3147- i i i . i i THUESDAY April 27, 1916 - Euemng Uettner -J.......,.!... -- , M -1 - ' t2gpMZ KwtMWWIMMlMkiMMWMIMI -A 15 &&$&$ notes and comment on the varied news of the day as recorded by the camera tf- 7-" "l,l"i -- IVq in i .' ' - i ....,,, ,-, , ,. , I, , ;,,.. - EXCLUSIVE PHOTOGRAPH SHOWING HOW 12-INCH GUN ON BATTLESHIP MICHIGAN CRACKED ALONG VIRTUALLY ITS ENTIRE LENGTH IN RECENT FIRING PRACTICE OFF GUANTANAMO BAY , As a result of the discovery of this defect, nil four Mr guns in the forward turrets have been discarded and now ones are being mounted while the. ship is undergoing repairs at the Navy Yard. Above, to the right, is Lieut, H. A. Dargue, who was ' knocked unconscious in the wreck of the sixth United States aeroplane in Mexico. He had to walk 65 miles back to camp. His home is in Ridgcwood, N. J. FIRST CITY TROOP PAYS LAST HONORS TO -FORMER MEMBER, DR. J. WILLIAM WHITE, AS BODY IS REMOVED FROM THE NOTED SURGEON'S HOME ON SOUTH RITTENHOUSE SQUARE .ISmjBtfBCn ill ii.iW" 1 1 ' ' 1 ITTiiinrrinw.il 11 1 N 11 1 Ml ' 1 iiiiiii 1 ill! ill! r - 7.Y. - " ' Photo by Bala TH5 WPECK TPAT BROUGHT THE VIRTUAL ULTIMATUM FROM PRESIDENT WILSON ?IpJ is the duume! steam Susae?: m sht appear as beached on ih& coast of Fpmc after being attached by a rapped rmsn U-l?oat "WliUe carrying moro- to 350 passengers, amonif whom -were sqveral Americaoa, To picture reveaU how hw entire bow waa torn to pieces. HZ BSSSSfSJBuKrmSamTBiJmKKSjtttfPiimr .aaaffltpEffSfeJHBBr SHfeflpXnpiMBflRi 'mKuHIBH' ISntJCyH K .& ffppBVis HppppnAT tppjpjspppjpjpppppjppwr. AiatipmifJaMMwt w "KwuHt J uA- "7r PHnrt pjpjpjpjjpjf wjl jF5SfTiSr UkuS & r laaP'gv P cSptVHIk pppppBpDppVALliBHBLSBBflaK wy aVVKy r EMTJBinnpHII ' m n ii 1 1 L. 1 n , , mtyntm Copyright, Vcdenvooa & I'naru-QD-i. ALLIES SEND CHIEF GENERALS AND STATESMEN TO GENERAL COUNCIL OF WAR IN PARIS Starting at the extrcmo left are Premier Asquith, Lord, Bertie, Sir Edward Grey, Lloyd George, a secretary. Lord Kitchener, an aide, Sir William Robertson, all of England; Premier Salandra, Ambassador Tittoni. Baron Sormino, General Cadorna and secretary, of Italy: M- Matsui, of Japan; General Chagas, M IsvoUky, General Gillinski, Premier Patchiteh, General? Vesnitch Yovnovitch and Rocbltch, of Serbia; Generals Castelnau and joffrei a secretary, Premier Brland, General Roques and General Bourgeois, of France. y "I .1 XI ,a w.l s 3