EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, ABBIL 25, 1916. S?j5S V lv It:1 9 ilv Wt 1 A.' UNDER THE MOONS OF MARS BY EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS IllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiilllliiiniiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiimiiT IHAI'TEtt XXI Continued THIS ray, Hko the ninth rny, Is unknown on earth, but the Martians have dlscov ereil that It Is an Inherent property of nil light no matter from what sotirco It emanates. They have learned thnt It Is the solar eighth ray which propels tha light of tho sun to the various planets, and thnt It Is the Individual eighth ray of each planet which "reflects," or propels, the light thus obtained out Into spnee once more. Tho Bolnr eighth ray would be nbaorfoptl by the surface of Unrsoom, but the Hnr. soomlnn eighth ray, which tends to props! light from .Mars Into space. Is constantly stream I UK out from tho plnnct, constitut ing a force of repulsion of gravity which, when confined, Is nble to lift enormous weights from the surfneo of the ground. It is this rny which has cnnblcd them so to perfect nvlntlon thnt battleships far outweighing anything kmnvn upon earth sail as gracefully and lightly through tho thin air of Harsoom as a toy balloon In the heavy atmosphere of enrth. During the early years of tho discovery of Ihjs rny, many ntrango ncoldents oc curred before tho Mnrtlnns learned to measure nnd control the wonderful power they had found. In una Instance, some 900 years before, the first great bntlcshlp to be built with elghth-rny reservoirs was stored with too great a quantity of tho rays, and she had sailed up from Helium with 600 officers nnd men, never to return. Her power of repulsion for the plnnct was so great that it had cnrrlcd her fnr into spnee, whoro she, can bo seen todny, by tlio aid of pow erful telescopes, hurtling through the heavens 10,000 tulles from Mars a tiny satellite, thnt wltl thus encircle tlnrsoom to the end of time. Tho fourth dny after my nrrlvnl nt .o dangn, I made my first flight, and n n re sult of It I won a promotion which In cluded nunrtcrs In Hie pnlaco at Than Koala. As I rose above tho city I circled Sev ern! times, ns 1 hnrl .seen Kantos Knn do; nnd then, throwing my engine Into top speed, I raced at terrific velocity towurd the Routli, following one of tho grent waterways which enter Zodanga from thnt direction I lind traversed pcrhnps 200 miles In ;i llttlo less thnn nn hour when I descried far below mo n pnrly of green warriors racing madly toward n nmnl! figure on foot, which seemed ti be trying to rench tho confines of one of the wnlled fields. Dropping my mnchlne rapidly toward them and circling to tho rrnr of tho war riors, I soon saw thnt the object of their pursuit wnB a red Martian wcnrlng fiio motal of the scout sciundrun to which I wns attached. A short distance nway lay his tiny tiler, surrounded by tho tools with which ho had evidently been occupied In repairing some damngo when surprised by the green warriors. They wcro now almost upon 1dm, their flying mounts charging down on the rela tively puny figures at terrlfla speed, whllo the warriors lenned low to tho right, with their grent mctal-Hhot ypenrs. Each Hcemed striving to bo tho first to Impale the poor Zodungan, and In another moment his fate would have been sealed had It not been for my tlniejy arrival. Driving my fleet aircraft at high speed directly behind tho wnrlors, I soon over took them, and, without diminishing my speed, I rammed tho plow of my little flier between tho shoulders of the nearest. Tho Impact, sulllclent to have torn through lnchci of solid Mcel. hurled the fellow's headless body into the nlr over tho head of his thont where It fell sprawling upon tho moss. Tho mounts of tho other two1 FARMER SMITH'S HOW TO GET A CAMERA Dear Everybody I had my picture "took" the other day nnd I was so excited I forgot to brush my hnir and the camera man had to do it for me with a nice soft towel. I got bald wearing my hat in the house. Well, I was just thinking what u lot of fun our members are going to have watching for each other's amateur photographs in our club news and then it occurred to me that some of our members might not hnve cameras. Here is an easy way to get a camera: W,hcn Daddy comes home tonight you must greet him at the door and welcome him. Lead him gently but firmly to a comfortable chair and ask him how business is. If it is good, you might sit on his lap and recite the following: "I wns thinking the other day what a fine-looking father I had and how I would love to have a picture of him to look at years from now when when (begin to choke here) he has gone from me. Of course, we havo an excellent photograph of you, daddy dear, but I want one I took all by myself. "I find I can get a camera for (mention price) and as business is good with you, I want that (mention price) so that I can get a picture of you taken by myself to show my children YOUR grandchildren." When you get your camera, send me a picture of your dog or cat or doll. Let us have more pictures. FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor, Evening Ledger. Our l'ostoflicc Jlox Andrew Cuneo Is the dear little brother cf Madeleine Cuneo. When the "picture taker" man faced him with his big black machine baby boy Andrew's heart went pit-a-pat and his little red mouth be gan to droop. Never mind, small friend, many a great big man has gotten lots more afraid of some thing a good bit less scary than a "pic ture taker," Here's hoping the Rainbow chased away the clouds! Hpeaklng of "picture takers" re minds us that Wil liam Kcheltor. of andiu:w eiwuo, Frankford, Is quite an expert photographer. Watch for his snapshot of Northeast Houleyard! Frederick Fueller. of Jenkln town, another amateur camera man of some note, paid us a visit the other day on matters other than films. He brought a lovely gray suit, ono that had grown a little email for him, which he (Wished to give to some deserving boy. That very Homing' a letter had come to us with a dollar Inclosed. The letter told a wonderful story, the story of a little boy who needed clothes very badly and who was Bending the dollar as part payment for a suit. Needless to say, the dollar waa tucked safely away In one-of the pockets of the gray suit which was hurriedly dispatched. We hope that by this time the little lad Who so nobly strove to help himself has discovered that a little man has wished to give for giving' sake t Clark, achwartly wants to know more about the club. Wo think. Clark, that by faithfully reading1 the club news each night you will learn lots and lots about your club. We In turn would like to know more about Clark Schwartly. Is he an artist, a short-story writer or a base tall batter with an average way up In Hie nJtlesT Write and tell us. William Qulnn, Jr., has moved to East Firth street and we trust he will And lots of fUlnbows In hi new neighborhood. WHUsjh baa a est whose' picture will HOYS AND GIRLS. If jrqu want o rro wentz; (Ux ehol and en Baturdajr., welt I'arur Biultli, &- lo ill I I iiiniiiniiiMllMninmiimrmn warriors turned squeal Ing In terror and bolted In oposlta directions. Reducing my speed, I circled nnd came to the ground at tho feet of tho astonlchcd Zodnngnn. Ho was warm with thnnks for my timely nld nnd promised thnt my day's work would bring the rewnrd It merited, for he was none other thnn n cousin of tho Jeddak of Kodanga, We wasted no time In talk, ns we knew thnt tho warriors would surely return as soon as they had gained control of their mounts. Hastening to his damaged ma chine, we were bending every effort to finish tho needed repairs and had almost completed them when wo saw the two green monsters returning nt top speed from opposlto sides of us. When they hnd nppronched within n hundred ynrds their thonts ngnln beenme unmanngenbte nnd nhsotutcly refused to advance further toward tho aircraft which had frightened them. The warriors finally dismounted nnd, hobbling their nntmals, ndvnnccd toward us on foot with drnwn long swords. I ndvaliced to meet the larger, telling the Zodangan to do tho best ho could with tho other. Finishing my ninn with almost no ef fort, as had new from much practice be come habitual with me, t hastened to re turn to my now ncqunlntnucc, whom I found In despernto straits. THE SEQUEL to MONTE CRISPEN Dealing with tho Millionnirc Hero's Adventures in KENSINGTON Will Begin in SATURDAY'S Ho wns wounded nnd down, with the huge foot of his antagonist upon Ills throat nnd the grent Ipng sword rnlsed to deal the flnnl thrust, as, with n bound, I cleared tho 50 feet Intervening between us, nnd with outstretched point drove my sword completely through tho body of tho green wnrrlor. His sword fell harmless to the ground nnd ho dank limply upon the prostrato form of the Hadangnn. A cursory examination of tho latter re vealed no mortal injuries, nnd nfter a brief rost ho nsMcrtcd that he fell fit to attempt, the return voyag'u. Ho would have to pilot his own craft, however, ns these frail vessels nro not Intended to convey but a Binglo person. Quickly completing tho repairs, wo roso together Into the still, cloudless Martian sky, and nt grent speed nnd without further mishnp, returned to Xodanga. As we neared the city wo discovered a mighty concourse of clvllinns nnd troops assembled upon the plain before the city. The sky wns black w itli nnvnl vessels, nnd prlvnte nnd public pleuNiiro craft, llylinr long streamers of gay-colored silks and banners and Hags of odd nnd picturesque design. My companion slgnnlcd that I slov down, and running his machine closo be FAItMKlt SMITH. Kveniko I.edokr.: I wish to become a member of your Halnbow Club. I'lease send me a beau tiful Ilalnbow Button free. I agree to DO A MTTLK KINDNKSS KACH AND KVIJUY DAY SPREAD A IATVL.K SUNHHINK ALL ALONG THK WAY. Name Address Age . , , , School I attend , arrive some time In Stay. William sent a lovely poem about the keyboard of a piano. It Is too long to publish and too pretty to spoil by cutting. John Dunbar Is another member who submits one of his favorite poems. It Is about the wonder of un angers smile! It Is very beautiful and we would like John to tell us where he discovered these lines. Agnes C'allun, South 27th street, had a surprise party when she received her Ilalnbow button. Some kind fairy sent in her name! Florence Moore, Mapleshade, N, J. ; George and Jesse Aloxander, Clay ton, N. J., and Ulchard and Emma Home, of Quakertown, Pa., never miss a single club corner I Lilly dlaxer Is a little lady In Woodbine, N. J., who likes her Ilaln bow button all the more because "Mother likes It, too." Oh, we know something funny, Millie Longo forgot to take her Ilalnbow button off when one of her dresses went to the laundry and the sor riest looking Ilalnbow you ever saw came back meekly pinned to a white collar, Millie shared the Joke with us by sending back the poor button that we might see It and augh for ourselves I Helen Kudlar is an earnest pin money worker, Success to her! Ella Iloberts Is anxious to be a worker, too, as she wants very much to help some poor little folks who need things their parents cannot provide for them. Lawrence Mullen, North Itth street, and his postman are very much Interested In Ilalnbow membership. Why the postman even knows how many boys and girls we have I George Thomas, South 56th street, has a thriving branch club. At the fifth meeting on last Friday evening- 1 boys were Dresent. The Rainbow carnations of 'Woodbine, N. J , are getting along famous ly jag. tienson, famine luirman, Sadie Kuchovltx and Hare Breslow are the newest members. So writes Ustelle potasbnick, the president We would like more reports from branch clubs! ' side mine, suggested thnt we nppronch r.nd watch the ceremony, which, he said, wis for tho purpose of conferring honors on Individual officers nnd men for bravery nnd other distinguished service. Ha then unfurled a little ensign, which denoted thnt his crnft bore a member of the roynl family of Xodnngn, And together wo mnde our wny until wo hung directly orvcr the Jeddak of Kodnnga nnd his stnff All were mounted upon the small, do mestic bull thoala of the red Mnrtlnns, nnd their trappings nnd ornamentation horo such a quantity of gorgeously colored fenthers that 1 could not but bo struck with awe at tho startling resemblance the concourse bore to a band of the red In dians of my own enrth. One of tho BtnlT catted tho ntlcntlon of Thnn Koala to tho presenco of my com panion above them, nnd the ruler motioned for him to descend. As they wnlted for lite troops to move Into position fnclngtho Jeddnk, tho two tallied cnrncitly together, tho Jeddnk and his staff occasionally glancing up at me. I could not hear their conversation, nnd presently It censed nnd nil dismounted, ns tho Inst body of troops hnd wheeled Into position before their emperor. A member of the staff ndvnn'ccd towntd tho troop,, nnd calling tho nnmo of a soldier, com manded him to advance. Tho officer then recited In flowing language the nnturo of tho heroic ncNUilch hnd won the npprovnl of tho Jeddnk, nnd tho latter ndvnnccd nnd plnccd a metnl ornament upon tho left nrm of the lucky mnn. Ten men hnd been so decorated when tho nld called out: "John Carter, nlr scout!" Novcr In my life hnd I been so sur prised; but the hnblt of military discipline Is strong within me, nnd 1 dnrpped my little mnr.hino lightly to the ground nnd nd vnnccd on foot ns I had seen the others do As I halted beforo the ofllccr, ho ad dressed mo In a voice audible to the en tire assemblage of troops nnd spectators. "In recognition, John ("nrter," 1m said, "of your rcmnrknblc courage nnd skill In defending tho person of the cousin of tho Jcdnk, Thnn Kosls, nnd. slnrlc-hntided. vanquishing three green warriors, It Is the plonsure of our Jeddnk to confer on you tho mark of his esteem." Than Koala then advanced toward mo nnd. placing nn ornament iinon me. until? "My cousin has narrated the, details of your wonderful achievement, which hociim llttlo short of miraculous, nnd If you can Wo well defend a cousin, how .uiich better could you defend the person o the Jeddak himself. You are therefore appointed a p.idwar of the guards and will be quar tered In my palace hereafter." ClIAI'TKIt XXII Tho I'rlnrcss A Rain TIII2 mnjordomo to whom I reported hnd been given Instructions to station mo near tho person of tho Jeddak. who. In time of war, la always In great danger of assassination, ns the ruio that all is fair In war seems to constitute tho entire ethics of Mnrtlan conflict. Ho therefore escorted mo Immediately to the npartment In which Than KosW then was. The ruler wns engaged In con versation with IiIh son. Mali Thnn, and several courtiers of Ills household, and did not perceive my entrance. Tho walls of tho apartment were com pletely hung with splendid tapestries, which hid any windows or doors which may havo pierced them. The room was lighted by Imprisoned rays of sunshlno hehl between the ceiling proper nnd what appeared to be it ground-glass falso cell ing n few Inches below. .My guldo drow aside ono of the tapes tries, disclosing a. passage, which en- RAINBOW CLUB FAIUIEIt SMITH'S (JOAT HOOK Billy Humps' Great Appetite One nlfjlit when Mister and Missus Goat had gone to bed, Hilly told her that his great friend. Mister Ansora Goat, had broken his toe on u wntorbnp. "How could that bo?" said Missus Goat, In crent surprise. "Well." said Billy, very thoughtfully, "ono nlKht when Mister Goat went to bed ho wns ho cold that his wlfo put a water bag to hl.s feet. During tho night It got so cold that tho watcrbag froze, and ho happened to kick It. and when ho kicked It It broke his tor." "I'll fix you for that," as she turned over and went to sleep. nilly lay nwnke for half an hour laugh ing softly to himself, nnd then ha fell asleep. He did not know how long lie had been asleep, when he suddenly woke up. "My," he said to hlmsolf, "I do not think that I will over get enough to eat. and If I get out of bed nt this time I will freeze to death." Just then ho caught sight of tho beautiful counterpane In tho moonlight which his wlfo had made for them. Then he said to himself, "Oh, you beau tlful counterpane!" and began eating It. "My," he exclaimed, "how delicious this Is." Ily nnd by his good wife woke up. nnd exclaimed: "Hilly Humpus, I am almost frozen to death. What Is tho matter?" "I guess It must bo tho llttlo moon beams. You see the sun is hot and the moon Is cold, and when you sleep In the moonlight you freeze to death without knowing It." Hilly had to talk fast ho was afraid his wife would discover that the counter pane was gone. Ho ho continued, "Many years ago, me man in mo moon used to have pie for dinner. You see. his wife was a lady in the moon, and she was al most as good to him us you nro to me." "Never mind," said Missus Goat, "I am freezing to death." "Oh, pshaw!" said Hilly. "I guess you nre thinking about that waterbag." "Why, Billy Humpus, you have eaten tho counterpane! Get up instantly, and we will put the mattress over us." "If you do," said Billy thoughtfully, "I will eat the springs." Missus Goat was so vexed she could only exclaim: "Well, I hope that counterpane will give YOU a 'pain.'" "Smarty," said Billy, as he got up and pulled the mattress oft the bed. Do You Know This? 1. What Is dew? 2. Samuel, the careless printer's boy, lias spilled some mora type. He picked It up and put together "SEKNUZ." What was the one word Samuel dropped? 3. What is a small sheep called? (For little folks.) Way Off I want to go 'way off, as far as ever I can walk, 'Way off from houses and from beds, from lessons and from talk. No other people will be there but only me alone ; Everything will be glorious and every thing my own. There will be ponies I can ride and lots of climbing trey; I'll never have to go to bed, I'll get up when I please. Perhaps I wilt come back sometimes a little while to stay, And tell them of the land I've found, but ntrtr tl the tray. I r-Morswe WUUiuob. SISTEKS IN DOUHLE WEDDING Miss Aurclia Stewart (nbovc) nntl Miss June Stewart will have one bridesmaid for both cere monies at the home of their aunt, Mrs. N. W. KidRwny, 2'J21 North ICth street, next Snturday. Tho former will wetl Mr. H. V. Krank, of 2-11 4 Sydenham street, the lat ter Mr. A. It. Trice, of Mil ford, Del. circled thn room between tho hangings and the walls of tho chamber. Within this piissngn I was to remain, he wiltl, so long ns Thau Kosls was In thn apart ment. When ho left I wns to rnllmv. My only duty was to guard the ruler and keep out of sight iih much us possible. I would bo relieved after a period of four hours. Tho majordomo then left me. The tapestried were of n strange weav ing, which gavo the appenranco of heavy solidity from one side, hut from my hid ing place 1 could perceive all that took place within the room as readily ns though there had been no curtain Intervening. Scarcely hnd I gained my post than tho tapestries at tho onnoslto end of thn chamber separated nnd four soldiers of the gum d entered, surrounding a female Ilguie. Ah they npproaclied Thnn Kosls tho soldiers fell to cither sldo and there, standing before the Jeddnk, and not Iimi feet from me, her beautiful fnco radiant with smiles, woh Dcjnh Tliorls. Kali Than, Prince of Xodanga, advanced to meet her, and, hand In hand, they ap proached close to the Jeddnk. Than Kosls looked up in surprise, and, rising, saluted her. To what strange freak do I owe tills visit from tho Princess of Helium, who, two days ago, with rare consideration for my pride, assured mo that she would pre fer Tal llajus, tin) green Thurk, to my son?" ho asked. Dejah Tliorls only smiled the more, and with tho roguish dimples playing nt tho colliers or her mouth, sho made an swer. "From the beginning of tlino upon Unr soom It has been tho prcrogativn of wom an to change her mind iih sho listed and to dissemble In mutters concerning her heurt. That you will forgive. Than Kosls, us has your son. "Two days ago I was not suro of his loo for mo j but now I nm, and I linvo como to beg of you to forget my rush words and to accept tho assurance of tho I'lincctjs of Helium that she will wed Sab Thnn, t'rlnco of Zodanga." "I am glad that you havo so decided," replied Than Kosls. "It Is far from my ileslro to push war further against tho people of Helium, nnd I welcome the op portunity to exorclso tho ban of war with tho linns of matrimony. Your promlso shnll bo recorded, nod u proclamation to my people Issued forthwith." "it wero better," Thnn Kosls." Inter rupted DeJ.ih Tliorls, "that tho proclama tion wait the ending of this war. It would look strange. Indeed, to my people and to yours wero tho Princess of Helium to give herself to her country's enemy In tho midst of hostilities." "Cannot tho war ho ended at once?" spoke Kali Than. "It requires but the word of Than KiihIh to bring pence. Say it, my father, say the word that will hasten my happiness, and end this un popular Ntrlfo." "Wo sh. ill see." replied Thnn Kosls, "how thn peoplo of Helium take to peace. I shall at least offer It to them." Dejah Tliorls, nfter a few words, turned and left tho apartment, still followed by her guardH. Though I had heard It with my own cars, I could not bellova It. I must search out her apartments nnd forco her to re pent tho cruel truth to mo alone beforo I would bo convinced, nnd so I deserted my j post nnd hastened through tho passage lichlnu the tapestries toward too uoor ly which sho hail left the chamber. Slipping quietly through this opening I discovered u mazo of winding corridors, branching and turning In every direction. Ilunnlng rapidly down 'first one and then another of them, I soon became hope lessly lost and was standing panting against a sldo wall when I heard voices near me. Apparently they wero coming from tho opposlto side of tho partition against which I leaned, nnd presently I made out the tones of Dejah Tliorls. Moving on n few steps I discovered an other passageway at tho end of which lay a door. Walking boldly forward I pushed into the room, only to find myself In a small antechamber, In which were the four guards who had accompanied her. One of them Instantly rose and uccosted me. asking tho nature of my business. "And your order?" asked tho fellow. I did not know what he meant, but replied that I was a member of the guard, and, without waiting for n reply from hlni, I strodo towurd the opposite door of the antechamber, behind which I could hear Dejah Thorls conversing. Hut my entrance was not to be so easily accomplished. The guardsman stepped beforo me, saying: "No one comes from Than Kosls without carrying an order or tho password. You must give me one or the other before you may pass," "The only order I require, my friend,' to enter where I will hangs at my side," I answered, tapping my long swqrd. "Will you let me pass In peace or no?" For reply he whipped out his own sword, calling to the others to Join him, and thus ' the four stood, with drawn weapons barring my further progress. My reply was a quick thrust which left me but three antagonists, and I can assure you that they were worthy of my metal. They had me backed against the wall In no time, fighting for my life. Slowly I worked my way to a corner of the room where I could forco them to come at me only one at a time, and thus we fought upward of 20 minutes, the clanging of steel upon steel producing a veritable bedlam In the little room. The noise had brought Dejah Thorls to the door of her apartment, and there she stood throughout the conflict, with Sola at her back, peering over her shoulder. Her face was set and emotionless, and I knew that she did not recognize me, nor did Sola. (CONTINUED TOMORROW) PLANNING THE HOME VEGETABLE GARDEN By JOHN Now U the time to plan the home vegetable jrnrrien. The preliminary aniline should flrnt be made on pnperi 't will snte. many mistake Inter. Draft several pinna If necessary nnd Put thn one thnt suits bent on stiff cardboard for reference. Having decided whnt Is to be planted, tho Indoor gardener draws lines or sym bols on his outlined plnn to Indicate the different crops, Inserting the dnto when each Is to bo planted. Where n second or third crop Is to follow tho same row or occupy the same ground, this may be written In red or blue Ink, which Indi cates that It Is to be planted when nn earlier crop Is over. In Inylng Out tho plnn tho owner should consider the amount of each vegctablo necessary for n serving for his family, giving preference to those which are favorites on tho table. For n family of four 10 early tomato plants nnd 20 lato would bo enough and nllow some for cnnnlng. About tho same of cnbtmgo (late and early) nnd of cauli flower Hlintlltl nitmiA TM...AA nlflttllnva nf o?rwa3x henna""?8- li,, "IT f, Vt' J of wnx beans, two of string beans, two lu-ioui rows or tiusn limns, ono each or early and lato beets, thrco eggplants and three pepper plants should sco a family of four through the summer. If somo nro to bo canned, double the rows of benns, pens nnd com. Tho planner should benr In mind tho habits of the plants so ns to allow space enough between the rows for their proper growth, for the Interplnntlng of later crops nnd for easy cultivation. Tho cul tivation, of course. Is easiest when the rows nro Hi to 2 feet apart, as this per mits tho uso of wheel cultivators. Plants which nialto a high growth and cause heavy shade, such as corn, okra and pole llmas, naturally should not bo located whero they will Interfcro with sun-loving small plants. Perennials, such ns rhu barb and asparagus, which aro not culti vated, nhould not lie grown among vege tables which call for tilling. Tho plan ning may bo extended also to tho planting of small fruits, such as currants, rasp berries and grapes, and oven to tho loca tion of apple or other fruit trees. , Tho aim of the back-yard gordoncr should be to rnlso those vegetables which aro either expensive or In which tho llnvnr or quality depends Importantly on absolute frcshnoss. Pens and Btrlng or lima henns, to be nt their best, should be cooked almost Immediately after they aro guthcrcd. Peas kept oven for a dv loso their Hwcetncss, Consequently, as much spneo ail possible, should bo devoted to such vegetables, and other vegetables In which freshness does not count so Impor tantly should largely bo used as fillers to iteep tno ground at work. IJffort also I should bo mudo In a garden to havo special vegetables, such as okra, of which tho family Is fond and which aro (lllflcult to obtain In local markets or nro com monly high-priced. Tho housewife prob nhly will want a llttlo bed of parsley, chives or other herbs, not because they aro cxpcuslvo to buy, but because of tho convenience of being nblo to pick a sprig Just when It is needed. Consult with tho family to determine the sorts of vegetables tho different mem bers like. These they personally will bo Interested hi raising. Conflno selections to tho standard, well-tried sorts. Finally, nnd this Is most Important, is tho confer ence between tho garden forco "and tho housewlfo as to what vegetables really are worth raising In the back yard. It will hardly liny to rnlso In a vory small npiico squashes, pumpkins, wntcrmclons or' cantaloupes, which occupy a large area In proportion to yield, and which can bo bought In nearby markets. All the tools that aro necessnry for In door gardening, which can be made an In teresting recreation for the whole house hold, nro a largo sheet of wrapping paper, n ruler and a pencil. After looking over tho garden and selecting tho plot of soil best suited for your purpose, meas ure this, and outline. It on paper on a scale of V, or U Inch to the foot. In general It Ih wlso to allow two-foot Intervals between rows; threo If cucum bers nnd squashes nro planted; ono foot Is sufllcicnt between upright growing vegetables, such as beetH and carrots. It is better to lose n fow rows, howover, thnn to havo the plants too crowded for proper nutrition nnd too close for easy cultiva tion. Where thero are small children in tho family a separata smalt plot should be set EMBROIDER (iohl and Nlhrr. llfuil Sperial Rrnif1sfir llenmtltrhlnir, PmJrklnr, onr garment inning. jiiiliillinK, iiiiiiiiioii lulling Novelty Erybroidery Co. km; ni.jfKHT .STIIKKT ING J un Mnchlod I W to aull I Vie c. ntu BONWT TELLER- &. CO. &fe SpecMfa5hop0nawationA CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET A. Women's At Very Special Prices Included are modes in the most fashionable silhouettes of the most successful types created by the Paris Coutourieres, as Women's Tailleur Suits 22.50 Very smart belt coat effects, with button trimmings and pongee collars. Flare skirts. In navy blue serge, Gabardine and checks. . Braid Bound, Cape & Shawl Reproductions of Lanvin, Drecoll and Bernard Models Cape coat models, after Lanvin and Qrecdi. in serge and gabardine, overcollars and cuffs of picot edge crash or plaid silk, strap belts. Ber? nard shawl collar flare coats, shirred at side, strap belt. Collar of white' bengaline .,,.,.....,....,,.,.,,...,......,.,..,,.,...... An assortment of sample Dresses in Georgette Crepe, Taffetas, Char- qq r meuse and Nets all the season' advanced models. Special. .,,,.;,.. J -2 -JU BAItTKAM aside for their play gardens. If they have their own vegetables which they1 nre free to null un. examine or trent ns thev like. J they nro less liable to conduct their ju venile" botanical experiments In the gar den which Is being grown for serious pur poses. Reread the articles in this series! March 23, Locating the Garden! March 2E, Kinds of Soil; Mnrch 28, Getting the around ItendyJ Mnrch 30, Drainage j April 4, Suiting Soil to Plants; April 23, Fertilising the Home Onrden. This will freshen tho memory nnd Insure that no omission has been made In essential pre liminaries. GARDEN QUERIES ANSWERED Vines for Shady Place I). C, W. !f I wi-re you, on the sunny slil I would plnnt some such vlnfs as the beftullful Japftntse mornlnir slnri. the roboa or tho Ipormn. Thme mke n oulrk Rrnwth and hloom bfor July, On tho nhaily aide 1 would dvolop n permanent covering of soma of the lvy which nro hnrtty perennial. Perennial ahruba such aa rhododendron will sronr on thla ;ia ana im evfmroen In winter. For ,th front of tho tred on thla aide you enn plant I owh"V"WV'S,Wi,,."SS,'lllWrn,ewulI slna. lobelia or ferna nt about II. So n . win no fuch- 1nxen. Theao nil aland tho ahad. Tor tho sunny alda you can plant cannaa, r ther bulbs or planta, nt about 1 a dozen; aindloll nt BO cenla a dozen, or dunlins, which ranae from (1 cents to II per bull,. For tho cditlna you havo nn Inflnlto vnrlety. Naaturtluma or pelunlaa or mnrlKolda can tie planted now from seed at fi or 1(1 ecnta n packet nnd will flourlah. Spado tho earth of lour beds well nnd mix In aomo fertilizer, audi na well rotted atablo mnnure, nii'T-p mnnurf or Krounu none mem, anoui one- half pound to the enunre foot. If you hnve n atlff rlny soil iiwuipay ou lo mi in n ton of aand nt II. 78. laatlnir. Jim rlio lmproement will bo Making a Place Pay HUH. M. .1 t).. rVilllnnannit. (tt Toll nro rlsht In believing that nne mint hnvo aomo knnck In baiidllnir n garden: but It rnn b ncnulrod. Tho beat time to start In la now. 1 do not think It la fenalhlo for any ono na "ureen" ra ou deacrltio youraelt to b to make n plnco pny nt once, 1 tut you rnn re duce expenaea by growing enough for youraelf nt nrat and na you gain experience run turn your ground to, profit. Ho Inrge n ptneo should rerlnlnly Im made prnntnhle. tan't It poaslbla for you to get aomebody In your vicinity to f:o "ahMrea" on crops thnt la. furnlah tho abor. or aomo of It, and the experience while ii furnlah the land? Thla la often dono nnd tho crops nre ahared half nnd hntf. Ily wntch Ing the work ou would aoon lenrn enough to work the Inie tnuraeir. d) a furrow la tho Imprcanl: made by the ahnro In plowing. The plowahart la adjusted to the proper depth and width. (3) liarly corn can bo planted In n week or ao. It. Is lieat to plant corn In earth hilled up to n height of n foot and nbnut n foot or so aouaro, thrco aeeda to n hill and tho lillla thrco feet npnrt. (I) Tho drill almply tneana n very narrow lino mndn with n hoo or filowahnre. Tho distance lietween thene drills or beets Is tha IS Inches written of In my nrtlcle. ffil I-ena nre n trlnn i.t.,1 nvl.lntitlv vnn 'did not provide n brush or "lire for them to grow niong. you can buy aonio ownrf peaa. wlikli rniulro llttlo atuklng. You ran nlao run three or four lines of twine on four-foot poata to trnln the, peaa upon. (Ill Country Gentle mnn, (Howell's llvcrgreen, Croaby'a Karly nro good Mirietlea of corn. (7) Aliiaka or Kurcka nro good curly pena. Telephone, Urodua or Champion of l.mrland uru good mnln crop varieties. A Troubled Lawn Maker J. M. Vou aeem to be In real difficulty with our .soil, fertnlnly ou havo tried nil tho oxpuuienin wnicn would occur orr hand to put our aoll Into condition for making u creditable lawn. I.lmo- for acclenlmt la the very beat thing to uae, and tho nhecp manure nnd bone menl ahould havo enriched tho aoll. Hnvo you nny depth to tho top aoll? la It Kood and mellow na far down na alx or eight Inchea? Bometlmea thero la n hardpan, na It la railed, right below the top anil, and thla la Im pervious to moisture. Honta will not live whero there la overplus of water. Hhould n llttlo digging nt a ernl purln of your Burden show thla to bo tho caao you ahould havo the entire apace spaded to n depth of eight Inchea or even more. Then mix In aand to lighten tho texture. You will need u ton for 3(1 by 111 feet or .1110 aiiuaro feet. The coat la now II. 7B ter ton, delivered, na there baa been a recent rise In price of 15 rents n ton. Hut tho In vt'Btmenl will bo worth while. If you auapect that thoro la aomethlns rndlcnly wrong with tho aoll aend n samplo to tho Commissioner "Faultless" Bedding Is an investment yielding 100 dividends in comfort and health. It is the most luxurious of all bedding, and no mere mattress maker can hope to rival the handicraft of cision and beauty is re order so as to make sur rooms will be delightfi "Dougherty's Hair Mattresses. Bo 1632 CHESTNUT STREET ri Most Exceptional Sale of Cloth & Silk Tailleur Teller & Co. Originations. Women's Chic flare coat Flare side skirt. Copenhagen blue. Afternoon and Evening Dresses of Agrlcnlture. tlarrlabnrr, !., tot iinaiM : nnd rudreatlon ns to remedy. The aervlw W free. Aavlhltr Ir wnnM fot rfenlrflhl (rt Att ,ftiM anyhow In order to s.ttufy yoor rotnd. Ras carefully my .Article or lawn maklmr maintenance. nsinrnn day, April 22, ttumus and Its Function friend John Itartrnm You apoka of hunrnM ,, In a recent article. What la htimna and wntt It la fori . ..... INQUISITIVK- . , Humus la natural fertilizer. It la the eh!f ' element which makes for aoll fertility, l.t mold I tho richest form of humua. Wei! rotted stable manure Is the moat usual sottreia of humua. Any rotted nnlmal or regctcnH matter la humua. It la .the only fertllMK nature supplies for Ita wlltf flower garden MM shrubberies. '"I . ' ijy TYROL WOOL, NEW Ideal for Sportf Sui Motor and f olo If ou'ro colnir ttarhavoifi flnartB Hult. nnd every nnmrt wonnn ahould huvo ono or more, una anringarnna lummrr. liy all menna chooao Tyndf "Wool for tho material, It la ii beautify), soft. textured knitted fabric, na nmoothua velvet nnd na ahapo holdlng na broadcloth under nny condition. Mann 1)1 ka. nf 110.' Chestnut street. aro tho exclualvo producera of Tyrol Wool. Thny are ehinvlnc thousands of Hulta for every purpose. In oery new model and color nlao Top Conta. Motor and Polo Cunts. Tno pricea or lyroi auua nra fis.su tnd ?--.ii. auv. i 1 our experts, which in its pre Now is the time to is summer your bed- Bedding Brass Beds. : Suits season featuring the well as exclusive Bonwit with Persian silk lining. In black, navy blue and Collar Suit 3950 K SVt 2tffiXiMtWrn bH Wf Haw - -Ai FABRIC i A rm? 9 itflPi Q6ats allyyart.) efhat th "lUatl&i" xfSprings. Taffeta oilk Stats 35J)b ! 4mv ii "pT X