Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 26, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Nes8un Altro Teatro della
Guerra Offre Un Piu' Tragico
c Macabro Fronte di
noMA, 28 Aprllc
II Mlnlstcro della Querra, pubbllcava
lerl sera II seguento brove comuntcato
Uftlclale del generate Cadorna:
laslono dell'artlgllerla o' stala
speclalmente Intcnsa nelt'alta valle del
Cordevolo o nclla zona del Monte San
Mlchele. Non vl o' altro avvenlmcnto
Importanto da rapportare.
11 corrlapondento della londlness Morn
ing Post, che bI trova al Quartlero Gen
erate Itallano, lia Invlato al suo giornalo
Un lvlda descrlzlone della lotta cho va
svolgendoM senza posa sutl'altoplano del
Canto Egll dice;
"he atturo del Carso potrebbero bcn
chlamarsl lo colllno della morte. in
ncssun altro teatro della guerra si puo'
trovaro un cobI' macabro o traglco fronte
dl battngtla come sul Carso La carat
' terlstlca prlnclpalc dl oucsto eaerclto
Itallano, II cut laoro o' stato a torto con
etderato troppo lento o troppo clrco
spetto, o' che non ha mal ceduto un pot
lice del tcrreno connulstato lungo una
frontd dl plu dl 600 chllotnetrl.
"Ognl grnnata che csplode fa saltaro la
roccla In mlgllala dl frammentl cho Bono
nltrettanto mortnll quanto lo Bono le pal
lottolc. Questa o' una dello raglonl pcrcho'
le perdllo Itallano sono coal' gral Moltl
rcpartl hanno vlssuto cosl' per mcsl In
condlzlonl tcrrlblll Ho vlsto parecchl
eoldatl dormlre appogglatl al parapettl
delle trlncec, csaurltl dallo fatlchc, con
Bpesso brandelll dl nrll orrlbllmcnte mu
tllatl a duo paBsl dl dlstanza,
, "Il.Carso o' II contro dl una furlosa lotta
dl dtio CBercltl cho cercano dl logorarsl
a vlcenda. Gil austrlncl hanno concen
trato circa un mlllono dl uomlnl Bulla
fronte dl Qorlzla o del Carso, e la pros
alma offenslva cl dara' una delle plu'
grandl battaglle dl Ui Un. la guerra euro
pea. I vantaggl tcrrltorlall ottenutt In
tale battaglia parrano scarst almcno a
coloro cho non conoscono II tcrreno su
cut st svolgo questa traglca lotta, ma II
glorno della lotta finale detcrmlnera' la
vlttorla'b la sconlltta. H git itallanl nspct
tano Impazlentl. slcurl della ittorla."
Un telegramma da Parlgl dice che un
numero dt cschlmesl puro sanguo che
hanno gla' combattuto Bulla fronte
franceso saranno tni breve tr.isfcrltl alia
fronte ltaliana In Bcgulto ad un accordo
lntervcnuto tra Krancla cd Italia
. Quest! cachlmcsl accompagnarono dap
prima un repnrto di fruppo canadcal con
moltl cant. Pol Berlrono nolle montagno
del Vosgl dove rcscro cccotlentl scrlgt
come CBptoratort d'avangunrdla o como
Btaffette su shl Qunndo la novo alta
rendeva lmposslblle tl laoro dl altrl
mezzl dl trasporto, gll cschlmesl porta
ano I ferltt dalla linen, dl battaglia su
slltte spcclall Trnsferltl a Grenoble,
parecchl eschlmesl morlrono per It cllma
troppo dolce. Ora osil saranno trasferltl
nl Col dl Lana, a. circa 3000 mctrl dl
altezza, e faranno scrvlzlo con le truppo
alpine Italtanc.
L'ArnbaBciata Italinna Smcntiscc 1c
Affermnzioni Ufficlali Austriacho
yvASHINOTON, D C, 20 Aprile
lerl sera l'Ambasclata ltaliana (lava al
Elornall 11 seguento comunlcato circa 11
raid aero cho gll avlatorl Italian! hanno
fatto netle vlclnanzo dl Trieste:
Un recente rnpporto ufllclalo aus
trlaco dice cho 11 21 corrente sette
aeroplanl Itallanl tasclarono cadere
25 bombs sulla cltta' dl Trieste, uccl
dendo nove ctttadlnl, dt cut cinque
erano regazzl, ed agglunge che con
questo attacco l'ltalla ha perduto ognl
dlritto ad avere lo suo cltta' rlspar
mlate. Rapportl glunti al Mlnlstero delta
rjz" i
Z W-"
Guerra Itallano hanno Btablllto It
fatto che gll avlatorl Itallanl evltarono
con ognl cura la cltta' proprlamente
detia, che e' abttata da Itallanl In
mngglor parte, o che sessanta Invece
dl 2S bombe furonp laselftte cadere
BUgll Btablllmentl del Lloyd Austrlaco,
che sono altuntl a Bud dl Trieste e
dove o' una base dl Idroplanl della
marina austrtaca. So borghesl e
ragaizl si trovarono netle vlclnanze
degtl Btablllmentl e rlmasero perclo'
ferltt, gll avlatorl Itallanl non po-nono
ossero tenutl responsablll dl Una tale
sfortunata colncldcnza.
Per quanto rlgunrda pol l'asaerzlone
che con queatn raid l'ltalla ha perdUto
ognl dlritto ad avero rlsparmlato lo
sue cltta'., al sa troppo bene che Bin
dftlt'lntzlo delta guefra aeroplanl aus
troungarlcl hanno attaccato cltta'
Itallano Indlfese mentre non hanno
mal tentato dl attaccaro Btablllmentl
mllltarl o poslzlonl fortlflcato dove
sarebbero Btat espostl nl fuoco dello
batterle Itallane.
11 popoto Itallano ha sublto gll at
tncchl del nemlco con dolore e con
dlgnltosa calma. Gll basta saper cho
netla qulndlclna tint 27 marzo al 12
aprllo dodlcl aeroplanl nemlcl furono
abbattutt dal suot aoldatl mentre
l'Austrla In ben undid mcsl ha poluto
nbbattero soltanto tro aeroplanl
Un'Offensiva dei Francesi a
Nord dell'Aisne Un At
tacco Tedesco Respinto
II generate Cadorna nnnuncla net buo
rapporto dl lerl sera cho, all'lnfuorl dl
nzlonl dl artlgllorla nell'alto Cordevole,
non l o' nulla dl nuoo Biilta fronto
Italinna Telegrnmml da Londra dlcono
che la rlvolta Irlandeso non c' nncora
perfcttamento domata, ma scnibra che lo
autorltn' lngtcst nbblano II controllo della
sltunzlono Lo stato d'aaacdlo e' stato pro
clamato a Dubllno o In parecchl puntl
dell'Irlanda merldlonato dove sono stato
mandate truppo sufficlcntl con mltra
gllatrlcl, con ordlnt dl sedaro ognl tenta
tlo dt rlvolta.
I francesi hanno attaccato le llnoo
tcflcscho a nord dcH'Alsno cd hanno con
qutstato un piccolo bosco, mentro le truppe
francesi dell'AlsnzIa resplngevano un
nttacco tedesco. A Verdun, dopo l'attacco
non rlusclto dl luncdt' Bcorso, non vl o'
stata plu alcuna aztonc dl fnntcrla
Military Organization Expects Soon
to Have 1200 Members
The Maccabcans, an organization for
military training, will hold a business
meeting tonight, which will bo followed
by a dinner. Isadore Stern, the chairman,
will preside Among tho speakers will be
Colonel Jacob D Lit, Isadore, Stern, A. J.
Drexel Blddlc, Louis Gerson nnd Harry
M Scldenbcrg
Although organized only a few weeks
ngo, the Maccabcans already hae more
than D00 members regularly attending
tho weekly drills. Howoer, It Is the de
sire of the olllcors to have a full regi
ment of 1200 by the tlmo they go camp
ing. Judging by tho progress shown thus
far. It Ih expected that number will soon
bo reached. This evening's meeting will
bo held nt their regular drill quarters,
Now Metropolitan Hall, 717 Falrmount
avenue. The drills are held ccry Thurs
day, at 8 o'clock p. m.
in SpringrClothes
' and up
1121 WAJ
llshed 1890
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'7' A .".
Master Feats of the
Railroad World
years ago therewas co;
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It was"I7je St. PauF' that set a new
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Again it is "TfteSt. Paul" that definitely ushers in the
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While such locomotives have been used on coal and ore
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Milwaukee & Sf .Paul
Every travel comfort, I unity and delight Is yours if you journey
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DactifUec UUralwt an J full Information tan is oltalntd al aJJreu Itlow.
G, J. LINCOLN, General Agent
818 Cheitnut Street
PttJd.?i.kl, Pi, apt-
British Correspondent With
Italian Forces Says Nowhere
War Is So Tragic
LONDON, April 26
Tho Morning Post's corrcapondent on
tho Italian front writes!
"Tho hills of Carso mtght Well be called
hills of death. In no theatre of tho war
has there been seen such a Macabro and
tragic battle front as tho Carso Tho
main characteristic of this army, whose
achievement Is sometimes wrongly con
atdered alow or too careful. Is that It has
never given up an Inch of ground con
quered on a front of more than 600 kilo
metres "Each shell as It bursts scatters the
rocks In a thousand splinters, deadly as
bullets This Is ono reason why the
Italian losses ft.ro so heavy. Many corps
havo been living for months under these
terrlbto conditions It made me shudder
to seo many soldiers, exhausted by fa
tlgue, asleep leaning against a trench
parapet, with mangled remains unspeak
ably horrlbto sticking out In many places
"Tho Carso Is tho centre of a furious
struggle between the two Armies, each en
deavoring to wear the other down The
Auatrlnns have concentrnled about a mil
lion men In front of tho Rector of Gorlzla
nnd on tho Carso Tho next offensive
will bo one of the greatest battles of tho
wnr The territorial ndvanlngo gained
In bucIi a battle will seem Bmall nt least
to thoso not knowing tho ground, never
m M;n
No mere printed page can do justice to the exquisite beauty of
this beautiful library suite yet it is our only means of urging you to
come and see it. Built of solid kiln-dried oak, richly fumed and up
holstered in chase Spanish leather, it presents a most beautiful appear
ance. And no one would ever think it cost you only $22.50. It looks
like a $50 suite. A most wonderful value I 50c a week is all vou Dav.
. .-
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No matter what your
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ILilUlllUH) i nV1
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?iiSy ?z'&$ifr yr . ":
theless tho day of final struggle will de
termine victory or dofeat. The Italians
aro waiting Impatiently, suro of victory."
llOMU, April 26 The official statement
Issued by tho Italian War Ofllco last night
"Artlltery actions wero especially In
tense In tho upper Cordevolo nnd tho
Monto San Mlchclo zone. There Is no
other Important event to report."
States Thnt Only Enemy's Aviation
Base Near City Was Bombarded
The Italian Ilmbnssy Inst night Issueo.
this statement on tho recent Austrian re
port concerning Italian air attacks on a
Trieste monastery
A recent official Austro-IIungnrlan
war report states that on tho 21st
Instant seven Italian aeroplanes
dropped 2B bombs on the city of
Trieste, killing nine civilians, of
which five were children, nnd adds
thnt ' by this attack Italy has for
feited every right lo havo her towns
spared "
Iteports forthcoming to the Italian
War Offlco have established that tho
Italian aviators carefully avoided tho
city proper, which Is Inhabited mostly
by ltaliana. nnd thnt 60 Instead of 26
bombs were dropped on tho ship-
arils of the Austrian Llovd, which
are situated to tho Bouth of Trlesto
and whore there Is a huso for hvdro
planes If ctvltlnnn and children hap
pened to bo In the vicinity of thoso
shlpvnrds and wero. consequently In
jured, the Italian aVlators can hardly
-As lllus-rra-red
4 Pee. Mission
Library Suite
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f $7 I
iy tht RefrTcerator anvwhere E
ful line. Wc are famous for 5
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Tou will be qur
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vSffiKH III I WWimmM
h wrwM
be held responsible tor such n un
fortunate occurrence
As to the assertion that by this raid
Italy had forfeited every right to havo
her towns spared It Is only too well
known that ever since the war began
Austro-Hungarlan aeroplanes havo
raided undefended Italian towns,
while they have never made attempts
against military or fortified positions
where they would havo been exposed
to tho (ire from Italian nrtlltcry.
The Italian people have witnessed
the raids of tho enemy with sorrow,
nnd dignified calmt they are satisfied
to know that In the fortnight from
March 27 to April 12 twelvo enemy
aeroplanes were brought down by the
Italian army, as ngAlnst tho three
brought down by the Austrian In 11
a -
mHHHH mm':zMmmmmuum
fimwmsEr:WmH&mffiWlm Wmmt8&mmWwwf
HIM i l
mWk a
4mmmMm J
The new
OME men
figure are not exactly slender;
out" a little. This is the suit for such men; itjs
one of our ways
Hart Schffner Sc Majx
' Sole Distributor of Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Clothing Philadelphia and Vicinity, i
Varsity Fifty-Five Suits from P8J00 to $40M0. Hart fahafmr V Jfe
jring-0vsr:aats,jram$l&Mt$35M. 1
Lnnsdnle Manufacturer- Will
Pay Himself Interes't and Let
Workdra Have All Profitg t
IjAMSDALB, Pa , April 26. Addressing
a mass-meeting of employes of the Heeb-r
ncr & Sons Manufacturing Company,
here, William1 D, Heebner, soI owner of
the mills, declared his IntentfAn of dlvld-1
Ing the entire profits of the mills with the
workmen, deducting but 5 pen cent of the
capital Invested.
Copyright Hart SchalfnerS Marx
mediuiti Stout suit
who are not exactly "stoiit'in
of fitting every figure of a man.
All-wool fabrics, safe colors j
satisfaction guaranteed, $20 to
Gbod Clothes Makers
Mr Keebner lo county controller and
candidate for national delegate at tto
Republican primaries' He told Ui jnm
he had do desire to pile up millions hsl
year tho e'mDloyes wcr given n. IB per
cent bonus.
During his short address he said: "in
stead of giving you a shar of my profMs,
t will give you all the profits, kind chunp?
E per cent, of the capital Invested Inst'
of 6 per cent as charged oft last yew."
Mnn of 62 Tries to Commit StrieAfe
LANCASTKlt. Pa., April 2. Cyrus
"Wltmer, 62 rears old, of Mountvllle, this
mornjng attempted to commit sulcldo on
the porch of tha Mountvllle poBtoftlce by
sending a bullet Into his head. BmH
hopes of his recovery are entertained. Th
act was due to melancholia.
just "filling