rnm.mfmu4"m iieies- EVEyiHG- LBDGEB-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1916. 17 -J&& ''4Wa.JI,"JI r ' " 'n' e?3j as r7rx Precedlno Paaf SBbsffisnpPR. faM'lJi .. -rT-7TSS I. S HCTPiUf. .re large and floors are tEWj own "fnl"" by arpoint- '?7k. or ..-., . tran . tMf!. t e.y TV QUIU """' -.. . fan- , 4fniST IAH'sItII TO B3TH ST,-.. .--. - -V. MTOT f'nIPI.i;iF.ll ,"hCT?..,j, Vnsrtments. with nil the iw4.tf.,lL $40 to $42 so per month. lnKIlT PITTS- 'aGEnV . . " -A' wlmont 4481 r,4VIiqetjjt, "1 LEssSr'40th and Springfield nve. aWSJ,', J corner apartment, gins, en- , rurlor ana ''"y-'V,,.i.nm.ti en. itb. eKlusno """ . sori 4 and 3" B 4Ptn si IfS??'' ...V.Vlni tjultt-. "room, ana natn. iMtrniiiiuuiv .... -. .... MS monthl Puu,,c uln,nB """"' x"" fiJw anas -s--5,r nr.IDLYN . . . iBWSJT. - ... and bath, half block from JmSr :,K,Wun-mh AsaMuM i ;iWii-t!-r j"7;'hiniit; Monterey. 41 Kifer .mTf twstnut: Monterey, 41 'I'D SJlmontYaith ami Spring Gar- T.nBS'i.S toi USBIM) '""""" TyMlTMENT HOTELS .L, ..rrt.B HOTEL ij eoirrii broad street , .i.M In tho centre of everything pH&pded.rtl,t,cnl.vfur. ""i ifhirmcit artistic feature, Pnr oUi" toi,"jt been opnd. and you mMlfflly InvUedto pay.us a. Milt and fh-'wirxlf how refreshingly 'Pick and '' 'Yelttractlvs everything really Is, and "IKS Vm ,o moderate, tool One dollar Violin, "r Say-wlth special weekly fri, host, rooms and suitco, with the best table, in Phila. pyt Week. Month, Season, Year " THE DBIjMAH.iMuiuiio iTCHKLTlSTTVrO.V PFVNA Il&OApfs'l I MINUTES FROM BROAD "itTBACTIVFLT FURNISHED AS'D UN rrSTsHUI St' ITES AND HOUSEIiEEr- TAPAIlTMnNTS "T" THE COV1NOTOV TfeoMAogF" t llio'tM EnRleslde nencli Ilaxen N J I Jtrjr iw'i """ i; !' " " . ffHBGLADSTONE TJ2rS,NB ARWI.UTRLT rlRKPROOF THE TRACT" PEMUNrST OH TR Nt I ENT GUESTS rtn36TH AND CHESTNUT THE DAIIIWOOD 1JUK.18HI CHESTNUT ST , Koonu with bath single nnd In aultea EEAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITY UJI 31ST ST Deslrahle location 10-room "ditclllnr, brownston" trimming. Immediate roimilon Assessed I.1H0O Price S3600 Easy tirnu Smsll amount of cash riqtitrod BERTOM'.T iniB X 1PTH ST OUTH and West Phlla nnd Germantown Homes. I1S0O to Jdnoo rtrst patment only 100 lo $300 MERCHANTS' UNION TRUST CO. 71-7I7-710 Chestnut at MONEY ?0R MORTGAGES EnIMlTir Apsirlatlon and Trust Funds TAULANE 000 Walnut at 1509 LOCUBT ST Hindseme. modern 4story brownstone dwell hx, uncutlr fitted for professional offices, tow r-rlc, snd essy terms for quick sale IMALL tnwtment properties on Harold n of Xrmlnctan a, . n rooms, nlwava rented: prlcj JIISO) rent 111 a month CAMERON EST.. 2811 Kensington ae Roth phones CENTaAL- -PROPFRTIEI for sale or rent. TARROW VAN PELT N, B. car 17lh and Chestnut TRIWNT" WATER JIETER Phlla Meter Co llltiil Estate Trust Rldg 110 K MTII 8T 1-room dwelling, all con vtnlenwj price reduced MTERS liAKTH. Rldie aw. nnd lOlh St. A HOST DESIRABLE large central Investment FreFfij win P9 eoin at r nacnnce L'Burili IJTH 14TH AND 15TH WARD BUT- , mcciika a. linos , 1313 Arch at tna or.i.i.iatM oh hi:ntkhs NEB . rRIEDRICH tt CO . RBI N 12TK ST 31 rmj., ault for aparts, aasd ,7500; price. '" i jmMpy k r,oii i,tin lireen HT COLUMBIA AVE. excellent location: own (JfJ0;!0118 ,0 Wm O Gl,nn. 1317 I Cahiaibla ave IPKllIjlT, nrsriinwT en ..i. Apply 8!t Dock st Bglldlng T.ol. l-'nclory Biles, etc. CH0ICP! RUILDING LOTS and large track. isnuna in all parla cltv also over 200 mfg lira .ifivin iiin in nal Est Trust Bldg iROUND FOIt lillll.ncnM i,,.v,, 73 Z lektnitd UGUST n 8CHULTH,' 8) Stores anil Dwellings !M N. 1DTH RT In... m.n. i ? '" 'store and dwelling, good buslneiS !fe"0rn' JWW.VK? ,0 Alder at. ....... .., uvj.r.j, tinu i hi at. west PiiirapiiLriiiA iW,riJ7fti0o5lli.!;o.,-w"Jr hr. c nd elec niitSi,.ij,i'.1"tf ""orPi anower uatn. ga. nVwtri lr.n,lJ...in."r mo,icrn enno Inlmrnts DANIEL CRAWFORD JR BUXCDEn, --.,, ami iiwungui sis, .. GOOD INVESTMENT jmiUnidowne ave If S want a homt JOUJlJ. POLLARD aFthand l.,n.n. jBlPt mir.'.:n iW.i"SJ.".""Ba we are offerlnc at ,2"So ltit hav' raani' rew Properties on our IS. A.P8LSjrJ-JjhjLndSprlngnld .ve Lam a ..." AliAaTUIl AVE. rwSJV sod.i'Ji?,'0 .anl ''""log. with 14 FhSfnlR,l.B:.l.JllSor50Mil mo bulk: new .,11 V . .... . fes-ISijnib n t4ffi'ar4UO- roaia atrtM T ,-TV jwS" .:"" unxTinnsB, w ima'sA I v.hr,iai'? JIarl;t wl" .' iftrann'r-'o JS'oJ-.-so'n JJWWX chffij;tDunI5il'S,.?I'ron'ruN'TY ;.m,nt mVcourt "-'a ZlHl1 '".' E THE NIFTY NiWv & M, ouaB s. ;?.Si..j!?.w Pine .t-..-wh;iiah attoitt, it - " "-" ' Bell nhnn. Tin ELL5vfyviV- " "r""ne IINn"8"dn"Vve?h! BD r0U UfT HALE-OITRENT ' 2d and Balllmnrr.t. WM.fffi'l TOHNHEND" Alii ,.''AP,E.V,P"IA .HOMES J JAlW JXreknown conenlence. VE8TvrmS-;-g"": "4'!'"X-. Mt M "hTV "S,N.EY ..IN JIOUSES-VTeTi ' ESTATE, ?.f00d location. PEMBERTON 7. a tntilZiT 'i e-00" and up VSArgiT LSdloPw). "cCOU"T, 2a 8toS mn.t Tl.r.lllH iKSrl".8T.7-K you are a bara.ln tnlil , a'r'TSa'0''. , grot Inveailrata z " ovss.s?:"'i" o.f,r"""u "" ,...., LEONARD " o.q at rnJIANTOWN !K SEDGWICK ipWKof "oolposYr'Efi? fa Properties Wuwb about . A. S. TnTTPTHnxT LK '"fiiSSXEn st . oErtMAM. tm-it7, ' 'LJJSLn aSl'U ON THH pirSiiiot.!"" ,1VJM suburban houa,, it the bit" E?- tth idT,"i1"y' lwtsd on high to Kl!&y.,ala " I Stanton ..SUtlout Cnofii JUntan VCr" ."",,.;",,.0,"'.?r U'ai WUIAJ CO , S-ranktln Bank tttractlJeioBiJi Qnnntown Mod " feet teriart tSSSS? .?U SI''?!. KSiT - "snnajnown BU. t'TOWfM 95XJSED SALE LIST CTBTJ M3 Germantown m.. HILL us. L3n?4 jjt ciqowioc- i. co.' Ml. i.' i!!"" r f 1' i ,!! Iwi,,. - iierajntown Bi.u, Ann irrvrrr H Mj jOmTKr ..Bf K1UUI ItEAIi ESTATE FOR SAI.E Continued from Prccerflitn- Column" Hcilmrlck. Germantown SEDGWICK ARTISTIC ! COIAJNtAL OWRIAtMO fNEWV 12 ROOMS 8 BATHS. OVB SQUARE E&SE!?ffK!!K station, con veni- ENT TO STORES, SCHOOLS AND ALL mio Tv;8PrrAra sfi tJLa!1 rHOT0 ANU ""to- i-aii: A. S. TOURISON 7014 TlOTEn ST, OKnMANTOWN' OJ'FICE ON THE PWBMI8KS Tints WE ItAVR THE HOtlSE TOIJ WANT . .. IV TIOOA OH LOOAV KEN.S'EDT k lIAMno 3tia nEHMANTOWN Oak t.nn NEW COnNEH.rROrEUTT Eery modern Improvement hardwood (loora, fireplace,, etc. I pH- !7Bnn. , wM. BAHlt. Sth and Oak lane ltan HEAfj ESTATE. mort and ronveyanclnr. vnt D CIIAMHEnS 4B3T N tlroul at rr,N8n.vAMA stintmn n AMnr.ER H have a splendid offering of lar and amall farm, of all kind,, atiltable for all purpose,, extenalve country place, aun urban home,, building lots, etc : adle ua character of property you desire, how much jou want to lmst. and lt u, submit ou . apeelal list. It .1 Pager, lnc , Ambler, Pa. ClIETKn PIKE and Lincoln ae One faro from Eddtstone and tlemlnatnn Arms. IS desirable lots, with all municipal Improie mnts aallablei to be sold at bargain to clo an account. TOOUM k POWERS CO 5I S lSth ,t DREXEIi HILL Valuablo farm, 2(1 acre ad .lolnlnc Drexel Hill large an dwellln. ham and tenant house Harry W Koch, Prexal Hill. EDOEWOOD PARK In th heart of th famous CHELTEN TULLS Hth Halthy. Picturesque Flni Wlndlne Roadways SPRtNOFirLD WTER OVS Elo Restrl'ted Lola inor20n and Larger. FUCING PARU STATION or York Hmd Trollev at Oaont, 10 MILES TO CITT HALL For Parllculara apply to C E HABERRIISH "ales Agent Phone Oak Line I7T W , I30R sntv.flrat ae Oak Lan Thlla ELKINS PARK milLDINO T OTS AT REAUTIFUL KI.KTN8 PARK MxlBO 00x10060x170 ItixlO or larer lota to ault your plan, Bungalow altes JS0O and unward ROADS A. PAUL 135 S Bth at and ElklnsPark ELKINS PARK Vew Colonial dwelling. 13 rooma 2 hatha hlrh elinton cloe to am . prlre 1n,r,00 MCCORMICK & MCCORMICK, inn Chtnut ,t and Elklna Park ELKINS PARK 3 mln from nta dct duell ing. 12 rooms 2 baths hot water hnt, oery conv , garage large lot Bpclal bar cnln OEO O HANFf Qgonl, Pa TRAZFR "Phlrlev" 27B nrrea, P R R I old Colonial house high columns. In grne old mka Send for illustrated pamphlet. J M Fmnflld. Wayne. Pn , IIUIIILAND PARK J.110O Brand new fl.room bunnloxv. hot-water heat ec .and ga, CHESTER OSBORNE 1B2I Chtnut si LANSDALK PA 8 room utonefifcuse mod em throughout electric lights, hot-water heat Hrg porches. prenhouie, fruit nnd ahd plenty of ground jlinn V H Tson LLANERCH Spl-ndld homes along the. Ar . mom trollov from Hlih pt Terminal li clullng Highland Park. Brooklln. South Ardmore. Onkmont and Ardmorc, 1"00 un. Ardmore. J ELMER WATTS Llanerch SEDGWICK NFW DFTACHFn STOVE RFS1DKVCF ATTRACTIVE ENOLISH DE'SION WITH urn -tile rook' imi'nm'.RT and T1VAT, SltRROUNDINOS THIS nWFLL 7Nn HAS 11 ROOMS, T BATHS AND WTI.T. APPEAL TO THE TAMIl.T RFOIIIRIVO SIV BEDROOMS WITHIN FEW MIN 1TB1 OI' TRATN TROLLEY OOOD STORFS. SCHOOLS AND CHt!RCHF. WR1T7: OR CALL AT OI'Il OFriCE FOR DETAILED INFORMATION A. S. TOURISON 7014 BOYF.R ST GERMANTOWN SHARON HILL Reduced to H500 det 3 stj dwelling nesr station ,iorch bath hatr all ronv. . poul house, fruit and ahadot 80x120 Snope & Sons Darby TROOPER, PA. AN ESTATILISHFD nuburban rommunlty. flf rent fare tn Xorrltown artln watr, central school, potofflce store 100 foot Iota, 1300 upward. nr! for leaflet BROWN & GLOUD NORniSTOWN PA FOR SALE 200 ACRES WITHIN 12 MILE5! OF CITY HALL: an Ideal location for GOLF LINKS. BUNGALOW COLONY or CEME TERY fronta on trollev, close to ell-knnwn country club. PRICE ONLY JI0O TEH ACRE E 74T Ledger Central HOUSES AND LOTS. aerv description. RENNINOER RENNINOER Broad nnd Walnut ata SUBURBAN HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT WENDELL & MA8SEY Real Estate Trust Building CHOICE BUILDING SITES and acreage ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND T.a nghnrne Pa SUBURB N REAL ESTATE Any price All location1 Sale or rent CHARLF3 J HOOD k CO Morris Bldg LARGE LIST OK SUBURBAN 'HOMES sale or rent, on the Main Line or Reading R R WM II WILSOV & CO . Morris Building SUBURBAN RESIDENCES for sale or rent nttractle locatlona prices right MAURICE J HOOVER Real Estate Trust Bldg SELECT Properties Country seats farms" List orders now LEWIS T BROOKE A BON. 1414 South Fenn eg FOUNDED 1870 MAIN LINE. TA.. r. It. H. ARDMOREAttractlve new detached homes along Ardmore trolley, all alz-a. design, and prices, open for Inspection any day, why talk about them, come out and let us show nu these homes, easy terms Wm S Davis. office at station NARRERTH Corner lot Mdntgomery ae , B00 by 110U, with 10 room atone and frame house, chean for quick turn WALTER 11 SMITH 0002 Drexel road NARIIERTH nrnnd.new detached houses, conveniences $3100 upward HARRIS, Real Estate oppnslle station all wv.MEnwoon Attractive New Houses 10 ROOM'S. 2 BATH') ' WARNOCK & EMLEN Commercial Trust Building SUBURBAN HOMES, countrv places and hulldlng altes tn ault all requirements. Main l.lne II C HUNTER Wne Pa NEW JERSEY SUIIUIHIAV LUMHERT0N Attractive modern dwg II) r , all convs , veranda barn poultry buildings; fruit: OH acres Albert Dresser nurllnrlnn WOODBURY HEIGHTS" Big reduction, homes; lots $48: get folder L. SNOOK LIPPINfOTT LOTS AND HOMES JIADDON HEIGHTS N J WILLET LIPPINCOTT EW .IKRSF.Y SK-VSIinRB OCEAN CITY A nsw house for ale, 8 room,, with bath: price, $3800 Apply bv phone u ll. coinna tjermaniown -tue w COTTAGE at Cape May or Ocean City, erected to your satisfaction; attractive plana sub mitted free by the reliable builder, OTIS M TOWNSBND. Ocean City. N J rKNNSYIYVAVU FARM8 THREE ACRES, pretty home, all compl.tt, 10 rooms, conventsnees. poultry yard, fin, garden, fruit In ahundanca, Eaay terms, '- .-W T. WRIGHT. Newtown. Pa. HAVE several small chicken farms, Psnna, and New Jersey, remarkably low price,. See R1GO BNTINB BS5Q Germantown ave. 175 ACRKS llrandywlna Dairy Farm. bar gain $100 per acre. V B THOMPSON, West Chester. Pa BOO FARMS In 4 States, catalogue. JACK'S FARM AOENCY 215 Stephen Girard Bldg., 21 B 12th at . Phlla " NEW JERSEY VARMS ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phlla. train and Irolley, write for pamphlet BARI.OW & CO.. Maple Shade. N. J. REAIi ESTATE SALE OS. BENT CITY AND SUBURBAN propertlea for sal or rent Lower , Msrton Realty Company, Land TltleHBulldlpg' Philadelphia. Pa CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES For sale and rent JAMES D WINCHELL. 17th A Sansom sts OEIIMANTOWN GERMANTOWN HOMES, alt section. 41 S MULLEN & BARRY Franklin Bank Bldg Walnut 2537 PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BALA-CYNW YD Large list houses, sals. or rent, at all prices Samuel C Wagner Jr , Commercial Trust Bldg" 15th an" Market MAIN I.1NE. PA.. P. B. B. MAIN LINE -Bast line at Main, Una houses. Esther for sale or rent at all prices II1B8T ft McMULLIN Wt EndTTuat Bldg. BEAI. ESTATE TO EXCHANGE 63-ACKE VHVLAQH tL7AOH FARM LoctsI ta , Pa i 1 mil, from trolUy. land Igheat cultivation, large field In cUd baarlpg S-acra peach stchard. n Lmqib hai.ea . ' laraa tiaraa Quakartown. J all undar high grata, splendid n,w modern, and other oatbuUdlng, la sutnUeat repair. . .f.k ianiui. JIM -W WS ,.,. WIT. k (IcibtlN. l SO Ftlbsrt at l ev WILL sgUiaai, i-fil poroft front d lllng Z 4 Bt $-H0l JiunAem part clu foir cUic ! 'M. U sit, htiiit: Dfac. . JVEALESTATE WANTED GREAT demand for dwelllngirrent 23 to IJoT J. FDWARD jAllZ 2jQ N 17that .?PJ?.RT.,5S 6f ny description! no objection to dilapidated house, if price Is right: will Pay spot cash Ooodateln. 418 ralrmount ftc. iCK: SALE for anv real estate at reasonable rSl.ttRl collected mortgage loins -A!iURr(6wELu 21 v N nth at. . R -if8 AND,1NTEREST COLLECTED, mort- r.rn nmi nre insurance piacen nuicaiy. o Kanajfor prompt reults 22 Tnsker st . lnJ,.u.,5..!m"'lment house,, renting $18 to J Jfl..Vi.Pn,l ! mu" be cheap iic-uum, i s twin ,t tcor. i.uaiow REAL ESTATE TOR RENT city ir TOU ARE looking for an attractive home. b It dnelllng or apartment call, phono or write lo this offlcei e-ry desirable property Is listed with or ri,y he rented through u,. and our autemobl e, are at sour serMce to help tou to obtain Just what jou desire with th least possible trouble NORMAN S SHERWOOD. 1111 Walnut st. Spruce 3H7I Race 302T . " MODERN 1IO-J1E" ,, . with un to dato Improved bath, heating and other Improvements In snlendld orderi for Xtnk"'. '51 Per mo . rent direct from ownert 2120 N, Marvlne st . convenient iand desir able neighborhood Call any time on prem . Ises for lnspctlon and Information Owner STORKS AND DWELLINGS tn nil sections if city. See our list tn the Ledger Saturday HAMtlr.l. T VOV tr CO S E cor 0th nnd Callowhlll THREE-STORY DWELLING, Oxford st. .en trance to Park 14 rooms 2 bath,, 140 PEMBEHTO.V ESTATES Harrison Building. Telephone Spruce B108 2101 E YORK ST 3 STORY 20 Guarantee Trust nnd Sate Deposit Co.. 310 318 320 Chestnut st. SEND FOR OUK RB.NT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Proad and Chestnut sts 12 00 2S22 Montrose st , neat flr neat ir awig, ; contains range nam etc Ky u." itiM ai 1700 LOCUST 8T . modem 10 rooms and 2 batheooms k.j:aii n CROSS. I411 vainut st. 8321 KENSINGTON AVE Fine store end dwellinr S room,, bath and heater. 2S. Apply 3321 Kensington ave. RENTAL LISTS T V NBAI.P4 nio S 12TH ST .. OFFICE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIfj 10 O CLOCK 2024 pn ,t 12 rooms all conveniences 5 2311 S 23d st 8 rooms all conveniences 10 701 S 12th Or cvpnl007S 12th r J21 1012 Page. Sr cv 20t437 N Warnock.flr IB 1714Watkln0r o 13M104 Carrnter. 4r 11 lR7Tren'nai 7r c 1t14in N Alder, 3r . I Ml Wilder 6r rv 1.1 1240 Kaler Br . .12 1214 Rodman, 4r 12 711 Hire No. 2 r. 1C 1211 Klmh-ill, 4r 1113120 Manton. Or. . 10 1020 8 12th Sr 1511328 Kimball. 3r.. r 8 STORE AND DWELLING. 14 1 South Bt . atore nnd B rooms JH 027 S 12th st store nnd 8 rooms 30 1027 Ellsworth corner store nnd 8 room, 30 1717 V ineh st corner store and 8 room, 2" KM V Franklin st store . . BUILDING N w cor Win nnd Ingersoll Slahle IPth nnd Ingersoll fn 2001 N 12th $401101-, V I'amic . $21 B S 43d 2(1 11 S 41d .. 20 .12(1 Indiana. tlllOIti Ingers ill 14 .100 Cambria 12 2808 N Ilthgow 11 010 Holly 12 2010 Catharine 8 1412 CndwaM .r 3r7 10 3000 Tllnn 12 ALFRED II WILLIAMS .122 Wnlnut at Uuslness rroperllea nnd Stores G19 CHESTNUT STREET Ptore 4 floors ami bnpcmnt tlirouch to nanfttRd nt ' HMRtorB atpam bat HOHAri; TATtDl.KV 242 Clifstnut at 52G S. 2D STREET Store and basement been occupied na a fruit store HORVCE TARDt.EY 242 Chestnut at COAL STOBAOF. BIN cnpiclty with Schuylkill wharf vrMlego. I A PATfEHSON 130 S S00 ton,, 11th 37-39 SOUTH 3D STREET" Second floor. SAMUEL W l.EMS Heil Est Tr, Bldg. titorra anil Dwellings STORES AND DWEt.l 1NOS 2002 Tioga 141J Ridge ne. 171S1 7lh st 1.111 Ridge ave. 4.12N 8th st 1100 Ridge ne MYERS L BARTH. Ridge ae undJOth CORNER store nnd dwelling good location, plenty of business TEMBURTON ESTATES. f.Mh nnd IMIIowa ae v Viiclnrles. Warehouses, Mfg. floors RENT 200,000 sq. ft., with power, 5th & Montgomery ave. SALE Sawtoothed Roof Mill, Allegheny ave., 112x250 ft. SALE Factory on Willow St. R. R. ; lot 130x140 ft. SALE Warehouse, Delaware ave. and Taskcr; 3 R. Roads. RENT 16,000-ft. Mill, Frank ford ; power and heat. SITE FOR SALE 131,000 sq. ft.; R. R. & Schuylkill Wharf. SALE N. W. Cor. 22d and Arch, 100x140; possess. EQUIPPED COAL YARD, S. W. ; R. It. siding. WOODBURY. N. J. 100,000 sq. ft. Mill; R. R. and 5 acres. LARGEST LIST IN CITY TO SELECT FROM W. BRUCE BARROW 130 N. 12th Street tti. i!4-., n,,:i,i;, broad iUULIUlJUUL.ln uuiunui, -WALLACE rirepronf Rins 8000 to 40 O00 sq ft Chea Pow r AP GEO F LASHER 117 V 10th s Cheap i 1'AfTORY 1'IOOIIS and uarerooms large and small centrally located HARRY T SAUNDERS 31 S 18th st HAVE PARTY who will erect hulldlng cen tral or other location for satisfactory ten ant DIETRICH. 737 Walnut lit 7500 SQ FT, 3 story brick large yard. Just renovated will alter, eaey terms J A. MIDDLE TON 000 11 Wldener Building 4TH ST. N. 110 21 Manufacturing floors, steam heut and power. Appl Penna Co ,117 Chestnut at OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. DREXEL BLDG OFFICES Annual Rentals Single Rms $120 $1B0 $200 $2J1 $300 $150 Suites 2 Rms .$I44.$1B0 $17.1 $JOO $JJ1 $210 Suites J Rms $275.$40O $150 $100 $000 J7J1 Corner Suites .1 tn 8 rooms $300 to tlL.'iO ELLIS D WILLIAMS B60 Drexel Bull.lln.- HEED BUILDINO 1211-17 Kllhert st Centrally located, all conveniences, rents attractively low, svrvlce ronvcnlcntcs 17'pi s l-'8 Attractive first floor S rooms and bath or second floor 2 rooms with bath, suitable for phsslclan, milliner dressmaker or corsetlere reasonable rent TWO large oltlces well lighted and ventllatedT large show window, fronting on Broad st Apply 1833 N Broad st CHESTNUT ST . 024 2d floor large skylight, good space for architect LEA ESTATES, 70U ansom v. WARNER BUILDINO. 8 W. cor. 15th and Ann sis A number of desirable offices at low rentals Professional Onlcea CHESTNUT 2026 PROF OFFICES. STEAM HEAT. ELECTRICITY. LONG LEABE PROFEsVlONAL BUILDING-. 1831-33 Chestnut st A ;ew suites for phystclsns or demists, j T J 1CKSON CO. Chestnut and 131h WEST PIHLAHELPIH. WE ARE OFFERING FOR RENT One largest and best selection of house. In ' West Philadelphia WM. If W QUICK i BRO.. INC, " 8 South 40th st HERMAN BROS . 6019 MARKET Houses apartments, stores Near 60TII ST "L" STATION For rent or sale Mores and Dwelling, VALUABLE corner store, suitable for gro. eery. delicatessen or produce, will make term, "ault" NfJCOM KEN1N. C030 Msrket st. GEKMTOWN 15010 ROOMS. 2 baths, on, square Sedgwick station or Germantown ave.; may be aeen by appointment only S C 'fourteen, 70H Bayer st Germantown 130 DWELLINGS, 11 ROOMS Semi for Ull Contlneitsl-Eoultable Trust Co . 21 S. 12th. 145 1Q ROOMS, 1 bath modern, good location. oh to train or trolley 3 C TourUon. 7014 Boier st . Germantown. Wayne Junction WAYNB JUNCTION 3S. chcgpait and most desirable S story. Porch front home, all con veniences. 3, minutes' walk to atallsn. 4153 Z. mVW H . SWI.B UIIW.UiQWW TS- 4540 WAYNE AVE . PORCH.! ISO """ auaxantse Trust andSafe Depdah Co, 816 318-320 Cheatnut at Tioga 3704 N. BROAIJ 8T 3 story, porch front, modern dwelling 1- rooms and batoi, lao. NORTH PHILA TRUSfCO.' ' PNNSYT.VANIl SUBURBAN I1ALA 3 story 10-room porch dwslltnr. .U janvsnUocea, rent $35 p.r month . .k - ...rf n . J 1 TlIRPrfEH 1'JIII Phutnut , BB..k .. UKT UUUU1 .U.1 ...111 SOMEKTON U-'rooiu iwuH, batfa hot '5d cold water Iteater range, lauAdry and all ft s9a uiuve iaisB h stapw. is, an. T MgUvjU, N B, .vs 24 Sslitmli, BEAIi ESTATE TOR RENT PENNSYLVANIA RUnVRtlAX Conllnuei from PrtctMna Column . . WYNCOTR . $21.00 No. 21 Prevost Re , 8 room and . bath, all conveniences- shade, ...v. $32 BO No 1 Greenwood plsce, 0 r , bain: sleeping porch, a I corns i old shade. EDWIN TYSON, Wyncote, Pa. Desirable Furnished Dwellings 'For Summer Season MEARS & BROWN 202 SOUTH 1BTH STREET, DELIGHTFUL HOUSE nnd grounds. 2 new bathroom,, shade, spring, farm milk. egas. etc . near Rose Tree Hunt Club. A alw. . Ldgcr Office , MAIN LINE. PA.. V. R. tt. NARBERTH Brand new hous-si all conveni ence,: $10 upward llnrrl,. real estate opposite station WAYNE Suburban furnished. IB rooms. 2 b-iths, large porcheai One shaded lawn. J nerea: stable and garage, per month, $130 Others $80 Up , II C. HUNTER. Wavne. ra IVTNNEIVOOD For rent. 30 Manor road, 14 rooms, 2 hath, large Int. old shade, $SB . WAJiJF.R II SMITH. Wsnnewood MODERN HOUSES, $30 to$200 per month, various stations Send for sreclal list liar bert A. Claghorn, 204 Bailey Building Nrw .trnsEY HtmiiRiiw ItAINESPORT ttouse, wllh barn, at Haines, port N, I , on Rsncocaa Creek, one mile from tmln or trollev make One summer home. $100 per Jfar Apply De Fraln . Sand Co . Beach and Berks ,1, . new .ir.nsr.v smsiinRE ATLANTIC PITY . FURNIWIED COTTAGE. -301 Pacific. opposite Lighthouse, first class 6 bedroom,. a pains servants riuaner, $800 for 3 mo. opn Add 808 Pacing ave Atlantic City SEASHORE VACATION CLUB A NEW THOUGHT IN SUMMER RECREATION A limited number of desirable famlll, are tnvtted to co operate In forming a pleasant summer colony In a highly developed New Jersy seashore resort, sersed by the fast express service of the Rending and Penn sslvanla Splendid boating, bathing, fish ing crnbblng jacht and country club Hous ing accommodation In fulh furnished bun galows slmlUar but superior to those of Oeein Grove and Pitman which mav be rented from 2 to 8 week, Special educa tional and nutdoor features Rentals to members $40 per season Accommodations limited References required Address Secre tary P O Bog 1301 Dept 34 D Phila Pa FOR RENT FUrNISHED West Philadelphia WELL FURNISHED home. 2 bith,. Ideal lo cattnn reas short lesse V 312 Led Off Chestnut Hill CHESTNUT HILL Ior rent for summer, fur nished hnu3e, E Oraver's lane between Slenton ajid Ardmore nrves 14 rooms, shade nnd porch near Graver's St , Reading Rwy Rev W H Hodge SEVERAL desirable prop for summer season. M1NTURN T WRIGHT CO . Morris Bldg Pr,SSVLVAM,V SI UMBRAS' fiPF.flTAr. -MEDIA. IS ROOMS 1 BATHS oi JJUinu SLEEPING PORCH 2 ACRES 10 rooms ooen Ore. lawn. Bharl Photos C P PETERS SON 008 CHESTNUT ST Nl.W JFRSEV SKAMIfllti: WILDWOOD N J Collaaes nnts near beach. 3 to 7 rma t bath. $100 up. season (or by weexi ii a iiartman iniu usige, l-nna. MORTGAGES THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING A MORTGAGE Hut there Is only one beat ny If you ,slre a (.rat mortcfig or a butldlnn nnd loan Rccnnd mo r lean! nnd alue efficient eenlc, quick and satisfactory reButts and raoaeram rnnrges caltj nro.sn on wniTD TO THIS omcB We arc In a position to really secure r sults -which, after all Is more Important to ou than all the promises In the world NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT STREET Spruce 3071 Race 302B, FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SKTll AND SPRING GARDEN ARTHUR BOSWEI.L, 233 N 13th St.. has funds for flrst and building association mort gages Prompt attention Moderate cost MORTGAGE MONEY. Sumn to Suit First and Second, G. C SI3IDEL & CO . INC . 4th and C-illowhtll ate jr.o io $2000 r To loan on real estate security: Immediate settlement, pavahte as desired EDW II MOLL 131 8 12TH ST MORTGAGES SECURED BUILDERS- ADVANCES A SPECIALTY I BRUMBAUGH PARKER. INC. I 1411 WALNUT ST FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAGE FUNDS JOHN G WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II REDNER 727 Walnut Bt. 110JI3Y FOR MORTGAGES LARGE AND HMILI. SUMS QUICK ANSWERS II HOOD. .112 W NORRIB ST W EIGHT hulldlng nnd loan associations with plenty of money for mortgages close loans to home buvern Immediate answer William Jamea Keogh B6& Drexel Building WnRRRT.T, FUNDS FOR FIRST AND 515 N 17TH ST LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES. Reasonable Charaes JOHN A BARRY 007 LAND TITLE BLDG ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTY HAZLETT A MOSS BIS WALNUT ST MONEY FOR MORTOVGES $1000 TO $100 000 JACOB A FRIT! 1100 Land Title Bldg BUILDING ASSOCIATION AND TRIVATB FUNDS ROBERT J NASH 1001 CHESTNUT ST MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES T A RFDDIN'O 4. SON 700 WALNUT BT BJp3SPRUCB ST """" ""HEIRS TO UNSETTLED FSTATF3 CAN RECEIVE CASH AT ONCE LEWIS 4 CO 1227 GIRARD AVE TRUfaT FUNDS FOR rlHKT MORTGAGE HBRKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDINO MONEY FOR WELL SECURED MORTGAGES JAMES O FRANCIS 705 WALNUT ST ALL ASIOU.NTS 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES Quick answer MAURICE II MATSIN'GEIt Rl Est Tr Bldg FUNDS rOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ANY AMOUNT -POTTS t, THOMSON .'121 Frankford aye FUNDS FOR tST AND 2D MORTGAOES MORTOAOKS FOIt HALE THEO E NICKLES 2,113 Germantown ave I HAVE FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES WM BARR 8th and Oak lane LARGE building association funds firsts, sec ond or snllt mortgages, no commissions I ! jl" T-edger OfHre EMERGENCY FUNDS placed at once, any sum. Immediate answer, lowest rates F X. p ELANY. 1112 Lincoln. H road and Penn sq $2000 WILL LEND on first mortgage; po agents, will deal direct with principal E eie l-eoser v rnuai OWNERS If sour mortgage haa been called. I will take It up: also 2d mortgage money CHESTER D ROTTNER 14.'0 Chestnut st MONEY for nrst and aecond mortgagee build ing ass'n and Instalment mortgages Willis Winchester Company 1001 Chestnut at FUNDS for first and aecond mortgagee, any I BR. 401-4OT Commonwealth Bldg BUILDING and loan association money for ISC ana -a moniaiH Agqrcs, occreiary, L 415. Ledger Ofilie liriAtix ruM ". .""" .,,. iituKtaic., nrlng us your Bpniiciiu CHA3 L BROWN t CO . 217 8 Broad at LOANS Large or small sums on real estate. judgment notes or mortgages, loans on unset- tledetates Demrsey ic Co . 27 S 16th HAVE J70,00utrust fund for good flrat rnort. sages In amounta $2000 and upward. U 4-5, L,dg,r Offlc, MONEY TO LOAN READY MONEY Loaned to Housekeepers You en get $10 to t:0t from its quickly. pflyAtfir.."4 ,?i.,.ho"l t1 Jsfi AUsn,." LICENSED. AND BONDED ffj;-'.. j.'::.."" vMt, iitLf, Your monthly payment on $18 1, only t& Your monthly payment on $72 is only 10 With IntTreet at 3 sr cent Your monthly payment on 135 Is only in Your monthly payment on $704 la only ill With InterMt at"5 Pier cent See us write ua or plum. Walnut 4363. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, 131 bOUTH BROAD BTREBT Second floor Next to Fjrret Theatre. Open 8 a. in. to 8 t tn- caturday, (J p m. YOU CAN BORROW MONET ON DIAMONDS. JEWELS, ETC, J2BANDUP .. : 2 " 7B " " . lVe; IS0O " lJ m-autun 4 12g MARKET M? BIDPB AVE. Arlp OXJTORD 8T STS M. &llHbY !XANcD to heirs of unarm tUneit IJputh F 1" MARK Buei-,u Oirard iilu, . ii 1-ttj . h SCRAPPLE 4 aasaiMasa.se.. -as-.nei. .1. isn mi.i , .. i.s i nanMai..-.ii n m im wewes i n I ass aBSaaisans aari London rrncticcs Economy Sketch Who ahn.ll Bay that lovely woman has heeded not the demand for strict economy In dress, when the dears liavo shed without a single sigh the hacks of their eienlns; gowns Base-Bawl Terms A Double Steal m00 BRITISU CARTOONIST TURNS CUBIST VTCh&x.nis towravx yov-i mmn.n OUB.C- yon tiRtitx F ' Hl"l,f-i!Ii''"' VON 2HPr,Vr4 THE BLOCKHEADS OP EUROPE Lucky Lad "Don't all those papers make you tired 7" "Nope, I can't read " AND THE WORST mviim. VAX W.V r3s : JmdwiU'A THE PADDED CELL ) tCHAMPAeWE CULTURE kj Ti,e- BUOWlKtV &""" VA Vy? ROOrA-OLOHTRS X j VJ)HELvJ6 BUB9V.es To bRYlMC- ROOM -SHROM ( y L pcr SOLOTlCrJ V m CoAXIKCr rlMtSWiP V VEKVlHeNHI. -Bystander. A Fraction "How many people work In your office '" "Oh, at a rough Euess, I should say about two-thirds of them." Definition The freshman class was raw and Green Sas Lampshade, "What does dogma mean 7" A bright guy stuck his hand right up "It means a doe that has a pup " Penn State Froth. IS YET TO COME Wfe.&r ''foJZrjUsF Ttiffi ' Itfl MYs Ws, " 3 .,"5: Ml ' Yi'tt V , -- Jj-v : ' -$&r Not Too Exclusive Aunt Amandy Hain't yew ashamed ter kum around here beesin'T Onnli Way Well, thl a'.n't a. werry 'rlBterkratlo nelghborhod fer a. fact, but wo mustn't be too perttckter, mum. Didn't Think It of Her Pitt. Pantfeer. Mother Gladys, you stood on tr porch quite a while with the young man last night. Gladys Why, mother, I only stood there for a second. Mother But. I'm sure I heard the third and the fourth. Haunted London Qraphlo. Hetlrsd Pirate What are the wild wayes saylngT Fortunately for Hint Tramp I'm a BeJglan ;Jua7a. ldy Are, your Well mention m town in Belgium. Tramp I would, ma'am, but tfcejr tav ail beta destroyed. PI )grl' . mmmmmmm w mW w -