Pfl'9VW"fflS! EVEKING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL' 2f, IMG. Vi i V fe. I ri ik I WflU' HED MEN TRIBES LIGHT COUNCIL MES .' ,t Annual Reports Will Show In- crease in Membership and Broaperity Throughout 'I Reservation f WIUi (ho closing days of the present administration-of the Stnto Council now drawing near, there Is naturally a cst insr Up of accounta and n consideration of the woFh of the past great sun, to ascer tain what progress, If nny, the order has made during the year. Much of the results of this examination, will bo disclosed In the mas of statistical data now belnp compiled, for hresentatlon In the annual reports of the great chiefs. That the year has been nn exceptional one for the order, I. generally admitted. A forecast of the figures of the annual t reports may safely be stated, to show ma terial gains or tho most satisfactory char acter. ..yh"? numerical Increase, nnrt financial sta bility I dr,rt , and essential to fraternal perpetuity. It la n the character of thi pro. fresslvB Atii educational work, dcvlopei1 dur In Inwr that the members will take the l-featest dear of satisfaction.' tt "wr "una back the Oror of nd SISJ1 not kept pneo wllh lla sister orders. rvvnatevcf the cause, tha lthargy was up. """'.?.'; ttnd enthusiasm, except In certain ocalltlM. was notable hy IU absence, i h8 .Present nrtat sachem. Samuel It. Wat. ilr( Planned to ohanire these conditions, and ".."!" constructive work: jila administration r."1 A", remembered. Cordially supported by nls rellerw state orricers during- the year, he Jiai proven .an Inriefatljablo worker, visiting all sections of tho Btnto, stimulating- the weak and encournnlnrr the stronc tribes, and everywhere by dignified public utterances eek in to place the organization upon a hlsher piano In public esteem than It haa aver occu pied heretofore. In thla Intelllaent campaign ho has been manifestly successful. He has succeeded In "nbuln- tribes e.nd member with higher Ideals, m has lent o dlanlty to tils office, and to.the xraternlty. and all reporta now belne received seem to Indicate that lie has also succeeded In Ilirnlnp thp ll.ta a.,,1 rlvtn.r tha r,ln a mth. Unuai .numerical Increasa aa it concrete re. tilt of his tireless work. ..Tho enthusiasm developed In this city and throughout the reservation will prove n. mighty impetus t the Incoming ndmlnlstrntlon In Its Plans for. carrying forward the work so ably formulated and developed by tho retiring Great Sachem Samuel II. Walker. Thn newly elected chiefs of Chnclaw Tribe, No. 80tl. of Ilryn Mnwr. wero ceremoniously raised to their respective stumps by Deputy ureal Sachem John W. Winder nml team from Unponlg- Tribe. Nn. -17. A delegation of ncarlv lOrl wnrrlnn nnV lirntra nc'nmiiTitilerl 1 the deputy to witness tho ralsliig-up ceremony. The Inst maatlni. nf Mfnnntr -n-lh tva u-nll attended, and wbs noleworthy by reason of (the wide discussion of questions or, general the wclfaro of this I importance as affecting I uirucuiar trlbn. n Irt Went Phll,l.lnhln Mmlth Vnrnnl mnlia no well a s ntner triuai Domes tciiiariaminBiy tipoD ino riucsiion pershlp and the be-t method' of tribal mem- or capturing Dalflfaces. It. C exienrieu report, covering tho work of tho Billed trlbea of West Philadelphia anil tho -tangible bencn clal results growlnx out of this movement, while J. n-ylar urged tho wisdom of tho or ganization of a tribal baseball lenguo for tho Initiate Vivian Qrewctt Into tho mysteries of Itedmanshlp. The .aymalicra of Jtliionk Tribe will ns aemble tomorrow e'cnlng, In tho wigwam of the tribe, nfter the council Cm Is quenched I and teach three trumps thn rites nnd cere monies of this valuuhlo ndjunct to the Order of nrd Men. The Ilavmnkars' degree Ifam will do the work In full costume nnd muslo will bo furnished by Mlnonk llnymakra Hand. Tho meotlng will bo held in Thrush Hall. 88' Lancaster avenue, nnd all Haymakers will receive a cordial welcome. Tho degreo team of the Dakota Association Awlll trail to the wigwam of Shawncso Tribe, No. 8. tomorrow nucnc to renter ine chipe'b degree nnon a wattlnir rlpan nf rnndldnf.a Degree Io3ter Oeorwo Htrvcna expects to pre sent n full team, well drilled, and give a wor thy exhibition of Impressive ritualistic work. PATRIOTIC AMERICAN'S Stnto Ofllccrs Visit Subordinate Bodies and Aid in Class Initiations Ibno 'Council, No. 705, held an en thusiastic meeting Monday evening, when State Councilor Shenoman',"Snte Council Secretary Ford and a host of deputies paid an -official vlelt. Many Interesting remarks, wero made by the Stato Council officers to a large attendance of members and friends of the council i' Hamilton Council, No, S41, held Its usual monthly entertainment Tuesday evening, when 31. O, Harper delivered nn address on "Preparedness," An active ompalgn.lsbeInc; made bv No. 841 for m j members during tho present term, Tho Jt I ttce for tho coming season. v Y , escua council, No. IS. was the scene of a II I IS attendance of members from Councils II. 1 Non. 4. 15 and 031 laat owning, when an ciiieiiijjinQiu uy roemoera was given in addi tion to an address on "Preparedness." S'ate ..Councilor Sheneman and a si txA a I I staff will confer the Initiatory degree on a SSVii.""!? "it "-""'V."!1. .' a meeting oc ridellty Council. No. at, this evening. Colonel D. F. Houston Council, No. 7SD. will hold, a monster class Initiation tomorrow evenlnjf. In which the following will take part: Councilor,, male Councilor Sheneman ! vice councilor, V. C. Petora.: Jr. P, C. William It, I Dr;DnB5.: warden. Edward llrenner, nnd I. B., 1M T-.'.v- ci Haumgard.. assisted by the entlro Or. I uniformed guard of Diligent Council. No. 4. b a nna aervica and nag presentation I., place Sunday, evening next, under Ih A One service and flag presentation will take tne auspices Uk M,,H, VH.IAl.l t'Ul lOl, Ol ,, 1. formed Church, 2Cth atreet below a ifUKe-e ice- bus. Alembers will assemble nt the Imll -fith treet and Columbia avenue, at 7:15 sharp. THE WEATHER Official Forecast vi.a4i.u4Vi.-v, April mi. - For Eastern Pennsylvania and New JerseyLocal showers this afternoon; Tin ciTTi,n,Ai, . ,. ... overcast ana continued cool wcamer to night ftpd Friday; moderate north nnd t northwest winds. K A disturbance that was indicated In tha f. Ohio Valley yesterday haH moved tn the. Middle Atlantic coast, and has caused rains aver most of the States east of the Mississippi niver exceotlng the cotton belt. Conditions are still unsettled In the Middle Atlantlo States and in the Ohio basin. Tno western area or nigh, barometer Is moving Blowly southeastward. The crest la over South Daitota this, morning and jthe area overspreads the plains States 'nnd most of the great central valleys. U. 3- Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at 8 . ro., Eastern time, row S last Italn- Veloc- Station- a.m. n't, fall, Wind. ty, Weather "1 1'Sifj sr.v. T: 77 ' t,"' 11 tear Alianiic V.IIJ-. . 113 I , oiy 44 i;( 44 i lB ,ns w ,40 NR :: W .08 W ,ia nvv ,oi N ,0S N .18 15 .60 NW .81 NR i. SIV jjlsmarcK, t. u, o 1. -i 2S v iiosLon. wftw.i L i huffaio. N. Y, iCharlfSton,..., -18 4S ,Chcaso...Ul.,,; 42 40 la Cincinnati, onio -ia J Cleveland, Ohio 42 4(1 Denver, Col. ..3d 84 Detroit! Mich... 44 42 atveston. Tag. 6 84 ia 14 IS tiarriiDurr, . 1" J J irattra..H, O. 68 B fflslr fifet: I? 15 f ITtUna, - ixuruiit vtui:::ll k !? i Mvmi Tennl 48 4 .l5 W " i Annies, ., 8d B4 .. BB. ,, Cloudy aa Knoxvl uttia. tSuftfif."."'.: S? s Montgomery, .. 83 4S IfnatreaL Can.. 43 40 U8 JMVV 12 63 ffifr :: fe Nashvllls. Tenn. 44 fi Maw? Orleans . 60 81 :'--'- ft- 40 Aiy NB 14 so .02 mv or .... T Norfolk. Va. Okllhoms , .... 42 40 VIVHUJ Coudy Cloudy Omaha. Neb.... PWl3ilplila , . J J A PUUburgn Pa. jl U NB ia M 40 .80 H .. 4t ti n ;: 48 .48 B " 38 . . NE lit f Quebec. , -Can, . . 88 ,BU Paul- Mint J Salt Lak.Tltah 8; Has Antonia . Cloudy ; Ban Sin!" tMfKHvff'a 8 :nf &,r tm& ISanWB.' Pa 40 ?0 I NB '.', niTa Bcranton, Pa TaBU?' . WUDUUIVU. UH"J" Calm P.Cldy U5NOTM OV DAV, steua it. 88 a-ni, I Moon rues.. 3:81 am. ;3 wt" " l Jiooa aoutiis, 8U.'3a-m. E pKLAWABK KIVEB TIDE CUANOES, r, multr 4 SO a ro, I-ow water 4 JJ1 d bi gj6,wtr 842 a ci. HUtb water 10 18 p.m. TK.1U'KATIIUSS At a-iljl UUIH, Tl it m ill i v 3iIT"t 6 tat "mi 4&JMiQuJ$l L JL i i JU 1! H " D5 -ta .V9 na El 34 SIV . c ..; ii . . Clm.r r .ii v a JUNIOR MECHANICS Jubilee Week of Local Body in Celo brntlon of Council Anntvcranry Jubilee Week was celebrated by John U. Martin Council No; 80, from "Wednes day evening, April 19. to Sunday evening, April 23. The first night was given td the ladle;. A varied entertainment was followed by dancing and refreshments. Thursday evening was given over to the members of the council and their male friends. 'Souvenir ' pipes, tobacco and cigarettes wero given to each person pres ent, and nn entertainment was nlso fur nished of a superior chnrncter. The main spoaker of the evening was the Hon. J. Scott Anderson, who spoke on the ques tion of "Preparedness." His talk was greatly appreciated by a large audience. Fully GOO members and friends wero Jn attendance. Friday evening was celebrated by a. banquet, IS hall WAN hennttrnllv nVeni-nred fop the occasion. Tha folio wine made brief addresses! Ctata CnnneltnF M. n H,ntl nn unite rirder"! National Representative Charles It. Nous, who told tha members present of the activity that la going on In the order In York, and Past fltate Councilor, Dr. M, P. Dickinson gave, a talk on tha National nrntinna Home. Fiolatn- Imr In detail the new building that. Is In course pf erection by tha state of Pennsylvania. Ills talk was Interesting and Instructive. Others who spoke wero Past National Councilor Sv"!.r,c5. Kurs, Btote Secretary. Charles It, IIA.II. Stato Treasurer Charles Kaufman, Jo seph Reverson, llenrr If. 8innamon and Councilor William A. Lewis, iNatlnnal representative It. A. ataa.Hl also gave an Interesting talk on Bouth America, ongs wero, rendered durln tha evening by Ilrolhera Walter 9. Eehgelrnler and Herbert Btott. Saturday evening, tlis natal day of -v,in n. .tmriin ioiincii, waa ine oiggesi niani S. "" b n Jlenatlied by n large class Inltl- stlon. Tha degree work was eaempllfted by tha famoua devren t.nm of Miteltn r?ndnel accompanied by the John n. Mkrlln Orchestra Wlllrh fl. tn ....nMnna .. -nil.. wub White carnations wero given to aach candi date and tho members wore red carnstlons. The visiting brother complimented tha council " visum orotner complimented ma cour on Its success and congratulated the ilea team upon Its work and on tho many new fea tures presented, Sunday evening the mem- uiatea ine tiegrce tures presented. Hunday ayenlng tha mer bcra assembled In the council room. r,08 We Allegheny avenue, and proce-ded to Bth atre and Sodgley avenue, where they attend! west street ll.nrf. nivmo service ana concluded tne .ubllne week. Tho committee. In chnrgo of. the celebration consisted of Thomas II. Walters, chairman: Menry Wollenmann, seeretnryi pavld It. Ihompson, troosurrri.,Wllllam A. Fwls, ex orftcloi tlsvld II. Jlell, Wesley Ecorf, Elmer W. Cross . Karnest z. fitead, Henry P. awl gear llllani Ploea, vice, chairmani Harry Iiarford. Herbert Biott. Albert J. Huston. Arthur Nevltt. h. B. Walters, Joseph .Mat-f.'S,vi"-' Krl, Matthews, Harold Matthews, Al an Klrby, Jjhn F, Hue. Jr.. Charlea Butter lln. Joseph Kosa, Itobert glass. Kdgnr Kern. John W. II. pray, oerald Wl son, Walter Price, npwland H. "Vhltneld, (leorge W. I,. ftblotiAlb'rt EP.W""- William Krnlmer. John 0--w"??n' William, J. tlray. Walter W. X?.V,n- Henry P. Bwlgear. Walter Heaumont. William lurgcnson and Albert B. C. .Miller. The Stato Council Entertainment Commute, to entertain tho State Council of PennsyUanln when It convenes In I'hllailelphla on tha second Tuesday of Beptember, held an Intereitlng meeting last veek. The president. Charles Kuufmann. presided. Several committees wero appointed by the chairman, as follows: Knter talmnent. H. U. Mtherman. of Council No. 130. chairman; finance, Thomas II. Walters chairman, and Hotel, II. I.nnaelbartel chair man. After routine business the meeting nd Journed to meet on Frldav evening, Jlny 10, In tho, council room of Dlrlgo Council, No. Ill 6. Some of ton mimli.r. t,p...n. In .n.til tho order were: Past Btnto Councilor John W Paul, tho oldest bast Btnto councilor In-- Wellenmann. ,. Tho John H. Starlln Oriental Court will have Its monthly meeting tomorrow ovenlng. A largo number of candidates are expected to be pres ent. Plana will be suggested in this meeting to form an Oriental temple In Philadelphia for tho purpose of making tho Oriental temple movement a Stute Issue. Temple No. 1 Is lo cntrd In York. Every member of tha court la requested to be present lit this meeting. lone Council will have an open meeting; on Stondny evening, May 1. All members are urged to be present. Qood talkers will be present and nn Interesting program la assured. Oencral Ornnt Council, of Norrlstown. will have another large rlnss Initiation on Alny 111. when a class will bo Initiated. Tno degrees will be conferred by tho team of Grant Council. FORESTERS OF AMERICA Schedule of Summer Athletic Sports Arranged by Allied Local Courts The Bprlnff.nnd summer schedule of .out door games and athletla upoVta l now ready tO?be placed Jn effect, .and 'from the Intorestfahown'by membera of the several courts the season promiseB to be ono of unexampled netlvlty Irt outdoor aportK and nthletlo happonlngs. The Vorcsters' Base ball League will Boon Inaugurate the cum mer series. Entries aro received for tho various sections ns follows : Wesf Philadel phia, Woodland, No. 88 ; South Philadel phia. Itobert MorrlB, No, 2B8; Northwest. Kalrmount. No". 41 ', Northeast, aienwood." No. 101 : Suburban, Manayunk, No. 82 ; Mount Vernon, No. 117. Supreme Trustee J. I'. Dononue, manager. Other athletic activities have been' arranged for with Indicated inanaccra aa follows: Quoit contests, a. Marts, No. 17 1 aqiiatla sports. J. P. Itoddon, No, 108; outings; I Frell, No. lB8i athletla features. J. P. Oartland. No, J48i polo, W. J. Nagie. No, Bit football. J. V Foley. No. 148; football. SIT White, No. i02; tennis, N. J. Seymour. No. 170, and lawn fetes, James J. Noon. No. 00. Court V. J. Smith. No. 24t. In FrnnWIn Hall. Monday next will tender Its lady friends a banquet and muslcale. Tha arrangements rorfected are for an event of exceptional merit. Irotbor Oonnley, chairman, has utilized that date aa the opening of tho aggrcsslvo publlo campaign for tha Houth Philadelphia district class Initiation, to bo held at now Auditorium Hall, 7th street and Snyder avanue. June 111, In which 48 courts are combined with No. 241, as one of tha most actlva In tha movement. Ths Northwest District Clsss Initiation Com . "S?..!".6' Tuesday nvcntnir. Supervlslns Dep uty William II, Hurley presided at tho Initial meotlng, Tho weekly sessions will be continued until June, when ths large eectlonal class will be duly Initiated, Tha 85 courts In tho move ment are Kalously at work. At tha opening conrerence addresses were given by the grand executive officers, P. O. O. It-nger Kirk. Ilrartloy and Murray, and working officials, urand officers of New Jersey were present to i'SS? n Invitation to take part In the parade In Camden May SO. Court Am.,l,.n TaJl. No. U8, at its. meet- Ing Monday nljht. In lha ford streets. Lecturer Hi nsll 21LB anu oaK- ecturer Hell had a select pro- gram of. events. Urothers Cornell. Kesslck, vciiy ana uunen. .the Neutral Quartet, wero heard In soma well-rendered songs. Brother llarney Connor had a budget of quaint uay- tnga and Deputy uy uii Illbert. A. Pahy -snoke com. nf lh mendlngly. of tha splendid achievement of ths court, while the airing band discoursed sweet melodies, lirothera Uambls, Meyers, O'Connor uu -. o, urr, ins "juepuues' uongsisrs." Save selections from tbelr rspertolra. Urother lOrman. the delegate of ths Foresters' Day Committee, gava a clear outline of tho events scheduled for IhA enmlnir miiilivi, .I Intf .delegations from slstsr courts ware present and took part In the South Philadelphia court's Indoor tournament, be In ths Forestera' division of Tha court wilt SO In Camden. A novel costume has been adopted for that svent that will add uniqueness in paraao -May w uiaiimiiuu iw ins piarciiina column. Foresters' Day Committee ot tha Associated Forester Courts will meet tomorrow evening In Anna M. Rett Hall, Hutchinson street and Oirard avenue. Chairman Oartland ex- pects at that subcommittees, so that all plans may finally be in . a me In rn.lvi, rnnra frnm all definitely decided upon to Insure the success of tha 1:11th annual celebration. Tha nit.atlnna of time, place, souvenirs, athletic program and musical araniements mutt all be finally decided upon, The 31st anniversary of Court Bi no, lua, win oe pleasantly celebrated wllh a banquet, Tuesday evening next, at 100 North Droad street. Ilrbther Joseph Itoddcn la In charge of the details of arrangements and i-. u. v, Ji. ivira: win onipiaia aa toast llia.1,1, The week-end outlnga for membera and their families, a raatura of Ih iuurt ;ue r t l a: rrei ourt for many years, bsa been revived for thla sea leason, -ri heir outdoor weekly gatherings are held all during the summer. Brother Garrett Barry baa been named aa manager: Urother Carre for transportation i Brother T. K Brother Muldowney will arrange oil will care ane, muele: nn tha aamaa and sports and Brother John O'Brien will look after ths refreshments. . Court Brotberly Love. No. 10, at lis meet ing Tuesday evening-, at 212a Bast Dauphin aldersd toe question of lucres seq membership and the boat means of using the district class movement to accomplish thla result, Thla court ,.b., uaiu an uiicrcaiiiia liiaeilHS anq i-im la now 40. years old. baa 231 numbers and aur- Viue uuua aiueuminjKlQOVSF !UVvU. Court Amerlcus. No, 67, will hold Its monthly entertainment tomorrow tvenlns at 21st and South streets. , Patriotism, pleasure nd a few profitable social hours will be given In the splendid program arranged, The brethren, men of energy and enthusiasm, will Illustrate tn aong. story and action the strength and safety accorded by fraternal, association. Tha court la a striking proof. Its 40U membership and J950O excess Invest ments dsmspjtral Its stability- Walnut Street MercfianU Elect At h meeting of tha Walnut Street Busi ness Association, held last nlsht In the St, James tlotel, tha following officers wers elected President, B. J. Herlet; first vice preoldeat. Robert, Stewart. Jr second vice nresldent. ivrus U. K. Curtis s s&cratarv. v. William Sjpleaa, an ?reaturer, Matthew ' U, UUi09re. irig. no nnving been Hints conncllor In IBM: P. a C, Thomas ill, Walters, a. C. 8. Charles It. Hall. 8. B. T. Charles Kaurmann, l. U. 11 Past Htate Councilor Thomas II, Waltera. i?,' on bthnir of peneral Warren Councl . No. as I, AV ,t trVn.ii 1. - "i7ri. """'" I'.'t ?S'A'U" ;'""" :.'."".: of third degree :l-., "V--. :'.'. " -"..v. vw vvu.twiwt . work nf rcsaim lor laituiui sorico reuuered. ODD FELLOWS' ORDER ELECTS STATE OFFICERS Official Eeturns Showing Result of the Hecent State Election for Grand Lodge Officers The Grand Todge Committee on Elec tlon neturno mot at headquarters In this city Monday to count tho votes 6f past grands cast throughout 'he State at the recent election for grnnd lodge officers. Tho official result of the election as an nounced Is as follows: For grand master, Terry A. Shanor, of Pittsburgh, 18,270 votes! deputy grand master, Itobert W, Montgomery, of Phila delphia, 15,249 votes; for grand warden, Ii. H. LaUderbaugh. No. 108, Meadvlllc, 2862 votes; Larry B. Moffltt. No. 109, Elliabeth, 1162 votes; Itoy D. Heman. No. 1120, Harrlsburg, 8166 votes! grnnd sec retary, Usher A. Hall, Philadelphia, 12.008 votes! grand treasurer, Fred C. Hanyen, Scrnnton, 10,030 votes! Clmrles A. Ullrich, No. 100, Philadelphia, 2182 vo'es; grand representative to 8. O, I. T'tlson 1C Jtohr, Allcntown, 12,104 votes. Caledonian T,ndee, No. 700. wilt hold a big "booster" meeting tomorrow night In lt nail In the Tarkway Bul'dlng. Droad and Cherry streets. An attractive proaram of entertain ment lies been provided, and. an address will be delivered by Past Orand . Representative Frank r. Conway. Visitors will be accorded a fraternal welcome and will be .received In the "euld nuld" scotch style. All Odd Fellows are Invited to come to tho lodge, enjoy a laugh and return home happy. Tho committee In ehdrgo conslata of Captain . George D. Crale. P. W, Ancker, John S, Whlttley. I,ouls ttelch and William Cull. The general chairman of the Entertainment Commltee. Dr. Oeorae J. Hyde, promises some special features of nn enjoyable character, . The, lodges of the 10th district will hold a union meeting and annual conocatlon Monday evenimr In tho hall of Ivy Lodge, No. SDK. nt 2748 Qermantown avenue, which promises to be a notable occasion amonrr followers of "The Triple Links" In this city. A welcomo will nlso be tendered at this time to the mem bers nf Guardian Lodge, which recently has moved Into thla district. Prominent menfoers of tho brotherhood will attend, nnd n varied and cnjoyablo entertainment will be given. The rlebrated degree team of Ivy Lodge, under the direction of Degree Master A. II. Wilson, will give the first degreo In full form, Intro ducing new costumes, scenery nnd novel elec trical effects to add to Ita Impreslve character. All members of sister lodges aro Invited to attend nnd witness the exhibition of degree work ns well as participate In tho social featlvltes of the evening. Odd Fellows, with millions of followers In all parts of Pennsylvania and throughout the united Htates, are this week celebrating the V7th anniversary of tho founding ot this tho oldest and strongest bcne.lclaj fraternity In tne countr: ,, t-uunirv. xesicraay marKcu mo nniei nay of tho brotherhood, but the event Is signalised marked the natal day Hi., t alrnnllvMH In various ways nnd lilt throuvh the week. In lodao rooms ns well ns bv cantons, patriarch militant, encampmenta and Ilebeka imam, encnmpmnnia ana fiebekau loogca, tn aomo places union meetings ara hild In many quiet lodgo room irathcrlnga recognlxlng tho Important event, while nlsewhera parades aro given and In nthr cases members march tp church, to attend divine services. Whatever the form, everywhera members are rnjolclng In Jubilation over tho completion of OT years of honored history aa n. great and Influential fraternity, A special sestlon of ths Ornnd T.odge of Pennsylvania will he held Thursday next, May i -ivooin ti. sixin noor, I'arKivay iiuuning. sirens. lor ine aonussian niembernhtn anil Inntnirf Inn membera In th. tinwrltlti Inn nrtlnr. A .Inillnp I,, ...HI i.a hold the following night In the hall of Norrls Lodge, No. 4S0. of Norrlstown. Urnnd Mas l.rr J. V. ,,,llB Jenkins. Urund Secretary Ushep A. Hall nnd other Orand Lodge ofdeera will ba In attendance. Itellglova services Runilay afternoon, at the Itebolcah Home, 17th street ami Allegheny ave nue, wern conducted bv Mra. tary A. Ungel man, president ot tho home. Cach of the 17 ased women In tho home were given llasler baakots by thn membera of Welcome 1-odav. and each was presented with a suitable. Easter gift from tho board ot managers. Oeford Lodge, No. 14. linil charge of thn services Imld Sunday afternoon, at the Odd lellowa Home, 17tb and Tioga streets A sermnn wnm nr, l,w ,h. tta.. rw t n- r Hanna. pastor of Frankrord Ilaptlst Church, upon "Tho Itesurrectlon," Hnd music vu sup plied by a choir of -10 voices from tho samo cnurch. directed by George A. Bhedley. A brief address was nlso mndo by Thomaa Slpps, president ot the home. At the Homo for Orphans, ths services Sun lay afternoon were under the auspices of the Commlttea on Education, Robert Lowe, chair ma.n.,'',"' Orand Patriarch Matthew Wiley and Charles 11. I. lllchardson, president of tho, home, both delivered addresses. Muslo was -well supplied by the children, and reci tations appropriate to tho day wore given by Dorothy 8tnr.ii.-er, Clara Ooetx. Irertha atochel and Jlehn Axsom. Tho children were generously auplled with Uaster eggu by tho managers and friends. . Tuesday evening trra membera of Kendorton IxjJko. No. L'tiO, listened to an address by It. A. Langworthy, upon National Defense. Not Agjresslon." This lodgo will attend special church services, Sunday. May 7. In Oaeton Presbyterian Church, Millo, I)dgo conferred the second desree 0n all waiting rand datea on Thursdav Inal. A committee of IS vvua appointed to look after ueiuuiurui memoera una uring era and brfmr them Imnlt tnin UIU IWIU, A goodly number of visitors were n resent. Tonight the third degreo will be exempli fied, n lull ceremonial form, by tho degree staff. . At the regular meeting of Quaker City Lodge, No, L'liB. last week, there wero a num ber of now features brought Up and an In teresting meeting was held. Tha new offi cers) elect were present and among Ih mem Imrs present waa a visiting brother. It, It. Morgolls, a newly admitted brother in the order, This week the lodgo conferred tho Initiatory degree on a class of flva candi dates, and at tho session on Tuesday evening nsxt' will exemplify tn full form tha work of the first degree. -- Tuesday, evening Hamilton! Lodgi helil an Interesting sess on In 1 No. linn. lerestlng session in Metropolitan Hall, 8017 Lancaster, avenue, at which four candidates were rtulv lnlllat.,1 a rf.,,.. .Bn. under the direction of Degree Master Dullard! has been organized and Is holding frequent renearsala so that the members may soon be fi.bito ee-r-ably exemplify the work of all ths degrees, Msrchsnts' Lodge. No. 183, at Its last ses. sion worked the first degree upon a number ?J- c a n .1 Id a t e . Among tha interested visitors yero flrothor Charles 8. Hawkins, of XTnion Lndg. No. Jen. of Drooklvn; II. Horman, "SeoA J.odas. No. 73. of Swedesboro. N. J., and C. II, Derby, of Palisades Lodge. Yonk- ere. IV. Y. Tomnrrnw nv.nlnv tfin Itinlor rie- rrta team of the lodge will exemplify tha second degree, under the direction of Degree Master J. llnhm n annA,,Amn, l.n1rll jioenr will doubtless attract a large attendance ot mem bera and visitors. Minerva Lodga. No, 224, enjnyably cele brated Us anniversary last week with a varied concert program. Among those who partici pated with muslo, song and story wers J. O. Anderson, J. Houston, W. HtafTord, W. Dallakon. Miss Frances Pare. It. Bfrgin,, IV, Wdft; J, McKes. W. Uergfn, U. Emond and ,F. Klanchard. A special feature ot ths evsning was a laughable skstch given py An drew Ann ns, j, Milne, (S, Emond. u. Camp- ball, o, Wlftmal.r. L. Tew. II. Craven. W. llorrachs icha. F. Itlannhari F. Blanchard and Following the entertaii It. IORIUI Tomlinson roiiovv served, nment a supper was INDEPENDENT AMERICANS St$te Secretary Issues Appeal in De half of Restrictive Immigration State Council Secretary "William A. Pike, has Issued an appeal to council and members throughout the State urging that appeals be made to members of Congress for definite action In the nature of mili tary and naval preparedness tn success fully defend national honor and amply protect the rights of American citizens, Similar appeals are also requested to , be made In behalf of the Burnett restrictive Im migration bill, with tbe literacy test Included, which baa passed the House tV a dectslvs vote and la now before the Senate for action. William Wlndom Counril, No. B80, Is one of the wideawake, presresslve councils which has contributed Urselyto ths prestbes and success ot the order throughout ths State. Bach term shows a material tain in member ship and finances. The otneers chosen for the current term aret Councilor, Jantea It Mur phy, vies councilor, John A Thlele. assistant recording aecretarr. William Barblcr. conduc tor. Paul Endrlch. warden. John B Scott: Inside sentlner. Oeorge Kellman: outside sen tinel Frank Schumann chaplain, f. Arm strong, financial secretary. Robert J Allen; record I naaecrtiary, .Adam B. Preston, treas urer. William II. Weaver, and trustees. Kd ward Wilson, John F. Weldon and Wilson T Mailman The military, camp for the tralnlnx pf the mire guard of tbe State will be held August 4 to Avicust 13, on grounds near Warminster. JJUCSB v,Quqi' . ui Countr Tha census belnc taken of tbe a 01 IB Dine an Stat disclose the existence of ft I.,r. nnmhar of unlfo e number of to tbe aevsral councils and seems to esur a uurmaa guaras aiiacaea big success of this important undertaking. Knights of Pythias Quaker City ILodg. No, SI, located at Qer mantown avenue ana frwe sueee. tomorrow vnlcg will conclude a generous celsbratlon of (ha sixth a: 1 ins ffisin '"'fvHFI " nue uir boih- Commander Harry L. IVeat bas provided an attractive program of eaterUln. ment for the eveojs and. an Invitation ia at tend is etsndsd not only to membera and their famlllc. but to all membera of slater 1001 lass. The go ehaar nravided inIiulaa av alUnt mils! len lie, ncliur, mutlun pictures, a 3(npetltlv ga; same of Dolo and refraabi .naurts an enwyawe vntng n . keeping- wan. the reputation ojoyg sy in is ludja for pythlan hospitality and prcirrMglve) Itittraii .CiJYejj;tEta. TRIANGLE HEADS BIG MOVIE MERGER Famoita Players and Lasky De sert Paramount for Griffith-Ince-Sennett Combination By the Photoplay Editor Ha you own a piece of motlng-plctur 1m? Do veil wont one? If ml rio. read fie Batnritay line of the F.venlng ledger's Amusement Section and lenrn hnw you can obtain free a nnrllen ef nna nf the last films In. which the late Arthur V, Johnson appeared. Merg-er of seven of the biggest nnd rich est motion picture companlm In tho coun try la now complete, according to an ofll clal statement here today by H. 13. Altkcn, president of the Triangle Mm Corpora tion. The cnpltrtt Involved Is estimated at between 126.000,000 and $100,000,000. The merger Is calculated to do away with the middleman, tho distributer, nnd will deal moro effectually with actore demand ing exorbitant rtalarleB. Tho compnnle3 In the combine Includo Triangle Film Corporation, New York Motion Picture Corporation, Keystono Film Company, Majestic Motion Picture Company. Reliance Motion Picture Cor poration, Famous Players Film Company and the Jesse ,l Lasky Feature Play Com pany. The Majcstlo and Kollance Companies represent tho pictures supervised by D. V. arimth and released under the brand of Flno Arts on the Trlnngte program. The business of nil these companies will be carried on under the name and direction of tho Trlnnglo Film Corpora tion, according to Mr. Altkcn's statement to tho firm. Tho new deal brings nbout eomo strange affiliations. Hitherto tho Famous Play ers and tho Lnsky companies have had no connection at all with tha Triangle, but have rolenped nil their fenturcs through tho Paramount Pictures Corpora tion, ono ot the largest of the distributing flrmB. Tho Paramount Pictures Corpora tion, which has distributed their films, Is not In the merger, according to Mr. Altkcn and W. W. Hodklnson, president of tho Paramount. Mr. Hodklnson nlso said: "Wo have n 25 years' contract with tho Famous Players nnd Lasky companies ipr tno exclusive distribution of their products. Under such conditions we can not see how they can enter Into any mergor which would In any way chango the distribution of their products." Vllllam A. Brady, one of tho men who control the largo World Film Corpora tion and the film-producing companies which lelcasc through It, told New York reporters last night: "The Trlnnglo merger will have no effect on tho other picture companies nt nil as far as competition Is concerned, Thcro arc as many companies outside of the merger ns ntrong ns those Inside. If this mercer should provo successful, however, It would not bo surprising to see other film companies follow suit on account of the saving which ono chain of selling agents or dlstilbutors to each group of four or Ave producers would mean. In stead of n chain to each group. Eventu ally the inotlon-plcturo industry may boll down Into two separata factions, like tho Shuborts nnd Klaw & Erlanger. "As far na we nro concerned, we have no reason for merging nnd don't want a merger." Besides the World, other big film com panies not Included In the mergor nro tho Unlversul. Oanornl. Mutual, Vltagrnph-Lubln-Sellg-Essnnny, Metro and Fox Film Corporation. Theatrical Baedeker ADELPIH "A Pair of Silk Rtocklngs," with Snm Bothorn and Hva Ionard-Iloyne. An English farce-comody full of good llnca and lota of Kngltsh slang. , FOnrtEST "Whon, Phoobe," the annual pro duction ot the Mask snd Wig Club ot the University of Pennsylvania. The regular Easter Week socloty attraction. L1TTLI3 THBATftn "The Secretary." by Thomaa McKean. Presented by members of tho Stage Society nnd Plays and Players. Every night except Thursday. nrtOAD "arumpy." with Cyril Sfaude. Tho return engagement of the clever character actor In hla famous role In Messrs. Per clval and Hodges' attructlvo play, LTHIC "Alone nt Last." with Hoy Atwell. Harry Conor, Letty Yorko and John Charles Thomas. An operetta with ths book adapted by Smith and Herbert; muslo by Frnns Lo bar... An ambitious Viennese Importation of tho "Merry Widow" school OAnniCK "It Pava to .eu'ertlse," with Louisa Drew. Grant Mitchell and Ben John son. A noted furce with much fun In It. WALNUT "Lost In New York." by Leonard drover. A comedy-melodrama of crooks, villains and a heroine, rilOTOPLAYS. STANLEY All week. 'The Heart of Nora Fljnn." with Marls Doro. A charming story with Miss Doro aa nn Irish housemaid. This Is anniversary week at this theatre. ARCADIA All week. "The Good Had Man." with Douglaa Fairbanks and Bessie Love. Added attraction, Cliralea Chaplin, In his "nurlesque on Carmen.' PALACI3 Wednesday, "The Bowers." with Hlnnche Sweet. Thursday, Friday and Snt unlay, "The Love Mask." with Wallace Held and Cleo Itldgeley. VICTOniA Wednesday and Thursday. "Little Mcene'a Itnmanne," with Dorothy Glsh and Owen Moore. Friday and Saturday, "Play ing With Fire," with Olga Pstrova. LOCUST Wednesday. "Hoodoo Ann." with .vino -larsn, Thursday. "Martha a vindica tion," with Norman Talmage, Seena Owen and Tully Marshall Friday and Saturday, "The Half Million Dollar llrlbn." with Ham ilton Jlevello and Marguerite Snow. BELMONT Wednesday and Thursday. "Out of tho Drifts," with Marguerite Clark. Fri day and Saturday, "Poor Little Pepplna," with Mary Plckford, ' STOCK.' KN'ICKETUIOCKKR "Kick In." First local presentation of Wlllsrd Mack'a drama, with the Knickerbocker Players, It tells ot the desire to rsform of a couple of exconvtcts wno are nounaea uy me ponce owing to their past record, AMEUICAN "Tho Old Homestead." with the Arvlne Flavers, VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Mildred Macomber, in "Holiday's Dream"; Claude Ollllngwater and Company, In "Tho Decision of Uovernur Locke"; Belle Blanche, vocalist; Comfort and King, tha Six Schlovanla, gymnasts; The Three Va- SPUING EESOKTQ i.oxo iinANcii. y. j. HoiicsrwooD West End. Long Branch, N, J, Adjoining Shadow Lawn THE SUMMER CAPITOL Entirely renovated and unproved: 3X) rooms and ballu; cbenic Ichi; telephone. Oilf and tennu grounds aitachsa. Euro pes n I Ian. Retlwranl ol peculiar excellence. Rooms $3.00 pet day end up. Annexcperu May30. Hotel opens June 30. Under Personal Management Walter E. liildrotti W. Irving Davids Formerly of Hotel BreJin, N. V, City and West End Hot.-l.Lcn3 Bunch, N. 1, N. Y. Booking Office. 3S9 Fifth Avenue ATLANTIC CITji N.jjL ATLANTIC CITV tuts sot a rvew slai 01 aervice.comtorl-a be, llAiaE&rFiRowariaswrHOTiLiii .HmfcnitraivricUN aMtrtTCCCn nt ... 5.T. - .1 . , -mri THE LEACIN0 flS0r.nK)TtLOF THE. V.QttLD ffllaTlboroujKfenfKini ATLANTIC CITY.N. J, WtJCBSIUH MAIMOCMCNT. m.mamiM a.Mii-ri a 2fci Aun.tnl Tli'ff1" ""iifca-avw- v"""'- HOTEL LBLANDE .'A'cbtav sv. Uoobstructsd ocean view, e Java tor, alto, tints, prtv. ca tin .mod. raualVa. HAWK. ' "TiVAItTUMOIt'E. PA. STRATH HAVEN INN Jun Sd. F. M. eCHEIBLBV f' SOHOOL AND COLXEOES ITRAYER'S Ib B" Bueuuaa School P 1 1V 4 N J 601-SOT Cbeatnut Street, PABOEIi l?OST ricaYidiiiniriu i mB TARD. FteatjSF aPd Buttons ct'trcX 'X. WC1UWJ in $Btk, Uih bUlie 323 EiiasJe IIUm f&asa taut Ue r'alRAftlQ 1 THKB.M11 tm ffjr i..ncJ rMnts. Milton and De Long Slsterf. George wuiisiS ena r.oaio I'll Itsierald, Hoy llarrah nmi company. on-AND -The Olrl In tho flown Shop." Kelly M Onlvln. Slose. and Carmello Ponzello, fted Knnwiea and Malta While. Roy nnd Arthur, Itose Comedy Dogs, 0,iS?.fe:',,f. ""J"!'"-" Crossmnn'a IJinJo Lii T,.'..Wa".fr Johnson and Cornpuny. Cnr K1i'U!l.,M'",al,ul Wojts. and Monks. Per and Company, Charles, Tho Threo Ilossalres. CIi22S.-,J2Yf--r,,r,.hilf of th w"j "The tfS,,0'3,, &le" Zimmerman and Com pany, Norwood nnd Hal . Kvana Mlai.ra let Shaled-V.mWn,r', t.';M...E,0,", " -'T. I.sst hair of the wek, "Tho Lonesome Las K.nn..y .!.'. "JV1 nrns. Coegsn nnd Carr. raETSS Th?eoCATex?nSr' CrW'r nd Cm:" TJUItLESQUn, DVuJJ?i?T.'e"tum6,i1'." .Minstrels, In satire on matters of current Interest. Treble Clef Concert Tomorrow evening nt Horticultural Hall tho Treble Clef will pj-esent Itn spring concert. Karl Schneider, musical direc tor, and Kills Clark Hammnnn. accom panist, nre perfecting a most difficult nnd Interesting program. Ono ot tho chor uses, "Tho Song of tho Nuns," hy Jensen. Is of n religious character.' 'Tliyro tho Fair," a dramatic choral ballad, is tho work of William Lester, a young .Kngllsh composer, who Is now cholrmnstcr In tho Second Christian Sclenco Church In Chi cago. Rudolph Sternberg will sing tho bass solo In this composition. Other solos in the choruses will bo sung by Matilda Snyder Christie and Elsa Lyons Cook, members of thn club. Messrs. Wltzemnnn, Cook, DUblnsky, Lonnartz and Anton nnd Joseph Homer, of tho Philadelphia Or chostrn, will take part In the various choruses, wilt play a sextet for horns, vIollnB nnd 'ccllo3, and, with Mr. Ham mann, will perform a nutnlct for piano mm mruiK iiu.irtct, entfjs Thete Notice. Are Printed in the Evening Ledger Free of Chargq. n'! 'i'T0?, I:J.rihMnnlh 20th, Ifllrt, at ?,Mfb.N. J.f KATHARINE WISTEIt BA-2.Ni.,n.h5r.80,h..5,'".r.n,,'"-llv' nnd friends Srf.iiW't't t0 tlli? funeral from Friends' Meeting House, West Broadway, On 1cm. " J- on 7th day, the snth Instant, at 2 r,'h, Tr",n ,rSvf Philadelphia 12.20. r turning, leave Halem 3MB p. m, Frlnds IPfZ.S'y Rt residence of Joshui 8. Wills, on nth day evening, from 8 until 0 p. m. UOn-EK--Pn Apr" ". J0"1' AA ELIZA Pb.EH'. daughter of the late John r. nnd i,,.n"A.' t'owen. Rein lives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Satur S?nA Vt.8i!? R' m r-'r I"1" residence. SJOO Wal oca st. High Requiem Mass at t-S ",. ayier a unurcn, at iu a. m. Interment slrlctlv private. DOVI). On April 2.1. HUB. MARY BOYD (ne nwv'ellel, vvlfo of Charles K. Boyd, of 25 iSotfn.pach '. Relntlvea and friends are invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, nt tJ? ,rom thn Oliver II. Ilalr Building. 1RS0 Chestnut. St. Solemn Requiem Mass at at. James' Church at I) a. m. Intrrmtnt prlvaln. Itemnlna may be vlowed on Thurs. day, from 7 tn U p. m. El'NV. Oh April 21, 1MB. MARTIN L.. hus band of Husan O. llupn. Itelntlven nnd frtxnds, nlso Thomas R. Patton l.oilge, No. fWli. F. and A.M., lllta Chapter. No. 201. It. A. M.t Welcome Lodge, No. 221). I, O. O. P : Teocco Tribe, NO. 843. I. O. R. M . nnd Muskoka Council, No. 1B2. Degree of roeohontaa, and all olher organizations of which he was iv member, nra Invited to at tend the funeral services, on Friday, nt 2 p. m , at tho Oliver II. Balr Building lH'.'u chestnut at. Interment at Ardslny "urla! Pnrk Remains may bo vlowed on urs day, from 7 to- 10 p. m. CALLAHAN. On April SB, 1910. FRANCIS J, CALLAHAN, aged -IS jcars. Reluilvea nnd friends, also Ht. John's Lodge, No. 110, P. and A. M.t Signet It. A. Chanter. Nn 251, Philadelphia Commandery, No. 2. K T. . Philadelphia Consistory. A. and A Rite. Lu Lu Temple. A. A. O. N. M. 8 and nil other organizations of which he was a mem ber, aro Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Saturday, nt 2 p. m. precisely, at his late residence, Ras North 8d at. Inter ment at West Laurel Hill Cemetery, Auto mobile funeral, CASAHHA. On April 20. 101B. CATHARINE OAHAHHA, widow of John Caaassa. Rela tives nnd friends urs Invited to attend thn funeral, on Saturday, at b:30 a. m,, from 3ifev:2," &i&nk BoSy iriiiF fallowing theatres obtain their plftures through the STAM.F.Y Booking I pamaanr nlieb Is a guarantee of early showing of tbe finest praduc- ei.n? All BetTtrea reilewed before exhibition. Ask for the theatre In your Uy obtafnln" PlctirT through tbe STANLEY HOOKINO COMPANY. Al HAMBRA Mr'Da'.Iy'ltEJgTT fo JUdiaiUDlAr. M;udS;iiuJ "paranVt Pictures. Pauline Frederick in "AUDREY" a t 1 A T"i 1 A CHESTNUT ARCADIA BELOW 10TH CHVRLKS CHAPLIN in "CAB.MEN" C"A Dfli-OLAa FAIRBANKS .In 'THE GOOD BAD MAN" A TrI I f-i 02D AND THOMPSON AFOLLU MATINEE DAILY ROBERT WARWICK in "Hl'MAN DRirrWOOD" BLUEBIRD SM0 NonT" im0AD aT- metro pnnnrc.S'TS Julius Steger In "BLINDNESS OF LOVE" nr. n TiTSi'IVT'T' BSD ABOVE MARKET Ollil-ilViVlN A Mate. 1 i?o a ai:i. F.vge. o iau, a, u i'"' . .. -.r 11 In "OUT OF 1 Charlotte WaiKer the darkness doTH AND CEDAR P4B.1 j v: vj '.ATitI MARY MILES MINTE! LOVBLT JURY" FA1RMOUNT "dTH Al antAno ave. pinnKNTi: HOCKWI.l '.. ir April" 28 and 20 CHAPl "h- rf'l-1 nnj?-iripf.rv In "CABMEN" FRANICFORD yUBSh Charles Chaplin cARMEN" HRTU ST. Theatre Bel. BpruceJIfCaTT to.H "?" M'J,1. .t ,i4RirtTim Garri jieanur uwt' a r. R",t & Mats, OAU Ot. Rananm Hvs. IS;30 JANE GREY i MAN AND HIS ANQE GERMANTOWN BS0S TOWN Hamilton Revel! and Marcuerite Sn "lhc iiftii million ajrio -i I r.HF C8TH MARKET M1B-7-P. (jLUDi 13 000 K1MIIALL OROAN BLANCHE SWEET in 'THE P-LAPKLiar' nminn AVENUE THEATRE GIKAKJJ 1TH AND aiRAHD AVENUE JUmiltou Rsvelle and Barbara Tennart In "THE PRICE OF MALICE" r . rVTtl.n. BROAD ST. ERIE Great INortnern oermantn aves. MARY PICKFORD in madawb duttebflt IRIS THEATRE ?,0 0ii PAULINE FREDERICK in 'THE SPIDER" IMPERIAL Theatre JftllU CLARENCE MAUDE in REVELATWrf' LAFAYETTE MM $&Vir ROBERT WARWICK in j HV! MAN PRirrWQOD" tmt maunis a.3;l Soaf .a ll-lf: j?.. , T 1 OERSftN- 'VE. M In jJU.M.Ml'!tyAHr!Unyj.lJAI.1Miialr -s DEATHS her eon's residence, Peter Cntaa, Marshall road nbove Shadeland are.. Oarrttford, eiswar county, Pa. rwiemn Mass or ite- gulem nt St. Charles' Church, at 10 a. m inirrment at iioiy vross i;emevcryv.,vnio mohlle funeral. Take trolley at 80th 8L Terminal for Uarrettford Station. COrrKV. On April 2(t, 1010, WINIFRED F. t'OFFKr Due not Tee of the funeral will rn flven, .from the residence , of . her eleter, alharne Bourne. 3818 North Mascher st, COf.UNfl. On April 23. IBM, PATniCK COLLINS, Relatives nnd friends are In vited to attend the funeral, Ml Friday mnrn Inc. at 8:30 o'clock, from his late residence. S.Vi .Queen lane. Germs mown. Solemn Benulem Mass at St. Vincent do Paul Cburch at 10 o'clock. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. COLLIN'S. On April 23. into, tVILt.tAMXJt.. son of Paesmore nnd the late Freda E. Collins, in his lflth year. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral services, nn Friday, at 2 p. m., at his par ent's residence, 714 North 2th st. Inter ment nt Mount, Morlnli Cemetery. Friends may view remains Thursday, from 8 to to P. m. I DEVINE. At Reading, Ta., nn April 2S. lOlB. ANAHTAStA (nno.Cnllabnn). wife of Flank It. Devlne. Relatives nnd friends nrt In Hied .to attend funeral, from parlom of Un dnrtalier Dougherty, n 8. lOlli at.. Rending, Friday, I:l: a. m, High Mnea nf Itcmilem St. Joseph's Church, Reading, Pa., nt 10 n. m. interment In Oethaemane Cemetery, Reading. norniirnTY. On April 2s, tntfl. john a . husband of Lavlnln DotiKherty (neo Htll.s), Relatives and friends .iro Invited to "ttend thn funeral, nn Saturday, at R..1i n. in., rrnm his late resli-nee. P".;i7 ivderal st, Hlah Requiem Mass nt St. Te'esa'a Church nt 10 a. m, interment at New Cathedral Cemetery, imiNlUIOTBE. At Denver, Col., AAMUEt, B. DRINKHOUSE. Relatives nnd friends are Invited In attend the funeral services, on Friday afternoon, at West Laurel IIIII Ceme tery, upon arrival of train leaving Broad Street station at' 1:18 p. ra, for Barmouth, Pa, ENimiHS. On April 24. HUB. ETHEL HN DltlilH, beloved daughter of John F. and Henna Endriea Inep iteevesi, aged 1 year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend thn rnnaral aervlreh nn FrMav nftnrnnnn. at J o'clock, at her parents' residence, 101 Itllner st. Remains may be viewed on Thursday evening st T o'clock. Interment nt Fernwood Cemetery. rARRF-N On April 24. lOlfl.. KATHRYN C only daughter of Hugh nnd Martha Farrrn. Relatives nnd friends, also Kplphany II. V, M. Sodality. Bt, raul's Ladles' T. A. B. Society and employee of N. Snellenburg It aCo are tnvlt'd to attend the funeral. on .Friday morning, at wan o'clock, from her parenta" resld-nce, 1138 Mirflln street. Solemn Requiem Mass at Church of the Epiphany. 11 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. FKRNAI.H. On April 20. 11)10. MAT HinCH. wife ot Jstnes 1, Fernnld and daughter of the late Alonzo nnd Hannah Birch. Rela tives and friends are tnvlt-d to attend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p. m., nt late residence, 1448 N With st. Interment private, at Mt. Moriah Cemetery. Friends may view remains on Friday from 7 to 10 p. m. FRY. On April 2B. 1016. JOHN B., huaband of Abble Fry, nged 48 years. Relatives and friends of tho family are respectfully Invited tn attend the funersl services, on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock precisely, at his lato residence, 1311 Marlborough St.. Phlla. Interment prlvnte, FUHRHK Suddenly, on April 23, 1D1B, ANTHONY J. FUHRER. Relatives nnd friends tire Invited to attend the funeral pervlces. Friday, at 2 p. m., nt the real denco of his son, Frank J, Tuhrcr, MSI Haverford ave. Interment private at West minster Cemetery. l'l.'SHKLIMCH. On April 20. HUB. CHAR LOTTK. widow uf William D. Fuasnlbach. In her 83th year. Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at the residence of her aon-ln-Hw, William V. Hdwardsi 1228 Stilts at. Interment prlvato. Oi;it;tARII On April 23. lOtfl. OLIVIA H. OhRlIAHD (nen 6'Brleo), wife of Harry, K. Uvrhard. Relatives ad friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturdiy. nt 8:30 a. m., from her huabtud's resilience, 3114 North 10th st. Solemn Itcoulem Maes nt tho Church of Our Lady of Holy Soula at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchro Ceme tery. Automobile funeral. GRIFFITH. On April 24f 1U10. KLISABETH It., widow ot John Qtltnth. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p, p., at thy resi dence of her sister. Mrs. William Hume. 21138 Poplar at. Interment nt West Laurel Hill Cemetenv Automobllo funeral. lI,nSIIHF.ROEU. On April 21. 101".. JKN NIB W., widow of Dr. A. Harshbjrger Funeral services 'at daughter's residence, Mrs. J. C. Armstrong, 4 lion Mawr avo., Bala, Pa., on Friday, lit 2:30 v. m. Inter ment strictly private. Car.rlagea will be at lici station to meet train leaving Broad St. Station at 2:12. PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATIO Umpom T 17AnPI? FORTY-F1P.ST AND' LXPHJC,t LANCASTER AVENUE CONSTANCE COLLIER in "THE CODE OF MARCIA GRAY" LIBERTY DnAD COLUMBIA H. B. WARNER in the RAif:ns" Logan Auditorium Broad Above Rockland Ave. EDWIN AUGUST in THE SOCIAL HIGHWAYMAN LOCUST 52D AND LOCUST Mats. I1.IR 3:sn. 10c. Cvgs., oiiiv, b, v:au, ioc 1VT T-.l J In "MAIlTHA'S norma laimaage vindication" 1V.n,a-A 831 MABKET npatre btbeet every Wednesday BMANTOWN and CHELTKN AVE3 "THE IR LAW" yi.VTIt KI'I l)B ORIENT 0!D4wg: DLAND AVE NUOUS 1 TO II. PARAMOUNT DENM; THOMPSON'S "THE OLD H( STEAD" PALA MABKET STREET 10 A. M. to 11:15 P. WALLAI r. RKID and CLO "THE LO 3AVPUTK ST iat mm. EVOHfU to H 1 Kaley Payl'hav and Jarais CnnV ln liTHF aa ....,..- - . .-, PRINCE 8 MARK 8TREE' vphb a HAil inn I'Alir- "81 KUTK", RIALTO NTOWN AVE. TPLPEHOCKEN BT. ma: ORD in INO" RCflirNT l5lTtARKET STREET rCVjE-li l .j.J'iirj.iv voice oitaAy MADAME PETROVA in 'PLAY1NO WITH PIRE1 RI1D V MARKET STREET U D I UKLOW TTH 6TREET PARAMn"NT Hazel Dawn in Tho Saleslady" SHERWOOD51TJC BALTIMORE George Beban ,THg ijAhlAn SAVOY tl MARKET " STREET RED FEATHER" Pee- Hobart Bosworth in Dr. Neighbor J Q Q 1ITH AND VENANGO 8TB, Charles Chaplin "carmen" VICTORIA M.1RKET ST. 1 Ve I V l I J ABOVE NINTH Trluurle Dorothr GUh In "Little Mtena's Romance ' Mr .Mrs. Drew la -"Ttie Spooivers JStrm Cye ot Manr pe ' Hth iKpUudt STANLEY CONTINUOUS 11.111 a to. SO it') pi - MARKET ABOVE 1TH MARIE DORO in THB HKAllT OF NORA rfctKN' !iID&wl!W ffi-awPraK" jr n a 1 11 11 eifrnrii a 1 rtELam. fin. E1 hv and RTAL - -js - t "U iTHF. lrV1M(lRTAT..FI.AMFA' imww. j:du m a mm ,-. - i - i fc C .dSTOl ICBT j mi ivinuuu j v RT.aLVNEf THE Wl b fsrsfritK HIK faVtrJ HI V W AC Rjrpiciii yriis rv)p - DPATIIS MAnnAt MTrh.,Pa.jLn Fer.rlr.-dt. Fourth Itrntth Miii. laieiCYHUfl W ,HAR VRY. 1 thn TM s-enr nf Mt aire nelattree nnd frkndt arei Invited la attend the funeral, from th Friends' Mrttinjr Hotim. Malvern, nn SeveniriJsT. at 2 p. m. . interment at Ooshonvllle Frinda' Bnrlal Grounds. luarnnhsoN. on April 24. ibi. rdciar, husband of tne late Anna Barret rtendmpon ?,"? ."J1" "' Iharle; and Sarab. HmwHTwm, Relatives and friends, also empioyea of the Harrison Satelr llll Wnrka. are tnyttfd to attend the. funeral, on Saturday, at R.-SO n. rn.. from Ms late. residence. 317 Orden at. Bplrrnn Requiem Man at the Church of Our 1-ady of victory, at 10 a. m. Inter ment nt Holy CroM Cemetery. UTtiVrlONV-vlANU ntDDI.B HBWSON, lnIS Pine st , In her Knth year, daughter of the late Dr. Thomas Tlckelt Hewaon and Bmlly Banks Hewson. Interrftent at I-nurel Hill. llH-.RONIMt'S. On April 20, 1BI8, VAAZk DKTIf, widow of Henry Lorrne. Hleronlmua, aged 78 years Belatlres snd friends are Invited to attend Iho funeral services, BMuf iliy atlernoon. at 2 o'clock, at the Mary Drexel Home Corinthian and Oirard ave nues. Interment private tlOFrKTKFn. Suddenly, on April SB. 19IeJ, WILLIAM J., son of John F. and Btelia H. Hoffncker and grandson of William and the) Ijte, Mary n llumne. njred 1 year 4 months, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services,. on Friday, Tit 2 r m.t at the residence of hla parent", ma Wash ington ave Interment st Northwood Ceme tery. Automobile funeral. IltlNTINnTON. In Vlneland. tf. J., on April 24, 1010, THOitAR N. IIMNTINOTON. aged 82 years 0 months. Relative. and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday, at 2:30 p. rn., from tha .First Baptist Church, In Vinefsnd, N J. Interment prj- vhln. a! Rllnnm Pm,lrv. Vlnalnnrf N J. Klr.NY. On April. 23. tOIft, SKBABTIAN, Sit., hushsnd nf Annie M. Kueny. aged 74 yrara. iteMtlres and friends are Invited to attend (he funeral, on Friday, at s a. m.i from his late residnnne. &030 Willow ave. Solemn Mass of Requiem at Bt. Ignatius' Church at 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. Automobile, cortege, LILLY. On April 23, lfttt, JOHN LILLY, at 10:30 p. m., at 8 Lilly St., Lambertvllle, N. J. Funeral private. LUTZ. On April 23. Idle). BARBARA, wldenf of Jacob Ijutz, aend 78 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, nn .Saturday, nt 8:30 a. m.. from her late Irtltlencc. 702 Bouth Front st. Solemn Mas of Requiem at Bt. Philip's Church, at 10 a. m, precisely. Interment at New Cathedral CVmeteiy, MII.F.H. On April 28. 1018, CHARLKS A., von of the late General John D. and Ellia beth T. Miles. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend tbe funeral services, on Friday, st 2 p. m., at the residence of hla niece. KCftO Chew st., Rermantown. Inter ment at Ivy Hill Cemetery. niTCHIE. On April 24. 1010. TERESA, daughter of James and Frances Ritchie, aged 10 years. 'Relative and friends are In vited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 8 30 a, m., from her parents'- residence. 8083 Chatham st. Requiem Mass at Church of Our Lady Help of Christians at 10 a. ra. Interment at Holy Redeemer Cemetery. nOArir. On April 23. WIO. JAMES A., ann ot Margaret Steele and tha late Jnhn Roach, nged 32 years. Relatives snd friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday st 8:80 a. m.. from his late tesMenco. 4303 Ludlow st. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. James' Churrh. at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. SKIIOISON. On April 23. 1018. HABRT. hus lund of Mary K. Serglson (nee Wcatherby). Relatives snd friends, nlso Covenant Lodge. No. 43B, F. and A. M.. are Invited to at tend tbe 'funeral services, cm Sundsy. at a P. m. nt his late residence, r210 Kinases sing ave. Interment nt Fernwood Ceme , tery. Hemnlns may b viewed Saturday evening, from 7:30 to 0 o'clock. Automobile funeral. STATU. On April 23. 1010, WILLIAM, hus band of Mary St.-vth (neo Henry). Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, nt 8 a, m., from his late resi dence. 239 Spruce st. High Requiem Mass at St. Joarph'a Church, at 9 20 a. m. Inter ment at Holy Cross Cemetery. TIIinWAN. Suddenly, on April 20. 1018, KU1IUHT II. husband of Margaret (J. Tide man. Due notlco of the funeral will tie given from his late residence, V0S South 4Uth street. WALLACi:. On April 24. 1010. ELWOOD FRANKLIN, husband of Hannah Wallace (nee Cope). Relatives nnd friends. alo League of the Sacren Heart, thn Wm. R, I.ccls Republican Club and rmploves of the Roxboro Filtration Bureau, are Invited to nttend the funeral, on Friday, at II a. m.. from hla late residence, 2112 Vine at. Sol emn Requiem Maas at Cathedral, at 10 a.m.. Interment, private. WINTL'Il. On April 2S. 1018. JENNIE, daughter of the late James and Elisabeth Winter. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, onr Saturday, at HMO a. m.. from her late residence. 2213 Cherry at. Solemn High rt.quiem Mass at ths Cathedra , at II) a, m. Interment at Old Cathedral Cemetery. 1VKST PIIILAIJELPHIA GRAND C2D AND JIArtKET BTS. """"" Atat. Dally, 2 P. M., MUTUAL MIGNON ANDERSON in -rm: mill on the floss- tvs OVERBROOK MD Ey PAKAMOl'NT JOHN EARRYMORE in . "N EARLY A KI.VO" GARDEN MD ,LANSDOWNB AVR . MAT.. 2. EVO.. 8:30. ... Ttl HiFnincint Mora! Drom-i "THE VICTORY OF VIRTUE" "TUB STHANOI; CAMK OP MAltY PAOK EUREKA 10TH MARKET ST8. I !! JTi'V'-1'5 Proe-il, ' Lillian Gish '" DAV11A lTr,. CHAS. lIPBn.VY In ThE'MvTB" ka rirvinup both and ""'- I1ALTIMOBE AVE. EVENINU ;J3 iind S;15 rt,;2' BiUie Burke .. en m 1: u r BROADWAY ??R rtEENWAT" t -''i'' Adults lOo; Children oe Robert Edeson ln "B, "" ii-i -'vv',;u" funHiTY' "The Iron Claw." Firar FnuZXi XOKTH Broad Street Casino nno'.Dr,S",w' r-- iAiLKJnji" T.ii'"'0 " Svo,fir,W,bur m The Lovo Liar TWO rilTS COHEPIES CENTURY SfftJgp CK'3ffiKMS,!? SOUTH OLYMPIA BB0AD ad yi-t M. 11U l PAINBRIDQE. BT3. IIOIIK pr TUB LATE3T 4.VO BK8T PHOTO I'LAYS .V SOUTH PIIU.ADEt.PHt4 Pearl White in "The Iron Claw" NtWTIIEAHT ySTRAND ,T,, AND "BAno av& GEORGE BEBAN in "The Pawn of Fate" OTHERS KEXislMrNMr JUMBO K"NT AN ' " w "1 v OIRARD AV3NUB "His World' of Darknesa" -SK ' "Uncle Sarq at Wprk!j NORTH VVKST JEFFERSON svru iEeiifN Triangle JOHN EMERSON in "THE FLYING TORPEDO" 9llnilfltiinn THEATRE 1ITH A ausquenanna pfst,tKHAXNA avb. World AUCE BRADY in "THen I'll Come Back to You Weekly Programs Apptir.Everr Kocdajr If Motiott Plclure Chart v 1 AJ """ iuV 1st A. "1 rrrFVBi3 siT