Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 02, 1916, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Boston, Chicago, Detroit and New York Look
Good, but None Stands Out Big Enough
as "The One Best Bet"
LliTGM MVP' lliN',
Whitj Ties Score in Ninth"1
and Carter Scores Win- i
ning Tally
I I i . NoA
I ... . -.... . OH 600DY- MVP,. I- ILt- B Klft Mn! I D0MT ,V STN J IT4
i a jjat mtk wt. vw i J2r,rh ...... ..,..,, vo,in(r ik..,. it nicxMi I jl 7cvy I Y stB jf&ftl
Sit :
I rU
I- I
POU tho first tlmo In years tho American League pennant dope Is being
kicked to pieces by the supposedly weak teanfe. Usually wlion tho first of
May rolls round, one finds tho pro-season favorites flghtlnu for tho leau, ana
barring occasional sprints, the raco generally finishes pretty much as tho
experts havo doped it.
The famous Mack machine, tho lied Sox, Tigers and cither Washington
or Chicago havo been picked as likely pennant winners of tho last flvo races,
and after tho first week or two all other teams have been eliminated. Last year nt
this tlmo tho Yankees were going strong, but they wore quickly ousted from
tho lead and thcro never was any doubt about them being overhauled.
Tho breaking up of Mack's machliio last year eliminated them from
further consideration for a few years In tho eyes of tho dopeslers, but left
tho lied Sox, White Sox, Tigers and reconstructed Yankees as tho four heavy
favorites to fight It out for the flag In tho preseason dopo for 1016. All of theso
teams are within striking distance of first place nt tho present time, but nono has
shown enough to warrant making It the favorite.
Instead of tho favorites stepping out In front early In May, It looks very
much as If they aro going to slip b.ick qtilto a lot boforo tho month ends. Not
ono of tho four favorites Is playing as well as was expected und tho American
League race Is more open than It has been In 10 years. As a matter of fact,
every ono of tho eight teams has a chanco for the pennant.
Strange Thlnfjs Have Happened in Baseball
Most ovory fan In tho country will declare that tho Athletics havo not ono
chanco In a thousand to win tho pennant, but Judging by what two of the
favorites have shown In this city, thcro is absolutely no reason for counting
the Mackmon out of tho ruco. Local fans will bo satisfied If tho team finishes
as high as sixth, but at tho same time they must admit that tho Athletics
havo looked Just ns good as any team they have played 10 date.
On paper tho Mackmen look weak, but so does Washington, Cleveland
and Boston, without Speaker. Wo do not think much moro of the Athletics
chanco to win tho pennant than the average fan, but In baseball nothing but
results count, and It Is up to a few of tho other teams to show marked
superiority before wo aro willing to admit that there Is any favorite In the
American Lcaguo race.
Fifteen years ago tho Athletics entered tho American Lcaguo raco with
a team that was picked for last place, but won tho pennant. Lnjolc, Flick,
Bernhardt Fraser and Duggleby were taken from Mack by a court decision n,
few days before the season opened and the team entered the raco badly
demoralized. Tho addition of two players, Danny Murphy and Rubu Waddell,
rnado the pennant winning possible.
The. Pitchers of 1902 and 1915
Eddie Plank was less experienced than Crowcll Is now; Peto Hustings
did not know as much as Myers; Howard Wilson was picked up from tho lots
of Frankford, while Fred Mitchell, later a catcher for tho Braves, was a
discard. They wero tho pitchers. That team In 1002 won the first pennant a
Philadelphia club had captured sinco 1881. It was won because the men hustled
all tho time and played up-to-dato baseball.
Tho present aggregation Is no older, and Is Just as fast as tho 1902 team.
Beybold was slower then than Lajoio Is now, while Lave Cross, Osslo Schrcck
and "Doc" Powers wero slower than most of the present Macks. Manager
Mack reminded his men of theso things at yesterday's meeting In tho club
houso and instead of going on tho field very much discouraged at tho six one
run or extra-inning defeats, tho men played even better ball than they havo
shown this season.
Connto says that his team has not a chance to be In tho pennant race If
tho other teams show as well as their natural strength should permit but ho
does say that tho three Eastern teams will have to play B0 per cent, better ball
than they have shown him to beat the Mackmen of August. Connlo says tho
Athletics of August will bo a much stronger team than tho Athletics of April
and May. Also that the teams tho Mackmen havo met to dato havo not shqwn
him enough to warrant standing higher In tho raco than tho Athletics.
A Couple of Youngsters Have Helped Washington
Washington Is In very much the same position as tho Abdetlcs. It Is a
wofully weak aggregation on paper when Walter Johnson Is na -n tho mound,
but tho Senators aro fighting for every game, and havo been fc cunato enough
to find two or three young pitchers who appear to bo capable of high-das'; work
throughout tho season.
Grlfllth's team entered first placo yesterday, whllo tho Athletics are still In
the cellar, but tho Senators wero completely outplayed by tho Mackmen threo
straight games. Two of the three games wero won by Washington In the final
Inning because tho Inexperience (which will not bo notlccablo in a few weeks) of
the youngsters cropped up at an inopportune time.
The pitching in iho American Lcaguo as a class has been horrible. It is
barely posslblo that tho whole East is weak, and that tho great strength of tho
Western teams Is responsible for tho largo scores and apparent weakness of tho
hurlers. Thero Is no denying that the Western teams, barring pitching, look
much stronger on paper than thos. of tho East, but no ono would over accuse
any of the teams in that section of being overly crowded with brains.
Detroit Is Most Consistent Team
Detroit Is certain to be strong, again barring pitching, and probably will be
Just so long as Cobb, Crawford and company are going at top speed. This team
plays headier ball offensively than any othor of tho West, but until Jennings
can trot out a few pitchers who can hold the opposing teams to less than Hvo or
six runs to a gamo, It will not got off to tho lead It should bo ablo to mubter with
the rest of the teams going so poorly. To dato Covaleskla is tho only Detroit
pitcher who has shown anything that looked like major league pitching.
Four and a half games separate Washington, which Is in first place, and the
Athletics, who are in the cellar. The Mackmen havo handed six games away,
two of which were to Washington. Give the Athletics four of these victories
(allowing one In Washington) and they would be in first place. One month does
not complete the pennant race, but a team that can stay up thero for one month
when It admittedly has not struck its stride might be ablo to stay thero for
good. The Phillies did it last year, and their chances did not look any better
this time a year ago than those of Washington and the Athletics at the present
time, excepting that the Phils got off to a flying start, while the Mackmen have
passed up splendid opportunities. '
We do not think such a thing is likely to happen by a long shot, but stranger
things have happened, and there is absolutely no reason to count any team out
of the American League race this season until some of the favorite-) show signs
of playing real ball, which they not have dono yet. Just remember the Athletics
of 1903, and again In 1905, the Braves of 1914 and tho Phillies of 1915.
Recruits from the Phillies and Athletics who are out under optional agree
ment have been doing well. Baumgartner and Fortune, two Phllly hurlers, won
their first games in Impressive style, the former allowing four hits, while For
tune won a two-hit shutout victory in the Eastern League. Ttncup and Rhoade3
did not fare so well, both being driven from the mound In International League
carries for Providence and Baltimore. Aldworth, the lanky red-headed youngster
who started to show excellent form on the Athletics' barnstorming trip, won his
opening Bay game for New Haven, striking out nine men and allowing only four
bits. Melllnger also won his first game in the Carolina League.
Christy Mathewson, one of the most famous figures ever connected with
the national game, will pitch his first game of the eeasqn on Thursday, and his
effort will be watched with interest by fans throughout the country. He will
oppose the Braves and a large percentage of the Boston fans will be pulling for
Matty to come through a sterling exhibition. We are inclined to believe that
Matty Is due to fall, as there has been too much preparing for this effort. If
Matty was really back in his old form he would not need such preparation, but
would go to the mound without any fuss, Just as he did in the past.
Why "Toots" Shultz, tho former Penn and Phllly twlrler, is allowed to remain
(n. a minor league la a mystery, Shultz has proven himself a better and smarter
pitcher than many hurlers who have come up from the International League in
the last two years, but "Toots" is still with Providence, He started wrong as a
major league pitcher, and la finding it hard to live down bis past reputation.
mm wt m MM
-N0 i U..M-T ha THfl : top hm.'W'S'Si 'fll :,?DfAT - A 3 r
Results Will Give Line on
Chances of Each in
(Captain I'enn Track Team)
This Saturday ulii lio tlio day that will
mako all the nastern fnlleKM nhow their
hands to tho athletic pi-bllc nml allow
them to seo what they havo In btoro for
the Intercollegiates oil Jlny 27.
Tho Big Six of tho track world will put
their best men out on Saturday, when tho
Pennsylvania-Dartmouth, Harvard-Cornell
and I'rinceton-Y.ilo dual meets aro held.
Those meets will show the strength of
tho teams, and we can then sot a good
Idea on which ono looks the strongest.
Cornell, I think, Is. without a doubt, the
strongest, with Yale second, but this dope
Is so often upset that it Is hardly safo
to make any predictions until thoy havo
uncovered and shown their full strength
In a couple of dual meets.
Talent Itevcnled
Tho rcl.tys brought out several good
men, but theso games aro not a fair test,
bec.iuso often tho men aro not In their
right oent. Smith, for Instance, was
badly beaten In his 220 ynrds In tho
sprint medley, by both Kaufmnn and
Moore, but theso men would not stand
up with Smith on a straightway.
Yale has a good team this year and
Is sure to score heavily in tho Inter
collej'ates. "With fcuch men as Oler, In
the high jump; Overton, In tho milo;
Brown, In tho hammer, and Treadway
In tho sprints, they look very strong.
Yule also has threo polo vaultcrs who
went over 12 feet In their class game3
last Saturday.
Mlko Sweeney Is helping Johnnie Mack
with track this spring, ho they should
have a team better coached and con
ditioned tlrnn any pf tho colleges, both
of these men are good trainers, and with
them working together they should get the
most and befat out of tho men.
McCormick Star
McCormlck, of Cornell, loomed up last
Friday In the hammer throw, and proved
that this season would not bo an excep
tional one In that thero was to be no good
hammer throwers. Hl3 throw of 150 feet
Inches looks to be good enough to win
tho Intercollegiates and give Cornell a
lien on another first placo which they
had not been generally conceded. Ho
looks like tho only good hammer man In
tho Cast, unless bomo of tho men who
Were at the relays improve greatly. Tho
rest of tho field looked very poor, and not
one of them got up to HO feet.
Pennsyhanla can win the meet with
Dartmouth, I think, but against Cornell
we cannot do more than hope. With Joe
l.ockwood In form wo were feeling that
thero was a good chance for this meet,
but now it seema almost hopeless to look
to winning tho meet.
Cornell Strong
Cornell's team Is a well-balanced ono
and they can score In every event pretty
heavily. They will beat Harard's team
on Saturday too, unless Harvard has a
bunch of men who will score seconds and
Yesterday was a day of rest for all the
men who had taken part In the relays.
Some of them will start work again today
In order to get around in shape for Sat
urday a meet.
I am only going to work one day this
week, Wednesday. My condition on Sat
urday was the best I think I have eyor
been In and I am afraid to work too much
for fear of going stale for the Intercol
legiates. I never ran a faster quarter
than on Saturday, and my weight Is down
lower than It has boen for three years.
These are signs for rest to me. ,
Doctor Orton and Lawson Robertson
have divided the work for this month.
Orton will handle the runners and Robert
son the field men. This will be a most
satisfactory arrangement and every one
will get lots at attention.
Carroll Brown Jn Southern League
LOUISVILLE. Ky.. May 2. Carroll Brown,
formerly a member of the" Louisville America.!
Aaaoclatlon pltchlns atanT. baa received word
that he had been releaied to the Meraphl
bouthern Association Club. Drown was se
cured from the New York Americans, but later
was, returned.
Mental Concentration
Also Necessary to
Bring About This
Condition on the
Oormantown Cricket Club.
Iin judgment of dlstanco on a tennis
court depends solely on tho ejc. The
accuracy of the eye, granted that vision
Is unimpaired, depends on mental con
rrntiatlou on tho point to bo judged.
Therefore to hit a (lying tennis ball In tho
air, a feut Mhlch depends entirely on ac
curate Judgment of tho speed of tho ball
and Its dlstanco from you, absoluto mental
conccntiatlon on that hall la necessary.
Tho only way to insure this Is to con
tinually keep your cyo on tho ball until
It becomes mechanical.
Moro shots aro missed by taking a
lleetlng pliuicn at your opponent just be
fore making your shot than by any other
two causes.
It Is a known fact that It Is four times
as easy to Judpe a (lying object approach
ing you In its last one-fifth of a second
of flight ns It Is In Its first ono-flfth of a
second This Is duo to tho focusing speed
of tho' cc:i. Since this Is true, to look
away front tho ball Just before striking It,
or, in other words, in Its last one-fifth
of a second of (light, robs you of your
last chanco to clearly Judge the ball. Why
place yourself In this unnecessarily hard
position by looking nt jour opponent. You
will miss your shot It you do. William
A. I.arned, many times national cham
pion, was once usl:cd by nn aspiring (and
perspiring) candidate for tennis honors the
most important thing In tennis. Mr.
Larncd smiled and answered: "Putting
tho bill over tho net In the other man's
court." Mr. I.arned excellently summed
up tennis In that remark.
eighty per cent, of all tho points In ten-
Mattu to Try Come-Back
in New York Thursday
NEW YORK, May 2. Matty
comes back Thursday back to find
out if he is still there as a pitcher.
John Foster, secretary of the New
York National Lcarjue Baseball
Club, made this announcement last
"If the weather is good Thurs
day," said Foster, "Matty will try
his arm out against tho Boston
Braves. The big fellow is bub
bling over with enthusiasm and
wants to get back in tho box back
to give hi3 arm a test,
"McGraw has given Matty his
word that the big fellow can pitch
Thursday, provided the weather is
warm; and Matty is pulling for a
real warm day."
Yale Has Football Practice
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. SUy 2-Snrlng foot
ball rractloo ha besun at lain, with a anuail
ot about 70 men out. The drat few day,
according to Head Coach T. A. D. Jonea, will
be devoted to drill In fundamentals and later
the equad will be put through scrimmage prac
tice. thU latter an Innovation In the eprlne
work at Yale. '
Reds Release AVilliams to Spokane
CINCINNATI. May 2. Outfielder Kenneth
Williams hase been sent back to the Spokane,
Wash.. Club, by the Cincinnati Nationals.
Williams was released Id order to brine the
club down to Ita allowtd quota of 21 men.
an optional agreement
In the House
Reduced from 130. J33 and 20
See Our 7 Big IVinuW
K. Cor. tb and Arch Sts,
Cor, Jlth and Ckettnul .Bts.
Game Called at 340 V. M.
Tickets on sale at Olmbels' and Bpaldlnts.
Tildcn is shown above after hav-
inpr sent tho ball back from a
ground-stroke shot.
nls aro LOST, not WON. Soventy per
cent, of that 80 per cent, go Into tho net.
Hence Mr. Larned's remark about putting
tho ball In play. Since It Is so cssontial
to put tho ball In play, and it is Impossi
ble to put tho ball in play unless It Is
judged so accurately that It can bo hit
fairly with tho face of tho racquet, and
slnco to do so ono must, by mental con
centration, seo It In its last one-fifth of
a second of flight to you, thero Is only ono
thing to do : KCI3I YOUIt 11YB ON THE
Adam Ryan to Stage Second Show at
Ryan A. C. Tonight
Seventeenth Ward laurels aro at stake
tonight, when Danny Murphy and Johnny
PlazzI, Intradlstrlct featherweight rivals,
scttlo their dispute, pugillstically, at the
Ryan A. C. PlazzI is a southpaw and
punches hard, while Murphy, also, Is a
son of swat, henco they should mako
things pretty interesting for each other,
endeavoring to land sleep slam.
Tho other bouts follow: Harry Sub
llvan vs. Tommy Sharp, Leo Flynn vs.
Terry Ketchell, Mlko Daly vs. Young Law
renco and Bobby Driscoll vs. Frankte
Pal Mooro and Joa 'Welsh have been
matcheu for the wind-up at tho Lincoln
Club Friday night.
The difference in price
between Reynaldo and
tn imported cigar is the
difference between
another good amoice and
an import tax.
M ah J JfoOoanell stores.
aK tuun acaier.
inHI'.HAI.I. TOIlAV. 8:30 1'. 31.
l'UANKUN IXUlJ). tic und 60c.
Isn't 3Iia the IIarurd (juris
HATUBPAV, 31AY 8, Tickets salt now.
RYAN A. C. 'TOtfj.&l'
Johnny nazzi vs. Danny Murphy
il'Ul.N'U tJAKPKN ar, UliL. KLUlLviJ
Game or No Game? Flays
Answer Chicayo Fans
Baseball fans in Chicago will
soon bo poking their heads out of
their office windows, or detailing
their office boys to do that little
thing, to see if 'tho flag is up."
' This will follow tho system to
bo introduced in the Windy City by
Chnrles Wccghman.prcsident of tho
Chicngo Cubs, whereby flags will
be displayed from prominent build
ings in the business centre of tho
city, notifying the fans whether or
not tho scheduled gamo for that
day will be played.
Instead of smashing his thumb
as ho closes his desk top with a
crash in tho race to get to the bnll
park, only to find that tho game is
off, the fan will be able to turn
leisurely to his office boy and ask:
"Jimmy, will you glance out of
the window and see if the flag is
Lacier and Meado Win Opening
Matches of 10-Day Schedulo
Keen competition marked the Initial
matches of tho 18.2 balkllno billiard tour
nament that began at tho Continental Bil
liard Room last night between employes
of tho Curtis Publishing Company. In
ono of tho contests Lacier defeated Bards
ley, 200 to 71, whllo In the other game
Meade triumphed over Marshall, 225 to 74,
Within the folds of tho Curtis Company
thero aro many adroit wleldeir of tho
cue, and the tournament is i acting
considerable Interest. Tho matches will
bo continued about 10 days, two games
to bo decided every evening.
Jfc.vvflBsViaw-. l'l agMvaBiryAisa-
Hve Passenger
Do you realize
that right here in Pennsylvania, within 90 miles of
Philadelphia, the best medium-priced motorcar is
that the Pullman is the roomiest car on the market
at anywhere near the price?
that the Pullman Company have been successful
builders of motorcars for over 1 2 years?
10,000 satisfied new owners created last.year. Get a
demonstration today. Immediate deliveries,
662 North Broad Street
J. W. DAVID, Mgr.v
Soft) Phonti BslI, Poylar , .Keystone, Ract 7
Homo runs nnd extra baso hits lln.
more than one baseball game from tvn
defeat to victory yesterday afternoon, 10111'
In tho Interscholastic League and lh. tiN
dependent Berlcs. It was the homer 1st '.
White, of Northeast, that tied the score In
utu 11111111 ii 11 na.a ouuer, WHO uoubled. i
and tho clover work of Illdnath and !.. i
berg, that gave tho lied and Black Mis ;
victory, G to 5, In ID innings.
With two men out Qonovcr Bcorea fori
uermnmuwH jiihu 111 1110 league garni
...III, TVnrlAn' Cfsl.nnl twlntilni. t... 1.1. ... i
,Vltl, .-- k.b,.uw, ..,,,1,,., Vy mB p-..
llant work In tho ninth Inning, German.
town won by n score of 0 to 8 Saln, thai
Manhelm twlrler, helped his team to Uif
verdict when he fanned 11 batters aftl?
made two doubles. J
Tho old reliable Davo Smith cam t
1'onn Charter's relief In a vory close game!
with LanBdowno High School. DavaJ
Smith has nlrcady proved tho fact thatS
ho is ono of tho best scholastic players
In this section. Ho won tho gamo for the 1
Yollow and Blue with a triple when th
bases wero full. It was a deep hit to cen.
tre field.
uuniliiiy. vim v.,i.iiuiiu ii,km ainr.
hy. the Cntholtc .lllsh star, wan .
hurt in ino naaenan irame with
urt In tho naaeball same with CentrtT
Ich yeterdny. lie won hit on the h
Ihe heal M
hnd to be cnrrlcd on the Held, There ni cen
sldernhle excitement nnd the game was ilelartd ;'
IOr itUULU km, a utviivo. ft .ma uii.w, iuiiaia SCC1
ueni. .
Dunlap, of the Lnndouno High nine, ptarel
,nnil entnfi fiffalnst Penn Charter vahum...
He had three doubles nnd made a great ibjw'.
ing in an uepurijucms ui mu uuuio.
it wnn thn alxth RtrAtlrht win for Ppnn Ph..
tcr .School In baseball. It wna alito a tfrM
day for I'enn Charter In other snorts, for ttia
tennis team practically won mo IMeracsdemla vl
League tennis championship with lot to span, ?3
Tho pitchers' duel. Macl.ciin s. Dentins', hla-,a
tho Interest ot a largo crowd of fans. SB
Northeast , IIIbIi , won tho, Interscholaitla
T.rntruo tennis match with RptacoDal Acadimt
jestcnlnv, four mntches to one. The North.
cast plajcrs nro comlnff nlons Strom, .Ti
Clermantown Men had little opportunity f
ptonulnt: the Central HlKh tennis team In the
letlKun milieu Ub lr-ii, i-nieiUll
V ft.ftr.pnnn,, i
the Crimson nnd Gold plnicrs winning br 5
score of six mutches to none.
c w y?
Jj Constant 1
&$LgrmiYmg of gears
RlPputs cars out of busi
iwnqss. To prevent it, use
1 Automobile :
ffl The selected graphite in the ?
B crcaso fills the irregularities &
I found in even the smoothest k
m metal. It prevents metal-to- fl
m metal contact. It stops grinding. j
Am k your daUr tor ih .,.
9 DtxanLubricallnt Chart
rVSvH Jer,,r c"Ir N-J' rm "
j SOvS Eiuluiiti 1527 rfjjf A.
i Pslliililplsi Busts. -stfjSlB ") , 4
8 1020 Artk SlMttSP I UL T
lHOW COULD CrlrlCrefr-
A GrflMt TtJ I tvvnii
MJSfc Ttf AT Y I
Mi mi1( J mier.niOTjM I'M ll I ii. lUiiimilPiWH
H'UMUS H.T"l..H..,.i.J
GoopNESS iVYi,eS
(&OSH )
f -WIC Vfinvf ui-li-i- ry
xT -A BOTTLE J Jisww& wcwv r
-r -i v r. -