?T V. i s NANCY WYNNE IS INTERESTED IN LOAN COLLECTION AT ACADEMY 'A Private View of the John Howard McFadden Collec L Jtion of English Artists' Work Will Be Given, for . Benefit of the Wounded Artists Abroad Today AND now wo havo another way to Xl raise money to help tho suffering onea In the hospitals and on tho bat' tleflelds In sunny Franco, aa she has bo often been called Franco, which Is making such a magnificent stand In tho last woeks at Verdun. Tho money will bo raised by means of a private view of tho marvelous loan collection of John Howard MoFaddon nt tho Academy of tho Flno Arts this afternoon. The collec tion Includes tho work of tho eighteenth century English artists,- than which thoro is no other collection so thor oughly representative of tho time, not even In tho Metropolitan Museum. It Is tho first tlmo In tho history of tho city that so great a private collection has been loanod, and tho valuo of tho paint ings Is something colossal, though Mr. McFaddon does not seem to think at all of their financial valuo, but with truo appreciation Judges them for their , artistic value, which is greater far than moro money to him. I havo hcat that the collection is insured for at least a million and a half. Tho Academy, of courso, realizes Its responsibility in hanging and housing an oxhlbltton bo Valuable, and thoy tell mo tho rooms Will novor bo left unguarded night or flay. Tho direct beneficiaries of tho pri vate exhibition will bo tho "Fratornlto tlos Artistes." Tho women who aro In charge- of tho private view includo Mrs. Cornelius Ste venson, Mrs. John Howard McFaddon, Mrs. Charlos E. Dana, Mrs. Ell Kirk Prlco, Mrs. George "Wharton Pepper, Mrs. Clarence Clark Zantzlngor, Mrs. Ed. ward jr. Coatos, Mrs. Edward T. Stotcs bury, Mrs. Jasper Ycates Brlnton, Mrs. Georgo I Harrison, Jr., Mrs. William .R. Mercer, Jr., Mrs. George Howo and Mrs. John Frederick Lowls. Tho affair Will bo gtvon from 4 until G o'clock, when all thoso women will receive tho guests. Tea will bo served and music will entertain tho guests during their stay. Tho Josoph B. McCalls will glvo a dlnnor-danco tonight at tho Philadelphia Country Club, whon tho guests will bo tho members of tho dancing class which is chaperoned throughout tho winter by Mrs." J. Louis Kettorlinus. Tho affair Will bo glvon for tho McCalls' daughter and sons, Lonoro McCall, Howard Mc Call and Joseph B. McCall, Jr. Scdgloy Club luncheons will start to day. They really nro great fun. you know. Ono or two membors or ono mombor I bollovo jt Is takes charge of each Thursday on which It Is decided to servo luncheon; alio asks several other members to act as aldos and then they all proceed to cook and servo tho lunch con themselves. It is a Joyous sight to Bee- these fair cooks in chiffons and vel vets and silks covered with miniature aprons serving tho lunchers with dainty dishes cooked In casseroles of brick-red pottery. Really tho food 1b delicious, and members are usually, crazy to tako their friends to thoso. most enjoyable affairs. Tho luncheons will bo held this year today and on tho first three Thurs days In May. The llttlo rhyme about tho "antiseptic baby and tho prophylactic pup" Is famil iar to all of us, but can you lmagtno tho consternation of a friend of mlno when, upon consoling her young hopeful after he had been slightly bitten by her toy dog, the llttlo boy triumphantly gasped between sob's, "Well, I Just bit his tall hard, so I did!" NANCY WYNNE. Personals Mr. and Mrs. William Struthers Ellis, of Fox Hill Farm, Bryn Mawr, announce tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Sydney Ellis, to Mr. Radcllffo Chcston, .Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Radcllffe Chcston, ' of Chestnut Hill. JiXr. J. Hartley Merrick will give a box party at the Mask and .Wig performance, followed by a dance, at the Mask and Wig clubhouse, this evening, in honor of his ' debutante cousin. Miss Anne B. Merrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, Vaughan Mer rick. Miss Mildred Hoopes, of Wilmington, entertained nt luncheon yesterday in honor of Miss Ellen Coleman du Pamt, whose marriage to Mr, Hollyday 8. Meeds, Jr., will take place In Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, Wilmington, Saturday evening. Her guests. In addition to Miss du Pont, were Mrs. Paul E. Wilson, Miss Renee du Pont, Miss Ethel A. Tallman, Miss Janet Jackson, Miss Barbara Van degrlft. Miss Henryette Stadelman, Miss Lydia Chichester, Mrs. Clement W. Miller, Mrs. Alfred North, of Germantown, and Mrs. S. Frederick Barker. Mrs. Edward T. Btotesbury, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Emlen Hutchinson, Dr. and wrs. jarnesi irannestocK ana sir, and Sirs. Anthony J, Drexel Blddle, Jr., were among those who attended the wedding of Mrs. Mary Pace Croner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Pace, of Richmond, and Mr. Lewis Colt Albro, of New York, which took place yesterday afternoon, at i o'clock, at the home of the bride, 6S6 Park avenue. New' York. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reath, Jr., who were married Tuesday, in Trinity Church, Wilmington, sailed yesterday for Bermuda, where they will spend about a fortnight. Miss Mary Scott, a student at Bryn Mawr. who la spending the holidays In Richmond, was the guest of honor at a luncheon, given yesterday afternoon by Miss Frances B. Scott . Tho Flays and Players will glvo one of their delightful Informal teas on Sunday afternoon at 4; 30 o'clock. Mrs. Robert Clark Geddea .will preside as hostess. Mr. and Mrs. I. Roberts Newklrk. of 914 Clinton street, entertained at dinner last evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam G. Waters, of San Francisco. s if ' Mr, and JUrs. William J. Boyd, of tWynneneia, are receiving congratulations - on the birth of a daughter. Marv Ellzaheth rJi'- Pyd. on April 25. Mrs. Boyd will be re- mernpereu us juiaa imoKene vaives. (Th anvovamant la nTninnni.- if UIea I'iRose Hitman, of this city, to Mr. Michael lllWUVl. The engagement of Miss Jessie M. Replck to Mr. Louis Klein la announced. Alpng the Main Line OVERBROOK The Entertainment Com mitten . of the Overbrook Golf Club, of which, Mc, I'hUlp A. pstner 1 chairman, U planning win elaborate and unusual af-, fair for tlw- Tuesday night dance. May . Ii will be called a black-and-white dance it and will have several very Interesting feat ures. Beginning with May 6 dancing will be held every Saturday afternoon until June 10, and the regular Tuesday evening dances begun this week will be given alter nate Tuesdays up to June 20, The Young People's Association of tho Overbrook Presbyterian Church will pre sent a play entitled, "Whiskers," under direction of Miss Katharine Hay Stevens, on Friday evening, at the Sunday-school room. Last year this association pre sented "A Kentucky Hello" with great suc cess. Thoso taking part are: Miss Ethel Wcatherly, Miss Helen Englund, Mlsa Con stance names, Miss Florence Hancock, Miss Elsa Schumann, Miss Helen Hayden, Mr. Robert H. Marshall, Mr. John Barnard Cunningham, Mr. A. Bowen Garwood and Mr. Anthony Schumann. HAVErtFOltD Mr. and Mrs. George J. Sudtor, of Orchard road, Ilaverford, will entertain at dinner before tho dance at tho Merlon Cricket Club on Friday, April 28. Mr. W. C. L. Eglln will glvo a box party nt tho Mask and Wig show on Sat urday night, afterward taking hla guests 10 me aupper uiuo at tlie-Bellevue-Strat-ford. ItADNOn Mr. and Mrs. Wnltor Pclr son, of Iladnor, have returned from an extcnslvo trip to Honolulu nnd California. ST. DAVIDS Mrs. Harry Wain Har rison, who has Just returned from French Lick Springs, Ind., left on Sunday, with Mr. Harrison, for Baltimore, to attend tho National Point Raco In tho Green Spring Vnlley. Germantown Mrs. Illchard Kcarns, of Toronto, Can., Is nt present the guest of her Bister, Mrs. William P. Donegro, of Itydal, and has been guest of honor at several enter tainments this week. Mrs. Frederick S. Hovey, of Qucon Lano Manor, cnter tnlnod at bridge on Tuesday afternoon whon tho guests Included Mrs. William P. Dencgro. Mrs. Edward Roynolds. Mrs. Frederick Pnyno. Mrs. Charles Wlstcr, Mrs. Charles Carey, Mrs. Seymour Ben- novillo Kolm, of Now York, who Is Mrs. Hovey's guest ; Mrs. Robert Duncan 'Gate wood, Mrs. Frederick Dudley, Miss Mnry La Tourctto, Mrs. Edward Brlcker, Mrs. .Tamos Dencgro. Yesterday Mrs. James Dencgro gavo a luncheon In Mrs. Kearns' honor. Tho table decorations wcro yellow daisies, daffodils and greens. Tho guests Included Mrs. William Lincoln, Mrs. Georgo Lavlno, Mrs. Anne Cleever, Mrs. Joseph Barker, Mrs. Charles Caroy, Mrs. Allan Chantry, Mrs. Edward Jnckson, Mrs. Edward White, Mrs. Georgo Wller, Mrs. Frederick Hovey, Mrs. Georgo Ellsasser, Mrs. Howard Duffus, Mrs. Charles Warner, Mrs. William Bctts, Mrs. John Rox, Mrs. Emily Reodlnir. Miss Mary La Tourotte. On Friday Mrs. Charles T. Carey, of Queen Lane Mnmr, will give a brldgo In honor of Mrs. Kcarns, when tho guests will Include Mrs. Harold Porter. Mrs. Charles T. Brown, Mrs. Edward Whlto, Ttlrs. Edward Reynolds, Miss Mary La Tourette, Mrs. Harry Nyco, Mrs. Todd, Mrs. William P. Denegre, Sfrs. Dewhurst, airs. Tunis, Mrs. Harold Benjamin, Mrs. H. Fonnlmore, Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs. James Donegro, Mrs. William Stone, Mrs. Prltchard. of Baltimore; Mrs. Morgan Lister nnd Mrs. G. Koons. Entertainments THE MIshorrai Zlon, amtlated with tho Council of Jewish Clubs, gavo a Pass ovor party last Saturday evening at the homo of Mls3 Fannie Rudnltzky, 763 SoAith 5th street. Tho olllcers of tho society nre Mr. Herman 'Mnlerman, president; Mr. Ja cob Clearfield, vice president; Miss So phia Bramnick, rocordlng socretary, MIbs Clara Herman, financial secretary, and MIbs Pearl Auerbach, treasurer. Aftor an dhjoyable program of games, a humorous poem by Mr. Isaac E. Feln steln, entitled "Little Jacob Strauss," and a ' number of dances, given by tho mem bers and visitors, refreshments were served. Thoso present were: Mr. Isaac E. Foln steln and Mr. Herman Dropsy -Matser, both of the Council of Jewish Clubs ; Miss Jennie Wapensteln, Miss Rose Udowttz, Miss Dora Jaspan, president of tho MIshorrai Zlon Auxiliary ; Miss Jennie, Slo nlmsky. Mr. Nathan Rudnltzky, Mr, Cyrus Loventhal, Miss Poarl Auerbach, Miss Rosa Kabowlsky, Miss Fannlo Rudnltzky, iur. .ado iioaenuium. air. samuei i Mil ler, Mr. Samuel Kohen, Mr. Matthew Rosen, Mr. Benjamin Grossman. Miss Lil lian Herman, Miss Grossman, Miss Hattlo Blleden, Miss Sophie Bramnick. Miss Jen nie Jaspan and Mr. Herman Malerman. There will bo a euchro and prpmonado In aid of the Catholic Day Nursery given In the Assembly Rooms, at Lehigh ave nuo and Potter Btreet, tomorrow. The games will begin nt 8:30 o'clock sharp. Miss Mary McCusker entertained at her home, 6929 Cedar avenue, on Monday evening. Among those present wero Miss Mario Backus. Miss Katherlne Brennan. Miss Isabel Young, Miss Myrtle McDon ald, Miss Ethel Koeune. Miss Vera Koeune nnd Miss Mary McCusker. The Martha Washington Sewing Cirolo, which was organized under the leadership of Mlsa Tlllle Cohen, held a meeting last Thursday evening, nt the homo of Miss Mary Dubln, 3627 Locust street Those present wero Miss Mollle Abrahms, Mls3 Lena Cohen, Miss Tlllle Cohen, Miss Mary Dubln, Miss Mae Greenus, Mlsa Clara Gurbarg, Miss Rebecca Jacobson, Mlsa Freda Joseph, Miss Elsie Lelbourtz, Miss Gertrude Marcus, Miss Lillian Mos kowltz. Miss Anna Podolln, Miss Rose Schwartz, Mlsa Anna Welsen. Mr. Harry B. Dubln, Mr. Arthur Eckhlll. Mr. Israol Fischer, Mr. Solomon Harris. Mr. Max Montague, air, William Rosenblum, Mr. J, Rosenfeld. Mr, Gross, Mr. Flnley, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Abrahms and Mr, Strause. , , What's Doing Tonight Philadelphia Indoor IIore Show, 3d lll- .. amuuu, uiww. mum fcuirai irein. Instillation of orflcers KnlehU Templar, Lu Lu Temple. . Banquet of the Otrmantowo Hoys' Club, S o'clock. 'IT!19 iLtlv-w Lby .lhB StrawbrldM ft Clothier Chorus. Metropolitan Opera Home, b o clock. Play. ''The 'Plratea of Feniance." by the Wakefield Young Men's Club. Association Kail, Oermantowp, 8 o'clock. Second annual banquet of the Happy Hollow Recreation Park Athletes, Wayne avenue and Logan street, 8 o'clock. Testimonial dinner 0 to, Millard Fillmore Reeve, Hotel Majestic, 8 o'clock. Lecture on "Foreign Missions," by Dr. Mary Stone, Arch street M. E. Church, 8 o'clock. , Shakespearean pageant. Phllomuslan Club. 8 o'clock, - Debate, "Resolved. That on January 1, 1931, the United States grant tq the Philippines Full Independence. r' West Philadelphia High School, afdrmatlvet Oermantown High School, negative. Auditorium of the West Philadelphia High School, 8 o'clock. Closing- exercises Ssrhur Garden Institute. Broad and Spring Garden, streets, 8 o'clock. Anniversary banquet of the United Business Men's Association. Scottish Rlto Hall. Broad and Cherry streets, 7:20 o'clock. Lecture. "The Vital Relation of Train Con trol to the Value of Steam and Electric Hall way Properties." by Walter V. Turner, Frank lin Institute, 8- o'clock. yjrty-secpnd street and Lancaster Avenue Business Men. 884 street and Lansdoiroe avo nue, 8 o'clock. Free. Cheater Avenue Improvement Association din ner. AdelPhla Hotel. Travelers' Protective Association Stat Con vention opens. New Century Club. QermaoMBaiaarl Convention Hall. Banquet Veteran Wheelmen, Hotel Walton. 8 o'clock,. Banks song recital. Grlfttth Hall. 8 o'clock. MendeUshoa Club concert. Academy ol Musk, 8 o. clock. Lecture by Dr. Beaxloa Mossiasoun, Mjulcsl SVsi liall, 8 o'clock. ByJiiftlNQ- Lli)DaiilB-PHILADELlHIA THUBSDAY,, APB1I. TO FEATURE INDOOR HORSE SHOW TODAY """" ' " ' " '" '' ..ill, i. ..-H..M, i ii in. i.i- i .. . . l ' ' ' ! I iff irfirrfflE -::-i JrdEL Weddings W&StmWmmmmh 0'3wyLW : -,v JOHNSON ARMSTRONG. Tho marriage of Miss Ethel Armstrong, daughter of Mrs. James Armstrong, of 3018 North 15th street, to Mr. Oliver N. Johnson was solemnized last night at tho homo of tho brldo's parents. Tho Rov. John Ellson, pnstor of the Lehigh Avenue Baptist Church, performed tho ceremony, which was followed by a smtUl reception. Tho brldo wore a gown of whlto satin with trimmings of tulle nnd Chantllly lace and a long tullo veil caught with sprays of ornngo blossoms. Brldo roses and lilies of the valley woro carried. Miss Bcsslo Armstrong, the bride's Bister, who was maid of honor, woro a pink crepo do chlno frock nnd carried roses of the same color. Mr. Johnson had Mr. Earl Bean as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will rccclvo after May IS at 1900 South 18th streot. RADIiEY SKINNER. A quiet wedding took place last evening, at fl o'clock, In the rectory 'of Holy Cross Church, Mount Airy, whon Miss Mndolelne Beatrice Skinner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Skinner, of 124 Pel ham road, became the bride of Mr. John Jeffrey Radloy, of this city. Tho cere mony was performed by tho Rov. J. J. Toomey. Miss Skinner was attended by her sister, Miss Cornolla Skinner, nnd Mr. Radloy had Mr. John Stewart as best man. Tho brldo woro an exquisite gown of whlto lace and tulle over satin and n whlto hat. Miss Cornelia Sklnnor was frpeked In chartrouso-colored Georgette crepe with hat to match. Tho ceremony was followed by a dinner nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, nt which 25 guests, including members of tho family nnd n fow intimate friends, were present Mr. and Mrs. Iladley left In the evening for an extondod wedding trip. BOOKER-MERSCltER A very pretty wedding took place last evening when Miss Hnnnnh F. Merscher, daughter of Mrs. Frederlca Merscher, be came tho bride of Mr. William F. Booker, formerly of Williamsburg. Va. Tho bride wore a Georgette crepe dress with white satin train nnd carried sweet peas and lilies of the valley. Tho matron of honor was Sirs. R. I. Lachlan who woro orchid shndo taffeta and carried sweet peas. Tho flower girl, Miss Dorothy Merscher, a niece of the bride, also carried sweet peas. The best man was Sir. F. Marshall Booker, a brother of tho bride groom. After tho ceremony a reception wns given to 100 guests. Mr. nnd Mrs. Booker after a trip In the South will llvo at their new home, 4311 North Carlisle street PAUL MAOUIRE. An early Easter wedding was solemn ized In St. Margaret's Church, Narberth, yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock when Miss Mary Josephine Magulro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Magulro, be came tho bride of Mr. John J. Paul, of Bryn Mawr. The brldo, who was given In marrlaga by her father, was dressed In a white embroidered net frock made with full short skirt, and her veil of tulle was prettily caught with orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of Bride roses and lilies of the valley, Tho two brides maids. Miss Kathryn J. Magulre, sister of the bride, and Miss Mary R. Paul, sister of the bridegroom, were gowned alike In frocks of pink tulle and woro pink straw hats. They carried bouquets of shaded sweet peas and pink Bride roses. Mr. James R. Paul, brother of the bridegroom, was best man, and the ushers wero. Mr, Thomas B. Redfern and Mr, William May. Following the church ceremony a small reception or members of the two families was held at tho bride's home. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Paul will -be at home In Bryn Mawr after May 16. McMAHON CHASE. A pretty wedding took place late yes terday afternoon when MIbs Lillian R. Chase, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J, J, Murphy, of East Silverwood street, became the bride of Mr. John F, McMahon. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. P. H. McGlnhis, of the church' of St. John the Baptist, Manayunk. Miss Chase wore a white Georgette crepe gown, showered with laco and white satin, and carried Bride roses and lilies of the valley, Miss Bessie McMahon, sister of the bridegroom, who acted as maid of honor, woro a blue satin frock trimmed with roses. She car ried pink roses. Sir, Francis J, McMahon acted as best man. After a wedding trip the couple will be at home after May 15, ana win live on -Kast uupont street juan ayunk. GERMANO JULIANA. The marriage of Mfss Marie Cecilia Juliana, daughter of Mrs. Ferdinand Ju liana, and Mr, Angelo Andrew Oermano took place yesterday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at 5309 Baltimore ave. A recep tion was held in the evening at the hpme of the bride's parents. WEYLL-MILLER, A pretty wedding took place in Trinity Church, Oxford, yesterday, when Miss Margaret Weyll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Weyll, of 2915 North 13th street, became the bride of Mr. C. Rein hart Miller, o( 2723 West Somerset street A reception at the home of the bride's parents followed the ceremony. Along the Reading Pr. and Mrs. Alfred 3. Toulon, United State Navy, who have been spending he winter In Philadelphia have taken a house, 108 Woodland avenue, which they are-now occupying. Pr. and Mrs. Toulon will have Mrs. Lewis K. Ooodlear, Miss Helen Qoodlear and Lieutenant Lewis H. Qoodlear, Jr.. of the Aviation Corps, United States Army, as their guests (or an Indefinite time. Lieutenant Qoodlear is hero on an ex tended furlough, as be ts recuperating from a very serious fall at San Plego last year- The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Chelten ham Fire Company Is planning- for a big pinochle and dance) on Wednesday eve ning, May J. at the firehousa. This acttve women's organization has always given very enjoyable aflalra and this promises to be one of the mot successful. m3M&. !a.i v-: :- -w-mryr . warna MISS ANNE Miss Ashton is tho daughter of Dr. nnd Mrs. Thomns G. Ashton, of Wynncwood. Sho is extremely fond of horses nnd will exhibit at tho Indoor Show. Tho horse in tho upper left corner is Eve, owned by Miss Isabella Wannmnker. Tho other horse is owned by Miss Ashton. FOUR WEDDINGS IN AN AFTERNOON Oak View Church Has a Busy Time Marrying Its Young Folk St. Charles Church, at Oak View, was tho sccno of a most unusual happening yesterday, when four marriages wero per formed in tho ono nftornoon. The first took place at 3:30 o'clock, when Miss Helen Harsllp, of Clifton Heights, became tho bride of Mr. John Vaughan, also of Clifton. Miss Harsllp woro a suit of blue taffeta, with hat to match, and cnrrlcd a bouquet of Brldo roses. Sho wns attended by Miss Helen McLaughlin, of West Phila delphia, as maid of honor, and Mr. Vaughan had for best man his brother, Sir. Knoll Vaughan. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan will live In West Philadelphia. Tho second wedding took place at 4 o'clock. It was that of Miss Kathryn Hagerty, daughter of Sir. Charles Hag erty, of Oalt View, to Mr. John W. Mc Glnls, Jr., of Clifton Heights. Mlsa Hag erty wore whlto taffeta, trimmed in lace, and a bridal veil of white net, with a wreath of orange blossoms. Sho was at tended by her sister, Miss Bertha Hag erty, as maid of honor. Mr. McGlnls had as his best man his brother, Mr. Bernard McGlnls. A reception followed at the homo of tho brldo, after which the young couple left for a several weekB' trip South. TJio raarrlngo of Miss Mary Blagulre, daughter of Mr, Patrick Magulro, of Oak View, to Mr. James Powers, of Lan3 downe, was tho third on the list, nnd It took place at 4:30 o'clock. Miss Magulre woro a suit of bluo serge and hat to match. Her corsage bouquet was of or chids and small roses. Sho was attended by her sister. Miss Allco Magulre, and Mr. Walter Fralm, of Lansdowne, was best man. Miss Mary Boyle, of Marple, was the last bride, and her marrlaga to Air. Hugh McGInly, of West Philadelphia, was per formed at 5 o'clock by tho Rov, John J. Moran. After tho ceremony they left on a wedding trip. North Philadelphia MISS ELIZABETH WEIHMAN The German bazaar which opened Mon day at Convention Hall bids fair to be a great success. Among the indefati gable workers Is Mlsa Elizabeth Weinman, of 2081 East Allegheny avenue. Miss Bella C. Klrkel, of 9!1 North 11th street, and her, fiance, Mr. Joseph L Baker, are visiting -Mr. Baker's brother-in-law and Bister, Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosen burg, In Lebanon, Pa. Miss Klrkel will visit in Harrlsburg and Steelton before re turning to her home. Mr. Raymond Walker, of till Uber street, and Mr- Harry A. Corr. of 30th street and Susquehanna avenue, spent the past -week-end in Atlantis City. Mrs. C. R. Potterer spent the last week with her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. C Elbert Hoffman, of Highland Park. Roxborough Mr. and Mrs- Charles J. Nice, of lOZi Lauriston street, will entertain at cards this evening, when their guests will be Mr. and llT- Ferdinand pa via. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs, John A. Struse, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. JUthur Johnston. Ja4wilslfisteTrrT :fz.xm .i.'l &&?A $R& ASHTON Military Minstrel Show Tho Boys' Catholic Club will give n military minstrel and danco In St. Phllo mena's Hall this evening nnd tomorrow evening;. Those taking part In tho circle nro nil members of the club, whloh Is ono of tho most successful of boys' clubs. Tho circle will bo followed by a comedy, "Tho Fcstlvo Widow." An exhibition of eccentric dancing will bo given by Mr. Frank Ocstorlle. Those tnklng part In the sketch will be Miss Nan Haley. Miss Gertrude Haley, Mr. Adam J. Weber, Jr., Mr. James J. Mcintosh and ' Mr. D. Arthur Mngazlner. In tho minstrel circle will be Mr. J. Haines, Mr. Edward Lewis, Mr. Jack Lynch, Mr. Arthur Perry, Mr. Jnmos ICenn, Mr. William Brockmeyer, Mr. Thomas Culhanc, Mr. F. Fnrren, Jr., Mr. T. Haney, Mr. Irwin Uhl, Mr. Ed ward Burdsall, Mr. Raymond Uhl, Mr. Arthur J. O'Brien, Mr. Charles McShane. Mr. J. Culhane, Mr. William Culhano and Mr. Oliver Watson. AMUSEMENTS ACADEMY Beats at lleppe's, 1110 Chestnut EVENINGS, BEOINNINO MONDAY, MAY 1 "POP" CONCERTS AT POPULAR PRICES, BY THE PhiladelphknOrchestra REFRESHMENTS SfinVEDSMOKINq, PEBStTTTED Beats, 23c. EOc, 7Bc. Tb-ble & sax Tieats, 1, The 5ncert HORTICULTURAL HALL FRIDAY. 8 P. M. ASSISTING ARTISTS: MEMBERS OF PHILADELPHIA OnCHE3TRA AND RUDOLF STERNBERO Tickets Jl, at Hall on Evening of Concert LITTLE THEATRE Thomas McKean's "Tho Secretary" Every nljrht thU week except Thure. Sat. Mat. BONWIT TELLER &XQ CHE irr w omen COMPRISING 240 PIECES At Very Special Prices The most fashionable silhouettes of the season featuring the most successful types reproductions of the Paris Couturieres, as well aa exclusive Bonwit Teller & Co. Originations Heretofore Sold from $75 tp.$150 - ! t i4i (9) (7) (S) Fancy Taffeta Models . -r r Lanvin Check and Serge Suits.,, 85.00 Vflour Check and Poiret (11) Taffeta Costume Suits ,, 75.00 (7) Faille Silk Models ,..,.,.75.00 (19) Gabardines in all Shades,,.,,. 75.00 (24)' Serge Tailleur Suits .,..,,..,.,75.00 32) Poiret Twill Channel Suits 75.00 NOTE While the range f ' sixes are complete from 34 to early shopping, as in most cases there are only single arc: ,27, 1916. MUSICALE TO BE GIVEN BY , LADIES' AID OP ST. TIMOTHY A Tea and Concert Will Be Held to Commemorate th, 200th Meeting of the Aid Other Entertainments THE Ladles' Aid of St Timothy's Hos pital will glvo n musicals on Satur day, from 2 until 6 o'clock, to com memorate the 200th meeting of tho aid, also to open for Inspection St. Catharine's Cottage, tho new home for the nurses on Rbctor street, Roxborough. All who are Interested In tha welfare of the hospital pro most cordially Invited to bo present to Bpend a pleasant musical afternoon, also to see what comfortable quarters for the nurses havo been made possible through tho combined efforts and gifts of many of the good people In the community. A surprise party was given by Mr. Nathan Welnsteln for his sister, Miss Ethel Welnsteln, last Sunday at 3721 Brown street tho room being decorated with Easter lilies nnd American beauties. Mr. Aaron Feldman gave an exhibition of dancing and Jigging, with many beautiful steps. An exhibition was given by Miss Ethel Welnsteln nnd Mrs. Samuel Larkln, Bhowlne some of the newest steps. Mr. Nathan Welnsteln gave n selection on his violin, with Miss Bessie Brown nt the piano, Miss Tlllle Adelson sang a few boIos. Mr. Morris Seldel gavo a recitation. Tho foaturo of th6 evening was tho sing ing of Mr. Samuel Lnskln." Among tho guests were Miss Fay Ro senberg, Miss Tlllle Adelson, Miss tBessle Brown, Mlsa Ella Hatmen, Miss Sara Welnsteln, Miss Minnie- Feldman, Miss Fannlo Laskln, Mr. and Mrs. Fetman, Mr. and Mrs. AVolneteln, Mr. Nathan Weln Bteln, Mr. Samuel Laskln, Mr. Morris Seidol, Mr. Morris Wolnegrat Mr. David Rovencr, Mr. Louis novener, Mr. Isador Latlnsky, Mr. Adolph Laskln and Mr. Abe Herman. An amateur singing oontest nnd danco will be given by tho Senior Auxiliary of the Jewish Sheltering Home on Sunday, May 7, at the Parkway Auditorium, Broad nnd Cherry streets. Three cash prizes will be awarded to the best singers, who will bo Judged by tho audlenco. An Easter reception was glvon by Mr. Maurice Feldateln at his residence, 3135 AMUSEMENTS Convention Hall NOW 2 to 12 P. M. Danr CENTRAL POWEH8 RED CROSS BAZAAR FOR WAR WIDOWS AND ORPHANS T Church nnd School Bijou. S P. it. Con A cert Hall Rich Quartet and Thnddeus U Illch, Violin, and Horatio Conn til, Daeso. n Hiao P. M. Katherlna Aicuiniey, bo- y, do David a pranoj Paul Volkman, Tenor; Mayer, I3erllo Piano. Y ADMISSION, 25 CENTS CU. 1- MARKET ST. ABOVE 10TH Stanley Anniversary Week CONTINUOUS 11:15 A. M. to 11:15 P. M. MARIE DOEO In Ono ot the Finest Pictures Ever Produced "HEART OF NORA FLYNN" Next Week Monday, Tueedajr 4: Vedneday Pauline Frederick in 'The Moment Before" At 10 12, 1:40, 3!20, E, 0:40, 8s20. 10:00. i t CHESTNUT Below 10th AwQiHlQ ALL THIS WEEK jCIlI CCtUICfc Douglas Fairbanks In 'THE GOOD-BAD MAN" Action Charlie Chaplin IN BURLESQUE ON "CARMEN" "Salvation Joan" Next Week Edna May In frlobft Theatre ffigrlnVa. VXIUJJO VAUDEVILLE Contrnuouill A. M. to 11 P. M. 10c, 15c, 25c, "Miss Hamlet' ,,flh5SSSS?s;.lr. Crosman's Banjo Fiends AND OTHE1 t a t a mri 10o 1 srjti.ury.jm 10 a. ipe Reid IN 'THE N't Wlc Mary Plckfo "XTZ J- -.,-! ,-. BO MarkeWabJhh 20o V ICLUIlct OWEN MOORE and DOROTHY OISH In "LITTLE MBENA'B ROMANCE" TOMORKOW AND 8ATURDAY MSIB. PETROVA In "Playlnc With Flro" Phila. Indoor Horse Show Today Tomorrow Saturday 8RD REOT. ARMORY, BROAD & FEDERAL TICKETS 11.00 AT CJATE PERFORMANCES S AND 8 P. M. 2f4 MARKET 20c B. Tpni:15 P. M & JHeo Kidg'ely j&np MAsicy rfftThe EteWl ;STNUT AT 13th STREET HaveAmnered f vanA tLxceptiona ieptior 1 Sale d Misses' Tailleur s an WILL BE CLOSED OUT AT 35.00 and 50.00 nervtofors) NOW ..7s;oo ,33.00 (2) 35.00 (7) 300 (14) 35.00 (16) tSS.OO (30) 3S-00 (21) 33.00 (15) 33.00 Twill Dressy foiret Serge Tailleur Sults.,, 85,00 Check and Gabardine Suits,,,, 75.00 Imported Taffeta Suits ...,.., ,75.00 9 Pennsgrove street, which Included rwti Piano recitals -riven by Mlsa Fteia AM miss Harrison, several versatile he-men logues given by Mr, Mordell, after irtiMi aancinr, an assortment of game ana lunoheon followed. Among thosa preo-mt were Miss Harrison, Mirs Field, MM Danzig, Miss Moskowlli, Miss Fleldsteln, Tl'.,M-.,ra11r'.111'' ' anl Mr. J, Wolf, Mr. L. Wolf, Mr. Mordell, Mr! BehwnrUman, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Mosktx wltz, Mr. P. Feldsteln and Mr. Poulshoek. ."r'.a.nd Mrs- WcOInn after spend! the winter months at Palm Beach har returned to their city home, 122 Nr-Hti 54th street and will entertain tho JPe' lar Boys' Club, of West Philadelphia, Mr. John Brogan, Mr. Thomas Brogah, Mr. John Duffy, Jr., Mr. Bernard A. Mv gulre, Mr. John Horan, Mr. William Ko ran and Mr. John CaldwelL AMUSEMENTS B. F. Keith's Theatre CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH BTnEBrS Sensational Water-Dance Spectacle! Mildred Macomber & Co.i In "HOLIDAY'S DREAM" SHHSP OILLINCIWATER A CO. J BBLLII DLANC1U3; COMFORT A KINO; OTHERS Next Week Ireno Franklin GARRICK "ffiLf ftffla" COHAN A HARRIS Preeent THE FUNNIEST PLAY IN TUB WORLD IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Beet BcaU $1 at Popular Wed. Matinee Forrest Last 3 Evgs. t Mask and Wig Club , ISd'S "UNDER FIRE" With WILLIAM COURTENAY A Orlflnal Co. T.VRTP. Tn'ht t 8:15 Sharp UXJXXVJ nEaULAR MAT. BA The Brilliant Vlenneee Operetta, "ALONE AT LAST" KRANZ LEHAIVS MOST REMARICABLB iuuoiviAU iiuuuru ADETjPHT Pcp' l ""tine Today THAT "TOPPING" LAUOII HIT "A Pair of Silk Stockings" rr ' '. pomedy Sii ". to Pltaee Even tha Mot Faetldlous." RECORD. Walnut. Matinee Today, 25c, 50o "LOST IN NEW YORK" NEXT WEEK TWIN BEDS SK RT? O A Tl Thl Ne:,t Week. Evre-, 8:18 JJilJ Mat,. Wed, ap(1 Sat- 3:11j Mr. Cyril Maude .-onuVr' Beet Seata $1.50 at Popular Wed. Mat. LITTLE NEXT WEEK THEATKB FltANOAIs ' 'Hh A' 'Kl qa"JUJUB SEATS 8ELL1NO lTth & Delancey Metropolitan Opera House, Frl. Eve., April 2: Last Appearance Until Sprlni.'lolT "" JOHN McCORMACK All Seata on ealo at' 1100 Chestnut St. NIXON'S "The Girl in the GRAND Broad 4:Montomerr vauvyii OJ1UJJ Today. 3U5, Tefl 0 Big Acta; A Pictures. T rrTTC!rn 62D & locust streets LUvjUDInoiuu talmadob martha's vindication 8th Episode of ''Case of Mary Pais" -' i - - 2fBECMNT B!rSE cftW Knickerbocker 'WMIS MATINEE EVERY DAY JJ.JO. JUN A MERICAN "The Old Horfeate: "nVINT! STOCK Mat. Tues..Thurs ' SWIMMINi A V A T:C! SANITARY ja.UXWU.iO 210 S, ROAt REOPENS SAT., FORMINQ. AFIUL. 2B WRITE FOR RATES. ; - VL , of Suits r- V if y ...-- BVlMMINa JFOOfc. -k Til. cxuBm uw Jr Heretofore MOTf Fancy Faille Models, ,.,..,.., 56.00 S0.00 Novelty Cloth Suits ,,., ,,,...110.00 5O.00 Fancy Silk Suits ..,.,,.,,...,.12500 80.00 Satin and Serge Comb,, Suits., 98,50 50.00 TwiH Suits,..., 95.00 BO.po 50.00 50.00 so.eo 46V wc would suggest sizes of a style. I