Bwnwwmwp" STRA i WEDNESDAY ' April 26, i916 -' famtmg Uraget ,-v, H-r ir f i- - "- -i i ! in -- - "' "' lllll-IIM f' I "JJ. ' - EN- tt fcfpilAPHIC NOTES AND COMMENT ON THE VARIED NEWS OF TBE DAY AS RECORDED BY THE CAMERA W'K.Shf 14 J "I A t . 2BBBBBBMBlla81WMnMHBBBiKP 4v'yjjfeo.'J3-.tvalMBKgjafe&3b i.-v&dBHi - " ,1bbV3bp",'3j2Lj jSIMKf ' --Swiffll, t Ktvfw --. , it' Fi .s: s3HHHByysif ; MnjBKl M ' MffJLiJ, j H viiiyuHHulL. JLLuBulJ. (BRfesSSaWIK.-v'Ti i lfl Mi L8aWfc.siW 8& ' &&3HW3'- V:""5 ':: - ' Vsz3S8bfr? -.A :. . -, ..:.,, : . . -j :".'; "-vr'r. :!SB?i N ' . . '. . V- '''''iv.&Vs- ' ' K : ' ,. - -; 1 A' ;:m:.i'M'-?i ft- .'i:-,:L.H-i .,., CopyrUliti Underwood & Underwo!. CARRANZISTA OFFICERS MEET AMERICANS IN CONFERENCE On" the richt is Lieut. Col. TrefiRo Davila, chief of arms of the Cnrranza Rarri son at Casaa Grandea, and on tho left his aide, Lieut. Lcopoldo Coronado, who have come to brigado headquarters to consult tho American chief of staff, Colonel Cabell, shown in centre seated, about .arrangements for tho disposition of American troops. fflHIBSi: -m K ': li- ; ' . . ' K ' - . ' f ?v (fij IN' 'rfl9PHPWfinRHH Tr KlliiiLLiiiiJ f " w"""1,' n'lW'nwiuniXlHBj 5i. .- .'. . ' '&.&?:. '8 " 4'.' ' s nasftS- .? .?, -r" '.-: '? r': ' '-3' a ' :. ' . .l;i r Copyrleht, Underwood & Undertrood. GERMAN SHRAPNEL BURSTING OVER ARTILLERY-SWEPT GROUND AT VERDUN To the left may be seen, faintly' visible, tho, cot ton-wool cloud of smoke from a shell hurled ot a French line of communication. The photographer is reported' to have been severely wounded in taking this picture., Tho scene is typical of the denuded country about the fortress. t-ft' f ' " M ; . I """"4 re Bis?f u I " ? r ; pi wii mimmm . 111, M,i Ifk frfllEBramiflPii1 -I illf i iTii maWBT7 te?- .FVfcdffV"'"'' . - W 1 1 i '' g" ' .nwwwj m . I ' ks:v. . jmlf -. wmvaim r,pjtmwMtWLLtm-r? i 'i - - Wdj&M 2&BSSVi&KUmEni lift ft I ATV!" - - ., ill J& ',- ' ' ; v&'?5SWf3i!H--.. -?ote!fe. I 'te JBP. YTiiimwnimtmMmMn i t Trrr-""--- 4 j a. s-is-aLSL .. :' i fwVBHEEHR9KBiflHse'i!I(tW'iiS' - " ti ".' ivmt ' !?lillt!l 1 1 W VJt 1B1 T 1 Hr ,jj , u fc I lli b I' : . -.iVfl UHB VBIBnUI - K9iA?. T. -. B.TWT- . f i V- W, J4'l J . j 11IIIIIK HHIMd H tf-' .ft. & U-i Uhfc. flSfir , ertWr 6EiSSSK&. - -i,.... '-. , ' TT7 1 n) " Jsr" 'J!?rvlk:j- L - wgv-fg-varanjyyahr1 wnviiw jyi.c. Atwtex x vsmjK vjt --i.vx -p. c-.jc. iMMJTiiiiiiiium m-iBa iiMMw " v wBStsmmmssssmm'm a k&m. . imti&j&gmm. weij raEf3is;tiisw mrJisw?!gft 'lfeSv 3kA ikf'L' Mm few LSSSSSsi H 11111 1-ill I m mNgteJ. J- mwmmitmn&ssm j mMm,mwMmr'irvj$ .. j j juas ff ma , f?'4ffiift Vv ifVi'JS:SB,if M ,ciaHXt",,!i'?M Sb31 ' K"Si lii' rA jwt asum; 5S ik f , -o"-1' tsMMfissr: - wi&a ' '.inuxii' . m!i Mm'. k&r "Wk a - aJsP PMattafo. HHU x ill CENTRE OF FIGHTING BETWEEN IRISH REVOLUTIONISTS AND ENGLISH TROOPS IN STREETS OF DUBLIN This is Sackvillo street, where the first clash between tho inhabitants nnd tho soldiers is reported to have taken placo last Sunday. On this broad, central thoroughfare is situated the general postoflicc, which the revolutionists captured: after a charge on tho constables. Sackvillc street also figured in tho battle between troops and people in July, two years ago. iS-V&'l ' ' HINDENBURG'S NEAR DOUBLE Officer Lou Green guards the corridor outside tho Mayor's office. Beside having the fin est mustache on tho force, ho speaks seven languages with ease, which is well be cause he is daily asked ques tions in every known tongue. ;CS JTV s OT MM, V ;".. llii ii "! 'a: - :i i'es & -5 s-- Si E 4 -A m- l riW ' f I i VfiJi. 5 m, I t - IT ' ' , 1 1 t iBBBTMBBKfBK?S PBBBBFW H Ni S yJi-fJC W ''-' 3 BBBBIBS-lia SlliB8Jfc a'tf ' lit. aBBBFilS " J iBr rBJBJBJhiiiiBfcliii'iiiiiifi rt n trail m ii m1 rii I Vn II ill wnn in i By Xcla:r Fbolto Patrel BPSIDBNTO OF THIS KENSfNGTQN STREET ARB "UP IN THE. AIR" ON ACCOUNT OF LOWERED STREET Thy cvmmKtmmytfod im Mm -ot houion Lthjgli avenue, htwii EmeroW street and Frankford avenue, -were left high m& 4i vhm time stew r erded4 sad je ww.dra hav? a, lefe who comes, hom lata st night after a banquet aavigte J all tlwsa jrttsa, x rtoto by I'odeiwood Underwood. SHE IS A LEADING QUESTION IN ENGLAND Here Ssla girl who can drill an armature in the Hampstead Railway shops, Londonas well as a man. Will sh fe?P flb when the men who are now soldiers come back to workt that is the question now bothering th W CA "M C4 V M