-fs EVENING rEBOBB 1HII;ABBPH3:A WEDNESDAY, APRlIi" 26, 1616, 8 t Ifi K) Sis: ALUMtWSWGS ATA FOR CHARHY i I. " uross 01 1'ire uiven Sf tehflt of Country Week , i ASsociatibn k , . (tartd tlniori- ot PnllAdelptila. 300 p,wier' tn.8 nolo tSlrAetlort of Anne ough, who for many Reasons h(i ihe organisation and to whoso h W ft monument, gave Its nnnuat last evening nt tha Metropolitan House. This yoar the beneficiary wv the, laudable charity, the Children's Gp-ntt-j? Week Association, and the char BWevmirposes Of, the program wlll,rsuU In H JftflSff number of the Wddles having .-Wiafiea U,, enjoy green fields and paA iWcsjW'Sw tn'3 summer. Till major nuniber of the prdgram was Walrueh'a "ThoCross ;of; Fire," a can- tts.?ynicn is nemom nearanowauay, uui fnt has a great Tieai, oi meioay inu ifjiartlcularly nlnpribie snsemuie pas tin commend It to choruses. Preced ing (the cantata a miscellaneous program Was iHWan! The soloists were Herman Bandbiv (xiJho-made his final concert ftp peAnmco of tlm Beason In this city,' Abblo flt. Kcely, soprano; George f. Orr, barl ton, 4 ahd John Vnndoraloot, basso, who ."werffjalso" feolojs.(s In the cantata. . , Phltadbtpufa. Composers' and' poetK w$ro U Jwproscnted in the mlscellahy. Kpb- l&r'mbruetnr.'ttitf' young local pianist, WMfrlcfrTHe Secret," a charmlhur lyric fce?Trfhr Lewis Tubbs, the muslo critic f iiKffectlve music, and the value of ..,.. l -.-.. ' .. Lua ..,, .,1l ..nl. f t 3 iw wcrctH, aflu mwvux nu ucttumuiu ...- ' "j IwrfJjy-MIss Kecly, h6se flexible soprano v Jwsj',ttls$ heard "to line effett .In "Pator dllsA rn v appropriately vernal song-" 'by A .Ellitf&Iark. Hnmmann, the distinguished Phllft5e'?n,a pianist and accompanist. Ftnlc Oglosby, local tenor, has set one of JEojfn Daly's" most authentto and musical . potfiis. "The Song of the Thrush." , to l muif that catches Ita own wlstfultvess j and' Jilt, and nothing of either was lost" In iMr.prr's splendid Interpretation. He I -wraSiTalso tha excellont Interpretative ." rtlsfc In Bruno Huhn's musical version of .ruMltvy t .Jtvii:-uat WISH ACtljr ..u , 4 oetfed'work In an oxcorpt from "Thais." Wi sanaoy iraversoa inoccnnnii re sources of 4ils 'q-llo In the familiar h'TIo-ooctJ-Warliitlons" 6l Tspha,!kowsky, but Ihe (wntiment ot Tila own. Danish folk sohg, "Elverhoej," and a naivete of ,Godard's "Cradie BonB.woro 'mort likable -on ac count of their Innato feeling and sim plicity Mri Vandersloot'a rounded tones and clear" Jenunclatlon proved a. valuablo nd iutjet jcx the, talents of Jits cpllaboratora In tHe dramatic parts of tho "cantata"., Tho Cros3 of Fire" Is founded upon ,a leennd used- by Sir Walter Scott as a jKHtion of "Tho Lady of the Lake." Mr. "Handby played nn effective obllgato to tpe celebrated "Ao-Maria." HOTEL CLERKS. REVEL . ' Attend Suppcr-dansant in Roao Gar ?' den of BoXdvuo Hotel clerks' from Philadelphia and othtrJclt!c3 dropped their pens and blot ter5itopped worrying abput rooms with southern exposures and baths and bell boys arid calls for Ice-water and reveled Ilka Tegular guests tn a suppcr-dansant hold' last night, and this morning in tha rose j garden of the Bellevuo. The affair wasfunder tho auspices of the. Philadel phia! Chapter or tho Greeters of America, , a. iwtltmal association of hotel clerks. St-kvttne.at 1Q, o'clock. nft6r many of ihA J-fi,nVi!iir been nut to bed. the "dan- per Ppys with the welcome smile" met their Indies and, like the thousands of "Fiesta' they watch over'every day, strolled 1 1 into, the Beilevue, naked a startled "beU- vhop ,whero tho rose garden was, aid after allowing an apologetic coat boyJo tako tholr wrap3, walked into that room tn the regular way, Elmer Sager, of tho Itltlcnhouse, Is president of tha local chapter, and "William P. Duff, of the Rlt- tenhouse, actod as tpaslmaster" On the committee were James B." Summers, C. JJitmaxj "Baker, Jr., F. P. Hudson and Charlcp McSorley. Police Court Chronicles A defender of nature-"-thls is the unique title which Tom Qulnri"-bestpWed on him self some time ago. He believes that the Brass should have a chance to, grow and breathe, that tho flowers should have elbow room, that trees should not bo cut down tp make way for the Improvements demanded, by progress. TOm. spends considerable time In Fair-' mount Park and also In the suburbs, keep-Jug- ft! watchful eye on the broad green spota. of ground which look so cooling on hov summer day. He chases kida who , trample down tho grass and takes au thority In his wn hands when they re fuse to obey his orders. On a broad patch of ground near the edge p Cobb's Creek. Tom saw a gipsy band getting ready to start out for tho summer campaign. In pitching an emer- gencf tent hey dug up the grass in "all directions. anJ in many places It lookec as though It might have been a -ecne in the, bttiei of Verdun. X)n of the women gtpsles was, abput to filg aidother hole In the ground when Tom " approached with angry eye and told her to bat it." you have no right to deface nature ih Mctifc manner," ho declared; "you only - jmrtr-bout. the world, seeking", whom you nmy cheat? b- fake 'tales of the future. Ttoeicto n-jke meters worse, yoi destroy tSatiafhtcbls the. only Joy of the man who JeveA'jout-ofidoor life-," TKe gipsy woman didn't appear to un daMtand all thatTom said. She knew vaguely that heaa ;jnad. and by way of ahowig her fleitodcrigreeted him with a fusillade, o? pttfjftna pajts. Tom was abouto tn chaxfe'en tietndesroy the; ntirf) .outfit Tprffflsft,. epp arrived -and" pre vmtA aWaan hobUliU h.-jnsto jsmUtrVlflverMftirei Malstrat Ste,vnKm. th WJde'JNdntiMd, TouvB,lov,ofniure. but wfjUoneS hlnrtealnat irierf ing? iut' ws"Teftss or vvr " v ftstt promised, o, rMft, pt vJsiions liven , another joppwrt-oity .to, roam CJfs v r fgi D AF U4MTUU ELECTRIC OtHPHONE zvnn ias you 10 c r Twv.wvyy. . eU Kft4 4i u n4t tlm you H to Na Tork. l5KAw,W g4 WMhi--toa,8t,. Boataa. H O TI C E OWNERS 4A ts Atttu piynera rMldlnC In PanaaiJ ndKjm aBte4 to asnd nim. autd 4- rp' s jsjiBBtitr pt esur. ts aur aUrai MsC-sa-Msrsttva-frJK("b la coBctca "nffr o ows, Atrtw Jtot4 Owners' An'n f 'ifeRcfi tl.JLL.rtVi tifia TmS'Oik STT-j y-tu. '"Sjjk'OMS mXd'e to j V - . , .,1 jij. ..,-.. -.t,i- ,-, ii iimj J.I ' U. Ill, t -4t m , CONSTANCE COLLIER Who will play Lady Macboth to Sir Herbert Tree's Macbeth in tho Sw Trianele flno arts adap tation, of Shakospcaro's fanious drama. THE, CANTAVES CHORUS .f Women's Organization Heard in Var ied Program Variety was tho kcynoto thnt spiced tho concert of tho Cantaves Chorus last evening In Wltherspoon Hall. May Por ter, Mus. Bac. of tho University of Penn sylvania, who has directed the OcBtlnles of this sterling organization ot -women's voices since its Inception, was the milsl cat director. She brought voluminous and agreeable tone from her contingent. Tho volcoswere well balanced and blend ed nnd met all requirements of prompt attack, and cessation of tone. Tho mem bers of tho organization In their choral endeavors lived very convincingly up to the tltlo invented for them by Dr. Hugh A. Clark when ho called them the Latin equivalent of "singing birds." Tho choral numbors Included Mozart's "Hymn to tho Sun," Cadman's "Tho Wish" and "Advance of the Amazons," Victor Harris' "Morning," Leroux's "The 'Nile,1' Goring-ThomaV "TImo's Gar don" nnd Horatio Parker's "In May." Thq classical beauties ot Mozart's inolodlzlng were conveyed with' real understanding. Tho bprlngtldo sen timent of tho Gorlrig-Thomas and Parker selections was very appropriate. A "flrst tlmo In Philadelphia" motto followed tho program announcement of Stephenson's "Viennese Serenade." This had a solo part for baritone which was suavely ren dered byPlotr Wlzla, whose voice Is rich and delightful In cadence. The chorus gave him admirable support. Edna Flor ence Smith and Mabel ilnls, sopranos, and Allco Fldler, contralto, members of tho chorus, were heard satlsfylngly In Inciden tal solos to some of the numbers. Eliz abeth Bonner, contralto, wns an assisting artist and sang several standard numbers for her register with rare sweetness and fineness of voice. Theatrical Baedeker' ADBLPHI "A Pair ot Silk sWcklnua." with Sam Hothern nnd Eva Ineonard-Uoyne. An l.ncllsb farce-comedy tull of Eood lines and Iota of EnclUh slang. FOnitEST "Whoa,, Phou," .tha annual pro duction of tho Maak and Wlir Club of the . University of 1'ennaylvo.nla. The regular m Boater Weak aoelety attraction. LITTLE TIIBATnn "Tha Secretary," by 1 Thomas ilcKean. Presented by members of rvthe Staie Society nnd Flays and Players. j' livery nliht except Thursday. BROAD "Or-miiy," with Cyril Maude. The return erursecment of the clever character actor in his famous rola in Mesars. Per clv.il and Hodses' attractive play. LYUIU "Alone at Last." with Hoy Atvrelt. llarry Conor, Letty Yorke and John Charles Thomas. An operntta with the book adapted by mitn ann iierDeri: music oy rrans ce llar. An ambitious Vlenneao Importation ot the "Merry Widow" school. aAnniCK "It Pays to Advertlee." with Louise Drew. Grant MItcbtll and Uen John, son. A noted farce with much fun In It. ' WALNUT "Lost In New York." by Leonard Orover. A comedy-melodrama of crooks, villains and a heroine. PHOTOPLAYS. STANLEY AH week, "The 'Heart of Nora Flynn."' with .Marie Doro. A. charmlnc story with Silas Doro as an Irish houaemald. This Is anniversary week at this theatre. AllCADIA All week. "Tha Good Dad Man." with Douglas Fairbanks and Uesale , Love. 'Added attraction. Chrales Chaplin, In hla . "Ilurlesqu on Carmen.' PALiVCU Wedneaday, "The Sowers,' with lllanche Sweet. Thursday, Friday and Bat unlay, "Tha Love Mask," with Wallace Held and Cleo Jtldcelry. . . VICTORIA Wednesday and Thuraday, . "Little Meene's Romance," with Dorothy Olah and f)wen Moore. Krlday and Saturday, 'Tlay nir vlth Fire." with Olira ratrova;.. LOCUST Wedneaday. "Hoodoo Ann." with Mas Marah, Thuraday, "Martha's Vindica tion." with Norman Talmace. Qcena Owen and Tully Marshall. Vrlday and Saturday, "Tha Half Million Dollar Drlba." with Ham ilton Ravalls and Marguerite Snow. BELMONT Wedneaday and Thursday. "Out of tha Drifts." with Marguerite Clark. Fri day and Saturday. "Poor Little Pepplna." witn iary nc-iora, STOCK. KNICKERBOCKER "Kick In." First local fresentatlon of Wills rd Mack's drama, with he Knickerbocker Players. It telle of tha dealro to reform of a couple of ex-convlcta who are bounded by tha police owlns to their past raeord. AMURICAN "The Old Homestead." with the Arvtne Players. VAUDEVILLE. KEITIPS Mildred Macomber. In . "Holiday's uream"! Claude uunngwaier ana company. In "Tha Decialon of Governor Locke"; Halle Illanehe. vooallat: Comfort and Kins. me Six Schlovanla, rymnaatai Tha Threa (a Va Oeoraa grants. inu?n ana ua i-qnr niscera, Qulglay and Eddl Flticarald, Roy Harrah O.J1AND 'Tho airl in the Oown Shop," Kelly and Galvln, Roaa and Carmello Fonsello. Fred Knowlea and Maxle Whits, Roy and Arthur, Roaa Comedy Don. aLOilE "Mlas Hamlet," Grossman's Banjo Friends. Walter Johsaon and Company, Car roll Stettra. Louie' Doga and Monks,' Bar nard Shaw. Ford and Tlnley. Orac-j Dunbar and Company, Charles, Tha Three Itoaaatres. CROB3 KEYS Flrat half of tha week. "Tha ann iimD.ny. 1?' Com. nanv. Nai Norwood and Ha Evans Blatars, Ripley arid Company. Cecil Eldred and Cs.tr, asi nai. o. in wee-. ' "s jjneoms ll alea." Vobb and Uurna. Coogan and Carr, Kennedy and Cotppany, Crowly end Carnn. -QURLESQUE. DUMONTS Dumont'a Mlnatrala, In satire on matters of current Interaat. aPRIMO BESOM'S ATLANTIC CITV. N. J. trriE!KHNGnr30i(TITa.Of TKEWORLDl iBiItorciijli'gwini AT-ArTTICvCITV.iVsJ. I a tfnNaitrir- sssawa-Maj s, m g-yj i , m I mam HynfTs i iw 99MPtviY l n&sm Cf Jarnceconifoil n TmTniT ir-iii nmm inn iiiiuiliiiniinii mmmj HOTEL LELANDE MSSfc ivs. I7labatrct-l ban vtatw. elflvatai. ! )Uhta7prlv tethM,n&jMyrr8t HAWi KINGSTON ?!3gJ$S2ff WcstiuiKster gj v BT- Ba-LC-.- Ei-r M.t- lSrl-f i that 9-iitv w-Ur, 11.80 -a tUy..48-IU 83 aa - C Ba-r BW-JTHl-tkJfL M STRATH MAym INN j "MACBETH" MOVIE , NEARLY COMPLETED Triangle Film Starring Sir Her bert Tree and Cbnstance Col lier Soon to Be Released By the Photoplay Editor r ou own piece of .piovlnr-pleliir (llmf iki ran want onT II yon go. renn i,h&a(;,7dTl;VoflV.iETn2n?I5; obTnl' !tnnt It nrCIlon ana irn, ,'" ,ii ' " i portion of one of .lie lt hlch (he late Arthur V, John-,on n In films In v appeertn. With Bill Shakespeare holding the cen tre of the stage and playing the leading role In tho spotlight of" current Interest, it Is of Importance to know tho Triangle Fine Arts production of "Macbeth" Is almost completed and will shortly bo re leased. Director John Emerson, who adapted It for the screen and also directed the pro duction, has started work oh the cutt ng and titling Jn co-operation with tha Fine Arts assembling and titling department. Although there are a few more scenes of "Macbeth'- to stage, the greater part of the play has been completed. All of tho scenes in which Sir Herbert Ueer bohm Tree portrays the title role, with Conqtance Collier as Lndy Macbeth, have been filmed! t y. . Fra'nclno Larrlmore, who appeared so successfully In tho leading role In "Fair aridfWnrmor" for a period of two months, during whjch Madge Kennedy, the Btnr of the play, was 111, has been engaged to appear In a, forthcoming IillBon release to be lnown as 'The Princess of tho roorhouao." i Fannie Ward will shortly 'bo seen In n new Lasky-Pnramount Aim entitled "Tho Gutter Magdalene." t Tho Mutual Corporation continues to surprise U3 with new stars. Here nro tho latest of stellar players signed: Rich ard Bennett, Mary Miles Mlntcr, Helen Holmes and Audrey Munson, Henry B. Walthall, of Essanay, Is on a trip through California with his brother, who selli automobiles In Phoenix, Ariz., and Is using ono of them for tho tour of the Coast State. Both as a film star and a film magnate, Mltzi Hajos, heretofore concerned only In light opera. Is henceforth to bo classified. Miss Hajos Is one of the Incorporators of the now Sunbeam Motion Plcturo Com pany, In which Vnughnn Glascr also Is heavily Interested. Tho new concern plans to begin work on productions Immediately, and Miss Hajos will bo one of tho Ilrst of Its stars to act before tho camera, Florence Webber, nlso of musical com edy, It another player to ally with tho new company, J Word lias been received In St. Louis of tho marrlnge last Wednesday of Miss Gladys Hanson nnd Charles Emerson Cook, at Atlanta, Oa., In the homo of tho bride. Mr. Cook is n mngaalne writer, nowspaper man and publicity expert. James L. Bowen Captain James L. Bowen, a retired mariner, died yesterday Ht tho homo of his niece, Mrs. J. II. Avenko, 80S Pearl street, Camden. He was 83 years old and was b6rn at Somers Point. N. J Ho began his business life as an apprentice ta his father, Captain William Bowen, and later assumed command of a vessel plying out of Boston, Mass. During the Civil War his duty called him to take the sailing vessel Maryland from Now York to Car thagena, South Africa, load It with arp plles, run tho blockade of the Potomac and reach Washington, which he did. In 1863 he was mado United States Harbor Master at Alexandria, Va., serving In that capacity until the close of the war. He was a member of tho Olllclnl Board ot Kafgh. Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. He Is survived by ono brother and two sisters MARRIED MARSn OIFFORD. Mr. and Mra. William Y. Marsh, of Wllllamatown. Sinn., an nounce the mnrrtaffe of their daughter, FRANCES LKW1S to DENKDICT OIF FORD. of Huilion, N. Y on April 25, 1110 by the Rev. Dr Herbert Shlinnan at , the Church of the Heavenly Rest. New York. IN MKMORIAM KAMMKRKR. Sacrfd to the memory of our dear. deoted mother, who fell asleep in Jesus April 20, 1914. Our beloved on earth has left us. One we learned to love and know, Ona who filled our home with pleaaure. One we mlas where'er we vo. Oleamlns from heaven's mansion. Where there's ever Joy and love. And within Ita pearly portals Wa will meet our loved one above CHILDREN. Tl-5fe-;a-x 1 ' iP5L Pf Jib ii ffu V-PKPpA; """-"'"o -71-v It's the Bell Directory for Philadelphia and vicinity. It goes to press May 5 Vrmi rmmo aVinnlrl hfi -Jflf'llldfifl. Arrangements for telephonrprvicQ now will give you listing Ask -l--iel j "Diioi-nocc fiffinn fvmndT nrfer TnhHf tfifi--,! phone. For advertising Directory Auyerusxng 1 ,7r Fttha. 97f)H I 'N-h fv BBm k fm M x m, t m m i i fcX wlSRHa-PMr mi XiF s tV itl r eatfjs ARCHAMnABLT. On Aprlf S4..1M0, In At lantic City, N J.. MARTHA ARCHAM HAULT, dauhter of the late Kmanual and "Martha Coohran Met -r. Relativt and trlends are Invited to. attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 11 -SO a, m.. at her late residence, 110 S. Connecticut ave.i AllAntle City, N. J. Interment private In Philadelphia. , AUSTIN. On April 28, 1910. nACHBL AUS TIN, aired 78 years, Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, it 2 p. m., at the residence of her niece, Mrs, James O, Carns, 1880 Ker bausjh st. Interment at Mount Vernon Cem etery. tiACHAn.CH. On April 24. 1910, DOnbTHT E , Jnnir of Charles and Anna. Dacha rach, seed 2 years. Funeral strictly pri vate. IlACON. On Fourth Month 20th. 1910. at Med ford. N, J., KATHARINE wlBTER HA CON, in her 80th year. Reratlves and friends are Invited to attend funeral from Friends' Meetln House, West nrnadw y. Salem, N. J., on 7th. day, the 2nth instant, at 1 p. m Train leaves Philadelphia 12:2n, re turnlnir... leave Salem S'45 p. m. Friends may call nt residence ot Joshua S. "Wills, on (1th day evening, from 8 until 9 p. m. nAUMOAItTEN. On April 24, lfllfl. MAX F husband of Alice J. naumsarten ln Mumbauer), aged 49 years. Residence, 4728 N 12th st. Iue notice of funeral will be Klven. I1LAKKR At Newtown, Pa., on April 24, 1010, ANN CROABDALD IJLAK&R, widow of Joahua Diaker, aged 8years R months nnd 18 days. Relathes and friends are in vited to attend the funeral, without further notice, from her lato residence, corner of Penn and Court sts., Newtown, Pa,, on Thursday, April 27, at 11 a. m. Interment nt Rlchboro Cfmetery. Train for Newtown leaves Reading- Terminal at 0:28 a. m. IIOJVKN. On April 24. .1910, ANNA fiLIZA; Iltrni, daughter of the late John F. and Catharine A. Ilowen, Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Satur day, at s 30 a, m., from her late residence, 2109 Wallace st, HtKh Requiem Mass at St. Trancls Xayler's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment strletlv private. DOVCE. On April 23. mm fAnv ni.r.r.M. wife, of Jacob lloyco and daughterof Thomas and the late Margnret Ulbson In her 2Zd year. Homines nnd mends aro invited to nttend the funernl, on .Thursday, at 8'."10 a, m , from her late residence, 7113 Yocum st. High Mass at St, Clement's Church, Paschallvllln. at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, nOVII On April 25. 1910, MARY, wife of Charles 13 lloyd, of 23 North. Peach, st. Relathes nnd friends nro Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Friday, nt 7:30 a m , from tbo Oliver H Dair llulldlng, 1820 Chestnut M. Requiem High Maas at St. James' Church, nt I' a m Intormont private. Re mains may bo viewed on Thursday, from 7 to 0 p m 110YLAN. On April 23. 1910, WILLIAM HOYLAN, son of Henry nnd the late Mary A lloylan. formerly of tho Parish of New townhutler. County Fermanagh, Ire and. ItelatUes nnd friend. . also Philadelphia Aorln. No 42, Fraternal Order, of Kaglea, aro lnlted to attond tho funernl, on Thurs day, at 8.30 a. m.. from his father's resi dence. 814 8. 21st at. Solemn Requiem Mass at Church of St, Charles llorromeo. at 10 a m. Interment In Holy Cross Cemotery, llRIfK. At Woodbury, N. J., on April 24, lnin. HANNAH C. widow of .George W. nrlek, in her 73d yenr. Relntlws and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, nt 2.30 p m.. from, her lata reBldence, 41) Newton nve Woodbury. N J. Interment private, at Orean Cemetery. IHU'NMIN. On April 24. 1010, JOHN W , nged 71 ears Relatives nnd friends of tho family nnd tmployes of Thlruielphla Water Department. Queen Lane Pumping Station nro invited to., attend, funeral. Thursday. 2 p. m., from Mr. William Vano man, 29th and airard nve. Interment Tern wnoii Cemetery. IIVNN.--On April 24, 1010, MARTIN L.. hus. hand ot Suinn O. ,Hunn Relatives and friends also Thomna R. 1'atton Lodge. No. .",l, F nnd A.M. Lellta Chanter, No. 201, 11 A. M . WeUomo I.od. No. 22, I. p. O F. Teen-en Irlbo. No 343 I O R. M, nnd Muskokn Council. No. 102. Degree of Tocohontas. and all other organisations of which ho wni t mcmbir. nro Invited to at tend tho funernl services, on Friday, at -P. m , nt tho Oliver H. iinlr liillllriT JH2 Chestnut st , Intermont at Ardslcy Rurlal Tark Remnlns may bo lew(.d on Thura day, from 7 to 10 p. m IIURKE. On April 23. 1010, PATRICK, hus band of in lata Margaret nurke Rela tles nnd friends nre Invited to nttend tha funeral, on Thursday, at 8.30 a. m., from his lato residence. 2328 8 17th st. Solemn Requiem Mass nt Church of Ht. Monica, at 10 o'clock, precisely Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. nrilNLKY. On April 24. 1010. JOHN II.. son of William nnd the late Mary J. Ilurn loy. aged 1J sears RelntUea nnd friends nre invited to attend funeral on Thurs day, at 1 I", m . from his father's real, ilenre. Ijcnnl Mills. Delaware County. Pa. Interment Fermi ood Cemetery CLARK. On Tuesday. April 25. 1010. at Pitts burgh. Pn.. JOHN CLARK, beloved husband of Louis" Andenrled Hole and aon of tho late Robert and Luphemla Klrltpntrickllolo, Services and Interment In Pittsburgh, Thura day, April 27. CLAYTON. On April 24. 1010. HAROLD, son of John n. nnd. Sarah P. Claiten nee Crompton). aged 2t years Ilesldonce. 28S2 N. Orlanna st Duo notice of funeral will be Rlien. ' COL1.W. On April 23, 1010. PATRICK COLLINS. Relatives nnd friends aro In vited to nttend the funeral, on Friday morn ing, nt 8.30 o'clock, from his lato. realdence. 335 Queen lane, (Jermantown. Solemn Requiem Mass at St Vincent de Paul Church nt 10 o'clock Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. COLLINS. At his parents' residence, 784 North 20th st.. on April 24. 1910. WILLIAM R , son of I'assmore and the lata Freda H. Collins. In hla luth year. Notice of funeral later. I1RVINK. At Reading. Pa . on April 23, 1910. ANASTASIA (neo Callahan), wife of Frank R Devlne. Relatives and friends aro in lted to attend funernl, from parlors of Un. dertaker Dougherty, 0 S 10th St., Reading, Friday. H.1S it m High Mass of Requiem St. Joseph's Church. Reading, Pa . at 10 a m Interment in Getbsomano Cemetery, Reading DIKMi:R. Suddenly on April 23. 1010, CHARLES 1'.. beloved husband of Mary 1311a Dlemer (nee Hopkins), In his Both year, Ilelatlvca and frlenda of the family, alao Liverymen's Association ot Philadelphia, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thuraday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from hla lata realdence. 2150 North 30th street. In terment private at Weat Laurel Hill Ceme tery. Remalna may be viewed Wedneaday evening, 8 to 10 o'clock. rates I ssK tor (tne Mmiuuvr, m niutnii ItRINKItOURE. At TJenver, , Col.,. BAMUJ3L n DRINKHOUBI3. Relattveit nnd frlenda are Invited tn nttend tha funeral services, on "Friday afternoon, at West Laurel Hill Ome Mry, ,pon arrival of train Icavlna; Broad Jtreet Station at Ills p. m. for Barmouth, Pa. " BVKRETT. On April 28, 1016. , WILLIAM, nnininn riT Anne n.i . t-.i i-T Abraham and Ellsa Everett, aged 47 yeara. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend mo lunerai, 'inursoay, a. s n. m i,innn late residence, 2B27 Houth Falrhlll at. th and Porteri Interment Trinity Lutheran Cemetery. Friends 'may 'eall on Wednesday evening. Auto service. FARLKY. On April 25th. 1018. KATE, of I'nesinui lllll. lieiatives ana inenan. fiibo members of 8aered Heart aflodallty and Ro Lrianoaauiy ana iio toiittend the. funeral sary Booiety are invitea to arienn me luners on Thursday morning, at .7:80 o'eloek. Iron rrom ,lio l ratucuva u. uniic-n vr ...,. ., ....... tag street, Roxborough. Requiem Mass at the Churrh of Our MotherofiConsolatlon, Chestnut Hill, nt 9 o'clock. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery, FARREN On April 24. 1918, KATHRTN ft, only daughter of Hugh and Martha. Farreri. Relatives and friends, also Epiphany D. V. M. Sodality, Bt. Paul's Ladies' T. A.B. 'Society and employes of N. Snellenburg 4 Co,, ara Invited to attend tha funeral, on Friday morning, at 0-80 o'clock, from her parents' realdence, 1IS8 Mllflln street. Solemn Requiem Maas at Church of the Epiphany, 11 a. m. Interment at Holy Crosa Cemetery. FINCH. Xt Moorcstown. W. J., on April 24, 1910, ELIZAHETH FINCH, aged 57 years. Relatives and frlenda aro invited td attend tha funeral, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., from the realdence of her slater, Mrs Margaret Hubbs, 49 Pine st , Mt. Holly, N. J. In terment I. O. O. F. Cemetery, Medford, N, J. Remains, may be viewed Wednesday, from 7 to 9 p. m. FLYNN. On April 24. IBlf. ANNA, daughter of Mary A. and the late John R. flynn. Due notice of the funernl will be given, from her mother's residence, 1923 South Hem berger st, (23d nnd MlfOln sts ). FRICKE. On April 23, lOUl. HARRY FRICKE, In his OSth year. (Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral serv ices, on Thursday, at 2 p. m. at his lot residence- 8001 Cedar ave.. West Phllade Phla. Interment private. Friends may call Wednesday, from 7 to 9 p. m. Ftlllltr.R. Suddenly, on April 23, 111 10, ANTHONY J ri'HRER. pelatlves and friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral services. Friday, nt 2 P. m., nt the resi dence of his son. rrank J. Fuhrer. ni84 Hoverford ave. Interment prlvato at West minster .Cemetery, GRIFFITH. On April 24. 1910, ELISABETH It., widow of John arlfflth. Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend tho .funeral services, on Friday, at 2pm., ft the resi dence of her slater. Sirs. William Hume. 2088 ' Poplar st. Interment at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. IH.LFI.RTY. On April 24, 1010, JOHN T L i, husband of Elizabeth A. llelferty. formerly of 4007 Westminster ave,, Phlla , aged BU years. Relatives and friends, also Holy Nnmo Society: DIV. No. lu; P II. R Relief Aaaoclatlon and rhlladeipma mini, liivi ii - vi. -- . - l.lllllf,, l,,l L . 1.. LF. VJ ..... re.u .,... - . ., ., i r r H, mm Invlli ftttond the funeral, on ThursdJiy. nt . 8130, ft.' i:3o n.i m. from his lato residence, Gloucester Plko nnd Clement's Bridge road, Barrlngton, N. J Solemn Requiem Ufa si at Church St. Rose - tin. TiB,inn itaiirhiH nt in a m. Inter ment at Bt. Mark's Cemetery, Bristol, Pa. Auto funernl. Trolley leaves Market si. ferry every 20 minutes. Train leaves Chest nut at ferry, Philadelphia, 8am HENDERSON, On April 24. 1910, EDO An. husband of the lato Anna Barrett Henderaon nnd son of Charles and Sarah Henderson. Relatives nnd friends, also employes ot the Harrison Safety Boiler Works, ara Invited to nttend the funeral, on Saturday, at 8 130. n. m . from his late residence. B317 Ogden st Holjmn Renulem Mass nt tho Church of Our Lady of Victory, at 10 a. m. Inter mont at Holy Cross Cemetery. JOHNSTON. In Trenton. N. J., on April 23. 11110, MAROARF.T J., wife of John 11 John ston, and daughter of Jessie and the late Martin Hummel. Funeral from her hus band's resldenc". 25 0th ave., noebllnjr, N J . on Thursdny, nt 2 p. m. Interment at Orcenwowl Cemetery, Trenton, N J JONEM. On April 23. 1010, WILLIAM D.. "husband of. Annie Jones (neo Laird ,), of Kdgewater Park. N J., and son of the late Edward P. and Mary Jones, of Mt. Holly. N. J Relatives and. friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday ,t R.30 a. m.. from his late residence, 3.-7 Hansom at . Philadelphia. Requiem High Mass at St. James' Church at 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy CroBS Cemetery. KATHEHKR. On April 24, 1010. LILLIE KATIII5DER. daughter of Charles and Clara Kotheder. Relatives and frlenda aro Invited a attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 10 a. m . at her ate rcsldenro. 1787 Ox fo'rd st. "intJrment prhate. .Frlenda may view remains on Wednesdar from 7 to 0 p. m. Automobllo funeral . tri-noF On April 23. 1010. ELIZABETH, 1 KEHOETin he? 38th iear, wife of Luke E. icihoe and daughter of tho late Patrick and 1 V7t rJrTsSWLit Ofn?i-ir vjmm L ifff' i hiiiiiii'liTiiiiiiiiiiiin'i'" iiiiiiiii' pi WmM . .. . .'ih.ntre. obtain their pictures throned the flTANLEY Hooking fallovvlnc thentrea obtain ine i showing of the, -neat produe- innnr. wlllcn MB g"r""'"' ..uihi,i .-. .- 1, tl,.,itr-, in TOUt a.;ii.vssr.";K."ri-.a ... V1BRA vkBfitSSaSL I A1UAMDDA rtLUM.UU.in "V-Siiii A. Param't Pictures. Charlen Chaplin in "CARMEN" ARCA'DIA beIMS. CHAS. CHAPLIN in "Carmen" d6IOLS FAinHANKS In "THE UOOD HAD MAI" ADril I il 2D AND THOMPSON AFOLLU MATINEE DAIIA Mary Miles Minter ln "iSgg ' ."IRON CLAW." 8th Episode ftl UEBIRD M0 N0RTH DU0AD 8T BLUEBIRD PRESENTS , LouUe Lovely '" "r"c SKIot BELMONTggSl Charlotte Wallcer tab darkness- 60TH AND TFDAR OEDAn AVE V-Eil--fX pKi3oiriV7; THEATRE HOBART BOSWORTH in THE SEA WOLF" FAIRMOUNT 26TH oTard'ave. Crane Wilbur in "The Love Liar" Anrll 28 and 20 CHAPLIN In "CAVlMEN" FRANKFORD ? raAN DOUGLAS FAIRBAN THE HABIT OF HAPPIN1 . & 56TH ST. Theatre S v Bel Spruce. Evgs. 7 to 11 Robert Edeaon and Eleanor Woodruft In HODart -yffia JIJt OARRITY" Mats. 2-S j30 Oa Evgs. 8i8oto 11 lOo 0-.U Ol. ganaom MARY BOLAND in THE PRICE OF HAPPINESS." f- GERMANTOWN 'BB0TyENR: Hamilton Revelle A Marguerite Snow in "THE HALF MILLION BRIBE" -M C.ni7 68TH k MARKET 2UB-T-8. ULiUOCi 110,000 KIMBALL, OROAN ROBERT WARWICK in HUMAN DRIFTWOOD" rir nn avenue theatre IjlKA.VL' 7TU A3D, GIRARD AVENUE .LABKY PiJeENTP . FANNIE WARD and TH( friPMr" BESSUBHA,YAKAWAtn le Cneat Great Northern IPans FrancU X Bushman & Uavarly Bayna la p-pNMiiMnTnN's c.unww . ......-.- -.. IRIS THEATRE m JfBqT0N J PvUlUVLft. IrtUftlftUUL in "MARTHA'S VINDICATION0 IMPERIAL Theatre U WILLIAM FARNUM in TUB BONDMAN" w A I? A xrc'trv S9U KKN31NQT0N DEATHS Ellen Connelly (nee Tracy). Relative and friends, also 8t, Ann's Lndlea' T, A. II. So ciety! Klnelncton Lodge, Ne .87, o 8, of B.anrt Equality Council, No. 84, S. and I) ot A . aro invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8 30. a m., from, her hus band's residence, 2001 East Ontario at. Sol emn neqolem . Mass at Church of the Nativity, at ih m. Interment et Old Cathedral Cemetery. KCENY. On April, 23. 1010., SEBASTIAN, flit., husband of Annie M.Kuetiy, aged 74 yeers, Relattves and friends are iAvlted to nttend the funeral, on Friday, at 8 n, m , rrrtm his iats resMenCft. BO.10 Willow ave. Ms nt Ttemilem nt Rt. IgnatlSs' iiaes or Requiem nt Bt. ignaiiss-iunurcn, at 10 a. m. 'Interment at Holy Cross Ceme- tery, I.ONO Fuddenly, on April 21, lpiO, at (he eaidence oi ner naugnier, jire ; in - ion, 018 Woodland terrace, JENNIE, widow if All rtrt1.e Tna. hf Rhflmokln, Pa. Rein- tlves and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, on.'inursuay, at a p. m., at the Oliver It, Pair Building. 1820 chest nut st. Interment at convenience of family. LUTZ, On April 23, 1010, BARBARA, widow of Jacob Lutt. . Relatives and friends ore Invited to attend the funeral, on. Saturday, at 8.80 a m , from her late residence. 702 South Front st, solemn Mass sf Requiem at Bt. Philip's Church, at 10 a, m. precisely. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. MAVr.n On Anrll 24. 1910. LAWRENCE MAYER, of 1322 North Marvlne st. RelaI Uvea and friends are invited to attend in funeral services, on Thursday, at 11 a, m. t tha nllvir It. nnir nul d n. in.u i.neBinui t. Interment nrtvete. Friends may view remains Wednesday evening, 8 to 10 o'clock. McCROSSON.-On April 23. .1916. ELIZA Birill. beloted wife of John McCroason. Relatives ahd friends are Invited. to at tend the funeral, on Thursday morning, at a 30 o'clock, from tha residence of her son-in-law, Charles West. 1724 South Ringgold street. Solemn Renulem, Maes at Bt. Ed mond's Church at 10 o'clock, Interment at New cathedral Cemetery. Atlantlo City, N. J., papers plcaso copy. MfFADDEN. On April 23. 1010, MAROARET J., wlfo of David MoFndden nnd daughter of the lato Henry, nnd Dorcas Balfourd. Relatives and friends, also the congregation of the Third United Presbyterian Church! Alberta C. Mehrer Homo. No. 11. B of A.. are Invited to attend the funeral service, on Thursday, at 2 p. m . nt her late realdence. 1724 N. Front at. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Remalna may bo viewed Wednesday, after 8 p. m. MERKLEE. Suddenly on April 24. 1010. CLARA J,, daughter of Anna A. and the late , Charles K. Merklee. aged 64 years. Relatives and Irlends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her 'late residence, 88 West Sharpnack street, Oermantown. Interment private. Remains may bo viewed Wednesday evening. MORRISBEY. On April 24. 1010. PATRICK, husband of Catharlno Morrlssey, native of Clonmel, County Tlpperary, Ireland, Rela tives and friends aro invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 a, m.: from his late residence. N, J3. .corner luth and Market its,, High Mass at tho Cathedral nt 10 n. m. Interment at Holy Cross' Ceme tery. NORTIL On April 21, 1010, SELDEN O. NORTH, In hla. 78d year. Relatives and friends are Invited Ho attend tho funeral aervlcea, on Thursday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock, at his late residence, Ashbourne road ondO of Park avenue. Elklns Park, Pa, In terment private. O'KANE. On April 24, 1010. BRIDGET O'KANE. Relatives nnd friends, also Rosary Sqclatr and Sodality, nre Invited ta. nttend funeral. Thuraday morning, nt 8 o'rlock. from the realdence of her nephew. Daniel McIIugh, 211 S. .KJng at.. Gloucester City. N, J. High Masd at St. Mary's Church at e o'clock. Interment at. Mary's Ceme tery. ' PAINTER. On April 23. 1910, L. ELIZA BETH, wife of D. Edward Painter. Jr. (nee Maack). Relatives and friends ara Invited to attend (he funeral services, on, Thurs day, at 2 p. m.. at her lata reatdance. 840 Magee St.. Lawndale. Phlla. Interment private, at Northwood Cemetery. UEEf). On April 23. 1010. 'JOHN REED, husband of the late Emma E. Reed Inee McCoy), In his 74th year. Relatives and friends, also Equity Lodge, No. GDI. F. and A. M.t 72d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun teers; Schuyler Post, No. r.l. Q, A. .. Old Ouard of 2d Regiment. Infantry Corps, N. a. P.. nnd delegation of tha Pollen Ten alon Fund nro Invited to attend tho ru nernl, on Thursday, nt 3 p. m from his late residence 8005 Krankford ave., trankford. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Remains may viewed on Wednesday, from 8 to 10 p. m. ni.irmVI.lK.-On April 23. 1016, FPEDER ICK W. huabnndfof Anna M Relchweln. Relatives and friends, nlso Herman?1!. No. 125F. nnd A M., and all other so cieties of which he was a member, ere In vited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., nt his Into resi dence. 2001 North nth st Intermont prl vale; nt Chelten Hills Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Wedncsdny evening PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATIO BoSnq Cormmi d v - hooko m. 555.35lfe'. ENUE .CONSTANCE COLLIER in ' ..i ,.,...-. t- titiin fliJIV" 'TuU IZUVl Wl .- "" LIBERTY 13R0AD ANCOLUMDIA OLOniA FONDA and WILLIAM DOWLAN ln "DRUGGED WATERS" Logan Auditorium ""iiocktu" av HOUSE PETERS in 'THE CI.C3ED ROAD" rv ,. . --T ICT B2D AND LOCUBT ' JLUvUiD 1 Mats. 1:30,4 3:30. lOe. h.wwv aio, 8i 0s30i 15o Mae Marah In "Hoodrm Ann " Maek Swain anq, Polly Moran ln "By Btork Delivery. Market St. Theatre S33r?, STREET World Film. Corp- Preset RODERT WARWICK In "Human.Orlftwood 'Onift." 20th Episode. 'The Flnnl Conquest" ORPHEUM GERMAc QWN 2iyrEN NavSa IHARLES CHAPI, 'CARMEN" r M T---'-', FR1NK DANIHLH octor)ny Proyg aniaVe. I SUQV8 1 TO , vn UENT02 .woo; LAN co; INU METrm I'ivtsknt: .: trU-.iln SHOP. T 'Xlace . MARKET 10 A. M. to llilO 1'. - BLANC SWEET in, iWERS" , ' 'Tl B. DAHP'niN ST. ARK rido; M. 1B, EVUS. tU5 tc-ll, 'qultable Pre Charles H, Edna Wallar llODDar. harlea Hoas ni tur'l o-lcho In "BY WHOSE HANpf RINCESS 1018 mAbket STI?I?ST pinnin pnp.BRNTfl IBERT EDESON. In "HIO. JIM OARRITY" 'Tha uiri oa inq uaaia avary ""rwuay V I A I Tfl OERMANTOWN AVE lVLa v AT TULPEHOCKEN BT. MARY FULLER in THE 8TRBNQTH OP TUB'BAK" Dl?i","CNT JM MARKET STREET KiVlN 1 WIJ4ZV VOICE ORGAN MADAME PETROVA in "PLAYINO WITH FIRE" w RITDV MARKET STREET U D I BELOW ITH STREET HOUSE PETERS in ' . "THE CLOSED UOAD" SHERWOOD"Tt?MPRE ANNA MP! fl ;n i ' N 'MADAMS LA PRESIDNTE" ' SAVOY "'sVr'e WORttD FILM CORP. PBE8ENT.? Bruce McRae "TIIB TIOGA "TU AND VEUNaoSTs . HAMILTON REVELLE in THE PRICE ep JIAUCE" VICTORIAMAAflfNTi. TRIANGLE Presents. Dorothy OUb Ir. "Little M-ena's Roman" fir, and Mra. bid Drew la ''Tha .Hwioneri" SlrM Ct ol Mary P-s," MUsrEpl4 -VA . l D. f COHT BE ttnyjC' nitEW" jf iy STREET DEATHS RITCHIK. On April 24. J918. TERESA, daughter of James, nnd Frances Ritchie, aged 10 years Relatives and friend ere in cited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 8.30 a. m., from her pirJUs1 residence, 9083 Chatham et. .Requiem Mas at Church f Our Lady Help of Christians at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Redeemer Cemetery. hOACH. On April 25. inifl.lJAME3 A., son ot Margaret Steele and tho late John Roach, aged 32. years Relatives nnd friends are Invited lo nttend the fpneral, on Friday, at 8 30 a m., frrtm M lato tes'.ficnco, 4303 Ludlow st. solemn, Requiem Mass at Bt. James' Church, t 10 h.ctn. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. SAlmEV. On April 24, 1018, KATHRYN, only daughter of Hugl) and Martha Barren. inn mi narenl flln street. , itiw icaiuciivn in ni iiaiuiiin, uu '",1I Due notice ot tha lunerai win. do given Ri'nnisov nn Anrll Mt 1910. ItARnY. . husband of Star hv). IMntlen nf t ry E. Serglson.tnes Weather; tho funeral will bo given f ford " his late residence, oziu Kngsessingave SIIOENEn. On April 24. loio. CHARLES F. SIIOENER. aged 84years Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 P. m., at 8209 Clifford st. (above Columbia ave.) Inter ment private. fllLtlEnSUN. On April 28. 1910. FANNIB, wife of Herman Sllberman, agd B8 yeara. Relatives and friends aro Invited to at tend tho funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 , p. m. nt the parlors of Emmanuel Asher A j Son. 1002 Diamond at. Interment private. STACK. On April 23, 1910, MAnY C, be loved wife ot Edward Stack and daughter of the late John nnd Hannah. Powers. Rela tives and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday morning, at O o'clock, from her late resldoneo, 1710 MIRlin street. Solemn Requiem . Mass nt.tha Church of St. Thomas Aqulnns at 10-30 a, m. In terment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. BTATIL On April 25, ,1010. WILLIAM, hus band of Mary Stath (nee Henry). Relatives and friends ore Invited to nttend the funeral, on Friday, nt 8 a, in.,, from his late real, dence, 233 Spruce at. High Requlem.Mass at St. Joseph's Church, nt 0 80 a. mi Inter ment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. STEAD. On April 24, 1010, HELEN O", wife nt iinvmnml stead (neo Ritchie), nged 27 ... ....,..-.. - r - ...- -.'... . WIBM. Relatives anu xrionas arc invuea lo aiienu inn luncmi Bnn.Toi ihuiiiu,;, hi 2 p. m prerisoly, at the homo of her. par ents, 1024 N. 27th St. Interment private, at rernwood Cemetery. Remains may ba viewed Wednesday, from 7 to 9 p. m. Auto mobllo funernl. TENBROOK. At tho Drexol Apartments, Ovcrbrook, Pa,, on April .4, loin. MARY DAVIS, wlfo of 'yilllnm II, Tcnbrook. Rela tives and friends nro Invited to attend the funernl services, on Thursday, at 12 m., at the Oliver II, Balr Dulldlng, 1820 Cheatnut. st. Interment private. , VRRACII. On April 24. 1010. WILLIAM AL BERT, husband of Anna M. Urbach (nee Lodge), .aged 28 years. Relatives nnd friends, olso Clenrneld Council. No. 804. O, of 1. A., nnd employes of r. II. Davis, nro Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday, at ' 2 p. m., at his late residence, 2001 East Stella ave. VAI.IOE?-On April 24, 1910, ELWOOD FRANKLIN, husband of Hannah Wallace . (neo Cope). Relatives and friends, also League of the Sacred Heart, the Wm. R. Iiceils Republican Club nnd employes ofahe Roxboro Filtration Bureau, aro Invited to nttend the funeral, on Friday, at 9 a. m., from his lato residence. 2112 Vine et. Sol emn Requiem Mass at Cathedral, at lp a.m. Interment' private, , WHITE. Suddenly, on April 23, 191(1. VIR. OINIA SHOEMAKER, -wlfo qf-Howard E. White, of New York, nnd daughter of Thomas E. Shoomnker WILER. On .April 23. 1910. ELLEN v M. WILER inoa Wclssentter),, wlfo of. John Jl. Wller. Rolatlves ami friends, also mem. hers of St. Luke's nnd Epiphany Protestant Episcopal Church and Lady. Harrison Club nro invited tD nttend tho funeral , service. On Thursday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, at1 the restdenco of her husband, 1041 South 12th street. Intermont at Lafayetto Cemotery vault. WILSON. Suddenly, on Aprlt 23, 1918, JO bEPH IRWIN, husband, of Elisabeth Wil son. Relatives nnd friends, also members' of . the Men's" Vriendly Union, of tho John Chambers Churrh, aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday., at B p. m.. at his lato residence. 1272 South 28th at. Interment at Fcrnwood Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed on Wednesday, from 7 to 0 WINTERS On April 2B.. 1010. JENNIE, daughter of the lato James .and Elizabeth Winters. Duo nntlco of the funernl will bo glvon from her lata realdence, 2210 Cherry etreei. YOUNO. On April 23, 1010., PETER C. .son Rein. or jonn nwi inn iaio innio xoung, tlvea nnd friends nro invited to attend the lunerni. on inursuay, ni 7.ti a. m., from his lata residence. 31107 Cuthbert st. (cor. Hiinf. ooieuin iiequicm .inss ai Ml. James fturcn. at u a. in. Cemetery ,In,tcnnent at St. Dennis' VEST PlIILADELrniA, ,1! GRAND B"D AND ma,,ket bts- pi, . . AUDnny MUNSON. ine, nvst famous model In tho world, "INSPIRATION" In OVERBROOK MD -va JOHN EMERSON in "THE FLYING TORPEDO" GARDEN S3D J-x)PS0S&By - MADAME REJANE in "ALSACE" E U R E K,A '0Ta MAnKET sts- . WM. VOX Presents " Sam Ryan, Uuth Hlnlr nnd Clifford Bruce in "THE FOURTH ESTATE" BALTIMORE ' B0Tn AND "f1-' 1T. DALTIMORE AVE. KVENINO 0113 and 8j MIGNON ANDERSON,in "THE MILL ON THE n.OKK" BROADWAY B2D OHEENWAT UIWUVIAl Adults in- r-hiM-.n eu Adults 10a: Children Ba "THE ALSTER CASE" All-Star Cast NORTH Broad, Street Casino BR0'EniB'10'' EVENINO 7:15 und D CAROLYN BIRCH in ."HUSKS" "WAYS OF THE WORLD" Comedies CFNTI IR Y EIIE AVE- MARSHALL t-ClN UIV MATINEE DAILY "SONS OF SATAN"' "IRON CLAW" bOUTII OLYMPIA mi(Av Ai V- M. 1V11 if PAINDRIDOE 8TS, none of tub latest and best photo PLArfi LY SOUTH rtllUADELfltlA Knthlyn WiUUma in The Rosary' N0HTHK.VST STR-A-ND 1""T" Awn GmARD AVB- ADELE P-LOOn aM EDWIN BTEVENS ln "THE DEVIL'S TOY" apart Special Drama, Other. NORTHWEST JEFFERSON 0TH AND DAUPHIN STHERT.1 t, mu rni-cusMT MABEL TALIAFERRO in 'HER CREAT PRICE' SiiRnnpnnnna THeatret-itth a ousquenonni-v susqpehanna ave. TRIANOLW WILLIAM S HART In "HELL'S H1NOES " S Parts , viLLTAf COLLIER in i "WlFB-ANDAUTO TUOVBLKa" UEK31NOTO,N I I T M R n -WONT ST AND " '" D y GinARO AVENUS '(Tlie Broken Law," 5 Parts THE 1IAUNTED BELL " 2 jpartt pa i IT- JUST YET HUT NOT QUITE' Weekly Programs ; Appear Every Moclay In Jt .. Motion Picture Chart wig, r K&& i e,; t;.7uj ns l fl i.i' M -4 STANLEY MARKEJ.' ABOVE luTH MARIE DORO in l"U'rt,X AVENUE , ,,'i-M.,. ' :.. C MAtGUEKrra I0CHOLS In -JUE WJTCH OJ TCe. HflUNTAIlf CONTINUOUfl & -; - i HBtun sr. ' r s -BSS" sn.K kaj.--3-f 111 ,1ti a- m. to 'TUHliRAM F-Ut i- CaUUft $MM1M A-fP GOLL-.Qa 1 It tS H- JO. flKAYaWH S lTi1Tftpllllfll-.HiMMIIlMltllimiil'lt "f 4 Jfc TRR . a St Jt1' r m wcmmmMT,. l 4 lwSfc.-sP Pfvw' .- - as- jft&fm, -, afe f iai m? -'Tnnr!!!, riiBir a --. 1 : all( '-i - . - tjfcjMBJiiyy tyv-pui: mm, JMJsti-Sl-HyslpipMal- "IBirsna mjMj,1H?l3--t "" 1