BVEffraa LEDftEBBHIKADBkPHlA, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1916. injjsyj K Vi to K. FINANCIAL NEWS ACCUMULATION IN MARINE ISSUES SENDS PREFERRED TO NEW HIGH MARK Stock Advances Five Points Bulk of Buying for Amer ican International Corporation Movements in ya. - Leading Rails and Industrials Irregular NKW YORK, April 29. Important financial Interests concentrated their attention today to the cdn Untied accumulation of Marino Issues and tho preforred stock1 held first place In the market movements all through tho two hours of trading. The advance of 5 points in tho first hour, carrying the prlco to above 90, tnado the preforred sell at a now high record. No news camo out while this buying was In progress, but thoso having most to do with handling tho buying orders admitted that the bulk of tho stock was taken for tho American international Corporation, and they. Intimated strongly that tho corporation will bo found to havo a quiet control of tho International Morcanttto Marino Company. It Is known that meetings of the various committees are being held dally, but no announcement of tho results of theso meetings has yet been made. What ever statement comes will bo Issued by tho Preferred Stockholders' Commlttco, and, according to Information from high sources, any ptan now proposed by, that commlttco will be approved by tho representatives of tho common stockholders. It Is said that there Is easily 10 points more of an, upwnrd movemont In tho common stock to bo based on anticipated developments, tho expectation being that tho preferred will cost par. Thero wore somo other specialties which were forced Into prominence, among them Maxwell Motors common, which roso more than C points. Outslilo of theso specialties tho movements In tho leading railroads and Industrials wore Irregular, with tho room traders selling somo of these Btocks at intervals becauso of tho belief that tho Usual Saturday liquidation would give them a chnncu to cover at a profit. Thoro was no outside supply, however, and tho few concessions which woro recorded In tho half day reflected nlmply theso traders ventures. Bull leaders express themselves as well satisfied with tho wuy tho market acted, especially Reading and tho copper stocks, and tho fact that theso loading stocks woro hold In restraint was regarded as giving them a bettor foundation for another upward movement In the coming week. -i Federal Reserve Clearing Flan in Operation June 15 WASHINGTON, April 29. Tho Federal Reservo Board today announced that tho now plan under which tho Federal reserve banks of each district will act as clearing houses for all national banks will bo put Into effect Juno 1G. Tho cost of operating will bo assessed proportionately against each member. Tho plan was ndoptcd at a recent meeting of tho governors of tho various Federal reserve banks with tho Federal Reserve Board hero. Raise Prices of Wire and Nails NEW YORK, April 29. Tho American Steel and Wlro Company Is mailing notices to tho trade announcing a $4 per ton advance on plain wire and a $2 per ton advance in wire nails and barbed wire. This advance goes into effect next Monday. By-Products Coke Declares Extra Dividend SYRACUSE, April 29. Tho By-Products Coko Corporation has declared tho regular quarterly dividend of 1 per cent., also an extra dividend of 1 per cent. WHEAT STEONGER ON GOOD DEMAND Lower Temperatures in Spring Belt Cause Fear for Seeding ' CHICAGO, April 29. Thero was a fairly good demand for wheat this morn ing on lower temperatures In tho spring wheat bolt, and the market was stronger. Fears were renewed that seeding, already very backward, would not bo completed. May opened at $1.13 to 31.13? and sold up to S1.14&, against $1.13 at tho end yesterday. July started at J1.1B14 to 1 1 . 1 5 14 and rose to $1.15i, compared with J1.14T4 at the close yesterday, and September started at $1.16 to fl.4 and moved up to $1.15, cotitrns.'ed with $1.14, yesterday's last -prlco. Thero were somo recessions from the top to ward the end of the first half hour. Expectations of smaller world's ship ments to the United States for tho week and a firmer tono at Winnipeg helped the market at Liverpool. Conditions for plant ing In Argentina were declared to be excellent and tho area there will be larger than that of last year. Great difficulty Is still being experienced In forwarding wheat from that country. The receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth today were 143 cars against 103 cars last year; at Chicago 141 cars, compared with 162 cars; at Winnipeg 653 cars, contrasted with 153 cars, Corn was a little firmer In sympathy with a better tone at Liverpool, covering by recent sellers and strength In Argen tine freight rates, The receipts hero to day were 154 cars, Ontn, a ftcrshowlng somo Irregularity, became uniformly firmer. It Is believed that the area In Argentina will show good Increases over that of a year ago. The receipts hero today were 27C cars. New York Bond Sales FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. April 29. The market for foreign exchange In tho first hour of business today was quiet, but generally steady. Stockholm and Italian exchange worked higher. Business was at a mini mum. Quotations were; Demand sterling, 4.76 7-16; cables. 4,77; franc cables, 5.92 H ! checks. 5. 93 Hi relchsmarks, 74 and 75 ; lira entiles, 6.30 ; checks. 6.31 ; Swiss cables. 5.17; checks, 5.18 r Vienna, 13.02 and 13.05; Stockholm, 30.30 and 30.50; pesetas, 19,70019.73; guilders. 42041 1-16; rubles 30J4 and 31. The lost mentioned class of exchange was firm on rumors of impending progress with oredils. New Philadelphia RATES FOR MONEY Call. Time. York 2 02 2?3H 3 03V4 3 IP Hoaton , ,...,3,, -I 4W Chicago .............. 3HO-4 t Commercial paper. 3 to 0 months, Pblladel' phla, 83W per cent. Reserve Ranks' DUcount Rates 10 or leu. a Ik 4 Ttoaton . . New York ,, Philadelphia. Cleveland ,., Richmond . ,, Atlanta. , ... Chicago , , . . St. Louie ... Minneapolis . Kaniu City jjauaa ...... . San 1'raccUco 3 Over 10 Over 30, Over 60 up to 80. up to HO. up to 80. P SVi 3V, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3V4 4 b 4 Ttnstnn New York . Yblladlphla. 'Cleveland .. .Richmond , . m Atlanta ,,., fcalcago ,.,, St. Louts ... Minneapolis. Kanaaa City San. Francisco jtf Aarlcul. Trade acceptances. Over SQ. Up to CO. 00 to 80. modlty. 4 4 4 4tt Conv fi s fi fi 6 fi 3 !2 a 3 3' 3 k 3 3Vi Up to 60 days, over 30 to 60. 4 per cent. IS s 3 over 40 to 80. per cent, IVi per cent., and over 90. a BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearing! today compared with corre- ,""""" "' ' i.Tb? '""ibis. ynua. ooaum. 1014. .ISD.OHS.litlS 128,31)8. 0-U S33,r,38,539 'sii'jj khx 'a3.loa.iaa 24.ina.iiT "PJfW York 5ad.8tQ.604 408,903,660 387.481,843 April Bank Clearings Large Philadelphia Bank Clearings during: April passed the billion dollar mark for the third tlm lnce January. They were JJ001. 5J4, . as against 31.013,198.292 in March. $950.702,3.04 la February and 11.014 899 191 in January During April f last year thj clearings were; 1875.181. 066 in Apr.) 1914. they were 1120.023, 2.3 nnd vx 19i3 they were 1705,525 5J8. 1214000 Anglo French Bs... U5U noo Amcr Smelt Heo Os.llu looo Armour Co 4ttn. .. D3& 1000 Atl Knox A Cln 4s. 87 250(10 Halt & Ohio in.... Ul, 1000 Halt & Ohio cv 4'4s. 8BT1 21000 Halt & O 0s 100!, 1000 lJrook City lnt 6s..l(!l 1000 Cal Una & Kleo r.s.. U0t aiiooo can ciov n wi 10211 tin 18000 Can Uov B wl licit 118 4 tiuuo Can Uov Bs wl lu.ll 0I1J4 1000 Cent Leather 1st 53.1111 1000 Chill Copper 7h. . .133Vs 10000 Chi & Alton 3V4s. 45 1000 C It i Q joint 4h. . . 1)8 2000 C IH O 111 3V4 3.. B'.S .noo a m & at l' cv OS..1U7J1 S'JOOO Din Sec Com f.a 7.V.. ioiiu j-;r 10 conv -la Her II.. 77 3000 Krlo prior -la H.V 11000 Urle cv -la Her D wl U 1000 111 Hteel ileb IW...K.. 01 1000 Intcru Met 4 Ha.... 73V4 23HOUO Inter Mer Mar et..lOl looo Japan lit 4Mb.... 84?; 2000 lnt Sim Pump Os ct 73 3300 Japan new (1 a 4 Us 70 11000 Uo new 4a (is fiOOO Kun City Ho On..,, uaU 8000 Lucka Hteel 5a 1023 I1IM4 4000 Lie & M T Sa 101S 3000 dol Ts 125H 4000 Lorlllardd dilT H'tHi 3000 Mo Kan Si T 1st 4a. 7"U. HOUO Mo Knn : T "il 4a.. .17'. 1TUOO 1000 11000 1000 .1000 N Y Clly 1000 N Y UaH It 2. P Ob 10000 N V N II 4 II Ob 1000 N V Tel irnn 4Kb 2S0OO Nor I'ac prior 4a,, AOOd l'ncinc Tel Sa.... BOOH l'enna en I'-in... 4000 Public Serv rf J fis 7000 Iteadlnir gen 4s... 0100(1 Hock Inland rfd 4s duuii a & Aran I' let 4a ua 2000 south Pac cv 6B...101U 1000 do rru 4a no 4000 South Kwy Ben 4b.. 71 1S00O do con Bs 101K 2300(1 U H Steel af 3a. ...10.1 2(1000 Union Pao 1st 4s., liut 10OO do cv 4a U3 11)1)00 Vn Itwys a F 4a... 3'.'H 1001) Vn Cor Chem let On UVj 200(1 West Kleo Bs 102 8000 West Uhoro 4s .... UuVa T.ow. Cloae. 1)5 111) m.i ?; 7 1114 UBU 100 j 10a k (Dit, 1)H on 110 0.14. h7 Ul OBlt 10(Mt lnajt usn VUl vvn loni 101 v, 13:lVj 133Va 4i, 40,, DH'i 1)8(4 8.1J4 MW 107K 107i 75 ItAl b."U 83i K Ml) 811 01 111 73m 73'4 loojr loot, 84 $4 b4fc 73 73 70 711 (18 08 UJH V2i V0 011 101 S 101 H 12Ba l'.'.'i'. 12U'4 12(IW 72 72C 'ITl. tT&. N V C A II (IB 113 liaVl 113V N V C & llud 4s. . . 112 II2t 112 N Y O i llud 4VB. Vin II1S 111 N Y City 4s 11I3K..I00 100 10(1 ,4 II 1. 111113.107 . HM!i 107 1UT 10 iu 10 ih LIU lid 113 II HW IIHW 1I8H l)2j! U2JI 1I2J5 vuta IIHT4 1)0 10.1, lO.IH l()3u lj Ulj, (ilji 1)3 b 1137a U3ii 08a UK (18 II.". Il. lniH liMH 11(1 70?; 101 KI4U IKIU IS D3 3: ll.V 101' UOli 1)1) 71 101H 101J. oiii; 32fi 102 1)0(4 COTTON TRADING LISTLESS EXCEPT FOR LIVERPOOL January and March Are Sold for For eign Account NEW YOniv. April 29. With tho ex caption of selling of January and March for Liverpool account, trading In the cot ton market this morning was listless. Professionals did the only business In the other options. The early tone was steady, with prices 1 point lower to 2 points higher. Clear conditions prevailed In the cotton belt, with the exception of some precipltu tlon on the Atlantic: coast. Temperatures were somewhat higher. In Liverpool quo tations were about Vj point better than due. coming 1 to 2 73 points lower. The receipts of cotton at the ports for the day were estimated at 114,000 bales, compared with 11,215 bales last week, 11,124 bales last year and 12,300 bales In 1914, March , . , May July October , December January , Spot Yesterday's cloae. 12.08 11.83 12.08 12.23 12,38 12.45 12.15 Open. 12.60 11.82 12.07 12.25 12.40 12.43 HUh Low. 12.111 11.88 12.13 12.27 12.48 12.48 12.B9 11,82 12.07 12.25 12.40 12.45 Cloae. 12.01 11.1)1) 12.13 12.25 12.41 12.4(1 12.20 Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL. April 39. Spot cotton was neglected today at an advance of 1 point on the basis of 7,9Sd for mid-upland. The sales were 3000 bales. Including 2330 bales American. The Imports were 400 bales, all American. The market for fu tures closed quiet and steady at a net de cline of,162 polnntu. LOCAL CLEARINGS LEAD Last Philadelphia's Increase Over Year la 67.8 Per Cent. Philadelphia bank clearings for the week ending today werei 1)207,489,675, as against 123,676,028 during the corre sponding week last year. This Is an In crease of 67,8 per cent, which Is far greater than the. Increases of banks in other American cities. New York and Baltimore each had increases of 39.4 per cent, the next highest percentage In crease. Tha total clearings were 4. 608. 608, 330, against 34,450.269,979 last week. Totals follow: 101B. 1915, p.c, New Yorlc.f 3,518.881.073 f 1.613. 000.755 4-SIM L Stf,U40,i4Z ''24,0 12.1,875,028 --07.S 241144'ilf l-iolS 63.734 98$ -.17.0 16.838.628 17.T lou.nui.ou 207.488,675 36.458,980 815.636,183 74.511.04 19.81V.UT Helton Philadel'a. Baltimore. Chicago . St. Loula. New Orl's Seven cities S day. .43. 083. 517.93 12.213. B93.8S7 4-38.4 6h4ays'.1" 6S9.T18.92J 530,492.364 80.0 Total all clilea 5 days 13,133.264.866 I2.T44.085.901 4-36.8 All Cities. Ida. , 753241.361 648.363.569 4-16.8 Total all ciflea tar wq&;t.50$.B08,2Sa 83,392,449.470 4-33.9 v New York Stock Sales 42)i 9 20W 27)i 78 67H G9( 67k 00 40s 0 20H 20 70M C7!f CO 605i 69.W ir.w ir3 nan noli nou 63 63 63 120 120 120 28K 28)f 28! 2-iM 24 21)i 6 Hi BOH 61U 73M WH 73f 41H 0 20) 27H 67H COH 67 nn 163 , . , LAt cio, Huh. Low, Close. AqTsnce namely 20k 21j 20k 21 AaTincs liamtly pr... 42 Alaska J Gold M 9 Alaska Gold MlnftJ,.,. 20j AlllJ-Ohlmfrj Mfe,.. 28 Allla-Chl lilt pf 75f Am At Chemical OCX Am MMtStiiu.. 09 Am Cn BO Am Cf & Fdf 69K Am Coal Products, ,4.163 Am CosiProd pf 115 Am Cotton Oil.. .. tit 63 Am Kiprosj. ,.,,,. 1,. .123 Am let Securities, t.i,. 27H Am Llrueed.,.,,. 1., 1, 24 Am Unseed pf.,,,,.., 51 Am Locomotlra imiU Am Locamotlre pf...,101k 10IM 10t? 101k Am Smelt A nef BOk S7k 00k D7U Am Smelt pf A. ...,. D3H 93k 03k 03k Am Blcel Foundtlei... 47k 47k 47k 47k Am Sncar nef.,.,i..108k 109k 109 109k AmTel&Tel 128 128 127k 128 AmTobacco,,, 107 201 198k 108k Am Woolen. ,.,.,.,, 40 40 45k 46k Am Woolen pf 68k 08k 98 08k AmWrlllnePpf 10k 19k 10k 10k AmZtncIi&Bm 91k 03k 91k 92k Anaconda Cop M 80k 0 85k 80k AtchTop & S F 102 102k 101k 102k Atch Top & 8 F pf.,.101 100k 100k 100k DaldLocoWkl 88k. SO 87k 80 Bait & Ohio S5k MH 85k 85k Bait & Ohio pf 75k 76k 75k 75k Batopllas Mining 2k 2k 2k 2k Brookltn Hap Tr 8-Sk 84k 81k 84k Brown Bhoo 54k 54k 64H WW Butle A Superior 92k 03 02k 03 Cal I'cttolcum 21k 21k 21k 21k Canadian raclfle 107M 1B8U 108k 108k f2H 01k 22k 6tk 12k 93k Central Leather 522 63k 63 Chandler Motor,, !)0 02k 02 Ghes A Ohio 01k 02 01k Chile Copper 22k 22k 22U Ch'no Copper 54k 64k W Chicago at Western... 12k 12k 12W Chi Mil A Ht P 91 04 03k Chi Mil A St r Pf....l29 129 128k 12Sk C C C A St L 3SH 30 30 39 Chill 1 A l'ac 17k 18 17k 18 Col Fuel A Iron 41k 42k 41k 42k Continental Can SO 86k 0k cOk Corn Products Kof. ... 20k 20k 20 20k Cruclblo Steel 81k 82 SOW 82 Detroit United ltrs...ino inn inn inn Diamond Match 107 Dbtll Sec Corpn 40k Domo Mines 25 Elcc Slorago Bat. A... 68 Erie ... ask Erie 1st pf 52 Knc2d pf 44k don Chemical 332 Goodrich II F 70 Granby Console 87k Grccne-Cananea 40k Great Northern pf U93i 110k 110k 110k G N cfs for oro prop. . 40H 40W 40k 40k Illinois Cent 101k 101k 101k 101k incersou.itana 20s 210 210 21(1 lnt Agricultural 1(1 lnt Paper pf 40k lnt Con Cor t t c ah.. 17k lnt Harv Corpn 72k Insp Con Cop 45k lnt Nickel v t cfs 49k lnt M M c of dp 24k lnt M M pf c of dp. . 84k Jewel Tea 87H 107 107k 107k 54k 40k 6IW 25k 68 35k 61k 44k 330 25k 69 FO 62 44k 330 70k 87k 50k 75k 87 40k 25k 59 .f5k 62 44k 330 70k 87 50k Kan Clly Southern.... 25k Kan City South pf.... 60k Kelly Spe Tiro 71W Kennecott Copper 50k Lack Steel Co 70 , Lee Rubber Tire 51k Lehigh Valley 78 Loosc-WIIcs Biscuit.... 17k Lone Island 28 Louis A Nash... Mackay Cos pf (17 Maxwell Motors 72k Max Motors 1st p(. ... 84 Max Motors 2d pf.... 54k Mexican Petroleum.... 06k Miami Copper 38k Minn A St Louis Ok 10k 45k 10k 73 40 50 25 91 87k 25k 69k 71k 67k 70W 51k 77k 19 28k 10W 45k 10k 73 45k 40 24k 85k 87k 25W 50k 71k 50k 70 51 77k 10 !8 124k 124k 124 07 78k 85 57 97k 38k Ok Minn St P A S S M..117k 118 07 73k 83k 65 95k 38W Ok 10W 45W 10k 73 10 49k 24k 90k 87k 25k 69k 71k 57k 70k 61 77k 10 28 124 07 77 85 57 07k 38k Ok 117f 11R Mo Kan A Texas 3k 3k 3k 3k isatunam A a Co.... 23k 22k 22k 22k Nat Load Co CO 05k 05k 05k Nev Con Cop 17k 17k 17k 17k Now York Air Brake.. 133 134k 133 134 NYNHAH 59 00 59 00 N Y O A II It 103k 10-1 103k 103k Norfolk A Western.. ..123k 123k 123k 123W North American 05k 07 COW 07 Northern Pacific 111k 111k 111 111k Ontario Silver Mia.... 10 Ilk 10W 10k rennsyirania it it C0!X 50k 50k 50k Peoples Gas Chi. Philadelphia Co Pills Coal Co N J. Pitts Coal N J pf.. Pressed S Car Co... Pub a Corp N J... Pullman Co Quicksilver pf , fly Steel Sp Co.... Itay Con Copper. .103k 103k 103 W 103k' 41 41k 41k -Ilk Reading 87 27k 28 ..102 102 ... 40k 47k ..124k 125 ..100k 101 .. 5 4k .. 30k 30k 233 23k 87k 47 3k 2k 15k 37 33k' 52W 07k 21k 01 04H 131 40k !7k 102 47 124 101 4k 30k 23k 80k 40k Sii 2k 15W 30k 32k 52W 00k 21 COW 94k 129 49k 28 102 47 125 101 4k 30k 23k 87 40k 3k 2k 15W 37 33k 52k 97k 21k 01 94M 13 143 40k Republic Iron AS.... 40k StLABFlstpf 3k St L A SF 2d pf 2k Seaboard Air Line 15k Seaboard Air Lino pf. . 30 Sbat Ariz Cop 33 Sloss-Shef 8 A 1 52 Southern Pacific 97k Southern Hy 21k Southern Ity pf. CO Standard Milling 94k Studebaker Co 129 Term Copper 40 Texas Co 180k 188 180k 180k Texas Pacific 10 10k 10k 10k Union Bas A Paper... 0 0 0 0 Union BagiA P pf.... 31k 31k 31k 31k Union Pacific 133k l?3k 132k 133k Union Pacific pf 82k 82k 82k 82k U 8 Ind Alcohol 143k 147 144 145k' United Fruit 140 140k 140 140k united itys lav lo. ... nj Un Ryslnv Co pf.... 24k US Rubber 525J U S Steel Corpn 83k U S Steel Corpn pi.. .110 USSm R AM 73k U S Sm A M pf. .. . 62 Utah Copper 81W Va-CaroChem 42W Va Iron Coal A C 51 Wabash 14k Wabash pf A 45k Wabash pf U 27k West E A M 57k Western Maryland 31k West Union Tel 02 Wells Fargo t c Willys Overland 227 Woolnortb. F W 120k 120k 120k 120k wooiKoria tr w pi. ...124 131 124 121 11 11 11 24 24 24 53 63 63 83k 83k 83k 110k 110k 110k 75k 75 75k 52 62 52 81k 80k 81k 43k 42k 43 5t 61 51 14W 14k 14H 45 45 45 20k 20k 20k 53 50k 57 31k 31k 31k 91k 01k 01k 90 00 00 23U 228 230 NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Actual Decrease in Average and Loans and Surplus NEW YORK. April 29. The New York bank statement showed a falling oft in average loans of $18,079,000 and actual 118,371,000, Surplus also declined, but time deposlta Increased in both state ments. AVERAOE. Decrease. Ijjana ,..,,.......... 1m,u78,ooo Demand deposits ,,,, I,,,. 82,1117,000 Time deposits .,,....,........,,. 4,75,000 Surplua . ... 7,459,004) ACTUAU Loans ............,..,...,,,.,,. 18,271,000 Net demand deposits .,.., 21.630,000 Time deposits .................. 1(18,000 Surplus ......................... 1,661,1110 Increase. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET , NEJW YORK, April 29. The coffee market was a little lower thla morning and first prices, showed declines of 3 to 3 points under scattered liquidation for over the week-end. Sales on the call were 4260 bags. , Today's ODenln. .....,.,8.80 March April . May . June , July .. Auaust September uctoDer . November December January February tllld. Yesterday's close. 8.Sa8.85 T.UV 8.61 8.7098.73 8.40( .40( S.43 8.49 1 S.Dli 8.064 8.601 8.01 8.68tj 8.73 8.78 8.43 8.43 8.46 8.60 8.64 8. 68 8.62 8.66 8.70 8.75 8.S0 Further Advance in Bar Silver Commercial bar silver In New York waa quoted at 7JH cents, an advance of 3V4 cents. Bar silver In London today waa quoted at 3$H d-, an, advance of Id. DUBLIN REVOLT FAILS TO SHAKE LONDON MARKET English Economist Says Present Outbreak Is Dif ferent From 1798 Uprising REDMOND PRAISED Ireland Is Too Prosperous to Lend Herself to Dangerous Separatist Movement By FRANCIS W. HIRST R neclat Cable lo Evenlno Ledger LONDON. April 20. Ireland Is tho home of surprises. The Inst Is unplens. nut, but according to the Stock Exchange baromctor tho city does not take It very seriously. Thero nlwnya has been an operatic a)r nbout tho Sinn Fein, which probably ac counts for the cxccsilvo optimism In Dub Mil Castle. Cortnlnly our stock market has been dull nnd lifeless since tho hull days, but tho final repulse of the Oermnn attacks nt Verdun Is felt to more than outweigh tho dlsngrcenblo news from Dublin and tho prolonged Cnli'net crisis, Ireland, I think, Is too prosperous to bo widely nnd dnngcrottily rebellious. In 170S tho situation was very different, Itc llglous. political and economic oppression caused cruol grievances which no longer exist, and thousands of I'rotostnnta were revolutionaries. Tho rebolllon then wni led by nobles, priests nnd I'rotcstant squires. My lieliof Is that tho present ebullition should subside quickly under firm treatment. The sensible speeches of Redmond and Carson are a good omen, French exchange Is recovering under the salutnry Influence of n strong doso of gold shipped from Paris. American Bharcs nro better, thanks to moro favorablo reports ns to your labor disputes. Scandinavia Is now the most prosperous part of Kurope. Reports thence Indlcato much depression In llerniany. As to our Cabinet crisis, tho shuffling of the political cards might brliig somo fresh and useful men Into tho administration. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUK WHEAT Hecelpts. 3:111.374 bush. Drninnd vn ralrly nrthe and the market ruled llrm at the Into advunce. QUotntlons: Car lots. In export elovator No. 1! .red. spot iincl JVprll. Jl.KM'M.lHl No. 1! BOUthern reil. Sl.llWl.1,1 steamer No. 3 rod, l.l.1f l.lil:, rejected A. fl.lOH01.mMt rejected II. l.0Uftl.r.'. CORN Ilccclpts. IIS30 Imli. The innrket ndvanced lc. under modern!,, offerings nnd a fair demand, Quotation Car lots for lornl trade, an to location- No. S.yollnn :.' -'"! ptenmer yellow, SKSSlic.s No. 3 yellow. 780 7110.1 No. 4 yellow. 7.IH7HC, 10U. in ii .... OATS Receipts. 17.257 hush. Tho market wbh quiet, hut arm under light ptrerliiRH. yim tatloni: Nii.-l! white, Slurfil Vic; standard white, fiOwioKc; No. 3 whtto. 484 i 4c; No. 4 white, 47tf4bc.: sample oats, 4.1(3 Hc.i purlfled oats, urndol. 48',j w.ioc. .., FI.OU11 Receipts, 1100 hbls. nnd 1.330.R..I IbB. In sacks. Tnulo was slow, but mill limits were steadily maintained. Quotations per JIM lbs. In wood: Winter, clear, S4.H.06.1n; do., ntralsht. ja.10WtV.50; do., patent. J.l.lloM n.BOj Kansas, clear, cotton snelcs, Insp fi.30; do., straight, cotton sucks. K.30&r.,.,D; do., patent, cotton sacks, 5,7.WII, snrlnif. first clear. 5.3a5.7,',, do.. atralKht, 3.7.' B.IIO; do., patent. IB.UOWO.'jr,', do., fnvorlto brands. m.50il.7r.; 1 Ity mills, rholco nnd fancy, patent. M.50ll.7i. city mllK regular grades Winter, clear. l.BSMS.10i do.. strnlRht. J.Vl.lW.'i.nO; do., patent. 3.00O3.h0. 11YU l-'I.OUH was iiulct but steady, undr light offerings. Quotations. $303,50 per bbl as to quality, PROVISIONS Ther was llltle trading, but values were firmly held. Following uro tho quotations: City beef, In sets, smoked and ulr-drled. -tie.; Western beef, In rels. smoked, IMJc. ; city lieof. knuckles nnd tenders, smoked nnd alr-drk'd, 27P2bo. ; Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 27W2c. : beef hams, 2B30; pork, family. tl,3.!S0B':!U: hams. a. P. curijl. loose. 17W OlSV. ; do., skinned, loose. 17H 0i8c.i do., do., emokod, IS'iJjilOc.! other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand andaveraae. lrtMlHVic. ; hams, smoked. Western cured, 18$21Hl4c; do., boiled, boneless, 30c; picnic shoulders, 8, P. cured, loose. 12 lie; do., smoked. 131; Will 4c; bellies. !n pickle according to average, loose, IS HOC 10c: breakfast bacon, as to brand and average, city cured, lllc; do.. Western cured, 17(lhc; lard. Western refined, tierces, lllc: do., do., tubs. 13c 1 do., pure city, kettle ren dered, in tierces, 13c; do,, do., to tubs. ISO. REFINED SUGARS The market wus quiet but firm .Quota tions: Kxtrn fine granulated. 7 40p7.ri0 , powdered, 7 5047 000.; confectioners' A, 7.30 U)..-10l- 1 sort grades, I.U3(P7.33c DAIRY PRODUCTS CHEESK Offerings were, light and the market ruled llrm with a fair demand. Quo tations: New York, full cream, fancy, held, ltliriUHc; specials higher; do., do., fair to fowl, held, 1n4'1H4c. . do., do., part skims, I01e. HUTTER Wholesale trade as usual on tho last day of tho week was quiet, but offerings woro light and values ere firmly main tained. Following are tha quotations: West ern, solid-packed creamery, fancy specials, atlc; extra. 34c; firsts, 33',4c. ; seconds, 33c; nearby prints, fancy. 37c,; average extra, 30c; firsts. S4033c; seconds, 33033VJC.; Jobbing sales of fancy prints. 40043c. KGQH Choice, rresn eggs were In good re quest and firm with supplies well cleaned up. Quotations,. In free cases, nearby ex tra. 20c. per doz. ; firsts, SO. 71, per standard rase; nearby current receipts, SB.60 per case; Western extras, 24025c. per doz., Western extra firsts, $0,73 per case; firsts. 10. On per case: Southern. $0.1500.43 per case, fancy selected candled fresh eggs were Jobbing at 27 .'211 c. per doz, POULTRY LIVE The market svas quiet, but steady with moderuta offerings. Quotations: Fowls, lU4f20c. roosters. 12013c; spring chickens, according- to quality, weighing 102 lbs. apiece, 34038c; white Leghorns, according to qual ity. 30034c; ducks, as to size and quality; 1H02OC1 geese, 170111c; some unattractive stock lower; pigeons, old, per pair. 2d03Oo, ; do., young, per pair, 20022c DllEsaKD Tha market ruled Arm. with de mand remlllv nhanrhlnir th nfTftrlnirs of (lealr. able stock. Quotations; Fresh-killed poultry, dry-packed Fowls. 12 to box, dry-picked, fancy selected, 221ic; weighing 4hilQ lbs. apiece. 22c ; weighing 4 lbs. apiece. 22c; weighing at? lbs, apiece, 21c; welching' 3 lbs. apiece. 18020c, fowls In bbls., fancy, dry picked, weighing 4H 05 lbs, apiece. 2IHc; welshing 4 lbs, apiece, 21H ; smaller sizes, 17020c; old roosters, dry-Picked, ldo.t broilers, Jersey, fancy. 50053a. do .other nearby, weighing 203 lbs, per pair, 40043c; larger sizes, 3303KC.; capons, per lb. U'elchlnir HiMO lbs. apiece. 27028c ; smaller sizes. 2J026c, ducks, nearby, spring, 2H0 2Sc.; squabs, per doz White, weighing, 11& 12 lbs. per doz.. $5.4505 00; white, weighing JiMO lbs. per doz.. $4.8505 35. white, weigh nt a lbs. per doz., $3.7504.35, do., do.. 7 bs. per doz. $Sti3.C0; do., do.. 0 4 ill lbs. per doz.. $2 6002.75; dark, $202.73; small and No. 2, $101.50. FRESH FRUITS Choice stock was generally steady with de mand equal to the moderate offerings. Quota tions: Apples, per bbl.. Wlnesap, $304; do., do.. Baldwin. $2.5003.23; do., do.. Ureenlng, $2.2303; do., do.. Ben Davis. $1.7502.23; do., do., other varieties. $1.5002.50; do., do.. No. 2, $1.2501.50; do.. Western, per box, $1.2501.75. Oranges. Florida, per crate. $2.50 04. Tangerines, Florida, per strap. $2 8.50. Grapefruit. Florida, per crate. $1.75 3.60. Lemons, per box, $203. Pineapples, Forto Rico, per crate. $2.5O03JiO. Cranber ries. Jersey, per bbl.. $307; do., do., per crate. $102.25. Strawberries. Southern, per qt.. 10013c. Sales in Philadelphia BOO Allls Chal.... 2 llWi. 30 Ame Rws pref 00 o immrvin Loco. 88 244 BufI A 8us t O 48 i bum as an D "rill 250 Kleo .23 Dlst pref.. j a.. Htor... Secur.. si r,n. a loo tlen Asphalt 1 llarrln l)r wa 820 Jjiks 8uo Corp 300 i,eh Vol Trans 22 1arr, 40 H 34 ar orp OH 0' .. 74tt 74 H 2 Maxwell. ., . ViVi 1V IJs nu .Miami Cop... i S8M ft8i 2 Penna 11 It.. 57 57 57 1 1UI Close, chr. 2ft!t H "a. -4 4 744 4- S 24. .!i an Knit 7H I 1 -,, 8 lo 78 V I 222 100 p. la ta U,l iPh1?r,C;:; 00 P It T W do Ir ctfs.. 201 Reading . , . ns!R on '"I pig Ton Jlln -11 Hn!on Trae... n87 Unl Has im,, 075 1J H ateef . . . . 200 W M v . t.; i 30 W Cramp & H 811 .Tn,,,t "'" in,!47 slinrrs, compared with 8521 shares Inst, bntnrriayi this week, 86,208 slmresi lnt week, 45.3I& shnrrs. BONDS. Net .nAAA ..... High. .Ixw. Close, chge. 1000 Leh V gen 4s rj II2U .)24 2000 do cons (A llo(J 110 110 " O.".1. L Vn f,s 1" I" T' nun Phils Kleo 4s 82 82 82 . , . 78 2 fc SfH Vtf "J IT W 17S 17S ..,,, unt onH Jt 14 ft 41 43 43. ,1,.. 87i 7'4 i '2. 12., Ji BlH 811 J 1 ECOOO Un Ity Inv r.s 78H Tl'i 73 Tnlni snles, 813,010. eomnared nllh S1.1.S00 Tl Ifisl "V 83o"r,l"T' ,hl" W"k' ?M'850' ln,t u"k' Local Bid and Asked Today Yesterday . JlUl. Ask. Hid. Ask. llllft & Bus to fill 47 48 BrfRT't..?:::::::.?'1 00 8JM llnblivln H8 81) do nref. losW loaM losji loj Klectrlc tftoraro 61 1, r,i, nut, BOH Uenernl Asphalt .... 3:1 Vi 34 33 (1 34 do pref tii 71 70 71 Keystone Telephone .. 13H 14 lSH 14 do t n lsu 14 ,iU 14 , do pfd H7jJ (HJi U7 08U l.alia Hun Corp i)4 lit u'i vU Lehigh Nnvl 74 7.1 74 7X Leh Valley 77$ 78'1 78. 78H Lehigh V'nley Tr .... 22 224 21 H 22 do pfd 41i 42 41l 4lK Penna BU'ii 57 5il 57 Phlla nieo 27n 27; 274, 27i Phlla Co 404 41 40S 414 1I0 ft p o pref .... 34 311 3S .111 do 11 p c prof 414 42 414 42'i Phlla II T t c l-i 17H 17(, 171 Reading SUN 87 87 871,, Ton Belmont ft 310 5 "i 4 lft.Kl 3 Tonopah Mln M nj n 04 Union Trnctlon 43 434 4:', 4.14 UOI... 87Ji 88 874 88 U H Steel 83, 834 83J 8114 York Ilwy 124 13 12. 13 do pM 311 nil 4 81I 30 4 Crump t 0 82 8.1 80 82 Local Reserve Rank Statement Tho slntement of the, Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank for tho week ending April 28, 111 10. Is as follows: HKSOURCns. ,, , , April 28. April 20. Gold coin In certi ficates III vault. $11,115,532.50 $4,01(1,240.00 Gold settlement fund halnnie.. ft.C.V.'.OOO.OO 6,740.000.00 Gold redemption fund 60.000.00 50,000.00 l.ega 1 tender notes, silver, etc 1.802,502.53 1,700,289,33 Totnl reservo. .$l(l,lini).12..or, $12,520,529.33 Commercial paper $7011,400.3:1 $000,034.54 Hank ncceptunccs 0.1)2(1,072.07 3,002,050.03 Tola! hills dls- counted A b'Bht $7.(138,473.00 $(1,502,103.10 tT. ,S. bonds Jt, 1X111,001). 00 $3,090,203.(14 Jlunlclpal wnr'nts 3,310,120. 15 3,200.804,58 Tot'l Imeslm'ls $7,310,120,45 $7,281,130.22 Duo from other Federal Reservo hanks (net) .. . $100,515.73 $5,428,017.43 IVdernl Reservo notes on hand, 153,455,00 202.700.00 Notes of Nutlonul hunks and othor Federal Resorvo bnnks (!-.,170.on 24.080.00 Allotherresources 37.(151.1(1 43.U27.7I) Total resources. $32.384,5111.41 $32,101,170.03 liaiiii.itii:h. Capital raid In.. $5,215,700.00 $5,214,850.00 Reserve deposits (net) 24,351,303.27 23,007.231.(10 Gov'nm't deposits 2.81 1.0SO.11 875,570.311 All other Hub... 2.331.03 13,621.73 Total Mobilities $32.381.510.47 $S2.101. 170,11(1 GERMANS ADMIRE SPIRIT OF QUAKERS Exchanged Prisoner Tells How Good They Are to Those Held in British Camp BERLIN, April 29. In nn nrtlclo In tho Berliner Tnireblatt n German who was an interned civil prisoner In .1 British con centration camp, but was exchanged and returned to Germany, describes tha relief work given by the British Society of Friends to Imprisoned Germans In Great Britain. "Tho Quakers first appeared nt the con ccntratlon camps In October, 1914," says tho Ovorseast News Agency summary of the article. "They visited Individually all tho prisoners and made records of tho destitute families left by them, and nil these families received help from the Friends, tho society also providing em ployment to such prisoners as were re leased. "The Quakers furnished books and re views to the camps, and held lectures, which, however, were soon prohibited by the British authorities. Thoy also pro vided transportation for those allowed to return homo, and distributed food and clothing among destitute Germans who had been left nt liberty, but being without employment wero unable to pro vide for themselves. Becords wero kept of all these families, and the children in them received milk nnd healthful food. A woman physician was charged with tho care of children and of women who wero lit. The Quakers also Invited des tltue persons of alien birth Into their homes and treated them there with cordiality and with the utmost tact. 'The German writer expresses the highest admiration for the spirit of Chris tian love shown by members of the So ciety of Friends," PORT WORKS START MONDAY VEGETABLES The general market was quiet and without important change. Quotations. White pota toes, per bush Pennsylvania. $1.150120; New York. $1.0501 10; Western, $1.0501. to; white potatoes. Jersey, per basket Nr 1 rose. 83075cTi No. 1 other varieties. (13073c . No. 2, 30040c.; white potatoes. Florida, per bbl. N'o. i" $11.7507, No. 8. $5,730(1. sweet pota nn .Tatruav Mr basket -No. 1. 45060c i No. 2. 25030c ; sweet potatoes, jersey, Del- aware and Maryland, per hamper No. 1, 73c. 01; No. "-'. SOOeOo,: sweet potatoes. Virginia, per bbl., $I.50i1.75; onions, per iE? i.r 4D. no. r' bbl., 1102: 1 mer crater No. 1. SI U)1 s,&: caDoaxe, uanjitiu. ri LTaroiiruL. twr en 1 TlSrT Bn fiOt Qtl. kiUo. Norfulkt 1 26: cabbaxe, Dani. South Carolina, per Florida, per c rate, f DDL ft,fc $ 1.50 W2W . spin i. N'oi 0076c . -watercreis, jwsr 100 bunches, 75(2S5. cum- 6: Jo.. 50: celery. inach. tor por '.Wi ICtlUV'l OWl VBlUUWt., WtT JS- !&3.50. do.. North Carolina, per baKt. M. txans, Florida per basket. I.J&3; IK.., .WIN. U. WV.,H W.V,..., V. VB ,, $1 25W2 50. peppers. Florida, per carrier. I2W J.60. wnrplant: Florida, par crate. $2 2503 75: radudws Norfolk, per hamper. $lw) BO. toma- jfiorios, prr carrier mqq fi to tn Klorldi Der choice. $1.250150. asparozus. per crate i ik-m..! .. ,1AJ fL.,. . IMA RA. .Wtf,. .qw4,m. ,k..W4.Wi nusorooiBj. per -lo. 6s- Kniith rarallna. CaXiforoU. $20 ktt. lltii.20. City Will Dig Turning Basin in Front of Port Richmond Elevators "Work will be started Monday morn ing on the digging of a turning basin In front of the Tort Richmond export ele vators of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company. This work will ex tend from Dyott street to just below Cam bria street. Shipping Interests have felt the need of a deeper channel In this vicinity for a long time, but as thero was no Fed eral appropriation to do this work, which Is under the Jurisdiction of the Federal Government, nothing was done. During the last Administration at a conference between city and Federal officials It was arranged for the city to dig thla basin. Assistant Director Hasskarl, of the De partment of Wharvest Docks and Ferries, said yesterday that tiro work would prob ably be completed by the middle of July. The contract has been let to the Bowers Southern Dredging Company at 87.45 cents a cublo yard. The channel In this part of the river wll be dug 33 feet deep and a width of 300 feet. At present only I75.000 is available for the work. Detain "Countess" at Ellis Island NEW YORK. April 29. On the Span ish steamer Alfonso 5HH. known to Ber muda tourists as the old Oceana, which arrived yesterday from Barcelona and Cadiz, werej Georges Georgopolus, a. Greek ship owner, and Reprlner de Faigher, who said she was a Belgian Countess. Her relationship to Georgo polus caused an Inquiry, and she was taken to Ellis Island for a hearing. "Immigration Meeting" Tonight Tha Phllorauslan Club will hold an "im migration meeting" at 8 o'clock tonight. The meeting will bo addressed by Prof Edward A Steiner. an Immigrant; and now a jtoted lecturer and author, and IV Sv. Wbeaton, ot tha Department of the In terior, Washington. An Informal reception will follow tho addresses. SLIGHT LET-UP IN BOND BUSINESS; PRICES NOT MATERIALLY CHANGED Securities Not Pressing for Sale From Any Quarter. Estimates of Europe's Inquiries for Steel Range From 250,000 Tons Upward There wan a slight let-up In the demand for bonds during the last week, although prices were not materially changed, only fractional recessions hnvlng been Indi cated throughout the list. Bond houses reported a steady day's business, but there was no noticeably urgent request for large amounts of either bonds or short-term notes. At the closa of the week quotations wero somowhat easier for certain Issues, ntthough It war stated that securities were not pressing for salo from any quar ter. Kntlmntes In steel circles of the tonnage Inquired for by Europe ranges from 250, 000 tons upward, with the average nbout 300,000 tons. It Is stated by some of the best authorities that tho steel Is wanted for munitions and tho only drawback Is the fact that mills In this country Are booked so far In advance that It will Jie Borne tlmo before deliveries can be made. In addition, the domestlo business Is growing larger each week and will absorb moro of tho capacity of the makers than heretofore, which will prevent the booking of all the business offered unless the- ship ments are spread over n long period, ex tending far Into the new year. . Opinions In railroad as well as sterjk circles are that the transportation com panics In this country may reasonably bo oxpected to bo kept busy during the com ing months with freight trafric, and this will have Its effect on cars and locomo. tlves, as well ns the rails, Replacements will be large within tho next year cr lw, it Is believed, and the orders being placed by the roads bear out these views, a Virtually all tho contracts call for dellv crlc late this year and In 1917 While there has been talk In some cir cles that the top mark In prices, as tvell as business In steel, has been reached, or at least Is being approached, there nro many of the beat authorities In the trado who do not share this view. On the Philadelphia Slock Exchange, In the two-hour session today, Tonopah Bel mont was again tha most active Issue, ad vancing to 6, to a new high mark for this year, more than 10,000 shares changing hands before the close. Tonopah Mining waa up Vi. The activity In Bql mont was caused by the further advance In tho price of bar sliver, Tho advanoo In the price of tho white metal means very much to Belmont, which has 1,000, 000 ounces stored. Tonopah Mining has 000,000 ounces, and Jim Butler has 400, 000 ounces. Price movements throughout the general local list wero Irregular. Reading was weak In sympathy with n downward turn , In the Now York market, as wa.s Baldwin .J,ehlRh Valley Transit common gained a half. Electric Storage lost U point. Philadelphia Electric moved up fraction ally, as did the Traction Issues. Financial Briefs Third Avenue groBS earnings during March wero 3860,808, an Increase of 56317 over the samo month last year; net, $226, 783, nn Increase of $1G,737, Tho New York Subtreasury gained $1,057,000 from the banks yesterday. Ti 201 1 Bank of England .00 In bar gohl today Bold During tho third week In April 33 rail roads had gross earnings of 313,403,730, nn lncreaso of $2,469,032 over thoso of tho corresponding period In 1015. Only two Issues attracted Interest In tho local division of the New York Stock Ex change totlay. They wore tho Interna tional Mercantile Marino 4V&9, which totaled 3233,000 up to 11:30 o'clock, with the price slightly changed, and tho Anglo French loan 6s, which gained , to 95 ,&. Sales of theso amounted to 3206,000. Commercial failures this week In tho United States wore-.136, ngalnst 3.33 last week, and 447 tho corresponding week luit ye,ar. Failures In Canada number 20. ngalnst 36 last week, 37 tho preceding week nnd 65 last year. NEW YORK CURB Aetna Am lnt Co A run Marc Ilr-Am T Cer Depasco Chevrolet Curttes Aeroplane Cuba Cane Sueur , do nref Henden Mffr I, V C'l Sales ..., Mnitma Cop ..... Mtdvalo .- Nlpla!nK Otln Etavator da pref Peerleaa Penn Mar Ord . , niker-Itaseman .., .sterling Gum .... Submarine Tobacco Products . World Film ...... White Mot Yukon Hold Illd. . 19U . '-'I . 3 . UV, . . .17 .1011 . 41! . OS . or.H . 211 . S.'l . WH . 01 . 7S . nm :M . 40 . 1U . 4H Aektri. IBS "5; ln 38 10H lit so 02 8 ns 03 11.1 oo ft 3$ 2K SHIPPING NEWS Name. RemUr . Atlantic Adriatic Ansel de PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Steamships to Arrive rnEiaiiT. From. Sailed. Port Natal Mar. IS nio Janeiro.. ..Mar. 2 Qlbraltar Mar. SR Prn. I.labon Apr. 1 Vlritlnla Copenhagen Anncta Ilosaano Maneheater Hero. Hlr E. Cnceel Haralona Lancastrian Kskasonl TwIllBht Ilenpark Lodaner Knabek Atlantic Sun Walahtnan Baron Daevena... Sonde , .SantA Marta. ..ionaon ..Manchester .. ..Nnrrlk ..txindon i.ona'on ..Narvik Huelva .Apr. .Apr. iu Apr. la .Apr. 14 .Apr. 14 .Apr. in .Apr. in .Apr. 1ft Apr. i. ..Spciin ........Apr. in . .Nuevltaa Apr. ID ..Newport Apr. 20 . .Barcelona .... .Apr. 20 ..Liverpool ...... .Apr. 21 ...Sand Key Apr. 21 ..Harry Apr. St PORT OF NEW YORK Steamships Due Today Name. From. Patrla. Oran ... ICanias City ..Urlatol .. StrAmed. ..Apr. 30 ...Apr. IB Steamships to Leave HI. Loula llorliambeau Orduna feeti LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAOO, April 20. HOQS nerelpta, 6000: market BtPlOc. hither. Mixed and butch era. JU.&OJ01O.O5: rood heavy. J0.70HS1O.O3; rough heavy, jn.4000.03; light, 19.fl10.10; pine, SH.25(8.35: bulk, 10.83010. CATTLE Iterelpti, 100: market, ateadv. Betves. 7.B0rl0i cows and helfera, 18.00 9.23; etockvrs and feeders. IS.00O8.S0; Tex ant. S7.SO0D; calvei. I7.S0O0. HHKEP Kecelpta, 1000; market atronir. Nn tUn unci Western, J0.15W0.23; lamba. .D0O 11.03. GOVERNMENT BONDS Old. 2 rezlatered 1030 0 ns coupon IPSO 00 ,'t. irbi.icicu v.o. ............. ,,u 3a coupon 101H 101 2a registered 1023 110 -a coupon ivza uity Panama 2s reoiatered 103(1 Buy, Panama 2a retiatered 10.1H 00H Tanama 3s reentered 1001 102 Panama 3a coupon, , 103H Asked. 100K JfiOaU TJ 1W.7I K 111U DIVIDENDS DECLARED J. O. "White tt Co., Inc.. regular quarterly of 1H per cent, on preferred stock, payable June 1 to atock of record May 18. J. a. White HnKlneerlg- Corporation, quar terly of IU per sent, on preferred, payable June 1 to etock of record May 18. Hart, Schatrner & Marx, regular quarterly of 1 per cent, on common stock, payable June 1 to stock or record May 10. Middle Writ Utllltlea Company, rerular quarterly of Hi per cent, on preferred atock, payable June 1 to atock ot record May IS. Automatic Glectrlo Company, regular quar terly or x per ceni.. payaoia Auy io eicctc lioous ciosa ax of record May 1. aprll 28. re- onen Mav 2. Atlantic Coast Una Railroad, regular semi annual or . Kayable May lay 10. H Pr cent, on preferred stock. 10. uooks close April 2U, reopen Movements of Vessels Str. Norman Bridge, Tamplco for Philadel phia. 300 miles weat of Sand Key at noon April 28. Str. Paraguay, Sabine for Philadelphia. 370 miles southwat of Diamond Shoal lightship at 0 p. m. April 28. Str. Cretan. Philadelphia for Jacksonville, 27 mllea southwest of I'rying Pan lightship at noon April 28. Str. Santa mta.. Philadelphia for Port Ar thur, 20 miles north of Diamond Shoal light ship at u p. m. April .s. otr. Toieuo, rort annur xor rnuaaeipnia. zo Ilea south of Diamond Shoal lightship at 0 i. m. April 28. Str. Oulfcoast. Phtlsdelnhta for Port Arthur. passed Overfalls lightship at 12:30 p. m. April 28. Str. Tomesl, Philadelphia for Tamplco. passed In South Pass at 4 p. in. April 28, Str. Northwestern Philadelphia tor Port Ar thur. 87 miles west of Tortugaa at mor. April 28. Chevrolet Motor Company Slock The Company's present schedule calls for an output of 96,482 cars In 1016, and to date this schedule has been easily maintained. With this production, the company should earn over 38,000,000 In 1916, or about 140 a share on the stock. Already orders are being receljfed from agents for 1917 dellverley and Invariably they call for largo allotTitathan 19 It Is estimated thttT 150J00 cars"wlll be needed to supply nexKiear'a de mand, and on tjflB output? the corn pany shouldslfn closa lo 70 a shara In 1917." Circular on request. J. K. KicIr. & Co. Phones 4001 to 4010 J-va. 88 Vall St,. N. T. RAILROAD EARNINGS TOLEDO. 3T. LOUIS AND WESTERN. Increase. Third week April. From July 1 .... 10113. 3113.028 4,400.284 118.273 731,473 CIHCAC-0 AND ALTON. March gross 11,400,683 Net 4ID.40S Total Income ,,,..... 430,138 Nine months' gross ,. 12,283,317 Net 8.004,370 Total Income 2.0V4.UT4 YAZOO AND MISSISSIPPI VALLET. Sfe1,. "!!'. :::::;:: 'llUU '28:3.? CANADIAN PACIFIC. fph trail SIO.880.081 Net S.?l, 880 Nina months' gross ., st, Net 37 PHILADELPHIA READING RAILWAY CO. March gross ,,,....,, 15.834.007 11,338.801 (Coal & Iron Company.) March gross 13,711,420 31,788,344 ........ ui,oiu aio.ui Net 04.283,800 i,sv,:st 1310,141 2.18,200 832,472 1,401.183 1,123,472 1,128 47a 32,327,801 448,315 17,010,010 U.SO4.480 Net Pmtii Jnv 1, Uross ,,..,,., 328.600.478 Net 1,708,370 (Reading Company,) March gross 5S2-275 Net . ,,. 333,747 From July It . Oross , ?!???!? D,V03,lfU Net 30.381,330 1,318.623 tU.440 0.860 164,061 133,540 lb $100 BONDS Rata Pi PmvfnNt nf Alberta 4U IS Anglo-French ......... 6 it20 85 City of Baltimore...,, 4 S62 88U Clly of Chi Har Cons.. 4 llf .89 City of New Ori Imp.. 8i0 J00 City of Vancouver,,,,, 4 IMS N V City reg. .,,,,,.., 4 1883 106 N Y City reg ,.,., 4ii I860 lOltt 11 & O-O UK Isl.,.; 3 1W0 8SK cent VI wy 1st reg... ijiu s ,. Ll... 3 i!T -! fofflft'll lo jta llK NYNHaH conv deb ctxs sv, Asked Vi' 86' 81' 107 103 Chi B1Q Den Exl CM stTm rfd con c u si r uonv. .. rv.i jt. an Ttr a- R.t N Y Cent Conv Deb.,.. 6 N Y a 1, (Erie) 1st.. B NYNHaH conv deb ctxs NJNlUlt conv dsb rag N'arf St West 1st con .. Seaboard A L, lit cv 6 So Pac-San Fr Term 1st 4 Virginian Ry 1st... .- $ Am Ag Chem conv,tlb. 5 Am Ics BecurlUes deb., u Am T & T coil tr ctfs. . 4. Am T at T coav...j. -.4 Beth 8teel 1st ttitc... 6 ln, lafh., lat rCf .. Q Cities Serv conv notes, 7 Com'vrealtb P R h cv 4 Denver una at cieo j. fln 1.-Ia eb. . . . . . Oreat Wat Pow ev deb Iicaa steel in coov Lacleda .Ofs 1st m . Liggett A Myera deb reg I.inrtr a: Myers deb reg PXbrlUard deb reg . T 1 LsriUard a0 reg Pierce . OU coov deb . . Mont owr lat rsl. . N Y Air Brak lat eoar Wtcn diaoa conv lco 1850 71 ., m iu 1843 88 lSo 1830 83 88(1 1862 SU f)i 1824 &Z -- lSlS 83 88 1828 B1H 83 1833 103 107 ili 188 MS ioia iai in " 101 v S 1818 JOi b 3 102J 88 830 81 ieis loo s li 1844 124 123' 1851 100 1011 nn m nt: !.. o ARCHITECTS I NalltfAr anil nnn3ii" I rant compltaTon bi or Jokers, a rom panic Urmif. ArchlOcta Qwnir aared wban I pr- rrliu fa JL rfDHWii rnmr Deal uvcf aoTica ana tRIST. LATTA Pennsylvania Bids. For. Date. .Liverpool .... ..Apr. 30 .llordeaux Apr. 39 Liverpool ......May 3' -$100-6fl-Rd i Charles J. Bender jb Co. INVESTMENTBONDS Members Phllaelphla Stock Exchange NORTH itMERICAN BLDO, dfms i DIBECTOItY OF AOCOPNTANTa Certltied I'ubllo Accouatanta UkWRENCB K. BROWN A Cft Hit UEAi, CSTATB TUUUT BUILDQiO. DIVIDENDS TKE IX0IGH COAtAANp NAV1QATIQN Philadelphia. April 36. 1818, Dlrfdend No. aSO. f Tto Board of Mauagera this day declared a quarterly dividend of two per cal, (31.00 utr saa are) yable ) on tbe Capital Stock of to compai vbla Klay si. lvio. lo siocauoiaers aa rex o'clock noon. April 28. 1819- Cbtcka will U maltea i nent dlv: to stockholders who nave tued Bernu- vldeaa oraers. ,. , Becrttary. rRANKtlN NATIONAL BANK toltadelpora. April 84, Wli. Tha Directors bava tbuday declarad a semi annual dividend of Un TlO) tur ceaf., Jr. of tZT payacl May . 1816. to stockholder sf reaJrcTat thelose'of buslnass April 88, and J.Tioaaild 1230,000. to th aursLu, aakG 1821 TUB G1BABD NATIONAL BANK ' fbiUaalpbla, Asm la. .Bit. Tha Directors bay tU4 day daclirti a dividend of tUbt per ccot. (. tra el tax. SayabU Lu I. 11. to atockbolder et retori it ttcloa.ot bustossa AprU 84. 1816. &$& mc im 31 11 '-.i 1 M 4 'a i n I J), I rAsV 41