Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 02, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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MAY 2, 1D16.
l l.i
jSi Dice chc EgH Ispezlona le
Linco ItaMnne per la Pro-
gettata Offensiva degli
nOMA, 2 Mngglo.
El tf appreso eoltnnto lerl sera dm II
generate Cadortm si o' recnto nel ,Tren
tlno per lapezlonare le I! nee Itnllane mi
quella fronte dl tiattaslta. Questa e' la
prima volla che el ea dove v It coman
date In capo della for&e Itnllane, mat
prima essendo stato annunciato nlcun che
circa I suol viaggl til "dlversl settorl delta
SI dice Cho II vlagglo dl Cadorna net
Trentlno e In relatione conla progettnta
offensiva prlmavcrlto da, parte dell'Austrla,
offensiva dl cut si o' parlate recentemente
come dl cosa In prcpnrazlona o die
dovrebbe appunto svllupparsl dal Trentlno.
SI rltlene ad ognl modo che le llnee
Italians non soltanto nel Trentlno ma nel
Cadore o da per tutto sono suTflcleritemente
dlfese per poter far fronte all'orfenslvn. dl
oil si parla Inquestl glornl.
La glornata del Prlmo Magglo e pas
lata molto tranqullla In Italia, quasi Benin
alcuna celebrations, aebbono gll operal
abblano fatto festa In tutto to cltta. II
Servlilo tramvlarlo o' Btato sospeso per
la glornata dl lerl cd I glornalt non sono
Stall pubbllcati.
Glunge notltla datla fronte dl battaRlla
della. Macedonia che I'oserclto bulgaro o'
tato accrescluto corisldcrevolmente In
quest! ultlml tempi con nuove formazlont
messe Insteme con clement! turchl, mace
donl, grccl, scrbl, rumenl cd ebrel, che
ono statl costrcttl nd arruolarsl sotto la
bandlera bulgarn. In complcsso, a quanto
si dice, undlcl nuovl battagllont Barebbero
tatl aggluntl aH'cs?rclto dl re Ferdlnando.
81 dlco pure .che rarttgllerla bulgara, cho
' stata ora fornlta dl cannon! tedeschl, e'
atata concentrata Bulla frontlera delta
Rumania, clo' cho mostrerebbe che I due
ttatl vlclnl eomo tutt'altro chc In accordo
come si vorrebbo far credere.
Mentre I tedeschl hanno attnecato Inu
tllmente per ben quattro volte le Unco
trances! davantt a Verdun, si npprondono
ottlme notltle dall'AsIa Mlnoro. Due esor
cltl russl marclano "VlttorloBamcnto verso
Bagdad, la cltta' che gl! Indent non hanno
potuto ragglungere essendo statl fermatl
ed assedlatl e pot fattt prtgionlerl da!
turchl a Kut El Amara. I due cscrcltt
russl provengono da Bltlls o dalla Persia
ed hanno gla,' sconfltto I prlml repartl otto
manl che volevano contrastare loro la
marcla verso ll loro oblettlvo.
Nel tempo mcdeslmo glungc notlzla dl
una Immlncnte battagtla a sud-ovest dl
Treblsonda. I russl da questa Importante
cltta' marltttma lntendono aprtrs! la
itrada verao Angorn e qulndl verso Co
Oggl II governo ncrbo ha ncqulstato,
naturalmente per la prima volta nclla
storla della Serbia, un cacclatorpedlntere,
ninostante che nncora la Serbia sla al
meno ottanta mlglla lontana dal mare.
La Lcgnzlonu serba ha annunclato l'ac
qulsto del cacclatorpedlnlero Velllca, cho
aara usato per scortare I plroscafl cho
trasportano le truppe scrbo da Corfu a
Clascuna delle quattro grand! potenzo
alleate dara' alia Serbia due unlta' navall,
coslccne'- re Pletro avra' "11 prlmo nuclco
dl una marina da guerre.
Leaders Think Larger Degree of
Self-Government Is Bet
ter Than Nothing
WASHINGTON, May 2. Senate lead-era-said
today they probably would ap
prove, the -House Phllipplno bill, granting
the Islands a larger degree of self-government,
but making no definite promlBo of
Independence. The Senate favors Inde
pendence at an early date, but will ac
cept. It Is said, the House measure aa
better than nothing,
The Important section of the Senate
measure, granting Independence in four
years, was defeated late last night when'
30 Democrats. lect by Fitzgerald and Con
rey, of New York. Joined the Republican
minority. -President 'Wllson-personally had
urged the passage of the Senate bill.
"I am not coming back to Congress,"
said .Manuel I Queson. Philippine dele
gate to Congress, today. "What la the
use? i "What chance for the Independence
of my country?
"What does America's declaration that
no man ought to rule another man amount
to? 'If Abraham Lincoln were here to
day, he would be bewildered. He would
have to be introduced to the Republican
"Have you confidence that the Philip
pines, could, exist as a sovereign nation
against the aggressions of other great
countries?" he wan asked by Representa
tive Shaunnessy late last night.
"Aa much as the 13 American colonies,
with 3,000,000 Inhabitants, r.ad when
they started out aa a nation," Queson an
1 Bwered.
City. Engineer Crushed by Cars
"While crossing 13th street at Moyamen
sing avenue last night John Stockton, 4413
Osage avenue, an assistant engineer in the
Bureau of Highways, was caught between
two trolley cars and sustained broken
shoulder blades. He was removed to the
Methodist Hospital.
3r2TZ?5 S! liiStfrri LS
The Dotted Line
flashed across country paves the
way to bigger business. !
Bay Letters 'and '
Ifiglit Letters
open a new avenue of approach to
the man you want to reach.
Quicker tham wail and mora effective.
''."""" " .
Several Lives Lost
in Marine Disasters
Acrus, Sir Thomas Llptan's
yacht formerly the Brinj mined',
seven lost.
Nasturtium mine-sweeper; mm
eds six lost,
Rochester City, British steam
ship; sunk; ono lost.
Chirketi Hairic. Turkish trans
port, reported sunk by British sub
marine; hundreds of troops be
lieved lost.
Bio Branco, Brazilian freighter;
sunk. , , ,
Friediand, Swddish steamship;
Aegus Was Consort of America
Cup Challenger Shamrock.
Used as Hospital
Several Lives Lost in the Sinking of
British Mine Sweeper
LONDON. May 2.
The armed yacht Aegus, which the
Admiralty last night nnnounced had been
sunk In the Mediterranean by n mine
with the loss of six men, was formerly
the Brin, the yacht of Sir Thomas Upton,
It was learned today. Tho vessel was
lonamed when taken Into tho llrltlsh
naval service.
Tho AegtiB, or Krln, before the war
fully deserved the name of "floating pal
ace." Us gross displacement wan 1067
tons. The yacht first served na a hos
pital ship during the war, but was later
stripped nnd mounted with guns and used
In the patrol service against submarines
In tho North Sea.
While used as a hospital ship it car
ried to Serbia a contingent of American
physicians and nurses.
Tho Swedish steamship Frldland. n
Belgian relief ship, has met with dlsastor
and Is sinking, according to nn announce
ment Issued by Lloyds. Tho first report
gave no details.
Tho Frldland recently sailed from the
United States for Kuropean ports. It la
a 'ship of 4960 tons, hailing from Gothen
burg, and was built In 1910.
Tho minc-sweepcr Nnsturtlum was sunk
by mines In tho Mediterranean, the Ad
miralty stated today. Seven of tho crew
Tho Brazilian steamship Rio Branco,
2250 tons, has been sunk.
Tho British steamship Rochester City,
1239 tons, has also been sunk. Ono II fo
was lost in the destruction of the Roches
ter City.
The Turkish transport Chirketi Halrle
has been sunk off Rodosto In the Sea of
Marmora by a British submarine. It was
announced at Salonlca today. Hundreds
of the Turkish soldiers on the Bhlp nre
believed to have perished.
Continued from l'aie One
ing hour between 5 and C o'clock. Sup
per will be served at 6 :16, nnd this evening
there will be a lecture and music. Tattoo
sounds tonight and every night at 9
o'clock and taps at 9:30 o'cloak.
No men callers are allowed at the camp
In the evening, and student residents of the
camp are not allowed to go to Washington,
10 miles away, to attend dinners, dances,
parties or theatres. They are leading
the simple "life right," clad In khaki
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Assistant Secre
tary of the Navy, and Madame Slavko
Groultch nnd Mrs. Vylla Poe Wilson, or
ganlzWt; secretary of the AVomen'a Sec
tion of tho Navy League, will speak this
Henry Breckenrldge, former Assistant
Secretary of War; Dr. Arthur Stlmson, of
the public health Bervlce; John Barrett
and Mrs. II. D. Howell will, speak to the
200 resident students from 16 States and
the 300 day students from this vicinity
Conductor Ends Life With Poison
Justus Reimenschnelder, for 14 years a
conductor on the Fax. Chase lino nf the
P. R. T., is dead as tho result of drinking
poison. His wife and mother-in-law, who
found his body last night when they re
turned from a moving-picture show, said
he had been III for several days. For
four davs he had not been worklner ami
"his regular patrons were beginning to
wonder why. Reimenschnelder was 45
years old and lived at 2715 Seltzer street.
A daughter, Martha, 20, also survives
Gun Works at Cherbourg: Burn
CHERBOURG,' May 1. The local
branch of tho Creusot Gun Works was
partially destroyed here by a lire of un
known origin.
$ll-s Suite
To Your
BILLY MORAN, the tailor
..."' """,", M. " '" ' .' "J".""' in im tM ii i mj hi ;
Brief Statement From Petro
grad War Office Reveals Ob
jective of Grand Duke's
March Through Persia
PETROGRAD, May 2. A Russian army
la now approaching Bagdad and has re
pulsed Turkish forces thrown out to oppom
it. This statement Is contained In the of
ficial bulletin, Issued last night by the
Russian War Ofllce.
For the first time Bagdad la mentioned
In the otnclal statement as an objective of
one of tho Russian armies, which made It?
way Into Turkey through the mountain
passes beyond Kenonshab, In Persia. The
last that was heard of the army wa
about two weeks ago, when Kcrwlnd, on
theTurko-Perslan frontier, wnaNcapturcd.
Another Russian army Is advancing on
Dlnrbekr, with the probable Intention nf
taking Aleppo nnd reaching the Mediter
ranean. Thl statement, which was Issued last
night, reads as follows:
On the Caucasas front, In tho di
rection of Dlnrbekr, wo repulsed the
TUrks. In the direction of Bagdad
wp threw back an Important enemy
detachment to tho west, capturing a
portion of their artillery and a num-
ucr oi ammunition wngoms.
The announcement that Russian troops
are continuing their victorious march
toward Bagdnd nrottsed greater enthus
iasm hero today than did tho news of tho
fall of Krzorum and Trcblzond. Asia
Minor has long been tho goal of Russian
Tho surrender of the British force nt
Kut-cI-Amara caused deep regret here,
as It Is believed the Russians would have
beon nble to relievo General Townshend
had ho held out for a short time. The
Turkish troops that besieged Kut-el-Amara
can now bo used In tho defense
of Bagdad, but Russian military authori
ties aro confident that the opposition will
not he strong cnougli to check tho ndvance
of Grand Duke Nicholas.
The hardest part of '.he Grand Duke's
task was accomplished, according to mili
tary experts, when his troops crossed tho
northern range south nnd southwest of
Bltllls. It Is rumored that Dlarbekr has
beon occupied.
The brief announcement from the Rus
sian capital, when taken In connection
with Sunday's bulletin, which stated that
a Turkish olicnslvo "near Dlarbekr had
beon repulsed, shows that tho Czar's forces
nre sweeping on toward two objectives of
their great offonslvo in Asia Minor.
Tho force which Is now battling toward
Dlarbekr is probably part of tho army
that took Bltlls on March 3, and has nlnco
been moving wcstwnrd on the way to tho
coast. Dlarbekr Is a strongly fortified
place, tho metropolis of this region, and
capture of It by tho Hussions would bo a
sovcre blow to Turkish hopes. Tho town
lies but 75 miles north of the railroad
from Constantinople to Bagdad.
Tho reference to Bagdad in tho Petro
grad bulletin Is likewise significant. It
may Indicate that tho southernmost Rus
sian army, tho ono which overran North
ern Persia, has forced the pass Into Turk
ish territory, nnd is moving southwnrd to
gain tho famous city which Townshend
with his British Tigris army nearly
reached, only to bo compelled to retreat.
Russians Determined to Reach Angorn
on Way to Turkish Capital
PARIS, May 2. A great battle Is Im
minent in Armenia.
The Russians are determined to clear
the path to Angorn and eventually to the
Golden Horn.
One hundred thousand Turks have been
brought up to defend Krzengiui. command
ing the roads west, according ttf tho Paris
Journal correspondent at TIMIs. A con
flict of a decisive character in which the
Russians hope to smash Turkish resist
ance in Armenia Is believed to be only a
matter of hours.
John Chambers Pastor Installed
Prominent members of tho Presbytery
of Philadelphia participated last evening
at the Installation of the Rev. William
Graham as pastor of John Chambers Me
morial Presbyterian Church, a branch of
Bethany Collegiate Presbyterian Church.
Tho Rev. Br. W. Courtland Robinson,
moderator, presided. Tho sermon was
preached by the Rev. Dr. John Grant
Newman, of Chambers-Wylle Church.
The Rev. Dr. William II. Roberts made
the charge to the pastor, nnd the Rev. Dr.
Robert Hunter gave tho charge to the
E an
What is strength in steel files?
1 Steel filing equipment needs something more
than steel plates to make it smooth-working and
durable. Strength Is a matter of construction,
Library Bureau cabinets have the strength
and rigidity which assure perfect operation
under the toughest conditions.
In the great L, B. factories, in Ilion, N. Y
heavy sheet steel is wrought into what are
knows as "channel sides" (aa exclusive L. B,
feature), to which the case slides are electric
ally spot'lpglded. Back, top and bottom are
of heavy-gauge steel, making the frame as
Btrong as if cut out of solid steel.
Drawers and slides are formed to stand the
burden of constant usage. The new L. B, ball.
bearing progressive slide carries the draper at
smoothly as a toboggan goes down hlU.
Send for new catalog, Ii. B. steel vertical
unit cabinets."
Library Bureau
MiouficturlogdiKributon of
Card and filing systems. Unit cabin ts la wood and steal,
jtf, W- MONTGOMERY, Manaaer
,! Chtmii st,f PiiiUdelphia
"'. '.. y ' " .? ."""";'," ",""."'. """.""""' ""r"1 " ',".
, ...... .,- n . , . ... - '
'DTTCKrSFA 0 i lsS.t
aesSjO- " 'JM . Cv-5
-... M T NT a i8m h 5& . Mtt
. y v r
&M)'vxL 3 a. s a Js f
-' if film jF .J y
Si It n't r ....- -. JW "V .
-Vut? OfAMBA ' GUlF
Two columns of the Czar'a troops arc marching on tho principal
city of Mesopotamia. One body, advancing from Persia, is nearthe
important centre of KermanBhnh. The other, coming from Lako
Van and the Caucasus, is twice ns for away.
First-Nighters Were Noticeably Absent at Opening Per
formance, Although New Features Added to Gaiety
of Free-and-Easy Entertainment
"Pop" and "mom," composltely, didn't
endanger the Academy of Muslo by ovor
crowding that ancient structure when the
"Pop" concert week popped open last
night The nearest approach to showing
the popularity of tho popular concerts of
tho Philadelphia Orchestra was the occa
sional popping of a soft drink bottle's cork.
There was lots of this kind of popping
and lots of "pep" but a painfully small
attendance nt nn nffalr that should have
been a standing-room-only proposition.
You see, It had nil tho elements that
should go ta make for popularity, did
this first of tho scries of "pop" concerts.
There was the splendid Philadelphia Or
chestra, there was tho popular Thaddeus
Rich as conductor, there wore th first
iloor seats of the academy boarded over
and the entrancing cafe tables scattered
about tho length and breadth, match
box and nsh recelvor on each table, there
were negro servitors with soft-soled shoc3
prancing about nnd anxious to serve you
with a sandwich at ID cents, a plate of
soup at 10, a salad, coffeo or as much of
any kind of soft drink as you could guzzle.
Thero were Japanese girls In kimonos
bearing trays of cigars Hiitt clgrfcttes, Just
fairly begging you to smoko and enjoy
yourself while tho orchestra was playing.
And nil this -for the merest handful of
people, both on tho table-studded floor
proper nnd In parquet circle nnd balcony
nnd galleries. Yet tho refreshments wore
surprisingly reasonable In prlco and tho
highest price seat one at a table was
a dollar. The cheapest seat, In the gal
lery, was 25 cents. There were only a
few hundred people scattered about the
whole house.
Chicken sandwiches and sarsaparllla had
the call with cigarettes, while Mildred
Fa as sang tho aria, "Lo, Hear tho Gentle
Lark." Tho Intricate passages of this
Bong were Boared over In lark-like Btyle
by the soloist, who mado the flutist flute
mightily to accompany her In this diffi
cult reproduction of the throaty trills of
a lark.
"She's a bird, all righto," said a chap
Spring Suits 50f
To Measure vv
Tailors to Particular Men
Cor. 13th & Sanson
Hull. 135 to ISO
."." ,' ' '"" -,' mi . . .. .
with his mouth full of bread nnd white
meat nn Miss Paas ended her difficult
song nnd retired amid npplausc, Indi
cating that every one In tho houso was
clapping as hard as possible.
Salad with French dressing and cigars
becamo popular as the program swung
along to Its close. Tho final number,
"Artist Life," that swinging Strauss danco
composition, tempted the feet to waltz
and tho audlcnco had no sooner got
through recording Its npprovnl nnd wish
ing tho tables were not thero so It could
danco than, ovcry player standing, the or
chestra burst Into "Tho Star-Spangled
Banner." Tho nudlenco stood, too, nt an
almost military rlgldness, proving that the
preparedness campaign Is beginning to
m aito (oiks feel soldier like.
Overheard In tho foyer nfter It was all
Stout woman n green walatl "It was
Just splendid, terribly enjoyable, I Bhould
observe. And when you got your nftcr
thcatre supper before tho show is over It
saves so much timo and enables ono to
get ever so much more sleep. I am going
to tell all my friends. Tho concerts are
all this week, you know. There's one to
night, and then on Wednesday that
dear bushy-headed Victor Herbert Is go
ing to bo here as a guest conductor and
tho -program is all his own stuff. Really,
it will bo quite an event. And it's so con
siderate of tho men not to smoko any vllo
smelllng pipes. I think It was Just per
fectly grand,"
Why the Color of Empire Tires
is a Safe Buying Guide
Color is running riot in automobile tires. We were the first to
produce a tire different from the conventional gray.
But mere color itself is no reason for buying a tire. "
Empire Tires are red because we discovered the red rubber of
our secret compound to have unusual wearing quality. That they
are red is incidental that they were the first red tires to be made
is significant. Pioneers always have followers. Our red was not
primarily an appeal to the eye. It just so happened that the best
rubber compound ever put into an automobile tire was Empire
Red. Now every tire we make is red red through and through.
I fc
Delegates From the Wyoming,
Hazleton and Schuylkill ana
Shamokin Districts Aesem-
ble at Pottsvillo
POTTSVILI.E, Pa., Stay 8. Pursuant
to the call Issued by President White
and lila associate leaders on the United
Mine Workers of America, at New York,
on April 21 last, upwards of 100 dele
gales of tho locals of that organization
In anthracite coal fields convened here
today to act upon the report of the Scale
Committee appointed at the trl-dlslflct
convention of the union, which met at
Wllkes-Barre, September 7 last.
In the absence of International Presi
dent John P. White, tho convention was
called to order nt 10:15 o'clock by Presi
dent John T, Dempsey, of the First Dis
trict John M, Mack, of the same district,
wan mnftn nnrmnnent secretary. The Sec
retaries of the threo districts were made
the Committee on Credentials, and two
members of each of the three districts
were nppolntcd the Committee on Rules.
The latter committee will fix tho hours of
convening nnd the hours of adjourning
and other details erf tho schedule of the
proceedings of the convention.
Tho convention adjourned to 2 o'clock,
awaiting tho arrival of President White.
President James Matthews, of this dis
trict, evidently! expressed tho opinion of
the presidents of the districts, and also of
others of them who terole part In tho con
ferences at New York with tho operators,
when ho said today that "It will take at
least four days before all of tho sections
of tho agreement can be ratified. I can
not see how anything but ratification enn
take place. I believe we will have peace,
and I think I can predict It,"
Tho convention Is made up Qf repre
sentatives of tho three districts of the
nnthraclto region. These districts are
known as No. 1, of the Wyoming region:
Xo. T, tho Hazleton district, and No. 3,
tho Schuylkill and Shamokin district,
Theso districts embrace Schuylkill,
Dauphin, Carbon, Columbia, Northumber
land, Luzerne, Lackawanna nnd Sullivan
counties. Tho coal field covers an area
of 100 miles from Carbondale south to
Pottsvllle, nnd from Summit Hill to
Lykcns, 50 miles west.
During this week we are selling
at greatly reduced prices, discon
tinued articles in Sterling Silver
and Silver Plated Ware many at
Half Price
He an early inspection i
unusual values.
We invite an early inspection of these
unusual values.
S. Kind & Sons
Diamond Merchants
1110 Chestnut Street
For four years we have made thfe
Empire Red our tire de luxe, Experi
ence has convinced us that this tire,
regardless of its cost, is the best buy
for. the motorist We therefore decided
to discontinue our gray tire that was
sold at a lower price, By concentrating
on red we are, in spite of the high
rubber market, enabled to offer you
Empire Red Tires now at about the
price prevailing last year. This is in
face of the fact that all other manufarx
turers have increased prices.
Empire Red Tires are adjusted on
the basis of 5,000 miles,
Philadelphia Br?w:h, 322 N, Broad St.
Hem Office ani Factory, Triton, N. J.
The old Nai
and the tie
Navy cometol
gether in "Thl
Pink-silk Del
Dtcuumiu XtlStl
story of a heutenl
ant who taught Iffl
men jujutsu and of
an old naval captain
who stormed at sue!
familiarity and of M
girl in this week'if
Cndorna Visits Trentlno From I
ROM13, May 2, For tho first time jlnf
tho outbreak of the Austro-Itallan ww
it becamo known last night that Otnira
uauorna, mo iianan commander In eMU
on this front that Austrian preparing!
are reported foreshadowing a great eprlm1
offensive. Heretofore General r ,.....
wheronbouts had been kept closely mcti
Lowest Rated in This City
Strictly Confidential
Burglar-proof Protection. '
KMnb, 1AM, '.,
Diamond Brokr and lfonnv Lmdtrt
rnrecfetmed .Diamonds, etc. Jot ia!f
T "WcAre rand.'ll
X Working Xfgfjl
.., JV. for Your 2teHl
Annual Clearance Sale
Discontinued Silverware
I 3