Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 26, 1916, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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t .j.
, Dorsey Will Bd Third Man
Captain Tenn Trnck Tram.
All hopA for Joo LocUwoort'n recovery
In tlmo to tnke up tho third relay on the
oneJmllo tenm have been Riven up. Iock
Wootl Is Btlll In the hospital unci la re
covcrlnK rnpldly, hut It Is a iiliyslc.it lm
possibility for him to run. Yesterday at
noon wan tho first day ho was given nny
solid food and that was not enough fuel,
If eaten threo times a day, to carry him
through a quarter such as ho would havo
to run.
Frank Dorsey will take his plnco and t
think will nil It very well; but even with
such a man as Dorsey running. I think
wo havo given. away flvo good yards,
which will mean a lot on Saturday. Tho
members of tho team havo taken up this
mlsfortuno In a flnowny nnd nil feel that
they mUHt shoulder somo of this loss nnd
try to mnko It up. They aro not a bit
discouraged and It Is certainly a great
feeling of satisfaction to havo such a
bunch bohlnd you.
Same In 1914
This la tho second tlmo In my three
years on tho varsity that tho one-mllo
tenm has com'o to tho relays shot to
pieces by accidents. Tho first year. In
1914, Kelly pulled a tendon nnd 1 wna
taken sick with measles, which crippled
the team a lot. Then, to cap tho climax,
Cross fell, losing so much that Don Llp
plncott could not recover It on tho final
When I said last week that tho rolays
would provo to ba nt their greatest height
this year I think I wns not wrong by a
Brent deal. Tostcrday I tried to Bhow the
stars who would bo In tho J 00-yard dash,
120-ynrds hurdles arid high Jump. I
thought thoso three of tho special events
would bo most attracttvo to the gonoral
nubile, nnd I still think bo, but thero la
ono event, tho pole vault, which will con
tain moro good men than nny other.
On looking over tho entries for this
event I seo 14 men who i havo shown 12
feet or better. It Is a strnngo thing, but
ever slnco tho relp.ys havo started It
seems that tho vaulting has been very
good on relay day, nnd men havo dono
hotter tho last Saturday In April than
they do nil tho rest of tho season.
Best at Relays
Last year tho bent performance of tho
year was at tho relays, when Xcwstcttor,
of Pennsylvnnln, and Foss, or Cornell,
tied at 12 feet 10 Inches. Theso two men
ngnln will bo In this year's event nnd
look like tho favorites, although they
must meet some wonderful vnulters. Just
to shqw what they aro up against let mo
mention tho names and records of somo
of their competitors:
Culp, of Illinois, with a record of 12
feet 4 Inchos; Fisher, of Chlcngo, 12 feet;
Haydock. of Harvard, 12 feet 4 Inches;
Babbitt, of Harvard, 12 feet; Carj', of
Princeton, 12 feet 3 Inches; Curtis, of
Syracuse, who won tho event In 1913 nt
12 feet G14 Inches; Johnstono nnd Buck,
of Yale, 12 feot; Naglo. of Yale, 12 feet
2', 4 inchos; Rector, of Dartmouth, 12 feet
4 Inches; Cheyney, of Cornell, 12 feet,
nnd Sewell, of Pennsylvania, 12 feet 3
This gives you nn Idea of what to ex-
pect In tho polo vault A good day might
mean a world's record, for all these men
aro good vaultcrs nnd soveral are capable
of doing a now record If they hit con
ditions right. t
Newstetter might not prove to bo as
good on Saturday as he Is. Early In his
training he had a soro leg nnd Doctor
Orton. thinking1 It might turn out to bo
teiulon trouble, laid him off. Ho' might
C fciio In getting Into shapo, but I nm
'nf 'the opinion that tho excitement of
the competition will be great enough to
carry hlro through to n good performance.
Newstetter Is a great vaultcr and a
strong competitor.
Has Developed
Pole vaulting has developed a great
4eal In the last' few years, due to the
Vkanging' of form and tho slldlng-up or
the hands. Mike Murphy Is the founder
of tho latter Improvement and It has
added from six to nine Inches, on, to the
vaulting' records of a fow years back.
Before this was started by Miko the
vaulted, kept their hands In one position
until the final shoot came, now they slide
the under hand up as tho polo goes Into
tho grouriQ.
Lawson Robertson Is expected to re
port to '.the Pennsylvania track team no
port to 'the Pennsylvania track team to
morrowennd not later than next Monday,
He has some matters to fix up In New
York wh'fch might require until next week,
but If he can he will be here before that
Penn's List
Coach Orton has entered the entire
Penn track team as follows-
Mile team Jamea E. Meredith. Dorsey F,
Kaufman, T. Lennon. flub T. Iope,
S-mlle team Gutter, A. Hcudter, T. Fops, II,
Berry. Subs Norrls. Slsraund.
mile, team E. Humphries, i De Korn,
Mitchell, Coltnn. Hub Koethen. Elsele.
Distance medley T. Pope, Slcmund. Zutter,
Koethen. Bubs A. Elsele, U. .N'orrla. Con
nolly, 100 yards Katz. Friedman, Wentz,
Sprint .medley F, Dorsey, T. I.ennon. P.
Kaufman1, Jamea E, Meredith, Sub A. Scud
der. Broad Juror- Bertolet. llerry. Downing",
Ventz, Jones, Ivory. Buchhols.
ll'O-yard hurdleWarren. Hopkins.
440-yard hurdle-r-HopMna, Wlckeriham,
Dousherfrl Vale. Alst.
itign jump uucnnois, Tnioauti, itampton.
Evening Ledger Decisions
of Ring Bouts Last Night
. RYAN Harry Htnlth ilffeattil Yonnit
Jack Toland. (lenrtto Knm, beat Kit
Walters, Terry Ketrlielt won from Harry
llrrnner. .Morris ttnlf knocked down nnd
trimmed Walter llrown, lonnt. Ilnllnd
Mopped Tommy Clark In the third.
. VOItK Io Untitle defeated Ralph I'.rn.
Johnny dill bent lluck Wanner In three
IIOSTON" Mike O'Dowrt knocked out Joe
I,anM In the ninth rnnnd, i
KANSAS riTV lack Dillon .Vol a
referee's decision over llntlllnc I,eTlnkr, .
NT. I.ouis Harry Willi outpointed
Sam t.nncfnrd.
, KnNOSIIA Johnny ronton got n tie
tlslon orer Johnny Ritchie. . .
ItUFFAI.O Jofmny 0'Iary knocked
ont Indian fete .Scott In tho ninth round.
Pitchers' Battle May Be
Feature of Dodgers'
First Game
Club. Won. I-ost. ret. Wirt. I-vie.
rhllllea 0 1 Ml ."'J fl2
ltoton 4 3 .871 MS .BOO
CMcnto (I 4 ,M1 .600 .BOO
HI. I.nul 0 ft .! .J52 ,0O
(nclnnntl n II .800 .83 .40?
riltkhnrgh 4 0 .400 .488 .381
llrookljn J 3 .400 .80(1 ,883
New Vork 1 0 .143 .250 .US
notion ft 4 .007 .002 .018
New Vork 8 4 .880 .000 .800
BSiroii.... 0 .s" ."J? .55"
M. Louis 6 8 .BOO .618 .488
WnshWton 0 0 .BOO .345 .488
Cletelntid 8 8 ,B .848 .488
thlcnito 0 7 .40 .800 .420
thietu ::::::: 2 4 . .300 .200
New york nt lloston ruin.
Brooklyn nt riillndelphla ciotidr.
.ft, Ixmls at Cincinnati cloudy.
I'lttshurKu nt Chicago cloudy.
Bolnn nt New York elouilr.
Athletic nl Wellington clear.
Detroit nt HI. I.tnl cloudy.
Chicago nt Cleveland clear.
IlufTnlo nt Rlclimnnd cleir.
' Montreal nt Ilnltlmnre clenr.
Only gnmea ncheiluled today.
Ronton, 8: New York, 1,
Cincinnati, III Bt. I-onls. 3.
Other flulu not scheduled.
Ronton, 4 1 New York, 3.
rierclund. Oi Chlcngo, 2.
Other clubs not scheduled.
Scholastic Baseball
Schedule for Todag
Cnlliollo High ts. Northeast High, nt 20th
nnd Cnnibrln streets. ... . ,, .
Trades Hcliool vs. West riillndelphln. nt
Utngeeislnc (Irmind. 80th nnd Chester nrenue.
Mouth rhllndelphla High freshmen vs. Cen
frnl High freshmen, at Houston Field.
(iermnnlonn High. vs. I'rnnkford High, nt
DIton Field.
Northeast High frenhmen vs. West l'hlla
lelplila freshmen, at Klngtesslnc Grounds.
Ilnrerford Trcps vs. Eplicopnl Academy, at
02 J nnd Wnlnut streets.
r innylranta Initltuto v. St. Joseph's, nt
St on Field.
u .er. .Moore & Stewart vs. George School,
at ilenrce hcltool.
Media High vs. Wilmington High, nt Wil
mington. Vllhirmrn l'reps vs. Hill School, nt I'otta
tow n.
Colllngswood High. vs. Lower Merlon, at
Ardmore. .
Wenonah Slllltnry Institute vs. I'eddle In
stitute, ut Hlzhtstown.
I'erknsle High s. Ambler High, nt Ambler.
West I'lillnilclpliln Mecond vs. Northeait Sec
ond, ut Northeut.
South riilliulelphtn Second vs. Central High
Second, at Houston Field.
Loner Merlon nnd Rndnor High ts. Haver
ford School, ut Hntrrford,
Schoolboy Fans 23 Batters
KANSAS CITY, April 20 Daseball acouta
would do wi'll to talR with the parents of
William Walih. a Kansas City. Kan.. outh.
In regard to a professional bnsehnll career for
the young mnn. BUI fanned ".'1 of the Inde
pendent HlKh batsmen that faced him Mon
day. The young-ster had seernl errors behind
htm, however, nnd was scored on twice, but
he won tho same, 1U to :.
Alexander tho Great will pitch for tho
Phillies In the first (tame of tho Berles
against Brooklyn thin nftcrnoon. Man
ager Mornn Intends to follow tho plan
which was no successful In 1916, and his
famous twlrlacwlli contlnuo to pitch the
first gnmo of each series, regardless of
whoso turn It happens to be. Alex wilt
have a hard battlo on Ills hands this
nfternoon, ns Larry Cheney wilt hurl
for tho Dodgers.
Cheney Is particularly effective ngalnst
tho Phillies, nnd In tho pant has proven
a "Jinx" to Alexander. It was Cheney
who stopped Alexander after ho had won
nlno straight gnmes In 1913, nnd again
last year when tho NcbrnBkan had won
ten In a row, ho feJJ. "Wore tho giant
epltbalter, who was then with tho Cubs.
At tho present time Brooklyn hits only
two twlrlers In good shapo. They "nro
Cheney nnd Pfcffcr, hut this pair aro In
unusually godd trim for thin tlmo pf tho
yenr nnd IT the former wins todny ho may
bo sent bnck nt Moran's men In tho final
game of the series, ns Mnnnger Robinson
Is nnxlous to cut down tho Phils' lnrgo
After enjoying wonderful weather nt
tho training camp nnd getting Into superb
shape, the Dodgers havo been unfortunate
enough to run Into poorer weather than
any other team In the two major leagues.
To date Brooklyn has been nblo to play
only flvo gnmes and the team Is badly In
neetUtof practice
Poor pitching killed whatever chance
Brooklyn had to win tho pennant last
season and n great deal of attention was
paid to tho hurlers In tho South. Tho
staff was developing In grcnt shape nnd
IlobltiBon apparently was due to havo a
powerful staff this year when the wcathor
Interfered with Robinson's plans and sot
tho hurlers back.
With Moran's pitchers In Buch splendid
shape thoro does not nppcnr to bo much
chance for tho Dodgers to sweep tho scries,
but a victory over Alexander will give
Hoblnson's tenm a great advnntngo for
tho present series.
Other Sports on Page 17
The new
Style, in two heights
S8-poun weight Royer, E,
Harrla. Hen-
Running hoo. ateo and JunriD Jonea. Went.
Downing. 'Buchholz. Ivory. 7
Pentathlon William Crelghton. II. Rerry.
Iolf vault W. Neyvatetter, K. Sewell, Heard.
wood, Walte, Wilson.
Kreshman mile relay Ilrennan. Walker,
Clayton, Smith. Subs Creeael, Price, Bon
lack. Shot put Dorlzaa. Dougherty, Harrla.
Hammer throw Matthew. Hennlng, Royer.
Javelin throw Berry. Dorliaa, Crelghton.
Discus Doruaa, Berry. Itoyer. Van Glnkla,
Baltimore Gets Record Datsman
'CHICAGO. April 26. Jack Keas Is a mem
ber of the Baltimore club, of the International
League, the deal for his sale by the Chicago
White Sox, having; been completed. Kesa came
to the White Sox this year from the Oakland
club, of pie Paclno Coast league, where ha was
credited with a hit la 117 coaaecutlva game
aa( aeasoo.
-, I .
la I'hlladelfbU
A ihop for Qpntfapdn
For Sale to Settle an Estate
113 rct ovtr all 1SH le-U beam,
in!? ftZDAnalan tannines ajid water
kt&c T stateroom, 3 ba-Uu, dining
a i loo a ia datic 30 feet
icni is iuur uui
fine condition, lly be
lone dee.
fully equipped
tha Turds
HfUtOI, K. I,
of UtltK
flttftd with J, J
tuba Jfe Iter &J
TfJni ind j
a.n f dK.
Kl4 n1 'i
ixtuuxl at
MFC. CO.. Bl
9f ftarttcui&ra aoora
K. I, HOSl'lTAL tUVS)T CO., MC8ir.
( fcoilisnea. K, I.
The "Gold Standard"
of Sixes
cussing motor can nt men so often do, since there's
no topic, eave baseball perhaps, that is or such general
and such vital interest.
THEY WERE TALKING SIXES, pro nnd con, and
"wondering whether" auch and such Sixes were really
good can thla year In view of their past unsatisfactory
ONE SAID, "of all the Sizes made, there's just one you
can tie to with certainty that it will live up to all expec
tationsbecause of its own and its maker's past record.
"THAT'S THE REO SIX the handsomest as well asr
the sturdiest Six made.
claimed another iffliere newr can be any c
( the quality of a
"REO CARS HAVE BEE the 'GoJdStaBfnud'
automobile values since there were auUfnbbili
IP NOT, JUST CONSUHERJw a moment tjfeft emendous
significance of that iiefcfor it is a fact tnat all motor
lata look upon Reo Wthe "Gold Standard."
YOU MAY, DOUBT, you may question, claims made for
other cars; but you accept a a fact firmly established,
that a Reo is 24-karat fine from radiator cap to tire
THAT BEING THE CASE, tecnu as if prudence dictates
only one choice for your automobile the one Six of
which you can be absolutely sure A Reo Six.
YOU CANT AFFORD no matter what your income
you can't afford to experiment in so important a matter,
FOR IT ISN'T THE PRICE goodness Jtnows that is
lower than anyone ever dreamed a first-class six-cylinder
car could ever be bought for. It isn't the price that
I THE UPKEEP cost of operation and maintenance.
SO THE ONLY WAY to be absolutely certain that tha
coming years motoring win De as pieasuracae as you ca
desire, is ,to take no chances choose tha "Oolat
Standard" for yours.
Broad & Spring Garden Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.
Harry Smith on Winning
End of Sizzling Setto
With Jack Toland
Ho will be unnblo to compete for
the Red nnd Blue in the Pcnn re-
Mnylonville to Open Pnrk
The Matlonvllla A. C. la ready to open lt
park, nt 48d street and Woodland avenue,
with any flrat-clana team that Kttarnnteea to
bo a real attraction. Such tcann ahould set
In touch with William CIron, 1317 Houth 4th
street. Oroo put a speedy team on tho field
laat aenaon nnd, conaldcrlnR the new material,
expecta to repent thla yenr Maylonvlllo haa
set aaldo Sundaya for traveling.
Ncylnnd to Try Arm Again
, WEST TOINT. V. Y.. April 20. Cadet Key.
land, captnln of the Army nlno. will mako
another ntlempt to eo on tho mound for hla
tenm today, when the Army ta scheduled to
meot Seton Hall. Ncylnnd came out nf tho
hospital in days aito to bo In against Mahan,
of Harvard, but wna In audi poor ahapo that
ho withdrew after the fifth Inninir.
Hcrrcshoff to Play Golf Again
Tho Country Club of Lnkewond liaa already
recehed moro than M entries for the nnmi-il
pprlnK Rolf tournnment, which Is to bfftln
thero tomorrow. Kred Horreahorf la on the
Hat He was seriously 111 last fall, and wns
forced to rocuperote In n local aanltnrlum.
whore It wns said that he would probably not
be able to compoto In Bolf tournaments this
"It takes two to mako a fight" Is an
old ring adage, and It proved without ft
doubt that Adam Ityan's first experience
ns a matchmaker was very successful.
Tho flvo bouts staged as tho 'stcenth re
opening of tho flstlo arena at lllh and
Sprlnjr Garden streets and Initial stag
undor tho ausplce of tho Ryan A. C. ro
BUtted In a series of tho best scraps seen
hero this season. Promoter Ilyan Is sat
isfied today that tho audlenco last night
wended Its way homeward pleased with
his show, and ho Is now busy putting to
gether another card, which he hopes to bo
oven bettor, for next Tuesday night.
Harry Smith and Young Jack Toland,
two fast-hlttlng llttlo bantams, traveled
through six lively rounds In the main bout
last night, with Smith cantering home the
winner. In a majority of the rounds To
land managed to keep abreast of his oppo
nent, but Smith several times uncorked a
hard right swing that overpowered Young
Jnck's "biff-bang" stylo of battlo. Uoth
tho youngsters were eager for the fray,
and thero was not an Instant that gloves
wcro not flying,
Whenever Toland managed to get Smith
nt closo quarters he showered short right
and left hooks on the latter's body. Smith
wns not Btrong for mixing things nt short
range, Ho preferred to shoot his right
over as Tolnnd was coming on.
New London Gets Pitcher Hcnrnc
NEW LONDON. Conn., April 20. An
nouncement has been made hero that the New
London Club of the Eastern Leairii had pur
chased Hearne. a pitcher of the Toronto Club
nf tho International League.
Nett Saturday Is the date set for the etotlnc
of entries for the second annual champlonahlps
of the city association of the National Bowline
Association, to be rolled on the. Keystone Al
leys, aurtlnr May 8, The events will be tor
Ave, three and two men teams and Individuals,
They are all to be decided upon the handicap
basts, In the five-man team samea three
matches wilt be rolled, tha teams knocklnc
down the most plna belnr the wlnnera. In the
other three classes, nre tames will b rollta
by each of the conteatanta.
The champion team of the Artisan League
will be determined tonltht, when the Under
down squad ehnmplan or Section A will clash
with the Northwestern .No. a team, victor In
Section D, In a special three-same aerlea on
Keystone Altera,
The Atlantic Coaat toumer also wilt draw
most of the beat leeat teams. This serlea srlll
consist of three-man, two-man and Individual
jontesta. It wllf.lt la expected, draw lnrreir
from the Quaker City and Philadelphia Leant,
whtch nre TtiHInw fl.tnn mttph.. ,,na ttm
Jurisdiction, Theie ramea will be rolled from
scratch on Costa' a and Terminal alleys.
In laat nlsht'e Philadelphia Lesrue frame
Pennsylvania nallroad beat Suburbanites thre
asmest Smith won in from Liberty Delia and
Crescent outrolled Tloj-a In two tame. Cm
Monday nlaht. Pennsylvania liallroad and
Camden, who are second and third to Liberty
Bell, beat, Tlota and Crescent In alt thre
tames, while Keystone snatched one same from
ibartr Bell,
The smith team's victory from Liberty Bell
,b '918 to i BIB, while Keyatone won from
the leaders. 0o8 to 817,
For Tires and Accessories
Remember "Colonial" Opposite Baldwin's
SOME of Philadelphia's best-known business people keep
a regular monthly account with us. When mishaps
occur to their cars, their first thought is "Colonial," and
chauffeurs have this same confidence in our service. Where
possible, many of our customers Bimply phono ua their re
quirements. Nor do we hesitate to say that we feel ourselves entitled
to this confidence we have earned it. This Belf-samo
unupual-in-servico is available to all whrt) desire it.
Our Tire Stocks Are Standard,
Accessories Have Our Unq
We always have a man in rcadln
on little fixinRs" that require attci
paints rims, gives air and any of thci
service is free and continues thruout tho
tits to assist
nflon. Hafl
arantcjed Makes and
d tubes,
ps." This
mounts Ures
her little
tafista dfe
Good Gulf
Filling Station
Twenty-four Hours
1509 Spring Garden St.
Free Air
at Curb
Poplar 4872
. Race 821
KfAUnHA. JSSmB 9lBlaHsataflilasilsHsCHBH3IIHlBBttb ala.a.al.H' tBSEBBMSSKkB wkv
O haj-sasaasasaa tj tkwmmvt ffilV ffflSf i Btffiv flBH aaeT Vsaaa BHk sB&BaiBi vHHkF VSHSJtWnaHsiBiBiBm laiW IH avW
! pptHeTtwtKl A
(I 1 1 flsam'jTi''V aMslHwHKBBHBHtfMiHCaaBBs! JLjeBsB H 9 K
UIUMI FBlaIllaaI BpSaTaa StllSUBSBtSttBiBBmBStBSur - sslsT B f Vltm "
H B sLslPB IbbBHi lB SHlMiPaBBH HHRHiaBHDH tfla.hBila.a.a.a.a.a.BlBa. bBf M D sjayfF aMOHBaa B H jk
m li
I ll'VaJi
1 Vrv'
T - V. "
T ESS than two months after the first appearance of the JefFery Six, the Thomas
b. Jeffery Company had to double its planned output or this car. 5o tmnv
diate was the success of its wonderful rolUedoe body, its riding-omfort'tlnd
driving'comfort, its spectacular perrormance that almost vwdioutfiune.dvertising
the car sold in unprecedented quantities.
StVfs a car of instant re-
ccelerator and you' have
n you never even thought of
s like a sprinter i
rortyanil an hour she f
tly ayir sha were ust be- r
nty. Then step on tbe
'X learnfor the first time
Qvc jeally means. g
Vf the JefFery enRineers
It's a car of character, a wonderful car,
thi car for the family which wants not 'only
all the power and speed which can be used but
a real, honest, comfortable, be&utifvlautomtbif.
Not even the most accurate illustration
can hope to show the comfort of the JefFery
the luxuriously upho!stered,bodyfitting seats,
which give you all the comfort while riding
which you can hope to get from the most
luxurious of club divans. You must sit in tbit car
to appreciate what motor car comfort can be.
The, generous tonneau, the divided
front seats, the disappearing auxiliary seats
these anda dozen minor details are all the
last word in comfort, convenience, beauty
and power.
In every way it's the finest handling car you can imagine. The price is $1450
and every dollar of it represents more value good, commoivsense, usable value
than you ever saw before.
Come in and look it over now. Go over it from head-lights to tail-light
compare it with every car in its class point by point ask us to demonstrate by actual
test every claim we make. And do it now. The demand is tremendous. Our allot
ment is limited, and the factory cannot increase its present production.
The JefTi
tponse. Step on
a power sensaj
before, bh
of a gua
sines along aswee
ginnirw to iflake twe;
acceferatoT and you'
whit thjr word rv
rie Hreat idear
who introduced the hi'sh-speed, lona-
high-efficiency motor to America has always
been ti grut maximum poivtr at the ipttdt which
art uttd mast. And that is just what the Jeffery
Six gives you in the highest degree.
1 Bt' " v r
IP!.-, J , "if 3 a'fJ
q Slfe Hurley & Earley, ..fifeiw I ri -M. a
BaaarasJWm faatT Tfftii JTTaaaaaaiaaiaalBaalBaaBTWiTffll iil riifBT iasaiasasiaBrTBffrFTfiTHiy jflsatMMasPk Jyjs1' 'S" -3HpPal, j cKSmmMmMmMmMMMMMMA CdV pByaWPfTflfetft- - taaaaV BBBaBBaBaarlBaBBaVBaaaaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBV
- saalaiOBBBW j