EVEtflttG kEDGEttPHILADELPHlA, SATUXIDAY,, APRIL 20, 191C. TaIHs" ! fThmttmiu fSmmWVmtilll EfmCfWn I ' AMUSEMENT SECTION ttt ddreaa all communication to Dramatic Editor Evening Ledger, Independence Square, Philadelphia. thb avteraties net paid daily circulation of the evening ' Ledger for march was 110,721 PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1016 For TcrcentcnnlaHsts TKRCBNTENNIALS nrc good times for thought ns well as scntlmchtnt enthusiasm. In the fnee of our great to-do over "community masques' and commemorative festivals," ono of America's most keenly impressionable, responsive and yel practical critics, Mr. H. T. Parker, of the Boston Transcript, has pointed out that Shakespeare was, after nil and before all, A man of tho theatre, and that tho theatre is tho place to celebrate him. "The way to 'pay homage' to Shakespeare," writes Mr. Parker, "is not to he vastly and temporarily-p-excited about him throughout three months of 1016 but to seek: his plays in the theatre (leaving money at the door) whon ovcr opportunity offers." Trua Words and good words, but sad words, too. For whore is the play goer to find the door at which money will buy admittance to the faerie and romance that is Shakespeare? Good Advice for New York In New York, yes. For New York hn3 its local theatres. It mis play houses that can cater to a special audience, which may care for n bit of sublime music now and then between its Broadway jokes and thrills, and' it has citizens that devote their money nnd energy to local theatrical ven tures. Tho result has been a "Midsummer Night's Dream" from Granville Barker's repertory season at Wallack's last spring; Sir Herbert Tree's "Henry VIII." and "The Merchant of Venice," guaranteed, it is said, by tho same nn who backed Barker; James K. Hackctt's "Macbeth" nnd "The Merry WlvcS of Windsor"; a genuinely Elizabethan production of "The Taming of the SHrcw" from New York's most distinguished albeit Teutonic playhouse, tho Irving Place, nnd "The Tempest," produced at tho Century Thcntrc, with professional actors hired by tho Drnna Society. Bad for the Road But no regular, genuine Broadway production, no long-run gamble on the Bard's abilities as a tncatricnl best seller; not even a fortnight or so of Shake spearean repertory from Robert Mantell or Mr. Sothcrn nnd Miss Marlowe. And so, of course, no Shnkcspcare on tho road. Barring nmatcur pioductions and precious few of them Philadelphia hns eelcbrnted the great man's tercentenary year with a nenson absolutely devoid of Shakespeare. The situation was so obviously desperate that poor Mr. Sothern who had deserted the Hard for "The Two Virtues"; felt con strained to inject almost nil his past Shakcspcnrcn impersonations intorjthc hero of that comedy. Keeping Shakespeare Alive It's nobody's fault least of nil tho managers'. The simple fact of the matter is that it's nothing short of preposterous to expect long runs and country-wide tours from "Hamlet," "Macbeth," "Lear," "Twelfth Night" or "Tho Tempest" Why should Broadway be expected to bestow on Shn'ccsprarc, season in and season out, the favor that it shows "Peg o' My H'art" or "Com mon Clay"? Why should wo of Philadclphin devote two solid wcrk3 of theatre going chosen haphazard by the fates of the booking office to tho enjoyment of dramatic poetry? The man who has a taste for Shakespeare can't tell when that taste is going to asscit itself. He may crave "Hamlet" once a month or "Twelfth Night" once a week. He isn't going to want them every day or all of a sudden, for n fortnight on end, in the middle of January. And, obviously, there is only one sort of theatre that can cater to his needs, that can keep the classics alive with a little stimulus every two or three weeks the repertory theatre. What It Means to Sup port a Star Like Courtenay E. Q, Robinson la n young nctor v.'.to has been on the stage but three jcars, jet at present he Is urcumlly prominent In the support of William Courtenay In "Undsr Fire." Rol Cooper Mcsrue'a now play of the present European conflict, which Sel wyn & Co will present nt tho Forrest Then Jtre beginning March 1. In fact, to quote VMr. Courtenay, "he. Is tho best support, figuratively and literally, that I haie ever . Vad." In tho scene In tho British trenche3. al ready tho talk of tho town because of Its spectacular destruction by a bomb from a German aeroplane, Mr Robinson plays nn English sergeant. When tho explosion comes he la standing near thu field tele phone which communicates with tho Brit ish headquarters As the walls of the trench crash to tho ground he docs a remarkable spinning fall, which lands him supine1 alongside of, the Instrument. To 3a vo Paris from the oncoming Germans It la necessary for Mr. Courtenny, as Cap- tain Redmond, to warn the British gen- erals of tho German moe oar tho wire. Summoning all his strength, he drags him- sett across tho stago to Mr. Robinson, for in the. darluiess It 13 Impossible for him to soo tho telephone box. Just at this point tho Injuries ho has receHcd In the explosion again get the best of hl'ii. and ho drou3 always across thtt p.it.tnt Roblrsin. Supported by him, the star plays thu thrilling telephone scene. wjilo'i Is tho phota! point In tho action o" tho melodrama. Somstlmas he plaa it altting on Rob'nson'a head; again It Is atop his chest, or on his hip In dtcl jll "Pndfir I'lrc" opened, he haa struck, t ie ra ne position only tw'ce. "I couldn't play that scene without Rob inson," 1'r Cjurte:.ay - the other night as ho cai. is off. "He hjliU It up so beauti fully " Musical Jottings W J Hendjrsou, of the bun, wrote Q.f IM'j 3 uv.n, the young lol!nltt- "Tho erne "ul and m'lodlous content of tho Shirting 3U'ti alfaidjd Mr Brown some ry Kio'l opportunities to display his ex C4lleut technical equipment, together with , SaJ ftaay flu .lug Jtylo dsalrable In per- . formance, and so ngulu In the Spohr mu- I sic vvIil"! Iia lclUireil with muc"i taste, jiruca of tfntlm.'nt and flnlJh." j Tho afsoluts novelty and strikingly original c iractcr of Leo Ornstein'u com- positions co. nn.iml the profoundest at- i tentlon of muilclana whether or not they ' appro) a of his ruqlutlonary tendencies Certainly few eents of the winter were better patronized or more enthusiastically applauded than his recitals. The tech nical peculiarities of Mr, Ornstein'n new , muse and tlia history rf their rapid eo- j lutton have been sufficiently commented ' upon In the press from Maine to Callfor- LITTLE THEATRE Tbmx McKn' "Tho Secretary" )SVf rrldZ" toU week nctpt Ttiur. 8t. lilt KDtCWB GRAND 1 in the Ch--l liMd t -Moatroa-ry xa. s. B. f ;0 . sJT 1 A PUtu AMERICAN omiiti rymnb stock Tbur-f I ASHEjl'S SWIMMII SCHOOL S M. COR- BO ?U LSUT STS. 4li.i Kiwi ttiu pjrn 1 lor intrutiinj 0 LMonK $5. 40c rwo-PABXY : RAMS S.tilTAKY SWUJMtNO POOl. o ain ST. 1 I lirf -Kir lGov f V l 4f "The Old H Uit TtJ BWTMMINCI tw MOBT nrv- sat KQW K. M. nla to mako further discussion or them unnecessary. Uoth of these extraordinary joung men 111 be It curd tomorrow evening at the .Metropolitan, where the Jewish World is conducting a concert for the benefit of war 3UfTorers Lenora Kdith I.lndell, tho mezzo so prano, will he heard In recital at Orl'tlth nun, may o &no was formerly con nected with tho Philadelphia Operatic So cletj and Is a Philadelphia girl Tho concert to be held at tho Metro politan Opera House, Mondiy. Mny IE, for the Italian Red Cross promises to be an e-cceedlngly Interesting musical eerit Tho soloists engaged to appear arc Pasiualo Amato. of tho Metropolitan Opera Company, who has not been heard in recital hero previously: Luca Bottn, a young tenor of tho cimo organization; Cilna Clapirelll-Vlafori prima donna soprano, formerly of tho Metropolitan . forces, but now identified more closely with teaching and with concert work, and tne young Italian pianist. Aurcllo Olornl, whoso recent recital In this city at once stamped him as foremost among the pro fessionals Mr Reginald Do Koen, tho composer of "Robin Hood." will be nresent nt thn , performances of his ery popular and ' tuneful opera on May 11 and 12, to be ghen at the Metropolitan Opera Houso ' by the Philadelphia Operatic Society - rffilatielphia's Foremost Park Opening for Season of 1916 SATURDAY, MAY 6 AND HIS With Eminent Soloists Free Conceits Aft. and Evg. New Features Innocent Fun New Novel Amusement Devices Free to Park Trolley Patrons FireAvorks Every Friday Night OPENS MAY 30 EXCURSIONS and CONCESSIONS SOLICITED Apply 100 I'arkirar llldg.. Ffclla. fr Convention Hall NOW to 1 J f. ceothal powers RED CROSS B T For War Widovjj LABOK PlV BENEVi L SOCIETltS AND VNI. A ML'BKIAND BINQI Y I ADMISSION r 20 CENTS TONIGHT PADEftEWSKI Keith' Gr4fen Pier Theatre ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. l MpniOPOX-TN OPi3R IIOLSE LEO ORENSTEIN UIU ilDdt'u rianfct nrf Cetopoter EOD1 DKOW.N UrUlUnt loilttUt TZlVttOlUI llOSENBEUU leo-ioprtu. PIOTR WIJSLA Barltcoa FOB TOE JB.EJ.HITr OF JEVVI8U WAR 8UFVEREBS TICKJBT8 AT SM bOgTU 6TH STREET AC .RaSJVat f lfep,.tH Cbt puuaaeipnia Tiwght at 8:15 P tTSll .Lr Hf lj lj an nn Mil m Mill Day VK. ru. -rpwtas ofcjn THE DREAM PLAY BARRIE GAVE THE WORLD Ceiill" -1 fr -n !' ieo One suddenly rprat'g. Into life. They con tained llt'lo bibles tended for a pinny, little babtei of tho Allls-i. n.ne one. wh was Swiss, yet "not evictly SwUm well, you know " Nobody would take In little Gretehen, so tho Penny Friend hid to do It. The other babel talked beautiful 1 Frerch, but arotclien clmply lay In her bo, "strillns" For tafety, Cinderella hac put a wire entanclcment round It onb tho wlro was worsted And tho po- llcem-n sat down to HUppei with them nil and bcR.m tn loe flnderclla who keit ' on listening fo the knock, which never, came, to Bunimon her to tho bill i Yet to tho bill ehe went In n drcim, nn vo lav out in tho cold i treet with the polk-man's comforter wrapped around her It was a Hplfcndld ball with ladles and gentlemen In early Vletorl-ui clothes and a Kln and Queen of C.irdt nnd tlio Lord Mayor and another lord who lorded It over 'crbod : Lord Times eilttlriR the ICInn short with "Less talk '" nnd de fying; tho Censor, n black demon with a hcadsman'H nc, and showliiK Indifference to reminders of "the Rood old threepentiN days" And beautiful ladles In dread fully expensive dres.ses (oh Retrenchment I VICTORIA JI UIKKT AI1I) I". NIMH tONTIM'Ol". 0 . M, TO 11:15 V, DESSAUER'S SYMPHONY I'M II. 0 31) Kir miaiMis ORCHESTRA and wo.Mii.nrti. Kniini.i. oittiXN Vend t"'1' Tnt"ilij Wm. H. Thompson AMI VSN I f Civilization's Child ADIII.I) AfTIIUTHIN-MUUHn IN III "Till: Mtnil. .Mt"., IHprt'irr I.elJK fniin Mlillilliltt III l ii,.0 i "I Thnriday Frank Keenan and Marj Boland in Thp Stonninir Stone i t I., ic. Oh MAKl I'M.l." V" M M'l- '"" I" ".sti:ji is rAi:itTiiiMS" virt ri "ivujiiiuim ' iiuiiiuM incrito vs Hninl1 T nrlrit7nnrl Vl. ly .ml f T- -l-ft muii "ine tome-uacK lomrdj l'atty uml Mulirl ilrlft (lurtiirr "Mill Ilium Tell," ltdfthilll FORREST Last ATTAKD MaU and Wig Club wlIO v ',n.OBI1K GOOD SEATS iXSn TODAY ANU TOMUllT Umite.1 Ensraitement Mori. Evir. Matinees Declnnlne "" -vt,. WefJ 4gat SUI.WYN H COMPANY Trcaent THE GIGANTIC WAR MELODRAMA UNDER FIRE With William Courtenas i'o of 100 Including Army of 60 German Ruenlsts Price. Nlsht k Sat Muti Oik T5o tl Jl r0 leat Keats fl at Popular Wed Matinees GARRICK Matlnes I Tonight Today at 2.13 I at 8.13 Next I nr VVwclr Kveninss, a.m Week BSl vveeK Jlats Wed & Sat UA.ST CHANCES TO SUE THE FUNNIEST PLAY IN THE WORLD 13 IT PAYS ADVERTISE TO Best beat It Popular Wednesday Matlnes Belnnlnitniesday. MAY 0 Seat Thurs THROUGH THE AGES Tha WtuKftle or the Soul Against the Body MAVUAMU luiioiVA nuui -i itAUvr.a ana rowerjui company J TCKX I Matinee IjT Jonliht e If Ton !;13 JT At ( s at 8:161 J I " oday, Nt Final We AUt. Wedlt MR. CYRILJ MAUDE in GRUMPY rhs will be Mr iMaude'a farewell aDoear- nre In th role ol the lovable OctojenarUn I Best Seats 1 50 at Popular Wed. Matincg One Week Betinnlns Moo., ft May Seat Thurs A New and Powerful Drama, I THE DEVIL'S JNVENTION I Superior last IncluJIoi Will iam B. Mack Eileen tin Biene & Gustav Von SeyfTertlta. O. 1 . Market St Above 1U Oiamey n i-. a m to n i?.p m. TODAY LAST TIMES MARIE DORO In One at the Finest Plrtjres Ever Produced "HEART OF NORA FLYNN" Next Week- Monday Tuesday & Wednesday P&ulln Frederick In "Tha Moment Before" wm filfinf Theatre jumper bts 1UUV AUPBVILLE -Continuous U AVUUrU 10c 13c, 2S "Mk$ Hamlet" "SJffiS,, Crowrwin's Banjo Fiend AND OTHERS SPRING! Committee 1) wero rhals fur tho Prlncc'-i fnoiN, nnd were nil beaten by tiny-footed Clmli reiki, ns In the old story. And then well, then there wns rather n Jump In tho dream (or nnothcr net per-hn;i-4 ndded to the MS pulled out of the nuth"t b drawer) Cinderella, It seemed. I hud git chilled when dreaming In tho cold rtroot. and been laid up with pneumonia I In n limpltal. nnd was now convaloclni; at n lady doctor's somowhcio nt tho scn- tide The lady doctor, stern nnd prnc- iiufti iDtii.eii aiLcr inu wounui'ii mhmiuim .11 blue and kept them all In terrified subJeC' tlon p irtlculnrl ono played by Mr A 13. CJoorRc not to mention nn nrlstocrntic pio- bationcr and her elderly brother, none other than tho sculptor of the first act And Cinderella wns In bed all tho time, w Ith no more dreams about dances, but dreaming now ahvnn of her friend, the policeman You will have guessed that B. F. Keith's Theatre CIIGSTNUT AND TWGLFTII STS. ! hiidus iixi1 -: 2: .' '' m moiit. i', m m:vt ih.k The Xlnrrtran ( iiilipdlpnne Miss Irene Franklin Willi Mr. Ill UTO.N (lltlll.V ut the I'limn slnrlim llpr OrlKlnil ( luiriictrr Soiibh lite rmiuliir Ixritlmtte ( mnpill in FRANKLYN ARDELL In n f'nmnly IMilct."Tlio Wife Satr" Tl e I'lilImlrlpliH I'morltpt Johnny Doolcy & RurcI Yvcttc Itic iilin- f'nmeih mid nim 111- 1 out lful llmrN SCHOOLER & DICKINSON In n IlpIlKlitful Alliiliitiire Miisliulo " "ROGER GRAY & CO. iiiiilpillllzoil Mnlriil ( omril) KETCHEM & CHEATEM- " llrtMe I'roin the Writ" "siriiois.M:i.soN Titot i-i uav HAWKINS HI-intNN i S1IIKI.KV Srlle Tribune rirturrx Italian Red Cross Concert Metropolitan Opera House Monday Evening, May 15, at 8:15 Martini's Symphony Orchestra OP CO MISIC'IVNS I permission of I otul No. 77 A I' of M W i' MMMwinl Prisldent PAsdl'AI K AM.VI'O llirltono 1,1 1'A IMITTA Tenor Ilotli f II, trnpnllt in Opera Co (UNA riAPMll.l I l-MAI Oil Soprano Pornierly tit Metropolitan Opera Co Al'REI.IO I.IOUNI- Plunlst Seals Si tn 10 irntH. On nili nt lltm (lustnut street f ApI TCTT EJ0 LOCUST STHEETS iVJ 1 HAMILTON nn i:i,i,e 'IIALi' MILLION WIDE" RFI MONT WD ahove'maiiket "POOH I.1TTI l: I'EPPl.N'A" For IlenetlM at Lrr'" S'Adelpbl Theatres, Apply Box Oftlfe or Phone WnInut'a7dn-7-68. ADELPHI Matinee Today Pop. $1 Mat. Thurs Evenings at 8:20 LYKIC The Messrs. Schuberts P"i irAi Jiigm fr- j W 1 f Wllbfm && Fir li.lf&lM VIENNESE OFERETT A BETTER THA BEGINNING MONDAY THIS Ci.U. OLlTTKlta. I1HILV unrv-TX7"rvT nn.rTr, X J VV 1 X VX 1VJO ELABORATE SCENES Orlclnal Uroadwsy Cast of 1S5. lueladlnc IIEBT K8L1K. HOlTllE TUCKEB, WKLl.LNr.TO.V I'KOSb aud TLOIH JOEfHINK. 1'KTEB l'AOIi. UABIK LAVAKKK, AKTIK MEHLINOKB, SI.VUfcL ELAINE. C.lKllKKttY BUOTIIEUB. JOHN JOUMlTpA'. U1LUEKT UKKCOIiV. JIMMV TUX. FANNY KIUS.TON A W,W0 YAHUUOS bUOW WITH 40 OEALTIEH. AND'THB tKEOLE BAND . MAIL ORDERS NOW N-SENE FITS f&jSn, NOW tho pollccnnn was not long In nrrhlnc;. In proposing a delicious IJarr'c itn, this scene of proposal nnd In precntlnir his delighted Cinderella (so roir .ntlcaU ho eMil.ilns, are tho police forco) with slass slippers In lieu of nn cnp;nt,'...ent ring Much pleasant llarrle scntlmcri about tho war, our Tommies nnd nurses, the ptcsent brcnklng-down of class bnrriers, nnd so ll ITkUMHE MARKETS JUNIPER STS. In the Henri of the Hhopplnc IIMrlct (ONriNLOVS PIIH'l.s il A. M. TO II P. JI. 10c lfic. 33e GLORIOUS SPRINGTIME FESTIVAL ni.lllt COMMn.NUMl JIO.NDVY A. M. B. A. ROLFE PRESENTS ONI! OP HIS MOST SUC C I SSI I I, .C1, THE A TUM.ri'l. Ml'SICW. IMniEDY WWII MSSIB I'llflin'l'TltlV IIXTKA AnilhD ATTItAtTlON artini&Fabrini 111 l Diinclnc Skit, i:iilllleil Tin rvsiiniN pi Tr." iitiii i: cts outii umi.r. Tlli:TKI,t Market below OOtli Street Irtt, Dally. 2:30 I Kieiilncn. 7 & 0 llwt seutH n llif Hie Alon.. 1 net , Wet!.. Marts llrnnk Prrnents SIX PEACHES AND A PAIR llh O'NhIL AMI DIXON And SL ( holer Picking frum the lleiinty Orelinrtl Tliurx., "rl Snt II It Ft. A I.I Presents "ON TOP OF THE WORLD" V M1MVTI Ki: MI'SH'AI, (OMKDY U AKTIirs, MIISTIA filltl.S M i: PI N IN TOMAMI OTIU.i; APIS THh MNP tOU LIKE LITTLE THEATRE 17th L Delanccy NEXT WEEK THP.vriu: kkancais AMEIIIQUE SCATS SELLINO Knickerbocker 4om TretiivT MATINEE EVEKY DAY M IV UN Makes a Terrific Hit Here! HE Ml THE ENTHUSIASTIC COM- IICNTS OF THE PHHADELPHIA, 1'Aruiii You n III hiYf nn amusins eenlne so Jo)ous a comedy has not visited here In a ions space " Teleicraph 'Hpontaneoua rounds of applause " Bulletin Smartness Is the dlstlnsulshlne quality of this happy play " Public I.edj;er "iiosi ae llghtful hu mor " Press "It Is sure to please eten the most fastidi ous of pla eoera." ltec ord ,"Cleer and altosether top ping " Eve. Ledger, llyrIL IIIKCOURT, with SAM SOTHERN Miai 'yiCVJr v Cl f -'Ti-n r)rl K?rfV mmSm r 2 and Mr, Alme's Original New York Little Theatre Cast. MATINEE TODAY POPULAR $1.50 MAT. WEDNESDAY Most Brilliant Production Presented by The Brightest Constellation .of Light Opera Stars Philadelphia . Has Ever Seen, Including; ROY ATWELL HARRY CONOR DETH LYDY MABEL WEEKS LETTY YOI ELIZABETH G0QALL EDWARD iVUKhY JOHN c S. TMOMAS THE BEST EVENING MAY 5 SUO.OOO MUU1CAL KEVI, in twentv forth, helped the Inst net alone;. But tha Act hud the unmistakable air of an after thought. Tho Svenlngr owed much to MIsb Hilda Treelayno, who was Wendy over again, but Wendy with a difference, n wartime Wendy, a little more staid than before, If just ns wistful nnd Juit as sweet. Mr. du Mnurler" wns triumphantly Dumaurlcr esquej that Is to Bay, the very thing where nature was required (as In tho stolid, Inarticulate policeman) nnd flam lioyantly droll where fantasy ruled (ns In Prince Charming itt the ball). And so wo are the richer for another specimen of genuine Barrle, In spite of, or because of, tho war I Happy laughter greeted It all last night, nnd here nnd thcro a not un happy tear. r Theatrical Jottings The current Issue of the Theatre Maga zlne Is not tho least Important part of the Shakespearean celebration. Among the contributors this month nro William Win ter, Horace Howard Kurness, Jr., Sir Johnston Korbcs-Hobertson, Livingston Plitt, Hrnmler Mathews, Percy MncKaye, Charlton Andrews, Charles Hann Kennedy, Alan Dnlo, Otis Skinner, Robert B, Man tell, Kdward Talcs Coward, Montrose J. Moses, Clnrenco Strntton and Ada Pat terson. Sam Sothcrn, tho featured member of "A Pair of Silk Stocking1)" company, made his debut on tho stage In London In 1884 In tho supporting company of Charles Hawtrey In "The Private Secretary." He Is tho son of 12 A Sothern, "Lord Dun dreary," nnda brother of B H. Sothern, "Town Topics," which Is coming to tho Lvrlc, May IB, In nnothcr Winter Garden shqw This playhouse seems to bo turn ing rnpldly Into Winter Garden shows this season Tho last for this ono In- Philadelphia May 1 Week Beginning , ' rtMinir I'UBSXE n mijCTUaAfia t nimmciinBniiofiim nvmilimt11IIB dKLl SPB A B&tn All at li. l A m I'll I AWnM 1 ! AW ENTI RE.Krv 89 R.R. l new T'rfrKlIlAX vmm 1 i oFMLif wmmmum acres! I urHLL .;;; V&BEDECrDINC0lJ0aVKy ftuntoi I SCORES OF nJ TEDDY THE : I SaiSATlOU lTfSmmM V JUMPER.fi , ACTS tJ 'PrrriV''iiW$ THE HUMAN 9 t I THE GREAT lAW"K?jk$ AEROPLANE I HANNEFORDSANDfe'',,Vl2W'5' COLOSSAL CON- 8 i I (to OTHER f f A69tt!JSisM& 'r" VENTION OF 460 ' I iJ 1 EQUESTRIAN YinCSHMJ OTHER INTERNA- ft STARS fify..i -' ?'s V4 TIONALLY CELE- I i in rmM I 'KS:rt BRATED ACRO- P , I OTBrnnMrnQ B iMOTeUaa'J BATIC GYMNASTIC ' pnoMpS 1 f mtti1rl AERIALISTIC I ,, FROM PEKIN I TTZ&Vlj 1 J ANDHIPPODRA- 1 I PALLENG'S I Jf MATICCHAMPIONS 1 'i BEARS AND ll'SV7i THEWOIlLr i TUrNTV nmrD ilJ..4wv VjtM ifV LETES IN THREE m 1 !,.? rJJL Wv'WJX RINGS AND STAGES i ANIMAL ACTS Vt'ltM"4i ( D A LABYR1N- 1 I Utxmjni Bfe. THIC WILDERNESS f I A FAMILY OF Vr"? IM OF MID-AIR CON- 1 I GIRAFFES WITH VMfM J$g TRIVANCE3. i ONLY FlAnV IN V''?l?w'ir ' CAPTIVITY ltr CLOWNS 50 I j I harhvotb si-3ftii2 VASFAIIRAYof FREAKS I ; I0S DENS OF nAHEaT, C03TLir3T' AN1. INTraiNATlONAL OATirEnlNO l L ,Cvlcilcs ol EUphsntCamcU. UerxtW 07 tjUEER. CUIUOV3 KiOPLE I r l j(wSk ' rncu cTDrrrpabiriF jsni '''''ji V f ifrW I OEJ6eNT TICKET fl'ijS "H ($&) V-Q m XnifiTB TO EVERYTHING WWf'3S JUl WAg ChWKn under 12 year Half PriWNOg rJ(j $3lrin&u$0r owiuown Tici.ct Ofiice, Gimbef Bros. jjpryBr j 2iSiS25 Rame Dilcs as charrrd at show a-rountls dsfflMsV ti I MfOTrsRMfwiMsiiiii ; COJIUENCINa MONDAY KVENINO NET llllll N llll , FIRST TIME AT OUR PRICES MODEST HIT PHILADELPHIA HAS SEEN IN 28 YEARS I ; THE (jKEATiyr THHJjnrtf IN THE HISTOKY OF THB DRAMA I l Tfie Thrllllnc l'Uy Jblch Mads rblladelplilans Iasp and Ktccnlly Taxed tha I M CaJillr o( lbs flarrlck Theatre for HIx Weeks I 1 " EVENINGS, 15, 25, 35, 50, 75c 1MATINMRS5 ti'kdw. Thursday and baturdvy qc. w llllll iuAmiya hkx orchestra shth ,,.,,, ,,, "C I 5 '. i" ; x WKW2W7SW Best Seats LwmK A jr518' No Higher! a rT'HJfj op' aiat8, yues' & Thura" 25c 50c, Reg' BIat Sat ' ,1 f BACK TfHILADELPHIA! -'1"-; jgj COMMNCli GJJPgfMAY 1 " ,i HI liM fe-MxiTnt&s n j si I mi mii amu iksi IwilWW i W -I Hpt8lwN By SALISBURY FIELD & MARGARET MAYO IH I I.- ikaMIMSMl I I P -. -t& K I ' BkV ,L 'T h ftaHEaS' lr fi pr'f f Jv v ' elr !JK tl fc'ViVA rt-.V.W.VAV-s AvAw VIVIENNE SEGAI ' Tho Philadelphia girl ,who lias just eelcbrnted her 300th nigJt in "Tho Blue Paradise" nt tha ew York Cnslno, her first 'pracs sionnl engagements ' i eludes Bert Leslie, the king if Aiang' Sophlo Tucker, Wellington Cross aid Lois Josephine, Peter Page, Mario ILtvarre, Artie Mehllngcr, Mabel Blaine, ATohn Johnson, Gilbert Gregory, Fanny Kflston nnd Jimmy Fox. . 19th and . Hunting Park Ave. ... .... i.-..,iiipstfr tr ) WM1E BAfjS Orchestra I AlvthtBilioal" 1