattava dl occupaslone I'tMiporanea. N'ello stcsso tempo l'ltalla cccupava Valona, nncho tempornneamente. Ora e" perfettamento chlaro cho la Grccla 'intends mnntencro I'occupazlono dell'EpIro 'WMRnato nll'Albanla. " -nunne notlzlo vengono dalla Francla. "l francesl hanno preso l'offcnsiva par- 1 tlale nella zona tu vermin cu nanno con qnlitato circa tin mlgllo dl trlnceo tedesche ad est e ad ovest della Jlosa, 1 roentro alcunl convogll todeschl Bono fitatl ibombardatl nella Champagne. La bat itiglia dl Verdun pero' contlnua. Kssa dura ora da oltro 70 glornt e- tlno a questo momento e' una vlttor vlttorla franccso d una econfltta tcdesca. Intanto' I france3t hanno rcsplnto un altro attacco tcdesco uella rcglono dello Argonne Infllggendo nl nomlco gravl per due, ma lerl sera nella rcglono dl Verdun tl ebbero soltanto nzlonl dl nrtlgllerla. NELL'ALBANIA. NoUila gliinto qui dall'Albanla dlcono eh la popolazlono dl parecchl dlstrettl occupatt dag I austrlacl o dal bulgarl e' iRamata. Moltl albanc3t al recanp alio lines Itallano net dlntornl dl Valona ed implorano pane. II Comanda Itallano (a dl tutto per Efamaro lo popolazlonl del dlstrettl occupatl dallo truppo Itallano. SI aa che comando dl Valona ha In questl ultlml glornl, approflttando del bcl tempo, accclcrato 1 lavorl per completaro la diresa della piazza. Lo stato dello tmppe Itallano o' ecccllcntc, honostanto che nell'lnverno abblano dovute .iffrontaro dlsad In reglonl aspro o mlsero. 30JHVAL VOLUNTEERS SAIL ON BATTLESHIPS First Naval Training Cruise for Civilians Starts From League Island . rtjr Phlladelphlnns, professlonnj .men, ;" "" yacnismcn, sailed from !Lejguo Island on the battleships Jllssourl, Wisconsin nnrl Ohln nfr n nflin.i. r.i morning, on tho first naval training cruise for rlvlllnna ai' l.n1.1 t... .... ...n.. l:- - ' -w iiwu uy mo uniicu Btates navy. The three battleships will ba three days at SCO. landlnc nt Annnnnlla nn On...,ln.. morning. During tho course of the short "" "'0, civilian volunteers will bo 5?i M far as ,s Psshlo under tho W.UUUUIU me auues required of them in time of war. The present cruise is preliminary to a much larger nnd more ambitious cruise to bo held In August. Several hundred .volunteers will participate in tho sum mer cruise and will study for four weeks under nayal officers that they may be equipped In time of war to act as naval -Jj,H.7ei- ?oth thls and tho summer ?t.ha,l!e.en "ranged by the Penn- ...w." '""fwlng will take the cruise, !S?t,odayJ U' a a SHmourl. Com mander Hough W. Barklle Henry, John itS?1 EdBar Howard. Henry B. L r'J'i Conwell, J. J. O'Brien, n,in. imlth.', Thoma9 Newhall, C. O. mln.a,rdt-ou U' ,S- S' Wisconsin. Com mander Chuverlus Charles Longstreth, lm n V,orman IIenry. Samuel H. Cul r TO.i ?1 pearsn. SI. 1. Newhall, Har eh..YrBt,GeorBe Phlller, C. P. Mclli. Zj n B'S- OMo- Commander Raby in.?.' Whltaker. M. Belknap. W. J r rP; ""tchlnson. R. H. Moore. Toung ' GeorEe L- Thompson, R.- L. FinE TiRSTnnvc nnnno Klrt, .. ' druri .1 usana dollars" worth of t&StUt0C damaged by tbiTrf ul caTy xoaay in tno drug W.rt pPwe nnd Reynolds, 1931-33 Mi Tioga street. nolitn m". iulck,y extinguished, but the ..!' ad des'royed a large part of of tSr, !S "d the store. Much nuda riZ 1 cu l0CK consisted of drugs orirW(.Y viu"iT war lM nre- wnlcn lytSr ln the basement, was discovered Mldvai. ;. " ""ver, of the Ridge and comhM.ii "V""03 siaiion. spontaneous I ml""tion is believed to have caused It i. BXCELMSSTT TOIVIO FOR DIES AND GENTLEMEN'S HAIB BALDPATE ReUUrod la U. B. and Coad HAIR TONIC NEVEH FAILS lourlihuM oj .. .. .. . . ucle and th , Vi?ns.,non" ba 0'- 01 the hair nSM)raotesJh8 rowth AS fiellavea tho calp of u'ineaiiiiy, accumuia tlpns aud, secretion. Gives a rich slos, U highly perfumed and free from oil, makes the hair light and fluffy. Send 10o tor trial size. Applications first class Bnopj. w t all Barber BALDPATE CO. (Ucpt. O) 467 W. 34h St Nw York BoM tir II drunUU. ft mm vlus. i TTjfl --- - i ' Xl5wQ$'9$'iut, UKPOPOI.AR vicious r"'" VflR?Jb f - ' "- " ctKi A i C0'.A-. I 1-ftUI '" - --- -tVt?- y.- Then disregard of "Keep Off the Grass" Signs and Frolicsome Behavior in the Face of Fairmount Commissioners' Stern Dictum Brings About Order for Their Banishment Aro you fleet of foot7 Can you Jump a fenco? Is your wind good? If thus qualified apply to tho Fairmount Park Commission na an official deer catch er. Tho work will ho confined to Fair mount Park. As tho deer have been frol icking about the Park treading on thu grass, standing near trees and all that sort of thing, tho Commission has decided, qulto officially of course, that tho deer shall bo turned over to the Pennsylvania Stato Gnmo Preserve. But tho deer don't know It. Furthermore, no ono' can get near enough to tell them. BATTAGLIA SUI GHIACCI A 3000 M. DI ALTEZZA Gli Italian Vittoriosi in Una Lotta di Due Giorni sul Gruppof dell'Adamello Montro Vienna annunclava lerl cho gll Italian! crnno statl rcsplntl In un nttacco contro lo poslzlonl nustrlache del gruppo dell'Adamello. 11 Mlnlstcro della Guerra Itallano nnnuncta che gtl Alplnl hanno conqulstato.cuopo duo glornl dl nccamta battaglla, due clmo o due pnssl appunto nella rcglono dell'Adamello, prendendo al ncmlco oltro un ccntlnalo dl priglonlerl, duo mltragllntrlcl, fiicljl o munlzionl. Vi enna trasforma la sconfltta in vlttorla, a proprlo caprlcclo. , LAdamollo ha la sua fmportanza per la postziono cho occupa tra la Val Camonlca o la Val Gludicarla, o per ques to appunto ora stato solldamcnto occupato dagll austrlacl cho Bperavano forso nii cora dl poter discendero verso la planur'a padana. Lo poslzlonl tolto agll austrlacl sono tutto In terrltorlo ncmlco, o quclla dcl Crozzon- dl .Fnrgorlda domino, oltre nl In. Viillo Fargorlda, ancho l'lmportantls sima alta Val dl Genova. It seems these deer aro especially "ram bunctious." They scamper all about re gardless of park etiquette, show contempt for Bcctlon three, nrttclo four ot tho park rules and frown emphatically at tho "keep off tho grass" signs. Furthermore, It was learned that theso wa;vard harts wero really heartless. It appears that they crushed several roses, bruised threo rub ber plants and annoyed tho gas buses of Bovcral local millionaires, nlso numerous French poodles. Tho nntl-dcer movement has been on foot for several months. Tho animals wero unawnro of tho fact that they wero considered dangerous until they noticed tho change in tho attitude ot tho park guards. Instead of giving them a cheery greeting the guards gave the deer an Icy staro. This wns followed lator by general antagonism. Every tlmo a guard saw a deer ho chased It. Of course, this refers to tho deer with tho spelling given. So every tlmo a deer saw a park guard It ran. Therefore, as the deer always Baw park guards III tho dnytlme, they wero nlways running. And now they havo been sentenced to tho Preserve Instructions will bo given to tho Persh ing punltlvo park expedition to get tho deer, which nro "somewhere In Fair mount." There will bo no compromise. But tho deer know all tho nooks and crannies nnd It Is doubtful If they will bo rounded up at any dcllnlto tlmo. It's vory evident that the deer had a spy nt tho commissioners' meeting which decided their fnto, for now thoy aro more leery than ever. Many Phlladclphtans wero resting un der tho delusion during tho last two years that doer belonged In a park, but It ap pears that this Is nil wrong. Nevertheless, there nro two happy deer ln tho park despite tho opposition; ono Is mado ot Iron nnd tho other Is carved ln Htonc. President Confers on Shipping Bill WASHINGTON, Mny 3. President Wilson nnd Chairman Adamson, of the House Commerco Committee, today con ferred over tho shipping bill, Tho Pres ident Is determined to make a- renewed fight for tho passago of 'the bill. Adam son said the shipping bill probably would be brought up Immediately after the Porto Rlcan bill Is disposed of. Safeguarding Your Valuables ( OUR Safe Deposit Vaults are of modern construction ; fire proof and burglar-proof, nnd protected by every device necessary to insure safety ; individual safes rent from $o up ; charges for special deposits, sucb as silverware, are based on the value of the articles deposited ORGANIZED in 1809, this company has always made a particular effort to perfect its service to the individual, and it is prepared to relieve its clients of every detail connected with the management of their financial affairs Complete equipment at both officei Philadelphia Trust Company 415 Chestnut Street :: 1J15 Chestnut Street Philadelphia ralMlllllii8ll!lH!!ilattIIHii:i MS0 7FTI TyTy y-- f If ri'iTiJitlriHJJtliriFrtintfli'Illl'ifViJ'failtrililMKrJtntJiiJUitMfHJJIMtUliftfriUHirrr We Are Manufacturers- An article so complicated as a piano, which contains over 3600 pieces of distinct materials, can not very well be judged by a flying shopping visit to any piano store, andt particularly to the stores where the dealers know little or nothing about piano construction themselves. As manufacturers of pianos here in Philadel phia, we know what we are selling and talking about, and we are now, as we have always been, pleased to intelligently show buyers the difference in construction, which means lasting tone and du'ra- , bility. mmrcmi IT PAYS TO THINK FIJJNTO CO, SW lltn West PhiUda. Branch HwSSr 2835 Germantown Ave. 4pJ& . OUT-OF-TOWN STORES 'Vtf . v Scrmlon, Readin. PottsvUl., Johnstown,, J yj .&& V J" ,t " Sh.mokin, Girardvill,, WUlUmiport, ,' -"& J& & Lock Ha v . m PiUiHijWiJI Copyright Ilart Scluffner & Marx "in;1,!! For sport or business YOU can wear a belt-back suit just as well downtown as out-of-town; wide popularity has taken it out of the "sport coat" class. A more becoming style has never been produced. The Varsity Fifty Five suit in several . . belt-back styles is the best of all. Hart .Schaffner & Marx Good Clothes Makers STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Sole Distributors of Hart, Schaffner & Varx Clothing in Philadelphia and Vicinity Varsity Fifty-Five Suits, from $18.00 to $40.00. Hart, Schaffner. & Marx Spring. Over coats from $18.00 to $35.00 I 11 -i