EVEKiyg LBDGEIl-HIliADlSLHlA, SATURDAY, APRlirfFT 1010. 1111 i 'i t " ' " '!' ' i . ii I, r i i - - - . - , - p-11 i H. kelp Wantedfemale Conlinutd Jram Preetdtno Page COOK, white. ntptrlenced, tvlth bood reference. Phon Woodland 314 1320 Chester ave. qiRL. experienced, wanted for candy stof. Apply 4650 Frankford ave aml.B wAhted to work In folding, paper boi factory! learner taken; paid while learn ing. 21 N. Bth at HOUBEWORK A .rcllablo. experienced worn air to no genera housework In a small house ror.a. family or two. In rennagrove. N. .!.: null be good cook anil have good refer enc. Writ to Hoi OS, Bala. Pn. HOySBWOnK Neat, experienced girl. adult: suburbs) neat reference required. Call noom 203. BOS Chestnut at. JOU6EtVOnK (general) Wanted, competent Mored Klrl. Apply 1017 N, ooth at. HOUSEWORK Elderls- woman! fam. 3 adultsi good homei ret. 900 R. Rth, Camden, N. J. tiAUNpnK8S-chambermnld wanted. Scotch or English rrot, pref. Uox 03. Radnor. Pa. LAUNDRY Feedera ahd folder In mangle room! also girl to learn: o rrr wrm nio whit teaming- rood surroundings, and ad vancement. Penna. Laundry Co,, .no N. 3ad. MAID for ehamherwork and sewing, from 30 to 40 yeara of age: family of if! country In aummert reference required. Call Saturday afternoon, between 2 and 4, 3,12 Wal nut at. MANICURIST wanted, with following. In an ... ...... ............ . . t Ya.,-k ...H...1 CSV, DUI, AQUTrBH il 111, Tt.BC, -c.i.o MQTHKR'B helper. reflnM. cap. nung c.omnn. 0060 Overbrook ave. Thone Overbrook 0030 NURSE Wanted, an experienced nurse and seamstress to take care of child 2 yeara olds firat-clasa referecea required. E 048. Led iter central, ivTURSE Young, cheerful deposition: experi ence unnecessary: salary 120 per month. 1,, P. Brown. 3230 Hchuylcr at., Ocrmantown OPERATORS EXPER. 8EA3fERH CMTMER ROW MACHINES! ALSO SMALL GIRL TO ASSIST IN WARDROOM. WM, OSIlOItNE, .U6 310NTGOMERY AVE. ( PANTRY WOMAN for first-class reaort hotel. Meet emploer Monday, 3 p. m. Room 2U3, O0H Cheatnut at. TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED Call to aeo ua In ref erence to learning telephone op erating: very good opportunity for bright 3oung womin between the ages 17 anil 22; salary paid while lenrnlng and permanent position nrured Peraonal nppllcatlon re reived between the houra R 10 a. m and 3 p. m The Hell Tele phone Co . 4011 .Market at. TTPIBT Quick anil accurate nt fltturea: one with general office experience: pood wage, ahd atcady position Apply In person or by ltter. II. K MIM.KOIID CO (II.ENOI.DEN, PA WAITRESS wanted for lln.rrnrd; ftrat Haas, thoroughly competent, two In femll Wrltp T. O. Box 41 llnterroril. Pa . Htatc ref erencea, - .WANTED Tio exper malda. cook, tham bormald and waltreea Proteetantn. reM re quired Address tn ihn. A 317. Led Off HELP WANTED MALL BONE BfTTONMAKERS AND LEARNERS WANTED HAKLEIOH 4. CO., AMER ICAN AND CAMBRIA. BOOKKEEPER wnnted. Aral claas, with chain grocery etore experience preferred, locution near city, atato nee. aitliirv reference nnd experience fullj E n.'.ll. LedBcr Central. BOY. 10 yeara of are, u anted In main office nf large coal corporation, to attend to lopylnp; mall and itcnerol oftlco nor It: must wrlto a plain hand, Kle referente. P 320, Ledacr Office. BOI B Cloorl opportunity for 3 bright bnja oer 10 to etnrt n tareoi In nowapaper work: aolendld chnmc for advancement. See Mr. Ralelch. 4tli I'oor, WuHhlnRton IlulldhiK. ins clioitnut n. I HOYS WANTED for errandii. HI to IS enra of act. Apply 1020 Wnlnut st. BOYS wnntetl: must he III: stead! work! Rood chant e for inlvuncmt-nt Apply fartnrlca I.ejter Piano Co , Lester. Pa. Take Cheater Short Line tro les. BOJ8 wanted. HI oi over, to work In null paper factor Applv ut once. Becker, .Smith & Pace Wii'er and Snjiler. BOYS, over 10 veara.to operate light maihlnra. Enternrlte Mfc. i'n,. American and Dnuphln. CAHINETMAKERS wnnted; tead poi , paiil naKC. Applv factories Leater Piano Co.. Lester. Pa. Tiil.e Cheater Short Line troltev. CANDYMAKER WANTED An exprlrtr.ied i ream man to take chares of 4 ream ditiurtnient: position I eteadv. irood pn . fictorv lnrj ed In Mlchtcin ntipll cant mi'M lie ateadv and aober. inpabtc nf handling larce depurttuent Apply. bIvIiik reerenve aqd atute vvasea exoeitnl. Nm tlonir Candy Company. nc , nray Toynton fox rattory. De'rnlt. Mich. CARPENTERS nanteil for Ben'l carpenterlne work AppU If IC Mulfonl. Ulenolden. Pa. CHAIR riNISIIEP.S wanted. Sth at Apply 214 H. CHAIR FRAMEHS wanted. 0th at Apply 244 S. CHAI'FrEl'R. oxprlcncd white, for Packard cara, must hav hUhest Phlln. reference, shop or BarnttH refcecea not arcentd Call Saturday b"' 2 and 3 p m , 1324 Pine at CHAlTFrKIT cmvMo of tnklncr mre of m chln1 for hw fuck. mnt ! trlitlv iQbr t'Hfl.' . ' ompwiMtt Texan Co . Dll nrMi h i t yr-f fir CLtriK In is o.cl nlYlie. Itwii J0 and 1M jenrs old vl . nrM't3 I:nopilsi of iitpnos raphy unci tpc '"Uliis: sttite euljry expecteil R Slfl. IrdRrr n'r.il CX-K11K Abl tt opcrntp tpwrltpr, nnurHt flcurrr rcf fnr rhnrnpir ren Atitlftlnir DPt IT 1 J 'f-n H22 rhentnut Bt COST C "ll - i flniutiir HnntM h trntlir belt u'i" tr"' ''f' nTnufnturlnfr ronrrn: mi!ir b. t'iti - 'fotmtaut mnl tipprl enrM i r.-,nv rup on hay Irntnorfi. state referriv P O Hov nn7K. Phlln DRIVERR. ilouh!f. trin nonnalntMi with rltv whnrfi nl itliro"! tpota: Btenrty uud Strictly sotvr T' n ' Oliworth X MrUVnn VARMRTl rr CBnln . (1 mn rxoirleiirH nni coni)VfM t iMndV truck pntch, rnr fn htrlf ' s I i nlfn.ii Htnte whrm nA rfetr' 4 In t Ic'tPr If mnrrtrrl nnd wHI'nu' rhllrt'-.. m ! tm im al?n hou Mrnrk .A 1rf . J H Schwarkn, Tetitea Bchoo! 1 inf t V. FRAMn ATAKPRS Knnieri DeUvrnre ne Apply 021 N. FpriOHT t--r. T'fX Men wanted to luirk freluht n ' . i e-tlon. no Uhnr disturb ance Apiu '' T ii m . 43 N I7tb at aARDENl'T; .. 'He Pro(etnnt wants first class, prlv' I m-e Box S4, Rydal, Pa. GOOD MAI'IIIV rS WNTKD OOOD PAY STEAnV IVOP.h II W CLAY St CO. 3303 N 10TH KT ORINDERS WAVTFD Drv and wet nrlndera on aiitnmntl- aorloitH; Meli-vt wxm nald. no trllii no1 factory manarer. William lUp-r rr ! Co. Inc. Tacony and Lewie ats ' ' ' furrl. HOUSEMAN .He Prst class: able to assist In dlnlnc room Telephone Hryn Mawr 731 janitor rnn khali, office BifiLnfNn IN OPINTRAT, PnT OF CITY' OVI.T APPLICANTS WITH A NO 1 nEFBREN. CES NKF.I1 PPLY- STTF WAOES EX PECTKP, I. 710 LEDGER CENTRAL. UnnRRns WANTF.D JpO for each ahlft. , . Piv nnd iilnht Only fonfl 'v men need apply. Worth T3" nr hour. Coi readv for work F. W, Mark Cnntructlon Co,, (l?0 lfamllton at r.A.jtonEfflr 2S cents per hour. Dsv nr ulshf, work BAUOH i SON Foot of Morris st. IABOREIlS, ood. wanted now at Tyctrt-Allen Fertlllier wm-ki, South Ikliam and Wee. caco vs. (Oreenwlch Point); steady work in ytar around for rlsht men. e Super intendent, at works LABORERS wanted for both outsld and In side work; good wages: steady Job. Aoply factories lister Piano Co. Lester, Pa, Take Chester Short lins trolley. LABORERS WANTED Irwin t l.el(hton Webb Terminal Ware house, Dels ware ave. above Walnut at, LABORERS wanted Apply Pier 42. W, DeUwaie, below Laurel at LABORERS WANTED PPLY K. K. MUL pRD CO qi.ENOLPKN. PA. LABORERS antd Apply at onoe. Backer, Bmlth a: Page. Waler and Sudr ' LABORKR8 FDR ORADINQ D1LWPBT fc 3UKEAN LACQUERER wanted on braaa beds Apply BsrwiulA M'K Co. 3d and Allegheny LEAD BURNERB. atead lob. good wage. Address at once. M 11T Ledger Office MACHINISTS wanted those accustomed tu machine tool work preferred. Apply Bement MU Works, 2lst nd CallowhUI. MACHINISTS wanted Annly Crane Dept., NU-BenMurond Co MlfBIn t Meadow sts, SfAII CUiRK and messcujer large manufx turlns cnropan horns 7 to 3 salary (23 per montb ppt.'inii f jr edvancement re rl. In O" o tiidriiins ouutlni- references iddrcas I' U Uo 1JB3. JBEi7P WANTED MALE Ctnttnutd from prectdhw Column mk MMrt white, married, fur Janitor In Philadelphia Apply H. W Kooh, Drexei arrled. illll x'a ilAN wwted wno understands repairing wood working machinery, permanent Job: good wages Apply factories lister Piano Co., lister. Pa Take Cheater Short Lino trolley. MEN (2) wanted to drlv trucks: good Job for right pam-. Blckley'a Ault E-pre. 0 B. PATTERNMAKERfl. both wood and melalt f!tft,y. work; good pay. Apply Enterprise Mfg. Co.. American nnd Dauphin ata BALESMEN W havn aomethlng the public wants; need, men to clone lcnd obtained throuan adv. If ou aro accustomed to get ting signature and money, write for appoint ment, giving exp and qualifications, to Sec retary, Box 18(11, Phils Pa. State where phone call will reach jou STABLEMAN Capable taking charge of horeeai must be atendy, atrlctlv sober and compt, Texas Co., Dllvvorth and McKcan STBAMFITTER for mill work: mut be expe rienced, with references. Apply John lirom ley & Bona, Lehigh ave. below Front STEAMFITTERB wanted Amnlt fnrfn. tester 1'iano co . Short 1,ln trolley Lester Piano Co . Lester, Pa. fake Chester STEWARD wanted; countrv club: state expe rience and aalary A 323, Ledger Offtce. TABLET COATER, experienced, wanted. Write or call at American Druggiata' Syndicate, Bprden and Van Alst nee . Long Island City, N. Y. Convenient to K 84th st ferry and Queensboro aubwaj WANTED Salesmen with experience on fra ternal Insurance, books or kindred lines who he good records; married men from 31 to 30 preferred If jou are abl to present a. clean proposition to email dealera and bul neaa men, we have nn unusual opportunity open by which Jou can make from 123 In r,o per week, ateady city work, commission basta. E 014. ledger Central WANTED WooUn Mill help: Carders, spin ners, nappor tendera dnrnera; also general help for mixing and dvelng departments. Mill situated 80 miles west of .Buffalo. In city of 23.000 population Tor further par ticular apply thp Sllncsby Mfg. Co.. Ltd . Brantford, Canada WANTED Men familiar with operation Bui lard hand.acrew machlnn. Iest wages paid. Address P',120. Ledger office. WATCHCA8R FINISHERS Apply by letter. B 440. Ledger Central YOttNO MAN fnr wholesale house to take up advertising nnd selling, one who has had somo little experience nt window trimming. Address P 322. ledger OfOcp YOUNO MAN na entrj clerk, with aome ex perience nt bookkeeping, for office work Address In nwn handwriting, atatlng age nnd aalar). E 310, Ledger Central TOI'NU .MAN 17 nr la jcare. for general nfflco work, give details Write Hussdl If. .lonnsnn -nil H. 3D at YOl'NtJ .MAN wnntcil In accounting rn ddress In own handwriting, one living South or Weat Phlla P 321. Ledger Of 11 room. g in lice EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for an ener getic and trustvvorthj man In establish hlm slf with one nf th Krnl life Insurance ,'umnanles. flld work rnnvasslng and col lecting P 310. Lodger OfOce OENTt.EMAN of Bood record nnd connection la offered an opporlunltv In a lucrative and respectable buslneat P .121. ledger Office HARD COAL FIREMEN and 2 Janitors nnd vvlmtovva cle.inrs Appb Room 300. Finance Ilulhtlng 1 120 S Penn Squac. Oenernl BOOKKEEPEHS Several good openings. Jin to $J0: clrka. good openings, general tvpe wrltlne, bill time, pnjroll, etc, SlO-lin. hnrdwarn clerk advertising manager, 11300, atpnoginphers. severnl openings for beginners, S10-I1.1. drnftsmen avernl. J23. engineers Ings out of town, foreman drawn prss and elevator mathlneri, rtirtrlrlana, good open tool wolk other positions open for HlOlf GRADE MEN IICINESS SERVICE COMPANY, 1.101 LAND TITLE I1LDO. AVTOM1RILE MECHANICAL SCHOOLS MI'HIM) OAKDKN INSTITUTE COR BROAD AND SPRINd HARDEN STS. Course of 0 w'ks, 20 lesions 2 hrs each. I2.i Npw class opons Moniliv Mnv 1, 7 30 p m Clues Mon Wed Frldaja 7 80 to II 30 p m SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID. lady's maid, capable and willing, wants position: ir vearM1 reference. Cnll OlON Frailer rt . West Phlla COOK wants position b Ma 2. seashore pref .Djill present place. 2."ol De Lancexplaco. DRESSMAKER- Reflned colored woman desires fanij or plain sewing, home or our: beat ref Phono Poplar 7H0U v or wrlte2333 Jefferson. EXP. CIRADE TEACHER, "pupils n to 14" wishes ttitnrlng nr position In private school noxt fall: all English branches, art French, teferenie. E 0.1 1 Ledger Central (ibvCRNESS. teuchliig French. CJerman and music, w lalien position, particularly fond of vnunB children: best ref. E 13.1. Ledger Cen LADY dialres position with private family at shore, not mentnl A 312. Ledger Offlc. MOTHER AND HON"of24 wish sltuatlona In the country on farm or estate. Phone Locust 217 lW MOTHER'S HELPER reOned and reliable; atate vvilgcs A 10.1. Lndger Offlre OrriCE WORKER or Htenngrnpher. young woman, ateadv. settled reliable, desires po sition that advances nn merit: several vears" prac nftlce enp. . trial sol. A 20,1. Led. Off. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT Experienced i.fflce man desires ,-onnertlon with atnbllahril tlrni na nftlce manager la 30 jeara of age, marrlcil. a man of good chnrarter and habits, nriurnte. reliable, lanable of handling subnrdlnatea nnd an efficient and economical manager. Will devote entlie time and em-rgv to th work nnd willing to locate anwhere I, 311. Ledger Central. ACCOUNTANT Offl.e ininaner, thnr exp: vvlll furnish Al rL. HJ147. Ledger Centnl ACCOCNTANT Opening. auditing ajatems Inatalled: reaenn.iblei E 310. -e'.g"r int ACCOt'NTANT wishes to mldlt a ounta nnd do private t okkeeplllg E 741. ..ed Ceilt BOOKKEEPER YiT'.- g man 23. wishes i;;sl Hon. liiiimledsc of insts nnd routine nfflco v orl, good refervm-ea ddress E I13H, ledger Central . . . BOOKKE'epER. 12 jears' mHiiuf.exp. tlior lonit) uUIki deiii'ndpoa. 2SHI Jliinilngdnn CHAl'rrEVR -Mechanic 30. 13 " exp. Mtrlct nbslnlner. capahl" erflclent highly mnnl, m.isclentlous 'and rnr . wishing to lonnecj with good family I. 313. Led Cent CI ACITEUR marr'ed, wants position, pri vate family. 10 fears with last eninloter, Applj to Thoiraa A lllgglns. Jr P O Box liiji. Ardmnre. P-i CILU'FFEl'R colored, wishes a poa , good ref. from last emploer. long exp Address i nauffye. 210 (Inrenfleld ave Ardniore. Pa CHAUFKEim. mechanic, white, single 7 yra American and foreign tare, reference, city or country. A 401. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, exp, thor mech , prTv fam., ".at references ll.. 2420 Frankfurd ave. CHAUFFEUR, exp., joung man. 23. desires position at once E 730. Ledger Central CHAUFFEUR, colored, married, now emp . wlshea tochange pos. Hll NvCapltol t CHAUFFEUR, oung man. ma'rried. white, J.n "palr: best ref 2M58 N. Hambre Cl.KHK Young man 1H. good education, wants ojaclnofflce: good ref. i; 010. Led Cent. COACHMAN. IB years' experleme' with private famlllea, best reference; illy or country. 1734 Hansom COLLECTOR Responsible middle-aged man, total abstainer, wlshea position as collector or other work. Interview requested A 203, Ledger umce. COOKl Japanese, wishes position, private fam. ily, city or country; beat ref. A 31U. Led OfL DRAUGHTSMAN, architectural. 2 years' exp " desires change for advancement. E 731. Led. Cent. . . ENOINEERINO executive, asst. aupt , exper, arectal machine and structural design, main. of mfg plant possesses executive ability. dlreses Pa. .Jse321E 33J). LedCent ENGINEER, with wide traveling sales exper? lence, wlahea to connect with Phlla. con- rern E 331. Ledger central OAHDBNEIt or coachman Young married ... oiaCl .kl1al kniiaa wu KlBoo&a lVABe man. .a. una .iiiiu. Mwug vi4 fnn-a, utf Otn rpj.crr.n3. -mf ." :.rw" ..' ailADUATB ENOINKER. & ' construc tion cxixrlence. desires position: bst oC lot Cet I rmrtllCTgi r. " "'' """ i' ..... ... a g.r. i.nii.s rirrinA HOTEL CLERK, middle-aged. ex.. seeks pos.; outside city pref. A 320. Ledger Office. MAN. reliable, white, head waiter: good cookT pousesteper. ra. iicmi ooq. am g uiwmur MAN and wife, wblts, wish positions; exp. butler ana coo, w. !w-jj'jl MAN AND WIFE, colored, want situations. I'none tJicainaoi i ,j POBlTRYMAN, expert, wants situation; 20 jeara on moiwir-ww" .,.. fti.i.a. men, re f. . will make good. HIM, Ledger Office. PRIVATE TUTOR Refined young gentleman": "eferencea, B 2T. Ledger Central. SALESMAN, young man, 28. 10 years' ex- ...i.nn manufacturers reoreaentatlve: t- cellent character, ability, any line. E 938, Ledger Central. SALESMAN, successful, exper , energetic, de sires connection with reliable concern; com basis prefer., have Ford car. M 449, Led ger Central BTENOQRAFHER. 23, desires position where ability and energy are recognized, salary secondary consideration, tq opportunity B J42. Ledger Central YOUNG MAN. 24, bookkeeping and general of fice Vork. French correspondent and typist, also perfect auto driver wishes good, perm, position, best rfs B 649. Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN. capable talker, executive, de sires connect wltb local organization requir ing bustler with Ideal, ability a S3T. Ltd gar Central. SITUATIONS WANTED liALti Conllntirit from Preerdlnt Column TOUNCJ MAN, assistant bookkeeper to banker and broker, at present In eame line. A 334. ledger Office TOltNO MAN. lft. 2'i years' experience In office work, wishes connection offering fu- .ture. B 848, Ledger 'Central OAnniEL will aaund hla nwn drumpet. I like wise must blow my own horn. This Inser tion proves I believe advertising paya. Mer chandise Is marketable through this channel of wide publicity, nnd I ofTer for your ron alderntlon my services, comprising following; Bales management nnd promotion, mercan tile and Insurance claim adjusting, cost ac counting, stock and storeroom management, banking, correspondent nf more than nverage ability, office executive, account collection", specialist In detail, statistical and avstem recording, traffic and shipping knowledge, good In secretarial capacity; would travel If neressory: 10 jeara' prartlcnl proof sub stan my worth; Al ref o(T t age 32. single: exemp, habits and char.; preposseaslng pers I gentlemanly add,, axcep. Initiative nature; emploved now: seek change: $2,1 neekly wanted I-ooh m over A 403, Led Off EXPERIENCED mechanical and civil engineer, capable of handling large manufact plant, is open for engagement E B30, Led Cent EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MISS MARY T. MCCARTHY, 2107 Christian (Loc. 131131. supplies A wants lst-ctnss Trot,, Cath.jnuileft female helpwill natlonnljtles. COOKfl. chambermaids, rhUdnursea and faumf Miss Rose Dougherty 1313 W tllrard, AUTOMOBILES I'or Sale BARGAIN For Sale 1'4-ton Autocar Delivery Trurk has been entlrelv overhauled has new large delivery body and 0 new tires enn be seen at CARLISLE GARAGE 1535 N. Carlisle Street HU1CK Big Four, equipped with seven-passenger Inuring body: In excellent condition: price $3011 This would make n ery suit able chaals for light truck or delivery pur poses of any kind. LOCOMOBILE 2314 Market at , Locust 430 It. A JENKS. Mgr . Exchange Cor Dept. CADILLAC, 1014, touring ear. overhauled and repilnted, full equipment, price JS.10, AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad St. CHEVROLET. 1010. run only 1000 mllea. coat 1780, will sell reasonable. 1, Ulg, Ledger Central. Ht'DSONS rebuilt and guaranteed Phaetons and roadsters: electric Halite ntid startera. OOMERY SCHWARTZ. 233-2.13 N Broad at. KRIT. 1(112 touring In flrsl-clnsa londlllon. tl E EPPEI.MAN '-I North Bro.ul st PAIOE. 10131-30 3-pnssenger touring In ox rellent condition: will demonstrate. I, 030, Ledger Central. PIERCE-ARROW. 0-4- thsesls J700 nriCIC. 1-tnn thassH 27.1 L. O'NEAL. 210 N Urnail at STEVENS-DCRYEA 1P12 Model AA. II cyl Inder, 43 II. P. touring, torpedo hndi. gas and electric light. Orat-class condition all around, reasonable 720 Locust st tt -DAT-trc SCHOBER ALL PARIS 314J MAKIJP SEND FOR FREE RCLLETIN OF 1'SED CARS OORRON AUTO EXCHANOE. 23S N. Broad. TlTOLIVEnY AND GARAGES TO HIRE Plerce-Arrows. Packiirds, Ford Llni Cars, Touring Cars and Limousines Special ahnpplng rales. SI 30 per hour. Ford Town Cars Autos for Weddings nnd Funerals PACKARD SERVICE COMPANY 1411 LOCCST ST Race 245 Spruce AS TO HIRE (open duv and night), brand.new n.paas touring car. with robea, Jl 23 br. : also brnnd-new 7-poss limousine. $1 30 hr : weddings funerals Poplar 1017. 171.1 Glrard 1'ELTON OARAOE FEI.TON ANf OIIIAIID AVE. THONE BELMONT HOI 01D. AUTO PAINTING FOLLY EQUIPPED auto painting ahop will paint or revnrnlsh nny make machine third less time and cost than any shop In Phlla itelnhln: highest grade work guaranteed. Phone Tioga 02. Geo. W. Pnrvls. 'nr. I. jr.. 1321 Alrdrle st. near Rroad and Erie. AUTO REPAIBING CYLINDERS REBORED. new platons and rings furnished weldings nnd brazing It. II. Underwood & Co. 1021 Hamilton at.. Phlla. 7 SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES T Us BILLY at hts new location 510 N. BROAD ST. AUTO SUPPLIES -RBARINflS- New Departure Service Htn The Owllllam Co 1314 Arch at Ph Walnut 34117. Race 3002 AUTO TIKES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 mllea. Compare prices ORIM'B. 230 N Broad st. TIRES sllghtlv vised, all sizes, vnnr own prlees 8J3-S2S N 13th st Park. 1418 Open Sunday. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES .1 W. LEGHORN Pl'LLETS Young. Ferrla strains. Ill Barred Hoiks. W Leghorn eggs from healthy vigorous atock L 040. Ledger Central Phono Wnlnut 332 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PRACTICAL Bl'll.DKR with 15 jeara' rxp . who has 123.0011 In cash forming a con struction co of t.lii.nilti capital vvlsliea an Individual who will tuko t'.M OHO ato k 111 the vompany, Have contracts rend, to proieed with, and full Information vvlll b supplied nt an Interview. I. SIB. Ledger Central. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS, COPYRIGHTS . ESTABLISHED HINCH 1KS.1 Bell Walnut 717 Advice Free PATENTS MARKETED FEES REASOVABLK J. WALTER DOUGLASS Suite 03. North American HuiMlnc I $6000 A MAN lth that amount can acaulre n viii, ata. ma. ,..,r,.. ,-.... v.,., .r, .,.., and a directorship If desired in a lor poratlon owning a valunblo partially de eloped mineral pronerts which, upon fur ther development, will pay extraordinary re turns nn lht i-nltul Invested this Is a sound business proposition of exceptional merit, eubject to substantiation In every purtlcular. E 648, Ledger Central FOR HU.E VALUABLE PROPERTY RucRs County; complete establishment, comprising 33 acrea, uuarry of best Blue Trappe atone In State, 30-11 P engine. 130-ton crusher. air drills, air compressor screens, bins etc , 5 horses, carts and wagons, price on applica tion; principals only, na fritters or agents. h, 038, Ledger Cential. P A rPTi,'MrrC! Let ua send you our free book rAliJll-lo "Patents ft Trade-Marks" Don't pay exorbitant fees. Our service Is of the highest type, and our fees are reasonable. FOSTER & WEBSTER sulTB 1011 CHESTNUT ST. Bell phone Walnut 15114, MY business has outgrown tny capital, I need 110.000 cash, I do work for Ihe largest cor porations in this country; I will glv II Olid per year for the use of this ninne) . no part nerahlp proposition considered, hank and other reference furnished A 32, Ledger otnee. WANTED Capable man to run a large hotel, ran till at once with good-paying boarders, this la a money-making proposition for the right man. must have some money and well recommended, see me at once, BenJ. T. Levis. Media. Fa. WANTED a man with capital, to Join two others In developing a seashore property of exceptional possibilities, showing enormous probts; whole property to be held as security for money ineeted. E 740, Ledger Central HOTEL Pitman, N. J., large summer busi ness, established 9 yeara. tine location. 3a rooms, furnished, mod ; near Phlla. elec. trains; rent or sale. qpfft1317 N. BOth; phone FINANCIAL BACKER Practical project to grow garden produce most In demand; dls. posall parcel .post! novy adv.: tested o small scale. MT 132. Ledger Office. ACTIVB PARTNER wanted with twenty-live thousand dollars In established business with unitmiiea ermi vivauu, aMn-uuis invest. eollcUeprlnclpaU jinly E l)40. Led Ceil 1500 AND services to invest: full particulars in first letter or no attention paid. Reply tO A JIO. i",n ".' opportunity: D!irtnaf ul.h nrsi-cn theatre, earn cntrai. 800 month; Arthur J, Old 13 A MONTH secure Interest in growing or. chard: will be producing before paid for. lAftRY DARLlNOTON 1420 Chestnut st. LADY OR afcNTLEMAN wltb some Ideas to ake cbarife.o' auction store. Apply John Callahan. 2301 South st SACRIFICE Meat and grocery business doing iiuu wremy. iiuiwm ,iht Aninun j LEUPOLD. 424 South B2d st MULTIORAPHINa,, business for sale; best eauip'nt; excel, clientele. L i$. Led. Cent. Wanted FINANCIAL PARTT to Join a mfg for a product which, the demand U larger thta infge can produce so patent nor Bavtlty. A 201. Laager Otfica, PICTURE theatre. 12300 Ia strictly nrsi-ciusa 10O-l2Oi yveeaiy. i ww. J2r MEATS 1S4,, groceries, doing 28 rHce 18000. Including team LeupolJ. 1218 Chestnut and 421 f BUSINESS PERSONALS EVfeNINO LATEST STYLES .,.- .FFLL-DRKSS SUITB CLOTHES DELIV t Al LED FOR FREE CALL OR PHONE TOPI.AR 235 TO OPEN EVENINGS LEtDNBR'3, lrtTH OIRARiTaV , S W Cor, FULL DRESS SUITS , Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack Sultt ,To hire' nnd made to order. , NBUBAUER. THE TAILOR, 11JI Walnut. uen pnone. watnut oio. SlfPF.RFLUOUS HAIR removeif by electrolysis, the only permanent wsv. Eyebrows arched. .MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre. Bldg, MISS Jfoppe. halrdrea'r, facial maa'ge. man Icur'g form SHnt Arcade with Miss Smith. DIAMONDS BOUGHT . 4 Bank reference, Apralsement, 1 HARRY W, SMITH, T17 SANSOM BTRBKT. CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOU8B . 20TH 6T, ABOVE CHESTNUT Bell Phone. Locust 1080. WEST PH1LA MONARCH STORAGE CO. WEST rillLA. 3c. TER YARD , ., WBar P1III.A 8870-73 LANCASTER AVE.. REAL CARPET BEAT1NO; NO TUMBLER" used, Hover Co.. 3300 N.I2th. Ph. Tioga 3200. KEYSTONE Carpet .Cleaning- Cleaned aho. lutely clean. 30l 10 N , Nice at. Ph. Tioga 3118. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESflMAKINO DAILY AND EVENINO SESSIONS . 1483 OIRARD AVE. POPLAR MH THE McDOWF.1,1, Dressmaking School, easy, modern methods: small payments 307 Denckla Building II th and Market sis DRESSMAKING 'alight from anv pattern morn nnd nft sessions, send for clr Colum blan Dressmaking School 1730 Columbia ave GOWNS RESIODEtfED. high-grade work onlyT Phone Spruce 2223 FOR SALE BILLIARD. POOL, combination second-hand, bought, sold, rented exchanged repairing, supplies Lnfe Keafer. merlcan manufac turer 320 Glrard ave Phone Kens 2313 BILLIARD, pool tabtesi new, second-hand bowl, Ing alleys; easy ptyments. Bosatto Barry. Street Co.. 222 S. 8th at.; phone. Wal. 2284. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling alleva: easy payments BRUN8-WICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., 1002 Arch CASH REGISTERS, bouaht. sold leased, exchanged, repaired. . replated Supplies. New and factory rehmlt. New total adders. as low a 130 Call nnd see our 1010 models Registers sold and leased b us on easy payments and fulW guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REOISTER Co. 730 CHESTNUT STREET DESKS, tiling cabinets, sares, telephone hnolbs and office furniture and fixtures of every de scription! used but In tine condition, and verv cheap: free delivery anywhere. HUOHE8.11TlT AND.nUTTONWOOD ni'NTLKY vsruuni cleaner rnt 1123 guar anteed In good condition almost new, como nnd make ntfer also 2 handsome atorm doors nnd two Oriental canopies suitable for saloon Applv laox Sanson! at SAFES ROLLTOP DESKS Tvpewrlter. bookkeeper desks flllng cabinets tele booths, flies, safes, household furniture Dullng Central 2d-Hand Furniture Co 001 nniUiM Cnllowhlll Thone Filbert Il0t Fireproof, HO slightly U"ed, all aires SAFES and mnkea, hlg hargalna 210 N. Fourth st . Jietweeji Rare nnd Vine a MAY VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON SALF, nELLAK 1120 CHESTNUT ST 1200 II P HEINE BOILER verv reason able, first-class condition Phlla Papr Manufacturing Co. Manavunk. Pa HEATING MAKtN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than ateam or hot-water. Pure freah air with normil moisture MAKIN KEI.SEY. 0 N. 18th st Phlln MACHINERY AND TOOLS NOTHING IS PLAINER lodav than the fart that th users of YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH pullesa for controlling machine have well Improved their opportunity HILMTINO nnd MACHINE WORKS. 145 North Second. amj orf)M ft oy rOWER-PIINT EQUIPMENT Dynamoa motors, boilers, ateam and oil en gines, pumps, air compressors. FRANK TOOMEY, Inc. 127 N. 8d St. IF vou need a cjnereto mixer, you need n Milwaukee, ond you should get In touch With us. CHARLES BOND COMPANY. 320 A cell st DYNAMOS, motors and msctunery bought, sold and rented, nrmnturea repaired main 111, Market 8005 Yenraley in, 224 N. 3d st LARGE STOCK woodworking machinery: Iron working machinery of all kinds a, J. NUTTALL., 1748 N. Bth. OARAGE COMPRESSORS! to 4 cuhlo ftT capacity. "Caldwell" belt driven, nlr cooled. L F Seyfert's Sons 437 N. 3d st. PIPE Second-hand, all slies. Phlla. "Second hand Pipe Supply Co . J 003 N- 7th st. Phones. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1 . VICTOR V1CTROLA VI. Including 24 se lections (12-10-Inch double-faced 73c. records); an excellent machine In every way; ran be paid for at the rate of 75 cents neeklw (.all or write for complete descrip tion and large Illustrated catalogue; new Vlctrolas. from 815 to $200. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner 0th and Thompson sts. 110,30 VICTOR VICTROLA IV and 12 selec tions (0 10-Inch double-faced 73-cent rec. oidsl: an excellent outfit for one who Is looking for a good machine at a reasonable price. Pajnble 30 cents weekly. Call or write lor rompirio uescripiiun ana large !! lustrated catalogue NEW VICTROLAS. FROM 113 to 1200. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, Cor. 0th and Thompson sts. A FEW Edison diamond-point talking ma chines nt half price: small payments. Call or write for lists. HEI'PB'H UPTOWN STORES Corner 0th and Thompson sts. EDISON AMBEROLA. with diamond point, complete with records, costing 223, will bt sold for 1112. other bargains f-om 110 up. Write or call for complete lilts. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner 0th and Thompson sts. 8 CHICKF.RINO UPRIGHT TIANO HOWARD VINCENT, h38 N 8th, VICTROLA records -April list Just received. II tuliLAK 11. Ml Chestnut I37R WHEELOCK upright etano. good condl' 'lion, for iiaTe a t 1150 P 312. Ledger Office. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, eld. style Jewelry, teeth plates bought for casb. Est. 1 MO. 5. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom. CASiFPAirT FOR DIAMONDS, PREClOUd stones, gold, silver. Platinum, false teeth. Phlli. ' Smelting ft Ref Co., 128 B, 11th at. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS LET UB ESTIMATE to coat your roof ana guarantee It 10 years AMERICAN ROOFING CO. 1B33 Ridge ays. STORAGE " continental storaue warehouse; 20TII sr, ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOV1NO. SHIPPING . Rugs, Carpets cleaned, scoured. storsJ-5 fiill, LocustlOOO Pbones Ky Race , PENN STORAOB AND VAN CO. 2136 MARKET BT. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSS! I6IWIU MARKET ST, ATLAS BTORAGB WAREHOUSE Btorlge vs"iKKY6Wor.irmuZi.ri-nu: McCANN'S 8TORAGB HOUSE. 1748 N, 11th V.T" .., n bin. ah nnlnr. auto VtU BV., lUUTIIlSi fc.a. ....v.----, Both phones. Let us estimate. OIRARD 8T0RAGE CO.. 018 Qlrard ave., 8310 N Water at. Moving by auto. Storage, pack. Jng.lebjaa'i- Phna.l Pop- B205. Pk.423 FIREPROOF. Mothproof. Concrete Warehouse. "00O "boms II V month Estimate fr. N Pbila. Storage Co . 2023 Lehigh. Tlo.7250 STORAOE Moving by auto vans, packl shipping. Levin Bros,, 2018 Ridge a Ing. ave. mono i'opiar uu STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES OFFICE PARTITIONS STORE FIXTURES THE BETTER KIND GET OUR ESTIMATE PHONE. WHITE OR CALL Weiss Manufacturing Co. ISO N. 13th t Phone Pap. 1698, Race 1330 WANTED OLD .QOLD cab. raid for old gold, silver, antique clovks will tall Bell pbsnt. Locmt ins, iiuvji.ua. 51 a nu su WANTED fonlfnueil front PrettdlnD Cofiinln- ANTIQUE FtRNITl-RE false teeth, feather beds, broken jewelry, gold, silver diamonds bought 731 Walnut Walnut J02fl Est 1800, BROKEN IBWEI.RY fatso teeth, rlatol.coln Coin books.wlth price I pay malled.lSc .I.R Bass (People' Slore). 208 B 11th. Wal 4480. CAST-OFF CLOTimidlVANTEb . WE PAID. A WOMAN J41 30 .rcr Ornen's aulta nnd 3 evening twns. FOR WHICH OTHERS OFFERED ONLYlM . This proves that wo positively PAY YOU THE HIGHEST ?ASH PRICES ror gentlemen' summer and .winter clothing. also ladles" street dresses and evening gowns. WRITE OR TELEPHONE MARKET 2090. .". call city or suburb, day or night. The United Mlsnt Clothing Co., 800 Spg. Oar. CAST-OFF CIA1THINO WE Ant' tNT rtlltAt M,CM rvt' r,laT.ntlo E!:0.T.'"'G AND WILL PAY F.XTRA GOOD V8T-OFF 1 l-AI.I, WRITE CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED SP'S-'al high prices paid for men's clothes. I ull Dress nnd Tuxedo Suits. Write, call or phnne JnSfl.1J5chultg. 24 lNjlt . CAST-pFj.' CI.01HINO Highest price plild for ladles nnd men's clothing; hats, shoes, -i!i Xfion Pop. .TiOl Blacker. 1230 Toplar, FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antluuee; entire or part houses bought for cash,- no matter how large. J, Bernstein, 185.1 RJddge ave. , . CLEAN-UP WEEK . . , We huv any kind old materials, highest prices paid! out-of-town shipments attended to Indust'nl Metal Co 342.1 Wyalusing av. ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH. ,1829 2 ROOMS, 3D FLOOR. FURN. . ORUNFURN 1 REF. SPRUCE 41194 r CHESTNUT. 2003 Attractive rooms, single or enu"e.PrLvatebathi running water; ref. CHESTNUT, 2007 WELL FURNISHED ROOMS ; PERMA NENT OR TRANSIENT. , CHESTNUT, 4028 Furn. front rooms. 3 win dows, alljconvs. 1 ncarji J'reslon2174-J. ClinsTJjUT, 440S Rooms, furn or iinfurn" VTlth or vvlthout prlv.bath. Baring, 7800 W CHESTNUT ST . 2010 Room, single or en suite: with nr jvjthout private Imtli. CHESTNUT. 1810 and I40J Spruce Single' or en suite, turn or unfurn : reference DIAMOND. I tooLarge furn. Sd-front comm . M..u,-i-:,-,..),,viirti, cnnnrcn accepteo: pn. DIAMOND, 1.137 Large, well. furn. room, ault JL.RDl!ini',l??orujuj,Jnelfast. , FA1RMOUNT AVE . 1013 Nlcoly furntshedor tmfurnlsheil npartmentrunnjnc water. LOCUST, 1220 (Morton Anls ) Cool room, ad JonlngJbatli, ejicellent house; fine service LOGAN SQ . W . 210 Tno Jd floors, cotnmTr nlcatlng. with or vvlthout private bath: gen- tleman pref ; refe , retined aurroundjngs OSAGE AVE., 43142 furnished rooms "and prlVRte bath fnr 2 men nr business women, with or without board, reas , private family SANSOM. 1520- Private fnmlly have large 2d front, alt, furn., moiK-rn. Preston 2721 .1. SPIU'CliT 1337 s'tilfe with hath, single rhis", nfflces steam heat. eleitrlclt. reasonable SPRCcT:. r.7.17-"r-Nliely "furn. ileslrnhle" rooni for gentleman, small private fnmlls VENANGO. 10.11 Two rooms, third floor, un- furnished; all ion. Tioga .1808 w. WALNUT. 1211 Hne Millie o"f rooms. 2d II00F: newly painted and nnporcd suitable for of flees, tnllorlng or other business, good light; . Immediate possession. Applyonpremlses, 13Tli.S.. 120 Nicely furnished room" adjoin ing Jbatji; phone. lliTH. H . 31 ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATH ALSO OTHER VACANCIES LOCUST 3012, 42D. ., 380 Newlv furn.nr unfurn.: eieitrle lights: private family: re.is. Bar. 7024 R. 042 N. ffiTH 2 rm" . bath. Iiet and light; 120 per month Tnulane. 000 Walnut at THE CHILTON, 3218 Baring at.. Mr. Bells MoLaln. mgr, 2 lst-floor rooms, Including light, heat and gas. 133: suitable for dentin or physician. OWNER" will rent bachelor apt., 2 rooms, bith. fireplace, 2022 Spruce Loo. 1803 J, Furnished 49TH & WALNUT Board, newlv furn targe room, tennlw court In rear Preston 3400 W. SPRING GARDEN ST. 103T Two desirable furnMied 2il-0oor rooms, with nrlvate hath J men preferred: refa. exchanged: reasonable. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS single or en suite) newly furnished, house freshly papered nnd painted, continuous hot water: telephone, ac cessible location, home atmosphere; refer encea exchanged 1830 Green st. BOARDING CHESTNUT 8T cor. 20th (The MargravsV Vacancies, perm. or transient: sup board. SPRUCE. 1221-211 rurnlshed rooma private hatha, table hoard. Walnut 7171 W SPRUCE, 1028-30 2d floor aulte. prlv bath choice tnble iKiard Walnut 7235 W SPRUCE, 1220 Attractive aulte of 2 large rooma, private hath, good table, reference 41RT. 8.. 305 Beautiful, bright Toomi table board. Miss Hanleyformerly oMheNewport BOTH. N . 121 Com. rooms adj. bathTconvs 1 reflned nelchhnrhnnrl. Dnatt tnhln. renllemen BIST. 8.. 223 Furn. rooma: adult fam.: nhotb I at Ledger Central. Phone Hel. 28S4. BOARD Home cooiflng. excel, service, Ind. tables, central. I'hnnw Poplar 1872 W. Siilmrhnn. GER1IANTOWN-220 HARVEY ST. ROOMS WITH BOARD: FIRST CLASS APPOINT. BOARD WANTED Suburban. YOUNO COUPLE with 2 small children are desirnu of board with tvvn rooms and bath In private famllv. Children do not come to the table. Old York road seitlon preferred. Reference given to our satisfaction. K 345, Ledger Central. REFINED YOUNG COUPLE want board and room: Cheetnut Hill pref E 74't. Led. Cent. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location: apeclal scientific cars, nervous, elderly, every comfort; nurses; booklet. Dr. Randal. City line. Cheatnut Hill. APARTMENTS WALNUT eND UTII STS. (S. W. cor.), mod ern aulte xceptlonullv attractive, high ceil ings ahi ndantly lighted on three aides, suitable lor housekeeping. If desired 17.1 Janitor on premises BARBER. HARTMAN HO, 1201 Chestnut at CHESTNUT ST., 4027 l.urge 7-roomed apt , fully furn . consisting of sltllne-room, re ception and dining-rooms, butler'a pantry, trlti-hen InitnHev nnrf ' iM-drnnms. larire Vltril and porch, ground floor, house stands alone; plenty of air and auti Phone Prealnn 3222 103 S. 11TH ST Bachelor apartmenta; excep tionally desirable u and -tn noor suiiea, -large rooma and bath. ever mod Imp ment. Janitor 011 nremlscM, steam heat Included BARBER HARTMAN ft CO. 1201 Cheetnut- 22D ST.. N , 2003 0 rooms anil hath, nlcs apartmenta, 130 up, referency required. Ap ply on premise, or phone Walnut 7280 SPRUCE ST.. 1001 Two rooms and bath, en suit, southern exposure, furnished or un- turnisnea Apply on premises. 1401 OXFORD ST (corner Carlisle) 2 large rooms and bath; single room, unfurnished. BACHELOR APARTMENTS, furn. . 2 .rooms and bath, all conveniences 0(0 N. 13th st. THE KENNINC.TON Pine below Broad. Attractive suite of unfurnished rooms, hav ing J rooms, with private bath, gas and electric light. Improved vapor heating system, elevator service, strictly fireproof building; rent 140 and 130. reference necessary. YARROW ft VAN PELT I7TJ1 AND CHESTNUT STS. THE PARKSIDE 40TH AND ntiiAitn ave. OPPOSITE FA1RMOUNT PARK Four lines of iars convenient to all sections of the city, all large outside rooms.. Cuisine particularly attractive, PHONE IIAR1NO 221 THE GLADSTONE "VinvJr VERY COMFORTABLE FURNISHED APARTMENT ON THE KTII FLOOR TO RENT FOR THE SUMMER- WEST PHILADELPHIA JEFFERSON 0140 S rooms, bath, furnished ..t...l.li.. Incm nnnl nnnh..t hl.h... location in city Belmont 46ww. TO SUBLET Second-floor unfurnished 8-room aparimemi irviiv snu usw ,J",VM,: ,"Y" Preston 4813 or see Janitor. Stonelelgh Court. 46th and Walnut OERMANTOWN HANDSOME unfurnished Oerrnantown apart ment at 30 per cent, lesa lease rental t . t m....nr.Mi lotBufnit tftiAn. AH,1rga t.J " a JV VUf.ll SfF' .iivei P 31th Leddger Offlce PI'NHYI.VANIA SUBURBAN ATTRACTIVE O.K IkNB APT . BATH. PHONE, OAK LANE 22 a rooms. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED by the year, attractive 2-room un furn apartment with bath between Broad It 22d its. Chestnut and Pine, refined sur roundings Reply to A 301. Ledger Offlce. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 703 B BOTH. APT "B" Will aublet attrac tively furnUhrd. with piano, bousekeepiae apt , for a period ot 0 month beginning; Ulay 10, 140 a month. BACHELOR APTS . HOTEL SERVICE. PR1 VATB BATH, WELL FURN.. RATES. S33 N. BROAD. L0N HEAD 1213-1. LOCUST. Handsomely furn. apt. BEAUTIFCI turn apartawot for summer taLr'ly lucaud. unu igu t; 2i9. Led. Ceo. J,J ,V';t.,'u,l "bntijEmewb cj ANYWHERE PROMPTLY, CALL, wv Miu.iii i'Ul'ljAll n.112. . . t'OOPER 1010 OIRARD AVB PURNISHED APARTMENTS Conlfsufff from PrreUfntt (olinhn NEW JKRnT SKASIIORE ATLANTIC CITr -CHOICE APAlVfMBST TQ rentt right on the front; on second floor or substantial brick dwelling, with fnll unob structed view for two squares of Ocean nnd Boardwalk: three bedrooms, parlor, dining rooms, kitchen, ga. bath, toilet, piano, elec tric lights; porch frontlfig oceam. In Light house Sectlont coolest, Und best part of city. i'uuk pruiiDiii ronieei,nnn nesi piviv 01 city, In every respect a cheerful, well-kept and v all -I i4ie iBfo comf for r 8730 ;omfortbl furhlshed family hdkie Ready irianin lurmsncq ramuy n renpancy May 13th Rentf Apply 7 Dewey place. All uwupincr Ainr luin iicniniaor ernson ific city HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS M. 13. COR. 17TH AND WALNUT STB. The newest ami most distinctive apartment bouse. Desirable suites from 2 rooms ana bath to 7 rooma and 3 baths, lu-ronrn suttee wnn noutnern. eastern ana -c7eeiflrnex. posures. Apply on premises or phonh wal- nui otfaw. MrtRTON.W. OREIM3. 210 Franklin Dank Bldg. APARTMENT BURE Apartments exclusively, everywhere. rnona vvamui nv.'v. rranaiin atn ., . 1.112 NORTH 15TH ST Modern hnusekeenlnr anartmenta rentala: jut renovated throughout to Janitor, on premises, or LEWIS LANE. S W cor. nth and Walnut PARK AVE.. 1832 lery attractive, apartment; f, large, airy rooma a jderrt U Mlll, letjivors: tlrst flnon electric lleblsl hartfwoo' hot-water heat. Apply 1324 Colum &GF-- 1 'none, i-opiar.iiirt.i & . 18TH, N ,. 1718 Five large, light re- oTrtna bam: modern: white enameled. Bi THERE ARE SEVERAt WAYS OP SECURING- AN APARTMENTS But suppose. Instead of trying all 5r'is different wai. jou Just call at thla ofnl the largest, most attractive and best equlaoea In Philadelphia, devoted exclusively lo secur ing Just what they want for particular people. Tell us your requirements. Every desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with or may be rented through us Our automobiles are wsltlng to take you to the list of prop erties ou Jbslgnate, and with the least pos sible efforvHou vvlll secure the one apart ment In PMAtletphla which most nearly ap proaches yvir exact Ideal. NORMAN S, SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST Spruce 3!71 Race 8023. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS ...ALL PARTS OF THE CITV IlKNTM 82.1 TO 87.1 PER MONTH CALL. PHONE OR WRITE FOR INFORMATION t, SAMLEL STERN v 1201 CHESTNUT STREET THE ENOLKWOOD, 320 S flTII HT Ideal 1 entra I housekeeping apartments, sullen 3 rooms kitchenette snd bath Applj Janitor, nn premises, or LEWIS A TAULANB. 000 Wnlnut st FOR MOUE1UM, turn, or unfurn. apartmenta. Northwesrj'hlla. and Tioga, aee ua first. JICIIOEPJ,a CO.jlBU Montgomery aye. ATTRACTIVE, apartments, wllh'prlvate baths. 115 to 12.1, hot water and hot water heating near 32d and Arch Apply' 71 Dnuglaej st W1WT PHILADELPiliA H 34TH AND CHESTNUT (Tho Essexl-ririve rooms, bath, tintry and reception hall, ele vator, da j and night service, Colonial finish, while china gloss iMlnt, tnahognuv doors, hardwood floors combination wall. Safes laundry, vacuum 1 leaner, roof garden; watchman all night, 137 3d to 145 month. I3D AND CHESTER, AVE (The Moifcrev) Very desirably situated opposite Clam Park. 4 and .1 rooma nnd bath, hardwbosj floors, lHUmlr . roof garden, etc . 13(1 to Sfl4 per month all desirable now houaekccplifc; apt. Apply Janitor, of CRHSSB, JI08 11 a IV Bldg. CHANCELLOR HI' "5118-Tt (Chamellor Apart ments) 132 Flvo spacious rooms nnl buth, good Janitor service Apply JOHN I. HAS FORD 3101 Hitverford nve . LANCASTER AVE . 32242 rooms, kitchen ette, light housekeeping, newly furnlshjrd. 4 squure West Phlla atatloti and "L "I 43D AND CHESTER (300 Monterey Apis V Only 133 mo , 4 rooms, bath and large re ceptlnn hall, hardwood floors Inu Janitor. THE REIDLYN 130 00. S rooms nnd bath, half block from 4Rth st. "I." atatlon Jas, N Mitchell, loth and Market ats XUE RUTLAND APTS.. JUST COMPLETED. LOCUST ST., B4TII TO 0BT1I ST. l-rooms-and-bath apartments, with all th latest conveniences. 140 to 142,30 per month, ROBERT PITTS. AGENT. Bell phone Belmont 4 433. B443 Locust st. DREXEL APARTMENTS OVERBROOK STATION One housekeeping suite. 0 rooms and beta. 1(3.34 per month; public dining room. Phone Overbrook 0328. "HATTERLEE' CHESTNUT AND 40TH STS, A few vacancies. EDWARD HUTCHINSON Jr 122S13lh. or 117JI. Jilth st ONLY"45month. 200' Essex Apartmenta, 34lh and Chestnut Nice corner apartment t rooms and bath and prlvato hall, will paper and decorate to ault tenant. Inqulre Janitor. SUBURBAN THE OTHER DAY my very good friend. "THE MAN WHO BUILT THE CRBSHEIM VALLEY APARTMENTS" Invited me out to pay them a personal visit. In order that I might aee for myself how verv attractive these apartments really were. My expectatlnna were high, but I waa In no sense prepared for the delightful sur prise I received. Never have I seen such truly beautiful apartments, and the location, too. la quite perfect directly at Allen Lane Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad, with all the trains In the world atopplng Just far enough across the way And trees, flowers, grass, pure air the great ou..eoora all about one. Yes 1 have sen man) apartmenta, but I found I could atlll enthuse. You can secure one of these truly delight ful suburban apartments Just made to order fnr the kiddles -as long as there nre uny left for. sly. 140 to 153, anoTIt health, hap piness, pure air and aunshlne mean much to you and our family, come tn our offlco, let us tell you all about tnese truly delightful suburban apartments, etep Into one of our autoa and then oh, yJu know the reat for you really deserve one, of these apartments. NORMAN S SHERWOOD, 1111 WALNUT STREET Spruce 3971. Race 3025, Orerbrook LEAVING city, sublet till Oct. or longer most delightful Sr. apt. In Phlla. Ovbk. 1603 W APARTMENT HOTELS THE LITTLE HOTEL 225 SOUTH BROAD bTREET Located right tn the centre of everything end combining perfect furnishings and ap pointments with a quiet homelike atmos ohere so much to be desired We have Juat completed and artistically furnished several new rooms, each with pri vate bath, equipped with marble ahowers and many other most artistic features. These rooma have Just tieen opened, and you are cordially Invited to pay ua a vialt and see for yourself how refreshingly spick and span and attractive everything really Is, and the rate are ao moderate, tool One dollar to four dollar per day with apeclal weekly rates NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. PROPRIETOR. THE TRACY 36th and Chestnut (El'. .atedStation) PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seekers for QUIET SURROUNDINGS ALDINE HOTEL chestnut and ftJjlflHU(IlUim NINETEENTH The beat rooma and suites, with the beat table, in Phila. Day, Week, Month, Seaaon, Year HOTEL COLONIAL gLvgT7 A Select Family Hotel. European or American Plan. Cuisine Unexcelled. Special Weekly or Monthly Rates THE DELMAR-MORRI3 GERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION, PENNA. RAILROAD. 20 MINUTES FROM BROAD BT. TERMINAL ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN. f'URNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEF NO APARTMENTS. THE CLINTON "urg?"" 200 ROOMS. EVERY CONVBNIENCtt Furnished or unfurnished: either by leae or transiently; suite or on to four rooms, with bath. THE LINCOLN IXX3UBT BELOW 13T1C STREET Transient and Fermsuent Quests Table tb Best THE COVINGTON CHESTNUT AND 37TH STS. R. F, ENaLE. MANAGER. Also the Eogltslde. Beach Haven. N. J., Choice two-room suite (or rent. THE GLADSTONE ,TiTi?rIN FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE DA BH WOOD 140S 1810 Chestnut st Room with batlt. sUjl and la aultt. -i.'J. aWJured I J Apply n SEAL ESTATE T0 ij ALB WALNUT" BTREBt COIInER- . 81x142 ,(S streets) Attractive term Possession can He arranged t. A PATTERSON. 0 8 lith (t "TRIDENT" WATER METER' New rrnperlleg , can go on water meter .rate t once If Inatalled before len occupied. ,A;k your plumber or PHILADELPHIA METER COMPANT 942 Reil Estate Trust Building. 20M MT. VERNOM-Beautlful modern reil Jence, 12 rooms. 3 hatha, hardwood floor throughout, hot-water heat, excellent condi tion; cost owner 112,000 two year ago; wilt sacrifice for $8100, ae owner , must leav city; must be sen to be appreciated Open for Inspection day or, evening, or phone Spruce 4701 for full particular EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY One of the jary beat houses on Diamond at. west of Broad at.; will sacrifice. TAULANE, 900 Walnut st 9?tO..ni tf r kttnttt fen, ha., ma .- .-i. V.S231S Fletcher st. on rear. 18x120 ft, as )'essed at ,10000.' monthly rental, llli i"' v eiae neogiey nve , n 1; 01 Kietcner iVa-2. '..'''..' .'t. In ' "n" "n ast line north BrlJr.'.sV.,n'j Irr'Tular. assessed 12300. '' THE I.AND TITLE AND TRUST CO. ! Jj'osi1 B"i.v nesinm sis , -010 SP. GARDEN. 3 stories and mansard ll et2!n' r baths; 25x150, below aasessmenL 2218 Mt Vernon. 10 roomsi very low 2214 Brandywlne, 0 rooms; iOx7.1i cheap 'Si" Wallace, 13 rooms, 20x180 to North st, 230 N. 10th. 3W stories, 23-foot front e552 Washington lane, 13 rooms, 22x130. 3800 block N. 2lst, porch, 13 roomsi steam best: low- price; easy terms, 022 N 10th, corner, 10 rooms: low price 815 N. 20th. 0 rooms: 10x100, make otter 872 Perklomen, corner, llr. , Gesu parish 1327 N, lth, cor , IOr.1 IS.IOOs rented 1800, 1732 N. 20th, 2 stories, 8 rooms; low price. V28 N, 3d. 0 rooms; to close estate. lVlii N, lath, brownstnne. brick: estate , 2010 N, 10th. 10 rooma; lielow assessment Ml 4 Wnllace, 11 rooms, side jard. low price. .. jftnitKRD It WOJlRF.l.L fclfO 311 N 17th NORTHEAST BOULEVARD Home seekers, examine Dult'a house ort the north side nf Northeast Boulevard, from 7th to 8th St.. price. 14200: terms to suit , THOMAS DUFF, on premises . "A COUNTRY "HOUSE IN TOWN" Modern corner residence, central district 8 open fireplaces, I baths, 8 bedrooms; fine condition, 12.1,0011 INTERCITY REALTY CO. 1J? d 1, .( 1820 W. VENANGO ST cor. Grata: lot lOx 130 ft j 3-story brick dwelling. 10 rooms. 3 baths. Inclosed Istindry with tubs, hot-water heat, gas and electric light, JSOno The Land Title and Trust Company. Trust De t a rlment. Broad and Chestnut 13n3 N. 1.1th 1714 N. i"7th"' tni Brandywlne 1228 Wallace , 1710 N Grata 1713 Monument 213 N. 21st. (comer) 021 N. 10th (corner) 3I7N. 11th lino Rldte ave. MYERS RARTH. Rldgeavo k 10th St. CENTRAL PROPERTIBS for sale or rent! send us sour requirements. , YARROW ft VAN TELT, N'R. cor 17th and Chestnut at. Phone 8180 Spruce or 2870 Race. ATTRAtfriVE. well-built residence at N B. 1 or. 17th nnd Jefferson sta,, to settle estate vvlll sacrifice at llltlo above mortgage, line neighborhood: property aultahle for altering Into large let-class apartment house. Owner, T O. Box 28. Merlon Station. Pa 1712 MT VERNON ST. Brow nstone front residence1. 12 rooms, 2 bxths nnd shower, hardwood finish, In perfect repair I MAURICE J. HOOVER '..;.. I 123 LOTS, 32d nnd Reed sts opposite square . lup lots, 28th and Dickinson sts , Improve ments In main streets; trolley, reasonable price and terms. 210 Stephen Glrard Bldg. N. B, COR. UTH A SANSOM STS. .ion 10 J. A. TATTERSON. 130 S. I3th St. RIDGE AVE. AND DAUPHIN ST. Beautiful home, 10 rooma porch opposite rnrk en trance: extelleut location; owner asking 13100, must sell. SBESB.. 2ftti nnd, Cambria ONLY 1200 required lo purchase a 0-room bouse with modern conveniences: rents at 114, assessed 11300, price J t Mill situated on H Indian nve. Apply CAMERON ESTATE. 2Ml Kenalngton nve RARE OPPORTUNITY Beautiful home, 2(5th and Cambria; 7 rms.. porch, hot-water heat. elec , 1300 cash, monthlv exp 115. which Is 1.1 less than rent JJEESE. 2ilth ft Cambria. POINTING" Brleklavlngr plaaterlng and jnarhle work. Estimates cheerfully given Caspar F.blnger. 1007 N. 2dstBelf phono Kensington 1018. COR, 21ST A WALLACE brooms. ISOOOT 43 N 0th St.; rented. 1720 Trice, 300. 230 N. 10th, 25-ft. front, iboap. MARSHALL H. SMITH. 1 0 1 1 Chestnut st. TO CLOSE THE ESTATE 1812 N. nth at.; In fine order: 0 rooms: every lonvcnlence. W II .HOOD 312 Norrla MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Building An latlon and Trust Funds. TAULANE. t'00 Walnut St. 1B00 LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 4-story brownstone dwell ing; especially fitted for professional offices; low-price and easy terms for quick sale. 22.111 N PARK AVE. Beautiful 3.story porch front dwelling; 10 rooms and bath: all mod ern conveniences. C1IAS W. MILLER. 401 407 Commonwealth Bids 1 FOR SALE CHEAP1 No, 10,11 North Marshall. 3 story. D room: every convenience: $3000, W..1I. HOOD. 512 Norrla at. I31BO 11-ROOM corner dwelling, In good order, all convenience; porcelain tub. new range; occupied by a good tenant F. L CARRE. 1720 N 21til t. A VERY DESIRAHLn HOME 4000 block- North 5th: 2 story, porch front. B reoms, hot-wnter heat: good condition. SEIDEL & NUNAN. .'.Sth and Christian REAL ESTATE DEALERS' CONVEYANCING Deeds and mortgages prepare! at 1 to meet approval of title companies. A 320 Ledger ornce, OLIVE ST., near 18th Four 'dwellings, all rented at 100: price 12000: subject tn I3O00 J R. MASSliV & SON, L1tl and Green RENTS COLLECTED CHECKT MAILED DAY AFTER COLLECTION. LEWIS P. ALBRECHT. 2414 W. LEHIGH AVE 1321 GREEN Dealr. home. rcnteiTlsn, Wf bring 135; assessed 10300: price 12300, sub, to 13300. J R. Massey k Son, 18th A Green. TWO BARGAINS Must be sold: price way be low aasessment. 1T-2L N. 18th i. 1031 N, I'ant a,vn. aui.iwii ,. niumii wu v.nwnuu 1033 N. CAMAC. 12900. 3-story dwelling, eaay t-rmi; 1300 cash r A II. WILLIAMS. 622 Walnut st JOTTi. 13TH, 14TH AND 13TH WARD BUY; I.an, r,l,l,r.iin vmv ivt 1 1 r.rtr, Dttrj I'AlKDItH'H & III.. H1 N. 12TJ1 A i lliAi. 1 1 n anarimeni nous sue: gooa cation: reasonable price; lot lOOiVBO. HARRY G C. WILLIAMS. B22 Walnut lACTIVE apartment house site: 28". INVESTMENT 18 house In northweat. rent 117: price I170O; 1300 cash each req'd. J. It. MABSEY Jts6N. lBthand Green FOR SALE 3 small" ""houses; 11400 each! rented at 13 each: near2lth 4 Federal at. JOHN 8. WURTS. 122SLand TltleBldg- A MOST DESIRABLEJarge central Investment UJoperly -wl JfcCRE 31W KENS IN ooerty'Vlll be sold at a sacrifice. tr.A . ua.t inu Ares 11. INGTr AVE. Store property. 10 e)oms sct Til, j. w. 13000 CUMB. ms: sacrlOce 10800: near proposed ele, j. v. Aicioweii. auua Kensington ave. 13000 CUMBERLAND, .west of S.'d. modern 4-.orrh noine; 10 settle estaie. yjaEBIIARDTS-BAUER., 2313 N 22d W3WfOLUMBlA AVE, excellent location: own- apxioua to sell. Wm. G Glenn, 1517 umttia ate. nk-AHI.V: BARGAIN 23110 N Svrt.n. if Risessed 12300 Dries SlMDlV UHltAl.l. II SMITH. 1011 Chestnut at. QHENY AVE,, at 2th at 8 rooms. eb. modern. I400O. make offer, little 3h. SEESE. 2tlth and Cambria Tkrj GREEN ST Desirable residence with. ,4 rma , uu inr aparis. aasa siauu price. JjtVOO. 'J R, Maasey & Son. JSfh If Green. M W Cnil. 1UTH AND CHERRY STH l.ot 24103. JAMES D. WINCHELL. N W cor. 17th and Sansom sts. EUCLID AVB . west of ISth at Coasr home nrst-class neighborhood See Wm. U Qlenn. 1317 Columbia ave. 11000 nBLOW ASSESSMENT. 10IU Wallace, 1 rooma. 20slM) to North st. wllRRHLL. 833 N 17lh REJsfe 118; asesaed. 11800: lot. 10x71; 3-aUry brics. underdralned. Ellsworth abova 22.). BOSWELL! N13th j ' BARGAIN 2014 WALLACE! .emldetache.1 3 stories 12 rooms, I403U. assessment 13500. . AEPly820N. 21th. , rL BipHiwir, HDTIOK uarueii lUUID UID. lift , below assessment Apply 2t N. 24th. 3124 N 24TH 7 r , atallonarr tub Invest inenti 13000. C V. Qulik. 241 W AUegheay IMPERIAL RESTAURANT for aal Apply ' 231 Dock l . . J 1020 MANTON ST 2-story, rent 112 price J13S0?irc3t order E Blast 1A39 Kliswortb? TIOGA 3237 N 28tk 7r, . stationary' tuba, In- TIOGA. 3127 N Tairlor- 7 rms mod. . fine lo, caiity i-ooo. c V. quick, atlji. w AiiheS! Building lata. Factory Bite. et& SITES RAILROADS, tor al. Penasylvsnla and Reading. I20OO per acre and up accent, in toivcallon luqylre for terms lag V DIBTRlCl?, 7JrWalnut. r ' -Z ' ' ' '' CHOICJ5 BUILDINO JeOTfl and large tract ground in all part K,r cti. also ?vr 200 ptlgV silt. Ivin. 13jy allS'rvat ljjd; Olatr CLulll4 Ada an JxJi t'asa I it